#I'm mostly just proud of the vampire he turned OUT
stragglewort · 2 years
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The Pixel Monster Manual - Vampire, Incubus, Planetar, Abloeth
I started a project a while back to pixelize the monster manual, but that's... a lot of monsters. Like. A whole manual of them.
It's wild.
So I just have some choice ones.
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inkskinned · 2 years
it's the levels of scrutiny too.
a movie that has a largely-female cast has to be well-written, well-shot, well-acted, well-advertised. people will spend 2 hours on youtube talking about a single plot hole; about a moment of bad pacing, about a singular background character's poor scripting. if there isn't something obvious, they will say - well there's nothing specifically bad, but it wasn't specifically good either.
they will turn out another all-male movie, and it's just a movie.
a book that has queer representation in it has to defy every convention of writing while also being true to traditional plot, structure, format, and pacing. it must have no boring chapters, no missteps, no awkward dialogue. it must be able to "prove" that any queer relationship "makes sense", their sparks must fly off the page and their love must be eternal. the writing must be clear and beautiful, the storyline original and fresh, the values traditional but with an undercurrent that is modern and saucy.
they will turn out another book without queer rep, where a man and woman just-fall-in-love, and it's just a book.
i am latinx. i am queer. i am nb & neurodivergent. my father said to me once: you will need to be exceptional to be just-as-good, and you will need to be beyond exceptional before they see you as just-a-person, and not your labels.
i am not beyond exceptional. i am a human person. i am skilled because i worked my ass off to be skilled.
i am currently reading a book that's so-bad-it's-good about a girl that falls in love with a vampire. i was 64% of the way through the book before she figures out tall-dark-fanged is not natural. i like books like these, i like letting myself relax while i just enjoy the read. but i do spend a lot of time wondering - would this have been published if it was about queer people? would this have gotten past the editors if the characters weren't white and sexy?
i want to write a movie about being a woman in a male space, and i want to start that movie with a 10 minute scene where the woman is lectured with the exact same whining that occurs in the youtube comments of even the trailers for those movies: "haven't we had enough diversity?" "we've had enough girl power movies" "sorry, this is just pandering. it's boring."
here's what's fucked up: it shouldn't matter, you're right. my identity shouldn't fold after my name like a battalion of stars: a cry of what i've gone through. what we all know i had to move past and through. i should just be a writer, plain and simple, without my work being shifted through with tweezers - i know everything i make, always, i am incredibly responsible for. beholden to. i don't like knowing that if i fuck up, i am also fucking up for every person like me. every person in a community i belong to.
once, back in undergrad, i wrote a short story about a girl who had been kicked by a horse. it was my first time writing about my experience with my ocd; i felt proud of it. the story was mostly about grief and slow recovery. the queerness of the main character was not important to the plot, my main character was just-queer. there wasn't even a romantic interest in it.
i remember one of my classmates being disappointed. "i just feel like you always write about girls who like girls, and i'm bored of it," he said. "you're a beautiful writer, but i'm like - oh, at some point, it's gonna be gay again." during the workshop, he folded his hands over my story and said, "and okay, i'm just going to say it. she's ocd, she's gay, she's depressed - it's a little much for me to believe is all happening to one person."
it is a little much to be that person (and more besides). i have therapy weekly, after all.
over and over, belonging to exception.
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oneatlatime · 8 months
Zuko Alone
I'm hoping for some Appa this episode. It's been too long since he's gotten any good sight gags.
Zuko is cosplaying Clint Eastwood. He's also back to being stupid pale this episode.
You know it's a good thing that Zuko's not in the Fire Nation anymore because he really would have sucked at being Fire Nation. Robbing pregnant women is probably kindergarden level stuff for them.
How is Zuko in such bad shape? Last time we saw him he had a cave full of spoils robbed from rich people. Did he not bother to pack at least some of that stuff? Actually, not thinking far enough ahead to pack would be pretty in character.
Oof that would rub me the wrong way. Not enough money for a meal, but sure, let's use totally edible eggs as ammo.
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Where'd the egg go?
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Who is the scarred up hat wearing vampire and what happened to the real Zuko? Imposter Zuko just elected to not be provoked into a fight. Real Zuko would already be setting things on fire.
Just a bunch of thugs. Yep. It's consistently awesome how many of the facets of war this show can cover.
Imposter Zuko and Song's horse bird just got kidnapped. Did not see that coming.
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Zuko kind of has arm bandages like Sokka has this episode. Also love the character detail that the boy has scraped knees.
Is the kid's dad the same guy as the man at the store? Or maybe this is a one haircut town?
So the guy who was near to fainting off his horse bird this morning is now turning down freely offered food? Could Zuko please shelve his pride for five minutes? Kudos to the mom for accurately reading his distaste for charity and turning it into a request for aid though. Although covering for the boy's egg trick is worth at least a meal.
I don't get Zuko. How can he still have so much pride when he's wearing rags and starving himself to feed Song's horse bird? I'm quite shameless when it comes to accepting help and I've never, ever been able to understand the whole 'too proud to accept charity' mindset. I'm always up for some charity. I have enough manners to offer to do the dishes after, but if you're offering free food I'm eating it. And I've never been in a situation as desperate as Zuko's. So I don't get this.
ok tangent over.
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Peak rich kid behaviour. I hope those nails aren't expensive otherwise Zuko doing work for food might end up with this family out of pocket.
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Is the wood grain on this ladder an actual photograph of wood grain?
Zuko has more patience this episode than he had for all of season 1 combined. He's also never gone this long without yelling. Either proximity to young children activates Zuko's otherwise mostly slumbering decency, or to fit him into a Fistful of Dollars homage the writers had to make him out of character.
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If I had been in this situation when I was a kid, if I had been a) this visibly bored, and b) this nosy around guests, I would have been given a hammer and a bag of nails in three seconds flat. Also, nice to see a Sokka face from Zuko.
I get that 'a man without a past' is a staple of the cowboy genre, but the boy's father bringing up the privacy of the past twice in like two minutes makes me think he's done stuff he doesn't want to talk about. Seems both the parents have read Zuko right though.
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Finally! Some pretty! I have been suffering! This may be the first really good pretty all season!
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Bad news for the Appa decor on my blog. He may have been supplanted in my affections.
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Two things: first, Zuko is a carbon copy of his mom. Second, That is way too much forehead.
Having Zuko's mom introduce herself by talking about the lengths mothers will go to for their children is not giving me foreshadowing anxiety at all.
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Azula's been a bitch since birth. Noted.
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Sir, your eyebrows. Also, yeah, I wouldn't want to play with her either.
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Yikes this is making my teeth itch and my skin crawl. Calling it now, she's rotten to the core.
Zuko and Azula's dad has some weak ass genes. BOTH of his children are carbon copies of their mom.
Also, I was not expecting Zuko's very stupid ponytail to be a pre-scar thing. It is much better with a full head of hair.
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If I had spent my childhood hanging out with an untouchable princess who set things on my head on fire for fun whenever I involuntarily displayed emotion, I'd be gloomy and apathetic in self defense too.
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Sokka in this episode in spirit, if not in person.
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Seriously that's the same face three times over!
Um, no? If Iroh doesn't make it back from the front, doesn't his son become next in line to be Firelord?
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Can you hear all the unspoken "father thinks that" and "father says that" in front of every one of Azula's opinions in this whole scene? I stand by my assertion that she's awful anyways, but she's also obviously drunk much too much of her dad's koolaid, if you know what I mean.
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This kid is going to get into so much trouble one of these days. Provoking the soldiers, nagging the mysterious stranger with the mysterious past, and now taking his weapons? Kid's sweet but he really needs to learn when to stop pushing his luck.
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Stabbing dead, dried wood sounds like a great way to utterly annihilate the edge on those. Hope Zuko packed a whetstone.
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Where is this patience coming from? I don't understand and it's BUGGING me.
Hold on. Technical problems.
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My very basic DVD player sometimes has difficulty with these disks. Whatever happened between the above two screenshots, I've missed it. So picking back up from the one on the right...
