#I'm a brown skinned Asian too
lumi-procrastinate · 1 year
I have no problem with characters being race swapped since it promotes inclusivity and other races' representation in popular media.
If those other races are written purely out of stereotypes and is not written by people of those races, then hun, that's a problem and I'm absolutely disgusted with how the creators treat it as their magnum opus
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musiquesduciel · 6 months
Patting Zoya Akhtar's back for casting a dark-skinned actress to play the rich, desirable, popular mean girl in The Archies (2023) when a light skinned Khushi Kapoor was available to play that role but instead did not.
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nastyburger · 1 year
Please say more about the awful Asian designs in Danny Phantom. I'm not Asian but I'd love to have a rundown on the elements that make them offensive so I can avoid and critique those elements in other works. And also you deserve to speak your mind about it
im gonna mostly talk about southeast asian designs since thats what i am and the most familiar with and also what i feel are the show's worst transgression with their casual depictions. tw for racist imagery im gonna link pictures.
there's not much to say about the designs aside from, you know, everything but things to note are the unnatural yellow tone for the skin and closed slanted eyes. veggie burger (fan name for the bg character in the middle) also suffers from the huge nose that sometimes shows up in racist depictions. the straight edge/cut hair as well is somewhat stereotypical. this one isn't as bad but in conjunction with everything else its not ideal. i will give the smallest molecule of credit that at the very least dp never gave any of these bg characters buck teeth.
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some depictions are better than others, but theres still missteps happening in one aspect or another. kwan's eyes in a lot of shots/episodes can be too skinny and even too slanted, the girl in the middle is almost perfect but her skin is too yellow (she looks kinda okay on my computer screen but i remember when watching dp on my tv she looked real brightly yellow), and principle ishiyama (who was weirdly forgotten about pretty early on in the show and was replaced by lancer doing most of the school stuff despite not being principle?? which is a whole other issue with how dp treats its poc characters) the same usual notes about the slanted eyes but also the upturned nose is pretty reminiscent of racist japanese art during ww2. again it is not the worst way to draw a nose but combined with everything else in this show's depiction of asian characters its not great, they are on thin ice man.
not to mention, principle ishiyama is the only character here with brown eyes. this is a problem that extends to all poc characters in dp and to my knowledge i think ishiyama might be the only one with them tbh. this is, again, a whole other issue though.
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i think the thing that bothers me most about these designs though is that dp is very clearly aware that these depictions are bad. the only difference between the first set of characters and the second is one singular thing: they have a clear speaking role.
suddenly when theyre not stock background characters, dp knows how to act when drawing them. i cannot for the life of me find the image of it, but the last jock guy in the first set gets a speaking role in reign storm (he's cosplaying phantom) and he is drawn with proper open eyes! (theyre also blue but whatever) it just makes me sad that this was a clear choice they made.
the show also went in a different direction in the final product, but early development stuff was really drawing from a lot of japanese/asian influences like danny was originally gonna have a motorcycle (pulling from ghost in the shell) and was even referenced in the show via the akira motorcycle reference (which i once again, for the life of me, cannot find. danny took johnny 13's motorcycle and did the classic akira slide i think it was in million dollar ghost?? idk whichever one where the giw are trying to blow up the ghost zone). danny's name was originally gonna be jackie, named after jackie chan, this i assume was given to jack fenton afterwards. and i think the show having a more martial arts direction with the action was also gonna be a thing? that one could be wrong dont quote me on that, there was an episode where danny and vlad have like a weird ninja fight though im pretty sure.
either way my point here is that they wanted to pull from all these influences and it was prominent enough during development that they sprinkle references to it throughout the show and yet their portrayal and treatment of asian characters in the show is so abysmal it just feels Bad™, you know? i cant really put it more eloquently than that, like its very take and no give with it.
it overall just puts a bad taste in my mouth, and its sad that it still affects people years later. like i mentioned in the tags of the post that started this discussion with that whole old trend of putting yourself into the bg of dp screenshots, i felt alienated by that. and its not the people who participated's fault obviously but most of the people i saw participating were white fans (going off of how they drew themselves) and it made me a bit mad that they were able to enjoy the style of the show in a more carefree manner than i ever could. i didnt want to ruin anyone's fun obviously, but a small part of me wanted to bring to light how i wasnt on equal ground with them in that situation.
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ditizygirl · 7 days
Editblr is a breeding ground for idolatry, ableism, racism and so much more all for a community about putting images together.
I've been here for only a year but I feel like I've seen it all, and the excuses oh my god the excuses. You are all 15-19, you should not have the mental capacity of a 8 year old. Your common sense is non existent and almost all of you guys are so fucking stupid it's pissing me off more than any god can understand. You are old enough to have logical thinking skills, you may have a disorder and it may be a reason but not an excuse.
Alot of you have forgotten the saying "Think Before You Talk" and I've sure as hell done alot of thinking. This is my deep dive into editblr.
Typing quirks are a way of personal expression but why do so much of you hate to add plain text. I can understand to extent because plain text hates my head because of how long it can be but I'm not gonna act like a little bitch about it. I'm gonna add my typing quirk or even fonts itself to it.
I'm gonna ask someone to help me, or to do it for me. Stopping making excuses for ableism. Alongside with the typing quirks, your psds are ugly and eyestrainy. Psds also fall under racism because I have no idea why you guys are ignoring the fact some make dark skin characters lighter but in the case of ableism most of them are really bright and makes it hard to see.
Orange and brown? Green and yellow? Blue and brown? Why are you putting colours that can be so much eyesore together? And won't even tag as eyestrain and when someone does ask you only do it for one post.
This one is weird as fuck and I see no one mentioning it. Editblr highkey has a ddlg problem, this "little girl" aesthetic you guys have going on borderlines ddlg alot and its icky. The baby talk typing quirk is disgusting, stop it.
I'm not one to judge how someone copes with their trauma but what I DO judge is how you act when majority says its uncomfortable. Now this section I'm a bit unsure how to phrase it, gotta love dyslexia, but that isn't going to stop me.
There's alot of very uncomfortable romanticization of stalking which I've seen so much of alongside abusive relationships and the justification of these things.
Really can't escape this one unfortunately. Many of you are like kpop idols, you're too dyslexic towards the difference between appropriation and appreciation. Incase you forgot let me remind you.
You can not gift japanese names. Gifting names is a native practice therefore you can only gift native names. Also I've noticed you weirdos befriending people just to use their cultural names. I can't even say it east asian fetishization because its only Japanese.
Also for the love of God can you guys stop saying nonmem and non women especially when referring to sexualities. It's not hard to simply say "queer attraction to women" and "queer attraction to men".
Coming back to the "gifting" names thing, I think it's interesting how all of you conveniently have a Japanese friend who "gifted" you the name of a cute pink anime girl. Maybe I'll do a post later on how much of a bad liar you guys are.
Closed symbols is also another big problem you all have. No matter how much times you're told you can't use something you always cry "but my friend from xyz culture said it was ok!" One person can't speak for a whole culture. You're nothing but a coloinzer in disguise hiding behind the idea of aesthetic. If you want to know if a symbol is closed just use this site.
Goddess Personas
Yea this one is getting a whole section of its own. Like any people I am uncomfortable with goddess personas, especially being someone with biblical sources. Now the idea that a teenager on the internet is making people call them a goddess is strange isn't it?
In my opinion, they're all annoying, copy and paste, and I think not a lot of people talk about how the really bad ones get. You all love to indulge them, make them think they have power over them. You put them on a pedestal and praise them and get surprised when it all goes to their head?
Stop giving 14 years old power, stop indulging in their habits and letting it go their head. Forcing people to refer to you as their goddess? Their Lord and saviour? Their idol? Someone they must listen to? It creates a power inbalance which always leads to the weirdest of manipulation. Also all the engagekiss copiers are so obvious why would you want to copy the identity of a groomer? It says alot of about yourself if that's what you think is ideal.
Callout Posts
Now, personally, I believe that the only reason a callout post happens is because someone was affected, does it not? Very rarely would a callout post would be a fake one, especially if someone has more then one. If you defend someone who has more than one call out post that's on you and you're gonna end up making one some day I can genuine you that. People don't make them for no reason.
This is all I have to say for now. I hope you guys really consider what I have written here, or not, considering the fact you guys have shown multiple times you lack reading comprehension
@starriesse @dollicous @doveinne @firstgf @kiochisato @lamboll @cherryshh @narcbf @lavendergalactic @npditary @sprinkleoverdose @necroangelz @eskeys
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forevermore05 · 3 months
1. I can't speak for other cultures that were represented in this show (I'm so sorry if your representation was ruined too), but since I'm a South Asian and specifically an Indian and Hindu. I think I have some credibility. Ok, so this may depend on the interpretations of Hinduism that you've grown up with if you're a Hindu reading this. Well, growing up, I was always taught that Chakras were so important. I learned that the GODS could not accomplish something unless they access all their Chakras (again, this is the interpretation I grew up with it might not be the same for you). So the fact that watching Aang just be able to live life without accessing all of his charkas properly was a big slap to the face. Let me just say this right now. If you were representing a culture, especially the culture that you base the entire show on you either do it correctly or you don't do it at all. Don't make it half-baked because that's just disrespecting the people who follow that religion. And you're emphasizing how insignificant their religious values are (mind you Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world). What little representation we had was also ruined.
2. I also want to talk about another point since I'm here. I think I've made it very clear that I'm a woman of color. Even though me and Katara Are not the same ethnicity. She was my representation through skin color. And it's so interesting. How even though I knew that she was not my ethnicity, I still grasped onto her as a representation. Now this is not a PSA for studios to say "Hey, let's have a person that is brown, and everyone will be okay with it because they will have a person of the same skin to relate to." No this is me criticizing the lack of diversity in the show. The fact that you can base an entire show on a culture but not be able to handle a main character from that culture. And also I think the reason why I like Zuko and Katara ( I've made this point before) But the amount of respect that they have. As a woman of color, I have not exactly received respect from other men whether that be because of my gender or my skin color. So seeing a woman of color be respected regardless it's just so refreshing to me.
