#I wonder what the Candy Queen would look like as the candy elemental?
frogonamelon · 9 months
The Winter King and the Ice Elemental
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. a billionaire's nightmare (especially one who gets rich off the labor of slavery) would be to actually work, so no wonder hades and persephone are so distraught over actually having to do their jobs for once instead of goofing off, abusing the poor, and shopping all day.
2. I think LO was always supposed to be a Rom/Drama, but the issue is more that RS can't depict drama well, hence why the SA was followed by a Dad Joke™️, was dropped, and "fixed" after one therapy session literal years afterwards, or how Persephone isn't allowed darkness to instead have it as Eris' doing, or how RS complains she wants to write "Persephone playing Candy Crush all day" when she easily could have from the start. It was never supposed to be a RomCom, but she can't do RomDrama either.
3. Now LO fans are claiming Eris isn't supposed to be a villain and Kronos was always planned to come back? I swear they just live in another reality because IDK what comic they're reading where any of this was not randomly pulled out of nowhere. You can't spent a season and a half doing nothing to build up a villain returning (who was never pinned as one anyway beyond Hades' personal history), suddenly make him come back, then drop it again to randomly put in Leto and Eris. That's bad writing.
4. "LO is supposed to be dark!" a dark story doesn't constantly use outdated memes, make fart jokes during "serious" moments, and spend more time doing silly expressions and trying to be "hip with the times" than actually being serious when it should be. LO is as deep and dark as Riverdale, but even Riverdale is aware it's bad.
5. I mean it's been a long time coming of social/pop media making it toxic for young girls and women to navigate through and not feel "not enough", especially if they're not a 18-21 year old, attractive, rich, and white. LO is not the sole factor, but it does suck it's another piece of popular media setting up dangerous standards for its young readers base that they can never be able to live up to. I know people love to go "fiction doesn't effect reality" but it does, even if it doesn't try to.
6. I think that also makes the AOW/Eris/Whatever else so dumb is like ... are we really suppoed to believe all of this happened when Persephone was 18-19, so literally within the last two years of her life? How exactly does that work? Plus has Rachel ever met a 13 year old? Persephone would logically have 15 AOWs at this point since it's tied to her emotions, not having it only happen one time when she was 19 a few months ago in universe. You don't just have one temper outburst and that's it.
7. Idk it annoys me that in the trial arc only Hades wore a crown (at least on the first day) and an "interesting" outfit meanwhile Zeus and Poseidon looked kinda meh
I get that Poseidon may not like to wear his crown or formal clothes but Zeus literally has no excuse for not wearing a crown like they're all kings but Zeus is the king of the gods and it's an important event but anyway it's just a nitpick 
8. It appears that RS is practicing with poses and anatomy. I'm genuinely glad to see it. Hopefully it'll show in the upcoming chapters. For now it seems like she is spending her time wisely. 
9. What I don't get is you have LO fans excusing the SA, age gap, slavery, violence, etc as "It's myth! she has to keep it in!" when 1) a lot of the bad parts in LO were NOT in the original myths to begin with, but 2) she purpisely took a story about a mother standing up for her daughter against a cruel man and instead made it a "romance" where the cruel man is the perfect partner and the mom is evil for not wanting the together, so the idea she "had" to keep or add these elements is a just a lie.
10. I hate LO fans claiming it's a "coming of age" story because LO is ultimately about Persephone marrying Hades, being his Queen, and that's about it. Where in that says "coming of age"? Yes, in ancient times a (mortal) girl would become a "woman" upon marriage, but this is supposed to be a modern setting for a modern romance, what "coming of age" are they having exactly if they don't have ancient values? And why should her "maturing into an adult" be tied to Persephone's relationship to a man?
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witchesoz · 3 years
After Oz: Legends of Oz
I hesitated before doing this one, because this movie is mostly based on the book "Dorothy of Oz" by Roger S. Baum, and I haven't read said book. It is something that tends to get on my nerve, when people actually don't care about the original material an adaptation was based on, and consider the adaptation as its own entirely original piece of work, when in fact, a lot of it was taken from somebody's else work. I mean, the perfect exemple is Shining. Some people praise Kubrick for being a pure genius for inventing this story from A to Z, and consider Stephen's King television series a "poor attempt at a remake of the movie", when... you know, King originally wrote the Shining and Kubrick merely adapted it. In fact, people tend to forget most of Kubrick's movies were adaptation. Dr. Strangelove? Loosely based on "Red Alert". Lolita? Everyone knows it is Nabokov. A Clockwork Orange? Anthony Burgess. 2001: Space Odyssey? Inspired by shorts stories of Clarke, the co-author. Eyes Wide Shut? A 1920s German book, Traumnovelle. And so forth and so forth...
  Hum. Sorry for the rant. I just needed to explain why I always want to take in consideration the original material when tackling an adaptation.  But since I haven't read and can't get this book, I will mostly rely myself on the Wikipedia plot and other reviews I read. If you wonder, yes, Roger S. Baum is Baum's great-grandson (or great-great-grandson?), and he wrote "Dorothy of Oz" as a direct sequel to the first book, "The Wizard of Oz", ignoring all of the others, and... apparently he is not a really good writer. But anyway... I still decided to do a little something about this movie, because... well just because I wanted    Oh yeah, another thing... an elephant in the room I have to adress right now. I only discovered it this year, by doing research about the movie (because before I only saw it at the time of its released and then forgot about it). You can know it, or completely ignore it - yes, I know that this whole movie was the result of a huge scam that robbed hundreds of people out of their money, and that the case has been even brought to trial. But... well the movie is still here, people still saw it, it is still around, will be for still quite a long time, and it is now part of the Oz inheritance, that you want it or not. Anyway, a lot of Oz movies had a dark and troubled production. It seems almost like a pre-requisite: if you do an Oz movie, you'll never end happy. Maybe it is a curse? Who knows.
       So... let's get into the subject. Is "Dorothy's Return" a bad movie? (I'll use this name, because "Legends of Oz" was the name of the intended franchise of three, maybe ten movies). I wouldn't say so. A lot of people said it was crap, or worthless, but I wouldn't call it bad. People also said that it is a bland movie, and I would say yes - but only partially. I think a good lot of the extreme bad reactions were caused because of 1- people who just disliked the idea of more Oz adaptations, 2- people too old for this movie, because you have to remember that this is a movie aiming at children and 3- people who are hard-die fans of the MGM movie and not so much of the original Oz books. It may also play in account that Dorothy's Return was roughly released the same year, and played as a "rival" to "Oz the Great and Powerful".
    Now, note that it isn't a memorable movie (except for a few bits). It isn't an excellent movie. It isn't a cult classic (even though it may become it with the whole scam background, who knows?). It isn't something I would watch again and again with pleasure. It isn't something exceptionnal or groundbreaking, it is even quite generic. But, it has some good parts, and it manages to be entertaining, and honestly as a child I could have sit in front of it and watch it with no problem. Because, yes, it is a children movie. The action is rushed, the characters lack depth, some moments are too sugary-sweet or even cringy (for exemple the song "We'll work together". Seriously, I just looked away and sped up a bit because that was too sickening-sweet for me.) As a result, as a child movie they missed things that could have been really good (the old tree agreeing to be use for a boat, which is played straight up as him being killed, the characters even say so, but then it turns out he is still alive as a boat? You could have had a great, deep, fascinating almost philosophical moment, but you just waste it for a happy ending). Anyway, what was I saying? Yes, a children movie. As a result, some people called the movie "too simple". On the other side, people called the story "too confusing".
  To an Oz fan like me, it isn't actually confusing. It isn't at all - but indeed, for someone with a limited knowledge of Oz, it will be confusing. Because, while they base themselves on an Oz book that re-uses many elements from the books (the Queen of the Field Mices, the Sawhorse, the China Country...) it also decided to include a lot of elements from the MGM movie (the Wicked Witch of the West is the one from the MGM, Glinda is also quasi-identical from her MGM counterpart, the Winged Monkeys work with the evil people...). As a result, yeah, it may be confusing. But the inclusion of the MGM elements actually managed to correct some flaws of the original story. For exemple, in Roger S Baum's book, the Jester was merely a normal jester possessed by the ghost of the Wicked Witch of the West, through her magic wand. Wait, magic wand? There wasn't any magic wand mentionned in the original book! But in the movie, to use the broomstick of the Wicked Witch makes much more sense.
      I'll take a short time here to comment on the character of the Jester, who is, I think, the highest point of this movie. He is a good villain. A cliché but interesting backstory cashing on the idea of Oz vilains as siblings, a clear shout-out to the Joker which isn't so bad, interesting plans. He is also the provider of many nightmarish elements (the fate of Dorothy's companions, which I think was a very good idea, or the people turning into puppets and being used for a creepy dance) that made this Oz movie feel... well Ozian. Because a good Oz work is a work that will traumatize your kids! I guess a bit part of why the Jester works so well is that he basically repeats and remakes all his sister, the Wicked Witch, did in the MGM movie, and let's be honest, she was a great villain. (And this again makes sense when you remember the Jester is originally supposed to be possessed by the Witch's ghost). But at the same time he has his distinctive signature and style, with his Jester persona, his circus-related punishment and his personal plots to conquer Oz. [People noticed obviously the sweet irony of things in this movie. You have a double-character that, on the Earth world is a cheater and criminal trying to steal people of their houses and using several fake identities, while in Oz it is a villain that turns people into puppets he can manipulate and relies mostly on cheating and misleading Dorothy to her doom. Which is eerily similar to what the creators of the movie/franchise did with their financers and investors.]
  Talking about the Earth side... The whole "earthly" parts are all bland and not memorable. Just like Dorothy, who isn't really... anything to be honest. The songs sung aren't memorable either. All of that is a fail. A lot of people also considered the Earthly animation uncanny, or even disturbing, but I personally wasn't bugged by it at all. I saw much more uncanny animation.
    When it comes to the Oz part, I actually think they managed to create a perfect "Ozian story". As in, the general schema of the girl entering in Oz through an uncommon mean (here a people-eating rainbow, that I have to say was quite a scary scene to look at), then passing through many small kingdoms, meeting new friends, forming a team, discovering the villain and fighting him off - this plot was repeated by Baum times and times and times again, and probably comes from the original novel Dorothy of Oz. But it still works, as simple as it can be. Plus, the use of the China Country and the Candy County (I think its their name?) was quite a good choice. The China Country was one of Baum's earliest invention, while the Candy County (originating from the Roger S Baum book) is eerily similar to the Bunbury village, an invention of Baum, inhabited by living baked goods that also get angry at the protagonists for trying to eating them. Yes, all in all, the characters feel really Ozian. As for the other member of the team, "Wiser the Owl". Well... he had the potential to feel an interesting and Baum-ian character. But it falls flat because he just becomes one living fat joke. I mean, fat jokes can be funny. But when the character is mostly the joke itself well... yeah, not really working. He had a much interesting role in the prequel comic book.  
   Because yes, there is a comic book associated with this movie! As I said before, originally the project was to create a franchise of several movies, with toys, goodies, applications and video games. (Or at least that was the project the scam used). The comic is however found under the original title for the movie "Dorothy of Oz". I don't have much to say about it, outside that is was quite pleasing (even though it sometimes doesn't make sense when put in direct relationship to the movie), and that it introduced one interesting idea: that the magic of the broomstick/Witch relied mostly on manipulating the weather and nature. The Jester causes a flood to destroy the Munchkin town, he causes an earthquake to break the China Country, he uses heatwaves to melt the Candy County... And another interesting point, the role of Wiser. Indeed, in the movie he is presented as a "motor-mouth" that keeps talking about everything, knows a lot of stuff and has the tendency to finish other people's sentences. But it gets quickly overshadowed by the fat jokes (cause a big part of his character is that he used to be able to fly but now, because of his love for candy, he is too fat to fly). However, in the comic book he has rather the role of the one voice of reason and intelligence that offers down-to-earth, simple solutions to problems where the other Ozians search for more extravagant and magical possibilities. Exemple (SPOILERS: when trying to create a rainbow, the team searches everywhere, thinks of asking witches, wizards and candy makers. Wiser has to remind them that anybody can create a rainbow with just a good crystal and some light. SPOILER ENDING.)  
   (I actually read the comic book before looking at the movie, which may explain why I consider it better than the movie.) To return to my opinion on the movie... Not the greatest Oz movie, but certainly not the worst. Average, but on the good side. Entertaining and interesting, even though bland and generic. They got the feeling of an Oz story but they just didn't found a way to freshen up or make the story shine on its own. A good villain for a heroine easy to forget. Simple. Ideal for children, or to kill time, or just to inspire one for more Oz work.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Blue Neighborhood Series: BLUE (Methydoll) - Mac
AN: All my thanks to Alex for betaing this bitch. Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out!! Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Nicky offers to help Crystal with her art school applications by acting as a model and getting her portrait done.
Crystal had only just sat down at her desk, bags still thrown haphazardly about her room, when she heard a loud thwack on her window that nearly caused her to fall out of her chair in shock.
She whipped her head in the direction of the sound. Through the early afternoon sunlight she could make out Nicky’s flushed red face, and three words written boldly on a piece of paper pressed to the French girl’s window.
Crystal bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing outright, sealing her expression in mock annoyance as she threw open her window.
“I was only gone two days.”
Nicky gave an over exaggerated sigh, throwing her head back and clutching at her chest as if in pain. “I was stuck with Heidi and Brita who kept talking about how hot MEN are.” Nicky gave a pathetic sniffle.
When her antics didn’t produce the reaction desired, Nicky crossed her arms over her chest, puffing it out in frustration and refusing to look Crystal in the eye. “You should be thankful I am even talking to you after you LEFT ME!”
Crystal just raised one judgemental eyebrow, fighting back the urge to blush. “You’re such a drama queen,” she chuckled, shaking her head.
The side of Nicky’s mouth quirked up in a half smirk. “And Heidi’s a bad liar.”
Crystal’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second. Dammit. “She told you?”
“She didn’t have to!” Nicky exclaimed. “As soon as she mentioned it, I knew. She never invites me over to her house, so of course you had to be behind it.”
Crystal sighed. “Did you at least go?”
Nicky scoffed. “Of course I went. I’m a good friend.”
“Why do you say it like that? Like I did something bad?”
Crystal raised one skeptical eyebrow.
Nicky eventually raised her gaze, allowing herself to meet Crystal’s eyes for the first time that conversation, and sighed. “Heidi’s mom is pissed because I strongly encouraged Heidi to buy this gorgeous Coach bag.”
“How much was it?”
Nicky pursed her lips. “I’d rather not say.”
“Two hundred?”
“Yeah…” Nicky trailed off, “plus another two hundred,” she mumbled.
Crystal’s jaw dropped. “You got her to buy a FOUR HUNDRED DOLLAR PURSE?”
The older girl held her hands up in surrender. “In my defense, retail therapy is good for heartbreak!”
Crystal, still in shock, just nodded dumbly to herself, mumbling, “Oh my god, you’re actually the worst person on the planet. I can’t believe I’m friends with the actual worst human being to exist ever.”
“You love me.” Nicky winked, causing Crystal’s heart to do that silly little flippy thing making her palms sweat and her ears burn.
There was a beat of silence before Crystal gave a long-suffering sigh. “I’ll talk to Heidi’s mom.”
She had been trying, rather foolishly, but she had been trying to get Nicky to open up to the rest of their friend group. Nicky had been living in the U.S. for nearly four months now and yet hardly seemed concerned by the lack of bonding she had accomplished with the girls in the neighborhood.
Maybe it was a selfish part of Crystal too that needed someone else to understand how she felt under Nicky’s spell.
Because surely it couldn’t just be her.
Nicky had that effect on everyone.
“Did you at least like the college?” Nicky asked, drawing Crystal out of her spiraling thoughts and back into reality.
The artist cast her eyes down to where her fingers were fiddling with the peeling window trim, and couldn’t help a smile from breaking out.
“It was wonderful,” she said lightly.
Nicky’s gaze softened, brilliant smile taking over her features. “Stop being so fucking cute. I can’t be mad at you when you smile like that.”
Crystal couldn’t fight the blush this time and allowed her cheeks to flush crimson. If worst came to worst she could blame it on the cooling temperature and the change of season.
Her mind trailed back to the college visit, a sigh leaving her lips against her will.
“But-” Nicky prompted her.
Crystal shook her head. “But- the admissions lady took a look at my portfolio and said it could use some work.”
“So she is an idiot.”
“No- I mean, maybe.” Crystal sighed. “I know my art style isn’t… traditional, and I know that to move in the art world I have to play by their rules, at least a little.”
Nicky nodded gently. “So what are you going to do?”
Crystal sighed, leaning forward to rest her head on her hands. “I need more ‘realistic’ pieces. Portrait work is probably my best bet, but I’m not entirely sure who I would do, and I got a C in freshman bio so-”
“You should paint me.”
Crystal’s head shot up. “W-what?”
Nicky smiled, rolling her eyes playfully. “Paint me like one of your French girls.” she snickered, posing dramatically. “C’mon, don’t act like you don’t want an excuse to stare at me.”
Crystal couldn’t help a laugh from bubbling out, lighting her up from the inside out. “Can’t argue with that,” she threw back, just as teasingly.
Nicky’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, as if she hadn’t expected Crystal to match her energy, when her usual reaction was to blush and gloss over the flirtatious tone.
It was almost comical how long it took Nicky to process the statement, and Crystal found herself, for the first time, in a position of power over the other girl.
She pushed her luck. “Tomorrow after school? Art room?”
It was refreshing to see the impeccably put-together girl out of her element, and Crystal’s smile only grew as Nicky caught her breath before nodding.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
The rapidly cooling air that signified the coming winter seeped through the shoddy insulation in the art room. Old walls did little to prevent the howling wind from seeping into the well-worn cracks in the brick. And yet, Crystal had never felt more at home.
As the sun was already beginning to make its descent from the sky, she allowed herself to glance around, marveling at the expanse of half-finished art pieces that littered the shelves, and her large blank canvas that took up the middle of the grouped tables.
