#I've grown attached to this creature
cinnamon-flame · 2 months
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I decided it's high time I make a proper rainworld oc! They have the color of a strawberry vanilla icecream and I love them
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Design and some practice sketches:
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chloematis · 9 months
never really been fond of referring to my cat as 'my furbaby' or in any way my child. like no... that is just a little guy who lives in my house...
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isle-of-coastanoke · 8 months
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Wha ? ? ?
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pachirobi · 3 months
Because I can't stop thinking about Parallel Canon
AKA: An extremely unorganized ramble because I've grown attached to this little masked creature
[Minor Side Order Spoilers]
Ok so we all know at least a part of Agent 4's soul was used to create Parallel Canon. Exactly how much was used is unknown, since Parallel Canon is still there once you clear Agent 4's palette. Hell, it's not even known if they were used to make all of Parallel Canon or just the one front and center.
Which I guess leads to the main reason I even started thinking more about this boss in the first place, and the question I'd like another person's input on. Is Parallel Canon really a mindless puppet, or just a more "orderly" version of Agent 4?
Obviously I'm more inclined to say it's the former. They all have blank faces with red eyes, after all. But those are just masks. That alone wouldn't have set off any bells for me but they also have strangely defined personalities in their opening sequence.
They're still very messed up and Not Really There, but are somehow able to do so in their own little special way. Hell, one of them even manages to look shy and unwilling until another pulls them down into the ink. [As seen here: https://x.com/twin_ramen/status/1761036913363026378?s=46&t=tCaf2A6S1S8tQn4is8LtCQ] Not to mention the fact that they can be heard pinging each other in battle.
[Small tangent but I think the rest of Parallel Canon could be Splatoon 2's promo kids. Please note that there is no basis other than I, personally, believe it would be so fuckin' cool.]
Anyway, this gives me at least some reason to believe Parallel Canon is more than just a husk of a person. It seems more like they're a new one altogether. Though them having semi-free will doesn't change much.
If they really are an 'Orderly' version of Agent 4, I imagine they'd have the exact same unshakable views as the original, this time manifesting as a fierce loyalty to Order [both the concept and the guy himself.] Potentially even being a willing guard of the tower.
Idk. Maybe I'll make another one of these or do some doodles abt it later so I can explain better. I just think flipping the allegiance of the 'Agent of Chaos' without warping the personality underneath could potentially be really interesting.
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aita-blorbos · 22 days
AITA for starting a timeloop to save my friend?
I(14F) am a magical girl and I am also a time traveler, I am trying to stop a girl, who we will call M(also 14F), from signing a contract with an alien creature, who we will call K(???, identifies as M) to become a magical girl because I've seen her die in numerous timelines(she even became God in one), and I have grown very attached to her since she was the first person to approach me in the first timeline(I was a completely different person then). It even came to the point where I became a demon to give her the life I think she wants. So, AITA here? Also, K is actually evil.
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pixies-and-poets · 6 months
Smithy Gang Headcanons
Hi, friends! I'm extremely grateful for the positive feedback on The Forging, and definitely want to write more SMRPG stuff; I've just been working on other priorities lately. However, my brain has been busy churning stuff over, even if I haven't had the time to sit down and write a story yet.
So I wanted to jot down some of my headcanons for the Smithy gang, specifically the forging order of the main members. I thought of a sequence where Smithy created each as a response to shortcomings he saw in their predecessors. This timeline will serve as a framework from which I can write future stories.
I don't think there's anything here that goes directly against canon, but I'm not as much of an SMRPG expert as I am with some other games lol, so feel free to tell me if there's some kind of Japanese-only line that contradicts me. Also let me know your own ideas if you want!! I am new to being a proper fan in this fandom :P
First, some general notes: I don't really have a good definition for who Smithy himself is, where he came from, or what his world is like, and I don't know if I ever will, since I find some degree of ominous mystery to be more interesting. Also - while I've seen the Gang described as "robots", while that may be true in a sense, I think of them more as "constructs" - I don't think they're powered by wires or circuitry or anything like that, but rather arcane magic. They are not powered by AI, even in the sense that a more nuanced and self-aware robo-sentience might be (see examples in the Marioverse: TEC, Beep-0, JEANIE), but a more traditional type of consciousness/soul that Smithy has learned to work with, as if it were yet another material. (This isn't abnormal for the Mario world, where we already have living bullets and bombs and the like- and in an ironic twist, also makes them somewhat similar to Geno, who is a consciousness inhabiting a form that would not produce sentience or mobility on its own.)
This isn't really a fic, although it's long enough to be one, lol. I hope you enjoy!
First there was Exor; but Smithy did not create him. In fact, Exor was Smithy's beloved blade, the reason for his obsession with living weapons in the first place. But Exor is a being even more ancient than Smithy, who just happened to bond with him in his lifetime. The sword can grow to a massive size, and is never truly destroyed, but will reappear and reforge itself throughout history. The otherworldly creature that attached itself to Exor and brought it to life has been known to some as the Neosquid.
Now Smithy, in a sense, was his own first experiment - gradually replacing his organic parts with malleable metal, not only to extend his own life, but to make himself more suited for a variety of purposes. This was a process that never really had an end, as he was always experimenting, creating new heads for himself. But when he was satisfied enough with his initial efforts, Smithy sought to create life in his own image, and in the image of his beloved Exor. Among other adventures, he spent time in Subcon, the Land of Dreams, studying the enigmatic nature of consciousness - at least enough so that he could harness some of its unfathomable magic for his own ends.
Boomer was the first of Smithy's prized creations (yes, because I like the idea of the one called "Boomer" being the oldest). Originally created to provide a sort of companionship to Smithy in the form of strategic advisory and being a bodyguard- and also to provide friendship, although Smithy would never admit it. Over time, Smithy became distracted with his newer and flashier works, and grew tired of Boomer's overly serious and staid nature. Though their relationship has grown distant, Boomer's fondness, gratitude and loyalty for his creator has never faltered, and he will defend Smithy to the very last of his existence. In turn, Smithy has never put forth plans for machine-made Boomers- the younger creations speculate it's because he's too outdated a model for this to be worth it, but perhaps it's because even now, Smithy considers him irreplaceable.
