#I’m planning on drawing a couple scenes from Season 2 as well
bboisawesome · 1 year
Probably lmk season 4 spoilers. I type things and rant without thinking so, just a fair warning.
We good?
First things first…
I just wanna say, I might have missed certain contexts because I watched English sub on YouTube, and I was freaking out the whole time. So if there is something I miss or misunderstand that might be why.
I guess some simple thoughts is where I’ll start?
Official monkey MK design!! How are y’all feeling about that one!?!? My boi was glitching and I felt real bad for him!
I couldn’t really tell if they were trying to say he was also born from a stone, or if Monkey King somehow made him? Or…what? Or if it was purposely vague just so they could do the whole, “It doesn’t really matter who you are, you are who you choose to be thing.” I was slightly confused and freaking out.
Either way, I was screaming the whole time. I died when MK called Pigsy his dad, because yes! He is. And my boi Pigsy really had the gall to say he was more of a godfather!?!?!? MK says you’re a dad? You’re a dad!
Which also, MK kind of went ahead with calling Azure Lion Uncle, soooo…confirmed Wukong dad as well?
MK getting all the dad’s and uncles. Kind of jealous. Even if some of them are causing issues. Especially Azure. Not cool dude.
They really heightened the MK angst this season and AAAH!! I can’t handle it!
Seeing the crew with the old crews weapons and stuff was super cool too! I like how during the training scene they had qualities that their past lives or ancestors or whatever hadn’t learned or learned as quickly. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t also learn from the past. Mei is awesome, but I agree girl has to plan ahead more and stuff. I love her to death though.
Pigsy’s was nice to see. (Also soup bending from my man Pigsy.) He may be a bit tough on the outside, but he really does care for his friends and family, and I love that! Now he just needs to get super strong to help them out!
Calling Tang out was funny. My poor useless scholar shall be useless no more! Flex those brain and courage muscles boi! It was so cool to see more of Tang’s abilities!
And Sandy was perfect all along. I always knew it. 😌 I love how the dude kept sticking silver stars on him. 😂😂 His only flaw? Maybe being a little TOO nice. But, even Sandy knew that and can probably adjust accordingly. He had that character growth in season 2. 😂
Usually I like torturing characters I like, but seeing MK suffering and sad made me sad, and I just wanted someone to hug him. Which he got when reunited and getting his friends out of heaven! So I’ll take it! My boi was still glitching though. Someone gotta do something about that.
There was just so much, I can’t even think of it all or what I want to say or do, besides screaming. Plus I was a little confused in places because I am dumb and it is late. I am definitely gonna rewatch a couple times, and absolutely rewatch when the dub comes out! So maybe my thoughts will be in better order by then? Hopefully I’ll process it more by the time the special or finale comes out? Whichever it may be?
Until then, sorry for my insane ramblings. I just needed to process and yell some more.
I don’t even know how I’m gonna sleep or go to work tomorrow like a normal person! Especially after that cliffhanger!!! AAAAH!!
Definitely gonna look for something to draw too! I need to draw something! Okay, okay…I’m chill. I’m cool. See y’all later, and I hope you can process this new season well.
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bobmckenzie · 2 years
Hey Caitie!! 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 for the before dating ask game!! (Hope these aren't a lot!)
ahh hi M!! thank you so much, I hope you're having a good day! I had a lot of fun answering these for Danny :D
1. Talk about the first time you and your f/o met. How was it like?
Danny and I met when I was hitchhiking and got not-so-nicely kicked out of a car at his gas station 😅 Danny was concerned and rushed over; I was very embarrassed about causing a scene but also exhausted from being on the road for a few days without any real rest, so I let him lead me inside and help me calm down and get cleaned up while we introduced ourselves.
2. How long did it take for you and your f/o to gain feelings for each other? Was it fast or did the feelings grow slowly? Who was the first to get romantic feelings?
I gained feelings for Danny VERRYY fast lol, I didn’t know people as kind and good as him really existed before I met him, and even though I tried not to I couldn’t help falling for him. Danny did his best not to catch feelings because he knew I was only planning to stay in town for a month or so, but after two weeks he had to admit that it wasn’t working LOL
5.  When you first started crushing on them, what qualities of theirs stood out to you? Was it their smile? Their eyes? Their way with words? Anything else? How about vice versa? (It can be any trait. Personality, appearance, etc.)
Danny’s kindness was the main quality that made me fall for him!! As well as how great of a father he is to Becky. (and I have to mention his eyes too :3) Danny really fell for me because of how genuine and caring I am towards both him and Becky.
7. You’ve just come to realize you have a crush on your f/o. How was it like when you encountered them again after that? Were you able to keep your cool around them, or was it awkward? How about vice versa? 
Since we both fell for each other fast and early on, we got had to learn quickly how to disguise our feelings as nothing more than friendship 😅 
9. Before dating, did either of you ever have any embarrassing moments? (Examples: Socially awkward moments, almost accidentally revealing your feelings to them, being clumsy, etc.)
One of our friends in town saw my sketchbook while I was doodling at work, and saw that I was drawing Danny LOL. I did my best to play it off as me just enjoying drawing portraits but was so scared word would get back to Danny askdjsdsa
10. Before dating, were you guys friends? Enemies? Anything else?
Friends and roommates, since Danny was kind enough to take me in when I needed somewhere to stay!
11. Have either of you ever had daydreams about being together? What scenarios did you guys imagine? (examples: dancing, cuddling, kissing, etc.)
A lot 🤭 we both had similar daydreams about what it would be like to be a couple, maybe even married someday. Sleeping in the same bed instead of me being in the guest room, cuddling on the couch during movie nights, kissing each other goodbye in the morning and hello after work. Just living a very domestic life together as a family with Becky :’)
12. Have either of you ever sent gifts to each other with notes attached to them as secret admirers?
As tempting as this might have been during our first holiday season as friends, we both would have been too scared that it would’ve been obvious who it was from saskjdkjsd
13. Are either of you good at hiding your feelings, or are you very obvious about them?
I’m better at hiding my feelings simply because no one in town knew me to begin with, so it’s less easy for them to tell when I’m acting strange LOL. Danny isn’t so lucky and his feelings are pretty obvious to Becky, his brother, and most of the people who know him 😅 he gets extra clumsy and tongue-tied!
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f1 · 2 years
Alpine convinced they now have the upper hand over McLaren in fight for P4
Alpine see themselves as favourites to secure fourth in the constructors’ championship as the 2022 season draws to a close, with Sporting Director Alan Permane convinced the A522 is now a “quicker car” than the McLaren MCL36. Alpine and McLaren have been locked in a close battle for P4 for much of the campaign, the two teams swapping places amid differing levels of performance from circuit to circuit and a flurry of updates from both sides. READ MORE: Alonso’s US Grand Prix penalty overturned after Alpine appeal After 19 of 22 races, it’s Alpine who hold an 11-point advantage and, while Permane expects the scrap to go down to the season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, he thinks the advantage lies with his team. Asked about the prospect of P4 being settled at the finale, Permane said: “I hope not! [But] I’m sure it will. We need to be 44 points in front of them before we get to Abu Dhabi, so I’m sure it will go down to the wire. Alpine’s points tally was boosted by Alonso’s P7 finish at the United States GP being reinstated “The aim is, of course, to score as much as we can in these next couple of races to make Abu Dhabi as stress-free as possible, but let’s see. “It’s been up and down [over the course of the season]. I’d like to think… well, we have got the upper hand. We’ve got a quicker car and we’re ahead in the points, so we’re going to do it.” READ MORE: FP1 debutant Doohan reflects on ‘emotional’ Mexico City outing as De Vries signs off with Mercedes Alpine’s championship aspirations aside, Permane also shared optimism about their junior driver pool after the team handed academy member and Formula 2 race winner Jack Doohan his FP1 debut at the Mexico City Grand Prix. Assessing the 19-year-old Australian’s performance en route to P19, Permane said: “He did a great job. He was taking things very easy, very steady. While Alpine will field Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly in F1 next season, Doohan is on their books for the future “In the areas where we saw Max [Verstappen] spin and we saw Charles [Leclerc] crash, I think he was losing half a second to Fernando [Alonso] and he just said, ‘Look, I don’t want to take any risks.’ He was very conscious that he was in someone else’s car.” Permane continued: “What impresses me most about Jack, honestly, is out of the car, his preparations, the work he does behind the scenes. He’d never driven here and it hadn’t been a plan for him to drive here. READ MORE: Wolff satisfied with ‘rigourous’ Cost Cap process, as Shovlin calls Horner’s ‘draconian’ penalty claim ‘an exaggeration’ “A few weeks ago he was in Brisbane doing some F2 sponsor commitments, and then we told him he was going to be driving in Mexico, so he flew back to the UK and did a day in the sim and came onwards to Austin and here. “But that’s what impresses me most, his preparation. There’s no doubt about his speed and, when he makes it to F1, that will be a nice differentiator for him.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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darlingwhump · 2 years
Whumpy Media: D&D
I could go for a typical TV show or movie, but like the rest of my account, I’m gonna turn to D&D. Specifically, whumpy character backstories in actual play shows that I like! I’ll also put a few specific episodes bc by nature these shows are...very long. So you can skip right to those whumpy moments. And I couldn’t pick one character’s backstory so here’s 3! I had a lot of fun compiling this list so enjoy!
WARNING: Huge spoilers for Critical Role Campaigns 1 & 2, as well as both seasons of Fantasy High.
CW: minor whumpees, long-term captivity, experimentation, magic whump, mind control, vampire whumper, family trauma, insanity, implied parental abuse, burns, blood
Cassandra de Rolo (Critical Role C1)
Cassandra is only an NPC in the first campaign of Critical Role, but her backstory is traumatizing and very memorable. She’s the sister of one of the player characters, Percy de Rolo, who for the longest time believed her to be dead. When she and Percy were only children, the Briarwoods (a rly hot couple including a vampire and necromancer) slaughtered their entire family and took over Whitestone, the city they ruled. Percy managed to escape after being experimented on by one of the Briarwoods’ lackeys: Anna Ripley, but Cassandra, who had been in hiding, was later caught by the Briarwoods. She spent her teenagedom as their “personal slave” and as a symbol to the Whitestone citizens that the Briarwoods were more powerful than the de Rolos. She managed to sneak some information to the rebellion, but not without the resulting trauma.
When Percy & Vox Machina find her, her former professor slits her throat to distract the adventurers, but the party manages to save her. She helps the party travel deeper into the Briarwoods’ lair beneath the castle, but ends up betraying them due to her stockholm syndrome and mind control on Lord Briarwood (the vampire)’s part. Eventually she comes back to herself and even deals the final blow to Lady Briarwood.
Clips (goes right to timestamp of the scene): Cassandra’s throat slitting (LOVM), “[Anders] wanted me to draw you in” & Cassandra’s side of the story (live show), Cassandra Betrays Percy (LOVM)
Aelwyn & Adaine Abernant (Fantasy High)
You want family trauma and villain whump? Look no further than the Abernant sisters! Adaine Abernant is a player character and Aelwyn is her popular, snooty older sister. In season 1 of Fantasy High, Aelwyn is working with the main villain and is a bully to her younger sister. In season 2, it is revealed that she was sent to an elven prison as punishment for her crimes, where she has been stuck in a tiny orb for months on end. She has effectively gone insane by the time the Bad Kids (fantasy high adventuring party) find her. Adaine gets captured as well, and realizes that her sister is a victim of their parents’ abuse as well. 
Adaine isn’t able to escape with Aelwyn, but in the final episode of season 2, when the Abernant parents trap Adaine to prevent her from interfering with their plans, Aelwyn steps in to save her. Lots of emotional sister bonding and parental trauma. Plus the aspect of a former villain being so broken that their redemption arc is almost a given. I just love the Abernant sisters so much I will always gush about them.