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Either these soldiers are impressively cowardly (which, yeah) or Zuko's really been working on his death glare, because they've got him outnumbered and out-armoured and they still back off.
OH it's parallels! Zuko's cousin and the boy's older brother. Got it. Kind of a false parallel though. Grandson of the Firelord does not equal earth kingdom conscript.
Give the demonstrably impulsive and nosy child a knife. That'll work out just fine I'm sure. Pretty sad the kid glommed on to Zuko so quickly, but it's also yet another realistic representation of the consequences of war. This show's good.
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*shudders* theatre kids.
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She's tiny! Do you know how darkly humourous it is to watch a two foot tall baby spout her father's murderous nonsense? Once again, in this whole scene, not a word out of Azula's mouth is actually Azula's.
"What is wrong with that child?" Apart from budding homicidal and psychopathic tendencies? Her dad. Her dad is what's wrong with that child.
Their dad has no subtlety at all. And also no brain? You think a day after the firelord finds out one of his family died is the right time to very boorishly make a play for the crown with you daughter as a prop? Could you possibly come up with a better demonstration of why this guy shouldn't be in charge?
How did this asshole land such a nice wife?
Yep. Siding with the old firelord on this one.
Does flashback Zuko sleep in his day clothes? Because that's not ok.
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I like that their mom sees straight through Azula's lying here. She knows her daughter.
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In a move that should surprise no one, everything Zuko touches turns to shit, as usual.
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It's the Mexico filter!
Absolute truth from Zuko in that monologue. He's got them pegged. Too bad it fell on deaf ears. It's Zuko's curse, that whenever he approaches being remotely reasonable, he happens to be surrounded by people who will react in such a way that Zuko learns to equate being reasonable with failure.
An earthbender. The bare feet should have clued me in.
Last season Zuko and Iroh laid waste to like ten of these guys. And Iroh didn't even have pants. So what gives? Is he that starved?
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Ursa pulling a Mufasa.
Don't answer don't answer don't answer
And he does.
Zuko is so very good at completely misinterpreting the point.
So we can add thief to the list of things that make Azula awful. Also that delivery of "who's going to make me? Mom?" is chilling. Zuko's lost his only defender inside this atrocious family and she knows it, he knows it, hell the turtleducks probably know it.
His dying wish? You guys buying that?
Ozai. That's his name. I'd forgotten that.
So... something something dead firelord something something missing mom something something maybe Azula wasn't actually lying this time?
Final Thoughts
The title wasn't kidding. Let's rename the show 'Avatar: the Guy who's Really Bad at Capturing Him' while we're at it.
There is now no way whatsoever that Zuko is not going to be redeemed. No writing team would invest that much energy and a whole episode into a character we're not ultimately supposed to root for. So somehow he's going to end up joining the Gaang. Don't know how he'll pull that one off. He's done some pretty not great stuff. And it's not like the Gaang watched this episode and unlocked his tragic backstory.
Speaking of, what prompted these reflections? I could understand if Zuko started to contemplate his cousin and the events surrounding his loss in the war after he learned about the family's older brother, but he was having flashbacks before he even got to town. Usually when there are backstory bits, there's a good reason to show them at that time, like how the Storm prompts Aang to think about the last storm he was in, or seeing a boat from his father's fleet prompts Sokka to remember what his dad told him. So what caused Zuko's memories to give him situationally appropriate flashbacks?
Pretty funny that he found the Nice Earth Kingdom Family that Azula predicted for him. And they are really nice! Either Zuko is an open book or the parents' social intelligence is off the charts because they're giving him exactly what he needs to feel at ease after barely a single conversation.
Speaking of Azula, I'm not surprised to find that she's always had deeply awful tendencies, even as a child of (I'm guessing) less than ten. But it cannot be ignored that, from the moment her father took a liking to her (as a tool to boost his own greatness, if not as a person), she didn't stand a chance. You can tell by the number of times that the stuff coming out of her mouth is a thinly veiled repetition of her father's unfiltered opinions, that she's been spending lots of time listening to him, probably while he puts down her mom and brother and talks about how she's the special one. You know what I'm getting at. Azula never stood a chance once her father got involved, and her mom lost the ability to influence her once her father started giving Azula praise for objectively wrong behaviour. That being said, Azula is awful even when she doesn't need to be awful for her father's approval, like when she's with her friends, so it's not all her father's doing. She's not a good person but she also had plenty of help to become that.
I guess Zuko and his mom are Fire Nation anomalies? And maybe Iroh has become that since his son died and he lost the war?
How on earth did Zuko survive as long as he did in the palace without his mom to protect him? What a no-win situation to be in. The only person in a whole nation with empathy.
This episode does makes Season 1 Zuko make more sense. He's been larping his dad as a defense mechanism for surviving the Fire Nation/probably a very futile effort to earn his approval. Although Zuko doesn't seem to care much for his dad if the tone he takes with him by the turtleduck pond is any indication.
Being banished was the best thing that ever happened to Zuko. The more distance between him and his remaining non-uncle family, the better. Between prioritizing his crew over capturing the avatar in the Storm, releasing the Avatar in the Blue Spirit, and now defending a random earth kingdom child this episode, it's hilarious how much Zuko HASN'T learned the lesson that Ozai banished him for not knowing. Don't get me wrong; that's a good thing. This episode plainly shows that behaviour that pleases Ozai is behaviour that should be unlearned as quickly as possible.
Zuko completely missing the point of his mom's last instruction is delightfully on the nose. But it also makes sense, which I may talk more about later.
How did Zuko hold on to his temper (and his volume) for a whole episode?
How did a show named after the main character get away with an episode that doesn't feature him at all? As a concept, this is such a strange episode. The writers were like "how can we kick start the woobification of Zuko? I know! A Spaghetti Western!" and it worked. Who comes up with that?
I now want at least as much, if not more, of Sokka and Katara's childhood via flashbacks. And more Gyatso please. If they can devote a whole episode to the childhood of a guy who isn't even a team member yet, they can show me some Sokka childhood shenanigans as a palette cleanser.
I really don't know what conclusion to draw about this episode. The writers have given me a massive backstory/trauma dump and I'm honestly like:
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linaselandbasil · 3 months
Vampire Kareshi ch.3
Ch.1, Ch.2, AO3 link.
University au, Bloodweave.
Have fun reading yall!
After a long shower, a careful trim of his beard, cutting of his nails and a few drops of cologne, he felt ready. He put the wizardly robes on, he was looking great, feeling giddy. But also he's going to throw up from the stress.
"Wyll I'm nervous." He finally turned to his friend after a few minutes of checking the time and waiting for an 'im here' text.
"But you want this, so get yourself together. " Wyll was looking at him pacing in the room, comfortably sitting on the couch with a can of some disgusting sugary death drink in hand.
"I do. I'm just not used to stuff like this! Do you think he's going to kiss me?"
"I don't know. I'm sure he will if you ask him to. But make sure you don't kiss him too soon, wait until the end of the night."
"Um, okay."
"And don't be afraid to flirt. He will probably be put off if you just take all the compliments and don't give any back, it would make it seem like you're not enjoying yourself."
"Understood." A notification sound rang aloud in the room. "It's time... Thank you for lending me your fancy cologne, it won't be forgotten!" He checks the message.
'I'll be there in a few minutes, cant wait to see you darling.'
Darling... DARLING!
'The feeling is mutual.'
"Are you not going to get going?" Wyll asked, confused as to why his friend was just watching the parking lot from the window.
"I'll teleport, it makes an impression!"
"You can do that?"
"Of course, what kind of wizard can't teleport? Oh look, he's there!" Wyll scampered to the window to finally see this mistery man.
"That... My father has a car like that, just who is this guy?"
"He said his father was Cazador. I suppose that should tell you something."
"Cazador Szarr? I'm not surprised he has a son I've never heard about, I'm sure he has a couple more he himself hasn't seen."
