#I'm up for marriage just hmu
alegocarmadein · 10 months
list of my kane & feels fics:
Collected oldest to newest in a quick and easy way, with descriptions, the summaries, and warnings!
The Shaman was too late
"He shouldn't have taken this case. He really shouldn't have taken this case. Brutus should have known from the beginning that this case was too much for him to do alone. He is standing in the middle of an old abandoned building on Sherbourne Way, staring at where the door out of this hallway should be. The door he just entered through. But instead, he is just staring at a wall."
This is a 13k word fic about Kane rescuing Brutus from near death, by adventuring through an everlasting plane of fog, mist, and memories. Ft. Shadow people, mist dog, big tree. Set after Wonderland II, before WHO. (this one has a piece of fanart from @/twomystdunstans linked at the end. it's so pretty) Was partially rewritten in February 2023 and it's got an additional like 3k now.
Warnings: Memory Loss (temporary for the main character), Temporary Character Death
A Meeting With Death. Again.
"This was not the first time he'd seen a body. And he hoped to whatever and whoever was out there that it'd be his last.
Kane and Feels find themselves connected to a new, dangerous case, with a lot of stakes."
This is another 13k fic, set after the last fic and Twomys. This one is about Kane and Feels dealing with an interesting case, one that has ramifications. Has some lore that'll be important in my current series
Warnings: Gore, Eldritch Horror, Temporary Character Death
Five Stones
"Brutus woke. He couldn't breathe. There was a deep, heavy, all-consuming pressure on his chest, a cold tightness around his neck, and a feeling that something was very wrong."
This is a short 1.8k fic about Brutus going through some sleep paralysis, and Kane being there to deal with the after.
There's a podfic of Five Stones by @/KD-Heart also linked at the end
Warning: Night Terror
"Kane groaned.
"Have your cigarette."
Kane picked his head up out of his hands and mumbled, "I didn't want one, it's the fourteenth.'"
Quick lil 1.1k fic about Kane trying to find his cigarette case. He's in ADHD, can't find his shit mode that I totally can't relate with haha.
Warning: N/A
A Waltz
"Brutus felt…elated. He felt light as a feather, free of all negative emotion in this moment. He looked at Kane, who looked wild. He realised there were red rosebuds, white wisteria, and purple nightshade growing in his hair and his eyes had wisps of the Shaman's sharp emerald dancing through them."
2k fic about Kane and Feels waltzing for magic!
Warning: N/A
The Universe Gave You A Soulmate?
"After learning about Kane and Feels' destiny in the universe, Jennifer has some questions."
This short 800 word fic is just about drunk Jenny needling Brutus about his and Kane's entwined roles in the universe.
Warning N/A
Next of Kin
"When Lucifer Kane's scrying sigil gets sabotaged, Kane and Feels are dumped into another Other World, one with golden rivers, fucked up crabs, and some arguments. To get through this, they'll need to trust not only their own memories and feelings but each other.
”You can’t be unhappy in the middle of a big, beautiful river.” - Jim Harrison"
WHOOOO BOY. This is my biggest published fic, sittin' pretty at 25k. This one is about Kane and Feels being teleported/sucked into a different plane, one of the plane of the river of the death and dying. They have some realllll fun in it. Ft. Relevant poetry in the beginning and end notes!
This marks the start of my first and only series, that I'm working on the third fic for rn. A Cairn of Stones is the second in the series.
Warning: Possession (not by a demonic entity), Drowning (doesn't cause death), Pet Death (not graphic, very peaceful, just sad, NOT K&F's CAT), Surrealist Horror, Unreality
A Cairn of Stones
"Feels is…somewhere. He doesn’t know where. He doesn’t remember much from recent, but that’s not his biggest worry. He’s in a grey place of people like him, from many points in time. It’s okay. He’s alone.
His…partner isn’t here, but that’s okay. It’s all okay. He’ll be fine."
This is Brutus' perspective of what's happening to him while he's....uh....doing stuff in Next of Kin.
Warning: Memory Loss (huh, I seem to like this, huh),
Thirteen Letters
"Brutus comes home to a passed out Kane in a room full of incense and other. Cool."
A quick 1.4k fic about Brutus doing his duties as a partner to an experimenting Shaman. Fluff, nothing else, really.
Warning: Kane is passed out due to magic-y stuff
All the little ones can be read in whatever order you want (except for a Cairn of Stones, that one is tied to NoK), and the big ones I'd recommend reading in order.
"Brutus Feels had to leave his life to go to war. It went fine, kinda. Now he’s living in his late grandmother’s cottage, trying to forget the past few years, when he gets a letter from his old partner, Lucifer Kane. Their correspondence follows."
A story told in two alternating povs, always ending in a letter from one to the other. A 12k descent into madness. A sad love letter to psychoses.
Warning: mild body horror, surrealist horror, eldritch horror, character death (he's fine....kinda....)
And that's it! Those are all of my kaf fics, we're definitely not just leaving out the super ooc fic that I should probably just orphan but I'm scared of doing it so I haven't yet.
All of these are set in the same universe, and all kaf stuff is canon within it, I'm not leaving anything out.
I hope you'll read any that strike your fancy! I put a lot of effort into writing these! I also hope that if you enjoy one, you'll leave a comment, because I love comments a lot.
Okay thanks!
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ruegaymeow · 1 year
Domestic life stuff
Just want to preface this by saying that this is only one dynamic I have for these ships, I have a lot more in the back of my head somewhere.
OKAY so fyozai getting divorced every other week is so real to me, like one of them, out of nowhere, unprompted will just be like:
"i'm tired of us"(think dazai in this example)
And then they get divorced. BUT then like a week later, the same person(dazai) is back in the house just chilling on the couch with marriage papers on the table and it's just unspoken that they get back together cause, well, who else will take them(affectionate). 
While fyozai’s over here being moody, crusty, musty and toxic(affectionate..), siglai's next door living a gokushufudou lifestyle. Buff-male-wife-househusband nikolai!! n then sigma is a 9 to 5 office worker. I picture nikolai in a frilly pink apron that has something cheesy on it, and his muscles are kinda bulging under the too tight tshirt. Then Sigma sleeps w plushies and has really bad eyebags(like me..). If someone ever decides to write this, or if there's already something like this(a gokushufudou x siglai AU) hmu.
Then! chuuran's on the opposite side of town, trying to hide their relationship(aka their engagement) from their coworkers who already know basically everything bc they're literally facetiming the whole work day. I think they’d be the couple that have calls that last 24+ hours, chuuya got ranpo a bunch of preset burner phones so he never has to leave. So they both are just smiling the whole day looking at each other. Also they’d be borderline long distance(seeing each other in person once every month/months) cause their work schedules don't line up but they have dates when they’re both free.
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"Wishing it Wasn't" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 7/18: Like Everyone Else Has Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: General Word Count: (1.1K/19.5K) Summary: Season 2 Canon Divergence: When Neal tells Emma he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Chapter Summary: Killian and Neal have a hostile heart to heart conversation. Tags: season 2, canon divergence, gun violence in later chapters, angst with a happy ending, fake dating, mild character death, mildly anti neal Author's notes: I hope you guys enjoy the banter in this scene as much as I do! Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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Killian smiled at Neal, who glared across the table at him while the girls were in the bathroom.
 "Something wrong, Neal?" Killian asked. "Or would you rather I call you Baelfire?"
 "Neal's fine."
 "What's wrong?" Killian asked. "Oh, is this about me selling you out to Peter Pan?"
 "I got over that." Neal said. "It's what you did before that."