Whumpy clips: Adaine finds Aelwyn, “Nobody deserves this”, “For once, it’s better to just do what [our parents] ask”, & “As much as I would love to see Adaine suffer...she’s just a baby!” (<-- this entire scene made me sob)
Caleb Widogast (Critical Role C2)
Caleb’s backstory in Campaign 2 (Mighty Nein) of Critical Role was so whumpy that it convinced me to watch the show. He was basically a prodigy taken in by this very cruel professor. Said professor did experiments on his students and trained them to be magical assassins without emotion. The final part of their training involves killing their parents, who the students believe betrayed their nation due to memory modification. Caleb went insane after killing his parents and was put in an asylum for 13-ish years so the professor could keep him in reserves. 
Liam O’Brien (Caleb’s player and creator) has also mentioned other torturous methods the blumentrio (Caleb and his canonically poly lovers) and other students went through. Including being locked in a freezing tower overnight where the three teenagers had to huddle for warmth and the professor embedding crystals in their skin. In the beginning of the campaign, Caleb wears bandages on his arms to hide the scars from the crystals. Later on, once he tells the party about his past, he stops wearing them. When the Mighty Nein meet the evil professor towards the end of the campaign, he even goes so far to say that even though Caleb went insane and escaped, that the professor had still been “successful.” And that he was proud of Caleb. Super creepy dude.
Whumpy Clips: "I am going to tell you the story of how I murdered my mother and father” & “How did I get to the sanatorium?”
Honorable Mentions: Nott the Brave/Veth Brenatto, Laudna, the entirety of A Crown of Candy, all of EXU Calamity
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namewithak · 3 years
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“The soon-to-be former Chief Inspector Keller turned to his third story window and saw, clutching the frame for dear life, the fugitive Archibald Fleet.” - Victoriocity, 1x06.
Been listening again and this scene just makes me laugh every time. Keller is hysterical.
(I posted a wonkier version of this on twitter and now I’m hitting myself on the head for not fixing the stupid windows in that version because THE SUGDENS LIKED IT. JEN SUGDEN QRT’D IT and now I’m embarrassed. 😭 But also very, very pleased.)
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marvelcriminalhoe · 2 years
Paper Rings
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
Chapter 5
Growing Fondness
i.e. Season 9 Episode 8
TW: typical criminal minds case jargon
AN: Thanks for reading! :)
Word Count: 2,459
Series Masterlist
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Ringing. You can here your phone ringing, are you dreaming of it ringing or is that real? You open your eyes, squinting at the alarm clock next to you that reads 2:04 AM. Your cell rings again, drawing you to blindly search for it on your nightstand. You answer it, mumbling your last name and expecting a quip from Miss Penelope Garcia. Except, it’s not her soft voice that you hear, instead its the rough voice of your ever professional boss, “We have a case, round table 30 minutes.”
You sit up in bed, fumbling with the lamp next to you, turning it on and brighting up your bedroom, “Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”
“It’s alright.” You can hear the amusement in his voice, the evident small smirk that you would probably miss it’s so fleeting. You immediately become embarrassed, glad he can't see your flustered movements and the hand you drag down your face as you end the call.
Way to start out your day.
“A few hours ago a lone gunman shot and killed 3 people inside a downtown Chicago diner.” Penelope pulls up the crime scene photos, “Then, he was taken down by a plainclothes pff-duty officer, who happened to be in the restaurant at the same time of the shooting.”
Derek sighs, “Well, it sounds like they got their guy. Why are they requesting our help?”
“Because an ATM from across the street captured this image of the shooter getting out of a late-model sedan just moments before the shooting.” She pulls up the footage, “And heres the driver who then sped off.”
“Chicago P.D. I.D.’d the shooter as 16 year old Gavin Rossler after getting a composite match from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.” Hotch informs the team, “According to the database, Gavin’s been missing for nearly 4 years.”
JJ reads from the file in her hands, “It looks like back in 2009 when the mother filed the police report she insisted Gavin had been abducted.”
“Mom was not the most credible source. She was in and out of rehab facilities for drug and alcohol abuse, died 6 months ago of an apparent drug overdoes.” Spencer looks over the report.
“Says here Gavin had runoff multiple times but always came back after a couple hours.” Blake shrugs, “Which could be why local P.D. initially categorized him as a runaway rather than missing.”
“So where has this kid been all this time? And where did he meet his partner?” You question, looking over to Penelope, “Garcia, have you been able to I.D. the driver?”
She shakes her head, “Negative. I’m running the image through facial recognition software now, though.”
“We can’t rule out the possibility that the driver is the person responsible for Gavin’s disappearance.” Hotch theorizes.
“And if thats the case, we can’t rule out he’s out looking for his next victim.” Derek agrees.
You furrow your eyebrows, something just not feeling right to you, “How does a 12 year old runaway turn into a cold blooded killer?”
No one has an answer. Hotch stands, gathering his files, “Wheels up in 20.”
You move to your desk, gathering your go bag and pulling out an extra charger you keep in your bottom drawer of your desk, having forgotten to grab a new one to keep in your go bag permanently. You left the one you did have on the last case, a rookie mistake. You head to the elevators once you have everything, choosing not to stop at the break room like the rest of your colleagues, planning on getting some rest on the plane ride and not wanting the caffeine until you land. You reach the SUV’s before everyone else. Getting in, you opt for the passenger seat, getting comfortable and closing your eyes, waiting for everyone else. You open them when you hear the driver door open, looking over to see your boss getting in. He looks over at you, sending you a small smile as he says, “Think I should start limiting their time at the coffee station?”
You chuckle softly, tilting your head, “They might start a riot.” “You’re probably right.” He says dryly. You study him softly as he goes through this small checklist routine, taking in how even this early in the morning, he looks professional, everything about him in place, not an ounce of dishevelment. You theorize that he probably didn't get any sleep, knowing he got the case call at least an hour before the team was officially called in. He looks good, though thats not a new discovery. Aaron Hotchner is star to many woman’s dreams within the bureau, and probably a few men too. He’s the talk of the town in the academy, everyone wanting to either be him or do him. You can understand the appeal, especially after having been around him the past few weeks. You admit to yourself, you might have a tiny bit of a crush on the older man, but you don't berate yourself too badly about it. Everyone has a crush on this man. You look away from him, staring out the front and letting your mind go back to the case instead of the inappropriate feelings that are bubbling up.
The rest of the team arrives to the vehicles shortly after, peeling out of the garage and heading to the jet.
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“I managed to get a partial plate off the car. I’m running it now.” Garcia’s voice comes through the speaker. You’re in the local P.D. conference room with Derek and Spencer, going over the video camera footage from the shooting.
“Garcia,” Reid calls out, “Can you pause it? Rewind to the moment just before Gavin steps out go the car.”
She does as she’s told, both you and Morgan seeing what Reid had saw. “You see that? The driver didn't wait around for him to enter the diner before he drove off.”
“Well, maybe he sensed something was up.” Morgan speculates.
Reid looks over at him, “Why not wait to make sure everything went as planned? I mean, what if something went wrong and the mission had to be aborted? How would the driver let him know inside?”
“He couldn't even if he wants to.” You shake your head, brows drawn down, “Gavin didn't have a phone on him.”
“Maybe that’s why the driver drove off, he knew that Gavin wasn't planning on making it out alive.” Reid theorizes.
“This was a suicide mission.” Morgan concludes out loud, making you and Spencer heave a deep sigh, knowing more trouble is going to come from this.
About an hour later, you’re still in the conference room, this time with the rest of the team. Garcia found the identity of the driver and the team came to the conclusion that these boys have been programed and trained, unwillingly, to follow the orders they were given. Morgan walks in, cup of coffee in his hand “Trevor filled up at a gas station off the interstate a half hour ago.”
“Sounds like someone’s thinking about skipping town.” JJ says.
“It’s been hours since the shooting.” You shake your head, “If he wanted to run wouldn't he have down it by now?”
The lead detective of the case walks into the room, “One of my officers has just radioed for a tow truck. The kid has barricaded himself inside the car. He’s at the intersection—“
“Evacuate the area.” Hotch demands, cutting him off. The detective stares at him, not moving, so Hotch repeats himself, “Evacuate the area.”
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You move to the break room, filling up your cup with the horrible, watered down coffee available, but it’s better than no caffeine at all. “I’ll take some as well.” You hear someone say behind you. You turn, seeing your boss. You hold out the kettle, filling his cup up, and setting it back on its stand.
You turn and watch Hotch grimace as he takes a sip, trying not to laugh. He catches your small smile, giving you a mock glare, before breaking into his own small smile, “This might be in the top 5 worst departments for coffee.”
“What’s number one?” You question him, intrigued by the idea that Aaron Hotchner keeps a list of the worst police departments in the country based on their coffee.
“Lake City, Iowa.” He replies immediately, laughing when you do, “We had a case there about 6 or 7 years ago. I still have nightmares about their coffee.”
“Note to self, never drink the coffee in Lack City.” You joke. You and Hotch stay there for a moment, staring at one another. A small smile gracing both of your faces. You only look away when someone walks into the break room, ruining the calming atmosphere that had surrounded you both. He send him one last smile as you walk out of the room and back to the conference room, chastising yourself for thinking you just had a moment with the man.
He is your boss.
Be professional.
Pull yourself together.
You’re an FBI agent for gods sake.
“Okay, lets look at victimology again.” You hear Morgan say as you take a seat next to his at the table.
“First attack, diner shooting.” Blake starts, “Victims across the board.”
“Second attack, car bombing.” You add, “Same goal— the out as many victims as possible.”
“Third attack, attempted mass shooting, but on a much bigger scale. God knowns how many people he would have killed.” JJ shakes her head at the thought.
Morgan makes a face, “What if it’s not about the attack itself but what happened leading up to them?”
“What do you mean?” You ask him.
“Officer Clayburn entered that diner minutes before the shooting. The explosive was detonated just moments after the traffic cop radioed for help. And as soon as Daniel saw Reyas, his whole demeanor changed.” Morgan explains, “They’re targeting Chicago P.D.”
You share a look with Blake, before looking back at Derek, “That’s a big accusation. But it makes since.” Rossi and Hotch enter the conference room and Derek explains his theory to the both of them. Rossi raises his brows, “How did Gavin know that there would be a cop in the diner at that exact moment?”
“Chicago has over 13,000 police officers.” You inform, “That’s roughly 60 per square mile. There are two precincts within a 4-block radius of the diner. My theory is it was only a matter of time before a cop walked in.”
Hotch nods at you, “And if it was his mission, we was probably prepared to wait all night if he had to.”
“It wasn't a coincidence the attack happened shortly after the night shift ended. They learned the routines, planned ahead.” Blake says.
“Well, that brings us back to square one.” Rossi sighs, “The list of people that have problems with law enforcement’s a long one.”
Blake nods, “We’re looking at everyone from organized crime to ex-cons.”
Hotch shakes his head, “If it was an ex-con, the target would likely be more specific, like the arresting officer.”
You watch as Reid walks over to one of the pictures hanging on the wall of fallen officers, studying it. “Guys, I think the 5 digit number Daniel was reciting is a police badge number.”
Hotch pulls out his phone, “Garcia.”
“Talk to me.”
“Run 53699 against a list of Chicago P.D.” He tells her. You hear typing over the phone, “Running it as fast as bytes can carry.”
After a few seconds she comes back, “I got a hit! 53699 is the badge number to a former officer Wayne Gulino.”
“What do we know about him?” You question her.
“Gulino was an air force sergeant. He served two tours in Iraq. When he came home he joined the Chicago P.D. 7 Years ago today, he and his partner George Scotman had their badges stripped for brutally coercing confessions out of suspects. A fellow rookie officer filed a report that led to an internal affairs investigation. And that rookie cop who blew the whistle is none other than one Detective Mark Reyas.” She gives you everything.
