#I'm noticing these often involve spiders for some reason
Mountain: Hey, Swiss? Swiss: *trying to go to sleep* Yeah? Mountain: I just realized something. The spiders currently living in Buckingham Palace are probably the descendants of the spiders that lived there in the Victorian Era. It’s an entire parallel royal family, just with spiders instead of people. Swiss: It’s 3 AM, and I’m hung over; please, go to bed.
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scarthefangirl · 1 year
Kiss me you moron!
Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
Description: When you are injured during a mission Miguel waits in your room for you to wake up. After you do, there are some confessions made.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, language
Story type: drabble
A/N: Bruh I wrote this in one night don't judge, and also I'm working on my requests I promise
Masterlist | REQUESTS OPEN
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The mission was simple. Some guy had disrupted this dimension and caused a bridge to collapse and some other havoc. You, Jess, Pavitr, and Hobie had been assigned to apprehend the man while Gwen, Peter B, and Miles helped get people to safety.
You were on a roll, until you weren't.
It all happened so fast, you didn't have a chance to move out of the way. Everyone was so engulfed with saving the people from the threat, even you. No one noticed the car flying towards you at full speed, the driver passed out with his foot on the gas.
At least, not until it was too late.
So there you laid, in the headquarters infirmary, still knocked out. You had a bandage on the right side of your forehead because of a stitched wound. There were stitches in your right arm as well where there had been shards of glass stuck in your arm. You had broken two ribs, and a fractured hip bone that luckily didn't need surgery because of your quickened healing process.
Meanwhile, your team stood outside Miguel's office with bated breath.
"How do we tell him?" Miles asked quietly, eyes filled with anxiety.
"What's the big deal?" Jess questions. Unlike her, the others new his infatuation with you. He always spared her from his glares and scowls, when he would scream at them for failures he never yelled directly at you, and he tried to send you out on as few missions as you'd allow. When you persisted to go, he'd always be extra persistent to the group about watching out for each other.
"Miguel is in love with her!" Pav whisper shouted. Jess just rolled her eyes, although it made a few things click.
"We're going to be professional and tell him that Y/N was involved in an accident and we'll explain it to him," Peter said, trying to be practical. But everyone's eyes widened and they shook their heads violently.
"No no no. Ask any spider person here if that is a good idea. Its not," Gwen said which surprised Jessica because Gwen is normally reasonable. The adult looked around at the teens fearful eyes, except Hobie of course who couldn't wait to see how things played out.
"Why is it a bad idea?" Jessica asked, mainly to humor the bunch.
"He'd freak. He'd probably kill us. No, he would. He will blame us and," Pavitr shivered, unable to finish his sentence. He loved you and everyone knew it. And you loved him, but they didn't know that. Although it could be assumed, and many did, you were better at hiding it then Miguel.
Jessica forced the group inside and they approached Miguel. He turned to them with a frown, one often plastered on his face. "How was the mission?" He asked dryly. His red eyes scowered the faces in his office but didn't see the one he was waiting for.
"We completed it, but there was a complication." Jessica informed him, causing his chest to tighten. If you weren't there, and there was a complication.... He raised an eyebrow, encouraging her to continue. "Y/N was, hurt."
They all saw it as clear as day. Anger crawled up his throat and spread across his face. His stomach felt nauseous and he couldn't catch his breath.
"How?" He growled. His hands shook. He hated that feeling. Feeling helpless and.... Scared. It only made him angrier.
"Well we were all just doing our jobs and a car came out of nowhere and hit her." Peter B. said.
"It full on slammed her, you could hear it!" Hobie gawked.
"Not helping Hobie." Miles warned but Hobie just said, "Good." The fury radiated off of Miguel and causes the whole team to cower back. He'd never been this angry.
But instead of screaming at them he just sprinted to the infirmary.
Your eyes fluttered open and you went to rub them but felt sharp pain everywhere. You blinked a few times to clear your vision and looked down at your wounded body.
"The heck?" You muttered under your breath. You couldn't remember what happened. You just remembered being on the mission. Suddenly you heard heavy breathing to your side and you looked over to see Miguel staring at you. You nearly jumped out of your skin, resulting in a groan from the pain. He hopped out of his seat and crouched by your head. He tucked some stray hair behind your ear but you gave him a confused look.
"Three questions," You began, "Number one: What happened? Number two: Why are you here? And most importantly, number three, why the fuck are you doing scaring the shit out of me like that?"
"Sorry for scaring you. You got hit by a car and fractured your hip bone, and had to get stitches in a few places because of glass. But the nurses said you'll be better in a few days because of your enhanced healing capabilities." Miguel said it blankly, but you sensed the tenderness behind it.
"That's kinda badass," You grinned. "I mean imagine telling our- shit, I mean, my future kids that I got whammed by a car. Wait- what kind of car?" You quickly tried to recover from saying 'our kids', hoping he didn't notice. He did, however, and completely lost focus, gaping at you. You felt your cheeks inflamed with scarlet humiliation.
"Huh? Oh um, I- I don't know. No pregunté, lo siento." [I didn't ask, sorry] He seemed to be in a trance of some sort, taken off guard.
"Well, that's okay. I just hope it was a cool car. I would rather be able to say 'I got hit by a brand new Corvette' than having to say 'Yeah I got ran over by a Kia soul.' You know?" You ranted awkwardly, truing to lighten the mood.
"Mhm." Was all he hummed in response, still staring off in a daze. You wished you could hide under the sheets until he left. He sat back down in the chair a few feet from the bed and watched you. You felt your stomach churning under his gaze.
"Miguel?" You asked.
"¿Sí?" [Yes?] He looked you in the eyes and you looked into his.
"You didn't answer question number 2." You stated. You wanted to turn your whole body but could only move your head without pain.
There was complete silence for what felt like eternity. You picked at the itchy white sheet over your legs and stared at your fumbling hands. Maybe you had overstepped, but you were sick of you and Miguel tip toeing around the subject of your feelings. He obviously liked you, at least, you hoped he did.
"When they told me you were hurt... I've never been so terrified in my life." He admitted, meeting your eyes once more. You were challenged to match his at first, but you forced yourself to stare back at his red eyes.
Miguel O'Hara terrified. For you no less.
You didn't know what to say. Thank you? I'm fine? You don't have to be here? Nothing seemed right. Before you knew it, words were slipping out of your mouth.
"I'm in love with you." You said then dropped your jaw, turning your red face forward and refusing to look at him. Did you really just say what he thinks you said? Did I really just say what I think I said?
Maybe it was because of his silence. Maybe it was because you wee hoping to admit your love somewhere more romantic. Maybe it was because he hadn't said anything to lead to this response. But you were mortified. You felt tears brimming in your eyes, the cause being a mixture of pain and embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, that just sorta slipped." You glance at him for a moment then quickly look forward again. He's so beautiful.
"Its okay." He immediately regretted saying that. It's okay? What does that even mean? Both of you thought in unison. He wanted to tell you he was in love with you too but while he was trying to think of how to say it, the others came in.
"Hey!! Great to see you awake Y/N, we were just coming to check on you." Jess said, then glanced at the looks on you and Miguel's faces and felt out of place. "Are we- interrupting?"
