#I'll just get up and go bring my stuff now
wrioluvr · 2 days
coming out to + confessing to belobog men. ⋆⋅♡⋅⋆
note: wanted to try my hand at writing more cute stuff <3 also there are like ZERO posts in the luka x male reader tag my baby deserves more. happy pride my beloved readers!!! i wrote this like 6 months ago and coincidentally just picked it back up in time for june! i don't even play hsr anymore... crying emoji content: male reader, fluff. luka, sampo, gepard
sampo (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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would 100% know before you even told him
"hey, [name]! heard you got something to tell me, don't worry, your good pal sampo's all ears."
"sampo... uh.....i like... guys...."
"oh, is that it? i thought it was obvious..."
"i meant- thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. your secret's safe with me, hehe." placing his hand over his heart in a dramatic gesture, he promises sincerely. despite his initial reaction, he really is touched. not many people trust him, so your willingness to share something so personal made him feel special.
"oh, and one more thing....."
"what is it? you got a secret boyfriend you didn't tell me about?" he asks teasingly, not expecting the bomb you're about to drop on him.
"...i like you."
his eyes go wide. "now that's a surprise."
even though he'd scam people without a second thought, some calling him cruel, he can't bring himself to be indifferent to you. here you were, pouring your heart out, with such a nervous expression on your face, how could he maintain his usual sly demeanour? in all seriousness, he knows he's a bit scummy, so he would be a bit hesitant about getting into a relationship for your sake. he's always running about, chased by the authorities, he doesn't want you to be involved into all that. but if you're willing to accept him and his slippery ways, he'll be sure to put an equal amount of effort. he hates owing favours, after all.
"oh, how could i refuse such a an enticing offer? of course i'll be your boyfriend, [name]." he can't help the grin that appears on his face at your expression, simultaneously shocked and overjoyed. "seriously, you're too precious.... c'mon, let's go on a date!" throwing an arm around you, he squeezes your shoulder excitedly.
"wha- like right now?? and you accepted my confession just like that???" you're at loss of words as he drags you along to who knows where.
"what are you waiting for? let's go, pal! wait- should i call you pal now that we're dating? how about buddy? hmm... still too friendly. how do you feel about sweetheart?"
every time he appears at your door, giving you a sheepish grin as he explains how he needs to lay low for a bit, it always comes with a kiss, or several, along with a heart-shaped box of your favourite chocolates. he might go missing for a few days at a time on "business" (probably some illegal trading), but he always makes sure to update you on his whereabouts so you don't worry, sending a bunch of heart pom-pom stickers to let you know he misses you. if anyone were to ever make some snide comments about your sexuality, his first instinct would be to drop every job he's doing and comfort you, followed by using his various contacts to deal with that person swiftly. natasha and seele can't believe he actually got someone to like him, much less get into a serious relationship, but nevertheless, they make sure to look out for you to ensure he doesn't break your heart. he vows not to ever hurt you though, it's the last thing he'd ever want. his promises are often fickle with his clients, but with you, they're always sincere.
luka (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭
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would definitely being overenthusiastic about being an ally
"[name], hey! you wanted to tell me something? i hope it's about training with me...."
"sorry, luka, it's not about that.... i.... i just wanted to let you know that i'm gay."
"oh! like seele and bronya!"
"i mean- i guess....?" your nervousness was immediately replaced by a comical surprise at his response, you had to suppress your laughter. he was so genuine, it was endearing.
"don't worry! if any thugs give you shit for it, just tell me. i'll deal with them right away... i've been itching for a fight anyway." he immediately gets into a fighting stance, throwing a few punches in the air to get his point across. he ended his little show with a wink, causing your stomach to fill with butterflies. you decided to tell him then and there.
"and uh, luka. i like you."
"aw, thanks! i like you too. you're a great friend, [name]."
"like, in the romantic way..."
"that works too! that way, i can protect you easier." without missing a beat, he flashes you a grin and a thumbs up, seemingly unfazed by your sudden confession. but the slight dust of red on his cheeks let you know your words did have an effect.
"wait... you know this means we'll be boyfriends?" your head's reeling at how easily he accepted your feelings. did this man really not think about anything but training and beating up thugs??? not that you were complaining, his drive was one of his charming points, but still.
"yeah, i don't mind. with someone like you by my side, i'm sure i could take on any enemy. thank you for giving me this opportunity."
even though he puts on a strong front, secretly, he's deathly afraid of becoming a burden, especially to you. one of his favourite pastimes is training and working out with you, or he'd be content for you to just watch him train and cheer for him as well. as long as he has the reassurance that you know he's getting stronger, allowing him to shield you from the dangers of the underworld. if he ever gets injured, a simple persuasion won't work, you'll have to physically hold him in place so that you can treat his cuts and bruises - no matter how much he protests and insists he's fine, he does appreciate it. a lot. he enjoys the little things, the way you run your fingers along the cool metal of his arm as you ramble about your day, or the enthusiastic whoop you give every time he knocks an opponent out at the fight club, or the scent of the freshly cleaned towel you bring him to dry his sweat. you help him realise that there's time to relax, his self-imposed training schedule being so intense and demanding. getting him to not be so hard on himself would be a treat. if you ever get derogatory comments about your sexuality... trust, he'll personally teach them a lesson, and ask natasha not to treat them once he's done. after all, you give him another reason to continue training to be the strongest. he has to be there for you.
gepard ( •̀ - •́ )
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dense cutie... wouldn't get your hints until you told him explicitly
"my apologies for being late, [name]... you had something you wanted to tell me?"
"no problem, gepard... i just wanted to tell you that-" taking a deep breath, you prepare youself for his reaction. "-i like guys."
"oh? me too, i'm quite fond of the guards under my care."
"i mean that i'm gay..."
"oh, that's what you meant. are you telling me this because you've faced some form of discrimination lately? don't worry, belobog has strict laws in place to prevent-"
"no, gepard- i'm telling this because i like you..."
congratulations, you've courted the sweetest man in all of belobog! initially, he was slightly worried that your newfound relationship would interfere with his duties as protector of the people, but much to his surprise, making time for you is easy. or more so, it's because you always make the effort to stop by whenever he's out patrolling, so you end up spending a lot of time together anyway. his face might get red when you blow him a kiss behind the rest of the silvermane guards' backs, but he always makes sure to let you know how much he appreciates your guidance. he's a little self-conscious about his lack of romantic experience, so be gentle with him! don't tease him too much. while he is fully devoted to his duty, he's not above slipping away for a few minutes when you text him to meet in a back alley, to gift him some flowers you may or may not have stolen from belobog's florist. the next day, he would return the favour by holding out a bunch of your favourite flowers, home grown (an attempt was made) in his very own garden. hey, even if they're slightly wilted, it's the thought that counts, right? don't look at him with that affectionate gaze! he's embarrassed. it would be quite funny if you had criminal tendencies, gepard would be absolutely torn between lecturing you and turning a blind eye simply because his lovely boyfriend had made lunch for him earlier in the day. especially if you're friends with sampo, the little shit would threaten to snitch to you everytime gepard almost catches him. or.... perhaps.... he let you off the hook because of that one time you pinned him against some alley wall (when he was supposed to be patrolling! blasphemous.) and kissed him so hard his legs gave out. you've become one of his weaknesses, but he doesn't mind it. at all.
pic credits to dailysampo, dailygepard and dailylukaa on twt!
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cntloup · 8 hours
medieval au you finally find out what your husband does
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
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"does it bother you?" you ask as you lay in your husband's arms, "what?" he asks, peering down at you, confusion written on his face.
"that i was... a prostitute." you respond, lifting your head from his chest and gazing into his gorgeous brown eyes as realization settles in them.
"no." he replies with a slight shake of his head, "no?!" you question in a surprised tone.
"no." he repeats, "what bothers me is the fact that you had to do it, the circumstances that forced you into it."
"and i assure you..." he continues, "that you never have to do that again. in fact, you will never have to even lift a finger as long as i'm here."
"simon..." you call out breathily, a dreamy smile painting your face and he pulls you in for a sweet kiss.
as soon as your lips meet, the sound of footsteps and metal clanging in the distance reach your ears.
he's on high alert and instinctively shields you from any possible danger, his large body covering yours as he faces the door, ready to jump at whoever dares to attack him and his wife.
"stay here." he whispers to you and reaches to take his sword beside the bed, "simon? what's happening?" you ask, frightened and confused.
he turns to you as he reaches the bedroom door, "don't make any sound. whatever happens, whatever you hear, you stay here and keep quiet."
"wha-" you start and he shushes you, "under the pillow." he says, gesturing for you to look.
your hand reaches under his pillow and you take the dagger hidden there, "use it if necessary." he says and leaves the room.
you squeeze your eyes shut as your hands tightly hold onto the dagger, crying silently in utter fear.
the sound of shouting and swords clanging against one another and bodies falling and hitting the floor fill the house.
and you pray, although not religious, you pray to whomever there is above listening, that no harm comes to him.
after what feels like an eternity of terror, he enters the room, "we have to go." he informs you while clutching his abdomen as he bleeds into his shirt and hand.
"oh my god, simon!" you rush to his side and remove his hand to take a look at the wound.
he winces as you remove the part of his shirt that was stuck to the wound, "sorry." you apologize.
your eyebrows furrow and you wince in pain, as if you can feel it as you glare at the deep wound.
"you know how to sew?" he asks, "i've got it." you utter and leave to bring your sewing kit, trying so hard to keep your composure and not scream in his face asking what the fuck just happened. he's hurt and he's your priority right now.
you guide him to sit on the bed and sew him up with your delicate hands, shedding silent tears as you think about how you nearly lost him, and the amount of blood frightens you, "don't worry, love. it's nothing. i've had worse." he says, wiping away the tears running down your cheeks and you scoff at his attempt to lighten the mood.
you finish patching him up and place a clean cloth over the wound.
"we have to go now. there has to be more coming." he says and you help him to get up as you witness him struggling.
"go where? who even were they?" you ask in frustration, you still have no idea what it is all about, "i'll tell you on the way. now pack up your stuff." he replies monotonously, only adding to your frustration, but you stay cool and obey.
he informs the lads of the attack and you all gather in a large ship... which is your husband's apparently. there's a whole lot you don't know about him.
"you're a bloody pirate?!" you shout with widened eyes, surprised and angry and all the emotions in between.
"...yes." he mutters, "and there's a prize on my head."
"what?! simon, what the hell?! when were you gonna tell me??!" you start shouting in his face and slapping his chest, unleashing all the anger and frustration you felt.
"i wasn't planning on it." he responds, his nonchalance only fueling the fire of your rage towards him as you huff and puff, glaring daggers at him and pacing the length of the ship.
"i know it's a lot to take in-" he starts, only for you to cut him off, "damn right it is." you snarl, but immediately take a deep breath to cool yourself down, "but it's not your fault."
"i'm sorry, simon. i know i overreacted." you apologize as you walk up to him and embrace him while keeping wary of his injury.
"not at all, love. you have every right to." he says, wrapping his big burly arms around you and taking you in his loving embrace.
"you need to rest." you murmur, looking up at him, "only if you stay with me." he whispers, slowly leaning in, "always." you say and capture his lips with yours, both smiling widely into the kiss.
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Hey, are you a fan of The Book of Life?
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The year is 2024, which means on Oct. 12th, The Book of Life is going to turn 10 years old !
I don't know about the rest of you, but this film was pretty formative for me and I have so many fond memories of not only it but all the fanworks that came from it.
So I'd like to do at least something for the ten year anniversary. So I'm doing a call for fans of all sorts to come together and create stuff for a big ol' anniversary party.
"So like a zine?" Not exactly. If people want to set up a zine I'd encourage it, but I personally don't have experience doing so. And on top of that I don't want to just limit things to digital drawings and fic. Think of it a bit more like a big bang!
I want to see gif sets. I want to see essays. I want to see song covers. I want to see paintings. Little sculptures. Literally ANYTHING people want to create to celebrate. And more than any of that I'd love to see us artists come together and collaborate.
This project isn't anything specific, my goal is simply to bring the fans together for a big celebration.
For this purpose I HAVE set up a discord ! I'll leave a link here, but if it's not working for whatever reason just shoot me a DM and I'll get a fresh link!
A few things to emphasize.
This is a LOW STAKES LOW STRESS project. Obviously if someone sets up a zine there will be deadlines, but otherwise I want people to just make whatever they're happy with. If you end up unable to create anything don't beat yourself up about it. (But I am making this post now so people have time to get ready)
While I want fics to be part of the celebration, be mindful about including them in anything we may want Jorge to see as he has stated outright he doesn't read fanfics of his works (in case of making sequels and the like)
I also won't discourage NSFW works, just be mindful of where we're putting them.
And again again again you don't have to be an artist/writer for this. Make giftsets. Make essays. Make song covers. Make memes. LITERALLY anything. If you want to participate in any aspect I'd love to see you.
That's it for now. I may add more to this post as questions are asked or things shift. Sharing this is appreciated! I want the fans (past and present) to see it!
Thanks !
