#I'll make a proper announcement when it's available
jemichi90 · 1 year
I’ve been e-mailing publishers in an attempt to get my picture book published for a year with no success. By now I’m so tired of writing those e-mails that I haven’t even been trying for a while. Doesn’t help that I have no agent. But since the book itself has been fully written and illustrated all this time, I figured that sitting on it won’t do anything, and since I can’t find it in me to approach publishers anymore, I might as well self publish it - like I did with my coloring book.
I’ve been watching the wholesome insanity that Bigolas Dickolas started on Twitter, and I’m hoping that even a little fragment of that weird luck with books and publishers within the Trigun fandom would extend to me as well. So, if you have / know kids that like pirates and fantasy, keep an eye on my blog! I’m ordering a proof copy to check if it looks alright, and then I’ll make the book public - which should be in a few weeks if there’s no problems with the book. ^^
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reality-exodus · 1 year
Detective's rescue
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Summary: Eddie's relationship, the reader is a detective, they both on 24hour shift. Reader responds a 9-1-1 call and ends up needing first aids
Warning: blood, angst, OD symptoms described, mention of drugs
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Being a detective on patrol wasn't the best thing ever to be frank, but it was something when you knew your boyfriend would accompany you all night long with his own 24 hour shift, it was rare thing for our double shifts to be on the same time, but when it happened I both liked it and didn't like it, we were both out. I usually work on cases in the office and do my research and help the firefighters with cases and they help me occasionally.
"So where are you strolling now?" Eddie asked, I was driving while I had a Bluetooth headphone.
"In the area of the homicide, the father killed his daughter while the mother was away… there is still no handy information for a warrant so I am looking for something I've missed" I explained briefly as I was driving past the house.
"Baby…" Eddie started to say, I knew how he felt when I was getting so passionate about a case. He disliked it, I overworked myself and forgot many things such as sleeping, eating or going to my shift.
"How about you? Didn't hear anything from dispatch, quiet night?" I wondered, cutting him off elegantly, setting my line of defense. I wasn't like Athena, I do not leave my job behind once my shift is over, I admire her for that though. I actually have to spend more of my personal time researching and studying. I have to go undercover to gather information, but I am not complaining. Sometimes though I need my people to understand me.
"Yea we are just hanging around." He replied with a heavy sigh he didn't respond to the q-word, I knew he wouldn't be bothered. I knew the response was unwilling. He knew my drill "Buck fell asleep at the Gym, Bobby and Hen are playing chess and Chimney is cooking" he analysed their situation and I smiled.
"Tell him to make an extra plate for me, I'll be dropping by" I spoke hoping that would make up for my big-headed behaviour.
"Oh You i decided to have a proper meal other than burgers and donuts" he joked with small giggle.
"Happens sometimes" I chuckled when I heard the wireless "babe hang on"
"This is 221-L99 available tell me the issue dispatch" I asked, I could tell it was May.
"Alright, there's drug dealing on the "overroof" club, there's a rave going on, some ODs based on caller's information, 118 of LAFD shall be there to take care of those." She informed me as I heard the bell on Eddie's side.
"I'll be in touch Dispatch" I spoke as I was connected to the team I would cooperate.
"Diaz no phones on patrol" I spoke as I was driving and couldn't finish the call. "221-L99 moving on scene. I am nearby I see three overdosed in their twenties one male two female they are simply left on the ground I am engaging the victims now." I spoke and got out of the car.
"Copy detective" Captain Nash affirmed me.
I approached the victims and checked the pulses. "All alive you need to come in quick…" I couldn't leave the uncouncisous civilians alone.
"Already ahead of you detective you are clear to proceed" my boyfriend replied sweetly, or at least that's what I thought.
"Dispatch moving in the club incognito, there's no bouncer or doorman" I informed them and opened the door. This wasn't a good sign, the dance floor was empty and so was the kitchen, I would have to go down stairs. "Ground floor empty moving to basement staircase" I announced and moved i could hear voices. "Dispatch sent some back up, I hear people" I spoke and dispatch obeyed my request.
I was right behind the stairs and I heard enough keywords that included heroin, drugs, and that the police can't find. That was my queue. "LAPD hands in the air" I yelled, Eddie always said that my voice in that phrase was so cold, smooth and dictated he found it sexy. "Don't move" I ordered. My voice was strong. They were three but I had a gun.
"Nope ass" one said and charged to get my phone I kicked him to the ground he slid to the floor with no Injury but before i could get in control of the other two, they had two bags of drugs five kilos each if I calculated correct the moment one of them came and punched in my face causing the white dust to be spread all around me in the air I stumbled backwards fell hitting my head on staircase, I took a deep breath trying to orientate, my vision got blurry.
"Detective Y/L/N, report" I heard dispatch between the ringing of my ears but the only response I could find was groan, I felt my heart going erratically with the beats. I was shaking.
"Detective" It was Captain Nash this time, his voice tense. But there was a pause. "Dispatch three offenders running away with two white bags one leaking" he reported and that's when my sudden dysphoria was making sense.
"Help" I managed to pronounce "OD" as I started to shake. I couldn't make out what I was hearing or what was going on, suddenly I saw Eddie in a mask with Chimney. They moved me outside my eyes were wide open but I couldn't react I was shaking, my body started twitching, I was held down, I could recognize Eddie's arms pressing me down, and smaller but still powered hands in my legs, chimney my guess. I coughed I could feel the salty, warm liquid laking inside my mouth, I coughed again.
"Baby… I am here" Eddie's voice was fading as black spots invaded my vision as I started having trouble breathing.
"I get no pulse" Chimney announced, "Hen start compressions" he instructed as he pushed on the oxygen in my face
"Oh no no honey, please-" before Eddie could finish his sentence I heard Buck taking him away as another person took his position next to me.
"Captain bring the AED" Hen requested she kept the pounds on my chest.
"Still unresponsive" Chimney said, causing Eddie to make a movement closer to me, Captain and Buck held him back
"I'm unbuckling the shirt, we are shocking" Hen spoke I heard footsteps
"Eddie please leave" Captain requested with a heavy sigh, I am sure he thought of the time Athena was in my position.
"Just let me be by Y/N Captain" Eddie requested , next thing I feel his warm loving hands on my face removing my hair stroking my cheek his fingers on my neck in desperate hope he would get the slight pulsation in my veins.
"Eddie hands" Hen spoke and he removed them as I felt electricity, I couldn't define what kind of pain it was or if it was, more like a sting to my whole body that would either wake me up or be the last thing I feel…
"Give me more Chim" Hen encouraged him the third clear was heard, the screen kept beeping. There was silence other than that.
"No no no baby no" Eddie panicked he started compressions but Buck pulled him off of my body. He yelled at him Buck yelled back I wasn't sure, my ears started ringing, was I dying…? The first ponder that dominated my mind, made my stomach twitch. I coughed vomit out…
I was alive
"Hey girl, hey easy now" Hens' voice sounded and turned me to the side to let it all out. Chimney secure my position so it wouldn't cause any damage.
Eddie raced next to me, he leaned in and kissed my forehead "oh god love, you scared me so much." I smiled as I turned on my back looking at him upside down as he leaned above my head.
"I'm sorry" I smiled and reached his face, I was shaking rapidly, he simply took my hand and kissed the palm before bringing it to his cheek, his cheek so hot against my freezing skin.
"Hey no no, it's not your fault, we must get you to the hospital now alright?" He smiled down at me and my smile faded at the hearing of the location I had to be.
"I won't be admitted in, I'll sign out" I announced, the sweet moment long gone as I made a move to get of the stretcher.
"Wow,now detective, you have to be cleared out in order to return to your cases, we are transferring you to the ER. I have to do it by the book, you know the drill" Captain Nash intervened immediately, and I could see the relief on my fiancee's face.
"Ah now we are by the book, that's nice to hear" I barked, I knew I was wrong, but hospitals, hospitals gave me anxiety, Eddie would have to go to Christopher eventually and I don't like being alone in those white cold rooms. "Guys please" I pleaded
"you are facing an extended pcp od, and a small hit on the back of your head, your blood pressure is perilly high and you have extremely unstable arrhythmias" Hen essayed the reasons I should listen to them as my eyes turned teary I was panicking.
"Hey hey sweetie" Eddie sighed "I'll be with you the whole time" he promised and kissed my cheek gently as they all stood up carrying me to the ambulance. He stepped in sat next to me while Hen joined, just in case. He was holding my hand, just looking at me, his ember eyes, he was worried even if he wouldn't admit.
"What about Christopher?" I asked concerned.
"Buck is already on his way, but how are you feeling Y/N?" He asked me softly stroking my head.
"I have dysphoria" I explained and soon Hen gave me a mask my eyelids turned heavy as I slipped from counsiousness.
I don't know what time it was, or how long I've been out. I blinked my vision clear, the lighting was dim in the room Eddie fell asleep on the chair next to me, I couldn't help but smile. He did stay. I stood up holding on my IV, feeling lightheaded, I moved to the bathroom, I looked terrible red eyes pale skin, weakness though was the worse.
"Y/N;" I heard his voice call my name in alert.
"What is it?" I asked making abrupt movement to get to the door I leaned there feeling another hit of vertigo getting the best of me.
"I thought you left, hey let me help you baby" he sighed in relief and approached, he was still on patrol clothes. He scooped a hand over my waist and held my weight as he walked me to the bed, softly placing me to lay down.
