#I think she made it clear that she's the dog walker
myhappylittlesideblog · 2 months
Make It Back
A/N: A right of passage- sticking the reader character into the 'Andrea shot Daryl' scene :) Reader goes OFF on her, so be prepared lol. Sorry if you love Andrea
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem! Reader
WC: ~4k
Warnings: talk of Daryl's injuries, falling down the cliff, Walker attack- nothing too graphic; Andrea shooting Daryl but just grazing him; mentions of gore/blood- nothing too graphic; angst, comfort, fluff, cuddling; Daryl being sassy; reader character fighting with Andrea (yelling match)
Summary: You confront Andrea after she shoots Daryl, thinking he's a walker. With your anger taken out on her, you then comfort Daryl as he spends the night in the Greene farmhouse.
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You heard the gunshot. Everyone on the farm did. You just didn’t know exactly what had happened.
Following Lori’s lead, you jogged around the house, hoping it wasn’t another accident like the one that almost killed Carl. It was a single shot. Why would anyone risk a lone round out in the open like this? On this beautiful farm.
Once you circled the house, landing in a clump of Herschel’s family and a few others from your group, all you saw was sun. Its rays were blinding yellow as they cut over the tall, deep treeline on the edge of the meadow. It was the middle of a gorgeous day.
You heard Rick scream. It was a booming, worried thing. Then he screamed again.
“What the hell is going on here?” Herschel bellowed. 
You moved closer to the field, the gravel of the driveway turning to grass under your feet as you neared the van. Dale was standing beside it with his hands on his head, panic clear in his figure as he looked out to the scene in the pasture. 
“Shit,” Andrea said as she hastily climbed down the ladder from the top of the van. She started whining, more to herself than anyone else. “No, no, no, Daryl.”
“What?” you asked, a cold shock running down your spine from the back of your neck to your heels in the dirt. “What? What about Daryl?”
“I-I thought he was a walker,” she said.
Your head whirled to the cluster of men at the treeline. You tripped, your feet rooted to the ground in horror and misunderstanding. Was Andrea actually saying-
“I shot him.”
You bolted at her confession. These days, you were used to running, having done plenty of it through the woods to escape walkers. Then, you had to be careful of roots and puddles and dead bodies and the trees slowed you down, making sprinting difficult. Now, as you watched Rick fall to his knees in the distance, reaching for Daryl’s head after it hit the ground, speed came easily to you. The open meadow of freely growing grass under the clear blue sky was practically a racetrack.
Andrea panted behind you and the useless coins in Dale’s jeans clinked together, but you were faster, your feet agile in their swiftness. Your boots didn’t pound into the dirt like theirs. You sped to Daryl, only slowing when Rick threw one of Daryl’s arms over Shane’s shoulder and took the other one over his own. Daryl’s body fell limp against them, his feet dragging.
As the men caught their balance, you took Daryl’s face in your hands, seeing it drenched in blood.
“He’s unconscious,” Rick said to you. “We’ll get him back to the house.”
You nodded, otherwise silent. 
Andrea, however, let loose her apologies and worries in a shrill voice that made everyone around tense up like their limbs were attached to drawstrings. 
You didn’t listen to her words. Or T-Dog’s or Glenn’s and you didn’t notice Rick pull something from Daryl’s neck. Only the grass had your attention as your mind ceaselessly spun. Your boots pushed the tall blades around, making them sway with your every step. The shades of green were glowing in the slowly setting sun until they were marred- darkened by the looming three-headed shadow making its way across the field. Daryl’s blood dripped with every step, leaving red droplets behind with the last of the dew.
“I’m sorry,” Andrea said. When she touched your arm, you jumped, jarred back from the peace of the meadow and into the grisly present.
You didn’t answer her.
Daryl was still unconscious by the time Rick and Shane laid him down in the bedroom. While they’d carried him into the house, you beelined straight to Maggie, asking for a rag and some warm water. You ducked into the bedroom and dodged the panicking men so you could sit on the bed and wipe as much grime from Daryl’s face and hands as you could manage before leaving Herschel in peace to bandage his wounds.
When the door to the bedroom closed you out, you sat on the floor in the hall. Earlier, you had wondered if what Rick told you was true, if Daryl was only unconscious. If the bullet had truly only grazed him. You only fully believed Daryl was alive when you washed his face clean. His brow even crinkled when the wet cloth touched it. He was in there still. 
Lori sat down quietly next to you in the hallway. She patted your knee. She didn’t have to say anything. You knew her well enough by now to know what she thought. You’re a good friend to him, she’d say. And he doesn’t have many.
You leaned your head back against the wall with a soft thunk and closed your eyes. It was tranquil there for a moment before a familiar, unwanted voice interrupted. 
“Can I talk to you?”
You opened your eyes to see Andrea standing above you and Lori.
“Now’s not a good time,” you said. It was awkward and uncomfortable. “I’m waiting for- for some word.”
“I’ll be quick,” she asked, sliding down the wall and sitting beside you.
Andrea had a knack for rubbing you the wrong way at the worst times. You wouldn’t call yourself a ‘strong personality,’ but she certainly was. Whatever it was deep down in you was constantly butting heads with whatever lived in her core. You disagreed with her most of the time, but tried your best to be patient and gracious given the losses she’d suffered and the emotions clearly wracking her. Still, you couldn’t help but feel she went about most things all wrong.
Like insisting she speak to you now.
So you stood up. You asked Lori to come find you when Daryl woke or when you could go visit him- whatever came first- and you left the house. The turmoil in your chest almost made you scream. But instead of letting it rip through you, you sucked in a deep breath and walked down the front steps. To be alone.
“(Y/N), wait.”
You could tell it was her by the sound of her voice. 
“Andrea,” you warned, “I’m not in a place to talk right now.”
“To anyone? Or just to me?”
“Does it matter?” you asked, spinning around in the gravel to face her. “Can’t you just respect that I’m- I’m trying to-”
“What?” she shouted, hands in the air. “Trying not to yell at me? What if I want you to? What if I want you to scream at me? Tell me I’m reckless! Tell me-”
“Tell you what you need to hear? That’s not my job.” You were calm, considering the outburst in front of you. “Just leave me be.”
“No.” She ran in front of you, standing with her feet spread wide, blocking your path from the farm house. Like a child. “I need to… I need to apologize. To you. For what I did to Daryl.”
A laugh escaped you. “Apologize to me?”
“Yes. And-”
“You know who you need to apologize to, Andrea?”
“Daryl, I know, but-”
“And Herschel and Rick and Glenn and T-Dog, and everyone else you put in danger when you decided to not do what you were told.”
You watched her jaw clench and set in place. Lowly, she said, “I don’t need to be told what to do.”
“Apparently you do. Apparently you don’t have your head screwed on straight!” you said.
“What’s that supposed to mean-”
“No, Andrea!” you cut her off with a stabbing shout. “You’re gonna follow me around like this and beg for a piece of my mind? Let me give it to you! Lord knows no one else here will.” You took her arm, leading her away from the front of the house where your temper- or loss of it- wouldn’t disturb Herschel’s family. When she tried to talk over you, tell you she knew what she was doing with that gun in her hands, you snarled at her. “Shut up! I’m speaking now.”
You didn’t realize that the hidden spot you led her to happened to be just below the bedroom Daryl and the other men were in. You had no clue that your every word rode the breeze up and through the window above where Rick, Shane, and Daryl could hear you as clearly as if you stood right before them.
And you didn’t know Daryl was already awake.
Shane, arms crossed over his chest, peeked out the window at the sound of Andrea’s voice. He whistled to Rick. “Catfight.” 
“What?” Rick asked. He followed Shane’s gaze and shook his head when he saw you. “Nah, (Y/N)’s good. She’ll keep her head.”
“Wouldn’t be so sure,” Daryl grumbled. “Girl’s got a temper.”
“Never heard anything out of her,” Shane said.
“Thas ‘cause you ain’t never heard her complain ‘bout you.”
“Man, shut up,” Shane growled over Rick’s chuckles. “If (Y/N) gives Andrea a talkin’ to, that’s one less thing on my list.”
Daryl violently shifted the pillow under his head. “Dun even wanna know what’s on yer list.”
Shane shushed him, spitting on the window screen, and nudged Rick. “Wanna listen to her.”
You stuck an accusing finger at Andrea, keeping her staring at you and squinting into the low sun. “You need to understand, there’s no ‘girl jobs and boy jobs’ here. It’s not that simple. Just because you don’t like doing laundry and washing dishes doesn’t mean you get a gun to flaunt around by default.”
“They’re wasting my skills!” she hissed.
“Those guys,” you pointed out to the pasture, where Daryl went down, “Rick, Shane, Daryl- those guys are trained with those weapons. They were fucking cops and hunters, Andrea! That’s why they get the guns right now, not because they’re better than us, or whatever the hell story you’ve told yourself.”
“Then I should be trained the way they were,” she said. “Before they took it from me, I had my own gun for years-”
“After what you did today, I hope you never get your hands on another gun! You put every one of those guys in danger today. What if your aim was further off, huh? What if you shot Glenn? Or Rick? You could have killed him right in front of his boy! Right after Carl got back on his feet, doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
“Of course it does!” 
“Are you sure?” The sun was beating down on your back. The heat of its rays added to the roiling in your gut, making sweat drip down the side of your face and pool on your lower back. Its slick had your t-shirt clinging to you. “Are you really sure? ‘Cause if your shit aim was a half an inch better, you would have killed him today! One of our own. And you’re acting like you barely care- you’re here apologizing to me?”
“You’re closest to him,” she grumbled. “I was trying to be-”
You spoke over her meaningless words. “Daryl is an asset to this group. He keeps us safe, feeds us- he was coming back from looking for Sophia and what thanks does he get? A fucking bullet to the head. You took down a good man today-”
“I thought he was a walker!” Andrea screamed in defense.
“So what?” Your throat ached from its work and Andrea flinched. You forced a calming breath before you continued slowly and deliberately, hoping some of your words would actually stick in her head. “We are so lucky we’re allowed on this property. That we found this doctor.”
“I know.”
“And he asked one thing in return. No guns. You were told by Rick, by Shane- no guns. You saw- you thought you saw one walker and you waste a bullet on it? That one gunshot could have led a whole herd to this house, Andrea. What would have happened then?”
“I get it, okay?”
“I don’t think you do. Four men went out there to take down that walker. They explicitly told you not to shoot that gun. And you did it anyway. And for what? Pride?”
She stared at you. Then she shrugged flippantly. “I wanted to do it. I knew I could do it.”
“Well, I hope it was worth it to you.”
Shane whistled again from his spot in the window. “If we ever need a lawyer, she’s the one.”
Daryl laid his head back on the pillow after holding it in the air to listen carefully to your argument. His cheeks, ears, neck and chest were hot and flushed from your words about him. 
“She still down there?” he asked. 
“No,” Rick said. He rounded the foot of the bed and walked towards the door of the bedroom. “I’ll go check on her. She’ll wanna know you’re alright.”
“He’s red as a tomato,” Shane said, slapping Daryl’s foot, “but alive, right Daryl?”
“Barely,” he grumbled. 
It was Lori who found you first. She grabbed your wrist and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Daryl’s okay,” she said. “You can go up and see him now.”
You ran your palms up over your cheeks and into your hair, feeling the sweat that had gathered. You sighed. “Maybe later. He should probably rest.”
“He was askin’ for you,” Rick said, appearing behind Lori with a hand on the small of her back. “Go on up.”
At that, you nodded and headed for the bedroom.
Miraculously, you didn’t run into anyone else as you made your way through the house. You would have been embarrassed to see one of the Greenes after what had gone down today in the pasture or even after scolding Andrea, whether anyone had heard you or not.
You couldn’t quite get yourself to open the bedroom door, even as you stood before it, hand on the knob. There was no talking or snoring or shifting of sheets from the inside and you debated if you would be a disturbance or a comfort to whatever mood you’d meet inside.