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icedmetaltea · 19 hours
Just lettin ya'll know I'm ok
(random irl stuff to journal below, keep scrollin)
Wanted to wait to come back till
1. I wasn't dealing with mega gender dysphoria, my masc/neutral days are few and far between but by god it's been nonstop masc/neutral days lately and been a lot of just hating my body (and myself in general)
2. got the ebt stuff figured out, which I haven't yet, my doc put in a ref for a different place to sign a thing, waited 2 weeks for them to call, only to find out it was the wrong place and now I have to wait for the next place to call... which like yea I'm worrying about food but talking about it in therapy has helped somewhat. She reassured me even if that doesn't work we WILL find some place that'll sign the form I need to be eligible again
3. I wasn't dealing with as bad of depression/anxiety which like... idk. I've definitely been doing better anxiety-wise but idk if that's bc it hasn't been as hot lately or I've been feeding myself better. I know I must've been eating under 1200s calories the past few weeks bc the scale finally stopped going down and I know for a fact my anxiety gets bad when I'm hungry so I think for about a month I was unintentionally starving myself, SO making myself eat at least 2 nutritious meals a day now
At the same time I think perhaps my pmdd symptoms are... reversing time schedules??? Usually my anxiety/depression gets way worse before period but now it seems like it's fine before and terrible during/after????? Makes zero sense but who knows. Also it's a couple days late now so health anxiety is going off the shits about PCOS or something again UGH
Making SOME progress with therapy, am able to be outside for 5 mins without feeling that horrific sense of dread so that's something.
I've also been coming to the realization that I may have some form of DID?? Not the type where you lose time/blackout/completely have entirely different memories and starkly different personality switches but I've definitely been noticing now that I've been putting more attention to it how I go into different "modes" and sets of interests throughout the weeks and I mean... it's not secret I have imaginary friends I talk to on the daily. I've had an issue figuring out where "they" end and "myself" begins since childhood. Plus I already deal with derealization/dissociation/occasional age regression so it's not out of the realm of possibility. May bring it up next therapy apt. Kinda worried to bc I never want to get rid of them and I'm worried that would be one of the goals, like... just no. I can't think of anything more lonely.
But yea just random stuff I needed to get outta my system, sorry about all the suicidal stuff, it's just really hard. The future seems so bleak. And if one thing sets me back, like doctor stuff, food issues, etc my brain is like "DEATH WOULD BE EASIER LOL" BUT there's a chance trump/a republican candidate won't win, a chance climate change will be reversed/humanity will adapt somehow, a chance I'll be accepted for disability and live a halfway decent life, and if not... well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But for now there's food in the fridge, for now mom and dad are alive, for now we're ok.
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justagirlwholikesadam · 19 hours
The American: A Storm is Coming
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Remus Lupin x American! Fem! Reader
Summary: Sirius slips out a name that Harry has never heard of before. He wants to get to the bottom of it and wants to know who is this so called, Yankee.
A/n. I want to start off saying, I haven't read the books. I have seen the movies and I'm doing a bit of searching here and there but I'm making stuff up as we go so my plot can work. With that being said, don't come for me. Not sure how many chapters I'll be doing, really depends on the feedback. please read the tags before reading. Enjoy -L
Warning: mention of rape, ANGST, MAJOR ANGST, weapon, reader has it rough, threats being made, mention of killing bad people, new OC, Remus' jealously, Snape is Snape.
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Sirius's voice carried throughout the house as he called your nickname. You let out a groan, opening your eyes. You were met with the white ceiling of the bedroom and you remembered last night's events. You were about to move when you felt Remus’ weight on you. A sleepy smile appears on your face as you bring your hands to his head. His head rested on your chest and you ran your fingers through his messy hair while memories of last night played in your mind. Both of you had run up the stairs to the guest bedroom, Remus casted Silencio on the door as you dash on to the bed. 
Remus slept on top of you, his body heats just felt so good. You shut your eyes again feeling at peace. Sirius screams your name and Remus groans in his sleep. Your name is shouted again and Remus pushes himself up from your body. The half side of his face is red from sleeping on your chest the whole night. Wide awake now, you were worried something was wrong. Remus and you shared a look, Sirius was drunk last night and very sentimental. Both of you shot out of bed. Remus grabs his boxers from the ground while you grab the shirt he had on the night before. You cursed at yourself for leaving your clothes in the living room. You still had to bring your belongings, everything was left in the cottage. Rushing out the door behind Remus. He shouts for Sirius while passing by his room. He gives you a worried look when Sirius’ room is empty and you tell him to go downstairs. Finishing buttoning up the shirt, you almost bump into Remus. He stood still as he looked ahead in the living room. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, finishing with the last bottom button of the shirt. Looking over Remus’ shoulder you were met with Miles who wore a big bright smile. 
“Howdy there, Mrs. Lupin!” Sirius and Remus look over at you.  
“Miles, what are you doing here?” You asked as you passed Remus who still stared at the cowboy. Remus held the railing of the staircase as you shook Miles’ hand, greeting him. Remus’ clenched his hand hard on the wooden railing when he noticed Miles looking up and down at you. All you had on was a dress shirt, it only covered the upper half of your legs. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as Miles got closer to you. 
“Don’tcha remember. I'm here to deliver y'all payment.” You let out a sigh and nodded. 
“That’s right. I gave you the address of the cottage but I wasn’t there. Do you have it with you now?” Miles nodded then apparated. Sirius and Remus' gasped in shock. 
“He’s a wizard?!” Sirius asked. You cross your arms over your chest and nod letting out a small yawn. 
“Why were you yelling?” You asked Sirius. 
“We thought something bad happened.” Remus added looking over at his friend who muttered a sorry under his breath. Remus sighs before walking down the stairs to get near you. 
“What is Miles talking about?” He asked you. 
“Remember when I told you I was going to be a week late coming here?” Remus slowly nods. You grab one of his hands with a smile. Before you can say another word, Miles appeared again with 16 wooden crates in the living room. Sirius glances over at the both of you and Miles when he says a little ta daaa and waved his hands at the crates. 
“Now! Mister Carson said ya just let him know when you need more.” You nodded before looking at Remus. 
“Miles, this is my husband, Remus.” Remus saw the shocked expression on the cowboys face. He becomes insecure when he realizes he’s just in his boxers. He tries not to get flustered under Miles' gaze.
“Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! Golly! How do you do, Remus?” Sirius covers his mouth to not laugh at Miles. The cowboy gets near and goes to shake Remus’ hand. 
Remus shakes his hand and gives him a nod. “I’m doing fine. You?” 
“It’s nice to finally meet the man that our-.” Before Miles can finish, you clapped your hands together and graciously thanked Miles before walking him to the front door. Trying to get him out as soon as possible. 
Shutting the door, you let out a sigh. Walking back Sirius and Remus stood together staring at the crates. 
“Howdy, love!” Sirius tried his best to mimic the southern accent but failed horribly when he started to laugh. 
“That’s amazing. You heard his voice, Moony.” Remus just nods as he crosses his arms over his scarred chest. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was coming.” Remus’ face remained still. 
“What job did you do? You didn’t tell me?” You walked towards the crates. 
“Honey, I was going to tell you soon. I just forgot. Before coming back here, there’s a client. He’s a muggle, filthy rich. I’m talking about, probably richer than Sirius. He owns this ranch that serves as a base for some of the aurors in the states. He got into deep trouble for gambling. That idiot didn’t realize that he owed money to a wizard. He wanted me to be his bodyguard for a week. I can show you.” Remus stays quiet while Sirius is over joy with your story. 
“Shit! Bodyguard Yankee!” You just gave Sirius a tight lipped smile. 
“What’s in the crates?” Remus asked. 
Waving your hands in front of the crates, the nails popped out falling onto the ground. The top of the crate opened. Remus and Sirius walk towards it.  Remus frowns when he brushes the hay off and notices a medium sized green glass bottle. 
He lets out a gasp when he reads the label on the bottle. 
“Wolfsbane Potion.” Is noted on a piece of parchment paper and glued onto the bottle with wax. Remus keeps looking further in the crate and he sees another bottle. 
“Bloody hell!” Sirius says when he noticed there are multiple bottles in the crate. Remus stares at you in disbelief.
“There’s enough for years.” You said with a smile at him, happy with the reaction he gave you. “He was really grateful and gave me a lot of money. We can relax now.” You mumbled to Remus knowing how he felt that all the money would be spent on his potions.  You walk towards Remus and he instantly drops the bottles into the crate to hug you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders pulling you into his chest. 
“This is amazing. Thank you.” Remus said, kissing your forehead before looking back at the crates. 
“No need for Snape then.” Sirius commented. Since Remus left Hogwarts, he felt horrible disturbing Severus for it knowing how the dark haired man despised him. You rubbed Remus bare back as he nodded at Sirius. Biting your bottom lip to not saying anything, not wanting to ruin this movement for Remus. 
You wanted to curse at Severus Snape for telling everyone that your husband was a werewolf. Remus had resigned his position, fearing the public wouldn’t be too kind of him being one. You knew it broke his heart leaving, he loved teaching. 
Sirius summoned Kercher and told him to put the crates away while he started on breakfast. One by one, the wooden crates lifted off the ground and floated upstairs to the closet near the guest bedroom. You were welcomed with another one of his bear hugs as you pressed your face against his chest. 
“Thank you. You didn-.” Remus was cut off by your head shaking. “I wanted to.” You told him while pushing his hair out of his face then wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist pulling you close to him. 
“We can finally do what we wanted to do for years. Use the money we have saved up for the cottage. Use it to visit the world. Buy all the chocolate you want.” Remus laughs at the last part. 
“The job wasn't hard though, right?” Remus asked with a concerning tone. 
You shook your head. “No, it was probably the most easy job I had in years. He’s in this lovely ranch. The sunrise and sunset are so beautiful. I wish you could see it for yourself.” 
The three of you enjoyed breakfast afterwards as you both talked more about Miles. Sirius demanded for a cowboy hat and stated Remus would be a wonderful cowboy. 
Days turned into weeks and Sirius was fixing the house little by little. Remus and you would help him clean out the rooms after bringing your belongings from the cottage. Cleaning around the house and fucking Remus became a daily thing. You felt much closer to him than before. The time that was wasted on working and being away from him was made up. Sirius was so overjoyed seeing both of you in domestic bliss. Remus would be reading in the library and while you sat on the ground cleaning your guns. You showed Sirius how to hold and fire a weapon after he begged Remus to convince you. Some nights ended with you telling Sirius what he missed. You told him some of the missions you had done in the states. Some night ended with you crying telling him about the death of your fellow friends. Some nights Sirius cried about telling you and Remus about Azkaban. 
You held Remus when he confessed to both of you that he was so heartbroken when he left his teaching position in Hogwarts. 
“I didn’t think I would be good at first.” Remus said softly. “But seeing those kids and Harry. I knew my place was teaching but as always I ran away. I knew the parents would hate me when they found out the truth. I don’t think I would be able to handle it if the children hated me too.” 
You received letters from Harry every week. Remus and you would read them in bed holding each other. Remus was in tears when Harry wrote that he missed Remus in school. Telling you that no one had come close to Remus. Everyone asked about Professor Lupin and how they missed the music he would play while they worked. The younger children play the muggle games that were taught to them by him and the older children wanted to know more about muggle music. While their parents weren’t too fond when finding out he was a werewolf the students didn’t mind. 
Moody and Dumbledore announced that a meeting was due. Remus and you stood in the back as the members of Order of the Phoenix came walking in. Everyone greeted both of you and Sirius' shoulders tensed up when he saw Tonks walking into the kitchen. She had left soon after your arrival, to be exact, she left the moment she saw Remus and you kissing. 
“Hey, Remus.” You were speaking with Moody when you saw a young woman with pink hair walking towards the back. 
“Hello Tonks.” Remus greeted her, you felt his hand on your back and he looked down at you. 
“Dear, this is Tonks. Sirius’ cousin.” You smiled at her and greeted her wondering why didn’t Sirius say anything about having a family member so close by. You reached your hand out for her to shake it but she just looked at you then at Remus. 
“Tonks, this is my wife.” Remus introduced her to you. You dropped your hand and cleared your throat when she didn’t shake it. Stealing a quick glance at your husband, you can see how uncomfortable he was. 
“Remus never mentioned to me about you before.” Tonks said, looking at you with a raised brow. 
“I told you, Tonks. It was for Remus’ and her safety. Only close friends knew.” Sirius said standing behind her. Remus gave Sirius a ‘thank you’ look over Tonk’s shoulder. Shacklebolt had told Remus and Sirius that Tonks was a bit upset when she found out that Remus was married. Molly had even gotten far to apologize to Tonks, telling her she didn't know either. The Weasley mother was a bit embarrassed since she was the one to insinuate that Tonks should get with Remus. Hyping Tonks up that they would be good together. 
“It was nice meeting you.” You tell her while grabbing Remus’ arm and tugging him to sit down on the empty seats near Shacklebolt. Tonks leaves after that and sit away from you. You glance over at Remus and he offers you a smile. 
You weren't new to the looks that you got from Tonks. You were stared at the moment you came to Hogwarts. You have been looked at and ridiculed. Judged for anything you did and when Remus and you became a thing, the looks never did stop. You knew Tonks fancied Remus. You had to be a blind person to not see it and you didn't hate her for it. Remus was an attractive man. He had the eyes of an angel, he had a smile that could make a room light up. He was compassionate and understanding. You couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. Tonks was much younger and she probably spent more time with Remus. As the meeting continued, Remus held your hand under the table. Dumbledore welcomed you into the group and introduced you to a few members you didn't know like Bill Weasley. Dumbledore was in the middle of a sentence when the floo was heard in the living room. 
“Must be Severus.” He said waiting for him to walk into the kitchen. You gave Sirius a small smile when he made eye contact with you. You haven't seen Severus in years. Taking a deep breath, you knew this would be interesting. You had a bone to pick with him but you knew you had to play nice. Severus being a double agent is risky, he was doing a dangerous job and you respected him a bit even after how he acted in school.
 “Dumbledore.” Severus greeted as he walked into the kitchen and gave a nod to everyone. His dark eyes glided over you and a noticeable frown appeared on his pale face. 
“Well. Well. If it isn’t Mrs. Lupin, in the flesh.” Severus said to you as he got closer to the table. 
“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t cream your pants, Snape.” You told him and his eyes looked over at Remus before looking at Dumbledore. 
