#I’d be so happy to be a Mandalorian and get a chance to have a man as wonderful as Hunter
stardusthuntress · 1 month
SOOOOOOOOOOO…… anyone else keeping count of the Mandalorian urge to adopt children running rampant in the Fett lineage this season? I think we about to double Hunter’s current adopted count (4), in a single episode, courtesy Echo and Emori! AND I AM HERE FOR IT!!!!
I love how in like ep 2 Hunter immediately moved from 1 to 4. And now Echo is about to call him and tell him he better start building a bigger house on Pabu because he’s inbound with 4 more, including a baby. And before y’all get mad and remind me they have families already, consider this: even if returning them to their families is doable, they’re gonna need good protection for the rest of their lives, and who better to teach them that than the Bad Batch + Rex and Friends? AKA, Hunter is now like a swordfather to, ~8 kids!!!
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^ this is how this man wants to love out the rest of his days, watching his children play and live free!!! and this is what I want to see too!!!
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year
Cowboy Like Me | d.d. | 13
Din Djarin x princess!reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Violence. Reader stabs herself. Murder.
Author’s Note: They’re gonna be happy. I swear. Just. Just be patient. Inspo for her gown! Might I recommend listening to Dress by Taylor Swift when she reveals her gown? Gif from @fictional-thoughts
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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The Engagement
Something about arriving in Senex, then leaving, then arriving again without issue gave Din an overwhelming feeling of paranoia. It shouldn’t have been so easy –the Crest was able to go undetected just fine, but there was no way that Calisto and her men weren’t keeping an eye on the skies. More importantly, he shouldn’t have been able to sneak back into her bedroom just as easily as he had before either, but there he was, setting Grogu up on her bed.
There was commotion downstairs –music, voices echoing through the empty halls and vents. He must have gotten there just in time for the party to have started. Which meant he didn’t have much time to get her and get her out of there. Din hoped that she had gotten the tracker out, but the thought of her cutting it out of herself brought on an anger that he needed to control if this was going to work.
Grogu babbled, reaching up to him as Din checked over his armor.
“It’s going to be okay, kid,” he promised, resting a hand on the child’s head gently. “Isowen will be here to keep you safe, and we’ll be out of here in no time.”
Din and Grogu exchanged looks as the bedroom door creaked open. Drawing his blaster, Din pointed it at the intruder, only for Isowen to stop in her tracks with her hands in the air. Her eyes were wide, but Din lowered his weapon and she shut the door with her foot. 
“The princess is downstairs with her mother,” Isowen explained, walking into the bedroom entirely, though she stopped at the end of the bed. Grogu stared up at her with wide eyes. “This must be the little one she’s spoken of.”
Din nodded, holstering his gun. “He’ll be safe with you, then?”
“I will protect him with my life,” Isowen promised, lifting Grogu into her arms. “Just as I have protected his mother.” The two exchanged looks, with Isowen meeting Din’s gaze carefully. “Treat her well, Mandalorian. Or I will be who you answer to.”
Din wanted to counter her threat and ask where she was when Calisto was pawning her child off –but he decided against it. There was only so much Isowen could have done for her, and he wasn’t going to insult the one person that his princess seemed to have left in the home that cared about her. 
She had him now too.
“The party has begun,” Isowen explained, resting Grogu on her hip. “The announcement of the engagement will not be until the end.”
“Did she get the tracker out?” 
The lady in waiting shook her head, looking away for a moment. “She asked me –I couldn’t bring myself to cut her open like that again, though. I am sorry, Mandalorian.”
He huffed through his modulator, but didn’t comment. Instead, he simply nodded and exited the room. A kink in the plan but nothing he couldn’t figure out in the moment.
Downstairs, at the party, she was standing alone in the back. The hall was set up in a way that obscured her from view, but allowed for an excellent vantage point to scan the room. Usually, she and her father sat there to people watch. Now, it worked well for surveillance.
Her armor was obscured enough by the gossamer of her cape. Besides, her mother didn’t even bother to ask her about the addition. Just as Isowen promised, the sleeves of her dress were removed and allowed for a full view of the scar that took up most of her arm now. She would let the whole galaxy know what her mother did if given the chance. The Senate should know who was taking her father’s place.
“If I didn’t know any better,” a soft voice teased. From around the corner came Leia Organa with a glass in her hand. Leia gave her a small, playful smile. “I’d think you weren’t the purpose of the party.”
“What gave it away?” She asked, holding her hands behind her back now.
“Honestly, the entire thing,” Leia admitted, looking out over the party now. “Though, Credence and your mother being the actual center of attention really confirms it.”
She nodded once, scanning over the party. Her eyes caught a crack in the servant’s doorway, and a quick flash of light caught silver. A smile spread over her lips, knowing well what that meant.
Who that meant.
“Leia, I need your help,” she finally concluded, looking to the other princess at her side.
“Does it involve getting you out of this marriage? Because if it does, absolutely.”
She looked a bit surprised, unsure if Leia was being serious. But then she nodded once. “It does. But it also involves saving my…a child from Moff Gideon.”
Leia’s brow furrowed, though she kept her eyes on the party. She was certain the other princess caught her slip up, but if she did, Leia said nothing. “Gideon died, I thought?”
“Apparently not.”
“Why is he interested in a child?”
She opened her mouth to explain then stopped, realizing she wasn’t entirely sure of the answer. Din never really explained why Gideon was so interested in Grogu; just that he had been chasing after them for years now. It didn’t really matter, if she was honest with herself. Whatever Grogu had that Gideon wanted –she wouldn’t allow anything to happen to her child. 
“I…don’t know, truthfully,” she finally admitted, looking away from the crack in the door and to Leia. “I just know that I have to protect him.”
Leia glanced over at her then nodded once. “You have an escape plan?”
“I have a Mandalorian and a ship.”
“I’m sorry, you what?” 
The two finally looked at each other properly, as Leia’s husband joined them. Han Solo held a glass in his hand, looking annoyed by the entire ordeal. 
“When can we leave?” He asked, finishing off his drink. “This entire thing is a joke.”
“Han,” Leia warned, looking up at him. “This is the Princess of Senex.”
“Oh, shit, sorry.”
She waved him off, shaking her head. “It is a joke, you’re right.”
“And we’re going to help get her out of here,” Leia explained, taking his arm. “With the help of a Mandalorian, apparently.”
“Weren’t you taken by a Mandalorian?” Han asked, looking down at her with a frown. 
She shook her head, looking back out as a new stormtrooper suddenly joined the party as a guard. He nodded at her and she smiled knowingly. 
“No, I wasn’t.”
Din slipped into the party with ease, having gotten rid of another trooper and taken their armor. While he wasn’t entirely sure where in the hall she would be, he would find her. He surveyed the room, searching for any sign of her presence. He could feel the weight of his mission pressing down on him, but he tried to push it aside and focus on the task at hand. 
As he weaved his way through the crowd, he kept his eyes and ears open, listening for anything that might lead him to her. Finally, he caught an offset of the room –a corner that was sheltered away. If she wasn’t in the main room, that’s exactly where she’d be. He quickened his pace and disappeared into the throngs of partygoers, slipping around the corner without a word.
A young woman stood next to his princess, whispering to her. She glanced at him, frowning deeply. “I think we should take this elsewhere.”
“It’s fine,” she promised, nodding to Din behind the enemy mask. One of his hands found the small of her back without hesitation. “He’s mine.”
The man beside the other woman gave her a wary look before he realized what she meant, then he turned to Din. “I thought Mandos couldn’t take off their helmets?”
“Doesn’t matter,” was all he said. 
He put his hands up in defense, giving a feigned look of offense. “Why do I feel like this is gonna break into a firefight?”
“Because it will,” Din offered as an explanation, and he gripped his blaster tight in his hands. “Who are these people?”
“Leia,” the woman offered, motioning to the man beside her. “This is Han.”
“And no, it won’t,” she countered, giving him a wary look. “Not if I can get this tracker out of my arm –,”
“The what out of where?” Leia demanded, grabbing her hand to pull her arm from beneath her cape. Disgust painted the older princess’s features as she examined her arm. “Stars above, this is –,”
“How are you gonna get it out?” The other man interrupted, looking over the healed scar. “Without, y’know, cutting it back out?”
“That was the plan,” she admitted, reaching for the dagger beneath her skirts. She turned to Din, looking up at him now. “I need you to do it.”
Din stared at the dagger, the feeling of anxiety overwhelming him. It wouldn’t be his first time cutting something out of someone, but something about doing it to her created a rock in his stomach. 
“I…I don’t think I can,” he admitted, voice quiet behind the trooper’s mask. 
Her brows knitted together, looking up at him with a small frown. She glanced at the other two, then pulled him to the side. “Din, I…you have to do it. I can’t; you’re the only person I trust to do it –,”
“I can’t, cyare,” he whispered back, shaking his head. “I can’t hurt you like that. I…I don’t think I can.”
“Din, if I do it, then there’s a higher chance I cut something fatal.”
“No, you won’t —,”
“Din —,”
“If you two are done,” Leia interrupted, looking between the two now. She plucked the dagger from her hands, glancing at the signet engraved on it, then back at his princess. “I’ll do it.”
“Absolutely not,” Din snapped, taking the weapon from her. Between a stranger offering to slice open his wife and that same stranger taking her weapon, Din was not having it. 
“Hey, we have trouble,” Han announced, peering around the corner. “If we’re gonna make our getaway, now is the time.”
Din pushed him out of the way, taking a breath as Calisto and Credence moved to the center of the party. Gideon was standing to the side, scanning the room for any sign of trouble. Din was about to give him trouble, but she grabbed his arm.
“Leia and Han are going to join the party,” she explained, looking at them as they nodded and made their exit. She gripped his arm hard over the armor. “It’s going to be okay, Din. Get your armor –you’re going to need it.”
He hesitated, glancing over his shoulder for a moment. There was a sudden increase of guards in the room, and Din knew well it meant Calisto was starting to catch on that she was missing from the party. Turning back to her, he scanned her features for any hesitation –any fear. But she stood tall before him.
“Do not make a single move without me in this room,” he warned, pointing at her with warning. He knew she would try to fight this on her own; he couldn’t have that. He wouldn’t have that. “We fight this together, do you understand me?”
She nodded once. “I do.”
Once Din had disappeared into the shadows of her home, she made her way back into the fray of party goers. Most didn’t even notice she had disappeared from the ordeal; some asked her questions but she ignored them as she pushed her way to the front.
On the side stood Leia and Han, who were watching Moff Gideon with careful expressions. She nodded once to them as she stood at the edge of the crowd. Her mother raised a brow at her, as if suddenly realizing her daughter was even present, then motioned her forward to join them. That same forced smile spread over Calisto’s face, pretending that she was happy to see her daughter, as she stood beside her mother.
“Thank you all for coming,” Calisto announced, motioning to the crowd. “It is truly a marvelous day to be together in this room.” 
The crow clapped, cheering brightly as if they had any idea what was happening. She wanted to roll her eyes; scold them for the part they were playing in such a farce. But she played her part, standing there silently as she scanned the crowd once more.
“Today, our family becomes one with the Credence’s,” Calisto continued, motioning to Silas who stepped forward next to her. “As he has asked for my daughter’s hand in marriage.”
As if the crowd was excited to hear that their young princess was suddenly engaged to an old man, they broke out in cheers and congratulations again. From her place in the room, she could see everything. The cheering crowds, the questioning faces. Not everyone was excited; some of them saw through it all. Those were the faces she counted; the ones that she knew would be her saviors if the plan went south.
“Silas, if you would present the ring,” Calisto commanded, voice laced in an insincere sweetness that made her want to choke. 
Silas stepped towards her, holding out a rather simple ring; one that had no thought put into it. Why would he need to? She had to say yes; it didn’t matter if she liked him or the ring or anything about it. It was when he reached for her hand, though, that she glanced around the room once last time. The crowd was split; some were too drunk to realize how ridiculous this was. Some were  realizing that something was wrong.
And when Silas took her hand roughly, she wanted to yank it back. His hands were cold, as if he had been dead for years already. They weren’t welcoming, they weren’t caring. They were boney and calloused and felt like they weren’t even real.
As he moved to slip the ring onto her finger, though, she realized that she couldn’t do this. Even if it was all a facade, she couldn’t let this awful man put a ring on her finger and claim her as his. Not when she held the dagger against her skin. Her mind, briefly, thought back to the night she shared with Din when he asked her to marry him. If Credence so much as brushes against you, I want you to put this dagger into his jugular, Din had said. In the moment, it had been alarming to consider –but now, with her hand in the grasp of Silas Credence –
Her dagger found its place in the old man’s throat. 
She hadn’t even realized she had pulled it out; there was no weight shift in her hand. No thought outside of not letting the bastard put a ring on her finger, allowing him to claim what was only Din’s –the only thought she had was not to let them win.
And so she stabbed him, and every sound came back to the room as members of the crowd started to scream. Calisto was next, shouting at her to stop. Silas had fallen to the floor, clutching his throat where the blood seemingly would not stop pouring out. And there she stood, bloody dagger in hand, staring down at the body as if she hadn’t just killed a man.
Then, she slowly turned to her mother, who was now pointing a blaster at her head. Leia and Han pointed their own at Calisto as Din parted the crowds with their child in tow. Every stormtrooper in the room held their weapons at the attack, pointing at her specifically but she did not think anything of it. With her eyes trained on Calisto, she reached up, unpinning the cape and allowing it to drop to the floor. Her gown, while regal and formal still, was overlaid in an armor piece that covered her bodice to her throat and shoulders. Chainmail chased itself from the top of her chest piece to her throat and across her arms. But her arms were exposed, sheer fabric no more.
Her hands raised in the air as she turned to the crowd in front of her. Credence’s blood covered her hands, but her scar –with the tracking beckon still dully blinking through her skin –was exposed to the room. “This is what your queen has done to your princess,” she announced. Her voice shook, but she stood tall. “She has made me a prisoner in my own home. She killed your Senator for her own gain, and promised me off to someone to maintain that power.”
Gasps and cries echoed through the room as she pointed the dagger at her mother now. Calisto stepped to the side but she followed the movement, eyes narrowed. Din stepped forward next, with Han and Leia close on his heels. 
“I was not taken,” she continued, though her eyes never left Calisto’s movements. “I ran from the life my mother is trying to force me to have. And I will continue to run if that is what it takes.”
“There is nowhere in this galaxy you can go that I won’t find you,” Calisto sneered, motioning to the tracking device on her wrist, poised now to electrocute her. “I know all, child. I always have.”
She glanced at her arm, waiting for the shock but it never came. “You’re right, mother. You can find me, can’t you?” For a moment, she hesitated, then she turned the dagger on herself –prying the device out of her arm. The pain was like nothing she had experienced before; even when having it placed, it did not hurt as bad as her digging the blade of her knife into her arm and using it to force the chip onto the floor.
Blood dripped from her fingertips as she stepped on the device, destroying it with the heel of her shoe. Calisto was left standing speechless, shocked that her daughter actually ripped herself open. There were many things that Calisto of Senex did not know about her child –things that even she did not know until recently. 
“I am the princess of Senex,” she announced, pointing the dagger at her mother once more. “And I will not be held prisoner by you any longer.”
“Then you will be held as mine,” Gideon announced suddenly, aiming his blaster at her. Blaster fire overwhelmed the room, and suddenly she was on the floor, shielded by beskar and strong arms.
Din was right about the firefight after all.
Taglist (CLOSED): @r4iner @sgt-morgan @mingeniee @darling1darling @teriolan-blog @venusfalling @double—take @sunshine96 @lovelessprick @mxtokko @ellesvoid @waddafaknik @c-ms1ut @kokoirne @sl-ut @munsons-queen @intense-sneezing @geekrenaissance @dilf-din @tizylish @ruleroftides @aheadfullofsteverogers
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maybege · 1 year
Paz with no. 56 please 😵‍💫🥵 you’re amazing!! Thank you!!
Guess who is back, babes! After starting 2023 off with the trip of my dreams, I am finally back home and so so so excited to post this smut prompt. Thank you so much for sending in a prompt! I know it has been taking me a long time but I am honestly s proud of this one, even if it kind of got out of hand but it was a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoy reading it. As always, let me know what you thought in a comment or reblog!
Annual Chances
Summary: Paz chooses you at the yearly festivities.
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 5.3k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: explicit sexual content, consensual aphrodisiac, dom!Paz, sub!Reader, breeding  kink, a whole lot of size kink, verbal degradation, creampie(s), implied cockwarming
Prompts: #56 “I’d like to breed you.”
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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“Get up, sleepyhead, the invitations are in!”
You sat up, startled from your sleep and still half away in your dreams. There, the sun was shining on your bare skin, warming you from the inside out as you watched Paz play with your children, their laughter echoing through your head even as you saw your friend. Even as the reality you wished for dissolved all around you.
“Chants, what the fuck?” you hissed, unhappy to be pulled from your dreams so early and so roughly.
But your friend did not care, he simply skipped through the doorway, settling down at your side as he thrust a piece of paper in your face. By the looks of him, he had probably been awake for hours already, his job in the healing wings demanding a rather flexible sleep and work schedule.
“The invitations are in!” he repeated, a wide smile on his face, “This is your chance to finally snag that warrior of yours.”
You sat up, trying to ignore how your heart sped up from the mere thought of him. “I won’t be snagging anyone,” you corrected groggily, fishing the piece of paper from his hand, “Besides who knows if I have time to attend ...”
“Oh no, we will not have that discussion at all,” Chants protested quickly, throwing himself you’re your mattress and just barely missing your shin, “You were moping for weeks when you missed your chance at last year’s feast and I am frankly too busy having fun to anticipate having to nurse you back to happiness.”
“I wasn’t moping,” you protested with a pout, “I was just … thinking.”
“About how much happier you would be if a certain warrior carried you off into the sunset, I know,” Chants replied easily and you chose not to discuss it anymore. Perhaps he was right … Who were you kidding, of course, he was right.
You had had a crush on Paz Vizsla from afar for a long time. As soon as your clans had joined together and he had arrived with the first warriors, you had had only eyes for him. And how could you not? He was a fine specimen of a man, tall, and broad, with a deep voice that send shivers down your spine and a laugh that made you wish for a future when you could see his face.
But, alas, your shyness and his high status in the covert did not work well together. You hardly got to see him alone, and sometimes, weeks passed when you didn’t cross paths no matter how much you wished for it. And even if you managed to see him, to be in the same room as him, you were too nervous to speak.
More than once, Chants had suggested that you use the annual matchmaking feast to shoot your shot. Every person of age was invited to the party and it was without a doubt the event of the year. After all, Mandalorians valued their foundlings above everything and any excuse to celebrate what was most likely going to be the date of conception for some future ones was welcome. Countless couples had found together at the feasts over the years and the thought that it could be the day when you and Paz joined was … intriguing, to say the least.
Only that you had been too shy to attend for a long time and when you had finally gathered the courage to go to the party last year, Paz Vizsla had not been there. At the time, you were convinced that he had already chosen someone as his mate and, much to Chants’ dismay, had vowed never to attend again.
But it seemed your friend would not take a no for an answer this year.
“I hate this,” you muttered under your breath, trying your best to ignore your racing heart. Was it possible to throw up from nervousness? Because you were sure you could feel your stomach doing somersaults in the confines of your body.
“No, you don’t,” Chants replied easily, taking a sip of his sparkling drink, “At least the food is great.”
“I could have great food at home.”
“Yeah but not with a view like that.”
Your eyes followed his and landed on a group of broad-shouldered warriors that talked with each other by the bar. Which was ironic considering they all had their helmets on.
That was why, as soon as you had entered the packed hall with Chants on your heels, you had fled to the buffet table. The chances were considerably low and it allowed you to at least try and calm the fuck down.
In the meantime, Chants was happy because your position by the buffet granted him the perfect view of what the covert had to offer.
You tugged at your dress, feeling constricted in the ridiculous gown your friend had talked you into.
“Don’t do this,” he said.
“Don’t do what?” you asked grumpily,
“Don’t self-sabotage,” he said calmly, “You are so scared of Vizsla rejecting you that you don’t even put yourself out there and –“
Your heart clenched, his pointed words finding their target. He knew you too well, or maybe just well enough because you had to admit he was right.
“And what?” you asked, shoulders slumping as you searched the buffet for something to catch your eyes.
“That’s Paz Vizsla coming our way,” Chants murmured, his elbow digging into your middle, “I think he’s coming to us.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you mumbled, fishing another appetizer from the buffet, “Paz Vizsla would never come to us. He’s way too –“
“Way too what?”
You froze, slowly turning around and looking at the warrior before you.
Paz Vizsla was a huge man, imposing and intimidating even when he tried not to be and with a reputation that followed him from the battlefield to every place he went. It was rumoured that he had never lost a fight before and now that you saw him up close, taking in the sheer size of him, you had no trouble believing it.
“Way too, uh, busy?” you grimaced at how weak your voice sounded.
“Of the two of us, I’d say you’re the busy one,” he replied with a tilt of his helmet, “this is the first year you’re attending the festivities.”
“That’s not true,” you frowned, “I attended last year as well.”
The man in front of you hummed, as if in thought, and you took the opportunity to just … look at him.
Your eyes slid over his broad shoulders to his thick arms and large hands and you found yourself wishing to know what it was like to feel them on your body. Or in your body. Preferably both.
“I’m afraid I was not there for long last year. That would explain it,” he finally said, still looking at you. You wondered if he noticed your stares because he straightened up a little, clenching his fists and relaxing them and the veins stood out. Stars, how could one man be so attractive?
“You know what, I think someone’s calling me,” Chants suddenly said and you were embarrassed to find that you had completely forgotten he was right next to you. What kind of crush was this?
“Of course,” Paz said and you both watched your friend leave in silence, immediately swallowed up by groups of people.
The realization that you were both alone now came suddenly and unexpectedly and you felt your heart skip one or two beats. Because what were you supposed to say now? Here was the man you had been pining after for so long, here was your chance to say something, to impress him, to make him fall in love with you.
“Hello,” you managed to bring out, hoping that your smile wasn’t as wavering as your courage.
He chuckled, low and rumbly and you swore you felt it in your chest. “Hello, little one,” he greeted you, grabbing a small berry in his large fingers. You watched him bring it up and under his helmet, and your imagination ran wild.
Stars, what might it be like to kiss him?
“I, uh, I thought you found someone last year already,” you continued nervously, fiddling with your hands in front of your middle, “Did – did you find someone?”