 "The part where I rescued your mother from a loveless marriage?" Killian took a calculated sip of the drink in front of him.
 "The part where you tore apart my family."
 "That's not how I remember it." Killian said, setting down his glass. "I remember her coming to me, begging to be rescued from being 'lashed to the village coward.' And I remember telling your father if she wanted her back, all he had to do was fight for her- and I might've let him win too- but to leave a treasure like her with someone who didn't care enough to fight for her?" He leaned forward. "That would've made me the villain."
 "You ruined my life."
 "Your parents were a sinking ship from the beginning." Killian said. "I just sped it along."
 "You don't even care what you did to me, do you?"
 If not for Baelfire, Killian would've called himself the hero of that narrative. But every time he thought back to the poor little boy who he saw in the tavern all those years ago, he saw the eyes of a would be Lost Boy- and those same eyes across the table from him now.
 "Of course I do, Bae."
 Killian nodded. "Of course I care, Neal. Your mother and I wanted to come back for you when you were old enough. Do you know what her last words were before your father ground her heart into dust, right in front of me?"
 "She said she was sorry. She said not a day went by that she didn't regret what she did to you."
 "Liar." Neal said. "My mother didn't care about me. She only cared about herself."
 "How dare he say such a thing!" Killian thought, about to strangle the insolent brigand sitting across from him, "Milah cared about him, about my crew, about me- Milah cared more than anyone else ever could."
 "Watch your tongue, lad." Killian said. "I've killed men for saying things half as heartless about her as you just did."
 "It's a wonder what Emma even sees in you." Neal muttered as he took a sip of his drink.
 "Funny." Killian said, ignoring his own certainty that Emma saw nothing in him. "I was about to ask the same question. What could Emma have possibly seen in a stubborn jerk like you?"
 "I'm a stubborn jerk?" Neal asked. "You literally just threatened to kill me."
 "Yes, for being a stubborn jerk." Killian said. "And at least I fight for those I love. How did your story with Emma end exactly?"
 Neal avoided eye contact. "I gave her up. Tried to give her her best chance."
 "You abandoned her like everyone else has. When things got hard- you left her." It was Killian's turn again to take a smug sip of his own drink. "The crocodile doesn't fall far from the tree."
 Before the fight could get too heated, Emma and Tamara came back, and Killian and Neal smiled like they hadn't both been about to commit a murder.
 For some reason, just seeing Emma calmed him down, reduced his boiling blood to a simmer. He quickly got up from his seat and pulled out her chair for her.
 "Thank you, Killian." She said.
 "Anything for you, love." Killian said. He pushed her chair back in, then sat down next to her and put his arm around her again, finding a soothing comfort in her arm under his hand.
 Emma rested her head on his shoulder, and he smiled, though not at her. No, he smiled at Neal, Swan's ruse having proved Killian the better man between the two.
 But even as he held her, even as he pretended he'd won her heart- even as he pretended he was only pretending to like her- he had to remind himself it was fake, that Swan didn't really consider him the better man.
 To be honest, he wasn't sure she thought much of him at all.
 When they'd finished eating and the waitress brought the checks, Killian volunteered to cover them all.
 "You don't have to do that." Neal said.
 "Nonsense." Killian said. "I've recently had a successful business venture, and see no reason not to share its spoils with such pleasant company."
 Emma and Neal made eye contact- they both knew the 'business venture' he spoke of was probably illegal.
 "Are you sure?" Tamara asked.
 "I insist." Killian said. He took the tab to the other counter to pay for it away from the others- Emma knew this was so no one would see him paying in gold doubloons.
 "He's quite the charmer." Tamara said. "Where did you guys say you met?"
 "I did some traveling recently." Emma pulled whatever pieces of their history together she believably could. "My mom and I went to go visit… Germany. Where she grew up. Killian travels a lot for work, and we stumbled into each other- one of those lucky accidental meetings- but when he realized I was new to the area, he showed us around and bought us drinks. We really hit it off, exchanged numbers, and about a week later he came to Storybrooke to be with me."
 "How sweet." Tamara said.
 "He really is." Emma turned to see him walking back over and smiled at him- smiled an almost real smile.
 "Well then, love." He put his hands on her shoulders. "Should we be off, then?"
 "Oh yeah." Emma said. "Henry's probably waiting up for me."
 "Wouldn't want to leave the boy too long, would we?" Killian asked, and Neal looked away.
 "Oh yeah," Emma smiled, understanding Killian's angle, "ten years was more than enough time."
 "Neal should know all about that " Emma thought, watching Neal squirm in his seat, wanting to shrink lower than the table.
 "It was lovely getting to know you better." Emma held a hand out to Tamara.
 "Absolutely." Tamara said. "Maybe we can do this again sometime."
 "For sure."
 She shook hands with Neal as Killian shook hands with Tamara, then watched a tense glare between the boys as they shook hands.
 Then, Killian took his jacket off the back of his chair and placed it over Emma's shoulders.
 "Thanks, babe." She said, pulling the jacket closer around her.
 He kissed the top of her head. "You're welcome, love."
 He wrapped his left arm around her and they left the restaurant together.
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gnsaein · 8 months
[ origins / profile / plots / muse ]
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🤸 —— ! happy opening day everyone, i'm so excited to be here. i'm sol (they/xe) and this is my manic pixie failgirl moon saein --- ran from the bad clutches of his family six years ago, only to end up in the arguably worse clutches of a nefarious circus troupe ( as one does ) , then finally came limping back to gaenari a week ago.
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leave a like if you'd like me to reach out for plots! alternatively, we can just start a thread and see where chemistry takes us.
moon saein, born in 1999, single child of moon seonhee and moon bomin. they're descended from one of the first families to build houses in gaenari, so they go a long ways back if anyone else is old blood !
his father's a big stickler for tradition and legacy. rumor has it that his marriage to seonhee was arranged and bomin, who was feral for a successor to carry on his torch, saw her as nothing more than a way to extend his bloodline. i'm taking inspiration from carrie for his childhood, so if you know the vibes...then u know.
formerly a chronic runaway. his parents were already disappointed that he turned out to be incompetent when it came to the construction family legacy, but the runaway antics were when they really gave up on him.
it was a typical cry for attention. they could've gotten angry, they could've punished him, he would've taken anything if it meant that, idk, they actually gave a shit about him? but it was like he was invisible if he wasn't serving them a purpose.
would run away intermittently between 13-17yrs old, culminating to 6 years ago when he finally, properly ran --- a very abrupt and fevered decision, and the first time that he actually gets out of gaenari. he ends up in daehan, where he spends a year just surviving. if anyone has a muse who was also on a bender in daehan around 5-6 years ago, hmu, they could've gotten fucked up and self destructive together : )
after daehan, he ended up joining a circus, for a lack of a better word. it was a traveling troupe of performers and they performed on makeshift stages in glitzy masks, and at that point it was the most magical thing saein had ever seen in his little sheltered life.
saein meets his mentor eunha there and she helps him become one of their most reliable performers --- showy, impressive acrobatics leaping through the air, twisting up hanging silk ribbons. to the audience, it's all shows and gimmicks, but eunha insists that there's something more at the heart of their shows. that there's magic. saein, prone to fantasy and romance, completely buys it.
the catch: there's a test that all performers go through before they're considered a permanent part of the troupe. eunha says that if he does, the magic will be pleased with him too. and saein would do just about anything to make somebody proud; he agrees without a second thought.