“Are you positive you want someone like her in the group?” Severus asked, glaring back at you. 
“She is welcomed to this group-.” Remus was cut off by Severus. 
“Do you know what she is honestly capable of, Loony Lupin?” You rose up from your seat and Sirius joined you as well. Fuck, playing nice. You stared hard at Severus wanting to punch him right in the face and break that beak he calls a nose. Remus tried to get you to sit back down but you walked behind him and stared at Severus. 
“Watch your mouth, Snivellus.” Sirius warned Severus, eyeing him up and down.
“Doesn't your dog have a muzzle?” Severus sneered at you harshly after giving Sirius a glare.
“For someone who knows what I am capable of, you run your mouth a lot. Do tell, what do you know about me?” Dumbledore was about to speak when Severus spoke first as you walked closer to him. 
“You are called The American. Others say you’re the daughter of the devil. You have many enemies, Y/n. Many fear you while others can't wait to have their revenge on you. Even who shall not be named knows of you, he doesn't admit it loudly but he knows you are a problem especially after your little display a year ago.” 
Sirius knitted his brows together when Severus mentioned the name, The American. The prisoners of Azkaban whispered and spatted that name in disgust. Some of them were placed there because of you, he heard the stories through the bars of his cell. He thought they weren't real, simply just stories to pass the time especially when he heard that the prisoners had see you, The American two places at once. 
“Tell me, how is your friend, Mulciber doing?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. The tension in the room was high as everyone stared at Severus and you. Remus bites his tongue when he feels your magic stirring inside of you. Both of you can feel each other, it was something that came when being bonded with a werewolf. He feels you were about to lash out again. Remus wanted this to end, no fighting between any one.
Remus thought to himself, he was an idiot for believing they can have one meeting without fighting but Severus brings your anger out and see how far you can go especially when bringing him into the mix. Remus clenched his hands on his knees when Severus blurted out that nickname, it given to him in school. Remus glance over at you and he swore he saw you back in school with your fist bloodily, you had just hit someone who called him that. He looks over at Severus and his heart starts to pound out of his chest. The urge to fight was stirring deep inside his belly.
“You castrated him. Took his balls and dick, how do you think he's doing?” Severus said. Sirius looks over at Remus with a shocked expression. Remus still had his eyes at Severus. Sirius saw a glitter of anger in Remus’ eyes when Severus stepped closer to you.
For brief second, you remembered being this close to Severus years ago. He was seething at you, calling you a filthy mud blood who had no place in Hogwarts. 
"Y/n." You hear Remus in your head. His voice is deep and hard, in the corner of your eye you saw Remus staring at you.
"Please. Sit down." Remus pleads inside your mind.
“Doing well, then.” You answer Severus and walk back to Remus, who quickly grabbed your hand pulling you down to sit. 
“What did he did for you to do that?” Bill asked softly, looking between Severus and you. 
Remus looks over at Bill, “He came over the states with a group. Raping woman and men. Mulciber's last victim was a daughter of two aurors, Yankee knew them well.” 
Bill looked away with that information, most of them did. “Do you support her actions, killing them? Using such a barbaric method?” Severus asked Remus. 
Remus feels a laugh brewing in his chest but swallows it down.
“Absolutely." Remus stares hard at Severus as he answers.
"I was the one holding Mulciber down. He and the rest got what they deserved.” Remus said, still remembering the screams of the girl's parents when they found out their daughter didn't survive the attack. Remus said it so nonchalantly that it made Severus and the rest freeze. The quiet and polite, Remus changed for a brief second. Sirius couldn't recognize his dear friend as he slowly sat back down in his seat. 
“Is there even a spell for that?” Moody asked and Remus shook his head. 
“The things you can do with just a blade and a flame torch are endless.” You answered Moody glancing over at Severus who wore a scowl.
“Well, then.” Moody broke the silence before looking over at Dumbledore. Severus sat down and waited for Dumbledore to continue on with the meeting. The meeting ended with the need of two people for a mission. 
“The full moon is coming up, baby.” You mentioned to Remus who was thinking of volunteering. 
“I’ll go.” Sirius said and you made a face. “I should go. You can stay with Remus and help him plus they are still looking for you.”
Remus shook his head. “You just came back from working. It’s only been a few months.” 
“I know but none of you have been going on missions lately. I'm sorry, but you guys are probably rusty.” You said looking around knowing it was true. The Order of the Phoenix just started up again because of the news of the arrival of who shall not be named. 
“I just came from a mission. Not like the ones you have gone but I can be of some assistance to you.” Bill spoke out ignoring the worried look from his parents. 
“What do you do for work?” You asked him. 
“A curse-breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank.” Bill answered and you can sense the anger coming from Remus. He wanted you to relax and rest while coming back here for good. You loved the idea of Remus wanting you to relax but you couldn't not when there's a war coming.
“Have you killed anyone?” You asked him and Molly stood up from her seat. 
“He’s just a boy. This is a mission to look for recruiters not to fight.” Molly told you. 
“I know that but God forbid something comes up and we get attacked. How will your son defend himself?” You asked her. 
“This isn’t how we do things.” Molly added, she was scared from what she learned today from Severus. Many have looked at you with fear and thought you were heartless but you didn't care.
“Remus told me you guys cast a spell to just disarm them and such. What do you do when you are faced with someone who wants to kill you?” You asked around, looking at each of them. 
“You kill them before they kill you.” Moody answered and you nodded. 
“This won’t be like the first war. Times have changed, technology has advanced and even though it’s a muggle thing. Death Eaters from the States have used it to their advantage since who shall not be named was gone but now he has returned. I’m sure, they will be arriving as well and showing him these new weapons." You look around the table and you can see everyone faces were scared or shocked. Even the Headmaster looked a bit uneasy.
"Death Eaters from the states are more ruthless than the ones here. They won’t be casting just freezing spells. They will kill you and the most deranged of them will take their time doing it.” You told them.
“They don’t know you are here yet.” Severus said, looking over at you. Severus spoke how the Dark Lord, didn't know The American was back. Bellatrix didn't recognized you when you deflected her spell.
“Good, we will use that to our advantage.” Dumbledore added with a nod.
“The moment they find out The American is back. He would likely ask for all his followers to come and they will be after you.” Severus said making you feel uneasy not because they would be after you but the number of Voldemort's following. Looking around the table, there was not enough people.
“What about us? How many do we have on our side?” You asked them. 
“Not enough.” Moody replied. 
“We will get more people. Going on this mission will allow us that. You and Bill will be entering a small community of werewolves. Talk to them, tell them about this war. Persuade them to join us.” Dumbledore said, looking between you and Bill. Severus chuckles and you look over at him. 
“Something to say?” You asked him. Severus looks back at you. 
“Fucking say it.” You snapped at him when he was taking his sweet ass time to respond. 
You never were close with Severus. Not even when both of you were in school, he despised you and every opportunity he had he reminded you that you were nothing but a mudblood. No matter what you did. You had even tried to form a friendship with him, it ended badly. To this day you still didn’t know why he hated you so much. Part of you thought it was because you were with Remus, he was friends with the people that bullied him. Another part of you thought was because of your magic but Severus was powerful as well. 
“I have a hard time believing that you can just go somewhere and talk. You can’t go inside the community waving your gun around acting like the savage animal you are.” Severus said and you felt the table move so quickly that it made you flinch. There was a screeching sound as the table moved. In a flash, Remus apparated in front of Severus, standing face to face with him. Remus was breathing heavily as he stared at Severus. 
“Like husband and wife.” Severus said to Remus. You call out for your husband. 
“Severus, enough. Remus.” Dumbledore shouted but it was ignored.
“You say whatever you want about me.” Remus’ voice is strain as his shoulders rose up and down in anger. 
“But you will respect my wife, never speak ill about her or it will be the last time you have a tongue.” You walked towards Remus as he threated Severus. Shacklebolt was beside Moody standing up as well. Shacklebolt had his wand in hand incase of something.
“You should watch who you are speaking to. I am the one that prepares your potions for your furry problems.” Severus said tauntingly to him. 
“Your services are no longer needed.” Remus tells him as he feels your hand on his lower back. Sirius got up, following you when Remus’ jaw clenched. The full moon was approaching, the first staging was now showing. His temper was unwinding. 
Severus flinched when Remus lets out a growl, deep from his chest. It’s been years since Severus heard that very growl. He heard that growl when Sirius pranked him that night. He took a step back when he imagined Moony standing in front of him on his hind legs, and mouth open showing its sharp fangs. 
“You dare to gro-.” Severus was about explode.
“That is enough. This meeting is over.” Dumbledore shouts, cutting the tension between Severus and Remus. Dumbledore casted a look at you then at Bill. 
“Your mission will start in three weeks. It will give them enough time to recover from the full moon. That’s it everyone.” Molly and Arthur along with Bill rose up to say their goodbyes. 
Dumbledore waited for Severus to walk out first. Severus glares at you before walking out of the kitchen. Tonks follows him without a word.
“Lupin, sit down. Let’s have a drink.” Moody said, stomping his cane on the ground. Shacklebolt joins in as Sirius and he fixes the table.
“We should be going.” Arthur tells you and Bill walks towards you as Sirius grabs Remus by the arm to make him sit down with the rest of them. Remus doesn’t say a word, his jaw is still clenched. Eyes still hardened. 
“I will keep in touch with you.” You nod at Bill, shaking his hand. 
Arthur says your name after muttering something to Bill. Molly looks worried for a second but Bill places a hand over her shoulder to ease her worries and walks out with her. 
“Snape was wrong for saying that.” He said as Sirius came into the kitchen with a bottle of fire whiskey.
“You’re probably the best we have. Moody is good but I heard stories about you. The Ministry of Magic speaks highly of you. Do not let his words affect you.” You give him a smile before looking at Remus who was staring at you and Arthur over Moody’s shoulders. 
“Believe me, he’s the last person I will let bother me.” You said making him chuckle. 
“Do forgive Molly. She’s just worried for the kids and Harry. We think of him as a part of our family. He’s been through so much. She wants him to be a child as much as he can.” His voice held so much emotion that you looked away to control your own tears. You were glad Harry had the Wesley family. You shook his hand goodbye and you glanced over at Sirius and Remus when Arthur walked out. 
“You've been married for more than 12 years and you didn’t say a word.” Shacklebolt said before giving Remus a nod of a good job done before glancing back at you. His eyes looking up and down at you. 
“Did you just check out my wife?” Remus asked with a deadpan look. Moody and Sirius laugh at Shacklebolt’s worried face. 
“Don’t hog the fire whiskey.” You tell them, interrupting Shacklebolt who was stuttering an apology to Remus. Moody grabs an empty glass and pours a hearty amount for you. 
“Telling me more about these Death Eaters from the states.” Moody tells you after the second shot. Shacklebolt was also curious, so you did. They were shocked by how brutal they were. Remus remains quiet for the time they spend drinking. He stared at the glasses then at you. You had your hand on his thigh rubbing it up and down to get him to relax. 
At the end of drinking Moody and Shacklebolt welcomed you into the group. They bid goodbye to everyone and gave thanks to Sirius for the drinks. You retire to bed, wishing Sirius a goodnight. He hugged you before you left the kitchen. You touched Remus’ shoulder, passing him. You can hear Sirius and Remus whispering to themselves as you walk upstairs to the bedroom. 
Walking in, you let out a sigh. The room looked more like the bedroom in the cottage. It felt home, you missed it but you were happy being here with Sirius. You were unbuttoning your shirt when you heard Remus enter the bedroom. He shuts the door softly, looking ahead at the mirror of the dresser you saw him walking behind you. Remus sighs and leans against you. He bends down to rest his chin on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your torso. Enjoying each other's presence in comfortable silence. 
“Severus. He’s a bitter man.” Remus said after a few moments. You agree with him, that’s Severus all right. 
“Tell me something, I don’t know. He’s always been like that. He’s been like that since the first time I met him.” You said recalling the first time you met him. You wouldn’t forget how cold his stare was.
“He’s upset because of Mulciber. They were close in school. I’m sure they were lovers and imagine finding out someone you love is a fucking rapist.” You said and Remus steps back. 
“Are you trying to defend his attitude he had today?” You shake your head at Remus. 
“No, like you said he’s just bitter. Especially after what I did, I might have some sort of reason why he’s acting more of an ass then he usually is.” You answered Remus turning around to face him.
“I’m sorry he called you that name.” You said grabbing Remus’ hand pulling him towards the bed. You sat beside him.
“Don’t be. I don’t care what people say about me. I have been called so many names in my youth. I only care what he said about you. I wanted to hurt him for saying that to you today. You are not a savage animal.” Remus said, pulling your hand on his lap. 
“You looked so hot, baby.” You mumble to him with a smile and Remus chuckles as he looks over at you. 
“Did I?” You nod at him. “You always look hot but mad Remus is just-.” 
Remus cuts you off with his lips. He pushes you down, laying on your back. You kiss him back, wrapping your arm around his neck. He pulls away and looks down at you, his hand creasing your cheek. 
“You think I’m hot when I’m mad but you should see yourself when you are. The small amount of time I see you in action.” Remus shakes his head as his scarred cheeks blushes at the thought. 
“I never want you to see me like that.” You whispered. 
“You have only seen a glimpse of The American. I don’t want you to see me like that. Never. I become something else. Somethi-.” he shakes his head cutting you off.
“If I ever see it, I would be proud of you. Such a powerful and strong woman you are, my wife. You’re the strongest person I know, Yank.” He tells you softly. You pull him down for a hug, shutting your eyes tightly. You knew he meant it but he has only seen a glimpse of it. He has only witnessed a fraction of the horror you can cause. The Death Eaters were right to call you the daughter of the devil. Your father was evil and you had his temper. You used that temper in the field and those who got in your way, never survived.