"I see. Well, it's lovely talking to you in our shared livingspace that I see you in every single day, but I think it's time for me to get going! Until next time!" He bowed and walked into a portal that was freshly opening up behind him.
In the ambiguous space between the two portals he found himself a little stuck. Oh no...
Astarion checked himself out in the selfie camera, carefully inspecting his visage. He'd do it in one of the many mirrors of Cazadors displacer but he cannot, for obvious reasons.
He was startled by a loud magic magicing right beside his car. He was not eager to get out and see what's up on account of him being in the possession of survival instincts, but when a hand with a pretty ring on it reached out, he became intrigued.
"A hand? Please?"
"Oh, Gale! It's you!"
"Can you help me out?" He grabbed the hand and began pulling. No use. In the meantime Wyll was watching all of this go down from the window and thought 'That's one hell of an impression you're making.' He pitied the both of them and reached into the portal to give Gale a good push. He has 9 strength, so he's not much better off than the other two but it did the trick!
Astarion could barely keep standing as the human fell into his arms. "So you're a wizard?"
"Yes, I am! An apprentice of Elminster and a graduate of the Wizarding academy of Waterdeep! I'm working on my second degree here in Baldur's gate." He straightened up, proud as could be. Suddenly as he was faced with the elf, all his nervousness faded into oblivion. Standing this close, Gale also noticed that the elf was not by much, but still a little shorter than him. He seemed taller on camera, not that Gale is complaining.
"I wouldn't have guessed you were a wizard! This is interesting to say the least! I must say, you look positively delectable, darling."
"So do you." Gale looked at the vampires outfit, which was hard to see as it was mostly black. What Gale didn't fail to notice was the way it glittered as it was illuminated by streetlights. "You look much more solemnly dressed, I must say I feel like a clown."
"Oh no, you'll be fine, I'm the weird one for dressing for the casket I was always destined for. I felt like I didn't wear this black jacket enough, so I put an outfit together just so I can wear it."
"I'd say it was a great idea, you look... Pretty." The wizard fiddled with the sun motifs embroidered into the robes of summer.
Astarion opened the door of the car and beckoned him in. He did so without a question. Astarion followed shortly after, starting the car once again. "Thank you. But let me warn you, this gift is particularly hard to open, the zipper on this top always gets stuck!" Astarions sharp gaze was solely fixed on the road ahead, but he can definitely tell Gale was flustered beyond belief.
"I- I see... "
"You're cute, I'll stop, I can see that you're a bit uncomfortable."
"No, continue! I'm just not in my element, not much experience you see!"
"I understand." He started the car, all he could think about was how much he he wished that Cazador didn't like this one.
To Gales surprise, he wasn't over or under dressed, he was perfect. That didn't make him feel any less strange though.
A couple of guests he spoke to seemed to eye him with interest, then with disappointment as they got nearer, he wondered what that was about. Maybe they didn't like that he seemed to already have a pair.
"Darling, care for a drink?" Astarion appeared right besides him, speak of the devil. He's quiet as a kitten, but Gale didn't know he was supposed to get spooked so he didn't.
"I've had plenty already, thanks." He looked around at the other guests, who were behaving very very improperly. He's not that kind of girl.
"Hmm, you know, these people are quite the company, but I'd prefer yours alone. Would you like to find us a dark corner to slink away into?" Astarions arm was wrapped around his, the human could hear the sequins of Astarions jacket scrape against his robes rough outer layer.
"Sounds like a fantastic idea, let's go!" Gale didn't like these sorts of gatherings, he was eager to be in peace at last. The pale elf pulled him in the direction of the hallway, which was clearly not to be explored by the attendees.
Servants rushed back and forth through it, paying the two of them no mind. It was a lot darker than the ballroom, giving the illusion of privacy, but believe me, someone's always watching in the Szarr Palace.
On the balcony, the air was cold, but refreshingly less stinky than inside.
"Finally, a moment to ourselves, I almost wish we didn't even come to the party, hiding away in the gardens would have been just as good." Astarion said, inching closer to Gale. "Wouldn't you agree?"
"I would." Gale did some wizardly magic hand gestures at the sky and gorgeous swirling colorful lights appeared. Gale leaned into the railing and noticed Astarion immediately got cozy very close to him, they were touching, it was to the wizards liking but it still got his pulse all the way up.
"Fascinating. Can you also make a bed appear?"
"I can, although maybe that would be untimely, considering this is our first date."
"...True. You want another date after this? I hadn't been on a second date in a long while." Gale was quite surprised to hear that.
"Why not? I thought people were begging for your attention."
The charming smile came back to the face of the pale elf. "You know what? Let's not talk about that! Tell me about yourself!"
He thought for a second, there's a lot to say. "Um, I have a tressym, her name is Tara."
"I love cats." Astarion got real cozy, putting an arm behind Gale and watching the magic show.
"Me too, don't call her that to her face though. It's like me calling you a mosquito man." Astarions smile dissapeared, he looked at his date.
"... What."
"Because, you know, vampire?"
"YOU- You knew?" He put some distance between the two of them so he cam properly glare at the human.
"Of course I knew! You're not quite as subtle as you think and I'm a wizard, I know a thing or two about the undead."
"That's fair, how silly of me... It's almost midnight, isn't it. Almost time." Something is weird about him all of a sudden. Gale senses some sort of magic in the air that doesn't belong to him.
"For what?" The vampire stood up, pulling Gale with him. "Astarion?"
"Follow me."
He almost ran. Briskly walking through the dark rooms, back through the ballroom, into a weirdly placed door and straight dark hallway. Gale was never an athlete, he was wheezing. Through all this, he barely noticed the magic getting stronger. At the end of this hallway there was a room, which Astarion barged into, pulling the wizard along.
"Astarion, it was about time you arrived." Said someone whom also appeared to be a vampire. "Come closer."
Astarion dragged him towards the man, which Gale tried to resist but couldn't. "Are you Cazador?"
"Oh, you recognize me? How fun!" He stood up, towering over the both of them. He looked like he smelled something foul, but quickly schooled his face.
"Must have noticed my blood, let me assure you, it's not tasty!"
Cazador furiously glared at Astarion.
"I swear, I didn't tell him!" His tone was calm and collected, but still. He was afraid.
"I figured it out myself, you guys are not exactly masters of deception." Gale was often jarringly confident in his.... Well, everything. He thought that since he was in on some kind of secret, the vampire would spare his life.
Well, it wouldn't be smart to attack a mage.....Cazador is not the smartest, or the prettiest or nicest, but he's not attacking Gale of Waterdeep. Not that he knows who Gale, is, he hadn't left his palace in decades. "You're dismissed."
Astarion then dragged him out of the room and back to the balcony, completely ignoring his questions. This is so weird.
"So you can safely teleport back to your dorm? If not, I promise I'll pay for the taxi, just don't do it drunk." The vampire leaned into the railing of the balcony.
"I'll manage. I didn't have that much!" Gale adjusted his hat and awkwardly looked at Astarion, who was being eaten alive in self loathing and dread. He didn't show that, only a tiny bit of worry slipped past his walls for the wellbeing of someone he was ready to let Cazador drain dry.
"I'll trust your judgment, I was never any good at magic." They stared at each other, waiting for the other to say something.
"Is it appropriate to kiss on the first date?" Asked Gale, trying not to sink into the tiles from shame.
Astarion was about to say 'first base is missionary' but held his tounge. "Do you want to?" He asked with a grin you'd want to wipe off of him with a well balanced bitch slap.
"I do."
Astarion stepped closer, got on his tippy toes and kissed him. On the mouth. He put his hands on Gales arms, keeping him in place. Gale was still as a statue though, there was no need to hold him.
When it was over, Gale had a goofy grin on his face and got very very very red. A portal opened behind him and he slowly backed into it, feeling the vampires hand gently slide off of his arm.
"Goodbye, I'll text you."
"See you, hopefully soon."
