#I'll make self insert ocs don't get me wrong I just don't write about them
ashes-of-ailell · 10 months
i know I've already made a post about this but again, being someone who ships yuriashe and being called sparrow is incredibly funny
it's even funnier when you are the one trying to write the yuriashe fic in which sparrow is used as a nickname for Ashe multiple times. it feels like I'm borderline writing a self insert fic at some points which is an experience to say the least haha
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drsunshinestapeworms · 7 months
yesterday, I posted about how I don't like certain ways paul danos riddler (aka Edward nashton) is characterized in some fanfics. So I'm gonna share some things I do like and some of the ways I write him (in my drafts because I can't write an ending L)
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1) I really like it when people write Edward trying to better himself and failing. Like I co-wrote this fic for my friend (idk if she ever published it), and I wrote in that in Edward's apartment subtle signs of this. Self-help books with torn pages, those therapy CD sets. Notes of affirmation stuck to walls. All being visibly neglected or partially destroyed.
Something I find so engaging with Edwards character (from the comics and the movie) is that he tried for a very long time to fit in with day to day society, tried to be normal. Because he believed that is what would satisfy him. And yet he is miserable in his day to day life . Only ever becoming some semblance of happiness when he's formulating his plan & persona . Becoming the riddler if you will.
2) I like it when authors pair Edward with reader insert/oc that is as Cynical as Edward. Don't get me wrong, the whole beam of positivity over Ed's Metaphorical Storm Cloud is adorable, and I enjoy that too. But I'm a hater born and raised, and there's nothing that makes me love someone more than hating together. There is also a nice romantic nuance to that dynamic. Edward has given up on the city, MC has also given up on the city, and he wants to make better not just for himself now but for them. Of course, in a really twisted way, but it's the thought that counts.
3) I like when people actively write the mental gymnastics Edward takes to blame Bruce Wayne for his childhood. I don't want to just read, "I hate Bruce Wayne he ruined my life." I want to read the jelousey turn to envy, envy turn to resentment. Resentment turn to fury.
I'll probably make more of these. Also, if you have any suggestions, I sincerely would love to hear them.
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ciaossu-imagines · 28 days
No offence but why should people have to pay for stuff from you when 99% of creators on here would post the same things for free
Well, I really debated just deleting this. I really did. Or plain out blocking this anon. Because I really do try to ignore negativity in the inbox, truly, and normally do delete it. But I'll answer this one, in a mo', after I first say...putting no offense in front of an ask that is meant to be rude, to either hurt my feelings or make me feel bad, doesn't suddenly make it inoffensive. In fact, pretty much guaranteed that if you feel the need stick 'no offense' in front of something, you know it'll be offensive, or at the very least, rude, and you're trying to excuse a dick move. Question too...are you sending this ask to every fanartist accepting commissions too, or just the writers? My guess is a solid no, but hey, maybe you can prove me wrong.
Next point - nobody should be paying me anything right now. My commissions are temporarily closed. I'm not really accepting any at the moment because I'm on day 10 of a stretch of 12 days at work before I have one day off, after which I pull another 12 days before I get 2 whole days off. I'm struggling to find time to finish the two commissions I do have and to write to build up the queue on here again so I can continue to put out things on here again. I'm pulling at least one all-nighter a week just to make progress on those two things.
Again - free stuff. Because I definitely do offer lots of that. Commissions are done on top of me writing plenty for free, not instead of. It's simply not as long, or as detailed, and has rules around what I'll comfortably write.
Now onto actual commissions. All but two of the commissions I've handled have been incredibly personalized, either match ups for the actual person on the other side of the screen or working with people's self-inserts or OCs. The two that weren't were for incredibly rare pairs that don't have a lot of people writing for them (ShouheixYata from K Project and Sherlock Holmes (novel version) x Hiruma Yoichi from Eyeshield 21. Please show me even 5% of tumblr routinely putting out content for those pairings because I would enjoy reading anything from them.
For my match ups, smutty ones are at least 5 pages, while romantic and platonic ones have never gone below 7 pages and have, at times, gone as long as 15 pages and include intensely thought out explanations of why they're compatible with that character, what the relationship would be like, how the commissioner fits into the Canon universe, and at least 3, usually more other characters they could be compatible with, how those characters would know the commissioner and fit into their story and why the relationship might not work. I struggle to find blogs willing to do matchups even half that length and intricacy so please, direct me to the 95% of writers that will do that for free.
For my stories, the shortest I've done was 10 pages where I made a whole $1 per page. The longest has been 65 pages where I made $50. They all also come with a music mix and a storyboard with alternate ways the story could have gone and at least 5 new headcanons about the OC and the ship. Please, again, direct me to the 95% of tumblr writers willing to do that for someone else's self-insert ship or OC ship for free, of that length, with the extras. Most writers I know might occasionally write a friend's OC but not just anyone's and usually not 30-60 pages for them.
Long story short, I don't force anyone to commission me. If you don't want to and just want to enjoy the free stuff, that's perfectly cool with me! If you don't like that I take commissions, block me. If you feel everything I write is so generic and boring that 95% of other writers have wrote the exact same thing, my blog isn't for you, block me.
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lampmeeting · 2 years
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I'm a little late!! But it's okay, let's do this y'all!
What is Kloktober?: An incredibly zazzy event taking place in October where we celebrate all things Metalocalypse. There's a prompt for every day of the month to interpret as you see fit! Draw, write, paint, cosplay, make a meme, do your TikToks - all forms of participation are welcome!
How do I participate?: Make your totally brutal creation inspired by the day's prompt and post it using the tag #kloktober2022 - it's just that simple! Post it here, post it to Instagram, post it to AO3, post it to Twitter, wherever, go nuts!
Am I allowed to–ANYTHING GOES! There are no wrong answers during Kloktober! :D Your interpretation of a prompt is VALID. If you only want to do a few days, that's VALID. Don't burn yourself out, this is for fun! (Full disclosure, even I won't be doing all of them, so don't stress!)
What if I have any questions about this? Just send me an ask or DM me or even reply to this post and I'll be more than happy to help! :)
(plain text list is below)
1. favorite character or OTP
2. inspired by a metal song
3. god powers or corruption
4. a favorite headcanon
5. nightmare or fantasy
6. Kreate-a-Klokateer
7. a character as a cryptid
8. childhood or getting old
9. Abigail Appreciation Day
11. blood or flowers
12. use an OC/self-insert
13. "What if...?"
14. creation or destruction
15. inspired by a tarot card
16. the movie better have ______
17. crossover with a horror film
18. use an overlooked character
19. witchcraft or weird science
20. keeping secrets or coming clean
21. Dethklok as a diff. kind of band
22. the Tribunal or the Prophecy
23. group photo or feeling lonely
24. ghost story or creepypasta
25. Ladies' Night!
26. recovering or getting worse
27. fave trope or guilty pleasure
28. set the show in a diff. decade
29. attending the movie premiere
31. YOUR choice!
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emilykaldwen · 11 months
how do you make a original character for a fanfic?
Anon, I'm sorry for delay in answering this but you see, when you dropped this into the inbox, I legit sat up and went 'My Time Has Come'. You can ask my citadel girlies (gender-neutral) about my passion for character creation because I like to smack them in the face with it (affectionately) on the regular. And here's the thing, I'm nowhere near the Word on how to do this. In fact, I am genuinely surprised to have gotten this ask. So thank you? I'm glad you like my writing!