“Sounds like a hell of a motive to me.” Rossi raises an eyebrow.
“Blake, go talk to Reyas, see what you can find out.” Hotch gives out orders, “The rest of us will go to Gulino’s residence.”
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The jet ride home was quite, most everyone getting some much needed rest. You’re resting at the back of the plane, looking out the window. Your mind keeps running with how scared that little boy you found in the trunk of the car was. How he repeated the badge numbers to you when you asked him your name. This is the first case you've felt with that involved kids this young, and you now understand what they mean by these cases are the hardest. This wants even one of the bad ones like some of the others have encountered.
“It’s okay to talk about it, you know.” Hotch sits down in the seat across from you, drawing your attention to him.
You send him a small, strained smile, “I’m fine.”
“I know.” He nods, “Doesn’t mean you still can’t talk about it.”
You ponder it for a moment, before sighing, letting all of your thoughts out. You and Hotch spent the rest of the plane ride talking. At first it was just about the case, the kids. But once you were done, you talked about everything else under the sun. You talked about your upbringing, your family, the ambitions you have, why you decided to join the FBI. Hotch talked a lot too, about his son, his late wife. He told you stories about his time as a lawyer and his first few years as an agent. You both bonded a lot on that plane ride, only making the feelings of your crush on the man grow. Little did you know, Aaron was thinking the same thing.
As you're leaving the office, walking into the elevators, Hotch walks in with you, not staying as late as usual. "Have you eaten yet?" He asks you as the elevator goes down.
"No." You look over at him, but he's staring straight ahead, "Figured I would pick up something unhealthy on my way home." He finally looks over at you, apprehension and nervousness mixed on his face, "Theres a china place a few blocks from here that stays open late. If you want?"
"Yeah." You smile, "That sounds good."
"Great." He smiles at you, leading you out of the elevators and towards the cars, his hand on the small of your back, warming your outside the same as the inside.
Taglist: @buckyswintersoldiermask @ssahotchnerxx @bestillmystuckyheart @eternal-silvertongued-prince @honeyofthegods @pitchblackstars @averyhotchner @hotched @mintphoenix
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thnxforknowingme · 3 years
Glee Advent Day 2 - Bonfire
A/N: So, I have never written Samcedes before, nor in fact any fic from Mercedes' perspective...and yet, today's prompt inspired me. Thanks @gleeadvent! I've always been curious about the beginnings of Sam and Mercedes' relationship, that one summer of which we only see them holding hands in the Lima Bean, and then hear about in passing once Sam returns in S3. This story is so not seasonally-appropriate, since it happens during the summer, but...oh well!
Rated T, ~1100 words
Mercedes had heard about these kinds of bonfire parties before, but had never been invited to one. It didn’t bother her - they didn’t really seem like her kind of scene, anyway, and mixing alcohol with large fires seemed like a disaster waiting to happen.
But then, in July between her junior and senior years, Sam texted her about one. u should come, he’d messaged. id love to see u there.
And, well. She was finding that these days she’d take pretty much any excuse to see Sam, too.
She invited Kurt, hoping to have another friendly face at the party, but he’d said something dismissive about the smell of smoke and cheap beer - and he had plans with Blaine, anyway.
Luckily, when she arrived at the nondescript clearing just after sunset, she saw Tina and Mike almost immediately. She stood and talked with them, watching the intermittent glow of lightning bugs around them as a bunch of football players set about starting a fire and tapping a keg. Brittany appeared too, flitting between them and her Cheerio friends as the bonfire grew in size and intensity.
They were having a giggly argument about American Idol, Tina sipping from a Smirnoff Ice bottle, when Sam appeared. He bumped fists with Mike, tapped his red plastic cup against Tina’s bottle, and then gave Mercedes a knowing grin. “Hi, Mercedes.”
“Hello, Sam,” she replied, feeling her face warm, even though they were keeping their distance from the fire. They held their gaze for a moment longer before Tina tried to resume the conversation. Jokes about his mouth aside, Mercedes thought, Sam sure had a lovely smile.
They’d been doing whatever this was they were doing for a couple months, now. Getting coffee, spending afternoons at the lake, sometimes just driving around Lima together. She felt like Sam really saw her - when she talked, he listened, and asked questions to fully understand her thoughts and feelings and opinions. They had things in common, but were also open to learning about new things for each other - they’d rent Sam’s favorite sci-fi and action movies to watch, and he showed her how to hold and throw a football properly. In return, she introduced him to her favorite R&B artists, and showed him all of the Twilight movies - after which he spent a week making her dissolve into laughter as he tried to impersonate Robert Pattinson saying “This is the skin of a killer, Bella.”
And then sometimes, in those quiet pockets of their time alone together, they’d hold hands, or cuddle, or kiss. Which was all just - extremely nice. Mercedes didn’t really have any point of comparison, but she thought Sam was an excellent kisser. She knew he did have past experience, and hoped she was a good kisser too. She thought she probably was. The way Sam looked at her, smiled against her skin, pressed his hands gently and reverently against her jaw or shoulder or waist - it made her feel appreciated and valued for exactly who she was.
The flickering of the bonfire threw odd shadows against Sam’s pale skin as he talked and laughed with them. His eyes were bright, his hair grown shaggy over the summer, and he gestured broadly with the cup in his hand. He stood next to her, close enough that their shoulders could brush, but not so close to draw too much attention.
“Do you want something to drink?” Sam asked her, shaking his now-empty cup.
“No, thanks,” she told him. “I’m driving.” She was also just not particularly interested - it was one thing to get pleasantly tipsy at a glee party in Rachel’s basement, and another to drink in a quasi-public place, surrounded mostly by people she didn’t know. Plus, the proximity of the large bonfire still made her nervous.
“Okay,” he said. “Be right back.”
She watched him weave through other clumps of teenagers, in the direction of the keg.
They hadn’t initially meant for it to be a big secret - it had just happened, and after the whirlwind of Nationals and the end of the school year they didn’t feel like drawing attention to whatever was developing between them. Plus, there was something nice about having this secret. Their relationship felt like something sacred, a private joke that only they got. After all the relationship drama in glee club over the past year, it felt nice to just share something together, without having it be the subject of rumor or public opinion. Mercedes knew that they’d have to tell people eventually, but for the summer at least, she was enjoying keeping it to themselves.
Sam returned, and along with a refilled cup of beer, he also had a plastic bottle with a colorful label. He handed it to Mercedes, their fingers just brushing. “I thought you might be thirsty,” he said.
She looked down at the bottle - it was lemonade, her favorite brand. She knew he’d seen her drink it before, at her house or when they stopped at the minimart for snacks. She looked up at him in awe. Had he brought this to the bonfire, just in case she wanted a non-alcoholic drink? Had he asked around and just managed to find someone else who had her favorite lemonade in their car?
“Where did you get this?” she asked.
He just winked at her. “I have my ways.”
By the time he finished his new cup of beer, he’d become looser, his voice louder, slinging his arms over Mercedes and Tina, stumbling through dance steps with Mike as they all laughed along. It was getting late, and Mercedes knew she needed to get home before her parents started questioning her story about having a movie marathon with Kurt and Rachel.
“I’m gonna go,” she announced. “Anyone need a ride?”
Mike assured them that he could take Tina home, but Sam agreed to come along. Since he didn’t have his own car, Mercedes assumed he’d arrived with another football player, but he didn’t bother saying goodbye to anyone else before following her to her car.
He sprawled in her passenger seat, one knee pressed up against the glove compartment, and tapped out a rhythm on the window with his knuckles. As she pulled back onto the road she glanced in his direction and found him looking back. He grinned. “You’re lovely, Mercedes Jones.”
She pursed her lips, trying to prevent her smile from taking over her whole face. “You’re a little drunk, Sam Evans.”
“True,” he agreed. “But tomorrow I’ll be sober and you’ll still be lovely.”
Mercedes almost wanted to roll her eyes at the cheesiness, but could also feel joy blossoming in her chest. She drove down the familiar darkened roads to drop him off.
“I’m glad you came tonight,” Sam said, more softly.
Mercedes looked his way again, pausing just a bit too long at a stop sign. She took one hand off of the steering wheel and reached out. He responded automatically, warm calloused fingers intertwining with her own. “I’m glad too,” she said.
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ackermanshoe · 3 years
Just a few things to talk about here: lengthy 😩
Levi being a 2 in teamwork meaning he never had chemistry while fighting alongside others, like ever. But then mikasa happened. As if isayama spelled it out for us that Levi and mikasa’s connection is so special, particularly to Levi, from the beginning. So now you realise that Levi has experiences with mikasa that he has NEVER had before with anyone, ever.
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So you have seen this picture before but I’d like to take the time to dig deep into this. It’s from erens point of view and it most likely shows how he remembers these characters to be most of the time. Connie and admin being playful with each other, Sasha laughing at them, floch and marlo talking and hitch (?) just existing there because eren prolly never interacted with her.
Hanji in the background smiling at the group and Erwin giving them a soft smile. However there’s something particular about both Levi and jean isn’t it? Yeah you guessed it, both of them are looking at mikasa’s direction. ( I saw a post where they were trying so hard to refuse the FACT that Levi was looking at mikasa, even though they acknowledged that Jean was. 🤥🤥)
And lastly mikasa softly smiling at eren. You can clearly see Jean being glaring at that and the fact that isayama drew ALL of their eyes so crystal clear EXCEPT both Levi and Jean,,,, gets me. So you’re going to draw faces of people being themselves but what purpose does it serve you to draw both Levi’s and Jean’s( Jean who is a known mikasa simp) face looking at mikasa’s direction but not draw their eyes ( pupils ) clear? Was it forshadowing their mutual feelings towards her? Since “eyes are the window to the soul” and the drawing does not allow for us to get a clear view of their eyes was isayama implying that both Levi and Jean had hid their feelings for her?
Of course jeans face has a certain darkness to it because everybody is aware of his unrequited love and isayama does little to hide that. But notice how both Levi and his faces are tilted in a way. And the most obvious connection to both Jean and Levi are the way Levi is positioned almost in a line behind Jean, which creates a vector line from their eyes leading straight to mikasa.
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Let's talk about this shall we? See how by placing the dark haired people on the front and centre has created a salient within this frame? Yeah the rest of the people in there are either blonde or light haired, Isayam placed each character there with a purpose. Now I'm not saying the 4 heads makes it look like a heart shape but that's excatly what I'm SEEING. maybe, just maybe this was a forshadowing of mikasa's choice, since she was placed in the middle of both Levi and Eren. Eren, whose face is not placed on the same level as Mikasa and Levi could possibly represent "dream" or a reality which would be hard for Mikasa to reach, therefore giving a hint of chapter 138 and mikasa's headache AU.
Whereas Levi, despite his height, face is on the same level as mikasa's. A form of equality, sameness, familiarity and most importantly symbolising reality.
Since he isn't hard to reach from where is Mikasa is placed. And lastly Gabi, we have all seen rivamika parental mode kicking in the recent chapters and here Gabi being in between Levi and her could possibly hint their parenthood, an option that will only be available if Mikasa choose reality: Levi. Therefore Gabi representing quiet simply Levi and mikasa's possible kid. Ackerbaby 👶
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This panel, I'm dying to talk about this.most important question: is it Levi's tears that's falling?
I have stared at this for houRS, and I still don't have an unbiased answer. Although most would discard this as spit or sweat Levi probably has from yelling, I'm not fully convinced by it. Maybe it's my desparate rivamika mind that's refusing to let it go but how would spit or sweat end up where his bandage is?