Bowyer was the next-forged. Smithy sought to make a commander who represented a long-range weapon, to contrast with Boomer's katana; and also a more creative and inventive personality to offset Boomer's traditionalist and unadventurous nature. When Bowyer was born, Smithy found that he had accidentally gone way too far (in his opinion) in this new direction, leading to a creation that was so erratic he refused to even speak like those around him. Smithy found Bowyer a hard-to-control troublemaker who would rarely listen to him (or Boomer) and seemed unhappy most of the time, not fitting in with the world he had been forged into. Bowyer would also leave arrows all over the place, sticking out of random things in the weapon world - this is when Smithy had the bright idea to create arrows with consciousness, so they could return to their leader on their own. To Smithy and Boomer's surprise, Bowyer became a lot more joyful and content when he met his little Aeros, and they all became an inseparable entourage.
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Smithy became creatively blocked while trying to think of his next big project, largely due to the stress of Bowyer's early behavior. Instead, he came up with a number of smaller-time minions, some of which were the Shymores, based on the Shy Guys he had observed during the time he had spent in Subcon. The Shymores were a playfully destructive group, and after seeing Bowyer's happiness with the Aeros, Smithy decided to forge a creation who was destined to be a leader from the outset; and also one with a mischievous streak, yet toned down from Bowyer. And so he made Claymorton, who later called himself Mack. He was a beloved leader to his rowdy group, but perhaps too social- he ended up neglecting his own training, preferring to play and mess around with his friends, and thus never became very strong on his own.
By now, Smithy was growing frustrated by the failures and flaws that he saw in the personalities of his creations. He decided to think extra hard about the character of his next project: this would be someone who could work completely independently - brilliant, shrewd, capable of powerful magic spells and illusions. Yet Smithy made sure to write in an unflinching loyalty to himself into the new creation's code, so to speak. And lo: at first Speardovich seemed everything Smithy could have ever wanted. Proud, powerful, but knowing his place. He needed no minions, and thus was never distracted, as he could split his own form and consciousness so that one being could do the work of many. He might appear to be older than Bowyer and Claymorton, but in fact he is technically not; he was just created from the outset to be more mature, with the moustache to prove it. And yet, over time, the cracks in this personality began to show. Speary was pompous and did not get along with the other creations when necessity called them to work together. And his respect for Smithy manifested as simpering; a begging for praise and attention which the smith found increasingly unbearable. He was always coming up with unasked-for ideas and input, such as: perhaps all the machine-made units could take the name of a spear in a different language, and "speardovich" could be their overall model name, and that he quite liked Yaridovich for himself personally, and perhaps it would be alright if- but no, Smithy would have none of it. While at first he had beamed with joy at this newest creation, he soon enough kept him at arm's length (or spear's length?) as well.
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Finally, Smithy hit upon a brilliant idea - his next creation would be a group of (mostly) equals who could depend on each other without a major power imbalance, keep each other entertained, and stay out of his hair. The Axem Rangers were born, all bearing an energetic and youthful personality which they are still yet to grow out of. They were given control of the Blade, and sent to scout various worlds. They often picked up slang and brought home entertainment from the places they visited, and developed a countless number of inside jokes. The other commanders, and especially Smithy himself and Boomer, found it hard to keep up with them. However, Smithy considered their existence a big success, and remained very proud of them- although this might be due to the fact that he ended up not having to interact with them that much.
...So, that's what I have for now! I'm not sure where all of the Factory enemies fit into this; based on their descriptions, I think Clerk/Manager/Director aren't creations of Smithy, but are the same species as him and recruited from his homeworld. Same with the Chief, aside from possibly not being the same species. Smaller minions like jabits and the hammers would be produced at various points that aren't super relevant to this larger narrative. Count Down was probably made as a fun side-project when Smithy wanted to take a break from weapons per se, and see what he could do with an object like a clock. Gunyolk was confirmed to be created by the Chief. And Cloaker and Domino are weird outliers; I want to say they would be among some of the first things Smithy made, or the latest, in some kind of more abstract and experimental period.
Again - let me know your thoughts and ideas!
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linnoya-writes · 7 months
Zutara Childhood-Friends-to-Lovers Alter-Egos Forbidden-Romance AU (part II)
It was Zuko's idea, to write the first letter.
It had arrived to the Southern Water Tribe by a very cold and shivering messenger hawk, folded by wax stamp of a blue theatrical demon mask nobody had recognized. Nobody, except Katara, and she tried to keep her pounding heart from giving herself and her childhood friend away.
In the years that they had been allies, Katara only recalled the Fire Nation sending messenger hawks to the arctic tundra under dire circumstances (an island's epidemic in need of more healers, a village's drought in desperate need for ice)... and so she noticed the brilliance of her friend's gesture easily. How, in spite of their feuding nations, there was no need to let an innocent creature freeze to death by being turned away as soon as it arrived.
It was Sokka who read the content of the letter. "Her name is Caiduri. She likes fish." Their father had been with the tribal council, and so Sokka was left to decipher the significance of this letter and the writer. "We're supposed to keep this enemy bird?" Sokka deduced. But Katara jumped in immediately to calm Caiduri's annoyed ruffling of feathers, and the bird seemed to find a home on the girl's pelted arm. "She's not our enemy! She's sweet. And she should stay with us until the summer solstice." That meant they would have the bird for months, and Sokka shook his head in disbelief.
"Dad's not gonna like this."
"Well, Dad doesn't have a choice, does he?" She smirked at her brother knowingly.
"Yeah. Well don't get too attached to it. Once it goes back, it's not coming back here."
"It's a she, stupid." But Sokka had already left their hut before he could hear that. Katara groaned, but then yelped as the bird started nipping at her ear. And it hit her that she suddenly had something to take care of-- something else, anyway.
After feeding her the last scraps of their salmon dinner, Katara took Caiduri out with a lantern towards the snowy forest that encompassed the tribal village-- a forest that sang of screeching snowy owl-cats and howling distant polar bear-wolves. The girl had grown accustomed to these sounds, they didn't phase her anymore... but the bird perched on her shoulder trembled from all of the new.