He shook his head, “It was more about whom I didn’t find.”
“That sounds like you have someone specific in mind.”
“I do.”
“Really?” you asked, surprised at how close he suddenly was. You imagined being able to hear his real voice behind the helmet, “Wh-Who?”
“There are a lot of flattering things I could say now,” he stated, his voice not wavering for a second, “But to make a long proposal very short: I’d like to breed you.“
You thought you were dreaming. You were convinced you were dreaming.
“Yes,” he stepped closer, his hand reaching yours and you were hyperaware of how gentle his rough fingertips were against your skin, “you.”
“And if you were amenable,” he continued quietly, his fingers brushing over your knuckles, “I’d be also interested in courting you.”
You felt faint.
“Courting … me?”
He stiffened, shifting away from you and you immediately yearned for the return of his touch. “Only with your consent, of course,” he spoke, “Please forgive me, if I spoke out of turn, I thought perhaps – I thought you –“
“No, don’t get me wrong I’m,” you hurried to say, “I’m – this means a lot – but, uh, did you take a look around? There are so many wonderful people that you could be interested in and I am just … me … Why me?”
Your hand landed on his and you both froze, looking at where you were touching him. His skin burned against yours and you could feel his racing pulse underneath your fingertips.
“Because I don’t think of any of them when I make myself come at night,” he revealed with a growl and you swore your pussy pulsed at his words, “and I don’t think of any of them when I think about whom I want to raise my children with. I want you, mesh’la, very much so. Do you want me too?”
You could hardly believe your ears. Somewhere deep inside you, doubt was still hammering at your chest in worry. What if you had somehow misunderstood him? What if he realized what a mistake he made when you thought yourself safe?
But just as the worries seemed to creep up on you yet again, you caught yourself, just in time. You deserved happiness. You deserved love. And you deserved these things with the man who stood in front of you, who had told you how he felt for you. Who wanted you as much as you wanted him.
“Stars yes,” you breathed.
“What’s that?” he asked, his voice deeper than before, “I couldn’t hear you, little one.”
You nodded quickly, “I – I’ve wanted you for so long, Paz, I didn’t – I never, I never thought you’d think the same.”
“Well then,” he said, his helmet so close you could feel the cold of the beskar radiating onto your skin, “What would you say we go and make this semi-official, mesh’la?”
You grinned. This was a dream come true. Who would have thought that of all people Paz Vizsla, the one you had a crush on would return your feelings? His hand wrapped around your, completely enveloping your wrist and fingers as he tugged you through the crowd. You had always admired how people seemed to just make way for him wherever he went with an unconscious admiration and respect that he had earned. Now, following him as they parted for the both of you was thrilling.
The armourer sat at the end of the room, shadowed by her council as they oversaw the festivities.
“You want to leave us already?” she asked, tilting her golden helmet in acknowledgement.
You felt heady, clutching Paz’s hand like a lifeline. It was all so real now.
“I hope you will excuse us,” Paz said, “we found each other and I don’t want to waste any more time.”
“Stars know you wasted enough time pining after her,” Djarin commented from his place on the dais and that caught your attention.
Paz? Pining? After you??
The big man shifted next to you, seeming a little shy and you smiled. This was definitely something you would ask him about.
The armourer inclined her head and, from someplace you did not see, a goblet was brought to you. You knew the look of them well, the drink in it was given to every couple that found each other at the festivities. It was some sort of concoction that was rumoured to be especially potent for … you felt heat rise in your cheeks.
Paz lifted his helmet, just enough to take a sip and it felt forbidden to see the sliver of skin, to see how his hand dwarfed the precious metal. Soon, you would feel those hands on you, soon you could feel his skin against yours.
You were so enraptured by the sight of him, it took you a few moments to realize that he was holding out the goblet to you. “Would you like a drink, my love?” he asked you, his voice low and rumbly.
You nodded wordlessly, taking it from him. It tasted sweeter than you imagined, the liquid like honey on your tongue and causing a comfortable warmth in your belly. Almost immediately, Paz’s hand found yours and he dragged you away.
Everything was a blur. You did not see the people you passed, you did not take in the hallways you walked through. Paz was in a hurry and your laughter turned silent when you felt your need for him burn your veins. Was this the effect of the drink?
The hallways were completely abandoned and as Paz passed through the residential quarters, you found yourself curious about where exactly he was leading you.
You got your answer not a minute later.
“These are my rooms,” he announced as he punched the code into the keypad. The door swished open, revealing quarters that looked much warmer than you had expected. There was a giant bed with lots of blankets and pillows and the floor was covered in soft rugs. You could see his workstation completely overladen with files and plans and smiled when you spotted the invitation to the festivities at the very top of the pile.
Feeling his hands on your hips, you turned around with a smile, letting his hands slowly wander over you. His metal forehand touched yours and you took a deep breath in, relishing in the way your entire body seemed to warm at his touch.
“You have no idea how long I waited for this moment,” he whispered, his fingers slipping under the hem of your dress and slowly lifting it up. The feeling of his rough fingertips on the soft skin of your thighs chased goosebumps all over your body and you could feel a pang in your core.
“I never dared to dream,” he said, “that you could want me the way I want you.”
“I want you, Paz,” you whispered, your hands shaking with anticipation as you tugged on his shoulder pauldrons, “I always wanted you. Ever since I first saw you I knew it … if it would be anyone it would be you.”
“Good. Because for me it has always been you,” he hummed, sounding happier than you had ever heard him. He took a step forward and you gasped when you could feel his entire body press against yours, “Will you let me show you just how much I want you?”
You nodded, unable to find the words between sheer excitement and the needy pulsing between your legs.
In one quick movement, Paz had freed you of your dress and you hurried to step out of your underwear as Paz’s hands worked on the various buckles and clips on his armour. It was a flurry of movements, quickened by your desire for each other and suddenly you were both standing there, completely naked save for Paz’s helmet. But that was not what you were focussing on now.
“You’re – you’re really big,” you mumbled, taking in his girth. Stars you knew he was a big man but how was that supposed to fit inside you?
Paz chuckled, holding out his hand for yours and you followed his movements. You were both quiet as he guided your hand to his hard cock. “Your hand can hardly fit around me,” he marvelled, his breath hitching as his hand closed above yours. He started to move your palm with his and you watched enraptured as a few drops of precome started to bead at the tip.
Your walls fluttered around nothing at the thought of feeling him inside you and you shifted, swallowing nervously. Your chest brushed against his, your nipples hardening and out of reflex more than anything else did you tilt your head up towards him.
“I cannot show my face,” he said, clearly displeased with the rules, “Not now. Not yet.”
“But I’d like to kiss you,” you pouted, as you continued to stroke him, “I’d like to feel you.”
He hummed, taking a reluctant step back and you wanted to follow him before you saw where his hand went. Before you could say anything, the room fell into complete darkness and you stilled, trying to calm your heartbeat so you could hear what he was doing.
The sound of his intake of breath was unmistakable and you heard a thud, metal on wood, when you realized that he had taken off his helmet. You smiled. Of course. If you could not see him, he could take off his helmet and you could kiss him.
In complete and utter darkness, you reached out your hand only to find the warm skin of his chest. You smiled when his hand came up to hold you against him and moments later his entire body pressed against yours again. You could feel his reaction against your belly and his breath on your face and it was a miracle your brain hadn’t short-circuited yet.
Your noses brushed against each other and you smiled just before you could feel his lips against yours. Paz’s lips were dry and a little chapped but you swore you had never felt anything as heavenly. The kiss started out soft and careful as you got used to each other. But having him so close, the effects of the drink making you all dizzy, you couldn’t keep yourself from wanting to explore him.
You sighed against him and Paz used that to move against you, his tongue bushing over your bottom lip as his hand cupped the back of your neck, pulling you closer. He tasted sweet, just like the drink, and when his teeth closed on your bottom lip, you swore you were this close to coming just from having him close.
Lips moving against each other’s, you let him push you towards his bed, the mattress hitting the back of your knees. You squeaked, falling into the softness and scooted back until you could feel the pillows. Paz followed you, his body heat never leaving yours and when you arched your back, your chest accidentally brushing against his stubbled chin, he closed his lips around your nipple.
All breath escaped you as pleasure burnt through your veins. You just wanted him to touch you, to –
“Ready?” Paz asked you, kissing the spot between your tits. His hands slid up to the inside of your thighs and you were sure you had never been as wet as this moment. You nodded before you you remembered he couldn’t see you.
“Yes,” you whispered, hands finding his shoulders and you held onto him, “I’m ready.”
Paz made a noise at the back of his throat and you could feel him shuffling closer, his fingers rubbing over your folds and you gasped when they circled your clit. You were sure the mattress was already drenched with your juices and you inhaled sharply when you felt the head of his cock carefully part your folds.
He pushed inside you slowly and you gasped. “Stars,” you murmured, resisting the initial desire of your body to move away from him as your hands tightened on his shoulders. His head was not even completely inside you and your walls already felt like they were stretching too far. “You’re huge!”
“Not too huge, I hope?” he chuckled, pulling out carefully and leaving you feeling ridiculously empty. You could feel him pulsing against your folds, drops of precome mixing with your wetness.
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his neck as you tried to find words. “I – Paz, what if you don’t fit?”
“Afraid your pussy is too small for my cock, mesh’la?” he teased you and you felt heat fill your cheeks at his words, the desire thrumming through you again.
At your lack of an answer, you felt him relax, his legs spreading beneath yours as his thumbs brushed over your sides. “Don’t worry,” he murmured, sweetly kissing your cheek, “I will make it fit.”
He pushed your legs up, his hands large on the soft flesh of your thighs as he pressed them to your chest. “Is that comfortable?”
His hips pushed forward a little and his shaft slid over your wetness. Something snapped in you.  “Stars, just fuck me already,” you panted, trying to lift your hips closer to him which resulted in your claves landing on his shoulders for leverage.
He laughed then, a deep belly laugh, that made your cheeks hot and your pussy clench. “Paz ...!”
“I am sorry, sweetheart,” he chuckled, his lips brushing over your calf and you felt him shift between your legs, “I will make amends.”
And amends he made when his shaft parted your walls again, slowly but surely, pushing the breath out of your lungs. You were prepared now, for the inevitable feeling of being split apart and you took a deep breath, your blood singing with relief at having him inside you.
Paz groaned above you, his hips starting to build up a fast rhythm that had your hands bunching the sheets. You had never felt so full.
“Can’t wait to see your tits bounce,” he groaned, “to see your belly all round with my child.”
You moaned at the image, walls clamping around him. Nothing sounded better than having him
“I'm gonna fill you up,” he announced between groans, his bed shaking with how deep and strong his strokes had become, “I’m going to put a baby in you and if it doesn’t take today then it will take tomorrow or the day after or the day after …”
Lying helplessly underneath him, you couldn’t do anything but take it. Take his cock, take his words, take the kisses he gently pressed on your jaw and neck.
 “Stars, you’re tight,” he cursed, leaning forward and pressing your legs further against you. Your muscles protested and you felt the knot in your core tighten.
“’s too much,” you panted, “please – I – I am so close I –“
“Come for me,” he encouraged you, his voice raw in your ear, “Come for me and I will fill you with my come like you deserve.”
You felt hot and cold at the same time and with Paz’s cock hitting a spot inside you that made you see stars, it was the closest you would ever come to an out-of-body experience, you were sure. You cursed under your breath, any thoughts leaving your head when all you felt was incredible.
You felt incredible.
“Good girl,” Paz’s voice got you out of your mindless state and you suddenly became aware that he was still very much moving inside you, shaft rubbing along your clenching walls as he seemed to get quicker and quicker until he buried himself so deeply inside you it almost hurt. The feeling of his come filling you was like an aphrodisiac all on its own.
“Oh fuck,” you murmured, your legs still shaking on his shoulders as he slowly pulled out, “That was –“
“Was?” Paz chuckled darkly as he rolled next to you, “I haven’t even started yet, sweetheart.”
You gaped at him, even if he couldn’t see it, “What?”
“What do you think they give us this drink for?” he asked, clearly amused.
“I – I don’t know,” you stuttered, your heart slowly reaching its normal rhythm again, “Heightened fertility?”
Paz hummed, his warm hand finding yours and squeezing, “That, too. But also for better … endurance.”
“Oh stars,” you groaned, “What have I gotten myself into?”
Both of you laughed at that and the happiness you felt threatened to burst out of your chest. The bed moved with Paz as he sat up, you could feel his arm brush against your shoulder and soon, his hand tugged on yours.
You followed his wordless instructions, trying your best to sit up. But his tugging did not cease until you understood what he meant. You raised your leg, attempting to straddle him and it was his other hand that gently held to your knee, guiding it over his lap.
It was impressive how in the darkness, Paz could still find your lips, pulling you in for a kiss. You could feel his heart beat in his chest and you were sure he could feel yours too. You wiggled your hips, causing him to groan against you. Your hands found the back of his neck, your fingertips playing with the soft hairs at the nape of his neck.
“I could get used to this,” you mused, quickly kissing the corner of his mouth and giggling when his hands cupped your tits, his thumbs swiping over your nipples.
“Me too,” he smiled against you, running the tip of his nose over your jaw. You wiggled again, feeling his cock harden between you and even with the mess of your combined juices spilling down your thighs, you felt ready to go again.
“C’mon, ride my cock,” he instructed, the teasing lilt to his voice betraying the grin that was undoubtedly on his face. You could feel his hands between you as he held his cock in position and you tried your best to raise yourself up high enough to sink down on him. But your body seemed to have different plans and the newly required effort to move reminded you just how much that first orgasm had taken you out.
His come served as lube as you sank down on him, your legs too weak to hold up any pretence of control as his cock speared you again. You whimpered, barely holding yourself up on his shoulders. Paz made a soothing sound, his lips on your temple as you tried to catch your breath.
“Go on,” he whispered, his fingers gently pinching your nipples and you mewled when he pulled on them ever so slightly, the pain giving your pleasure a new edge, “Work your pussy on my cock.”
“I can’t,” you admitted feebly, rocking against him. Your legs were trembling so much still and all you could focus on was how good he felt inside you, how stuffed you were, how deep he was.
“Paz, please –“
He did not do anything at first but you could feel his knees go up behind you and suddenly he was holding you by the hips. “It’s okay,” he soothed you, his fingers brushing over your skin, “I got you.”
Unable to say anything, you just let yourself rest against his chest, putting your head on his shoulder. He smelled of the woods and engine fuel and the pure warmth of him made your chest flutter. He got you.
You whimpered, hiding your face in his neck as he started to thrust up into you, bouncing you on him as if you weighed nothing.
“You take my cock so well,” he praised you, “What a pretty little breeding toy you are for me, sweetheart, how pretty you sound with my cock stuffed in that tight pussy.”
He had you bounce so strongly, the sound of skin slapping against skin couldn’t be overheard, and yet all you could hear was his panting breath in your ear, the quiet groans, the little praises. They made you clench even tighter around him and you tightened your hold on him.
Needing him more and more, you attempted to move your hips against his, trying to get your own rhythm going to get hom to move deeper. Stars, you needed him deeper.
“Oh, you’re much too weak for that, my love,” Paz teased you, his fingers tightened on the soft flesh of your ass before one hand came down in a slap, “Let me fuck you like you need, you can be as cockdumb as you want.”
You smiled, letting him take control again, and kissed the little spot behind his ear. There was a strange sense of happiness you hadn’t anticipated, in knowing that Paz really would take care of you. He would fuck you like you needed, fill you up like you wanted, and you didn’t need to do anything.
You just needed to enjoy it.
“Are you enjoying my cock?” he asked you breathlessly, “Does it feel good to be stuffed like you need?”
“Y-yes,” you brought out, embarrassed by how thin your voice sounded, “F-feels so good, Paz.”
“Tell me you want me to breed you,” he growled, his hips surging up in a particularly hard thrust, “Tell me you want my baby.”
You whimpered, the words stuck in your throat when you felt another wave threatening to send you over the edge. It was all you could do to hold onto him.
“Tell me or I won’t let you come,” he threatened, “Don’t you want to come, sweetheart? Don’t you want to be bred?”
His words made you want to sit up but Paz’s hold was as strong as ever.
“Pl-Please come inside me,” you burst out, not caring how your voice stumbled over itself, your despair to come too big to ignore, “Please, Paz, I want your baby, I – please come inside me.”
“I am going to breed you every single day if that is what it takes,” he growled, “Every free moment I have I am going to spend like this,” his finger rubbed over your clit, making you gasp, “Stuffing that pretty cunt with my come.”
Your gasp got swallowed by his kiss as his fingers worked their magic on your clit. “Come for me again, my love, let me breed you.”
And, as if all it would take were his words, you did. You clenched around him, biting your knuckles to keep quiet as you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to ride the waves of pleasure that washed over you.
“Good girl,” Paz groaned his hips stuttering, “My good fucking girl.”
The praise made you preen. His hands held you down on him and you could feel him filling you again, the sheer amounts of come trickling around where you were joined, squelching sounds mixing with your loud breaths.
“It feels so good,” you breathed once you felt like you could think straight again, “You feel so good.”
Paz hummed, his chest heaving against yours and despite the aftershocks of your second orgasm of the night still feeling prominent, you decided that this was your favourite moment. Here, resting against him, skin to skin, heart to heart, it felt like your world was finally complete.
“I think the drink is wearing off,” you murmured finally, “At least for me.”
“For me too,” Paz confirmed, his large hand settling on your lower back, holding you to him, “Though I am not quite ready to let go.”
“Me neither,” you sighed against him, closing your eyes to listen to his heartbeat.
“Don’t worry, though,” he said, kissing your temple, “We have time.”
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x-0ophelia0-x · 7 months
cardigan (y/n‘s version)
pairing: Fem!Reader x Ezra Bridger
warnings: none, sad I guess?
word count: 2,3 k
song: Cardigan - Taylor Swift
summary: He brought the light into your life just to disappear without any trace. People underestimated you because you were young, telling you that you know nothing and you didn’t cope well enough, but even if you questioned yourself if you really knew him. Towards the end you did. You were right about him after all.
authors note: Soo this is my first attempt to write a ff based on a songs lyric and holy moly I got carried away! I‘m posting sooner then I mentioned before due to the fact that I forgot that I got to stay at home today ;D
I hope that you‘ll enjoy this format bc I‘m definitely going to write more lyric ff‘s xd
But I’d be more then happy to get to know your opinion about this 🫶🏻
with that said, enjoyyy <3
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Walking through the corridors, with the data pad in your hands.
Accepting every mission you got, hoping that those extra credits would manage to somehow help you. 
You were fighting for something, something that not even you quite understood.
Helping the Rebellion was dangerous and you knew it. 
Your life had gotten worser, being chased by imperial scum wasn’t really something that you needed right now.
As for right now, you had more near death experiences then lucky ones.
But something deep within you seemed to want you to keep going.
Even if you yourself didn’t see it., others did.
Some described it as their light, their pathfinder, something so precious to them that they gave everything to keep this light… the fire… far from extinguishing. 
Keeping it alive was the most important task.. it didn’t only symbolize the hope you were all fighting for, it was your only chance for freedom and justice at the very same time.
However, even if the rebellion was lacking in volunteers, they always seemed to know everything about politics, the making of strategies, even the sacrifices they’d have to make. 
You had collected some years there, knew some things that’d be helpful by now but whenever you requested the higher ranks to let them help you, your pleas fell on deaf ears.
Of course. 
When you are young, they assume you know nothing
One day though everything changed. 
Your routine, your way of thinking, your life… everything.
From the moment when this green Twi‘lek stepped into your cabin, telling you that her crew needed someone who knew how to fight against the Empire, how they thought.. someone who’d help them organize their missions, everything changed. 
After you accepted her offer, she led you to her ship where the rest of the crew was. 
There was a man, a Lasat, a Mandalorian and an droid.
The Twi‘lek wasn’t pleased though, and you soon found out why.
„Sorry I‘m late!“
A blue haired boy arrived, running to the ‚meeting‘.
„What did I tell you? Don’t let yourself get distracted!“
She seemed to be their captain, scolding the boy while he tried to steady his breaths. 
„I know.. but Hera.. I-„
„You what?“
„I thought that I got some informations on some blueprints regarding the empires new TIE Fighters.. turns out that they were drunk.. took some time until I realized this“
He held his hand up to his head, looking nervously at her until he moved his head to the side, catching your gaze for the first time.
It seemed as if the time itself had stopped when your eyes met.
Maker.. he was handsome.
Just before Hera could’ve said anything in return, he reached his hand out to yours.
„I‘m Ezra Bridger.. I assume that you’re our new crewmember?“
His voice was so warm and gentle, actually comforting.
Taken aback by his approach you needed some seconds to register what was happening. 
„Yes, I‘m y/n“
Your voice was somehow higher then you expected it to be, but oh my force… this boy..
From the very first moment you laid your eyes on him.. you knew that he’d become very special to you.
A lot of time passed from the moment where you joined the ghost crew and Ezra always managed to find a place for you two to spend your time together.
He grew very close to you and being completely honest.. nothing could’ve prepared you for what was about to come. 
There were things that weren’t meant to happen.
Things that changed both your lives.
You escaped that hellhole of a life you lived for so long thanks to Hera and the crew.
And yes, for some time it actually seemed that your resistance was actually breaking through. 
Of course you only knew what you saw.. seeing what was happening inside of a person.. this skill was something only a few people could do.
It was impossible for people like you.
Hoping that you’d actually manage and succeed in your rebellion.. some looked at you and addressed you as delusional, your young age was an adding factor to their disbeliefs.
When you are young, they assume you know nothing.
The Person that grew very close to you.. even in a romantic way.. 
Ezra, the one person who told you his whole life‘s story, the person who listened to your voice as if there was no tomorrow.
You knew that there were people you were fighting with who shared the same goal as you, and still they were impossible to reach.
But I knew you
Or at least I thought I did.
The starlight illuminated your figures.
Ezra had offered you to go out and watch the night sky with him, to focus on the beauty that your galaxy had to offer.
It was a dark place and it was easy to feel lost, especially if you don‘t have people that look out for you.
Everyday‘s challenges distract us from seeing what’s right in front of us. 
Hidden by the empires cruel tactics was a beautiful Galaxy, a Galaxy that shouldn’t live by fear.
You didn’t understand it at first, thinking that it was the right thing to help the rebellion, even if you didn’t know why.
Everyone spoke of a light, a flame that managed to keep you all fighting for what was important to you. 