"No," You managed, not sparing Miguel a glance. Gwen gave you a side hug on your good side and the rest of the team stood at the end of the bed. Miguel shifted uncomfortably in his seat and let a scowl rest on his face. You swear he'd scowl no matter how happy he was,, only now he wasn't happy. He wasn't displeased with you, but with himself.
"We're so glad you're gonna be okay," Miles smiled sweetly.
"Thank you," You wanted desperately to get your mind of Miguel. 'I probably look like shit." You chuckled uneasily.
"You look fine." Miguel musters. You can't help the butterflies that erupt at his statement, much to your dismay.
"So, one question." You chose to ignore Miguel, scared to cry. Everyone looks at you, encouraging you to continue. "What kind of car was it?"
"A Honda civic." Hobie stifled a laugh.
"Damn, I was hoping for something cool." You rolled your eyes. Everyone chuckled but there was a looming tension in the room and they didn't need spider sense to feel it.
"Right well, we should head out. We'll check on you later Y/N," Peter smiled and patted your good leg.
"Sorry you got hurt, we'll be more careful next time!" Miles called on his way out, but you assumed it was more to please Miguel than you. The door shut and without missing a beat Miguel immediately stated,
"I'm in love with you too." You beamed after he said this, look over at him.
"I know this isn't the best time, but come kiss me you moron!" You laughed. He quickly obliged, walking to you and leaning over the bed to press a soft kiss on your lips. The corner of your mouth was cut but you couldn't care less, happy to finally kiss him. He deepened the kiss slightly, but you couldn't do much because if your injuries.
"MY EYES!!! I NEED TO BLEACH MY EYES!!!" Hobie screamed after having walked in on the scene. You laughed into the kiss and pulled away, breathless.
You watched Miguel's face, tracing every detail into memory. You weren't exactly sure where this left you guy's relationship, but you felt an ache in your chest from how happy you were.
You noticed the glimpse of sadness in Miguel eyes and ask him if he's alright. He just holds your hand, looking at your slightly swollen (but still beautiful) face. "For a second I thought I'd lost you, when they came in without you," he paused briefly before whispering, "I can't lose you."
"I'm not going anywhere. A few broken bones and some cuts aren't going to be enough to keep me away from you."
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otherworldly-tresses · 6 months
Fae x Reader
The Will Of Your Master
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Summary: You are sent to seduce a Fae of the Summer Court at the will of your master.
Tags: monsterfucking, some mild elements of dubcon, royalty
-Words used include: whore, slut
-Reader has breasts and a vagina, PIV sex involved
-Faeries in this setting are more insectoid and are usually very tall (about 6 and a half feet for the nobility). They have varieties of insectoid body parts, varying per individual (some have claspers, others have extra limbs, spare eyes, etc.)
-Sorry if this is not very well-edited, it's been a while since I've written/edited anything and self-editing my own work is a bit of a sore spot for reasons
-This might be a multi-parter (MIGHT)
-I'll probably edit this when I'm more awake
The sweet scent of fae food and ethereal perfumes float through the air. The sounds of soft music and crystal drinking glasses echo across all the attendants of the ball. Laughter, singing, and casual conversation punctuates the air as Fae of all shapes, courts, and sizes dance to the live music, played from crystal instruments with no visible musicians. Only very few humans are in this party, all of whom are pets and servants of the Fae, taken for whatever reason.
You were one of them, taken from the mortal world a year ago. Any other person would have been horrified, begging for a way home. But why wouldn’t you want to live here? Your old life was miserable, marred by things outside of your control. At least here, your master afforded you some level of freedom, though the rules of the fae often eluded you.
Your Master, a tall Lord of the Winter Court was busy chatting up three specters, fae creatures that skulked about in cloaks and ominous, icy winds. By the time the night was over, they would have three more powerful allies for their inscrutable needs. They didn’t have time for you right now. But that was all right. You had a job to do for tonight, given to you a night before. You knew exactly who to approach, and what to do to them.
You weave through the crowd, casually plucking up a glass of clear wine from a passing server. Your target, Lord Lumentia of the Summer Court is fairly visible through the colors, being tall even for the Fae. He is dressed in a dizzying display of red, orange, and brown, his exquisitely pattened clothing mirroring his large, mothlike wings. He was speaking to several envoys of the Summer Court, all dressed in bright yellow, listening with rapt attention. He had always been described as a person who knew how to keep a kind, faint smile, though that smile was very easily ripped off to betray baser instincts and truer emotions.
It wouldn’t do for you to interrupt a Fae Lord’s conversation. You had to get his attention some other way. You look left and right. A commotion would cause too much of a disturbance, and unfortunately, none of the Fae around you owed you favors.
A soft voice, like spider’s silk, makes its way to your ears from behind you. “Hello, darling human. May I have this dance?”
You turn around, slightly surprised that anyone was able to sneak up on you. A stark white Winter Court Fae with eight red eyes towers over you, even taller than Master Orellia, their thin, spindly fingers reaching out to caress your face. You manage to keep your composure, curtsying before them as their thin fingers barely graze your skin. None of the other Fae around you notice, too busy with their own affairs.
You gauge your options. Even if you refused, the Fae have their ways of roping you into their will, if you weren’t careful. On the other hand, you could use this dance to your advantage somehow, if this individual was in a good mood.
You put on a smile and take the fae’s hand. Their smile widens, and you are taken into a dance. You waltz with this creature, following their overlong steps as well as you can. They ease into the rhythm of the music, their motions eerily spiderlike and silent as they follow you with pure-black eyes.
They lift your arm and you pirouette. For a moment, you spot Lord Lumentia, watching you through six eyes, the three faceless Summer Court fae also following you with their faces. Several other fae were also watching you with curiosity, some people whispering behind their hands.
You return to your dance partner. They take your hands and pull you close, bending over so that the two of you face to face. Their red eyes eyes gaze into yours, a cold, biting pressure emanating from them.
You feel the noise from around you fade away. You only have a split second of realization that you let your guard down and got charmed, before your own thoughts are subsumed by a feeling of icy dread, creeping up your senses. You cannot even break your gaze to check if the ice is real. Your entire body is rooted to the spot. You feel the silk of spiders start to wrap you in their web.
A clear voice cuts through the fog, a sunbeam through a cloud. “That’s enough for now.”
You suddenly feel your thoughts return to you and inhale sharply, realizing that you hadn’t taken a breath. You feel a warm presence next to you, like the sun. Someone puts ahand on your back, and you realize that it is Lord Lumentia, standing at your side and looking at your dance partner. He has a faint smile on his face.
“It would not do well for you to charm someone else’s subjects, Ievis.”
“Chancellor Ievis,” the pale figure hissed.
“Apologies, Chancellor.” Lord Lumentia’s smile widened, but you sense steel behind it. “I should not have forgotten your station. But imagine the harm it would do to yours if you were caught overstepping your boundaries.”
The Summer Fae waved a hand. Most of the other fae were busy with the party, but quite a few were staring at Chancellor Indalor, some with suspicion, others with disappointment.
“Now, I do not want to get in the way of your enjoyment.” Lord Lumentia continued, nodding in a farce of politeness. “There is still much time left in the night, and I have to ensure that our little friend here--” You feel his hand at your back push into you, “is unharmed.”
