#I'm going to start whacking people with my cane
What is it about today?!?!
That makes three people who don't think I'm disabled and one who thinks I'm faking it, whilst I'm leaning on my cane!
Is there just some rule written somewhere that says today is just the date for that?!
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instantartific · 1 year
ও Neon J Headcanons
Ooh, I got a dollar in my pocket! // So, turn the music up and get it poppin'!
I'm tryna have some fun before I die slow- // So, all that really matters is tonight!~
Note: the majority of these headcanons have to do with Neon being disabled one way or another, but some delve into the results of his (unresolved) trauma in the war, including phantom pain to poor mental health.
Neon isn't actually his name. It's what he was referred to back when he was a soldier. Out of respect to his brothers, he keeps the nickname alive. "J" is just his middle initial. Anyone who knew his actual name from him directly is long dead or plain ol' gone. A background check isn't exactly that difficult to work out, though, seeing the, er... y'know. Every surgery.
While his radar is definitely better than nothing, it isn't exactly great. His ability to actually see detail in anything he looks at depends greatly on how far out the signal is being sent and how he personally feels that day.
On a good day, he can actually somewhat see the outlines of the pens and papers lying on his desk, and can even write if he feels like it. On a bad day, it's almost completely dark and all he can tell is that he's facing a solid roughly shorter than his waist.
That being said, what is shown on his display isn't exactly what he's seeing. It's his interpretation of the information that he's gathering from the environment around him. People can completely disappear from his vision while still being close enough to be 'seen'; on the flip side, people can show up on his radar that don't actually exist.
He surprisingly relies on hearing a lot. He can track and identify people from how fast they walk, how they carry their weight, if they drag their feet, all before they start talking. He's around 1010 enough that he can identify them by walk alone.
Let alone having to rely solely on tone to identify emotion.
Memorization is essentially key in every aspect of his life. Which is a big reason why touching shit without asking, AND not putting it back where he knows it is? Single easiest way to royally piss him off, obviously outside of insulting his kids. Insulting his kids is the fastest way to make a very, very strong enemy.
Second easiest way is stairs. Goddamn stairs. Rin or one of the other boys have to help him with any set of stairs outside of the ones in the mansion. They announce when he's coming up to a set of stairs, count his steps, and announce when he's on solid ground. He has eaten shit cause of foreign sets of stairs so many times.
Outside of the boys, he uses a retractable walking cane to get around areas he's unfamiliar with, or if there's just too many people around in general. While his focus is directed on people moving around him, the cane keeps him from walking into things lower than his focus is set.
This cane is also 100% used as an impromptu weapon, if the need be. If you really think he's afraid to hurt someone just because he's trying to change now, you'll be solely mistaken. He's just much less trigger happy these days and would never cause harm for no reason. Self defense for himself or anyone he cares about does not count towards this.
He has absolutely caught one of the boys slipping and calling him 'Captain Whack-a-Mole'. He appreciated the effort to be PG.
He experiences phantom limb almost constantly. This usually isn't an issue, but if he's really out of it, he'll forget to actually move his physical body (swearing up and down that he moved his, well- original one instead. The sensation of moving his nerves is still very much there, and it's different from the sensation of moving the mech.)
He's not foreign to experiencing phantom pain from this as well. And with the inability to take any "pain killers", placebo or otherwise, he simply has to go through the torture with little to nothing to alleviate it outside of putting pressure on the area.
The more the phantom limb acts up, the more likely he is to be seen limping or using the cane to walk rather than feel where he's going. He makes an effort to keep it as subtle as he can, but there's only so much he can hide without being able to see what it looks like.
He wears two rings on his right hand: one black band on the pointer, and one gold band on the ring. Both simple, both relatively unassuming. But if he feels alright, he'll share that the gold band was his father's promise ring to his mother. And the black one is one in mourning them both. What can he say, he's sentimental.
He never really received help after the war, actually. He was primarily on his own. Just dumped off after his entire life had been stripped of him. That's the main reason why he chose to start repurposing those war bots. He'd never say this out loud, but he... initially just wanted someone to talk to again.
He considers himself to be anything but a good man, and will get uncomfortable if called anything like a hero. He feels that he's done a lot of bad things, and he now wants to improve himself and do better as a person, but he still holds a lot of past guilt.
And hearing distorted, off-sounding voices were easier than organic ones for a long time, even if they couldn't put up good conversation. At first, that is. Over time, though, he found that they were capable of far more than he first expected. And damn him for being sentimental, but he got attached.
He would have performed his own music himself, if it wasn't for the fact that being recorded (and not knowing who does and doesn't know what) makes him extremely paranoid. He's anything but shy, and certainly knows what he's doing, he just hates the thought of someone being able to see him without him knowing.
His greatest guilt and greatest regret is unintentionally programming 1010 to care more about their fans' love than their own lives.
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house-of-mirrors · 1 year
3 and 11 for the ask game?
From this game
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
Orsinio: Poison. From the beginning I knew he was a subtle, sneaky person who lacked physical strength, and his dangerous stat came from being an expert poisoner. It was a delightful coincidence how Nemesis went.
Samuel: Harpoon. He's a monster hunter with a long history of zailing.
Lucretia: Honestly idk? She's not a physical person. If she's upset she'll throw a punch. And she's a doctor, so she'd always have a scalpel on her person.
Miles: Charms. They're dangerous when it comes to manipulating people with spellbinding words. If it has to be a physical weapon, a dagger strapped to their thigh. They've never used it on anyone though, I don't think, just when the weeping scars thing happened.
Skies captain: Gun. A pistol is practical in the close quarters they spend most of their time in.
Got a bit personal lol so under the cut
11. what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
Oh boy. Well let's start this off by saying all my little guys are morally gray and I would not make the same choices they do on a regular basis sldkfjsdl, also I am in therapy whilst these guys are in the Victorian era
Orsinio is my main and very special to me lol, he gets my disabilities, adhd struggles, and trans of gender. Also being short. And enjoying Mr Wines. He's the one that when I'm having a bad day I put in the wriggler
Samuel gets the autism wins, he embodies my desire to communicate without speaking, also the inherent gender of being a dad
Miles. What is going on with you, Miles. Very little in common with them, I made them intentionally to be a villain. I suppose there is some emotion there with complex feelings about family legacy but Miles has it taken waaaay to the extreme. And I did also make them to be very gender
Lucretia gets my complex feelings about being AFAB (I'm trans, she isn't) and feeling a connection to traditional femininity and attraction* towards men (*in the most aroace and bi sense for me, whilst the character is het-ace)
Skies Captain is also short. A bit of wish fulfillment, gets to feel comfortable in their transmasc/nonbinary gender while presenting femininely from time to time, and has their emotions taken seriously despite not being very expressive
Bonus: Horatio is Orsinio's older brother and gets the mental eelness with the multifaceted anxiety disorder
Would get along with Samuel and Lucretia and see them as cool older friends. Honestly could go many directions with Orsinio with his intense personality, but at the very least we'd be nice research partners and bond over world being inaccessible and whacking people with cane. And I would punch Miles within 30 seconds of meeting (almost everyone they meet has that response). Would vibe with skies captain, we'd exchange poetry.
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
What If I Don't Want You To?
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main masterlist
REQUESTED: "Hii! I saw that you wanted people to leave kaz requests in your asks so here I am! Could you do a ff in wich the reader is a part of the crows and she's really sarcastic and flirty (similar to jesper) and she constantly flirts with kaz, (he acts like it doesn't affect him but he secretly loves it) and one day she does something especially bold that makes him blush madly and they finally admit their feelings for each other (also a lot of teasing of the crows to kaz pls) thank you so much!"
SUMMARY: reader loves to tease kaz but is scared once she realizes she might have gone too far.