3. Also I want people to be mindful that a lot of people who ship this ship. Are women of color and/or part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. However, I'm going to talk specifically about women of color since I'm straight. A lot of us have come from countries that have been colonized and still face the repercussions of colonization to this day, so what I'm trying to say is. When woc ship this duo they know what they're doing and they're not doing anything wrong. It's disrespectful to insult them for being racist and misogynistic when in reality a lot of these women face misogyny and racism in their own lives. They understand why they ship this ship. They understand it very well because they able to see and understand what is truly going on.
4. If you have a problem with this post and want to potentially hunt me down. I'm only saying this because I've seen other women of color be harassed for liking Zutara. I need you to remember that I'm a teenager. I'm a kid. I don't think you want to beef with a kid. And no, it does not matter that I'm 18. You shouldn't be harassing anyone over a ship. In fact, accusing shippers of being racist but then being racist to that poc/woc shipper is insane. It kind of shows that those people are not on a moral high horse.
5. I'm a kid......don't even think about it.
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terminatorbuns · 2 years
Frye is the new Marina: Exploring Frye and Minority Anxiety (An essay by @Terminatorbuns)
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I'm gonna preface this with something very important: Frye is best girl. Fight me, I write lore essays. I wrote that other essay on Deep Cut and I've continued to obsess over them since, especially on Frye, who's been an extremely interesting character for me to analyze.
We know Frye, she's the chipper Inkling idol partner to the more sophisticated Octoling Shiver. There's obvious parallels to be made with the previous idol group, Off the Hook, since Frye is like the energetic Pearl and Shiver is like the cool Marina. And uhh .. that's probably all there is to it, essay's over, everyone go home.
No but seriously, what I want to share instead today is the personal, alternative interpretation I arrived at after obsessively overthinking the situation since release. It's not fully supported by canon, but this is a reading of Frye constructed from the most subtle lore details a Frye-obsessed lore nerd could find, and I hope to at least highlight some lore elements the community might have missed. I want to demonstrate the layers upon layers of complexity that can be read into Frye as a character, and why I care so fucking much.
Frye isn't the new Pearl, she was the new MARINA this whole time and it took me months to see it. Yes, it has absolutely everything to do with their skin color. Splatoon's world is designed with real life racial diversity in mind and, intentionally or not, are also influenced by real life racial dynamics in turn. Like Marina, the analysis of Frye absolutely OPENS UP if we examine her through the lens of her real life racial status, we start to infer stuff about her motivations, her fears, her secret needs and wants, EVERYTHING is on the table. Good news for Shiver fans, I can't talk about Frye without digging into her relationship with Shiver (platonic or otherwise) so that's going to happen too. We need to talk about our precious brown baby.
1. Frye the Minority
To state the obvious, Frye's ethnicity is South Asian, probably India. The Splatoon world doesn't really have a Squid India in it but it's clear what her real life inspirations are. She's very brown, she wears Aladdin pants and mango chutney on her head. She's got a snake charmer flute thing going on and all her musical motifs are played with South Asian instruments. It's a bit on the nose.
Thing is, Splatsville is a Japanese city in design. Splatsville is called Bankara city in Japanese, it's named after a literal Japanese fashion movement and the visual design elements of Splatsville are reminiscent of a rural Japanese city. Splatsville takes little visual inspiration from South Asia, and that makes sense since Splatoon is made by Japanese devs who would be most familiar with Japan.
The consequence of this is that Frye stands out as a uniquely brown-coded person in a world where nobody else looks like her. Not even playable inklings with dark skin look like her, what with her teeth and her pointy mask and her big forehead. It's worth noting that the Octoling narrative in Splatoon 2 takes inspiration from the experience of Black Americans, and the dark skinned Octolings of Inkopolis are mostly coded black, not South Asian. Even if the racial identities of squids don't necessarily match real world racial identities, Frye is recognizably a minority both visually and culturally in-universe. This is reminiscent of Marina, who was one of the only visible Octolings in Inkopolis until playable Octolings were formally implemented.
It's worth noting now that Shiver, in contrast, fits in perfectly: she's a traditionally attractive Japanese girl (we're talking about fem Shiver right now, bear with me) in a Japanese city. Even though Octolings should be an in-universe minority, and even though she too has somewhat unconventional features, the idea that she's a minority just doesn't track visually. We'll circle back to this and discuss why it doesn't really work for her character narratively either.
2. Frye the Villain
I've covered this in my previous essay but Frye is a stage villain by trade, and her style of performance is inspired by Kabuki. The Japanese inspiration makes sense, even though she's an ethnic minority her sunken scrolls suggests that her family is well established in the region, meaning they immigrated a long time ago and Frye's grown up in Splatsville. Frye is a Japanese national with roots in South Asian culture, it's understandable that she has adopted mannerisms of both cultures.
But like, why a villain? And what's the deal with Marina also representing Team Villain in the heroes vs villains Splatfest? I was wondering if there was a connection there until it hit me, Frye's TOO BROWN to apply for hero roles. In real life, the Japanese entertainment industry famously has problems with colorism and racial representation. Even darker skinned Japanese people have trouble landing gigs as leading heroes because the industry favors light skin, and Frye is both very brown and not conventionally attractive by Japanese standards. Film industries in the West have very similar problems with colorism so it's a recognizable problem to western audiences, also. Frye's career choice as a professional villain is informed by the fact that people like her literally cannot land jobs as heroes.
That's not to say Frye resents her role, Frye loves being a villain. Her poses are dynamic, her speeches are charismatic, she's at her happiest when she is playing an antagonist. If you look at her blasting off with her smoke bomb, she has the happiest smile on in direct contrast to Shiver who's comically losing her shit. Thing is, Frye identifies with the underdog villains who never win, because Frye herself struggles in an industry that does not favor her. This also explains her sympathies for the underprivileged, and why she's made it a personal mission to raise money for the poor. Looking back at Splatoon 2, Marina was sympathetic to villains for the same reasons, as an Octoling (and as a black person) that was villainized by the society she lives in.
Frye brings her cultural identity into her performance, where she incorporates traditional South Asian dance and snake/eel charming into her fighting style. She takes her heritage seriously too: where Frye comes off as a clown elsewhere, she's deadly serious when using her culturally inspired techniques in a fight. The fact that she has named choreography for each phase of her fight is proof enough of that. Deep Cut's boss fight theme also opens with South Asian instruments and they are the most prominent thematic element throughout, highlighting the fact that villainy is Frye's domain of expertise, not Shiver's. Frye sees both villainy and her cultural background as core parts of her identity and expresses herself with a combination of both.
3. Frye the loner
Thinking back to Splatoon 2, Marina and Pearl had a very clear extrovert vs Introvert dynamic: Pearl likes networking and building musical connections, and Marina is shy and prefers to hole up in a comfy chair and write music all day. We do in fact see this again in Deep Cut, except Shiver is the extrovert who flourishes in front of an audience or a camera. She's eager to play tableturf with agent 3 because she just likes social interaction and competition. The Anarchy Splatcast version of the Deep Cut theme instead features Japanese instruments, signaling that newscasting in front of a camera is Shiver's area of expertise. Shiver's design and mannerisms also visually invoke that of a Geisha, who are professional entertainers trained in hospitality.
You see where I'm going with this, I hope. In a wild fucking twist, the cheerful energetic Frye is secretly an INTROVERT. Frye's area of expertise is the desert wastelands, she's at her most comfortable when there's almost nobody around. She's happy to be on camera with her friends but she also squirms in her seat, being not completely comfortable. Her go-to stress reliever is fighting salmonids who do not speak, and Shiver tells us that Frye runs away from the group during a Salmon Run shift to fight the bosses. Also, Frye's villain specialty isn't well suited to making friends when she kinda attacks strangers on sight.
Frye's tableturf habits are most revealing because she does not make eye contact with Agent 3 sitting across a table from 3. Frye's zoned out thinking about Big Man and Shiver, her closest friends and the people she's most comfortable around. In the news room Frye's attention is also focused on her friends and rarely makes eye contact with the camera. Without her friends nearby, Frye can actually get a bit lost in a social setting.
This reminds us of Marina who's also shy around people, except Marina's anxieties come from being a literal enemy of the state. Marina actually has quite a few contacts in the Octoling community despite being nervous around Inklings for good reasons. Frye has habits that ACTIVELY avoid people, and currently we're not sure she has ANY friends outside of Deep Cut. There's likely a racial aspect to this, of course, the same cultural biases that prevent Frye from playing hero roles are also likely affecting her ability to connect with new people, and it's not a big stretch to guess how it affects her personal habits. Frye doesn't have Shiver's conventionally good looks, she makes a poor first impression as a pointy big headed brown girl in a Japanese-coded world. This might feel a bit familiar as we've seen a similar process play out in real life since Shiver was a lot more well received at launch and Frye took more time to grow on the fandom.
4. Marina and minority excellence
So we've established some similarities between Frye and Marina in that they are likely both introverts affected by racial anxieties, but it's also worth discussing the ways in which they differ. I feel that Frye and Marina take two different approaches to address their racial anxieties, and this accounts for their very different personalities as characters.
Marina represents a picture perfect image of black excellence on an Octopus. She's a prodigy composer that knows every fucking black music style and a genius engineer and she can even draw manga; girl works three jobs. Marina's approach to her minority status is to work hard to be an exceptional representative of her people in the hopes that it will help them be accepted in Inkling society. She's determined to be presentable to the degree that she will hide some parts of her past (although those parts involved a lot of weapons engineering so maybe it's for the best that she's not proud of that). Also, and this is a very lukewarm take, Marina is hot.