Chancellor Ievis watches for a moment as Lord Lumentia leads you, hand on your back, through the crowd. Normally, Lord Lumentia would be important enough for people to be jumping out of his path, but he seems to be employing some kind of spell to minimize being noticed. He gives you a quick smile as you walk, but you can sense a calculating aura from behind his golden eyes.
He leads you through the crowd to the doors leading to the balcony. They were only slightly ajar, but large enough that both Lord Lumentia and you could walk to the outside without brushing the doors. The moment you step out, the doors shut silently. Lord Lumentia’s pace quickens, and you struggle to keep up lest his hand topples you over. He leads you to the right side of the door, to the stone brick walls, well out of earshot.
“Thank you, Lord Lumentia,” you say.
The hand behind you withdraws. You look up at Lord Lumentia, his smile already gone. He regards you suspiciously, gazing down at you from his height.
“Well, well. Orellia’s pet has come to play.” His once warm tone is gone, to be replaced with something steely, but still smooth and regal. “I know they sent you for something. Those of the Winter Court never seem to be able to hold a proper conversation with us without all the scheming.”
You remain composed, and curtsy, just as you had practiced hundreds of times. “Congratulations, sire. You are correct.”
Lord Lumentia’s six eyes narrow. He steps closer and bends down, regarding you closely. After a moment, he huffs. “If he had wanted me dead, he should have sent someone fitter. A killer. You’re no killer. You don’t have the movements of one.”
“Not at all,” you respond. “I am not here to kill you. I am here to deliver Lord Orellia’s most genial regards, and an invitation.”
Lord Lumentia’s eyes narrow further. He tilts his head slowly, an owl getting the measure of a mouse. “A Summer Lord? Invited to the home of a Winter Fae? In what world would that not be an assassination attempt?”
“Lord Orellia had 9 months to kill you. And he didn’t. I assure you, they have no reason to cause you harm.” You look back into his eyes. “All he wants, my lord, is a discussion.”
Lord Lumentia chuckled.
“And he sent you to seduce me into it.”
You don’t respond. Lord Lumentia smiles a wry smile.
“It sounds like Orellia has their ear to the rumor mill. And you definitely are dressed for the occasion.” His six eyes rake over you, your blue-white dress, the thin cords only barely keeping the fabric from flying into the wind. “And what makes you think you can convince me into running headfirst towards danger?”
He lays a hand against your face, caressing it experimentally. You grasp it gently, holding his hand to your cool cheek.
“I assure you, my lord, you will be cared for as a proper guest in his realm.” As you speak, you move his hand towards your lips, so that the corners barely brush against his fingers. You sense the slightest hint of tension in his hand.
“A proper guest? How unlikely. The rest of the Winter court would surely disapprove.” He steps closer to you. You hear his wings rustling behind him.
“Which is why this will never go out to the rest of the Winter court. You could be in and out, and they would never know.” You briefly brush your lips over his fingers, and lay his hand against your cheek again. Lord Lumentia exhales as you do so. He leans forward again, your faces only inches away from each other.
You maintain eye contact and gently press your lips to each of his fingers. He watches you, a hunger flickering to life behind his gaze. You kiss his middle finger, letting your tongue linger on his warm skin for a moment. You hear a small groan emanate from his throat.
You slowly pepper his hand in more kisses, slow and sweet. You feel his breath quicken as you do so. You let your hand brush against his back, and his wings rustle.
“Have you thought about it, my lord?” you ask quietly.
Suddenly, Lord Lumentia lunges forward and pins you to the wall, lifting you up so that your toes brush the ground. He kisses you deeply, his composure shattering like glass. You kiss him back, slowly, tasting sap and wine and dust on his lips.
He groans in approval and kisses you again, elegance making way for urgency. His fingers no longer dance across your skin, but grasp your skin through your clothes, feeling you, but savoring the treat for as long as it lasts.
Your lips part, and Lord Lumentia puts you down. He still pins you to the wall. His six eyes burn with hunger, and his breath has already grown heavy.
“Not bad for Orellia’s whore,” he murmurs.
“Thank you, my lord,” you respond.
Before you can respond, he turns you around and pushes you into the wall. He kisses your neck, pressing against your body. His long hands reach into your bust. Long, warm fingers caress your skin, teasing your breasts and pressing your nipples. You can tell that he is not casting any spell, but you can feel warmth welling up inside of you. You push your hips against his crotch, grinding against him. You can already feel him getting hard under his clothes.
“It’s a shame I can’t tear this dress off you. Orellia could definitely afford another one.” You feel one of his hands rest against your leg, past the slit of your dress. He caresses you firmly, pressing against your tense thighs. He coyly avoids the inside of your legs, choosing instead to rub your leg up and down. This, combined with the attention given to your nipples, is almost enough to make you lose control of your legs.
“My lord,” you manage to gasp, in just the way that would pique his interest the most.
“Hush, little one. They might hear.” His light fingers inch closer and closer to the inside of your thigh, but nowhere near where they were needed the most. You grind against his crotch again, and he inhales, suddenly grabbing your breast firmly. You yelp, but try to immediately muffle the sound.
Lord Lumentia definitely heard you. His fingers glide over to your sex, already wet under the sheer fabrics of your dress. His warm fingertip lands on your lips and you shudder, grinding again on his cock. He strokes your labia, relishing in the muffled sounds he coaxes out of your mouth. His touch is warm, firm, but betrays a barely-concealed hunger in the way he twitches and tenses every time you squirm and moan.
“No wonder he sent you. You can’t wait to have one of the Lords inside your cunt.” Lord Lumentia makes his way to your clit, and fingers it. His touch wrenches a small moan from you. He fingers it again, and you writhe, whimpering.
He inserts a finger inside of you, pressing against your walls. You instinctively jerk your hips towards him, pushing his finger deeper, another desperate moan escaping your lips.
He continues fucking you with his finger, then two, then three. Your body seems to respond on its own, jerking and bucking. Your soft whimpers and moans grow slightly louder, and your legs begin to weaken, anticipating Lord Lumentia’s cock inside of you. He is already very hard through his clothes, and you feel his hunger through the breaths he lays against your ear.
And then you feel it. Your dress is pulled up over your hips, and you feel Lord Lumentia’s throbbing cock against your sex. He slides it up and down your slit, coating himself in your juices. You whimper, thoughts already scrambled with a basal need for release.
He presses the thick head against your opening, and your knees almost buckle from the sensation. His warm breath tickles your ear.
“Beg for it,” he mutters, rubbing his cock against you, just barely pushing it inside.
“My lord… please…” you manage to sputter, through a whimper.
“Please, what?” He stops moving.
“Please don’t stop-- I need you inside me--” Was he casting a spell over you, or were your thoughts falling apart as you stood?
“Keep going. I want to hear you beg,” he murmurs, his once silky voice now a low, animalistic growl.
“My lord, please, I need you, please fuck me-”
“You can do better than that.”
“Please my lord, I need you inside of me--”
“Try again.”
“My lord, please--”
Your voice is cut off by a moan as he pushes his thick cock inside of you.
He thrusts once, forcefully, almost sending you to your knees. You manage to keep standing, legs shivering from cold and the effort required to keep you upright.