the test involved him helping out with a vanishing act. you can read more about it in his background, but basically it ended with him falling into a small, dark, locked box for over 12 hours, screaming for help and terrified that no one would remember to come looking for him.
when the test "ends" and he's "rescued," he can't talk or sleep properly for a full week. eunha wants him to try again. she says she knows he can do it, he just needs to be stronger.
saein can't deal with the pressure of disappointing her 🤘 he sneaks out a few nights later, quiet and inevitable, and runs right back home.
his parents aren't happy he's back, borderline pissed about it. they tell him to find his own place to stay. he's therefore now eun street's latest resident at apt. #403 (and looking for a roommate!)
a receptionist at the gym. he plans to befriend security to let him stay a little longer after hours, bc the acrobatics were actually therapeutic and he needs someplace to keep practicing.
i'm thinking it has only been a week or so since he came back? he's been quiet.
in general, he's quieter than before. still animated if you get him going, but he's jumpy and prone to spacing out these days. to anyone who knew him before, it's a notable difference from the bright eyed, bushy tailed kid he used to be.
he came back bc he convinced himself that there was something calling him back to gaenari. is it magic here too? is it some cosmic entity that lives inside of the mountain and wants him carnally? or was he just so terrified of disappointing eunha that he had to make up a fantasy excuse to leave them too? who knows! 🔮
when he's not working, he's wandering around claiming to be listening to the ghosts of the mines or laying out somewhere on a field, head full of tumbleweeds.
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here are his established plots!
people who knew him before. his parents tried really hard to downplay his existence when they couldn't control him but that probably came off as them trying to sweep the ""bad seeds"" under the rug.
people who didn't know him before. he's marveling at all of the little ways town has changed and the new faces around.
people he met while he was in daehan 5-6 yrs ago. this could have been anywhere from a quick meeting to a months long spiral into codependency (jk! unless)
it would take more plotting, but i'd also love a connection with someone who knew of/once watched/was also part of the troupe that he was in? maybe someone else he helped out of that circus and brought back to gaenari or someone who followed him here?
ever since his “test” he’s been terrified of sleeping in locked rooms, and just small, closed spaces in general. maybe someone runs into him freaking out while they’re someplace confined and has to be like Hey .. Calm down?…
he likes to ride the bus/trains out to daehan sometimes just to feel like he's going somewhere. give me someone who's on those late night rides too, who maybe also knows a thing about the dark.
any old friends he left behind; except for the muse involved in his one established plot, he didn't tell anyone he was leaving
for anyone looking to stay a little later at the gym too, they'll start to constantly find him there, so he could sneak them in absolutely with no questions asked.
any fellow people out there with family issues lol. they can commiserate and give each other advice that they can't follow for themselves.
healthy coping mechanisms, unhealthy coping mechanisms. i-don't-know-you-but-you've-got-the-same-fucked-up-look-in-your-eye isms. we-just-need-to-take-our-minds-off-the-grisly-act-of-surviving isms. i-will-not-ask-where-you-came-from-and-neither-should-you isms [hozier outro plays us out]
i'm very sorry that this is so long. if you got here, ily, let's write together 🙏.
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peachymilkandcream · 8 months
Some belt beating please.
Levi x Evelyn -> Corporal Punishment
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(A/N: Thank you so much for the suggestion Anon! I've been dying for these ideas and love doing oneshots. Any other oneshot or headcanon prompt hmu! ^^)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Levi had been silent the whole walk home, this was the first time he had graciously allowed Evelyn to leave the house since being confined to the house and grounds for months and she had fucked the whole thing up.
The only reason he had brought her out was because people were starting to ask questions, they were wondering what had happened to one of humanity's soldiers. People were beginning to rumour and speculate, some were more tame, like how she had married him to stay home all day but still get pay and benefits from the military. Others were out there, but still a little close to home, such as how he had murdered or kidnapped her and she was being held against her will. Granted, the latter was true. To save face he was forced to bring her out into society for just one night.
A party had been held because some officer he cared nothing about was retiring. He would have rather sat home and been balls deep in his wife but it was the perfect social event to keep people at bay. Erwin was on his side already plus most everyone knew to stay away from him and by association, his wife. And for the most part the evening had been fine, he had threatened her before they left that if she acted out he'd beat her and it seemed like that had startled her. He didn't expect her to act out in spite of it.
Things were going so well until he had gotten separated from her, which was idiotic on his part since he shouldn't have accepted to go and get her a drink. He had thought he'd just be gone a moment but then some drunken asshole started chatting him up.
By the time he came back Evelyn was talking to another soldier and from both of their expressions and the snippets he overheard he knew Evelyn had said a little too much. He couldn't forgive the look that soldier gave him when he separated the two and led Evelyn away. Thankfully he pointed out the soldier to Erwin and knew Erwin would take care of her and have her die a soldier's death before she could talk.
When they got home, he marched Evelyn straight into the dimly lit living room, throwing off his suit jacket and tossing it onto the sofa.
"Take your clothes off."
"But I-"
"I don't want to hear another word out of you take your fucking clothes off!"
"I'm sorry-"
"Sorry? Sorry won't cover the fact that I just had to needlessly sacrifice a soldier because you couldn't shut your mouth!" He steps back and rubs his jaw before turning back to her. "You condemned that soldier to death, you know that right?"
Her eyes widen. "Wait, no, please-! Don't kill her because of me- she doesn't deserve to die-"
"I know she doesn't, but because you said something, she dies. Don't you get it? Every time you try and be selfish, someone will get hurt or die. Even now, you can't take responsibility."
"Please don't kill her Levi- I'll take responsibility-"
Levi raises a brow. "You'll take a beating for some random person's life?"
She nods emphatically, peeling off her dress since she knows he likes to see the red marks.
He takes out his belt and loops it before pushing her to the ground and circling her slowly. He finally brings is belt down on her tender flesh, she winces but doesn't make a sound. Her face set to be brave for the sake of someone she didn't even know.
He brought down the belt again, his eyes shown with desire. The way her skin rippled with each blow was addictive, the red welts left behind a symbol of his property and power. As each mark was made he almost considered branding her for a moment. He would just have to be careful nothing went wrong and it scarred up nicely and there was no infection or risk of it messing up. It was certainly an idea to think about.
His erection grew with each sound he coaxed out of her from his efforts, her being vocal made his ego swell. Since he knew whatever he did had an effect no matter how much she denied it.
Finally her skin split and a small trickle of blood dripped down, at least that would take longer to heal than the rest of it, making sure she remembered what she had done and the consequences of it. By now he was practically weak with excitement, it wasn't about seeing her in pain, it was about her being disciplined and learning from her mistakes to eventually be trained into a good wife for him.
"Tell me you love me." He blurted suddenly.
"What..?" She was confused and her voice was quiet from silent crying.
"Tell me you love me, and I'll stop."
Evelyn takes a moment to process if she's actually heard right before she frowns. "I don't love you. I hate you."
He had expected this, but part of him had wished she had lied. "Very well then." His voice had lost the slight softness it had a moment ago, hardened again before he hit her with the belt even harder than before, now she screamed, with each blow she screamed. Levi was almost glad for this, she should be in more pain for saying such a thing to her husband.
"One day you'll love me, I swear it."