There's like, five million ways I could do this sort of breakdown, touching on internalized misogyny and why we connect with the media we do and how this all ties into our mental health at the time but I don't think that's what you're asking about, so I'm gonna pull back on myself and talk about how I create original characters for Fic.
I feel like character creation, especially in fanfic is such a nuanced discussion that I don't think has really been talked about but we'll be here for 84 years if I launch into this now.
ALL OF THIS IS MY OWN OPINION. I'm just a rando on the internet and have my own approaches and opinions on things. If you feel like I'm specifically calling you out, I can assure you, I'm not, and I will not entertain people getting snippy at me because they want to be offended because they think I criticized them personally on the internet.
Questions, my friend, and the most important one is:
Why am I creating this character?
You need to be honest with yourself. Only yourself. Not the answer you think people will want to hear, or the one that you'll be least embarrassed to share. There are no wrong answers here, creativity comes from so many places within us. THIS SETS THE EXPECTATION.
Why am I creating this character? Is it because you have a crush on the actor? Is it because you want to be the pretty princess and have everyone fawn and fall in love with you? Is it because everyone is stupid in this story and someone needs to clean up the mess? Is it because you see a gap in the story that you feel should be told? All? None?
(In my opinion, the only 'wrong' answer is that you're creating a self-insert avatar to punish yourself. I've been there. It was not a great place, but I wasn't in therapy at the time. I eventually got over punishing myself in fic form)
For me, character creation comes from trying to add something to the story. The existence of my character should have interesting ramifications through the story. For me, if I'm going through the trouble of creating a character that fits into this world, I want them to have effect and change. There should be change. If nothing is changing in the story, then I'll just go read/watch the source material than sit around making someone who basically boils down to a spectator of what's happening.
Characters in our stories are real. They are living and breathing.
Example 1: I have an OC, Myranda Greyjoy. Instead of flying to Storm's End, Aemond flies to Pyke and brings her back to King's Landing. You know what that means? Vhagar doesn't go chomp on Luke, and Luke likely makes it back home unharmed or stays the night at Storm's End until it's safer to fly. So that means blood and cheese doesn't happen, and the war doesn't kick off immediately (which follows canon in terms of Luke's death being the trigger for blood and cheese which in turn means no one is gonna back down).
Example 2: In one of my original drafts of The Maiden and the Drowning Boy, Abby was at Harrenhal when Daemon took the castle (in Fire & Blood, this happens before Storm's End). In the book, Aemond is sent to Storm's End to treat with Borros, but if I kept this event in the fic, it would be in character for Aegon to mount Sunfyre and grab Aemond to go fuck Daemon up because his wife, the Queen, is being held by the enemy. Now, while this is super interesting, it had the potential to cut the dance of dragons down real short and quite frankly? I didn't want to deviate too much from the original dance in terms of some major events because that means that i have to come up with all of that stuff too. My ass doesn't have time for that. (but it's a cool idea)
Okay, so you know why you're creating your OC for whatever reason. Here's the next thing to understand:
You've heard it time and again: write for yourself! and you're like the fuck does that mean asshole? I know, I know! And I really have to thank the AO3 Subreddit for helping me clarify what this means and how it impacts me.
Engagement is Down across the board, across all fandoms. It has nothing to do with you as a writer, it has no reflection on the quality of your work.
Comments are rare. Sometimes they never happen. It fucking sucks. I hate it. I've heard friends go into the lack of comment engagement. Validation is nice. We thrive on it! It feels so good to be told how awesome your work is, what people connected with, etc.
You cannot write for the comments. You cannot write for the external validation. You cannot maintain a sense of stable mental health if you are focused on the feedback.
So find your people.
I found mine! I've been working on my fic since NaNo in November 2022 and am only just now getting ready to start publishing, and I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't because my fic made my one friend happy. Now? I have a handful of people that I've cultivated real friendships with that support and cheer me on just as I support and cheer them on. They're my audience. Everyone else? Are fantastically appreciated extra dessert.
(Perfectionism is a real thing that so many of us actually do struggle with and if you're not meeting the specific standard that you think you should be meeting because you're a better writer than that super popular fic, you are going to make yourself miserable)
So what does this all boil down to?
You do not have to put some deep political dramatic plot scaffolding around your story in order for your OC to be taken seriously and so you can be 'allowed' to have your OC and the canon character hook up. This is YOUR story. You get to write what you want! You get to see how this story will go!
but if you want people to be receptive to your OC and the story at large, then you need to work on making your character living and breathing in the story.
Rattle test! Have a few friends who are trusted to talk through your character and plot and make sure they aren't afraid to ask the hard questions.
Me: Should Jace accidentally punch Abby in this scene cause she tried to get between them Me and Friend at the same time: Aegon would kill him, let's not do that.
I had another possible plot line where this other character was flirting with Aegon. It sounded cool in my head! but talking through it, it just really didn't work out or make much sense.
Anyway, I can go on and on about this subject, and probably write a whole thesis on this delving into how character creation in fan works should be an act of love, not self punishment, and how internalized misogyny plays a huge role in why people are usually averse to reading OC fan fic (in that I mean, the OCs often hate other women, are 'not like other girls' but everyone loves them, etc).
It's hard creating OCs to get people to read them. There's a ton of people out there who simply will not read OC work on principal.
But a final note:
Original characters =/= Reader Inserts. By that I mean, the whole reader fic genre is written specifically for the reader to imagine themselves in the situation. Original characters may be an author insert, but they are not the reader cipher. also original character =/= author insert either, but also you should be totes honest with yourself if you are writing your own insert. It's not a bad thing, it just gives your expectations.
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
okay your turn if nobody else has asked: TOP FIVE JH CHARACTERS GO
... girl... how does one choose? how does one??? when there are so many beautiful boys??? ok. OK I'll give it a shot.
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5. Captain Crow - The Sea Beast This film is just incredible on every front. One of my favorite concept artists worked on it (which I did not know until a few weeks ago but now that I know I feel like kicking myself because I REALLY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THEIR STYLE WELL ENOUGH BY NOW). But I remember watching this, and screaming when the credits began to roll because WAIT?!?!?! THAT WAS JARED HARRIS??? OH!!! WHAT A DELIGHT!!! I LOVE THAT GUY!!!! (oh babygirl wait a few months it's gonna hit you so bad). He's great. I hope we see more of him in the sequel that would be great for me.
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4. Hari Seldon Honestly. What a little shit. "But Egg," you might ask "If he's such a little shit why is he on here?" well. He's hot. Really I am not over how hot this dude is. I know I couldn't fix him not in a million years. But idk. Something about him always makes my brain go brrr. So he's on here. Also I just love how fucking atypically written this show is and I have a wee soft spot for asimov. They didn't have to cast Jared as Hari and make him unbelievably hot. But they did. And he's so enigmatic. I love that.
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3. John Lennon Egg's love for Jared Harris Origins. I was a Beatles girlie, ok? I'm not ashamed to admit that. It was my introductory fandom experience at the ripe old age of baby, and I really ate it up. I remember going into this movie being like "oh it's some dumb TV movie about John and Paul how good can it be?" Very good, as it turns out. And having assigned myself a John Lennon girlie I literally could never get over this depiction. The mannerisms, the fucking tripped-out way he philosophizes in conversation, the softness, and ofc the old friends tension. Jared got it all. Of course I'd seen him in stuff here and there, but this was the one that cemented him as a beloved actor in my mind for me (I literally re-wound the kiss scene as well like 20 times don't judge me but that awakened some stuff in me). Been following him ever since.