Finally, at length, you pushed it open.
Daryl was shirtless, legs tangled in the thin sheets on the large bed. He only took up a small portion of it, though he was laying almost diagonally across it so he could watch the door. Of course he and his tracker’s ears had heard you open it. He looked at you with narrowed eyes. 
“Hey killer,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t even.”
You stood in the doorway, watching him. His arm was tucked tight under his head as he looked away from you and down into the sheets. He tucked them up all around him, blocking his injury and most of his skin from view. You knew why, but ignored it. You instead stared at the bandage tied around his head. It made his short hair stick up wildly, like a bloody coyote in the woods. 
“You wanna be alone, or you want me to stay?” you asked, hanging onto the doorknob. 
He shrugged. “Dun matter ta me.”
That was the closest to a yes you were ever going to get. You closed the door behind you with a soft click and walked to the emptier side of the bed to sit on its edge. “You need anything? Water, or-”
“Got it,” he said, blindly pointing to the nightstand beside the bed.
“Kay.” The air in the room was hot, but since the sun was setting lower and lower each minute, you knew there’d be a breeze blowing through the lacy curtains soon enough. You wiped your brow again. “How are you feeling?”
“‘Bout as bad as I look.”
“You look like shit.”
You breathed out a laugh. “You looked like death itself before, though, so this is an upgrade.”
He glared at you, but it was playful. For him, you knew it was. “Well, I was shot.”
You swallowed hard at the reminder. Next to his glass of water was the bowl and cloth you’d brought to him earlier. You reached for it now, wringing it out some before bringing it to his forehead which was as damp with sweat as yours was. 
“What else happened out there?”
“Nuthin’,” he said, shrugging off the cloth. 
You didn’t budge and asked again. “You look rough, Dare. Herschel said there was something with your side too? I saw all the blood.”
He was quiet, attention again on the sheets as you dabbed at his forehead and cheeks. There was still blood on his chin and grime on his neck- mud and something else you didn’t care to guess at. You stopped at his shoulders. It was clear he didn’t want you looking anywhere near his chest or back, buried in the sheets. 
Then you noticed him watching you.
“Hm?” you pushed.
“You were worried? ‘Bout… ‘bout me.”
“Of course I was. Still am. You’re one of us, we’re all worried-”
“I fell. And a couple’a walkers found me.”
Panic shot through you like lightning, branching through your veins and up your limbs. “Walkers?” No one told you. No one said anything about a bite or scratch or anything- “Is that, the injury on your side, it’s from a walker?”
“No,” he was quick to correct. “Nah, I fought ‘em off. Didn’t get me.” “Christ,” you whispered. You squeezed your eyes shut, desperate to keep the unshed tears stuck in your eyes.
“When I fell down the cliff, I took an arrow through my back.”
It didn’t-couldn’t-register. “You fell down a cliffside?”
That was all you could take. The emotion, the stress and panic of the day, of the weeks past, caught up to you in one drowning swell. You felt your lips tremble and tried to keep them shut up tight, tried to count the bumps in the washcloth still in your hands, dripping on the knee of your jeans.
“Ay,” Daryl said, gruffly. He took the washcloth from you and smacked your arm with it before tossing it near its bowl. “Dun do that. Dun- dun cry fer me-”
It made you laugh. It was a wet, snotty laugh and the curve of your cheek pushed out a fat tear that carved its way down your face. “It’s a song,” you said.
“Don’t start singin’ neither.”
You chuckled again, losing more tears and the fight to not cry in front of Daryl. 
With a painful grunt, he moved himself on the bed, opening a spot for you. He patted the empty space, mumbling. “Come on.”
You kicked off your boots and laid down on the bed, mirroring him. One arm supported your head, while the other tucked tight against you, keeping to your own space as you looked at him. His teeth dug into his lip over and over as he studied the hair and freckles on his arm as if he’d never seen it before. 
“Were you scared?” you whispered.
After a long while, narrowed blue eyes met yours and he nodded.
“Out there alone.” Your voice broke, shaking with the tight breath in your chest. 
“S’alright. M’back now.”
You flopped on your back, away from him for a chance to breathe. You were losing your grip and you didn’t want to break in front of him. You were there to support him, not force him into comforting you. But the thought of him in fear and suffering alone was stubbornly lodged in your throat. 
“When I was out there climbin,’ that’s what I was thinkin’ ‘bout,” Daryl said. “Thought ‘bout comin’ back. Seein’ ya. Knew I had ta get back.”
His words hung in the air. They were soft and open, his voice less harsh than usual. 
“That’s right,” you said. Using the collar of your t-shirt, as sweaty and dirty as it was, you wiped the tear tracks from your face and cleared your eyes.
“Now we both look bad as I feel,” Daryl said.
“Shut up,” you said. But you laughed.
The air felt clearer now. It wasn’t so stifling hot and you watched the transparent curtains dance in the breeze coming in through the window. Again, you turned to him, laying on your side, able to study him more. Daryl, however, seemed like he couldn’t bear the attention. His flitting gaze fell on just about everything in the room except you until he seemed to settle upon the safety of the bare ceiling above, studying it as if it were a map to a hidden treasure. Like a cure to the world’s mess.
“You okay?” you finally asked.
“Did you mean it? What ya said?”
One of his hands flew up, gesturing toward the window. “Earlier. To Andrea.”
You hummed, lips glued together for a moment. “You heard all that?”
He chuckled. “Loud and clear. She deserved it.”
“Mm. Just lost my temper.”
He grunted, agreeing. “But’cha- what ya said ‘bout me.” He struggled for the words, throat and mouth working for the right thing to ask. “Said I was a good man, ya mean that?”
“Of course.” You sat up, moving your face into his line of vision. You made him look at you. “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it. And I wouldn’t be here with you right now if I didn’t think it.” Your fingertips grazed his skin, tickling down his cheek until they turned the other way, your knuckles running the same path for good measure. “You are a good man. I see you. I see the things you do and no matter how much you like to hide it, I know you have a big heart. I’ve seen it.” You gave him a soft shove on the shoulder, teasing. While you were there, close to him, you brushed the hair off his forehead before returning your hands to yourself and laying back flat on the bed.
He grunted and pressed his lips together, staring at where your face had been, the spot that was just the bare ceiling now. Then he shrugged away from you and turned to the opposite wall and grumbled, “S’not what I asked, girl.”
“Gave ya some extra bang for your buck, that’s all,” you said. When he didn’t turn or even chuckle, you bent towards the floor for your boots. “Want me to go? So you can get some rest?”
He gave you nothing in answer. You at least hoped he heard what you said, took it to heart. But, you thought, that’s what you get for blubbering all over his bed. Only slightly bothered, you leaned towards the nightstand to see if he had enough water for the evening. Then, you’d leave-
“Dun haf’ta go,” he mumbled. 
“So long as ya don’t go all girly ga-ga on me again.”
You narrowed your eyes at him as he peeked at you over his shoulder. “You mean telling you that I actually care about you? Then don’t go tryin’ to die on me again.”
He flopped over. “Ya think I wanted to fall off the damn cliff? Fuckin’ horse threw me off.”
Setting your boots back down, you settled into the bed next to him. “Horse shoot you with your own crossbow too?”
“You shut your mouth, girl.”
“Mhmm.” you hummed, grinning.
Like two parallel beings, you laid opposite each other, close, but not touching. You used your own arm for a pillow and tucked yourself under the sheet of the bed. Daryl looked past you, as if watching the door as another breeze blew through the room.
“Here,” he said, shimmying up towards the head of the bed and sliding the arm of his uninjured side under your head. You laid close, tucking your arms into your chest so only your elbows and your knees crossed over into Daryl’s space.
At least, it was that way until he leaned down into you, resting his chin on your forehead and letting his other arm drop over your side. You let loose a sigh at the touch- he’d made it back.
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d1xonss · 5 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 26 ~ Reunited
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 6.1k
In this chapter ~ Separated from one another, the group was left fearful of what happened to the others as the minutes turned into hours. But when all hope seemed to be lost, a new light shined down upon them as they all seemed to have the same idea of where to run after everything went up in flames. But the others witness another unexpected surprise, not only that, but Rick reveals the truth about everything. Leaving the rest of them fearful of who he had become.
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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ THIRD PERSON POV *~*~*~*~*~*~*~
The sun was just beginning to rise into a new day, leaving everyone exhausted from the long night they just had. A night where they had to fight for their lives, to try and protect their loved ones. Although the loved ones that they were all trying so hard to protect, slipped just past their fingertips, leaving them in the dark. Utterly clueless about what happened to them.
Rick, Hershel, and Carl were back on the highway, hoping, praying that everyone made it and would have the same idea they did. It was the only place they all knew well and recognized. The three of them had been waiting patiently, for hours they stood there in silence, waiting for any kind of sound other than the walkers that occasionally came across the road they were parked on. The longer they waited only caused the light in their hearts to dim at the possibility of none of them making it out at all. Though they tried to stay calm, it was almost impossible to do when you think you have nothing left.
Maggie and Glenn were still driving down the long dirt road with no clear destination. No coherent thoughts present in their minds as they were left utterly defeated and exhausted. They hadn't spoken a word to each other since they were back on the farm, back when Glenn convinced her to leave the place behind. Leave her home behind. It was clear to see she was having a hard time processing that, not ever wanting to let that place go to begin with. But she knew in that present moment, she didn't have a choice.
Her hands shook violently as she drove, shuttering breaths leaving her lips as she tried desperately not to cry. She wanted to stay strong, to stay positive, but it felt nearly impossible as she watched her childhood home practically get torn to the ground. Along with the burning barn that stayed present in her mind. And along with everyone else she loved.
"We should head back to the highway...the others could be there." Glenn finally spoke up after what felt like ages.
But Maggie was still in a state of shock, not hearing him at all, "My dad...did he make it? Did you see?" she asked, not taking her eyes off the road.
"I couldn't see, no." he said sadly.
"And Beth, what about Beth? We have to go back and see if they made it." her voice raised as she tried to convince him.
He shook his head frantically, "No, we can't, if they made it they wouldn't be there." he said calmly.
"What about Rose? She had to have made it right? She's smart. God, I hope they're all okay." Maggie whispered.
Glenn's heart started to hurt at the mere mention of his best friend's name. He tried not to think about her as best as he could so he could avoid completely breaking down, but he hadn't seen her since she ran off towards the barn. Something was telling him that she was okay, that she made it out fine. But there was no way of knowing for sure, unless they trailed back to the highway, seeing if the group had made it back there.
After only a few minutes of trying, he finally convinced Maggie to let him drive, turning the vehicle around to speed off towards the center of the highway.
Lori, Beth, and T-Dog were in the bright blue truck, noting but arguing filling the air around them in the small, crammed space. Lori insisted that they turn around to check and see if the others had made it or not, if her husband and child were safe, but T-Dog declined that idea immediately. It was too dangerous to turn back, too dangerous to even check back in on the farm, the place still swarming with walkers. Though eventually, they came to an agreement after Lori managed to get through to the man, deciding that the highway was their best bet. Their best chance.
Daryl was a mess. Though he wouldn't dare let Carol see that. He couldn't stop thinking about Rose, what happened to her in the end. From what he saw, she didn't make it off the farm with anyone else and that worried him beyond repair. The last time he had even caught sight of her is when she took off towards the burning barn. Trying to be a hero or some dumb shit. Though her words seemed to only echo over and over again in his mind- "I will see you again."
His first instinct was to head back to the highway to see if anyone had the same idea, hell maybe the whole group was there by now considering how much time had passed. He didn't check with Carol to see if that's what she wanted to do because in all honesty, he didn't care. All he desperately needed was to see her face again, fulfilling the promise she made.
Rick was only starting to lose more hope back on the highway, seeming as if they were waiting for the others for an eternity. There wasn't a single trace of them, even after hours of getting off the land that was now destroyed. There was still nothing.