Frye has to take a different approach out of necessity, because Frye is not a genius. As talented as she is, Frye is a more average person with anxieties and flaws that she can't hide, and she doesn't have the talent to excel in multiple fields of expertise or the patience to learn how to present herself in polite society. Rather, Frye channels her flaws into her art: her violent tendencies and her social anxieties both inform her villain performance, giving her a distinct edge and charisma that suits her chosen art form. In Japanese, Frye also speaks with distinct country bumpkin mannerisms which are also associated with low societal status. Thing is, Frye embodies Splatoon 3's theme of Chaos as a non-conformist: she can't succeed by conforming to polite societal standards, so she chooses to promote her own, rough around the edges style as a viable art form.
I'm fascinated with this particular interpretation of Frye, whether or not it was intentional by the original designers at Nintendo, because of how much depth it gives Frye's personality. Not only that, but this version of Frye also creates some interesting implications for her contrasting partner, Shiver.
5. Making sense of Shiver
Shiver's role in Splatoon 3 is rather mysterious when you think about it. Our previous understanding was that Octolings was an oppressed racial underclass that come from the military dictatorship in Octo Canyon and have only been integrated into Inkling society for 2-4 years. And yet, Shiver's family history goes back pretty far with very specific artistic traditions that they've preserved, and she has distinctly different visual features than the Octolings of Octo Canyon. I should also point out that the systematic oppression of Octolings draws heavy parallels to the experiences of Black people in America and Japan, and Shiver is… very not black.
Shiver doesn't really work as an Octoling from Octo Canyon, but she also doesn't have to. The Splatlands is a new region with new history and racial politics, Shiver starts making more sense if we assume that she's been in Splatsville this whole time, and her family simply wasn't living under DJ Octavio's rule. If Shiver's history isn't tied to the Octo Canyon narrative, then we have some very interesting angles to explore through the lens of her IRL racial identity as a Japanese girl and how that effects her design and personality. If we follow this line of logic to its conclusion, we'll start to understand how Shiver is actually the new Pearl.
Shiver as a character design is defined by privilege, or at least, the ILLUSION of privilege (more on this later). She's conventionally attractive by Japanese standards in a Japanese setting, so she has the natural advantages of being a member of the racial majority where Frye does not. Shiver's Japanese dialogue speaks in a very formal theatrical tongue which is… fucking weird admittedly but also a clear allusion to high social status, in the same way people use Shakespearen English to sound fancy as shit. Shiver has the looks and mannerisms of a highly presentable racial default Japanese entertainer and she takes advantage of that to achieve her personal goals.
Shiver's goal is to be on TV. Shiver is Deep Cut's newsroom specialist, she wants to be on camera and to be seen by everyone, she's a little obsessive about attention really. Shiver knows her looks are naturally appealing and wants to be in a format where people can see her face, and she uses stage makeup to accentuate her strengths. This is in direct contrast to Frye who prefers stage performance for smaller, curated audience's, and even then Frye uses a mask to hide her face in battle.
This is where Shiver's relationship with Frye starts to resemble Pearl and Marina. Shiver is perfectly aware of her natural advantages as a fair skinned person and has extended that privilege to include her dark skinned partner. This is similar to the same that light skinned Pearl makes it a mission to promote Marina as a minority artist (Pearl's privilege in this case being mountains of money rather than attractiveness). Even though TV is not Frye's specialty, Shiver insists that Frye (and Big Man) be included because Shiver thinks they deserve a spotlight.
That being said, Shiver's style of partnership differs greatly from Pearl. Pearl has a partner with confidence problems, so Pearl takes a very hands on approach to push Marina to seek out new artistic styles and opportunities because Marina is directionless without guidance. Pearl has high expectations for Marina because Marina is a prodigy who will rise to meet those expectations, and Marina appreciates Pearl's involvement greatly. Marina in turn helps Pearl with her destructive vocals, they fill in each other's weaknesses while working towards a similar goal.
In contrast Shiver takes a hands off approach to Frye. Both Shiver and Frye are confident entertainers in different fields of expertise and do not need external motivation, so they do not need to push each other in the same way Pearl and Marina do. What they instead do for each other is provide safe spaces to participate in each other's art forms without judgment: Frye comes to the TV studio despite being awkward on camera, and Shiver gets to play a villain despite being clumsy and manic on stage. Big Man gets to show up to both despite having little ability in either field.
6. Shiver x Frye
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I'm not saying Shiver and Frye have to be a romantic couple, they form an excellent platonic duo dynamic that is just as narratively valuable to the world of Splatoon. I would never be so crass as to suggest that Shiver and Frye should kiss passionately on the mouth. But like, with the information we now have we can dive a little deeper and make some educated guesses on the inner workings of this particular pairing.
Shiver and Frye directly influence each other's personalities, each member of the duo changes when the other is around. Frye becomes softer around Shiver: Frye on her own is tough from a life informed by adversity, she's focused and takes losses with dignity. However, Shiver is using her personal privileges as a light skinned, presentable Japanese girl as a shield for Frye's racial disadvantages to get Frye TV opportunities that Frye would not have had access to alone, and I think Frye appreciates the protection. Frye feels safe enough around Shiver to let her guard down, she feels less pressure to be strong and competent and has an opportunity to be goofier and more vulnerable. This is the Frye we see most often on screen.
Shiver becomes edgier around Frye: Shiver gets to play a villain when treasure hunting with Frye, And we discover that her villain performance is BUCK WILD. This is the second layer of Shiver's personality that I've only alluded to so far, but it's very important to discuss what Shiver gets out of her relationship with Frye.
Shiver's character is about presentation; she has gone to great lengths to learn the behaviors of a traditionally feminine, high class entertainer. She's polite to a fault and extremely particular about her movements both on TV and on a dance stage. There's no reason to believe this is a facade, Shiver has put so much energy into her act that it's more likely that this is Shiver's idealized self, the image she actually wants to present to the world.
What is simultaneously true is that Shiver DOESN'T perfectly conform to her own idealized self image. There's a messier side to Shiver's personality that she tries very hard to hide: she's competitive, petty, and vindictive under specific circumstances, all traditionally unfeminine traits. She's not doing a great job at hiding them either, these traits are part of her personality and slip out despite her best efforts. It's important to consider that Shiver likely also grew up in Splatsville, making her a country girl too with the same rough rural upbringing as Frye. This just makes her attempt to present as high-class even funnier.
My personal interpretation of the dynamic of Frye's relationship to Shiver is that Frye accepts all of Shiver's messier personality traits, enjoys them, even. Frye is a deliquent that stands for conflict and non-conformity to begin with, so Frye offers a safe space where Shiver can both embrace her messier side and be celebrated for it. Shiver can take nasty verbal jabs at Frye and Frye will fire back cheerfully. This is why Shiver is so wild as a villain, the repressed parts of her personality comes out in full display when she's in a space with only Frye and Big Man, and Frye in particular seems to know all of Shiver's secrets to a level that Big Man does not. This way, Shiver feels no need to erase the messier parts of her personality, she simply saves it for the people she trusts. And Frye is the person Shiver trusts the most.
7. Shiver's Gender
I saved this for last because we have little evidential support for it in canon, but the Shiver character analysis really isn't complete without it. Up to this point I have referred to Shiver with She/Her pronouns because that is Nintendo NA's current official stance on the matter (I'm going to keep doing it for consistency but I really don't feel strongly about this), and my analysis is written with the assumption that Shiver is a cisgendered woman. BUT. I actually see no reason that an alternative interpretation cannot be true.
The overall art community has already figured out that there's a VERY potent TRANS narrative that can be told with Shiver. Shiver's narrative is about presenting as a traditional cisgendered girl while struggling with all the ways she does not conform to tradition, but there's an entirely new layer of meaning to this if Shiver is not, in fact, cisgendered in some way. There's a lot of visual information that initially led the community to this interpretation, Shiver's features are more androgynous than feminine, she wears a Sarashi wrap that has cultural connotations of being a binder, and she has a half shaved punk hair cut which is traditionally considered to be very unfeminine. Shiver's art form itself is gendered, as she has the design elements of a Geisha which is a feminine job, but the gender she presents on the job doesn't have to match her personal gender identity: drag queens exist, for example. I'd also like to point out that historically, there were in fact, MALE geishas that went by the title of Taikomochi, they are just less common in modern days.
In practice, Shiver's gender expression is so complicated that ANY interpretation is viable. Not only that but the various trans interpretations have VERY interesting implications. This would recontextualize Shiver's advantages not as majority privilege, but PASSING privilege, or the ability to LOOK heteronormative while not actually being that. It adds a lot of meaning to Shiver's focus on presentation, and her desire to be validated by a lot of people on TV.
Additionally, this would reinforce the idea that Shiver needs an outlet to address her gender nonconformity off screen, and trusted, accepting friends to keep her secrets while she perfects her preferred forms of gender expression. It's the exact sort of thing that would draw her to the delinquent Frye who has no respect for tradition, and who would encourage Shiver to embrace the most literal interpretation of "be gay, do crimes". It would connect Frye and Shiver as two parallel interpretations of minority anxiety in the same game: one who passes for "normal" and one who does not, and how differently they see the world. And that's… kinda beautiful?
At this point I don't have the relevant personal experience to dive any deeper into possible trans interpretations of Shiver, I think there are other artists with more relevant backgrounds that are already exploring this topic. Just know that I've seen the art that depicts Shiver with top surgery scars and they are my favorite.