The door to the room creaked on its hinges and Crystal looked up suddenly, heart pounding in her ears at the prospect that she was about to spend the next however long having to stare at Nicky’s beauty up close and personal.
But her elation quickly faded as the figure that burst through the art room doors was not at all who she expected.
“Sorry, I was just… looking for Jacks…” Gigi trailed off, breaking eye contact before nodding to the floor. “I’ll just-” she motioned to the door.
“So it’s true?” Crystal heard herself say. “You and Jackie?”
Gigi met her eyes warily, holding her gaze just long enough for Crystal to see that she was genuinely afraid.
The cheerleader nodded once. “Yeah.”
Crystal hadn’t seen Jackie in a couple days, the older girl having given the excuse that she needed to practice the changes in their cheer routine. But she had mentioned in passing that she and Gigi were seeing each other.
Crystal hadn’t believed it at first, but now, looking at Gigi’s worried expression, the first vulnerability she had seen from her ex in a long time, she had her answer.
It was… different, Crystal decided.
Not bad, but not nearly comfortable.
Her ex and one of her best friends.
Crystal could be more mad. She probably should be.
But just by looking at her Crystal could tell that this Gigi, this nervous, timid thing, was a far cry from the Gigi that had caused all that pain freshman year. She had three years to grow and change, and if the way she was guiltily staring at the floor was anything to go by, she had changed quite a bit.
Gone was the cavalier, above-it-all attitude she used to exude. The smarmy chuckles and flirtatious winks she gave out like candy.
She had no doubt been humbled by her fling with Jaida being outed, however, it was more than that.
But Crystal didn’t allow herself to analyze further. They were different people now.
The heavy silence was clearly eating at Gigi because she went to explain herself, “If you want to talk about-”
Crystal stopped her with a shake of her head.
Gigi withered.
“Just don’t hurt her.” Crystal said firmly, putting every ounce of strength she had in those four words.
Gigi met her eyes finally, determination clear in them. “I won’t.”
Crystal believed her.
“Okay,” she said.
We’re good. She meant.
They got five minutes into painting before Crystal sighed, dropping the brush exasperatedly.
“What’s wrong?” Nicky teased. “Can’t capture my beauty?”
Crystal rolled her eyes. “Nothing could ever capture your beauty,” she deadpanned.
Nicky tried to hide the flush of her cheeks by turning her head, but Crystal caught her, smiling inwardly at the reaction.
“You need to relax. Put on some music.”
“I don’t know about-”
Nicky’s eyes lit up. “Here, I have a playlist for this!”
Crystal raised an eyebrow skeptically. “You have a playlist for getting your portrait done by your friend who’s never going to get into art school and might as well drop out now and live in a cardboard box under a bridge?”
Nicky rolled her eyes, hopping off the stool and grabbing a random half-finished pottery project off the art room shelf. “No, that’s too long for a title.”
Crystal stuck her tongue out.
Nicky just smiled knowingly. “I called it ‘songs to play when Crystal gets frustrated that give me an excuse to initiate physical contact.’”
“Wait what-”
But before Crystal could get a word in edgewise, Nicky was blasting her old-timey music.
The notes rose and fell against the unfinished clay pot, adding a strange echo to the song. Nicky didn’t seem to mind though, turning on her heel and holding a hand out to Crystal.
She looked editorial, pristine white blouse and matching pants hugged her slim figure like they were tailored to her frame.
“Come dance with me,” she spoke softly, pushing herself off one of the tables to inch closer to Crystal.
The artist had the distinct feeling of being hunted as Nicky’s eyes zoned in on her face, tracing the curve of her lips. “I-I have to-”
“S'il te plait, mon amour.” Nicky practically whispered coming closer, breathing in her air. “Danse avec moi.”
And Crystal had no clue what she said, but she couldn’t very well refuse Nicky when she spoke like that. All soft eyes and gentle French words.
She took Nicky’s outstretched hand and found herself in the leading position.
It was only when Nicky pulled her closer that Crystal noted her own drab appearance, overalls smeared with paints and bits of charcoal that most definitely would ruin Nicky’s all-white outfit.
“Wait, the paint isn’t dry!” She tried to warn, but Nicky ignored her, pulling the artist closer, the blues and oranges and lilacs pressed against the expensive fabric.
The French beauty just shook her head and laughed at Crystal’s shocked expression.
They fell into a rhythm before long, Crystal swaying them this way and that. She was surely doing something wrong, but Nicky didn’t seem to mind, peaceful smile pulling at the corners of her mouth and eyes.
She looked ethereal up close.
Her pores varied in size and the lines beside her mouth were deeper than Crystal had assumed at first glance.
She was perfect.
She was just like everyone else.
Almost without realizing it, Crystal slowed their rocking to a stop.
Nicky blinked her eyes open. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Nothing.” Crystal shook her head to clear it.
“Why’d you stop?”
Crystal smiled gently. “I wanted to see your eyes. I missed them.”
Nicky threw her delicate neck back in a laugh that rang in both their ears. “Awww, Crystal,” she cooed. “You’re such a sap.”
“You love it.”
Nicky just hummed noncommittally, poorly hiding a smile, and went back to swaying.
It went on that way for nearly a week.
With Crystal trying to paint her neighbor, and said neighbor distracting her by doing something ridiculously romantic that made her head spin on her shoulders.
They got good at it.
Danced around each other like professionals.
Like they had since the day they met.
When the painting was finally done, Crystal didn’t tell Nicky at first. She soaked up their time together like she couldn’t just throw open her window anytime she felt like it and see the older girl.
She drank in the moments right before she unveiled her masterpiece.
Nicky didn’t say anything for a long while.
And then finally, “It’s beautiful.”
Crystal scoffed. “It’s you, you fucking arrogant ass-”
Nicky shook her head, turning to meet Crystal’s gaze, eyes brimming with something so… real it nearly stole Crystal’s breath.
“It’s beautiful because you did it. Because I can see the brush strokes here,” she pointed to the tip of portrait-Nicky’s nose, “and how you changed the shade of white under my chin. And that you got the two different tones of my eyes.”
Nicky’s hand was sweeping over the expanse of the canvas, tracing the patterns and divots and blemishes that made up her being. Crystal would have scolded her for running her fingers over the painting, but Nicky was breathing in her air again, and Crystal’s head felt woozy with the rush of emotion.
Because Nicky noticed.
She noticed each color change, each shadow placement, each brushstroke.
And Crystal suddenly felt very stupid because of course Nicky noticed.
She always noticed.
“It’s beautiful because you love me.”
Crystal’s heart lurched forward.
“You don’t have to say it. I know.” Nicky turned back to look at the painting. “This is how you love me.”
“Nicky-” Crystal started, unsure of what she was going to say.
Nicky turned to her, that ever-present mysterious emotion front and center, and only then could Crystal place it.
“I love you too.”
Of course.
And before either of them could dance away, Crystal pulled Nicky in by the hips, digging her fingers into the dip in her waist and pressing their lips together.
It felt like rainfall.
Or like a promise.
But mostly it felt like love. Like a long-time-coming love.
Like the kind of love that had time to mature. That had time to grow.
Nicky’s hands cupped Crystal’s face like she was a delicate work of art, and Crystal’s nails dug into Nicky’s skin like she wanted to shatter it.
And the kiss was messy and wet because someone started crying but they were both smiling and clutching onto each other like a lifeline.
And Crystal couldn’t ever remember being happier.
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idrawstuffidk · 4 years
Fixing Creepypasta oc’s. Again.
Ok guys, this one is actually fixing my friend @frozensriracha s cringypasta oc, so I hope you like it.
See this abomination?
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This is Puppet Clock Assassin Princess Midnight Angel Rose Yandere Sapphire Uki Eiffel-bonbon the ticci laughing eyeless lost smiley homicidal drowned bloody killer zalgo slenderwoman candy toymaker factory angel of death nurse.exe, goddess-empress-princess-duchess-queen of everything-chan
(Also this is art I drew of her based on her physical description I was given, ive posted it before)
She is a Neko demon werewolf doll vampire slender being human zombie stripper ghost cannibal clown fairy emo fallen-angel hybrid
And she is described as being sweet, shy, girly, kind, and insane. She’s dating every single Creepypasta ever with an emphasis on Jeff, and she is what I would call Literally The Worst. She’s adopted by slenderman and Zalgo (because gay demon time, I guess) and as far as powers go, her bio says “Voodoo powers, black magic, hypnotizes, can teleport, can turn into anything she wants, etc. You name it she has it.” So basically she can do anything.
I’d like to point out for a second that “voodoo” powers is kinda broad and I don’t think that’s what sriracha was going for because actual voodoo is not inherently demonic. Just a fun fact. But ok.
Saying everything wrong eith the character would take forever so I’ll go over a few things. Her name is too long and though her nickname “puppet clock” is better it still makes no sence, her design is atrocious and though there are a few elements I like (the top hat, fluffy hair, and the stuff from her eyes is kinda cool) the rest is totall chaos. Her species makes no sence and honestly is impossible and her personality is so bland that it’s ridiculous. Basically, there’s almost nothing I like about her except the fact that she’s kinda funny and fun to draw.
Onto the redesign.
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Here she is. I tried to make her recognizable, but make her look better, she has a nicer top hat, her outfit is more pleasing, I even used pink and blue for it to match better with the original! I put some rainbow highlights in her hair and put it in a ponytail, changed her eyes, and as you can see, added angel wings. I decided to go with the “fallen angel” portion of her species, so that’s what she is.
Pachdiel, that’s her actual name, has taken on the nick name “puppet” to spite her higher ups who used her in such a way, having her do their bidding and not caring for her input. She rebelled against the other angels, hence why she fell, and vowed to create as much chaos as possible to make the angels who “betrayed” her suffer. She’s a vengeful and petty person who doesn’t care about the consequences of her actions, and who constantly fights angels and the occasional demons, causing havoc.
She, in one occasion, got into a fight with zalgo, a fight she won, but she spared his life in return for him and her creating a truce of sorts. They are on friendly terms, sorta.
Her power set allows her to use black magic, curse people etc, she can also call upon a sword of fire that can slay demons and angels alike, but it drains her of energy so she uses it sparingly. She’s only known for influencing animals and having them do some... odd things.
And there she is, I wonder how she’d get along with Angelica. Anyway, that’s Puppet Clock/ Pachdiel, hope you enjoyed, I had so much fun!
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
“I have numerous science-based questions” I mean, same. It also sets up that Huey is gonna be out of his element this episode
“I AM THAT CHAMPION.” A bit full of yourself there. I couldn’t hear this line without saying “I’M. THAT. HERO.” Oh VeggieTales, you’ll always be with me
I like that Louie does a finger gun when Scrooge gets to him
Like I said earlier, I DO NOT care Scrooge already putting pressure on these kids
Poor Dewey seems like he’s the unfavorite, which is probably how Donald felt as well
Huey makes a good point and I do NOT like how dismissive Scrooge is of the twins
That being said...they totally killed someone in battle
Why didn’t Launchpad crash? I know he can land w/o crashing but it’s usually when he lands in water. THIS FEELS IMPORTANT SOMEHOW though it probably isn’t
Birds with beards look odd
“Yeah, sure. Of course.” Poor Huey, magic and mythology aren’t his strong point
I love that it says Odin’s Closet over the shirts. It’s the little details
“Guess Louie knows what Louie’s doing today.” And then he disappears into the shirts. I can appreciate someone who knows what they’re about
I want ALL the shirts from this episode!
“WHOA, IT’S WRESTLING!” He looks so dang happy, it’s ADORABLE
“THIS IS AWESOME!” Chanting is fun
“So these guys just copied professional wrestling?” Huey, you’re form of logic is not welcome here
Does that mean Scrooge told someone about his battles and inspired them to create pro wrestling? I’m gonna go with that
“And they will love me for it!” Dewey, sweetie, that’s only how it works half the time
I loved all the man-snake stuff. Made me giggle
Man snake be THICC. HOT DAMN
I love the little pig ref. HE’S SO CUTE
Jormungandr knows how to pump up a crowd
So, like, is everyone in the audience technically DEAD?! That makes this episode slightly darker. I dig it
 I wonder if Jormungandr sees Earth’s destruction as a good thing for Earth. Like if he genuinely thinks they’d be better off in Valhalla. Or if he’s just a bastard who wants to watch the world burn
Scrooge is a bit too into playing the heel
The way Scrooge moves and the faces he makes as the Millionaire Miser remind me of Glomgold
“I watch a lot of wrestling while I fly.” “Wait, while?” This exchange always cracks me up
“Uncle Scrooge is the greatest hero of all time.” “Huh, I guess not everyone thinks so.” I feel like this is foreshadowing later events
RIP Announcer Puffin
“DIBS ON ANNOUNCING!” A dude just got KO’d bro! Have a bit of respect
And the return of the dynamic sports announcer duo. Glad Huey got his badge
Strongbeard is DOPE
“How did you know that?” “Just calling it like I see it. WRESTLING!” The real reason Launchpad knows is because he’s actually Thor but doesn’t remember. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL
“What matters is I’m doing the right thing.” I don’t know, you really seem to enjoy being a heel
This whole match is great
Dewey, there ARE NO RULES IN WRESTLING. Plus you aren’t the ref, so you can’t make that call
I have very inappropriate jokes go through my head when only one arm absorbs the beard energy
“I am so confused.” CONSTANT MOOD
I like that Scrooge dives onto him the same way he dives into his bin
LP is so excited he pushes Huey out of the way for NO REASON
All the bone cracking in this episode made me uncomfortable, as in my bones hurt during it
“He is such a good guy.” I’d say he’s a fair guy, not necessarily a good guy
“Which two of you will fight for me?” Webby has been waiting for this moment her WHOLE LIFE
Louie, always taking time to make that money
Who gave him a shirt cannon?!
I love that the dude comes up wearing the shirt
Dewey just slaps Scrooge in the face
Champ POPular! Too cute! I love his hair and outfit. Though I don’t think Champ POPular’s “too popular to hate.” If anything he might annoy people due to his popularity
I thought he was gonna pull out yo-yos as his “finishing touch” and I was sad when it was lollipops even though that makes more sense. BRING BACK THE YO-YOS!
“Do all the fighting and make sure he doesn’t die.” That is a valid concern
Huey taking notes is adorable
“Just in time for the tag-team round.” “Wait, they’re playing tag now?! MAN!” I love how Danny says MAN
How does Huey not know what a tag-team is? It’s a pretty common term
I love Launchpad’s reading face
Dewey has red, blue, and green lollipops. Cute
“HE’S THROWING LOLLIPOPS BECAUSE HE THINKS WE’RE SUCKERS!” That took me off guard and I laughed so hard
“I’ve known you my whole life, I kinda knew how this would play out.” Louie is genre savvy. Perhaps too savvy. He’s gonna figure out he’s in a tv show
“More like Champ POP..ulation zero because he has no friends...in Friendtown.” I fail to see how that was any worse than LP’s “more like Champ UN-POPular.”
“WE HATE YOU NOW!” Tough crowd
Huey’s face after that. I just want to pinch his lil cheeks
It TOTALLY went over my head that they censored Hela with Hecka (at least they used her better than the MCU did. WE COULD HAVE HAD SO MUCH BETTER)
I would let her pin me to the mat and crush my skull in
“Oh, COME ON, THIS is what you like?! A creepy goth and her pet dog!” SHUT UP, DEWEY, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT! I’m surprised Webby didn’t slap him for the “creepy goth” comment seeing as Lena is goth and misunderstood
Poor Huey, he’s doing his best. Hope he takes a shower later because he got pretty sweaty
Why did Huey have all those corn puns?
“YOU’RE THE WORST! YOU’RE THE WORST!” It’s just not Huey’s day
“You don’t have to try to make it sound great, it already is.” Did this remind anyone else of Dewey’s “don’t overthink it” advice to Launchpad from Double-O Duck? He’s doing his best to help Huey
Poor Dewey
“EMBRACE YOUR INNER HEEL!” Cuz being a heel is fun!
I like that Fenny has knee pads on
“A classic ‘who’s a good boy?’ gambit!” AND I’D FALL FOR IT TOO! SUCH A GOOD BOI
“Wait, am I the Launchpad here?” Bitch, you WISH
“YOU CAN’T GIVE CANDY TO A DOG!” This is why you don’t have a pet, Dewey
“WHOA, back from THE DEAD for the QUEEN of the DEAD!”
Kind of a dick move, Louie
Jormungandr looks like a Masters of the Universe knock-off toy
“With a toxic personality” I think you’re projecting a bit, Jormungandr 
How does Huey not know what a battle royale is? That is a very common term! Hell, there is a well known book and movie with that title!
“I’m just a humble, noble snake man of the people.” Why does the term snake man make me laugh so much?  
Dewey needs a hug! And some therapy would probably be a good idea
Scrooge’s speech started on a good note then went downhill FAST
“And lastly, I’ll use the dust of your bones as sweetener in my tea.” DAMN
SHE GAVE HIM THE CHAIR! I think this CONFIRMS Beakley as a wrestling fan
“I know we’re supposed to take over for Scrooge one day, but do you ever wonder if maybe we’re not cut out for it?” YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE TO WONDER THOSE THINGS AT ALL! 
“Be LP” My new mantra
Aw, Louie sees Dewey as a hero. Like how LP saw Drake as a hero. I think @drakepad is onto something, this scene and the fight scene seem WAAAAY too much like Drake’s intro to be just a coincidence
I keep saying this, but Louie should consider a career in motivational speaking. He knows what people need to hear
“Let’s do this!” “I don’t know.” “Let’s Dewey this?” “I’m in.”