"Can I kiss you now? Or I am still high?" I asked him placing my hands around his neck, the IV tube got tangled between us, he smiled getting it out of the way. He leaned in and kissed my nose. His lips formed a smile.
"You have been good tonight, not running away, so it is well deserved" he smiled and located his lips on mine, the sweet kiss forming, he was gentle and cautious as he was touching me.
"Mhm mostly because I have been unconscious all night long and I get dizzy after three steps, that played it's part too" I spoke and kissed his cheek softly
"Let a man be happy" he spoke faking frustration before he kissed me again. And again.
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shlubbyart · 29 days
Hey everyone! Quick little update:
I just got back from my first ever event as a merch vendor! It was a lot of work but I had a wonderful time. :)
I mentioned previously that I'll be selling the rest of my merch online via my Ko-Fi store. But first I'm going to be trialling online orders with some overseas friends just so I can get some practice in before my store opens.
The current plan is to have my store open to everybody sometime in mid-June. I'll hopefully be able to give specific dates soon.
Also! If you're unsure what merch will be available, here's a list of things I'll have on my store:
A set of 6 Holographic Acrylic Sword Charms (+ matching stickers)
A Smash Ball/Battlefield holographic sticker
Various small art prints (including this one)
I'll make a proper announcement close to and when the store opens.
Thanks! ☆
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thecontumacious · 2 years
"Among the thousands I've met, you are the only one my heart resonates with."
mysta rias edition.
he was ready to give you up. but you give him one last spark of hope.
a/n: this is for the long promised series i announced a thousand years ago because i’ve recently hit 1K, but now i’m 500 followers late since i hit that mark so—anyway, here’s a little comeback gift after disappearing for so long!
reminder that all my work and others in the fandom are purely fiction and intended to entertain, not to be projected irl.
vox akuma edition (tba). luca kaneshiro edition. ike eveland edition (tba). shu yamino edition (tba).
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it was all but a rush for mysta.
he woke up that morning, a little later than he liked because then he would have to quicken his morning routine and sacrifice breakfast time with you
when he entered the kitchen, you're leaning against the kitchen island with a piece of toast in your hand as you scrolled through your phone
mysta, without fail, smiles at the typical view he gets every time the sun breaks through the horizon. just you in your pajamas, some kind of light meal in your hand and idly on your phone as you wait for him to wake up
"morning, mysta!" you greet, crumbs on the corner of your mouth. you wave him over to grab something to eat. "lucky for you, i made you something quick but filling. grab a few pieces and rush to work."
oh, and the fact you also remember his schedule, despite he himself sometimes forgetting them.
"thanks, babe," mysta grins, doing as you said and pressing a long chaste kiss to your lips. you giggle and poke his side, eliciting a small chuckle out of the detective before he says, "i'll see you later?"
"yep," you nod. "be careful on the road, mysta."
"i will!" he chirps, pecking your cheek one last time before he says, "i love you, y/n."
and he'll never ever get bored of saying that. no matter how many times, no matter how long, no matter if you reciprocated it or not.
"i love you too, mysta."
and that was the last thing the detective heard from you. not just that day, but the next day and the entire next week you were declared missing.
when mysta finally returned home, he panicked upon finding the apartment door forced open and the knob fallen to the floor. he carefully makes his way inside, his heart only dropping lower with every step he takes.
the walls are littered with scratches, the floor is dirtied with various prints of shoes and items are thrown around the apartment.
these signs of struggles...
"y/n!" mysta shouts, avoiding knocked-over furniture as he frantically scoured the rooms for even a breadth of your hair. but he found nothing, even with his detective skills. it's like you had just disappeared.
then he ran out of the apartment complex like he had never run before all the way to the closest police station where he begs for an officer's help, face flustered as he told them how he wasn't able to find you
luckily, since mysta usually helped around in the police station, they recognize him and is willing to lend aid in almost no time. they ask questions, they send for search parties, they ask for announcements to be posted.
but it's all to no avail.
no one had seen you. no one had noticed you go missing.
it was so infuriating to the point mysta felt like pulling his hair until he bled. he didn't care how much it hurt. when he realized you were missing, that was the greatest pain he felt.
he didn't even realize when was the last time he ate something proper. just a cup of noodles two nights ago-ish?
"mysta, please go home," vox begs, tugging on his friend's arm to get up from his chair. but the detective only shoots him a look with his painfully bloodshot eyes then goes back to tracing files as though he hadn't been doing that the past eight hours or so
"mysta, you're going to kill yourself," the demon pleads once more, attempting to stop the stubborn man by pushing away his documents.
but he's met with a scowl from mysta, "fuck off, vox. i don't need you telling me what to do. i'm busy."
he understood how important you were to him. how incredibly meaningful you were. the joy you brought into his life. vox completely understood what it felt like to have someone so special by your side suddenly disappear.
but mysta was also one of his closest friends. there was no way in the world he was going to idle by and watch him deteriorate like this.
"this is not what y/n would've wanted for you," vox reasons.
at the mention of your name, mysta pauses and for the slightest second, the demon catches him dwindle down.
"they're out there somewhere. they could be in pain, almost dead, scared! i have to find them soon!" the detective turns to his friend, fear lacing his orange-blue eyes. "i can't afford to lose a second where i could be tracking them down, vox."
"don't you think they would've rather you showed up healthy and well-nutritioned than in bones and barely alive?"
"they're barely alive! i'll eat something soon, okay? just... just let me find them please. i need to know if they're okay," is the last thing that drove vox to sigh and leave his friend be, pretty much giving up on him for the day.
mysta breaths a sigh of relief and his eyes are trained back onto the long blocks of black text on the desk, occasionally a few inserted photographs of evidence and possible tracks you might’ve left behind
but then his mind suddenly echoes vox's words from earlier.
he was right. him treating himself like this for your sake was something you would never allow. it's only when mysta imagines your figure looming over him, giving him an earful does he really feel his hollow stomach
he picks up his phone and orders takeout, the usual one you and him would order on late nights like these. when it arrived, the whiff of the food invading his sense of smell, the detective is spilling tears all over his papers.
overwhelmed with memories he can't wait to relive again.
as mysta spoons every bite into his mouth, he closes his eyes even tighter, refusing to accept that when he opens them again, he won't see you there stuffing your face with takeout
but when the box is empty, he's forced to face the darkness and his loneliness. you still nowhere to be found.
somehow, it's been two weeks since the earth swallowed you whole and no one, not even detectives greater than mysta was able to find you. with every passing day, the man's heart only shrinks and greys.
two weeks of nothing... there was no way you were still alive, was there?
every time this thought would make itself present within mysta's mind, he would slap himself until his cheeks stung, determined that he would find you soon.
but again, even with the entire police force of the city, it really did seem like you've been swallowed whole by the earth. the detective pressed for them to search further, even if it costed his entire life's fortune.
it took even sonny to tell mysta they had to close the case, no matter how much he refused to believe you were dead.
"please, i know they're out there somewhere! we haven't found their body yet so there's still a chance--"
sonny pauses him by holding his shoulders firm, a heavy frown on his face, "mysta, please. we've done all we can. we've checked city footage, we've asked everyone single person in this city and ransacked it upside down. they're... they're already gone, mysta. you have to let them go--"
"no! i can't do that to them! not when they've never given up on me. i'm not going to give up on them," with that, the detective storms out of the station and away, to who knows where. all mysta needed was some space from the world and a clearer head.
he reaches the outskirts of the city, with lesser people and quieter streets.
"please, y/n, where are you..." he prays, wiping the sweat off his forehead. but it becomes more than his sweat he's erasing. it's his reluctant tears.
he hiccups, continuing to wipe away the endless river down his cheeks, "please, baby. please, give me a sign. where are you? please, come back to me."
mysta freezes, his sobbing ceased for a moment as he fished his phone out from his pocket.
baby 💕 : mystaaaa come pick me up will you?
the detective blinks, rubs his eyes once, blinks again before he looks down at his phone. th-that... that was a text from you? his eyes weren't deceiving him?
no, it was probably because of the lack of food he's been eating…
baby 💕 : i'm at the train station
baby 💕 : i'll share my location
then an exact location within the city. and it really was in a train station.
mysta doesn't even waste his time to text you back as he jogs on over to where you were.
it didn't matter it was still a mile away. he could run a thousand more just for you. because you were alive and you're asking him to find you. nothing else mattered.
the entire run to the train station, mysta can feel the weight of the past two weeks evaporate off his shoulders. all those late nights crying over you, scouring the apartment for weeks on end, asking everyone he met if they had seen you finally comes to fruition.
he was finally going to see you again, hold you again, kiss you again and tell you how much he loved you.
the station gates finally come into view and mysta pushed the last of his energy to speed up. then he rushes through, ignoring the people who eyed him oddly as he searched every station to where you could be
he frantically looked here and there, but you still weren't sight. mysta kept searching though, no matter if it took him all night.
then he sees you.
your hair in the distance and the outfit you were last seen in.
just like the first he met you, mysta's heart skips a beat as his legs carry him forward to you. when you turned a corner, he did too. when you ran, he ran.
"y/n!" he called out, but you only run faster away from him.
then mysta catches you jumping onto the railway of the train, still speeding your way through the tunnels. he immediately worries about an incoming train and almost contemplated whether to follow behind
but he's been looking for you all this time. how is a train going to stop him?