You didn’t have something to lose, you were alone.
Seeing this light was nearly impossible for you, how could you?
Your only interactions with people were these where you accepted some missions to get some more credits.
Not more and not less.
That day however changed everything.
You could swear that from the moment on where you looked into Ezra’s eyes… those beautiful mirrors into your soul.. was the first time where you felt that there may be someone worth fighting for.
Let‘s say that your guess turned out to be true.
„Are you alright?“
He broke the silence, sensing that you, once again, were lost in your thoughts. 
„Ah- oh- sorry, yes“
There was an awkward silence between you two as you continued to watch the night sky. You were leaning to his side as he wrapped his arm around you holding you close.
„What’s going on in that little head of yours?“
There was a sly grin on his face as he was looking at you.
„Did you just call my head little, Bridger?“
„I may have.. I may have not.. who knows“
„Yes Milady?“
„I‘m willing to forgive you, under one condition“
„There’s a condition? Aren’t I as your boyfriend a reason enough for you to forgive me my.. ehm“
He was thinking.., oh force what was he thinking again.
„Ehm what?“
„What did I do wrong again?“
He let out a nervous chuckle as you once again reminded yourself how he managed to win your heart, a coping mechanism you created for yourself whenever he found fun in playing with your temper. 
„Okay okay I‘m kidding.. what’s your request?“
„We’ll… I‘ll forgive you if you kiss me“
Ezra didn’t actually do something wrong, it was more of an inside joke between you two whenever you felt the tension grow.
„Damn y/n, you didn’t have to turn this into a condition, you know that I’d kiss you regardless the situation“
Oh you’d give everything to just have a few more seconds with him.
To see him again, hear his voice, feel his warmth.
He always managed to make you feel wanted whenever you were doubting yourself again.
Always managed to show you how important you were to him.
You had nightmares? Fears?
He was always there to comfort you, take you in his arms and cuddle you until you fell asleep, making sure that his girl wouldn’t be suffering in her dreams anymore. 
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
You assumed that you knew everything, at least the most important things to you.
Assumed that he’d stay by your side forever.
Oh boy… you fell hard
But I knew you
Little did you know that he’d be gone very soon.
Playing hide and seek whenever you once again pranked Zeb or Chopper.
Spending your weekends together, exchanging stories of your adventures, try to sing only to realize that your voices are horrible when it comes to singing.
I knew you…
To kiss in Lothals’s fields and downtown bars was all you needed.
He drew stars around your scars and now your bleeding.
You looked at them and they immediately reminded you of him, how he kissed each  making sure that he didn’t miss on a single one, just to let you know that he was there for you.
That the times of your suffering would’ve come to an end and that he’d take care of your scars, the physical and psychical ones until all of those dark memories vanished from your mind.
‚Cause I knew you‘
Stepping on your last train, marked me like a bloodstain
I, I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Thrawn losing the game, saving his Planet, his Galaxy, his newfound family… you from his threat.
I knew you
Which was your biggest mistake.. thinking that you knew everything about him, about his thoughts when in reality you only assumed that everything was alright.
How long did he know what he was going to do.. how many times did he look into your eyes while you cuddled, talked or shared kisses, knowing that leaving you behind was an consequence he had to accept.
He wanted- no, needed you to be safe, even if it meant that he wouldn’t be there for you, causing you emotional pain, leaving you behind and possibly reopen your scars… hell those odds were terrible but he had the chance to get rid of Thrawn, even if he’d be far away or possibly dead, you’d be a little safer and this was enough for him.
Everyone tried to tell you to calm down, that he did the right thing, ignoring your responses because they had higher ranks, were older and automatically knew everything.
When you are young they assume you know nothing
But I knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss
I knew you’d haunt all of my what-ifs
Ten years had passed, the longest decade of your life.
Those what if‘s haunted you in your dreams, actions and basically tortured you throughout those ten years.
What would’ve happened if you followed him back then?
What would’ve happened if you somehow sensed his unease?
What would’ve happened if he stayed on Lothal?
What would’ve happened if you had more time together?
Of course you didn’t notice his shift in his behavior, how he seemed more stressed at the beginning of his last mission… more stressed then you‘ve seen him in your entire relationship.
You didn’t look past his cover because you thought that you knew him well enough.
‘Cause I knew everything when I was young
Hope however never managed to leave you, and there were a few things you at least knew. 
I knew I‘d curse you for the longest time
Knowing that he did all of this just to keep you safe, to grant you a chance against the empire, to free his planet, you still decided to curse him for the first months.
„He left me!“
„Oh y/n..“
Sabine and Hera were your anchors, you couldn’t imagine what you’d have done if it wasn’t for them.
„We’ll find hi-„
It was one of your outbursts again, when everything felt as if it was pushing you down, it was just to much.
„Why… why didn’t he tell me something..?!“
„Hey hey, come here“
Hera guided you into her embrace, trying to calm you down as you cried, one of the many episodes you had after Ezra’s disappearance.
„This Idiot..! He’d be still here if he-„
„Thrawn too, don’t forget this, please…“
Sabine brought you a glass of water and laid it on the small desk beside you.
„He‘ll come back… Ezra has to..“
Hearing this broke Heras heart for you, you and Ezra grew so so close to her heart, just like Jacen did, you two were like her own children to her.
With one missing and the other one broken? She was helpless.
But hearing you ensuring yourself that he’d come back hit another breaking point, both for her and Sabine.
And as the years passed you started to forgive him, understand that you were alright thanks to him.
You started to see him in the most random places, chasing the wrong persons because you assumed that they were him. Your desperate state reached a level you didn’t know existed.
Ten years and your hope was still there.
You knew that you had to be strong, if not for you then for him.
You knew that sinking into the what ifs would only destroy everything Ezra fought for, for you.
You knew that he was somewhere out there.
And I knew you’d be standing in my front porch light
And I knew you’d come back to me
Even if you imagined your reunion a little bit more different.
Even if he left you for 10 years without telling you a thing about his plan.
Even if he risked you to find another man during his time off.
You were right.
You’d come back to me
And you’d come back
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
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mando-abs · 4 months
I just need y’all to know that I met Din Djarin at Disney World over a week ago.
I was not prepared for how polite and sweet he was. Like, y’all don’t undertsand. I’m STILL thinking about that. Do NOT fall for his tough guy persona he puts up for his job. That man is without a doubt all soft under that armor.
I’ll put my experience under the cut but I do want to say many thanks to the wonderful friend of Din Djarin that greeted me that day. Cast members rock and he was no exception.
The Technical Stuff:
Okay, so beforehand, I searched online when was the best to see him and how since Din doesn’t have a set meet and greet in the parks. Din and Grogu typically come out of a literal hole in the wall on the far end of the marketplace (coming in the marketplace from the First Order side of the land) and they make their way through the market. Also, since this is a different meet and greet, how to approach them is different than usual meets. Din chooses who to interact with, and it’s never a guarantee if you will get picked. The best chance of getting picked??? Get there early. On the day I visited, I checked the My Disney Experience App to see they made appearances on the hour from official opening (so like 8:30 AM) until 3:00 PM. (And Disney is always punctual so you can guarantee that)
If you read all of that and were thinking “this is way too tedious to see one of the most popular characters” you would be correct. But I don’t make the rules, and I was very desperate to meet him.
Before Meeting The Mandalorian:
At about 10 minutes before he was scheduled to arrive, I was met by a lovely young lady who was already waiting for her man (I know I fellow Din lover when I see one). She confirmed the information I mentioned above because my family just didn’t believe me when I said I knew what I was doing. Because of this, I sat just behind her in hopes that she got picked first because she called first dibs lol.
After 10 minutes, Din came strutting out with Grogu in sling and handlers in tow. At this point, I was loosing hold of my facial expressions. I’m pretty sure I looked like
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I don’t think I’d been that excited to meet a character at Disney since Aurora and Mulan when I was a little girl.
The handlers made sure there was enough space for Din and Grogu as suddenly, in the short span of time it took for Din to walk up, there was a small crowd forming and people calling over that the Mandalorian had arrived. The lady who arrived before me was called up first and she had her moment with Din and Grogu. Very happy for her. And then there was another before me. And then it was my turn :0)
The Actual Meet:
When I stood beside Din Djarin he immediately commented on my Mandalorian shirt (yes I wore a Din focus shirt in hopes I’d get picked, don’t look at me). He motioned to my shirt and said (all of this is approximate btw) “Your allegiance is appreciated.” And I want to say he shook my hand? He was shaking a lot of hands. Like I said, he was polite! Anyways I was like, “Of course!” And then I went into a short spiel about how his and Grogu’s stories have traveled across the stars and how much they meant to me (super cheesy I know, but let me have my moment). But y’all. His response??? The softest, “Thanks☺️”
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I almost died. Melted on the spot. And his body language was kinda like “aw shucks ☺️☺️☺️” (as close as a mandalorian can get to that). The worms in my brain will hold onto that one for a while.
Finally we took a picture, and when all was said and done, he turned to me, nodded, and said the ever famous line, “This is the way.”
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Grogu was not in the picture during this interaction. 😂😂😂 I’m ashamed to say that I totally forgot about him. He was very quiet!!! And he was on the other side and I wasn’t about to stare past a man’s hip. I like to think he was in his own little baby world during the whole meet.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
Choice - Chapter 10
Summary: The un-welcomed/welcomed guest appears
A/N: Hello lovelies,
I know the summary is a bit extra, but it's the best I could give without giving away too much. So as you may have noticed, this story is going past the 10 chapter cut off for my miniseries, so it's getting its own section on the Master List. I think there may be at least one to two chapters left. Who knew I could turn a 7 parter into a 12 parter.
Anyways, enjoy. Love oo. I think you're all amazing.
Warnings: Angst, emotions, things left unsaid, tension, anxiety, nervousness, mentions of pirate, blasters. I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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Din answered the door, while you took Grogu back to the room, and changed from the oversized shirt you were wearing.  Din’s fists clenched by his side as he looked into the blue eyes and ashy brown hair that appeared at his door. 
“Din” Luke nodded as he looked at Din, who simply stood in the way, not moving, “Are you going to invite me in?”
“Why should I?”
“Because I need to speak to your partner, remember?”
Din let out a sigh, knowing you’d be upset with him if he left Luke standing on the porch step, which is exactly what he wanted to do, but according to you ‘it wasn’t good manners’. 
You were back quicker than Din thought you’d be, which surprised him. He wondered if you knew Luke was coming. No matter what you wore, you always looked amazing to him. 
Luke’s eyes widened as he saw you walking out of a bedroom. His heart quickened, as his eyes trailed over you. You were beautiful, there was no denying that, and seeing you dressed in your gear brought memories and a rush of feelings he was all too happy to feel again. 
You were focused on making sure your blasters were strapped to your thighs, as you walked back into the main room, you hadn’t seen who was there until your eyes landed on the familiar cloak hanging on the hook by the door. 
Your feet faltered, your stomach dropped, you could feel the colour leaving your face. Your head slowly turned, till you saw Luke sitting at the dining table, Din sitting in the chair in front of him. 
“You’re … you’re here. How … how did you find us?”
“You’re not that hard to find, love” Luke responded with a smirk on his lips, “I told you I’d always find you, plus Mandalorians are rare these days.”
Without even thinking, you took the seat they both directed you to, the one at the head of the table, no one spoke as you settled yourself in your seat. 
Tension filled the room as the three of you sat at the table without speaking, it was heavy. Din started to feel things were going to change as of today. There was a small fear that began to bloom within him, a voice letting him know, he was going to lose something valuable today. The pain from that one thought caused his heart to ache, he felt his blood run cold, as his eyes shifted between you and Luke. Despite, whatever he was feeling he needed to know the real reason the Jedi appeared at his door, “Why did you come looking for us?”
“Well as I said last time and when you let me in not even twenty minutes ago, I need to discuss something things with your business partner over there” Luke pointed towards you, “but…” he turned to look at you, “I never got the chance, last time.”
“Well it’s not like I was in a position to just stand there and listen to you, while I was hurting all over.” You fidgeted with your fingers, before finally focusing on Luke, “I wasn’t going to do that again.”
Luke swallowed the awkwardness, knowing exactly what she was referring to. He simply nodded. 
Your eyes focus on Luke’s expression, he looks shaken and caught off guard, you let out a sigh, “Let’s face it, there’s no point in lying is there, not with the whole Jedi-force thing” you motioned with your hand over Luke. 
He simply chuckled, as he looked at you, “No. There’s no point. Regardless, I would still very much like to speak with you privately, if that’s alright?” He glanced between you and Din, as he watched your reaction. 
There were so many things that were running through your head, you realized you weren’t exactly mad at him anymore. You weren’t sure exactly what you were, the feelings were still there, strong as the day you walked away. Was this because he was your first love? Could that be why you couldn’t just let him go? Either way, better to have this conversation now, than never. You simply nodded as you stood from your seat, motioning for him to follow you. 
Din held on to your hand for a brief second. He wanted to finish the conversation you were both having before Luke showed up. He wanted to let you know, that if you were going to say the same thing that he had been feeling since the first time he met, he wanted you to know he was ready. He was ready to start something with you, to tell you he loved you. Yet, as he looked into your eyes, the words were trapped in his throat. An uncomfortable lump forming, the longer his mouth refused to open, it wasn’t just the words he was unable to exude, but especially, knowing your own heart was undecided and confused by what it felt. 
He gave your hand a squeeze, “Remember to just be careful, even though we got rid of those pirates, doesn’t mean more won’t come by.”
“Don’t worry. I got my best friends here.” You tapped the blasters on your thighs before you headed out with Luke in tow.
The silence between you and Luke only seemed to grow as you both walked along the openness of the Nevarro landscape before you. As your eyes roamed everywhere and not quite looking anywhere. There was an unordinary amount of nerves bubbling inside of you. Truthfully, you weren’t exactly sure what you were waiting or hoping for. 
“The silence is killing you, huh?”
You glanced over to Luke, questioning how he knew what you were feeling, when you all those times he would throw you off when he used his force abilities, knowing exactly how to read you and what was nothing you. 
“Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about what’s so important, you needed to talk to me privately.”
Luke nodded, as he focused on his thoughts, he wanted to get the right wording. He stopped in his tracks, you both walked far enough away from the Mandalorian’s home, no one would be able to hear you. 
“I was wrong!” he called out to you, as you had continued walking when you hadn’t realized he stopped. 
You stopped in your tracks and looked back at him, his words echoing across the Nevarro landscape.
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lady-bess · 4 months
Just A Date - Din Djarin
Part of the LadyBess Valentine's special! 8 Characters; 8 Dates 💜
Din Djarin x GN!Reader Mature/18+ (Minors DNI Please✨) WC: 1.7k Notable Tags: Fluff, Nervousness, Din being slightly clueless about feelings, Romantic Gesture, Friends to Lovers, Not all Valentines Celebrations need to be romantic, Agressively strong hugs, Kissing (but the helmet stays on).
Din…Din doesn’t fully understand what Valentine’s day is. In fact I’d put money on him not really having a grasp of what date it is, what with all the flying around in hyperspace he does, so the chances of him remembering the famed Hallmark Holiday are slim to non-existent. But, fortunately for Din, his sweetheart is more than understanding of this, and gives him a little wiggle room when it comes to remembering the date, and celebrating it.
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He think it’s today. Or maybe it was yesterday? Or perhaps it’s tomorrow…
He hasn’t got a clue, basically. Din sighs to himself as he disembarks the Razor Crest, parked just out the way of all the hustle and bustle of your town. The journey to your house isn’t far for him to walk from here, and at least parking out here in the dust bowls would draw slightly less attention to him.
Well, as little attention as possible for a Mandalorian…
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You’d come a long way to meet Din. Humanity had perfected space time travel, but at the expense of you getting lost in an entirely different galaxy. You’d found yourself landed on your ass in a galaxy far, far, away, and with no idea how to get home.
Eventually you’d given up on trying, accepting that the likelihood of you ever returning to Earth were slim to non-existent. It was only because of Din’s generosity, and limited sympathy, that you managed to find your feet out here. He’d dropped you off with friends of his (‘friends’ was a strong word. ‘Peli’ was a better one) and you’d picked up work and the way of life around here fairly quickly.
Din would come by regularly to check up on you, although he was never sure why. In his line of work he was no stranger to meeting people who had been caught on hard times, owed someone something, or just needed a bit of slack cutting. He never really cared about the majority of them, only occasionally finding sympathy if his puck had given him a job where there had definitely been an injustice or obvious rigging of the system. But there was never anything he could do about it – he just had to get on with it. For you, though? You were someone he could help.
Whatever reason he had for choosing to help you, he was glad he had. Months had gone by, and anytime he had been to visit you’d been an absolute delight to spend time with. You’d asked him once about the Mandalorian armour when you first met, but as soon as you understood his Creed, and why he’d never take it off, you never asked again. It never seemed to phase you either, and you treated Din just as you would anyone else whose face you could see.
He supposed that’s what made you so easy to get along with.
To help you settle in, Din had asked all about Earth traditions you followed, to try and give you some sense or normality. You were happy to assimilate, to experience the traditions of your new way of life, but that didn’t mean you perhaps would want to ever forget about where you’d come from. You’d mentioned about the “festive holidays” as a main one, but there was one other date that you kept mentioning.
Din had asked you about this date, and understood a little about what valentine’s day was now. Even if he thought it was a mighty waste of time, and credits, he felt for you yearning for the holiday. You’re so far from home, and life hasn’t treated you right – nobody deserved to be moved so far from home, especially not someone as kind-hearted as you.
He decided that while you might not be lovers, you may never see his face, but right now you were the closest thing Din had to a best friend. It was a lonely line of work he was in, and his visits to you made the time on foreign planets slightly more tolerable. The least he could do was show you a little thanks.  
If today even was that day, that is.
He did love you, in a way. In the same way you love your family, or a long time friend. Even if you’d only been part of each other’s lives for a short while, you’d had such an impact on him. So, just before landing, he’d headed to a market nearby and picked up some flowers you’d once seen Peli have in her kitchen window. They’d been the first thing he’d noticed you be enamoured with, fascinated to a point where he wasn’t sure he’d ever get you out of the kitchen that afternoon to go for a walk. The way the light caught the delicate blue petals, so you said, was “like looking into an ocean”.
Din headed down the steps into Peli’s courtyard, the bouquet of flowers in his beskar-clad hand. Under his suit he never normally felt warm, but right now he rather felt like he was running a fever. His heart was beating as fast as it normally did whenever he was working a particularly dangerous mission, and he could hear blood rushing through his ears.
Was he…was he nervous? he thought.
Trying his best to shrug it off, he headed towards the wooden door of the home you resided in. Peli had a large property, most of which she only used for storage of parts. There had been enough space for one of the larger rooms to be converted into a small studio home for you, and while Din insisted he could have probably helped you find somewhere larger, you’d been more than content with your living quarters.
Arriving at your door, he lifted one hand and knocked three times. Within seconds you answered it, muttering something under your breathe.
“Peli, I told you, I’m nearly- oh!” you said, squealing slightly as your eyes laid upon the shining beskar stood before you. “Din!” you exclaimed.
Din chuckled to himself, the modulator only just picking it up over the sound of your excited shriek at him being here.
“Hi, you. Happy valentine’s day!” he said, handing you the bouquet of flowers, “At least I think today is valentine’s day. I’ll be honest, I lose track of time,” he said with a shrug.
You took the flowers from him and smiled, tears springing to the corners of your eyes at the gesture. Your new life here was strange, and while a lot of people had been very welcoming, there was something about this gesture which made you feel like everything would truly be okay. For as small as it may seem to most, the fact you’d found a friend out here who clearly paid attention to you in the same way your friends and loved ones back on Earth had truly helped heal a part of you that you were scared had been lost.
“Oh, Din, you remembered!” you said, glancing down at the flowers and then up at the black T of his visor. “Thank you.”
Din nodded, happy he could do something for you today. And the look on your face, he realised, was worth every credit he’d spent at the florist’s. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen you quite as happy as you looked right now, and for that he’d buy you these flowers every time he saw you if it meant you would never have a frown on your face again.
“Anytime,” he said, and he watched as you scurried to the sink to set the flowers in a vase of water. You smiled as you looked at them neatly displayed together, happy with how they looked, then turned to Din.
Giggling slightly, and a bit overwhelmed at the kind gesture, you took a bold step. You and Din had not really been physically affectionate, aside from occasional arms around each other when in fits of laughter, but that’s where it had ended. But today, you didn’t care. You’d had shit luck recently, and this had been the kindest thing Din had done for you just because he felt like it.
Skipping over to Din, you threw yourself up into his arms, laughing as you landed against the solid beskar. Din instinctively caught you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in tight to himself. It was the first really affectionate hug he’d had from anyone, and he relished in the moment, however short it might be. The one thing he knew for certain is that he wouldn’t be the first one to pull away.
With your arms wrapped around his neck, you relaxed into Din’s strong hold. Even though your body was pressed against a hard metal, there was something comforting about it in a way. The fact he was so solid and stoic helped you feel more at ease around him, and subliminally understand that he really wasn’t going anywhere. Not without you noticing, anyway.
“You’re so kind,” you whispered to Din, loosening your grip slightly so you could slide back down and your feet touch the ground. He smiled behind the mask, hoping his body somehow gave off enough of a ‘tell’ that you’d somehow know he was stood looking into your eyes, so happy to see you content.
Almost like an answer to his question, you got up on your tiptoes and planted a kiss onto the middle of his visor. His breathing hitched under the mask, so loud that he knew you heard. The little giggle you did gave it away as you sank back down to your level, then finally pulling away.
“Come on then, you sap. Let’s go out for a bit now you’re here!” you said, grabbing your jacket and heading out the door of the studio, a noticeable spring in your step.
Din stood rooted to the spot for a moment, in slight disbelief at what just happened. It had been a long time since he felt this way about anyone, and even longer since anyone had returned any kind of feelings. He peered round the doorway and watched you head off into the courtyard, blissfully unaware that he was on the verge of crying happy tears.
Because, just maybe, perhaps the love he felt towards you wasn’t all as platonic as Din first imagined…
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For more from this series, check out the Just A Date Masterlist! For more works from me, here's my main Masterlist! ❤
LadyBess xox
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funnylittlelad · 2 years
A Touch of Humanity - Din Djarin x gn!reader
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re-edited (Feb. 2023)
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Part III: Naboo
Part I | Part II
summary: A sobering abruption, a few weighty decisions, and a wandering scamp who thinks with his stomach. What lengths will Din have to go to in order to secure a future for his family?
word count: 8.8k
tags/warnings: fluff, angst, canon typical violence, Din is the Father the holy trinity is talking about, co-parenting, Grogu is so good at playing a damsel in distress, gift giving is Din's love language, the helmet comes OFF (actually), I used canonical places and history until there was no more to go off of and then made up my own to flesh it out
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“Sola,” you breathe.