You barely have a moment to keep your thoughts together before he starts thrusting. His moans blend into the night wind, dissolving into the breeze like dust. Your moans get inelegantly loud; if anyone were to walk into the balcony, they would definitely hear. But that was not unexpected; the fae loved to have a taste of mortal flesh, when they could have it. Your fingernails fruitlessly scramble against the stone brick as he continues thrusting into you.
And you were here to weaponize that desire.
“Good little Winter slut,” he grunts. “Doing exactly as your master tells you. Do you like your reward?”
“My reward- comes from my master alone,” you manage to say.
“Oh, unsatisfied with this? Do you think they could do better?” he pants. “I’m sure you enjoy their frigid cock in you, fucking you until you can see no more.”
Before you can respond, he grabs your hips and thrusts faster, slapping your flesh, overloading your senses. You see stars as he fucks you, and you can no longer control your voice as he goes faster, moaning and grunting.
The tension in your body grows tighter and tighter, almost too much to bear, and you can feel Lord Lumentia losing control as well, his voice growing strained and his wings twitching. You take a moment to look at him, and he looks almost transformed with lust, nearing his climax. He sees you peeking, and his eyes flutter.
“You want to watch me? Watch me as I cum? Don’t take your eyes off me. Don’t you dare. Don’t you-”
And your body clenches, your walls squeezing around Lord Lumentia’s cock. The tension overflows, and you release, a ragged moan falling from your throat as your mind falls apart, and your hips tremble in ecstasy. You feel the Summer Lord twitch and jerk inside you, warm fluid flooding inside of your cunt. You can barely hear his voice as he moans, your own orgasm filling up your senses.
The climax fades, and Lord Lumentia pulls out of you, soaking wet. He turns you around and kisses you, pressing against your shuddering body.
“Well, well,” he whispers against your ear, still pinning you to the wall. His breath is heavy from exertion. “You really are quite the specimen your master managed to capture.”
“Thank you, my lord,” you exhale, brushing your leg against his. Lord Lumentia chuckles.
“You would love another round, wouldn’t you?” Lord Lumentia says, brushing a finger against your lips. “Oh, but look at you, poor thing. You’re exhausted, aren’t you?”
“I’m willing to be with you as many times as you would like, my lord. Or… as many times as it would take for you to answer my master’s call.”
Lord Lumentia laughs, a soft, warm sound that warms you from the inside out. “Tell your master,” he murmurs, putting a hand on your waist, “that I will consider his offer.”
He leans forward and kisses you again, a hungry sound escaping his throat. You can feel his desire rooting itself in your mind, an unconscious act of magic nearly driving all reason from your mind. You kiss him back, your hips beckoning against him for more.
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
Congratulations on 1500 followers, I am so happy for you, you definetly deserve every single one 🌻✨
For your celebration event - my description of myself:
I wear round glasses with black frames, without which I think I look stupid. My favourite pieces of clothing are band shirts and jeans with wide legs. I don't wear makeup, I'd be too lazy to have to get ready all the time, and I don't think it would suit me. I'm afraid of spiders (no matter how big they are) and crowds of people if it gets too loud and I don't find my way around. If I were allowed, I'd take my two turtles to Hogwarts (-> Harry Potter fandom, please). (oh... and I'm a girl)
Specific scenario... maybe friends to lovers?
Thank you very much, I think the idea is great. I'm one of your followers, by the way, but I wanted to remain anonymous because of the description of me. But I still like you very much and think your fanfictions are great, you are one of my favourite blogs 🌻
Thank you!! And I saw your second ask specifying golden trio era haha, I was just about to do one for each era💕💕
Romantic Match-Up: Fred Weasley
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the twins adopted you in your first year, seeing you keep to yourself and quiet and instantly making it their mission to bring you out of your shell
it didn't take long until you became part of their group, becoming the voice of reason and doing your best to keep the collateral damage of their pranks to a minimum
you still loved their pranking, and to the surprise of most people, you were more often than not behind the best of them, planning behind the scenes while they do the dirty work, taking the blame without batting an eye to keep you out of trouble
they invited you to the burrow for the first time in your third year and the other weasley's took you in as one of their own immediately. ginny and ron see you as a big sister, bill and charlie appreciate you for being such a good friend to their brothers and percy believes you're the only thing keeping them from being expelled
molly basically started planning the wedding at that point, able to see how gentle and sweet Fred is with you when he managed to be somewhat of a menace around everyone else
by your fifth year, everybody could see Fred was head over heels for you, well, everybody but fred himself
when the yule ball came around, george and lee decided to finally put an end to his pining and roped you into a date with someone else, urging Fred to see that he finally needs to make a move because you're a catch and he needs to put in some work if he doesn't want some other boy to sweep in
the first half of the night he just sat around brooding while watching you have fun, but the moment he saw you stand up to get a drink by himself he finally grew some balls and went over to you, asking you to dance
at the end of the night, he was the one walking you back to your dorm, mustering up the courage to finally kiss you and tell you about his feelings
after that, george and lee kinda regretted getting involved because you were so sickingly sweet together and fred was not afraid to show them just how lucky he was to have you
he'd always been really in tune with how you were feeling, always quick to step in if he noticed you being uncomfortable in a crowd, but now he would just pull you in closer to him, making sure no one was bumping into you or getting to close, distracting you by whispering sweet nothings or little jokes into your ears or taking you to a more secluded place to spend some time with you alone
and he's absolutely love your glasses, always using the chance to touch you and get close to you when he sees them sliding down your nose, pushing them back up and leaving a little kiss on the top of your head after doing so
Song: Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows
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evilkitten3 · 1 year
#Not sure if I’m allowed to pull out these tags as a separate reblog#but that is an interesting and fucked up theory I like it#and absolutely want to hear the long version#vegeta
you absolutely are as far as i'm concerned but since op's post was getting a bit long i'll respond here
dbz always reblog i have a theory that there's actually a reason for this it stems from my theory that vegeta's mom doesn't exist bc he's a clone of his dad basically it eventually become obvious that frieza was going to take whichever kid was heir to the throne so king vegeta (kv i guess) went ''aight we need a Super Baby (no tuffles allowed) and i'm the coolest guy on the planet. need a baby me'' so he gets a bunch of the buffest nerds imaginable (be real saiyan scientists like the job bc they get to fight physics) and start working kv: i need this kid to last as long as possible we're gonna need to buy some time scientists: got it boss *proceed to make the universe's most ridiculously hard to kill infant* how's this kv: excellent. frieza catch! frieza: oh this is adorable! i'm going to traumatize it =) <-an extremely brief summary of my hc
(^the tags in question)
ok so first there are a couple of things i need to get out of the way ahead of time– namely, i'm not the first person to come up with the vegeta-is-a-clone idea; the first person i saw with that idea was someone who wrote a fic i read a while back that i'm blanking on the name of at the moment, and while their version is massively different from mine, the core concept of clone!veggie is more or less the same
the second thing is that i get way too into world building sometimes and so a lot of pieces of my hcs get mixed up with one another and often don't fit in with established canon (which isn't like abnormal or anything but i want to clarify that i already know some of this doesn't perfectly slot up. in my defense the db timeline doesn't even match up with itself half the time)
the final thing is that while i've seen bits of the anime and the first handful of super episodes, i'm mostly a manga fan, so i view any non-manga parts of dragon ball as free real estate
buckle up, i was not kidding about the length (*immature snickering*)
first and foremost the relationship between the tuffles and the saiyans: the tuffles are described as being a peaceful yet technologically advanced race, but in my hc, they're a bit more complicated than that. for starters, i don't see how a supposedly peaceful race is going to have high-tech blasters, and while it's possible that they're for defensive purposes, it... really doesn't give off that vibe. also they were super into some fairly questionable science, some of which objectively involved human experimentation (or... humanoid experimentation, i guess)
jumping back to the future for a sec: gohan. gohan is a half-human, half-saiyan male hybrid, and while two separate species somehow producing a hybrid child isn't unheard of, male hybrids are almost always completely infertile. and yet, gohan grows up and has a kid (another explanation is gohan and videl are t4t, which i also love, but it doesn't really fit into this). so how are saiyans and humans not only capable of reproducing together, but capable of having children that can also reproduce? my theory here is that saiyans are genetically modified (early) humans– tuffles arrived on earth sometime prior to homo erectus finishing the jump to homo sapiens, grabbed a handful of various lab rats, and got to work.