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2. Lane Pryce - Mad Men This dude broke me for real. I didn't get into Mad Men until college, and binged it all on my friend's hulu account. And lemme tell ya. Did NOT see his final episode coming. Did not. And it made me genuinely weep. He was a highlight in the show. He was one of the only guys I could actually say is a good dude in that show, and he deserved so much better than he got in the end. I look at him and I'm just like... leave ur wife. Leave your job. Lets just go out of this capitalistic hellscape. I want to make him Well. I will love him forever for how he just completely destroyed me.
1.Francis Crozier / Valery Legasov - HA! you thought I was not going to tie them? WRONG! I can't keep these bad bitches apart.
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Francis really needs no explanation at this point. I am so actually genuinely in love with him I'm writing a whole ass gothic romance novel of a fic for him, as you all know (and which has summarily turned out a BANGER of a modern AU as well). I made a bloody self-insert oc for him. Gothic Cinema is literally my favorite genre and Francis is the most Gothic Hero of all time, honestly (well besides Valery obviously). The serotonin he continually gives me makes my meds redundant. He is my sweet husband who I love with my whole life and that's that.
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And Valery? sorry you can't put a babygirl of a man like that in front of me and not expect that I would want to jump his bones like? Not only is the constant existential dread relatable, but as much as people tell him he's not brave, he IS without a doubt, and honestly, just by virtue of uttering the most iconic logline ever fucking created he deserves this spot on this list. Both of these dudes make my soul ascend in a certain way not just with how brilliantly they were written, but with how incredibly Jared executed them (for which I want to kill the academy for not giving him awards on either). Top Beloveds forever and ever and ever amen.
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About your post regarding ocs, you are so right. And to that anon or anyone who reads this, your advice was so top tier and should be followed 100%
I mean that's the beauty of writing, is it not? It doesn't matter how crazy something seems if it brings you joy at the end of the day. Besides, some of the best characters or oc x canon fics I've ever read are ones that are so self indulgent. A lot of people love the same ideas, so to read it in someone else's work is always fun and exciting!
My cmc for example, she's for Saeran too. She's literally a run away princess, and yes it still follows the Canon ish plot of the game. Why? Because why not! It's fun! All of my cmcs are pretty out there tbh...And sure I may post my work, but it doesn't matter If anyone reads it or even if they have critiques on it.
That's honestly what I love about your page, you post a lot of stuff that others probably wouldn't just because you like to write for enjoyment. Your passion truly shows, and you have a great talent for writing. I also love how devoted you are to Saeran, it's nice to see other people who never lost that love for these characters. I grew up with them, I don't think I'll ever stop loving them. My cmc and Saeran story will literally always move forward, and I love seeing yours and reading them.
I do think the best lesson anybody can learn is that when you're creating something, you should be creating it because it's something that's fun and you enjoy doing it. If you're creating things because you want to make others happy and not yourself, that's not going to end well.
It's a good thing to want to make other people smile, but it's more important to make sure that you are taking care of your needs, too. You have to remember it's important to love yourself just as much as it is to love the people around you.
Sometimes, the best characters I've seen somebody create come from a place that people might consider “cringe or embarrassing.” Well, there is no such thing as cringe and people should be having some fun. I don't care how preposterous or ridiculous an idea is for your character, if you like it and you want to have fun with it, go for it! The only thing that matters, in the end, is that you are making things that make you happy.
If you want to know the best way to learn how to enjoy the things you create, art, writing, or whatever you do, then you need to let go of trying to please other people with the things that you create. You need to think with yourself in mind first and foremost. If you are doing that, then the people who are genuinely interested in that will come around eventually.
Sure, it might take some time, I know it's genuinely taken me a long time to get to the point that I'm at! But, because I've spent so much time focusing on writing things that make me happy, I feel a lot better than I did a long time ago when I was only trying to please everybody else. When you are happy with what you are creating, people can see it. People can see your enjoyment in your words and your creations.
I don't know how to describe it because it's just a feeling you get when you see somebody who's putting everything into something.
Creating things that make you happy shouldn't be done because you want to be popular or receive attention, not that there's anything wrong with wanting that because everybody wants and deserves validation in some form! But, if you are making something because you wanted to boom in popularity and you're not deeply invested in that very creation, you're only going to burn yourself out and just feel miserable in the process.
That's why I'm so happy to write stories that make me happy. That means I’ll spend a few weeks working with my CMC! I’ll write her a story where she and Saeran can be happy and unlearn their trauma and it makes me giddy to see their world in print. Or! When I’m really feeling self-indulgent, I’ll go even further and write a self-insert story about myself and Ray.
Bonus points to me for when I write something I know that nobody but me and maybe three other people are going to read, but I'm writing it because I want to see what happens! It's good to want feedback and commentary, but it's just as important that you're having fun in the process of creating.
All of my ramblings aside, I hope that if anybody can take anything away from my rambling, it's that they need to enjoy what they're creating and have fun with it.
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So fellers, I can't promise that this'll be the last post I make about them. They don't fucking listen when they're the reason why nothing's going their way. I may be petty, but blocking, reporting, and IP banning them with the handy dandy statcounter is STRONGLY recommended (if you can afford to anyway, statcounter has a monthly payment thing).
I personally suspect that they have an alt account that none of us are aware of, and I'll say with full confidence that I could be wrong.
I started knowing they existed on account of their dry writing and their godmodding, and after, they'd start to ask a mutual some intrusive and condescending messages on why they're so kind to me. Not my character apparently, me. They don't bother to learn character names and just use URLs to shit talk. They'd ask why there's fanart of my woof child and their muse, which lmao, why's that a fucking problem? Mind your own beezwax. They would also bombard that mutual with asks about their shadowban issue, why can the mutual see other people's asks instead of theirs, and the most the mutual could do was tell them what it means and how they can fix it (which they never did). And as you might've seen earlier, they said me drawing fanart of fictional characters was "weird" and talked about it like it was self insert art I was doing. Self insert art's not even an issue to begin with but yet they took it personally lmao. Perish. Also I wouldn't make my self insert be a fucking child, and the art wasn't even shippy in the slightest.
It got to the point where my mutual blocked them, and they moved onto a Vegeta blog, and really milked that cow dry for how long they'd keep messaging them and whining about them not jivin' with the godmodding, along with complaining to that Vegeta and someone else about everyone making bad comments about their oc. If you look into their blog, you'll see that this person does not have a bio what so ever. Not even in a separate post. So quite clearly they're just expecting everyone to submit to her Mary Sue powers despite the fact we know nothing about them. They even info dumped the same Vegeta through an ask which, dude. Limited text. Look it up.
And then, they would bombard a Raditz rper and bitch about how he's not submitting to their random stranger shit while Raditz accepted a fucking BLT from one of my adult muses, bombard an oc blog like "you're flirting with Raditz, I can tell, your oc's not any better than MINE", AND, try to act like they're such a hotshot at writing, which as you might've guessed, they're not. And they're actively painting themselves in a bad light instead of listening to people and accepting boundaries. They also bugged the shit out of a Beerus mutual, and another mutual who writes ocs, just 'cause the other's muse was just vibin' and giving Beerus food. There's literally nothing wrong with that, yet they'd keep bugging the other mutual with shit like "oh beerus is only keeping you around 'cause you're giving him food, beerus isn't nice blahblahblah".