WARNINGS: a mention of blood but nothing graphic
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Kaz was the most closed-off person you knew. He never revealed anything, wether it was his feelings or the details of a new plan, and it enraged you. That's why you took it upon yourself to see just how far you could push him.
Flirting with Kaz Brekker wasn't an easy task, nor was it rewarding but it sure was fun. The crows loved to see which new technique you would have used and what effect it would have had on Kaz. It was usually a simple glare; a snarky comment when you were lucky. Bets were made on his reactions and you soon became a part of it.
"What are we thinking today, Y/n?" started Jesper while walking you down to the club, "I'm betting on a smirk."
"A smirk?!" you asked surprised, "I'm not even sure Kaz can smile..."
"He can, i've seen him once. I thought i was dreaming but when i pointed it out, he glared at me. I knew it was real when he whacked me with his cane." stated Jesper, shivering at the memory. You couldn't help but laugh at his theatrics. "Why do you do it, by the way?"
You took a moment to answer, suddenly serious again.
Truth was that all the innocent flirty comments you made −comments that started out as nothing more than a pastime− soon changed something in you. They were becoming truthful, and seeing Kaz answer with nothing but a dismissive comment was not easy. Trying to evoke feelings in him, inadvertently awoke feelings in you. Feelings for your boss that you shouldn't have had.
"Do i need a reason? It's fun, why do you talk to yourself in the mirror when you think no one's watching?" you retorted, raising eyebrows in genuine question.
"First of all, you shouldn't have seen that. Second of all, you should try it, you'd feel much better afterwards." he said simply and you tried restraining the smile that inevitably made its way on your face.
You entered the club which was, as always, in full swing. Several people were already ordering at the bar all kinds of alcohol while many others were betting all their possessions at the tables. Only the dregs knew that the real bets were being placed under the tables.
"Ten that he doesn't say anything." you heard someone whispering.
You were the newest of the dregs and of the crows, but you had already earned yourself a reputation.
"Twenty that he finally kicks her out." another voice from somewhere in the club.
That one made you shiver. Would he really reach a point where he would fire you? You were a useful member, you wouldn't have made it into the crows if you weren't, but were you too much? Would he eventually get tired of you?
You walked over to your usual table with Jesper to meet Inej. Kaz wasn't there yet and you were really thinking of ending it there, no more flirting, no more jokes. This was your job, nothing else.
"What do you have for us, boss?" asked Jesper as he saw Kaz approaching.
He looked as he always does: black refined clothes clinging to him in an assortment of sharp edges, making him look even more direful to new merchants. He looked dashing the way a raging sea at night is; frightening, yet enticing. And that was wrong, you reminded yourself.
"It was a dead end." he said, sitting down.
He was in a gloomy mood, certainly for the news, and even though you knew you would have let down the whole club, you couldn't help but think of the comment you had heard moments ago.
"Twenty that he finally kicks her out."
You loved working and simply being with the crows and the possibility of being kicked out was positively frightening.
But you couldn't simply stop. Everyone would have noticed something was off, he would have noticed. And then what? He would have known you liked him.
You had to do something big, something he couldn't simply ignore. You might have been out of the dregs for good, or maybe not.
Jesper kicked your shin under the table, making you focus back on the real word and motioning at all the dregs in the club, looking expectantly at you.
Kaz and Inej were now talking about something you weren't quite getting, their voices seemed distant as you tried to forget about everyone's eyes on you. You had made it a thousand times already, you could do it once more.
"So, what are we going to do now?" asked Jesper and Kaz leaned back in his chair.
"I have some other leads we can try, but we'll have to split up." he started, the prospect of new kruge in his pockets making him incredibly more cheerful, "Jesper, Inej heard something about a particularly pricey painting in east stave, she'll bring you there and you'll learn more about it. And Y/n," he began and you perked up.
It was your moment to say something and get it over with.
"We'll go to west stave, i need your help with a lead there."
"Oh, you need me?" you said, your tone excessively teasing.
"That's what i said, but i can ask Inej." he replied drily.
You hesitated but you were not one to back down, especially not in front of one of Kaz's passive aggressive comments.
"But then you wouldn't get to stare at me longingly while i work, would you?" you said, pouting slightly.
You could have expected a retort, a glare, a not-so-nice hand gesture, but not him storming out of the club.
The entirety of the dregs was dumbfounded, Jesper and Inej, who never participated in the bets but still knew about them, were agape. You were mortified.
"Maybe," began Inej, "You should go talk to him."
"And meet my demise?" you asked.
"There must be a reason why he stormed out-"
"Yes, that he would have liked to kill me but blood stains are tough to remove." Jesper laughed but you were quite serious.
You got up either way, you had to explain yourself to him, you owed him at least that, and got out.
You found him not so far from the club's entrance, leaning on the railing over the river. You approached him unsurely.
"Kaz." he didn't turn around, so you got closer to the railing and noticed that his face, even in the night with the palest light of the street lamps, was scarlet. "I'm- i'm sorry, i will stop."
He remained silent.
"That is if you still want me in the crows, if not i'll leave tonight obviously." he turned to you, usually-perfect hair now slightly tousled, face still red and unreadable.
"Why wouldn't i?" he asked.
"I'm always teasing you and i figured you hated that. I will stop."
"What if i don't want you to?" your head perked up and he turned back towards the horizon, but a smirk crept up on his face. He didn't bother hiding it.
"So you can smile?" he rolled his eyes.
"I don't like it when people point out things i obviously do, you should have noticed back there."
Heat rushed to your face and the smile he had plastered onto his face turned into a complacent one.
"It was real? You stare at me longingly?" you asked bewildered.
He looked at you once before turning to the horizon once more, "Obviously not."
But you could sense he was lying.
"Told you he could smile, Y/n!" shouted Jesper from behind you.
You both turned around to find Jesper and Inej surrounded by the dregs and a couple of other clients too, all jostling to get a better look of the scene.
"It'll be hard for him not to, i'm afraid." joined in Inej and you bit your lip to refrain the laughter. Kaz's annoyed expression didn't help you maintaining a straight face.
"I'm not paying you to stand here doing nothing, get back inside." he ordered.
Everyone turned back inside but Jesper and Inej.
"Boss, if Y/n now gets double, just know i'm great at flirting too." stated Jesper as Kaz made his way back to the club, you in tow.
He ignored him and whacked him with his cane. Again. Jesper had now yet another lovely cane story to add to his collection.
"You'll never let him forget it, won't you?" you whispered. Jesper looked at you like a child who had just entered candy land.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Summary: Freed and Gajeel were total opposites in every way, only connected by the guild. When they were forced to train together under Makarov's orders, they expected antagonism and mistrust. Instead, they were given a lesson in how quickly opposition can turn to attraction. The issue: let the budding relationship simmer away, or let it explode. [Freed x Gajeel Multi-chapter]
Notes: Hey everyone. A bit of an emotional chapter this time, but Bickslow is involved so there’s also some relief. Hope you all enjoy it.
Links: FFN, Ao3, Chapter List
Chapter Nine - Some Time Later
One Week Later
Before the memories hit him, Freed felt a horrible sense of deja vu.
He was in the guildhall infirmary, with almost all of his energy sapped away from him, just as he had when he had first been taken to Fairy Tail. He had a feeling that there was something changed inside of him that would shape the rest of his life, just as he had after the demon had invaded his soul. He had a feeling of yearning, hoping to see someone who was destined to be a part of his life, only to be disappointed to see he was alone again. Everything was so reflective of how it had been when he'd first woken up after his first instance of possession, and it was horrible.