this would also explain why saiyan tails look the way they do. to elaborate, here's a spider monkey skeleton:
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notice how the tail is made up of more vertebrae that continue along the same curve as the rest of the spine. meanwhile, goku's tail looks like this:
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it juts straight out, almost perpendicular to his spinal cord. to me, that does not look like how tails work– it looks grafted on. in the video game kakarot, bulma even makes goku a fake tail for him to fish with that he can just... stick right on there. i know dragon ball science is already broken af (someone please explain to me how dr briefs isn't basically a deity for inventing capsules), but if the tail is a genetic trait that didn't evolve naturally, it makes some sense (in the way anything in dragon ball makes sense, that is)
so– saiyans are a highly adaptable species that seem to be able to eat basically whatever, can both endure and dish out catastrophic amounts of damage, are biologically driven to fight to the point where it's hard to imagine how a society full of them could function at all, get stronger whenever they recover from being seriously injured, can transform into giant apes, and yet have a glaringly obvious weakness that can pretty much completely incapacitate them if you know about it? they seem designed for war, and not in the natural evolution-is-just-funny-like-that-sometimes way.
what we know about the tuffles sort of differs from source to source, but the most negative opinions come from the saiyans– according to vegeta, the tuffles basically treated them as slaves. which... yeah, that adds up, given everything.
anyway, here's where i divorce from canon entirely bc according to gt, king vegeta iii is the one who led the saiyans in the war against the tuffles, which raises... honestly so many questions. so i'm ignoring that; it was vegeta i and he was never officially king, but more on that later. i also need to note that the whole "saiyans lived on planet sadala, fucked it up, and moved to planet plant which later became planet vegeta" to my knowledge is not manga canon but since i like the general idea, i sorta moved it a bit.
in my version, the saiyans and the tuffles both lived on planet sadala, but the war between the two species got a little out of hand and the planet was kaputski (to be fair, if you suddenly got to turn into a giant ape and wreak havoc on the people who were possibly enslaving you, you might go a bit overboard too), so the saiyans stole all the tuffles' ships and gtfo'd (this is why everyone was so sure the tuffles were gone. bc typically blowing up someone's planet is a good way to get rid of all of them. at least in theory– i'm sure frieza can tell you all about how well it works in practice)
back to vegeta i– he wasn't a king, technically, but he was the saiyan who started, led, and according to all saiyan sources (which are biased but w/e) finished the revolt, and chose to die on the planet in an act of heroic sacrifice and/or symbolism and/or his daughter twisted a fact or two bc propaganda is a game we all can play, and the new planet they landed on was named after him. said daughter took the same name, declared the planet and the king to be one and the same, and set about conquering the shit out of it. so vegeta ii was technically the first king but if you asked her she was the second and also disrespecting her father and probably also about to be killed via spear (oh btw king vegeta ii is famed for her giant war spear which was very cool and intimidating and probably didn't see much use outside of ritual combat bc it's honestly more efficient to just blast people but all the statues and art and whatnot have her with it)
i'm going to take a minute to gloat about vegeta ii bc honestly she's one of my alltime favorite ocs that i've made, despite the fact that i don't intend to ever have her show up in anything (yass gurl haunt that narrative!!!) but basically she's a deeply respected figure in saiyan culture, although she died way before any of the saiyans still alive in dbz were born (except nappa), bc she... basically built saiyan culture from scratch. pretty much all the core beliefs the saiyans as a people had were from her very deliberately and surprisingly sneakily forcing them to be developed bc she was fully aware that the saiyans needed more than a love of battle to actually survive as a society independent of the tuffles. she basically had the whole thing set up and ready to last and become a proper empire but unfortunately the one kid that lived long enough to succeed her (by killing her in combat, obviously, and yes the others all tried and died– she's an important figure, not a nice one) ran face first into frieza and we all know how that went down
anyhow, vegeta ii's reign (which lasted a crazy long time bc she lived way longer than she should've and almost certainly used some kind of not-so-great method of living that long, but in her defense she needed to make sure at least one of her kids was cool enough to be in charge, so what's a few war crimes between monarchs) pretty much cemented all the saiyan pride and identity that vegeta iv is so fond of, and not just bc she was his grandma either.
the reason i have to get through all of that to explain my clone!vegeta theory is bc i need to explain why king vegeta iii became king in the first place– under vegeta ii's system, anyone could challenge for the throne at any time, regardless of who they were. her own children were expected - but not required - to do so, and if she died before an heir could kill her in glorious combat, the princes would become stewards and have the duty of finding the next king (who couldn't be one of them. fight and die for that shit like a real saiyan or no throne for you). however, there was actively incentive not to do that bc A) whoever's in charge has to actually be in charge and therefore gets to fight way less, and B) in order to become king you had to be ritually stripped of your identity as a person with the understanding that if you died during your challenge your name would be stricken from all records, none of your family or friends would ever acknowledge that you had ever existed, and you would simply cease to be (the afterlife doesn't follow these rules but most of the saiyans who are there still do, including the ones who by saiyan law no longer exist. say what you will about saiyans; they're a dedicated lot)
so anyway vegeta iii (before becoming vegeta iii – he had a different name bc names are super important in my version of saiyan culture but if i get into that here we will literally be here for the rest of the week - but i'll call him that for the sake of my sanity) is somewhat reluctant to challenge for the throne bc none of his siblings have managed it (not that they exist anymore whoops), but one of his colleagues/presumed ruling partner (not gonna get into saiyan relationships here either sorry) has been pushing him to do so for a while now
i think i've gone through a few names for vegeta's not-mom, but the most recent one is touga (from tougarashi, or capsicum annuum, and yes i was thinking of neon orange glimmer song by the mountain goats when i named her), so i'll call her that. touga is a pretty saiyan-y saiyan– she's violent, temperamental, proud, strong, and so forth, but another thing she is is deeply, deeply loyal to her people. she's also very aware of vegeta iii's weaknesses (such as "will probably care a little too much about kids if he has any" and "may make decisions based off of feelings instead of cold hard practical logic" and "seems likely to develop emotional attachments to family members"; you know, normal kingly failings) and has the lady macbeth-esque stainless steel go-fuck-yourself coldness to make up for her future husband's pathetic little morals or whatever
anyway, touga pushes vegeta iii to go for the throne bc holy shit his mom has been alive for way too long but also she has faith in hi or something and duty and whatever and dude do it if you ever want this saiyan tail, and eventually he caves and goes for it. he fights his mom, wins, gets a shiny new king name and is all set to run his kingdom. and then king cold shows up.