On the too right corner we see multiple drops but why would anything but a tear be where you can see that single droplet of water on his bandages? It's literally so suspicious which is why isayama makes me mad, he teases so much and so subtly. He doesn't show Levi's eyes there, he could have, to emphasize on Levi's level of worry which could have been more effective when reading his expression and yet isayama chose to show his widened mouth to showcase Levi's anxiety.
I'm still debating on this however there's no mistaking it that Levi cares for Mikasa more than anyone.
Which brings me to this:
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The similarities that I can not call parallels just yet, between erehisu and rivamika is really comforting as cruel it maybe to mikasa and historia. Levi is willing to have historia eat the beast titan without remorse, without thinking. Where as eren as we all know will do anything but sacrifice historia. Yes, anything. Even if it means putting mikasa ( and admin) on the boat as everyone else and letting them do whatever they want. In a way both of them are treating both mikasa and historia the same way.
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Note Levi’s eyes while talking about historia almost looks psychotic which is unlike Levi and his eyes while looking at mikasa.
Eren who is pressed down to one single choice which might risk mikasa’s life but he won’t sacrifices historia. Protecting her.
Levi who decides to help mikasa has made a choice without any regret, relying on her.
And as for their respective person, both eren and Levi’s gesture and behaviour changes when they are around them. As eren said historia is the girl who saved him and the same way mikasa is the who may bring meaning into Levi’s life. I feel like these two couple has always developed together, take s3 aka rivamika season 🥵
The same way rivamika found trust and a way to bond, so did eren and historia. In their own way they. It’s funny because both of their development are so weirdly ignored by the aot general fandom, gee I wonder why 😒 anyway through these similarities or whatever you may call it you can really see who they each really care for and value over the other.
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LMAO idk how much people considers pieck and Porco canon as potential lovers but this shot of porco really reminded me of Levi’s jealous look. Not to mention pieck resembled mikasa with that ponytail
Although I support jeanpiku I always had this feeling that porco and pieck might have been shipped together and they are, in this scene ( I haven’t watched the ep) I ASSUME porco is looking at her this way because of these men around looking at her and blushing, well it does resemble another grumpy old man. Anyway I’ll never shut up about that scene with both historia and Levi looking at their partners, jealous and shit 💆‍♀️💅💅💅
Okay I’m done talking for now, thank you again for reading as always idk what this post was tbh I didn’t have it planned at all I just really wanted to talk about these that’s been on mind to spark new conversations about them.
I just wanna say I wish i was part of this fandom sooner, not only does this fandom has the best theorists but also such amazing people. I hope our shitposting and analysis of rivamika will not end with chapter 139. Rivamika will always make me happy and this place will always feel like home, thank you for creating this community 😭💜💜💜💜
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pointnumbersixteen · 3 years
How do you see The Captain's coming out, and growth in confidence and self acceptance thereafter taking place?
I like this question! …and I’m probably going to elaborate on it a bit more than many people will want to read (I noticed back when I was regularly writing essay length posts that they did not get a lot of love) and it’s probably going to get even more ramble-y than usual (brain has not been braining as cooperatively as it should recently and the decision to drink half a bottle of wine right before answering this- sorry- probably does not help), but here we are.  
 About coming out scenarios, none of mine are particularly elaborate. While I do think he needs to come out for his story line to progress, I can’t imagine him making a big thing out of it (long or elaborate announcements, heart-to-hearts, emotional displays of bearing his authentic self or any of the like), either with the group, or person-by-person, for several reasons:
First off, that sort of a coming-out to-do is a more modern notion, and I doubt he was a particularly modern person even when he was alive, seventy-five years ago. His notions of privacy and propriety are probably much more conservative than ours, and I feel like that makes it unlikely that he’d go into any sort of detail, at least at early in this process, about his feelings/emotions or the specificities of his attractions. We’re talking about a man who doesn’t even use his own name. It’s difficult to picture him going into depth about his desires and love life.
Secondly, he’s a bit of a social coward. (He’s not a physical coward, of course, he jumped on that bomb in the garden without hesitation, and acknowledged after the fact that he gotten caught up in the moment, and therefore hadn’t really thought about how a bomb couldn’t hurt him.) And I get it, I’m a bit of a social coward, too, so no judgement. He probably faced a lot of ridicule in his life. Being a social coward is totally fair. But he doesn’t put himself into situations that might involve awkward interpersonal interactions if he can help it, and legs it whenever interactions he’s already in become to awkward for him. I feel like he’s probably quite desperate (although he’d never admit to it) to save face and protect what bits of his ego remain unscathed.
Think about it: he could have spoken to Fanny on his own about her nightly screaming disturbing him in s1e1, they have a clear association established at the outset of the show, they leave Heather’s room together at the end of the very first scene, but he doesn’t do so until he has the weight of the whole group to back him up about the screaming at their meeting. He had to buck up his courage and give himself his little ‘over the top we go’ pep talk before going to speak to Alison in Gorilla War. Also, if there was actually something wrong with his soldiers’ horseplay after hours in Reddy Weddy- if it was breaking regulations or even his own orders for quiet hours- and he heard it, he could have gone down directly when he heard it, confronted whoever was involved and order them to stop or put them on report. But no, instead he addressed the entire group of soldiers in a sixteen point morning brief. He even dispatched Pat to confront Alison about the party in s2e2, instead doing it himself… and spit out his apology/reconciliation with Pat at the end as fast as possible. And as for legging it when things get awkward, see his retreats following the group confronting him in Getting Out and after Alison telling him he wasn’t needed in the Grey Lady- and on a more figurative than literal level, but most relevantly, his quick turn from ‘I’ll miss you’ to ‘we’ll miss you’ with Havers in Reddy Weddy.
This is not a man who wants to be in awkward or embarrassing situations. And I think that coming out, at least at first, will probably be a bit embarrassing for him- it was scandalous in his time, and I think it will take him longer to get over that feeling and come to terms with himself than it will to finally acknowledge that he’s gay. So I doubt he’d make more of it than he utterly feels he has to, at least at first. And of course, he’d have to be a bit afraid that people would judge him or stop associating with him over it, as sadly, in his own time many people would have done, and most of the ghosts are from even earlier times than he was. So that might add more hesitation…
And thirdly, he doesn’t like and/or respect many of his house mates. The other twentieth century ghosts are the only ones he spends much time with. I doubt he’d go out of his way to communicate much of anything to the rest if it wasn’t “mission related” much less discuss his sexuality with them. He mostly disregards Humphrey. See his, “Oh, it’s you.” Mary obviously doesn’t like him and he only associates with her when it might be useful for his ‘missions.’ He clearly doesn’t think much of Thomas and doesn’t really even bother including him in his plans. These aren’t people he’s going to have heart-to-hearts with.
With those constraints in place, here’s a non-exhaustive list of possibilities by which I might see his coming out finally happening. They’re really just scenarios I made for myself on how I might see him coming out and I like to keep my options open (the first three are strategies he might go for, the last is an alternate scenario, presented in decreasing levels of directness on his part):
1) The ‘pull the bandage off quickly and hope it doesn’t sting too much’ strategy.
The Captain waits for the end of one of their various group activities or meetings, where all announcements seem to be made, gets up, clears his throat, stammers a bit, announces it tersely, using the most proper popular word for homosexuality that existed in his time (think: “Heh-hem. Er. Um. Well. It has recently come to my attention that I am- er- well- as it happens- gay. I, uh, thought it should be noted. That is all.”), and then beats a hasty retreat, so he doesn’t have to try to cope with the potentially negative aftermath. Of course, there isn’t a negative aftermath, because many of the ghosts already have guessed and the rest don’t really care. Someone, probably Pat, because he does the bulk of the emotional labor in the group, and more importantly, he’s Cap’s closest friend, would have to go after him. He would of course be initially defensive, and Pat would have to sooth his feathers a bit- or maybe just spit it out over his defensiveness- that he guessed a long time ago and so had plenty of other people, and they were just waiting for him to be ready, and really, it’s fine, and no one’s going to disown him for it.  
2) The ‘well maybe I should tell my friends with the hope they support me’ strategy.
He gets together with a small group, the people whose company he actually values, definitely Fanny and Pat, maybe Julian, probably Alison either at the same time or after he finishes with his ghosts pals, and says it in much the same way as the previous scenario, but waiting for their reactions rather than retreating straight away. Pat and Alison, I expect, would answer with something like ‘yeah, we figured that one out a long time ago, actually, and it’s completely fine’ and Julian’s reaction would probably be something like, ‘well, obviously.’ Fanny’s had a lot of character growth since season one, when I expect her reaction would have been very shrill and judgmental, probably still would be a touch less warm and/or nonchalant, but I picture it as something like a sigh, followed by a pat on the arm and something like, ‘well, I still like you better than everyone else here, anyway.’ Word would eventually trickle to everyone else by way of social osmosis. Or not. No one seems to care if Humphrey or the plague ghosts are well informed.  
3) The ‘I’m not brave enough to actually go through the process of actually telling anyone anything about me so let’s just drop hints and hope everyone figures it out without making a big deal about it’ strategy.  
The indirect approach (I’m rather fond of this one, but mostly because it was my own primary coming out approach)… he first sends out feelers to certain people on the topic of homosexuality, probably Alison, since she’s modern, hosted a lesbian wedding, and very much implied that she’d be ready to keep scandalous secrets for him in Reddy Weddy, and  possibly maybe also Julian, as he’s the most sexually experienced/knowledgeable, and after Alison spent a while inundating him with ‘it’s okay to be gay’ messages (along with a sudden and entirely unexplained influx of LGBT media) as she’s socially clever enough to see that’s what he’s looking for and after Julian spent a while telling him probably far more than he ever actually wanted to know about the potentialities of gay sex, that might boost the Captain’s confidence enough to let him start dropping hints to people, instead of telling them outright (consciously commenting on the attractiveness of men they see rather than occasionally accidentally blurting it out- see ‘the handsome one’- occasionally putting forth an opinion or stance on the LGBT world ‘it would have been nice if gay marriage was acceptable when I was alive,’ maybe occasionally mentioning how certain men would make cute couple), expecting them to meet him in the middle and figure out the point on their own… of course, many of them have already realized, so this isn’t a problem. It’s entirely possible, though, that Mary (world view not terribly grounded in reality) and Kitty (lack of life experience and/or instruction about life, see the how are babies made subplot) never pick up the hints on their own and someone else eventually has to tell them.
4) The ‘someone puts him out of his misery’ scenario.
Cap acknowledges to himself that he’s gay first and then, wishing to avoid embarrassment or lack of acceptance, obviously, awkwardly, painfully tries to disguise it and in doing so draws attention to it, until a third party decides to put him out of his misery and tell him that many of them figured it out ages ago and that everyone is fine with it. Maybe Pat. Maybe Alison. I kind of like the idea of it being Fanny (with her lovely character growth and her couple of suspicious glances his way in the Perfect Day), actually, by way of something like ‘You know, I was entirely prepared to continue on living with my husband, George, keeping his secrets, about the, uh, sort of person he was, and you’re at least one better than him, given that you at least never murdered me- or, for that matter, never married some poor woman you had no interest in to shield yourself from scrutiny… and so, what I’m saying is, I wouldn’t turn my back on you for being the, uh, sort of person you are, either, and maybe things have progressed enough that you don’t actually have to keep secrets at all.’ Cap would take all of this in with a mixture of mortification and relief. I’m rather fond of this scenario, too.  