Of course, the memories did eventually come to him. The tournament. The twisted feeling of power that had slowly been seeping into him through the day. The lack of control that had overwhelmed him. The sudden inability to control his body. The feeling of trying to pour his magic into the demon to overwhelm it.
And then, there was Gajeel.
Gajeel had broken down every wall of defence that the demon had in place as if it were nothing. Even with the overwhelming power emanating from the fully unleashed demon, Gajeel had been able to walk towards him, and reach out to Freed. Like a light in the darkness, Gajeel had managed to drag him out of the demon's control and allowed him his autonomy again. He had managed to do something Freed had thought impossible.
The demon was gone. Gajeel had somehow burned the thing from his soul, removing it entirely. They had killed what remained of the demon together in a unison raid moments before Freed had passed out in his arms.
But, despite the importance of it all, that wasn't what Freed was thinking about.
I'm yours and yer mine.
That demon aint got a fucking claim on you.
Yer fuckin' mine.
It ain't ever hurtin' you again, y'hear me. Never
The words weren't subtle. They weren't something you could misunderstand. They weren't anything but a claim on Freed. Gajeel was stating loudly, in front of everybody in the guild - everyone that mattered to them both - that he and Freed belonged to one another.
Perhaps if it was coming from any other man than Gajeel, Freed might have felt fury. He might have felt some level of anger that Gajeel had proclaimed such a thing so publicly without so much as asking Freed, but he only felt a sense of rightness at what Gajeel had said. Of course he and Gajeel belonged to each other. How had that been in any doubt? The moment they had first laid eyes on each other, the motions were put in place to bring them into each other's arms. It was destiny.
Had Freed always been so romantic? Perhaps he had needed the right man to bring it out of him.
"Ah, you're awake," A grouchy, haggard voice cut through the silence. "You certainly took your time, didn't you?"
Freed looked towards the door of the infirmary, to see Porlyusica walking towards him. This too was how he remembered his first experience of living in Magnolia, with the impatient and impetuous woman acting as though his life was an inconvenience for her to deal with. That was something that was familiar, if nothing else.
"How long have I been unconscious?" Freed asked, and found his voice hoarse.
"Nine days," Porlyusica said, picking something up from the small table beside Freed's bed. He didn't know what it was, but it began to glow with healing magic. She turned to Freed and sighed. "Lower your covers and hold still."
Doing as instructed, Freed blushed a little when he realised he was without any clothing. The woman didn't seem bothered, and slowly began to lower the magical item over his body. It was scanning him, and he let out a gasp when the device passed over his heart. There was a sudden flood of warmth through his body, unlike anything he could ever remember feeling before. It was pleasant, but so foreign to him that he didn't know what to feel.
"Ah, good," Porlyusica said, placing the device down again.
"What was that," Freed demanded, pulling up the sheets to protect his modesty.
"I stimulated you, that magic was intended to induce a feeling of comfort and delight," She shrugged, picking up a small piece of paper that Freed assumed had his details on. "You've had that demon eating away at you from the inside for years, so you probably grew used to its influence. It has been slowly dulling your emotions for ten years. You just felt joy like the rest of us do for the first time since your possession."
His emotions had been dulled?
Surely he would have noticed that. The ability to feel how he felt was something that he had always taken for granted, and he never expected it could leave him. Perhaps he had become jaded, but he had dismissed that as growing up and working in a profession where you often saw the worst of people. The demon had been responsible for that, too?
Fuck. Fuck his damn parents and the damn demon and the damn priest who had gotten him into this position. How the hell had he lost so much control of who he was without knowing it? Why had the people he loved allowed this to happen to him. His parents were meant to protect him, not to allow this.
Was this what anger felt like when not influenced by a demon? Uneducated and bitter?
"You'll acclimate," Porlyusica said, as if knowing what he was feeling. "Those friends of yours have wanted to see you since the incident. Annoying brats. I'm going to put you to sleep again, they'll no doubt be here before you wake."
"What?" Freed asked. "No, I don't intended to-"
"Quiet," Porlusica said firmly, and tapped her cane on the floor. "Sleep."
And Freed slipped away before he could protest.
"Hey baby," Bickslow's voice woke Freed up before his eyes were open. "Are you feeling okay?"
He didn't know how long it had been since Porlyuscia had put him to sleep, but he woke up in the same bed with the sun higher in the sky. He blinked away the light and saw that Bickslow, Evergreen and Laxus were all sitting around his bed, looking at him with expressions of mingled happiness and concern. He pushed himself off the mattress so he could sit up, wincing at the feeling of aching muscles.
With a quick glance around, he saw that Gajeel wasn't there. That didn't feel good.
"Erm, yes," Freed said in answer to Bickslow's question, his mind not working as fast as he would have liked. "I believe I am. Are you three unharmed?"
"We're not the priority, Freed," Evergreen scoffed a little at the thought, but her expression turned to one of sympathy. It was almost motherly, which was a concern coming from her. Even worse, she took his hand and squoze it as if he needed consoling. "We all saw what happened, now be honest and tell us how you're feeling."
Freed hadn't thought of that. Everyone had seen him weakened and out of control. On the brink of death…
Fairy Tail maged had seen a lot of bad things - it came with the job - but he knew that they always were more affected when it was one of their own being hurt. This could have been terrifying to watch, and he supposed that he owed them some honesty.
"I feel… drained," Freed admitted. "As if I got into the worst fight of my life. Everything is aching, my flesh feels like it's burning from the inside, but no more than normal after a difficult mission," He thought for a moment, moving his arm as if testing that he still could. Of course he could, and the feeling spread warmth though him. It reminded him of what Porlyusica said to him, and he smiled a little. "I'm lighter now. As if a burden has been lifted."
"Well that's good," Evergreen smiled. "And you're not hiding anything from us?"
"Not knowingly," Freed assured them.
"So we can start teasing you about the fact your demon ripped off your clothes and when you transformed back we all saw you naked," Bickslow grinned, and it was a clear attempt to lighten the mood. Evergreen whacked him on the arm, but he just laughed. "Because we all saw your dick, and I gotta say baby, I'm impressed with what you've got going on down there. Don't know how I went so long without seeing it."
Freed chuckled, slightly weakly. "I'd rather not be teased about it, if possible. And I was under the impression that you've started seeing someone."
"I am," Bickslow sighed dreamily, in an overly exaggerated sense of course. "And he's the most handsome man in the world. And he's better than you because he's always getting naked in public and I love it."
Freed laughed. It was good to have Bickslow in moments like this.
Evergreen and Bickslow, as they so often did, started to playfully squabble between themselves. Evergreen had said something about how the PDA between Bickslow and Gray was revolting and far too graphic for the guildhall, and Bickslow argued back saying that Ever only thought that because she didn't have the chance to do it with Elfman because they were still being secretive about their very obvious relationship. The arguments spiralled from there, and Freed watched with amusement.
His gaze drifted from the two squabbling idiots to Laxus, who was looking at him with a quiet expression of concern. When he noticed Freed looking, he curled an eyebrow as if asking if he really was feeling okay. Freed nodded, with a small smile, and Laxus seemed to deflate a little.
"Really gone, huh?" Laxus murmured.
"It seems so," Freed nodded, and that was all that needed to be said on the matter of the demon. For a moment, Freed remained quiet, but there was one thing he needed to know. "Where is he?"
Laxus sighed, ran a hand over his face, and spoke. "You not waking up was getting to him."
"That's not an answer to my question," Freed said firmly. "Where is he?"
"He needed some time away, to deal with everything," Laxus explained. "I'll find him, he'll wanna know you're okay."
"Thank you," Freed whispered, smiling a little.
"No problem," Laxus nodded, standing up.