“I’LL SHED YOUR SKIN FOR YOU!” If he hadn’t of had an old man back moment that would have been a BRUTAL CUT
OMG WAS LAUNCHPAD WEARING THAT THE WHOLE TIME? You see his clothes fly off when he jumps in the ring
“Whoa. In a COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED TWIST, the announcer was Captain Crash THIS WHOLE TIME!” LP does underground wrestling matches in his spare time, TELL ME I’M WRONG
“YOUR CATCHPHRASES ARE FORCED!” I agree, Dewey could have done WAY BETTER
I like Louie just GLARING at the dude who insulted Dewey’s catchphrase
LP looks so proud of Huey
“I don’t care at all, why should I?” Methinks the snake man doth protest too much
I like how Jormungandr’s pupils are thinner during the climax. It shows off his true nature
Dewey should have been the one to do a spin attack, ya know, cuz he’s Sonic? I’ll go now
“The Pop never Stops.” That was better
I LEGIT thought Strongbeard was gonna throw Dewey his axe and I was like Dewey wouldn’t be able to lift that
I like the ice pack on Launchpad’s head. Just because he can take a lot of damage doesn’t mean that LP is immune to pain
I like that the crowd CHANGED THEIR BANNERS! Nice
LP tearing up
“A true people’s hero” I feel like that phrase will come back in relation to other characters (cough DW cough)
Scrooge is such a little shit, it’s kind of adorable
This was a SUPER FUN EPISODE! I couldn’t really tell where they were going and I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT! I wish we had gotten Huey in some wrestling gear but maybe next time. I like the message that doing the right thing isn’t always popular but I kind of feel like Dewey getting the crowd on his side muddled the message somewhat. Poor Dewey needs therapy or something so he doesn’t feel like he needs CONSTANT approval. Again, he’s 11 YEARS OLD and shouldn’t be put into such a serious position. LP was VIP this episode. I’m bummed we’re on hiatus again, but WHAT an episode to end on!
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apprenticeofcups · 5 years
I saw you did a headcanon with a MC with no familial ties and was wondering if you would do one where they did? I personally have 8 siblings (that's two more than Nadia! not to mention all the cousins) and wondered how the Main 6 would react to an MC with a big family?
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yeah, totally! (I was thinking of doing this myself anyway, so thanks for the asks!)
👨‍👨‍👧‍👧  Asra, Nadia, Portia, & Julian’s Families + MC
👩‍👩‍👧‍👧  Main 6 + MC’s Big Family
He seems totally fine - chipper, talkative, doing his best to remember everyone’s names and how they’re all related
When the two of you get a moment alone, he looks exhausted
He’s just getting used to the idea of having parents again, and this is completely overwhelming
They all have questions about you - is he supposed to answer? How much do you tell family about dying of Plague and magical resurrection? 
He’s been getting better at bringing people into his life, but this is throwing him in the deep end
You do your best to help him adjust, but your siblings’ and cousins’ spouses and significant others are actually the most helpful - they know how your family works from an outside perspective, and their horror stories about meeting the whole bunch for the first time make him feel much better
He’s in his element in big families
You’ve been visiting them for an hour, and he’s already been piled on by everyone’s kids, given your grandmother an affectionate nickname, and started bartending for all your aunts and uncles
Everyone loves his stories, but he wants to hear all of theirs, too, particularly (but not limited to) those about you
He’ll never admit it - he’s a rogue, a scoundrel, a dark past wrapped in danger and fueled by black coffee
But Julian has exactly the kind of boy-next-door charm you bring home to Mom & Dad (& two sisters & five brothers & twelve aunts and uncles...)
So much so, that they ask when you’re getting married, and get to see him turn fifty shades of red
She’s seen all this before - the overloaded dinner table, the kids running around, no one able to get a word in edgewise
For every embarrassing (borderline mortifying) thing that happens, she’s got a near-identical story
What she’s not used to is the level of respect she gets - with her family, she’s just the baby, the littlest princess
Here, she’s the Countess of Vesuvia and your new girlfriend
This is big family with a twist - all eyes are on her, for once, and no one’s waving away the things she says
Someone proposes a joint family gathering, or brings up the wedding, and she chokes on her drink
Asra was his only family growing up, so he’s…overwhelmed
And unlike Asra, he doesn’t seem fine, hovering at your side and constantly worried he’s in the way
Is he supposed to help with the chores? Your parents said they had it, but he’s taking up space at their house - can they afford to feed him? Are you sure?
For the most part, your family listens when you tell them to give him some space, but he still gets anxious very quickly
Your family really does like him, but Muriel doesn’t warm up to anyone overnight
Every time you see them, though, he loosens up a little more, talks a little more, smiles a little more, and starts to let himself enjoy being part of a family
Sweet, spunky, polite, but not stuffy...no one has more girl-next-door energy than Portia. She’s like candy to her partner’s family
She’s been apologizing to you for Julian long enough - now it’s your turn to be embarrassed of your wacky family
But it really doesn’t bother her. She’s used to the chaos. She thrives on chaos. They call her the Chaos Queen
You have to keep retrieving her from the kitchen, where she’s swapping recipes with the cooking aunties; the playroom, where she’s being a ferocious dragon for a bunch of brave toddler adventurers; the porch, where she’s smoking cigars with the grandparents
Figures out which of your relatives hold all the Family Gossip™, and by the end of the night, she knows more about your cousin’s divorce than you do
He has an idea of the logistics of a big family - it can’t be that different from a clan structure, can it? 
But in practice, he has no idea what’s going on 
All the inside jokes, the shared history, the unspoken dynamics of this aunt always makes the casserole, when that grandpa speaks, everybody listens…it’s all totally foreign to him
He can barely keep track of who he’s met, let alone who’s married to whom, and where did all the kids come from?
Sticks to you like glue, and he’s the quietest you’ve ever seen him
It’s the one time, he finds, that he really doesn’t want to talk about himself - especially when they ask about his family ☕
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sashas4t · 4 years
Russian Nationals: Ladies
Argh. The most stressful competition of the season really was very stressful. There was some triumphs and some disappointments but overall, the Russian ladies again proved that the Russian lady field is insanely deep. Also, while the 3A were very overscored, I would say everybody else’s score was tolerable, and some were even underscored. Please stop trying to push forward the idea that at RusNats all skaters are overscored and that level 4s, 9s in PCS and +5 GOEs are handed out like candy, that’s completely untrue. 
1. Anna Shcherbakova
Wow!!!! Anna’s jumps really were the best they’ve ever been. Her quads had attack, speed and power, and her triples were completed with wonderful quality.  Her lutz edge is getting increasingly worrying, but on the other hand, her 4Lz might be the most consistent quad in Russian ladies or men! A lot of people said her short was the best she’s ever performed it but I have to disagree. The beginning was just wonderful, elegant, yet eerie in the best possible way. The spins were on point and her 3Lz+3Lo combo might be the best one I’ve seen from her ever, but the step sequence was very off. Perhaps the choreography was changed, but the positions that were supposed to be on musical accents (like the one where she jumps and then pushes her hands forward) were before the music. It looked like Anya didn’t expect it either, since she held the aforementioned position a lot longer than she usually does. I’ve rambled about how nothing is on musical accents in Anya’s free so I’ll avoid that topic today. Her first 4Lz+3T combination was truly magical. Definitely the best one I’ve seen her do. The 4Lz just flew! I thought the second 4Lz was borderline UR, but the 4F is looking pretty good. She’ll definitely get it in time for Euros or Worlds. The score... yeah. Um, I would’ve given her performance 170-172 max. I love Anya to death, but in the performance aspect I know she can do better. The jumps were very impressive though.
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2. Alena Kostornaia
Just WOWWWWWW. Her triple axels are just a thing of beauty. They fly across the ice, and cover HUGE distance. They’ve really gotten insanely better from Finlandia and it’s only been two months! Her short was a masterpiece and while I would’ve given it 86-87 points, I honestly don’t even mind the fact she got almost 90. She’s that good. Not only do her triple axels fly, her 3F+3T combination covers literally half of the rink. And it gets so much height! Alyona’s jumps do not only have height, distance and a slight delay of rotation, they are always fully rotated. I did not see a single jump that was even questionable in the sense of URs. The SP was a delight, and the FS was so entertaining! The 2A and 3F+3T were very shaky, and she should’ve gotten lower GOEs for those two elements but the rest of the program was glorious. As cheesy as the FS is, it’s really grown on me! Alyona performs it so well! I feel like she was also kind of overscored here, but the FS score was at least within reason. I’ve heard she’s going for 4S, and I really hope she can get it clean and landed soon. 
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3. Alexandra Trusova
Today was not her day but you know what? It’s okay! Everyone has off days, even queens like Sasha. She had clean practices so I know she’s 100% capable of performing clean and I know she will work hard to get a clean four quad program by Worlds. She has such amazing potential and even if the first three quads didn’t work, the 4T+1Eu+3S was a thing of absolute beauty. The height! The distance! The flow! The extension on the 4T! She’s still the quad queen no doubt! Also the 3Lz+3Lo was beautiful! Sasha’s been struggling on that jump for quite a while, but I still think her 3Lz+3Lo is the best one there’s ever been. There’s ease, effortlessness, flow, height, distance and the rippon on the lutz is sublime. Her performance wasn’t really there today too, but her step sequence in the SP showed improvement from the GP stages. Speaking of the SP, I love how Sasha didn’t let the dress bother her and she did the best 3Lz+3T I’ve seen her do despite the black dress getting suck. I’m glad she didn’t go for 3A, but I know she’ll get the 3A once and for all soon. With Sasha’s work ethic and her sportsmanship she’ll bounce back in no time. I love how everyone is saying Sasha is done for when she landed the best quad of the night (no hate to Anya, but like, technique is an objective thing). 
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4. Elizaveta Tuktamysheva
The SP was really good, but the FS... what happened? I feel like Liza is getting better artistically. She moves faster, with more poise and her step sequence is actually really good. I’m glad she’s taking risks with the 4T, since her 4T is really just textbook, and it’s a shame it didn’t work here. Despite the 3A not working here either, I’m glad Liza pulled through and performed some wonderful combinations in the back half. I really respect Liza though, she clearly loves figure skating and she’s working hard to catch up. Her quads are textbook, and her 3As are effortless. When people started to say her 3A had too longer of a setup she decided to add difficult transitions in. When people noticed her flip edge getting to be flat, she worked hard on getting it back inside. Today wasn’t a good day for Liza, but a fourth place finish at RusNats is very good nonetheless.
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5. Kseniia Sinitsyna
OH YES!!! Redemption skate!!!!! Even with the hard fall on her 3Lz in the SP, her performance as still stunning and her step sequence was just sublime. I used to dislike this program since it was almost too creative for me, but with Kseniia’s wonderful interpretation I’ve really come to appreciate her SP and now it’s one of my favorites. Kseniia has all the goods, good SS, good musicality and artistry, good spins, and good jumps. I believe that she can achieve great things! The FS was just amazing. Everything was landed, and landed with great quality and confidence. The step sequence was delivered patiently, but that’s good. A common mistake juniors make is they rush, but not Kseniia. She follows the music and the rhythm and never rushes. Her spins... literal perfection. Especially the layback... like how can it be so fast, yet so centered and so flexible? GIVE HER TWO GP ASSIGNMENTS RUSFED!
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6. Anna Frolova
Wow!!!!! While I liked Anna at her JGP assignments, I often crossed her out as a big competitor since she was always so inconsistent... but NOT TODAY! Two clean programs! I really like her SP, but I don’t know how to feel about her costume change. I feel like her old costume (the one for her FS now) fits the music more. Anna’s SP requires, elegance, patience and poise, and Anna delivers all three in her delicate performance. I really love the music, especially in the step sequence. Her jumps are textbook (minus the shaky lutz edge) and her landings are beautiful. Her FS is borderline boring honestly, and I hope she gets some better choreo next season since she has so much potential. With two great skates here, I hope RusFed gives her at least one GP. Also, did she change coaches to Davydov? 
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7. Anastasia Guliakova
Anastasia is really out here trying to seal Alina’s title of Most Used Warhorses in one season. But honestly I don’t mind since her interpretation of Carmen is rather good, and I love the music to Swan Lake. Anastasia’s SP was quite a nice surprise for me, since I didn’t really like her programs prior. She had a very different approach to Carmen in comparison to Alina, and her’s had much more power and attack. My favorite moment in her SP has to be the beautiful 3Lz with the spread eagle exit out right on the music! What can I tell you? I’m a sucker for movements on musical accents! Her FS was less surprising, but her jumps were quite good today! She pulled herself through the entire program! I’m glad that even though she entered as second alternate she gave performances worthy of GP assignments!
9. Sofia Samodurova
Argh. Sonya is as charming and wonderful as she was last season, but I guess she’s been demoted. The judging panel really went all out on her URs and PCS. Her performances are still enjoyable and full of charisma, but I do feel like she was a little hesitant in her SP. The step sequence didn’t have quite as much energy as it should have had. 
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10. Anastasiia Gubanova
Whoever choreographed Nastya’s programs this season clearly either hates Nastya or has no idea about how artistic Nastya is. When you have someone who is as passionate and emotional on ice as Nastya, you can’t give her such boring music and choreography. The SP is pretty good, and Nastya is able to perform it well enough for me to like it, but the FS is just.... I can see Nastya trying her best to make it work, but the music is so boring and monotone that it’s impossible. Her jumps are still kind of scary at takeoff, and the UR issues seem to be getting worse. I hope Turenko works on the URs and gets a better choreographer, but Nastya is one of the most artistic skaters ever, and we need to see her showcase that ability.
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12. Serafima Sakhanovich
I really like her programs this season. There’s nothing too flashy, but they are classy and elegant and Sima performs them well. I don’t know how I missed this before, but Sima’s flying camel spin is SO GOOD! +5s across the board for me! It’s fast, but also crazy centered and the positions are really pleasing. Really, it’s CRAZY fast. Shame about the jumps. You all know I love elements on musical accents so it’s no wonder I love Sima’s Ina Bauer to death. Argh! So beautiful!
13. Stanislava Konstantinova
The SP was really great. The Stasya that could hold her own against Liza, Zhenya etc. was back. I have to say, Stasya has wonderful artistry. She skates with maturity, elegance and poise. She can hold some really wonderful lines since she’s so tall, and she’s quite expressive as well. There were small problems in her SP, but as a whole, it was pretty good. This SP is definitely her best SP so far. The music is beautiful, the choreography is very good, and the costume is stunning, and when Stasya performs it well, it’s truly a delight. The FS... it’s also a pretty good program, but when will Stasya perform it well? But hey, at least she skated a good SP, that’s the second time this season!
14. Elizaveta Nugumanova
I love Liza’s SP! So much! She has so much charisma and personality, and it’s all expressed perfectly in her SP. If she could get the jumps rotated she would just be unstoppable. Her spins are so underrated too, they’re fast, centered and flexible. I love the step sequence so much, mostly because there are so many elements on musical accents, and also because Liza performs with such joy and charm. Like how can you not love it? Strangely enough, even though Nutcracker Pas de Deux is one of my favorite pieces of music of all time, I don’t really like Liza’s FS. She performs great, and her good posture and almost balletic skating style is beautiful, but the fact that the choreographer doesn’t utilize the many musical accents in the back half of the program pains me. Liza is so flexible and can easily hold a beautiful spiral to a crescendo in the music, and yet she only does one second spirals that have no correlation to the music. Why?
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WD. Evgenia Medvedeva
Despite boot problems, Zhenya still skated a wonderful SP that really showed how strong she was. Her SP is really a thing of beauty, both in terms of choreography and in terms of how Zhenya performs it. The combination was definitely UR, but everything was else was great! Especially the step sequence! Zhenya is really one of the most artistic skaters out there. While I’m sad she withdrew it was a good thing to do. Better withdrawing than risking injury right? 
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endingscenery · 4 years
Road Trip | Ten
ten lee x reader
genre: fluff
summary: travelling with someone can make you realise all the things they do that are different from you, but you can’t help but notice those things can also make Ten and you work so well 
words: 3.5K+
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As soon as you wedged the door open, Ten pushed past you and into the motel room, heading straight for the queen sized bed in the middle of the room. You chuckled, watching him jump onto the soft mattress as he sighed contently while you dropped your bags onto the floor. Ten stretched, relaxing into the foam as you grabbed yourself a drink of water, familiarising yourself with the kitchen layout and where the cutlery was stored. You had been on the road for close to nine hours, including the few stops along the way, and you were both exhausted, happy to finally have reached your accommodation for the night before continuing your trip in the morning. You both still needed to cook something for dinner, but as you heard the soft snores escaping Ten’s lips, you decided not to bother him. As tired as you were, you could manage whipping something  up on your own while he rested. You had both planned this trip for a long time now. Ten, yourself and your friend, Mark, promised once you graduated from university you would travel together somewhere and you settled on a road trip along the coastline. In the end, Mark couldn't make it, so it was up to Ten and yourself to keep your promise. If he was honest, though he felt bad Mark couldn’t come along, Ten was somewhat grateful he could keep your company to himself just this once.
You were thankful you managed to stop by a supermarket in one of the small towns you passed before arriving to your stopover since you could prepare a nice meal for Ten and yourself and refrain from using the emergency ramen packets you brought along. You were stir-frying meat and vegetables when you heard Ten yawn behind you. Turning your head, you watched as he rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the kitchen lights.
“Why are you cooking by yourself?” He whined. “You should have asked me to help.”
“You were tired enough, I thought I’d just let you rest,” you shrugged. “Besides, we can’t have this place burning down.”
Ten raised an eyebrow at you, crossing his arms.
“How dare you, there’s no way that would happen,” he defended, pouting his lips.
You laughed at his reaction, apologising between your chuckles.
“The food’s ready now anyway, get the plates.”
He followed your instructions and set up the cutlery on the small round table in the corner of the room, filling your glasses with water while you transferred your cooking onto a serving plate. 
The two of you ate in a comfortable silence, both too tired from the drive to converse. You were the first to finish eating and as you took your dishes to the sink and began to wash them, Ten watched you as he slowly finished off his meal. He still felt guilty he didn’t help you and had fallen asleep though he knew you too needed rest, but at the same time he admired your caring actions. You often thought about others before yourself and he loved that about you. If he was honest, he loved many things about you and for a long while now. He only wondered if you felt the same about him too.
You drove onwards, the country fields and the expanse of light blue sky was the only view ahead for the past couple of hours. Ten was asleep in the passenger seat beside you. He hadn’t slept well the night before, the motel couch not the most comfortable sleeping spot, but he was insistent on letting you sleep on the bed even if there was enough room to accommodate the both of you. You looked over to the sleeping boy beside you, letting out a sigh. You loved Ten, very much in fact, but so far the trip had made you notice things about him that didn’t seem to match with your personality. Things you hadn’t noticed or considered before.