It surprised the man nearly enough to knock him off his feet when Hershel began to try and convince him to leave the area. The older man claimed it was starting to be unsafe standing out in the open, waiting for nothing, but Rick didn't want to give up. Not for a moment. Though the more time that passed, the more he understood where Hershel was coming from. They couldn't just stay and wait out here forever, especially since he still had to keep Carl close, protect him with his life. He knew it was unsafe, but that didn't stop his heart breaking a little bit more when he knew it was time to go.
Eventually he found the courage to get down to the boy's level, placing a hand on his shoulder to break the devastating news to him. But the moment he opened his mouth, he closed it back up quickly as his head whipped back over his shoulder at a sound. The vibrations of a motorcycle rumbling towards them.
There they were. Daryl riding in on his bike with Carol clinging to him on the back, Glenn and Maggie driving in a separate car, and Lori, Beth, and T-Dog pulling up in the rusty old truck. It seemed almost unbelievable, but then again it didn't matter. None of it did. They were all alive and safe.
As soon as the vehicles came to a stop, everyone practically flung themselves out, running towards each other with tear-stained cheeks. Relieved laughter and sighs filled the air as they held each other close, finally being able to breathe seeing that the others had made it out safely.
But Daryl's eyes darted around the entire time, looking for the only girl he wanted to see, but she was nowhere to be found. His heart instantly dropped to the pit of his stomach, but before he could even utter a word about where she was, Rick spoke up.
"Where did you find everyone?" he asked Daryl.
His eyes snapped back to the man as he cleared his throat, "Well, uh...those guys' taillights zigzaggin all over the road, figured he had to be Asian drivin like that." he poked.
Glenn chuckled sarcastically with a nod, "Good one." he muttered.
"Where's the rest of us?" Daryl couldn't help but blurt.
"We're the only ones who made it so far." Rick said, a bit of guilt filling his voice.
Lori's ears perked up a bit at that as she stood to her full height from hugging Carl moments ago, "Shane?" she asked him.
The man only ducked his head down to the ground, simply shaking his head without saying anything else. It was bad enough his son had to somewhat witness the man's death, he wasn't ready to open that can of worms with anyone else. He couldn't even begin to describe the feeling, or the things that he had to do. At least not yet.
"Andrea?" Rick asked.
"She saved me," Carol said sadly, "And then I lost her."
T-Dog stepped in, "We saw her go down." he confirmed, leaning against the truck door.
"Patricia?" Hershel asked.
"They got her too." Beth said sadly as she held him close.
Everyone grew silent as they thought of only one person the whole time, noticing she wasn't present with the rest, but nobody wanted to say her name out loud. It was like all of them were quietly waiting to see who would break first and ask the dreaded question that no one wanted to know the answer to. Though finally, Daryl couldn't take it anymore.
"Where's Rose?"
Tension filled the air at the mention of her name. The girl that they had all grown to care deeply about wasn't there with them, and they could only assume the worst.
"She- she saved Carl and I...and told us to run, that she would be right behind us. But...I didn't see her make it out." Rick informed sadly.
He was mentally kicking himself for leaving her there, even if she wasn't taking no for an answer. He should've picked her up kicking and screaming if he had to, to make sure she made it out okay. But he didn't. He only acted fast to save his son while he still had the chance, trying to dodge the many walkers that still surrounded him. The memories hit him like a tidal wave as he brought it up, thinking of all the things he could've done instead.
Daryl's eyes widened, "And ya just left her there?!" he snapped.
"You let her take all of those walkers on by herself? Why didn't you help her?" Glenn stepped in angrily.
"I didn't have a choice," Rick spoke, "My gun was out of ammo, I had to get Carl out of there fast."
Daryl was fuming. Rose could still be out there, and Rick didn't protect her when he damn well could have, knowing fully that he was their leader and they counted on him to have their backs. He wanted to argue back, yell at the man for being so stupid, but he needed to find her. So without another thought, he immediately got on the back of his motorcycle again with the intention of searching for days if he needed to.
"M' going back." he said briefly as he started the bike up with a loud rumble.
"No." Rick protested sadly.
Daryl glared at him, "Don't tell me no! Ya could've protected her, and ya left her there. M' going back."
"I didn't have a choice. She isn't there Daryl, she isn't. She's somewhere else or she's dead." Rick said.
"Don't say that!" Glenn snapped before Daryl even got the chance, "You know damn well we have to find her. I'll go with."
The man then wasted no time hopping on the back of Daryl's bike right along with him, when Rick then tried to stop them again, saying they had to stick together and that only created a whole other argument. Realistically, his point was valid and maybe reasonable. But neither of them wanted to listen to the man that left her behind in the first place, that alone took away from the things he was saying. The point he was trying to make.
The rest of the group stayed still, completely silent as they watched the three yell consistently at each other about what they thought was right. Their heads moving back and forth as if they were watching an intense tennis match.
Though just beyond in the woods, Rose moved slowly as she was utterly exhausted, barely being able to keep her eyes open. Walking all night really did a number on her, slightly limping at the pain she felt in her muscles from fighting restlessly with the dead. She had almost made it to the highway she could practically taste it with how close she became, but stopped dead in her tracks the second she heard yelling, not being able to make out the words.
Instinctively she pulled out one of her knives and was ready to hit whatever stranger that was screaming in the distance, but what she saw then made her gasp. It was almost the entire group together, standing around in a small circle on the road, bringing a smile to her face as she released a breath of air she didn't know she was holding. She then put her weapon back in its place, practically sprinting up the small hill to see all of their faces again.
"We're wasting time! Yer not gonna tell us we can't go after her, after you were the one who left her there! Now we're going back, m' done having this conversation." she heard Daryl's voice yell.
She quickly continued to maneuver in between the scattered cars, making her presence known before they had a chance to take off. Her quiet footsteps then slowed down to a stop the moment she was behind them, smiling in relief that she had finally found them.
"You don't have to go back." she said loudly.
Everyone's heads snapped back towards her upon hearing the sound of her familiar voice, their eyes only widening seeing the state she was in. Blood and dirt heavily coated her clothes and skin, looking absolutely exhausted, but she was alive. That's all that mattered to them.
Beth wasted no time at all rushing right over to Rose out of her father's grasp, wrapping her in a tight hug as she cried, Maggie joining her only seconds later. While Hershel couldn't help himself after a few seconds, stepping in as well for a giant group hug.
"A Greene family hug, it's just what I needed." the girl muttered as she held them tight.
As she finally let them go, she didn't get very far, before Glenn was off the bike in a matter of seconds, running up and wrapping her in a tight hug and slightly lifted her up off the ground. She laughed deliriously and hugged him back, but as he set her back down to her feet, he still didn't let go. It almost seemed as if he couldn't. She assured him over and over again that she was okay, whispering it quietly in his ear as he slowly nodded his head, finally letting her go with a few tears running down his face.
After releasing Glenn from her arms, she did a scan around everyone else, searching for the one man she was dying to see. And as soon as they locked eyes, that was enough for Daryl to pick his jaw back up off the ground and hop off his bike quickly, rushing over towards her. She met him halfway and he engulfed her in a giant embrace. He lifted her off the ground and her legs went instinctively around his waist as he buried his face in her neck, gripping the fabric of her shirt in between his fingers.
She heard him sigh in relief right next to her ear, and that only made her hug him tighter. At that moment neither one of them cared who was there to see because as far as they were concerned, they were the only two people in the world.
After a few seconds of holding her close, he finally placed her back down gently on her feet and pulled slightly away, though keeping his hands firmly on her waist as he stared at her. He seemed to be thinking really hard about something before finally giving in and kissing her.
She was surprised at his actions but that didn't stop her from kissing him back deeply, forgetting about anything and everything as she melted into him. Some people softly gasped from behind them, but they didn't care, they were within each other's reach again and that's all that mattered in their minds.
He pulled away after only a moment or two and rested his forehead against hers while gazing down at her, memorizing all of her features. That is until a loud voice spoke up from behind them.
"I knew it!" Glenn yelled with a pointed finger, and everyone began to laugh, including Daryl.
But he quickly turned all his attention back on her as he gave her sides a gentle squeeze, "I thought..." he trailed off, clear pain lacing his voice as he spoke.
"You didn't," she said, reading his mind as she shook her head instantly, "I'm right here...I kept my promise, didn't I?"
He slowly nodded his head before bringing her in for another hug. They stayed like that for another moment, and even though Daryl never wanted to let her go again, he did. He slowly let her out of his reach, watching her walk over towards Rick who suddenly couldn't find the right words to say to her, but she didn't care. She only shushed him before any words could come out, bringing him in close to a warm embrace, silently reassuring him that they were okay. He did what he had to do to protect Carl, that's what she wanted. She didn't need a single explanation or apology, because in her mind he had nothing to be sorry about.
She then moved over towards Carl, taking the sobbing boy into her arms as she whispered reassuring things to him, which he only nodded in return. He couldn't even begin to describe the worry and guilt he felt built up in his chest when they left her, seeing her again just brought it all out on the table for her to see. But she only held him tight, waiting for him to be ready to finally let her go, before she pulled away fully to greet everyone else.
After everyone reunited with her, they decided to hit the road, away from the rest of the herd that they left behind. Everyone wanted to get as far away as possible, though the thought of starting fresh to find a new place left an uneasy feeling in the air. But they really didn't have another choice.
Rose rode on the back of Daryl's motorcycle with her arms wrapped around his waist tightly, still not really being used to riding it. But she didn't seem to mind all that much now seeing as she almost lost him a few hours ago. Plus she trusted him, and he knew that instantly just by the way she hung onto him, her grip not nearly as tight as the first time. She rested her chin on his shoulder and let the wind hit her face, closing her eyes contently at the feeling. Daryl felt himself smile as he glanced at her in his side mirror, picking up one of her hands and kissing the back of it lightly before speeding up a little down the long road ahead of them.
A few hours had passed just like that, taking off down the narrow streets leading them east, away from all the flesh eating monsters. They didn't have a solid plan, an idea of where they were going to sleep that night, but they just kept moving. In hopes of putting some distance between them and the overrun farm.
Until they heard two honks coming from one of the vehicles behind them, causing everyone to slow to a stop and pull completely over on the side of the road. The group exited their vehicles, Daryl extending his hand to Rose to help her off the bike while looking towards Rick who seemed conflicted about something.
"You out?" Daryl asked the man.
He nodded, "Running low on fumes." he muttered, looking around the area they stopped at as everyone else gathered around.
"We can't stay here." Rose spoke.
"But we can't all fit in one car." Glenn pointed out.
Rick only shook his head, "We'll have to make a run for some gas in the morning."
"Spend the night here?" Carol asked, worry creasing her features.
"I'm freezing." Carl said, wrapping his arms around himself while his mother pulled him close, trying to warm him up as best as she could.
Daryl loaded his crossbow as he spoke, "Ya go out lookin for firewood, stay close. Only got so many arrows. How you doin on ammo?" he asked Rick.
"Not enough." Rick replied.
"We can't just sit here with our asses hanging out." Maggie said bluntly.
Hershel stepped in, "Watch your mouth." he lightly scolded, "Everyone stop panicking and just listen to Rick."
Rick continued with a plan, "Alright we'll set up a perimeter, in the morning we'll find gas and some supplies. We'll keep pushing on."
"Glenn and I can go on a run right now, try and scrounge up some gas." Maggie offered.
Rose glanced over at Beth for a moment who now stood next to her and was shivering lightly. She didn't dwell on it as she quickly wrapped her arm around her shoulders to pull her close in an attempt to keep her somewhat warm. Winter was only creeping up on them quicker by the day, making this horrible timing to lose the perfectly warm farmhouse.
"No, we stay together." Rick responded to Maggie, "God forbid something happens and people get stranded without a car."
"Rick, we're stranded now." Rose said to him softly.
He sighed, "I know, I know it looks bad, we've all been through hell and worse, but at least we found each other. I wasn't sure- I really wasn't, but we did. We're together. We keep it that way. We'll find shelter somewhere, there's got to be a place." Rick finished.
