#I wanna see 😭
89cats · 1 year
Currently thinking about my Alley Cat’s upcoming Sweet 16 Party!
WAIT YOU’RE THROWING YOUR CAT A SWEET 16?! I’m going to vomit that is so fucking cute! 🥳🎉🖤
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lazorbeanz · 1 month
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TAILS FINALLY GOT SOME POPCORN!!! (Well for a minute there anyways lol) 🙌🍿
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flowercrowngods · 3 months
Steve startles awake, disoriented and filled with a slight bout of panic — as always when he takes a nap that turns into five hours of deep sleep and catapults him right into the next dimension for a while there.
Heart racing, he blinks his dark bedroom into existence, and it takes him a while to realise where he is and what woke him up.
And then the landline phone on his nightstand rings again, and he exhales deeply before reaching for it with clumsy, sluggish movements.
“Steve,” comes Eddie’s sing-song voice from the other end, washing over Steve in a soothing way that leaves him falling back into the pillows. He clutches the phone to his ear as he closes his eyes, the smile already forming at how happy Eddie sounds. He rarely sings Steve’s name like that. He should do it more often.
“Hi there.” His voice sounds like shit. Like he just took a — Jesus Christ, has it really been four hours? Well. He sounds exactly like someone who took a four-hour nap after a shit day at work would sound like.
There’s fumbling on the other end, but it stops suddenly. “Did I wake you? Shit man, I thought it was past nap time.”
“I don’t have nap time,” Steve grumbles, actually pouting at Eddie’s words and realising only a second too late how ridiculous he sounds.
“Sure, man, whatever you say. We all know you’re actually just a life-sized toddler.”
Steve sputters, sitting up against his headboard as he gradually wakes up. “Hey! Also, I don’t think you actually understand what life-sized means.”
“Yes, I do.”
Steve shakes his head at this ridiculous, ridiculous man. “What exactly do you think a non-life-sized toddler looks like, Eduardissimo?”
“Like Dustin.”
The answer is so quick and deadpan, Steve cannot contain the laugh that bursts out of him, waking him up quicker and gentler than anything else in the world could have, and he revels in the sound of Eddie joining him. He must look so smug right now, and so damn proud of himself. Steve wants to see him. Wants to kiss that smile right from his lips and replace it with something a lot more genuine.
“You’re an asshole,” he says instead, pulling his blanket further around him as he lifts his knees to sit more comfortably.
Eddie hums, still teasing somehow with just that noise, and Steve just can’t stop smiling. “You like me so much, Harrington.”
“Hmm,” he mirrors Eddie’s hum, but even he can hear the smile on his face. “Jury’s still out on that one, actually.”
“Any tendencies yet on the verdict?”
“Nope, they can’t decide.”
Eddie snorts at that, and Steve has no idea how that can sound so sweet. But it does. He buries his smile in his knees for a bit, the blanket hot around his burning cheeks. He’s hopeless.
“Well, let me know as soon as they do, yeah?”
“Will do,” he laughs, ruining all his attempts to sound solemn. “So what’s up? Why’d you call?”
“Oh!” And suddenly it’s like a switch has been flipped and Eddie doesn’t sound teasing and smug anymore, but instead just fucking giddy! “I have a bed now!”
Steve smiles at it. At that voice, that tone, that infectious emotion. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah!” More fumbling on the other end, and Steve can only imagine that Eddie is rolling around in his newly acquired bed.
Who’s the life-sized toddler now, hm?
“No more sleeping on the floor for this Munson boy, nuh-uh, my good sir! We are in possession of a bed now. A wooden bed, no fancy headboard or anything, just…”
“Just a bed,” Steve says, feeling like he’s about to burst into a million little particles of fondness and affection and the never-ending need to kiss Eddie. To hold him. To touch him in any way he can. “That’s great, Edsie.”
“It is, Stevesie.”
“Man, I hate you so much,” Steve squints at the ceiling and laughs, actually kicking his feet, the minute breeze providing a little relief for the heat in his face.
And Eddie has no business to sound so smug when he says, “Yeah, you do.”
A pause then, and it feels loaded even through the phone. Steve clutches it closer to his face, hoping stupidly that Eddie can feel it.
“You should come hate me in my new bed.”
Steve’s breath hitches, and his brain shuts off for a hot second there. Before he can overthink this, he decides to just… play along. And listen to what his heart has been telling him for months now.
“Oh yeah?” he asks, breathless still, but his whole body tingles with just these two words. With the possibility they bring. The offer that they are. The question. The everything that’s stored in them.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and he sounds just as breathless. “I mean, if— If you want to?”
“I do.” Steve swallows. “Right, uh— Right now?”
“Whenever.” And it sounds more like an As soon as possible.
“Okay,” Steve breathes, scrambling out of bed as quickly as possible, pulling off his shirt with the phone still pressed to his ear, letting out an embarrassing noise as it gets tangled in a mess of cord and fabric. He scrambles to free it, almost dropping it in the process. “I’ll be there in thirty.”
“To come look at my new bed?”
On the other end, Eddie laughs again, but he still sounds just as breathless as Steve does. Just as excited. As fragile. Just as many fucking things.
“Alright,” Eddie murmurs, though Steve can still hear the smile. “I’ll see you then.”
And then he hangs up before either of them can get lost in their own heads about this sudden certainty of change. Steve is grateful for the steady noise of the dial tone reminding him that this is happening. But that nothing has to happen.