Ten is not a morning person, you discovered that  quite quickly. His mind was everywhere in the morning as if his body hadn’t quite caught up to his thoughts. This meant you were the one mostly getting things ready and organising the motel room, checking out, your bags, breakfasts and everything else the morning required. You knew you couldn’t blame him, he would even offer to help even if he sometimes forgot what he was supposed to be doing. 
Ten is also more spontaneous than you were. Whereas you liked to have your day and your trip as planned out as possible - down to which town to have lunch, where and when you would refuel, the exact places you wanted to visit - Ten was happy to go with whatever the journey takes him. He was happy to go to whatever caught his interest along the way and to forgo some of your planned routes to take detours to somewhere that looked more interesting, even if it delayed your journey and meant you’d arrive at your destination for the night a little later than expected. This wasn’t always a bad thing you admit. You had seen many gorgeous sights along the way that you otherwise wouldn’t have if Ten didn’t decide to follow his impulse, but there were times you did just want to follow the plan and get to where you wanted without distraction.
Ten has more energy in comparison to yourself. You knew this beforehand, knowing well his love for dancing and sports, but now you realised the extent of it. He could go out to explore towns and nearby places long after you were already tired and wanting to call it a day. When you would be happy to just rest at the motel and read a book he was wanting to go out and see new sights and meet the friendly shop-owners, still full of vigour and energy to satisfy his curiosity. He never wanted to go alone though, so despite being tired you always seemed to give in and let him take you along, lending him your camera just to see his face light up as he captures the scenery.
These weren’t so big differences though were they? You pondered over the question in your head. You had been coping with your differences fine so far, and would both find a compromise, so maybe things would continue that way. Yet, you couldn’t help but wonder if they always would or if the differences would continue to chip away at you until you couldn’t take them anymore. You wanted to wish and hope that whatever life throws at you, you wouldn’t, but you knew of relationships where that had happened. Had seen relationships where that very thing happened over time, and you couldn’t help but wonder. But as you looked back at your best friend beside you, the man you love so much, a part of you believes it won’t happen. 
You watched out the window and at the rough seas, waves crashing against the shoreline and against the large rocks in the distance. You had now reached the coastline, meaning you were no longer far from the accommodation Ten and you would be staying in for the following week. It was a holiday beach house of a family friend and they had allowed you to rent it out when they heard of your plans for a road trip. You looked forward to being near the sea, and waking up with the summer sun on your skin, the sounds of the ocean waves filling your ears.
You looked to your side and at Ten, his eyebrows raised in anticipation.
“I asked you a question,” he chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the sides. “But I guess you were distracted.”
“Oh sorry.” Your cheeks felt warm.
“I was just saying we could take a break and go down to the sea. There was a sign saying there’s a spot we can stop and go down to the shore. We should still be able to make it to the house before evening even if we do stop for a bit.”
You nod.
“That would be really nice.”
As soon as the car was in park and the engine switched off, Ten was running towards the beach, pushing his shoes off and embracing the feeling of the sand under his feet. You laughed, taking your camera out to capture the moment. The way the sun reflected off his skin and the glistened against the ocean waves in front of him suited Ten so well. He looked in his element. After a few more shots, you ran towards him, dragging your beach towel and snack bag along with you. As you approached him, he looked back at you, lips upturned in a wide smile, his eyes crinkling at the sides. God it made your heart skip a beat. He noticed the towel hanging from your arm and immediately took it from you, spreading it on the sand for the both of you to sit on. You kneeled onto the fabric, opening your bag and taking out the various snacks you had stored; chips packets of different flavours, chocolates you hoped haven’t started to melt, sour candies, berries for yourself - Ten avoided them like the plague - and cookies. You shifted your weight, your right hand supporting your body as you stretched out your legs, trying to get more comfortable. You removed your camera, lifting the neck strap over your head and off your body, allowing Ten the opportunity to take it from you. Of course, you thought. He started to take photos of beach and of your picnic, and you  weren’t so conscious about yourself being captured. You wouldn’t say you were one for the camera. You loved photography yes, but were happy to be out of the photos, preferring to document the scenery or the people around you, but not yourself. However, with Ten, it didn’t bother you. You loved his photos - were even jealous of them at times - and you trusted him to take nice ones of you. He always seemed to capture you in ways that made you feel beautiful looking back at them. Better than you swear you look like normally. It felt like some odd kind of magic trick. 
You enjoyed sharing this same hobby and passion. Though he always stole your camera saying yours was better. You reckon it’s just because he always forgets his. He’ll never tell you, but the first time Ten did so it was because he wanted to be closer to you. He remembered lingering around you saying he was just waiting for you to be done so he could photograph something cool he saw, when in reality he just wanted to be near you. It was a habit that stuck. You never complained about it anymore and sometimes you would hand him your camera before he even asked to borrow it. Ten was happy to think you could understand him that well.
By the time you reached the beach house both Ten and you were exhausted. You stopped by a diner prior to arriving, too tired to cook anything yourselves, and now you were both ready to prepare for bed. Ten let you wash up before him and busied himself with unpacking his belongings, setting up his things in one of the bedrooms. Once you were done using the bathroom, he took a shower, washing the sand and seawater from his body. When he emerged from the room, feeling fresh and clean, he made his way to the kitchen, needing a glass of water. He turned from the counter, looking over towards the living room where you had been on the couch reading, and noticed the book lying on your chest, still opened to the page you were up to. He noticed the steady rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. You must have fallen asleep. Chuckling, he placed his empty glass into the sink and walked over to where you rested. Carefully, afraid of waking you up, he slid his arms underneath your body, against your back and legs before gently lifting you up. He walked you towards the room you had taken as yours and laid you onto the bed, lifting the thin blanket over you. Ten moved to head back to his room when he felt a grip on his wrist. He looked down at you, waiting for you to speak but no words left your mouth. He slowly tried to wriggle his wrist out of your grasp but it only tightened. You still didn't say anything. A smile crossed Ten's lips as he tried to refrain from making a noise.
"I have to go back to my room," he laughed, unable to subdue it.
You mumbled in response.
"What, you want me to stay?" He tried to make it come across in a joking way but his voice betrayed him. He sounded more vulnerable and warmer than expected.
"Mmhmm," you mumbled again.
Ten climbed onto the bed, his heart beating so loud he was afraid you'd hear it. He had imagined what it would be like to sleep beside you, wake up beside you, but that hadn't prepared him for the nervous butterflies in his stomach or his anxious heart or his loss of breath. But as you sleepily wrapped your arms around him, drawing him closer to your body, he started to feel a little at ease. He didn't know what this meant but it was something. He must mean something to you for you to drag him towards you like this and he couldn't help but feel hopeful at the thought.
The warmth of his body against yours felt strangely right. It felt like your bodies were meant to be together. Meant to be this close. And in your sleepy haze you thought maybe it didn’t matter that you had your differences.
You woke up to the smell of vanilla pancakes. You grabbed your phone from the side table, checking the time to find it read 10:37am. Later than you expected. Groaning, you rolled over and off of the mattress, stretching your arms and side as you stood. You wandered into the kitchen, half asleep, eyes still adjusting to the painfully bright ceiling lights, to find Ten at the stove, pancake batter on one side, spatula in hand and a stack of freshly cooked pancakes on the table beside a bottle of syrup, a jar of nutella and some berries (for you and you only obviously).
"Aww, did you really prepare all this?" you asked, unable to contain your surprised.
Ten jumped at the sound of your voice. He hadn't heard you walk in and as he looked back at you, rubbing his hands through his hair, he shyly nodded.
"You were always up getting ready for the day before I was during this trip, so I thought I'd let you sleep in and try to make you something."
Your heart softened at his thoughtfulness, but you couldn't help but tease him.
"You sure it's safe to eat?" You chuckled and Ten glared at you in response, sticking his tongue out.
"This is what I get for being nice? Not a 'thank you very very much Ten, I'm very grateful and happy you got up early to make breakfast'?"
You smiled, walking up to him and resting your hand on his shoulder.
"I am very grateful, you know that I am. Thank you, I really really do appreciate it."
"I tried to follow your recipe anyway so if it's bad I'm blaming you."
You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Ok fine, I only have myself to blame, but yes. Technically it's your mum's recipe since I messaged her for it one time I was craving them, and I assume you use the same one too and yes, yours are better. I have yet to master your special way."
You laughed as you took a seat at the table, amused at his need to explain himself.
"It won't be the same as mine," you shrugged. "I have an additional  ingredient I add, but that's a secret."
"Damn, that's why mine never tastes as good."
Smiling, you continued to watch as Ten finished off the last of the batter and pancakes, admiring his loving actions. You watched as his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, he was taking this so seriously and with so much care and detail, though there was the occasional mishap. Maybe he wasn't always a morning person and maybe you did spend most days organising during the morning, but when it came down to it, Ten wanted to help and knows his early morning scatterbrain is one of his weaknesses, and he's willing to show his appreciation to make at least a few mornings relaxing for you.
The photos came out so beautiful. Ten and you decided to have a lazy day, away from all the sightseeing, outings and exploring, and simply chose to have a day to rest at the house. You're camera was filling up, so you took this free time to go through the photos on your laptop, upload them to your cloud and look for the good ones to transfer to your phone. Ten's photos were breathtaking. You knew this already, but seeing them always left you speechless. There was one of a town festival you had stumbled upon, and Ten managed to capture the mood, the atmosphere, the essence of the occasion. He caught the happy smiles and laughter of the stall owners,  the way the fairy lights tinted the  town buildings in a warm yellow hue, and the warmth and the close-knit feeling of family amongst the townspeople; he captured it all. It was such a fun night. A night you wouldn't have experienced if it weren't for Ten's spontaneity and curiosity.
"Dance with me."
You shook your head, content to watch as Ten swayed and moved with the beat of the song playing from the bluetooth speaker, while staying out of it.
"Come on, it's fun."
"You may be an amazing dancer, Ten, but you and I both know that I am not."
"I'm just messing around, we won't dance seriously, come on."
Sighing, you got up, taking the hand Ten stretched out  towards you. He sways you around and started to make silly movements that left you laughing. You copied him, following his lead as you both interrupted in more laughter, you having to clutch onto your stomach to calm yourself down and soothe the muscles that now ached from happiness. The song ended, allowing you to catch your breath. You recognised the soft melodies immediately as Ed Sheeran's Perfect plays, and you can't help but feel like you're in a cliché movie scene as Ten hesitantly laid his hands in front of you, palms open. You put your hand in his as he wrapped his other around your waist, your free hand resting against his chest. He swayed you from side to side, and your breath hitched. He was  so close to you, you could smell the scent of his cologne, you could feel his heartbeat against your fingers on his chest. You were happy his addictive energy dragged you into dancing with him. You were happy it led you to how close you both were now.
The two of you were resting in Ten’s room. He was sitting on the bed, sketching something on his iPad while you sat on the cushioned seat beside the window, relaxing during the final hours of the evening. Most of your days ended like this, the two of you winding down from the day’s events in one of the bedrooms while you both quietly entertained yourselves individually, whether it be a book, drawing, scrolling through social media or catching up on TV shows or movies. You were both happy to do your own thing whilst still being in each other’s company. 
You reached the end of the chapter and rested the book against your chest, looking up to check on Ten. He was focused and busy concentrating on his drawing, making you smile. You had always thought he was too talented for his own good. You continued to watch him, his sure and thought-out hand movements oddly calming, and now you realised you were happy to be alongside Ten. You could imagine a life with him. Yes, you had your differences, but in a way those differences make the dynamic between the two of you interesting; it balances you both. He adds adventure and spontaneity into your life while you offer him the steadiness and sureness of an organised and well-thought out plan. His energy allows you to push forward and explore things you probably wouldn’t have. To get out, have fun, try things you wouldn’t and experience things you wouldn’t if you had stayed home, while your need to have time to relax helped remind him of the importance of getting the rest he needs. You both care for each other deeply that you help each other and try to make things easier for each other. And you loved him. And just maybe that was enough for you to work with whatever differences you had.
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taste-in-music · 5 years
Reacting to Charli, baby!
If you were wondering why I hadn’t mentioned her in my last Music Monday post, this is why! I haven’t done one of these long album reaction posts in a long, long while, (not since Love + Fear, I believe,) and this is an album I’ve been hyped for, so I figured why not? I’ve heard a lot of the singles, but there are still many surprises to by had. Listen along to the album with me if you want, and without further ado, let’s ride.
Next Level Charli
I’m getting big “Vroom Vroom” vibes from this? 
I’ve got it. This song is like the inverse to “Vroom Vroom.” It’s got the same anthemic bombast to it from the vocal delivery and lyrics, but with a brighter sound. The synths are high and glistening rather than low and abrasive.
The lyrics are super sweet. Maybe a dedication to the fans?
All right Charli, I’m ready to go to the next level. 
Gone ft. Christine and the Queens
God this song still slams into the exosphere. The verses have so much taut tension to them with the bubbling synths and snappy drums, and then the chorus comes and hits you like a ton of bricks. 
Also can we talk about how relatable the lyrics are? This is one giant shoutout to everyone that’s an insecure and antisocial mess at any party or gathering. Thank you for making a song for our kind Charli.
Christine and the Queens’s voice has this amazing fluidity to it, it must be the French in her. (Also, when she sings in French during the bridge? DEAD.)
Still meh on the outro though.
Cross You Out ft. Sky Ferreira
We’ve got some more aggressive production on this song, which is cool. It contrasts nicely with the more lilting vocals. 
If you listen to the bridge with good headphones you can hear these really low backing vocals from Sky that rattle the nape of your neck, they’re amazing.
I do wish it was a bit more experimental though, it does stay fairly constant through the entirety of the song and makes it a bit of a bland listen. Doesn’t mean I don’t like it, though.     
1999 ft. Troye Sivan
Bop. Next.
Okay, I should actually say something about this, shouldn’t I?
I think it’s pretty cool that a song about 90s throwbacks actually does all it can to sound like it was plucked right out of the 90s. The production is bouncy, sparkly, and seamless, filled with glitching synths, sharp drums, and cute little ad-libs that make it a ton of fun. (That little “hee-hee” that Troye does after mentioning Michael Jackson? Art.)
I’m not usually into stuff that cashes into cheap nostalgia with little commentary as to why that nostalgia is wanted, (the main difference between me liking a song like “Ribs” by Lorde vs. “2002″ by Anne-Marie for example,) but whatever. This is catchy as heck. I love it.
Click ft. Kim Petras and Tommy Cash
Ooh, looks like we’re getting spooky here. This sounds very Turn Off The Lights and Pop 2.
We got a “woo-ah!” Kim Petras is here! 
I’ve never heard of Tommy Cash or listened to any of his music. I don’t know if his sound is quite for me, but maybe I’ll look into his solo work later. 
This isn’t a favorite of mine so far, (it’s far more avant garde than the other songs,) but I don’t know. I see it having its time and place, specifically when I want to feel like a bad bitch. 
Warm ft. HAIM
Those keys! Those gentle synths! Hearing this production with headphones on is heavenly. 
I never thought that Charli XCX and HAIM could work on a track together. HAIM is a very acoustic-driven band that takes inspiration from the past, and Charli always leans into more futuristic, synthetic ideas, but HAIM slip into Charli’s sound pretty well here. 
Overall, it’s not a standout, but I don’t dislike it. My consensus isn’t especially hot or cold, it’s WARM. 
I’m so sorry.
Well that intro brought me to attention very quickly. Am I in a Windows startup? 
Those high notes are the best part of the song. Charli’s got range! Her vocals sound really full and rich here, especially on the verses.  
Ironically, I don’t have many thoughts on this song overall.  
I’m so sorry.
Blame It On Your Love ft. Lizzo
I already know that I love this song. Let’s get to bopping!
Small detail but the snare drums on this song are great. 
This song has a drop that doesn’t suck, and I can’t stress how rare and refreshing that is. It sounds like a shot of caffeine, buzzy and colorful and not long enough. 
Can we all agree that Lizzo is a blessing unto this Earth? Charisma rolls off her in waves. I don’t think I’ve ever been so sad for a rap verse to end in a pop song. 
What an amazing song. 
White Mercedes
The vulnerability in the lyrics on this song matched the subtler production sounds great. 
Charli’s vocals sounds??? So good??? I don’t want this to come across the wrong way, but I never really listened to her music for her vocal prowess. Her strong suit always laid in delivering energy and an assertive presence, (like on “I Love It” or “Break The Rules.”) But this song shows just how downright lovely she can sound. 
This is stacking up to be one of my favorite non-singles on this album. What a wonderful surprise this turned out to be.  
Silver Cross
This is all right. I don’t have much to say on it. It’s got some interesting production elements and a solid vocal performance. It’s middle of the road.
In hindsight this maybe could’ve been cut. 
I Don’t Wanna Know
We’ve got a more moody, atmospheric sound for this song. The drums and synths have lots of echo to them, giving the mix a sense of space. It’s like Charli’s the singer in a smoky room from “Don’t Stop Believin.’”
While it’s nice that the album takes a break from the glittery pop hooks and bombastic party jams, I do think this is a tad dull. 
I like those little punches of synth that make up the rhythm in the first verse.
OH MY GOD, the sparkling synths and tinkling keys on this track, they sound like flowers blooming and glimmering gemstones, that is GORGEOUS. 
The way that the production builds on this song by laying in the sounds one by one is really interesting. Some of the effect is lost by the way the backing track is frequently paused throughout the song, which is kind of annoying, but the idea is there, and it’s cool. I like it in theory. 
Shake It ft. Big Freedia, cupcakKe, and Pablo Vittar
I’ve heard a lot of good things about cupcakKe’s solo work and I know that she’s worked with Charli in the past, and I also know that Pablo Vittar and Charli made “Flash Pose” recently,” but  I haven’t heard any of the solo work from these guest features, so I have no clue what to expect.
Those water sounds and how they meld into glitchy techno noises and then breaths? The dual tracking that moves from ear to ear and the whispered vocals? Her mind? 