Do you see a pattern here? They'll get pissy when they don't get any attention from all four of those characters, and send jealous, petty bitch-sounding messages over two friggin children that are just being nice. Imagine being jealous of a fucking child. Actually suck in that shame like a juice box, 'cause that is PATHETIC. Jealousy is legitimately not a healthy thing to have, especially over something like roleplay, and when you actively guilt trip or shit talk them just 'cause of that, that's even more pathetic. And hella possessive. Good luck being possessive when the muns aren't interested in your oc to begin with lmao.
They also chased off somebody after stalking them for a full on year, as I've been told, which from people saying "that explains a lot" when I said who they were, that's...unsettling. Not surprising, but unsettling. And they're suspected to be another individual named Skye. I dunno if that's true but that's why I say "suspected."
TLDR; Please for your own sanity, block @phoenixissims and report them for their harassment. Do whatever you can to keep them far away from you as possible. The Dragon Ball side of the RPC is not the only RPC they've harassed over the years, so it isn't their first rodeo with being annoying and creepy. Do not waste your time with a message.
Now with all that out of the way, phoenixissims, go fuck yourself with a pitchfork, and everyone else? Have a nice rest of the month. I'm going back to my usual tomfoolery.
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march-harrigan · 1 year
Arkham Dork Squad: 5, 6, 18! And for another one: 13, 20, 21 for your lovely lil haresona u-u
OKAY, SO! I answered 5 and 18 for Jervis here! The rest, I'll put under a cut.
6- Favourite thing this character has said? - This is a tough one, because I love just about everything that comes out of this man's mouth and it also really depends on the version! From his entire monologue in his Joker's Asylum story and his breakdown in BTAS(Perchance to Dream). Or sillier things like his rhyming argument with cash in Arkham Knight or... Just about anything in Secret Six.
One that did stick out to me though, in terms of characterization and how I generally perceive his motives was in Arkham Origins. When he's testing the mind control devices on his "rabbits."
"That's always been the trouble, though, hasn't it? No one ever wanted to hear what Jervis had to say. He might as well have been invisible."
THIS is exactly what I mean when I say he feels overlooked. Jervis has a need to feel seen. To be important and valued enough to be heard. And that's exactly where at least some of his issues with control begin.
5- What do you not like about this character? - I'm gonna be honest. The major thing I dislike isn't even that deep. I just think he should be depicted as Southern more often. That we should have a selection of official, Southern-accented voices to pick from.
Don't get me wrong, I love the depictions of Jon that we have. But ever since I learned about Year One Scarecrow, I need that Georgia boy!
6- Favourite thing this character has said? - You know that part in Arkham Knight where you go back to the clock tower and you have to take out a bunch of militia guys and Scarecrow's waxing poetic about fear? Describing the effects it has on the body, how ancient it is, the kind of primal fear our ancestors felt?
Yeah, all of that.
18- What’s something you associate this character with? E.g. a certain colour, object or scenery? - I associate him with autumn colors. Orange, brown, and red mostly. Obviously, there's just the entire concept of fear. He's usually on my mind when I get the urge to binge some horror content.
Halloween is another big association. Whether he loves it because it suits his motif or hates it because of related trauma, I feel like every version of Jonathan Crane has some strong feelings about Halloween, one way or the other.
5- What do you not like about this character? - I don't really have a lot of negative to say about Ed. At least as a whole.
I guess if I were to gripe about a specific version, it would be Gotham. I liked him well enough? But his transition from Ed Nygma to the Riddler was just. Not great in general. I feel like someone who's watched the series more than once could explain it better than I can. It was all very weird, and not in a good way.
6- Favourite thing this character has said? - Honestly, everything out of Arkham!Riddler's mouth is pure gold. He's quickly become my favorite just for the shit he says and Wally Wingert's flawless delivery of that shit! The most memorable though would probably be the classic:
“You solved it? Ah, but this is merely check, detective. Soon I will be mating you. Wait, I meant chess! Chess, you base, gutter-minded savage!”
18- What’s something you associate this character with? E.g. a certain colour, object or scenery? - The obvious color is green(and to a lesser extent, purple). I associate the Riddler with games and puzzles of all kinds. Just going by the things on my desk there's crosswords and Rubik's cubes and... Yeah, even dice, although he's more about skill than chance.
Portal comes to mind too. I feel like he'd enjoy the games(and making his own test chambers).
13- Contrary wise if it is an OC, what’s your favourite story with them in it you’ve written? - I am... Honestly so bad about actually writing the content for my self-inserts and OCs. Any plotlines that happen are either in my head or RP if I'm lucky.
I guess one of my favorite ideas I have for them(on how they meet Jervis) is the one where Jervis has recently broken out of Arkham. He returns to his old hideout to grab a few things only to discover that someone's broken in.
He finds them at the table. Full costume, feet propped up and sipping tea. They claim to be the March Hare and he just kind of... Accepts/goes along with it? All is forgiven because, after all, "what's a little breaking and entering between friends?"
However, what Jervis will not tolerate, is their FEET on the TABLE!
Shortly after this, he helps them improve their costume, including a set of ears with a neural link that enables them to control the ears via thought and emotion.
20- Contrary wise, if this character is an OC, how does their presence change the story? - Call me Mary Sue, but the biggest change is just. To Jervis. The friendship(and eventual romance) helps stabilize him to a certain degree. Though, at the same time, March is a huge enabler for some of his crimes. A simultaneous "I can fix him" and "I can make him worse."
21- Wild card! Talk about anything to do with this character! Anything at all! - Gonna do a Jervis-related one and one that's not related to Jervis because like. This sona is for self ship, but I also wanna develop them as their own character beyond "haha date Jervis."
Depending on version(AKA if it's one of the takes where Jervis does the rhyming thing), March will rhyme along with him. In fact, it's not uncommon for the two of them to have conversations entirely in verse where they complete each other's rhymes. They are both VERY good at improv this way.
March likes to collect weapons and has quite the assortment. Various swords and knives, a medieval mace. Some throwing knives in the shape of playing cards if they feel like being a bit more On Brand. They have a few guns, but those aren't really favorites. It's more that they can acknowledge them as more efficient in certain situations.
There is, however, a tommy gun they've gotten attached to. They favor it during heists.
Bonus: Their favorite tea is Earl Grey, but they're also big on breakfast teas.
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swampstew · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗(No pressure to do this! 🖤)
Oh thank you anon ~ this is so delightful♥ I think I did something similar before but I will def do it again :) Thank you for spreading some self-love on self-care sunday, I hope you get yourself a treat for being a wonderful bean♥
What’s the Magic Word? - My original self-insert story about a Witch aligned with the Straw Hat Pirates who finds herself temporarily allying with the Kid Pirates in order to reunite with her crew. I felt like a lot of fics I read at the time about Eustass Kid were pretty dark (which I love reading don't get me wrong) but I noticed a lack in stories where a character could be a part of the crew where they weren't coerced or kidnapped by the crew first. So I wanted to take an approach where a character is forced to be with them by outside influences, and how Kid and the crew would react and handle that. Plus it felt fun putting in a type of character that has not been confirmed canon in the series, despite the jokes that Dr. Kureha is a witch, which I lowkey buy but until its confirmed I don't think there are any witch characters full stop. This story is centered between Kid and Rowena and how they spend the 2 year time skip together.
