#I’m so tired and so angry
androgynealienfemme · 7 months
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I’m sorry but this is soooo fucking funny. You are American. Tu eres un americano blanquito. What are YOU doing to resist your states violence? Why aren’t YOU blowing up military personnel or the pipelines being built on indigenous land? Where is your direct action regarding Hawai’i or Puerto Rico? What have you done to support the Gullah Geechee people in the Carolina’s and Georgia who’s land rights are being removed? Or is it that you think you aren’t REALLY a descendant of settler colonialists like the Israelis?
And I want to be clear, this post isn’t about not supporting the Palestinian struggle (May Palestinians be free in our lifetime), this post is about how absolutely irritating the hypocrisy of white Christian descendant Americans are when it comes to colonialism. It’s so easy to point your fingers at some other community across the world you see as colonialists and go “LEAVE LEAVE YOU ARE WORTHY OF NO SYMPATHY WHEN VIOLENCE IS DONE AGAINST YOU AND ALSO WHY ARENT YOU FIGHTING HARDER” while sitting in your own home, your own colonial state, and doing absolutely NOTHING of what you expect the others to do. You are a hypocrite. You are not helping. You are not an activist, you’re only doing this to feed your own ego and to appease your inner guilt about the fact that you yourself are a colonialist descendant continuing to profit off of the colonial state your ancestors helped build. You aren’t actually helping Palestinians. And you are not actually doing anything to end the colonialism occurring on your own soil. Worse than useless.
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kait-bait8 · 6 months
I will never stop thinking about the fact that the Hunger Games was canonically a drunk hypothetical. It wasn’t some great government scheme.
So many bad dystopian novels that have some crazy world building premise make it seem like some great creation from powerful minds. Some great construction. Think of City of Ember with its box or Divergent with its weird scientists(??) or The Selection with its bachelor premise, they are always “grandly designed.” Even in Catching Fire with the Quarter Quells the Games give off an air of grand planning.
But the hunger games were a HYPOTHETICAL. A crazy, extreme, what if. They were never supposed to exist. They were never supposed to be real.
Who wouldn’t drink themselves to death knowing they thought of the idea in the first place?
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edandstede · 5 months
they were going to get married. we were going to see them struggle with the inn, and grow together, and overcome new obstacles. we were going to see how the crew’s journey came to a close, where the revenge ended up, what happened with their plans for prince ricky. we were going to see them fight for each other one last time. we got a happy ending in case this very thing happened, but we didn’t get THE happy ending - the one david jenkins has had in mind the whole time. ed and stede weren’t finished, the crew weren’t finished, their stories hadn’t truly concluded and i am so sad.
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burningsoftly · 2 years
Just so we’re clear, they want to force people to have children but do not give a fuck about making healthcare for parents and children affordable. Do not give a fuck if those children are killed in school shootings. Do not give a fuck if the teachers of those children are living in poverty. Do not give a fuck if those children will have thousands of dollars in debt if they want to go to college. Do not give a fuck if those children and their families can’t afford housing. And do not give a fuck about stopping climate change which is going to cause even greater problems for those children in the future than it already has.
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valyrfia · 6 months
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I don’t know how many more “keep ao3 and shipping in fandom spaces” I’ve got left in me.
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I am fucking done handling Israel supporters with kid gloves. No I won’t calm down. No I don’t respect you. If you’re watching the same events as I and come away with the conclusion that Israel is right to bomb hospitals and ambulances then I have no fucking respect for you.
No I can’t meet you in the middle, I won’t fucking debate with people who thinks it’s reasonable to drop fucking white phosphorus on living human beings.
No I don’t hate Jews. This isn’t about fucking religion. Israel would bomb you if you were in Gaza regardless of what fucking god you pray to. The Israeli government does not represent the Jews of the world.
How can you look at 10,000 people dead, living human beings with dreams, ambitions and families that loved them and not find deep profound sorrow in your heart?
How can any human being “understand why they do it” because I can not fucking imagine myself ever understanding why someone would bomb a hospital.
Today we look back in horror at atrocities that were committed by human beings just like us and we assume that they had no choice, they had to support it. We will remember this. We will fucking remember your support of this ethnic cleansing.
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.
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yorshie · 7 months
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transthatfag · 1 year
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portrait of my boyfriend that I did based on this kaye donachie painting.
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ode-to-fury · 9 months
Friendship Astarion is so important to me. Like I know everyone is horny for the sassy elf but like… what if he learned to care for someone without sex? What if he tried to manipulate Tav into bed and they told him no? And then… kept being nice to him? Kept taking care of him and expecting the same in return? What if he doesn’t have to fall in love to realise he wants to live a life where he cares about things and makes his own decisions? What if he tells them about how he used his body anyway? What if they tell him he never has to again? What if they hug him and expect nothing back? What if they put their head on his shoulder and nothing else? What if, for the first time in 200 years, he felt safe enough to joke and laugh and not put on a show because it’s obvious they don’t feel that sort of attraction to him anyway? What if he just had a best friend?
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phatcatphergus · 4 months
While I do think that Tubbo was a bit over the top today in regards to making light of the lore, I think it’s mainly because he’s tired of this arc and how there isn’t a roleplayable response unless the eye workers permit there to be. It’s frustrating on a viewer and player level for sure.
Does that mean he had to be over the top? No, but I do think its good to keep in mind that Mike also was messing around during the lore today and in the dapper kidnapping stream, Phil did not give a shit that dapper was downed and kidnapped even after being told he was. I can find Tubbo making jokes at the eye workers funny and someone else can find it annoying, I personally had a problem when he kept speaking over Bagi today, he’s a human who does annoying things that I don’t like sometimes.