This is a wild ride with headphones on. 
Febrary 2017 ft. Clairo and Yaeji
I didn’t listen to this despite it being released as a single. I wanted to be a surprise for the album. 
Clairo’s low key voice works pretty well with the slithery vocal production that Charli often uses. I guess the glitchiness of Charli’s sound would compliment a bedroom pop artist. 
The way the production explodes! This sounds fantastic! Holy moly! It’s like diving into a cotton candy wonderland!
That switch up into Yaeji’s part is pretty jarring though. While I like the cooing, gentle vocals and minimal production, it upright clashes with the first half of the track. If it had been worked into the previous production rather than cutting away from it I think it might’ve worked better. 
This song comes across more as a mish-mash of ideas rather than a polished final product. I think maybe another draft could’ve improved it. Still, I do love the ideas it presents. 
2099 ft. Troye Sivan
That last song! My my my how 50 minutes have flown by.
That heartbeat at the start of the song! 
Okay this song is kind of all over the place. I don’t know if I have any definite thoughts on it. 
Still, if this is what music sounds like in 2099 I won’t necessarily be complaining. 
My Thoughts Summarized: This album feels like Charli half wanted to go avant-garde, half wanted to go mainstreen-friendly. This leads to a couple of confused moments, but also to some songs that meet those two options in the middle. While I feel like a few tracks could’ve been reworked or cut, I do like this project a lot. Charli really brought the bops and stepped it up with the vocals and lyrics. My favorite songs at the moment are probably “Gone,” “Blame It One Your Love,” and “White Mercedes.”
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Can we talk about how gorgeous the visuals for this album have been, not only with the album art but with the music videos too? We had the badass prosthetics for “Blame It On Your Love,” the 90s throwback with “1999,” and Charli and Chris dancing on a car in the rain. I love it.
What did you think of Charli?  Agree or disagree? Comment or reblog with your thoughts, I’m excited to hear what you think.
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btshodown · 5 years
Prey For Me
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↳ “Having an addictive personality got you into a lot of trouble sometimes; from having alcohol poisoning to something simple like throwing yourself into new kdramas a little too aggressively. So bringing in a strange hybrid into your apartment to “help him” was no different. Only you had no idea what storm you just dragged yourself into. He was only supposed to stay the night.”
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader Genre/Warnings: Sour candy that’s sweet in the inside, sprinkled with some crack. Hybrid AU, detailed mentions of violence and blood. Possible future smut in later chapters. Rating: PG13 Word Count: 6.5k
➭ Why must I do this to myself at 2 am...anyways yeah, this finally came out after months of contemplation. I was going to originally make it a giant one-shot, but I was exhausting myself with that goal so I’ve decided to just make it a mini series. Please let me know your thoughts! :)
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The cadence of people cheering and betting surrounds you, tempting like a siren’s call to join in on the intoxication of gambling, but you resist with ardor. You were no fool and were well aware that if you gave into that lull, you would never see the light of day. Unfortunately for you, you had a very addictive personality and once something entered your life; your inhibitions got easily swept away with the roaring current.
I’m a good noodle; I’m a good noodle…
A quick yelp rips from your throat as suddenly the body of a sweaty, drunk man is pushed onto you; were it not for the strong grip on your waist appearing to pull you away, you would have no doubt you’d be pinned to the floor by the barely coherent man.
“Hey man, be careful!” your ears ring at the boisterous laughter surrounding you before the deep timbre of your companion’s voice enters your ears in a soft lilt of concern. “Y/N? You good?”
One blink, two, three blinks and the ringing in your ears slowly melts to allow your coherency to finally reemerge; along with your annoyance. “I’d be hell of a lot better if my ass was planted on that indent on the couch I made while watching Game of Thrones and stuffing my face with that leftover Pad Thai!”  
Taehyung releases his own soft yelp as your hand swipes at his bicep, your eyes pinning him with a glare only a disturbed homebody could give. Were it not for his damn conniving personality and honey coated lies about accompanying him to a “private” event he got invited to, you would have never left the safety of the blanket cocoon you had painstakingly buried yourself in. But you had stupidly gave in to his whining and pleading, managing to even feel pity for the devious bastard; well boo-boo the fool you, cause you got played.
The “private” event was code for “underground-illegal-hybrid-MMA-fighting”.
You had to admit to yourself that you were no hardcore hybrid supporter; you didn’t risk your safety to attend the protests on their rights or freedom, but that didn’t mean you enjoyed watching them suffer. Staying silent on the matter whenever it was brought into debates was your only sin.
“Oh come on, y/n, I already told you that I had no idea it was a hybrid MMA,” Taehyung ignores your petulant pout, not caring for his safety from your wrath as he slings a long arm around your shoulders; effectively maneuvering you toward some benches that faced the netted platform of the ring. To his benefit, he seemed like he was trying to reassure himself as well; Taehyung was more outspoken about his distaste on how hybrids were treated after all. “I know it might seem a bit…sketchy, but from what I just heard, the hybrids do this of their own free will. They don’t seem to be forced into it.”
A huff leaves you as both of you take a seat on the edge of the bench and quickly cross your arms in an effort to make yourself small to avoid anyone bumping into you. “And you believe them? When this whole thing is illegal?”        
Your companion only offers a sheepish half grin and small shrug of his shoulders as an answer; leaving you to roll your eyes and focus on the ring in front of you just as the lights dimmed around you. The cacophony of the audience rose to a higher decibel as the only lights shining were on the platform as the announcer walked into the fencing to begin the matches. While Taehyung kept looking on in a mixture of unease and concern for the hybrids fighting, you couldn’t stomach staring at the matches, so you opted to focus on the ground in front of you. Though that did nothing to stop your wincing every time you heard a particularly loud crack of fists or kicks followed by a grunt of pain; just how the hell was this voluntary? This was so much worse than boxing in your opinion; MMA fighting didn’t have gloves to cushion the aftershocks of their punching and kicking was also an added element that only caused more pain. This wasn’t even counting the fact that they weren’t completely human and therefore stronger physically; their hits were a lot more lethal.
Finally the last match was announced as you sadly watched them carry out what was supposed to be a Doberman hybrid, now bloody and bruised beyond recognition from the panther hybrid he was up against. Just how was that fair? They purposely pitted the poor male against an apex predator who obviously had greater strength and quicker reflexes; it didn’t take you long to realize the matches were fixed for those gambling. You were just glad that the last match was about to happen because you knew you couldn’t take much more of this; the whole scene caused revulsion to slowly churn in your belly.
“And finally the match you have all been anticipating!” The announcer looks a touch from smug as the crowd roars with excitement, your stomach clenching suddenly with apprehension. “Give it up to our reigning queen of MMA; Abaddon!”
Your mouth falls open slightly as the name itself prompted you to look up and you were met with a beautiful, tall woman with bright orange hair that she was nonchalantly wrapping up in a bun. Clad in only a sports bra and spandex shorts, her impressive muscles were out in proud display and it was easy to see just why she was called the queen, that wasn’t even mentioning how her aura exuded jaded confidence in a way only a tigress could. Her rounded ears atop her head barely twitched from the noise, no doubt accustomed to it, while her tail swayed in what seemed to be boredom; there was no misgiving that she rightfully earned the name Abaddon: a fallen angel of death whose name literally means “to destroy.” Just what poor soul was being pitted against her?
Once the crowd settled down, the announcer gained a gleam in his eyes as he continues on. “And just who is going to face off our tigress queen? This fighter has been climbing his way from the bottom and just might give our champion a run for her money; give it up to Ares!”
If you believed the woman before you had been intimidating, the male walking into the ring made you rethink your previous judgement. The crowd made little noise, though whether it was due to disdain or wonder at the sculpture of a man, you weren’t sure, but he surely now had your undivided attention. Despite wearing the same outfit of just shorts like the other male fighters, the hybrid before you did the material more of a service as his lithe figure is stacked with bulging muscles. His stomach is impressively cut with abs and his thighs and legs are thick with power; even his face looks strong with a sharp jaw and furrowed brows. Despite his strong presence however, there was an underlying boyish softness to his face that captured your heart; your eyes couldn’t stop their gazing at his warm, brown doe-like eyes and his asymmetrical pink lips.
A breath gets stuck in your chest as those brown eyes quickly roam over the crowd, eliciting a crooked grin before he turns back over to his opponent and flattens his long grey ears with a sneer. It isn’t until you see his ears move that you realize with dawning horror that they pitted a rabbit hybrid with a fucking tiger. Sure, his muscles were impressive, mainly his legs which should have been a giveaway to what animal he was infused with, but he was still a prey animal up against a damn apex predator; your heart squeezes painfully imagining a worse fate for him than the Doberman from before.
You wanted to look away, to tell Taehyung to take you home this instant because surely you were going to witness a murder with how fiercely the tigress was eyeing the male, but something kept you silent. Maybe it was sick fascination to watch Ares fighting and see if those muscles on his back would tense deliciously like you were imagining, or perhaps it was that softness beneath his strong features that tugged at your heart, you weren’t certain which it was yet.
The silence that hangs in the air is thick with tension and bloodlust, something even the announcer seemed keen on leaving. With a quick cut down motion with his hand, the announcer quickly turns and locks the cage door behind him as swiftly as his human legs could carry him; right on time as well since the two hybrids wasted no time in lunging at one another. It was like nothing you had ever seen before, the two of them looked more like they were performing a deadly dance; with each swing of limbs the other was always quick to dodge or block. The scene absentmindedly reminded you of capoeira; they were almost speaking to one another with how they moved and their eyes shone with excited violence.
Even the normally boisterous audience was captivated by the fight, bated breath waiting to be released with the promise of the first hit, which comes with a painful crack of skin and a grunt. Your heart lurches into your throat as your hands wring together, feeling sick as you witness Ares wipe a stream of blood from his brow, but it doesn’t take him long to swiftly feign left before spinning on his right leg to land a powerful kick to Abaddon’s open side. The crowd finally comes to life at the two hits and the cacophony of their delight drowns out the loud smacks of skin, but your heartbeat stubbornly continues to be louder.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed you by, too enraptured by the male who fought with a viciousness that spoke of fearing failure; you could see it with every clench of his jaw when he got hit and the refusal to fall to the floor even as the tigress continues to try. Ares is quick on his feet and with each step he almost seemed to bounce, something that no doubt was brought on by his animal half, and with how the woman bared her teeth, you knew she was having a hard time cornering him. She was moving like fire, unpredictable in a methodical way that sang of years of practice and instinct; her plan was easy to distinguish the more you watched and you knew that if she managed to knock the male hybrid to the floor, it was all over.
Only a few seconds had passed, and even staring without blinking had you almost missing the moment the tigress wrapped her tail around his ankle and pulled; the heavy bang of his body hitting the floor reverberated throughout your ribs. The hush in the room didn’t last as a soft snarl is heard, the blur of the woman’s body seen mid leap before she’s descending on the poor male with her claws out. Amidst the violent cheering of the crowd, you unknowingly let out a terrified scream the moment the first fist is thrown to his stomach and don’t realize your standing until you feel Taehyung gently nudge your arm in concern.
You weren’t sure if it was your delusions from worry, but for a brief second you locked eyes with Ares the moment you had screamed, watching with wide eyes as he gazed at you with slight muddled wonder. It only lasted a second, but it was enough to have your heart pound painfully against your chest as you gaze at the way the tigress unleashes her fury on his body with horror; not able to look away for the fear that she’ll truly kill him right now. His grunts and snarls are soft, being held back by pride, but soon a loud yelp escapes his mouth as blood is drawn on his chest from where the woman dug her claws in.
“She’s going to kill him,” your voice comes out in a breath of dread before you quickly reach out to your friend and feel the desperation trying to breach your throat, “she’s going to kill him Tae! Can’t someone stop her?!”
Taehyung’s voice is choked with sympathy and something else as you both watch Ares try to curl in on himself to lessen the hits. “Death isn’t an illegal thing here, y/n. It’s usually encouraged.”
You decide that in this moment, you truly hate your friend for bringing you to this shithole, forced to watch as this woman tries her hardest to kill the poor hybrid beneath her for the infamy; you’ll never let Tae know that though. Despite the small amount of resentment you feel for being brought here, you know that you’ll eventually forgive him. Just not right now as you watch Ares’ eyes take longer to open with each blink and feeling your heart crumble as small streams of blood run down his face and body. You weren’t sure what deity out there would hear you, but you begin to frantically pray that they’ll do something, anything to stop the fight; if not you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from running in there yourself.
You just didn’t realize that your prayer would be answered so abstractly.
“Cops!” the shout was faint and easily drowned by the roaring of the crowd, but you turn your head for a second as you spot a wide-eyed man running toward the ring. It isn’t until he bravely flings himself onto the wires of the cage to rattle it, causing the tigress to pause and snarl at the man, that the audience realizes what it is he’s screaming louder than before. “COPS!”
The change is instantaneous, leaving you to stand absentmindedly watching Ares’ fallen body as Abaddon gracefully leaps to the top of the cage and jumps out; there was a man with an expensive suit waiting for her already and quickly escorts her out of sight. Even your shoulders getting hit and shoved as people scramble out of the building like panicked ants isn’t enough to have you avert your eyes or your racing thoughts; no one was coming to get Ares.
It isn’t until you feel a violent tug on your arm do you refocus to the present, the yells of the dispersing crowd finally reaching your ears as does Taehyung’s shouts of alarm and panic. “Come on y/n! We have to go!”
Your body finally moves, only it isn’t in the direction your companion anticipated as your feet maneuver through the throng of people to reach the cage; it took zero convincing on your part to decide what to do. You aren’t going to leave the hybrid in the hands of the police and abandon him, even if you had to drag him to your apartment on your own.
“Y/n! Y/n! What are you – seriously?!”
You ignore Taehyung’s frantic shouts as he follows you through the crowd, not pausing once to check if the police were already inside the building, too worried that if you did it would cost you time you didn’t have. With your heart pounding in your ears and the adrenaline coursing through you, you yank the door open to the cage and run inside, sliding onto your knees to quickly check the man’s pulse. However, the moment your fingers touch the sweat covered skin, a big hand quickly wraps around your wrist and pulls a yelp from your throat; the hybrid had opened one eye and was glaring at you tiredly. Even as bloody and exhausted as he was, he could still stay aware enough to try and fend someone off; though you doubted that even as strong as he was, he could fight you right now.
“Hey,” you croak out as you try to stop the shaking in your hand which was still being squeezed in his grip, “I know that you won’t trust me, but the police are here – we have to get you out before they get you.”
It was at this moment that you saw something not many people probably got to see, this strong man turning into a small, hurt boy as his eye loses that glare to adopt one of fear. You’re sure that he didn’t need an explanation as to why the cops finding him alone was a bad thing; all his life was running away from the law as there was no doubt he was an unbound hybrid – no one coming to take him away like they did with Abaddon was enough proof. It was also in this moment that you vow to not mention that second of unadulterated vulnerability to anyone.
Ares closes his eye for a second, before opening it again to give you a small nod as he begins to stand with your hands grabbing onto his waist and arm. Time seems to move again as you look up to see Taehyung rushing over, cursing loudly as he hurriedly slings Ares’ arm over his shoulder and starts sprinting out. You gasp in breaths and try to keep up with the sudden movement, making sure to clutch onto the hybrid to assure you wouldn’t fall on your ass. It isn’t until the three of you burst through some emergency exit that you chance a look behind you, watching with wide eyes as men in uniform flash lights in your direction with shouts for you to stop.
With a slam of the door, the light is gone, but your speed continues the same as you all scramble over to your mini SUV; which for once you are so incredibly happy you stuck around with it as opposed to a smaller car.  Ares would actually fit in it for one. You throw a soft apology to the man as Tae all, but threw him across the back seat and slams the door before hopping into the passenger seat.
“Drive y/n! Drive like you’re in the Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift!”
“I never watched that one! I heard it was sad!”
“This is isn’t the time y/n! Just do as Rihanna sang; shut up and drive!”
Despite your words, you’re quick to turn on the engine and press your foot on the gas pedal, the squealing of tires drowning out your heartbeat as the hidden building gets smaller on your rearview mirror.
Labored breaths is all you hear for a few moments as you get farther away from the warehouses, your heartbeat slowing down enough for you to realize the weight of what you just did. What the hell were you going to do with a hybrid? As much as you wouldn’t mind sheltering the man, you couldn’t ignore the fact that he’s a stranger and to top it off, dabbled in illegal fights. He could kill you the moment he gets an opening for all you know, and yet…seeing him fight with so much determination only to get beaten, it caused a painful thrum in your chest. Maybe your impulsive behavior could get you hurt, but there was something in his eyes that made you want to believe he’d never lay a hand on you.
“What the fuck,” the voice is soft and breathy, before you realize its Taehyung as soon as his tone rises. “Y/n, what the fuck!”
You visibly cringe as you can feel his disapproving scowl from your seat, but for safety and your own embarrassment, you don’t turn around. There’s no point in questioning what he meant with his declaration; you know exactly what he’s so shocked about. With his shouting though, you’re quick to adjust your rearview mirror, afraid that Taehyung’s shouting somehow offended your surprise guest; but to your relief, the male hybrid seemed to be sleeping from exhaustion.
“I know the situation isn’t ideal –”
“There’s an MMA hybrid in the backseat!”
“I couldn’t leave him!”
You feel Taehyung’s stare of pity and disbelief as you bite the inside of your cheek, your eyes automatically flicking up to the rearview mirror to watch the rise and fall of the hybrid’s chest. “I know it’s stupid and I just opened a can of worms…but Tae I couldn’t leave him,” your voice is a soft whisper as the glow of the streetlights finally breaks out from the darkness of the sketchy streets you left behind.
Silence once again permeates the air as Taehyung simply slumps into his seat, his expression a weird mixture of understanding and annoyance. You’re not quite sure what your friend is thinking and at the moment you aren’t in the right state of mind to pry in concern; although you do feel guilty for the impulsive decision you made. You didn’t live alone and Taehyung’s disapproval only made sense since he would have to put up with your impulsivity; you just hope he wouldn’t stay angry with you for too long. Plans of making him his favorite food and desserts to lessen the blow of having an unknown hybrid crash in your shared space begin to enter your mind as the route to the space in question becomes familiar again.