"Don't worry-- you're safe here." Katara reassured, grazing the birds' feathers with a finger. "I just want you to see what I've been working on since the summer."
The little lantern light directed Katara towards a centuries-old pine tree, its trunk leaning back as if basking in the blanket of stars. The tree was as thick as the Fire Nation eastern redwoods that Katara had seen as a child... and it was that memory that had granted her the idea: a tree that thick must have a village of roots underneath, so vast, it can bring up soil a good distance away. And so Katara had searched for a cavern... a bungalow... any place where animals had long abandoned and could still shelter soil and warmth for a foreign seed. Her plum seed was precious; she couldn't just plant it half-heartedly. She tested potential spots with local shrub seeds, first, and then, if it succeeded... with cranberry bushes... and finally, in a little damp bungalow a short hike west of the leaning pine, Katara boldly planted Zuko's gift. All she did was give water and a prayer.
She had done this every night, for weeks.
And when Katara introduced Caiduri to her secret bungalow, the seed's stem was beginning to sprout. Tiny leaves were shining against the lantern light like dew drops.
Katara let the hawk scrunch into her warm pelted hood.
She couldn't help but laugh, thinking that Zuko had been the one to beat her at the first message, the first gift.
It was only because her gift was taking a bit longer to make, and she would've sent it through a private courier or a a stowaway shipment towards the islands. She would've found someone to vouch for her, made up some story to get this gift to the palace after so many levels of clearance.
But Katara had to give it to Zuko; the hawk was a brilliant idea.
By summer solstice, Caiduri returned to the Fire Nation palace. A tiny tropical plum neatly wrapped around the bird's leg. The image of a woman's face obscured by a veiled hat was the first thing Zuko recognized, drawn with ink on the wrapping.
Zuko tried to hide his grin while his uncle and his advisors tried to decipher the strange message.
"As it turns out... she likes plums, too."
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weepinglilvessel · 6 months
So... I have a question for the Eclipse AU.
If similar events happened to canon- like pebbles getting the rot because Suns thought of something that would be best for him (that failed horribly), Moon eventually collapsing, and allat... Then...
What about Spearmaster?
Spearmaster was created for the purpose of bringing the illegal pearl to Pebbles. Once that was done, did suns even come to the realization Pebbles would use the information incorrectly? With that in mind, did spearmaster's campaign even take place at all? On top of that. This conversation.
"NSH: You seem distracted. What's on your mind?
SRS: The little messenger I sent out. I' m worried for its safety.
NSH: I'm sure it'll be okay. You said it's built to withstand a lot of things.
SRS: Yes, but... the pearl was inside of the messenger's chest. Last time, Five Pebbles was very gentle and careful with removing it.
SRS: This time, he simply slashed open the chest and ripped the pearl out. The messenger was struggling to stand.
NSH: They're sturdy creatures. I'm sure it'll heal overtime. You have to have more faith.
SRS: You're right. I guess I'm just scared of losing them. I've grown more attached than I could've expected...
SRS: If I lost them as well, I don't know what I'd do."
If the spearmaster campaign never happened in the first place, did Suns ever grow to care about the little messenger?
Sorry for the loaded ask!
I will start off with yes, the Spearmaster campaign has happened, with Spearmaster still delivering the Pearl and as well as it getting ripped from their chest.
Most of it has stayed the same. With “Pebbs rage” comic taking place during the Spearmaster campaign with Pebbs finally cutting off Suns. With Suns and Sig’s conversation, it’s a lil different in this Au. Suns doesn’t start to care for Spearmaster until much later and Sig sometimes refuses to talk to Suns at all. Their convos are rare.
Even then, Suns does at some point begin to care for their message as cycles go on.
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redesigningxmen · 5 days
We bugged out for this round with the marvelous MAGGOTT! Born as Japheth in South Africa, the young boy's digestive system mutated into two large slug-like creatures, which can crawl out of his body, eat anything, and provide him with enhanced strength. The D-lister to end all D-listers, often appearing on lists of "Worst X-Men" or "Most Forgotten X-Men," we thought it was finally time to give Maggott his due. He appeared briefly in Children of the Atom and more recently in his own X-Men Unlimited story!
Our team embraced their inner digestion slugs and had fun updating Maggott for the modern day. He's only really had one notable costume to date, but is easily identifiable for his blue skin and, well, his maggots. See what everyone did, and make sure to follow them all on social media!
Calvin Lin | @/calvinloveinternet
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"I love Maggott so much so wanted to give him a cool and radical new look!"
Joshua Bruckner | @joshingtonbear
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"Maggott is my absolute favorite D-Lister X-Man who I've wanted to redesign for a long time! I wanted to give him a more streamlined and grown-up look. It seems essential for him to have a bare torso so Eenie and Meenie can crawl in and out of his body, so I gave him a cute cutaway that Emma Frost might be jealous of. He has some chitinous armor and details, and his sunglasses mimic the worm eyes. Costume colors are fairly simple to let his bugs and skin tones take center stage!"
Dale Yaddow | @/daleYaddow
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"This redesign takes it's inspiration from Maggott's recent storyline in Dark X-Men. Having joined the Morlocks, Japheth doesn't have access to all the luxuries that some higher profile heroes have, so he's had to build a uniform from scratch. As his slugs, Eanie and Meanie shed their highly durable armor plating, Maggott has been attaching it to his outfit to give his body extra protection. Designed more for function than style, his outfit includes an undershirt that can easily open and be snapped closed for when the slugs emerge from his stomach. it also incorporates a hooded sleeveless duster jacket, and shades that are inspired by his slugs' eyes."
Léa Dupic | @/kimodraw
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"I wanted to give him some buds for Eany and Meany and I kinda freaked myself out looking for some centipedes references lol. Went ham on the saturation and the complimentary colours."