"y/n, wait up!"
he hops down to the railway as well, ignoring the officers present as he chased you down through the dark tunnel.
mysta couldn't recall just how long he's been trudging through the dark, but after a while, he was able to see the bright end and your figure standing right there.
he smiled, jogging the last final stretch and for once, finally sees your beautiful face in the early evening light.
two weeks.
the most excruciating two weeks in his entire life.
but that didn't matter.
there you were.
"baby," mysta calls out, his voice broken as his arm reached for yours. you merely giggle and your cheeks redden before pulling your lover into a tight embrace, one that felt so heavenly and comforting to mysta.
then he broke apart, sobbing into your shoulder, "y/n, baby, i was so worried. please, don't scare me like that again. don't leave me again."
you pull away, holding his tear stained face in your gentle arms, "you know i would never leave you, mysta. even if the world tore us apart, i'll always find a way back to you."
"mhm," he nods weakly.
you lean up against him, placing a chaste kiss to his chapped lips, "always remember i'll never leave you, mysta. because i'll always love you."
"i'll always love you too, y/n," he breaths out, every single inch of his heart filled to the brim with his affection for you. "let's go home."
"wait," you pause, pulling away from mysta. you tug on his arm and gesture towards the continuation of the train tracks. you say, "can i show you something first?"
the detective raises an eyebrow, but seeing as it was probably important, he nods. "lead the way."
then you let go of his hand, running to where you pointed and disappearing down a corner. mysta chuckles and jogs just behind.
but he pales up with every step he got closer to the corner.
w-what was that stench?
it was so strong and stomach-clenching that mysta almost hesitated to follow you. what were you going to show him? what did you do?
"y/n?" he tries calling, but you don't respond. so he has no other choice than to step closer to catch up with you. his stomach begins to empty out, the worry in his head only worsening
then he finally turns that dreaded corner and his nightmares manifest before his eyes.
mysta falls to his knees by your side, the soul leaving his body with only a broken heart remaining within. his hands shakily reaches for yours and the other for your head.
"y/n, baby..." he hiccups, followed by a straggling sob as he pulled you over to his lap. he cared no more for the terrible stench, he cared no more for himself.
he cared if they had let you go easily. he cared if they ever cared at all for your tears and pleads. he cared if you still remembered he loved you. he cared if you were happy, wherever you were.
"baby, i'm so sorry i was too late," mysta cries, hugging your head to his chest against where his beating heart would be. "please, don't leave me. please, come back."
but who was he to think that could happen?
your skin had turn grey, void of any of the bright red you wear out for the world so proudly. your gentle fingers that favored brushing through mysta's hair lays limp and stiff. your beautiful eyes that used to look at mysta with all the love in the world now forever gone and never to look back at him.
all those memories he wished to relive once he found you... now stays in the past, whether he liked it or not.
"y/n, baby," mysta howled, caressing your thinned out hair. "i love you. i love you so much. i love you so, so much."
always remember i'll never leave you, mysta. because i'll always love you.
you... you had led him here. you took up your remaining seconds on this world to lead him back to you. you found him again, even if the world did tear you apart.
you came back to tell him you loved him so much, one last time.
"i'll always love you too, y/n," mysta whispers, pressing one last desperate kiss to your blackish skin. he hugs you to himself as he took out his phone, dialing a number and spoke with a broken voice, "sonny, i found them."
within a few days, your funeral was held, mourned over by family members, friends and most of all, mysta.
he who worked the hardest to find you, he who cried days and nights praying for you to come home, he who suffered the heartbreak the most.
"i'll always love you," mysta repeats your words, his swollen eyes pooling with tears once more. as they closed your coffin, all the detective could do was reminisce the very last smile of yours, the very last ghostly kiss you gave him.
it felt so real, so warm, so you.
now he stands before your grave, your name etched into the tombstone and a bouquet of your favorite flowers placed where you rested.
his tired eyes daydreams what you two could be doing right now. his broken heart imagines the memories you could be making at that moment.
for the slightest second, mysta swore you were standing right in front of him, smiling a goofy grin and cheering him on in his work.
mouthing 'i love you'.
he turns and sees his demon friend, carrying a bouquet of flowers himself. vox places the flowers next to mysta's before he turns to his friend, holding his shoulder firm, "are you okay?"
he blinks, the cold tears finally falling out of his eyes. he wanted to say no, he wanted to shake his head, he wanted to curse the world out for taking you away from him.
but then he sees you standing behind vox, smiling and waving. when he blinks again, you're gone again.
this isn't what they would've wanted for me. they would've wanted me to be happy and move on.
"mhm," mysta nods, cracking a small smile. he looks into vox's eyes and feels a sense of warmth upon remembering his friends. not just vox. there was luca, shu and ike. there were the others from niji.
"yeah," he says again, this time smiling wider. "i'm okay. call the boys and get something to eat together?"
vox chuckles softly, patting mysta's shoulder, "sure, buddy."
the detective looks at your tombstone once more and he gives you one last smile for the day, "i'll see you soon, y/n."
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quick illustration done by none other than proofreader-san owo
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d-lanx · 29 days
I made the official CM Punk pizzas cos that's what my life's come to, now, I guess
Ok so I randomly remembered that aroud 2011/12 or something, some pizzaria in Chicago made CM Punk pizzas. And they were actual official things Punk himself endorsed.
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And since I was bored and had no idea what I wanted to eat tonight I figured I might try the recipes. So I found what they were, got the ingredients, and had a go at making them myself. (I'm no pro chef btw hence why they look a little scuffed).
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So, the Anaconda Vice is on the left and has black beans, chorizo, cheese, chopped tomato, spring onion, bacon bits, and fresh leaves of coriander and parsley. The GTS is on the right. It has shredded chicken, sliced potato, swiss cheese and fried onion.
I had to make some substitutions. I used chicken instead of turkey, and the vegan cheese and bacon on the AV wasn't available so I just used regular cheese and bacon. Also just did fried onion rather than french fried onion like the original recipe calls for.
My dough bases were just premade ones since I've never made pizza from scratch before and really wanted this to be edible since I was making this for dinner for my famiy (I did 2 of each pizza). I don't know if I could have done a self made one for my first try but I'll have a go for my next lot.
Overall, they were really good, and I imagine they'd be even better if I made my own base for them. The Anaconda Vice was by far the favourite, especially the black beans on it, and I've already been asked to make that one again in future. But might add fried onion like in the GTS, since I just like onion.
I imagine these being done at a proper pizzaria by people who knew what they were doing would have been amazing back in the day. Sadly I live 3,800 miles away from Chicago and 12 years into the future from 2012 when they last made these (as far as I know) so fat chance of ever getting that.
Overall these were really tasty and definitely worth the effort. Absolutely gonna make these again with my own pizza base. However, I have no idea how the fuck I'm supposed to explain where I got these recipes from to my family without looking like a complete lunatic. It feels weird to say they were wrestling inspired limited edition pizzas from a random pizzaria in another bloody continent.
Btw I've added a link to a post talking about the actual pizzas with pictures and all. I realise mine look nothing like them but I think they just chopped everything up finer and had different proportions of each topping (and obviously on a better base with thicker crust) so it's no big deal.
I'm probably gonna make at least the Anaconda Vice again in future since it went down so well. So if I can make one that looks a bit better than the ones I've done today, I might post them, too and show the improvement. Cos I swear that they tasted better than they looked in my picure.
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a-mushroom-dev · 5 months
Plans for the restart of development in 2024 and title announcement
Current working title is "Wizdom" because is works on a few levels, wisdom is related to dnd wizards, It's short for Wizard kingdom but also could be for Wizard domination.
Plans for 2024:
-reselect main characters, the main characters were underpaid guard, Leo, shrroms and Ivy, but sadly they are mostly dead accounts, I have half a plan to put more relevant characters as main characters
-scale it back so its less complicated and spread it out over several games as I quit because the thing kept crashing, I am finding workarounds, I'm not a proper coder as of yet so I use Microsoft make code arcade, which is like a pixilated, more complex version of scratch, there might be five levels and 2 shopping breaks and 20 npcs or maybe more than that, it all depends on the amount of blocks it takes to do it, as too much and crashes
When it's done, it'll be available to play for free on tumblr, but yeah, I feel like these changes and having multiple small games instead of one big one would be much better for me and everyone, plus since I haven't learned/it's not possible for me to implement saving yet it would be good. Baisically expect 90's arcade game stuff, not a fancy indie game.
I will update the game a few times, do bug fixes and... who knows.... maybe I'll make a trailer when the time comes!
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 16/10
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The old finale of SBaHJ. (201?-201?) Gone, but not forgotten.
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Homestuck is SBaHJ #55. Dave's trying something new this time.
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Honestly, spam away. It's become a lot more easier to handle asks now that I'm doing them every weekend.
WTF, SBaHJ historians rewriting history!
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Well if that ain't absolutely perfect casting. Grey's Mandy would be a perfect Rose, and honestly, her Azula is a pretty flawless Vriska.
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Both of these ideas for Dave's modus refer to him dealing with arbitrary restrictions - and I have talked before about how Dave seems pretty good at working within Sburb's.