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symphonic-scream · 7 months
Anyways since I'm writing an au for once I think it's the perfect time to post about another
Persona 4 Magic au
So those of you who follow me or recognize me (hi!! Welcome back!!) Well you might say "Scream"- that's me, -"you have a Persona 5 Magic au, is this the same universe?" And my answer is
Uh. Sure. It can be I guess
Anyways let's talk about shit
Yu Narukami is a witch. His parents were both magic users, but had outer sources of magic. As a witch, Yu can cast spells and shit with the magic within him. His parents are going abroad for a year and send him to live with his uncle in Inaba, with a catch
His uncle knows nothing about magic, so Yu had to pretend to be a normal human for the whole year
He's never had to hide his magic before, so it'll be a real challenge for him. But, he's willing to try
...yeah it doesn't go well
When he shows up, he can already feel magic within the town. There are magical beings present and almost immediately, someone turns up dead in a mysterious fashion. No one else can see the gills on the woman's neck but him, or so he believes
Yu becomes fast friends with a few kids in his class that really stink of barely-hidden magic.
Yosuke Hanamura, with his prominent canines and his suspiciously homemade juice boxes
Chie Satonaka, with her boundless energy, knowledge of the moon, and her love of meat
And Yukiko Amagi, who stares so oddly. He doesn't have much evidence for her yet, but he will
Then, a third year turns up dead. Yu sees the little horns on her head when he sees her on TV the night before. Another magic person is dead.
Then, Yukiko goes missing, and everything gets started
Okay that's it for me talking like that I'll lay out what the plot is and what everyone is and shit
So basically. Adachi is a seer, a human who can tell when someone's magic, and he finds out that the entrance to Mirror Inaba is in the TV. Plus, every monster he tossed in, died. So he sets up a plot to get monsters kidnapped and shit cause "they're subhuman anyways, I should be allowed to have fun with them"
Yu Narukami is a witch, as I said
Yosuke Hanamura is a vampire! He was a born vampire, but his mom is human so. His traits are real watered down. He's fine in the sun and can eat small amounts of garlic, but he still drinks blood
Chie Satonaka is a werewolf! There's a small werewolf pack that's been in Inaba for generations, and she's a member. Born a werewolf, she's really connected with her animal self, and is in control during full moons
Yukiko Amagi is a Fox Selkie, but her coat is an abnormal colour due to the fact that her grandfather was a Kitsune. As a fox she's mostly dark red with a white belly, eyebrows, and tail tip, but her paws are black, as are the tips of her ears. She can make vague illusions, and her coat stays locked with her mother's at the inn
Kanji Tatsumi is half Oni. His mom is human, but his dad? Full Oni. He has an older brother that lives with his dad, since both of them can't hide their demonic traits. Kanji looked human enough as a kid, but he's just started sprouting his horns and his teeth are a little larger. Plus, he's real tall and big
Rise Kujikawa is a daughter of Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of Love, beauty, music, dancing, pleasure- you get the gist. Her mother is her birth parent cause I said so. Her grandmother is a potions master, and Rise has decided to learn the craft as well
Naoto Shirogane is the youngest of the Shirogane Animal Shifters. The bloodline has been watered down over the years, to the point where the only animal form Naoto can take is a snow leopard. His markings are closer to blue shades than whites and blacks, and there's a little butterfly spot right on his chest
And Teddie is from Mirror Inaba. He is the only conscious being there, and grants protection to the team when they go to save people. He's not sure what he is, but he looks like a bear. Maybe.
Anyways yeah. Monster crew. Please ask me about this I'm proud of it
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nectar-cellar · 1 year
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Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
i am so late to this but thank you to everyone who tagged and mentioned me!! i loved reading your answers, i love being nosy.
let me get this first q out of the way:
Who's your favourite sim that you've made?
it's a tie between my 2 little meow meows pictured above 🥺
amir because he's the oc i'm most attached to and have most fully developed
vlad because i just love the way his sim turned out and he's such a fun character to think about
if they ever met, vlad would be like "greetings." and amir would be like "bro what the fucckkk" 😭
speaking of vampires i also love the idea of au-vampire-amir being this ashamed, existential crisis having vegetarian vampire who struggles with controlling and hiding his bloodlust.
i never get bored coming up with ideas for those 2.
rest of my answers below the cut :3
What's your favourite Sims death?
it's been YEARS since i intentionally made any of sims die. i barely do gameplay these days and i am attached to the sims i make. but when i used to play sims chaotically, i preferred to "accidentally" murder sims by fire instead of deleting the pool ladder. i would furnish their houses with the cheapest stoves and fireplaces, and sit back and watching the inevitable unfold... it was the final destination fan in me.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
i can't live without alpha hair and i love a well done piece of alpha clothing.
Favourite Mod?
CmarNYC morphing penis 😐
for a sfw mod, pose player was truly a game changer, can't play without it.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
i never bought any of them 💅 the first one i p*rated was late night because umm a fancy city, bars and clubs, celebs and vampires, 2000s hoe clothes... what more could you want!
Do you pronounce live mode or aLIVE or LiVing?
Have you made a simself?
no ❤
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
if we're talking about TS4, i think the ginger hair colour is okay and the grey too. for TS3, i don't use any of the default hair colour presets.
Favorite EA hair?
i've tried so hard and i just cannot enjoy any of them compared to the alpha cc hair available. in my opinion this is the least offensive one, the "teddy" from the store:
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Favorite life stage?
young adult
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
i'm in it for cas and the storytelling medium
Are you a CC creator?
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
i consider all the people i frequently engage with to be my simblr friends!! 💗
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
i've considered recording, editing and uploading speed CAS videos but it seems like a lot of effort 😭
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
i've always preferred creating masculine male sims/characters, that hasn't changed throughout the years. i've learned how to take better pictures, how to style my sims better, how to create the kinds of clothes i want to style them in, and i've learned my preferred slider settings and facial features/proportions. i make the same "genre" of male sims over and over and over again, so my style hasn't really changed, but my skills have improved and i've solidified my aesthetic which i am proud of :D
Who's your favourite CC creator?
i really can't pick a favourite because there is just so much sheer talent and a thriving cc community even today, but if i had to pick one, i would say rustynail. i used the shit out of their cc back in the day. everything my sims wore was straight off the runway darling... rusty brought glamour and high fashion to the sims! an inspiration.
How long have you had a simblr?
since even before 2013 😭 tumblr was my main social media for many years LMFAOOOOO and i made a simblr after following many ts3 blogs, being wowed by their screenshots, and i wanted to join in on the fun and wanted to download all the cool cc people were making... that was the start of my ts3 obsession !
How do you edit your pictures?
i use a gshade preset i made, then i mostly just crop and add text in gimp. i don't have the patience to edit my pics.
What expansion/ stuff pack is your favourite?
late night duh and seasons is a close second because it just makes the game so much more immersive and beautiful. pets is also a top one because it adds so much to the game, it's such a well thought out pack in my opinion, and what life simulator can be complete without pets?
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tortoisesshells · 2 months
Writing ask: 4, 7, 11, 16 & 18
4. ... with dialogue I'm proud of:
I've yet to find a character whose dialogue I've enjoyed writing quite as much as Jed Foster's. From the Mercy Street (but with vampires!) extended universe/pastiche/whatever -
“Are you this surprised when the rains arrive in April, Nurse Mary? Or, if I may dabble in plain Yankee with you, when the sap begins to run in March? We are in an army hospital. They send us, among other things, their dying.” “These men were not dying,” Mary insisted. “The difference between ailing and dying is a very thin one, then.”
7. ... that I nursed in a daydream before finally writing:
Ch. 21 of Customs and Duties was a weird one - I had it in mind for over two years before I got to it, but because it was, at heart, a chapter about imperfectly understood illness and quarantine I ... sort of lost heart for it, by the summer of 2022. Still, it's a turning point for Customs, and I had been looking forward to writing it.
