#I'm too lazy to tag everyone else
pupperish · 9 months
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Guys I'm scared
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bluewindfall · 1 year
By the time he finishes his mission the snow has piled up, spiraling down from the sky in light, clumped flurries. True Cross Academy is silent at this hour, and its countless windows harbor a warm, golden sheen.
His breath fogs as he stops in the street for a moment. 
It’s only been a couple of days since they returned, yet those few weeks they spent in the Arctic feel so far away now. He misses that closeness lately. 
The lights in their dorm are still on. Yukio shuffles inside, scuffing snow off his boots when he sees a familiar assortment of shoes at the entrance. 
“Hey, you’re back!” Rin beams, rushing down the stairs. “Come on, we’ve been waiting for you. We’re having a last-minute hotpot study party.” 
Yukio lifts an eyebrow in amusement. “Shouldn’t you party after passing?” 
“Yeah?” Rin laughs, elbowing him in the ribs as he opens the door. “We’ll just party after too.”  
Shima and Suguro are running through a set of flashcards while Kamiki and Miwa have huddled around the kotatsu to set up the hotpot stove. 
“Welcome back,” Suguro greets. “Was it cold outside?”
“Just a little,” Yukio replies as he hangs his coat up. 
“Sit down, sit down.” Shima grabs him a cushion. “Sensei, it’s the night before the exam. You have to know something, right?” 
“It’s two nights before the exam,” Kamiki huffs. 
“Close enough,” Shima insists. 
“You can ask, but I won’t tell you,” Yukio manages to reply, and by then Rin has already sat down next to Shima, patting the space beside him urgently. Miwa hands him a bowl, Kamiki passes him chopsticks, and the little gas stove flares to life with delicate, blue-tinted flames. 
It’s warm, and he feels swept back to the time they spent together huddled in tents and around campfires to ward off the cold. 
“It’s been pretty busy, right?” Suguro asks. “I’m surprised they managed to put the whole exam together so soon.”
Yukio nods. “Most of the preparations were completed before the holiday. All that was left was finding a different venue.”
“What happens if someone fails?” Kamiki prompts, glancing at Shima. “Is it for life?” 
Shima shoots her a wounded look. “Why’d you look at me when…” 
He grimaces when she snatches the piece of meat he was reaching for.
“I’m pretty sure if Kinzou-san could pass,” Miwa says, busy setting a bowl out for Kuro, “you could too, Shima-san.”
Shima sniffs. “I don’t know why, but that doesn’t sound like a compliment, Koneko-san.” 
Yukio pushes his glasses up. “You can take the exam up to seven times. After that, they suggest you consider a different career.” 
“So, you can fail six times,” Rin tells Shima, very seriously. 
“No way, Okumura-kun, even you—”
Click here to keep reading on AO3! :)
This is the fic I wrote for the @byakkozine last year! It was awesome to be part of a zine for the first time, and I really loved seeing it completed!! *O *
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
I think there is technically some ‘monetary’ gain from Alastor’s “patronage” of the hotel:
- he’s a (has-been) celebrity and he is using that to promote the hotel in its marketing to his established audience. Allegedly for free
Financially, he also uses his “skills” to save Charlie unnecessary expenses:
- plumbing, repairs, staff, administrative duties (assumption), catering (?)
- getting things done for “free”, aka pulling strings and limbs to avoid paying for tv air time
If Charlie had to pay for all these herself, the cost would be astronomical. Especially since the hotel is rent-free and run like a charity.
Alastor may not be making Charlie profit, but he is saving her money, which keeps their accounting in the black instead of red.
And then Lucifer showed up and demonstrated he can conjure anything 😂 I’d be salty on Charlie’s behalf too tbh
(referenced ask)
okay but like... these are all stuff alastor can actually proudly flex so he wouldn't have a problem with it (since he is voluntarily helping), now when it comes to husk niffty and angel dust making money off of alastor's room's fucking vacuum dust, lucifer taking art commissions containing sexy alastor drawings, niffty taking writing commissions for alastor x readers, that is when he loses his mind, especially when he finds out it's being sold to VOX of all people
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ghostyclay · 3 days
Neighborhood & poe poe lore be like:
"Local communists* decided to get involved in capitalism recently, but upon trying to create their own monopoly on terracotta, they somehow managed to imideatly piss off the police. Now, they are planning to become mob bosses in order to retaliate against law enforcement**. This decision might lead to conflict between them, since one of them seems to already be part of the big salmon mafia-"
*still calling them "communists participating in capitalism (shopping district)" bc their jobs/minister positions outside of the shopping district aren't controlled by supply & demand and they all get equal pay (aka none). might rant about this more in a reblogg
**Quote from Cleo: "My first reaction to this was turning into a mob boss for some reason, [...]"
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terukotime · 10 months
omg y'all i forgot i made this. anyway it's ace bullying hours 🥰
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murderofsomeone · 2 years
been on quite the terraria high as of late.