The Tree Modus is harder to untangle, though. Trees are such a general symbol (and John's the one with the apple symbolism), and as a data structure, they're awfully abstract. The fact that she calls it elegant when it's obviously as janky as all the others is a good metaphor for her own feigned elegance, though.
I do really like the idea of analyzing people's modi, so I'm going to keep doing it.
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[ this is actually true, I didn't know! it was announced in April 2021 apparently, this is what you miss when you stop following the fandom 😂
"In early 2020, Hussie officially left What Pumpkin to work on new projects unrelated to Homestuck. In the time since, they completed a new project called Psycholonials. The final chapter of this visual novel was just posted today, and is available on Steam and mobile platforms. While Hussie still retains ownership of the Homestuck IP, they decided last year to fully discontinue their creative involvement in any future Homestuck projects, and instead plans to continue independently developing more projects like Psycholonials." ]
No kidding?
It's kind of weird to be liveblogging the heyday of a comic which has essentially been orphaned by its author. It's a little sad, to be honest - it means that eventually, I'll run out of original Homestuck material, and there'll never be any more. Well, what can ya do.
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The worldbuilding, of course, I'll love, but it'd also be fascinating to read a deconstruction of a fandom I was never part of. Maybe I'll try to reverse-engineer what the fandom was like from the fic itself.
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I'm building up a proper list here! I'm going to have to make a page for it on the blog, I think, so I can compile my recs.
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We know he's not really omniscient - and so does Terezi, actually - but it seems as if Vriska completely buys into it. I'd still call it an assumption, but it's a completely reasonable one, given the circumstances, and especially given that he's trying to mess with her head.
It's interesting, because if Vriska really believes he's 'never wrong', then how could she possibly expect him to lose at Battlefield-chess? Is she just that competitive? Why am I asking a question I already know the answer to?
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Shit that's good. I'd love to get my hands on a compilation of these ship names.
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Oh, I actually didn't catch the pool reference! And it's funny that someone whose name alludes to the Father Of Lies claims never to lie...
So that's the scratch explained, but what about the doc? He sure ain't healing anyone, and the 'omniscient' have no need for research.
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The table actually kind of makes sense, since he wears an enormous, green, rectangular-looking coat. It's also fuel for my half-serious 'Felt megafusion' theory - all the cueballs are in the pool table at the end of the game, after all.
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Yup! Hass (I presume) knows how to name 'em.
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If it helps, Notepad++ is what all my initial notes go into as I liveblog. In a way, it is a wertsearch application!
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Hell yes! I find it weirdly complimentary that anyone would pull a late-nighter to read my ramblings. Hope the rest doesn't disappoint, and welcome to the live readers' club!
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thecourtjester12 · 7 months
About, asks, au's and relevant nonsense!
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About me!
Heeeeeello, hello, hello! I'm Jester (Jest or Court Jester's cool too) She/they, a 22 year old autistic, aroace, artist/writer/jack of all trades college student and creative bean/gremlin.
This is...a work in progress Masterlist so expect this to be a lil...all over the place for a bit XD (Case and point the drawing will be swapped out with a proper info doodle for my sona once I make that!)
About the blog
I namely post Fnaf content, specifically Smoon (aka the daycare attendent, Sun and Moon) and Au's, be it drawings, writing, random thoughts and sneak peaks! And of course fanart (be it canon fnaf (or my takes on charas) orrrrr fanart for other lovely creators daycare Au's!)
I reblog stuff a lot, I just LOVE sharing peoples awesome stuff!! So expect to see a lot of that, buttttttt generally that will be set on queue throughout the week (unless its something more time dependent!)
But my main posting schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, Friday! Of course I will have random rogue posts that happen otherwise ;3 (not meaning queue!!!)
Likeeeee whenever I post a new chap or work on A03 and THAT is a wildcard :3
Please read the FAQ page before sending asks!
FAQ page!
Asks are through Ask the Jester! Ask status: OPEN
Once I have asks as a more frequent thing I will have a set day of the week I will generally answer asks on (how many is dependent on how many there is, the types of ask and just how many i manage for that week)
This excludes any time when there may be more time dependent asks, they may be answered sooner/more frequently during such cases.
My Au's (I'll have things sorted eventually so y'all can click and see all of a specific au's stuff at once)
JDCAU Masterpost (Jester's DayCare AU...its a terrible name I know) All info and posts on this au! (Masterpost is mostly done...)
My take on Fnaf SB if the fire never happened and the plex was taken under better management, stuff for the Au will be tagged as #jdcau or #JDCAU
J-TOL Masterlist(Jester's The Other Location, its very sparce atm...)
Same universe as JDCAU, there are two locations the second location never had the virus at all here, also under the same management now and have their own struggles! Stuff for the Au will be tagged as #j-tol pr #J-TOL
LOTC (Legend of the Celestials)
Siren/leviathan Smoon au, very mythology/folklore based, reworking this au atm...stuff for this Au will be tagged as #lotc or #LOTC
Currently under rework/work in progress so not much for it rn
Currently unavailable, please try again soon!
Under construction and not currently available to the public! (...Also just...have no clue on a name for it...I don't want redacted to stick...but it might :' D)
MIW (Monty In Wonderland)
Currently unavailable, please try again soon!
Under construction and not currently available to the public!
Any snippets that may appear will be tagged #miw or #MIW
LSAU (Lonely Star Au)
Currently unavailable, please try again soon!
If you've read my one-shot 'Talking through Glass' then....if you know, you know.
And this is completely @barksketch fault /j /pos (idk how to use tone indicators but I'm trying >_<)
Unnamed au (I'll figure out a name eventually....or just call it what it is)
Currently unavailable please try again soon!!! Currently this au is in early stages of brainstorming, what it is may be announced soon! :3
Tags listing
List of the types of main tags and what they're used for outside au tags
any and all post asides re blogs from other amazing creators
any and all drawings, sketches, all art stuff
any and all writing posts, be it wips, sneak peaks and finished works for A03 or here
#jester rambles
just random rants and tangents and whatnot that are just me rambling on whatever
for when answering asks!
#canon #not canon Anything Canon to an au will be tagged as #canon and anything not canon will be tagged #notcanon.
A03 and Other Stuff
Most AU based stuff will be linked with their specific Au master lists (eventually...) Any misc stuff outside that will be listed here!
My A03
Other art and wrtiting masterlist (to be added)
My artfight!
Cool people!
Just a list of some cool people also in the fnaf (and specifically smoon and other stuff) fandoms that I find cool and you might too! (There is....so many more I could add honestly...but the lists already kinda long :' D and no order of importance or preference, just nice and alphabetical)
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freddieslater · 2 months
Rules of (A Fake) Engagement :D
God, I don't think about this one often but when I do, I'm overcome with such a strong urge to just write the whole thing yet I never do. Also this was a bit more than a paragraph but as I said, this WIP lives rent free in my head!
"So, let me get this straight," Tristan said, holding a hand out across the table as his lips curled upwards in amusement. "Now your mom thinks we're engaged?"
Rory groaned into her arms. He took that as his answer.
"Well, did you tell her the truth?"
Rory looked up at him like he'd grown two heads. "What, that I made it all up? That I got so insanely jealous when I saw Dean with his new girlfriend, even though I have no feelings whatsoever for him anymore, that I lied and told him you and I were engaged because I wanted to make him at least a little bit jealous too?!"
Tristan nodded. "Yeah, exactly."
She dropped her head back onto her arms with another groan.
"I'll take that as a no," he muttered.
Her phone chose that moment to start ringing. Another groan. Tristan glanced at the screen for her but hesitated to actually read out the caller ID. He had no choice, though, when she peered up at him expectantly, just a flutter of sad eyes behind her arm.
"It's your grandmother."
"What?!" She scrambled to pick up her phone and nearly started crying when she confirmed that he was right. Pressing a hand to her forehead, she answered it, shakily saying, "Hi, Grandma."
That's all she managed to get out before she was cut off by a barrage of questions that sounded a lot more like accusations. Specifically, what has happened that she would feel she couldn't tell her that she was engaged to be married to a perfectly respectable man, and why did she have to find our from her mother rather than straight from her, and does she hate her? Is that is? She must hate her, or else she would have delivered such an important announcement personally.
Rory exchanged a helpless look with Tristan while he tried his best to fight back a smile, widening his eyes and pretending to look as terrified as she currently did.
Finally, she managed to get a word in. "Grandma! Take a breath. I don't hate you. Of course I don't. The reason I didn't tell you is because-"
"I demand you and Tristan come for dinner."
"Well, I know he's a respectable man, but I would at least like to have a proper conversation with him once before you marry him! We need to discuss this properly, over dinner. When are you and Tristan next available?"
She pressed the heel of her hand into her eye, trying to fight off the headache already building behind it. She caught Tristan mouthing something at her, asking what she was saying.
Pressing the phone to her shoulder, she quietly relayed, "She wants us to go over for dinner! I have to tell her. I don't care if Dean finds out, it was stupid to lie anyway!"
Mind made up, she lifted her phone back to her ear and began to say, "Grandma, it's not-"
Tristan waved a hand, stopping her in her tracks. She lowered the phone again, covering the microphone.
"Look, what if we just... went along with it?" he asked. "Just for a little while. That way, you don't get totally humiliated by being outed as a liar to everyone you know."
She shook her head. "That's crazy. And, what do you get out of that?"