It isn’t long before you finally reach your apartment, the silence still hanging between you two as you make sure none of your neighbors are out to see Taehyung carry a bloody hybrid on his back. The trek to the elevator is done in stiff silence as your eyes continue to roam over the lobby to make sure no one is about to catch the three of you, and it isn’t until you see the metal doors close in front of you that you let out a breath. Your apartment was the first door once getting off the lift, so walking to it without being seen won’t be as big of an issue.
Just as the elevator begins its ascent, you let your eyes slowly glance over to your right discretely, watching with a small, worried frown at how blank Taehyung’s expression is. After nearly two years living with your best friend, you knew better than anyone that when the normally boisterous male was quiet and expression a clean slate, he was angry or very irritated. What you didn’t know was why. You get it, you made a very stupid decision in risking your safety for the hybrid slumped on his back, but surely he could sympathize on why you did; more so when he was the more active voice in their rights. It wouldn’t be a permanent situation in your life (you imagined) and suppose once the hybrid healed, he’d finally forgive you.
The sudden shift and sound of the doors chiming break you out of your guilt plagued thoughts, but with Tae walking briskly to your apartment door only serves to gnaw at you. He definitely was angry. With a sharp look from him, you’re quick to scramble to the door and push the keys into the lock to finally let all of you into your shared home. Although, you can’t hide a wince and a soft, stern “careful” falling from your lips as your friend practically dumps Ares’ body onto the couch without a care.
After hanging your keys on the mount by the door and dumping your jacket on the bar counter, you take quick steps over to the small L shaped couch; making quick work in rearranging the hybrid onto the lounge section of the sofa for more of a comfortable position. Once satisfied that he won’t wake up sore, you hesitate before running a hand on the fading bruises on his skin, feeling wonder fill you at how quickly he was already healing. Despite the blood staining his abdomen and chest, the gashes themselves already seemed to be closing and well to the point of recovering. All you really needed to do was simply clean the blood and grime, along with waiting for his body to recuperate with sleep.
With hope spilling into your ribs, you turn to call Tae to help you gather supplies, only to see an empty living room and kitchen, with the door to the hallway and bedrooms slightly ajar as an indicator that he probably already went into his room. Guilt and worry once again begins to wrap around your heart while your stomach churned at the thought of him truly hating you for this. A sigh escapes you, but you grimace as you stand up, ignoring the stiffness in your limbs as you walk over to the small kitchen and grab the large bowl you usually use to mix your desserts, carefully covering the interior with clear wrap. Once done, you fill it up with some warm, soapy water and open a drawer to take out one of your kitchen towels before making your way back to the couch.
The more you cleaned his naked torso, the more bewitched you felt as each swipe of the bloodied rag shows perfectly carved abs and pecs, leaving you with an embarrassing burn in your core. Shame floods you with each lustful thought that came barging into your mind, trying your hardest to ignore the flame in the pit of your belly getting hotter with each second that passed. Honestly, is this man somehow a deity in disguise? His muscles were ridiculously defined and large; it was getting harder to control your wild thoughts.
Come on girl, get a hold of yourself. The man is hurt and unconscious! With a sigh you close your eyes and exhale softly to gather back your wits before finishing. Appreciating your hard work, you let your eyes fixate on the nasty gashes on his stomach and the yellowing bruises over his face. With a nod, you make a quick decision as you grab the bowl filled with dirty water and the rag, quickly cleaning up the supplies before returning with a small container of antibacterial ointment; no doubt he was healing just fine, but your worry wouldn’t let you walk away without providing him some relief.
As you delicately spread the ointment on his wounded skin however, the man shifts in his sleep suddenly and it has your breath and movements stilling in tense silence as you watch him carefully; but he simply turns onto his side and curls up, no signs of having been disturbed. Your breath leaves you slowly as your gaze softens; once more witnessing his features smooth over to show just how young he truly is. He couldn’t be older than Taehyung, perhaps younger now that you’re witnessing his guard completely lowered in sleep to show that glimpse of a young man you had seen back at the ring. Just how did he get mixed in with such a horrible way of surviving? Surely rabbit hybrids must be amongst the top adopted hybrids alongside the dog and cat mixes, so why is it that Ares found himself having to fight to stay alive?
“I’m sorry,” your voice is merely a whisper, the words having no destination and settle instead in the air between you two as you continue to watch Ares sleep soundly. Even you were unsure as to why you felt like apologizing. For how badly his life must be? For having been abandoned at that warehouse? For being alone? Who knew, certainly you didn’t, but with those thoughts plaguing your mind you stand up and drape your throw blanket on his figure before making your way to your room.
You spare a concerned glance over to your friend’s closed door and note with disappointment that there is no light fighting to get out through the bottom of his door; his room completely dark. With a small shake of your head, you gently close your door and get ready for bed; silently throwing a hopeful wish for tomorrow to not be a disaster once the hybrid awoke. 
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Your wish seems to have landed in the trash as you stare blankly at the scene before you late the next morning; Ares is awake and clutching onto one corner of the blanket you covered him in, glaring venomously at Taehyung who’s also tugging on the other end of the cotton with his own ferocious scowl at the hybrid. No words were being exchanged, but the air is thick with animosity and testosterone, leaving you shell-shocked at witnessing your goofball of a best friend suddenly look so…animalistic. Just what random parallel universe did you drop into? As if realizing your impulsive behavior with the hybrid wasn’t disorienting enough, now you also have to deal with Taehyung suddenly becoming an ass?
With a sigh and a glance at the clock mounted on the wall beside you – it was only 10 am – you’re quick to walk over to the two males, snatching the blanket from both of them. Two sets of eyes quickly snap to you, one annoyed, but apologetic; and the other narrowed in hostility. You try your best to give Ares a small, but sincere smile before turning to Taehyung and smacking his arm, giving him a scowl of disapproval.
“Just what on earth are you doing, you walnut? Why are you picking fights with our guest so early, especially after how last night went?”
Your brown haired roommate only whines at your annoyance and is quick to wrap his long arms around your shoulders in a dramatic fashion; you didn’t miss how he oddly rubbed his cheek on your own. “Please don’t be mad at me eomma! I forgot we had some asshole on our couch so I got…surprised and only acted on self-defense. True story.”
“I am not your mom! God I thought we went over this? Why is the mom thing coming back all of a sudden you fucking weirdo?” You would never admit to him how relief floods you at having him back to his idiot self.
A loud scoff followed by a snarl has you remembering the hybrid behind you and it serves as a reminder that he isn’t exactly exuding happy vibes right now; you wouldn’t either if you woke up in a stranger’s house after being beaten up honestly.
“I would hardly call you smacking me awake and yanking the blanket off of me as self-defense you rat,” at the last word Taehyung lets out an indignant sound and it only makes Ares give him a smug smile.
“I am not a rat, you cracked out Bugs Bunny! You should be grateful that my eomma even saved your sorry ass from being taken away by the cops.”
“Taehyung!” you gasp as you quickly yank his shaggy, morning hair, ignoring his whines of protests and turn to give Ares an apologetic stare. “I am so sorry; please don’t listen to what he says. I don’t know why he’s acting like this, but please feel free to use our bathroom to freshen up while I make us some breakfast. As an apology, Tae will even lend you some of his old clothes.”
Your roommate only gives out a strangled noise of protest, wiggling out of your hold to give you a look of comical betrayal. “Says who?! I don’t want him wearing my clothes! He’ll rub his gross smell all over them!”
Ares is quick to begin walking toward the door of your apartment with a heavy scowl on his lips, clearly not wanting stay with how rude Taehyung was being. “Whatever. I don’t want or need your pity or charity.”
Your heart squeezes painfully and before your mind can catch up, you once again act out impulsively, quickly wrapping your fingers around the muscle on his forearm. Only in doing so it makes you realize that he is in fact, still very much walking in only small shorts and nothing else. You swallow as quietly as you can and clear your throat, noting a bit late that he also hasn’t shaken your hand off of him, but neither has he turned around. Your heart flutters in hope.
“I didn’t help you out of pity,” your words are soft, but firm and you feel him stiffen under your hand, making the words quickly jumble out in a mess to have him understand you. “I know you won’t believe me, but I just couldn’t leave you there while no one came to help you. Especially after…after seeing the fight and how that tigress –”
“You helping me doesn’t change the fact that you paid to see those fights,” the venom in his sudden snarl has your hand leaving his arm as if burned and the stare he gives you over his shoulder has an annoying sting come to your eyes. He only scoffs and carries on. “You think that doing one good thing for a “worthless” hybrid suddenly makes you a saint? Don’t make me laugh.”
So focused on not letting the uninvited tears to fall, you don’t notice Tae getting closer until you feel his arm wrap around your shoulders and an almost animalistic growl sounding from right above your head. “She didn’t pay to be there you ungrateful jackass. I was invited to go there and I brought her with me so I wouldn’t go alone. So if I were you I’d stop swimming in the river you cried for yourself and thank y/n for risking her safety to get you out of there.”
The air is stifling as your voice leaves you and has your breath stuck at the base of your throat, too anxious to say anything to break the tension. The moments are far and few in-between when Taehyung gets angry, but times like these remind you that despite being a goofball, he was still very much a nearly a six foot tall, broad shouldered man with some mean ass looking eyebrows. Despite not looking threatened in the least, Ares still regards your friend and roommate with a serious, pensive scowl; body fully turned and chest instinctually puffing out to no doubt assert dominance.
Even in a serious situation such as this, your traitorous eyes fail to stay on the hybrid’s face and instead greedily roam over the bulging muscles with slight awe. Damn was this man giving Chris Hemsworth a run for his money.
The growled response has your eyes snapping up in shock to stare at Ares, body flushing in pleasant warmth as he stares back, but at seeing your lips form a small ‘o’ of surprise, he’s quick to look away with a frown. You’d blame the lack of any lights on for the small rosy hue his cheeks have gained.
“Do you have a home to go back to?” That is not what you meant to say and by the strangled noise that leaves Taehyung’s throat, he wasn’t expecting it either, but he knows where that question is going and is unfortunately much too shell-shocked to stop it. From how things went last night, you have a sad intuitive feeling that the male hybrid is homeless and like before, you just couldn’t sit idly on that thought.
The ears on Ares’ head flatten back in apprehension; his eyes once more regarding you, but with a certain guard in them as his confusion shows in his hesitancy. “What’s it to you?”
Someday you’d learn to control your impulsive behavior and stop to think about your decisions before making them. Today was not that day. “You can stay with us if you don’t. Rent won’t be an issue either; Tae and I make enough money to not be living paycheck to paycheck. Even if you just stay until you can find somewhere else, it beats having to hide from hybrid police department.”
The thickness in their air increases as everyone holds their breath, Taehyung dropping his arm from around your shoulders in a defeat he can already see happening and knows is futile in trying to fight it. But with each silent second that ticks by has your heart hammering away at your ribs faster, especially when a flicker of that same vulnerability you witnessed back in the cage last night appears in Ares’ eyes.
“Only until I can find someplace else,” the look is gone and is replaced with a gruff awkwardness as the hybrid nervously picks at his cheek, his voice quieter than before.
A loud grunt of dissatisfaction leaves your friend’s throat as he moves away from you and stomps angrily toward the hallway, throwing a petulant huff under his breath about getting ready for work. You let out your own sigh as the reality of what you just did settles on your skin. You’d have to make Taehyung his favorite foods and desserts on top of playing with his hair until your hand fell off for who knows how long for your hasty decision. Truly, you were on a roll with all the impulsivity, but it was done and you’d need to remind yourself after Taehyung’s shift at the diner to question his unfound hostility toward the hybrid.
For now, however…
“Let’s um, get you some clean clothes for after you shower and in the mean time I can make us some breakfast,” your smile is small and albeit a bit awkward, but it was sincere enough to have the hybrid give a grateful nod in return. “As if it wasn’t obvious by now, my name is y/n and I’m going to go on a wild guess and say Ares isn’t really your actual name?”
“You’d guess correctly,” he avoids your eyes for a few more seconds before he gives in and glances back at you, voice growing soft in newfound timidity. “Jeongguk.”
“Jeongguk,” your tongue rolls around the name easily and so preoccupied you are in trying to pronounce it exactly as he did, you miss the red tint making home on his cheeks again. By the time you look back up at him, it’s nearly gone and his eyes are roaming your apartment for the first time, obviously trying to take it in. “You can use the bathroom in my room for now, since Tae is notorious for taking forever in getting ready. We can go over living arrangements after, kay?”
With a shy nod and an actual tiny smile, Ares – no, Jeongguk – has your stomach fluttering as you quickly show him to where your room is and leave him to shower. Now standing alone in your kitchen, you let out a soft breath as you lean your forehead on the cool countertop, trying your best to wrap your mind around just exactly what occurred in the past 15 hours. With a shake of your head and a few small slaps to your cheeks, you get started on making some breakfast for all three of you while you push any doubts to the back of your head until you can get back to them in the darkness of your room later tonight.
You’d stupidly face the repercussions of your actions when they came, because you knew they would, just not now; but for the present time, you’d simply worry about making sure you had enough strawberries to dump onto Taehyung’s waffles.
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iris-writes-things · 5 years
Two Guys and a Baby: Day 9
Read on AO3, FF.net or under the cut, or read up to 2 chapters ahead as a $1 Patreon patron!
“Well, yes,” Ezra said, taking Adam out of Crowley’s arms. “But I was rather hoping Adam could tag along as well.” Adam. He’d forgotten Adam. He’d forgotten Adam while he was holding Adam. He physically smacked himself in the face.
Or, Ezra takes Crowley and Adam on an outing
Chapter 12 of 20 Ongoing 1473 words Romance/Humor
It was three in the morning on Sunday and Adam was particularly fussy tonight. Crowley had gotten up to check up on him at midnight, one and two — crying, arms and legs flailing — and figured it wasn’t worth it getting back into bed anymore until Adam was properly asleep again. As such, he was currently pacing around his flat, cradling the boy to his Queen + Adam Lambert Tour t-shirt. It seemed to calm him down.
“It’s okay, Adam,” he cooed at the baby, who seemed to have significantly calmed down now that he was being held. “We had a good thing going with you not crying so much and all, but I wouldn’t want you to bottle it all up for my sake. Or you’ll end up like me.” He said as he stroked the soft hair on Adam’s head.
The boy looked up at him and made a gurgling sound.
“I mean, I suppose me isn’t a bad thing to be, I mean, I have a great family, a nice flat and a well-paying job — for the next two weeks at least — but I make things so difficult for myself. I don’t want that for you.”
Adam burped.
“Gesundheit. Anyway. Ground rules. New ones, at least. We,” Crowley gestured between them with his free hand. “Are going to be honest to each other. No lies, no secrets. We’ll always have someone to vent to. Alright?” Crowley looked down at the boy. 
Big, shining, sky blue eyes stared up at him. 
‘Adam, you’re such a good listener,’ Crowley was about to say when Adam reached for the easel across the room. He walked up to it. Adam reached for the jar of brushes on the side table next to it. “You want to paint at…” Crowley glanced at the clock on his phone. “Nine past three in the morning?”
As if he had somehow understood what Crowley had said, Adam nodded.
Crowley sighed. “Well, alright. We’re both wide awake, I guess we’ll paint until we’re sleepy,” he mumbled and sat down on the stool in front of the easel, squirted some paint onto the palette and took a brush from the jar. “Try not to get any paint in your hair this time, alright?”
He put the brush to the canvas and didn’t stop until the sun rose.
It was well past noon when Crowley finally stumbled into the bookshop that Sunday. Adam happily clung to the lapels of his jacket, giggling, but he made sure to support him under his bum anyway.
Someone was better rested than him. But then again, everyone was better rested than him.
“Anthony?” Ezra asked, getting out from behind the counter, ran up to him. “Are you alright? Oh, and with the sunglasses again. My dear,” he trailed off as he lifted the sunglasses off Crowley’s nose. “Oh my goodness...”
“It’s okay angel, you can just say what we’re all thinking; ‘Crowley, you look like complete and utter shit today’. Right, Adam?”
Adam giggled some more.
“I must admit, you do look a bit like a hairless panda bear,” Ezra said as he tucked Crowley’s sunglasses into the pocket of his vest. A careful thumb caressed his cheekbone just under the heavy bags under his eyes. Crowley involuntarily leaned into the touch. “But I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation.”
“I was painting, actually, if that’s reasonable enough an explanation for you. Adam kept me up all night, so I thought I might as well do something productive with my time. I was almost finished when he finally fell asleep, or so I thought, so I put in a few extra hours to make sure it was finished properly.”
“Was it a good painting?”
“Exceptionally good.”
“Then you’ll forgive yourself soon enough,” Ezra said, smiling as he patted Crowley’s cheek. “I was hoping maybe later today we could go to an art gallery. But I understand if you’d rather go home to sleep.”
It took Crowley a moment to process what the other man had said, lack of sleep and the gentle assault on his face considered, but eventually he got his mouth to work. “You and me? To an art gallery?”
“Well, yes,” Ezra said, taking Adam out of Crowley’s arms. “But I was rather hoping Adam could tag along as well.”
Adam. He’d forgotten Adam. He’d forgotten Adam while he was holding Adam. He physically smacked himself in the face.
“My dear, when exactly did you go to bed?”
“Pfff, I don't know… Eight, nine o’clock, maybe?”Crowley admitted, cringing slightly. He hadn’t pulled an all-nighter since art school. “Could have been half past nine...”
"Oh, Anthony…" Ezra mumbled. His face scrunched up in a worried pout that made Crowley's heart melt.
Crowley took Ezra's free hand in both of his. "I'm fine. I’ll be fine," he whispered, patting Ezra's hand reassuringly. "So, this gallery, where is it?"
This gallery just so happened to be in Mayfair, only a stone’s throw away from Anthony’s flat. Ezra hoped he wouldn’t think it strange or creepy to take him somewhere literally so close to home, but Anthony didn’t seem to mind. Ezra didn’t really expect anything from the date. He wouldn’t even call it a date if anyone asked. Just two old mates* looking at art on their free Sunday afternoon. With a baby.