He walked out of the infirmary without speaking to Bickslow or Evergreen, who clearly hadn't been following their conversation as they both looked perplexed. When Laxus was outside of the building, they could all see an explosion of lightning as Laxus shot off into the sky, apparently having a good idea as to where Gajeel was. Freed certainly hoped so, he needed to see Gajeel as soon as he could.
What was he going to say to him, though? Thank you for ridding me of my curse? Everything you said about belonging together I fully agree with? When you weren't here when I woke up, I realised I always want to wake up beside you?
"Wonder what that was about?" Evergreen commented, speaking about Laxus' departure and bringing Freed's focus back to the room.
"Maybe he's still pissy becuase he and Loke were the losers of the tournament," Bickslow grinned, again trying to keep the mood light. Freed looked at him with a raised eyebrow, because that was something that would certainly distract him. "Shit, you didn't know, huh? Yeah, they didn't work well together at all. It was funny. Lost by a landslide. Laxus wasn't happy about it when I reminded him he has to do a forfeit."
"I expect so," Freed smiled. "Who will be giving him the forfeit, might I ask. I assume you, since I passed out during the fight."
"Me and Gray were deemed the winners, after we were sure you were okay of course," Bickslow assured him. "But we felt it was kinda bullshit. So we thought you and Gajeel could take the money from the prize, and me and Gray get to have fun with the forfeit. That okay?"
"I suppose," Freed chuckled slightly, because almost any other person would want the money. "What have you planned for them?"
Maybe it wasn't the most relevant thing to think about at the time, but Freed wanted the distraction. The lightness of his soul, the revelation that he could truly feel his emotions to their fullness again, and the fact that Gajeel hadn't been there when he woke were all starting to pile up on top of him. A distraction, even a ridiculous one like this, was exactly what he needed. Bickslow seemed to sense this, as he spoke with gusto and joy.
"Well, I wanna have them dress up like old-timey jesters and perform shows every night of a week where they make total asses out of themselves in front of everyone," Bickslow grinned. "And my darling baby wants them to be our butlers for a week and then they have to do everything we say. We haven't decided yet."
"Surely, if you have them as your butlers, you could make them dress like jesters and perform shows as well as anything else you wish," Freed suggested, and Bickslow grinned.
"You're a genius," He exclaimed. "And instead of suits, I'll make sure they're only wearing really tight black briefs and bowties. Really give me something to look at."
Freed chuckled. This was normal, at least.
Gajeel needed to keep moving. He needed to keep himself moving and active and his mind away from Freed because the moment his mind did fall onto Freed it would inevitably linger on the fact that Freed wasn't awake and that Freed might not wake up and that something Gajeel had done might have ended up killing the man that had so quickly intertwined their lives together. That was a thought too awful to even consider, so Gajeel had to keep moving.
After three days of waiting for Freed to wake, Gajeel had left Magnolia. Maybe he was a coward to do so, but he didn't care. He found himself walking, and hours later he was in the forest where he trained. The same forest where he had first gotten to know Freed.
It hadn't been a good idea.
He'd been sleeping under the stars ever since. He had exercised and forced his body to the brink of exhaustion every night, because the idea of lying down and letting sleep overcome him was nauseating. He couldn't let his mind wonder because that would mean letting himself think about Freed and he couldn't do that.
Every day, his body ached. He had pushed himself further than he ever had before. He'd ran more laps of the forest than ever, swam across the lake faster and with more purpose than he could remember doing, and he had pushed the dead tree trunk further up the hill than he thought he ever could. It was all in vain, because even in the split seconds his mind might wander from the exercise to Freed, it felt as though he'd been punched in the gut, and horror flowed through him.
He couldn't take any more. Today, his body was beyond moving more than necessary, protesting against the slightest attempt to exercise. That was how he found himself sitting in the shallowest part of the river, cross legged, with his hand turned to a small blade as he whittled away at a piece of wood.
His intention had been to meditate, something he often did. But today, confronting his mind has not been possible, because they made him feel sick to his damn stomach. And so he'd reached for a nearby bit of wood, and started to carve away at it. First it had been to occupy his hands with something to stop himself from fidgeting, but the more he carved the more he got into the rhythm of it, and he quickly realised that he was carving it into something. Something for a very specific person.
A crown. A crown fit for a prince.
And fuck it, when Freed woke up - becuase he would wake up dammit - Gajeel was gonna treat him like a prince. Two weeks ago he'd given Freed shit for being pampered, but now Gajeel would give anything to be the person pampering his spoiled ass that moment. He'd bring him hot tea, make him dinner, massage his damn feet if he had to. Anything to get his prince back to him.
But for now, he had to make the crown. Because once the crown was complete, then Freed would be awake and everything would be fine. It just had to be fine. Yes, it was a ridiculous claim to make, but he had to cling onto something for hope.
He'd make Freed a real crown one day. Metal, infused with gemstones.
Freed would like that. He'd call Gajeel an idiot, but he'd enjoy it really.
Gods dammit, this was so stupid. Gajeel growled and stood up, but kept the half-made wooden crown in his hand. His body protested from the small amount of movement, but he stormed towards a nearby upturned tree that he had been resting on and slammed his fist into the bark. He did it again, and again, not turning his skin to iron so that he could feel the coarseness of the wood grazing his knuckles. He needed to feel something dammit!
"That helping you?" Laxus' voice came from behind him, and Gajeel nearly jumped at the sudden sound as he turned. Fuck, how had he missed the man approaching. "It doesn't look healthy."
"The hell are you doin' here?" Gajeel grunted. He wasn't in the mood for company. "Needed to think."
"I get that, I've been there," Laxus shrugged, leaning against the tree that Gajeel had punched and looking unwilling to move. "But he woke up, asked where you were. Thought you might get pissed off if someone didn't tell ya."
Gajeel paused.
Freed was awake.
Awake, and asking for him.
For a week, Gajeel hadn't allowed himself to think about Freed at all, and the few moments that resolve had slipped he had gone to the worst case scenario. Maybe it was some kind of bullshit defence mechanism, where if he thought only about the bad outcome then maybe it wouldn't hurt so much when it happened, but he suddenly realised that he hadn't entertained the possibility that it might be okay.
He wanted to storm back to Magnolia as quickly as he could, but stumbled a little under his feet. His legs were aching and his body objecting to any movement whatsoever. He tried to fight through it, because dammit he could make it through some pain if he got to see Freed, but he nearly fell to the ground. The only thing stopping him was Laxus.
"He's not gonna be happy if you nearly kill yourself getting to him," Laxus said, hooking Gajeel's arm over his shoulder. "The two of you are fucking idiots, you know that. You love each other to the point of self destruction."
"Love?" Gajeel muttered. "He said that?"
"He looked pretty damn heartbroken when he realised you weren't there," Laxus said, slowly walking while helping Gajeel. "It means he loves you."
"Y' think so?" Gajeel asked.
"Of course," Laxus scoffed, helping the aching man traverse the woodlands. "He's not gonna admit it yet, probably convinced himself it's too soon to say it, but it's pretty damn clear. He doesn't show his emotions very well, so the fact he's showing them about you is a big deal. And if any guy could affect him so much to make him fall in love within a week, it's you."
"In a week, you managed to turn hatred into a special bond, you managed to nail a unison raide, you got rid of the fucking demon that's been ruining his life," Laxus laughed. "You're it for Freed. You're the last guy he's ever gonna love because who the fuck could compare to that?"
Gajeel blushed a little. Was Sparky always this complimentary?
"Aint this the point where you say yer gonna kick my ass if I fuck around with him?" Gajeel asked, because he wasn't particularly good with his feelings and Laxus had just said a lot of things that could overwhelm Gajeel if he lingered on them for too long. "Give me the shovel talk or whatever?"