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8. Conclusion
Deep Cut's only been out three months and I've already written this much about their lore, good lord. I'm an artist who works on Splatoon fan fiction so the story and themes of Splatoon matter a lot to me as they influence the direction of my work, but my god, does Deep Cut give me a lot to work with. Some of this will have to be retracted as we learn more about Deep Cut's lore, there's lots of ways Nintendo can introduce canon to contradict my take, and that's fine GIVE US THE LORE. Regardless I plan to be making more Deep Cut fan content in the future and I really wanted to share the information that my future work will be based on.
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justthoughts1310 · 3 months
OG ATLA is a diverse show, Netflix ATLA isn't.
In a world where so many people are fixated on skin color and skin tone, it's crazy to me that I haven't seen anyone say anything about this yet. However, I believe most people are thinking it, so I'm going to say it.
ATLA is a show of characters with diverse skin tones. Sokka and Katara are brown-skinned characters.
Whereas, Aang has white skin and Zuko and Azula have very fair almost porcelain like skin. Their skin was supposed to be without blemish, and Zuko even pointed this out in one episode.
When you look at the live-action cast of ATLA, they are all white-washed. They all have very similar skin tones with the exception of Sokka's actor who is very fair-skinned.
Now, I know what you're thinking. OP how could they all be white washed? They are all indigenous or of Asian decent. None of the main characters are white.
Well, you are correct. However, I am going to introduce you to the concept or colorism. It allows for POC characters to still be white washed, under the notion that the European beauty standard is the idea beauty standard. Translation: the lighter (whiter) the skin, the more beautiful the person.
Which is what we see here with the lightning of Sokka and Katara's skin. Now, you might say, that they were appropriately cast as indigenous. Yes, they may have been. However, idenginuous people come in wide range of skin tones. There's light-skin indigenous, brown skin indigenous, dark skin indigenous and everything in between.
Therefore, we cannot pretend that this was the only canonically correct depiction of Sokka and Katara. We certainly cannot pretend that these actors were the best fit for the job, since they both walked their parts and completely missed the motivations and central themes of their characters.
As a kid, I know that it made me as a black woman and a lot of my friends who were brown women (Indian, Asian, North African, and Latino alike) feel seen when they saw Katara. They were able to see themselves in Katara, because Katara looks like them. I felt more seen when I saw Korra, because Korra was darker and starting to approach my skin tone.
That alone should be enough to want to cast the characters correctly. I mean we so often hear people complain about the blackification of once white characters. The most recent example being Halle Balley playing the Little Mermaid. However, it has always been FAR more common, that individuals and roles of color have been played by and adapted by white actors who do not bat an eye.
Yet, that's not enough, because Katara and Sokka's skin tone meant something. It means something and so does Zuko and Azula's skin tones.
For starters, Zuko and Katara have brown skill despite living in a cold climate, in order to protect their skin from the harmful rays or the sun. Wow.... I know shocking right? 😲
Some of you are shaking your head and thinking that doesn't make sense. It's cold in the arctic, why do they need protection from the sun? It's because the sun's rays reflect off of the white snow. Without a sufficient amount of melanin, the sun's rays could burn the skin of the indigenous people who live there. However, with too much melanin, the indigenous people who live there may not absorb enough Vitamin D. Hence, the brown skin.
Secondly (this point is more race-y), Katara and Sokka at this point when the Southen Water Tribe has been demolished by the Fire Nation, are effectively peasants. They are especially peasants when compared to both the Northern Water Tribe and the Fire Nation.
Peasants work outside. Therefore, peasants tend to have darker skin amongst the people in their given region. They have darker skin because they are exposed to the sun more.
Royalty has lighter skin, because they stay inside palaces, they don't do manual labor, and they have servants, so their skin is always protected from the sun. Has anyone ever notice how pale Toph is and the fact that she's the only character in ATLA who has a last name? That's by design people.
The sibling pairing of Sokka and Katara and Zuko and Azula are diametrically opposed in the original show. They are the ultimate dichotomy.
Sokka and Katara:
- wear blue
- are Water Tribe
- are brown skinned
- are peasants
- grew up in tents and igloos
- are kind to each other
Zuko and Azula:
- wear red
- are Fire Nation
- are fair skinned
- are royalty
- grew up in palaces and slept in Alaskan King sized beds
- hate each other.
The sibling pairs are opposed by more than just their nations of origins and the colors of the clothes. They are also opposed by their skin tones in order to reflect their lot in life.
Someone once said that Katara would never marry Zuko because she's too dark. Her skin is not the skin of royalty, and that person was probably right.
However, Sokka and Katara's skin is powerful, because if you read the Kiyoshi novels you'll learn that there's a great lineage in regard to who gets to train the avatar. It's my belief that if Aang met all of his friends before the 100 year war, Azula and Toph would have been the only people deemed worthy to train Aang. The most powerful people in the world are usually associated with the avatar, yet in the OG show, the most disenfranchised people in the world: Sokka and Katara made Aang into a fully realized avatar.
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icey--stars · 8 months
ACOTAR and TOG males in Corsets/Vests (Headcanons)
The High Lords of Prythian + 2 more ACOTAR males and then Rowan and Fenrys from TOG.
I think my self control just went down the hill because now I'm on pinterest looking at men in corsets and imagining which acotar/tog male would wear which. As well as vests (I have an addiction). So far I've come to the following conclusions: (doesn't include cass and az because I literally only see them wearing leathers/more formal leathers, not really a corset/vest. MAYBE az, but only for eris.)
If you want to see my lack of self control, feel free to look lol
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Would be so good looking in a corset. (However, Lucien, Thesan and Tarquin would be slightly better). However, I have to say that he'd probably be better looking in a vest than a corset 🫣 The purple one would match his eyes and well... his eyes happen to be one of my favorite physical characteristics of him.
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THIS male. Oh lordy. He'd ROCK a corset like none other and honestly, he's never going to wear a vest. I don't see him doing it. He'd wear the traditional Day Court robes but then he'd one day just walk out in the gold chains (far right) and everyone would not be able to take their eyes off him. And the gold?? The gold fits too well with his dark skin. I am UNWELL.
Lucien Vanserra:
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I am panting after this male so badly. He would be the best looking in a corset, absolutely no competition. He would have everyone drooling over him and THEN he'd just pop out in a vest and it'd be the same. He looks way too good in either. He looks good in like every court's style too! I just can't with him. I could put him in any of the corsets on this post and he'd look FABULOUS.
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Would absolutely have his lover panting after him in either a corset or vest. I like to imagine Dawn Court fashion with like soft yellows and oranges along with creams and browns?? I think that the first corset fits the best into that. But do I really need to say more? With his skin tone (a more asian one, darker. definitely not white at all) he would look HEAVENLY.
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Would look best in a vest, BUT if anyone is going to look ANY good in a dark blue/white corset, it's definitely Kallias. Now, the middle one wouldn't be paired with black of course, but he'd look DAMN GOOD in it. Am I going insane? Probably.
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This male would canonically wear corsets daily. The vest just doesn't do it for him. Sure, he looks amazing but it's also too warm in Summer to wear it! He'd be wearing the corset with nothing under it (or for court proceedings, a white dress shirt) but literally- he'd look so hot. Thus far, the rankings for corsets are: Lucien, Tarquin, Thesan, Helion and then Rhys. Everyone else is irrelevant.
Eris Vanserra:
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We are going to skip Beron, I'm sorry. If you can't tell by the number of times I've ruthlessly had Beron killed in my fics, then you should know I hate him.
So, Eris Vanserra, High Lord of the Autumn Court is definitely someone who I'd rather see in a vest. But a corset? If he finds the right one, he'd look damn good. Just like his little brother. Though, I feel like he'd be so tired after ruling Autumn that he'd wear it mostly to help his posture lol
However, when he's not tired and wears a vest, he'd look like a god incarnate and I'd get down on my knees to worship the ground he walks on.
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We believe in Tamlin in vests around these parts. (and forgiveness, but that's not what these weird headcanons are about) He'd be drool worthy. His hair?? PERFECT to match the first vest or the corset. I swear, he'd look so good that I'd be panting if he walked by me.
Rowan Whitethorn:
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Rowan? Rowan would wear a corset and have Aelin panting after him the entire day and absolutely nobody would be able to focus that day. Like literally, if you even get a glance, your mind is BROKEN. I would personally just get down on my knees and beg. I don't know about you guys, but if I imagine his tattoo as well, it only serves to make it worse. And a vest?? If you imagine the right with the green and then a more silver color... yeah, I think you get the point. Rowan is drool worthy ALWAYS.
Fenrys Moonbeam
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Do I really even need to say anything?? DO I? Fenrys. Corset. I am melting. He could fit into so many colors and styles and look amazing? I'm not even going to provide a vest picture because any fancy ones that I look up would automatically look good on him. His onyx dark eyes just make it easier!!
Okay... well that was longer than anticipated but I hope you all enjoyed those thoughts. I think I've gone feral by looking at all these images and imagining the acotar/tog men in corsets.
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hello my name is darcy!!!
i'm a daughter of apollo
facts about me:
☼ my age: 14
☼ my ethnicity: african american
☼ my mortal parent: my mum, and my step-dad (who are the best)
☼ sexuality: ace and heterosexual <333
☼ job: healer at the infirmary
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☼ my besties
angie: @poseidons-favourite-daughter
stephanie: @that-asian-child-of-aphrodite
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☼ powers: heliokinesis, photokinesis, vitakinesis (or healing), and archery
☼ weapons: my bow and arrow, and my poison darts
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☼ hobbies: playing the guitar, painting, archery, singing, hanging out with my friends
☼ fatal flaw: gul libility (i have been backstabbed way too many times y'all), excessive loyalty
☼ appearance: deep brown skin (that glows when i heal), thick black curls, in braids though occasionally i leave it natural. my eyes are dark brown, with extremely fucking long eyelashes. and a small dimple on my left cheek.