Glenn stepped in "Rick look around, okay? There are walkers everywhere, they're migrating or something."
"There's got to be a place not just where we hole up, but we fortify, hunker down, pull ourselves together, build a life for each other. I know it's out there we just have to find it!" Rick suddenly snapped.
"Even if we do find a place, and we think it's safe we can never be sure. For how long? Look what happened with the farm. We fooled ourselves to think it was safe." Maggie said.
"We won't make that mistake again." Hershel assured.
"We'll make camp tonight over there, get on the road at the break of day." Rick said.
Beth then stepped away from Rose to walk closer to Rick, "But what if walkers come through, or another group like Randall's?" she asked, gesturing with her hands as she spoke.
"Ya know we found Randall, right? He had turned but he wasn't bit." Daryl stated.
Rick then turned a little pale, his cheeks draining of color as he could no longer look any of them in the eye. The thing that he had only kept to himself, was now creeping back up to bite him in the ass. The thing that he hardly believed was possible, turned out to be nothing but the truth.
Lori placed a hand on Rick's shoulder to try and bring him back down to earth, "Rick, what the hell happened?"
"Shane killed Randall, like he always wanted to." Daryl said bluntly, speaking for Rick as he seemed to not hear her at all.
"And then the herd got him?" Lori asked.
Rick remained silent for what felt like forever, thinking to himself before he finally came clean. "We're all infected." he murmured.
Rose's eyes widened as she was certain she had misheard what she had just been told. His voice coming out so quiet and hesitant. But judging by the shocked looks on everyone else's faces, she heard him loud and clear, seeing he was keeping this little secret to himself. One that didn't make any sense.
"What?" Rose asked harshly.
Rick turned to her, "At the CDC Jenner told me...whatever it is we all carry it."
It became silent, so silent that you could hear a pin drop and echo around the space. Everyone was not only shocked at the news they had just received, but the fact that Rick had kept that to himself for so long, not even considering to tell the rest. Rose took a step back to walk away, her frustration building, but Carol's voice stopped her.
"And you never said anything?" the woman asked, slightly angry.
"Would it have made a difference?" Rick asked.
Rose whipped back around upon hearing that and stared at him in disbelief, "You knew this whole time-"
Rick quickly cut her off, "How could I have known for sure? You saw how crazy that mo-"
"That isn't your call." Rose interrupted him.
Glenn scoffed as he nodded his head, "Yeah...when I found out about the walkers in the barn, I told for the good of everyone."
"Well, I thought it was best that people didn't know." Rick said harshly before storming off in the opposite direction without another word.
Rose let out a heavy breath and only took this as her opportunity to head off into the woods to clear her head, and to try and find some wood for a fire. Seeing as though they would be spending the night out in the cold. For the past few weeks, to be blunt, shit had been hitting the fan. They couldn't seem to catch a break, witnessing one blow after another. How much more could this group take right now, she had no idea. But for now, she could only focus on getting the damn firewood so they wouldn't freeze to death that night.
Her feet stomped loudly in the leaves as the frustration she was feeling never ceased to end. It wasn't only about what Rick had kept from all of them for weeks, it also had something to do with how he was acting. Seeming as though he didn't think twice and was careless about the decisions he recently came to. She understood that they didn't have a lot of options, but considering the huge loss all of them have faced, in her eyes it should've been handled better.
Though she nearly jumped out of her skin when she suddenly heard the sound of a branch snap from just behind her. Her head whipped around quickly, only to see Daryl standing a few feet away with slightly raised hands.
"Just me." he said in a soft voice.
She sighed, giving him a small smile before turning back to look around for some sticks and large branches. But he only seemed to follow, his footsteps slowly catching up to her from behind as he spoke up again.
"Well, aren't ya gonna hear what I have to say?" he asked in a subtly playful tone.
She turned around again and ditched the small sticks in her hands, "Sorry, didn't know if you came out here to talk, or to just keep me company."
He nodded, "Wanted to talk...bout us."
She raised her eyebrows, "Oh?"
"Yeah just- just listen for a sec, okay? I gotta get it all out there before I start to forget what I wanna say."
She nodded her head as she folded her arms over her chest to protect herself from the cold and he continued. "Look when ya...when ya weren't there at first on the highway, and hell even before that, I was thinkin about ya. Couldn't stop worrying whether ya were...dead or hurt. It just killed me not knowin where ya where and if you were safe. So...I've been thinkin ever since and uh...realized how important ya are to me. So- I was wonderin if ya...wanted to be my girl."
The words he expressed nervously almost felt foreign to him. Daryl was never the kind of man to place a label on things, never cared enough about anything like that in his entire life. But with her, it was different. He wanted to know for sure that she was his, wanting to know that they weren't just messing around for fun, but that there was something real there. For the both of them.
But upon hearing that from Rose's perspective, her heart was almost floating at the feeling that she mattered this much to someone. The feeling then causing her to break out into a huge smile, stepping closer to him to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him gently. He gladly kissed her back, his fingers finding their way to her belt loops again, only pulling her closer.
Though he loved the feeling of her lips pressed against his, he didn't have a clear answer, and a part of him wanted to hear her say it. So, he reluctantly pulled away after a moment, resting his forehead against hers as he looked down at her.
"Is that a yes?" he asked, not stopping himself from placing another small kiss at the corner of her mouth.
She rolled her eyes playfully, "Yes, it's a yes." she laughed.
He smiled back at her softly, pulling away fully to take one of her hands in his own, "Ya make me happy, darlin. And I wanna make sure I can make you just as happy."
She looked at him in shock, "What do you mean? You could make me melt with just one glance, I'm pretty sure that means I'm happy." she spoke.
"Really?" he asked.
"Yes," she assured, "Happier than I ever thought I could be."
His eyes glinted with something more than usual as he kissed her again, feeling his heartbeat quicken as she felt butterflies in her stomach. Even though they had just lost the farm, they still had each other. And in the back of their minds, they knew that was all they would ever need.
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Hours had passed as it was now completely dark, and the group was sitting around in a circle, trying to keep warm by the fire they started. Rose and Daryl were sitting close to each other as she rested her head on his shoulder, shivering every once in a while from the wind that whipped by harshly. The two of them felt somewhat relieved that they could act normal around everyone else now that the rest knew about their relationship. That didn't necessarily mean they were going to be all over each other all the time, but they could just simply be.
"I never thought I would see a soft side to Daryl Dixon." Glenn voiced out loud, eyeing the two like a hawk as they minded their business.
Everyone chuckled at that except for Daryl who just sent him a glare, "Shut up." he muttered.
Rose only smiled to herself, giving his hand a comforting squeeze before placing a delicate a kiss on his cheek. Some people started to "aww" as they wouldn't look away from them, acting as if they hadn't witnessed affection before in their entire lives.
Rose looked back at all of them, "Shut up."
Glenn's eyes widened, "God, they're already turning into each other."
Rose didn't bat an eye as she pulled away from Daryl momentarily, reaching over to her right as she grabbed a small rock, chucking it at the man to get him to shut up. The others laughed again upon seeing Glenn dodging the flying pebble, before settling down and going back to their own hushed conversations.
That didn't last long however as Rick came back into view to silently check on everyone, before walking away to check the perimeter for about the fifth time since they arrived. Something was off about him now and they could all see it, and some were still upset with him for keeping the secret for so long. It only grew silent as his presence still lingered, leaving everyone thinking quietly to themselves.
"We're not safe with him." Carol suddenly whispered from the other side of Daryl, "Keeping something like that from us. Why do you need him? He's just going to pull you down."
But the man shook his head, "Nah, Rick's done alright by me." he said.
Rose gently squeezed his hand again as if to silently say she was proud of him, because in all honesty, she was. Him being mature enough to move on from that was something you didn't see every day.
"You're his henchmen...both of you," she said, bringing Rose into it too, "And I'm a burden, you two deserve better."
"What do you want?" Rose asked her.
Carol looked over at her, "A man of honor." she said simply.
"Rick has honor." Daryl snapped slightly before turning back to look at the fire, clearly done with that conversation.
"I think we should take our chances." Maggie said, suddenly standing up to her feet.
"Don't be foolish." Hershel said, "There's no food, no fuel, no ammo."
Some rustling then came from the woods and everyone's ears perked up. "What was that?" Beth asked as she clutched tighter onto her father's arm.
"Could be anything." Daryl said, getting up to grab his crossbow, "Could be a racoon, possum-"
"Or a walker." Glenn added.
"We need to leave," Carol snapped, "What are we waiting for?"
Rick's ears only picked up to all of their panicked whispers as he came back around the corner to make himself known. "The last thing we need is for everyone to be running off in the dark. We don't have the vehicles, and no one is traveling on foot." he hushed.
"Don't panic." Hershel commanded lightly.
"I'm not- I'm not sitting here waiting for another herd to blow through. We need to move now." Maggie demanded.
"No one is going anywhere." Rick spoke lowly, almost a warning tone to his voice.
"Do something." Carol pushed.
"I am doing something!" Rick snapped, "I'm keeping this group together, alive. I've been doing that all along no matter what, I didn't ask for this. I killed my best friend for you people for Christ's sake!"
That was it. That was the weight he's been carrying with him since the fall of the farm. He had time to think about it all day and night, now everyone could clearly see that it was eating him up inside, the guilt slowly turning into anger towards everyone else. Rose sat there with wide eyes hearing how easily that sentence rolled off of Rick's tongue. She knew it wasn't easy for him to do, she knew that. But that didn't make the situation any less terrifying.
"You saw what he was like," he continued, "How he pushed me, how he compromised us, how he threatened us. He staged the whole Randall thing, led me out to put a bullet in my back, he gave me no choice! He was my friend, but he came after me, my hands are clean."
Carl then began sobbing in his mother's arms, not only at his father's words, but the such harshness behind them. Rose easily caught sight of his crying state, reaching over on instinct to rub his back to try and help calm him down. Her touch only made him look over his shoulder at her, before crashing into her arms seconds later, the built up of overwhelming emotions seeming to be too much. She held onto him tightly, shushing him to try and get him to calm down as he nearly gripped onto her for dear life.
"Maybe you people are better off without me," Rick then said, "Go ahead, I say there's a place for us, but maybe, maybe it's just another pipe dream. Maybe I'm fooling myself again. Why don't you just go find out yourself? Send me a postcard! Go on there's the door, you can do better? Let's see how far you get..."
When no one said a single word, he continued, "No takers? Fine but get one thing straight, you're staying? This isn't a democracy anymore." he said sternly, before turning on his heel, slipping away again.
Everyone was silent as they watched the empty space Rick had just filled, unable to take their eyes away. Rose still held on to Carl, whose cries had now calmed down a little at the feeling of her soft patterns she drew on his back. Daryl found himself reaching down to give her shoulder a squeeze before quickly moving away from everyone to check out the noise from earlier. If it was an animal, they would need to eat soon, and he also felt trapped and uncomfortable at the tension that was left in the air. Needing to get away for a while.
But Rose sat there frozen as she thought about what this all had come to. Rick Grimes was broken, there was no doubt about that, but something told her that he would never be the same again. And how could he? He had to murder one of the people who brought him the most joy in his life, his best friend.
They were up to their necks in shit it seemed like, and yet all she could do in that moment was hope that things would only go up from here. But then again, maybe that was just a pipe dream.
~ Thanks for reading!
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dxcter · 11 months
Bullets-Carl Grimes x Male Reader 2
Previous - Next 
Y/n had spent three days alone out there. Running for his life, running away from danger, never stopping to kill a walker in his way. He just ran. During those three exhausting days before the barn he knew, he knew it was his fault. He was the reason his Mother and Father got torn to shreds, and he would never forgive himself for that.
"It's my fault! They're gone because of me. I'm the reason we got kicked out so its my fault that they're dead." He cried, his tears running down his face.
"No, no, no don't say that. It isn't your fault." Andrea said. She kneeled down and comforted the young boy.