"Why the hell would I do that?" Laxus asked. "I saw how you look at him, I know you're not gonna be a dick or hurt him. And if you do, he'd deal with you himself."
Gajeel certainly agreed with that, his prince by no means needed anyone to fight his battles for him.
He found himself a little happy that he had gotten Laxus' blessing, even if he didn't think he particularly needed it. Laxus was an important part of Freed's life, and Gajeel didn't want to be the reason for any kind of rift between them. He also wouldn't have been surprised if Freed was firmly the type of man who might choose his friends over a new lover, and Gajeel respected that. So to have Laxus approve of them felt good.
"Just be good to him, okay?" Laxus said quietly, helping Gajeel pass over a branch that had fallen. "A lot of people have been shitty to him - more than he realsies - so be in his corner, okay?"
"Of course," Gajeel nodded, because he didn't need to be told that.
"But don't take any shit from him either," Laxus said with renewed volume, and apparently the seriousness of their conversation was over. "He's a cocky son of a bitch and he can pull some shit when you least expect it. If you're gonna be his boyfriend then it's your responsibility to knock him down a peg when he's being an ass."
"Kinda contradictory, don't y' think," Gajeel laughed a little.
"Trust me, you'll see just how much of an ass he can be, and you'll see what I mean," Laxus grinned at Gajeel, and Gajeel felt as though this was Laxus' way of offering Gajeel a way into his life, as well as Freed's. Gajeel grinned back, and they continued walking. After a little while, Laxus spoke again. "Now, you're gonna have to test how much you care for him now. We can either walk back like this, and get there past midnight, or go to the train station and risk a fucking train without his runes to settle our stomachs? It'll be faster, but feel shitty as hell."
"Train," Gajeel said immediately, despite his stomach groaning at the thought. "He's worth it."
When Gajeel saw Freed, he almost wanted to cry.
He stormed across the infirmary, and Freed looked towards him with an expression just as relieved as Gajeel was feeling. He didn't stop moving, and wrapped his arms around Freed as tightly as he could in a hug. Freed did the same, apparently his body recovered enough to deal with Gajeel's full strength. For a moment, they both clung to each other as tightly as they could, and Gajeel found solace in the scent of his lover's embrace.
Freed was alive, awake, and here. Everything was okay.
"I'm sorry," Gajeel mumbled into the crook of Freed's neck. "I should've been here when you woke up. I'm sorry."
"You're here now, that's all that matters," Freed whispered, and the hoarseness of his voice made Gajeel feel like shit. Freed seemed to notice, as he pulled away and cupped Gajeel's chin firmly. "I've been tortured by a demon for all of my adult life, and you have gotten rid of that. Not being at my side the moment I woke up is entirely forgivable."
"Should've been here," Gajeel argued, pressing his forehead against Freed's.
"I don't mind," Freed whispered again, leaning up and pressing his lips against Gajeel's in a chaste kiss. "So long as you're here now, I don't mind."
Gajeel leant down further, and pressed their lips together again. He pushed into Freed slightly to deepen the kiss, and his inner dragon purred at the feeling of Freed kissing him again. One night with the man had been enough for Gajeel to know that Freed was special, and that no kiss would be as good as a kiss from Freed. He had been wanting nothing but to feel the man against him again, and to have it finally happen was euphoria.
When they pulled apart, Freed was smiling at Gajeel with a lovestruck expression that looked so good on him. Gajeel would have loved to keep Freed in that moment, because such an expression could only be achieved when someone was feeling bliss. Freed was blissful looking at Gajeel!
"Lie with me," Freed requested. Gajeel didn't need to be told twice.
He maneuvered his tired body into the bed - resisting the urge to make a comment about Freed's nude state - and rested against the headboard. Freed shifted slightly, and leant against Gajeel, nuzzling into his chest with a yawn. So fucking cute.
For what seemed like forever, they stayed like this. Just the two of them, together again and breathing and alive and happy. Gajeel would happily live the rest of his life in that moment, with Freed in his arms and with comfort filling his soul. This was a level of contentment that Gajeel had never felt before, and he was unwilling to let it go. Freed was going to be his for as long as Gajeel could fight for him.
"I meant it, y'know," Gajeel murmured, pressing his lips to Freed's ear. "I wanna be yours. I want you to be mine. I meant everything I said."
"I know you did," Freed smiled, looking up. "I want to be yours too. I want to wake up beside you every morning, and kiss you goodnight every night."
Gajeel couldn't help but grin, lean forward and press their lips together again. Freed was his. He was Freed. In each other's arms, they fell asleep. Content, happy, and in love.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
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🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein Nero gets his own motorcycle. 🖤
~ This time, this chapter is dedicated to all the people who reblogged the first three parts. Thank you so much!
~ Also, to @acieoj , thank you so much for your unwavering support.
~ And to @heaven-on-a-landslide , oh, my gawd! Thank you so much for the kind words.
"Ave Maria,
Gratia plena!
Maria, gratia plena,
Maria, gratia plena!"
V could hear, as clear as day, the solemn music that was coming from the other side of the portal. He walked, reaching the end of the dark tunnel, until light enveloped his entire body, giving him warmth. He finally arrived to his destination. But, all of a sudden, he was met with a violent slash of light that almost ripped him in two. If it weren't for Griffon, who grabbed the collar of his dark, leather vest just in time, he would probably be as good as dead.
"What the hell?!" Griffon screeched, looking around for any sign of Demons.
V looked around, as well, but saw nothing, except for a pastel pink, fur blanket on the grass beneath his feet, an empty basket, and the radio which played the song, "Ave Maria". He picked up the blanket and immediately noticed that it was still warm, not to mention very fragrant, like the smell of fresh flowers blooming in the morning.
"She was just here." V said, his voice almost dropped to a very low whisper.
"She?!" Griffon shot back. "How did you even know that was a girl? She tried to chop you like onions!"
Yes, how did he know that? Was it some kind of a strange, gut feeling, or one of his suppressed, male instincts?
"No matter. I'm very certain that we are the ones who are at fault here. We startled her." he said, purposefully making his voice louder. He took a quick glance at the bushes on his right and noticed something moving behind it. He smiled and placed the soft blanket back down on the ground. "I think I'll return this."
"Shall we go after her?"
"There's,... no need for that." he answered, making sure that his voice could be heard by that person behind the bushes. He then faced the path before him and walked, making sure that Griffon's following closely behind him. "We must press on."
The sun was getting low. Despite that, he still took the time to admire the lush garden of the very familiar place. He had been here, he knew it. And, the moment he arrived at the main road of the city, there was no mistaking it:
He was back at Red Grave.
But, why did the Yamato bring them there, of all places?
It looked as though he would no longer muse any longer, for there, speeding from the distance with a sleek, blue motorcycle, was the boy, himself. Nero was about to pass V when he noticed him standing there on the sidewalk. He put the vehicle to a halt, hitting the break, and stopping right beside V.
"Hey, V!" Nero said, smiling at him. "Long time no see."
"It has been quite a while." V said, then smiled back, not wanting to let the boy know that he was still a bit mad at him for what happened the last time they saw each other.
"Was it a month already?"
"Three weeks, you idiot!" Griffon screeched at him.
"And the little chicken is here!" Nero joked, pointing at Griffon and effectively mocking him with the cursed nickname. "Now, I know what we're having for dinner!"
"Why, you, son of a - !"
V quickly shielded Griffon with his cane, or the other way around, and tilted his head sideways, letting his hair fall to the half part of his face. "It seems that you are in a hurry."
"Yeah, I'm going to Nico's." Nero mentioned. "Said she had a job for me."
"And what would that be?"
Nero shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me. She only said to 'hustle over and make it damn quick'. Look, she even told me to bring formal wear. I don't even know what that is!" He pointed at the compartment of the motorcycle with his thumb and gave it a disgusted look. "Luckily, Kyrie knows stuff. She's a real life saver."