Turn Back Time - This was originally meant to be an reader insert AU where the characters were relatable enough that anyone could envision themselves as the characters, but doing Y/N - especially on a book as long as this one turned out to be - didn't sit well with me and so I gave them names, and after putting so much love and effort into them and their backgrounds, they became more based off my own personal experiences. In fact, Andrea and Candy are loosely based off myself and my childhood best friend! Again, I wanted to take a different approach on how Kid and the Kid Pirates interact with people who don't mock or insult them, and now this story is more about what it would be like to be on the crew itself, in addition to the romantic relationships between the OCs and the crew. It has been a lot of fun not only bringing these OCs to life, but also bringing the crew itself to life - even if most of how I write them is entirely based on personal headcanons, I do my best to align each character up to as much canon information as we get from them.
At First Sight - this was a one shot that turned into a mini-series and I surprised myself with how much I packed into it. Originally a stand-alone porn trope collaboration story, I've put a lot of love into this one to create a fun story where the reader is the main character and the reader gets to learn who they really are at the same pace as the Kid Pirates. This is a story where the reader gets to meet and sail with the Kid Pirates under amicable circumstances but its not without tension, angst, smut, and violence. My first Y/N story that is 2 chapters away from completion!!
KillerCook - I saw a hot dude make brownies on Instagram and thought ‘what if Killer.’ That’s it. I feel like I managed to create an authentic social media experience that readers can visualize as they read, and I think that's neat! Plus its fun to see the crew in a modern setting just hanging out and doing fun things. Plus plus, I felt like Killer really deserved his own fic♥
Captain_CumShot - I'll be honest, I've never used OnlyFans so this was a real shot in the dark but I'm grateful to my beloved mutual (idk if you wanted to be tagged in this but you know who you are) who was able to guide me so I could create another modern social media fic that was true to how a real OF account experience would feel like. This fic is 100% to sexualize the Captain of the Kid Pirates because he would irl undoubtedly have an account where all he has to do is show dick and get paid for it. Easy money, easy life!
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arcaneyouth · 2 years
hm. perhaps i should have seen this coming. well played.
i have over 300 ocs at this point so this is reserved for characters from The Deathspeaker and In A Manor Of Speaking because I use them the most, and may still exclude some characters from them because whoa this is a lot of guys. individual tiers are not sorted at all because sorting them into tiers was hard enough. WHOA OK THIS GOT LONG THANKS I HAVE MANY WORDS ABOUT MY OCS. You don't even know the rants about every choice I've made here locked and loaded. Sorry in advance.
Tier above everyone else because these are incredibly obvious to anyone who has seen me make content for my ocs ever - Joe and Amedeo. This is not a hard thing to say they are my favorites I am not ashamed of this. Joe means everything to me he's such a. He's such a. You guys don't even understand. And you won't until I'm freely able to talk about spoilers for my comic. He is everything to me. Amedeo also means so much to me in a different direction, it's such a fucked up piece of shit, a pathetic man, a fucking loser, acts tough but if you push it gently it collapses into a sobbing mess. That's incredible I want to be his friend.
S tier - Dara (she automatically gets the boost of being Joe's girlfriend/wife so I think about her a lot but she is also The Main Character and has an absolutely fascinating personality. Girl you make life decisions like this? I'm obsessed with you.), Theron (also a main character and I don't have the words to explain them I just hold them so gently and then i explode), Darby (I wasn't supposed to get attached to them. But they're so fucking funny. This deadpan murderer delivers the stupidest fucking lines in their monotone voice and I lose it), Rowena (Definitely the most morally complex character I've ever made and I can and have and will continue to write essays analyzing her every move. She's so smart. She's so blinded by her love for this kid. She wants to help a traumatized child heal. She doesn't even know how to heal herself. She made them worse. She ruined lives. She saved one life. Is that what matters?), Kazooie (I WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY. HE'S BARELY KEEPING IT TOGETHER. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS TO HIM ANYMORE BUT KEEPING AMEDEO SAFE. IT ALL HURT SO MUCH. BUT HE'S HAPPY NOW), Viorel (he is lying to himself he is lying to himself he is lying to himself he's the main character and yet nothing but a member of the sidelines watching everything disolve around him he does nothing to stop it he thinks himself a good person can he really claim that when hes done nothing hes done nothing he is lying to himself he is lying to himself), Reverie (what if you wanted to reach elysium and god said not until you spend thousands of years trapped in my game you can never win)
A tier - Abby (15 year old me's self insert. And that's enough for me <3), Jules (Probably the most competent kid in the comic and I love that for them. It's rare to see a character with brain cells from me but here they are), Victor (WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE NORMAL ONE!!!! I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO BE LIKE THIS!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!), Twitch (He would've been in S with Darby cause they're gay married but his personality is kind of flat and I don't know how to fix it. It's ok tho I love him), Aiden (What an asshole. I adore them. They're trying so hard to keep everyone and everything going smoothly. The world is against them. Haunting the narrative as they die. Putting themself back together piece by piece, stuck as a chunk of technology. They can't feel anymore. They feel so much.), Eden (would've been lower actually but holy shit!!!!! Oh she's got issues!!!! Recently developed her more and have discovered she's lost herself in her grief and she's going to make herself worse. I love a woman who's a wet paper towel. I love a woman who kills just to feel something), Vidette (First of all, ghosts that can only talk in emojis is the coolest thing ever, second of all AAAGHUAOGHGOUHUOGDHFOGH. TRAGEDY FOLLOWS YOU.), Bocephus (I don't have analysis on him he's just so funny. And pretty. I'd like to kiss him)
B tier - Cody (sorry I love him he's just not the most interesting character he's just a guy to me), Shannon (probably would've gone into C but the most recent chapter has gotten me really attached to her. She has so many problems. Her character progression is actually really neat), April and Lily (come as a pair cause they're in gay love. They're a very fun duo but the only reason I think about them is because they're Joe's friends. I'm sorry they deserve better but this is where they will stay), Death (kind of wish I had executed his storyline better and I haven't even gotten to it yet. I dunno how to change it at this point. He's fun tho I like drawing him), Engel (ok they should be S I'll be real with you however. I think about other characters way more than them. Sorry Engel you are so fascinating but not enough), Violetta (she's new she's not developed enough but I like her she girlbosses her way to victory causing major plot events to happen but she does it all in the background so no one realizes how impactful it is until its too late)
C tier - Liam (I'm so fucking sorry he's not interesting I don't think about him sometimes I forget he's here I'm sorry), Lindsey (*sobbing softly* my girl,,,, you used to mean so much to me,,,,,, how did it come to this,,,,,), Valerie (this is really the tier of characters I want to apologize to for not developing enough despite loving them to death huh), Quest (actually they are pretty developed and they're a douchebag. A real dick. I adore them but I'm kicking them down several tiers because they are actively making everyone around them worse and they should feel bad about it)
D tier - 🌈R4!N.B0W⭐ (*SLAM DUNKS HIM DIRECTLY INTO THE TRASH* this man is homophobic and gay at the same time), Vivian (*EXPLODING HER WITH MY PSYCHIC BEAMS* what if you just stopped being the worst huh? fuck you)
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drowninginturtles5 · 9 months
Roleplay gone wrong
Forgive me, I'm new to Tumblr, but I needed to get my experience out there, for my own Catharsis. It's been far too much for me, and now I feel like I'm too far to not care anymore. If you feel like reading about the worst RP partner I've ever had, or will ever had, stick around, this ride is wild. And it started with South Park of all things. Fucking South Park.