The grip you have on Din’s wrist would leave a bruise if it weren’t for the protective layers. Din tenses up. He steps forward, half in front of you. It’s a moment where the beskar stops being just Din’s and becomes yours as well. A wall of beskar between you and the sign screaming DANGER. Grogu sinks lower into the pouch when he sees Din’s stance. The movement places him out of view.
“Y’know, I really never thought I’d see you off Naboo,” she teases and starts clapping, “Good on you.”
Your nostrils flare as humiliation tears through you. If you weren’t frozen, you’d run. Frankly, you aren’t sure if Din will take the opportunity to collect another bounty. You aren’t sure if you’d want to stop him. 
“I see you’ve been busy too,” her eyes travel up the length of Din in a way that makes your blood feel like acid.
“What do you want, Sola?” you question, your voice finding footing so it comes out firm.
“Geez, not even a hello, how are you? I guess I should lead by example as the older sibling,” she sighs dramatically, “How are you, Polliwog?” 
The old nickname sears your skin. Your grip on Din’s wrist tightens further.
“I’m fine,” you answer through grit teeth.
“Good, that’s good to hear,” she says pleasantly.
Sola waits expectantly, still swinging her legs casually. When you don’t return the question she rolls her eyes.
“How are you, Sola?” She does a bad impression of you, “I’m doing great, Polliwog. Thank you for asking.”
“What do you want?” You repeat more forcefully.
“Word around the galaxy is I have a nephew. I wanted to meet the little bugger.”
“Who told you that?” you ask.
Sola waves a dismissive hand at you.
“It’s a small galaxy. Not a lot of Mandalorians are walking around with a Grizmallti and a baby. So, where is the little womprat?”
“You’re not getting near him,” you snap before Din has the chance to. 
“C’mon, Polliwog. I know some people who are very keen to meet him and they’d make us rich for the honor,” she says it like she’s dangling a carrot in front of you.
“You should go,” Din states firmly. 
“Oh, nice, the shiny one does talk. Here’s the thing, Shiny, this doesn’t involve you. This is a family matter,” Sola tells him condescendingly like she’s speaking to a youngling.
“This is my family.”
Sola’s eyes widen and she sits up straighter. She takes a second to look between the two of you, a smirk crawling onto her face.
“Well, now, isn’t that interesting? Of all the things to crack beskar, I never thought it would be you, Polliwog. Not with how soft you’ve always been,” she muses.
“Stop calling me that,” you tell her, anger seeping into your voice.
The name makes you feel so small, so helpless. It makes you feel like a polliwog caught in the current of the Dee’ja Peak river, not strong enough to resist being swept away. You suppose that’s why she uses it. Sola has always been big on making you feel small. She frowns, pushing out her bottom lip.
“You’re not even a little happy to see me?” 
You exhale sharply through your nose.
“It’s nice to see you aren’t dead, but no, I’m not happy to see you.” 
Sola sucks her teeth, clearly growing bored of the conversation. She pushes herself off the crates and lands easily on her feet. Din towers over her, but she isn’t phased in the slightest. Sola knows better than anyone that size doesn’t matter in a fight, just how hard you hit. 
Her hair is pulled back into two braided buns on the back of her head, her clothes are tactical, and there’s a scar you didn’t notice when she was up on the crates. The scar is a few shades darker than the rest of her face but was clearly once a deep wound. It travels along the right side of her jaw, curving up around the corner of her mouth, and across her nose before tapering off under her left eye. 
“Mind movin’ for me, Shiny?” she asks with a sweet smile, but her cold eyes stay on you.
“Yes, I do,” Din answers, voice ice under the twin Tatooine suns.
Sola’s eyes shift to Din, but only her eyes move. She arches an eyebrow and gives him another look up and down. Din knows she’s sizing him up, trying to decide if a fight with him is worth it. He flexes his hand on his blaster in a warning. The corner of Sola’s mouth quirks up. Din moves his head sideways to look over his shoulder. 
“Go back to the Crest,” he tells you.
“What? I’m not let-”
“There are more important things to worry about than pride right now. Please, just go back to the Crest.”
You feel Grogu shift on your back and your stomach drops. You know what Din is asking of you. Go to the Crest, close the door, and protect the kid. As much as you didn’t want to leave him, he’s right. You need to worry about keeping Grogu safe. You need to trust Din to handle it like he always does. It’s Sola you don’t trust.
“Okay,” you agree quietly. 
Sola sighs loudly.
“You know I can’t let you do that, Polliwog. We’ve been through this before, haven’t we? Just like when we were kids, give me what I want. You know I’ll take it anyway,” she looks at her nails bored as she speaks. 
You start seeing red. Rage trembles through your bones. Not only is she calling Grogu it, but she’s also comparing taking him to sell to taking your toys as children. 
“He’s not an object, Sola,” you seeth, “he’s a kid.”
“He’s worth a shit ton of money.”
Din has had enough. He whips his blaster out of its holster and aims at Sola’s chest.
“So are you. Looks like we’re at an impasse,” he says cooly. 
Sola makes a round pop with her tongue on the roof of her mouth and takes a step back. There’s still a smirk on her face. It’s infuriating how when she doesn’t look bored she looks amused. 
“Alright, this just got interesting. What are they offering you for me?” She jerks her chin up at Din as she asks.
“More than you’re worth.”
“Awe, he thinks he can hurt me. Cute. I’ll double it to forget you saw me.”
“You could triple it and I would bring you in for free,” Din angles his head down menacingly.
“Gotta say, I like this one, Polliwog. I figured you’d end up with someone more… cutesy, more your speed. A little hypocritical when you think of the talks you’ve given me, but I’m willing to let that go,” Sola smiles mischievously.
She’s trying to get in your head. You know that, but it’s still working. The rage cools into embarrassment. Heat floods your cheeks. 
“You’re talking to me now,” Din asserts.
“Please, you’re not going to do anything to me for two reasons. One, I came unarmed. Sure, you’re a bounty hunter, but are you really a murderer? Two, Polliwog wouldn’t be able to look at you after watching that. Something tells me that would bother you,” Sola is patronizing but absolutely correct. 
“How do you know I won’t kill you and collect the bounty now that I know you’re unarmed?” Din challenges.
“You Mandalorians tend to be pretty rigid on honor codes,” she shrugs with a smirk, “and I like to gamble.”
“So, what? You just came by to see if you could talk me into giving you a child to sell?” you demand incredulously. 
Sola shrugs again carelessly. 
“More or less. Believe it or not, I don’t actually want to hurt you. I figured I’d give you a fair warning.”
“A fair warning?” you furrow your brows.
“Yeah, if you don’t want to cooperate now when I’m asking nicely… Well, when I come to collect later I won’t be as nice,” Sola sounds like she’s deriving some sick pleasure from this. 
“If you come back later, neither will I,” Din warns.
“Cute. You two are cute,” she seems to decide out loud. 
With a smile, she stalks off into Mos Eisley. It takes Din’s firm grasp on your upper arms to make you realize you’re shaking. His gloved thumbs rub against your arms soothingly. 
“I won’t let her touch you,” he promises.
You manage a weak smile. Din hates seeing the light of your face so dim. Like the flame responsible is close to flickering out.
“We should check on Peli,” you whisper. 
Din nods, but he refuses to stop touching you. He takes hold of your hand and the two of you go find Peli snoring on a tattered couch. 
“Din,” your voice is soft in the silence of the cockpit.
“I… I think I want to go home.”
Din swears the floor of the Crest gives out beneath him. He swears he’s hurdling aimlessly through space with no hope of being found.
“Can I ask why?” He’s quiet. The words are only audible due to the sheer will to be heard.
“Sola found us because of me,” you say a half-truth.
You don’t want to tell him that you fear she’s right. That you’re too soft for Din. That you’re better off with someone more your speed. What if he realizes that you aren’t enough, that he needs someone more like Sola to keep up with him? Maybe not exactly like Sola, but similar enough. 
“She would have found us either way,” he tells you. 
“Din… let’s be honest with ourselves. I’m not made for all this. The one thing Sola was right about is that I don’t fit this. I don’t…,” you trail off.
I don’t fit you sits on the tip of your tongue. Din clicks on the autopilot. He crouches in front of you in the already cramped space. Grogu is asleep in his hammock, safe for another day.
“Nothing Sola said was right,” he insists.
You stare into the not-so-empty black of his visor and wish you were seeing brown. You wish you knew what kind of brown.
“I can’t keep up with you, with this lifestyle. I’ll only slow you down,” you poke another hole in his attempt to comfort you.
Seeing Sola always makes you spiral. Seeing her with Din and having her comment on your relationship with him is a special kind of spiral. The kind that feels too true. Din’s gloved hands cradle your face. It’s not quite the same as his bare hands, but it’s still undoubtedly him.
“Then I’ll slow down. I’ll come to a complete stop if I have to. Whatever you need from me I’m prepared to give you,” the words come out half pleading and soft. 
You blink away tears. It takes extreme effort not to fall apart in his hands. When has anyone ever offered you so much? How could you accept so much? How could you not?
“Would you stay in Dee’ja Peak with me?”
“I would stay anywhere as long as it’s with you.”
With a quivering lip, you throw your arms around Din. The beskar is a strangely comforting feeling. The cold nip grounds you, and anchors you to him. His arms are sure this time. They wrap around your back and hold you against him firmly. You pull back to be able to look at his face. The face of his helmet which you know by sight, but also the face you know by touch that resides underneath.
“What will we do about Sola?” you ask.
“I’m not interested in the bounty on her head anymore. I understand the complexities of the situation, but if it comes down to her or Grogu-”
“Pick Grogu,” you say without missing a beat. 
Din pauses in surprise. He expected you to be on the same page, but that he would still have to coax it out of you a bit. He nods in agreement.
“You’ll still be able to look at me if it comes to that?” 
You place a hand on his beskar cheek. The smile that crawls onto your lips is proof the flame is gaining new life. It warms him inside out.
“I’ll always be able to look at you. You’re not the only one who understands the complexities of the situation. I just want Grogu safe. I don’t care what the cost is,” you tell him with all the tenderness you can muster. 
The emotion that floods Din’s entire being is new and intense, but familiar and good. It feels like taking his helmet off after a long day and enjoying the air on his face. A rush of adrenaline mingled in with the high of joy. Something so similar to what he feels for Grogu, but yet worlds apart. That thought slides it all into place and Din knows. He knows he’s fallen completely in love with you. It overwhelms him until he can’t take it anymore, until he has only a single shred of self-restraint left that threatens to snap.
“Close your eyes, keep them shut until I say,” he gives the orders gently.
You do as he says. The hiss of his helmet being released is sharp in the quiet of the cockpit. You don’t feel his hands, so you assume the helmet is still in them. Din presses a deep, affectionate kiss to your lips. A thrill shoots down your spine and explodes into a million butterflies in your stomach. Too soon, he’s gone and you hear the click of his helmet fastening. 
“You can open your eyes.”
Your eyes flutter open. The beskar is there like it was never gone. The ache for him still on your lips tells you otherwise.
“I really like doing that,” you chuckle lightly.
“Me too.”
Returning home after traversing the galaxy with Din makes everything look different. Dee’ja Peak feels like a completely different place. It occurs to you as you walk through the town to get to your house that, perhaps, it’s you that’s changed. You left here a lone traveler hitching a ride with the fearsome Mandalorian. You’re returning as someone who is loved, as a parent, and as a family.  
Once someone spots you and calls out your name, you get swarmed by fellow Grizmallti. Hugs, kisses on the cheeks, and happy cheers get passed around. Din watches fondly with Grogu in the pouch on his front. Gus sees Din off to the side and approaches him. He sticks his hand out gruffly. Din stares for a moment before taking it in a firm handshake. 
“I wasn’t sure of you when you started showing up and leaving the kid. I heard you were after Sola… wasn’t sure what you were getting at. You kept’em safe, though. Brought’em home. You have the respect of Dee’ja Peak for that,” Gus nods curtly.
“This was never about Sola,” Din tells him evenly. 
Gus seems to size him up before deciding to believe him. Another curt nod to confirm it to himself.
“Good. That’s good. Thank you. I’ve been looking after’em since those two were younglings. Sola… I don’t know what happened. It was like something just went bad in her. It only got worse after their parents passed,” Gus sighs, “What I’m trying to get at is- I’m happy to know there’s someone else looking after’em too.”
Din nods, pride swelling his chest. He likes that it’s known that he protects you. That he watches out and keeps you safe. He likes that someone could look at the two of you and know you’re with him. 
“I’m happy to.”
A hint of a smile appears on Gus’s face. He slaps a hand down on Din’s pauldron in a gesture of camaraderie, of acceptance into something larger than himself that won’t take so much from him. Then Gus is stepping away to rejoin the crowd welcoming you home.
You eventually make your way through everyone. Your house looms over you and anxiety strikes your heart. Din may think he’s okay staying, but what if that changes once he does? What if your house never feels like home again? What if Dee’ja Peak or Nabu never feels like home again? 
“You’re worrying again,” Din comments from behind you after a beat of standing in silence.
You breathe out a laugh and turn around.
“I haven’t even said anything,” you point out.
“You don’t have to.”
It’s a humbling sentence. You don’t always have to speak. Sometimes your body does that for you. When your words fail, Din can still read you enough to know something is up. Feeling so deeply known is a luxury you have never had the privilege of experiencing before. Now that you have, you never want to go back.
“Are you sure this will be enough for you?” 
Din can hear the unspoken question. Are you sure I will be enough for you? 
“I know it will be because it already is.”
A trembling smile makes its way across your face. His words give you the strength you need to unlock the door and enter. Everything is exactly as you left it. Just a little dustier, but otherwise the same. Grogu coos happily as Din puts him down and takes off to cause a ruckus. It feels right coming home with them. It feels like it’s how it always should have been.
“I’m gonna throw my stuff in my room, maybe get changed,” you tell Din.
He nods and watches you disappear beyond your door. It’s a split-second decision that took weeks upon weeks of agonizing over. His heart is pounding so hard he’s surprised there isn’t a metallic sound from it hitting the beskar of his chest plate. He sits on one of the comfy cushy seats he’s secretly missed. Grogu comes around the seat with a cookie. Din chuckles and shakes his head.
“I don’t want to know where you got that from.”
He takes a steadying breath. Then the hiss of his helmet release and Grogu’s excited gurgling fill the room. Din places his helmet carefully on the ground beside him. Grogu reaches up for him and Din takes him into his lap. A little three-fingered hand meets his cheek gently, ears perking up. Din smiles softly at him.
“Oh, do you-” your voice stops abruptly.
Din freezes for a moment, a hot spike of self-doubt driving through his gut. He hears your shaky breath and can’t take it anymore. Din turns to you, eyes wide and nervous. You stand just outside your bedroom door in a new set of clothes. Your fingers barely cover your mouth as you process the shock of what you’re seeing. 
It’s an agonizing five seconds of nothing. Of you taking each other in. Then you move forward slowly. You’re completely captivated by every feature. His eyes are the kind of brown that makes you think of soil and the life that springs from it. They send you feelings of hope for the future. As you thought, his facial hair is short, more of a stubble. His nose slopes downward in the most endearing way. Then there are his lips. His lips that you’ve felt on yours, but have never seen. Now you can appreciate the gentle bow of them, the way they part slightly as he watches you. 
“Din?” you ask breathlessly, stopping halfway between him and your bedroom. 
It’s a stupid question. Of course, it’s Din. Yet, you couldn’t get anything else out of your mouth. He nods at you, eyes still holding all his anxiousness. His face shows you everything he’s feeling. The hope, the nerves, the adoration, and the determination. You stand in limbo, wanting so badly to touch him, but not wanting to move too fast. Din watches, starving for your touch.
“Your helmet is off,” you state slowly.
“Yes, it is,” he answers with a little quirk of his lips. 
Seeing his mouth move and hearing his voice come out of it doesn’t feel real. It feels like peering through the looking glass into your dreams. 
“Why? You didn’t have to- Maker, did you feel like you had to becau-”
“I didn’t feel like I had to do anything. I did what I wanted to. What I’ve been wanting to do,” he assures you.
That voice washes over you, easing every tense muscle. You finally finish closing the space between you. He angles his head to look up at you and it hits you. This man, this face, this beautiful example of a human has been the one caring for you, buying you gifts, and kissing you like you’re his last chance for air before suffocating. 
You reach out an uncertain hand toward his face. When your fingers brush across his stubble, his eyes fall shut. Din just sits there and allows himself to revel not only in your touch but the fact that it’s accompanied by your eyes on his face. 
You’re exploding on a molecular level. Every square inch of you is becoming something entirely new. It almost hurts how happy you are. Not because you’re looking at Din’s face precisely, but because he’s offering you every ounce of trust he has. He’s telling you through the simple act of looking you in the eye that he is wholly and completely comfortable with you. You’re his family. You’ve never doubted it since he said it, but it feels so much more official now. 
“You’re beautiful,” you whisper.
Din’s face flushes, bringing a reddened tone to his tan stubbled cheeks. You smile at the sight. 
“So are you,” he whispers back, matching your smile.
Grogu coos happily on Din’s lap. Both of you turn your smiles to him. He gazes up at you two with wide joyful eyes and ears perked up. You place a small kiss on the top of his head, causing him to close his eyes briefly when your lips meet his skin. 
Before you get too far, Grogu places his hand on your cheek lightly. Then he looks to Din expectantly. Din lowers his face closer so Grogu can place his other hand on Din’s cheek. It’s a tender little moment of being connected to each other, of accepting each other. It’s Grogu’s way of telling you that he loves you both.
Once he’s satisfied that he got his message across, Grogu crawls down. That’s when you see the half a cookie in his hand that he has previously put down.
“Wait, where did he get that?” you ask.
“I don’t know.”
“Din, you let him eat a cookie that’s probably been sitting here for weeks?” you try to be stern, but you end up laughing. 
“I’ve seen him eat much worse,” he shrugs.
This is the first time you see the expression he makes when he shrugs. His eyebrows go up a little and he gets a hint of a pout. Every expression he offers is a gift, but this one is especially endearing. 
You ponder his words.
“Y’know, I have too,” you sigh.
You and Din watch Grogu. You watch him climb up the empty seat with the cookie in his mouth. Once he’s up there he settles in and continues munching. Crumbs are getting everywhere, but that’s something you can deal with later. You turn your head to talk to Din only to find his eyes already intently on you.
Din’s mouth captures yours in a soft kiss. He tugs on your arm to get you to come around the seat. Then he pulls you into his lap. The beskar is cold even through your clothes, but his mouth is so warm. You cradle his face as his arms circle around you. Breathing becomes a priority faster than you care to admit, causing you to pull back. Just like every other second you since stepping out of your room, you look into his eyes. Those unreal eyes are ready to nurture you, to care for you, and to remind you of that every day. 
“I don’t know why I was ever worried that I’m too soft for you when you treat me so gently,” you mumble.
Din’s eyebrows furrow. It amazes you how expressive the face beneath that helmet has been this entire time. How many smiles has he returned? How many has he initiated?
“It’s why I love you,” he says it like it’s the one known fact of life.
Your breathing stops. Everything feels so hot. Sure, it’s not like you couldn’t guess, but it’s different hearing it. It’s different hearing it like it’s not even a question worth entertaining. The answer is etched in the bedrock of the oldest river on the oldest planet and has been since the beginning of time.
“You love me because I’m soft?” you keep your voice hushed as if being too loud will wake you up from this dream.
“I love you because you’re brave enough to be kind and caring in a galaxy that often isn’t. That often punishes those who are.”
Your eyes search his and find only honesty. A smile crawls upon your face. Again, he matches your smile with his own. 
“I love you too, Din. Except I love you because you’re brave enough to be kind and caring after being raised in a culture that teaches you not to be.”
“You love me because I’m soft?” his smile grows amused. 
“Yes, I do. You’re my soft,” you place a kiss on his forehead, “kind,” another on his nose, “caring,” and finally one on his lips, “beautiful man.”
Din looks at you like you handcrafted the universe. He’s never been described as any of those things. To hear them all coming from you is more than he ever let himself wish for.
“What were you asking when you came out here?” he asks, suddenly recalling how this started.
“Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to rotate beds until we figured something out, but… sleeping next to you sounds a lot nicer,” you say, a smirk curling on your lips.
“Yes, it does.” 
Waking up in Din’s arms is something you’re sure will get you giddy every time. Especially when his eyes are already studying when you wake up. Your eyes flutter open and a loving smile grows on Din’s lips. How did you go this long without that smile?
The two of you spend the day cleaning to get rid of the dust and any old food. Din does so in only his flight suit, armor safe and sound in your now shared bedroom. It’s a slice of domesticity that provides you with a peak at what’s to come. 
What’s to come is you and Din working in effortless tandem as if reading each other’s minds, stealing stares and little kisses in the process. Grogu wakes up somewhere during mid-morning. Din had secured his little hammock across your still-empty closet. It’s perfect for his current size, but you’re sure it’ll have to be upgraded as he grows. 
After feeding him a breakfast of warm oats, you set Grogu up at the coffee table with paper and crayons. He’s able to make shapes now thanks to your expert training. The crayons fill his tiny fists so much that finer detail is impossible, but you can see your little budding artist coming out. It’s the most pleasant morning you can recall having. 
There’s a rare moment when neither of you has eyes on Grogu. You’re on your knees cleaning out the last kitchen cabinet. When you take one of your regular glances at Din he’s doing the dishes from Grogu’s breakfast. Which means both of your backs have been to Grogu. The silence you register outside of the running water becomes head-pounding. No little noises, no paper crinkling, and no sound of crayons against a hard surface. 
“Din, where’s Grogu?” you ask as you stand up and look into the empty living room. 
Din looks over his shoulder at where you’re staring. The spot Grogu is supposed to be in is empty. You do your best to tamp down the panic that’s threatening to rip you apart. It’s no use, Din can see it on you right away.
“Has he gone back to sleep?” he asks calmly.
His anxiety shows in how he turns off the water, immediately turning around to scan the room. You go to the bedroom expecting to find him curled up on your unmade bed. Except, the bedroom is empty too. The look on your face when you come back out makes Din’s stomach drop to his feet. 