"Is that so?" V said, making himself sound like he was genuinely interested.
And, it was a success.
"Wanna tag along?" Nero graciously offered, revving his badass motorcycle and looking really proud.
What a simpleton.
A few moments later, V found himself riding with Nero, letting the delicious, early evening air splash on his face and sweep his wavy, jet black locks. He held onto the boy's shoulders with a hand, his other one firmly holding onto the metal cane and making sure it's not in the way as Nero drove.
"So, this job,..." V had to make his voice louder for him to be heard above the sound of the speeding vehicle. "Is it Devil May Cry related?"
"I think." Nero answered, not letting his eyes off the road for a minute. "I knew I told her not to bug me unless she wants me to kill some shit."
"And this,... vehicle?"
V noticed the boy chuckle. "It was a gift from the mayor of Red Grave for defeating that son of a bitch." He was refering to none other than Urizen, V's demonic half. "Well, actually, I bought it using the money he offered me for saving the lives of the citizens. Kyrie was opposed to this, at first, telling me I had no discipline with things like this."
"She was right." V answered. "You are not wearing any protection for your,.... cranium."
"Ahh, yeah, I think I forgot my helmet back home. Kyrie's gonna slit my throat for this,..."
V smirked, actually wishing for it to happen. However, at the simple thought of slitting someone else's throat, one person immediately popped into his mind.
"And,... Dante?" V asked. That's it, he finally asked about his stupid twin brother.
"He got paid by the mayor, too. But, he squandered everything in a casino one night, losing in one fell swoop. Let's just say he ended up with more debt than usual."
"Oh. I see." V said, musing about the fact. He may know Dante to be a bit of a risk - taker when it comes to challenges. But, he knew for certain that he would never take part in any challenge unless he knew from the start that he would win. Aside from that, he knew Dante would not indulge into such things, unless,...
So, why? V knew his brother too much. Was he secretly - ?
"We're here." Nero announced, putting the vehicle to a stop in front of a twenty - story building in an actually fancy neighborhood a few kilometers away from the park V just transported into.
He got down and looked up at the apartment, fully anticipating everything that would possibly happen to him from then on. If the Yamato really intended for him to be here, then he might as well do anything he can to unravel this rare phenomenon that reunited him with these people.
After properly parking the motorcycle, Nero invited V inside the apartment. Once inside, they noticed that the walls of the lobby were filled with classic, renaissance - style murals that simply took V's breath away. It's not everyday that he could see such sights as this, after all. Murals in an apartment? That's something. And clearly, Nero was surprised, as well.
"Huh, who knew Nico lived in a fancy place now?" the boy said as he pressed the elevator button that would lead the two of them to the sixteenth floor.
V didn't answer. Instead, he listened in on the music that was being played inside the elevator. Nero noticed V's interest in it and smiled.
"You like these kinds of things, yeah?"
"Definitely." V answered, his mind still on the riveting piece of music that was Mozart. "Actually made me miss playing the violin."
"Oh, right." Nero nodded, then jerked his head towards V in utter shock. "Wait, you could play the violin?!"
But, before V could even answer, they arrived at the destined floor. The two got out and went directly to the third room on the right. Nero checked and double checked the crumpled note he produced from his pocket and confirmed it was the right place.
"Okay. This is it." he said, and before he could even knock, the door was slammed open, almost whacking him in the face. "What the fuck?!"
"You're late, psycho!" Nico, the tattooed female who opened the door, screamed at him. "What did I tell ya about the third ring rule?!"
"Stop bitching! V's right here! I found him on the way here." Nero screamed right back at Nico, who immediately noticed the poet's presence in the area.
"Hey, you must be him, huh?" Nico cooled down, appraising her surprise visitor with an expert eye. "The mysterious one who hired Dante."
"You are looking at this mysterious one right now." V answered good - naturedly.
"Then, let's not wait for the grass to grow! Come in!"
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dyingrabbit · 5 years
Legislative Building, Olympia, WA, August 24, 2019:
"Jay. Jay is that you?"
Jay Inslee looked up from his phone to see Lieutenant Governor Cyrus Habib waving his cane.
"I know those footsteps anywhere, Jay," Cyrus said with surety.
"You got me," Inslee conceded.
Cyrus chuckled. Then, with the precision of a surgeon, he violently probed the Governor's face with his cane.
"You are tired, Jay," he concluded.
"What can I say Cyrus?" Inslee began. "It's the- protecting the climate-" he raised his arms for dramatic effect. "I have my a-aura, I've gotta- m-my aura-"
"Tired, and lonely," Cyrus said again, cutting him off.
Jay paused for a moment, arms outstretched. "Yeah, uh, expanding my aura to defend our environment from climate change is lonely, tiring work, my friend," he finished.
"Did you read the news, Jay?"
"I'm afraid I've been too--oo engrossed in the defense of the p-planet to-"
"The DNC, Jay," Cyrus said. "They're not doing it, they've voted against a climate change debate."
Jay swallowed and looked back down at his phone for a moment, adjusting his glasses unconsciously.
Cyrus stared at him sagely from behind his pitch dark sunglasses. Once more, he whacked at Inslee's face with his cane.
"Something you want to say, Jay?" he asked knowingly.
Inslee looked back up and cleared his throat, "Only that the people aren't going to stand for it," he said. "Just you wait, Cyrus. Wait until you see what we can do for this planet when we mobilize and raise our voices as one. The grass is still gonna be green for our grandchildren, Cyrus, just you wait and see."
"I'm afraid I will be waiting for a long time, Jay," Cyrus chuckled.
Inslee stared blankly, the joke lost on him.
"Because I..." Cyrus gestured to his glasses. "I'm blind, Jay, I won't be able to see... uh."
Jay smiled a wide toothy smile, then dropped it when he realized Habib couldn't see that either. "Boy, that's a good one, uh, Cyrus," he said with good humor.
"I should, uh..." Cyrus started gesturing vaguely behind him. "I should get back to work, Jay."
"As should we all."
"Right," Cyrus said, walking away.
"This is our moment!" Jay exclaimed.
"It was, Jay," Cyrus said.
Jay Inslee stands in front of the brass sculpture of George Washington's head. The tip of the nose has been polished and smoothed out by the hands of countless tourists over the years despite a sign nearby which urges onlookers not to touch.
Jay has one earbud in, and listens to a news broadcast:
"The Democratic National Committee voted Saturday against allowing candidates to participate in a debate focusing on climate change. Delegates voted 222-137 in a highly contentious debate that comes in the wake of the massive wildfires spreading through the Amazon rainforest."
["Over and Done With" by The Proclaimers begins playing]
"Protesters interrupted on several occasions to voice their discontent, chanting 'We can't wait!' among other things. DNC member Chris Reeves had this to say about the vote:
'If an asteroid was coming to earth, there would be no question about having a debate about it, but with this existential crisis facing the world, we all sit and wring our hands.'
DNC chair Tom Perez strongly opposes the idea of debates focusing on single topics, and that rules governing when and where candidates can debate each other ought to be preserved.
'We want to make sure we don’t change the rules in the middle of the process,' he said. 'We have a North Star principle: We want to be fair--"
Jay Inslee rips out his earbud and throws his phone on the ground.
["THESS ez a STOOORY of ah farst tee-cha"]
[Cut to black, Directed by Kenny Ortega]
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ozcarpin · 6 years
I would love to read the posts you wrote about them! So I'm really curious to know how you differ Oscar and Ozpin in your writing. Like, speech patterns, body lanaguage, narrative style of their thoughts. But also how they overlap and if and how do they kinda "bleed" over to the other? I would also love to know how you see their merger going in the future, as in my story they're stuck togther for 3 years -ish. Thank you for humoring me!