"Did you say kicked out? Who kicked you out? And for what?" Hershel asked.
"I c-can't tell you. If I do you'll definitely get rid of me." He sniffled.
"It's okay. You can tell us, we wont get rid of you." Hershel's voice was calm and sincere.
Y/n's e/c eyes looked at the people around him and swallowed. "I-i. . . I like boys." He confessed, his voice was quiet but everyone there heard it. Andrea hugged the boy, her hands rubbing his back soothingly. She turned her head and looked at Rick and Shane. "We are not kicking him out." She said. Rick put a hand to his holster and gave her a nod.
"I'll take him to Lori. He can be with her and Carl while the rest of you deal with Randall." Rick put his hand on y/n's shoulder and led him away to the campsite.
"You stay here with Lori, okay. I promise we won't get rid of you." He reassures. Y/n gave a nod. He watched Rick walk away, once he left his line of sight he walked to where Lori was. Lori gave him a friendly smile and continued to do whatever she actually does. The person with her though peaked his interest, he was quiet for the most part and he was the only person who hasn't talked to y/n. Maggie was nice, T-dog was funny so is Glenn, and Dale was nice to be around even if you don't have anything to say. But Carl, Carl was a whole can of worms that you haven't seen yet.
He was barely older than you, but he gave off this demeanor that made it seem like he's lived his whole life in this apocalypse. So you can imagine his surprise when Carl sat next to him. There was an awkward silence at first, but as y/n continued to write in one of his many journals he noticed Carl looking at him every once in a while.
He thought this would go on for the rest of the time there but he heard Carl clear his throat. "So... What are the journals for?"
Y/n looked at him quizzically. "It's just a hobby. I just like to write about things." He answered quietly.
"I knew that, I heard you talking to Maggie earlier. I wanted to know about what you write about." Carl looked at the many books in y/n's bag. Seeing this the h/c-ette/blond took out five journals.
"This blue one is kind of like a diary, I write about what's happened to me in their. I just think that it'll be important one day, kind of like a record of our history. . ." y/n slowly flipped through the pages, it was evident in the pages that he's been writing in it way before the world ended.
"This red one is about plants and animals, it helped me survive out there. The yellow one has random stuff in it like how to build basic things like levers and chemistry. The black one is just more random stuff." Carl listened closely to what y/n said.
"And this leather one has all the stories of people i've met. It even has other things in their like how old they are and small details like that." Y/n smiled as he looked through the book. Every once in a while a photo of a person would appear, y/n's melancholy expression painted across his face.
"How did you get all of this? Its pretty cool and they look like you wrote them yourself." Carl pointed out.
"I didn't do it myself at first. Lots of people helped me with it." He explained. "They kept me safe, they taught me things, and they were. . .like family to me." Tears welled up in his eyes.
Carl frowned at y/n's sad expression. "Well your here now aren't you? We can be your new family now."
Y/n gave a sad smile as he wiped his tears away. "I wish you could. . . I like you guys. Your nice to me but. . . I won't live for long." Y/n gazed into the sunset.
"T-thats not true!" Carl grabbed his hand giving it a soft squeeze.
"But it is true Carl. . . your strong I can see that, I'm not. I got my parents killed; My mother died saving me all because I panicked."
"Then I'll protect you! I'll keep you safe."
"Thank you Carl but you shouldn't have to be my knight in shining armour."
"Then let's be friends first." Carl smiled.
"I'd like that" y/n smiled.
The moon was up, casting an eerie glow over the farm. Carl and y/n were sitting on the front steps while the adults were talking in the living room. They were quietly talking until Dale angrily left the house. Y/n quickly grabbed Carol's arm before she got away.
"What happened in there?"
Carol gave him a sad look before saying "It's nothing you need to worry yourself about."
Y/n unsatisfied with the answer hesitantly let go of Carol's arm and watched as everybody went their separate ways. Y/n turned to Carl. "Can I stay with you. . . I have a bad feeling that somethings going to happen." Carl gave him a nod and started walking to his tent.
It was calm and quiet, the moon was big and full in the night sky. It was peaceful. But it could only be peaceful for so long.
Hello i’ve finally gotten around to posting the second chapter on tumblr, yes this is short but i will be shortly uploading the third chapter so stay tuned!
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the-name-is-z · 3 months
daryl dixon x f!oc
a03 link
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Summary: After helping Rick save one of his group members from an unlikely hostage situation, Iris is introduced to the camp. Yet, a happy reunion may be overshadowed by looming danger. Warnings/Information: AMC's The Walking Dead OC Insert | 18+ Advised | strangers to lovers; the slowest of slow burns; gore; angst; horror; humour; m/f; descriptions of gore, violence, zombies, death, mourning, digging graves, handling of dead bodies, injury, infection
Chapter 3 - The Group
"Admit it, you only came back to Atlanta for the hat." Glenn teased as they walked under the overpass. He was surprisingly chipper despite the hostage situation. The overpass came off the interstate into the city, and supposedly where he parked their van every time he came into the city for a run.
"Don't tell anybody." Rick replied with a smile. Iris walked quietly beside T-Dog, an uncertain feeling curling up at the base of her skull. She hoped more than anything that this group could be something good. Like Guillermo said, there were too many bad people left. 
"You've given away half our guns and ammo." Daryl grumbled.
"Not nearly half." Rick replied.
"For what? Bunch of old farts who are gonna die off momentarily anyhow?" He asked. 
"Seriously, how long do you think they got?"
"How long do any of us?" Rick retorted. They walked around a bus that blocked their path, only to find no van waiting on the other side. Iris watched as their faces fell.
"Oh my god." Glenn mumbled.
"Where the hell's our van?" Daryl asked.
"We left it right there, who would take it?" Glenn wondered.
"Merle." Rick answered firmly.
"Your brother?" Iris asked, frowning at Daryl. He nodded, sucking on a tooth.
"Yeah. He's gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp." He replied. Iris glanced around at their current surroundings, her eyes landing on an SUV not far from the train tracks. She ran for it, finding a wooden stick spearing through the windshield, a walker pinned to the driver's seat. 
"What are you doing?" Glenn called.
"Wanna get back to your camp or not?" She called back. With a sharp stab she killed the walker through the open window, opening the door to tug him out. Daryl jogged over, opening the other door and beginning to kick the broken windshield out. He popped the hood, checking it over as Iris ducked under the steering wheel and pulled wires.
"Where'd you learn to do that?" Rick asked, he and the others having decided to join in. 
"Gonna arrest me if I tell you?" Iris asked, the engine roaring to life. He said nothing as she sat up. "Wouldn't be the first time." She answered simply. Glenn got in the drivers seat, all of them rushing on borrowed time.
It was dark by the time they pulled into the side road toward their camp. They were halted only by the sound of gunshots, screaming. A few walkers wandered down toward the car, but Iris' sinking feeling was coming to a head. They spared no time in jumping out, guns blazing. Iris followed Rick past tents and small clearings to a fire pit and an RV. 
There were children screaming as the adults shot the walkers down one by one, making use of their new guns. There were already people on the ground, the walkers feasting on fresh flesh.
"Baby! Carl!" Rick yelled, running into the fray. The survivors were huddled around the RV as Iris and Daryl shot out the rest of the walkers, bloodied and horrified. 
"Dad!" A young boy yelled, sobbing as he ran into Rick's arms. A woman with long brown hair collapsed into them both. Iris glanced nervously at the ruined camp, the sobbing kids. Some of the adults hadn't made it. Glenn was panting, his voice hoarse with panic as his knuckles turned white, gripping the gun. Iris put a hand on his shoulder, trying to even out her own breathing.
"Jesus." She whispered, wiping her blood coated knives on a dead walker's shirt.
The little boy, Carl, was sobbing into Rick's chest. A young blonde woman was kneeling beside the RV, the bloodied body at her feet sporting the same head of blonde hair.
"I remember my dream now. Why I dug the holes." A man said lowly, his face splattered with blood.
The Georgia sun was hot up here, beating down as the cicadas sung. It made the bodies smell worse. Iris hadn't taken the time to meet anyone, knowing they needed time to grieve. Daryl was making sure each of the bodies had a hole in their heads, a pickaxe being his tool for the job.
None of them had to ask, Iris just started burning bodies. She took extra care of the bodies that were wrapped, knowing it was one of theirs. Iris knew it might be easier for her to bury them than for them. She helped T-Dog carry them to the bed of a pickup truck, then they would cart them to a hilltop with an unorganized smattering of human-sized holes. 
She approached Rick, his wife, and a few other people she hadn't met as Daryl stormed away from them. Apparently his preferred coping mechanism was to be an angry pain in the ass. A man with dark hair and a t-shirt with the sheriff's logo turned to her first, a frown seemingly sewn into his eyebrows. The second was an older man in a bucket hat, a Bermuda shirt hanging loosely from his shoulders. He walked over, a grim smile on his face.
"I'm afraid we can't roll out much of a welcome wagon." He said with a somber tone. "I'm Dale."
"Iris." She replied, shaking his hand. 
"This is Shane," He introduced, gesturing to the dark-haired man, "and that's Lori and Carol.” He gestured to the woman with the long brown hair, Rick's wife, and her foil with a shaved head and grey hair. He pointed to each of the living people, listing names, but his voice began to waver, and he stopped to clear his throat.
"I'm sorry about your people." Iris said quietly. Shane nodded stiffly, making piercing eye contact before turning away. "I'll do what I can."
"It's greatly appreciated." Dale nodded with a comforting smile.
"You reap what you sow!" Daryl called out, dropping a body.
"Shut up, man." Another man, Morales, huffed.
"Y'all left my brother for dead!" Daryl yelled, storming away, pointing in Atlanta's general direction. "You had this coming." Iris watched him go with a raised eyebrow. She pulled her bandana over her face as she knelt down to help a woman named Jacqui carry another body. She nodded in thanks, though the attempted smile didn't reach her eyes. They looked up as a guy named Jim stumbled toward them.
"Are you bleeding?" Jacqui asked, frowning at the spot of blood on his t-shirt. He panted a bit, shaking his head.
"I just got some on me from the bodies." He replied, waving it off. Iris faltered, eyeing him carefully. 
"That blood is fresh." She murmured.
"Were you bit?" Jacqui asked firmly.
"No, I got scratched during the attack." He assured.
"You got bit." She denied, shuffling to her feet. Iris' hand twitched toward her knife.
"I'm fine." Jim repeated.
"Then show me." Jacqui pleaded. Jim looked up, still panting hard.
"Don't tell. Please." He breathed.
"A walker got him!" Jacqui called, stumbling backward to the others. "A walker bit Jim!" Iris unsheathed her knife as they started to surround him, giving the stumbling man a wide berth, murmurs breaking out.
"I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim assured.
"Show it to us." Daryl stated. "Show it to us." Jim stumbled, leaning down to grab a shovel in defence. "Grab him! Grab him!"
"Jim, put it down. Put it down." Shane called. T-Dog lunged at him, grabbing his arms and pulling them back.
"I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim repeated. Daryl ran forward and peeled his shirt up, revealing the angry red bite, already festering with infection. It was on his torso, leaving them no options for amputation. Daryl dropped the shirt, both him and T-Dog moving back as Jim muttered to himself, panting.
The group ushered Jim around the back of the RV, seating him on a bucket to wait for the group's decision. They gave him a water bottle, despite Daryl's grumblings at the waste of clean water. Iris wasn't scared, more concerned. Nothing like this had happened with her old group. They had all pretty much died at once. But she'd seen it happen. This was something they couldn't ignore, couldn't tolerate. He could kill them all.
"I say we put a pickaxe in his head, and the dead girl's, and be done with it." Daryl murmured to the circle. 
"Is that what you'd want if it were you?" Shane snapped angrily.
"Yeah, and I'd thank you while you did it." Daryl retorted quickly.
"I hate to say it-- and I never thought I would-- but maybe Daryl's right." Dale muttered.