SSTArtwork | @/sstartwork
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"Maggott was a fun one to redesign, as I feel like you can put lots of personality into his look. I don't see Maggott as being a "uniformed" X-Man, he marches to the beat of his own drum. I grew his wee forehead tuft out a bit, into an undercut loc ponytail situation, added in some shoulder pieces that resemble insect mounds, a tiger striped tee with Miny Moe on it (in reference to Eanie and Meany) that's been chewed away at the mid section due to the boys jumping in and out of his stomach and some worker jeans and boots, also had to feature the red glasses!"
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raycatz · 1 year
I wish so much that I could fully enjoy totk but I am struggling so much. Idk why some of the decisions for the game are the way they are. I can't help but be critical given how important the series and botw are to me.
I feel like the game is struggling to have its own identity. I feel like some creature has wormed its way into botw's skin and is wearing it poorly.
(So far I've played through the Gerudo and Rito story quests. What I've written here though is mostly about the world and direction. I just need to get some of these thoughts out. There are spoilers.)
The three main criticisms people had with botw were the story, weapon durability, and dungeons- and man so far in totk these things have only been worse. (The boss fights are incredible though)
The framerate drops whenever I use ultrahand, and combined with my left joycon drifting it makes trying to use the new mechanic difficult to the point that I will avoid it to do something else.
Some of the game does feel like mashed up dlc ideas. I would have preferred them to be dlc even. If the Zelda devs wanted to tell this story or make a game with these mechanics I wish they would have made an entirely new game instead of using botw.
So far totk has no through-lines between itself and botw. No one has mentioned the Champions, only a single npc has talked about the Calamity, no one has mentioned Calamity Ganon or the divine beasts Link calmed, and only a few people recognize Link himself. The champion successors I've met haven't spoken of the Champions or their divine beasts which is strange given how they spoke of them in botw, and at most have only referred to Link having been there in the past as, "when you helped us" without any specifics as to what. I've done all the side quests in botw and to have the people I helped call Link a stranger is saddening. It's even more pronounced in Hateno. I bought a house there. I helped its people. And the house no longer has Link's name by the door and Hateno's people remark at how Link is a new face in town. Didn't I live there? Given how some of the kids have grown it's probably been around 4 years since botw. Where has Link been in that time for the people to forget him? In Kakariko Cottla says she can't talk to me because she isn't supposed to talk with strangers. We've played tag together. I cooked meals with her sister. It's sad. In botw we spent the whole time collecting Link's memories and growing attached to the land only to have the land forget us. I feel like it's a disgrace to all of the time and joy players put in and found in botw, and to botw's story- to have none of that matter.
What happened to the Divine Beasts and the Sheikah shrines and the slate? Further, some important npcs from botw are just gone without explanation.
If the events of botw are so irrelevant then why use the same world and characters? I understand it's a way to save time and resources but this game took 6 years to make past botw. I would have preferred a new world and princess/hero entirely so I could go into it as a fresh experience. Instead, it feels like what made botw important was swept away, and the map and characters are only being used as an empty husk, like setpieces. Majora's Mask being a sequel with reused assets worked because in Termina there was no reason for anyone to know Link, and him traveling to find Navi made sense, and the look-alike characters are different people. In botw, there is no reason for no one to recognize Link or his achievements. He is the Hero of Hyrule for that world and it's people. He freed the divine beasts and put an end to the multiple local disasters they were causing, yet none of that is acknowledged and it sticks out like a sore. (I'm really really hoping that Sidon talks about Mipha and the constant rain caused by Vah Ruta because how could he not? That's his sister! Yunobo saw Daruk's spirit in botw so I'm hoping he says something of the Champions. I'm really hoping.)
I enjoyed exploring botw's world because there were always koroks and shrines to collect. I could wander knowing there was something in store to find. The world never felt too big or empty for this reason, and the solitude made sense because of the Calamity. In totk the number of shrines and koroks has been greatly reduced (edit: there are more shrines and just as many koroks as in botw. It just seems I'm having difficulty finding them ashfsjdf.) I know the overworld already so there not being a reward for exploring gives me no incentive to. The lack of shrines and the cutscenes required to go through to use the towers is another hindrance on exploration and quests. I can't get spontaneously sidetracked because there's no nearby place to warp back to, and I know how far I'll have to walk to get there. Traveling can feel like a chore instead of something enjoyable. It feels like the overworld has been stripped.
The world wasn't made for the new mechanics either, and so the areas to use them in are all tacked on as monster camps or fallen ruins, instead of a natural part of the landscape.
The new map content, the Sky and Depths, would have been better being condensed. They don't fit within the scope of botw's map. The Sky Islands so far don't take up much space and are significantly less important than I hoped they would be. The Depths is a fun concept and I enjoy the restrictions it puts on players, with the soft cap and kinda rougelite aspect while you're in the early game, but it's way too big, very repetitive, and there's not much point to exploring once you know what it's about. Both the Sky and the Depths would have benefitted by being more carefully thought out, concise, areas and suffer from having to fit the scope of botw's map. The Depths has poes and zonite to collect, but these things come in such huge quantities and require even huger quantities of to be useful that it feels grindy. I need 3 zonite ore for one crystalized ore, 100 crystalized ore for one fuel charge. There are three charges in one canister, of 8. That's 7,200 zonite ore like wtf. How is this supposed to be achievable? So far I haven't needed to use the vehicles all that often so it's not particularly useful atm either. The amount of cross-trading currency collectibles is overbearing. For some time I had no idea what any of them were used for so I didn't know what the point was in collecting them. Bubulgems, zonite ore, large zonite ore, poes, crystalized charges, large crystalized charges- too many. Please condense some of them.
Gone are all the very cool weapon designs, replaced in favor of the new fuse mechanic and endlessly scrolling through materials to find the right thing to attach.
The memories and the story in that aspect are still passive. Even more so.