“Din?” you whisper anxiously, looking at him with wide eyes for guidance. 
Din kicks into full Mandalorian mode in a blink. His face is stern, shoulders squared, and posture stiff. Nothing like the loose relaxed man that was just doing dishes quietly beside you. This is a man on a mission.
“Check the bathroom,” he doesn’t really order you, but you do it as such.
“Din,” you call out, panic fully breaking through the thin barrier you built. 
He’s there, over your shoulder before you can even finish his name. The mirror that extends from the wall is flush against it. The window above the sink is open and there are crumbs trailing over the windowsill. The toilet seat is down, which gives Grogu the perfect landing to climb onto. All of that is bad on its own, but the worst of it is on the glass pane of the window. Neat black letters are written across from the outside in marker. Nothing personal, Polliwog. You might be sick.
“Stay here,” Din does order you this time. 
You follow him to the bedroom where he starts fastening all his armor to his body. Tears are quickly welling up in the corners of your eyes. 
“I’m coming with you,” you tell him firmly.
He gives you desperately pleading eyes. He’s begging you not to make this harder, never once stopping armoring up.
“I need you to stay here,” he says, softer this time. 
“And do what? Just wait, not knowing if you’re going to come back?” you demand, voice growing louder the more you grow anxious.
Once everything, but his helmet is on he walks up to you. Both heavy gloved hands find your upper arms. 
“Mesh’la, I can’t be worried about you out there. Please, stay where I know you’re safe. We will be back.”
“Where are you even going? We don’t know where they went.”
“I’m going to follow the crumbs.”
You stare stubbornly into his eyes. The mixed emotions of fear, anger, desperation, and love you find there cause you to sigh. 
“Okay, fine, but if you aren’t back in a few hours I’m coming after you,” you cross your arms as you compromise.
Din gives your arms a little squeeze. He leans in and presses a brief kiss to your lips before securing his helmet. You stare into his visor, now knowing the expressions that lie behind it.
“Please, come back, Din,” you plead softly, “I need you both to come back.”
“We will, I swear.”
You walk him to the front door. It feels eerily like all the times you said goodbye. A moment where nothing has changed. Nothing except for everything. 
“I love you,” he says to you.
“I love you too.”
After a beat of taking each other in, he’s gone. You drop into the seat where Din sat last night and bury your face in your hands. An ugly sob breaks through. Although you know this is no one’s fault but Sola’s, guilt begins to creep in. Guilt, shame, and knee-buckling fear. The guilt of not watching Grogu better. The shame of Sola being your sister and therefore bringing them closer to her. Knee-buckling fear that you’ll never see one or both of them again. 
You drag your hands down your face, wiping away fat tears. That’s when you catch sight of the colors on the last page Grogu had been coloring on. Gray, blue, and green. It would be an incomprehensible image to anyone else, but to you, it’s clear as day. A gray rounded smudge of color represents Din. A blue rounded smudge of color represents you and the Corellian silk he must intrinsically associate with you at this point. A smaller green smudge of color represents Grogu himself. 
Although fear is still very much present, an overwhelming wave of emotion forces you up. There’s just no way you can sit here for hours. There’s no way you can sit here for another second without doing something. What can you do, though? You’re just a soft little Grizmallti from Dee’ja Peak armed with nothing but the need to protect your family. That self-deprecating thought gives you a light bulb above the head moment. 
Pulling on your shoes as you go, you run outside. You sprint over to Gus’s and barrel in. He looks startled by the rough entrance but relaxes when he registers it’s you.
“What’s wrong?” he asks as he gets a good look at your face.
“She took my kid. Sola took my kid.”
The crumbs lead to the woods, which doesn’t really come as a surprise. Sola must have been seen going into these woods at some point for the rumor of her running off in there to have spread. The woods means Sola has the upper hand. She knows the terrain, the territory, and what lurks in the shadows. Din is at a substantial disadvantage, but it doesn’t really matter. He doesn’t hesitate following the crumbs into the sea of trees. 
The crumbs die off pretty quickly once under the canopy of foliage. Luckily, Din can still make out Sola-sized footprints in the soft mossy ground. He finds some broken branches from where she’s stepped or passed through. Clearly, she’s confident enough to not bother even attempting to cover her tracks. Din keeps his blaster at the ready. This time, he won’t think twice about shooting whether she’s armed or not. A line has been crossed that can’t be uncrossed. 
“Oh, I was hoping it would be you to follow me,” Sola’s perky voice echoes through the trees around him. 
He stops walking to glance around. Visibility is low thanks to the sky being blotted out by leaves.
“Why is that?” he calls back, constantly looking in every direction, listening for any sign of where she is.
“Well, I should have the talk with you, right? About your intentions and all that good stuff,” her voice carries a teasing edge. 
“My only intention right now is finally collecting that bounty,” he answers sharply. 
“You’re a lively one, aren't’cha, Shiny?” she chuckles, voice sounding just a little further away.
She’s baiting him, trying to draw him deeper into the forest. It wouldn’t work normally, but Grogu is with her. Din can’t not follow. What he can do is try to piss her off enough to show herself.
“I will be compared to you when this is over,” he bites in response. 
Sola’s laughter echoes around him.
“Oh, you’re funny. I like that in a man. Polliwog better be careful, I just might take you too,” she teases, “I know for a fact I’m more exciting.”
“Over my dead body.”
“That can be arranged,” she’s a little deeper in the woods now. 
Din is getting an uneasy feeling in his gut. The sensation of eyes on the back of his neck sends a chill down his spine. 
“So, do it then. Unless you’re scared,” Din challenges.
Sola lets out a dramatic sigh. 
“Mm, that was a decent try, but I think I’ll wait for my friend to do the job for me,” she sneers.
“Your frien-” Din can’t finish the two-word question.
Something hard and heavy slams into his side, sending him flying into a tree. The tree lets out a CRACK as the bark splits where he impacts it. Din grunts and lifts his head to find a large set of teeth in front of him, sharp and dripping with saliva. The teeth belong to a creature Din has never seen before. It has two large hind legs, two shorter arms with razor-sharp claws, a nose like a bat, black eyes like a deep sea creature, and thin wiry fur sparsely covering splotchy skin. 
Din uses the tree to help himself up as the creature breathes heavily at him, blinking vertical eyelids. He has one arm holding his torso, pretty sure there are at least a couple of broken ribs to take care of later. Hopefully. No, you promised. There will be a later, Din silently scolds himself. His other hand points his blaster at the creature. 
“Sola, you’re taller than I remember,” Din grunts sarcastically at the thing. 
“You haven’t even scratched the surface of what this forest has to offer,” Sola chuckles, sounding closer this time. 
“I’d like to keep it that way,” he mutters to himself. 
The creature lunges for Din again, but this time he’s able to throw himself out of the way. It slams its head into the tree, earning another CRACK. There’s a moment of silence, the creature stunned by the head blow. Then the tree lets out a groan.
Din takes the second he has to pull the trigger. The blaster hits the creature square in the back, but its hide is thicker than it looks. It just makes the thing roar angrily. The tree continues to groan. Din can hear Sola curse and pinpoints her in the tree that’s about to fall. He sees her moving fluidly through the branches like she’s done it a million times before. Right when she’s about to leap from the falling tree to the next, Din shoots her. The shot hits home on her thigh, causing her to fumble her landing.
She slips as her leg buckles from the pain, hissing. Then she’s hanging by her armpits fifteen feet off the ground. There’s a cloth bag hanging off her back that’s squirming. Din aims his blaster up at her head.
“Let him go,” he orders cooly. 
“How much you offering for him?” she asks tauntingly, struggling to get herself up since she can’t swing her bad leg without crying out in pain. 
Din must have hit bone. Good.
“Your life,” he spits.
“Not enough, gonna need more,” she grunts, attempting to use her full upper body strength on the branch that’s beginning to look precarious. 
She must have only meant to hop onto and right off that branch because no way will it hold her weight long-term. Din opens his mouth to respond, but a low guttural growl stops him. He sighs and turns his attention back to the creature that’s recovered from its pained stupor. It readies itself to charge at him, but the tree is so close to falling. If Din can stall it, maybe he can trap it beneath the tree. 
As it starts charging, Din begins firing his blaster at it. Each hit causes the creature’s footsteps to falter backward from the force. He’s too busy biding his time to hear the thud of Sola landing mostly on her uninjured leg. He doesn’t until the tree’s groaning finally becomes splintering as the tree falls forward, horizontal from Din’s current perspective. He’s waiting to let off one more blast, trying to time it to get most of the creature beneath the trunk. Right when he’s about to pull the trigger, white-hot pain shoots through his thigh. 
His gaze snaps down as he grunts in pain. Sola has a knife buried to its hilt in the side of his thigh. She herself is on her stomach on the ground. Her leg is worse off from allowing herself to drop from the tree. 
“Now we match,” she smirks, despite being in pain. 
“Dank farrik,” Din hisses, pointing his blaster down at Sola.
The tree comes crashing down, missing the creature without Din’s final blaster shot. Its ferocious roar gains Din’s attention. He’s sure it’s over for all three of them. He’s sure Sola’s total disregard for her own life just doomed Grogu’s and his own. It’s a strange weightless feeling he’s experienced before, the certainty that he’s about to die. For once, it’s a feeling that wrenches his heart. It’s a feeling that leaves him distraught instead of numb acceptance.
The creature pounces, Sola is cackling from the forest floor behind him, and his last thought is the image of his little family together on that cushy seat at home. 
Din’s eyes widen as the creature is knocked sideways when it’s only inches away. His gaze follows its limp body slide a few feet. What looks like a small harpoon is through its neck. In complete and utter confusion, he looks in the direction it came from, nearly dropping his blaster at what he finds.
A breath of relief rattles out when your eyes meet Din’s visor. You watch his shoulders drop in relief, his grip on his blaster going loose, and a tilt of his head that makes you think he’s on the verge of tears. 
Gus is breathing heavily beside you, his giant crossbow lowered. Melda is at your flank with another harpoon in her hands, Luka at hers with a quiver of them. A family that usually only deals in credits and sharp words has come together to help fight for yours. Sola curses angrily when she sees the group. Din lets out a breath that sounds a lot like your name. Grogu can be heard gurgling as he struggles against the bag on Sola’s back. 
Sola heaves herself up onto her heels, her hand flies up, and hits the knife sticking out of Din’s thigh. He drops to his knee with a pained groan, giving her the opportunity to take his blaster. Melda is quickly reloading Gus’s crossbow that he already has aimed at Sola. Sola has Din’s blaster aimed between your eyes but doesn’t pull the trigger. She sees Gus’s weapon pointed at her fully loaded. 
“Let’s put an end to this, Sola,” you plead.
Din looks helplessly between the three of you. If Gus lets that harpoon go it’ll impale Grogu with Sola. 
“Maker, why do you care so much about this thing?” she groans in irritation. 
“That thing is a child- my child,” you snap back. 
Din is soothed by your voice and awed by your words. 
“Please, it’s just some little beast you picked up off the street,” Sola snaps back.
Your nostrils flare, fists clench, and you’re ready to take over Gus’s crossbow. 
“Let. Him. Go,” you demand, voice lethal.
“You’ll have to kill me,” she taunts with a smile.
“Sola, don’t do this. Just let the youngling go and no one has to get any more hurt,” Gus calls to her. 
She sends him a nasty glare.
“You got the credits to convince me, shopkeep,” she spits. 
“I got the harpoon to,” he gives his weapon a little shake for emphasis.
“Funny, you think I care about a little thing like livin’,” she snickers.
You shake your head in horror. Whoever this is in front of you isn’t your sister. No, she stopped being your sister long ago. You just didn’t know how low she had sunk. 
“How did you get like this, Sola?” you ask, heartbroken.
“I’ve always been like this, Polliwog. You were just too soft to see it.”
So much happens at once. There’s the sound of the blaster, a shout, a scuffle, and the blaster again. When you blink you’re looking up at the trees. You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion. As you start to sit up a whole bunch of people rush to your side forcing you back down. Everything feels slow and muted. You try to sit up again, a little annoyed, but gentle hands push you back down.
“You need to stay down. Please, you need to stay down,” Din’s modulated voice tells you.
His voice makes everything snap into focus. The pain finally registers. You look down at your torso. Your side is bleeding where it’s searing in pain. It’s not a clean hit. It’s a nasty graze, but it’s bleeding profusely. Din is applying pressure with his gloved hands. You cry out as the pain takes over.
“I know, I know. The pain is temporary, I promise,” he assures you. 
“Grogu,” you grunt out, trying to get up again.
“Stay down. He’s okay, he’s fine. We got him,” he tells you.
You stop trying to get up, allowing yourself to fully lay back. 
“Sola?” you ask, but you have a feeling you know the answer.
“She’s… she’s gone.”
You just nod, numb to the grief. Luka helps to carry your weight once a tourniquet is tied around your torso. Gus has Din’s arm over his shoulder and Melda is holding Grogu. You reach your hand out to him when you see him. There’s a moment when he’s able to hold your finger and you smile at him.
“We’re gonna have a talk about leaving the house alone when we get home, young man,” you tell him tearfully. 
You’re so relieved he’s okay. Din watches you take your hand back. He watches Grogu coo worriedly after you. He’s truly so relieved he could pass out. That could also be the blood loss. 
“Don’t worry. Doc’s got bacta that’ll have you both healed up in a matter of hours,” Gus assures him.
Din nods, not having it in him to talk. The way out of the forest feels so much longer than it took to get in. Din understands why these woods are so dangerous, he hadn’t even known he’d gone this far. He’s just glad he’s on his way out with you and Grogu.
It’s been a week and it still hurts. You wish it didn’t. You feel guilty that it does. Sola kidnapped Grogu to sell him. She tried to kill Din. She tried to kill you. Yet, knowing she’s gone hurts. 
When you fall quiet and gaze out the window, thinking a little too hard Din starts to worry. He worries you blame him for being behind the trigger. He worries you won’t be able to take being in the same space as him anymore. You assure him it’s the opposite on both fronts. Especially when he did it for no other reason than to protect you and Grogu. He never even collected the bounty on her. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers when you’re tangled up together at night. 
“Don’t ever be sorry for saving us,” you whisper back earnestly. 
Your hand caresses his cheek in the way you know he likes. Scratching his facial hair just enough for him to close his eyes in contentment. Once he eases enough you press a gentle kiss to his lips. 
“I love you,” you tell him as you pull away.
“I love you too, mesh’la.”
Naboo is humid this time of year. It’s muggy, damp, moist, all the worst things to be when it’s so damn hot. It’s the type of boiling humidity that Din can feel creep across his skin under his armor. Yet, he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. 
You’re set up at your usual spot by the river. Except now, over a year later, you know what lies beyond it. Grogu basks happily in the sun on a little blanket beside you. You’re painting an army of frogs that are on the riverbank, some in mud and some in the sun. 
Din watches from a distance for a minute. He’s coming back from Theed, the planet’s capital. It isn’t too often, but now and then he’ll take up work there. Nothing too bad. Mostly he finds people subverting the Naboo government, but it pays well. He’s always bringing you things, which you can’t complain about. If he’s gone overnight it’s never for long, never more than a few days. Then when he’s back, he stays attached to you. Some part of his skin is always touching yours.
“Good afternoon, mesh’la,” he says when he’s close enough.
You look over your shoulder with a large smile. Grogu perks up at Din’s voice as well. 
“Din, I thought you’d be gone another day,” you get up to hug him.
He’s only been gone a day, but any time apart feels like forever. Without a thought, Din takes off his helmet. His smile is dazzling. He kisses your forehead, then your lips, before putting his helmet back on. It’s been like this for a few months now. He won’t keep it off for long, but he’s more comfortable taking off the helmet briefly in public. Whenever home, the helmet is retired to the bedroom. Din has found a happy middle ground between the Mandalorian he was and the Mandalorian he hopes to be. 
“Got lucky with a lead and it led me home early,” he explains as he scoops Grogu up. 
“Let me pack up and we can head home.”
“Have you had lunch?” he asks knowingly.
“Grogu has,” you smile innocently.
“I’ll make you those noodles you like.”
Your smile turns warm and gooey. He helps you carry your things with Grogu on his hip. You tell him what the two of you have been up to, how Gus brought dinner the night before just to have a reason to check in. Din goes to the bedroom to remove his armor. You give Grogu his crayons and the little sketchbook you bought him. Once he’s set up at the coffee table, Din reappears in only his flight suit.
“What’s that?” you ask when you notice him holding something in his closed fist.
“I found someone in Theed who knows how to work with beskar,” he tells you.
You study his nervous features and nod for him to continue. He holds out his empty right hand. You place your left one in his open palm curiously. The cold beskar bites your finger for a moment before your skin acclimates. When his hand is gone there’s a shiny beskar band around your fourth finger, a perfect fit. Your wide eyes shoot up to Din’s face.
“This way each of us carries beskar. Even when we’re apart it’s a way for us to always be together,” he says softly. 
Tears well up as you stare at him. You cradle his face and smile at him adoringly.
“I love you so much,” you say with a breath.
“I love you so much,” Din echoes your words and your smile.
Your lips meet in a frenzy. Both of you are desperate to be as close to one another as possible. The feel of his skin, of his lips, will never get old. Every time it feels new, sending shocks and butterflies throughout your body. This time is no exception. 
Grogu cooing at your feet causes you to pull apart. He peers up at the two of you and brandishes the paper in his little hand. You pick him up, accepting the paper. He still works in scribbles, but they’re more intelligible now. A messy gray circle for Din’s head, and another for his body. Then a smaller green circle for Grogu’s head and a brown one for his body. Finally, there’s you with a blue head and brown body. Beneath the three of you is green grass. Between you are more scribbles to connect the three of you. 
“A beautiful family portrait,” you compliment lovingly.
“It’s very accurate. That looks just like us,” Din agrees with a soft smile. 
“I think this one should go on the wall,” you decide. 
Din nods in agreement. Grogu gurgles joyfully. You use tape to stick the drawing to the wall amongst a collection of others Grogu has made.
“We’re going to need a bigger wall soon,” Din notes.
“It’s not my fault all he makes are masterpieces,” you whine.
Din chuckles.
“No, it’s not, but maybe we should consider finding something with more space,” he suggests. 
You give him a surprised smile.
“Like a bigger house?”
“Yes, like a bigger house,” he nods.
It’s a heart-racing idea. You’ve already been living together for more than a year really, when you account for the time on the Crest. This is another level of commitment, though. Din really wants to put down deep roots with you. He wants to secure his life here and it fills you to the brim with joy.
“I think that sounds like an excellent idea,” you agree.
Din takes you and Grogu into his arms. The three of you remain like that for a good while, a nesting doll of love. Din encases you encasing Grogu in a warm embrace. It feels like everything in the galaxy has come together just for this perfect moment to happen. This perfect moment for this perfect little family nestled in the Gallo Mountains of Nabu. 
taglist: @a-rose-of-amber, @itzagoodthing
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albertasunrise · 1 year
Bad Way - Part 8
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Summary: IG-11 Knew that the Mandalorian was in a bad way. The Bacta spray would heal his wounds in time but only if he didn’t overdo it and unfortunately that wasn’t an option for them right now.
Pairings: Din Djarin x Cara Dune
Warnings: Injury, Angst 
Notes: I wrote this ages ago and thought I’d share with you all on here 😘
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
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Cara helped Din back outside, sitting him down on the chair she saw his chest heaving from the effort. He was glad that his helmet hid the pain moving brought him but he was glad that to be alive. The child hobbled out of the hut, tugging on Din’s pant leg as he babbled at his father. The Mandalorian picked him up and place him on his lap. He watched Cara from the corner of his eye as she sat herself down on the bench and then his eyes drifted to Omera. He watched her as she laughed with smiled with the other villagers. Winta and the other children dancing around them. He remembered how he had felt when he was last here, how his heart had skipped a beat when he watched her shoot. When she went to lift his helmet and he had almost let her. For a moment he thought maybe he could have a normal life here with her and the child but deep down inside he knew he wouldn’t be happy. Omera clocked him watching her and she smiled, her heart warming at his gaze. The day soon failed and night came. Din had argued with Omera that he could sleep in the barn but she was not having it and secretly he was glad, he did not want to imagine attempting to get up in the morning. He was glad of her help, her kindness but he didn't feel the same draw that he had before, he wanted to stay here but it wasn't her that he wanted to stay with and that scared him. 
As the days passed he felt his strength returning to him and before he knew it two weeks had passed. Cara had been enquiring about a ship to Nevarro and had been in town that last few days, he longed to see her again. He worried she would leave without saying goodbye and his heart ached at the thought. The sun fell behind trees leaving the village to be illuminated by the soft yellow glow coming from the fires outside people huts. Din had left the child with Winta so he could take a walk to his ship to retrieve his armour. He had felt incomplete without it but he knew that it had been necessary to remove it in order to treat him. Stepping through the trees he heard rustling behind him and he was painfully aware that he didn’t have his blaster. 
‘You shouldn’t be wandering the woods alone unarmed Mando.’ 
Din sighed in relief when he recognised whose voice it was. Turning to face them Cara’s smiling face came into view. 
‘Well someone left my armour and weapons on my ship.’ he replied slyly ‘Was just going to retrieve them.’ 
‘Well I was heading the same way so I’ll protect you.’ she joked as they walked together to the ship. 
They walked in silence, both aching to speak their feelings but fearing the other's rejection. Din opened the door of the Razor Crest and they watched as it creaked and hissed before finally coming to rest on the leaf-littered ground. The duo then walked quietly up the ramp into the ship, Cara pulling out her duffel and slinging it over her shoulder as Din strapped his armour back on and holstered his blaster. 
‘You look more like you.’ she joked, breaking the silence between them.
‘I feel it.’ he replied as they made their way back down the ramp, it hissing as it shut behind them. 
They walked in silence again for a few minutes, the dead air between them becoming too much for Cara to bear. 
‘I have found someone willing to take me to Nevarro.’ She said as she noticed him coming to a stop.
‘Do you trust them?’ 
‘I don’t trust anyone but I’ll take my chances.’ she replied, smirking at him ‘I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.’ 
‘You could stay here.’ he stated, masking his true meaning painfully well. 
‘There’s nothing for me here.’ 
Her reply made Din’s heart ache 
Me? He thought to himself, before stepping off again. 