"Jim's not a monster, Dale, or some rabid dog." Rick argued.
"I'm not suggesting--"
"He's sick. A sick man." He said firmly. "We start down that road, where do we draw the line?"
"The line's pretty clear. Zero tolerance for walkers. Or them to be." Daryl huffed.
"What if we can get him help?" Rick asked. "I heard the CDC was working on a cure."
"I heard that too. Heard a lot of things before the world went to hell." Shane grumbled.
"What if the CDC's still up and running?" Rick asked.
"Man, that is a stretch right there." Shane muttered.
"Why? If there's any government left, any structure at all, they'd protect the CDC at all costs, wouldn't they?" Rick proposed. "I think it's our best shot. Shelter, protection, rescue--"
"Okay, Rick, you want those things, alright? I do too, okay? Now if they exist, they're at the army base. Fort Benning." Shane argued.
"That's 100 miles in the opposite direction." Lori replied.
"That is right. But it's away from the hot zone. Now listen to me. If that place is operational, it'll be heavily armed. We'd be safe there."
"The military were on the front lines of this thing. They got overrun. We've all seen that." Rick continued. "The CDC's our best choice and Jim's only chance.
"You go looking for aspirin. Do what you need to do." Daryl scoffed, turning away. He started toward Jim. "Someone needs to have some balls to take care of this damn problem!"
"Hey hey hey!" Rick yelled, cocking his gun as Daryl raised the pickaxe to Jim. Shane got between them, protecting Jim. "We don't kill the living."
"That's funny coming from a man who just put a gun to my head." Daryl snapped. Iris raised an eyebrow. He had a point. She turned to the others, murmuring quietly without the presence of the alpha males.
"I might be overstepping, and tell me if I am, but why don't you just ask Jim what he wants to do? He's not stupid. He has to know what it means. He might not make it to the CDC, even if they do have a cure." Iris stated.
"That's what I was insinuating when I said I agreed with Daryl, I just want to do what's right for the group, including him." Dale agreed. They all watched as Rick and Shane took Jim into the forest, tying him to a tree.
Iris sat on the edge of a hole, her legs hanging in a grave, trying to appreciate the irony. Shane and Rick seemed to be at each other's throats, the former not so happy they came back with her instead of Merle. Daryl backed his pickup truck toward the holes, the bed filled with the sheet-covered bodies of their dead. Iris stood, dusting off her gloves and pulling the bandana back up over her face.
"I still think it's a mistake, not burning these bodies." Daryl mused as he got out of the truck. “It's what we said we'd do, right? Burn 'em all, wasn't that the idea?"
"At first." Rick replied.
"Glenn gets all emotional, says it's not the thing to do, we just follow him along?" Daryl continues. "These people need to know who the hell's in charge here, what the rules are."
"There are no rules." Rick replied. 
"Well that's a problem." Lori cut in. "We haven't had one minute to hold onto anything of our old selves. We need time to mourn and we need to bury our dead. It's what people do." Iris said nothing, grabbing onto a body, Glenn running up to take the other side. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, bearing witness to all these arguments. She felt like she was watching some twisted reality show. 
Once the rest of the bodies were buried, everyone stood aside to let Andrea, the blonde woman, bury her sister. She refused to let anyone help, dragging the dead weight across the ground, haphazardly stumbling. She practically fell into the grave, but the tear tracks on her face did more than enough convincing for them to leave her be. Dale tried desperately to help her, but she didn't want it.
A few of the others watching were crying too, stepping forward only to shovel dirt on top of the body. Once the hole was filled, they walked down the hill together, back to the camp. The sound of their footsteps were accompanied only by small sniffles and Andrea's sobbing. 
Iris sat down on a log beside the remains of the campfire as a few went into the RV to check on Jim. Lori brought Carol back out to let Rick talk to him. It was hard to watch. All of it. It was hard to be there. Iris knew Daryl held resentment for her, for not being his brother. All those people that died, only for her to show up out of nowhere. She didn't expect anything from them, helping where she could. 
After a few hours, the others joined her around the fire, gathering together as the sun began to set. Dale, Shane and Rick came out of the forest, Dale looking like he just saw a ghost, and Shane looking like he just lost an argument. They gathered around the others. Shane taking his spot at the head of the group.
"I've uh... I've been thinking about Rick's plan." He began. "Now, look, there are no guarantees either way. I'll be the first one to admit that. I've known this man a long time. I trust his instincts. I say the most important thing here is we need to stay together. So those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the morning. Okay?"
The others said nothing, Shane's announcement earning only a few nods in agreement. Iris would follow the group wherever it went. She trusted Rick too, just not in the same way. And Shane would likely agree with Iris if she voiced out loud that Rick seemed a little optimistic considering their circumstances. Yet, every morning, he climbed that hill, speaking into a radio like it was keeping him sane.
The CDC seemed like a safe enough bet. The only issue was its location in the city. And if Rick happened to be wrong, and they all changed their minds, Fort Benning would be a far trip. Traveling in this world was hard. It was harder with kids. And this group had four, plus an injured man. Iris had to admit, the CDC was a long shot. But that seemed like the only kind they had.
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final-girl96 · 5 months
Broken World: Chapter Twenty
I had my arms lightly wrapped around Daryl's waist, just enough to hold on and not make him uncomfortable. I could already feel how tense he was now with the light hold I had on him. He wasn't as tense as he was when we left the church parking lot, but he was still tense. The road was clear for miles before we got to a huge traffic jam. Cars were packed tight. It was easy for Daryl to weave in and out of them, but Dale wouldn't be able to get through without us moving some cars out of the way. Just as Daryl went to see if there might be a way he could get through, the RV broke down.
Now, we were stranded on the highway while they fixed it. Shane and Glenn went off to look through the other cars for a radiator hose for the RV, Rick stood guard, Andrea went back into the RV, Dale started to work on it, and the rest of us started looking through the cars for supplies. Lori was against it at first, saying we were in a graveyard. Technically, she wasn't wrong, but we needed food and water. I walked ahead of everyone else and started to look through some of the cars further ahead.
I found a pack of unopened and opened cigarettes with a lighter in one of the cars. The owner still sat in the driver's seat, skin dried, and sunken in. There was a single gunshot to the temple on the right side. The driver's side and back window, along with the seat, was covered in the aftermath. There was a bandage wrapped around his left arm. This person knew he wasn't going to survive. He knew what happened when he got bitten, and the fever hit. The gun he used, a revolver, laid on the floor by his feet, and I picked that up too, sticking it into the back of my pants after checking it. It was only missing one bullet, leaving five left. Checking the car more, I found a couple of boxes of ammo to go with it.
I was about to move onto the next car when a hand covered my mouth from behind. I gripped the person's wrist about to break free when I heard Daryl's voice. “Get under the car and keep your mouth shut.” With that, he was quickly but quietly making his way down the highway. I started to follow him but then saw it…the large group of walkers shuffling and stumbling through the cars. “Holy shit.” I ducked down and crawled under the closest car.
The sound of their groans grew louder, and the smell grew stronger the closer they got. I pulled my knife and laid on my back, watching the dead shuffle slowly past. I waited five extra minutes after they had completely shuffled past to come out from under the car. When I got back to the group, Carol was crying, T-dog was holding his arm while Andrea bandaged it up. “What happened?” I asked. I noticed Rick wasn't there and started to think the worst. Daryl walked up to me and pulled me back away from everyone.
“The little girl ran into the woods; Rick went after her,” he told me. “Sophia? Oh, my god. And T? Was he…” he shook his head. “Nah, cut ‘emself real bad.” I put my hands on my head and let out a long deep sigh, closing my eyes for a second before I remembered the cigarettes I found. “Oh, here.” I pulled the lighter out of my front pocket and the cigarettes out of my back pockets. “Found them in a car and figured you'd like to have them,” I said, handing them to Daryl. He chewed on his bottom lip, nodded his head, and took them from my hand.
We all waited for Rick to come back with Sophia. The afternoon was starting to turn into evening, the sun slowly starting to go down. Carol, Andrea, and Lori were all gathered around the guardrail anxiously waiting for Rick to show up with Sophia safe and sound. But when he ran up the small incline, breathing heavy, with no sign of the little girl, Carol started to cry more while pacing. Rick looked around at everyone, confused. “Where's Sophia?” He asked, and that made Carol panic even more than she already was.
Rick explained what had happened, how he told Sophia to hide and wait for him while he led the walkers away. He told her if he didn't come back to head back to the highway and keep the sun on her left shoulder. When he was done taking care of the walkers and went back where he left Sophia, she was gone, and he assumed she made her way back to the highway. Now Rick, me, Daryl, Shane, and Glenn were at the creek where Rick had her hide.
“Sure this is the spot?” Daryl asked. He and Rick were standing in the water, looking at the space behind the fallen trees' roots. “I left her right here. I drew the walkers way off in that direction up the creek,” Rick said. “Without a paddle - seems where we've landed,” Daryl commented. I was looking down at the ground at the footprints. “She was gone by the time I got back here. I figured she just took off and ran back to the group. I told her to go that way and keep the sun on her left shoulder.”
“Hey, short round, why don't you step off to one side? You're mucking up the trail,” I heard Daryl say and turn my head to see Glenn moving out of the way while he stepped back up onto the trail. “Assuming she knows her left from her right,” Shane said. “Shane, she understood me fine,” Rick argued. “Kid's tired and scared, man. She had her a close call with two walkers. Got to wonder how much of what you said stuck.” I rolled my eyes and looked at Daryl. “Daryl.” He walked over to me, and I nodded to the ground.
“Got clear prints right here. She did, like you said, headed back to the highway. Let's spread out, make our way back,” he said. Rick nodded his head, “She couldn't have gone far. Hey, we're gonna find her,” he said, mostly to Shane. Shane sighed, “She'll be tuckered out hiding in a bush somewhere,” he said. The tone of Shane's voice didn't settle right with me.
We walked along, following the small footprints until we came to a Y in the trail. “She was doing just fine till right here. All she had to do was keep going. She veered off that way,” Daryl said, hunched down closer to the ground. “Why would she do that?” Glenn asked. “Maybe she saw something that spooked her, made her run off,” I said. “A walker?” Glenn asked. Daryl stood up and shook his head, “I don't see any other footprints. Just hers.”
“So what do we do? All of us press on?” Shane asked. Rick stood there looking around, his hands on his hips. “No, better if you and Glenn get back up to the highway. People are gonna start panicking. Let them know we're on her trail doing everything we can. But most of all, keep everybody calm,” he said. Shane nodded, “I'll keep 'em busy scavenging cars. Think up a few other chores. I'll keep 'em occupied. Come on.” He and Glenn started their way back to the highway. Daryl, Rick, and I stayed and continued looking for any signs of Sophia.
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mydarllinglover · 11 months
Alone || Sickness
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"Hey" Something, or someone was elbowing Natalia in her side, jostling her awake.
"Hm?" She pouted, blinking multiple times to wake up, she was laying on her side, the person was next to her as she faced the wall, looking over her shoulder.
"Get up, you slept over." Daryl told her, getting off the bed.
"Oh, sorry." She apologised, sitting up.
"It's fine." He shrugged.
She rubbed at her face, stifling a yawn as she prepared herself for the day.
"Did we have drinks or like wine or anything on any of the lists?" Natalia asked, her thoughts drifting back to yesterday.
"Nah, was only going for minimal and necessary things, booze was no where on that." He grumbled.
"I thought so." She nodded.
"What you thinking?"
"You gotta trust me on this, it's just something I'm mulling over."
"Yeah, Always." He nodded.
"Bob had a trolley with him, but when the shelf came down I saw it, nothing was in there, even if he was just passing by and fell, surely he would've grabbed something, right? And just before it happened, I heard like a heavy thud, but not like a body, you know?"
"Hm." He agreed, relaying the information back.
"I don't know, but he's still new, we're learning about him, I just don't know if he should come out on another one for a while, after..." She trailed, putting her belt on, tucking in the weapons she had taken out the night before, the others were already on her.