We're all familiar with the Zelda formula- totk now follows the botw formula. Plateau area, back and forth fetch quests to upgrade your abilities, four main story beat locations, memories, and then the open world for players to tackle freely. I'm really hoping there is more. There has to be because the Sky and Depths haven't been used in the main story beats so far. In botw you could go anywhere and have everything to do in a given location immediately assessable to play through, but in totk there are things locked by progression. However, it's awkward because you aren't told precisely what's locked or why. I'm like- I went through the effort to get here but there isn't anything for me to do. I know there's something here! But I can't do anything yet and idk why or what I'm missing! and instead of building anticipation it just makes me frustrated. I'm not sure if what I'm missing is locked to progression or if there is something I've truly just missed.
So I have a feeling of having missed something important story/mechanic-wise when exploring, and then on the other hand I have the feeling of being very clearly shoehorned towards certain goals. Nearly all of the npcs have dialogue that leads you towards something. I don't feel like botw was ever this in-your-face about goals. The Calamity happened 100 years ago so the people have had time to adjust, while the Upheaval is happening now. It makes sense that the Upheaval would be much more pressing, I just wish the npcs would chat about something other than "go here, do this" once in a while. Like, I found Bolson, and instead of being greeted as a familiar face or getting to see Bolson in character, he just told me to go somewhere for a quest related thing. So many of the familiar characters are missing the quirky characterizations they had in botw that made them them.
With being shoehorned towards certain locations: many, many of the npcs want me to clear out monsters at Lurelin. So I went to Lurelin. At that point I'd only completed the quest in Gerudo and five shrines, yet the monsters I faced in Lurelin (and widely across the overworld) were black level monsters, which I was and still am nowhere near prepared for. Totk is either meant to be more difficult than botw or there is an issue with balancing. I've touched maybe 25 shrines and have lit a good number of lightroots, but haven't completed many, so maybe that's a factor into the enemy leveling? I also think there's a way for me to get help that I haven't found yet. Regardless, the enemy scaling across the world feels like it happened too quickly and I don't enjoy the npcs pushing me towards things my character isn't ready for. I feel like there should be more checks in place for this that determine the npc dialogue to the player's progress.
I haven't even talked about the story.
I know I'm being very critical with the game, and I wish I could just enjoy it. I need to stop trying to find botw in this game. And I should take a step back for a while too. I'm just disappointed.
The music and boss battles have been incredible! I hope there's more structured boss battles outside of the main four + ganon. Heck I even hope there's a boss gauntlet with a cool reward.
Just- yeah. So far I am not enjoying the new Zelda formula when it comes to totk. Botw worked for botw. totk looks and is structured too much like botw to feel like its own thing, and yet trying to play it like botw is just upsetting because it isn't.
Totk is a good game, but it's a bad sequel.
I hope the Zelda team returns to the old format sometime, or at least pulls forward some of the ideas. I miss the concise dungeons that take multiple play sessions to get through. I miss the tricky puzzles that make me feel smart for solving. I miss combat being a puzzle requiring certain items or learning boss phases and patterns (rather than sticking materials to your bow and taking a "just deal damage" based approach. I want to be closer to it.) I miss the worlds that were puzzles in and of themselves like Minish Cap or the Oracle games. I miss seeing a clearly marked spot on the wall or a tree in the way and knowing that I'll pick up an item that will help me here later. I like that there were clear solutions. The clues in botw and totk for progression are not as clear. And the botw open-world format is too large for concise puzzles like this. I enjoyed the open-ended way to combat and puzzles in botw, but I feel there should be space for both. No more ways to fenagle the physics or smack your way through obstacles. I want to see linear progression and long-form puzzles return to Zelda games, at least for the next one.
I'm hoping there's some plot twist or turn in gameplay that I haven't reached in totk yet. We'll seeeeee
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loafofryebread · 7 months
There is a dragon in the river, he dances between my finger tips and splashes me with water. I met him when I was eight years old. He was going to grow big so I could ride on his back. Slipping between rocks and following the current. I used to dream of travelling the world to find all the dragons. Now I just worry about when I'll have to start paying taxes.
I look in the mirror, my body seems different. Taller, broader, older. I'm not sure when that happened. It's as though I blinked and became someone else. My bones shifting beneath my skin to become a shadow of what I used to be. Or is what I used to be a shadow of what I am now? The lines tend to blur, I've never been very good at seeing in black and white.
It's odd, I don't feel like someone else. Inside I still feel like the same little kid who wouldn't let go of her stuffed animal. Who carried it to school everyday and held it at night. It sits on my bed now, I haven't carried it for years. I don't think it fits under my arm the same way anymore. People tell me I'm getting older and a tear drips down my cheek. The days fly by and I dream of the seemingly endless school hours of when I was nine.
There are cracks in my skin and memories leak out, warm summer days seeping out my flesh. Stormy nights and thousands of thoughts drifting off in the breeze. The self is a fragile thing and I gather my pieces close.
I walk down the street and see the tree I sat under with my friend. I haven't talked to her in three years. We used to pretend to be different creatures, different people, weaving stories out of sticks and laughter with our bare hands. I'm not sure I remember how to do that anymore. I wish I could.
I don't think I've grown up, I don't think I ever will. There's a rope attached to my chest tugging me back. Back to when my imagination could weave a new tale every day. Back to when I thought I could be anything, do anything. The way is barred though and I can barely squeeze my fingers through the gaps to feel the breeze.
I look in the mirror and my soul aches. Who was that child, where did she go. Could I find her again among glass shards and fallen leaves? My makeup smudges and I remember how I used to swear I would never wear it. Now eyeliner is as good a shield as anything.
There is a dragon living in the river. I met him when I was eight years old. Or perhaps I was nine, or even seven, it doesn't feel like that long ago. He brushes his scaly head against my hand and I scratch him behind the ear. I'm not sure if he's real, if he ever really was. I look into the water and see nothing but my own reflection, yet even that is distorted and shaky. My fingers curl over the line of his body. He was going to grow big enough for me to ride once. I still dream of open skies but the idea feels much like the water of the river slipping between my fingers.
I wonder if one day I will feel older, if I will be able to let go of that little child and the dream to find dragons between the clouds. For now I think I will sit at the river and let the water flow past. If it goes fast enough I can't even make out my face.