He shrugged and leaned back in his chair. He didn't give much more than that, but proceeded to say, "I'm going home in four days. When's your flight?"
She hesitated. "Same. In four days."
"Rory?! Rory, are you still there?!"
Tristan nodded. "Okay, so, tell her we can do dinner in five days. That's, what, Friday? Yeah, Friday."
She opened her mouth to tell him that his plan was insane, and that they would be found out immediately, and then it would be even more humiliating. It was already going to be bad enough as it was.
"What do you have to lose?" Tristan whispered.
Her grandmother was still calling her name like a harpy. Rory held the phone to her ear and, without breaking eye contact with Tristan, said, "Is Friday okay? We don't get back from New York until then."
"Oh. Well, I suppose Friday is suitable. I expect to see you both then."
Rory's heart was racing as she set the phone back on the table, retracing her hand from it quickly like it was an explosive. Did she really just do that? She couldn't possibly have...
She turned her eyes sharply to Tristan. "Why did you tell me to say that?!"
Send me the title/number of a wip and make me write it!
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resurrection-of-soul · 4 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 12
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Keito, Tomoya
Keito: An important announcement? Are they going to disband or something? Tomoya: No, despite everything, UNDEAD is pretty popular, so I don't think they're just going to disband all of a sudden?
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: The next day.
Location: Inside the ES building, in the RhythLin office's lounge.
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Keito: (Just what are you thinking, Sakuma?!) ("I'll be away for a while, so if anything happens at the office while I'm gone, I'm counting on you to take care of it." Seriously? To ask such a thing of me so casually!)
(…Ever since that performance of "Vampire Shogun¹," he's begun acting oddly familiar with me.) (Does he truly think that all our past transgressions up until now have been forgiven? That by working together, we've strengthened our bonds and once more returned to being "close childhood friends"?) (It's intolerable if he's entertaining such naïve thoughts. I feel like I'm being underestimated.) (…Well, even if he doesn't go out of his way to request it of me, I would still handle things at the office if it's necessary.) (Lately, UNDEAD seems to be in quite a sorry state, while Ra*bits are apparently caught up in a feud with some big shot²—) (So among the new talents at RhythLin, we, Akatsuki, probably have the most momentum.) (We have our own problems as well, but at least on the surface…) (That's why we must take the lead and secure a place for the younger generation within this well-established agency.) (For the sake of that goal, we go out of our way to show up at the office and greet the higher-ups!) (We take even odd jobs seriously, handling small tasks in place of our senpai!) (Currently, there's a deep rift between the big shots and the younger talents at RhythLin. We'll bridge that gap, even if just a little, and overcome this new era as a united front.)
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Tomoya: Zzz, zzz... ♪
Keito: ...?! Mashiro? Bastard, why are you sleeping on the sofa in the lounge?
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Keito: That's dangerous... I nearly sat down without noticing you. You could have been crushed.
Tomoya: Mnn… H-huh? Where am I?
Keito: Did I wake you…? Good morning, Mashiro.
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Tomoya: Wuh?! Oh, g-g-good morning, Hasumi-senpai!
Keito: Good. A proper greeting is worthy of praise. That aside, why are you sleeping in a place like this?
Tomoya: Oh, uh, sorry… You probably already know about this, but things have been a bit hectic for us lately. Work's been kind of scarce, so we've been contacting a bunch of places to try and resolve the situation… I've been running back and forth dealing with that, so I got tired out and ended up falling asleep — something like that, more or less?
Keito: What are you, a stray cat? If you're going to sleep, do it properly in your own room back at Starmony Dorms. You need to rest in a bed, or you'll end up hurting your body.
Tomoya: Okay… But this is a crucial moment for us, so we have to give it our all.
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Keito: Is there anything I can do to help?
Tomoya: Oh, actually, yes. There's something I wanted to ask. We wanted to try something using SSVRS, but UNDEAD is currently using the equipment. We need quite a few sets, so I was wondering if there'll be enough available for us.
Keito: Huh? UNDEAD is using it right now?
Tomoya: Yeah. That's what I heard from the person in charge when I submitted the equipment usage request.
Keito: They're supposed to be away right now, as part of some secret plan they claim to be participating in. Or could it be that they're using SSVRS as part of that plan?
Tomoya: Huh? I don't know anything about a plan or whatever, but UNDEAD being away right now is impossible, right? I mean, they're supposed to be making a live appearance in some kind of special program today.
Keito: A special program? Is that their secret plan? You're as well-informed about other units as ever, aren't you?
Tomoya: Haha, I guess you could say that staying in the loop is one of my strengths, or maybe it's just that I excel at what I like. Though, well, lately my idol otaku attribute is kinda being taken over by that Shiratori guy. Oh, look, it seems to be airing right now. An emergency special program, "Important Announcement from UNDEAD"— it says.
Keito: An important announcement? Are they going to disband or something?
Tomoya: No, despite everything, UNDEAD is pretty popular, so I don't think they're just going to disband all of a sudden? Hm? But something about what they're saying sounds kinda strange?
Keito: What do you mean? Let me see too.
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Tomoya: Could you please watch it on your own phone~…?
Keito: Mm. …Hmm? What's this? Those guys are wearing unfamiliar outfits, aren't they? And the song they're singing— Is this their debut song? No, it's subtly different. If I recall correctly, this is one of the proposed songs for UNDEAD's debut live. However, due to various reasons, it was never actually performed…
Tomoya: You're pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, Hasumi-senpai. Are you also one of UNDEAD's fans?
Keito: Hmph. We've had various entanglements since their formation— No, since even before that. But why are they bringing out such an old, forgotten song from their early days? What are they up to? Are they planning to return to their roots? They've certainly seemed to be a bit lost lately, so a return to form may not be a bad idea? Hm, "HELLSING" is it? They didn't name themselves after the famous vampire hunter Van Helsing, right? The spelling would be different for that. With this spelling, the meaning becomes something like "song of hell." How ominous. What on earth are they up to this time…?
[ ☆ ]
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A reference to Learning from the Past.
A reference to Parallel World.
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brassandblue · 6 months
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(By liking this post, you are indicating interest in plotting with this character, and are OK with me sending memes/prompts to your inbox!)
NAME: Alastor
PSEUDONYM(S): The Radio Demon; Al
TITLE(S): Overlord
OCCUPATION: Sinner Demon/Demon Overlord/Radio Host/Whole Lotta Murder
AGE: Died in his 30s/40s
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: American/United States; mixed-race Creole
HEIGHT: 6'4"
BUILD/BODY TYPE: Tall, thin, wiry, broad shoulders
HAIR: Red (As a human: Black)
EYES: Red (As a human: Dark amber-gold)
**Sources on Vodou, Louisiana Voodoo, Hoodoo and Conjure, can be found at the bottom of this post.**
**WARNING: Hazbin Hotel's canonical material contains blood, gore, cannibalism, murder, suggestive and potentially sexually explicit content. Alastor's wiki and comic are to be viewed with discretion.**
**NOTE #1:** (Written as of 01/26/2024) Most things I have pulled either from canonical instances or "word of God" (hah!) from Vivzie. Some things I have extrapolated, due to the (current) lack of content, and others I have inserted from my own bullshit. The rest is from research from a variety of cultural, religious, and heritage sources. I still try to stick to the core aspects of his character as seen in canon; and he is subject to change when more material becomes available on new episodes this coming January.
**NOTE #2:** To avoid misappropriating New Orleans Voodoo traditions, as well as hoodoo practices, I will be implementing a sound-based magic system to replace the use of veve. Essentially, the veve will NOT be used, and I will have him use musical notations instead. I cannot abide by cultural erasure, however, nor am I entitled to the use of symbols STILL used in religion and folk practices belonging to groups that have been enslaved, colonized, and oppressed. I want to acknowledge Alastor's Creole heritage without appropriating it and without perpetuating harmful depictions of the past.
Alastor is an Overlord in the Pride Ring of Hell and a notorious deal-making demon-- a former serial killer radio host on Earth in 1930s Louisiana. Once he'd died and arrived in Hell, it is said he suddenly began to wreak havoc, toppling other Sinner Demons (humans who have died and gained power in Hell) with terrifying abilities of reality and shadow manipulation. He became feared by the denizens of the Pride Ring after his massacre and broadcast of the carnage across all of Hell.
In the pilot, Alastor shows up to offer assistance to Charlie Morningstar (Lucifer's daughter/Princess of Hell) with her hotel project to rehabilitate Sinners and hopefully send them to Heaven, thus dealing with the overcrowding of formerly human Sinners in the Pride Ring. Alastor has made it clear, however, that he has no faith in this project working and believes that his fellow Sinners had their chance up on Earth.
His stated reason for wanting to assist Charlie is boredom: Specifically, he gets great enjoyment out of watching Sinners climb and climb, only to end in failure. He claims he's been bored for decades, and in the first episode of the series proper, it's revealed he has been "absent" from Hell for seven years. What he was doing, why, and where he actually was, are all still a mystery.
(From the Wiki, linked below. I'll write a proper bio soon enough.)