Would she pick a fight with him, next? He supposed she might, though he was not inclined to give it to her. After a few moments of uneasy silence, Norrington took a risk and held out his hand for the pry-bar, and Elinor Treat reluctantly handed it to him. Without the tool she had been half-brandishing as a weapon, she seemed – exanimate. A puppet with its strings cut. The pry-bar felt damp in his hand, and he was unpleasantly surprised to find it had left red marks where he had taken hold of it: blood. Not his. “Mrs. Treat,” he said, very quietly and slowly, “Mrs. Treat, are you hurt?” “What? – oh. That.” Elinor Treat seized a kerchief from her pocket, and wrapped it around her hand. “I thought it had stopped bleeding days ago.”
11. ... with characters I want to write more in the future:
I miss Them (the cast of characters of potc). Here's from the last non-drabble I wrote for them.
Here, Elizabeth began to sift through her assets. It was a quick endeavor: a few dozen palm trees, a few dozen casks of rum, the damned pistol that Jack was guarding as though it were a token of a lover, the fire which was too small to even be seen clearly from the other end of her new home. In her great-grandmother’s time, when London burned nearly to the ground, the smoke could be seen from the surrounding counties as though it were a tower to the heavens – but she had not London to burn. That made lumber precious, didn’t it? Elizabeth had a brief, frustrated sense that she might have a better idea of how long she could keep the island ablaze if she had paid more attention to the consumption of fire-wood in her father’s household, but of late she’d shied away from the house’s accounts as though she could keep her future away likewise. She sized up the palm trees she did have, and, careful to be quiet, padded through the darkness to get a sense of how great around the trunks were – how long they might burn. If she were to set the island alight –
16. ... from a recent piece I want to brag about:
This is clever only to me, but, from nor light, Nor certitude, nor peace
"Her fingers were numb – centuries had changed many things about Collinsport, but the wind at Widows’ Hill was ever the same – bone-cracking, blood-chilling, cold. She struggled with the knot at her neck."
I cannot resist some foreshadowing - Vicki, the narrator, eventually is hanged (she gets better. mostly.) - hence the attention paid to the struggle with the knot at her neck. No one said anything about it when I posted, so I'm being annoying about it now. (there's also a point where Jeremiah quotes one of the first things his doppelganger in the 1960s said to Vicki, which clearly a man in the 1790s couldn't know anything about. surely.)
18. ... from that one WIP everyone has that has no plot, just vibes:
From my "Will Turner finds promotion to authority vastly overrated" post-AWE fic:
“The only deal I am prepared to offer you, Mister Beckett,” said Captain Turner, wearily, feeling as impatient as he ever had alive, “Is that which is available to all deceased souls. If that is of interest to you – see Mister Maccus, there. If not, get out my way.” Will didn’t look to see what choice Beckett made, and either his half-hour’s practice of the posture of authority or the dreadfully carved doors dissuaded any further complaints. The pipe-organ of the cabin seemed to be laughing at him.
send me a number and I'll send you an excerpt of my writing!
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Some Trinity Gate headcanons, mostly based around Daniel, Benji and Sybelle, because I have a headache and this is how I'm distracting myself
When Daniel first visits TG for the first time, one of the first things Benji does is bring up that Daniel is technically his nephew in The Blood, which leads to Daniel nicknaming him Uncle Benji.
Daniel and Sybelle find some solidarity together in the frustration that comes with not being totally sane as a vampire, and the well-meaning but sometimes suffocating attempts of their family to keep them safe and well.
Seeing how much Daniel enjoys playing with models and construction sets, Benji decides to introduce Daniel to minecraft. It still takes Daniel a while to get a hold of modern computer games (boomer moment), and Benji isn't always the most patient teacher, but Daniel eventually gets the hang of it and the two of them + Sybelle create a server so they can play together.
When playing minecraft, Daniel and Sybelle mostly focus on building while Benji does the combat and resource gathering. Daniel is also the only one who can do redstone, which he learnt in an obsessive week of watching youtube tutorials.
Daniel delights in telling Sybelle and Benji funny and embarassing stories of Armand from the Devil's Minion days, at least he does until Armand returns the favour in kind, except he knows where the pictures are kept.
Sometime after Daniel first returns to TG, he, Benji and Sybelle hatch a plan to hunt together one night (lets say they've picked up on a larger gathering of evil-doers ripe for the taking). Armand tags along to ensure their safety and keep an eye on them, and he's all but tearing up watching his children carry out a successful hunt together and it just makes him so proud of how far they've come and what ruthless little predators they've all turned out to be.
All in all, Daniel is the slightly crazy, slightly but unapolgetically cringe nephew-uncle figure I think Benji and Sybelle need
Also I can't be consise to save my life <3
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
Vampire AU again
How would Connor even end up being Perkins's decoy for luring Markus out? I know how (and I should probably mark this post with violence label)
During their past work together, Perkins once mentioned that the "poison" that turns you vampire has an antidote, and that he had to only use it once during his career. A strategically planted trap from his side that he put there month or even years ahead, just in case. He had probably already done it before – had desperate newly-converted, not yet fully transitioned vampires coming to him for help.
I imagine him first mentioning it like
"It's part of my job to help. As you can see, it's not all elimination, often times I'm here to prevent the widespread of this...disease. An ailment, really, if you treat it right and in time. It has been curable for years, and yet..."
He sighed and reclined on his seat.
"Vampirism is a choice. Those who refuse the remedy will face the consequences, simple as that. They know the rules, yet they still hope to become an exception, thinking they'll be able to outplay the world, become God. Really, they had it coming, they all had it coming for them the moment they decided not to seek treatment. It's their choice."
So fighting his own personal dislike towards Perkins, Connor knows that although they parted ways, he'll still get help from him in this case. It's part of his job, after all – he said it himself and was really proud and vocal about it. Connor has a bad feeling about the whole thing, but mostly because for Perkins it'll serve as a proof of his superiority. Coming to him for help is humiliating. He can almost hear his voice telling
"Look what happens to those who don't listen to their superiors and question their authority. I hope you've learned your lesson"
but he has only been feeling panic since he got bitten and it's not the right time to let his personal feelings stand in front of doing the right thing. For his own sake and for the sake of others. It feels like the race against time already as he's running a fever and has his whole body aching, screaming about rapid changes happening inside. He has already lost two days (not sure why tho, maybe I'll figure it out later) and hopes it's not too late.
So he swallows his pride and comes to Perkins.
And gets rewarded with a bullet.
"My job is to prevent the spread of vampirism, and what's better way to do that than destroy it at its root before it has a chance to spread any further?"
And then it clicks with Connor that he's not even the first one to fall for it.
"You lied to me."
"And it worked perfectly. The ends justify the means, Connor. Lie is just a tool."
The anger that fills him is overshadowing his despair, it gets stronger than fear, and when he realises that not only Perkins lied to god knows how many people before him, not only Connor managed to be so painfully naive, navive again, and not only is Perkins intending to kill him, he's going to use him as a bait. To kill Markus as well. This realisation blinds him with so much anger, it becomes stronger than pain.
He curses Perkins, promising to kill him, shaking from fury as despair and guilt tear their way out of him until he chokes on them and sob.
In response to the threats Perkins only smiles and tosses him a gun, then stands calmly in front of him as Connor find out that it's not loaded. Perkins then pulls out a few bullets from his pocket and throws them on the floor in a few metres from Connor, knowing that if he wants to reach them, he'd have to crawl to first get close enough. With that, he goes to take his waiting spot with his crossbow upstairs. Unless Connor magically follows him two stairways up, there's no way for him to hit him even armed.
Markus will end up shooting the arrow into Perkins neck from his own crossbow after the chandelier (shot down by Connor) will fall right onto him as he steps under it, thinking that Markus is his only active opponent, forgetting that Connor exists at all, assuming he's dead or as good as dead.
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 10 months
In Your Dreams
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Moodboard by the incredible @softhecreator
Info, Author’s Note, etc
AO3 info one two three four five six seven epilogue
All my work is 18+.
Special thanks to @darksideofthecocoamoon for letting me use Tim’s dick in her wonderful demon Tim au as inspo for my own fic. If anyone has not yet read that one, please do so with all haste because it’s fuckin incredible and you are genuinely missing out if you haven’t read it yet. Be sure to reblog, too, so others can enjoy it and she can get the recognition she deserves!