Remus helped you sit up and kissed your cheek before getting up to change his clothes. You were changing your pants when you looked over your shoulders at Remus, he was removing his shoes. Getting into your sleeping clothes, you remember the way Tonks looked at him. You weren’t mad like you said before Remus was an attractive guy and there would be people who would want him. You trusted Remus, he never once gave you any reason that he was a cheater or even made you believe something may happen but like any human being with feelings. There was that little nagging voice in your head telling you maybe Remus did like her. 
Tonks is young and beautiful. She’s not scarred like you or had a difficult job that made her leave her husband alone for weeks. Maybe she got mad because she and Remus had an affair and he said it was over because you returned. 
Rubbing your face with your hands, you calmed yourself. Taking deep breaths, you felt like a schoolgirl being nervous to ask her boyfriend a simple question. This is your husband. The man you love. You can ask Remus anything you want just as he can with you.
“So, what’s up with Tonks?” You asked Remus as you sat on the bed.
Remus looks over your shoulders at you. 
“What about her?” He asks and you shrug your shoulders at him. Remus turns around to face you when you wouldn't look at him in the face. 
When you don't respond, he speaks. “She’s just Sirius’ cousin. Molly tried to set her up with me but I kept refusing. Told her I’m old and I’m going to hurt her. Fucking kid, didn’t get the message that I don’t like her. She got pissed when she saw us kissing and at the news that we were married. Sirius told me that he had told her that it was for our safety that we didn't tell anyone.” 
“She’s young and beautiful.” Your voice was low and Remus got closer to you. 
“She works here, you know. I..wel..-.” You sighed when you weren't able to finish.
“What’s going on?” Remus asked and stated your name loudly when you’d started to get too much into your head. 
“I was just going to say. I wouldn’t be angry if you cheated on me with her. A part of me will get why you did. I’m barely here, I leave you alone all day, sometimes for weeks and months. You must get so lonely and she’s there. She’s pretty and young. Not me who’s fucking damaged.” Remus stands up from his side of the bed and walks towards you. You’re about to speak again and he hushes you to be quiet. 
Sitting on the bed, he grabs your hands looking at you. 
“Never. I never once thought or had cheated on you. Y/n. I love you so much to even cheat on you. I get lonely sometimes, yes but I read, I do gardening, I keep myself entertained by learning new stuff that I can do around the cottage so when you come home everything will be fine and fixed. Learned how to cook during those times, I kept myself busy with things but never with the company of a women.” He cups your face and makes you look at him. 
“You are not damaged. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are my wife. You are everything to me.” Remus kisses you passionately, he kisses away those thoughts you had in your head. You pull away from his lips as you cup his face, rubbing his cheeks. 
“You know I would never do that to you, right?”  Remus is quiet but nods at you. 
“I’m so happy I’m back. I was tired of not being able to hold you, kiss you and feel you. Remus Lupin, you are everything to me as well. Everything I do is for you, everything I have is yours. Every mission I did, I prayed to whoever was listening to me to help me survive and get back to you.” You jumped onto his lap and hugged him. Remus holds you, rubbing your back gently. 
Remus and you laid together in bed that night. Embracing each other and basking in each other's warmth.
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The moon was going down and you had stayed up all night for it. You couldn’t sleep without him. Not now since you've been back. You missed Remus too much to sleep. Sitting on the bed, the house was quiet and dark. You rose up from the bed and grabbed your robe hanging on the post of the bed. Looking at the small digital clock on your night stand it was almost time. 
Remus was going to transform back. Stepping out of the room, tying the robe tightly around you. Your bare foot padded down the hallway, passing Sirius’ room downstairs then to the basement. The locks on the steel door unlocked itself and you heard a whine. 
In the dark room, you can hear Remus’ crying out as his bones cracked back into his human self. A growl came out of the dark and you stood by the door. Your eyes glisten with unshed tears. It hurt you that you couldn’t do much when he transformed back. You couldn’t ease his pain that very moment. All you can do is wait for it to be over, wait for Moony to leave and for your Remus to come back.
You heard a soft groan and you immediately walked inside, waving your hand in front of you. One by one the candles you set up around the room lit up. Bright light was too harsh for Remus after transforming, candles were much better.
You stared ahead at the large cage Sirius had set up, it took the entire room, enough room for Remus to walk around in his wolf form. A large mattress, that’s been charmed to not rip was laid out on the floor by the corner. Variety of blankets and pillows were on the mattress. Frowning, you didn’t see Remus on it. Walking further in you got closer to the cage and froze when you heard a soft growl coming from the corner of the cage. 
The soft light of the candles glowed around Remus. He was sitting on a small metal chair attached to the cage. His legs were spread open, his soft cock hung between his legs. His chest rose up and down with each breath he took. His hands rested on top of his knees, palms facing up. His hair was a mess and his eyes peeked behind the strands of hair. 
Another growl came from his mouth as his eyes stared at you. His eyes were golden, his iris were shining, glowing brighter than the candles around him. You haven’t seen Moony in so long. It’s been a while, last time you met him was - you let out a small gasp when the bite mark on your neck started to sting. He was calling you.
You unlocked the cage and untied the robe. A smirk appeared on Remus’ tired face when he saw the robe fall down, pooling around your feet. You wore a thin tank top and a pair of black underwear. The cool air made you shiver and your nipples grew hard. 
“Hey baby.” You said kneeling down by the entrance of the cage. You kept your head down as you began to crawl inside. You crawled towards him, Moony has told you himself that he liked it whenever you did it. He gives out a groan when you stop in front of him. You’re between his legs, your forehead touching his soft cock. You wince when you laid your hand on the concrete floor, your knees were getting a bit sore. 
You felt a heavy hand on the back of your head, his fingers grasping on your hair. You let out a yelp when he tugged it hard making you look up at him. 
Your cunt quivered by his action. He was making you look up at him. His golden eyes seemed to glowed down. Dawn was approaching, Remus was coming back. 
“Baby.” You whispered and Remus leans down, his hand still holding your hair. He bumped his nose with yours, he sniffed at you. You shut your eyes when he dragged his nose across your cheek down to your neck. He tugged harder on your hair and made you moan. 
“I remembered the first time I smelled you.” Your cheeks grew pink by his confession. 
“On the train. Your blood. It smelled so good.” Opening your eyes when you felt his hand under your chin, he was staring down at you. 
“I knew you were mine.” He whispered with a small groan. 
“Mine. Mine. All mine. Mine. Mine.”  His deep voice turns soft and his golden eyes turn into the shade of blue. 
“I’m so glad you’re here.” Remus whispered, making you smile. 
You helped him up when he started to go in and out of consciousness, something that happened very often. It has taken a toll on his body, you were happy that you didn’t see any serious injury. The potion did its job. You quickly got to work, not wanting to leave him down in the basement for a second longer. 
Remus watches you with heavy eyes when you help into the tub. He moans when his body hits the warm water. He feels a soft rag against his body, looking up. He sees you, staring at his chest as you rub the wash cloth against his skin. 
“Rest.” You whispered not wanting to agitate his headache. 
He falls asleep in the tub and you use magic to lift him up and place him on to the bed. Sirius quietly walks into the room and hands you a few vials for Remus to drink when he wakes up. Something for the body aches, something for the headache, something for his stomach and something for his joints. He comes back into the room with a thick blanket for Remus, charming it to be warm. Sirius felt like he was back in Hogwarts, taking care of Remus. Sirius waits for you as you dry Remus’ legs. You didn’t bother getting him dressed but you did apply lotion on his hands and feet. After rubbing lotion on his legs, you bring the thick blanket up to his chest. Pushing the hair out of his handsome face. 
Standing up from the bed, you laid out his robe in the chair next to him. You follow Sirius out of the door and leave it open incase he calls for you. Sirius cooked breakfast and both of you talked while Kercher cleaned around the house. Ignoring the little elf glaring at you. The day was quick after spending it with Sirius. He was still renovating the rooms. He decides to show Harry’s room.
You looked around the room and deemed it to be a great room for Harry. You try to push out the small cupboard room out of your head.  Harry asked you to not tell Sirius, you were going to keep your word. 
“I’m going to put a bed over there and a desk for him on the side. Maybe some shelves for his books.” Sirius said pointing at the empty corner and you smile at the look of seriousness on his face. 
“What color do you think he likes? God! I’m his godfather and I don’t know. Maybe he won’t like the room..blimey what if he regrets coming to stay with me if the color of the room isn’t to his liking?” You chuckle at Sirius as he walks around the room. 
“Si! Si! Stop!” You said grabbing your friend’s arm when he began to pace back and forth in the room. 
“I promise you, Harry would love it no matter what color it is.” You tell him. You meant it, Harry would like any room that had space and no bars on the window.
“I want it to be amazing for him.” Sirius said softly looking over at you with a smile. 
“I know and it will be.” You said squeezing his arm gently.
“We should definitely get some Quidditch posters and hang them around the wall.” You comment and Sirius smiles as he agrees with you. 
“Did you clean out all the other rooms?” You asked Sirius and he shakes his head. 
“Not yet, there’s two more bedrooms upstairs.” He says. 
“I’ll help out.” You told him while walking out of the room. Walking down the hallway to see the staircase. A chill ran through you when you began to walk up the stairs. 
You see a large wooden black door with the words Master Bedroom on it. Passing by it to get started on the last room at the end of the hall. You froze when you saw Regulus Black written on the door. 
“Reg.” You whispered as you stood in front of the door. 
You haven’t thought of him in years. With a shaky hand you grabbed the golden knob of the door and twisted it. The air was dusty and you grabbed your wand from your pocket and waved it in the room. The dust in the room disappeared as you walked inside. It was the size of the guest bedroom, with two large windows by the neatly made bed. Everything was green, the comforter of the bed, the color of the walls and curtains. You stared at the posters of astronomy on the walls. Walking to the bed, you sat down on the edge staring at the shelves of books that covered the entire wall. He was always reading, always had his nose in a book when he wasn’t playing Quidditch. 
Regulus Black was the first person to treat you with kindness in Hogwarts. You didn’t know why he stood up from his seat the first day you came into school and sat across from you. He was younger than you, he was tall for his age, a bit lanky. His hair was dark like the night, it came down in curls. He had a thin nose and a plushy pinky lips. You remember looking up at him when he introduced himself to you. You thought he was a model at first.
He looked like the models in the magazine. He had defined cheekbones, dark lashes that complimented his eyes. He ate dinner with you. He looked at you with interest. You had no idea who he was but he had to be popular because everyone stared at you when he sat down across from you. You thought he was weird at first when he didn’t know who Santa’s elves were.
Looking at the night stand, you opened the drawers. Parchment paper and quills were inside the first drawer. You were always jealous of his penmanship, you smiled as you traced a word, curving the delicate loops on the paper. You would spend hours trying to learn how to write with a quill. You would cried out in frustration in the library most days when you couldn’t write properly. You wish that they would just use regular pen and pencils but you remember you were in the wizardly world now. Your Charms professor made that clear to you when he called you out in front of the entire class.
Opening the second drawer, you froze when you saw an album. Grabbing it and flipping through it, you saw pictures of young Sirius with Regulus. Regulus had told you his side of the story of why he wasn’t talking with Sirius. Regulus had confined in you multiple times about how he missed his older brother. He missed Sirius’ hugs and missed their talks. At that time you didn’t know anything about the rivalry against the houses. You didn’t know what pure blood, muggle born and half blood were. He was your friend, your best friend during your first year of Hogwarts. That was until he changed completely and vanished. You stopped at the solo picture of Regulus.  He looked to the right then back at ahead, facing the camera smiling wide at the shot. He had his Slytherin uniform on in the picture. You missed him dearly, you wanted to tell him everything that happened to you. You wanted to tell him how you married Remus and your job in the states. You long for those hours of talks both of you had. Bringing your left hand to the picture, you traced the line of his face. You stopped when you saw your golden band on your finger. 
Remus and Regulus never met eye to eye. Sirius told you after Regulus went missing. He told you one night that Remus was jealous of his younger brother. Jealous that Regulus had a close connection with you. You just shook your head at Sirius. Not really believing it. Regulus was the first person that you mentioned about your life at home. He held you as you cried everyday you were bullied, talked to you into staying in Hogwarts. You met Remus when both of you were at the lowest point in life. You wouldn’t forget how you met him. Remus looked so beautiful as he cried. That’s how you met him, he was crying. You had seen him before in class and in the great hall. This was the first time you met him up close. You met his gaze and you felt your heart stop.  
You were surprised when he said your name, he knew who you were. Most of the students knew you as the mudblood in house Slytherin. 
You hear Sirius call out for you, quickly shutting it close. You made your way out of the room and shut the door behind you. Walking to your bedroom and carefully walking inside to not make sound. Remus is still sleeping, placing the photo album inside of your nightstand drawer. You wanted to reminisce about all the good times you had with your best friend, Regulus. He made your time in Hogwarts a bit better in the beginning. You always wondered where he went. 
You wished he had told you where he had gone. You refused to believe Sirius when he told you Regulus was a Death Eater, you didn’t want to believe him. He guessed that Regulus ran away and was hiding. 
You glance back at Remus and smile when you see how peaceful he looked. You walked out of the room and headed downstairs. Your eyes widened when you saw Harry staring in the middle of the living room with Sirius. 
“Hello, my sweet boy.” You said walking to Harry. He greets you with a hug and you kiss his forehead. Sirius smiles at the sight of Harry and you. 
“Is everything alright with you? You didn’t send a letter saying you were coming?” You asked, looking at Harry, cupping his face with a worried look. 
“I was telling Sirius. I wanted to check and see if Remus was doing okay since last night was the full moon.” Sirius and you smiled at Harry’ concern for Remus. 