Alastor stands out from many of the more chaotic residents of hell for his well maintained amiable persona. He gives the first-impression of a good-natured and charming man, wearing a permanently wide grin on his face at all times. Alastor's behavior, mannerisms, and even his voice are similar to an old-fashioned radio announcer and speaks with a transatlantic accent, often using quaint anachronisms such as "the picture show" and refers to Charlie as a "charming demon belle". This playful dandyish exterior, however, obscures a much darker side to him - one with high levels of self-importance - and he will not hesitate to use physical violence when others don't act in line with his very particular values or expectations. Alastor is described as a man of duality. He values good manners, affability and intelligence very highly in others, and will actively look down on those who do not meet his standards, however he will often play fast and loose with these arbitrary rules in regards to himself and his own conduct. His smiling is also a show of power and dominance, and miserable people are seen by him as weak.[23] Alastor has an odd sense of morality, which is described as "not normal",[24] and has been noted to be quite sadistic, even cannibalistic, devouring lesser demons or those that have incurred his anger. Despite this, he keeps close friends with the other cannibals of Hell, including the denizens at the Cannibal Colony. He is noted to be narcissistic, not seeing many people quite up to his level. However, that does not make him reckless. Despite being extremely powerful, Alastor is aware that there are other demons and entities that rival him in terms of power, such as other Overlords. For this reason, he is wary around such demons, as they could potentially harm him if he is not careful.[25] Despite everything, Alastor does genuinely seem to want to help Charlie run the Happy Hotel, albeit for his own amusement and hopes for its failure over siding with her idealism. Alastor also dismisses the idea that redemption is possible as laughable, nevertheless, he fulfills his role as patron as promised, providing the hotel with staff, and protecting Charlie and her business from outside threats. He views the whole endeavor as a fun distraction from his decades of boredom.
**Sources on Vodou, Louisiana Voodoo, Hoodoo and Conjure are below. This list is subject to change over time to be pruned/updated.**
"Is voodoo a closed practice?" Answered by a Priest of West African Vodou (Quora)
"Is voodoo a closed practice? If so, who is it open to?" Answered by a Haitian Vodou Initiated Practitioner (Reddit)
"Is hoodoo/voodoo closed?" General discussion (Reddit)
"Who can/can't practise hoodoo/voodoo ?" General discussion (Reddit)
"A Visual Guide to Vèvè: Vodou Symbols and Cosmograms" (VisitHaiti.com)
Yronwode, Catherine. Hoodoo in Theory and Practice, An Introduction to African-American Rootwork. 2019(?) / (Lucky Mojo Curio Co.)
[Incomplete/Potentially Outdated Bibliography for the Above] via Wayback Machine
Louisiana Voodoo (Wikipedia)
Hoodoo [Spirituality] (Wikipedia)
African Disaspora Religions (Wikipedia)
Kennon, Alexandra. A Conversation with a High Priest of Vodou. 2021 (Country Roads Magazine)
Crone, Moira. Lives of Voodoo in New Orleans. 2012 (Country Roads Magazine)
Lee, Nadia. The Appropriation of Magic: How White People Demonised Voodoo. 2020. (Brizo Magazine)
Seven books on Haitian Vodou (VisitHaiti.com)
WARNINGS: RPing with this character may involve sensitive topics such as various world religions/religious beliefs, occultism, murder, s*rial murder, as well as topics on mental illness/depression/PTSD, sexuality/sexual themes, drug addiction/substance abuse, war/violence/gore/injuries, cannibalism.
By liking this post and indicating your interest to engage in RP with this character, you are accepting the above warnings and have read the rules posted here on this blog.
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rj-anderson · 2 years
Hello hello!
A very good morning/afternoon/evening/time zone to you! I hope this message finds you in good health and you are doing well, especially with the whole [gestures to the world], y’know. But more to the point!
I’ve been doing a little cleaning lately, and found my copies of the Faery Rebels trilogy again — and also promptly re-read them all in about three days and completely forgot about continuing to clean. It’s been an absolute age since I’ve last read them, but they’re still so wonderful, and the magic (pun slightly intended) is still there. I’m about half-way through Swift as of this ask, and am still very much hooked onto each and every word.
I’m 21 now, and it’s been a good 12/13 years since I first started reading your stories (just about when Knife first released, I think!) They’ve brought me great comfort and intrigue then, and they bring just as much comfort and intrigue now. I mean it with my whole heart and soul when I say these books are like the Oak to my being Knife. I’m older now, different from who and what I once was, but this home has always been there for me and it is so near and dear I will always cherish it and love it in whatever ways I can.
Beyond the stories themselves, I, of course, must send all my love and appreciation to the one behind them all. Much of how and what I write now has been influenced by your own writing and ideas, especially since re-reading everything. You were (and are) a phenomenal inspiration to my own creativity. Ironically enough, however, I’ve spent a very long time agonising over how to write this ask.
I think I’ve rattled on long enough, and though it’s not quite an unpayable debt in it’s original context, I do owe a lot of what I make now to you.
So, thank you! 💙
- 🕊 (Much love from Britain)
This is so kind and complimentary that I feel almost shy about reposting it! But since you sent it anonymously it's the only way I can reply, plus it gives me the chance to share some (hopefully) exciting news about an upcoming release, so I hope my Tumblr followers will indulge me. Anyway, thank you very much for this lovely letter -- it means the world to hear that long-time readers are still enjoying the books even now they're grown up, and that up-and-coming writers like yourself have found them an inspiration. Encouraging notes like this are the reason I worked so hard to write and get Torch published a couple years ago, despite the seven-year gap between it and the previous book of the trilogy -- I knew that even though the readers of Swift and Nomad had grown up in the interim, many of them were still longing for a proper wrap-up to Ivy and Martin's story and would read it regardless of what age was printed on the cover. Which is also why -- and here comes the announcement -- I'm going to be self-publishing a collection of short stories (well, one of them is technically a novella and another is a novelette, but I trust nobody objects to them being a little longer!), set in the world of Knife and Swift but with slightly more grown-up sensibilities. Not "adult" in the explicit sense, I hasten to add, but featuring older characters and dealing with some more mature themes that I couldn't really dig into over the course of the main series. I'm just doing the final pass of edits and haven't fixed a firm release date yet, but I'm aiming to make Tales From the Oakenwyld available in e-book format (and perhaps paperback, if there's enough interest?) by the end of 2022.
I'll be announcing the release date and sharing the cover in a few weeks, so if you're curious to know things like how Thorn ended up as we find her in Torch, the never-before-told backstories of Rob and Martin, and what exactly Paul did tell his parents about Knife (the story of which is already available as a bonus for new subscribers!) I invite you to sign up for my Very Occasional Newsletter!
Thanks again for taking the time to write to me, and not agonizing yourself right out of doing it (as a chronic overthinker myself, I know how these things can go). Your words came at just the right time to encourage me today, and I really appreciate it!
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winterandwords · 2 years
📝 Writing books, but kind of not books
My writing journey so far has gone something like this...
I enjoy writing. It's one of my favourite things to do. I love learning about it and I want to do it all the time. Society (under late-stage capitalism) says if I dedicate a lot of time and energy to something and don't completely suck at it, I should be aiming to do it as a career, a job, or at least a side hustle (fuck, I hate that phrase). If I write books, I should try and get someone to publish and sell them for me.
Wait. I can publish and sell my own books. That's a thing people do to legitimise the time they spend being creative. That makes it real and valid and I am doing an achieve and a succeed and I'll have an answer when people ask what I'm doing with my writing.
Wait. I fucking despise everything about the mainstream self-publishing industry and since this isn't my career, job, or side hustle (puke), I can choose not to engage with that system and can make my books available for free download on my own website and people can give me tips through Ko-fi if they want to.
WAIT. Why do I still feel like I have to create Book Product if this isn't a business and I'm not distributing what I write through platforms that require Book Product? Why do I have a fucking newsletter to announce New Book Product when what I actually enjoy is kicking about with other writers on social media and yelling about our characters and WIPs and I know the people who like what I write will read it even if it's not in Book Product form?
Those aren't rhetorical questions, but I answered them for myself. I'd internalised so much publishing industry and interweb writing schtuff (and late-stage capitalism) that I still felt like if I'm writing novel length things they must be packaged as Book Product with a Proper Cover and basically do an impression of mainstream self-publishing even if that's not what I'm doing. And short stories must also be packaged as Book Product with a Proper Cover. ALL HAIL PRODUCT.
So I thought about what I actually enjoy doing, what makes me happy, what takes away layers of stress connected to writing (which is not my career or my job or my side hustle even though I don't completely suck at it and I spend a lot of time and energy on it, and that's OK) and I landed on a solution that gives me calm rightfeels.
My stories, short and long, are on my website. As in, you can read them on the site. No downloads. No fucking around with different file formats that I literally couldn't give less of a shit about and was creating for no reason other than I felt like I had to. The ability to change things later if I want to and create different fun images and graphics every week if it suits me because there's no need for things I write to be packaged as complete forever.
And I'm toying with the idea of posting Project Frequency in serial format on my site when the time comes, maybe? I don't know. It's just an idea, but it's making me smile.
I feel SO MUCH LESS HEADFUCKED about writing now. I mean, I felt good about the actual writing anyway, but I didn't feel good about anything around it and I dreaded finishing projects because of the whole Book Product thing. And now I don't feel like that. Which is nice. So.
If you're still here, have a cookie 🍪
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blossomkittenrosie · 10 months
Hey everyone, as you can see, I made a new oneshot book just a few moments ago, and there is something I need to tell you all.