This whole thing takes place on Instagram, I can't say her username obviously, but her art style is so distinct that the second I saw her in the OCxCanon tag, I followed her immediately. That...and she had an OC shipped with Jimmy Neutron. It was unique to say the least, and even though it probably makes me sound incredibly bad, I needed to know how deep the rabbit hole went.
I watched her for...nearly a year or two before we started talking, I think. In that time I watched her OCs evolve, most of which were self inserts. She had one main OC that she used for quite a few fandoms, all shipped. This includes:
TJ and Vince from Recess
Arthur, Brain, Binky, Two of Binky's friends I don't remember, and Buster from Arthur
Max from Max and Ruby
Ralphie from the Magic School Bus
And probably more I'm forgetting about. But that was just the one OC. She had a few of them, I think the one that shocked me the most was Rugrats. All of her stuff involved shipping, with distressingly young characters. That does include the Ninja Turtles, God damn there was so much Ninja Turtles. I'm so very fucking sick of Ninja Goddamn Motherfucking Turtles.
I realize this doesn't make me sound good. I either look like a bully, or just a weirdo. It was wrong of me, but I was just drowning in curiosity, and you know what they say about that. I'll go ahead and say it, it was like a joke, almost. I hadn't RP'd in a minute, And she was always advertising for a writing partner, she seemed to have one for a while but I would come to realize that it's something she does Constantly.
updates in real time, as, against my better judgement, I'm still in contact with this insane bitch. And just so I'm clear, everyone in his scenario, including me, is in their 20s.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
honestly spooky I don't like reading but I love your writing!!! out of curiosity could someone pay you to make a ff about them and their comfort character?
not that I'd be that lonely 🥲
Oh sweetie, don't that at the end like it's a bad thing it's so freaking okay!! I have clients that are MARRIED writing self inserts and their spouse knows and is cool with it! That's far from lonely it's natural for humans to like fictional scenerios and characters. There's nothing wrong with you ordering something like that bc I have too and so have so many other ppl! Look at all the requests for reader fanfics and hc's I get with Severen or Billy & Stu. I'm elated that self inserts are more accepted now it's so much healthier than when I was a teen and ppl in fandoms acted like it was cringey and made ppl make elaborate oc's and blah blah blah.
Seriously. You're fine, honey. I wrote an entire 5k fanfic of me and Severen (It got deleted when tumblr crashed I was pissed lol) just to blow off steam.
Anyways, I'm working on an etsy shop rn bc I feel safer with a third party site as the selling platform than just my email and paypal for clients.
I'll announce when it's up and you can contact me anytime. And if my prices are too steep I plan on having sales for tumblr followers especially 🖤
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tuesziday · 2 years
I think I figured out another reason I'm less drawn to my canon blog than my oc blog(s)...
With my canon blog, I often try to fill a role that my mutuals need and feel let down when it doesn't really go anywhere. I used to add canon muses out of passion, but I haven't really had that in a while.
With my oc blog, I make muses for the hell of it even if I know, like, 90% of them will never have threads. I can just delve into a rabbit hole of development and have fun with things.
My desire for attention/approval becomes more prevalent on my canon blogs. Not like I don't feel that way on my oc blogs, but I kinda just accept that my oc stuff isn't something a lot of other people will care about. Meanwhile, part of me feels like I'm wasting time on my canon blog if I'm not getting attention/approval because it's time I could be devoting towards something else.
Tangent under the cut—
I'm starting to think that getting burnt out from the DT17 fandom's ocean of angst is part of why I started retreating into my oc cavern...I'm like 80% sure DT17 isn't as heart-wrenching as the fandom and crew made it out to be. There were definitely things that weren't just fandom stuff, but the fandom emphasized it to the point I started feeling anxious when I saw stuff from the show outside the context of my friends's rp blogs even if it was totally harmless. That was what made me realize that I don't have the spoons to engage with media that had angst I don't consent to. Like, I put my ocs through a lot because I can always make it stop and give it a satisfying conclusion if it's getting to be too much. When I don't have control over the canon/characters, it feels more distressing and a show that was meant to be for escapism turns into a source of torment. Nowadays, it feels like a lot of shows start out lighthearted and become angstier as time goes on...which makes me hesitant to get into a show that isn't 100% an episodic comedy even though I would like serialized shows in theory. It's why I watched The Owl House's pilot and dropped it immediately—I didn't want to get invested in the characters only to be stabbed in the heart a million times.
I kinda feel bad whenever I talk about my complicated relationship with DT17 because I worry that I sound melodramatic and resentful of the show, though I find that it's more intertwined with my relationship with my canon blog than I originally assumed. It was the last fandom (aside from maybe the brief resurgence of The Simpsons RP in the beginning of 2020) that I felt like I was a part of and I became more isolated once I stepped back from it. I lost the feeling of community that made me motivated to write on the canon blog and I've been floundering to recover it for the past three-ish years.
Maybe I just haven't found the right fandom yet, though it's been so long since I've tried joining an rp community that part of me worries I'm going to give off "How do you do, fellow members of [insert fandom here]?" energy. It could also because I tended to feel like the odd one out in friends groups when I was growing up, the Sinjin that followed the main characters around in an attempt to join their group but never felt fully included. I could be completely wrong, but rp communities feel more insular than they used to back in the day and I'm afraid of being rejected because I'm not already a part of the in-group.
I know that I've kinda brought this upon myself for letting myself get pigeonholed into a fandom and not making enough of an effort to find another one (at least, one that isn't completely sporadic) after I distanced myself from it. At the same time, I'm hesitant to take that risk without knowing for sure I'll be accepted...especially when I can just swim in a pool of self indulgence. Even if I were to try to find a fandom, I feel like I'm just going to want to get into a show because one of my mutuals is already invested in it rather than finding a fandom more naturally. I've had a mixed success rate with that and I have a feeling I'll stop feeling invested after my mutual moves onto something else. Plus, I can't help but feel overly clingy if I try to get into something a mutual is already invested in...like I'm invading their space in a way? I'm probably just overthinking all of this, but I wouldn't be Tuesday if I didn't overthink literally everything.
This post is getting way longer than I expected so I'll just stop here asdfghjkl
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theheavenlymoon · 3 years
A flower’s growth 🌸
I just realized that Hanako is technically a self-insert oc because I use her for more than just twst i-
Also, this is my number one resource https://camp-halfblood-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Hestia_Cabin
Its mentions one important thing that is critical in Hanako's back story. I'll show you the important thing but I recommend reading it all because its really interesting!
"i.e. Hestia takes some essence of a mortal man she takes a liking to and create her child by fire from the hearth with her essence fused to that mortal's. Hestia then proceeds to notify the father as she cannot raise the child." (13 in 'powers and traits')
Also to give you some visuals (I’ll explain the two boys later on)
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So with that being said..let's👏talk👏trauma! More specifically Hanako's trauma.
(The writing style might change so just ignore it-)
WARNING: Suicidal thoughts
Virginal Goddesses like Hestia don't really have kids. Athena children are born from their mother's head. So how would a Hestia child be born? Let me explain.
A man caught Hestia's attention. He was compassionate and energetic and always tried to help when he could. Even though he had very little money, even though he had some hard times, he was still compassionate and that intrigued Hestia.