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arsenalgbt · 23 days
I'm more a reader than a writer but I'd never say never in regards to writing some rpf. I'm now thinking about the early days of Kai and Dec's marriage. Dec remembers KT and Leo fighting a lot and in the early stages of his marriage, he thinks they made a mistake by marrying for love. He and Kai don't love each other and they don't speak enough to fight which is nice. Dec understands this is a business deal and other than a conversation on their wedding night about how they'd discreetly see other people, he and Kai don't really need to speak. It's through a series of small moments (sharing breakfast, having to attend things as husbands, spending time with Leo, KT and Ben) that they become friends and suddenly more. Dec tells Kai that they should have a business-partners-with-benefits situation. Dec is a bit of an idiot, Kai is surprised by how endearing he finds it
again absolutely hmu with ur ao3 account when u've posted something in the (near) future!!
Dec understands this is a business deal and other than a conversation on their wedding night about how they'd discreetly see other people, he and Kai don't really need to speak. It's through a series of small moments (sharing breakfast, having to attend things as husbands, spending time with Leo, KT and Ben) that they become friends and suddenly more. Dec tells Kai that they should have a business-partners-with-benefits situation.
HOHHOHHOOHHHOO *rubs palms* quick question; once they agreed and fuck a lot thanks to their married-biz-partners-with-benefits arrangement, do you think Declan will start calling kai nicknames? (baby? I think that's quite neutral, kinda no-feelings-ish cough if compared to sweetheart/darling. or maybe harvy? cuz the batman trilogy was the first movie they watched together in a rather companionable silence?)
The text says: Sorry can you pick up brownie bites from Waitrose? just in time before Declan reaches the one closest to their house. He stops by and takes a selfie with a bucket of milk chocolate brownie bites, the one that he personally likes. Kai prefers crisps over sweet treats; so this is new. Instead of answering via text, Kai calls him.
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spidey-bie · 9 months
Alright so, my Spidersona's name is Arylide Jones (they/it/she). They're a tall, Black, chubby, 19 year old from Miami (Earth-5055) who's been acting as Widow Spider for roughly 5 years. I have never participated in one of these events before so I also don't know what I'm doing. That's the basics, on to the bonfire!
She'd probably show up in black jeans and boots paired with a favorite t-shirt and a flannel (with a couple patches they made) over top. It definitely brings some non-alcoholic drinks, some salt satchels to turn the fire pretty colors, and a couple of joints (which they're willing to share).
This isn't their first bonfire but it is the first in a while and the first with Spider Society folks so they're a little shy considering most of their interactions with everyone have been in passing or on missions. That's also part of the reason it sticks closer to the outskirts of the party a lot (the other is light sources blind you to what's in the dark which it doesn't enjoy) but it'll come closer to the fire for refreshments (who can resist a s'more? or a roasted hot dog!) and maybe to sing along with Hobie's guitar a bit (after a few drinks and a joint or 2 lbr). She socializes a bit, maybe plays a few games (esp if someone starts up werewolf/mafia or brings along CAH), but is happy quietly people watching and just enjoying the atmosphere. They stay long enough to help clean up a bit (including putting the fire out properly) and make sure anyone visibly intoxicated gets home safely before bouncing. She is very excited to tell her Gwen all about it at breakfast.
Ok that's all the important bits from the questions I think but feel free to hmu if you need more of something? Sorry the parentheticals got away from me a bit. I'm nervous and excited to see where this goes!
(Don't worry I've never held an event before so I also don't know what I'm doing.)
Loving how we're all wearing flannel here. It makes me feel special. (Her spider suit is literally just different flannel jackets lol.)
I would've never thought about making the fire change colors. That was mad stellar my guy. And after a hit the flames get extra trippy. We need to invite it to more parties in the future. Their singing is absolutely lovely btw.
SHE BRINGS WEED AND STAYS TO CLEAN......hand in marriage. (Stop it you both have people already.)
But fr they're definitely invited next time. Nice having you stop by. I'm glad you had a good time. THANKS AGAIN FOR STICKING AROUND TO CLEAN.
[Event Details]
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rowan-ashtree · 2 years
What r ur predictions, if any, for next season of toh?
dearheart this is such a good question and i consider it to be basically a marriage proposal so hmu w ur ring size <3 /p /j
so like. i super definitely want there to be a scene in which the hexsquad talks abt what happened and makes sure they're all on the same page, specifically abt luz helping philip and hunter being a grimwalker. like i want them all to comfort each other SO BAD. but i think there's probably gonna be a lot of self-blaming w those two and they're gonna try to isolate themselves or repress everything. and then there's gonna have to be a group therapy session, which is what i wanted anyway hehehe
i think there's gonna be a lot of exploration of how magic works in the human realm and I'm SO excited for that. like we know glyphs don't work, bc they command the magic around them but the human realm doesn't have magic just THERE like the demon realm does. w bile sacs......i think gus and willow and amity will be able to do magic basically as normal
we don't know if everyone has their palismen w them, but my guess is they do, and im not sure if their staffs will work the same. i don't think we know enough abt how palismen rly WORK and are made and such, but maybe in the human realm they aren't animated creatures and only staffs? maybe they work normally? maybe they're in creature form but they're just wood carvings? idk but im so excited to learn more abt how magic works :D
I'm not sure what to think abt the bit of belos mud that made it into the human realm.......and honestly i have no idea what's happening on the boiling isles w the collector and such. i don't have any theories abt that but i bet it'll be wild lmao
i DO have a theory abt eda and the owl beast, partially inspired by a post that pointed out that when king started to free the collector, eda woke up, and the show focused on her gray (cursed) eye, and partially inspired by the one scene in hooty's door where the collector shows up in Eda's dream. so lilith found the curse in the night market, written on a scroll. also in hooty's door, the curse scroll washes up on the beach in the final dream scene, and someone comes along and picks it up. and the collector gave belos the draining spell and taught him magic stronger than anybody's. the owl beast curse drains Eda's magic. i think the owl beast could've been an early attempt at the draining spell, before belos knew exactly how to get what he wanted, or before the collector knew belos' end goal. it ended up in the boiling sea, and someone picked it up and brought it to the night market. idk how plausible this is but I think it's cool, and either way there HAS to be a connection w the owl beast and the collector
the format disney pushed them into for this last season is ridiculous but despite that it's gonna be so good :)
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fontaineclafoutis · 4 days
Elle fashion redesign and Reina fashion
Okay, first thing's first: if ANYONE who reads this feels well-versed in how fashion functions in the world of Genshin (i.e. how it presents a character's design and how it works for their occupation/activities), PLEASE hmu bc I'm losing my mind.
Long post with historical fashion questions under cut
I am trying to do my nth reworking of Elle's outfit as well as coming up with an outfit design for Elle's gf, Reina. The disparity is hella striking bc
A) Elle is in steampunk/fantasy 19th century Western Europe working as an art gallery curator assistant.
B) Reina is a wilderness survival expert in fantasy early Edo-period Japan.
I am aware that practicality does not necessarily play a part in costume design within Hoyoverse (Look at Shenhe. She lives in the mountains and wears high-heeled platform sandals), but my reflex when designing character clothing is to thing about how realistically easy it would be to move around in.
With Reina, some key points with her character is that she's
An amputee
Regularly out in the wilderness
Reina was also born to an Ainu-coded mother, so I've been trying to do research on common themes and history in Ainu folk dress, like the geometric patterns, textile creation techniques specific to the culture, clothing dye availability/usage, differences in male vs female dress, attire according to profession, etc. Yamato Japanese (the non-indigenous Japanese population) fashion reference is a lot easier to come by, but I believe it would be more fitting to Reina's character story to include Ainu themes in her attire.