 As for the second bit of the question, once his sexuality is out there, though, and no one judges him or hates him for it- and some are quite supportive- I do see him becoming more self-accepting. If no one’s judging him, does he need to judge himself so harshly? And also more confident. Because some of those things that he’s always felt different about and in the past has probably been ridiculed about in the past (even if he’s in denial about being gay, he and quite a few other people had to at the very least note that he’s not particularly interested in women), are, apparently just fine now. So he’s a bit more just fine now himself. And that weight of always trying to be someone else, someone who’s just right, can lift and he can relax a bit more. And that would probably help him a lot, too. I see it as a slow sort of thawing process. No matter what way he comes out, I still see Alison as very helpfully providing a variety of LGBT media to help this process along. And maybe he’d eventually get to the point where he processed enough and warmed up enough to be able to talk more in depth, at least with his friends, about what it was like being him in repressed pre-war Britain, and what sort of men he’s attracted to (I enjoy the idea of him and Fanny- gradually overcoming her own repression- scoping out hot men together). Maybe he’ll even luck out one of his male housemates will decide (or has already decided) that bisexuality is a valid option and he’ll get a date (insert whichever ghost y’all ship him with here). I bet Alison would totally help him set up a nice date, too, with her convenient still-functional-in-the-mortal-realm hands. And it would be nice to maybe see him get a taste of actual happiness.    
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About Greg’s Interview
So I’ve some people freaking out (in a negative way. about what Greg said about Dickkory. And I really guess I just don’t understand. There are a lot of people, like me, who have had a happy and excited reaction to what he said, but there are also some people i’ve seen who are scared and upset about what he said. Here is why I think this interview was actually good news about Dickkory:
1. Greg or anyone on the creative team is very unlikely to just come out and say that Dickkory is going to happen. He isn’t going to say that he wants them to be a couple or that’s the plan. It would spoil too much. But I think this is the answer that some people wanted from him, and want from anyone involved in the show when they ask about Dickkory. And I feel like if that’s what you want from a question like this, you’ll always be disappointed and see anything less than outright confirmation as a negative. What he gave is pretty much what should be expected: a vague, diplomatic answer.
2. And given that it is unlikely that he or any writer on the show is going to say that they will happen, what he did say is pretty good. He was vague yet positive. He said that the couple has chemistry and promise and that there are a lot of good reasons to want them to be together. So given that he can’t spoil Dickkory (if they are going that direction), this is probably the best he could say, pointing out multiple positives in the couple and saying essentially that they make sense together.
3. They want to explore Kory more. And that makes a lot of sense to me. We don’t know a lot about her backstory in the show, and she spent the whole first season without her memories. It makes sense that they want to give the audience a better sense of who a character is before they put the character in a big romance. It will make it better for the audience.
4. I kind of get why people are worried about the bombshell/twist. It’s possible it could just be an example of shitty writing to keep Dick and Kory apart. But the mere existence of a twist/bombshell isn’t bad. It means they are giving the relationship dramatic tension! Which is always a good thing (if executed well of course)! Do you honestly expect them to build a romance without dramatic tension or twist and turns? I know we want them to get together, but this is a story! It’s never gonna be as simple as they get together easily and everything is great between them. And to me that fact that they are giving this relationship a twist/bombshell does seem to say that the writers care about this relationship.
5. So he did say that they explore both characters individually this season. Which to me suggests that they probably don’t get together this season or at least not until the very end (but! I don’t think this means that they don’t have scenes together or anything or that they’re separated). But his last statement gives me hope that they plan to take them in a romantic direction at some point. Which is fine by me; I don’t mind a slow burn! He does say that keen viewers will be able to determine where they want to go with the relationship between Dick and Kory. And how many possible directions could there relationship go? It’s possible he is not talking about a romantic direction, but I do think it is one biggest possibilities of what he means. I also wonder he means by keen viewers. Does he mean viewers who are able to pick up hints and subtleties in character interactions and can see a romantic undertone? Or does he mean comic readers who will see parallels to the comics and may be able to tell the direction/storyline they are taking Dick and Kory in because of that? I am not a comic reader so I don’t know how much and in what way Titans pulls from the comics and I don’t know anything about Dick and Kory’s stories in the comics either, so i don’t really have any guesses of what comic storyline they could be drawing from if this is the case. But if he is referring to comic readers when he says “anyone with a keen eye,” i’m excited to see what those who are comic readers will have to say about the season in regards to Dick and Kory when it comes out!
So yeah, I think this interview was pretty positive. And it makes me believe more in my guess of the status of Dick and Kory this season is correct. That they wont’ officially get together but that there will be hints and movement towards that direction. Which is just fine by me! I know some people really want them to get together this season, but all I really need out of them this season is: 1) to have scenes together, 2) for their scenes to be good and for their relationship/friendship to be important, and 3) for there to be at least some signs pointing towards an eventual romance between them.
So yeah, very excited to see what they do with their relationship this season!
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zkfanworkweek · 4 years
ZFAW Fan Content Creator Interviews: HayleyNFoster
Hey everyone! We hope you’re all excited for ZFAW, and to honor (ha!) ZFAW’s commitment to supporting and celebrating fan content creators in the Zutara fandom, we’re going to be rolling out a series of interviews with well-known and widely-beloved content creators over the next few weeks. We’ve got artists and fanfiction authors, some names you recognize as well as a few phenomenal up-and-coming talents, and we can’t wait for you to meet them all!
For the second interview in this cycle, we have our best propaganda creator and this fandom’s hottest new artist/undisputed queen of the animatic, @hayleynfoster!
1. Tell us about how you came to ship Zutara. What does this ship mean to you?
When I was around 14 or 15 and caught Avatar: The Last Airbender on television, I was drawn in by the art style, the humor, and the wonderful characters. I caught the episodes out of order, and the first one I saw and wasn’t prepared to be sucked in by was The Waterbending Scroll. It intrigued me at that age, and the line “I’ll save you from the pirates” combined with the tension between Katara and Zuko in that whole scene was electrifying. I remember my teenage self thinking these two have so much chemistry! And when I saw a commercial on Nickelodeon that featured fanart submitted by fellow Avatar fans, I realized that I could do that to! So I set about making Zutara fanart for myself. I stumbled onto Youtube, practically in its infancy, and discovered that people set clips of Zuko and Katara set to music (And this was still in season 1 days… so people who made these amvs were the real mvps because they were able to make compelling narratives in their amvs with like practically nothing to work with!). The AMVs really spurred my interest in this couple, I remember distinctly one Zutara AMV using the Dido song White Flag utterly capturing my imagination. I found fandom shortly after, getting into deviantart and forums. But the ship really began to mean something to me when, as I was working on my drawings in the computer lab at school, a buoyant presence hovered over my shoulder noticing my Zutara art on the computer screen. The girl was someone I had never really talked to and had only seen from afar but she immediately started excitedly saying she shipped Zuko and Katara too! In this simple shared obsession, I made one of the best friends I’ve ever had and we’re still friends to this day. We would theorize and fangirl over Avatar like it was nobody’s business; we poured over bootleg San Diego Comic Con footage that showed spoilers for season 2 before it aired; we lost our freaking minds when we finally saw The Crossroads of Destiny. We had watch parties every week as Season 3 of A:TLA aired, and comforted each other when the show ended as it did (much ranting was shared). Those are some of my happiest memories from high school… all because this one pairing from this wonderful show. Even though Zutara didn’t happen, we still chat every now and then about it. Zutara will probably be a lifelong obsession, always bubbling under the surface. And without it, I would have never realized that animation was a viable career path. It really did inspire everything including the work I’m doing to this day in the animation industry. I owe a lot to this ship and to Avatar: the Last Airbender.
2. What inspires you to create zutara fanworks?
The resurgence of Avatar: The Last Airbender this year really helped sort of spark that dormant love I had for Zutara. The show’s ending still disappointed me on the rewatch, but Zuko and Katara’s relationship arc was as captivating as ever, so I turned to some fanfiction and looking at people’s pretty Zutara art and AMVs to just revel in fanon instead of getting to hung up on the actual ending of the show. But then I realized, with quarantine and my work load being pretty light, I had time to actually make all new Zutara art for myself, art I was never fully capable of making as a kid, but now could do with my 7 years of industry experience and just… life experience. And I was inspired to do some corrective animatics to satisfy my own desire for a different ending. I just really like exploring these two characters, doing different and interesting things with them, and frankly I’m inspired to make cute, fluffy, romantic art simply by virtue of living in a really sad and depressing world. Things are so crazy right now, creating art about two characters I love being in love, is comforting. And it helps to have inspiring music and amazing Zutara amvs to just sort of stir up my emotions and imagery in my head to make into animatics and art.
3. Be selfish - if you could request one fanwork based on your own art/fanfic, what would it be? What would you absolutely love to see someone create?
Ohhhh… Well, It’s always nice to have people write fanfiction that puts words to my animatics. I am not that great at coming up with dialog myself, so I’ve just chosen to indulge in visuals and emotions for my boards. But when I read things like RideBoldlyRide’s take on my Reunion Animatic, it makes me pretty giddy. (They finally have voices!) :) And this is the MOST selfish thing I could request, but I’m not shy about saying how much I love well done amvs, so I will literally kill for someone to make Zutara AMVs to songs I like… Like, most of AURORA’s songs but especially Exist for Love, Sunseeker by The Naked and Famous, Promises or Take Me by Aly & AJ, Adore You by Harry Styles, Human Enough by ONR, Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine, and/or Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier just… I can see the AMVs so clearly to any of these songs in my head, but I don’t have the tools or skill set at my disposal to make a compelling fan video. When I was in high school, I originally thought I wanted to go into video editing simply because I loved making very crappy AMVs (they were so bad you guys), but I figured out being a storyboard artist was more in my wheelhouse. haha
4. Any words for people who are new to the fandom and/or nervous about sharing their work for the first time?
If you’re new to the Zutara fandom, just have a good time! Don’t waste too much time arguing with people over your shipping preferences. I wasted so much of my teen years having pointless shipping wars with people on DeviantArt, and I’m just so much happier nowadays because I’m just making Zutara art in my little corner of the internet, and honestly, in the politest of ways, I don’t give a shit if people don’t like my art or Zutara. haha I think that’s sort of a key thing for people thinking of posting creative works here in the fandom, just make art for yourself, satisfy your own desires for the pairing, get your creative sparks flying, and create just for the joy of creating. It’s always nice to get comments and such, but simply making the art should be what spurs you on, not the external validation. And have a good time, don’t worry too much - I say as someone who worries about EVERYTHING. But honestly, making art for A:TLA is some of the most relaxed I’ve been because I make it just for me. I’m lucky others seem to like it too!
5. What’s an idea for a fanwork that you have but haven't gotten around to making?
I have an idea for a second generation storyline with my Zutara kids that involves Kya (the eldest firebending daughter) falling in love with an airbender boy (tentatively named Gora in my headcanon who’s a bit of a rabble rouser and one of Aang’s kids he had with a Kyoshi Warrior), and then they start a socialist revolution in the Fire Nation in order to dismantle all of the hierarchical societies across the Avatar world… Together Kya and Gora Fan the Flames of revolution… ehhhhh... Get it?? Oh! Oh, and then Katara, who had put in legit liberal reforms in her time as Fire Lady listens to her daughter after resisting in the first part of the story, but then realizes she can actually play a part in the dissolution of the royalty and is also active in the revolution realizing that moderate liberal reforms are no substitute for a society free of serving royalty (which she had always been uncomfortable with but had rationalized with herself that she was doing good in her capacity as Fire Lady.) I just feel like there’s a lot of cool potential for discussing these ideas and also having some aspirational change in the Avatar world. lol For aesthetics and just happy fluffy times, I can indulge in Fire Lady and Fire Lord Zuko stuff, but really at the end of the day, I take issue with the structures in a society that have to exist for monarchies to exist. Soooo, I kind of want to do my own corrective story for that… if I ever have the time or guts. On a less ambitious note, I would love to do a Zutara sparring animatic to practice doing action, but I need a good story; I am not good at doing fights just for fighting’s sake. Those are just some things I have rattling around in my head.  