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
suns going to confront pebbles right after saving spearmaster is interesting since suns was really attached to spearmaster and didn't even know what happened to them after the forced pearl removal bc of the dead overseer, i wonder if the emotions might've made them extra pissed
some quotes from broadcasts
"SRS: You're right. I guess I'm just scared of losing them. I've grown more attached than I could've expected...
SRS: If I lost them as well, I don't know what I'd do."
"SRS: For what I'm about to admit, I know you'll tease me.
SRS: Despite that, I confess I am growing attached to the messenger I sent out.
NSH: Hah! So you've gotten a soft spot for it? ~
SRS: Well... Yes. They are a very expressive little creature...
NSH: I only recall that you used to be repulsed by them.
SRS: Yes, but with all the time I've invested, I've come to care for its safety.
SRS: Not only just because it's delivering an important message.
NSH: I am going to tell everyone this juicy information ~
SRS: No you are not!
NSH: I know, I kid.
SRS: Anyway... I just hope that it can return back to me safely. And perhaps forgive me for this difficult quest..."
"NSH: Tell me more about this messenger. Do they have a name?
SRS: Well, their test number is 07. So I guess that would be their name.
NSH: That name doesn't have much personality though, does it? Don't you think something else might be better?
SRS: You're not wrong on that. More of a placeholder than anything.
SRS: I'll think of some ideas for a name.
NSH: You shouldn't do that until they return to you. Don't get too ahead of yourself.
SRS:... You're right. Perhaps just 'Messenger' is best... For now."
"NSH: So what's your plan now? Did you have a backup mission for the messenger or are you just bringing it back home?
SRS: No, its over... to tell the truth, I don't even know if the messenger survived.
NSH: How could you not know? Aren't you surveying the situation with your overseers?
SRS: Pebbles destroyed the overseer I sent into his can. Then shortly afterwards I lost communication with the rest of my overseers inside his facility.
SRS: He must have applied a facility-wide lockdown."
Actually now that you mentioned it I think I retconned myself hfjdjdjdnd
The concept art was Suns having wings would get to Spearmaster fast to treat them but then in my AU explanation post I said that after SM's ending up until after Hunter's time Suns been using up that time to get off the string.
So Suns wouldn't have went to Pebbles right after treating SM. SM, following canon, was able to return safely, then Suns started developing their travel puppet, then (still wingless) went to Pebbles. They added wings afterwards to make it faster to visit Pebbles' more to make sure he doesn't disappear again.
But they would still feel pissed at Pebbles for ripping open their cat. Only that enough time would have passed for it to die down... just a lil bit.
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spocks-husband · 8 months
our continuum (enforced infinity). [spirk; Spock is a Q AU]
Words: 2,308
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairing: S'chn T'gai Spock/James T. Kirk
Genre/Tropes: Obsessive Spock, Mild Yandere Content, Mild Blood, Mild Gore, Canon-Typical Violence
AU Details: Spock is masquerading as the science officer of the USS Enterprise when, in actuality, he's a Q with a slight obsession with a certain Starship Captain.
Notes: After several long weeks of waiting, It's finally here! I've completed my Spock Is A Q AU fic-- possibly the first of several depending on how you guys like this one. You all seem like you've been really excited, though, so here it is! Enjoy mes amis <3
Spock, as he was known here, frequently asked himself why he did all of this. Why he continued doing all of this. What was the point? Was there a point? Pretending to be a Human-Vulcan Hybrid Science Officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise for its five-year mission? Altering the memories of his 'fellow crewmates' to ensure they never questioned his presence, that they remembered him being there all the while (not a difficult thing to do, of course, human minds were rather malleable, but it was a somewhat tedious process with a crew of over four-hundred of the insectoid specimens inhabiting the ship)? Spending his time as an immortal, omnipotent being playing pretend amongst creatures he could crush with a wave of his hand if he so wished? Why interest himself in such things? Observing these curious, mortal children parading about their minuscule galaxy, gaping in awe at other creatures of insignificance that they found marginally different from themselves-- it was entirely ridiculous. He could be off, creating new worlds, destroying old ones, exerting his power in whatever marvelous, benevolent way he chose-- yet, instead, here he was, hunched over a primitive console on the bridge of a useless, aluminum-can spacecraft examining readings of lifeforms and planets that he could have killed in his sleep. 
"Keptin on the bridge!" Ensign Chekov's thick yet boyish Moscovian voice announced to the other members of their bridge crew with an audible grin. Spock found himself sitting up from his examination instinctually to see.
Hazel eyes, golden hair, and that farmboy build stepped off the turbolift with his classic, charming smile and a witty comment that didn't really register in Spock's mind.
Ah. Yes. That was why he was doing all this. 
James Tiberius Kirk, Spock had found, was something out of a Terran romance novel. Of course, being a Q, romance and sex weren't exactly his highest concerns, but in the form he'd currently taken it was undoubtedly of some interest. An amusement, at least. A way to spend his eternity. Besides, he'd grown oddly... attached... to this little starship captain. Who was it, that other Q he'd once known, who said that even God's had favorites? It had been a while-- that particular figure had pranced off into some future timeline for his own mortal amusements-- but nonetheless, he thought of that quote often, and James was certainly one of Spock's. 
"Status report, Mr. Sulu?"
"Approaching the Gas Giant Cythia IV. No signs of life, but some resources of interest," Hikaru answered the captain neutrally, sounding almost bored with that day's assignment. "The survey should be quick. From the looks of it, there isn't much to survey anyway. Atmosphere seems breathable for humans-- and Vulcans-- albeit a bit thin."
"Some microbial life," Spock corrected with a glance at Jim, choosing not to comment on Sulu's mention to him lest he say something incriminating. He'd been good about that thus far, no need to raise suspicion now. "But nothing of significance, and no signs of intelligent life or civilization, developed or not."
"No communications or signals coming in from the planet's surface, Captain," Uhura added. "I concur with Mr. Sulu and Mr. Spock. There isn't much here to look at."
Jim nodded, swinging his legs over the side of his command chair casually as he looked out the viewscreen. "Well, we have our orders to make a short geological and biological survey to report to the nearby inhabited planets-- and I don't think any of us are willing to face a dishonorable discharge because we don't feel like looking around a hunk of space rock for a bit, do we?" There was a short chuckle that sounded about the bridge. "Suggestions for our away team, Mr. Spock?" 