☼ clothing style: cute shit. idk honestly. denim shorts and the camp t-shirt?
☼ years at camp: 4 but i'm not a year rounder. i visit every weekend tho.
dividers by @cafekitsune
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twoyara · 24 days
Asian beauty standards
Now it's already getting hot in my home country and the sun is shining more and more, so it's time for SPF creams. But the main problem here is not the UV index, but the fact that no matter which store I buy the SPF from, it always comes with bleaching.
Like what? Is that a necessary feature? I hate asian beauty standards. It's so brainwashing, if only u knew. Every single goddamn day you see people with bleached skin on the street in billboards, you turn on the TV and it's the same thing but now with filters, it's the same thing on the local YouTube. Just constant pressure on you.
And sometimes u go to the mirror and see how tanned u r compared to what you were recently and u r like: "Damn, I'm already so brown. Am I that ugly?..😭😭" So u have to mentally slap urself in the face and tell that there's nothing wrong with brown skin.
And it doesn't come easy, cuz ur friends suffer from it too, constantly criticizing themselves for tan, too "dark" skin. People are so into saying that women aren't pressured with beauty standards, but how can I escape it at all if it's all around me? Even I radfem find it hard to turn a blind eye to such things.
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chaethewriter · 1 year
got a sweet asian chick
Jack Champion x South(east)Asian!reader
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In which you and Jack have been dating for a while, and the two of you mutually agree to take the next step: meeting the family.
Word count: 4k
Warning: not proofread, english isn't my first language, rushed, lots of mistakes?
tagged: @viivvriv @genesis4545 @norrisgf @darkcrusadestrawberry @drxwstxrkxy
A/N: here you go Riah!! Enjoy reading everyone.🫶
"I think I'm sweating through my pants." Jack Champion was a confident man, usually able to mask his feelings with his goofy and silly behavior, but right for this instance, that silly demeanor was thrown out of the window as he stood in front of his home's mirror with shaking legs. He wore a black suit, the blazer a wrap plaid one as he topped it off with a black tie and dress shoes. "Baby, are you sure I shouldn't wear.. uhm.. your traditional clothing?" His lips were pursed as he forgot what it was called when he watched himself in the mirror. He was a white american, an entire different race than you and your family. Of course, that shouldn't matter at all, but he felt incredibly nervous. He was raised by his mother with respect and turned into a true gentleman, but he was afraid. Afraid he would fuck this up and make a fool out of himself. This was his first time meeting your relatives, after all. He felt nervous meeting your parents too, but they were quick to like him. Well, your mom. Your father was still protective when it came to you and boys, but that's how fathers will always be. Currently, the two of you were getting ready for your cousin's wedding. The loser of a cousin finally proposed to his now-fiancee, and you couldn't be happier for them. He was like a brother to you. This led to you asking Jack to be your date for the wedding, since he is your boyfriend and all. You understood that if he had declined, you had a huge family after all. You didn't even know 75% of the people, and you probably knew at least a hundred relatives. But to your surprise, Jack had agreed to accompany you, seeing it as the next step in your relationship. You saw your future in his eyes, after all. To say you were beyond excited was an understatement, finally sharing your culture with your boyfriend in the way it should be shown. Jack did know the basic stuff from visiting your home and eating with your parents, but they always tended to tone it down. This time, he could get the real experience. You were getting ready in his guestroom, as you had a ton of stuff to prepare for and needed all the space you could possibly use. From the other room, you replied to his question as you fixed your saree, "Jaanu (beloved), I'm sure of it. I would rather you introduce yourself as you, Jack Champion, my silly boyfriend. And that suit definitely screams your name." You looked at yourself in the mirror with the proudest look on your face as a few strands of your hair framed your face. The brown-beige colored shameen draped saree hugged your body as the jewelry on your wrists and neck were the cherry on top. Your earrings completed the outfit as a whole as they matched your makeup look. You bit your lip in satisfaction. You felt so beautiful in your own skin. But would Jack feel the same way?
"Wow," Jack stood in the dooropening, staring right into your reflection in the mirror as his jaw practically dropped to the floor. He was so used to you wearing acubi fashion: cargo pants, crop tops with half-zipped hoodies, that this side of you was such a shocker to him. Not a negative one, though. He walked up to you, still mesmerized by your beauty. His eyes checked you out from head to toe as he stood behind you, checking every curve and decoration on you. He slowly moved his hands to your waist, gripping your skin as he pushed you against him. The back of your head hit his chest as a blush covered your cheeks. You watched his expression through the mirror and his eyes held nothing but adoration and love, "You're so pretty. You're always so pretty and breathtaking, priya (beloved)." He had a funny American accent when he whispered the last part, but you couldn't help but blush. He took his time learning about your culture and your ways. Even though he was a busy man with his acting job, he always made time for you. Jack Champion was the man of everyone's dreams. And he was yours.
Your parents had picked you up from Jack's house, his mom begging him to take a lot of videos and pictures for her to relive the moment before the two of you had left. She couldn't help but make the two of you pose in front of the house, taking a ton of pictures of her son holding your waist as your hand were resting against his chest. Like the gentleman Jack was, he opened the cardoor for you to get seated. While in the car, you seated next to Jack in the backseat, your mother spoke up, "My dāmāda (son-in-law), how are you feeling? About the wedding?" A blush crept up on your cheeks at that nickname. Your mother took a liking to your boyfriend, and you couldn't be happier about how accepting she was. You had a feeling it happened after he told her about his job at such a young age, but the more he was around, the more she grew to like him for who he was. Your father thought different about it, though, as a grumble left his lips at the way your mother called your boyfriend. He did earn a smack from your mother in return. Jack brought his right hand to your thigh to caress it as his other hand moved to hold onto yours, his thumb rubbing your skin, "I can't lie. I'm pretty nervous, but also excited to get the real cultural experience with my girlfriend by my side." He was so cheesy, but you couldn't help but smile at his words.
From the rear mirror, your father watched how lovey dovey the two of you were being. Even though you tried your best to be as discreet as possible, your father would rather not have Jack in his car at all. Let alone him being so acceptable of the touches you shared. "Please keep your hands away from my d- ow priya (beloved)!" Your mother had slapped your father before he was able to finish his sentence. You shook your head as you gave Jack a reassuring smile, taking both his hands and holding them in your lap. He gave you a smile in return as he played with your fingers, something he did whenever he needed to calm down. You leaned closer to him as you pulled one of your hands away from his grip to stroke the strands of hair out of his eyesight. The two of you were acting like a cheesy, newly wedded couple, but you didn't care. As long as he was by your side, everything would be okay.
Being the gentleman Jack was, he had gotten out of the car the moment your father had parked to go ahead and open your door for you. You had blushed yet again at this action. You were easily swooned when it came to him. You grabbed onto his exchanged hand as you grabbed your sari with the other to lift the fabric off the floor as you stepped out of the car. A blush had covered Jack’s pale skin as he watched your every move. You looked, no, you were someone out of a fairy tale. You were beyond beautiful, breaking the scale as you were above it. “well thank you, my prince Naveen.” The both of you knew that ‘prince charming’ would have been the usual phrase, but you didn’t like that. Prince charming didn’t have any personality and Jack was the complete opposite of that, so you had decided to settle on Naveen, who was also your favorite Disney prince. Very ironic, considering your ethnicity. “Y/N!!” You were almost knocked on your butt at the sudden force running into, if that weren’t for Jack holding you by the small of your back. “My sweet boni (wild berry)!” You engulfed her in your arms as you held her against your hip, “for sure has been a while, hasn’t it?” You got a nod in response as she wrapped your arms around you, “missed you!” She had exclaimed, before she made direct eye contact with Jack, who had put on the brightest smile as he waved at her. She shyly waved in return, thinking the older boy in front of her was quite handsome.
“I knew she would be here. Assalamu Alaikum, bhanjee (sister’s daughter).” One of your hundred aunts came up to you, putting her hand on your arm as she leaned to press her cheek against yours. You smiled as you greeted her in return, “Wa’alaikum Salaam, auntie.” You felt Jack shift as his grip on the small of your back tightened. You put your cousin down, before putting your hand on Jack’s chest, the other hugging his arm close to you. “Auntie, this is my boyfriend, Jackson.” Your aunt had looked at the boy from head to toe, making him shake in his shoes. He put his hand on his chest as he nodded his head to greet her, “It’s nice to meet you, miss. And just Jack is alright with me.” You had looked at your aunt for approval, as she still analyzed his figure. “Aren’t you a tall handsome boy! What do your parents do, hm? Please call me auntie!”
If you could crumble through the ground, it would have happened right there and then. “Oh thank you, auntie! Uhm my mom studied bio-“
“Oh doctor!! When are the two of you getting married!”
A heavy blush had covered Jack’s cheeks as you basically pulled Jack with you towards the venue, “Auntie we are going to greet the others, please excuse us!” As you speed walked off with your boyfriend trailing behind you.
“I am so sorry for her,” you bit your lip as you looked down in shame. The two of you were still so young and for your auntie to start talking about marriage, “I’m sorry if you felt uncomfortable with that question.” You saw your future in him, even though the two of you were still so young, and you didn’t know if Jack felt the same way. Instead of an awkward response, a laugh had erupted from him, “It’s okay darling. After all, you having my last name doesn’t sound so bad now, does it?”
You had smacked his chest, “We aren’t even twenty, Jack!”