With Elle, her key points are
Bulky, conservative clothing to hide her muscles
Art gallery curation professional
Simple but handsome
Elle chooses to dress in a way that supposedly would not draw attention to herself, but it still makes her look like an upper-middle class young man at first glance. Working for an art gallery, she's expected to dress with a degree of chic to her style. During brand new exhibitions, Elle would be expected to turn up the dressiness a notch with personal tailoring and a bit of makeup (though she still prefers to blend into the background and do her job rather than socialize).
I would definitely like to have both Elle and Reina dress in more masculine presenting clothing and maybe draw elements from existing male Genshin characters. For example:
With Reina, I was thinking Kaeya's roguish, 'tits out' shirt mixed with Heizou's hakama pants. That or Bennett's outfit mixed with Thoma's.
With Elle, I pictured a suit set similar to Jean's, Neuvillette's, and Wriothesley's.
(Additionally, I was thinking about having Alternate outfits that are their own spins on masculine wedding attire in line with their culture's traditional marriages, so montsuki hakama for Reina and a tuxedo for Elle. However, I think I'm getting ahead of myself. I need to figure out their regular outfits first).
Lastly, a major component of any Genshin character's outfits is the DETAILS. Embroidery, ornaments, accessories, all of it are subtle but effective influences to the character's presentation. Some of these are asymmetrical but that just adds to their ability to catch your eye, like Mona's tights. I am not a detail-oriented person so this is a big ol' conundrum for me as to what exactly I should implement for my characters to add some of that extra something.
I'm just not really sure what to do and if any artists or fashion historians out there read this and feel inclined to message me, any help is appreciated!
I'm prob going to make another post about exactly what articles of clothing I have in mind for Elle and Reina, but I only have a basic idea of what I'd like for Elle and a crude understanding of what Reina might wear.
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nostxlgia18 · 3 years
Hi. If you accept request what about an angst fluff chris and reader that he fell in love at first sight marry her less than a year and really wants kids with her but finds out he can't have children. She is much younger and can have children but chris can't let her go but he feels he have to .(she didn't want that eighter)leads to happy ending please...
Stuck With U
Tumblr media
Pairing: Chris Evans × Wife! Reader
Summary: Chris finds out that he can't have kids and realizes that he has to let you go
Warning: Angstyy leads to fluff
Love this song!! 🤩
"Chris will never be able to have children of his own."
"Wha-what!" Chris said
"Apparently your sperms have low motility," the doctor explained. "Can we solve this?" Chris was baffled. "No, I'm sorry, there aren't any ways to change that," the doctor cut him off. He scraped his chair on the floor and exited the room before you could say anything else. 
"Babe?" you shouted out. 
"I'm going to --" you said, motioning to depart while giving the doctor a sad smile.
"Sure. Please accept my apologies Y/n! I would have offered anything to assist, but there isn't anything—"
"I understand; I'm gonna leave, Thank you," you said as you made your way to your husband's location. You discover him at the end of the corridor, hands on his hips.
"Huh! Let's go, y/n?" he stated without glancing at you. The ride back home was quiet, both of you processing what the doctor said.
As soon as you reached home, you made an effort to brighten the atmosphere "babe? What do you think about watching a movie while cuddling? ", Chris didn't respond to you, so you joined him on the couch.
"Chris? We'll work it out later, don't think about it?" You put your hand on his shoulder
When he didn't answer, you decided to give him some space and made your way to your room.
"I think we should get divorced."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "What?" you muttered as you turned to face him. He had now stood up and was staring right at you.
"Are you serious?" You gave a nervous chuckle. He simply looked at you and sighed deeply "Yes, I am. It's time for us to get divorced"
"WHY?" you exclaimed, your eyes welling up with tears.
"Didn't you hear? I can't have children!" he said, closing his eyes.
"So? Did I say I have a problem with that? ...No! Christopher, just because we don't have children doesn't imply your marriage or relationship is ended." You yelled a point.
He didn't respond to you once again.
"Tell me, am I in your life solely to have children?" Now that we are unable to produce children of our own, do you no longer love me?" tears streamed down your face, and you were a mess.
"No, no, no! I fucking love you so much, no matter what! "he admitted it as he drew nearer to you, his warm hands caressing your face.
"Then why are you so adamant about getting a divorce?" you murmured quietly.
"YOU CAN HAVE KIDS Y/N, I CAN'T! You are young and deserve to have children of your own, something I am unable to provide. I have to let you go, no matter how much I hate it. It's for your own good "his voice boomed.
"Chris, that doesn't matter to me. I vowed to always be there for you, no matter what. It's not the end of the world if we don't have children of our own. We are in the twenty-first century, and we have a plethora of choices. We can adopt Chris; there are millions of children yearning for a loving family like ours! As I already stated, don't worry about it; we'll sort it out." You mention hugging him tightly.
Chris nuzzled his cheek against your neck, relishing your intoxicating scent.
"I love you so much Bubba, you're stuck with me forever," you confess chuckling as you feel him line kisses to the crook of your neck.
Taglist: @shyconversationalbookworm @cevansrogerss @justreadingthatsit
Reblogs are appreciated 🌈
Hmu if you want to be added to the taglist
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queerasfact · 2 years
hello qomrades, long time listener first time caller. Some scattershot suggestions from Irish history to add to your long list -
1. Eva Gore Booth - she gets overshadowed by her sister (revolutionary leader, the first female cabinet minister in europe) but Eva was a lesbian, poet, suffragist, occultist, and labour organiser. She wanted to abolish gender and marriage. in classic delicate aristocrat style, she met her wife when they were both on The Continent for their Health.
2. Roger Casement - called 'the father of human rights journalism', traitor to the british government, people tell me he's very sexy, he certainly kept meticulous sex diaries while plotting against the british crown and uncovering human rights violations in Congo.
3. Kathleen Lynn - founded the first children's hospital in the country, labour organiser, revolutionary, & I can'd find the exact quote but after an uprising she and her gf were imprisoned first together in a gross cell, and then seperately, in nicer cells, and she wrote in her diary something like "I would give 10,000 pounds for Kilmainham and Madeline" :')
I might be able to help with sources - I know a guy in the Irish Queer Archive, and I live in the northwest of ireland, near where Eva Gore Booth grew up. I also travel to Dublin fairly regularly. hmu if needed.
& last point on me being gay and Irish - I ADORED your episodes on James Barry. My partner has a huge interest in barry and has done a lot of research on him. It's refreshing to hear this guy who went to such lengths to be understood as a man .... actually discussed as a man.
Hey Qomrade, thanks for this message! Having studied Irish history at school, I was musing just the other day on how we've hardly covered it on Queer as Fact - and those Irish people we have covered have largely emigrated elsewhere. So this was a very timely list of suggestions =) And thank you kindly for your offer of archival assistance. We'll keep it in mind - I'm keen for us to do more archival work and share history that isn't necessarily available to everyone.
So glad you enjoyed the episode on James Barry too. If only such basic decency to trans historical figures wasn't refreshing but instead the norm.
Hope you have a lovely day
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tangledbea · 2 years
Do you know if there's ever been a fic where Edmund or someone else set Eugene up with an Arranged Marriage? To someone who's not Rapunzel?
I have no idea. I assume you've checked AO3?
Though I question the premise since Eugene was at most a few months old when he was sent away, and the Dark Kingdom had been in mourning/panic since he was born (because of the Queen's death and the increased activity of the black rocks). I'm not sure when Edmund would have had time to attempt to arrange a marriage, since, at the time he sent Eugene away, he didn't want him to know where he came from, let alone that he was a prince.
Besides, Eugene's reaction would be a resounding, "No. Denied." It's not like he'd wring his hands and be all, "Woe is me! I am being forced to marry another by a man who only just came back into my life from a kingdom I didn't know existed! Whatever shall I do?" (Unless he was being sarcastic.)