(*baggage included)
Baby. Right. Apparently it was ‘unusual’ for visitors to bring children into the gallery. This not only reflected in the stares they got from their fellow visitors, but also in the abysmal stroller — and by extension, probably wheelchair — accessibility and the mild panic the boy behind the counter worked himself into as he tried to find out from his superiors whether or not they had reduced prices for children. They didn’t. Ezra and Anthony split Adam’s adult ticket, and Ezra took to carrying the boy the entire afternoon.
Anthony, meanwhile, was like a kid in a candy store. He practically dragged Ezra along the exhibit by his free hand. One second he would murmur unintelligibly to himself, the next he would explode in enthusiasm and talk animatedly, but still unintelligibly, to Ezra about the exhibits. About the colours the artists used and techniques and other words Ezra never quite caught. But still, Ezra smiled and nodded. It was good to see Anthony so in his element again. 
It had been years since Ezra last saw him like this. It must have been… He thought hard on it. It must have been at his graduation. So happy and uninhibited, all smiles, arms flying everywhere. Until Anthony linked arms with him.
"So, this painting you stayed up all night to finish, what was it of?" Ezra asked as he washed down his salmon nigiri with red wine.
"I didn't tell you?" Crowley asked, looking up from tending to Adam, who was performing a stellar drum solo with his chopsticks. He glared at the older couple that glared at them.
Ezra laid his hand on Crowley's, making his heart jump. Him touching Ezra was one thing. Ezra touching him still made his heart and mind run a mile a minute. 
"My dear, let it go,” he whispered. “They can't help they're snobs." he said in an attempt to calm Crowley down, but still, Ezra shot them a look that could kill as well. "And no, I'm afraid you haven't told me."
"It was you."
"Me?" he asked. There was wonder in his eyes and blood rushing to his face.
"Yeah," Crowley mumbled. "I found an old photo of us and I really liked the way it looked, so I figured I'd paint it. For practise." He dug for his phone in his jacket pocket and pulled up the photo he took of the painting, bathed in the orange light of the sunrise. He slid the phone across the table casually, but on the inside, he was freaking out.
Ezra's face grew soft and slightly more red upon seeing the image. "You're right, it is exceptionally good." He glanced up at Crowley. “I can barely believe it’s me, Anthony, it’s beautiful.”
Crowley smiled. "If you say so. I think it can't even begin to compare to the real thing.”
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drakewalkerfantasy · 5 years
Beckett x Maeve Fluff ABC: Part 2 (I,J,M,Q-Z)
This is second and last part of Fluff ABC, first part can be found in my Masterlist. I hope you will like, what I got for Beckett and Maeve. Some of letters later may be become fics later (I totally plan to do this for D-Date) Hope you will enjoy it. I definitely had some fun writing it.
P.S. I’ll fix read more from home…. tumblr have a glitch
Tagging: @elles-choices @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @boneandfur @walkerismychoice @tmarie82 @ifyouseekheart @symonde @confessionsofabrokegirl @ludextruction @flynnomalleys @brightpinkpeppercorn @briarsunicorn @harrington-sinclaire @queen-among-writers @feartheendlesssummer
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I – Inside Jokes (Do they have any?)
Maeve often say to Beckett, that he is like a Google, what means he doesn’t let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion. Meanwhile, Beckett started to call Maeve his petrol station after of hours of giving her to breathe Gas and Air pain relief during her first labours. Also occasionally Beckett may call Maeve ABCDEFGHIJK what means: Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous and hot. When he was asked what IJK means he replied that this means I’m just kidding for what he got a light but tangible blow to the hand, after which he quickly wrapped his hands around her, kissing her sweetly into the tip of her nose, and whispered: This means I just know.
J – Jealousy (Who gets jealous easier? How do they show their jealousy?)
They both are very jealous and possessive of each other. Although they rarely act on their jealousy as they trust each other unconditionally, they still occasionally get into arguments because of their insecurities gets better out of them. Usually if Maeve got jealous, she mostly feels anger and frustration on herself for this as she knows that she is the only one whom Beckett loves and he would never cheat on her. So if she feels threatened by someone, she do the only rational thing, kissing him fiercely on public, whispering in his ear what exactly she wants to do with him when they will get alone, forcing him to choke and blush furiously.
When Beckett feels jealous, he usually grabs Maeve by her hand in total silence dragging her away and fucking her hard in some private corner, claiming her and making sure she know exactly whom she belongs to. Maeve loves this possessively rough side of Beckett sometimes provoking him to act on his jealousy.
M – Movies (What kinds of movies do they watch together? Is it a regular Netflix ritual?)
Maeve’s favourite movies are mostly black and white some with an element of noir. Something about them captures her attention making her hold her breath till the last second of the film and her heart fluttering in her chest like a small bird trying to escape her golden cage. She likes that this movies allow her imagination to go wild putting the colour in the picture, being the one in charge. The mystery of these movies never leave her indifferent never failing to put her into the shoes of people from an earlier time, making her to feel a storm of emotions. Since this movies make such a strong impression on her, she treats them as a type of a dessert that you love, but get it just on a special occasions.
Beckett’s favourite movies except documentaries are family comedies. His favourite time of the day is when he finally gets home to spend some time with his wife and children. Their evening ritual before putting children to bed is settling on the sofa in front of the big TV with some snacks prepared by Maeve and watch some family comedies of children’s choice on Netflix. This is something, apart from other stuff, that make him feel like he finally has a family he always dreamed about. The family who loves him for who he is without any expectations, the family who feels real. After putting kids to bed they usually come back downstairs to watch some romantic movie. Settling comfortably in their living room, having a glass of wine while snuggling together under the blankets, he wraps his arms around Maeve, letting her lean back on his chest, laughing together quietly.
Q – Quit (Do they break up? Almost break up? What happened?)
They were broke up for 2.5 years as his mother feared that if Beckett and Maeve will be united and have a child someday will make Blood Attuned not existing. She never knew what true love is, but she found Beckett’s weakness and made him break up with Maeve to be able to protect her from his mother’s wrath. But they were broke up only technically as their feelings never faded and Maeve was only waiting for the time when he will get stronger for them and will be able to protect them both to finally get reunited with each other.
- Then please, make me understand, - her voice soft and tired, her deep forest-green eyes look through his broken heart and her hoarse whisper seems like a thousand miles away, while his grey, silvery moons eyes were focused on her lips, - look me in the eyes and tell me, this was all a lie.
-Mae…, - Beckett’s throat becomes dry as he follows the tip of her tongue running along her velvety lips, knowing that he cannot lie to her… knowing that as soon as he will look her into these soul-piercing eyes, she will know the truth. He lifts his eyes meeting hers not able to break the gaze, feeling a lump in the throat and spoke, his voice barely above the whisper, - Sometimes, love is not enough. (part of Shard of Ice (Beckett x MC))
R – Rainy Days (How do they comfort each other on dark days?)
They both love spend rainy days in their home in Ireland sitting near to the fireplace and enjoying the intimate atmosphere of their place (at least before they children were born). Maeve prepares special peppermint hot chocolate the one her mother used to make for her dad and the one Beckett ones made for them.
Maeve quietly enters their living room placing the tray with peppermint hot chocolate mags in front of Beckett. His steely eyes wondering on the variety of food choices she placed, besides fresh tangy fruits and berries, he can see also some candied fruits and candy canes. He moves a little, freeing space for Maeve to sit next to him on a large quilted blanket with scattered cushions around them. Beckett turns on soft quite music and they sit hugging together feeding each other fruits and drinking hot chocolate, watching the soft dance of the fire flames, talking and laughing together. Their soft voices are heard in the silence of the room like a whispering meadow under the pattering rain. Beckett’s eyes met Maeve when familiar accords and words started to tune in their living room, the soft smile touched his lips:
What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
Beckett slowly rose moving the tray aside, and taking Maeve’s mug of hot chocolate from her hands, placing it back on the tray. He extended his hand to Maeve waiting for her to place her small hand in his. His voice barely audible almost dying with the next accords.
- May I? - he asked gently, his silvermoon eyes look deeply into hers golden brown. He watched her gently placing her hand in his, squeezing it lightly, raising from the floor and letting him lead her to the elegant and slow temp of the waltz. They whirl in the dim light of their living room, while a familiar words followed their every move and heartbeat, and their shadows dancing on the walls.
I can’t keep up and I can’t back down
I’ve been losing so much time
Cause it’s you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
S – Soft (Something one of them did that turned the other into absolute mush)
Maeve got absolute mush after hers 19th Birthday surprise that Beckett prepared for her. He gone extra miles to make this Birthday unforgettable and extra special. He took her to the place called Aruland where turquoise ocean stretched in every direction to the horizon, the place that reminded her of her parents. And when in the middle of the ocean he told her for the first time he loves her in the same spot where her father told the exact words to her mother promising her forever and more, she cried feeling the happiness she didn’t feel for a very long time.
The time when Beckett got absolutely mush was the day when their daughter Alexandra Casey Harrington was born. This first sound of her cry after birth filled him with so much happiness and relief, that he thought his heart will be not able to hold all of it. His tears rolled down his cheeks not able to stop, while his eyes where focused on his wife’s exhausted, but happy face. He was so thankful to her for going through all this pain and fear, that he couldn’t find the right words to express this, instead he kept whispering “I love you, I love you, I love you” burying his face in her thick honey coloured hair.
T – Texting (Do they text each other a lot? What do they usually talk about over the phone?)
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U – Unique (Tell us about some of their odd habits that surprised one another.)
To be honest none of the odd habits of each other made them surprised, more likely they were the ones that made them fall in love with each other even more. Maeve noticed that every time Beckett is nervous he starts stroking his hairs or trying to smooth his clothes. And when he is embarrassed he starts to rub the back of his neck. Another odd habit of his is to tap his fingers to the beat, be it in the car during a long drive or be it when he was immersed in reading a book.
Maeve doesn’t have a lot of odd habits, but if Beckett would be asked which one of them he sees as the most adorable he would definitely say when Maeve nervously bites on her lower lip. Every time she does this he wants to come closer and do this for her, gently taking her lower lip into his mouth grazing his teeth along it pulling a bit and then swirling the tip of his tongue on a place of the bite.
V – Vanity (Something they’re proud of in themselves and their partner)
Beckett is extremely proud of how quickly after graduation he was able to start a successful business and already in 2-3 years’ time he had opened numerous branches in other cities and countries. In a year time he already had two offices in United Kingdom, and by the time of their wedding he had gone as far as Japan for discussing business opportunities in there and to add another branch to their business. And he is proud that by the time of turning 22 years old with Maeve support he had Attuned Magickae Uirtus Award. Maeve is very proud of him getting this award and also by graduating a top of their class.
Maeve is proud that in a year time of becoming owner of the Sun and Moon shelter she could open a few branches in London and Ireland helping to more and more animals to find a new home. Beckett was so proud when she told him this and also he is extremely proud that she was the other person who graduated a top of their class not yielding to him.
W – Wedding (Tell us about your wedding head canon if they’ve gotten that far. Or if not, have they talked about it?)
They got officially engaged the day of their graduation and after a month started to plan their wedding. In three months after starting the planning their wedding day had arrived. If this would be Beckett’s will, they would get married as soon as he would get a special license for this, but after Beckett’s mother’s death, Maeve insisted for some time for him to mourn.
They chose a spectacular location for their wedding in Ireland, called Hag’s Head, the most southerly point of The Cliffs of Moher. This is a romantic place with access to the spectacular cliff edge providing an unrivalled view across the vast Atlantic Ocean. They met on the top of the cliff standing hand in hand in front of their friends and family feeling the light breeze greeting them on their wedding day. Maeve wore a beautiful strapless gown with the empire waist highlighting exquisite beadwork and embroidery design. The top of her dress was covered with Swarovski Crystals, rhinestones, pearls, and seed beads, and layers of Soft Tulle over Silky Charmeuse lining made up the baby doll silhouette. The thick white ribbon was tied over her growing baby bump, and the multilayered veil was pinned to her honey hair with a pearl brooch. She opted to the white ballet pumps, and by Shreya’s insistence, she also had something new, old, borrowed and blue. Beckett wore a simple black single-breasted jacket and trousers with a natural taper. His white evening shirt has a Marcella collar and double cuffs, with a turn-down collar and Sun/Moon silver cufflinks that Maeve gave him the night before as a wedding gift. His black bow-tie was matched with his highly polished shoes and socks. To top it up he had a navy colored handkerchief in the right breast pocket as a classic detail. 
- Okay, are you ready, - excitedly squealed Shreya.
- Yes, I believe so, - breathed out Maeve calming her nerves, ready to step in the hallway.
- Wait… I don’t see anything old on you? Or borrowed in this case. I can see you have this bouquet with small blue flowers in it that will do as yours something blue.
- Shreya…
- Don’t even start. You need this and this is my responsibility as your maid of honor to remind you of this. Okay, this pearl bracelet… is it new?
- Yes, Beckett gave it to me as a wedding gift, - murmured Maeve fiddling with little silver-blue pearls circling her small wrist.
- Great, this will be your something new. Noooow, do you have anything old with you? Anything?
- This brooch is my family’s heirloom and this dress is my mother’s.
- Suppose this is definitely old…. and was worn before…, - she scrunched her nose, skeptically watching on the dress.
- Shreya, even don’t think of starting on this again, - Maeve laughed at her friend’s disapproving gaze.
- Okay, okay. Now I have something that you can borrow from me, these pearl earrings will be the perfect addition to your bracelet.
- Shreya, can we go now? - asked Maeve replacing her golden earrings with borrowed ones before exiting the room with a deep breath.
X – X (Something they hate about the other)
Beckett is totally getting annoyed sometimes, when she send him her pictures in underwear in very inconvenience time, for example during the meetings or a lunch with his business partners. He has suspicions Maeve knows exactly what she is doing with him when she sends him this pictures. The single glance on her half naked body makes him blush furiously, and make him hard in an instant and if their didn’t have sex for awhile this becomes a REALLY BIG problem, the painfully throbbing REALLY BIG problem in his pants.
Y – Youtube (What are they like online? Do they post about their relationship constantly?)
They don’t have much time for facebook, instagram or twitter. Beckett is busy with promoting his business that he started after graduating and with expanding it worldwide. Meantime, Maeve is busy with owning the shelter her parents founded and helping to find a home to as many animals and companions as possible. Also they both are involved deeply in raising their children and making sure they have the best childhood memories created as a family. Occasionally, they may get into online chat with their friends as they all live on the other side of the ocean.
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Also they do Skype video calls with Katrina, and Maeve’s adoptive parents as they all want to be part of their children growing up.
Z – Zoo (Are they into animals? Do they want pets? What kind?)
They are definitely into animals and not only companions but also into dogs and cats. On Maeve’s 19th Birthday Beckett brought her to the animal’s shelter the one that was founded by her parents, and the one where Beckett helped not only by generous donations he made regularly but also helping out when he had spare time. During this time they also adopted together one of the puppies. Also, after their first visit, they both started helping there and Maeve became the new owner of this place, investing money and helping to find a home to as many animals and companions as possible.
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all-irregularities · 5 years
What are some good Sapphire & Steel fics? Do you have any "directory" posts at all that list where you can find them all?
I’m afraid I can’t think of any good rec lists - actually, any rec lists at all, come to think of it. So I guess that means I have to make my own! See you under the cut.
Okay, so quite a lot of Sapphire & Steelfics have spoilers/references to that fateful final assignment. Which I am 99%sure you have not experienced yet. Also, there tends to be quite a lot ofSilver, and I'm not entirely sure if you know him yet. With that in mind, here are a whole bunch ofnon-spoilery fics in a variety of genres and places.  
Cul-de-Sac (No hawkers, traders, cold callers, canvassers or purveyors ofreligious knowledge) by thisbluespirit - Sapphire and Steel are two perfectlynormal folk living on a perfectly normal street living a perfectly normaldomestic life. Probably. Maybe. Objectively hilarious. 
Anything by Allerleirauh, because they write some frankly gorgeous stuff, oftendelightfully Sapphire-centric. It's worth mentioning that, even though everybit of it is fantastic, their works often contain some disturbing/triggeringthemes, so it's best to pay attention to the tags and back out immediately ifyou're not comfortable. I particularly like Two Queens and A Game ofTime.
 Assigned (100 Element prompts) by bluespirit - a collection of 38 short storiesfeaturing various Elements, both canon and fanmade. All of them are really, reallynice and there's a huge variety of tones and characters. I ended upconsuming a few a day the first time I stumbled across this, reading them withmy afternoon tea. An excellent experience, would recommend. 
The Glade by Wiccagirl24 - Doctor Who crossover. Seven and Ace end up in themiddle of Sapphire and Steel's latest assignment - some really greatcharacterization here. 
 Lost Lives by Mab - a delightfully creepy little adventure with a lovelyending. 
Time Has Told Me by Tish - brilliant. Just - brilliant in many ways.Sapphire and Steel get humanized, and everybody is panicking trying to findthem, even as they're panicking trying to find each other. Some really greatOCs, and a wonderful story that just sweeps you away. 
One Night Stand by thebluespirit - Silver and a whole bunch of Elements,chilling together year after year on a particularly lengthy assignment. Agorgeous character study. I'm very fond of every single bit of it. 
Scientific Spirit (or Five Times Liz Shaw metSilver) by thisbluespirit - Doctor Who crossover. There is an oddpopular crossover pairing in this fandom - Liz Shaw and Silver. I know you'renot too fond of romance (I think? I seem to recall. Or maybe that's just me),but honestly when I read this fic I hardly noticed it, or maybe just didn'tcare. It's just really well done in a lot of ways. Liz and Silver arepitch-perfect. And also if you enjoyed that, Heart of the Trouble by the same author is just as good and a bit less heartwrenching. 
Striking A Balance by thebluespirit - Sapphire and Steel go curtain shopping,and argue a lot, and also it's perfectly in character. If you've noticedI'm reccing a lot of things by thebluespirit, that's because they're amazingand they write The Best S&S Fic In Existence. I'm actually holding myselfback from just copy-pasting their entire profile list of fic into here, becauseI want to highlight some other authors too. 