The Q fought a smile, turning away from the captain momentarily. "Our usual procedure should suffice," he replied. "Myself, yourself, Doctor McCoy, and a few crewmen from Biology and Security."
Jim nodded. "Sounds good to me," he replied casually, sending a comm down to engineering to alert Scotty to prepare the transporter for a party of seven.
A cool sixty degrees, a greenish-yellow sky, and a rocky, mountainous horizon-- the planet was actually quite nice, although uninhabited from what they could see. 
The Q could sense otherwise, but they didn't need to know that. Let the little creatures learn on their own. 
Spock kept his eyes on his tricorder, but his mind remained close to James. The young ensign from biology and the two redshirt security men lingered behind, all of them clearly not used to joining away missions. The sensation of being watched was one that the human body was not as sensitive to as they often liked to claim, and in glancing about the younger members of their team he knew they had no clue what was coming for them. It was rather amusing, honestly.
Lurking just beneath the surface of this planet, Spock could feel the vibrations of massive, incredible movement. A consistent, violent shaking-- it was clear as day to him. Of course, he wouldn't be certain until he saw it himself, but he suspected the creature was some sort of massive bloodworm; some kind of gargantuan, insectoid predator with a basic level of primal intelligence but nothing further. Interesting, he supposed. Fascinating, even.
Still, he suspected their standard pattern of occurrence would produce itself; the security officers would most likely die quick, irrelevant deaths, perhaps the Biologist would join them, Jim might end up with some mild, mostly superficial wound that Doctor McCoy would begrudgingly heal once they'd returned to the ship. It was perhaps a cruel cycle that they followed, one that Spock could end with a flick of his wrist if he so chose... but he wouldn't. 
Where was the fun in that? 
It wasn't until far too late, though, that Spock's eyes widened just slightly in the dawning realization that he hadn't accounted for one particularly... irritating... additional factor: Jim's rather vexing altruistic tendencies. 
Since the moment the ensign from Biology-- Winnie Peterson, he believed her name was-- had joined their party in the transporter room, Jim had gotten that... glimmer... in his eyes that was unfortunately common. James had found Winnie... pretty. The thought made the Q's stomach turn, though he wasn't certain as to exactly why that was. He tried not to think about it. In any case, though, Winnie and Jim had spent every moment of the mission thus far casually flirting, her big blue eyes flickering over his uniform every once in a while. Spock frowned. He would be glad to see the predator take its midday meal with her. He didn't even mind that he would have to comfort Jim's silly, human emotions afterward. No, he didn't mind that at all. 
As if qued by that very thought, the colossal, sandy-colored beast tunneled its way to the surface with a brilliant screech, its gaping mouth lined with thousands of teeth.
Spock smirked slightly as the rest of their crew screamed in terror-- but as he ran to join Jim in finding cover, the captain was not where he had been moments before. His eyes widened as he whipped around just in time to watch James throw himself in front of Winnie as the beast attacked her. 
The world seemed to go black. 
Had it sped up?
Slowed down?
Was the concept of time even a true one? 
He supposed it wasn't-- he was a Q after all-- nothing was real if he didn't want it to be. 
Nothing was real...
Nothing... was real...
When he came to his senses, the universe had never felt so quiet, and despite the exhibit of massive power he'd just displayed, Spock had never felt weaker. 
He looked around. 
The bloodworm lay dead on the ground a surprising distance from where it seemed to have first arrived on the surface. Grayish, blue entrails poured from it's torn abdomen, and the vague forms of dead security men could be seen within. Winnie was, thankfully, quite dead as well. Had he done that? She was too bloodied to tell exactly what had done it without closer examination, and Spock found he really didn't care enough to investigate. Her once blue uniform was now dyed a sickly plum color with blood, and her hair sprawled out across the ground as she lay there, face down, unmoving. Not far from her lay Doctor McCoy, also bloodied and unmoving. Spock frowned slightly at this development, he knew that particular loss would be quite upsetting to Jim, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. 
Yet, that begged the question...
Where was James Tiberius? 
Spock glanced around, noting the blood and destruction scattered about the area, but it quickly dawned on him that he couldn't find Jim. Each moment that passed made him more restless to locate his human partner-- and suddenly he found himself in the air, speeding through the sky in a frantic search for wherever he could be. Typically, he would just snap his finger and find himself appearing beside whomever he wished, but something in his mind was... frantic. Animalistic. Primal. He couldn't think straight-- logically as his strange masquerade character would have put it. It simply wasn't an option anymore. 
In time-- hours, days, he wasn't sure, nor did he particularly care-- Spock found Jim, bleeding and pale, hidden in the dark recesses of a rocky cave. The human man was weak, dying-- and as he stared up at the ceiling of the cavern Spock felt a strange pity rise in his chest. Something like caring. Something like love. 
It was an easy enough job to heal Jim's mortal wounds, merely a flick of his wrist and it was as if he'd never been harmed at all. Slowly, James seemed to regain himself, sitting up slowly as the color returned to his face. Slowly, each movement sending subtle jolts of pain through his sore muscles, the human man turned to look at Spock. For a brief moment, there was something like relief in his eyes, something like love, familiarity-- almost the same way Spock had felt when he'd seen Jim for the first time only moments before-- but it faded quickly into... fear. Horrible, tremendous fear. Frantic, sloppy movements led Jim to crawl backward, backing away from the still-floating figure at the mouth of the cave as if he were a wild beast. 
"S-stand back," Jim commanded, his voice loud, yet still quite shaky. "Don't come any closer...!" 
"Jim," Spock frowned, slowly lowering himself to the ground and stepping toward the quivering man at his feet. "I mean you no harm. You know that." 
"Oh? Do I?!" Jim sneered, suddenly rather angry. "You... I don't know what you are or what you've done with Spock-- but you are the farthest thing from harmless and we both know it."
There was a pause before, slowly, Spock began to laugh. 