Though if someone knows of such a fic, feel free to hmu with a link.
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DEMANDING that you elaborate on these slasher ideas 🔫
MY BABE LEE I LOVE YOU MWUAH MWUAH MWUAH thank you for entertaining my stupid ideas all the time. and now we come forth with MORE stupid ideas!!! not sure what characters to use for these babies but hmu if you have any ideas.
this post can simply be seen as a continuation of "i want to see pedro pascal play a horror villian so goddamn bad."
tagging some of my spooky babes: @thesadvampire @captainsamwlsn @ladyvengeanceisdead @dilf-vader @max--phillips @humanransome-note @luxurybeskar @ficsilike-reblogged
warnings: unhealthy relationships, violence, murder, talk of true crime, talk of medical malpractice.
so the first one is about the usual relationship type you see a lot in shows of like
the bad prisoner x the assigned psychologist who wants to fix them (cough cough first suicide squad movie im looking at you
BUT the roles are switched!
instead of the prisoner being the evil manipulative one, its the psychologist! (if this is a reader insert i imagine the reader as the killer in this, but maybe itll be oc who knows)
one who has been assigned to this killer's case for years most likely. And followed it with a borderline obsessive fascination.
Incredibly protective as well. Monitors what food is brought to you, what nurses give you medication and what doses, everything goes through them and them first.
When "crime junkies" come by to try and interview you? they get almost territorial over you. If a narrative that they don't like is shown they get angry, very condescendingly correcting the two "experts" for true crime website all with a strained smile that doesn't exactly reach their eyes.
If youre silent and stoic, they pride themselves as being the one who truly "understands" you.
Similar to Loomis and Michael Myers, but a dash of dangerous obsessive romance to spice it up.
If you ever "get loose"? Most likely their doing.
If it wasn't? God theyre on a rampage trying to find you, utterly delirious. Sobbing and demanding you be found like a parent whose child is missing.
Don't sympathize with the victims, hardly acknowledge them in fact.
Some nurses will say they notice the doctor watching you with an almost lovestruck look in their eyes late at night.
SECOND IDEA. This one is more inspired by the 2018 Halloween movie and how all the previous events effected Laurie strode and her family.
following two characters!!
two survivors who lived through a rampage when they were young.
When some crazed masked killer went on a rampage way back when and killed countless young teens, of the few who were sought after and survived, two came out of it together.
I think this would be a fun frankie x reader but thats cause I love him
two traumatized teens who bond through this and become incredibly close through the horrors they witnessed.
It creates a tight friendship that the therapists would eventually call unhealthy, but what would your parents do?
The pair of you had just come out of a horrid expeirence that would shape you for the rest of your lives. They wouldn't punish you for finding a friend in it.
But the friendship becomes a relationship, that then becomes a marriage.
Maybe, if were modeling this after Laurie strode, the killer gets out again, another rampage is had, more lives are lost, but you both come out alive once again.
years go on, perhaps a strain in the relationship starts and eventually you both get divorced, branching off to live your separate lives as many recommended you both to do as "being together simply reminds you both of what you went through."
BUt the paranoia doesn't leave. The anxiety doesn't leave. YOu both spend endless nights terrified of the "what-ifs" that may happen. the most horrid is "what if he comes back and I'm not there to keep you safe."
But still, you both move on. you date others, have some flings, entertain some new hobbies, but you still think of eachother.
And when the killer gets out again? The first thing you do is seek eachother out for safety.
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sukirichi · 3 years
hiii, it's 💎anon!! don't know if you remember me, it's been A WHILE. i had to study for my final exams and sign up at different universities etc., but now i finally had the time to catch up and OML.
first of all, all the new little naoya one-shots, ESPECIALLY the fluffy dilf ones,, i'm ascending to heaven. I LOVE THEM SM. of course naoyas son would be as bratty as his him, but seeing naoya really respect and appreciate his wife, PLEASEEBKS and then your reckless series; loved it!! it's unfortunate that people just did not respect you and your work and just be grateful that you deliver this content for FREE, giving away time of your own-free time while probably being busy with irl things. but thank you for giving us the plot outline for the rest of the series!! though you didn't even have to!! (maybe i'm even relieved lmao i don't know if i could have handled all the coming angst omg i'm once again amazed by your master big juicy brain energy HAHAHA,, and you come up with so many great fic ideas so fast?? i really wanna write too but i can't seem to be focused for too long idkk you're simply amazing!)
AND THEN; tokyo revengers.
i just recently started reading the manga as well (currently ch.42) and seeing that you read it as well made me so happy. ALSO GIRL HANMA SHUJI YES. i hate him but i love him. the moment i heard his voice i knew i'd be down bad, and he's so powerful too?? god please stay by my side and lend me strength during these difficult times. yk i'm for feminism all the way, men ain't shit! but for hanma i would do all the house chores, i would cook for my king, clean for my king.
imagine a feared and powerful hanma, but for you he's a fluffy mess, spoiling you rotten, trying to protect you from the bad influences around him. you're his sweet little angel he would give the world for. maybe he would also corrupt you unintentionally and when you pull a 180 he would be so surprised but so turned on, because it was his doing, HIM who turned the halo above your head to little horns, oh god imagineee. i also just KNOW hanma would be the type to pull you into the corner of a party, light a blunt and share shotgun kisses with you (or in general, i KNOW this man loves them. like, you never tried marijuana or any type of drugs, but you want to after seeing hanma smoke some before with his friends and so he would sit you on his lap and then do shot gun kisses with you, slow and passionate AHAHAJKSH. also prayers to those who try to lay a hand on you (and me who's babbling all this shit about hanma 🤢🤢 i just know this aks reeks of pick me girl energy lmfao.) but also imagine it the other way around. you are already in this line of work, a badass bitch and you have hanma being all submissive to you. THE hanma shuji, leader of valhalla, notorious delinquent, hanma shuji being wrapped around your little finger. he's so down bad for you.
PLEASE, i just looove them all. and OMG YOUR DRAKEN FICS. i just simply liked him before BUT AFTER THOSE TWO STORIES. i'm about to become a whole draken simp lmao.
dream was so well-written. you described draken as a soft and calm lover so well. i already love those 'jealousy' and angsty type of stories, and you writing one as well?? AHHHSJS i can only say it again and again, i'm absolutely in love with your writings. you have so much talent and it's so much fun reading them. the way you express things and word them is just indescribable.
i hope you have a great day/ night and thank you once again for writing all these masterpieces,, you are amazing!! 💗💗 - 💎 anon
diamond anon yes i remember you, you’re like one of my earliest anons and if i’m not mistaken you sent me an ask before about fall from grace and thats how it came to be ??? and aah i hope you can rest well and enjoy your break now, you deserve it !! AND THE LITTLE NAOYA DRABBLES IM ABDKEKWKW i just think that daddy naoya and baby naori is the cutest ever like,,,i wanna live in my own tfc drabbles, thats my home right there. and as for reckless, i suppose it was pretty dramatic and wild in terms of plot 😫 aaah actually i struggle from having too many ideas bcos im like UGH WHAT DO I WRITE NEXT THERES SM I WANNA WRITE but not enough time like spspsps.