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auriablue · 7 months
All secret life secret tasks week one
Sooo I haven't seen anyone make a list of everyone's secret tasks which honestly I fully expected by this point so I'm just gonna do it myself. anyway here's all the tasks for week one and I'll probably do the others soon too. also spoilers... duh
Grian: Make 3 bad jokes and get NO laughs
Smallishbeans: Plug the Life Merch at the worst possible times to other players at least 4 times.
Smajor1995: Build your base directly and obnoxiously attached to someone else’s
Bigbst4tz2Dig: a big hole. All the way down. At least 3x3. Make it your base if you want.
Etho: Collect 4 beds without being caught and place them on a shrine
BdoubleO100: Make your base deeply uncomfortable to use and look at
Pearlescentmoon: Get 3 players to gift you their heart
InTheLittleWood: Build an Identical base to another player.
GoodTimesWithScar: Call people anything but their username for at least 30 minutes of the session.
GoodTimesWithScar (Hard): Come up with a nickname for another player and convince 2 other people to use it.
ImpulseSV: Make Cherrywood your entire identity
TangoTek: Get Scar to talk about Star Wars for over 60 Seconds
ZombieCleo: Build your base directly above another players above ground
SolidarityGaming: Break 5 crafting tables while they are being used.
Skizzleman: Don’t be further than 10 blocks from GeminiTay for 10 minutes. One Attempt only. 
GeminiTay: Convince someone to take a leap of faith and make sure they take no damage.
MumboJumbo: Make a pun at every opportunity in a 5 minute conversation, minimum of 3 successful puns
LDShadowLady: Write a poem about a player and read it to them.
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avisisisis · 1 year
No but (-and this isn’t meant to be hate on anyone) but the thing about JL original scene actually being a found family rather than the normal justice league dynamic of coworkers on the whole and close bonds between various members is that their actual canonical dynamic is the dynamic fandoms of shows like Yj animated love to give those characters and pretend it’s canon not (welcomed) fanon. JL crew actually have that, even if we see it in small doses. They are canonically close. They have spent so much time with each other. They can’t stand each other. They can’t do without each other. They have secrets. They have no idea who the other is for most of the first seasons. They are functional, they are dysfunctional, they are wholesome, they are terrifying.
And like not to make it all about that AU, but like THEY are the reason I wanna see yj Wally as JLU Wally because the original seven are so close and tight and run so differently just THEM
Yes!!! The most found family thing Wally may have with them would be with Shayera and John, since it was shown that he's way closer to them than to the others (also Flash and Green Lantern friendship!)
They are definitely not family like the YJ (and the Titans, in the comics) team was, but they're still friends. Kind of
They care about eachother. They would kill and die for eachother. They would turn into evil dictators if one of them died (read: Wally). They hate eachother. They love eachother. They cannot stand being around one another. They wouldn't be able to live if the others didn't exist. They're strangers. They're friends. They're enemies. They're friends again
Meanwhile, the YJ is just family. They were a bunch of traumatized children thrown into a weird team full of other traumatized children. They basically grew up together. The JL don't have that
The YJ went through a lot more of stuff together than the JL. So yes, while the JL may be friends, the YJ team is family. And yes, there's a difference
Idk. Something about people caring about eachother but not having the label of friend or family or lover makes me have feelings
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peachyxxkeens · 2 years
First off WHO MADE THIS!?!?!?
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Second off
Here's my list
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✿•*`•.¸✯≫ Birthdays Headcanons
•Hyun-Su : 15th of March♓
•Ji-Su : 8th of December♐
•Eun-Hyeok : 20th of September♍
•Eun-Yoo : 20th of January♒
•Jae-Heon : 4th of October♎
•Sang-Wook : 15th of August♌
•Yu-Ri : 30th of June ♋
•Yi-Kyung : 17th of April♈
•Du-Sik : 13th of September♍
•Gil-Seob : 9th of May♉
•Ui-Myeong : 20th of June♊
•Byeong-Il : 3th of October♎
•Ryu-Hwan : 30th of September♎
•Hye-In : 4th of June♊
•Sang-Won : 5th of November♏
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deitiesofduat · 2 years
@akariamontgomery​ said: It’s the way that I was looking through the picture and was like “wow Montu is short” but then realized it was because he’s next to Sobek and Shezmu because Horus and Anubis are both around that height lol It looks so cool though to finally see all of them standing together
LMAODJFKSDFDS-- I laugh because I’m reminded of that one pic I drew when Montu looks smaller next to Shezmu (and where my proportions were more off) and now it’s coming back full circle. Victory bird can’t catch a break 😂
BUT YEH Montu is actually fairly tall at 5′ 10″, same height as Anubis! He just happens to be placed between two giants in the lineup (and Wep--).
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Technically the shortest guy in that lineup is Horus, he’s “““only””” 5′9″ -- but his hair is fluffy and adds an inch or two.