6. Are you participating in ZFAW? If so want to give us a hint as to your plans?
Yes! The most I can say is I have one animatic almost finished and one that’s still being thumbnailed. The rest are probably going to be comics or emotive single pieces based on the fanfics I really like right now. :)
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alienahellsparkle · 3 years
❦ List fandoms of my heart: №3 (the last).
✯ Kuroshitsuji (Dark Butler)
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This anime is my guide to the world of anime, my first of all, and the first that I liked. In addition, I have been watching it since I was 13 (omg, how old I am..).
I can say, from it I learned what anime is. It is one of my favorites and one of those that I can revisit (P.S .: And I'm still waiting for the new season or new full-length films, although no one said anything or promised anything about it).
The advantages of this anime are - interesting plots, 19th century setting mixed with the supernatural, soundtracks and a huge number of different characters for every taste. As I can tell, everyone will find their ideal 2D kun or chan here.
I could single out a lot of cool characters, but I'm afraid they could be spoilers too, so I'll just mention a few of my personal favorites.
Sebastian is a demon butler and another protagonist besides Ciel. A jack of all trades, a cool killer and one of the most real handsome men who stole many hearts from the female audience, who is in many similar tops and sometimes even has leading positions. I can say that he was my very first anime - love.
Prince Soma is an Indian prince. I don't know how many fans he has, but I think not as many as Sebastian and Ciel. Actually, Soma is the one who attracted me much more and my love for Sebastian did not last forever. This is because Soma, in addition to being beautiful and Indian (which was important to me as a lover of Bollywood films and music, and also interested in Indian culture), has a sweet and good personality. Three combos!
Madame Red is a bright woman with a difficult fate. I guess there isn't much more to say here (spoilers, spoilers, damn it).
Pluto is a devilish dog. Cutie, charming, with one cool ability and mine another anime-love (those who know this character and his unusual ability - yes - yes, I know it's weird to fall in love with characters like him).
As I said, the soundtracks are wonderful - some of the tunes have some classic notes in them, and also, the opening can be recognized from a thousand and it is easy to remember which anime it belongs to.
Also, there are elements of detective and crime, which also adds its own special shades and makes this anime even more interesting and aesthetically pleasing.
I look forward to continuing with it and begin to show interest in anime of a similar genre and setting in one (I found something similar, for example, as "House of Shadows").
✯ Dame x Prince 
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Another anime that became my find and I can watch it many times. I liked it so much that after I found it (in 2018 it was a spring novelty), I watched almost all the episodes in one gulp and only later realized that it ends too quickly, because I could not stop in time.
This anime contains everything that I love about the reverse - harems - beautiful drawing, bright colors, romance, elements of comedy and fantasy, attractive male characters and not a stupid main character who can be respected.
We can say that Ani is one of the few normal owners of a harem, but she can be considered a diamond among them. She is encouraged by her courage and the fact that she is not embarrassed when guys compliment her or try to flirt (I could say more about her, but these will be spoilers).
Despite the fact that here the male characters are clichéd, for example - a kind cutie, handsome womanizer, narcissistic rude and so on, they look cool and interesting to watch, it's a pity that we will never know which of them Ani chose in the end.
In addition, there is one more plus in the form of a good plot, after which it helps some characters to reveal themselves.
Even if many people do not always take girly harem animes well and consider them worthless and empty, just to please teenage girls with cute romance in a colorful wrapper, this anime genre also deserves a place to be. Who knows, maybe soon the reverse - harems will evolve even more, at least there are already some anime-worthy options. Everything has its fans..
In general, this is a good and positive anime that can bring more colors to life. And I still hope for season 2.. 
✯ Nanbaka
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When you watch a video on the topic: "Guess the gender of anime characters", you will not think that in this way you will be able to discover a new anime. That's how I found out about Nanbaka, after which I watched the first season in a couple of days.
I associate this anime with the beginning of July 2018 and the dairy drinks Twix, Milky Way and Snickers, which at that time I was finally able to taste.
Nanbaka has several advantages - a cool variety of characters, an element of comedy, and an equally vibrant color scheme. Also, I noticed that all characters have their own special difference - they all have nails painted in a different color and have small fangs.
Despite the fact that there is no romance here and the plot is built around a prison theme, Nanbaka is quite interesting to watch, and in some episodes there are elements of drama and seriousness. However, if the first season is more comical situations, then the second season is a little more serious, at least there are more problems that the heroes solve.
Of the characters, there are not only bisonens and heroes with simple qualities including kindness, cuteness, foolishness, signs of a womanizer, hot temper and severity, but there are also unexpected specimens, such as several LGBTQ characters and even antagonists.
Unfortunately, Nanbaka is not a very popular fandom and most likely there will never be a third season... But this is another solid anime that can be endlessly watched and is one of those that drags on from the first episodes.
✯ Romance Club
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This visual novel often came across to me in YouTube recommendations, in the form of walkthroughs and analysis of Easter eggs from it.
At first, I was not very interested in this, and from the video, my first impression was that this is just an incomprehensible game with characters similar to cardboard figures, but for some reason it became very popular and discussed on social networks.
After some time, I still began to watch the walkthroughs and more or less began to understand what the whole highlight of the game is, and after that, I began to play myself, though at the beginning, then, I had only a plan to while away the rest of summer time until autumn, but I didn’t notice how I began to be drawn into the RC and it became not just a game for one time, it became a habit that is difficult to get rid of.
Now, it's not just a bunch of pretty cardboard character figurines and a joke that RC is a mix of films like "50 Shades of Gray" and "Twilight", made for teenage girls.
Romance Club is - characters for every taste, from whites and Europeans, to Hispanics and Asians, both boys and girls. LGBTQ relationships have not been forgotten here either.
Various stories with any setting - vampires + werewolves, pirates, aliens, 19th-18th century, royal setting, movie stars and fame, Scandinavian mythology, ancient Greek mythology, sea and beach setting, detectives and crime, ancient Japan (geisha and samurai) , angels and demons, everyday life and much more, but the creators continue to delight us with new stories to this day, and I think we still have a lot to see.
Beautiful graphics and drawing of characters, cool design of clothes, and also, here you can learn how to beautifully compose texts and sentences (let's say this can be useful for the writing sphere), since some stories contain wonderful descriptions of some scenes and comparisons of concepts (example. "Stars as luminous points," and the like).
But besides romance, other important topics can be revealed here, such as the concept of friendship, a hard life due to many problems, courage and self-confidence, and sometimes even 18+ topics can be touched upon. In addition, some stories have instructive facts, for example, something about the history of Turkey during the Ottoman Empire. 
Romance Club is scientifically enlightening!
Despite the fact that I refused to play games, since they take a lot of time, during which you can do a bunch of other useful things, RC is the only game (besides the Sims) on which I do not regret wasting my time and it is always interesting to watch new stories and how the old ones will end.
here is part 1 https://lenahellsparkle.tumblr.com/post/650656683336548352/list-fandoms-of-my-heart-1
part 2 https://lenahellsparkle.tumblr.com/post/655103141583470593/list-fandoms-of-my-heart-2)
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mappinglasirena · 3 years
Intro & Masterpost
Welcome One and All to the Mapping La Sirena Project!
If you are a fan of Star Trek: Picard, and you would like to know more about the show’s most prominent starship, this is the place for you. On this blog, I try to collect and analyse any information about La Sirena I can get my hands on. There are (very occasionally) deep dives into different sections of the ship and I endeavour to answer any questions you might have about our favourite Kaplan F17 Speed Freighter.
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Follow me below the cut for the mission statement of this project and an overview of the content so far.
What Am I Doing Here?
This blog has three main modes: Deep Dives into one specific section of La Sirena, general observations and discussions of aspects of the ship that I find interesting or confounding, and answers to questions that people sent in. Below, you can find an overview of the topics I’ve tackled so far, as well as some upcoming deep dives. (I do have a to-do list for which I take suggestions as well.)
Occasionally I’ll reblog some art other people made of Sirena, as well as interesting videos, articles, or general news. Check out the list of tags if you want to have a look at those.
I'm also working on a list of external sources that have proven useful for mapping research and might make for interesting further reading. As soon as that happens, I will link it here.
And now, without further ado: Have fun exploring La Sirena!
Schematics & Floor Plans
Official Set Plans -   Set Plans and Observations from the Ready Room: Away Mission Special -   Stitched Set Plans, Cross Section, and more Designs from the blu-ray featurette Set Me Up
My redraw of, additions to, and explorations of (parts of) the deck plans -   The Full Deck Plans -   Redraw of the Deck Plans: Lower Deck -   Redrawing the Deck Plans (and many in between steps and views) -   Layout of the Captain’s Quarters  
My first attempt at drawing a layout (from way back in early 2020, before the publication of the official plans)
Upper Deck
Holodeck -   Where is the Holodeck? -   Why I’m Convinced Picard has Quarters Separate from the Holodeck (I think I mention this in five or six posts but at the end of this one is the clearest version)
Captain’s Quarters -   The Trouble with Locating the Quarters/Ready Room -   A closer Look at the Windows
Lower Deck
Mess Hall Deep Dive
Sickbay Deep Dive -   Pt. 1: Size and Construction -   Pt. 2: Furniture -   Pt. 3: All of the Things (COMING SOON eventually) -   Bothersome Sickbay Support Beams -   A Note on Plants
Stairs to the Bridge
Overall Design and Technological Aspects
A Short Rundown of the Engine Placement and History
The Changing Wing Design and why it Causes Clearance Trouble -   First mentioned here, longer discussion here
User Interfaces and Holographic Controls (COMING SOON-ish)
Headcanons and Speculations
What is the Mysterious Space under the Bridge? (second half of the post)
An idea for the unmodified layout of a Kaplan F17 Speed Freighter (submitted by @bellerophonm​)
I insist there must be corridors on the lower deck and one day I’ll get into it but here are some brief mentions
Season 2 (alt!Sirena)
Masterpost for The Full Season 2 Extrailervaganza (detailed breakdown, screenshots, and analysis of season 2 trailers)
Analysis of the (two seconds of) footage from the first season 2 trailer -   A closer look at the lights
Analysis of the longer trailer from 2021′s Star Trek Day -   Spoilery speculation on the engine modifications -   Some more general Trailer Analysis
A Couple of Notes
I'm always utterly delighted when someone asks me a question about some aspect of La Sirena, or they send in some interesting observations, theories, or headcanons of their own.
This whole project started because I was looking for a layout or a set of deck plans of the ship to help me figure out the logistics of a story I was writing. I kept rewatching the scenes on Sirena over and over again to find answers to such questions as “Is it possible for a football to roll from the upper deck into the mess hall?” Eventually, I decided it would be a lot easier to just create a collection of screenshots and start drawing up a set of provisional maps myself.
The collection has since grown to just under 1.5k screenshots, an assortment of links to external sources, excerpts from interviews, and one physical model (hooray for Eaglemoss!). I will jump at any excuse to comb through it all to help find answers to whichever question you might have.
And I do mean “whichever question”. There is no such thing as “too pedantic” or “too nit-picky”, or “too obvious” on this blog. Want to know how many steps there are between the mess hall and the bridge? I have the screenshots to figure it out. Wondering where the plants that Agnes waters might be located? I’ve collected evidence and a bunch of headcanons I’d love to share. Feel like there is something eeeeeever so slightly off about the support beams in sickbay? You have a very good eye and I spent an entire weekend obsessing over it. There is no such thing as a stupid or unwelcome question, and if I don’t know the answer, maybe someone else from our little fandom community will be able to jump in and help.
Tv Set vs . Starship
Throughout all of these explorations, it’s important to remember that the set of La Sirena is just that: a tv set. When building a set, there are many constraints of time, budget, and practicality that will force the production team to make decisions that won’t always make sense when mapped onto a “real” starship. Take, for example, the fact that the Captain’s Quarters and the Ready Room were filmed in the same room, just redressed for the occasion.