babe PLSS HANMA SHUJI SIR HMU IM AVAILABLE AND IM FREE JUST FOR YOU 🤤 hes so fine and so evil and so wack that he just ??? stole my heart ??? AND HIS TIMESKIP I CANNOT QJEKWKWO. yesss omg hes so powerful like he stopped mikey’s kick and stoof his ground that the whole time i was like YEA LETS GET ITTT like dont get me wrong, toman all the way but hello ??? If the antag looks that fine, you bet im cheering as well !! and hngrrr all this hanma brainrot, i actually have an arranged marriaged hanma fic with a really innocent reader just bcos the corruption kink is real. i mean look at him. he has bad intentions and i’d let him tbh, but the idea that hes so soft and sweet to his lover ??? yeah yeah that gets me sm like i LIVE for it. And aaah im so sorry bb but i am not actually into stories that include like drugs asjalalao but YESSS omg having hanma shuji turn to putty at your feet HMMM just seeing his annoying little smirk turn to a submissive smile... yeah thats a good image 😌
And aaaah thank you sm im so happy you liked my draken fics and how i wrote him 🥺 im a huge draken fan too so cmon lets simp together ABSKWKAKA like draken is perfect mmkayyy if ran haitani didnt exist then yea i’d be into draken. also ur kind words i am just ,,, extremely soft rn i dont even have words but thank you so much 😭😭💕 i hope you have an even better day or night as well and much love sent your way !!
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eyes-like-the-night · 4 years
I'm not familiar with the Master and Margarita at all but your headcanons seem fun, so I wanted to ask if you have any headcanons for Tanz
Aw, thanks I love coming up with those ones and getting that otp content! 
I should have the majority of my Tanz headcanons in the tag “tdv headcanon” 
Feel free to send asks about headcanons or hmu!
But here are some of my main ones that haven’t changed and I can remember off the top of my head.
Krolock didn’t expect to start loving Sarah, it really didn’t hit him until Alfred pulled her out of the castle and Krolock would find himself wondering how she was many times until she went back to the castle. 
Alfred and Sarah were together for a while  before Alfred went back to the castle because he wanted to know more about vampirism (and Herbert)
Herbert purposely caught consumption to force Krolock to turn him
Krolock didn’t do any parenting of Herbert until Herbert was in his mid teens and wouldn’t let Krolock hide away anymore.
1617 was Krolock’s wife and Herbert’s mom, I named her Heloise, Herbert was 2 when she died
The vampires can go in the sun, they just burn faster than a mortal so they limit it
also garlic does nothing and while I’m at it religious objects only effect the vampire if they believed in it while they were still mortal 
Herbert is unstoppable, he gave up on religion early 
Dracula turned Krolock and wasn’t nice about it either, the first bite scars so Krolock has a fairly nasty scar from it and hides it with high collars. 
Sarah had several husbands while she was on her own and all mysterious died shortly after marriage but at least left their poor widow with their fortune.
the shortest marriage was less than a day, she killed him the same night as the wedding
Krolock stopped using his first name pretty early on, even Herbert can’t remember it. it’s just easier to go by his title 
The graveyard vampires are a mixed bag when it comes to who is housed there. Some are vampires who are older than Krolock that can’t deal with the constantly changing times and want somewhere safe to be. Others are past lovers of Krolock and Herbert. 
they’re purposely kept mostly starved though, yes they’re more of a danger to a stray mortal but they’re easier to control
Sarah wandered up to the castle as a young child and freaked both von Krolocks out because they saw her, looked away and she was gone, they found her asleep in Herbert’s coffin
Sarah associated Krolock’s presence with comfort while she was kept in her room and he started checking in on her. She didn’t know that it was him until he invited her to the ball and she felt that familiar sense of comfort.
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Grace & Ava
Grace: I'm here in your postcode so like hmu if you need help Grace: after being a babysitter FOREVER kids crafts are TOTALLY my thing Ava: There's glitter on everything Ava: I'm going to have to pay to get their house professionally cleaned after this, I swear Grace: before you do I have to bring the boy over & 'accidentally' cover him Grace: cos he literally will not decide on a costume Ava: Yeah, he's crap at costumes Ava: I don't think I've even seen him in the obligatory devil horns Ava: mess up the hair, probably Grace: I mean, if my hair ever looked that good that'd be so relatable Grace: 😍😍 Ava: n'awh 😏 Ava: I'm glad someone appreciates the effort he goes to with the bleach Ava: god knows what I'm going to wear, the standard Halloween ideas aren't really applicable for a kid's birthday Grace: I love him but I hate him Grace: his eyelashes are better than mine as well Grace: right?! if his mum sees me in a lbd & cat ears she'll hate me more than she already does Grace: we could do joint costumes of a 🔪 in our backs though 🙄😂 Ava: What's she like? Grace: so rude Grace: she NEVER talks to me but the judgement is REAL 👀🔪 Grace: poor & a reformed hoe!? not in her house, honey Ava: and you didn't even homewreck her son's marriage so Ava: this is gonna be fun Grace: but I will if she tries to marry him off to some beautiful, rich, virgin or whatever Ava: I don't think they're that old school 😂 Ava: only if he managed to get a virgin pregnant Grace: don't even Grace: it's literally the one thing that would maybe score me points with her & I can't talk about it Ava: as satisfying as it'd be to throw out when she's being the most judgmental Ava: not worth it Ava: but you are gonna come, right? Ava: James wasn't sure Grace: yeah, I'm not trying to have a breakdown at her dining table soooooo Grace: of course we are, he practically begged me onto a flight to not have to go alone Grace: his sister has like 5 kids & Teddy can't deal with any of them Grace: what happens when you 👰👴 I guess Ava: Yeah Ava: I heard Ava: I just want them to have a good time Ava: James and the kids Grace: they will Grace: you've done amazing so far setting it all up Ava: there's nothing I can do to jazz up the guestlist Ava: it's bad enough that she might show but we can't plan for it Grace: Teddy thinks she will & Jay will have a meltdown, that's why he's totally dreading it Ava: I don't think she will Grace: idk but he's convinced Grace: he says she LOVES to make an entrance & bring drama Ava: Potentially Ava: I think she doesn't care enough about the kids, but that she doesn't intentionally want to hurt them Ava: just James Ava: there are better ways, after all, her parents are going to be there, they'd stop her before she could really do anything Grace: 🤞🏽 cos that does make sense Grace: & we all want you to be right, no offense to the bae Ava: If she's going to come back, she will, it'll have to be faced Ava: whether we're wearing cat ears or not Grace: yeah but like a 👶🎂 is not it Grace: even she must know that Ava: None of this is Grace: how's James? Ava: he's doing good Ava: considering Ava: it's a lot Grace: mhmm Grace: I'm avoiding Rio & Buster rn for a reason Ava: Yeah, he's mad at me Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: don't even worry he's mad at everyone for everything Grace: except Ri, duh Grace: like you said, it's a lot Ava: well it's kind of special circumstances Ava: he thinks I've picked a side Grace: cos it's that simple Grace: he's so extra & that's coming from me Ava: Maybe it is Grace: he wishes it was Grace: but it's not you & James vs him & Ri Ava: It's not that Ava: I just Ava: I don't think I agree with what he wants Grace: you want Jay to stay where she is Ava: Yes Ava: I think he's only thinking about himself Grace: well yeah, when isn't he? Ava: It's different Ava: it's two lives he could ruin Ava: three, Mattie too Grace: he's always done exactly what he wants however many lives it could ruin Grace: literally all you can do is keep trying to get through to him Ava: Yeah, that'll work Ava: like you said, he'll