“He’s doing fine, dear. Sleeping it off, he might sleep all day.” You told Harry. Sirius invites Harry for lunch. 
The three of you were eating when Harry looked over at Sirius. You glanced at Sirius, when Harry asked to speak with him about something. 
“I was wondering if I can stay this summer with you guys.” Harry asked Sirius. 
“Of course!” Sirius yelps with a gleeful laugh and stands up from his seat. 
“Your room will be finished by the time school ends. “ Harry’ brows raise up in surprise. 
“My room? I can stay on the couch.” Sirius shakes his head at Harry. Your chest tightens at his words. 
“You will have your own room. With your own bed and you will have your desk. Somewhere to put your books and clothes. It will be ready for you.” Harry's eyes glisten behind his rounded glasses as Sirius spoke. 
“You are still under age, have you spoken to your aunt and uncle about it?” He asks Harry. You immediately look at Harry to see his reaction. You hoped Petunia kept her word. You were ready to handle that fuck fat, she calls her husband, Vernon. 
“Surprisingly, they said yes to me staying somewhere else this coming summer.” You smile at his response. 
That fat fuck will live to see a another day. 
You frowned when you noticed a scar on Harry’s hand. You kept your eye on it. ‘I must not tell lies’ Your jaw clenched as you stared at it. It was a blood quill spell, you wanted to ask Harry about it but you didn’t want to interrupt him and Sirius talking. Harry looked so happy as Sirius asked him about the color he would want his room to be. 
Harry spent more time with Sirius while you tried to wake Remus up for dinner time. You wanted him to eat something, he had to eat something while he took his potions. 
Remus woke up feeling better than usual. He thanked you for bathing him. The warm bath helped his sore muscles. You were feeding him chicken soup, it was always best for something light to not upset his stomach. Remus told you he was able to feed himself but you didn’t allow him. 
You happily took care of him. He licked his lips, savoring the soup as you spoon fed him. He drank the potion and he felt better as the minutes passed. 
“Harry is downstairs. He came to see how his uncle Remus was doing.” You said softly not wanting to agitated him if he had a headache. 
Remus gives you a small smile. “You think he’s still downstairs?” 
“Yeah, Sirius wants to know everything Harry wants for his bedroom.” Remus wipes his lips with a napkin. 
“Good, I’m glad. He deserves it. He deserves a home, a room.” You agree with him. You told Remus, the little visit at the Dursleys worked. They were allowing Harry to stay over the upcoming summer. You helped Remus get dressed before Harry came upstairs to see him. Remus greets Harry with a smile. 
You were sitting with Remus leaning against the headboard while Harry sat by Remus’ legs. Sirius came up with tea and sat by your legs. Harry spoke to you three about classes and his friends. Sirius teased him by asking Harry if there was anyone he fancied. 
The three weeks were coming to an end and you have been communicating with Bill about the mission. You weren't worried about it, it was a simple mission. Speaking with the community to gain their support for the war.    Four hours tops, that was the limit. Even though the mission will be light work. You told Bill that there were certain protocols that you wanted to get by. Even the easiest mission still needed some rules. You missed the looks Bill gave you when you told him the rules before arriving at the site of the community. 
It was the night before the mission and you had spoken to Bill to meet you at Sirius’ place in the morning. You were walking upstairs to the bedroom when you saw Remus on your side of the bed. 
“Hey.” You said walking inside the room. Remus didn’t say anything. He kept looking down at the photo album on his lap. 
“Are you okay?” You said then froze when Remus still didn't answer you. 
“Why do you have his pictures?” Remus asked, looking at a picture of Regulus in disgust. He looked up and you were shocked by his expression. 
“I was cleaning up his room when I found it. He was my best friend, Rem. I wanted a picture.” You answered him. 
“This isn’t just a picture. It’s a photo album.” Remus said. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked him. 
“I do not want you having his pictures.” You frowned at his response. 
“Remus, I want to remember him. Like I said, he was my best friend.” Remus shakes his head. 
“He left you, remember.” Remus’ jealousy betrays him completely that he didn’t realize that he had shouted at you. 
“He disappeared.” You corrected him. You had to correct it because Regulus couldn’t have just left you without saying a word. 
“He left.” Remus snaps and you take a step back when Remus shuts the photo album harshly. He throws it on the bed and stands up to face you. 
“Remus, what’s going on?” You ask him not fully understanding what was going on in his head.
 “You have photos of him. Why?” You answered him back immediately, repeating what you told him before. 
“You wanted photos of the boy you were with?” You frowned at his words.
“He was a friend, Remus. Nothing more, you know that. I have only been with you.” Remus shakes his head at you. 
“You were the only boyfriend I had. Regulus and I were close friends. He knew that and I knew that.” You couldn’t comprehend why Remus was acting this way all of the sudden. 
“Oh please.” He said sarcastically and it makes you feel ill. 
“You're still telling me that same lie. This just proves that you had something with him before us. You still have feelings for him probably.” You waved your hand at Remus trying to get him to calm down. 
“What are you even talking about? Baby, do you hear yourself? Regulus and I have never been together. You were my first. You were and still is the only man I will ever love. Why are you acting this way?” You walk in front of him. 
“Please, don’t lie to me again. It will just get me more angry.” Remus warns. 
“I’m not lying.” You admit and he walks out of the room. You follow him, calling his name out. Sirius walks into the living when he hears you shouting. 
“What’s going on?” Sirius asks Remus who passed him without a glance. Sirius frowns when he sees you following Remus. 
“Yank, what happened?” He gets concerned when he sees your eyes are filled with tears and his blood gets cold when you tell him what happened. 
“You had pictures of my brother?” You tried to tell Sirius it wasn’t like that. You missed his younger brother, your friend. 
You pass Sirius who tried to grab your arm to stop you. 
“Remus, please stop this. Talk to me.” You said walking into the kitchen to see him standing by the sink, his back was towards you. 
Remus says your name and pleads with you to not come towards him. 
“Regulus -.” Remus slams his hands on the counter making you jump.  “Don’t say that name.” Sirius stands by the entrance of the door when Remus snaps. 
“You are being absolutely ridiculous.” Remus turns around by your words. 
“You think I am being ridiculous? Me? I’m not the one who has pictures of their ex, or someone I loved.” 
“I never loved him like I love you.” You repeat it until Remus gets red in the face. 
“How would you feel if you found photographs of Tonks on my nightstand?” His question makes you freeze. Why was he bringing her up into this conversation? This had nothing to do with Sirius’ cousin. 
“I might as well have some then. Something to feel when I’m all alone all fucking day.” He wanted to hurt you and he did. He was throwing your insecurities right at your face. You hear Sirius’ warning Remus to stop with his shenanigans. 
“What do you think?” Remus asked you. 
“Are you trying to tell me something? So you did something with her when I was gone?” The pit of your stomach aches. 
Remus breathes heavily, so upset. So in rage by that photo of Sirius’ little brother in your night stand. He couldn’t stop himself from remembering how he used to watch you walk down the halls with Regulus by your side. He grew even more mad as he remembered how Regulus hugged you. 
“I did.” Remus replied to you. He felt his heart dropped by the look on your face.
“Wait-pleas-YANK!” Sirius stutters as he calls out for you. You had turned around and walked out of the kitchen to the front door. 
“What is wrong with you? Why would you lie to her face? You never did anything with Tonks.” Sirius shouts as he walks back into the kitchen. 
“Right?” Sirius’ voice turned soft when he asked Remus to confirm. “Moony, please.” Remus shuts his eyes at his best friend pleads. 
“She will always choose your brother.” Remus spats out, looking over his shoulder. Sirius shakes his head, not understanding what’s happening to Remus. 
“She married you. She loves you.” Remus ignores Sirius and walks away leaving him in the kitchen. You didn’t return until the next morning. Sirius was waiting in the living room all night for your arrival. Remus stayed in the bedroom, locked up. 
“Sirius?” The dark haired man woke up, he fell asleep last night on the couch waiting for you. 
He frowns when he notices Bill in front of him. 
“Sorry to wake you up but I've been calling for Yankee. I believe no one is home.” Bill said, looking around then at his watch. 
“She should be coming back. Want a cuppa?” Bill nods at Sirius who stands up and tells him to follow him. 
Bill kept silent when he noticed Sirius in a quiet mood, it was odd. Sirius Black wasn’t himself. He usually cracked jokes and told stories. The front door was heard open and Sirius quickly placed the cup of tea in front of Bill and excused himself.  Bill looked over his shoulder when he heard your voice. Sirius is whispering. After a moment, Bill looks back again at the tea cup and takes a sip when he hears footsteps coming into the kitchen. 
“Good morning Bill.” You said walking inside with Sirius behind you. 
“Good morning, apologies if I arrived too early. Sirius told me you weren’t here.” You shook your head. 
“It’s good you’re here early. Give us a head start and go through the plan again.” Bill takes note of your blood shot eyes. You look like you haven’t slept. 
“Good morning Bill.” You tense up when you hear Remus’ voice. He ignores you and Sirius as he goes to the stove to make himself a cup of tea. Sirius glances over at you and his heart breaks when he notices you staring at the table. 
“Morning, Remus.” Bill greets with a smile. 
“How’s your parents? They alright?” Remus asked, looking over his shoulders. Bill nods. 
“They are fine, just a bit worried for today.” Sirius shakes his head at Bill. 
“They shouldn’t fear. You’re with the best auror.” Sirius said, making you look up at him with a small smile. He gives you a wink, trying to cheer you up. 
“Yank, before you leave. I’ll have Kercher make you something to eat. A cup of coffee at least.” You decline Sirius' offer stating it would be best to go early. Bill finishes his tea quickly. Remus still didn’t make eye contact with you. He kept making his tea with his back facing you. 
“Do you mind waiting for me by the door? I’ll be there in a second.” Bill nods and says his goodbye to Sirius and Remus. 
Bill leaves and you look at Remus. You call out his name softly. He doesn’t respond. Sirius is glaring at Remus now. You played with your fingers, looking down at them trying to come up with the words you were thinking. Your mind has been going circles and circles, the images of Remus and Tonks flooded your mind. So you just said what you felt. 
“Remus, I love you.” You were met with silence. You thought there weren't any more tears left in you but you were wrong. You hated a lot of stuff but Remus being mad at you was the worst. Sirius follows you after watching you leave the room when Remus didn’t answer back. 
“Yank.” Sirius grabs your hand and pulls you into his chest. You wrap your arms around his torso, hugging him tight. Sirius pulls away and cups your face. He wipes your tears. 
“He’ll talk when you come back, okay?” You sniff as you nod. 
“Be safe, I love you.” He kisses you on the cheek. 
“I love you too, Si.” You say it back. Bill doesn’t say anything when he sees you wiping your tears. He awkwardly stuff his hands in his pockets and follows you down the stairs. Sirius walks back into the kitchen and sees Remus on the table with his head between his hands. 
“You better talk to her when she comes back. You hear me, Moony? I’m serious. I don’t know what’s going on with you but that shit better stop. You have a good woman. Regulus was a friend to her when she had none. My brother may have loved her but she didn’t love him the way she loved you. Anyone can see how that much that woman fucking loves you!" Sirius walks out and Remus looks ahead. He let his jealousy get the best of him. He had pushed down that anger he had towards Regulus. He never told anyone about his confrontation with the younger Black's brother. 
He never told you how Regulus thought he was a better choice for you. Remus knows you loved Regulus only as a friend and nothing more. Regulus knew it as well but what he told Remus before his disappearance plagued him. 
“I’ll still be here, waiting for the day when she finally realizes that you aren’t good enough for her.” 
Remus slams his hands on the table when he recalls the last word he told you. He never cheated you with Tonks or even had the urge to do anything with her. He did it to hurt you and it worked. He didn’t get any pleasure from it. He cried himself to sleep last night, calling himself an ass for saying that. Remus finishes his cup of tea and feels more in despair when he realizes that you didn’t eat anything. You were still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. He had stolen a quick glance at you when he looked over at Bill. He hoped you at least had your gun on you. He walks to the living room and sits on the couch. You said the max was four hours for the mission. He will wait here for you and talk to you about it. He will tell you everything and hopes you find it in your heart to forgive him. Forgive him for being a complete ass. He was ashamed of himself after everything you’ve done for him. 
Remus leans back with a sigh and stares ahead at the clock above the fireplace. His eyes begin to drippy after a few minutes. 
It was dark and cold in the woods. Remus was absolutely terrified as he ran around. He didn’t know where he was going. He kept going forward, bumping himself into the branches of the trees. He let out a yelp when one of the branches scratched his face. 
He froze when he heard a scream, a woman’s scream.
He looks around trying to see where it came from. He was breathing heavily. It was freezing, so bad that he could see his own breath in the air. A cold sweat had appeared on his forehead. He’s been running for miles. 
There was a horrible howl that made him take a step back. Then a sound of thump, he looks over his shoulder and his eyes widen when he saw someone from his past. 
The person he called The Bloody Man was in front of him. He glared at Remus with his dark eyes, clothes were torn and his blood began to seep through the fabric. Remus felt chills run up and down his spine when the man lay out a bloody smile and grab something from the ground. 
Remus shouts your name when he sees the bloody man grab you by the neck and lifts you up. Only to be slammed by the nearest tree. You were kicking your legs as you began to choke. You are scratching the arms of the bloody man, trying to free yourself. 
“Remus! Remus!” 
Remus woke up with a jump when someone touched his chest. He looks up to see Molly standing over him with a concern look on her face. He sits up and notices Arthur sitting on the couch on the other side. 
“You poor thing, I think you were having a nightmare. I’ll make you some tea.” Molly mothered him then went to the kitchen. 