Borrowed Time by weakinteraction - a really cool assignmentfic with Sapphirecoming across something.
The Cat, the Mouse and the Wardrobe by (you guessed it) thebluespirit - Sapphire,Silver and Lead, as animals, trying to get work done. It's Very Good. 
The Fall of Darkness by Eliann_SleepingCat - a fairly old  (and fairly long) followup/sort of fixit ficfor Assignment 2. Really interesting concepts. 
Now You See It by thia - Sapphire and Steel at a magic show. That's it. And whata show.
Decade of Hell by fog_shadow - crossover with Star Trek: Voyager. I'm notfamiliar with ST:V, but that didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying thisSilver-centric assignment fic. I'm fond of Silver, can you tell? It's a reallynice character study. 
...and some of my own fic; the ones thatdon't spoil anything. 
Notes From The Past - a kind of nonsensical assignment thing that was just anexcuse to show off my OC, Magnesium. 
The Visitors - crossover with Welcome To Night Vale. Sapphire and Steel stop byin a very strange desert town, impress the radio host that narrates everyone'slives, and accidentally cause approximately one (1) innocent death. Justabsurdity. There is one line in this that still makes me grin every time I remember i wrote it.
Assigned - crossover with OFF (the video game). Sapphire encounters a strangesort of Judge. short.
hello, my candy coated darling - crossover with Homestuck, although it's morelike just a few concepts have been stolen from the canon. No characters from itshow up. Sapphire looks a lot more colorful than usual. This may turn out to bea problem. 
light your way, but that is all - Sapphire, Steel, Silver, and Lead on an assignment, with a mysterious narrator. This is my favorite S&S fic I've ever written.
I am almost certain that I’ve missed some here, but I’m a bit too tired to go searching for many more fics at the moment. hopefully this is enough for now - and feel free to come by and poke me once you get to the end of Assignment 6; I can hook you up with some more then!! :D
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cyberneticlagomorph · 5 years
Hozier echoes throughout your room like mutinous heterodox hymns in abandoned churches left to the elements. Arcane and profane songs leaking through the rotted gaps in the roof and walls, spilling out into the empty air. Your vision is stained with the gold-black hue of His voice, and the sinfully sweet taste of His words. Your agitation melts away away away, leaving you fluid and fae as you dance in very little, body bending in impossible shapes, twirling, swirling to the rhythm as you sing along. Your crystals form deadly fans that chime with each and every syllable, every movement.
A hundred years in the future and you have His Last Album on repeat, His songs got further and further from human understanding as his career continued. Now, just playing His songs out loud summon things, beautiful things, wondrous, illegal magic that changes your room into a far flung forest full of impossible, unimaginable things that know every lyric, every note and key. You feel at home here, and you're sure He did too.
You're late for your audience with the Queen of Candyland. But still you dance, as the next song plays and the ceiling above you becomes the canopy of a night-dark forest, letting in beams of moonlight to dapple the mossy floor. An uncountable number of rainbow hued shooting stars streak by and cast stained glass shadows on everything around you. And still you dance. Feet leaving the ground as your magic kicks up, voice multiplying, radiating. A cacophonous choir of voices that don't do His words any justice. But still you sing. But still you dance.
Your secretary, Hououmaru, has to coax you out of the music's thrall. You aren't exactly happy about that but you have shit to do, and you can't spend all day listening to the Last Album. Even though you really want to. Your butler sees to the state of your hair, applying some new color while you shove some toast into your waiting maw and take your meds. Your seamstress, Nui, brings your clothes along as you teleport to your castle in Wonderland, still in your underwear. You can't be bothered to take most of this seriously, but you're still taking your full security detail over there with you. Better not tempt fate after all.  You have to take the carriage over to Candyland, you're still far too drained to teleport yourself plus security over there on your own steam. But you're not incapable of defending yourself, as evidenced by the Vorpal Sword at your hip.
Your arrival is watched by a thousand eyes. Candy people and animals cower at your approach, and some part of you stings with guilt. There's little you can do about that, but it still hurts nonetheless. You guess you should be... happy, proud of yourself even, to have people cowering in your wake. But you aren't, it just makes you feel like a bully kicking down sand castles. You don't look out of the windows for the rest of the ride, contemplating sinking down low in your seat before remembering that Nui would eviscerate you if you wrinkled this outfit. So you just shut your eyes and sit very still until the carriage comes to a stop. There is mild concern from your entourage that you might be feeling ill, and at the moment you can't exactly refute that as you take one look at the Candy Queen's castle and feel your heart and stomach switch places.
Flanked by your security detail, sword at your side, countless tricks up your metaphorical sleeves and you feel no safer. Candy Guards stand stone-faced and silent in the halls, ever-present but unmoving. Eerie and discomforting. The throne room is no better, here is where you realize how grossly outnumbered you are. You can feel Rae behind you, silently counting the guards in here, adding their number to the ones you saw when you came in. She leans in to inform you of the seventy possible assailants you might have to claw your way through to get home. Seventy against four. You've never been much of a gambler but you like those odds.
Mellifera, the Candy Queen, is slow to address you, relaxed in her throne, honey-gold eyes half-lidded as if she were bored to the brink of dozing. Still, you are respectful and bow low at the waist, with your detail following suit.
"Stand, supplication does not suit you, Thief-Prince." she purrs in a voice as warm, rich and sweet as hot milk and honey. She is a magnificent creature, with translucent dark brown skin, twitching antennae, faceted black eyes, and fluttering wings at her back that cast stained glass shadows just like the falling stars from the song you'd so carelessly danced to. Her hair is opalescent white, full of sparkling sugar and sprinkles. She smells like raw honey, and a soft buzz chases the tails of words spoken with yellow painted lips. Beneath her skin is an endless maze of honeycomb, and floating just above her head is a crown of chocolate and amber that seems to perpetually melt, but the drips vanish before they can stain anything.
She is horrifically, horribly beautiful in every way. And yet as you think back to the night you two faced each other in battle, her face twisted with fury, she was beautiful then too. She sits up straight, an action that causes her obvious pain, Jeanne's parting gift, fondly remembered. Your ear twitches at her not-so-subtle insult.
"Thief-Prince?" you ask, voice level, calm. Too calm. Rae puts a hand against the small of your back, and your unconscious bristling ceases instantly, "I had no clue that retrieving lost property counted as theft in your lands, Lady Mellifera."
She gives you a smile, warm and sweet like brown sugar. It's wry but genuine and you don't like it, the way she looks at you when she does it. It makes you feel sorry in the wrongest of ways.
"There are many things you are clueless about, dear Thief-Prince, but your naivety is not what I wanted to discuss." she rests her chin in palm of one hand, head tilting just a little as she watches you squirm at her digs. You frown and lean back against Rae's steadying hand, the flames of your ire dying down to embers. She wants you angry and you aren't about to give her the satisfaction.
"Are we going to get to these discussions any time soon or do you intend to bore several millenia off my lifespan with this petty attempt at a squabble?" it comes out way more nonchalantly than you intended but that somehow adds weight to your words another tone just wouldn't have. Still, she laughs at you, a nasal snort that seems out of place coming from someone so clearly alien.
"Very well, we'll 'cut to the chase' as you Earthborn mongrels put it." she does air quotes, like the passive aggressive asshole she is. "I'd like to propose a peace treaty between my land and yours, we could become great assets to each other but that isn't possible if we are at each other's throats."
She shifts in position, resting her cheek on her fist. "And don't worry about the subjects of mine you slaughtered and devoured like animals, they'll be replaced soon enough."
You blink, bewildered, and she catches your shift in expression immediately, "You learn quickly not to get too attached to anyone around here," Mellifera doesn't even sound sullen, and simply shrugs as if this were something as small as a papercut. "Go on, kill them, my guards, I know you've been itching to. I'll just make more."
Her words hang in the empty air like the obvious threat they are. Unconsciously, you shudder, and she smiles again. That same damn smile. "So, what do you say?"
Your words falter, failing you as you struggle to process this fresh hell you've found yourself in. Finally you swallow thickly, the overpowering scents of sweet things turning your stomach as fast as the thought of the implications behind all of this.
"I'll... consider it." you say, softly, softer than you should. She seems elated nonetheless and wiggles her antennae in a pleased way that might have been cute under different circumstances.
"Wonderful, I'll send you a copy of the treaty to inspect at your leisure, then we can further discuss any specific edits or additional terms you may deem necessary." you instantly regret your words but it's too late to go back on them now. You'll play her games, just for a little while.
"Take this, as a hopeful gesture of peace between our two countries." Mellifera gestures at a shape draped in plain white cloth, the covering is pulled aside to reveal a marvelous cage of golden mesh, inside is a swarm of bread-and-butterflies. They flutter here and there on wings made of bread and toast, shimmering with butter, honey, or even jam. You can smell their warm, doughy scent from where you stand but can do little more than just stare in awe.
Hououmaru nudges a box into your hands, you nearly drop it in your carelessness and are left awkwardly holding it out towards the Candy Queen,
"We have brought a gift as well, Lady Mellifera, may it please you." the word please is accented and scummy, try as you might to sound professional you're quickly losing your nerve. Mellifera rises from her throne and makes her way towards you. Your security detail gently bristles like dogs on leashes, hands hovering near weapons just in case. None of the candy guards move, as if they too didn't care who lived or died. After all Queens can be replaced just like anyone and everyone else. Unease curls low in your belly, toothsome and vicious, as the Queen approaches. You are reminded of how fragile Candyland natives are by the way she limps towards you, still feeling the pain of your wife's bullet in her ass. It's a miracle she can walk at all, honestly.
Inside the box is a walking tea pot, not one of the feral ones that have moved in around the Brillig, a custom made one filled with tea from the river you'd stolen from her lands only nights ago. A petty, backhanded gift to repay her for the poisoned plants her least favorite daughter gave you a long while ago. After she opens the box, Queen Mellifera smiles that brown sugar smile at you again, the one that makes you feel sorry for things you haven't done. As if every injustice in this world was somehow your fault, but it's ok, she forgives you.
You really don't like her smile. You really don't like her. Childishness and invasion of your country aside, she makes you deeply uncomfortable as a person. Someone who has such a flippant view of death and sacrifice is clearly not to be trusted. She doesn't trust you, that's obvious. But still, here she is trying to kiss your ass and act like eons of tension between your home and hers has never existed. Something dark and cruel tells you that everyone would have been better off if you'd slaughtered her during the Battle for the Brillig. You almost never listen to that dark, cruel thing. If you did, you'd be out hunting down the twenty some-odd scientists that had escaped your initial siege of Delta Facility by some twisted facsimile of a miracle.
Mellifera thanks you for the gift, handing it off to a nearby guard. You two stand, locked in an uncomfortably quiet staring contest, as if you could decipher what the other was thinking just by sight alone. Mellifera searches your face for answers before that eerie smile dims into a thin grim line,
"If you have more to say, say it. If not, leave." she straightens to her full seven something foot height, and you refuse to give her the satisfaction of looking down her nose at you, stubbornly levitating up to look her in those cold black eyes, unsettled by the way they reflected your face a dozen times over. You barely see her move, barely have time to draw your sword as her own blade makes a sweeping arc towards your throat. It's over in a blink but there you both stand, blades barely biting into the skin of each other's necks. Blue running over her blade just as honey-gold runs over yours.
She smiles again, a different smile. She's impressed, and a little smug. You aren't smiling. With eerie synchronicity, you sheath your blades and fall back behind a wall of guards. "I grow tired of your company, Thief-Prince." she presses a sleeve to her wound and turns to leave, her free hand flying up to wave you off, "Until we meet again!"
"Until we meet again," you reply, ignoring the blood staining the collar of your dress. You leave with your gift in tow and find a jar of honey waiting at home, a note taped to it's lid and stamped with Candyland's royal seal.
"your pound of flesh -Melli" is all it says.
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All available muses!
Thought I would post it in case anyone can’t access my menu and about pages or just wanted a quick view of all the characters on this blog. :D
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Poppilina “Poppy” Puddlington (A slime girl adopted by a rich noble family. Poppy is curious about the world, exploring it with her favorite treat, candy, on hand at all times. Always happy to make more friends)
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Kalliphae Myressei (A moth woman with the ability to heal others using a powder that emits from her. She is a princess of a far off kingdom. Acts with a noble air and always tries to follow her heart. Has a My Hero Academia verse where she is a assistant teacher/nurse.)
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Cheza Fènghuáng (A phoenix princess from a Matriarchy kingdom called Nán Sòng. A major bookwork and very anti-social, usually staying inside and reading unless her mischievous mother makes her go outside to meet people. Has two retainers that follow her sometimes.)
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Ourania Thanos (A dragon that can turn into a human. Cocky, egotistical, and loves to show off to others. Loves to fight people just to fight strong opponents and also loves to eat lots of meat and drinks lots of ale. Has a Monster Hunter verse where she is a Jinouga gijinka)
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Fenagari Selene (A wolf girl who has lived homeless on the streets her whole life. Can’t remember her family at all or why she is where she is. Can be hostile at times towards strangers unless they show her kindness first. Strives to do her best to live a better life but may have made a deal with bad people for money)
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Iyumi Akuma (A bratty, whiny, wannabe queen with high delusions. She can be a major pain, demanding attention or demanding servants but deep down wants a king to serve and be submissive towards. Can change to be better with time.)
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Chloe Thaleia (Mischievous thief from a family of thieves looking for her older brother who left home when she was a child. Will steal from you playfully then give it back once she’s caught. Has a magical greatsword she stole that can use the four elements but she has no idea how to use it.)
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Aiolos Thaleia (Older brother of Chloe who left the family to pursue a more honorable path than being a thief. Wants to be a knight. Kind and gentle though sometimes can be a bit awkward around others.)
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Colette Eirina (Princess of Maas Kingdom and a rather air headed one at that. A hopeless romantic who reads tons of romance novels and is very naive but a sweet and kind person willing to help others. Though she mainly needs help herself. Has a Legend of Zelda verse and Konosuba verse)
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Chiyumi Muzai (A newbie Pokemon trainer from Hearthome with a Piplup named Pippin as her starter and a friendly Swablu by the name of Peeps. Shy and slightly clumsy and tends to attract Pokemon when she doesn’t want to)
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Blair Mahou (Braixen Gijinka who thinks she is a magical girl. Flirty and mischievous sometimes but mainly likes to help people with her ‘powers’. Likes to put on a show in order to gain reputation and hopes to get her own tv show)
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Peeps (An Altaira Gijinka girl who can’t speak human very well and tends to just say Peep or chirp or hum. Very innocent and naive and loves to give hugs to people and can be a tad air-headed. Belongs to Chiyumi)
League of Legends:
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Shay Pierina (Playful cat girl with the power to manipulate sand. Also has Fairy Tail verse and a general fantasy verse)
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Orabella Kalon (A shy summoner who can summon tiny birds, fairies that serve Titania, and a spider. Wants to teach magic to others as she finds it so fascinating and wonderful. Comes from Demacia. Also has fandomless verse)
Fairy Tail:
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Emilia Clarimond (A Celestial Wizard from the town of Hargeon with Chinese Zodiac keys. Loves to dress fashionable and can be kind of bratty. Has the Monkey, Tiger and Mouse Jade Keys. Currently looking for a wizard guild to join. Also has a Fate series verse where she is a Master and a fandomless verse)
My Hero Academia:
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Tia “Usagi” Faye (Bubbly kind of girly girl whose quirk is electricity and magnetism. She uses this alongside rollerblading to fight and calls herself Usagi for the jump tricks she can pull off while blading around. A student at UA. Also has a The World Ends with You verse where she is a Player.)
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Kyana Aeira (A wannabe heroine with the ability to conjure fire. Easily excitable and tends to rush into fights without thinking. But wants to help the world and has a big heart. Also has an Overwatch verse.)
Kingdom Hearts:
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Xia Malificia: (A Nobody OC. Mischievous, flirty, and beautiful, she loves to charm men into giving her money, power, or information. Or all of the above. Has plant powers where she summons vines to her aid and can summon Alraune Nobodies. Wants to possibly join Organization 13.)
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Ai Malificia: (Somebody of Xia. Very sweet and gentle, innocent and shy. Kept safe in her mansion home, she knows very little of the outside world except what she has learned from books until the day she fell into darkness when Heartless attacked her home of Radiant Garden.)
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Diana Fotieni (A keyblader OC with a strong sense of duty to her job as a keyblade wielder. She is usually serious and cares deeply about upholding justice and never falters against those she considers evil. Also has a Final Fantasy XV verse where is a wannabe Kingsglaive. Also has fandomless verse)
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Miyuki Tenshi (Sweet, innocent, naive girl who can see duel spirits, has one of Happy Lover, and has a angelic deck. Mainly a Yugioh GX OC who is an Obelisk student. Has an Angel verse that is fandomless and can be fandomless)
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Christina Terrwyn (Spunky, rambunctious tomboy with a dragon deck. Has Digimon, general fantasy verse and DBZ verse. Loves to show off and take things to the absolute extreme. Has DM and GX verses.)
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Aku Yazoi (A wannabe punk who is hot tempered and tries to act cool but is a sucker for cute girls. Is kind of a dweeb. Is from 5Ds. Also has fandomless verse)
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Ursa Miela (Bear girl with a secret love of honey. Tries to act scary and tough but gets easily embarrassed. Has a Semblance where she turns into a full bear and fights with a bow. Has three younger triplet brothers)
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Gwen Favete (A bunny faunus who can be a bit hyper and always optimistic. She bounces around everywhere and can be a bit odd. Looks out for her team like a scout. Also loves sewing and wants to be a fashion designer. Semblance is the ability to materialize weapons and direct them with a wave of a baton)
Nier Automata:
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10B (A Battle Unit android who is more emotional than the androids of YorHa usually are. She is playful and a tad flirtatious, calling people darling just for the fun of it. She is also very protective of humans or anyone she deeply cares for to the point where she will kill whoever harmed them)
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