Alrighty! So, to start off these three ( bing, bong, boom) can give you some quick insight to my thoughts on them. You can also search the tags ‘headcanon’ ‘Wizard of Ozpin’ and ‘Oscar the great and floofy’ on my blog to see some more things that I’ve linked to them in the past. 
In terms of how I differ them in writing, there’s a few things. 
First of all with their dialogue I’ll typically have it so that speaking outloud is in quotations, speaking in thoughts is in apostrophes and Ozpin speaking in thoughts is in apostrophes and italicized. While just a stylistic choice, I find that it can make it much easier when the two of them are going back and forth, just so it isn’t necessary to identify them repeatedly. 
Now, for speech patterns, I’ll typically have Ozpin speaking in a more flowery manner than Oscar. He’ll typically use a larger vocabulary, have a more diverse manner of structuring his sentences and be more round-about with how he says things. Ozpin is, for lack of a better term, constantly in ‘speech mode’. He thinks about what he wants to say at length, and he’s very considerate with his word choice and mannerisms. Ozpin is deliberate.
Oscar, on the other hand is very direct in his dialogue. If he wants to say something, he’ll typically use the least amount of words needed to say it. He’s not trying to impress anyone with his wording or anything like that, he just wants to convey this thoughts and feelings as concisely as possible. That said, Oscar himself isn’t a very confident person typically, which can get in the way of this goal for him. Sometimes he’ll start to say something and backtrack on it upon realizing that it might not sound that good outloud, sometimes he struggles to get across what he’s saying and he’ll start to ramble. He doesn’t always think through what he’s saying before he says it and this can lead to him getting frazzled easily. Oscar is earnest. 
For body language its a similar situation. Oscar isn’t always in control of his emotions. He can get easily overwhelmed in the heat of the moment. Oscar moves about very naturally. When he’s speaking, he’ll usually be gesturing to highlight what he’s saying, if he’s anxious or nervous he’ll shuffle about or fidget and when he’s talking he’ll often reach up to touch his own face or rub the back of his head as a nervous tic. Oscar is a very physically expressive person and this makes him incredibly terrible at hiding his feelings or lying. 
Ozpin on the flipside is very restrained physically. He has his own tics, such as preferring to pace or be in motion when he’s thinking or nervous, and he will always prefer to be in close proximity to his cane (which is at odds to Oscar who prefers to have it stowed away out of view). Ozpin will also gesture with his hands, but its typically done more to accentuate a specific point he’s making rather than having them be constantly in motion. Ozpin will physically play to an audience just as much as verbally and will always seek to hold himself in a very well-kept posture with a composed expression, though he will adjust if the emotions of a situation call for it. 
The best way in my opinion to really portray their difference is that when you’re writing for Oscar, write what would be the most natural action to do in the moment, what first comes to you for motion. For Ozpin, focus on the goal. Write the physical actions that would be most likely to get him closer to his goal in the scene, whether that be comforting someone, conveying a plan of attack or even just answering questions. What actions can he do that will cause the most flow to the scene that he can achieve what he’s set out to with the least interference.
For thought patterns and puzzling, Oscar works in the moment, in the immediate. If he’s asked ‘how will you beat Salem?’ his thought process is ‘by getting stronger’ by doing something he can do in the moment. He’s capable of planning ahead if he needs to, but once more, he can get too overwhelmed and stressed when everything builds up on him like that. He’s not stupid, in fact he’s very clever, but he prefers to work on things as they come to him, one step at a time. 
Ozpin is a strategist. He is always thinking ahead, always planning multiple contingencies for the future. His answer to ‘how will you beat Salem’ would be so vague there wouldn’t be much point in asking, one part because Ozpin will tell you what you need to know when you need to know it (sometimes because his plan depends on you acting a certain way) and also because his plans are constantly changing, always evolving. Ozpin doesn’t take setbacks as hard as other characters because he knows that he has time on his side. Even if something goes wrong now that doesn’t mean he can’t make steps to recover it in the future and make something better out of it. 
Together, Ozpin and Oscar actually compliment each other in many ways. They’re both very clever in their own ways and they both believe that people are inherently good in nature. They’re very protective of those that they care about and while neither of them are very good at initiating friendships, the ones which they do have are forged in fire and stronger than steel. They both lean more towards being selfless, and will put aside their own needs for the betterment of others, and they will both be deeply hurt in moments of betrayal. They’re both incredibly curious, which also works well for their relationship since Ozpin knows more useless facts than the encyclopedia and Oscar actually loves learning them, especially ones about different places. 
Now, as for the merger, my take on it is that once conceptualized, the full course of it will be completed in 2 years (you can of course adjust this to fit your story). They will start out as entirely different entities though over the course of this timeline they will gradually become more similar. Ozpin, in a younger body, will need to adjust to all the lovely corporeal things that go on with it, such as hormones being out of whack, things changing ect. and Oscar will in turn need to adjust to the gradual acclimation to all of Ozpin’s previous memories (not that this will be incredibly apparent to him). This could be as simple as someone asking Oscar a question that he shouldn’t necessarily know the answer to and him answering it without needing to consult first with Ozpin. Things will be more automatic for him and require less mental queuing to access. 
The way that I see this happening is that over time they will start to pick up on each other’s quirks and personality traits, the two of them very slowly becoming more similar as time goes on until they’re simply the same being. A good example of this could be Ozpin doing his little triple-axel backflip into the chair, while Oscar wouldn’t have the confidence to do such a thing, one could make the argument that Ozpin was influenced by the boy’s more dynamic nature and this could be expressed further as time goes on (ie. Ozpin being more emotionally expressive, Oscar having more confidence, taking a liking to hot beverages ect.). By the end of it they will be someone who isn’t exactly the same as Oscar but also isn’t quite Ozpin either, a mesh of the two of them with a single consciousness that is both of them as one.  
I hope that this helps explain a few things, and if you have any other questions I’m more than happy to answer them! (Honestly I could talk for days about these two). 
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grapsandclaps · 6 years
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Hello and welcome everyone to this edition of Graps and Claps, this time taking me to the Brixton Recreation Centre for Rev Pro's big Global Wars UK show with the main event rematch for the Undisputed British Heavyweight between Minoru Suzuki and Tomohiro Ishii (a proper 2 dads in a car park match).
Early start for me to get down to London with a 50 minute bus from Rochdale to Manchester, followed up with a 2 and half hour train/tube trip to Brixton, arriving in what is an upmarket area of the nation's capital but on this impression with the wafting smell of fish in the air and a grey and miserable day this wasn't the upmarket area that it was supposed to be.
Only one boozer we visited here was a branch of the Craft Beer Co located near the Beehuve Wetherspoons. A mixture of 20 beers on tap either keg or cask plus a number of cans were on sale as well, the decor inside this pub was akin to an american diner of sorts with bright flashing boards and red leather seats.
A good 2 hours was spent in here meeting up with a number of wrestling luminaries including the Indy Corner's JP and Joe, whilst also looking outside at Mark Davis walking past in his socks and sandals - whoever thought this look was going to come back into fashion, but I'm not going to argue with Dunkzilla's fashion sense.
4 pints in here were mainly IPA based with the £5.40 Siren Brewery IPA being the best of the pints I had, when visiting here do expect to pay anywhere from £4.50 to £8 a pint but in all honesty it is maybe the best place for a drink near the venue.
With the time coming up to 345pm, our group decided to make our way to the Brixton Recreation Centre which was only round the corner and up one flight of stairs. This venue was in all sense and purposes a gym hall with bleacher seats on one side which were instantly filled, so what was supposed to be a seat for the evening ended up being a standing spot for the duration of the 3 and half hours.