Sirius walks in, handling Arthur, a glass of fire whiskey. Sirius sits across from Arthur and takes a drink from his own glass. 
“What’s going on?” Remus asked, looking at them. 
“It’s been six hours, Remus. They aren’t back.” Arthur said in a shaky voice.
“They are probably still talking. The community probably liked them so much that they invited them for dinner or something.” Remus tries to reason with Arthur. Molly comes walking in with a hot tea. She gives it to Remus and sits by him. She looks ahead at the fireplace with tears in her eyes. 
“They have to be fine. If something were to happen, they would’ve contacted help immediately.” Sirius said, making Molly nod. 
“You’re right.” Molly's voice betrays her.
It was late now and eight hours had passed. Molly was in tears and Remus was frozen on the couch, his right leg shook frantically as he looked at the fireplace then at the front door. 
Moody and Shacklebolt came after it had been a total of 10 hours that Bill and you haven’t returned. They were trying their best to ease Molly and Arthur's worries. 
“We didn’t receive any call for help.” Remus sighs at Moody's words. 
“If something did happen, we cannot interfere; it will make matters worse.” Shacklebolt told them.
You were strong. You knew how to fight. Nothing bad happened to you, Remus repeated those words in his mind. Molly decided to make dinner for them as they waited. Calling them into the kitchen, they sat around staring at the stew Molly made, they ate quietly.
Then it happened in a second. The front door was slammed open and Bill shouts for Sirius. Molly and Arthur rose up when they heard their son. The others followed, Bill and you walked inside, practically tripping. The redhead boy has your arm over his shoulder as he helps you inside. 
Molly and Arthur rushed towards their son when they saw the state he was at. You pull away from him. Remus saw you tumbling further into the kitchen, making your way to the counter you slid down on the floor with your back against the cabinets. 
He calls out for you and Sirius follows. Remus was about to touch you when you raised your hand to stop him. You’re breathing heavily.
“What happen to you? What happened?” Molly shouted when she sat Bill down. He had a busted lip and his hair was tousled. Bill looks over at you. 
“I’m so sorry. I really am.” Bill says with tears running down his face. Arthur runs his son’s back and looks back at you. You were still sitting on the floor, breathing heavily. Your eyes were drifting into the distance. 
“What happened?” Moody shouts when Bill apologies once more but got no response from you. 
“Yank!” Sirius said, bending down to meet your eyes. You look completely out of it. Looking at you, you don’t look hurt like Bill. He frowns when he notices your fingers are slightly twitching. 
Bill sobs, hiding his face in his hands. Molly was consoling him when they heard knocking, it was the front door. Someone was trying to get in and Bill quickly rose up raising his wand alarming everyone. Your name was being shouted and everyone froze.
“I won’t let them get you. I swear.” Bill shouted as he aimed his wand at the door and everyone got into action. Remus' ears perked at the sound of the door bursting open and footsteps pacing around. Your name is shouted once more. Sirius looked down at you hoping you’ll talk but you showed no emotion. 
The door of the kitchen opens and Bill shouts stop but the person simply vanishes in mid air and Sirius yells when the person apparated in front of you. 
“Captain.” The man knelt beside you. He looked young and had thick blonde hair. It was tied in a low ponytail. He wore all black clothes along with a long black trench coat. 
The man frowns and looks at everyone. “What happened to her?” 
“Who are you?” Bill shouts and Remus aims his wand at the stranger. 
“State your name and purpose, boy.” Moody asks firmly. The man eyed Moody then at you. 
“Morris, is the name. I came because I received a patronus from my captain. I work with her in the states. I’m on her team.” The man said. 
“She sent it to you. I thought-” Bill asked, drawing down his wand then looking at Remus. Morris kneels down again and touches your face. Remus and Sirius frown when Morris pulls back and the palm of his hand is covered with blood. 
“Yank, take your glamor off.” Morris shouts and he cups your face, slightly shaking you. Your eyes don't meet his and Morris sighs. 
“What happened? She’s using the dissociative tactic spell.” Morris shouts at Bill.
“Captain, please come back. I won’t be able to break inside your mind and get you.” Morris pleads as he cups your face again, you don’t speak. Morris grunts before standing up, opening the cabinets like a mad man, looking inside. Sirius shouts as Morris made a mess looking through the spice cabinet. 
Morris grabs a bottle of spices and rips the cap off. He holds it under your nose. Nothing, it didn’t work. Morris throws the spice on the counter in anger. 
“What are you doing?” Remus shouts at him. 
“Trying to bring her back. It’s a tactic we use when being held hostage. We close our minds so no one can read it. We even do it when we are in serious pain.” Morris says looking again through the cabinets. Not finding what he was looking for. He was about to bend down to pick you up when Remus walked towards him. 
“Don’t touch her.” Morris frowns.
“And who the fuck are you?” The man ask Remus. 
“I’m her husband.” Morris’ eyes widen and look up and down at him. Remus flinches when Morris starts to unbutton Remus’ sweater. His fingers quickly worked and Remus shouted at him to not touch him. 
“Give this to me.” Morris shouts practically ripping the buttons of the sweater and pushes Remus out of the way. 
“Cap, smell this. Come on.” Morris kneels beside you and gently puts Remus’ sweater under your nose. Morris was sure it had to work, you would come back with your husband’s scent. When the soft fabric hit your nose, you started to blink. He smiles softly at you when you grab the sweater and cover your face with it. 
“Rem.” You whispered as you looked at your surroundings. “Morris?” You questioned when you looked up and saw the blonde man. 
“Take the glamor off. Let me see, you've been hit. That’s what you said.” You looked down at yourself then back at your surroundings. 
Not in front of them. Morris hears you speak to him in his mind and Morris looks at everyone. 
“Everyone out of this room now.” Remus shakes his head. 
“I’m not leaving her alone with you.” Remus said with Sirius standing behind him. 
Morris’ eyes harden for a second. He hears you again and kneels by you staring into your eyes. He frowns when you show him the events leading into the mission. He saw everything, Remus froze when he heard a growl. Bill was about to step towards you when Morris quickly got up and hissed at Bill.
Bill flinched when he saw Morris’ face change completely. His jaw unhinged and his teeth became large fangs. His blue eyes turned pitch black, the veins under his eyes became visible. He looked horrifying. Moody and Shacklebolt quickly had their wand aimed at Morris, ready to attack. Molly grabbed Bill and pushed him away from Morris. 
“You purebloods are all the fucking same. I swear to god.” He hissed at Bill, who was hiding behind his mother. 
“Easy there vampire.” Moody shouts. 
“I’m sure the world won’t miss one pureblood.” Morris said as the table and chairs in the kitchen began to shake. 
“Morris.” Your voice was harsh and loud.
It snapped him out of his angry haze and his face changed back to normal. Molly and Arthur gasped when they looked at you. The glamor you had on vanished. Bill and the rest was left shocked by your appearance. Remus calls your name soft as he kneels beside you. You were beaten badly, the side of your face was bruised up. Your clothes were soaked with blood, you held your stomach with one hand. Your body trembled horribly. 
“It’s not his fault.” You whispered before wincing loudly when you moved your leg. Remus and Sirius spring into action, grabbing the first aid kit. Moody and Shacklebolt were about to walk towards you to help when you asked for Morris. The vampire was quick and helped you up. You let out a few tears and look up at him. 
“My stomach.” You hissed as the kitchen table slid towards him. He helps you lean against it. 
“If you ain’t helping then get the fuck out.” Morris shouts at the audience looking at both of you. 
Bill sighs before leaning over to talk to you. “I’m so sorr-.” Bill doesn’t get to finish his sentence. Morris apparated behind Bill and grabs him by the neck. Slamming him against the kitchen wall. Bill shouts when Morris lifts up in the air, his long limbs dangled as he tries to break free. 
“You say you are sorry but you are the reason she’s beaten. You are the reason, you pretentious pureblood.” 
“Morris. Let him go.” You shouted with all your might, you cried out when you removed the hand from your stomach. Remus goes to help you but you shouts at him. 
“NO.” Remus freezes. Your voice is hard but your body is shaking. Your eyes are wide and glossy. 
 “Bill, go now and make a report while it’s still fresh in your mind, do it before you forget anything.” Morris released Bill from his grip and walked past the Wesley's parents. Moody had his eye on him as Morris walked towards you. 
Bill nods at you and his parents follow him out of the kitchen. Not before glancing over at the pair on the other side of the room, Remus and Sirius. 
“Moody. Shacklebolt. Please tell Dumbledore, they know I’m here. The Death Eaters know I’m back. It’s only a matter of time before the one in the states starts coming.” You said as Morris offered you his hand and you took it. Remus’ hands shook when you completely leaned against Morris' tall frame. 
They nod at you and leave the kitchen. You finally look at Remus and Sirius. 
“Leave. Morris will help me.” Remus shakes his head and Sirius grabs a hold of his arm when Remus begins to walk towards Morris and you. 
“Morris, please” You whimpered as he helped you get on the table. 
“Yank, let us take you to the St. Muggle.” Sirius begs. 
Morris grabs the kit from Remus’ hand. “She can’t go there. That’s the first place they would look for her.” Morris tells him. 
“Try to keep your eyes open .” Morris whispered to you but it didn’t even matter. The moment you laid your head down on the table you lost consciousness and the last thing you heard was Remus shouting your name. 
The morning came and you still haven’t woken up. Morris had spent all night tending to your wounds. You laid on the bed in the bedroom as Morris wiped the blood under your fingernail. You fought hard, he can see that. He cleaned you the best he could, it was the first time and he was sure it would be the last but this was the first time you lost consciousness with him. That didn’t sit well with him. You were so strong but now you looked like you were at the brink of death. Morris hears footsteps outside the bedroom and he rolls his eyes at the scent of a pureblood. 
“If you are a vampire, how can you handle the smell of blood right in front of you?” Sirius asked, walking back into the room with a bowl of clean water. Morris glances over his shoulder to see Remus standing by the doorway. Sirius hands him a clean rag and takes the dirty one. 
“I have self-control.” Morris responded. “I feed on animals and my enemies sometimes.” 
“She never told me about you.” Remus said as Morris wiped your hands. 
“She tells me everything.” Morris sighs at him. 
“Obviously she doesn’t.” He snaps at Remus, deciding your husband needs a wake up call after what Morris had seen. He was beginning to despise him just as he did with Sirius. 
“If you must know.” Morris drops the rag on the bowl on the nightstand and stands up from the bed. He covers your body with the blanket and takes the bowl in his hand. 
“She doesn’t want you to get hurt.” Remus frowns, he doesn't understand.
“The first time I’ve met her. She told me to never ask about you. All I know is that she was married to a werewolf. Most aurors do it to keep their partners hidden because they want them to stay safe. If anyone knows what you look like and what your name is. You would be taken and used for leverage. She has many enemies and they are dying to hurt her. Killing her husband will be the first thing they do.” 
Remus tries to keep his tears in bay as he glances over at you. He feels more of an asshole now than ever to have thought that you would love him less. He soon realized that might have been the reason he was treated the way he was when he came to the state after getting a call when you were rescued after that horrendous mission. 
“It’s funny.” Morris says and gives the bowl to Sirius. He looks back at Remus. 
“You are not what I expected. She was not in her right state of mind when she showed me her memories. She accidentally showed me her memories from the day before.” Remus looks away from Morris’ harsh gaze. 
“Remus Lupin, the husband of The American. The team and I thought too much of you. We were wrong to put you up on a pedestal. Thinking you are this amazing guy to capture her heart but what you really are is a piece of shit.” Sirius huffs and puts the bowl on top of the dresser. 
“That’s uncalled for.” He says looking at Morris who just stared at Remus. 
“All the times she could have cheated on you. The men and women that threw themselves onto her while on the job. I bet she never told you that as well.” Morris said with a grin trying to rile up Remus who remained silent. 
“I’ll watch over her. You both can leave now.” Morris said, walking away from Remus. 
“I’ll come later so you can rest.” Sirius said and Morris shakes his head. 
“No need.” Morris replied. “I don’t sleep. I’m a vampire.” 
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“It was my fault the plan went horrible. I thought she was doing too much, planning too much. She wanted to check the perimeter around the community but I refused. I refused to follow her orders because I thought I knew better than her and because I wasn't the cruel person, she was.” Bill spoke out. 
“So I went to the entrance of the community and she followed me. If we would’ve checked the perimeter, we would have known that the community was overrun. The community was being held hostage by Death Eaters. They beat me first until one of them recognized her.” You took a deep breath as Bill continued on with the story. 
“They had me in a room and pulled her to another room next to me. They were beating her, screaming at her and taunting her. It went on for hours until I heard them screaming. She found me and helped me out. She fought bravely and as we found a way out. We saw the citizens of the community locked in cages.” The Order of the Phoenix held their breath at that last sentence. Everyone sat around the table, Morris stood behind you with his arms crossed over his chest. 
His jaw was clenched as he stared at Bill. Morris looked like a guard dog, behind you. You haven’t spoken to Remus or Sirius since you woke up. 
Morris told them, to let you breathe. One's body goes through tremendous pain when being crucio so many times. Sirius agreed with that, he had suffered from the hand of his mother. 
Your body shook every once and a while. Your eyes seemed to drift off into the wall then back at Bill who had apologized numerous times. You forgive the kid, what more can you do but you did tell him this. 
“Pull that shit again and I’ll leave you behind.” 
You look over at Dumbledore who arrived as soon as he heard the message and conducted a meeting to find out what occurred. His blue eyes softened whenever he saw your body shivered. Your face was healed but those shakes didn’t heal fast enough. 
“Morris and I think they are using mind control on them. Perhaps scaring them enough to make them fight in this war.” You spoke with a hoarse voice. 
“They are just normal people. They probably never fought, how can they be used as weapons?” Molly asked. 