now in between killing his mom and our favorite chilly boys coming to town, vegeta iii and touga have had a kid, prince escallion (who is a girl ftr but i can't get into saiyan thoughts on sex/gender or the language or even escallion herself in this post bc we will never ever leave). escallion is pretty neat, just the strongest baby in history or whatever, but then post-cold arriving and politely yoinking the saiyans into his empire, rumors start spreading that frieza miiiiight be wanting a saiyan under his personal command. no prizes for guessing whose palace he's looking at for pickings. obviously the only prince they've got is not someone they can afford to lose, but they need a sure bet on super-infants and can't afford hoping for a genetic bingo, so vegeta iii assembles the universe's swole-est scientists and has them get started on making the Coolest Baby Ever (by cloning him, the king, bc he's the strongest but also bc frieza is an asshole and likes playing mind games with people so let's be real he's taking one of the king's kids no matter how tough they are)
so vegeta iv gets made (and named inappropriately but that's frieza's fault and a story for another time so ignore it for now) and eventually tarble is born and almost immediately sent off just in case frieza decides to be a bigger dick than usual (spoilers: frieza is going to decide to be an even bigger dick than that), and vegeta gets to spend the first few years of his life with his dad, big sis, and not-mom until he gets shipped off to go be a child soldier/slave/distraction, at which point frieza goes ahead and blows up the planet. there's more to it than just that, but i may actually want to write it out some day, so i'll keep the rest to myself for now.
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I am autistic and ADHD, and I had a question about some stuff that sort of overlaps, and I tried looking it up and i found a bunch of stuff that was kind of contradictory, so i was wondering if you folk knew.
What's the difference between a hyperfixation and a special interest? And also any other related concepts that you folk might know about, like hyperfocus, etc. All of these seem sort of related to the way people colloquially use "obsessions" (which i'm pretty sure are actually related to intrusive thoughts, not intense interest/focus, iirc).
I've seen some people on the internet use hyperfixate as a synonym for hyperfocus, which I understand to be a period of some hours where one is entirely absorbed in doing/thinking about something, and tends to not perceive anything not involved in whatever they're hyperfocusing on, including bodily needs like hunger, sleep, etc., but i've also seen people say a hyperfixation and special interest are the same thing, and that hyperfixations are short-term compared to special interests, which are really term, and other peopel say special interest can be short-term too, and that the difference is in the way hyperfixations and special interests make you feel, and a bunch of other things, and i can't tell what is right.
The reason why i'm asking is because i'm trying to find the right words to describe the ways i tend to get interested in things, which i've described in the following.
I keep hyperfocusing on this one activity that i've been working on recently, and when i'm not working on that thing, i constantly feel like i have to/really really want to return to working on that thing, and i end up ignoring things like sleep and food and academic obligations in order to work on the thing. When i'm not working on the thing, the disproportionate desire to return to the reject feels intrusive and uncomfortable. As fun as that project is, i also want to do other stuff with my free time, but i keep getting absorbed by the thing, and i can tell that it's not healthy, but it's really fun to work on the thing when i am working on it no matter how miserable i feel after i break out of the hyperfocus.
On the other hand, i also have some long-term interests that i could just talk about for hours, and it's really easy to get hyperfocused on stuff related to those topics, because it's just so cool. I'm constantly noticing things in my day-to-day life that relate to these things and i often end up talking to the people around me about it. These are topics that i've liked forever and ever and i can't imagine ever not having these things be a major part of my life. (i'm pretty sure this is a special interest, right?)
Then i have these things that i get interested in for a period of months or 1-2 years. While i'm into it, my online life is often subsumed by things related to the topic. However, this sort of interest is always temporary and ends suddenly over the course of a week or two max. After the interest period is over i struggle to engage with the topic at all. Even though i want to keep participating in the stuff related to the topic that i've gotten involved in, i usually just can't bring myself to at first, and even after a while, i tend to treat the thing as something kind of boring. i often have to wipe my email subscriptions to prevent my inbox from clogging even though before the interest faded i was going through all those tons of material related to the thing easily. (My fandoms are usually this sort of interest. Is this sort of thing also a special interest? It feels so different from the last category.)
Finally, the last big way i tend to get interested in things is i'll become really absorbed/hyperfocused on a particular topic and research a million things or perhaps go on a wikipedia spiral. I might make a chart as i'm going to keep track of things. However, the interest will quickly fizzle out. This sort of thing might only only last a few hours or perhaps two or three afternoons in a row at the absolute most.
P.S. Btw, i just realised, not being able to tell what is an adhd thing and what is an autistic thing is a pretty big adhd/autistic feel, isn't it?
Wow this is such a long ask XD
I find a special interest is something I’m always up for talking about and I’m always ready to hear more (for me that’d be Palaeontology, and Greek/Roman Mythology) while a hyper-fixation is more temporary, extreme interests (Spider-Man, Maze Runner, HTTYD, and Sanders Sides are a few of mine) that usually take up a massive amount of my brain power even when I’m not doing something related to them (like writing whole stories about the characters in my head while at work)
At the moment I am very into the “Irondad and Spiderson” fanfictions, but that’ll probably switch to something else in the next few days.
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doodlesnchaos · 2 years
Okay, so I'm a bit confused about Anne as Black Cat in the Ghost Spider AU. From what you're saying, she's not full on Black Cat in which she doesn't steal priceless painting, jewelry, etc but it's more of a Robin hood situation. What does that mean exactly? Like she becomes Black Cat because of something involving people messing with the restaurant which have them loose almost everything. So is the idea that she's stealing from other criminals? And how does this put her at odds with Spider Sasha?
Correct! This is where is gets a bit tricky cause I put a bit of personal real life experience into this.
Yes, it is robinhood style. The best way I can narrow it down almost is she’s tried of certain unjustices being done in practically plain sight, and nobody is done anything about it.
I’ll take her first ‘steal’ as an example. Somebody took a valuable from her parents restaurant which was devastating. Sure it got reported and called on and everything, but nothing was truly done and it seemed as though nobody else cared enough to do something.
Eventually there’s a point where you just grow sick and tired and angry with it all, so you put it into your own hands. Which is what Anne did.
After she does it for her family, originally it wasn’t going to happen again. That is until she begun noticing how often situations like her family’s occurs and nobody does anything about it.
Que her explaining it to Marcy, and the two are on the same page with it. As such the Robinhood eske goes on.
The reason it puts a bit at odds with Spider Sasha is because to a certain level it is wrong (stealing, etc.) yet at the same time it’s right (understanding why it’s being done). Sasha has to give some type of attempt of try to ‘stop the thief’ but in reality doesn’t truly do it because with her own view, neither of them are completely wrong when the bigger picture is viewed.