I think we all get a bit too defensive of our favs (absolutely guilty) and forget that we find other people doing the same thing annoying too. People can respond to lore however they want, especially when it’s impromptu lore like today.
We don’t have to be up in arms about everything and you don’t have to hate on someone for acting how another person acted in the past. Streamers do things we don’t like sometime because (surprisingly) they’re individuals! Who have their own reasons for doing the things they do. Sometimes it’s playing a certain game and sometimes it’s taking lore with a grain of salt. Maybe you like foolishs parenting style and hate Phil’s, that’s valid! Just remember that people can dislike foolishs parenting style too!
TLDR: it’s okay to critique tubbo for how he chose to interact with the lore today or how he interacts with sunny so long as you are okay with people saying the same thing about your streamer
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undertheredhood · 7 months
what people really don't seem to understand about jason's (very justifiable) anger towards bruce is that it's not about bruce leaving the joker alive, it's about the fact that bruce didn't do anything to stop the joker from harming/killing anyone ever again. if bruce had actually done something about the joker (it doesn't have to be murder but something that would stop the joker from causing more harm), jason probably would've been less angry (because the joker being alive isn't the only issue that jason had with bruce) with him.
(yeah, i know all about how the joker had diplomatic immunity but that comic was also pretty islamophobic & and also it was very pro-z10n1st (i.e. one of the candidates to potentially be jason’s mother was a spy for the is***l government) so i'm disregarding everything about that comic)
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thewolveswolf · 1 month
here’s a quick recap of the last few days, bc idk whether to laugh or cry
cw & tw for mentions of narcissistic abuse, domestic abuse & mental health
took my cat to the vet bc her anxiety & overgrooming is still out of control
got home from the vet and she suddenly won’t put weight on her front right leg
take cat back to the vet, no obvious injury but painkillers are prescribed
4 days later mikasa has not improved, most likely a third vet trip tomorrow (also meaning i will have spent over $400 in less than a week on vet appts. worth it 1000% obviously. still a massive financial ouch tho)
while all that is happening, i find out the parent i have no contact with has:
started badmouthing me & my mum to parents of my high school friends (???? narcissists truly know no boundaries sksks)
HANDWRITTEN a letter to my nana (in ENGLAND!!! we live in AUSTRALIA!!!) stating he finds it “very odd” my mum no longer has any contact with him and he “doesn’t understand why” (uhhh maybe cos u threatened to kill her when she left u bro? and also every bit of abuse u levelled at us for the 30+ years before that? just a thought homeslice)
allegedly removed me from his will (inheriting some of ur genetics is enough for me dude, no sweat no sweat)
at the SAME TIME (bc god knows the universe has zero chill) my mother announces her boyf of 6 months is moving in (tbf he is lovely but jfc can everyone just slow down???)
both my siblings mental health are (understandably) collapsing
my anhedonia is now so bad i need to either increase my meds or come off them. pray 4 me either way
i ordered pizza last night and it was TERRIBLE. i’ve never had terrible pizza before, didn’t even know it was possible. fuck u dominos
this is five days worth of happenings. FIVE. DAYS.
anyway if anyone needs me, please look for the person-shaped lump hiding under some sort of blanket
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snzluv3r · 10 days
i actually feel so incredibly uncomfortable and isolated in this space right now and i know that’s silly because of how many people there are just like me who share the same feelings but idk…the fact that people even think this is defensible behavior is making me feel sick
#nothing quite like being reminded how disposable you are#during the pandemic that set the stage for everyone to show exactly how much they don’t care about disabled people#i’m tired of people not taking this shit seriously and i’m incredibly angry about it#because i know y’all who are reckless and ignorant and think you’re invincible are going to be the same ones begging to be let in#when they ultimately become disabled too.#and you know what? i’m not ready to give those people grace yet#been screaming it for years but nobody listens until it’s too late#have already had people with obvious long covid who spouted ableist rhetoric this entire pandemic#come to me asking for advice#and honestly? i don’t think you deserve advice#i have so much empathy but i’m TIRED#i don’t fucking care anymore i get that we’ve been lied to this entire time but if you actually wanted to do the research you would#and since i know nobody cares about protecting others#i think you would at least care about protecting yourself considering how selfish you’ve proven yourselves to be#this is at the entire world and everyone who refuses to wake up to the fact that we are screwed#disabled people have been telling you this entire time and it’s still a fuckimg joke#and it will only become serious when it affects them directly#i’m so angry right now#and honestly? if you feel like this is about you at all? in any way? that’s your sign#do fucking better. TEST WHEN YOURE SIXK#stop fucking going out when you’re sick unless it’s necessary#i’m so so tired
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codgod-moved · 1 year
a q!roier maybe? :D
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spider guy spider guy he’s a spider and he is . bi
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howdoyousleep3 · 3 months
have been feeling sad so i dyed my hair dark brown and put on some fake freckles and got an iced lavender latte, feeling better now lol
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thegreatcrowdragon · 2 months
Ok I’m tired but also pissed so I have to say this.
Butter Roll cookie is absolutely a himbo. Just because he’s really well versed in one field of work doesn’t mean he’s not an absolute dumbass otherwise. Have you seen the way he talks about getting kidnapped? That guy is a class A himbo. There’s no fighting it. He could tell you every single ingredient used in the process of creating a cookie, and also wholeheartedly believe you if you told him human children come from delivery storks.
And even if it weren’t true devsis themselves said he’s a himbo so-
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