Onto the fic!
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Lea knows that her best friend, Tim, is an Otherworlder. She isn't sure of what kind, but it doesn't really matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, anyway. No matter what manner of fae he is, she's damned and determined to not get involved with him or anyone else.
Except Tim isn't a fae like so many celebrities like him. He's an incubus, she's his mate, and oh yeah— he’ll die without her.
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Author’s Note
I know things get rough, but I promise you, it'll have a happy ending. Tim goes through it, but everything will be okay in the end, trust me.
Be forewarned: this contains a great deal of angst relating to potential (and almost) death. No one actually dies, but it will probably make you cry. If you are not in a space for angst, proceed with caution.
Yes, yes, I'm back at it again. The fic is gonna end up being about 25-30k, I think. It is almost completely done. So! Bit about this one. Tim is an incubus, obviously. In this universe, everyone is aware of supernatural creatures. The fact that Tim is one is something of a poorly kept secret; it's obvious, but he doesn't really talk about it, so they don't have any confirmation. No one has any idea what he is; they assume fae, like so many celebrities are. How incubi work in the fic will be explained, of course.
This fic will have elements of fuck or die, mentions (but not descriptions) of domestic violence, and a May-December romance, which means, in this case, Tim is significantly older than Lea! He doesn't know exactly how old he is, and I'll tell people if they wanna know (I have an exact number, of course), but otherwise I'll leave it up to you guys to internet. He himself has a general idea but that’s it. This takes place in 2023, btw, which means Lea was born in 2003 this time around.
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About This Universe
They are immortal and have been around since the beginning of time, basically. No one knows exactly how long. The oldest of them, the first few, are simply too old to remember how old they are, or how they came to be. My guess it’s simply an evolutionary thing; maybe they simply evolved from early homosapiens in a different way than humans did. It’s hard to say, and I haven’t decided on anything in particular. A rarer type of Otherworlder because of their unique reproduction methods.
They are very alluring. Many (if not most) popular celebrities are fae. No pointed ears; other than their charisma, beauty, and immortality, you can’t really tell who is one and who’s not. They are persuasive, proud, and can be dangerous. Probably the most common type of Otherworlder. Not super relevant to the fic.
Vampires and Werewolves
Pretty standard vampire lore; they don’t tend to be very popular, so most are not celebrities. You can tell who is one very easily. They are bloodthirsty and can be dangerous. Not super relevant to the fic.
Mostly live near the ocean. If they’re famous, it’s usually for singing. They do have a mermaid form. Not immortal, just have a longer lifespan. Not super relevant to the fic.
The same as sirens, for the most part, except they shift completely into a seal. Not super relevant to the fic.
Mates of Otherworlders
Otherworlders that were born into it have a destined mate. If they were turned (such as vampires or werewolves), they do not always have one, only sometimes. Their mates are always perfect for them, so a guy isn’t gonna get paired with a lesbian, and a gay guy would, of course, get paired with another guy. Aromantic Otherworlders have platonic mates. Asexual Otherworlders have romantic mates but don’t experience sexual attraction to them. Most mates have a symbol for fertility on their bodies; often from the culture that first discovered them. For example, the mates of incubi and succubi have an eight pointed star on their hip, which is a symbol of the Mesopotamian goddess of fertility and sex (and beauty, divine law, war, and political power; she’s similar to Aphrodite), Innana. Incubi and vampires are the only species of Otherworlder that die without their mate, because they both require them in order to feed, once they’ve met them.
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I'm including a playlist for this one, because there are so many songs I listened to for this fic and some of them literally made me cry, so. I'll let you decide which song is from whose POV, but yeah. Here are the songs in the order of what happens in the fic. And yes, I know this is mostly Halsey and the rest is me showing my age. Shut up, it's fine. Enjoy. Please note that the most important song for the fic as a whole is this one. I highly recommend reading the lyrics even if you don’t listen to the whole thing.
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Tag list
@ellamaianderson @shika1200 @blackqueenstarseed1 @gatoenlaciudad @esmaada @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @softhecreator @timolaurence @timmymyluv @oddlyenoughiamweird @leecrunchybones @s-we-e-t-t-ea @almostg @vampire-reanimator @leespparker @bubblebuttwade @glizzymcguirex @starberry-cake
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shewhowas39 · 15 days
another chapter 7 sneak peek
i'm still having fun before i do the sad thing (unedited thus far)
He looks over at the handsome young man and considers him very carefully. He’s good looking, no doubt about that. And clearly has the same obnoxious altruism as June. Perhaps, now that Alfira is here, he would be a better target? There’s no competition. And he is a monster hunter, after all. He may have the best odds of anyone in this party of potentially taking out Cazador one day. 
Astarion weighs this option for a long moment before ultimately dismissing it. 
The fact that Wyll is a monster hunter might mean he is more likely to kill Cazador, but it also means he is likely to kill Astarion if he ever finds out about hsi true nature. June, on the other hand - though he’d rather not risk it and find out, Astarion suspects she might b more willing to show some mercy. Wyll’s dedication to vanquishing evil and whatnot might result in a stake through the ribs before Astarion even has a chance to explain.
And then there is the small matter of fun. Astarion highly doubts Wyll would entertain his hypotheticals about ideal ways to be murdered.
No. His best choice is still the mad mage. 
He turns his attention back to where June and Alfira, who have finished cleaning up the diner mess and seem to be discussing preparing for bed. June is laughing at something - not a chuckle or a giggle but a full belly laugh - and Alfira looks quite pleased with herself, proud of whatever joke she made to earn such a response. 
Astarion bristles. 
“Alfira really brings out a different side of her than I’ve seen so far,” Wyll says. 
“It’s nice to see. June always seems so…distant. Maybe it’s those visions she told us about. But I feel like, in the past three days I’ve known her, I’ve mostly seen her looking dazed or distressed. I suppose that’s not surprising, though, with the amnesia. Hopefully having Alfira here at camp can bring her some joy.”
“Hopefully,” Astarion says, fists clenching with annoyance. “You know, Wyll, as much s I love this little chat, it is getting quite late. Shouldn’t you be getting your beauty sleep? Wouldn’t want exhaustion to mar that pretty face of yours.”
Wyll laughs at that. “My face survived the loss of an eye. I hardly think exhaustion will make much of a difference. I’m glad you find it pretty, though.” He grins at Astarion, and his teeth are much whiter than they have any right to be. “But you’re probably right. Are you keeping watch then?”
“I am.”
“Good. Keep an eye out and don’t hesitate to wake me up if you need anything. Now that we know there is a vampire around, I don’t want you facing off with one alone.”
“If a vampire comes for a nibble, I promise to wake you,” Astarion says, restraining the smirk he feels pulling at the corners of his lips. 
“Thank you.” Wyll gets to his feet, stretching his muscular arms over his head with a yawn. “I’ll see you in hte morning, Astarion.”
listen Wyll is so fucking hot. i just need opportunities to have people appreciate this fact.
anyway chapter 7 of Juniper & Starlight should be up tonight or tomorrow.
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beevean · 1 year
Honestly, the Hector fic I'm working on made me even more bitter against N!Hector, because, on paper? His concept is sound. Not only in S2 he had the potential to be a very creepy anti-villain, with his complete lack of feelings towards humanity (not disgust like N!Isaac, nothing at all, he just thought of them as another species of animals)... but his superficial traits would have been nearly perfect for another version of a pre-betrayal Hector.
Lacking of empathy towards humans but not to the point of wishing them to suffer? Sure. Hector in the MF manga mostly talks about his refusal to be used as a tool, and a neutral stance on genocide, as horrible as it sounds, means that Hector could both go through with it and then reason himself out of it, at first for pragmatic reasons. I also appreciate that N!Hector deliberately killed his own parents as a child, showing that he always had the capacity for murder, and I wish that was canon.