When he was more financial stable, Hestia decided to gift him a child. A perfect gift for a family man like him. Hestia took some of his essence and mixed it with her’s and with the help of some fire from the hearth, Hanako was born.
A small knock could be heard through the small house. Fumihito goes to open the door only for a baby to staring up at him while making cooing noises. Rapped in a purple blanket with flowers on it, the baby had a small name tag that said ‘Hanako’
“Welcome home Hanako.” The man said with a small smile
When Hanako was about 4, Fumihito married his best friend and moved to America. A few months later triplets were born. All of them being male. First is Kaji, Hinote, and Yakeru. Most people would think Hana would hate to have siblings, but it’s quite the opposite. Hanako was ecstatic to have siblings she could play with.
When she was told she was going to be a big sister and had to take her role seriously, that’s exactly what she did. She read the boys to sleep and keeped them entertained as best as she could. When they were a little older Hana liked to make them wear dress and have tea parties. In return she took part in everything the boys did. Sports, video games, music, art you name it she would try it at least once.
Hana grew in grace and compassion. She truly was a great balance between her parents. It was funny hearing advice that sounds like something a sage would give only for it to be a child talking. She was a bright, energetic girl and never could stay in one place for very long. She was very social and was friends with almost everyone in her school.
But some stories can’t always be fairytales and rainbows...
Hanako’s step-mother fell ill and passed away when she was about 10. Everyone was devastated but life doesn’t stop when people fall. So they didn’t either. Obviously they still mourned but they tried to have a positive outlook even though a family member is gone.
(Fast forward to where Hana is 11)
In the dead of night, when everyone was in a deep slumber, there’s a small crash. At the sound, Hana jerks up in a sweat. Call it intuition, but she had a horrible feeling something was going to go wrong.
She snuck into her brother’s rooms and hid them in a small closet in one of their rooms. As Hana was about to go wake her father she heard a noise. Hana turned around only to see a woman holding what look to be like a sword.
Without warning the woman grabbed Hana’s hair and threw her into a bookshelf. Hana let out a small shriek. The bookshelf itself was unstable and the added force made it fall. Luckily Hana was fast enough to move most of her body. Let’s just say her left leg wasn’t as lucky as her other limbs.
The woman had a feeling the father could come out any minute so she ran around the corner and waited for the perfect opportunity to strike
At the sudden noises that we’re going outside his room, Hana’s father slams the door open only to see Hana stuck under the unstable bookshelf.
In at state of panics he rushed over to her. “Hana are you alright?!?!” But Hana didn’t answer. She was to focused on the woman who was still behind the corner.
“I’m calling the police! Just hang on!” Fumihito yelled. After Fumihito called 911 he tried to move the bookshelf. While he was doing so the woman kept stalking closer. “DADDY LOOK OUT-“ but it was to late. In one swipe Fumihito’s head was cut clean off, his body falling limp right beside Hanako. No one in that neighborhood could ever forget the Bloodcurdling scream that came from Hanako’s house. Eyes wide with horror and despair Hana couldn’t keep her tears in.
Before the woman could do any more damage they heard police sirens. “We will meet again someday demigod.” And with that the woman disappeared.
After a full check of the house they concluded that only the children were left. Once they found Hana, nothing was left of the lively girl. After helping her get out from under the bookshelf the police immediately sent her to the hospital. The police told the triplets to pack stuff that was most important to them and follow the police. (The triplets also packed stuff for Hana as well. One of the things being a photo album of the family.)
The police concluded that the children didn’t have any other adults to care for them so they would have to be put in an orphanage. However there wasn’t an orphanage where they lived so they would have to be put in a new town.
It was hard adjusting to this new life. There was barely enough food for everyone, you had to share rooms with other kids. Hanako had to use crutches for a while until her leg healed. Her new school wasn’t that great either. Hana, not being as social as she once was, was bullied for being too quiet. Not to mention, no one had ever seen a kid with natural yellow eyes and violet hair.
From beating her almost to death, to threatening to cut her hair and gouge her eyes out because she was ‘too pretty’
On terms of Hana in general, she wasn’t acting like her normal self. She had gotten more reserved and became a cry baby. You could easily tell she had eye bags and her anxiety was always threatening to go through the roof. You can only assume those eye bags were because of nightmares from that night. She talked much quieter and always wore a frown with her eye brows scrunched in a worried way.
The other three were to young to understand what happened. The police had to lie to them saying “your dad is on a special trip right now.”
About 6 months later the triplets were adopted by a man who looked like he was the head of some company. Hana tried her best to run after them but the staff had to hold her back. All the while the three were screaming for her to come and save them.
What no one knew is that the triplets would be forced to become assassins. It’s not like they wanted to! The man said if they didn’t he would kill their sister! The night after the adoption they all made a promise to keep Hana safe no matter what.
So there Hana sat all alone on the swings of a play ground, with no one around to comfort her. Surrounded by people who have families and are happy. It’s like the universe was taunting her.
The only thing that didn’t change is her older sibling nature. Giving her food to the little ones. Playing dress up or soccer. Her smiles were always fake. Maybe to the blind eye she seems happy but some could easily tell she was anything but happy.
6 months later Hana finally gets her cast takin off. At this time Hanako is 12 and is at her breaking point. After another day of school, and another day of almost getting beat to death, something snaps inside of her.
You have to understand, Hanako didn’t have anybody to talk to. Everyone was either to busy or didn’t bother to care. Which left her all by herself. It felt like she was trapped almost. No one there to listen or laugh with.
The scissors on her dresser looked quite tempting. The relief of not having to go through any more of this pain and loneliness was very appealing, but before she could touch them a huge gust of wind blew into her room. Taking the scissors away from her while she was distracted.
If that couldn’t work then running away would be the next best option. That night Hana packed her things (including the photo album) and drew out her plan. It was quite simple really.
She would skip school and go behind it, where a cliff is, to get a good view of where she could go from there.
After running around the school and into a forest, Hana reached a stream. Cupping some water to drink, Hana got caught up in how refreshing the water was. A snap of a branch snapped her out of her state and made her look around. That’s when she saw the manticore out of the corner of her eye.
Hana quickly got up and started backing away only to forget that there’s a cliff and slips. Plummeting to her presumed death tears start to seep out once again. Out of no where a boy that looks to be about 15, swoops in to save her, but the weirdest thing is that his shoes have wings on them, But she was to tired to care. So acting like she didn’t have a care in the world, she rapped her arms around him and snuggled into his neck.
The last thing she could make out was something like “ Let’s get out of here before that manticore decides it wants a 3 course Demi-god meal!” Or something like that.
When Hana woke up, she looked around and realized she was in an infirmary room. The same boy she saw was sleeping on the bed next to her. A knock on the door was heard, and in came girl who looked about the same age as the boy. “You two have been out for a while.” She said “I would’ve never suspected that a tiny demigod like you could cause so much trouble.” Hana looked confused “Do I know you? And what do you mean by demigod?” She asked.
The older girl let out a small chuckle before walking up an sitting next to Hana. “I’m Jane, daughter of Aphrodite! The reason why I called you a demigod is because, well... you’re half god half mortal.” The younger girl couldn’t believe her ears. “B-but how do we know I’m a demigod?” “Have you seen your other parent before? Can you never be in one place for to long? Those are all signs my dear, of course if you don’t believe me we can wait till your godly parent claims you as their kid.”