The two of you had walked around greeting other relatives, some you knew and most you didn’t. It was the usual ‘I held you when you were just a baby!’ and ‘I remember when you just learned how to walk’ moment, where you awkwardly smiled in response. The moment they saw Jack, they had all interviewed him like true interviewers whenever he was on press tours. He didn’t mind though, as he would try his hardest for you. Their defensive behavior disappeared the moment he had told them he was an actor, your relatives linking this to being rich. Word spread about you bringing in your white famous boyfriend, other people coming up to the two of you to ask you questions about your relationship. You already felt your social battery draining and the ceremony hadn’t even started yet, so you pulled Jack to the side as another storm of relatives flooded in, late as always cause everyone could never be on time. Luckily for them, the soon-to-be-married couple already counted on this. Once Asian, always Asian. “I have never seen a family this big before.” He had leaned down to whisper that in your ear, his lips pressed against your ear as his hot breath fanned against your skin. His hand was holding your waist as he pulled you closer, “did I already tell you that you look incredible tonight, babe.”
Your hands traveled to his chest, gripping onto his blazer as you looked around, “isn’t this kind of inappropriate of you to do at the wedding of your new family, sir Champion?”
His eyes sparkled as he pulled his face away to flash you a grin, “I can’t help it, mrs. Champion. I like the physical contact.” You chuckled in response, pressing a quick kiss against his plump lips before pulling yourself away from him, the only physical contact being your arm hooking into his. So far, you had mostly met aunties, uncles and distant cousins. Jack didn’t know what was about to come. The scariest part of meeting an Asian family: the older cousins. They were probably running late as always.
“Before you can call me mrs. Champion, you still have some obstacles to win, Jackson Champion.” You weren’t going to lie, you were incredibly worried about him meeting your grandparents and older cousins. You were one of the youngest, so they were extra protective when it came to you. “Which is?”
Before you could answer your dear boyfriend, one of your relatives had gotten on stage with a microphone in her hand, “Namaste, family, friends. We have come here together,” She did her introduction speech, before telling everyone to sit at one of the hundreds of round tables in the huge venue. You smiled at your boyfriend and pulled him along, looking for any familiar faces you could sit with. “(Y/N), here!” You heard your name being called as you looked around. Among the crowded tables, you spotted a few heads peeking out from the crowd. Your older cousins. All sitting together. Holding one chair free for you. You didn’t tell them about Jack coming. You gulped as you headed their way. This was it, the true judging of your boyfriend.
“well good day, rats.” You smirked as they all stood up to engulf you in a hug, or a handshake. Jack stood there awkwardly, waiting for you to introduce him. “Now who is this?” one of your cousins spoke up, walking over to one of the only white people in the room, being sweet Jack.
“guys, this is m-“
“how couldn’t you tell us?! You have been seeing someone all along?!”
“If you could shut up and let me speak, thank you.” You took a step towards Jack, hugging his arm in your chest as you smiled sweetly, “This is obviously my sweet and handsome boyfriend, Jack.” Your older cousins gaped at one another. Even though they had figured it out on their own the moment you walked in with a white boy, they still couldn’t believe it that their little cousin would grow up so early. “Your type differs so much from us, that’s not in a bad way of course! Nice to meet you Jack, I’m ….” Your only first female cousin had spoken up, making the decision to walk up to him with her hand extracted. Jack felt much more at ease, a bright smile on his face as they shook hands. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
You gave your other cousins a look, telling them to be nice to your boyfriend. They all groaned, but agreed. They didn’t want you unhappy, after all. All your cousins had greeted Jack, who felt delighted as he felt them opening up to him. You all took a seat, as you secretly stole a chair from the table next to you for Jack to sit down next to you. He put his hand on your thigh as your touch made him feel at ease. You smiled and put your hand on his. The table was decorated with flowers and a beautiful woven cloth, on top all kinds of snacks to eat from. Your relative prepared for her next speech, waiting for everyone to settle down in their seats, as you pulled a few bowls closer to the two of you. You faced Jack, who looked down at the three snacks. “What are these?” he had asked out of genuine curiosity, excited to try it. “So this is aloo tikki, it’s like a fried potato patty. This is banana chips, it’s basically fried overripen bananas. This last one is samosas, it’s my all time favorite. I’m sure you had this before, it’s the potato filled pastry.” You explained as you pointed to all the dishes, given them their easiest description for him. Jack took notice how it was all fried, in oil. He was sure he needed to go to the gym tomorrow, because of all the delicious food he will eat. He first went for the safe option, the one he already knew, the samosas. “warning baby, these are much spicier than the ones I made for you.” You got up from your seat, “let me go get you something to drink, alright? I’ll be back soon.”
“So Jack, what do you do?” one of your cousins had asked him once you went off to the other side of the venue.
“I’m an actor. I have been doing it since I was a child, and now I made my passion my career.” Jack explained, turning to your cousin as he used his hands while talking.
Your other cousin chimed in, “In what movies do you play? Like genre?”
“So far, horror and science fiction. My most recent role was one in scream s-“
Before Jack could finish his sentence, your female cousin chimed in, “OH MY GOD! YOU’RE THE HUMAN KID FROM AVATAR!” She almost fell off her chair as she did so, standing up from her seat and pointing at him, “You’re the bug! The one with the bug name!” her accent clear as she spoke out of pure excitement. In the meantime, your other cousins just stay quiet as they watch their cousin scream like a true Asian mom on the phone. God, this was embarrassing.
Jack tried his best to hold his laughter, “Yes, I play spider yes.”
“Do you plan on playing in romance movies?” the vibe suddenly got dark, as all your cousins stared right into his eyes. It made him nervous, but he knew he couldn’t do more than tell them the truth. “It would be interesting to be in one, as it’s different from what I usually do, but if (Y/N) feels uncomfortable with that thought, then I won’t. I don’t want my relationship to be in danger. There are a lot of other genres with good movie plots.”
Once you had returned with your drinks, it looked like your cousins had opened up just a tad. You didn’t know what they had talked about, but it must be good. You brought him a glass of water to neutralize his tastebuds as you brought a cola for yourself. He didn’t expect the spice to hit him this hard, his mouth on fire as he teared up. Your cousins had laughed at him as he sipped his water, holding onto your hand as he did so. You gently rubbed his cheeks as you grinned, “Now where is my Champion?”
The ceremony had started soon after. Your cousin looked so beautiful in her attire, almost making you tear up as your hand clasped over your mouth. Jack scooted closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer, his other hand rubbing your hand. It might be wishful thinking, but that could be Jack and you in a decade. Oh, how you couldn’t wait to see what the future had in stock for the two of you. Thank god that you wore waterproof mascara, because you bawled your eyes out the moment they had exchanged rings. “baby, it’s okay I’m here.” He had whispered as you sniffed, trying to get it together.
After the ceremony, the dancing began. First it started out as performance dancing, with professional dancers in cultural attires as they put on a show. Jack had taken his phone out to film the happening, so fascinated by the different approach of a wedding. Soon, couples gathered on the dance floor as the professional dancers left the floor. Thee newly wedded couple danced in the middle as the other pairs danced around them. You had gotten up, taking his hand in yours as you pulled him off your chair, “now come on!”
“babe, I don’t know the dance moves-“
“But you know how to dance! Come on!”
You pulled him on the dancefloor, for the sake of your social anxiety and him being in the presence of your huge family, you had decided to stay at the side. “Come on, lets just have fun. Doesn’t matter what we dance, you take the lead Champ.” He grinned at you as he took you in his arms. At first he was a little stiff, twirling you around and moving you from side to side. But as time passed, he grew more comfortable: more himself. The dances got more ‘Jack’ when he did his iconic dance, making you laugh as you threw your head back. The two of you forgot everyone around you as you were only focused on one another, enjoying the moment with the brightest smiles on your face. A sight captured by many.
Eventually, the two of you left the dancefloor, as food would be served soon. You went to the restroom to fix yourself up, Jack following you like a lost puppy as he held onto your hand. You were inside the restroom, touching your makeup and hair up as Jack stood outside, your hands linked together through the door crack. Then you proceeded to return to your table, food already ready and served. It was a plate filled with fresh roti: masala potatoes and chicken, eggs and green beans filling your nostrils. A side of madame jeanette to go with it. Jack had pulled your chair out for you to sit on, before taking a seat himself, “what’s this?” He had asked as he analyzed the plate in front of his nose.
“So this is my favorite dish actually, it’s roti with a bunch of side dishes you eat this with.” You explained as you opened the little wipe packet they gave you to go with, since it’s a dish you’re supposed to eat with your hands. You gave it to Jack as you opened your own wipe, “this is a dish you eat with your hands, so that’s what the wipes are for.” He copied your ways, wiping his fingers down with the wipe as well.
“Okay, so you rip some of the flatbread and you hold it like you’re going to scoop something, then you grab a little bit of everything and put it in your mouth.” You explained as you followed your own instructions, adding some of the madame jeanette to it as well. He had seen you done that, “What is the yellow sauce?” He asked as his eyes focused on his plate. He wasn’t used to eating at all. Of course he ate pizza and chicken wings with his hands, but this still felt different. This felt more cultural. You watched him struggle to split the potatoes in half without letting it fly through the sky. It was kind of cute?
Your gaze returned on his expression as you answered his question from earlier, “It’s spicy, I am not sure if you can handle it. Do you still want to try?”
He nodded, eager to do anything that has to do with your culture. Eager to learn.
“Say ah?”
“I said ‘ahh’ silly.”
“ahh?” Jack had opened his mouth in confusion, not knowing what you meant by it. You then fed him your portion, making him blush a dark shade of red as you pushed the food inside his mouth with your thumb. You pulled your hand away, looking at his expression with a bright grin. As he chewed, his eyes widened when the spice hit his tongue. It felt like his tastebuds were burning off. He had swallowed though, since the taste was exquisite. If only he could taste it better without the distracting spice. You quickly brought the glass of water to his lips, your hand under his chin as he eagerly gulped his drink done, his hand on yours to keep the cup steady.