"I'll keep an eye on him." He assured her.
Gunshots sounded from another building.
The pair jumped to action.
Daryl grabbed his crossbow, whilst Natalia reached for her gun and knife, shoving the weapons into the sheaths as they ran out the cell, gliding down the stairs.
"Sully! Stay!" She pointed at the dog who had followed them, he halted on the command, but he wasn't happy about it, barking in refusal.
Sasha and Tyreese were also running out the block.
"Walkers in D!" Glenn shouted.
"What about C?" Rick shouted.
"Clear" Sasha told him as they made for D block. "We locked the gates to the tombs, Hershel's on guard."
"It' aint a breach!" Daryl said.
"We followed the plan!" Sasha called out.
They got to D block cells, people were screaming, guns were firing and walkers were attacking, it was chaos.
"Come on, come on, go, go, get out, grab the kids." Natalia told the people running towards them as Rick and Daryl grabbed guns off the untrained people.
"Are you bit?" Rick was asking people.
"Get up, get back to the cell!"
Natalia spotted Luke on his hands and knees, walking backwards as a walker set his sights on the crying boy.
"I got you, it's alright." Natalia picked the boy up, brushing back his hair as she spoke gently, keeping her eyes on walkers ahead of them, as Daryl shot an arrow at the walker.
"Get back in your cell." He was shouting as she passed the boy to his mother, closing the cell door to keep safe.
"Carol, Molly, over here!" Natalia waved them down as Karen was helping get the kids together in the cell.
Glenn, Natalia, Sasha and Daryl took out walkers as Rick rescued a small girl to safety. Tyreese ran to Karen, hugging the woman.
"Are we clear down here?" Rick asked.
"Clear!" Sasha and Natalia shouted back, looking around.
"We're safe?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"Up here!" A man shouted, Daryl following the sound, Rick and Natalia was behind.
A dead woman lay on the ground, Natalia dealt with her whilst Rick and Daryl headed forward.
Glenn, who was already up there, got caught off guard by a walker sneaking out of his cell and grabbing the Korean man.
Daryl shot it with an arrow, before helping Glenn up.
"Thanks." He whispered.
Rick pushed the curtain back, showcasing a dead walker on the ground.
"Oh, it's Patrick." Daryl sighed.
"Oh my god." Natalia mumbled, walking away from the sight and carrying on, clutching her knife tightly.
"That's all of 'em." Daryl said, still in the same spot.
She left the dead bodies, for the moment, knowing the others behind her would take care of them, as they weren't an immediate threat for the moment.
She walked to the last cell, looking in, but couldn't see very well in the darkness.
A hand reached through the bars, grabbing her as it snarled.
She let out a scream from shock before plunging her knife into it's skull through the door.
"You alright?" Daryl asked as the three reached her.
"Yeah, fine, just grabbed me, didn't see it."
"Are you hurt?" Rick asked her.
"No, I'm fine." She snapped, "The doors locked, how would he have got caught up in this? "
"Go get the doctor." Rick told Glenn, pulling out his keys and unlocking the cell.
Glenn was quick to get back, Doctor S following him as well as Bob.
"No bites, no wounds." Rick had said to the man, checking him over before they got there. "I think he just died."
"Horribly, too. Pleurisy aspiration" Doctor S said.
"Choked to death on his own blood." Hershel who had also joined them, weighed in. "Caused those trails down his face.
"I've seen them before." Rick looked up from the body. "On a walker outside the fences."
"I saw them on Patrick, too." Daryl brought up.
"They're from the internal lung pressure building up, like If you shake a soda can and pop the top." Doctor S explained. "Only, imagine your eyes, ears, nose and throat are the top."
"So like, is it some bug?" Natalia asked.
"From the walkers?" Bob added.
"No, these things happened before they were around. Could be Pneumococcal, most likely an aggressive flu strain"
"And I don't see the chance of everyone getting flu jabs sometime soon." Natalia mused, folding her arms.
"Someone locked him in just in time." Hershel said.
"No, man. Charlie used to sleepwalk. Locked himself in. Hell, he was just eating barbeque yesterday." Daryl revealed. "How could somebody die in a day just from a cold?”
"I had a sick pig, it died quick" Rick told the small group. "Saw a sick boar in the woods."
"Pigs and birds. That's how these things spread in the past." Hershel said. "We need to do something about those hogs."
"Maybe we got lucky. Maybe these two cases are it."
"Don't say the magic word." Natalia pointed at the man.
"Bugs like to run through close quarters. Doesn't get any closer than this." Bob said.
"All of us in here, we've all been exposed." Hershel said.
"What about the people who were around Charlie and Patrick yesterday? I mean, Patrick was serving breakfast." Natalia said.
"And went to story time with the other kids." Rick rubbed his temples.
"We're gonna have a meeting, I'll let the other council members know to come along, make sure you join, both of you." Hershel told Daryl and Natalia.
"We'll be there." Daryl nodded, watching Natalia.
"Patrick was fine yesterday." Carol sighed, the other members sat in the library, listening to her. "And he died overnight. Two people died that quick?"
She looked at the two people who had seen it, both nodding.
"We'll have to separate everyone that's been exposed." Carol declared.
"That's everyone in that cellblock. That's all of us. Maybe more." Daryl said.
"We know that this sickness can be lethal. We don't know how easily it spreads. Is anyone showing symptoms that we know of?" Hershel asked.
"We can't just wait and see. There's children."
"Babies." Natalia mumbled.
"It isn't just the illness, people die and they become a threat."
That last sentence hit hard with Natalia, that was a phrase she was living with for a very long time before she met the very people she was sitting with, and now she had to live with that again, she was feeling uneasy about everything going on.
"We need a place for them to go." Hershel decided. "They can't stay in D. We can't risk going in there to clean it up."
"We can use cell block A." Carol suggested.
"Death row?" Glenn asked. "I'm not sure that's much of an upgrade."
"It's clean. That's an upgrade." Daryl pointed out. "Think that'll work for Doctor S?"
"I'll help Caleb get it set up." Hershel volunteered.
A woman coughed outside the room, catching the groups attention.
The six counsel members stood up from the table, walking towards the door to find out the culprit.
"You okay?" The voice of Tyreese asked Karen.
"Mhm." She nodded.
"You sure?" Carol asked her. "You don't sound so good."
"We're just taking her back to my cell so she can rest."
"Judith!" Natalia quietly gasped. "You can't."
"Tyreese, I don't think that's a good idea." Hershel told him.
"Why? What's going on now?" Karen asked.
"We think it's a flu or something." Glenn said. "That's how Patrick died."
"Natalia's right. Judith is in that cell block. She's vulnerable. Anyone that may be sick or even exposed should stay away." Hershel advised.
"It killed Patrick?" Karen asked, sounding worried.
"She's gonna be okay. Now that we know what Patrick died from we can treat it, right?" Tyreese tried.
"Don't panic. We're going to figure this out. But we should keep you separated in the meantime. We'll have Caleb take a look at you. I'll see what we have in the way of medications."
"David from the Decatur group, he's been coughing, too."
"I'll get him." Glenn sighed. "There's some empty clean cells in the tombs, right?"
"Yeah, we'll meet you there." Sasha told him as he went off. "Come on. Let's get you settled." She told Karen.
"Have to call another meeting, later." Hershel told the last three remaining members.
"I picked up some medications and stuff up yesterday, only over the counter stuff though, it's all in C block, I was gonna take it to inventory today." Natalia told Hershel.
"I'll sort it, don't worry." He reassured her.
"Alright, I'll get to burning the dead ones." Daryl said.
"I'll help." Natalia told him.
"I want you both to wear gloves and a mask." Hershel told the pair.
"Will do." She nodded as the man hummed in agreement.
Hershel went on his way to deal with what he needed to do, leaving Natalia, Daryl and Carol.
"You alright?" He asked the older woman.
"I'm worried about Lizzie and Mika. They were around Patrick."
"We all were. Karen and David are gonna be separated till they feel better." Daryl told her.
"You're right. Are you okay?" She asked Daryl. She knew the consequences of when a person asked Natalia of being okay too many times, and she was sure if the woman wasn't, Daryl would know.
"Mhm. Gotta be." He nodded. "Come on, lets get it done." He patted Natalia's arm, heading away to do their job.
Daryl and Natalia had been digging graves for a while when Rick had walked down to them.
"Everyone okay?" Natalia asked him.
"So far, yeah." He nodded.
"Glad you were in there." Daryl told him.
"Weren't much use without my gun."
"No, you were." He argued, pulling down his bandana, Natalia was wearing one as well. "All this time you've been taking off, you earned it. We wouldn't be here without you."
"No. It was all of us."
"No, it was you first. You gonna help us figure this out?" Daryl asked him.
"I screwed up too many times. Those calls you gotta make, I start down that road. I almost lost my boy, who he was. Whatever else this places needs, I'm here for it."
"Like I said, you earned it. But what it's worth, you see mistakes. I see when shit hits, you're standing there with the shovel."
"Rick!" Maggie screamed. "Nat! Daryl!"
They looked towards where she was stood.
A herd was pressing against a fence, it shaking from trying to stay up, at any moment it could cave.
The three chucked their shovels, running towards the woman.
"The noise drew 'em out, now this parts starting to give." Maggie told them, popping a few through the fence.
Natalia reached for a crow bar, running to help Maggie as more people joined.
They continuously stuck sharp sticks through skulls, but it wasn't doing much to help against the fence caving in.
"Are you seeing this?" Sasha called out, seeming to have found something.
"The fuck?" Natalia asked, laying her eyes upon a group of dead half eaten rats.
"Is someone feeding these things?"
"Heads up" Daryl brought their attention back to the fence, as a section was almost folding in on itself.
"This part of the fence, now!"
They tried but it was becoming too much.
"Hold on, hold on, hey!" Glenn shouted.
"It's gonna give! It's gonna give!"
The group attempted pushing the fence with their hands, feet, and weapons.
A walker was being pushed so far into the fence, his face was being cut by the metal, causing his eye to pop out.
"Everybody back, come on, back, now!" Daryl shouted at the group.
"Fence keeps bending in like that, those walkers are coming over it."
"The pigs." Natalia whispered to Rick, as they both looked at the stable. "Hershel said we had to get rid of them."
Rick was contemplating this before realising it was the only way, running his hand over his face as he thought.
"Daryl, get the truck." Rick told the man. "We got an idea."
Rick had put the piglets into a box, him and Daryl putting it into a truck and driving it down to the gates, where Maggie opened it for them.
The others continued the fence duty whilst they watched the pair.
Daryl stopped the truck, and they waited for the walkers to notice them, to get close enough to the vehicle.
Rick picked up one of the piglets, slashing one of its back legs before dropping it to the grass.
Glenn, Sasha and Natalia focused on putting the extra beams against the fence as they continued the stop, drop pig, go, method.
Later on in the day, Natalia was called to the courtyard of the building the quarantine was being held.
Her, Rick, Daryl and Carol stood around the burnt bodies of Karen and David, the two people who were being watched closely for the flu, just dead, and not by the sickness, their bodies were still smoking.
"You found them like this?" Rick asked Tyreese, who found the bodies.
"I came to see Karen. And I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled them. Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire!" Tyreese raised his voice in anger. "They killed them and set them on fire!"
Tyreese abruptly turned to Rick, causing Daryl to get uneasy, pacing back and forth in case he needed to get involved.
"You're a cop." Tyreese told Rick. "You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me."
Daryl patted his back.
"We'll find out who-"
Tyreese pushed him away, still facing Rick.
"I need to say it again?" He asked.
"No. No. I know what you're feeling. I've been there. You saw me there. It's dangerous."
"Karen didn't deserve this."
"David didn't deserve it. Nobody does."
"Alright, man. Lets-" Daryl tapped his arm, trying to reassure the man, but it didn't work, as he whipped around, pushing the redneck against the wall.
"Man, I ain't going nowhere till I find out who did this!"