If you're familiar of the fandom called 'Welcome Home' then it's good, but to those of you who don't, I recommend some of you to start searching for it.
Apparently when I heard about the fandom, I ignored it at first along with some fanarts I have been seeing lately, until I started watching some of the AUs of the fandom, including the orginal and I guess you could say I started enjoying it lately. Well, addicted is not the word I should say when I started liking the Welcome Home fandom. It's pretty much a strong word, so enjoying it is a proper answer.
Back to the point, when I saw how much of the different Aus of Welcome Home was pretty popular (mostly Wally Darling), so I thought, "Why not make my own Welcome Home AU?" For me, it was a pretty much a hard decision for me to make since I only knew little of the characters, the only characters I knew very well were mostly Wally and Home. But after a long time of thinking and putting this into thought, I decided to give in and started making my own Welcome Home AU.
But first, I had to search nearly every single AU that wasn't available since I don't wanna make myself look like I'm an AU stealer. And after a lot of searching, thinking and brainstorming. I finally came up with one.
If you all want to know about this AU, comment down below and guess what AU I'm creating of my own and I'll soon announce it by putting it in a new book. And get ready because I might start getting busy making the character styles, plot and many more.
Anyways, see ya all next time!
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exn0bisstudios · 3 years
ooo apologies if this has been asked but !! pet names!! what do the ROs call the MC, and what would they like to be called? :3
(Backlogged ask [sorry for the wait!] sent before TMP was announced)
What would they like to be called...
In general, all of the ROs would be happy with any pet name. In fact, most of them would preen when called by a pet name! The only real exception is with Andrai, who would probably get too embarrassed over some of the more ridiculous pet names out there (like ‘honey-melon sugar-pie’ type ridiculous) and would ask not to be called them. Otherwise, have at!
What they call their partner(s)...
Mira Twilight
Mira tends to use 'love' for casual endearment, like "Of course, love, I'll take care of it." Once they know it’s okay to use a pet name, they usually end up using it more than their partner’s actual name in casual conversation. When it comes to sincere or emotional moments, they add a possessive and switch to 'my love'.
In the poly route... Mira has a habit of playfully calling Nova ‘sugar’ as their casual pet name, and much like with MC, they start using it more often than they do their actual name. With sincere or emotional moments, Mira sticks with ‘my love’, or, if referring to both Nova and MC at the same time, switches to ‘my loves.’
Nova Dreamreaver
Nova isn't too big on casual pet names and is more likely to just use someone's name. However, if they're teasing someone or being sarcastic, they’ll often use use 'darling'. When they are being sincere or emotional, they will start peppering in the occasional pet name, specifically ‘sweet thing.’ This is mainly because they are trying to mask how emotional they really are by trying to frame it flirtatiously.
In the poly routes... Nova’s general habits with casual pet names remain mostly the same in both their available poly routes, preferring to use their partner’s names unless they’re teasing or being sarcastic. When they are being sincere or emotional, for Mira they will use ‘sunshine’ and for Stella they will use ‘honey bee.’
Stella uses pet names constantly in casual conversation, usually sarcastically, as insincere flirtations, or just as friendly teasing. Most commonly they will call people ‘babe’ or ‘hun’. Thus, their version of a casual pet name is to actually use someone's proper title (or a title of their own making, if a proper one isn’t applicable), so 'Seer' in the case of MC. In casual conversation, though, they still pepper in plenty of ‘babe’s and ‘hun’s. When Stella is being sincere or emotional, they express their affection by actually using their partner’s name.
In the poly route... Stella gives Nova the same constant pet name treatment, and since Nova does not have a proper title, they have dubbed them ‘Dreamwalker.’ Similarly, when being sincere or emotional, Stella will use Nova’s name.
Désiré Desrosiers
Désiré doesn't use pet names casually at all. In general, if he's calling you a pet name, he always means it with sincerity and emotion. 'My love' or 'my darling' are his go-to, but the biggest endearment for Dez is an action rather than words. Namely, that he will start speaking against Seer's skin as a sign of affection/intimacy.
Vittore Simone Armati
Vittore Simone uses some casual endearments platonically, which is a common cultural practice in Chepria. In such cases, he usually uses ‘urso’ (’darling’ in Cheprian), but sometimes says 'dear' in Common. Casual romantic endearments are always in Cheprian, like ‘che igni’ (my sweet), ‘che bepriese’ (my beauty), or ‘rovi’ (honey). When Vittone is being sincere or emotional, he uses ‘che cietto’ (my treasure). When he's especially in his feelings, he’ll use ‘che piugio/che piugio prippi’ (my heart/my whole heart).
Andrai Freestrider
Andrai struggles with expressing himself, especially emotionally, so pet names are few and far between and usually only used if he's having a very emotional moment. In casual settings, he's more the type where him calling you a fool or other mild insult is actually affectionate and means he cares. For those aforementioned sincere or emotional moments, he'll either use his partner’s name or a traditional ‘my love.’
Vzridmi Ri'kho’ve
Vzridmi will use pet names casually with anyone she's fond of, both platonically and romantically. Usually those pet names are along the lines of ‘hun’ or ‘dear.’ If the relationship is romantic, a few additional casual pet names are added to the retinue and are used liberally. These are all in her native language of Atnachi, and include ‘ada’ (darling) and ‘trini’ (sweetheart). When Mimi is being sincere or emotional she starts to add a possessive to the pet name, most frequently using ‘vna ada’ (my darling).
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shelby-love · 5 years
“The start of something amazing”
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: none
Authors note: This is my "most famous" work ig. I wrote this when I started this blog back in November 2019 and I've gotten MUCH better at writing so I thought why not edit it?
"Ambulance 61, truck 81, squad 3. House fire West Street Lane 54 45."
Upon hearing the announcement boom through the fire house, Gabriela Dawson found herself standing frozen. The sudden loudness made it clear of what awaited beyond those doors, getting the members of 51 on they feet.
Hopping to your feet, you made your way outside, though stopping in your steps upon noticing Gabby's posture. Tapping her shoulder, you gathered her attention. "Don't worry Dawson," You smiled reassuringly. "Casey and I will be right behind you."
Gabby was nervous, that much was obvious. Making it to truck took a lot of effort and strain on her part. She didn't want to feel so frightened, but she couldn't help the fact that every call gave her big nerves.
"Your boyfriend is the lieutenant," You joked casually. "You'll be fine."
You start changing into your gear, glancing up at Gabby as you do so. Clicking your tongue, you say, "Look, after shift. Tonight; you, me, Casey and Jay. A double date at Molly's."
She smiles and follows you into the truck, "Yeah, I'd like that."
Your friends settled inside, scooting over upon seeing you climb into the vehicle. Sitting next to Mouch, you leaned your head against his shoulder, listening closely to what was being said around you.
"What do you think?" Asks Herrmann, shifting his weight until he got comfortable in his spot. "Is this some kind of a oh-I-forgot-to-turn-off-the-stove call or is it something serious?"
You've been in stronger fires, burning 20 or more story building that sorta thing, making this something that was supposed to be easy peasy. It's a house fire. They happen every day unfortunately.
"I hope it's nothing serious. I barely slept last night," You tell him truthfully, remembering the toss and turning you had to go through.
Gabby nodded in understanding, "You feeling okay now?"
You nodded with a grimace, "Must be the Thai Jay and I had."
"Anyway," you began. "Isn't Street Lane like the fanciest part of Chicago or something?"
"Yeah that's where all the millionaires live," Otis replied, glancing behind the steering wheel ever so slightly in your direction.
You felt Mouch shrug, the sudden movement had your head rolling off his shoulder, though you were quick to place it back, Mouch tapping his palm against your head.
After 10 minutes or so, that ended up feeling like hours due to Gabby's constant taps against the floor of the vehicle, everyone jumped out of the truck, giving you the impression that the truck itself is on fire.
Outside, neighbors buzzed with anticipation, stepping out of the way when told to. "Everyone let's open up the roof! Y/LN you're with Severide on this one."
You gave Matt a nod of determination before running over to where squad is prepped to enter the burning house. The modern 3 story home on normal occasions looked mind blowing, giving everyone in passing envy to feel.
But at the moment each story was decorated with blazing fire, sucking out the luxury. "Y/LN there's a scared kid upstairs, her mom says she won't talk to us. We need you to try for us. "
You nod, "Yes Lieutenant."
Kelly gives you a rougish smile, one that used to make you week in the knees, "Good. Now go. Top floor."
With Mouch aiming the long ladders to the top window, you start climbing them. After climbing them up and down numerous amounts of times, the thought of doing so felt like a second nature now.
For a brief moment, you remembered how scared you were in the academy. You shook your head immediately, not quite understanding where the sentiment was coming from.
Was it just you or were you drifting off to memory land more often lately?
You grab the window by its sill, ignoring the flashing memories and throw yourself inside.
Your hands grasped your radio immediately, "I'm in chief. Fire department call out!"
There's no response so you put on your mask and make your way deeper inside the room. Glancing around, you assess the room for possible hiding spots.
Only to find none.
The king sized bed, similar to the one at your own home, is on fire and so is most of the furniture surrounding it. You kick the door of the wardrobe with your leg only to find no one inside.
You walk outside and into the wide hallway, barely being able to see from the smoke and blazing orange flames. You call out again, though louder this time before kicking open the first door to your left. "Fire department call out!"