Whenever these kinds of inconsistencies show up, I have a tendency to look for in-universe explanations first. Speculations and headcanons will always be clearly pointed out and tagged as such, so you know what we can actually tell from canon and can come to your own conclusions.
However, this blog is written partially from a production perspective. Sometimes, my answer to “it doesn’t make sense; why is it this way?” will simply be “for production reasons, this choice was made, in-universe it would probably actually look like this...” There can be great joy in trying to find canon-compliant explanations for even the most flagrant incongruities, but my posts are long enough as it is, so I’m probably going to hand off the more involved explanations to the amazing fanfic- and meta-writers in this fandom ;)
Above all, this blog is a love letter to La Sirena, and all the amazing people responsible for her creation: the designers and productions teams, the set decorators and visual effects artists. Even from a cursory glance you can tell just how much thought and care went into building every aspect of this ship. I hope my little project will be a useful source of information, but more importantly a place where we can all geek out together and share our collective love of La Sirena.
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Can I request reader and Henry Cavill, reader is decides to hide the fact she’s hurt herself while working out with him and when he comes back from being on set all day he finds her unable to move, she was scared to say what happen from a past experience with an ex🙏🏼 P.S: this happen to me a couple of years ago
 Hi love, first of all, i know you got my messages but just want to say again, i’m sorry this happened to you and i hope this can put a smile on your face as no one deserves to feel shitty or sad. Plus it’s Henry and i love him so i’m glad you picked him for this. Enjoy...
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Warning: slight angst but mostly fluff.
Word Count: 1,767
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @supersweetstache go check them out 🥰
Nothing Like Your Last
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You take a seat next to Henry, holding up his phone to film as he continues to work out, sweat glazing his forehead. 
He turns his head to look and smile at you, earning a giggle from you as he does so. One thing you’ve not necessarily noticed yourself but others have, the way he looks at you. Henry’s brothers say it’s that smitten look. The look of love. But you’ve not said those words yet so you always wave them off when they tease you.
You feel it though, love. Whenever you’re around him, it’s like nothing else matters or exists.
“You coming to join now?” he asks, standing up and putting the weights down, you smile and walk over, placing his phone on the side. Kal nudges at your leg, whining until you kneel down to give him fuss “such a good boy” you talk in a baby like voice to him, as if he’s going to talk back. Instead he just barks, his way of agreeing you guess.
You lie down on the floor in a sit up position, Henry puts some weight on your feet so you can properly execute a good 10 without flailing all over the place.
“So i was thinking we could chill tonight. Chinese takeaway, lord of the rings and all that” 
One of the many things you adore about Henry is his geeky side. He loves gaming and lord of the rings and it’s the cutest thing when he get’s excited about them.
“I’d love that”
With the 10 sit ups completed, he then sits down so you can help him do his own, obviously more than 10 but you only workout to keep fit. Whereas he does it because of filming and to bulk up.
Suddenly, you hear the phone ring in the other room “you gonna be okay here for a couple minutes?” he asks, resting his hand on your arm in a protective manor, waiting for you to give the go ahead. Which you do. He rushes out to go answer and you carry on.
You do some Russian twists, some push ups and a plank. All of your usual work out exercises. 
Just as you’re doing the last couple of Russian twists, you feel a huge shooting pain up your side. You wince and feel tears brimming but as soon as you hear Henry’s footsteps, you stand up and shake it off. 
“Shall we warm down and then shower?” you ask and he nods, you try to get through it without him noticing, thankfully he doesn’t.
Once you finish, you both head for the shower. He starts kissing you and being overly affectionate.
He’s away all day tomorrow filming so you won’t see him until really late, so he’s probably just making it up to you now. By the time you wake up tomorrow morning, he’ll be gone.
You shove on one of his rugby shirts, some knee high socks and panties before joining him in the kitchen for dinner. He ordered a Chinese as soon as you got out of the shower.
“Something smells good” the smell brings a huge grin to your face. Well, that and Henry standing there laying the table. 
It’s times like these where you picture a future with him, where every night is like this eventually and that thought fills your heart with the biggest amount of happiness.
You sit down, eating away as he tells you about how filming has been going for The Witcher season 2, hearing him talk about something he’s very passionate about is just another thing that makes you fall more. 
“So what time are you off out tomorrow?” you ask, shoving some chow mein into your mouth, not even caring how un lady like you look. Henry never complains so surely he doesn’t mind.
“I have to get up around 6 and i’ll be back around the 8 in the evening” you just continue to eat, humming in response “It’s just a couple of scenes tomorrow but the makeup and hair is a nightmare to get on and off but don’t worry, as soon as i get home. We have a couple of days to relax. Just me and you” he stands up to collect the plates and put them into the dishwasher, kissing your forehead as he walks past. 
The rest of the night is spent with cuddles, making out and a whole lot of laughs. 
Which is not unusual, you always find yourself laughing a lot with him, he knows exactly what to say and do to keep you feeling good and you’re the same with him.
You’re gonna find it hard to be away from him tomorrow but it’s just one full day right? It won’t be long until he’s back in your arms.
As you get out of bed and head to the kitchen for some breakfast, you spy a note on the counter. 
‘Good morning baby,
Obviously i had to leave early 
But i cannot wait to get back to you tonight
Lots of love
H x’
You smile at the note, your tummy full of butterflies as you go about making some breakfast and tea for yourself before settling down in front of the tv.
If there’s one thing to be said about Henry being away it’s that you can watch shows like Love Island and Dance Moms. He tried to get into them but failed. So you watch whenever he’s away. 
You finish with eating and stand up to go clean your mess up but when you reach up to the shelf for dishwasher stuff, a shooting pain rushes through your side. Making you wince like you did yesterday after hurting yourself during the workout. 
You never told Henry about it because you were embarrassed and worried that he’d laugh.
The memories of your last relationship come flooding in despite your best efforts to prevent it.
“Get up for god’s sake”
“I can’t, it hurts, i can’t move it” you protest, trying to defend yourself against his venomous words.
“I’m sure you do this on purpose you know, injure yourself to get out of housework”
You don’t, you’d never do that. 
You hurt yourself on a run with your friend Jules, but he doesn’t care about that right. He just cares that the dusting hasn’t been done, neither has the washing up.
“I’ll just put some ice on it for a couple hours, i should be fine soon”
“No, the dishes have been sitting there all day whilst i’ve been at work and you really think i’m gonna do them. I’ve had a stressful day as it is, don’t need you making it worse” 
“Okay, i’m coming. I’m sorry” you use the arm of the sofa to get up before you begin to limp and hop to the kitchen, ready to finish the housework.
He’s right. The last thing he needs is you making things more hectic for him. 
You soon wipe the tears that you didn’t even realise were falling from your eyes and go about sorting this pain in your side.
You rummage through the draws and cupboards, searching for any form of painkiller. As you pull open the last drawer, there they are. Paracetamol. 
You take 2 immediately and pray that it’ll magically go away soon or better yet, that it’ll go before Henry returns.
 “Honey, i’m home” he calls out before appearing in the doorway, a huge cheshire cat like grin plastering his face.
“I’ve missed you” you run up to him, he squeezes you tight, bringing the pain on again. 
“Ahhh” you whimper, clutching at your side like it’ll somehow bring the pain to a halt.
“What’s wrong?” he pulls away from you, lifting your chin up so you’re looking directly into his eyes. 
“It’s noth-”
“Come on, it’s clearly something” he walks you over to the sofa, sitting the two of you down and you lift your shirt up to point to your side.
“I think i pulled something yesterday during our workout” your voice laced with shame.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you shrug, but before you can even look away from him, his index fingers keeps your head in place, keeping your eyes on his.
“I don’t know. I guess i was just embarrassed”
“But why? I don’t get it”
“It’s just my ex used to pick on me whenever there was a slight sign of weakness. He’d make me feel like i was a dead weight, useless. He’d even go as far as to make it harder for me to heal and i just i don’t kn-”
“Hold on. Baby, you should know by now that i would never do any of that. You mean the world to me, if you’re hurt i want you to be able to tell me. Maybe that was his style but it’s certainly not mine”
“I’m sorry, i didn’t mean to assume the worst of you but i-” he cuts you off again.
“Don’t apologise. It’s my job now to prove to you that i’m nothing like your last, i’m always here to take care of you, make you feel good about yourself and this is one of those times where i need to take care of you. Let me go and get some ice for it. Wait here” he makes his way into the kitchen. 
You hear the freezer door open, along with the draws until a simple “there they are” comes from the kitchen, you giggle and seconds later, he re appears. 
He helps you lie down, placing the ice to your ribs area and handing you some more pain killers.
He brushes the hair out of your eyes, lowering his head to kiss your lips.
“Thank you” you mumble
“Don’t thank me. It’s my job to take care of you. If i plan to love you forever, then i might as well start as i mean to go on” your heart skips a beat as he says it.
That word.
“You love me?” 
You see his cheeks turn a little red, he looks down, chuckling.
“I do, but don’t worry, i won’t force you to say it-”
“I love you too”
He kisses you once again.
“Please don’t ever be scared to talk to me okay? Like i said, i love you, i want the best for you and i’m not here to hurt or upset you”
“What did i do to deserve you eh?” you both smile, forehead to forehead.
“I was about to say the same thing. But I guess we both got lucky”
“I guess we did”
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vagabonds-art · 3 years
Summary: This is basically how I see Kebechet (my guardian) reacting to the start of the this season and the emotional fall out of that cutscene. 
A/N: Major spoilers if you haven’t played up until the second cutscene, be warned! Also, I am aware of the Wolftone Draw lore tab but Kebe isn’t. So to her, Saint could be right.
Characters: Mara Sov, Osiris, Savathûn, Kebechet (OC Guardian), Demon (OC Ghost), a bunch of mentions like Saint, Ikora, Lakshmi
Word Count: 1,699
Warnings: Canon typical violence (its kinda there) and angst. 
She should have known. From the very moment she found him wondering about the inner Hive structures on the moon, Kebechet should have known. Vaguely, she recalled telling herself that Osiris’s mannerisms and actions were unfamiliar because of his grief. 
He had just lost Sagira. There was no way he could have been thinking clearly, anyone could understand and sympathize with that. More often than not sorrow and anger mixed together in volatile and self-destructive ways. 
That was what she told herself. And now here Kebechet stood regretting it. 
Saint’s screams of anger and sadness still echoed in her ears long after he had left. It’d been long enough that he probably made it back to the tower by now. Back to tell Ikora and Zavala everything that happened while it was fresh in his memory. Not that he would ever be able to forget. 
Kebechet knew she wouldn’t. 
That thing. That frozen construct hovered a few inches off the ground, trapped between two glowing triangle shapes created by Queen Mara was once Osiris. Though inanimate, the posture it had taken before being stopped made Kebechet feel as if it were mocking her. Locked in a position akin to something trying to rip itself free of an outer shell, head tilted upward toward the sky surrounded by wisps of swirling light. A constant reminder of what should have never happened. 
“You may speak to it.”
Mara Sov’s authoritative tone snapped the Hunter out of her thoughts. Hazel eyes finally tore away from the barely open grated door off to the back of the room to meet luminescent blue ones. 
“I’m not sure I want to…”
It was true. Kebechet wanted nothing more than to run and hide, to fall asleep and wake up from this horrible nightmare. If only that was all this was. 
“I’ve told you before, your father still lives.”
“And I’m just supposed to believe that? With everything we saw?”
Realizing her tone, Kebechet took a small step back and looked at the helm held in her hands for a moment. A small apology came on the back of a quiet sigh. Mara said nothing in return. Not that she needed to. Based on the subtle shifts of an otherwise stoic face, Kebechet knew she understood. Or at least, led on that she did. 
“It… Can’t hurt me… right?”