"Unlike humans, vampires see value in Hector's knowledge and forgemastery. The vampires are his natural social group." From the wiki, and this can apply to Dracula in particular. Of course Hector would at first gladly serve Dracula, when he's the only one who "gave him a place where he was allowed to exist". I don't think this would extend to every vampire, though.
Animal lover? It's canon that Hector has an affinity for animals, in both prequels.
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Not too hard to make the jump that Hector prefers animals to humans. It's not even hard to make the jump to "Hector loves animals so much that he compares other creatures to them as a compliment".
Sheltered? Nowhere near to the point of trusting an obviously evil vampire lady, but if Hector lived in Castlevania ever since he was a child/teen, he can't have developed great social skills. I imagine Hector has trouble with talking and also with understanding others' body language, taking things too literally.
Cute, gentle demeanor? Nnnnnno... but also yes-ish. Kinda. The thing is that Hector can be legit cute when he wants to: he can go from this
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to this
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and there is no contradiction. he's a babyfaced gigachad :P
What N!Hector lacks is the first part. The rare times he fights back, it's only to emphasize how weak he is. Had the writing combined his soft attitude with more showings of his power and ruthlessness, it would have worked perfectly, and it would have justified why Carmilla wanted him so badly for herself. But oh well :^)
Love-starved to the point of overriding his logical part? Oh yes. Hector is very much love-starved and he becomes completely devoted to Rosaly simply because she's nice to him. She lets him stay with her, and he's all "I’ll do anything for you, I’ll give you my arms and my eyes, I’ll give you my life without forgiveness or atonement". She says "thank you for being born" and that is enough for this battle-hardened ex-general to burst into tears. When Hector falls in love, he falls hard. The idea of someone pretending to love him only to betray his trust, hitting in his weak spot, would be soul crushing if done well :(
It's just. I vehemently reject the notion that Hector could ever be a manchild: it would have been perfect if this was teen Hector, and then he grew up into the coldy proudful Hector we see in the MF manga, to then become the sensitive empathetic Hector of the PtR manga once he's with Rosaly, to then finally transition into his cursed and belligerent CoD self. You know. A character arc, which N!Hector lacks until S4 suddenly turns him into a sassy bitch?
But of course, it's not just that: it's the fact that N!Hector was purposefully stripped of his agency; his growing moment of realizing that no, he doesn't have to kill innocents, he can affirm himself, he can leave, being turned into "sexy vampire lady sweet talks him until she beats the shit out of him"; and also, well, Season 3 was too busy jerking off and coming all over N!Hector being tortured and raped by deception to give him a personality; and as the cherry on top of the shitcake, N!Hector is theoretically turned into a badass in S4, but 1) he still doesn't do much compared to Creator's Pet N!Isaac, and 2) nothing he went through matters because they had a Lenector agenda to push.
What a waste of a very intriguing character. Insulting writing for many more reasons than "but hector is supposed to be a chad".
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ofthehands · 5 months
Had the idea of a TCM vampire AU stuck in my head for quite some time now, and while I've got a fic blocked out for it and will probably draw some sketches for it soon, I wanna work on other stuff at the moment, so under the read more is a collection of ideas I've had for it that I'm throwing into the nether.
Sawyer Colony
Literal 1000 year old vampire
Supposedly super powerful (younger Sawyers hype him up so much)
Not very active (for now)
Passes on vampirism to other Sawyers either genetically or by biting them "when the time is right"
Born human, turned by Grandpa when he was pretty young bc he fell off the roof of their house and almost died
Super proud of this fact ("I'm g-grandpa's favorite!")
Survives getting hit by truck bc vehicular manslaughter can't really kill a vampire lol
Chop Top-
Born human as well, turned by Grandpa before he went to Vietnam "just in case"
Good call, he took a swinging mace straight to the forehead, would have died if not turned
Really enjoys taking part in human life/ music/ just hanging out with humans he doesn't plan to eat. Nubbins will do it with him, but isn't really social otherwise.
Hasn't actually been turned as of the start of story
Incredibly salty about this fact, is a dick to brothers in part bc of this, and is way meaner when he's been worrying about his own mortality/ potentially never getting turned
Started selling human meat as a side hustle to get rid of all the bodies his vampire brothers brought home.
Very anti-social and disconnected from his humanity despite being a human much longer than his brothers.
Bubba -
Only Sawyer brother born a vampire
Was his parents' pride and joy bc of this.
Parents didn't leave, ended up killed. Long story lol
Really wants to socialize with humans/ the outside world, but brothers have convinced him he can't.
Does self-expression (masks + little outfits + makeup + hair), listening to radio, and watching movies to simulate interaction he craves.
Vampire Hunters
Usual obsessive Lefty things.
Got fired from job bc he was constantly pursing vampires.
Only person who believed Sally when she reported vampires killed her friends.
Dying of heatstroke at all times bc he wears a turtleneck everywhere
more scared of being bitten/ turned than he is of dying (fairly confident vampires don't have souls/ can't go to heaven, and so being bitten = L + Ratio + ruined soul + no place in God's kingdom)
Got dragged into this the usual way (though a little different)
Overall the most successful hunter. (Don't worry about that lol)
Confident she can bring an end to the vampire colony and avenge those they've lost.
Only vampire hunter to actually work with all the other hunters at some point. (Don't worry about that either)
Stretch's emotional support
Has no idea how tf to deal with vampires
Beats the shit out of them in bat form with a stop sign stolen from their lair (not effective but kind of funny to watch)
Mad as hell at Lefty for dragging them into this
In psych hospital after talking about vampires killing her friends/ brother
Gets out of hospital after accepting the "truth" that vampires aren't real.
Trying to live her best life when dragged back into vampire nonsense by Lefty.
Has a service dog named Leo who helps with mental health symptoms and later with smelling/detecting vampire bats (they're stealthy little bastards)
Determined to avenge brother/ get her uncle out of the huge mess he's made
Other notes
Been working on vampire lore and making sure it all adds up. Currently they can turn into bats bc that's fun, and only the very old/ powerful vampires like Grandpa are weak to sunlight. Also a bite anywhere on the body can turn someone if they're not killed, so the Sawyers mostly cut people and lap up the blood, kind of like real vampire bats.
Also Franklin isn't on either list but he's going to be uuhhhh involved so to speak
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qvnthesia · 1 year
hey, hey, hey! hope you're doing good <33 may i present to you, qvnthesia's ao3 wrapped (def better than spotify wrapped!)
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How many words have you written this year? — 100,000+ (i thought i wrote less with the writer slump T~T)
How many works have you published this year? — 4; I'm more for a long-fic person lmao
What work are you most proud of? — See You In My Nightmares! *excited*
What work of yours has the most hits? — Definitely See You In My Nightmares (the amount of people that have subscribed to the fic more than YMH is mind-blowing 😂)
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? — It'd have to be Gently Into the Cold, Dark Earth. It was just supposed to be a one-shot, I didn't expect my inbox to blow up + See You In My Nightmares again 😂
Favorite title you used? — bespangled prairies (for my sw fic!)
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? — Mostly Taylor Swift
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? — Klaulena and Elejah are tied 😂
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? — Klaulena (they do things to me, okay? 😭)
What work was the quickest to write? — Time After Time (elejah oneshot that just burst out of me from nowhere)
What work took you the longest to write? — Well, considering I'm writing them right now, See You In My Nightmares and Yours, My Heart collectively take the prize. But, personally speaking, I think Yours, My Heart takes longer because there's a lot of mystery I've got to keep up with and crosscheck with my notes.
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? — 36 ahahahaha *dies*
What’s your longest work of the year? — See You In My Nightmares (one of the chapters is 21K+ words 😂)
What’s your shortest work of the year? — Time After Time
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? — My two on-going long-fics! + my sw short-fic
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? — Canon Divergence (I've said it before and I will say it again—I recognize that canon has made a decision, but given that it's a STUPID-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it)
Your favorite character to write this year? — Elena! 😭💖+ Anakin (he's a man tugging my own heart)
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? — Klaus, that man is both hot and insane.