‘Besides you have a family here now with Omera.’ she replied, shrugging her shoulders as she spoke ‘You don’t need me around.’ 
Din didn’t know what came over him at that moment. Turning to face her, he grabbed her by the waist and pushed her up against the tree behind her. Her breathing quickening, his helmet but an inch away from her face. 
‘I do…’ he growled, ‘I do want you.’ 
Cara could feel her heart in her throat. She ached, desperate to rip off his helmet and kiss him. 
‘Oh I’m sorry.’ came a sudden voice and they both turned their heads to face it. 
Omera stood there, shock plastered over her face at the scene unfolding in front of her. At that moment she knew it wasn’t her he wanted and she fought the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. She said nothing else, just turned and left and leaving Din and Cara both fighting their urges. Cara pushed him off of her and stalked back to the village, leaving Din cursing under his breath as he watched her walk away. He headed back to the barn and found the child asleep in his crib. He noticed Cara’s duffle that had been dumped just inside the doorway and his heart sunk a little. She didn’t want him. 
How could I have been so stupid he thought to himself as he stripped off his armour again.
Floorboards creaked behind him and he spun on his heels to see Cara stood behind him. Her chest heaving as she looked at him in a way she’d never looked at him before. 
‘I’m sorry about earlier,’ he said as he placed his last bit of armour on the floor and leaving him stood there in his flight suit, helmet and boots. 
Cara said nothing, just stepped closer to him. Her hands were shaking but she had hope now, hope that he wanted this too. She stopped right in front of him, his body against hers as she put her hand on his waist and pulled him in closer. 
‘Cara I…’ she placed one hand on the side of his helmet and moved her head closer to his. 
‘I want you too.’ she whispered, her breath fanning his mask as she brought her lips down to his neck.
Pulling down the cowl that covered his flesh she placed a gentle kiss there, which elicited a deep growl from him. He grabbed her arms and pushed her up against one of the thick wooden pillars that propped up the roof. 
‘Not here.’ his voice was deep as he tried desperately to fight the fire that roared inside him ‘Not with the kid around.’ 
Cara nodded and took his hand. Slipping out the barn they jogged into the tree line, Omera watching as they disappeared into the dark woodland. When Din was happy they were out of earshot he stopped and dragged Cara towards him, his hand on her back as he pulled her in close. She let out a shaky breath as she felt him against her.
‘How we going to do this then Mandalorian.’ she joked as she looked at him, her eyes piercing his visor. 
He didn’t speak a word, just spun her around so her back was against him.
‘Do you trust me?’ he whispered in her ear, which sent a shiver down her spine.
He then pulled out a piece of fabric from his pocket and tied it around her eyes, spinning her back around when he was confident she couldn't see him. She stood there blind, her hand on his waist in an attempt to ground herself as she waited for what was to come next. She heard a slight hiss and then a loud thump as something heavy hit the ground. 
‘Mando?’ she felt him pushing her slowly backwards, coming to a stop as she felt a large bolder hit her back. 
Still, he didn't speak, he drunk her in. Her lips, her hair, her smell. He pulled off his gloves and let them fall to the ground, his heart practically trying to escape from his ribcage as touched her soft skin. Cara shivered at the sudden sensation of his bare flesh against hers. 
‘I was so scared you didn’t feel the same…’ she started as his hand travelled up to cup her cheek ‘I…’
She was interrupted by lips against hers and she melted into them. It was soft yet strong at the same time before becoming more urgent. She poked his lips with her tongue and he opened them to allow her entry. She had imagined this kiss over and over in her head but what surprised her was how natural it was. Have you done this before? she thought to herself as she ran her fingers through his hair. It was longer than she’d expected and she took some in her fist and pulled it slightly which made him grunt in pleasure. Their movements became more frenzied, both desperate to have each other. She pulled his flight suit open and let her hands travel over his skin, tracing his muscles with her fingers as they travelled down. She took him in her hand and his breath hitched in this throat. Din pulled his cape off and let it fall to the ground around his ankles before grabbing her things and lifting her up. Cara wrapped her legs around his waist as she continued to pleasure him. He bit her neck hard and she threw her head back in ecstasy. The boulder behind her back disappeared as he spun her around and laid her down on the soft ground, laying kisses on her neck and along her collarbone. She placed her hand on his chest and pushed him away causing Din to look at her with a confused expression but it became clear what she was doing as she worked on taking her own armour off before pulling her shirt over her head revealing a thin white top underneath with thin straps lacing over her shoulders. Din let his hand travel under the white fabric as he kissed her again, grinding against her as his excitement grew. Cara pulled his flight suit over his shoulders, giggling as he fought to get his arms out before kissing her again, biting her lip as his hand travelled down to her waistband. Unbuckling her belt he slipped his hand past, his fingers touching her there elicited a gasp. Din pulled away and watched Cara bite her lip in pleasure, her hand grabbing his wrist and pushing his hand further down. He knew exactly what she wanted and he obliged her, biting her neck as his fingers slipped in. She groaned loudly now as all new waves of pleasure washed over her and her back arched as he slipped in another. The build-up was getting too much for them both now and so the Mandalorian stopped, yanking down her pants as she pulled his suit down further and took hold of him again. He hovered above her, his breathing heavy as he watched her chest heave. 
‘Please’ she pleaded quietly. 
That was all he needed to hear and in one swift movement, they joined. Groaning loudly together as they found their rhythm, Cara wrapping her legs around him as he kissed her hungrily. As she kissed him she realised that he wasn’t kissing her the way others had before. It wasn't carnal lust it was something else. They both climaxed together, collapsing into each other's arms before Din rolled onto his side and pulled her in close, placing soft kisses on her head. He thought about taking her blindfold off and letting her see him, but there was no coming back from that and he didn’t know if he was ready.
‘Well you've certainly done that before.’ joked Cara as she attempted to catch her breath. 
‘A few times yes.’ he replied. 
His voice shocked her. It was still deep but there was a tenderness to it that the modulator in his helmet masked. Cara placed her hand on his chest, tracing up his neck to his cheek before pulling his lips to hers. They lay there for a while, their noses practically touching as they just enjoyed each other. 
‘We should get back, the kid will be worried.’ she giggled as she kissed him again. 
She tried to pull away but he wouldn't let her. He didn’t want it to end but he knew it had to. He wasn't sure what they would do next but he wanted to savour this moment. He was happy and he couldn’t remember the last time he had been but at that moment in time, his world didn’t seem so harsh. Their kiss got heated again and Cara rolled him onto his back, straddling him as she kissed him more passionately. 
‘I suppose we could do it once more before we head back.’ she grinned. 
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Tags: @hayley-the-comet @ajeff855 @mavericksicybabe @supernaturalgirl20 @dihra-vesa @nicolethered @practicalghost @theanothersherlockian @gallowsjoker @little-mrs-morales @sunnshineeexoxo @aliwritesfic @maryfanson @sherala007 @ayrusss @greeneyedblondie44 @elegantduckturtle @jediknight122 @goodgriefitsawildworld @voteforpedro09 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @mishasminion360 @giggly-otter @athalien @mssbridgerton @huitzilinthebudgie3 @samanthacookieone @salome-c @radcollectivesoul @pedrohoe04 @paintlavillered @ktmadden86 @hotchlover @kirsteng42 @djjarins @balekanemohafe @misscampacyn @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @pedromandoverse @destiny-tsukino @mysun-n-stars @tombraider42017 @littlemisspascal @thatpinkshirt @evyiione @girlofchaos @vanemando15
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Saw this on Twitter on @djarinarchives and thought we could play here. Tell me what Din you are today
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Tagging a few peeps to get it going but everyone is welcome to play 🥰 @boomtowngirl @moonstrider9904 @acourtofsnakes @beskarprincessjenny @imabeautifulbutterfly @ladykatakuri @the-good-shittt
245 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Grogu’s Teacher, Part 2
Part 1 | Part 3 | Masterlist
Pairing: Din Djarin x female reader
Rating: G
Warnings: minor injury, otherwise just pure fluff
Word count: ~3500
Author’s note: There was so much love for the first part of this story, the idea just kept rattling around in my head and I had to write more. Special thanks to @grogusmum for the headcanon that Grogu is fussy about napping and to @imabeautifulbutterfly for beta reading for me. I hope you enjoy this part! P.S. If you reblogged or commented on Part 1, I tagged you here because I thought you’d like it. Apologies for pestering anyone who doesn’t.
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You’re still floating on air the next day when you awake. You’ve been in amazing spirits ever since you met Mand’alor Djarin. Yesterday had seemed almost magical, and you’ve spent hours replaying all your favorite moments with him in your head. You know there’s little chance of seeing him again, but still, you can’t help but hope that maybe he’ll stop by again sometime. You leave your home with a smile on your lips and a spring in your step, the air feels full of possibility. As you arrive at school, you cannot believe your eyes. Standing at your classroom door again is the man himself, tiny green baby in one hand and a huge bouquet of exquisite flowers in the other. 
“Good morning, I wanted to come by and thank you again for yesterday,” Din tells you warmly as he thrusts the flowers in your direction. He’s thrilled to see the delighted expression on your face as you take them from his hand. He thought he might have imagined how pretty you are, but seeing you again today, he thinks you’re even more beautiful than he remembered.
“These are lovely, thank you, but you didn’t have to go to all the trouble,” you reply, your voice sounding impressed as you look over the gorgeous bouquet.
“I wanted to,” he insists, before clearing his throat, “Tomorrow is your day off.” He says this like a statement, and it perplexes you for a moment.
“Yes, it is,” you confirm.
“I would like to invite you to visit me, or rather, us, at the palace tomorrow. I really enjoyed our day and I would very much like to know you better.” Din’s request comes out sounding only a little rehearsed. He nervously shifts on his feet, as he adds, “That is, if you’re not busy?”
“Oh thank you,” you breathe, “I’m so honored and I’d love to come, I’m not busy at all.” You sound so enthusiastic but you can’t help yourself. An invitation to the royal palace isn’t something that comes around every day and especially not from the Mand’alor himself. 
“Great,” Din nods at you, and underneath his helmet he is smiling like a fool, so very happy that you said yes. He tells you that he’ll send a speeder to your house tomorrow. You arrange a time and tell him again how grateful you are for the invitation. “It’s my pleasure, I’m looking forward to it,” he tells you and then he turns to leave.
“Mand’alor Djarin? Are you forgetting something?” you ask, trying not to giggle. 
In his excitement of successfully asking you to visit, he seems to have forgotten the primary reason he’s here in the first place. 
“Oh yes, you’ll need him,” Din says bashfully and hands Grogu off to you. He waves to his son and then bows slightly to you before leaving. Maker, he’s thankful for the helmet, otherwise you’d see him blushing hard.
See the full post
270 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
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@onabouteverything I know you can confirm 😂
406 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
Grogu’s Teacher
Part 2
Pairing: Din Djarin x female reader
Rating: G
Warnings: none! this is pure fluff and cuteness
Word count: ~1800
Author’s note: This little ficlet is inspired by this gif 👇 and a conversation I had with @boomtowngirl this morning about Din falling for Grogu’s preschool teacher. In this Grogu has returned to Din (you know as he should) and they’re on Mandalore. Enjoy!
Gif from this amazing gifset by @yellenabelovas
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“Look at you, buddy, you must’ve had quite the good day at school, huh?” Din smiles down at his son; his little robe is covered in stickers. There are even two on each of his cheeks. After Grogu’s first few weeks at the newly established Mandalorian pre-school, Din had learned that getting stickers were rewards for being a good student. Usually Grogu would come home with two or three stickers but today he seemed to have earned close to 10 or 12. Din looks over all the little stickers with amusement.
“Your teacher must be really proud of your work,” Din tells him, hoping that was the case, and really hoping his son hadn’t somehow helped himself to the stickers, “Maybe I should try to visit your school sometime and say hello, I haven’t had a chance to meet your new teacher yet anyway.”
With his duties as Mand’alor, Din hadn’t had much of a chance to spend time at the school. He’d only met with the director when he enrolled Grogu, and even though he tried to walk his son to school each day, he just dropped him off at the gate. His advisors were usually so insistent that he had meetings to get to and that lateness was terribly insulting. He kept meaning to make time to set up a visit, but so far hadn’t been able to do so. In thinking about it again now, he asks his assistant to clear his morning schedule for the next day. He also instructs them to buy him a package of stickers as a gift for the teacher.
So here he is the following morning, stickers in hand, following his son through the school door and over to his classroom. Standing by the room is a beautiful woman with the most cheerful smile Din has ever seen. She’s greeting each child warmly, bending down to shake each little hand. He watches as Grogu toddles over to her and holds out both his arms, wanting a hug instead of a handshake. The teacher giggles at his cuteness and pulls him in for a little hug before straightening up and greeting Din.
“What a surprise! It’s such an honor to meet you, Mand’alor Djarin,” you say brightly, trying hard not to faint away in shock at seeing the actual leader of your people here in front of you. You’ve always known that cute little Grogu is the Mand’alor’s child, but you never thought you’d meet him. His armor is beautiful up close and he radiates power just by the way he stands there so impressively. You don’t even need to see the Darksaber hanging from his belt to know that he’s in charge. You feel like your face might be making actual heart eyes at him as you stand there staring.
“Hello, I brought you stickers,” Din thrusts the package at you awkwardly. He immediately cringes as how stupid he must sound. It’s just that you’re so pretty and when you turned that beaming smile in his direction, he lost all rational thought. You take the package from his hands, looking delighted.
“That’s so kind of you to do this,” you reply, your face heating up, “I guess you may have noticed I’m particularly generous with Grogu. I try really hard not to play favorites with my students, but he’s been doing so well and he lights up every time I give him a sticker. I guess I can’t help but dote on him a little.” The cute little alien baby really has wiggled his way into your heart and even though you care for all your students, you can tell that Grogu is special.
“Yes, thank you, I know he loves them, and that’s very sweet of you, I’m glad you’ve been giving them to him, I was afraid he might be swiping a few on his own,” Din is trying not to babble but now that he’s found his voice, he can’t seem to stop, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Din Djarin, and you’re Grogu’s pretty teacher, I mean his preschool teacher, I’m sorry I haven’t been by to say hello sooner, but I’m here now, to say hello, and bring you those.” Finally Din manages to stop talking and he’s so thankful for his helmet right now since you can’t see the nervous expression on his face.
You smile at Din as he speaks and you feel so flattered that he’s taken the time to come and say hello. Then when he calls you ‘pretty’ you have to pinch yourself to ensure that this is really happening.
“Thank you so much, Mand’alor Djarin, it really is my pleasure, and I can’t tell you what it means to me to have Grogu in my class, and to have you come here to meet me, I really am honored,” you say humbly, “If there’s anything you’d like to know about Grogu’s class or his schoolwork, I’m happy to speak to you about it.”
“Can I stay and watch the class for a while?” Din blurts out. His advisors might kill him, but he doesn’t want to leave yet. Surely it can’t hurt to stay for a little while, so he can see for himself how Grogu does in school. And not just because he wants to keep staring at you.
“Of course you can stay, you’re very welcome,” you smile even more at him and gesture for him to come in. You watch as Din follows Grogu into the room; the little guy tugs on his father’s pants and points towards the art center. Grogu proudly shows off a large picture depicting himself and his armored father, and something that looks like a giant lizard. You weren’t sure what it was supposed to be exactly but you had given Grogu a sticker for the artwork, because he had been so excited to draw it. Grogu then tugs his father over to the toy baskets and proceeds to show him his favorite toys. You let Grogu continue to give his father a classroom tour as you get the other children settled in for the day. 
“Ok, everyone it’s time to start our day,” you call the children to order, and as Grogu takes his seat, you watch amused as Din folds himself into a tiny chair. He looks adorable like that, but it can’t possibly be comfortable. Quickly, you bring over your own chair for him. 
“Please sit here, Mand’alor Djarin,” you offer softly, before hurrying back to the first lesson. 
“Thank you,” Din whispers back, grateful. He was worried that he would end up breaking the little kiddie chair. He then turns to watch you lead the class through the lessons. He marvels at your ability to hold the children’s attention and how you seem to know just how long to let them work before making sure they have time for play. He listens to you to sing songs, tell stories, give advice, and gently admonish bad behavior. He was even so wrapped up in your lessons that he raised his own hand to answer questions. He was charmed to see you smile and then call on him so he could participate too. He’s enjoying himself so much seeing you in action. 
Din ends up staying for the whole day. He helps you out with the children’s outdoor playtime and their lunch. You even give him the task of awarding stickers and you feel yourself melt as he carefully places the stickers on each child’s clothing and gives them a few words of congratulations. It’s beyond cute to see this large warrior interact so gently with these little children. The children are all in awe of him and as the day winds down, they start to beg him to talk more about himself. 
“It is time for our story of the day,” you explain and you take a seat on the soft carpet in the library nook of your room, “Usually I read a book, but I think a tale from the Mand’alor himself, would be very entertaining.”
Din looks at the children’s faces and he hears a few pleas for him to tell a story, “Alright, I suppose I could.” He settles himself on the carpet too with Grogu on his lap. Another little child immediately comes to sit right next to him, and before Din knows it, the little ones are all crowded around him looking up at him, expectantly. He looks at you and you give him an encouraging smile and a nod.
“I suppose I could tell you about the story behind Grogu’s picture over there,” Din says, and then he tells the story of the Krayt dragon on Tatooine. 
You listen to Din’s incredible tale, you’re just as engrossed as the children, and when he gets to the climax of the story, letting the horrible beast swallow him, you gasp loudly and clutch your hands to your chest. You can’t believe he would take such a daring risk, but it proves your point that this is an incredible man. When the story finishes, you applaud along with the children, equally as impressed as they are. 
“Well, that was quite a lovely treat for us all. Before we leave today, let’s everyone thank Mand’alor Djarin for his visit today,” you address the children and you watch as each one lines up to shake his hand and say ‘thank you’. You help the children collect their things as they leave, and you see that Din and Grogu have waited until everyone else has gone.
“Thank you for letting me be a part of your class today, I really enjoyed myself,” Din tells you. 
See the full post
554 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Reblog to give Din Djarin a kiss on the helmet
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1,982 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
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prettyinpymtech · 2 years
As Love Grows
Din Djarin x Reader
Summary: Din returns with a unique gift.
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I’ve been trying to get back into writing and I thought I’d share this idea that’s been sitting in my drafts for ages.
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Peering into the darkness from the safety of the Razor Crest, you allowed yet another sigh to escape your lips.
This was the fifth time in the last hour you had searched for a sign of Din’s return, but he still had not appeared. There had been no echo of his footsteps, no gruff greeting to comfort your growing concerns. You could only focus on his initial promise before he had disappeared to restrain the daunting possibilities that threatened to crowd your thoughts.
I’m going to take a look around before we head out. I won’t be long. Promise me you’ll stay here?
The assurance in his voice alone had been enough reason to believe his words and your exhaustion had provided little chance for argument. So it was that you had agreed to Din’s inquiry as he wrapped you in his cape before bidding his farewell. The warmth of the material-and the tenderness of this gesture-had lulled you into a pleasant slumber, a luxury often unattainable in the midst of traveling with a bounty hunter.
The silence of the surrounding forest had allowed your rest to continue into the late hours of the evening. As you woke to the sound of raindrops, you were greeted with the faint chirp of insects and echoes of distant creatures-but there was still no sign of Din.  
It was late, far too late. Your trust in the Mandalorian was resolute, but even a warrior as capable as Din could fall victim to a number of disasters in the dark and you had no intention of leaving him to face those troubles alone. Before you could set out and search for him, however, you were greeted with a loud thump in the ship’s hull. The thought of an adversary quickly crossed your mind, though a familiar sigh soon followed. Well, no need to worry about intruders. That was definitely Din.
You should have felt relief at his return, and while you wanted nothing more than to run to Din and welcome him to the ship, you simply couldn’t ignore your annoyance at his decision to wander alone after dark. But any admonishment you had prepared disappeared the moment you found Din standing in front of you, covered in mud, with a single flower resting between his fingers.
“What happened?”  
It was all you could ask among the confusion of such a sight. Your imagination had certainly provided a number of unexpected possibilities, but this? This was nothing you could have anticipated.
Din said nothing. He didn’t appear injured, though it was impossible to make out his condition with the mud that concealed his armor. Hurrying towards him, you forced yourself to push aside your initial irritation and instead implored the Mandalorian with a gentle whisper of his name. At first you worried that his silence signaled Din’s refusal to offer any form of explanation but, after a moment of hesitation, he finally responded to your inquiry.
“I wanted to find those flowers you told me about, the ones from the stories you loved. But I must have taken a wrong turn and I fell down a cliff. I’m alright,” he added quickly, noticing your eyes grow wide in fear. “But this was all I had left.” 
His eyes searched your face for a sign of disappointment, but he found none. Instead he found your gentle touch reaching for his helmet, a warm smile waiting for his approval before it could be removed. Din offered his permission with a slight bow of his head and allowed his brown eyes to follow your gaze as you studied the red blossom in his hold.
It had already begun to lose some of its petals, no doubt a result of Din’s fall, but it remained a beautiful image of love and fantasy honored in tales from long ago. Such tales of romance had filled your imagination and you had longed to find it for many years, yet it was not a simple thing to obtain. It was distinguished for its rare nature and its location had remained a secret. Time had soon convinced you to abandon such a novelty, conceding the wish as nothing more than a mere whimsy.
On one particularly quiet night, however, you had found yourself sharing tales of the mystifying blossom with Din. He had listened with a polite nod, but there had been no mention of the flower since then. You had expected the conversation to be completely forgotten, but that had not been the case.
Din had never disregarded the hopefulness in your eyes. A search had begun almost immediately after you had described the petals and he had contacted every friend he could think of, asking if they knew anything of the flower’s whereabouts. It was a difficult quest, but the Mandalorian’s resolve had never wavered. His pursuit had eventually led him to a distant planet, where a merchant had instructed him to follow the path of a nearby forest. And so it was that Din had offered to let you rest while he set out in search of the rare blossom.
He had found the flower exactly where the merchant had promised and Din, thrilled by his find, had gathered as many as he could possibly carry in his hands. On his way back, however, he had lost his footing and fallen among many sharp rocks-and only one flower had survived his tumble.
“I’m sorry.”
The whisper that escaped his lips compelled you to meet his gaze. Din was clearly exhausted and sore, yet his only concern was to offer you an apology.