Beer in here was a bit of a shambles with long queues of up to 15 minutes at one stage - our Geoff missed all of the second match thanks to this occurrence. Once they worked things out it did improve but it did feel all a bit like 'spoons with one serving behind the bar - if you cant handle pulled beer, just get cans in - its so simple!
Anyways rant about the £4 beer over with, lets get into the action with a big 9 match card that opened up with the current IWGP Jr. Champion Kushida taking on Kurtis Chapman who was replacing David Starr who was stuck in air limbo due to the airline company going bust but not notifying there passengers - complete shithousery on there part.
So with Chapman taking Starr's place we got down to action with an early feeling out process which Kushida got the upper hand of. A feature of the evening was the at times apathetic crowd that didn't half need a bit of geeing up from my stamping right foot, no wonder I have been walking like John Wayne today.
Despite the quiet crowd this was still a passable match with Kushida looking the best out of the two as he finished off Chapman in around 10 minutes with the Hoverboard driver for the 3 count. To be honest even though he took the match at short notice I didn't think anything stood out about Chapman, that a Josh Bodom could have maybe done a better job as a replacement but hey ho I digress.
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Next up was an interesting Tag Team tussle between Ringkampf (Walter and Timothy Thatcher) vs L.I.J (Sanada and EVIL). Surprisingly there was a lot of offence against the Ringkampf boys especially on Walter from EVIL making the Austrian look vulnerable in comparison to his New Japan counterparts. Ringkampf eventually did come back into the match locking in duel sleepers on both Sanada and EVIL but they both managed to escape the Ringkampf duo's grip as they sent Walter packing to the outside, meaning that Thatcher was left all alone to be hit with the Magic Killer by EVIL and Sanada to get the big victory here in what I could count as a shock.
Match No.3 we had the arrival of Lord Gideon Grey who I haven't seen for ages since the whole feud with Grado and Colt Cabana a couple of years ago. Grey was here to introduce the match up between his Legion of Lords tag partner Rishi Ghosh whom he has recently had issues with at the most recent Cockpit show, his opponent was The Great O-Kharn who has been on the old Wayne Rooney hair growth programme - a proper mound of curly hair.
This was certainly a diversion from the fast paced New Japan feel but with a great bit of storytelling in between the ropes with Ghosh playing the plucky underdog against Grey's new charge O-Kharn who is currently undefeated and has visibly improved his ringwork since the last time I saw him at Altrincham vs Danny Duggan which was a total dud.
Ghosh managed to crawl out of O-Kharn's claw hold/slam to fightback but as the referee wasn't looking, Lord Gideon whacked his former best friend around the head with a cane to knock him loopy leading to O-Kharn to hit a reverse neck slam to get the three count, cue more ring announcing stylings from Gideon - I surprisingly enjoyed this match and well above my expectations.
4th up we had the clash between Chris Brookes and L.I.J's leader Tetsuya Naito who came out to a great reaction from the Brixton crowd. Early on Brookes fainted Naito to the outside by doing Naito's pose which only riled Mr. Naito who came in to kick Brookes in the shoulder to stop these shenanigans.
Brookes give him his due performed admirably against one of New Japan's big stars and he nearly picked up the shock victory with a Jay Driller for a 2 count, as Brookes was looking to finish things off he got laid out with not 1, but 2 Destino's from Naito who picked up the win in 11 minutes. A solid match but Naito was in house show mode for me wearing his T-Shirt for the duration of the match (come on Naito you have a better body than my fat arse).
Intermission Main Event with my dad's favourite wrestler Zack Sabre Jr. taking on Former NEVER Champion Hiroki Goto. It was during this I found that the current NEVER Champion is Taichi - christ almighty they must be running out of options 😞.
Lots of strikes and submissions in this one folks with ZSJ looking really good in the process and I would say he was quite dominant over his much larger oppponent, one thing I love about Zack are the countless transitions from hold to hold, he is just so fluid as an operator in the squared circle. Despite trying his best to submit Goto, Zack put away Goto in 15 minutes with a reverse bridge pin for the victory as he looks on his way to facing maybe EVIL or Naito in the futute, the Naito match could be a barn burner in my opinion.
Half time break of 10 minutes which stuck to the schedule, we returned with Mark Davis taking on Satoshi Kojima who as we have found out he has gained a great respect for bread of all things - I just can't imagine that Kojima has some Blackpool Milk Roll in his bread bin.
A hard hitting 10 minute match with many clotheslines and forearms in the ring corner by both men but it was Kojima who got the best of things as he hit the rapid fire chops in the corner to Davis to make his chest look like corned beef. Not long after that Kojima finished off Davis with the cozy lariat for the victory and as you may say - the breadwinner for the evening.
7th match up was between El Phantasmo taking on Rocky Romero in what I felt was a bit of a comedown match before the two what would be best matches of the evening. Early dives from both Romero and ELP were hit but when the action got back inside it was ELP who got the better of things as he put away Rocky Romero with a splash/moonsault combo to pick up the impressive victory, but in hindsight this match maybe could have been scrapped just to add a few more minutes elsewhere on the card.
8th match up was an anticipated contest that I was looking forward to seeing with Will Ospreay taking on Chris Ridgeway for whom it was great to see him getting this opportunity high up on this card.
As expected this duly delivered as Ridgeway tried to use many strikes to wound Ospreay but Will was more than his match as his ground game is greatly under appreciated as people still think of Will as ever the high flyer.
With the match coming to the boil, Ospreay looked to hit the Oscutter to Ridgeway but he was caught with a sleeper choke by Ridgeway to cause the tapout victory to end a belting match. After the match Ospreay had to be carried out as he picked up an injury during this contest, as Ospreay went to the back Josh Bodom came out to attack Ridgeway to possibly set up a match between them two in the future - Bodom bodywise looks amazing fantastic shape that hasn't been anywhere near the Holland's puddings.
8 matches, it is now time for your MAIN EVENT and what a main event this was for the Undisputed British Heavyweight Championship between Minoru Suzuki who is the title holder taking on Tomohiro Ishii. Once the singalong to Kaze Ni Nare had ended we got down to business as both Ishii and Suzuki both got into forearming each other really hard and Suzuki hitting some of the hardest chops I have ever seen - these made Walter's chops look like tummy tickles.
The action spilled to the outside to the merch desk and both also had a chair battle in which Ishii came off the worst but he did manage to beat the count to continue the match. With Suzuki on top, he even had time to give me a death stare telling me to zip it from clapping and stamping which elicited a OOOOOHHHH from the crowd as I shat myself.
Suzuki who as I said looked well on his way to victory, got a bit to complacent by not puttong away Ishii and he got duly punished for this as Ishii hit the match winning brainbuster to Suzuki in 24 minutes to end an amazing match and for me easily in my top 5 matches of the year - check this out on the VOD ypu won't be disappointed.
Show done it was time to leave the venue diwn the ultra wet stairs and say our goodbyes to everyone in our group who were all great company - always good to see JP and Joe and Grappl app creator Gareth, you should download the app from the play store to see what it is about.
Overall as a show this was very good if only for the last two matches which I whole hearteadly recommend that you watch. The downpoints though were maybe too many New Japan victories once again with Kojima and LIJ getting wins over talent that should be pushed to the hilt in Rev Pro in Ringkampf and Mark Davis.
With the early finish at 715pm, I managed to get the earlier train back to Manchester to arrive back in Rochdale for 1120pm to rest my aching limbs before going to work in the morning.
I hope you have enjoyed reading, any feedback and comments are welcome and I will return next with a review of Futureshock Wrestling from Prestwich this Saturday, so until then - BYE!!
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