After that small encounter Jane took Hanako on a tour of where she’d be staying the whole summer. “W-why are we at a camp? And who was that boy w-who saved me?” The younger girl asked in a quiet voice. “This camp houses demigods, there a two from what everyone knows. One for Greek gods and one for Roman gods. The boy who saved you is my best friend Chase, he’s a child of Hermes! Speaking of Hermes, you’ll be staying in that cabin until your godly parent claims you.” The elder girl pointed at the Hermes cabin. “The gods have specific cabins for them and their children, and depending on your mom or dad you could end up housing with me or Chase.”
After the tour, there was dinner, after dinner it was time for everyone to sit around the big campfire. Everyone was laughing, talking, and telling stories. One kid asked Hana if she knew her godly parent yet, but before she could answer something flashed above her head.
The warm glow of a fireplace hung over her head. Everyone stopped talking, looking shocked. Hana was the first ever child of Hestia! From the back of all the campers you can hear someone yell “All hail Hanako! Daughter of Hestia!” And just like that everyone bowed.
After all that craziness, Hanako was escorted to her own cabin. She let out a small thank you before going inside. To her surprise there was a woman waiting inside, but this woman felt oddly familiar. Almost as if Hana saw her before! The woman turned around and said “We have quite a lot to catch up on, Hanako.” With a welcoming smile. Just like that Hana dropped her bag and ran to the woman. It didn’t take long to figure out that she was her godly parent.
That night the two girls talked and talked till midnight. That’s when Hestia tucked Hana into bed. For the first time in a year she finally felt happy, and that night she went to sleep wearing a smile. The next day Hana sat by a tree relaxing when suddenly two boy came out of nowhere! One had black hair, blue eyes, and he had some freckles on his nose. The other had light brown hair and cyan blue eyes and wore a black baseball hat.
“We h-heard you were the daughter of Hestia and w-we were w-wondering i-if you would like to-“ “What he’s trying to say, is that we wondering if you to be friends!” The brunette interrupted. “A-are you sure you want a crybaby like me to be your friend??” The boys looked at each other and smiled (the brunette smiling more brighter and the blackette smile more small)
They nodded and reached out their hands to her’s. At first she hesitated but quickly grabbed their hands, afraid they might disappear. When she grabbed their hand it was like weights were lifted off her chest. She never realized until now, how important friends and family are until recently . “I’m Xavier and the dork with the freckles is Kai!” “I AM NOT A DORK!! I’m just not that great when it comes to ladies!” “Right, Right.” The brunette said sarcastically. “Anyway my godly parent is Hermes and Kai’s Mother is Athena!”
Maybe thing we’re starting to take a turn for the better.
Once she met those two Hanako started coming out of her shell more. She was still quiet and anxious but it isn’t as bad as before. Not to mention she gets more loud and energetic with Xavier and Kai around!
Hanako HATES libraries and bookshelf. She’ll go in a library if she has to, but she avoids them as best she can. If she’s ever in a vicinity of a bookshelf she’ll distance herself as much as possible. Let’s just say she gets very anxious and nervous when she around them.
If you ever asked about Hana’s past she would never be ashamed to tell you what happened. She isn’t happy about the events that took place but there’s nothing she can do about it know. So know matter what Hanako always tries to keep her head up high when it comes to her past.
(More visuals)
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🌸Some side notes here🌸
(Don’t mind the last one’s eyes being blue. I was trying to decide if I wanted to stick with yellow or try something new-)
(I can go more into depth on Hanako’s two besties if anyone would be interested)
(I’m also thinking of reintroducing her because the first one is her in twst but she’s like that in every fandom basically. Obviously I won’t delete the first one I just wanna talk about everything she’s in and what her relations are to everyone!)
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blossom-hwa · 2 years
hello!! first off i love u and ur writing<3
I just had a couple questions about how you started off writing on tumblr, if you would be happy to lend some advice!
I really enjoy writing random one shots and drabbles, I’ve toyed with the idea of developing some full-length fics; but I just have no idea how to go about posting them online. I was wondering, how did you start getting your works out there? do you have any tips for someone just starting out? that kinda thing
but I totally understand if you don’t have the time or just don’t wanna be bothered answering haha. hope you’re having a good day regardless!!
hi anon! first of all I want to apologize for taking a bit to answer this, I wanted to make sure I had enough time to sit down and give you a well thought out reply :) before I start though, I do want to say that I am by no means an expert at writing or at navigating Tumblr, and all of this advice only comes from my experience and that of some of my mutuals! that being said, here are my thoughts:
there is no right or wrong way to start out here on Tumblr (or on any other writing platform, for that matter). my first foray into fan fiction was on wattpad, and it was this horrible, very much self-insert oc fanfic I was writing with some of my friends at the time. I stayed on wattpad for a bit, posted a little on quotev, and eventually turned to asianfanfics for a while before finally settling on Tumblr, where I've been writing for about four years now. the only reason I decided to start posting here was because I had a fic that I wanted to gain more traction since I really liked it - nothing special, really. so my tip for starting out is to just... post your stuff. make a sideblog or start transitioning your main, create a masterlist, and post your first fic! if you're looking for formatting tips for things before the actual writing (pairing, genre, etc.) just look at how other authors do it and pick and choose what you want - that's pretty trivial. for tagging, I'd also recommend looking at how other authors tag. I do not have a foolproof way for getting people to read your fics through tags. I still have no idea which tags get more usage or which ones are best for exposure. it's really just trial and error, honestly, but when it comes to actually posting, this is the advice I can give.
now for some unsolicited thoughts on user/reader interaction.
writing on Tumblr can be extremely discouraging a lot of the time. if readers interact at all, the majority of the time it's in the form of a like and nothing else. I live for reblogs with tags and replies - I'm sure many of my mutuals would agree - but it's true that they're sparse. try not to let that get you down. it's taken a while, but I think I'm more or less at the point that I'm posting more for myself than solely for my followers. I post my work because I like it and it's the kind of stuff that I want to see - the entire reason I began writing was because I couldn't find the types of stories that I wanted to read. as long as I like what I've written and think it's good enough to post, then that's enough for me. while reader appreciation is always appreciated and I do find myself in slumps sometimes when interaction is at a low, I think I can say now that reader validation matters less to me than when I first began writing.
it isn't easy to get to this point, I'll be honest. it's taken me years. but have confidence in your own works, and - I cannot stress this enough - write what you want to write. try not to write things just for notes. of course, this isn't to say that if what you're writing is getting notes, you need to stop - it's just that if you feel like you're burning yourself out with writing and you don't enjoy it anymore, take a break. reevaluate. writing solely for reader validation isn't going to work out in the long term, a lesson I learned the hard way - it's why I only really open requests every once in a while. that being said, if you do want to open requests, go for it! just set your boundaries, make sure your readers know what you're comfortable with writing, and always know that you are in control of your work and your blog. your readership should not be the sole determining factor of how you run your blog!
having said all that, I hope I haven't scared you away from posting :( it's a wonderful thing that you enjoy writing, and you by all means should share it with the world if that's what you want!! I hope you find these tips somewhat helpful at the very least, and if you ever have more questions, feel free to send another ask or pop into my dms - I'm sure I've forgotten something or the other here, anyway. really, though, just go for it!! I'm cheering for you, anon :) best of luck with your writing <3 and have a good day yourself!
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