do what he wants Ava: but James won't just let her go, and if it goes to court, how has he proved he's a decent father? Ava: he's not acknowledged her, the possibility Ava: it wouldn't be as cut and dry as he wants it to be Grace: nothing is ever that cut & dry but ugh try telling Buster or Ri that Ava: Exactly Ava: isn't having Venus when they shouldn't enough Grace: don't even get me started Grace: it's such a mess Ava: it isn;t fair Ava: James raised her, stepped up Ava: had to deal with Chloe Ava: no one has the right to take her away now Grace: exactly Grace: they love each other Grace: you can't just break that bond like it doesn't exist Ava: for one that doesn't Ava: I don't want to pick sides, I love him, he's my brother Ava: but I can't say I'm okay with it right now, when I'm not Grace: he's being a selfish idiot rn though, you can say it to me, babes Grace: she's got a whole family here Ava: I know it's fucked, that Chloe told him he wasn't the dad Ava: but I can't get over that she told him he was Ava: you don't just Ava: why did he trust her the second time and not the first Ava: how could that be for anything but selfish reasons Grace: it's literally cos he wanted to Grace: & he's totally fixated on the wrong things, what does blood matter anyway? Grace: Billie's my sister not any one of the kids my dad had scattered across Dublin Ava: Maybe Rio said she'd leave him? Ava: but still, then he made his choice Ava: ugh Ava: I hate it Grace: me too Grace: everything is so Grace: fucked Grace: always Ava: how was your birthday anyway Ava: did you and Teddy do something nice? Grace: he did spoil me cos he knows my birthday is the literal worst & I tried not to brag TOO hard on socials Ava: Good Ava: you're only 16 once Grace: it's so weird Grace: being her age Ava: I thought about that Ava: on her birthday Ava: that she'd have only been 20 Ava: it seems so long ago, somehow Grace: like unless I die too now, I'm gonna be older than her Ava: they could take Libi if they want another child so bad Ava: alright, that was bitchy but nan and granddad won't be around forever either, I know they're not old old but Grace: they tried that already, so not really that bitchy Grace: god, she looks so much like her I actually can't breathe sometimes Ava: It's crazy Ava: and how big she is already Grace: did you see the 🎃 patch pics? It's wild, she's even dressed like Edie as a kid Grace: calm down nan Ava: I know Ava: I wish she had to chance to know her Ava: and her dad, of course Grace: yeah, I wish I'd known her better & I had way longer than Libi Ava: Like Billie's mum Ava: it's just sad Grace: idk maybe you get to 90 & you're still like I wish....whatever Grace: but like you said, it's unfair & I hate it Ava: It's never going to be something you can make peace with Ava: well, I don't think Ava: her life wasn't finished, it had only just started Grace: I don't think I wanna make peace with it anyway, it's not okay & none of us should just be okay with it Grace: but I can't cry rn so Ava: Me either Ava: I have too many sandwiches to make Grace: are you at home? I'll come over Ava: I'm at his but you can come over Ava: help me load up the car Grace: 👌🏽 omw Ava: You can have a cake pop early Ava: don't tell Jay Grace: 😂🤫 Ava: or more aptly, don't tell James she's already conned me out of two Grace: he'll definitely be able to tell when she's climbing the walls Grace: unless you've made a really convincing 🕷 costume too Ava: I know, I know Ava: it's bad Ava: but I don't think a little bit of excitement would actually hurt right now Ava: she's got to carry it, it's not like Mattie really has much of a clue what's going on yet Grace: & you don't want her feeling jealous & left out that you threw her baby sister such a great party Grace: that's the worst Ava: Yeah, she had hers in the Summer and it wasn't the best time, obviously Ava: I've tried to make sure she feels involved anyway Grace: Teddy can't believe how good you are with her, speaking of jealousy 😂 Ava: Kids pick up on your awkwardness, don't they Ava: like animals Ava: he just needs to fake it 'til he makes it Grace: mhmmm Grace: I told him it'll get easier the more time he spends with both of them, but you know what he's like Ava: Yeah Ava: at least no one is going to accuse him of trying to be their mother 🙄 Grace: 🤞🏽 she won't say it again in front of everyone 🥳🎁 Grace: awkward Ava: it's so patronizing Ava: it's not as if Chloe was a massive help Ava: he's done it himself this whole time, basically Ava: they don't need a mum Grace: she was literally the opposite of helpful Ava: at best she looked after them in the loosest sense of the word when he was at uni or work Ava: but 9/10 they'd end up with her parents so it wasn't as if she could be relied on Grace: are her parents coming? Ava: yeah Ava: I don't think they can even believe that she's done this Ava: gone Ava: I've met them a few times, dropping or picking the girls up, they're nice enough Grace: who'd wanna believe that about their family tbh Grace: but it's good that they're sticking around even though they probably wanna die if they've always been there Grace: the girls need that normality rn Ava: I'm sure they feel awful Ava: though James' family are blaming no one but him so they don't need to worry about judgment Grace: ugh I would kill Teddy if he sided with them Ava: I don't know if James knows he doesn't Grace: really? Grace: 🙄 boys never talk Grace: I'll talk to him, he knows how to show it even if he doesn't wanna say it Grace: they can go to the pub or whatever Ava: Yeah, I like, try not to comment or get involved Ava: know what it's like to have family drama Ava: but that's the feeling I've got anyway, it couldn't hurt them Grace: rich people need a bigger shove to open up, no offence Ava: 😂 it's a class issue, really Grace: in his family there's that whole stiff upper lip thing that I thought was totally not even a thing for the past however many centuries Grace: it's crazy, okay Ava: I know Grace: thank god he's the youngest or his mum would be coming at me to produce an heir Ava: you aren't good enough stock, obvs Ava: 🙄🙄 Grace: & she's only basing that off my 2 jobs & sexual history Grace: if she knew I was actually infertile she'd be giving him constant sti checks & changing the locks Grace: 😱😱 Ava: If you aren't titled and can't trace your family back to the dark ages, then they don't wanna know 🤷 Grace: so weird Ava: just how they are Ava: posh people Grace: yeah, it's wild, you should've seen the look I got when I said you were making sandwiches Grace: the boy does nothing for himself I swear Ava: he doesn't Ava: I've known him long enough Grace: Janis hated him on sight so at least you do actually know him Ava: doesn't really surprise me Grace: she only has 😍 for working class baristas so Ava: all my family hate James so you're doing better than me Grace: they just hate him for you, I've been there every other time Grace: they'll have to get over it & used to him eventually Ava: none of yours were married with two kids Ava: but still, yeah, they will Ava: or they won't, it's not like it's illegal so they can't do anything Grace: he's divorced now & literally deserves to be happy Ava: his happiness isn't their top priority Grace: yours should be though Ava: it is Ava: in that they think it's a mistake and I'll regret it Grace: if it is it's your mistake to make & regret to live with Grace: I've got 100000s Grace: 🤷 Ava: I can see their point, and what they're trying to do, without agreeing with it Ava: because I'm not as immature as they wanna say so Ava: it is what it is Grace: 👏🏽 Ava: I've got to do some homework, when you get here Ava: you don't mind do you Grace: it's fine Ava: it's due monday and I've barely started Grace: as long as Teddy doesn't ignore me for homework too Ava: awh, how could he Grace: idk maybe you're a better influence than me Ava: i'm not going to turn the party into a study sesh, don't worry Grace: 😂 I didn't bring any homework so I'm not worried Grace: I could probably cope with Jay's but I won't be telling her Ava: ✌ Ava: I highly doubt she'll wanna do hers either Grace: she can help me get him in the 🥳🎁🕺🎊 mood then Ava: 🤞 Grace: 🙏🏽
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