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? — Dunno, probably Finnlena, since I have planned a series of one-shots surrounding the Mikaelsons and Elena.
Which work of yours have you reread the most? — See You In My Nightmares (to understand why people like it so much + a reminder that i need to update but i never do)
How many kudos in total did you get this year? — 991 kudos!
Which work has the most comments? — With a comment thread count of 122, See You In My Nightmares 😂
Did you do any collaborative works this year? — Unfortunately, no :(((
Did you write any gifts this year? — I'm actually writing one for @kaizsche!! a bit nervous but excited too!!
Did you receive any gifts this year? — @kaizsche and I are exchanging fics and I'm pretty excited! (nervous but excited, gahh, gotta write good)
What’s your most common category? — f/m
What do you listen to while writing? — First it was indie, then some dark moody songs but now it's a mix of the second one and instrumentals + slowed and reverb songs.
Favorite work you wrote this year? — Time After Time
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? — This one is from Chapter 12 of SYIMN. “My brother and I, we didn’t hate her for turning into a vampire, we despised her because we thought she was kind. We thought she might be like Tatia, we didn’t expect her to turn out so… different. Yes, even though I was going to sacrifice her, Elijah had a backup plan to bring her back to life. I wasn’t supportive of his plan, but my brother wears his heart on his sleeve for the women from your bloodline, no matter how many tailored suits he wears to shroud his true nature from the world. For Tatia, I did the same. For Katherine, I didn’t. At first, yes, even I considered a future with her, but—” he clicks his tongue. “—that strange emotion in her eyes made me reconsider. And after what she did, I was right. I didn’t see it coming, though. I didn’t see how desperate she was to trick us and somehow live. That betrayal stung deeper than my mother’s role in Tatia’s death. Ever since then, we realized it was a mistake to ever come to love a Petrova.”
Biggest surprise while writing this year? — Around the end of February, I got invited to join a server where a bunch of writers that I'd followed on Tumblr and AO3 were there and I was so excited and happy to actually get a chance to interact with them because the way we've interacted, the ideas we've exchanged and all the times we've listened and helped each other, it's happened to me for the first time 😂 + I've never actually improved so much in writing until I started writing on AO3 and this year just took it to new heights. My worldbuilding rates, writing rates, everything's just gone up in a good way and I'm really content with myself about that, and... yeah! 😂
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And that's all from me! It's New Year's Eve and I'd like to thank all the characters I've got a chance to meet (except Susdious and the Salvatores), thank you for making me a better writer! And a very huuuge and special thanks to @kaizsche @sevensistersofsussex @katherineholmes @feralcherry @jennifersminds @elena-mikaelson @amandamonroe and @wazman, y'all are godsend <33
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
TW: VIOLENCE AND VERY GRAPHIC IMAGERY!! FOR THE ASK GAME IMMA PICK MY FAV PARA FROM MY FAV FIC >:) "His glove and about a inch or two of his sleeve are wet with blood as he reaches inside, turning the syrupy mess of what used to be a vampiric heart over in his hand. It pulses just a little, tiny involuntary twitches while it cools, but it’s not worth saving - delicately, he drops it back into the cracked mess of the body cavity with a sticky slap, letting the strings and pipes and cords settle as he takes in the scene in front of him. Poor, frightened children. Some try to fight back, to protest, to taunt him. Make him out to be a madman, or perhaps a maniac. Some try to run, but there’s nowhere to go. Honestly, don’t they see it? The writing on the wall is a familiar shade of red, and an upstart clan of brainless bloodsuckers isn’t going to make it out unscathed."
[no i don't have it saved in my notes wym]
leo's talking about this ask game (still open!)
YES YES YES!!! GOD this was such a blast to write and i had so much fun really getting into all the blood and guts of it, so to speak, so i'm very glad you like it hehe 🥰🥰🥰
the fic in question: bury the hatchet (spoilers for that fic under the cut!)
(for context, william has just skewered this particular vampire through the heart to the wall and then pulled the cane he did it with out, so the body falls to the floor)
it's william solaire at some big important vampire do - of course he's dressed up, and i can't see that man turning up without a nice pair of gloves 😍😍 in my mind they're dark leather - not cotton, that's a bit too butler-y - and the sleeve is probably dark as well, but the image is also nice if you imagine a sort of beige or cream or almond colour with the blood! i didn't mention any ruffles because i wanted the clothes to be mostly up to interpretation (it depends whether you think he's dressed in a more modern style, or something a bit more historical lol), but do feel free to imagine them 🤩🤩
oh this bit of description was LOVELY to do - i was trying to imagine what it would actually look like inside the body if this really happened to someone, and i loved the idea of the heart almost turning to pulp from being staked (obv there's some nice 'stake through the heart' traditional vampire stuff going on here, which i feel like william would take great pleasure in) 🥳🥳 plus the idea of the ribcage kind of cracking open like a book is such a horrible, uncomfortable image that i couldn't just leave it out!! the bit about "strings and pipes and cords" was my way of hand-waving away any actual biology here, but i think it's a very effective way of putting it - having to actually think about the body being full of stuff, and not just random organs all existing in discrete spaces, is so viscerally awful and wonderful to my angst brain.....
if i were to make this longer, most of that would probably come from the bit where the vampires try to escape - i was kind of tired at the time and this is basically an excuse to not have to write in either them escaping or being killed by william lol 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but i think it works!! he doesn't care about what they think, and the narration doesn't either. i will say that the "writing on the wall" bit is a little bit macabre (if the rest wasn't already), just because that's bc the wall in-universe is now literally covered in vampire blood, but i LOVE the "brainless bloodsuckers" part 😍😍 i'm very proud of the way that came out, and i think it fits quite nicely into my idea of william as a man who is simultaneously very old and very young - who holds courtesy and the way of things very dear, but isn't afraid to get his hands dirty 💖💖
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Resting ur head in partners lap with, again, Lucian/Peter because I love them endlessly and i love you writing them?
I am always happy to make content for this blogs otp, I love these two so much~
On with the fic!
"That..." Peter let out with a heavy, achy breath, "could have gone better. Could have gone worse, but... yeah."
He coughed, feeling an annoying pain in his ribs where he had been knocked to the ground. Hard to ambush vampires when they decide to ambush you in return. Caught him and Lucian off-guard, which sucked, Peter was sure he was going to be sporting a lot of bruises come morning, at least nothing is broken.
Lucian walked over to him, towering over the seated hunter in his massive lycan form. He let out a growl, mostly just a confirmation that he had thrown the last body in the bonfire in front of them.
"Thanks, babe." Peter commented and patted the ground. "Take a seat, we'll head back to the car in a bit, I need to... chill."
He reached into a pocket on the inside of his leather jacket, pulling out his monogram cigarette case, and pulled out a smoke. He looked to Lucian, who shook his head and sat himself down, which looked rather silly while he was in this form.
"Don't wanna change back yet?"
Lucian shook his head again.
"At least you had the time to strip naked before changin'." Peter smirked as he lit the cigarette and took a breath. This was probably not great for him to do, not when his chest hurt, but he deserved a little smoke break. "I'm gonna need a hot soak after all this, I'll even turn on the jets in the tub. So glad I upgraded to one of those, even if you think it's pointless."
The lycan grunted and moved to lay down. Suddenly, a large, heavy head flopped onto his lap, and Peter heard Lucian let out one of those heavy sighs dogs do. It took everything in Peter not to laugh at that, but he did scratch behind one of his boyfriend's weird ears. "Tired yourself out? You were climbing up on the walls and stuff to chase those vampires down."
A long, clawed hand gently gripped Peter's leg. "Yeah, yeah, I got a workout too. Hence the need for a soak. You can join me too, but you have to be human, you shed like crazy when like this and I don't think there's enough room for both of us when you're like this."
Lucian nodded and sighed again, closing his eyes as Peter continued to scratch behind his ears. He was rather proud of himself, he was really holding back on the dog jokes lately, he was sure Lucian appreciated that.
It's a good night to appreciate lycan form Lucian (because I watched Rise of the Lycans at work today)
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