It was impossible to deny the warmth that settled in your heart as you stared at the Mandalorian in front of you. He had done all of this for you. It didn’t matter if he had brought an entire bouquet or a single flower, you adored him for everything he continued to give and you wanted nothing more than to find something that could convey your own affection.
“You remembered all of that?” you asked, unable to hide the surprise in your voice.
Always. It was such a simple response, yet no less profound. It was Din’s own admission of the love that grew each day he was with you.
This was the romance you had envisioned in your youth, yet it had reached you in a completely different manner. Such tales of bold declarations had manifested not in poetic words, but in gestures delivered with pure adoration. It had always been there, quiet and growing with time.
Inspired by his admission you extended your arm and placed the flower behind his ear, unable to hide your delight as the petals were entangled in his hair. Your fingers pulled away and brushed his cheek, but Din immediately reached for your hand and brought it to his lips with a sincere regard that made your heart beat wildly.
“I’m sorry it’s not enough, cyar'ika.”
You shook your head. “Din, this is more than enough. You will always be more than enough.”
Your declaration earned a smile from Din, one so incredibly affectionate and sincere. He pulled you closer with a gentle touch, softly resting your forehead against yours.
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hoodedguitarist · 2 years
Homecoming (Part 3)
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Gif not mine!  This literally took me like all day. I’m sorry.
I update sporadically because I’m trash but just stick with me.
Pairing: Cobb Vanth x Reader
Summary: You had one chance to leave Mos Pelgo and fight for the Rebellion, and you took it. It had been years since you’d seen or had any contact with Cobb Vanth, and you were convinced he’d forgotten about you and moved on. But in a strange twist of fate, you found yourself returning to your small hometown.
Warnings: 18+ for future reasons. Old sparks growing into flames and all that.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 (End)
When you have nowhere else to go, you go home.
There was a lot of tension in the room now, and all for different reasons. The three of you were in some kind of a standoff while the Weequay just observed from behind the bar. The child was still at your feet, but his attention drifted back to the pot.
“I’m not running with him,” you explained, finally finding your voice. “I paid him to bring me here, bring me home.”
Cobb gave a half shrug. “That’s a good story-”
“It’s not a story,” you snapped, “it’s the truth. We landed in Mos Eisley and I volunteered to help get him here so he could find his fellow Mandalorian.” You crossed your arms and leaned on your hip. “Looks like that Mandalorian turned out to be a sham. So, what the hell are you doing with that armor?”
“I’d like to know that too,” Mando practically growled from the side.
“Bought it off some Jawas,” Cobb answered before taking his drink.
“Doesn’t answer my question,” you shot right back. He kept his gaze on you as he sat the metal cup down. That smirk crawled across his lips again.
“I’m the marshal here. This armor helps me protect the people. You’ve been gone for a long time, sweetheart.” He leaned forward and slid another metal cup forward, then rested his elbows on the table. “Take a drink with me. I’d be happy to catch you up on some things...”
You clenched your jaw. “Stop it-”
“Hand it over.” The Mandalorian’s voice cut through the tinge of flirtation. You glanced over at your new friend, then looked back at Cobb. All he did was give a spiteful chuckle.
“Look, pal. I’m sure you call the shots where you come from, but ‘round here? I’m the one tells folks what to do.”
“Glad to know that ego hasn’t changed…” you muttered half bitterly. He arched his brow.
“Once upon a time you liked that ego.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly and stepped up to the table. Cobb never turned his gaze off of you. Part of him was enjoying this. You grabbed the cup and took the shot of spotchka before slamming it back down and bracing your arms on the table. You leaned closer to him. “I think you should take off the armor.”
He kept that smug, cool air about him and tilted his head. A few strands of his silvery hair fell to the side and his eyes shot down you again before he bit his lip. “Oh I bet you do, sweetheart.”
“Cobb,” there was a warning in your voice even though you felt heat start to creep up your neck. “I’m serious.”
“Well, that sweet little blush of yours says otherwise.” He smirked. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed that.”
“Take it off,” the Mandalorian demanded as he took a few steps forward. “Or I will.” He’d just about had enough of this flirting. It wasn’t getting them anywhere.
Cobb’s warm brown eyes flicked away from you and focused on the Mandalorian that stood behind you. His gaze had gone from playful and flirtatious to annoyed and defiant.
“We gonna do this in front of her and the kid?” he motioned between the two of you.
“He’s seen worse,” Mando answered, “and something tells me she has too.”
“Right here then?”
“Right here.”
You glanced between the two of them and sighed. “Fucking men…” you growled as you pushed up off of the table and backed off to the side. “Figures I come all this way just to find you and see you get shot down over something this ridiculous.” You crossed your arms and leaned back against one of the columns to watch.
Cobb glanced over at you, then looked back at the Mandalorian. He stood up and kicked his chair back, glaring all the while. The two of them were now in a tense stare-down.
You only rolled your eyes and shook your head, but continued to watch. A tinge of worry started to grow in the pit of your stomach. Cobb’s hand hovered over his blaster, but where was he going to hit? Mando was covered in beskar, but so was Cobb. His looked a little worse for wear, though.
Just as you were beginning to think you should interject, something happened. The ground began to quake and rumble and it replaced the tension in the room. Alarms were going off outside and at first you were confused…until you remembered exactly what it was. How could you have forgotten? You glanced over at the child. He was alright but clearly a little freaked out. You looked back to Cobb and Mando, glad to see that Cobb was willing to forget this in the face of a bigger problem. He slipped away and hurried to the door while the Weequay went out the back.
Mando looked over at you as you approached him. “What’s happening?”
“It’s a krayt dragon. Come on,” you hurried with him over to the door and stood between them. All three of you looked out towards the edge of the town. “So it’s still alive huh?”
“Wouldn’t be a proper welcome home without him, now would it?” Cobb looked down at you. You gave him an unamused glare until the rumbling got worse.
The krayt dragon swam straight through the sand, straight through the middle of town. All three of you stared as it passed by. Everything was quiet for half a moment until the beast broke out of the sand and swallowed a Bantha whole. You jumped and your eyes widened. “Shit!” 
Just as soon as the creature had come, it was gone. All was still and quiet once more.
“Maybe we can work something out,” Cobb finally spoke up.
“And it only took a krayt dragon to bring forth some sense.” The two of you shot each other another look before you turned back into the cantina to check on the kid.
You walked through the town, following Mando and Cobb and watching as everyone picked up the pieces. You were especially paying attention to the people, trying to catch a glimpse of any other familiar faces. The Weequay had obviously recognized you, but you’d never known his name. One of the older men across the way looked a little familiar, but other than that, Cobb was the only one that you truly knew. Any others must have either left or died.
Back then, you’d never really made an effort to get to know anyone else past the acquaintance level. Cobb had been the only one you were close with. Both of you clashed at times, that was still evident, but you knew each other. You’d been through a lot together. The thing that you wondered about- the thing that worried you most- was getting to know him again…and whether or not he’d let you back in.
“The krayt dragon’s been terrorizing these parts since…long before Mos Pelgo was established.” His voice brought you out of your reverie. “Thanks to this armor I’ve been able to protect the town from bandits and sand people. They look to me to protect them, but a krayt dragon is too much for me to take on alone.” He stopped and turned to look at you and the Mandalorian. His brown eyes ran over you first, before they darted to Mando. “Help me kill it and I’ll give you the armor.”
You blinked in surprise, mildly impressed.
“Deal,” Mando said. “I’ll ride back to the ship, blow it out of the sand from the sky, use the Bantha as bait.”
“No, It’ll feel you,” you muttered, shaking your head. “It’ll sense the vibrations and stay underground.”
“Look at you,” Cobb smirked.
“Hey I lived here too, you know,” your words were clipped. “I may have left but I remember. And what little I did forget is certainly coming back to me now. For instance, how much of a dick you can be when you really want to.”
Cobb chuckled smoothly and shifted to lean against a post. “I sure did miss that attitude.” His features softened a little as he looked you over. “Take it easy, alright? You’ve been away for a long time. That’s all I meant. You were so eager to get the hell outta here I figured you’d be eager to forget all of it too.”
You shook your head and crossed your arms, looking off to the side. Those words hurt. He obviously had no idea what he was talking about. In the darkest times in the civil war, the memories were all you had to cling to. Homesickness and nostalgia were the only things that brought you comfort when nothing else could. The small hope that you would return and come back to him had kept you going…but now that you were back, it was turning into a mild form of torture.
“I know where it lives,” he said to Mando.
“How far?”
“Not far.”
You picked up the child and placed him gently into the saddle bag on the side of Mando’s speeder bike. There was no way in hell that they were going without you, and you were pretty sure Mando didn’t have a problem with it. The only one you thought would have a problem with it was Cobb.
“You got an extra blaster I can use?”
He looked over at you. “Are you coming with us?”
“I thought that was obvious?”
Mando shifted a bit and shrugged, not wanting to earn your spite. He’d seen enough of it already. “I don’t mind. You can ride with me again if you want to. We probably should get you a blaster, though. Maybe your marshal has one you can borrow.”
You scoffed, “he’s not my marshal.”
“He will be if you decide to stay here.” He looked up at you and you rolled your eyes. You knew he’d made a good point, but you didn’t want to hear it.
“Stop looking at me like that. I’ll go ask him. Damn…” You clenched your fists and sighed, before walking over to Cobb where he stood at his speeder with his back towards you. You approached him and put your hands on your hips. “I need a blaster.”
He glanced over his shoulder. “What do you need a blaster for?”
“I’m coming with you two. I want to help.”
Cobb stopped what he was doing and slowly turned around to face you. He leaned back against his speeder bike and hooked his thumbs behind his belt. “No.”
You drew back. “No?”
“No. You’re not coming. It’s too dangerous.”
“Too dangerous…too dangerous?!” Your voice rose in tone and caused Mando to look over. “You know what Cobb, I’ve had enough.” You were quick as you grabbed his blaster rifle and whipped around. You spotted an old moisture vaporator that had sunk into the ground from the krayt dragon. Five blasts were shot into the small, circular design on the side of it. After the smoke cleared, the grouping was revealed to be damn near perfect.
Mando and Cobb were both staring at you. Cobb seemed to be way more caught off guard and it took him a moment to find his words. “Where- Where the hell’d you learn to shoot like that?”
“What do you think I was doing all those years?” You turned to face him. “I left Mos Pelgo and joined the Rebellion. I was a soldier, Cobb. I trained, I went into battle, I got good at shooting and killing.” You wrapped the strap of the blaster around yourself and adjusted it to your back. “I’m coming whether you like it or not.”
Cobb held you under a calculating gaze for a few moments before nodding slowly. “Alright. You come on one condition.”
You resisted the urge to clench your jaw. “What...”
He pushed up off of his speeder and moved closer to you. You’d forgotten how tall he was. “You ride with me.” The ghost of a smirk was on his lips.
It was tempting... Oh, it was tempting. But honestly, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction just yet. You were going to let him know it wasn’t going to be that easy. Instead, you allowed your gaze to climb down and take him in before your eyes flicked back up to meet his.
“Counter offer: I go anyway and I’m riding with Mando. Now get your ass on that speeder bike and take us to the dragon’s lair.” You weren’t going to hear any more arguments about it. He arched a single brow at you, but you turned on your heel and walked back over to the Mandalorian.
Cobb was left staring after you, feeling a strange mix of attraction, shock, and jealousy.
Mmmm that tension.... Brat Tamer Cobb Vanth anyone? Anyone? Trust me there’s a reason why they’re mad at each other. If you want to be added to the tags list let me know!
Tagslist: @admin-in-residence​ @chadillacboseman​ @bubblebuttwade​ @hayley-the-comet​ @pinkiemme​ @swordandstar​ 
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x-0ophelia0-x · 7 months
cardigan - wip!
I‘ve seen some people post wip‘s of their works sooo..
I thought that I could do it too.. haven’t posted anything here since Halloween and the story‘s not finished yet :´D
The new ff‘s intro is quite long and I guess that it’s enough for a small insight on what I‘m working on rn c:
It‘s not finished yet! Just the intro, but I’d be more then happy to read your thoughts on this and if you’d like to have more lyric based ff‘s in the future :D
Walking through the corridors, with the data pad in your hands.
Accepting every mission you got, hoping that those extra credits would manage to somehow help you. 
You were fighting for something, something that not even you quite understood.
Helping the Rebellion was dangerous and you knew it. 
Your life had gotten worser, being chased by imperial scum wasn’t really something that you needed right now.
As for right now, you had more near death moments then lucky ones.
But something deep within you seemed to want you to keep going.
Even if you yourself didn’t see it., others did.
Some described it as their light, their pathfinder, something so precious to them that they gave everything to keep this light… the fire… far from extinguishing. 
Keeping it alive was the most important task.. it didn’t only symbolize the hope you were all fighting for, it was your only chance for freedom and justice at the very same time.
However, even if the rebellion was lacking in volunteers, they always seemed to know everything about politics, the making of strategies, even the sacrifices they’d have to make. 
You had collected some years there, knew some things that’d be helpful by now but whenever you requested the higher ranks to let them help you, your pleas fell on deaf ears.
Of course. 
When you are young, they assume you know nothing.
One day though everything changed. 
Your routine, your way of thinking, your life… everything.
From the moment when this green Twi‘lek stepped into your cabin, telling you that her crew needed someone who knew how to fight against the Empire, how they thought.. someone who’d help them organize their missions, everything changed. 
After you accepted her offer, she led you to her ship where the rest of the crew was. 
There was a man, a Lasat, a Mandalorian and an droid.
The Twi‘lek wasn’t pleased though, and you soon found out why.
„Sorry I‘m late!“
A blue haired boy arrived, running to the ‚meeting‘.
„What did I tell you? Don’t let yourself get distracted!“
She seemed to be their captain, scolding the boy while he tried to steady his breaths. 
„I know.. but Hera.. I-„
„You what?“
„I thought that I got some informations on some blueprints regarding the empires new TIE Fighters.. turns out that they were drunk.. took some time until I realized this“
He held his hand up to his head, looking nervously at her until he moved his head to the side, catching your gaze for the first time.
It seemed as if the time itself had stopped when your eyes met.
Maker.. he was handsome.
Just before Hera could’ve said anything in return, he reached his hand out to yours.
„I‘m Ezra Bridger.. I assume that you’re our new crewmember?“
His voice was so warm and gentle, actually comforting.
Taken aback by his approach you needed some seconds to register what was happening. 
„Yes, I‘m y/n“
Your voice was somehow higher then you expected it to be, but oh my force… this boy..
From the very first moment you laid your eyes on him.. you knew that he’d become very special to you.
A lot of time passed from the moment where you joined the ghost crew and Ezra always managed to find a place for you two to spend your time together.
He grew very close to you and being completely honest.. nothing could’ve prepared you for what was about to come. 
There were things that weren’t meant to happen.
Things that changed both your lives.
You escaped that hellhole of a life you lived for so long thanks to Hera and the crew.
And yes, for some time it actually seemed that your resistance was actually breaking through. 
Of course you only knew what you saw.. seeing what was happening inside of a person.. this skill was something only a few people could do.
It was impossible for people like you.
Hoping that you’d actually manage and succeed in your rebellion.. some looked at you and addressed you as delusional, your young age was an adding factor to their disbeliefs.
When you are young, they assume you know nothing.
The Person that grew very close to you.. even in a romantic way.. 
Ezra, the one person who told you his whole life‘s story, the person who listened to your voice as if there was no tomorrow.
You knew that there were people you were fighting with who shared the same goal as you, and still they were impossible to reach.
But I knew you.
Or at least I thought I did.
That’s it for today!
this week are my last exams (where I have to study at least) which means that this should be finished due Friday and finding time to write will be so much easier :´D
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syn0vial · 3 years
do you by any chance have any more boba facts? 🥺🥺 i love it if you would grace me with your vast boba knowledge 🥰
i’d be happy to oblige, friend! here are some more miscellaneous boba deets, courtesy of the EU/legends 😊
though there are varying portrayals by different authors re: boba’s take on collateral damage, one of my favorites comes from one of the earliest boba fett stories. in it, boba is hunting han solo (of course) some time after the events of the original trilogy, but during the mission, things go awry and a civilian character is mortally wounded by a blaster bolt meant for han. boba, who in this timeline has never killed the wrong target before, proceeds to let han solo run away so he can check on the woman and, once he realizes that she’s too far gone to save, he administers something to ease her passing and kneels by her side, holding her hand until she passes away. it’s a surprisingly tender scene and goes to show that, as ruthless as he is, boba just isn’t willing to let someone die a slow, painful, lonely death for his fuck-up.
speaking of han, as boba gets older, he becomes deeply embarrassed by his “rivalry” with solo as a young man and will insist to anyone who brings it up that it wasn’t a thing and that han just tells everyone they’re “nemeses” for the Drama Of It All
this is infinitely more hilarious if you’ve read early EU work in which boba’s rivalry with han consisted mostly of boba obsessively hunting him while han is like “GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING WEIRDO” 
speaking of things boba finds embarrassing once he’s older, at one point, he’s trying to verify the legit-ness of someone claiming to be telemetric (able to read memories off of objects), so he gives the man a necklace belonging to another bounty hunter he was romantically involved in as a teenager. boba is very skeptical and not expecting much, until the man starts reciting pick-up lines boba used at the wise old age of 16 
cue boba just about dying inside
like, his thoughts are literally just, “OH GOD, IT’S ALL TOO STUPID FOR HIM TO BE MAKING UP ON THE SPOT, HE FUCKING KNOWS”
honestly, they’re less pick-up lines and more just. a very sincere list of reasons he likes this other bounty hunter.
love that apparently boba’s idea of flirting as a teenager was just frantically chucking heartfelt positive statements at someone in no particular order
to his credit, it did work 😂
the lowest amount boba has ever killed someone for is three credits. this happens bc boba is trying to save the son of a clone, connor, from his creditors, initially by offering to pay his debt of half a million credits for him. when the creditor rejects boba’s offer and insists that he’d rather kill connor, connor fishes into his pockets, produces three credits, and goes, “HEY, FETT, I’LL GIVE YOU THREE CREDITS IF YOU KILL THIS ASSHOLE FOR ME” and boba���s like, “u kno what, fuck it” and does just that.
boba in the aftermath of fucking up all the shit, standing next to connor in a room full of dead bodies, including one rancor: “you owe me three credits :/”
okay, now for some cultural stuff, starting with mando’a!
though boba in the mandalorian seems at least able to read mando’a script, in the EU, he doesn’t start to learn mando’a until he’s much older
naturally, some of the first words he picks up are curse words LMAO
man is a stoic, battle-hardened bounty hunter and he still learns languages like a fucking fourth grader 
aside from cusses, two words he has particular reactions to are aruetii and ba’buir
aruetii means “outsider” or “non-mandalorian” and boba feels weird and self-conscious using it bc, uh... that... probably includes him in the eyes of most mandalorians, huh?
ba’buir means “grandfather.” in the EU, he does indeed have a granddaughter who calls him this and he becomes quietly attached to the it as a term of address—to the point where, when his granddaughter refers to her grandmother as “ba’buir” as well, boba has a moment of “hey wait, that’s my word >:(”... before remembering that the word can be used for both. GENDERLESS NOUNS, BAY-BEE
boba has... mostly negative feelings about the mandalorian view of the afterlife or the manda. basically, it’s a collective consciousness of every mandalorian who has ever died. non-mandalorians don’t go there bc according to traditional mandalorian belief, non-mandalorians don’t have souls
it’s quite telling that the normally not-very-expressive boba winces when the topic of the manda is brought up. and then when he’s asked what his problem is, he has a whole list of questions/objections to the manda as a concept. what if a mandalorian doesn’t want to go to the manda? do you have to spend eternity having your consciousness mixed with real monsters like tor vizsla and montross (mandalorians associated with death watch responsible for orphaning/betraying boba’s father)? what if you have non-mandalorian family members? are they allowed to come? and if an exception is made for them, why not the rest of the galaxy?
it’s interesting, bc clearly this isn’t a subject boba doesn’t know or care about; he’s obviously thought about it a lot to have all this to say about it. honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised if he put so much thought into it bc it may very well have been the afterlife jango believed in.
also, to end on a lighter note, boba is hilariously bad at all the like... leadership parts of being mand’alor.
there’s one scene where beviin drags him to a town hall meeting and all the other mandalorians are arguing over whether they should involve themselves in the new republic’s conflicts or not and boba’s like, “wow, this is really interesting. let me just quietly listen to all these different points being raised and think about—wait, why is everyone looking at me—oh. oh shit, they’re expecting me to actually say something.”
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the-scandalorian · 3 years
Tempered Glass: Chapter 6
Pairing: Din Djarin x Female Reader Rating: M (will become explicit) Word Count: 4k Warnings: slow burn, sad feels/angst, canon-typical violence, cursing, sexy thoughts, pining Summary: When Fennec Shand reveals your true identity to the Mandalorian, you do your best to pick up the pieces. Notes: I’m sorry this took me so long!! I rewrote it like six times because I couldn’t get it to feel right. Next chapter should be much faster. Taglist: @bbdoyouloveme​​ @beskarhearts​​ @dincrypt​ @dunderr​ @honey-hi​ @just-me-and-my-obsessions00​ @mbpokemonrulez​  @oloreaa​ @red-leaders​ @speakerforthedead0​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​​ @theflightytemptressadventure​ @ubri812​ @zoemariefit​​
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Image from The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian
Fuck. Panic coursed through your veins and paralyzed you. Your brain moved infuriatingly slowly as you tried to think of a way to stop the disaster that was unfolding before your eyes.
And yet...despite your fear and despite the fact that this terrifying, high-level bounty hunter had once tracked you, hearing Fennec call you sweetheart made your stomach drop—in a pleasant way, not at all like when Toro had done the same. She was beautiful, strong, mysterious, intimidating. What little you saw of her fighting style confirmed that she was lithe and exacting—catlike in her grace and prowess. A sexy armored bounty hunter.
I have a type.
You shunted that wildly unhelpful train of thought out of your head to refocus on the crisis at hand.
You looked at Mando. “I—”
“What’s she talking about?” he prompted. You couldn’t tell if you were projecting because you felt guilty or if he really did sound a little hurt.
You opened your mouth again to respond, but Fennec beat you to it.
“Oh, you don’t know?” Even in the dark, you could see Fennec’s eyes sparkle in delight as she addressed Mando. “I don’t know how this one stayed off your radar,” she explained. “She was wanted by the Empire for years. Huge bounty... She looks a little different now—check her chest for a scar to make sure, but I’d bet her bounty it’s there.”