The voice that answers is so faint that if Gabby were inside, she would've surely missed it. But as someone with experience, the voice was recognizable and you knew that there was someone inside. "Call out!"
Somehow, while the furniture around the window, including the window itself, was being eaten away by fire, the furniture by the door being safe from the fire.
Not for long.
You spot a toy box in the only avaliable corner in the room, moving ever so slightly. Almost as if someone was trying to get out.
Toys of all shapes and sizes are scattered all around the box, urging you to slowly make your way to it before pushing it over the proper way.
A gasp leaves your mouth involuntarily.
The little girl looked around 5, her body too small and fragile to belong to a girl older than that.
She looked at you with bright blue eyes, catching you off guard with the electrical glow they had. A story of fear pushed through her irises, letting you know of the trust issues that colored her.
The girl shakes her head violently and coughs out whatever she can, breaking your heart with the actions. Without a second thought, you pulled your mask over your head, taking it off even when it tangled itself with your hair. "I need you to come with me, sweetheart. The fire is growing and it's not safe here anymore. Your mommy is waiting for you outside, come sweetie let me help you."
If you could describe her anxiety with words, you'd compare it with the fire. Overwhelming and strong. "Hey, hey sweetie it's okay...I'm going to help you, my name's Y/N."
She looked at you, giving you the impression that she was analyzing you. Eventually she did seem to come to a conclusion that she indeed was not safe inside.
After her nod, you didn't waste time by placing your mask over her head, pressing the button to release oxygen. After scooping her into your arms, the little girl wrapped both her arms and legs around you. Grateful that she trusts you, you ran into the hallway and toward the very window you came through.
But Wallace Boden stopped you before you could do so much as take a step toward the door. "Y/LN go down immediately! The house is going to blow!!"
You heart races for a tiny bit and you sprint to the staircase. You feel the girl shaking in your arms but you don't let that stop you for a second, the need to get out taking over. Brushing your hand over her dirty, smoke colored hair you whispered into her ear. "You're gonna be okay..."
The pressure the fire had on the upstairs floor finally gathers into an explosion. The force of the blow sends you flying down the stairs, urging you to wrap yourself tighter against the child, protecting her with every fiber in your body. You back hurts immensely but you manage to stand up, "Chief!"
Fire continues to grow, ignoring your whimpers and coughs. Your ankle seemed to twist in the process of falling but you bite down your bottom lip, chewing down on it until you drew blood and walk no matter the pain.
You spot the open window, and don't think twice before sprinting toward it even with an ankle being the way it was. The ladders are placed securely placed against window stills, allowing you put the little girl on them and let Hermann take her despite her whails of protests.
While waiting for her to be helped down the ladders, you turned around and slammed the door shut behind you. The pain in your back intensifies and you feel you lip bleed from both the inside and outside.
And then you see it.
The fire just under the door, you feel the pressure it has on the door. It's going to burst.
Without thinking, and in just the right time - you jump out of the window.
The moment you're out and flying in the air the explosion that was building up finally breaks, sending everything to chaos.
You catch the ladders by the cold metallic railing just in time, though it doesn't take a second before your fingers start to loosen their hold.
Knowing that the ladder will slip right through your fingers, you urged your arms to push you upwards but with no avail. The pain you sustained was intense.
"Y/LN HANG ON. WE'RE GETTING YOU DOWN!" You hear your Chief yell and true to his words, you were lowered down.
It was sudden, the feeling of losing consciousness. Everything that had happened while you were inside seemed to catch up to you with great speed. The pain in your back and ankle, your rigid breathing and tight lungs, busted lip and bruised face. 5 feet in the air and you finally lose the hold you had on the ladder.
You fall to the ground and before you could even reach it - you were out cold.
You wake up in the hospital, April hovering over you with a warm smile. You try to move but you feel sore all over, your attempts at moving being a twitch of your fingers. "Take it easy Y/N. I'll go tell them they can come see you now."
Your mind starts replaying images of what happened. You smile lightly. I jumped out of a freaking window.
"April, is Jay-"
Your eyes widen when you see Jay rushing in, before you could even finish your question. April points to him with a smirk, leaving you two be and giving you privacy by pulling the curtain closed.
"Jesus Y/N you freaked me out." Jay sighed, immediately leaning in to kiss you forehead. Your eyes immediately spot the badge around his waist, it glimmers under the light above you. "Did you ditch work for me, babe?"
"Damn right I did," Your boyfriend replied, quite proudly you noted, leaning toward your parted lips with his own. The kiss was sweet, filled with unshed worry that turned to relief after a moment. It felt as though Jay was reassuring both you and himself that you were okay. "I came here as soon as I heard what happened."
You squeeze his hand in gratitude, watching with teary eyes as he brushes a few misplaced strands of hair out of your face, tucking them softly behind your ears. Jay's brother Will, come in the room soon after. Behind him stood Jeff, a very close friend of yours.
"Hey guys." You greet them, rather brightly after Jay wiped a fallen tear off your face. "Jeff how's the med life been treating you?"
You missed seeing Jeff at work, daring to admit it felt lonely without him to a degree. "Eh, good enough. I miss the fire."
Will slapped his shoulder lightly.
"Yeah, I bet you do," You said with a chuckle, before gesturing to yourself and your body with a hand that wasn't held tightly in Jay's. "I mean, how could someone not miss this."
Everyone laughed at your words until Will deemed appropriate to speak up in regards to your medical condition, "Well, Y/N... You and your baby are going to be just fine. I'll get started on the discharge-"
Baby? "Baby? Will what did you say?" Jay asled, his face looking the same level of confused as yours.
"I said that Y/N and her baby are-"
"I'm pregnant?" You asked in disbelief. How?
"Yes Y/N you're 9 weeks along." said Will with a smile, "Congratulations you two."
We were careful, was your only thought. Not that the news were bad.
Just surprising.
"But I'm on the pill-" You started, only to remember the medication you took a few months ago as a way to fight away the sickness you were feeling.
You weren't a paramedic, nor an doctor in any sense. But it wasn't hard to put two and two together.
"Will...Can certain antibiotics dilute my birth control and stop it from working?"
Will creased his eyebrows, but deciding to answer nevertheless. "Yes. It depends on which ones you use but most of the time that's the case," Will confirms your suspicion. "I'm guessing you didn't know."
"We didn't," answered Jay for the both of you.
You didn't even feel the onset of tears that rushed down your cheeks, "I'm going to be a mom."
Happiness surged through your body, making it the moment you knew that you wanted this. Your pregnancy might have been unexpected but you wouldn't change it for the world. One look at Jay, who had his face nested against your twined hands and all was confirmed.
You pull yourself up into a sitting position, kissing his head until he rose his head to meet your eyes with the same amount, if not more tears in his blue eyes. Jay pulled you in for a passionate kiss, not caring about the company. "A mini us."
Your smile reached the sky and you put a hand to your belly as a result. Something so beautifully pure and innocent grew inside of you, being the gift of love.
You're having a child with the man who loves you like the night sky loves it's stars.
But then, so suddenly guilt washes over you. The air around you changed, making Jay furrow his brows. You could've lost the baby today. A baby you didn't even know you were carrying. If you knew, there was no way in hell you would've walked into that house and continued working no matter how much you loved your job.
"Your mommy and daddy love you." You whispered, running your free hand over your slightly swollen stomach, "Your mom is so sorry for what happened today."
Jay kissed your temple, reassuring you that none of what had happened was your fault. A moment later, you found yourself smiling. You met Will's eyes. "Will you're gonna be an uncle."
The older Halstead shrugged, but the pride and joy was flickering in his eyes as he scanned the monitor. "You bet. I'm happy for you two, man really I am."
"Don't worry bro. Your time will come too," Jay told him before he stood up and hugged his brother. You wouldn't be surprised, him and Natalie are an adorable couple.
"I'm happy for you Y/N. Congratulations." Jeff rubbed your shoulder. You beamee at him. "I'll go and get them."
By them he meant your colleagues; family.
Silvie and Gabby were the first ones to be rushed in, followed by the rest of the fire house until the trauma room was crammed with pure muscle. "Y/N are you okay??"
Jay, who had left the room with Will to sign some papers pushed through to stand by your side once again, "They're okay."
You tried your best to not laugh at their confused expressions, barely even holding it in when Kelly muttered something about how Jay wasn't even injured.
On que Will turns on the ultrasound (perhaps because the brothers talked it through in the hallway) and gasps are heard all around, filling the small room with emotions that ranged from surprise and disbelief to pure joy for you and Jay.
With gel on your belly, Will starts moving the transducer and soon a small baby can be seen on the screen, a really small baby, but a baby nevertheless. Tears in your eyes piled up once again and you squeeze Jay's hand joyfully. You could hear Silvie say, "I think I'm going to faint."
Life just became a hell of a lot more exciting and you couldn't wait to experience every part of it with the man you love most on this world.
Rounds of congratulations happen after that, each and every one of them saying different things once they're left alone with you.
Mouch asked Jay to send a kiss to Sargeant Platt; Hermann got Cindy and his kids on video chat, continously welcoming you to the family life; Severide actually had gloss in his eyes because he was so happy, though he did everything in his power to not admit to it.
Gabby and Casey canceled your double date at Molly's because they want you on bed rest. They said they'll bring takeout to your shared place instead.
"Just no Thai, please."
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