“Not in its current state.”
With a small nod, Kebechet put her helm back on and turned, starting to walk toward the chamber that housed the construct. She was sure to give the Techeun in the center of the room a wide berth as she passed. She’d barely rescued the tech witch from the ascendent plane and trust was a little hard to give at the moment.
What was only a minute or two at most felt like hours the closer the Hunter got to the frozen statue. When her footfalls fell silent was when it started speaking to her. 
“I am at your mercy, Guardian.”
Just like before, Savathûn’s voice was nothing like what Kebechet had expected. Not that she really knew what to expect other than low guttural growls or ear-piercing shrieks. Instead the Witch Queen’s vocals were gentle, almost welcoming in tone. 
“This construct protects me, from those who wish me harm. From my worm’s hunger. But it is a prison too. Quite elegant… Don’t you think?”
It took a moment for Kebechet to register the familiar taste of copper on her tongue before a stab of pain pulsed from where she had bitten through her right cheek. From that point on, she focused solely on that as a means of distracting herself. Distracting the growing rage and want to destroy the construct. 
For the most part, it had worked. A little too well. Savathûn was going on about her regrets, being called a liar and having skepticism. Kebechet had missed most of the one-sided conversation until she heard something about interpreting truth.
That was when the Hunter noticed everything around her starting to blur. At first, she thought it was just the visor of her helm acting up until visions of scenes past flashed before her eyes.
Savathûn’s voice acted as a narrator of sorts as she explained who she was and what she had been doing all this time. She claimed to be a friend, acting as a sort of protector when it came to the pyramid ships. The Black Fleet as she called them. When that didn’t work to her liking she took to finding a form that allowed her to gain trust among the Guardians. 
To Kebechet, it all made sense now. 
Osiris was the optimal target. He was the former Vanguard Commander, one of the heroes of the city. The means to Saint-14 being alive today. If those facts alone didn’t win over guardians and citizens alike then surely his ties to Ikora and Kebechet would. And they did. 
The current Warlock Vanguard had no issue trusting her former mentor, especially after the loss of his light. She was only trying to look out for his best interest and keep him safe within the city’s walls. And the Young Wolf? Not only was Kebechet the guardian, she was also the only one Osiris trusted to send back in time and bring Saint back alive. Being his kid must have been an added bonus when the Witch Queen found out.
As if Kebechet needed even more reason to feel absolutely horrible, Savathûn continued. 
She mentioned how it was her who brought Crow to the city for his own redemption. How she was the one to look out for Zavala when Caiatl was a threat. It even seemed as if she was bragging when she stated she was the reason House Light sought out aid from Ikora and the guardians. She was the reason for discovering Lakshmi-2’s betrayal and causing her death. 
“You may disagree with my methods,” Savathûn said with a smile evident in her tone, “but you can’t argue with results.”
Now was when Kebechet really wanted to tear away from the visions. 
Seeing the way the Witch Queen carelessly and effortlessly carried out her plan all while masquerading as Osiris was bad enough. But now the Hunter was being forced to see her father dead on the ground with the lower half of his face rapidly decaying while dozens and dozens of ink colored moths flew out of his mouth. 
“I am no villain,” Savathûn declared as the vision mercifully shifted upward, “and you are no hero.”
The imagery ended with Kebechet looking up at the Traveler being surrounded by clouds that strongly resembled a Worm God. 
“We are paracausal.”
There was a gasp that wanted to jerk out of the Hunter’s chest when her vision finally returned to normal. It took every ounce of restraint not to open fire on the construct with her auto rifle. But she did it, even managed to turn and start walking away.
With a final glance over her shoulder, Kebechet exited the chamber with as much poise as she could muster. 
She’d barely gotten a few feet away from the door before bringing Demon out of his pocket to sit in the palm of her hand. “Please…” she whispered lowly, desperately avoiding Mara’s expectant stare, “get us out of here.”
Gladly, the Ghost did so, transmitting the pair back to the ship they came in on. Once safely inside and settled, Kebechet ripped off her helm and chucked it toward the back of the cockpit. 
Demon could only watch as she fidgeted in her seat, staring at the console as if to decide what the hell to do next. Gathering his own courage, he hesitantly floated in front of her face. 
“I got a couple messages while you were dealing with… that.”
When the Hunter said nothing he continued, “One’s from Saint, the oth--”
“Play it.”
With a twist of his shell, Demon let a ball of light expand from his core. 
“My little bird, do not blame yourself for what has happened today. That thing is known as Queen of Lies for a reason. I do not trust that it ever had Osiris to begin with and neither should you. I will find the real Osiris and bring him home, this I promise you as a Titan and your second Father. Stay strong, Kebechet and remind Ikora of the same.”
The planes of Demon’s shall retracted back to his core as the message ended. His optic was downcast as he spoke, “The other was from Ikora, she just wants to talk.” 
As if realizing what he had said with the fragile nature of his guardian’s current emotions, Demon’s optic shot up to look her in the eye, “Like a Warlock and not a Titan!”
That managed to get a small scoff of a laugh from Kebechet. Already Demon could feel himself relax until she sniffled a moment later. Not even a second after that was when the water works started. 
Her chest jumped with sobs as she tried in vain to wipe the tears from her cheeks. 
“De--Demon… How-- What’re we gonna do? How can we-- Is th--there any… Can we even fi--fix this?”
“I… Kebe, I don’t know…”
Demon knew that wouldn’t help, even saw it when Kebechet’s face contorted with distress. Her head thumped softly against the back of her chair before she started to curl in on herself. The heels of her boots planted firmly on the seat of the chair as she wrapped her arms around her knees. 
Wordlessly, Demon set the flight path back to the Tower before managing to squeeze his way under his guardian’s chin in an attempt to comfort her. When she shifted he worried he’d upset her further. His concern was put to rest when she grabbed the scarf Osiris gifted to her years ago and took it off to wrap around his small drone-like body. Then her whole form shifted. 
Now sitting sideways in her chair, Kebechet tucked Demon between her shoulder and neck. Her hands cocooned around him and the scarf like she was trying to protect one of the few things she had left. 
Because she was. 
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colethewolf · 4 years
So, apparently Derek and Stiles were supposed to be an actual couple before Davis pussied out and didn’t do it for...hetero reasons? So in essence, they kept writing them as a couple without being an actual couple and threw them together with women they had no chemistry with (Malia, Braeden in Lydia’s case no romantic chemistry) or forced it by paralleling the shit put of it to the point of creating clones (of Stiles and Derek) with vaginas (Paige and Jennifer, Slightly Malia and Cora respectively).
I don’t know why, it’s been so long since it’s been over but finding out that this is a legitimate thing apparently, I don’t know, I haven’t seen the sources but everybody is saying that apparently it came out that they were meant to be a couple before it was nixed, just makes me incredibly angry.
To be perfectly honest I wasn’t huge in this ship or shipping in general however I enjoyed sterek. My thing with Sterek was that I was excited by the fact that there were these two guys with chemistry that bickered and worked well together and respected one another and the best part they were not Hollywood stereotypical. I mean by Hollywood stereotypical is that they weren’t overly sexualized together, they were not overtly either too macho masculine or super feminine. They were strong, intelligent, flawed, messy but good men who respected and seemed to really love eachother without being paraded. The huge draw also and the biggest point was that there were these two side characters with chemistry where you saw it was going to happen and that was pretty exciting for a lot of people.
My brother got me into the show because he was so excited about it. When it didn’t happen he was bummed out, he was angry because of the baiting because he and many other people believed it, even I felt used and I’m not a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but even I assumed and hope that it would happen because at least one couple seemed to genuinely like and respect and care and love each other. It just didn’t happen. Just quasi-promises in the form of scenes were they were written as a couple without the romanticism, thrown into relationships with women they had no chemistry way, the type of non-chemistry that seemed as dry as the Sahara desert on both sides (Or in Hoechlin’s case a case of the weird crazy obsessive stalker pawing at him making the scenes with Derek and braeden that much more uncomfortable because even acting he was uncomfortable and she was drooling at the prospect of getting up on him.)
If I find the link with the actual sources I’ll send them to you in a message because I think it would be pretty interesting to read. I think it’s legit, I mean I assume that it was probably something that they were planning but I never thought that there would be a legitimate sources where they say yes this was supposed to happen but it did not because dumb reasons. And I think it’s real because I’m hearing it everywhere, I’m hearing it loudly, and the anger and the rage that I’m hearing it reminds me of when the ban began way back and the Sterek fandom was initiated betrayed by PTB and Davis after all of the legwork the Stereks did to make the show popular, viewed and honestly the reason it was profitable at all.
You’re probably not interested in hearing any of this but legitimately yours was the only blog that I could think of that would hear this and give a legitimate opinion because you’ve been vocal about it and in a wonderfully honest way with your thoughts. Like I said I’m not a part of the community, I am not someone who ships anything. But I did start to ship them because it seemed naturally written, the chemistry was electric, they worked well together, and anyone with eyes and the ability to hear and understand what they’re seeing could see that the writers wrote them as being very much in love with eachother.
I apologize about the length.
Yes, I’ve talked about this before. I’ve spoken to sources before about what happened and unfortunately there will always remain unknown pieces of information about it. I don’t think we’ll ever get a full picture and detailed timeline of genuine fact. 
But we can piece together the things that we saw and experience without knowing the full details about behind the scenes. For instance, Jeff Davis frequently acknowledged Sterek as a slash-ship. He admitted to intentionally writing Derek and Stiles scenes together and called them one of the greatest pairings in the show. He also frequently admitted to printing out Sterek fanart and posting them around the studio and writers room.  
We also know that he intentionally hinted at Stiles being bisexual. He admitted it. He also frequently baited at the prospect of Stiles and Derek possibly developing into a slow-build romantic relationship. We also know that Jeff was fully aware of the Sterek vs. Derek/Jennifer parallels as he, himself, hinted at them being intentionally set in place during season 3A.
Onto things that weren’t confirmed by Jeff Davis, it was obvious that Stiles/Malia and Derek/Braeden were attempts to no-homo the characters as it was not a coincidence that both characters (who had remained single for seasons 1-3B) decided to both get put into separate heterosexual relationships at the same time, whilst also being purposely kept apart in scenes filmed. 
The reality is that even if Jeff Davis wasn’t singlehandedly responsible for how Sterek was treated in the show, the fandom’s anger was directed at him. And it wasn’t directed solely at him just because. It was because Jeff, himself, frequently announced via. twitter & tumblr that he did NOT receive pushback from MTV executives. 
In fact, Jeff bragged about how the show was his show and that he was able to write whatever he wanted without higher-ups telling him no. It was Jeff who bragged about the show being progressive in terms of queer representation. Regardless of whether or not Jeff had 100% full control over the show and the stories, we don’t know. But Jeff set himself up as the main enemy on his own accord. 
I don’t think the fury Jeff received towards him would have been so strong had Jeff not been so cocky as to preach in the faces of the fans. He liked being the one in charge and then subsequently got pissy when fans turned against him and him alone. I think it was a big lesson learned. 
Personally, I think Sterek was the show. It brought so much status and power to the show, but when they tried so hard to remove every trace of Sterek, that’s when the show crashed and burned. It’s no coincidence that season 3B received 2+ million views per new episode, only for that viewership to immediately tank when Season 4 came around.....the season where Stiles/Malia and Derek/Braeden. And following that, the views only continued to drop harder and harder. 
Had Sterek gone canon, I think the show would have been regarded as a major game changer for television. Instead, I think shows like Shadowhunters, How To Get Away With Murder, & The Magicians really helped bring new standards for queer representation in television. Teen Wolf could have had that, but they fumbled their opportunity with messiness behind the scenes. 
That’s what I think about it. But if you do find those sources, I’d love to hear what they’re saying to see if they match up with anything we already know. 
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