This sure was an experience to tell at home.
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wilwywaylan · 1 year
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HAPPY BARRICADE DAY TO ALL, I'm not too late !!!!
But I'm certainly dead. I sadly hated doing parts of that drawing, and that's a little sad... because I chose the wrong paper and did it all on marker paper, which I had never used... and which I hated so much because the colors were wrong and the markers kept acting like paint. Hiss ! Hiss !
But here it is ! inspired by the banquet at the end of the Asterix comics (idea courtesy of the amazing @rolls-of-the-tongue-nicely). Fitting everyone around the table wasn't that easy, but I managed ! (please ignore that Valjean is like two Marius' big.)
The aesthetic is totally @crow-songs-at-dawn's idea, she suggested the mix and I ran with it. Also hers is the Ikea influence... because we went to Ikea. So there.
This year, even Patron-Minette made the cut, because they too deserve cake and watch Monty make a fool of himself ! ... next year, I'll add the cats.
And the progress gif !
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(long description under the cut)
[image ID : a large round table sitting in the middle of rubble, with a fire burning high in the middle. All the Amis and friends are gathered around the table. They are all dressed in period-accurate fashion, except Jehan who's wearing a long coat and Vonda boots, and Grantaire who's wearing disco pants and platform shoes. At one hand, Bahorel (man with tan skin, long black hair, black eyes and a beard), is standing to make a speech. Feuilly (smaller white man with copper curls, golden eyes and freckles), is looking at him, smiling, while Enjolras (small white man with long blond hair and blue eyes) is still talking to him. Courfeyrac (small plump man with tan skin, wild black curls and brown eyes) is raising his glass and filming with his phone. He's leaning on Combeferre (tall man with brown skin, black hair in an undercut, grey eyes and glasses), who's reading something on a tablet. On the other side of the fire, Joly (asian man with brown hair and green eyes) is sitting on Musichetta's lap (tall woman with brown skin, long, pink wavy hair and brown eyes), and filming Grantaire with his phone. Grantaire (tall man with tan skin, stubble and black curls) is dancing wildly on the table. Beside him, Bossuet (black man with shaved head and dark blue eyes) is falling over, his glass flying behind him. Gavroche (white boy with brown short hair and grey eyes) is also filming Grantaire. Fantine (black woman with blond hair hidden by a headscarf and brown eyes) is sitting near him and looking at Valjean, Marius and Cosette. Javert (tall man with tan skin, long black hair, black eyes and large sideburns) is glaring at the table. Valjean (tall, stocky man with tan skin, long white hair, brown eyes and a white beard) is gesturing wildly while talking to Marius (white man with short black hair, blue eyes and freckles), who's looking down at his phone. Eponine (white woman with a pink sidecut and grey eyes) is cheering at Bahorel but looking at Marius. She's holding Cosette's waist, and Cosette (black, plump woman with braids dyed in purple and brown eyes) has a hand on Marius' back. On her left, Montparnasse (white man with slicked back black hair and brown eyes) is looking dreamily at Jehan (tall white man with a long copper braid, brown eyes and freckles) who's playing the harp along Bahorel's words, closing the circle. In the upper left corner, Patron Minette is sitting, with Babet (white man with cropped brownish gray hair) and Claquesous (white man with long white hair tied in a bun and a mask) eating cake, and Gueulemer (tall black man with black dreadlocks and black eyes) looking at Montparnasse. All around them are piled a lot of debris, including paving stones, old furniture, chairs, rafters, Ikea bags full of stones, and an Ikea shark. end ID]
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pearlofthesirens · 19 days
For My Princess Only: Chapter 1
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inspired by elliot as sinbad cuz why not. also, i took aladdin as a reference since i recently watched the live action one. you may or may not find south asian references cuz welp, i'm a brown person.
summary: You did not expect yourself to fall for a commoner, that too a bandit out of all the men who wanted you. But what happens when your safety is threatened and your father, the king, learns about your secret lover? pairing: Bandit!Kyle Gaz Garrick x Princess!Reader warnings: she/her pronouns used, reader of arab/south asian descent, slight cursing, historic misogyny and objectification of women mentioned now playing: Aayat by Arijit Singh word count: 1145 words(one thousand one hundred and forty five words)
She sighed at the warmth of the weather, chariot wheels rolling on the dusty roads to carry her and her father, the king, through the city and back to the palace. The horses moved rather slow in her opinion, she preferred that they'd hurry up and end this random stroll her father planned. "Stroll more like parading me around...," she thought. Did he ever think about how she felt when he showed her off like an object? Like a jewel sitting on his crown, like the emerald on his necklace? Was she there for him to boast and flaunt?
She pulled her shawl over her chest, covering herself as much as possible not only from the hot air, but also from the ogling eyes of the common men at the busy market. No one could keep their eyes off her, even women and children. Their huge smiles made her feel even more burdened about the future heir they all wanted. Her father was apparently growing old, her mother already had begun to bother her about suitors. Princess didn't understand why she had to marry so early and that too to someone she didn't even love. Couldn't she just spend the rest of her life reading and writing poetry like a hopeless romantic, waiting for the love of her life to come save her? Or maybe she could bathe in milk and roses, oil her hair, sprinkle perfume on herself and finally wear the jewels of her choice?
But alas, the daydream lasted only a few minutes before she heard her father's voice, him telling her to smile and appear more attentive of the city and her subjects. She were supposed to be the future queen, how would she participate in royal matters if she didn't know about her own kingdom?
Her eyes emptily wandered off to the smiles and curious eyes on her as your chariot moved forward, all of them looked the same. Except him. Except those two shiny brown eyes she spotted amongst many. She noticed his glimmering dark skin, his messy open hair, the beads hanging off a loose braid right in front of his face. She could only catch a glimpse of him before she lost him in the crowd and the horses trotted away, carrying her back to the castle. He didn't look like a man of a lot of fortune. But something about him stuck with her.
Perhaps it was the curve of his lips as he smiled, perhaps it was how mischievous he looked, or maybe it was the thought of leaving everything behind and living independently as a commoner that came washing along with his presence in her life. Life as a royal isn't how commoners think it is. She was trapped in a cage made of gold with the finest grain thrown at her without care. She thought she was better off living as a simple lady, raising a home where she only had to take care of herself and her livelihood, perhaps with a lover, instead of sitting with handmaidens who praised her beauty and gossiped about princes from other kingdoms seeking their future queens.
Being a princess, she was more than just trapped. She couldn't choose whom to love, she couldn't decide her schedules, she could not even choose what jewelry to wear despite its abundance. Responsibilities after responsibilities, yet she wasn't treated like anything but an object to be gawked at, bag of gold to be traded.
The chariot reached the palace and the princess was more than enthusiastic to reach her chambers. Locking herself in, she let her handmaidens strip her of her royal attire before helping her in her resting garments. A simple gown and a mesh shawl to wrap around her shoulders. She dismissed them and picked up her diary, fingers absentmindedly moving towards the quill on her desk. It seemed like a poem wove in her mind and she had to write it down before it disappeared like the handsome man she saw at the city.
like my feet seek the ground like my lungs seek air i find myself yearning for you before you fade from my memories before you withdraw from my grasp
"Perfect." she thought, as she buried her nose into the page and inhaled the smell of the ink on the fresh page. Unbeknownst to her, the mysterious man's smile engraved itself in her heart entwined with the fragrant roses in her room and the verse she just composed. She wanted to meet the man again, perhaps stare into his sun-kissed amber irises for an eternity if time and luck was on her side.
"Is this what it means to fall in love with someone at first sight? Is this what all those books talk about?"
She couldn't help but giggle to herself softly, orange rays of sunset entering her room through the window. She dropped her diary on the bed, carefully keeping the quill back in its place before running off to the open window. Evening breeze hit her hair, swaying the strands over her face as she daydreamed about the handsome stranger before the sound of her closest handmaiden's voice reminded her of reality.
"Your Highness, it's time for your daily bath. You must cleanse yourself before your dinner with His and Her Majesty."
She stood by the door, fresh clothes in her hand. Princess turned to face her, the smile still stuck to her lips as she jogged over to her. Grabbing her shoulders, she pulled her inside and closed the door. Sitting the surprised lady down with herself on the bed, she flashed her pearly whites while asking her a rather baffling question.
"Have you ever been in love?"
"I-Is this about the prince who sent you the most beautiful vase for your roses as a gift, Your Highness?"
She chuckled, shaking her head at the surprised look the older lady gave her. Her hands slowly fixed the mesh shawl over her shoulders as she sighed dreamily. Seeing her antics, the handmaiden gave her a small smile before taking off the lovestruck girl's earrings and pearl necklace for her.
"Not him, but it is the most wonderful feeling in this world to be in love.."
"Indeed, only a few people can afford to marry out of love. But you, Your Highness, can make anybody fall in love at once. Your beauty and kindness can even make a tiger bow to you out of respect."
The princess chuckled and stood up yet again, taking her diary and looking at the poem she crafted. She twirled, letting her dress flow and sat down on the windowsill, smelling the ink on the page. Her face lit up with the sweetest smile when the face of that man flashed in front of her eyes. Yes, that was definitely how love at first sight felt like.
proofread ✓ pearly venus, 17:28 240524
masterlist for my princess only series
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murfpersonalblog · 23 days
IWTV S2 Ep2 Musings
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I absolutely adore the title cards; the "fangs" reflecting main locations of the episodes/seasons. GOD this show's attention to detail.
We open with Lou & Claud in Paris bickering about French & money; already shown in the Pix11 preview (I gave my opinions on the full scene, and another post about Claudia specifically.