“Werewolf isn't normal, Molly. They are stronger and quicker even without them in their wolf form. Plus, with a leader, leading them. They can cause trouble.” You answered her. 
“That man.” Billy started to speak as he looked over at you. 
“The man that took you. He had to be their leader.” You nod softly. You took another deep breath to control your emotions. You can still feel his hands on you. You can still remember how he sniffed you and licked your wound when he realized who you were and when he realized who you were bonded to. 
“What man?” Moody asked. 
“Fenrir Greyback.” You said, rubbing your hands under the table to control the shakes. 
“He did that to you?” Remus asked, looking over at you and you finally met his gaze. Remus’ face paled and you felt a rush of emotions fill you. 
“And how upset he is.” Severus said as he walked into the kitchen. He walks in and sets your dark eyes on you. 
“You killed 12 of his men.” Severus’ words make you look down at the table. You needed a second, you weren’t in the mood to deal with the double agent. He walked over toward you and Morris was quick to get in front of him. Both men stared down and Severus gets something from the pocket of his cloak. 
He sets it down on the wooden table. 
“For the shakes. From what I heard, you are lucky to be alive from the amount of crucio they did on you. They were gloating at the fact they caught you.” Severus slides the potion in front of you before walking back to the door frame of the kitchen. Remus drops his head in defeat. 
“Careful Severus, this animal here might think you have a heart.” You said looking over at him when you grabbed it with shaky hands. Severus doesn’t say anything, he lowers his gaze when he sees you were unable to open it. You had a frown on your face when your fingers shook frantically. Morris was quick to step in, opening it for you. 
“He’s your guard dog?” Severus asked, looking at the man behind you. Glancing over at Morris, you nodded at him. Telling him to continue with an introduction.
“Name is Morris. I am, a half blood and a vampire. I am second in command of Team Black of the ministry of magic of the states.” He said looking at everyone. 
“So that means you are?” Molly asked looking at you as you drank the potion in one gulp.
“Captain Lupin.” Morris answers her looking down at you.
"Team Black." Moody repeats before looking over at Shacklebolt, who's eyes widen. 
"You heard of us then?" You asked them. They nod.
"You're top three of the most dangerous team in the states." Moody said.
"Yet, you still got capture. how?" Severus asked, you sighed at him.
"It was my fault." Bill told him and he shakes his head. "You're telling me the most powerful witch was able to get capture by them."
Morris glares at him and you try to to ignore Remus' stares.
"Well, I was having an off day, Severus." You admit to him. All you can think was how much you failed Remus as a wife.
"Your so called off day, might of cost us our lives." Severus says.
"They are coming. He sent word for them." He adds making you look away.
“They were going to come whether or not they found her here. What do we do now?” Bill asked, looking around the room. 
“We look for other people to join.” Moody said, stomping his cane. 
“And the people in the community?” You asked him. 
“We can’t help them. We don’t have the people for it.” You shake your head at him. 
“Give me a two weeks to recover. I’ll break them free.” Everyone except Morris stares at you surprisingly. 
“You can’t. They were beasts. Those men almost killed you.” Bill shouts at you, not believing what you just said.
“They almost did but I'm alive. I refuse to leave those people in there. They were in cages, chained. Who knows what Greyback is doing to them.” Everyone glances at each other. 
“We can’t risk our life for that. We are only a few.” Moody told you.
“That’s why I said I will go. I’m not looking for permission. I am telling you what I am going to do. I'm going to free them.” Dumbledore looks at you with the smallest of smile. In his eyes, you really haven’t changed a bit.
“Bill said there were many, Yank.” Arthur commented looking at you with a concerned look. 
“She won’t be going alone.” Morris said. You look back at him. 
“I can’t ask you to do that, Mo. This isn’t your fight.” You said softly. 
Morris has been your second in command for about 9 years. You met the vampire when you were doing a mission. You found him wounded, a couple of pureblood folks who aren’t too keen on half blood wizards tried to kill him but they left him as one of them, a vampire. 
“I’m not leaving you alone. Plus, I can’t wait to sink my teeth in some pureblood dipshits.” Morris tells you as he glances over at Bill. You had forgiven Bill Wesley but Morris still hasn’t. He still had a tough time with pureblood wizards. 
“Are you sure about this?” Dumbledore asked you.
“I can’t risk other members.” The headmaster's voice was soft. 
“That’s fine but I don’t think I can live with myself, knowing those people and their children are in cages, suffering from the hands of that sick fuck. I will not ignore them, it's not right.” You spoke. 
“Very well, then.” Dumbledore said to you. The meeting ended after that and Molly went by your side, hugging you. She told you how Bill told her how you saved Bill many times when trying to escape. Morris kept his distance when The Wesley family stood by you. Sirius and Remus stayed in the back, listening to Molly. 
Remus froze in place when you called for Severus. The tall dark haired man was stunned for a second that you called for him. Excusing yourself from Molly, you asked Severus to walk with you to the living room. Severus nods before glancing back and seeing Remus staring back at him. 
“Relax.” Sirius whispers to his friend. 
“How am I supposed to relax when the man that turned me into a monster hurt my wife?” Remus snaps back at Sirius. His eyes shined with tears as he stared at Sirius. 
Everyone froze at Remus’ words and Sirius was quick to grab Remus from his arm pulling him further away from the table. Sirius was about to speak when they heard your voice. 
“Is everything okay?” Remus looks over his shoulder at you. Molly was the first to respond. 
“Yes, we were all just heading out. Right?” Molly asked, looking around, giving everyone a hard stare. Morris sighs then walks over towards you. Remus glares as the tall vampire leans over and whispers something in your ear. Morris then vanishes in thin air after you gave him a nod. 
When everyone left, Sirius and Remus along with you were the only ones left. Sirius looked between you and Remus. 
“I would like to speak with you, please.” You said looking at Remus, who nodded immediately and followed you out the room. Following you up the stairs to the guest room. 
Remus was glad the potion Severus given you worked, there was some color on your cheeks and you have not shaken. He didn’t like the awkwardness in the air and he knew it was his fault. It was his fault for being a complete idiot and being angry towards you.  He wanted to blame it on Mooney, but he knew he couldn’t. It was all his fault. This was all Remus. 
“Remus- I..” 
“I’m sorry.” Remus cuts you off as he shuts the door behind him. You look away from him when he repeats it. 
“I shouldn’t have gotten mad for some photos.” You shook his head before walking towards him. 
“Stop and let me speak.” Your tone was hard and sharp. His chest was feeling tight. Years being together, you have never spoken to him like that. 
“I know the cottage is under your name but I would like to spend some time there. I’ll heal there and when I’m ready I’m going to free those people.” Remus’ brows knitted together, confused.
“Afterwards, I’ll leave and go back to the states.” Remus’ heart starts to break and he starts to breathe heavily. 
“I’ll ask the ministry to get the paperwork started.” Remus shouts your name when he realized what you were getting at.
“What are you talking about?! Divorce?” Remus is grabbing your hand, he pulls you close. 
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” You asked him softly not understanding why he was getting emotional. 
“You can finally be with Tonks. You slept with her because I wasn’t here. I wasn’t a good wife. I left you alone for too long.” Remus grabs your face with his hands, pulling you in for a kiss but you pushed him away. Remus whines but doesn’t let you go.
“I didn’t sleep with her. I swear. I just said that to get back at you. I swear it, baby.” Remus says as tears began to run down his handsome face. 
“Remus..please.” He shakes his head as you try to pull away from him. 
“I’ll show you. You can look inside of my mind and see. I have nothing to hide.” Remus exclaimed when he saw how serious you were. 
“Please. Look. Look inside.” Remus sobs when he pulls you to sit on the bed. He faces you and your heart breaks seeing him like this. He’s crying and he pulls your face to lean his forehead against yours. 
“I was hurt.” He whispered against your lips. “Angry. I acted out like a child and hurt you. I lied.” 
“After all these years, I’m jealous of him.” You sighed at Remus and pull away from his face. 
“Why?” You snapped with your own tears running down your face. “Why are you jealous of him, Remus. I don’t understand.” 
You pull your hands from his hold and stand up from the bed, needing space from him. 
“Why can't you see that I have always been yours? I  was yours the moment you kissed me. The moment you told me you loved me.” You looked around the room for a moment before landing your eyes on Remus. 
“I was yours the moment you wanted nothing in return. Do you remember that day?”  Remus nods. 
He looks ahead at you. All he can do is curse at himself, how can he be so stupid? So blind at the fact that you love him and he thought otherwise. He couldn’t believe he was letting your friend from school who’s long gone get between both of you. 
“Can you ever forgive me?” Remus asked softly. 
You took a deep breath before wiping your tears from your face. Walking over towards him, you knelt down in front of him. You held on to his hands so he wouldn’t touch you. 
You knew the moment he touched you, you couldn’t pull away from him. Remus frowned when you looked up at him. Your eyes are searching deep into his. 
“Did you sleep with Tonks?” You asked him. 
“No, never.” Remus answered quickly. You didn’t need to look in his memory. Years being married, you knew when Remus was lying. 
“You lied to hurt me then?” You asked and he nodded. You gently squeezed his hands when you felt a pang of pain deep in your chest. Remus’ eyes widened when you pushed yourself up to stand.
“I've been hurt before. I’ve been lied to, tricked and betrayed. I suffered and learned how to deal with that pain.” Remus stood up when you walked to the door. You look over your shoulder and stare at him for a moment. 
“I would have never thought that you would be the one to hurt me. Lying to me just to hurt me because you were jealous of a friend. Who I should remind you that showed me kindness when I had none in the beginning. In a school where I was heavily and brutally bullied for simply being a muggle born, a American and a Slytherin.” You sobbed. 
“I would have been home sooner when we were captured but a part of me thought that I deserved the beating and all the crucio. The thought of failing you and failing as a wife hurt more than all the bullying I had endured in my youth .” Remus gave you a pained face. 
“I wanted to die then I heard Bill on the other side and I knew if I died. He was going to be next. I couldn’t let that happen not after what his parents did for Harry. Then Greyback..-.” You stopped in mid sentence for a second and looked at Remus. 
You were angry but you love him. Even now you still love him. Remus rose up from the bed. You took a step back when he reached for you. Your back hit the door and Remus held on to your arms. “Tell me., what happened?” Remus asked with a worried expression. 
“They wanted to rape me.” Remus' mouth dropped softly and his hold on you tightened. 
“But he smelled you on me.” A soft whine escaped from your mouth as you remember him bending you over. 
“How does he remember me after all these years?” Remus asked and all you can do is stare at him. Staring at his face as tears rolled down his slim cheeks. 
“You know?” He asked, your back hits the door and all you can do is look up at him with tears running down your face. 
“You’re his favorite.” You told him what Greyback told you after smelling you and finding your mark. The hair on the back of Remus’ neck stood up. Remus’ blinks his own tears away and cups your face with his hands. 
“He wants you.” You whisper. 
“The moment he said that I knew if I didn’t do anything and they broke me to the point they could search my mind. He would have found you and I couldn’t let that happen. Something snapped in me, something horrible came over me and I killed them but he escaped. That coward had shielded himself with a Death Eater.” 
“Forgive me for ever doubting your love for me. I am truly and wholeheartedly sorry. I feel so ashamed. Did they?” Remus asked and you knew what he meant. Shaking your head no, Remus looks relief and pulls you into his chest holding you tight, he kisses your forehead. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Remus repeats it. 
“I’m going to stay for a few nights at the cottage.” Remus freeze and looks down at you. 
“What?” He whispered not believing what he was hearing. 
You shake your head when he says your name.  “Please.” 
“Stop it.” You responded and stepped away. 
“I just need some time apart. Please, I need to clear my mind.” Remus’ heart was beating out of his chest. 
“Then I leave and you stay here. I'll move into a different room. I’ll move into a different house.” Remus said. 
“I need to speak with Sirius then I’m leaving.” Remus frantically shook his head as he walked in front of you trying to grab the door knob before you. 
“I love you. You can’t leave. You can’t divorce me. I don’t know what else to say. I’m sorry, baby.” Remus cries to you. His voice cracks as he looks down at you. As much as you walked to use magic on him to let you leave you couldn’t, you hugged him, surprising him but he welcomed it. Wrapping his own arms around you tightly. 
“I love you.” You whispered to Remus. 
“Let me go, if you love me too. Let me take my space for now.” He shakes his head. 
“Please.” You whisper against his lips. “Please.” 
Pressing your lips against him, you cup his face. Remus kisses you back as his arms drop to his sides. Pulling away from him he nods at you. 
“Take all the time you need but come back to me.” Remus says as you open the door. You nod at him and walk out the door, leaving him inside. 
Sirius was sitting by the kitchen. His elbow on the table as he chewed on his bottom lip. The tea in front of him was cold now, he was happy there was no screaming or crying. That must mean good news.
He hears footsteps coming down the stairs and he sees you walking toward the kitchen. His heart drops when he doesn’t see Remus behind you. 
“Hey.” Your voice is flat and you wouldn’t look him in the eye. He grows more worried by the second. 
“Hi.” Sirius answers you when you sit across from him. 
“I’m thinking of spending a few days in the cottage until I recover. I need some space and to get well before going on this mission.” You tell him.
“It’ll be lonely without you guys but if you have to go then that’s fine.” Sirius raised his brows when you shook your head. 
“Not us. Only me. Remus will be staying here.” You avoided his gaze. 
“Yankee, what’s going on?” Sirius asked. “Don’t you lie to me?” 
“I just need some time alone.” Sirius frowns. “Why?” 