Mando had already seen the scar. He knew Fennec was right.
You caught the hungry look on Toro’s face as he drank in everything Fennec was saying. His eyes trailed down your face and landed shamelessly on your chest. You could practically hear the wheels turning in his head as he tried to think up a way to confirm your identity and claim the reward for both you and Fennec. This little fucker.
Fennec looked at you, and you took a step back involuntarily. “You’ve gotten sloppy, baby. There’s been chatter for weeks that you resurfaced on Nevarro. If I hadn’t been pinned down here, I’d have come for you myself.”
Her words felt like ice sliding down your throat and settling in your stomach. You’d figured that news of your sighting would probably get out, but you had hoped against hope that the blue-haired bounty hunter had been taken out before she’d been able to spread the word.
Mando was silent, fists clenched tightly at his sides, visor glued on Fennec. Pulling yourself together, you grabbed his arm and dragged him a safe distance away.
“I was going to tell you. I’m sorry,” you blurted, once you were out of earshot.
“It’s fine,” he replied stiffly, his gaze trained decidedly to your right.
Somewhere in the back of your mind you registered that even though it was just the two of you, his voice retained its icy, detached quality, all the tender familiarity gone.
“No, it’s not. I should have told you sooner. I-I wanted to—believe me—but I didn’t know if I could trust you. You were—you’ve been worried that I might turn you or the kid in, haven’t you? I was worried that you’d do the same to me if you found out. The longer I spent with you, the more I felt like you wouldn’t, but I had to be completely, totally sure. I couldn’t take the risk. You can understand that, right?”
He said nothing.
“Look—I really want to be able to trust you. I want you to be able to trust me. I just didn’t know where to start. It’s not easy for people like us to trust blindly, you know?” You hated that your voice sounded almost pleading.
Still, he said nothing, a blank beskar wall. The comfortable warmth that had developed—slowly, painstakingly—between you two over the past weeks had dissolved in an instant.
“Mando. Talk to me, please.” You reached out for his arm, but he stepped back. He still wouldn’t meet your gaze.
“Not now. Not here.”
Your heart sank when he turned abruptly and walked back to the others.
You watched as he grabbed Fennec’s arm roughly, hauling her to her feet, and you trailed behind as he lead your party back down to the foot of the cliff. When you reached the bottom, Mando threw Fennec to the ground.
“Uh oh, looks like two of us have to walk,” Fennec taunted, eyeing the lone bike.
Mando jerked his head, motioning you and Toro to follow him.
“Alright, so what is the plan?” Toro asked Mando.
Reluctantly, you refrained from asking him if he could contribute for once instead of letting Mando do literally all the work; instead, you turned to Mando and supplied, “That dewback isn’t far.”
Mando didn’t look at you. To Toro, he said, “I need you to go find it.”
“And leave you here with my bounty and my ride?” Toro asked incredulously. “Yeah, I don’t think so, Mando. I’ll only go if she comes with me, so I have a guarantee that you won’t leave.” Toro gestured toward you.
You and Mando spoke at the same time: “No.”
“Either she comes, or I don’t go.” Toro was obviously pleased with himself for thinking of this plan, a smirk painted on his face. 
You shot him a scathing look before turning to Mando to offer, “I’ll go get it alone.”
You’d love to put some distance between you and Toro, between you and Fennec, and honestly even between you and Mando at the moment.
“Suit yourself,” shrugged Toro. “Less work for me.”
You ignored Toro. “I remember vaguely where it was.” You pointed.
Mando pressed a button on the side of his helmet and scanned the horizon, stopping vaguely where you’d pointed. Finally, he trained his visor on you. He looked from you to Toro to where Fennec was seated and to you again, deliberating. You could tell he didn’t want you to go alone, but he also didn’t want to leave you here with Toro and Fennec. “We’ll go together.”
You nodded, knowing you were in no position to complain. Now that your secret was out, it was evident that both Toro and Fennec would capitalize on your value at the first chance. And, even now, when your dishonesty had been revealed to him, Mando still felt compelled to protect you, his generous heart winning out over whatever malice he felt toward you.
A small part of you resented him for that; it didn’t rub you the right way that he didn’t think you could take care of yourself. A larger part of you knew it was exactly why you liked him so much.
It would be convenient if he were a selfish ass. You could convince yourself you didn’t owe him anything, that you’d done nothing wrong. But no. 
This is why it’s easier to be alone.
You felt both angry and guilty, an awful combination that manifested in the urge to hit something—a deep yearning to break Toro’s nose flashed through your mind when you caught the smug expression on his face as he looked from you to Mando. He was enjoying the palpable tension that had materialized between you a little too much.
“Watch her,” Mando reminded Toro, gesturing to Fennec. “And don’t let her get near the bike. She’s no good to us dead.”
Without a look or a word to you, he turned and started toward the dewback. 
You walked in awkward silence, knowing you’d have to be the one to break it, but you delayed the inevitable, admiring the array of stars spread out above you. Mando stomped up and down the swells of sand, staying several paces ahead.
You meandered your way through a storm conflicting emotions: anger at yourself for getting into this situation (rightful), anger at Mando for being infuriatingly honorable (misplaced), guilt that you’d hurt Mando (well-founded), fear about your safety (appropriate), fear that Mando was about to break your heart a little bit (honest), irritation that you were trekking through a damn desert and there was an aggressive amount of sand in your boots (fair but trivial)... and a myriad of others that were too nuanced to unpack.
After deliberating for a long time, you decided to take an offensive position and offer to leave preemptively to save Mando the trouble (and to save yourself from having to hear that from him). You steeled yourself with a deep breath and interrupted the oppressive quietude of the night, jogging for a moment to catch up with him.
“We can go our separate ways when we get back to Mos Eisley. I know I’m too much of a liability to keep around, especially with the kid.”
He turned his head to look at you, the night sky reflected in his visor.
“I have enough credits to get off world some other way.”
“If that’s what you want.”
It killed you a little just how much it wasn’t what you wanted. You were supposed to be totally independent—you’d chosen this life when you joined the Rebel Alliance, knowing that if by some miracle you managed to survive, you’d be hunted for years. The call for your blood wouldn’t—and didn’t—end with the Battle of Endor, especially when Imperial remnants remained strong. And years ago, condemning yourself to this life for a just cause had seemed brave and romantic. Now, here you were, desperate to build a connection with someone else, despite the risk. And you were starting to think that truly being brave would mean accepting that risk.
At what point is it worth giving up ease for happiness, for something more?
You gathered up what nerve you could muster and took a leap.
“It’s not what I want, but I know you feel betrayed. I really am sorry I didn’t tell you—I was planning to, but I was scared. Scared that you’d take advantage of that... scared that you’d take back your offer to stick together. And the longer I waited, the harder it got to come clean.”
“I understand.”
The frostiness of his voice had given way to something a shade softer, but it still hadn’t returned to its former warmth.
You nodded.  
As it became clear that he wasn’t going to say anything else, the disappointment started to settle in, trickling into the hollow of your chest. He understood, but it evidently didn’t change the fact that the fragile trust that had evolved between you was shattered.
Well, fuck.
You suppressed the wave of emotions that threatened to overtake you, focusing instead on making a new plan for yourself. There would be time to work through the feelings later, alone. Your thoughts wandered to where you might go next, running through a mental list of options. Nothing sounded appealing. 
None of the places that came to mind would be stocked with a shiny, withholding Mandalorian and an ancient green toddler.
You walked for another twenty minutes before Mando spoke again.
“I want to trust you too.”
You stopped. “What?”
He halted too, turning to face you. The dark sky painted his beskar deep shades of liquid indigo, speckled with pinpricks of starlight, that moved as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. “I wish you... uh... had felt safe enough to tell me that, but I understand why you didn’t.”
You knitted your eyebrows together. “Wait. You’re not mad?”
“I haven’t given you any reason to be open with me. And I guessed you were running from something.”
“The Empire part caught me off guard—but I knew there was something.”
Of course he’d figured it out...that seemed so obvious now. He’d be able to spot that from a mile away. Plus, he knew you. You spent the last month or so learning his tells and quirks, but you hadn’t stopped to think that he was doing the same with you.
He continued: “But the kid and I are also wanted by the Empire. We’d have the same problem even if you weren’t here.”
“True...” You were struggling to recover from the whiplash.
“What are you wanted for?”
“I was an Intelligence Officer in the Alliance.” It had been years since you’d shared this information with anyone, but the words fell from your lips as naturally as if you said them every day, like you’d been ready to tell him all along and your mouth had finally caught up with your heart.
“Yeah, that makes more sense,” he said. “Explains a lot of your skills.”
You scoffed. “Fair.”
Mando cleared his throat and hooked his thumbs in his belt. “But... it’s...uh, nice to not always be alone.” He punctuated the end of his sentence with a shrug, a little embarrassed.
Relief washed over you.
You smiled. “For me too.”
“Good,” he agreed, nodding decisively.
“Shit, you really let me think you were furious,” you laughed, feeling infinitely lighter but still trying to wrap your mind around this abrupt turn.
“Sorry,” he apologized, “I was... trying to figure some things out.”
You shook your head in exasperation and started walking again, but you froze when he said your real name. You’d known your name would sound good in his voice—everything did—but the way it rumbled and rasped through the modulator was borderline sinful, agonizingly personal.
File that away for later.
You looked back at him, and he cocked his head: “So you’ll stay?” 
“Yeah, I’ll stay,” you agreed, a broad grin on your face.
You both started walking again, and suddenly, trudging through the sandy desert in the middle of the night didn’t seem so bad. The dewback came back into view as you crested another sand dune.
Mando looked over at you. “Din,” he offered. “My name is Din.”
You glanced up at him, surprised. “Din,” you repeated back to him, feeling it out.
Despite the contradictory definition of the word, it suited him. He was the opposite of a cacophony, a man of few words—though to be fair, he did often cause a commotion. But as a name... Din was short, to the point. It evoked a lot of feeling for just three letters, and that felt right.
“I know your real name now. I thought it was only fair that you know mine too, but only use it when it’s just me and you and the kid,” he explained.
Your throat was unexpectedly tight.
You reached over to squeeze his arm at the elbow, where there was a gap in the beskar. He didn’t pull away.
“Thanks,” you answered, looking up into his visor. 
You hoped he understood that you were thanking him for more than just his name—for his understanding, for his trust, for his protection, for his vulnerability. You couldn’t say that all out loud at the moment, but you hoped he knew.
He dipped his helmet in acknowledgement, and you dropped your hand. 
When you finally reached the dewback, Din approached slowly, speaking to it in a calm, lilting voice. It warmed to him slowly, and he grabbed the reins.
He hauled himself up onto its back and then extended a hand down to you. You took it, and he pulled you up easily to sit behind him. You wrapped your arms around his middle.
“Is this okay?” You weren’t really sure why you asked this time. Things had shifted between the two of you, so you were compelled to check that the casual contact was still welcome.
He cleared his throat: “Yeah, fine,” he confirmed.
It had been a long time since you’d been physically affectionate with anyone, besides the occasional casual, short-lived tryst. It was nice to wrap your arms around someone familiar and comfortable, someone who knew you.
The dewback started forward. Din directed it back toward the cliffs with the reins in his fist. It wasn’t a huge distance, but the dewback was a slow means of transportation.
You had little idea what all this meant for your daily reality with Din. You had both shared that you wanted companionship, but that didn’t necessarily mean he was interested in anything more than that. However, for you at least, this was undeniably no longer a superficial interest that you harbored; you had real affection for him. And it seemed like he maybe was starting to feel same way about you? Or maybe he was just getting comfortable with having companionship? The man was starved for human interaction, so it was hard to know if he was warming up to you or warming up to companionship in general.
One step at a time.
Time slipped by as the dewback lumbered on. You rested your cheek against the scratchy fabric of his cape and closed your eyes. The rhythmic movement, the darkness, and comfort of the position lulled you into a light sleep.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been asleep when Din woke you, squeezing your now limp arm that was resting on his thigh above his beskar plate.
“Alive back there?” he asked in a low voice.
Leaned against him, still groggy with sleep, you felt the question rumble through his chest.
You sat up straight, pulling your arms back to your sides. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
He chuckled. “It’s fine. We’re close.”
The two suns had risen, bathing the landscape in the golden glow of early morning. You looked around and saw that you were a short distance from where you’d left Toro and Fennec. You couldn’t see them yet, but you figured they were hidden behind one of the many large boulders strewn across the landscape.
As you drew nearer, though, you could tell something was wrong. Only one figure came into view—and it was crumpled on the ground. Din registered this as well: his shoulders stiffened, and he pulled the reins tight to halt the dewback’s slow advance.
It was Fennec’s body on the ground. Toro was nowhere to be seen.
“Fuck,” you breathed.
“You were right about him,” said Din. “Stay here.”
Din dismounted and approached Fennec’s body. She looked dead, but he crouched to check. He tried to find a pulse, and after a moment, he stood back up and shook his head.
As Din walked back toward you, the realization dawned on you both at the same time.
“He didn’t—”
“The kid—”
“She must have—”
“We have to—”
Din hurried back onto the dewback and directed it toward Mos Eisley, doing his best to make the lumbering creature pick up its pace. It didn’t help much.
The ride back was interminable. You definitely didn’t fall asleep this time, adrenaline keeping you on edge as the hours passed. Both you and Din were incredibly tense, speaking very little, thinking only of the child.
Night had fallen again by the time you reached Mos Eisley. The speeder bike that Toro had been riding was parked outside Peli’s. Fury and fear spidered through your veins at the thought of him with the kid.
Din jumped off the side of the dewback and looked up at you expectantly, his arms outstretched. You maneuvered your leg over the side and slid down a bit until his hands gripped your hips, and he lowered you until your feet hit the sand. You could have easily jumped down on your own. He knew that. You knew that. You’d let him help you anyways.
You paused outside the bay to draw your blasters.
“Here,” Din offered you the flash charge.
You slipped it into your jacket sleeve, where it stayed tight against your wrist. Together, you crept through the door and down the stairway that opened up to where the Razor Crest was parked. It was eerily quiet.
You scanned the space, jumping slightly when one of Peli’s pit droids scurried past.
“Took you guys long enough.”
Toro walked slowly down the open ramp of the Crest, the barrel of the blaster in his hand pressed to Peli’s back. The child was held in his other arm.
“Looks like I’m calling the shots now. Huh?” he sneered.
The urge to hit him flared up so acutely that you clenched your fists. You hissed at him: “Don’t you da—”
“Drop your blasters and raise ‘em,” he ordered, cutting you off.
You and Din exchanged a look before throwing your blasters to the ground. In a subtle movement, you shifted the charge from your sleeve to your fist as you placed your hands behind your head.
“Cuff ‘em,” commanded Toro, nudging Peli forward and throwing two sets of cuffs to the ground.
She moved toward Din.
“No, start with her,” Toro drawled, jutting his chin toward you. “To think I almost cut Mando out of this deal,” he laughed. “I would have gotten you and Fennec, but this is so much better. I get to collect the bounty on you and this target here that Mando helped escape,” he pointed his gun at the baby and all your muscles tensed in protective rage, “...and I get to turn in the legendary Mandalorian himself—a Guild traitor.”
Peli walked behind you. You grasped the charge in your fist so that she would be able to see the top of it. You heard her quiet, sharp intake of breath.
“Fennec was right,” Toro continued smugly. “Bringing you three in won’t just make me a member of the Guild—it’ll make me legendary. Three high-value targets on my first try. Wow, I should really thank you guys.”
Peli was fumbling with the cuffs behind you, taking longer than necessary on purpose.
You hoped she was ready to duck because you’d heard enough of Toro’s self-congratulatory monologue. You released the charge.
In the split second of blinding light, you, Din, and Peli sprinted in opposite directions, taking cover. Toro groaned and attempted to cover his eyes, shooting blindly at the empty space where you had been standing.
Din took Toro out in one shot.
You were closest to where he fell, so you charged forward with your blaster trained on his body. The baby wiggled out of Toro’s arms and ran toward you. His big eyes were watery and his arms stretched toward you, his fingers making little grabby motions. He chittered nervously as you scooped him up with your free arm, and he buried his head in your shoulder.
You kicked Toro’s blaster away from his body as Din approached to make sure he was dead. After he checked his pulse, Din tugged the pouch of credits from Toro’s belt and tossed it to Peli. “Here,” he said.
With a gasp, she caught it and emptied the pouch in her hands. Credits tumbled out, a few falling to the ground.
“That cover us?” Din asked.
Peli looked shocked, scrambling to pick them all up. “Yeah... uh, yes. This is gonna cover you.” It was clearly far more than she was expecting.
You passed the child over to Din, and he looked down at the baby, tilting his helmet in...what? Affection? Relief? This was a head tilt you hadn’t defined yet.
Peli approached him and looked down at the child. “You take care of him, you hear?”
Din nodded.
“Thank you for watching him,” you said to Peli, genuinely grateful that she had turned out to be trustworthy.
“Besides getting held at gunpoint... I guess it wasn’t too bad,” she replied, smiling down at the baby. She’d clearly grown fond of him, and you couldn’t blame her. After a moment, Peli mumbled a goodbye and walked away, eagerly counting the credits in her hands, her pit droids skittering after her.
You stood there, finger caught between three tiny green ones, as the kid babbled and cooed up at you. When you looked up, Din’s helmet was trained on your face.
He tipped his head toward the open ramp of the Crest in a wordless invitation.
You smiled at him, a comforting warmth settling in your chest, and he followed you into the hull.
Chapter 7
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Fear pt. 5
Pt. 5
pt. 4 , masterlist
light cursing, lots of angst, maybe an uncomfortable scene of unwanted touches, lots of feelings
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//////// a few hours later ////////////
mandos POV
“I need to send you on a mission” I said bluntly, staring at the flight controls. 
“Oh, is that so? Does that mean you’ve taken another bounty and want me in on it?” She said in a slight teasing tone that took everything in my power not to respond to in a flirtatious way. 
“Yes... is that okay?”
“More than okay, handsome.”
Fuck me 
“We’re going back to Tatooine and you’ll need to get information on how to enter a specific spice trade.”
She leaned forward in the copilot seat, obviously intrigued which made me harder than I could’ve imagined. “Okay,” she continued, “Do you have a specific plan in mind?”
“No.” I’d been so focused on keeping my hands off of her that I hadn’t had time to think of a fully fleshed out plan.
“Okay, well, I’ll do whats worked for me in the past” she answered with a smug smile. 
“Don’t do anything stupid.” 
“No promises” she winked. fuck she winked “Ill just need to borrow some old clothes of yours”
The thought of her in my clothes sent my mind spiraling, “why would you need that?”
“I’ll need something you don’t care about to make me look like I’ve stolen the clothes off of someones back...make them look ragged, ya know? Men love to see a disheveled woman they can take advantage of” she rolled her eyes, “I usually flirt my way back to their place and once I’ve gotten the info I need...game over.”
 It honestly wasn’t a bad plan, but just the thought of a man looking at her like prey made me feel sick.
Mando handed me an old olive green worn out t-shirt that fit me like a short dress and I wore tight shorts underneath. 
The smell of him still lingered on the t-shirt and it almost hurt to wear, knowing the smell had a chance of fading.
I looked at myself in the small mirror I had brought in my flight bag. I guess he didn’t really need one since he never took off that helmet. that damn helmet.
I ran my fingers through my hair, haphazardly, making it seem like I hadn’t been in a position to take care of myself for a long while. With a few patches of brown eyeshadow smeared on my face... I was ready.
The Mandalorian strolled behind me, an ever present gloved hand on his blaster. He was as quiet as ever and made no attempt at going over the plan once more. 
He never let me be lost to his sight as I strolled into a bar, hips swaying seductively with a Doe eyed pout plastered across my face. 
Heads turned as I walked in, a seemingly meek, pretty young girl was in the lions den and every man in there was looking for his next release. The thought of their hands on me made me feel sick, but I swallowed the bile that came into my mouth. 
I had spotted a potential target who brandished the all too relaxed look of someone who had just inhaled spice. 
I sauntered up to him with a smile and huge eyes, “Hey handsome, you look happy.”
The blue creature of a man snorted, but was obviously amused. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, his cronies chuckling behind him. 
“You wanna be happy too?” He replied in a whisper into my ear, his rancid breath almost breaking my facade.
I played back, nodding my head ‘yes’ and letting him drag me to a small, dark, secluded corner of the bar where we wouldn’t be seen. I watched as he dragged a hookah pipe closer to him and filled it with the bright red dust, then pulling on it himself first before tilting the tip towards me. 
I acted shy, making myself blush I’d be lying if it wasn’t mando I was thinking about in order to make myself blush on cue.
Giggling like a school girl I asked, “wait, wait, where’d you get this? I heard some isn’t as good as other” I leaned in, “and I want the best.”
He howled in laughter, “where? Well you haven’t been on this planet long, have you girl?”
I shook my head and pouted... I was so close to the information I needed. 
“Well I bet the spice ring around here would like a pretty little thing like you to run their product to locals... we get everything from just under this bar.” He smirked and grabbed my thigh, caressing it higher. 
That’s all I needed. 
I was about to thank him and leave... that was until I heard a blaster taken off of safety.
My head shot up and my hand instinctively reached for the blaster I had hidden, strapped to my thigh.
“Get your hands off of her.” I said in a more vicious than calm tone than I had anticipated.
She looked up in fear until realizing it was me, then she shot me a worried wide eyed glance and shook her head ‘no’ as if to say she had handled it. 
In this moment, I couldn’t possibly care less. I didn’t care about the bounty money, I didn’t care about justice, I didn’t care about spilling this mans blood.... I just cared about her.
“I won’t tell you twice” I said, blaster now pointed to kill.
“Mando...” She whispered as I watched him slide off of her. I never once looked away or removed my blaster from his line of shot.
The creature of a man crouched away with his hands up, mumbling to himself, “jealous boyfriends, hate them...”.
Even from his vile lips, the notion that I was her boyfriend lit a flame in me.  
Once he was gone, she ran up to me, small hands beating on my armored chest. “I had him, you didn’t need to do that” she growled at me, rage in her eyes. 
“What the hell were you thinking” I half screamed, half whispered,  beating against beskar like a whining child. 
I guess I was whining. He made me feel like I needed his protection... I didn’t. I did this for a lot longer than I had even known him.
All he did was turn his gaze down upon me, watching my temper tantrum. 
When I couldn’t even get so much as a fake apology, I walked away in anger. 
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