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Then we get Dubai. O_O Omfg. I made a separate post all about Louis & Loumand, cuz those queens were DIABOLICAL this episode.
Skipping ahead a bit! To the coven/theatre! ^0^
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Ohhhh....that's a Children of Satan/Darkness nod! 👀 Only thing's that the old guard from the CoS/D actually weren't part of the Coven/Theatre anymore by the time Louis & Claudia arrived (Alessandra, Eleni, and the rest of Rhoshamandes' fledglings Santino indoctrinated & had train Armand).
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So Armand is REALLY showing off, tryna impress Louis; cuz none of the members of THAT Theatre troupe are older than Armand, and not even he's as old as Charlemagne. Armand, your yaoi is showing. XD
It's wild how on one hand we have the coven simping over how pretty Louis is (except Santiago, cuz ofc 🙄); while just HATING on Claudia.
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Naw, let her stay! Estelle is THIRSTY and I love her for it, bless! XD
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Santiago, you shady wench, you're already on my hit list, BUFFOON; but THIS striped heifer, Celeste--
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Wench, are all Parisian vampiresses frumpy busted haters like YOU?
Anyways. 🙄 I hate this effing coven already. 😒
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Foreshadowing AF, Mr. I Could Not Prevent It.
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Sure, Jan. 🙄 But not all violence/abuse/trauma is physical/sexual. By allowing the Theatre to put their hands on Claudia, Armand harmed Louis more than anyone ever could. Claudia was the glue keeping Louis together when he was already falling apart, and he hasn't been right ever since. BOTH of these dudes are living in a fantasy, frikkin la-la-land, as they think they're HELPING e/o, going thru all these theatrical acts & performances. But are they REALLY happy? Esp. cuz we know who's endgame for them in the books. It's bittersweet, cuz their affection's REAL. But this weird codependency just isn't healthy or right. U_U
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Eff you, Daniel Hart. tryna make me cry!
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Eff you, Daniel Hart, tryna make me laugh!
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This scene with the naked lady (Annika) was SO GOOD! I'm glad they tastefully didn't fully show her whole body like they did in the film--if we can't see full frontal nudity for the dudes, then I don't wanna see it on the gals either. 😤 Fair's fair!
But WOAH, the sexckshuhality~!
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I don't even have words for this! 😅 Claudia! Let the man win ONCE!?
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But I LOVE how candid this show is about everything from sexuality to race--and ofc discrimination.
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Oh they're cooking. O_O
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Armand gets to lead the coven through meritocracy, not racial privilege. HOWEVER, we've got bleach-blonde Santiago still waiting in the wings, so.... I can't wait to see more of their dynamics.
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We been knew, Louis, it's ok. U_U
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Armand clearly been knew, too! Like: Yeah, I'm not surprised he's cruising all the gay parks--I could tell by the way that American walked! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I KNOW this bish ain't talking, not Mr. Polynesian Marys! Not Mr. I Did What I Had To Do To SCORE. Not Mr. We Met In A GAY Bar. Not Mr. Black Tar And Heroin! Not Mr. Is Alicia Even REAL!? I KNOW he's not tryna shade Louis for cruising, when his closeted arse can't even handle being in a room with Armand making come-hither eyes!
I love Daniel, how he's written & acted, but ISTG I hate his character.
As opposed to Santiago, who is just--BRUH. WERK.
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And this is exactly what Lestat was getting at, too. And why Akasha was wrong when she said men are the problem. Like, don't get me wrong, THEY ARE, but chile, ALL HUMANS are the problem; eff gender. Homegirl sold that old dude down the frikkin river, just to save her own skin, and her family's. COMPLICIT. OFFAL.
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Santiago's disgusted by humanity, and Annika proved his point.
As for Lestat, his cold willful detachment stems from his attitude that humans are just The Meat. This version of Lestat is SO dang jaded, that humans are reduced to mere food--just like he called Miss Lily.
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He doesn't need the Evil Doer creed, if he thinks ALL humans are evil/irredeemable; only worth living if they can sing & make music or something artistic. Otherwise who cares? (Which makes it VERY interesting to see what AMC!Les would say to Memnoch the Devil....)
Speaking of....
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I frikkin knew it. ISTG Lestat must be asleep in 2022--if y'all have him do a Merrick and wake up in the finale, I will pass out and DIE.
The question is: WHAT put him to sleep? Is he just sad & grieving post-trial? WTF is Raglan James doing in 2022? Are we post-Memnoch? Where are TWMBK? I NEED ANSWERS, AMC! 😭
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Hello! I hope your been having a good day/night
But i wanna ask do you mind fanart of your yandere ocs? And if your okay with people creating fanart i wonder if you can describe the appearances of your ocs. (Might draw who knows *coughs*)
Dont overwork yourself (and drink some water) and thank ya for reading this :D
Yes, I suppose I'd be okay with it!! If you show me them that is😈
Silas: tall, olive skin tone, south European features, black (a bit on the longer side) hair, muscular, brown eyes. I haven't written if he has tattoos, so you can choose in that case!! (He'd be hot with tattoos)
He wears suits and simple clothes, not too many colors or prints. Hoodies and sweatpats are alright in private, especially gray ones
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Dr Kry: Blonde, tall and muscular but more of a slim muscular?? quite pale(?), blue eyes, broad shoulders, big hands, good posture, Scandinavian features
When he's not wearing his hospital uniform which is ... always, he wears sophisticated clothes such as turtlenecks, cardigans, knitted pullovers etc
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King Edmund: black hair, blue eyes, sharp jawline, fair skin, quite veiny arms? Central European features
It's hard to say what he wears because I don't know the names of the pieces, but if you search up 'king clothing' there are examples of what he'd wear!!
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Jerry: East Asian features, black shoulder length hair in a slight wolf cut / in layers, acrylic nails quite often, tattoos over her arms, quite muscular (add piercings if you'd like hehe)
She only wears black — or at least most of the time. Tomboy clothes mostly, or grunge!! Makeup wise, she's quite natural since her makeup gets ruined on missions, but just like most girls, she likes to make herself pretty with at least mascara.
When she makes herself pretty on special occasions (*cough* dates you force her on *cough*), she'll probably wear more dark and smokey makeup rather than fancy 2016 makeup.
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Hedwig: long cool (as in a cold tone) light brown / blonde hair, hazel eyes, fair skin, petite(?), pointy nose, central european
Hedwig wears a lot of designer clothes and isn't a big fan of dark colors. She likes soft clothes!!! Her makeup is very simple and natural and she likes jewelry.
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(++ the God is a gigantic 2 meter man with dark skin, short black hair, golden eyes, and a mystical glow around him. He's a real fashionista with a maximalistic clothing style)
I don't think I can explain better!! I don't see characters' faces when I imagine them, I only see a shape / outline of their bodies, basically. Some of my characters are clearer than others, like Jerry, since she's been with me for 3 years<3
Take care too, I'm doing my best to juggle school and writing as the best I can :,)<333
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spacelazarwolf · 10 months
Can i ask why people seem to only refer to black and brown people? I'm east Asian, and it can feel kind of bad not really being included in the language surrounding talk about racism. We're one of the groups that faces the most discrimination and hate crimes, especially with how covid started. Me and nearly every Asian person i know has faced racism over our lives and many of us have very pale skin. It feels very alienating to be, in a way, left out of the discussion. I understand that often we're included somewhat implicitly, but it doesn't look like it when the language doesn't represent it.
so before i get into it, i'm giving two caveats: 1. even though i'm jewish and my family and i have had a complicated history with being racialized as non white, i'm still racially white. so while i always try to take into account all the things that my family has experienced and that the people of color i know have taught me, that's still the individual perspective i'm speaking from. 2. i live in the us, so that's the culture and society i'm talking about. it may apply to different places in the west (or even outside the west idk) but it may not so like inb4 "#american centric" bc i am literally talking abt america.
re: your actual question of why people seem to only refer to black and brown people, i think it's mostly used to talk about issues that affect darker skinned people of color, but sometimes used as another variation of "people of color" that's meant to encompass all nonwhite people. i've definitely used it that way before without really thinking about it, but i can see how that could make groups who may not see themselves as being black or brown feel left out of a conversation that still absolutely pertains to them. i think we as a society are currently struggling with what vocabulary to use when we talk about racial issues. there's a bunch of different acronyms and phrases people use, and listing out all the different racial and ethnic groups we can think of always leaves someone out.
but i also think our struggles with vocabulary are caused in part by the way our view of race has become very black and white. especially when it comes to east asians, i think people fall way too easily for the model minority myth + think lighter skin = less oppression, so they think east asians don't need as much advocacy as other groups. but as you said, especially since covid, there's been a massive spike in anti asian racism, and that's something i don't think people are really taking seriously. there's this one scene in station 19 (cw for discussion of anti asian hate crimes) that i feel like addresses this so well. people are afraid to downplay the severity of anti black racism (which is understandable considering that anti black racism has been downplayed for hundreds of years), but they end up gaslighting other racial and ethnic minorities or even themselves about the other kinds of bigotry that exist. and as one of the characters states in the clip, "it's all bad."
and like, as a jewish person, i definitely feel a lot of solidarity with east asians because our struggles are dismissed in similar ways. for those of us who are light skinned, we're often told (in my experience, usually by non black people) that basically our skin is too light for people to care because "black people have it worse." people use any success our communities have had as a reason why what we experience Can't Possibly Be That Bad. but what they're missing is that it's all connected. the same people who are perpetuating anti blackness are likely perpetuating anti asian racism and antisemitism too. you can't get rid of anti black racism without dismantling white supremacy, and part of dismantling white supremacy is addressing anti asian racism and antisemitism. we can't just keep hacking away at one brick and expect the entire wall to come down. we have to bulldoze it all.
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