You scuff at him and stood up. “Why, you ask? Maybe because I was just beaten, and almost raped by Death Eaters who have a community caged like animals. Maybe I want time alone because my husband lied about sleeping with some girl to get back at me. Lied to me because he was jealous of my friend. Maybe because I need time to practice on my magic so I can kill that motherfucker that hurt Remus when he was child. Kill him for hurting me.” You shouted and Sirius stood up when he saw you were crying. 
“Come here.” He whispered as he grabbed your hand and pulled you into a hug. You sobbed into Sirius’ chest, his chin under your head as he held you. 
“Yank, I know you want to leave but stay here at least. Stay in my study room but don’t leave. We have to stick together. Remus and you are in a tough patch, he’s an idiot but he loves you. I didn’t believe him when he said he slept with Tonks. Remus looks at you like you’re the only witch in the world.” Sirius grabs your hand and pulls you to walk with him, further downstairs where the study room is at. 
You followed him without hassle. Knowing Sirius, he wasn’t going to let you walk out of this house without a fight. Following him into the dark hallway. The door opens and you stand by the door frame. Sirius turns on the light and the atmosphere is warm. The scent of cigarette and lavender is in the air. 
“If you need the place bigger. I’m sure the mighty witch before me knows how to conjure a larger room.” You smile at his words and Sirius looks at you. Sirius never had a sister, Lily felt like a mother to him.
However, he felt like an older brother to you and you were his little sister. He even said it to you after a night of an entire bottle of fire whiskey during the last year of Hogwarts. He admired you and even more when you told the Order of the Phoenix that you were planning on rescuing those people. 
“I want to help, Yank.” Sirius said as you walked around the room, looking at the books on the shelves. 
“Help with what?” You asked him as you picked up a book from the table near you. 
“With rescuing those people. I want to help.” Sirius said, walking to the love seat. You sat next to him, looking over at him. 
“Hearing, you said that you don’t think you can live with the fact that they are caged. I can’t either, I've been in a cage for 12 years. I don’t want anyone to experience that. Let me help you, sis.” 
<- Chapter 2
Taglist: @callsignwidow , @avitute , @hermionelove, @wingedhallows , @ivet4
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misc-obeyme · 20 hours
So, Time Chronicles huh? I haven't played og so I'm happy I can read it but I've seen some people say that new readers are going to miss context bc related calls/texts aren't embedded into the story. I think I'll wait and see if devs add them before I read but what do you think?
Also I wonder if they've made any more changes to the story (iirc @/devildomwriter has at least the main story backed up) Crossing fingers that og devilgrams (unlikely in my opinion) and outfits eventually get ported too
I have to admit that my feelings about it are mixed.
On the one hand, I'm thrilled that everyone gets to catch up with the story! I think it's great that I don't have to switch between apps to read the OG anymore. And I also love that they're including the event stories and birthday stories, so you never have to worry about missing them. And then you can still use Lonely Devil if you want to grind for specific cards.
But on the other hand, this doesn't bode well for the OG app in general. And I'm going to really miss a lot of those cards. Not to mention all the time and money I spent on everything in that app. This is truly the big downside to it.
As for the chats and phone calls, I'm not sure what they're gonna do about that. It's true that you need the ones that are part of the story if you want that extra context. My hope would be that they would find a way to include them, so that you don't miss out on that stuff when you read OG. Specifically I remember there being a lot of chats that were embedded in the story.
But does this mean we're also going to lose all the cards, Devilgrams, outfits, daily chats, and phone calls that we all spent a lot of time and money on to obtain in OG?
I wish they would tell us, but their silence on it is pretty damning. Most likely if they were going to transfer all of that over to Nightbringer, they would have told us, right? Because they would know that would make us all happy??
I do feel like lately they've been trying to listen to their players and incorporate things that we say we want. For instance, allowing us to remove that ad banner on the home screen, bringing back birthday events, and now putting the OG story into NB so anyone can read it.
If they could just give us those other things, I'd be pretty satisfied with game play as a whole. (The writing is a different issue, let us not discuss it lol.)
But as it stands right now, unless they keep the OG app running for as long as NB is running, then some of us stand to lose quite a lot of money and all of us will have lost the time invested.
Anyway, I'm sorry, I know that wasn't really what your ask was about. If you've never played OG, then you'll have nothing to worry about losing. I'm not sure if they're going to include the chats and so on, but I hope they do because I feel like it's a little silly to leave those out?
Also not sure how different the story will be, but my guess is probably not by much. It's easier for them not to mess with it and to just put it in there as is. I don't think they're going to be doing any major rewriting lol.
Hopefully some of that answered the question??? Sorry I got a little off topic!!
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newtness532 · 7 months
why can't i just do things when i say i will do them?
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bunnihearted · 1 month
#im glad i went today to hang out with my friend c:#it was nice to just hang out with another person and talk and stuff#i also just like how considerate she is#and she's accepting and chill. i can like tell her that oh im sorry if im low energy now im just overheated bc of the weather and im feeling#sad. and she'll be like dont worry thats ok! and it also is ok she doesnt get annoyed or anything#plus she doesnt look at me weird when there's awkward pauses and i cant express myself properly lol#i overanalyze too much i know :c but anyway it is always nice talking w her so it was nice today#we walked to a sushi place and then to the library#i only stayed for like 30min at the library even if i wanted to stay longer#i realized that it's bc like she had sushi which gives her energy#but i cant afford to buy things out lol so i never eat and refresh my energy#so after 3hrs i got so low energy and just wanted to go home#i should try to find smth easy and cheap i can bring to snack on so i can stay longer!! T-T ugh.. next time!!#we also met a dog! :o she was just standing alone outside a house and stared at the gate#and we came by she walked up to us and looked at me and was like 'get me inside :)'#so my friend went around the house and the owner came and was like omgggg she ran away again!!!#im glad it was so easy to help the dog bc i could not have left her alone by a street w cars and stuff#but she was so sweet and cute and let me pet her 💗#hmm yeah! then i walked home in the heat that killed me... and now im sitting in front of the fan ^-^#im not cut out for summer!!! anywaysss it was just a nice time#i wish i could've stayed longer. i'll make sure to bring a cheap snack next time so i can hang out more
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miabrown007 · 8 months
girl who sucks at making OCs needs to make a DnD character send help
#I did make one who was rad but then got vetod by the DM and now I handed in a half-elf wizard but she's just so basic#she literally has no personality send help#and also idk what direction should we take because I have no idea what the other people will be like in the party#and I'm the only girl player there so I don't want for that to be like be a thing and bring a stereotipically girly character#and I could make her like a standard bookish wizard which obviously stands very close to me and would be super easy to play#but that's so cliche and I don't want to be like everyone's mom in game if everyone else is just running around and fucking shit up#but I know that I'll have a harder time playing a more reckless and careless character and if there isn't going to be someone#thinking for the team and we just go headfirst into stuff that also sucks.#and like I like to be someone who thinks about the solutions it just can't just be me being the party pooper if you get me#but poor wizard girl is just so mid with her 'my parents wanted me to be an X wizard but I'm gonna be an Y wizard instead' backstory#like wow such rebellion you're gonna show them girl#but at this point I'm a week behind schedule so I need to have a character like for yesterday#and I don't want to just copy others' dnd characters from D20 but they have like a group cohesion and individual arcs and that's so cool#and I suck at making up little men#miaing#mia's dnd adventures#I'm stressing so much over just making a character and meeting strangers bringing a character with anxiety disorder wouldn't even be rp#I guess great that my sorcerer got vetoed how would I play out being the face of the party
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wild-at-mind · 5 months
Not to talk about MRA-lite spaces again but I'm going to need everyone to understand that in these spaces, the subtext of 'men don't get to talk about their problems' is ALWAYS 'and it is women's fault!'
#my time in the MRA-lite saltmines returns to me yet again whenever i see the transandrophobia side of tumblr#look- it's just the same stuff ok? Or maybe i'm just biased because it triggers me the fucking same no matter who is saying it#also please note i'm saying MRA-lite and not MRA- I understand that MRA usually has connotations of violence for people#MRA-lite is nothing like that it's just a load of talking about men's issues but without any of the context#the very important context that you need to place the issues into wider society and its effect on everyone and not just men#these spaces may not be violent but they are quite pointless and the conversations never ever go anywhere#and it's been the same like 5 conversations for the past 15 years and no doubt much longer but that's as far back as i go with it#every time someone discovers the 5 or so men's issue they act like they just converted to a religion or something#and bring it up in everything. I was like that too at like 21 i promise i get it! but now i look back and CRINGE#and i am a guy now! ok? I get it that a lot of people are transmasc doing this i get why! but.....#i just wish it was less of a Thing. and i genuinely find it triggering.#because i do fucking care ok? i have academic books about some of the 5 or so men's issues on my bookshelf!#because actually there are people writing these books and they do care!#i had someone a while ago saying it was 'sad' to see a trans man talk like i do on this so i explained where i'm coming from#and they never came back so i will never know if they saw my point of view and that kind of sucked#hopefully that won't happen again- i really don't like arguing with other transmasc people (i like discussions though)#anyway i'll stop rambling now
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trahoalai · 3 months
cant believe Im the oldest in my friend group but also the most ugly awkward and stupid like its so truly joever for me
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chenpire · 3 months
my post series recommendation is that if you've never listened to the orchestral version of hero by faouzia while thinking about Wilhelm and Simon's utter trainwreck of a romance, you should. I think you should.
#shows#young royals#I have loved this show truly#and it can never not be political for me given where I grew up and my own convictions but I don't think the crew copped out of the politics#maybe it's a gentler version of the story than reality would allow but it's a wonderful example of#thoughtful naturalistic visual storytelling that is largely uninterested#in overexplaining or justifying it's narrative#while still remaining loyal to it's thematic baseline#I'd love to actually get around to some of that meta I vauged about post s2 on class and setting and possibly I will in May#when I have room for thoughts#because I do still want to make my points about how the personalisation of politics usually makes people blind to the systemic issue at han#which I think the show balanced pretty nicely#if you grew up or are growing up in a constitutional monarchy and you're not really engaged with your local republican movement#maybe now would be a good time to start thinking about it#a lot of people think 'well it's an archaic system so it should go' and leave it at that but the issues run so much deeper#than who the head of state is and this stuff is really worth considering if this is the political system the currently defines your future#anyway I'll put my praxis down for the time being#and just take a moment to appriciate this fantastic variation on the age old theme#isn't love really just a form of madness#like doesn't first love just kind of make you utterly lose your mind in a way that could conceivably bring empires to their knees#in all of it's single minded innocence and utter irrationality#cause yeah....yeah I remember that
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hyah-through-hyrule · 5 months
My crops would be so watered if I could just love a main/popular character for once
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despite-everything · 8 months
it can be so fucking hard to be close to people who have very different understandings of time and respect than you.
#im just going to bitch in the notes so i can get it out of my system#it fucking hurts my feelings when my friends are significantly later than they said they would be#they are driving up and visiting me which i do appreciate#but its like. 95% of the time im the one meeting them wherever and whenever works for them#and theyd made it sound like theyd be coming hours ago and they werent#and finally got on the fucking road and their eta was 13 minutes ago and they still arent here#and its like. i get that they have their own lives and traffi and shit#but ive told them many times that it genuinely upsets me when this happens#to the point that if they werent already on the road id just tell them to fucking stay home#its the biggest stressor in our relationship and it seems like theyll get better for a bit after we talk about it#then it gets bad again#and it sucks because i was excited! and now im feeling bitter and upset and i either have to swallow it#or bring the mood down#and im sure they have more shit to do at home so its not like they'll be sticking around for a long time tomorrow#if they do i'll be shocked#but like. id thought of fun stuff we can do and im cool with not doing them but a better fucking heads up would be appreciated#i shouldnt have to ask 3 times to find out when youre coming#especially when i give a very long time between asking to not be a bother#and it just feels like they dont respect me or my time. i couldve done so much more this afternoon#but ive been here fucking waiting for them.#and i told them i was worried this shit would happen once i no longer lived right near them#and they said it wouldnt be a fucking problem. well guess what.#and i have had to defend them to my dad who i live with as well#and then this shit happens. it sucks#anyway. i thought they'd be here 2 hours ago.#whatever. nothing i can do about it now.#tree talks
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munamania · 1 year
things have not been normal. im so tired.
#i nap all the fucking time cause im so tired and my body is like making me get rest one way or another but then i wake up#and everything is still just waaagghghghggh you know. i am fucking sick of it!#i am not just a normal amount of tired i have been on the verge of shutdown since at least mid semester hanging on by a fucking#pinky nail like im going to be fucking insane. i NEED a break. if i need to check into a psych place to have that happen so be it#one way or another yall will leave me ALONE.#tired of people holding it over my head like when they've done shit lately esp when it's bc of how badly ive been fucking struggling#im not just being lazy!!!! im losing it!!!!! and that makes me feel like i cant reach out or rely on others cause i'll always fucking owe#them something or im always gonna be on thin ice in potentially fucking things up#like i need two seconds to get back to myself i need time to reconnect i cant fucking do this anymore#i love myself i dont like how im acting rn bc im just desperately in need of a break#and god yeah fucking arent we all but i need someone to see that it's bad and just. Be with that. not shame me or make me feel like shit#or fucking less of a person or like i need to like Bring it down a notch or whatever idfk.#just kind of saying things now. i need to journal and cry i think.#abby talks#i dont LIKE napping my days away i dont like not having time to do things i enjoy other than like laying around watching stuff#or being on my phone but i have genuinely not had it in me to do anything else.#anyway. i think i seriously need to be okay with being 'meaner' aka just prioritizing MY feelings and being ok if people r mad at me#cause it honestly feels like ive gaslit myself so many times into thinking im crazy to the point where i struggle in the most basic#situations. uggggghh.
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orcelito · 1 year
ITNL chapter 5
moving things along!
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