I’m sure that’s probably really confusing, but does that make any sense at all? :)
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mythharvester · 3 years
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Over the next three weeks I intend to journal my dreams and use the info and my interpretations as the basis for a short story entitled Walking In My Shoes. Each day I will probably be a chapter and I will eventually post each chapter.
Chapter One DAY ONE - What A Year.
He woke to the ping of his mobile phone going off. Resisting the urge to immediately check the phone Cassidy tried to centre himself. He must have nodded off reading, his Ipad was next to him. The room was dark and peaceful but the pull of technology got to him and he reached over to check his messages. It was 10:30, he had a new message. "HAPPY New Year! Not quite there yet, they probably decided they won't make it to midnight so triggered the message early.
Still it was 10-30 on December 31. 2020 was all but done, a year that will go down in history no doubt, a year that even the youth will remember, the year the world shutdown. As he lay in the dark an urge popped into his head, he Laughed at the notion that even his thoughts had a Scottish accent. (say a wee prayer for everybody big yin don't be shy, its been a hard yin for everybody, it's no goin tae dae ye any herm ). He Laughed again at the fact he was having a debate with himself then he closed his eyes and asked for the right words.
Thank you heavenly father for the challenges you have provided us this year. Please accept our brothers and sisters who have departed us into your loving arms. Continue to shine your light on those who dedicate themselves to providing support, assistance and solutions to those who require their attention. Thank you for guiding us to a working vaccine. Lastly holy father, please continue to shower us with your holy spirit so that more of us can walk a path of empathy, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, humility and unconditional love. Thy will be done.
Ping, whose this one from? Happy New Year.
He dragged his attention away from the phone and focused his thoughts on reflection. "The year that was! How did he feel about his year? Was he happy how it unfolded? What were the main changes he had noticed? Did he feel like he moved forward?
As he pondered over the year he felt a shift almost like a synchronisation as he connected with his truth.
Overall it had been a fantastic year. Ok, that book is still not written, but from a spiritual point of view he has moved forward dramatically and he was writing blogs and maybe honing his skills. He felt happy and at peace. The first shift he recalled Happened in May. It creeped up on him a bit, and he did not realise it till September when he was reading about it. He stopped worrying about stuff. Kay serra serra. The second shift happened in October, the power of intention at work. 10 months of setting intentions to, be a beacon of light, be kind, compassionate, forgiving, non-judgmental and he noticed himself consciously stepping around insects, his natural instinct to seek to kill any fly or spider in the room was gone. No longer squashing ants that find there way onto his office desk. Being in tune to the oneness of nature.
So what now its a new year, 2021, a new beginning, where to now? Honestly he thought I'm still a long way from Enlightenment and truthfully he was not sure he wanted to get that high up the mountain. Fact is he would be satisfied if in 2021 he reached a level of joy, of unconditional love, the level of healing.
As he Lay on his bed, the room still dark, breathing deeply, relaxing he could feel the Project Manager in him butting into the room.
Lets map out what worked for you in 2020. So the list began.
His four anchors:
• Maybe- the importance of acceptance, detachment from
outcome. Good news, bad news, Maybe, smile, this
too shall pass. Good fortune can also change so make it a simple process to release stuff. Live life with a mind open to anything.
• Frozen-emotions can be really powerful chains to
break away from. If we hold a glass of water at arms length it is not a burden, however 6 hours Later our arm is shaking, emotions are worse if we hang on to anger, jealousy, resentment we get bitter. Frozen is the cartoon-its about the song. Let it go. More of Wayne Dyers 10 principles, "There are no justified resentments and you can't give what you don't have. (if you squeeze an orange you get orange juice, squeeze an angry person you get anger.) Fill yourself with love what will come out when you get squeezed? Let it go! Forgive and moves on. Let it go.
• Is that so- increase the gap between stimulus
and response, don't react, don't defend yourself or your opinions, you don't need to prove you are right, to win. Acceptance, we are all one, I see you brother and I see God's high in you.
• Edith Pieff-No regrets, there is no such thing
as a bad decision, only the best choice available to us at that time. Sing it Edith.
What else worked? The long drive Mondays and Fridays and taking the opportunity to listen to audiobooks. In fact being informed that the the New Testament vibrates over 700 and that keeping things that vibrate that high close raises your own vibration is the reason I've been sleeping next to it and reading it.
Then there was using cards to set daily intentions in line with his quest to raise his vibration.
It still surprises him how, more often than not the card he pulls is so pertinent to what is going on at the time.
Oh and obviously there are the fundamentals of meditation and prayer. Find silence, find God? and ask and it is given, Dear Lord, how may I serve, why am I here? how can I help raise the consciousness level?
Enjoying lying back on the bed in the dark he thought the List is getting a bit long but he believed the little writing course he did deserved to be in there. It got him back on track with his writing but more importantly the fact that some of the others got him interested in Angels and spirit guides. (Live life with a mind open to anything) It led in his belief to the second shift. Talking to them as part of his bedtime ritual asking for guidance led to some surprising synchronicity.
He checked his watch 11.45 almost midnight, almost a new year, almost 2021, a new beginning. he felt alive and his thoughts went through the motions of his strategies and connections that helped him make the progress in 2020. More of the same was his initial thought, but as usual with thoughts his brain filled with with the cry-You can't solve a problem at the level it was created. You need a breakthrough, a new teacher. In a world where 78% of the population calibrate below the level of integrity and only 4% get to where you want to go or higher you are going to need something else to help get to the next camp on the mountain. As the relaxed and focused on his breaths he knew there was something he was missing. Like those times you maybe know a song, its on the tip of your tongue but, it's not there. The one that jumps into your head 3 hours later and slaps you in the face.
He focused on his breathing, in breath, out breath. Ping, Happy New Year, Midnight or in Scotland, the Bells. As his thoughts wandered to his homeland it came to him. The audio book on rising up the calibration scale. What the orator said. "In my experience progression to this level comes after the person manages to open their third eye.
Six days Later he woke to the alarm, time to get up for work, another crazy dream? He thought it was similar to the previous 5 nights. Since new year! Was there something in that? He had been asking his angels, spirit guides, and higher self for guidance and assistance to help open his third eye.
Showered and dressed in his hi-vis protective clothing he absentmindedly picked up his deck of Angel cards and started shuffling. He stopped and pulled his card for the day. His card was Dreams. It always makes him Laugh when it happens (thinking about a subject, pull that card). He pulled the book to find out what the card meant. Turns out the universe was involved, The angels want him to record his dreams so he will remember the messages they will deliver to him. Are these messages going to enable him to open his third eye? Will this be a case of when the student is ready the teacher appears?
Later that evening he meditated for a while and got into bed. Holy Father, my guardian angels, my angels, spirit guides, my higher self and ascended masters I give you permission to join me in my dreams and please guide me and help me to clear and unblock my Chakras and open up my third eye. Help me to remember my dreams and to interpret any signs or messages I need to help me on my journey. Thy will be done.