It’s a nice bed, he finds hours later, fingers combing through Eddie’s hair who’s cuddling him half asleep. It’s the best fucking bed he’s ever seen, if only because it led to this.
🤍 permanent tag list gang: @skiddit @inklessletter @aringofsalt @hellion-child @stobin-cryptid @hotluncheddie @gutterflower77 @auroraplume @steddieonbigboy @n0-1-important @stevesjockstrap @brainvines @puppy-steve @izzy2210 @itsall-taken @mangoinacan13 @madigoround @pukner @i-amthepizzaman @swimmingbirdrunningrock @hammity-hammer @stevesbipanic @bitchysunflower @estrellami-1 (lmk if you want on or off)
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robo-milky · 3 months
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Transformation into a child is cute… but even cuter when one is a baby! I am such a sucker for this trope- you have no idea…
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squibo · 6 months
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*♡೫̥*・:.·˖*✩⡱Here’s the finished pompompurin columbo i sculpted! Ain’t he cute 。:°ஐ♡*゚*✩‧₊˚
Under the cut is some collage work in progress and a size comparison next to a sonny angle
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rosy-crow · 12 days
Please Square, don’t fuck this up, you HAVE to include the entire Firsts trio in TFS part 2. GIVE US SMOL GENESIS!!!
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risingsunresistance · 16 days
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person25 · 5 months
So…does DG act like a regular kpop idol? Like, does he make those tiktok videos dancing to his song with other kpop idols to promote?
Imagine seeing the guy who beat the shit out of you doing aeygo. My pride would be in hell, never to be seen again.
imagine being his s/o and watching act all sweet on tv and he comes home with his real personality💀
ALSO i need to know what kind of music he makes bc i NEED to see him singing and dancing Rover (by KAI)
I need an in depth abt his idol life right now.
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WAHHHH I LOVE THIS 🥺🥺🥺 the pining and flirting and slowburn of it all… model!satoru and his favorite designer suguru geto, both of them undeniably skilled and born with an eye for fashion….. well-known and adored……..
designer!suguru who gets tasked with showing you the ropes, who’s always so patient and kind despite your inexperience. diligent with his teaching but also so laidback, so easy to talk to… he looks intimidating, but he’s so polite that you can’t help but swoon a little. and he admires your enthusiasm so much…… grows fond of you soooo quickly bc you’re just such a breath of fresh air compared to the divas he’s forced to work with all the time. he thinks you’ve got real potential and he wants to nurture it.
and ofc you end up running into model!satoru eventually…. bc he’s always hanging around suguru whenever he gets the chance. and he’s maybe a little jealous that you’re hogging so much of his personal designer’s attention, but… he also thinks you’re so cute . T_T like a little puppy following suguru around… so excited to be apart of something you’ve dreamed of for so many years……… he looks into your eyes and sees the same sparkle he had before he made it big, and it makes his heart race.
yeah . i’m just thinking abt the peaceful coffee breaks with suguru….. how he’d insist on paying for your drink, ”since he’s your senior” (he wants to be your favorite </3)…… and how he’d just be so protective over his little intern. don’t get me started on the close proximity with satoru when you’re taking his measurements, the glance and smile he sends your way during an impromptu shoot… the way he always calls for you with a sweet coo of ”how’s my favorite intern doing today?”
😔😔😔 yeahhhhhh. they make me feel ill.
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mettywiththenotes · 4 months
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I love this because Kudou's telling the others what to do, giving out orders like the rebel leader he was in life, and then he just turns to Yoichi with the softest look on his face. Then back into Serious Battle Mode
We know Kudou isn't good with feelings and stuff. Like he said, they didn't really have time for that when he was alive. So he just looks to Yoichi with this expression and says he's leaving it to him. It's not a teary emotional goodbye but it's his version of a goodbye and that means something to Yoichi
Also you could see this as like a reverse of how their roles began, in a way. Yoichi died and left Kudou with OFA. Now Kudou is going to let himself shatter and is leaving Yoichi with OFA
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shegoesbyjoy · 1 month
the saddest part about the snippets of hades 2 story we've now seen is that we won't have cutscenes featuring zag and young melinoë running around being adorable siblings together :(((
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pcktknife · 9 months
no fucking way I Just realized frye + shivs lil ornament things are the same as pearlinas zippers
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mangostahiti · 10 months
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he's the barbie.
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
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Geto Suguru 💜| Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 PV
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spaciebabie · 4 months
oh so you wanna fuck that monster huh. make sexy art of them without giving them muscles and/or making them look human
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ashipiko · 27 days
Birthday Showcase (Ashi) will be available for a limited time starting June 5th!
This showcase features a limited-time SSR Ashi (Birthday Jacket) card!
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WHOS READY FOR ROUND TWO. IM NOT??? HAVE I ACTUALLY BEEN ON TUMBLR THIS LONG ALREADY????? 😭😭 well anyway!! got thru the pains of card making and now we’re here </3 not really excited for the groovy but. we will get thru 🫡
THIS YEARS EVENT WILL BE THE SAME AS THE LAST!! <3 send asks and wish Ashi some bday wishes and get an OC interaction and/or doodle in response!!! 🤔 no promises it’ll be a lot but I’ll try my best to get thru them all
I THINK THATS IT? ILL REBLOG THIS IF ANYTHING. hopefully a month in advance is good enough HAHAHA
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