"What I've done with Spock?" He repeated incredulously, raising a brow curiously. "I am Spock. S'chn T'gai Spock-- your... T'hy'la? Surely you haven't forgotten me so quickly?" 
"... No..." Jim refused quietly, slowly rising to his feet. He reached for his phaser-- only to find nothing in his belt, and swearing quietly. "Spock... My Spock... he wouldn't do this..." 
"Wouldn't he? You just saw it, after all--"
"You killed them!!" Jim snapped. "You killed Bones, you killed Winnie-- You... You are not the man I've spent all this time with. You can't be." 
"You're being ridiculous, James," Spock's face darkened, a subtle malicious glint rising in his eyes. "You and I have been together all these years... We've been quite... intimate... Why now do you decide I disgust you? Hm?"
"You killed my best friend!!"  The human sobbed. "You... Killed him!! He was our friend, Spock!! I don't give a damn what you and I are-- you are a murderer!!" 
There was a pause that hung heavy in the air. Spock was quiet. Jim's only sound was the soft gasps for breath as tears poured down his face. For a long moment, Jim wondered if anything would happen. Would he be killed? Would... Spock... turn around and leave? 
Jim opened his mouth to speak, though he wasn't sure what he would say-- but before he could, he noticed that... something wasn't right. What was it? He glanced around. The floor of the cave was still arid and cold, its ceiling dripping with sharpened stalactites. The sky outside--
There was no sky outside. 
No landscape at all, in fact. 
It was just... emptiness. The blackened chasm of space. Something Jim had known nearly all his adult life, yet something that now felt so unnervingly foreign it made his stomach churn. 
"...What did you do...?" He spoke the question quietly, like a prayer. Spock smiled softly in response, stepping forward and gently taking Jim's face in his hands, holding him as if he were made from glass.
"Nothing to concern yourself with, Captain," He replied gently. "This is for the better. The others... distracted you. They do not-- pardon, did not-- understand you the way I do. I am an all-powerful being. The universe bends to my command, my every whim-- and at the moment, I command it to give me you. It is... fate. Destiny. Enforced, perhaps, but still destiny all the same."
There was a long, tense pause. Jim felt his chest swell with something between love and terror, something between the adoration and pining he'd felt for this man with whom he had a relationship he'd never put a proper name to and the overwhelming, eldrich terror of knowing that the creature in front of him, that was touching him, could crush him like an ant. 
Jim took a deep breath.
"... What are you...?" 
Spock laughed quietly. 
"I'm yours, of course, what else would I be?"
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oozegodling · 3 months
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Won this Creature in a claw machine last night. I've grown attached. What is this fruity fucking beast's name and pronouns? No wrong answers.
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tadaxii-i · 9 months
The way I just disagree with the entirety of the popular marauders fancast;
Ben is not cunty sexy baby enough for Sirius
Andrew too short and absolutely not stickly and wet and pathetic enough for Remus
Aaron is just. White
Timothée is too sharp and white, too - I need those baby cheeks and bright eyes!!
Sophie is... Too conventionally pretty?
Sofia is fine, but she's not giving the vibe, yknow
Natalie/Beabadoobee is fine, but it used to be Alicia and she just looked too old. And straight
Zoe also looks too sharp to be a teenager, especially Dorcas
Maxence is giving 2020's eboy vibes, which, accurate? But also I live for my wet noodle barty
Hugh as Evan?? Why does he look harmless bahaha
I've grown attached to Elle, actually. But she's too... human? Panda is a creature, nothing less
I'm mostly mad about wolfstar and lily, but most everyone is just icky to me - i legit never watch edits because of that.
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polarpace · 7 months
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i return to you all with some more of my legend of spyro AU, TLoFaI! (@thelegendoffireandice) this time, i have a fan character i made for the AU!
obviously the AU is still in progress, so i'm still trying to decide which characters i want to fill what roles. i keep going back and forth on if this kid should be a major character or a background one. i'm leaning more towards her being relevant though, because i've grown very attached XD
anyways, onto their bio!
Name: Voltz
Species: Dragon
Age: 12
Pronouns: they/she
Element: Electricity
Home: Arctic Stronghold (canon: Dante's Freezer)
Alignment: Good
Relatives: Shalen (mother), Rumblr (mother, status unknown)
As conflicts between the peaceful creatures of the world and the villainous Wraiths seemed to die down, a pair of dragons - an Electric dragon named Rumblr and a Shadow dragon named Shalen - decided to start a family together. The two were very loving and protective of their egg from the start, determined to give them the best life possible in Frostfall Forest. However, this joy and peace could not last, and the night before their egg was set to hatch, a massive raid was launched by the Wraiths. Shalen managed to make off with their egg, but amidst the chaos, she lost sight of Rumblr.
A small group of creatures displaced by the attack had formed a village deep within the forests surrounding what was now known as Arctic Stronghold, and this is where Shalen was forced to raise her and Rumblr’s child. It wasn’t ideal, but at least she wouldn’t be alone, surrounded by many friends who were more than happy to help… at first.
Shalen absolutely doted on her child, but Voltz was a handful from the start. Rambunctious, energetic, and scrappy, they could not seem to stay out of trouble. Even worse was that their element was Electricity, and without her Electric-wielding mother present, she was forced to teach herself. After years of practice, they can certainly hold their own in a fight. However, their electricity is quite strong, and since they've never been trained on restraint, it very easily falls out of their control, getting them into even more trouble.
She’s gained a reputation for being a destructive force of nature - something certainly not helped by the nearby Wraiths using Electricity to destroy every remnant of the village’s old home. Though she isn’t against being complimented on her strength, it does get under her skin how others seem to see her as violent. It’s unfair for her to be judged for her element! They’re determined to prove that they can get a hold of their element and keep their village safe.
Although dark sclera is typically only seen in Shadow creatures, Voltz inherited it from their Shadow mother despite their own element being Electricity
They love to play in the snow, and are typically unbothered by the cold
Voltz patrols around the village when she first wakes up, desperate to defeat some sort of threat and prove her worth
She dreams about finding her other mother while out exploring
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