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I'm gonna send a lot :) :DC, Marvel, Borderlands, Gayperion, Carol Danvers
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my (DC):
Favorite character: i have a lot of characters i really love in dc but no one really jumps out as my top favorite above all others…. i’m going to say selina because i love her in a lot of media and i picked up the current batman comic to read about her specifically (and then dropped them when she left lol, i’l have to pick up her solo series sometime too) 
Least Favorite character: hmmm………..i don’t know……….can i say jervis from gotham specifically? he makes my skin crawl in a very bad way and i kinda want to punch him in the face. although he also has his charming moments and i think his power-set makes for a very interesting villain hmmm. OH can i say all the various Big and Boring Cosmic Villains like Steppenwolf??? they all blur together and i just don’t care about any of them
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): selina/bruce, harley/pamela, oswald/ed, raven/beast boy, diana/steve
Character I find most attractive: diana aka wonder woman aka have my heart
Character I would marry: as much as i want to say diana, i feel like i would constantly be overwhelmed with awe around her so maybe that’s not a good idea………. can i marry bruce for his money?
Character I would be best friends with: if she wasn’t evil, pamela, she could be one of my fellow grad students (y’know, in another life). i would hang with steph too, she’s cool 
A random thought: dc was my first superhero love, teen titans specifically, and that show probably laid the groundwork for what i want in my superhero teams. also i should get back to reading dc comics
An unpopular opinion: i don’t think this is unpopular exactly but the joker is overused, there are so many other good batman villains 
Non-canon OTP: harley/pamela except it’s canon in some verses if i remember correctly sooooooooooooooooo :) 
Most badass character: i want to say diana……..and i can’t think of anyone more badass so
Pairing I am not a fan of: clark/diana is just Bad, what were they thinking?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): it’s comics, who hasn’t been screwed up by a writer at some point? ok but jokes aside, no one specific is coming to mind right now
Favourite friendship: i love all the batfam so *points at all of them* 
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my (Marvel):
Favorite character: i don’t know how you could possibly expect me to choose a single character when there are so many………….. carol at the moment, kamala and mj and peter (parker, not quill) in general are at the top of the list too
Least Favorite character: ……………….there’s probably someone i hate…… but no one is coming to mind…… i guess thanos? i can’t believe he got a solo series 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): the spidey ot4 (peter/harry/gwen/mj), steve/tony, carol/jessica, carol/maria, clint/natasha
Character I find most attractive: ooooooooo, a good question. i think i’ll go with carol because brie larson is
Character I would marry: if it had to be a superhero, janet. if not, gwen and we would run away together and never get involved with the angst of superheroes
Character I would be best friends with: maybe cindy moon (she likes pokemon! and is just a lovely person!) or gwen 
A random thought: in the avengers tower that absolutely exists and that they all live in (at least part of the time), tony builds additional rooms for all the new members. he puts glowing stars up in carol’s room and calls her space-face and laughs when she chooses star wars for movie night because of course that’s what you pick, danvers    
An unpopular opinion: spider-man h*mecoming is bad and it isn’t a comics-accurate adaptation of spider-man, let alone the most accurate
My canon OTP: any of the canon ships within the ot4 - but if i had to choose just one, it’d be peter/mj. all the good comics history
Most badass character: CAROL ‘SORRY I’M A BADASS’ DANVERS
Pairing I am not a fan of: sp*deypool is the ultimate notp. i don’t get why it has such a massive following
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): see my above point about comics (though the other thing about comics is that once there’s a switch in writers, it often resolves itself). currently, i feel this way about peter (although i’m behind so maybe spencer’s undid all the slott nonsense) + eddie and the symbiote (not so much their individual characters but the relationship between them)
Favourite friendship: steve and carol and tony currrently
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my (Borderlands):
Favorite character: lilith or fiona
Least Favorite character: i love them all but salvador is….. well i just don’t have as much of a connection to him (sorry sal) 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): lilith/roland, brick/mordecai, fiona/rhys, rhys/vaughn, athena/janey
Character I find most attractive: lilith. also amara who may outcompete lilith, we shall see
Character I would marry: would i marry any of them?? (the answer is no but i guess if i had to, maybe janey? at the very least, she could repair any problems in our house)
Character I would be best friends with: janey possibly
A random thought: each set of vault hunters is a weird dysfunctional family and nothing can convince me otherwise (i will be sorely disappointed if the bl2 gang aren’t close in bl3)
An unpopular opinion: there’s more to borderlands than handsome jack and i wish fandom would focus on some of the other characters more 
My canon OTP: lilith/roland or athena/janey
Non-canon OTP: rhys/vaughn just edges out fiona/rhys
Most badass character: zer0
Pairing I am not a fan of: rhys/handsome jack
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): no one really except where they killed roland and it was sad
Favourite friendship: i love timothy and athena as friends 
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you (gayperion):
when or if I started shipping it: i think it was sometime during episode 1???? i can’t remember a specific moment, it just kinda happened
my thoughts: they’re very good and it would be even more amazing for them to date now. can you imagine the ceo of atlas with the scruffy leader of a bandit gang (who also happens to be a math nerd)? SO GOOD 
What makes me happy about them: they’re best friends, they have a lot of stupid jokes between them, they very clearly would go to the end of the earth for each other
What makes me sad about them: the fear that they may never interact in bl3
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: there isn’t enough fic for me to have noticed any annoying tropes
Things I look for in fanfic: any fic in general
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: rhys/fiona
My happily ever after for them: they haven’t spoken for a while but vaughn comes along on sanctuary (idk how he ends up there, maybe he’s upset with his bandits leaving for the children of the vault) and then he hears rhys’ voice over the comm for the first time in YEARS, he could cry, he’s so happy. anyway us vault hunters help rhys out with his maliwan problem, vaughn and rhys reunite, there are tears and hugs and then they kiss and have to figure out what they want (hint: they want to be together forever but rhys has a company and vaughn has his bandits and they need to navigate that complexity - but they do and it’s awesome)
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you (carol danvers):
How I feel about this character: if you told me last year that i would fall in love with carol, and read everything i could with her, i probably would not have believed you. but here i am, almost caught up with the captain marvel comics and helplessly in love with her. i love her bravery, her humor, her impulsiveness, her kindness, her fight-me attitude, her determination, her cockiness - really i love everything about her and i’m inspired by her drive to be better and to protect as many people as she can (also the whole speech but especially this quote at the end of captain marvel (2012) #1: and we will be the stars we were always meant to be GETS me every time i see it, i love ambitious ladies who reach for the stars)
All the people I ship romantically with this character: carol/jess is the ultimate 616 otp while carol/maria is the ultimate mcu otp. i also like carol/rhodey and i read a ship manifesto for carol/wanda that has made me interested in learning more about them
My non-romantic OTP for this character: steve and tony, i can’t choose between her two relationships with them because they’re both so good (it might be tony??? he helped her through aa and i love their snark? but then steve and carol are also very good). also in the mcu, nick fury, their chemistry is GOLD 
My unpopular opinion about this character: i hate that so many people have started putting carol into the role of peter’s mom/aunt, not every adult that interacts with him is automatically his parental figure and she has no real reason to feel that way towards him. also they went on a couple dates in the comics and even though i don’t ship it, it’s weird to think about
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: LET HER DATE A WOMAN
My OTP: …………how could i possibly choose between carol/jess and carol/maria………….they’re both so good in different ways
My OT3: i don’t have one for her although now i’m considering whether a jess/carol/maria situation would work idk i feel like it wouldn’t just because there would be this imbalance in two of them having superpowers and maria unable to join in their superhero battles so??? idk. i need to think about it a little more
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