On that note -- I realize some of the heights in the full lineup may appear off by an inch or so because I’m trying to measure from the top of their scalp, not the top of their hair; Osiris was the easiest for that reason. Their website profiles do list their heights under the physical traits sections, but I can share them here for ease and comparison:
Sobek -- 7′ 0″ (~213 cm; Tallest overall in lineup)
Yamm -- 6′ 9″ (lmao-- ahem, ~206 cm)
Shezmu -- 6′ 8″ (~203 cm)
Ra -- 6′ 2″ (~188 cm)
Sekhmet -- 6′ 1″ (~185 cm)
Osiris -- 6′ 0″ (~183 cm)
Set, Thoth, and Wepwawet -- 5′ 11″ (~180 cm)
Anubis and Montu -- 5′ 10″ (~178 cm)
Horus and Mafdet -- 5′ 9″ (~175 cm)
Isis -- 5′ 8″ (~173 cm)
Anuket -- 5′ 7″ (~170 cm)
Nephthys and Hathor -- 5′ 6″ (~168 cm)
Serqet and Pakhet -- 5′ 4″ (~163 cm)
Bastet -- 5′ 2″ (~157 cm; Shortest overall in lineup)
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wikagirl · 1 year
okay okay imagine
Nug: you know my mum had to reject quite a lot of guys back in school
Person: your mom????
Nug: shows a pic of v1 on their echo
Nug: swipes to a slightly grainyer pic of v1 in the schoolgirl uniform
Person: I thought Lahn built yo-
Nug: And my dad is quite good at boxing and participates in commercialized bloodsport! shows a picture of pathfinder knocking someone out whith his heirloom
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
The 4am desire to make my own Proship Selfship 18+ only discord server for me and my beloved and his mutuals
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
A cute little( ha little) plot bunny post swsh.
Alexis and Raihan are hanging out in his apartment ( which is fucking huge). They're both waiting for Elliot, as she's hanging out with Sonia and Nessa before coming over. To pass the time they do what any bros do: they cuddle. Mainly because Alexis is in love with Raihan's hoodie and refuses to not get out of it, so Raihan just accepted his fate and shared his hoodie with the shorter man.
So these two stay like this for a while, idly chatting with Raihan strolls through his phone. Raihan teases Alexis about Leon, Alexis gets flustered. Raihan calls Alexis handsome, Alexis gets even more flustered and tells Raihan to fuck off( affectionately). A particular talking point was came from a question that Alexis asked:
" Did you and the others have your own cuddle piles when you were younger?"
" Did we?" Raihan thinks for a bit, eyes widening in horror " Oh Arceus, I don't think we did," Que Raihans half mocking half serious dismay with a cuddley Alexis giggling.
After a while Raihan asks Alexis for a selfie, which he agrees to( Alexis puts up a middle finger because of course he would, much to the amusement of Raihan). Raihan asks if he can post the picture, knowing how private Alexis is. Alexis allows it, but only on Raihans private account, which then starts the snowball effect.
For the next few minutes Raihan is on his phone, typing rapidly, snorting to himself. Alexis asks what's so funny, only to get a mischievous look from Raihan.
" Looks like we're getting that cuddle pile,"
The first one to come over was Piers, surprisingly. Maybe it was convenience, their respective cities are close. Or maybe Raihan flirted pestered him until coming quickly. Either way, he was here and he bright some snacks and immediately flops next to Raihan.
The downside of having Raihan and Piers in the same room isn't the homoerotic friendship that they have ( at this point, Alexis just thinks that's the vibe between all the adult men in the league), but you have to deal with Piers' bluntness and Raihan's teasing at the same time. Poor Alexis, he just wants to relax and eat snacks.
The next set of people to come by where the girls, shopping bags on one hand, more snacks in the other. Sonia laments that she wishes she could have made curry if she'd known this would have been a thing, to which Nessa comments maybe they should plan another one to be sure. It's not a bad idea.
Soon, Gordie and Milo arrive, with snacks of their own. Soon enough Raihans apartment is filled with delightful chatter, different conversations happening at once. A personal favorite from my head is Gordie finding out Elliot's girlfriend is Eva Ortiz, aka Unova's Champion.
" What is up with you two and dating Champions?!"
The final person to come was, of course, Leon himself. He looked like he rushed over. I don't think he was expecting everyone to cheer when he got over and usher him to sit down with them in their cuddle pile. Alexis, by this point, was taking a small nap, due to the comfort of everything ( he feels safe enough to rest with them around 🥺). Which means everyone and their parent was gonna tease Leon about it lol. It was all lighthearted though, and they all ended up laughing about it( Alexis woke up from the laughter was very surprised to see Leon there).
All in all, it was a very good day. They all got to hang out together after a long time. They kept the conversations light, not bringing up league stuff or previous events. Alexis and Elliot seem to fit into the friend group perfectly, and Leon was smiling, laughing, listening, relaxing, much to the pleasure of his friends. It was a very good day :)
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avian-hearts · 2 years
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kisses him, oh, so sweetly on the mouth
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whelpimnauthuman · 6 months
I think it's interesting how I don't really. Think about my walker til I use it. Like, I hear a lot of people who use their mobility aids constantly talking about how it's part of them, and ig I don't think about it, I don't feel that connection. Then I'm having to use it and it's definitely 100% part of me, and I'm not thinking about it in the way you don't think about your arm ig
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