Natalia's eyes widened, going to step forward, the other two doing the same, but Daryl stopped them, putting his hand out to show he had the situation handled.
"We're on the same side, man." He told the grieving man.
"Hey, look" Rick muttered. "I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down." He stepped closer to Tyreese, reaching out to pat his shoulder.
Tyreese dropped his grip on Daryl, twisting around and pushing Rick away.
"You need to step the hell back!" He told Rick.
"She wouldn't want you being like this."
"Rick." Natalia warned, but it was too late.
Tyreese swung, landing a punch on Rick, pushing him to the ground.
"Stop! Stop!" Carol screamed, Carol tried to get in between them but Tyreese struck again. "Stop!"
Daryl came up from behind him, wrapping his arms around the other man so that he couldn't throw another punch.
"That's enough."
"Tyreese, we're going to get you justice, I promise, but you need to breathe." Natalia tried, but Rick blew her attempt out of the water, Throwing a fist back at Tyreese, causing him to fall out of Daryl's hold.
Rick walked forward, kicking him in the ribs, moving to stand on top of him, throwing punch after punch to Tyreese's face.
"Rick!" Daryl shouted at his friend. "Stop!" He tried to stop him, grabbing hold of Rick as he thrashed around.
"Go get something to clean Tyreese up with, see if Hershel is still busy with Doctor S" Natalia told Carol, who nodded and left the courtyard.
"Let go of me!"
Rick wouldn't stop, and Daryl was having a hard time containing him.
Tyreese was on the floor, crying as blood covered his face.
"Rick!" Natalia shouted, reaching for her gun.
Rick pushed Daryl off of him, before seeming to come to his senses, looking around the courtyard, before his eyes fell on Natalia's hand, how she had it holding the handle of her gun, then he looked at what he had done to Tyreese, holding his own fist as it dripped with blood.
The next day, another council meeting was held.
"It's spread." Hershel told them. "Everyone who survived the attack in cell block D. Sasha, Caleb, and now others."
"Oh, Jesus."
"So what do we do?" Carol asked.
"First things first. Cell block A is isolation. We keep the sick people there like we tried with Karen and David."
"The hell are we gonna do about that?" Daryl asked.
"Ask Rick to look into it." Carol said. "Try to make a timeline of who's where when. But what are we going to do to stop this?"
"There is no stopping it." Hershel told her. "You get it, you have to go through it."
"But it just kills you." Michonne, who had been standing near the bookshelves, said.
"The illness doesn't. The symptoms do. We need antibiotics."
"We've been through every pharmacy nearby, and then some."
"So we'll just have to go further out, I'll go." Natalia offered.
"The veterinary college at West Peachtree Tech, that's one place people may not have thought to raid for medication. The drugs for animals there are the same we need."
"Alright, make a list of everything we need or could need." Natalia said, standing from the table.
"That's 50 miles out. It was too big of a risk before, we'll take a group." Daryl told her also standing from the table. "Best not waste any more time."
"Who have we even got to spare?" Natalia asked, checking her bullet count.
"I'm in." Michonne volunteered, walking forward.
"You haven't been exposed. Both Natalia and Daryl has. You get in a car with them."
"Daryl's already given us fleas" Michonne said, nodding to Natalia.
"I can lead the way. I know where everything's kept." Hershel said.
"When we're out there, its always the same. Sooner or later, we run." Daryl explained.
"I can draw you a map." Hershel then decided. "There are other precautions I feel we should take."
"Like what?" Carol asked.
"There's no telling how long it'll be before these guys return. Wouldn't it make sense if we separate the most vulnerable? We can use the administration building. Separate office, Separate room."
"Who is the most vulnerable?" Glenn asked.
"Children, babies, mostly, and the elderly." Natalia answered.
Michonne, Natalia and Daryl were outside, checking the cars over, seeing which one was the best to bring.
"Son of a bitch is about a quart low" Daryl said, checking under the hood of one of the cars.
"You still keep it in the bottom of tower three?" Michonne asked.
"I'll go get one." Michonne offered.
"Hey." He called out to her when she was walking away. "I'm glad you're here."
"Where else would I be?" Michonne grinned.
"Running off." He commented.
Natalia felt uncomfortable, she moved to the car, to pretend she was checking things over on the inside.
"You know I'm not running off. So it's just gonna be us three like in the olden days?" She changed the topic of conversation, bringing Natalia back into it.
"Yeah, and Bob." Daryl said.
"Bob's coming?" Natalia poked her head out of the car.
"Yeah, still feels like we could use another person."
"Who else isn't sick?"
"We don't ask Rick. He want's to stay here with Carl and Little Ass-kicker. Keep them safe. Plus there's plenty of stuff he could do here."
"So who else we got?" Michonne asked.
Natalia closed the door, joining the two back at the hood of the car, she was still thrown off by the fact Bob was coming, she thought she was clear with Daryl.
They came to the conclusion that Tyreese should come, then Michonne went back on her mission to tower three.
Natalia swatted at Daryl's arm.
"Ah. What's that for?" He asked her.
"Why's Bob coming?"
"We ain't got much choice, besides, he was a medic in the army before this, he'll know his stuff."
"Yeah, but-"
"I told you I'd keep an eye on him, this way, if he is all that bad, like you're making it out to be, he'll be with us instead of the vulnerable."
"Alright, fine, that's true."
"I'm gonna go talk to Tyreese, get him to come along."
"Yeah. Okay." He turned to leave but she caught his arm. "Just... be gentle alright... I know it sucks, what he's going through, losing the person that Karen was to him, without even getting a goodbye... you can't blame his actions, what Rick did earlier... go easy on the guy, now that Sasha's sick, I bet his feelings just been amped to a thousand."
"I will." He nodded, leaving to go search for the man.
Eventually Daryl came back out, shrugging his shoulders and they went back to work to make sure the car was in order.
"Everything look alright?" Bob asked, joining them, and placing down two tanks of gas on the ground.
"Yeah." Daryl said, putting the hood back down and wiping his hands with a bandana. "Zach kept this thing running pretty good."
"This is Zach's car?" Bob asked.
"Used to be." Natalia commented, watching the man carefully as she leaned against the vehicle.
"And the fastest one we got." Daryl added, giving the woman a look before looking back at Bob. "You alright."
"You really want me coming along?" He asked.
Daryl checked his pockets.
"You got the list?" He asked Natalia.
"Yeah." She raised it up so he could see.
"Thanks." He snatched it out of her hands, opening it up and showing Bob. "What's that word?" He pointed to the paper.
"Zanamivir." Bob read out.
"Yup. We need ya." Daryl declared, looking at the paper closely before handing it back to Natalia, moving to lean against the car beside her.
Tyreese walked towards them, standing in front of Daryl and Natalia.
"What's up?" Daryl asked the man.
"Still got room for one more?" Tyreese asked.
"Hell yeah."
"Good. Just got to get my gear."
"Shotgun." Natalia claimed as Tyreese walked off.
Soon enough; Daryl, Natalia, Michonne, Tyreese and Bob were on the road 50 miles away from the prison.
Daryl was driving, Natalia was in the passenger seat, and Michonne was squeezed in the back with the two newbies to the group.
Natalia was staring out the window, her knees to her chest as she drifted in her own mind, until Daryl broke the silence, looking in the rear view mirror at Michonne.
"Hey, I know you weren't running off." He spoke. "The thing is, that trail went cold. You know that, right?"
Michonne didn't answer him.
"If it was any different, I'd be right out there with you."
Natalia subconsciously rubbed her arm, the scar of the bullet hole from all those months ago.
Seemingly to get an acknowledging smile out of the woman in the back, he switched the radio on, static coming out of it.
"Nat, would you hand me one of those CD's?" Daryl asked her.
"What, oh, yeah, right." She sat forward, putting her legs down and opening the glovebox and rifling around the CDs.
"...find sanctuary." The radio said.
"Was that a voice?" Bob asked.
"Shh." Daryl shushed him, turning up the radio.
"...determined to survive "
Daryl was fiddling with the stations, trying to make the voice clearer and less static.
"... Keep alive."
"Daryl, look out!" Natalia shouted, spotting the walkers in the road that the car was about to hit.
He swerved the car, narrowly missing a few but hitting one till he was in the middle again, but shortly came to a stop.
A massive herd was taking up the road and soon swallowed the car.
Walkers were hitting and pounding on the glass, trying to climb on the vehicle and reach them.
"Grab something!" Daryl ordered, reversing the car.
Soon enough, they were stuck on a small hill of walkers.
"Go to the left!" Michonne pointed, leaning in the middle, holding Natalia's seat.
Daryl attempted that but the wheels were only spinning.
"We're jammed up." He cursed.
Natalia grabbed out her knife, her gun was already in hand as she took it out of safety.
"I have to make a run for the gaps right there. You two make a run for the woods and you don't stop for nothing, you hear me?" Daryl told the two men in the back.
"Now!" Daryl shouted, hitting the roof as Natalia jumped out the car, pushing walkers back and using her knife to take the nearest out, Michonne soon followed, slicing and dicing them down.
Soon enough, gunshots from Bob followed.
Natalia ignored the other people, focusing on taking out walkers and running for the woods without getting bit and scratched, getting those meds would be a failed mission if they were all dead.
Once she got to the tree's, she looked to find Tyreese in the middle of a group of walkers, hitting them down as he shouted.
Daryl grabbed Bob, pulling him away towards Natalia, Michonne following and they entered the woods.
They ran through as walkers followed them in, coming from different angles, until finally they reached a lonely place, stopping for only a second to catch their breath.
"Hold up." Daryl hollered as he reloaded his crossbow.
They watched as leaves and branches moved, preparing to shoot at what ever came out.
Two walkers emerged.
As Daryl was about so shoot, Tyreese followed, knocking one down with his hammer, but soon fell to his knees. He was covered in blood and guts.
One of the walkers soon noticed him, turning and heading for the man, but Michonne was quicker, stabbing her katana into its head, as Daryl and Bob grabbed him, helping up so that they could continue running away from the herd that was moving towards them.
Michonne and Natalia ran behind the three men, defending them in case any got too close.
Soon enough, they put some distance against the herd and found some water, that Tyreese used to wash his t-shirt.
"This is Turner Creek." Michonne said. "So Barnsville must be a few miles downstream."
"Sounds like our best chance at finding a new ride." Bob said hopefully.
"Lets get going, before it gets dark." Natalia kicked a stone into a water from the bridge they were stood on, turning in the other direction.
"Yo! Ty!" Daryl called to the man. "Come on, let's go. Vamonos."
Daryl and Michonne followed Natalia but Bob stayed to talk to Tyreese.
"Hey." Michonne nudged her arm.
"Hm?" Natalia hummed.
"You good?"
"You know everyone's gonna be alright, right?"
"As long as we get the meds and get back in time, without people slowing us down." She looked over her shoulder at Bob who was still talking on the bridge.
Eventually him and Tyreese followed, but they kept their distance.
Daryl stopped in his tracks, bending down and picking something up, licking his thumb and wiping it.
"Is that Jasper?" Michonne asked, seeing what he picked up.
"It's a good colour, brings out your eyes." She teased, causing the corner of Natalia's lip to raise, in her bad mood.
"When Miss Richards went into A block, we were leaving. Asked me to keep a look out. I'm gonna use it for her old mans marker."
"You know all them back there?" Michonne asked.
"You stay in one place more than a couple hours, you'd be surprised what you pick up." He said, walking ahead again.
Eventually, the group arrived at a gas station.
"You see something?" Bob asked Daryl, who was peering into some bushes.
"I don't know, maybe." He mumbled.
They had managed to find a car, Tyreese pulled the greenery off of it as Daryl attempted to hotwire the vehicle, but it was a fail.
"We gotta find us a new battery." He said, closing the door once again.
He peered into a dusty window, spitting on his hand and wiping it, before jumping back when two hands smacked the glass from the inside.
"Got some friends inside." He mused. "Come on."
They walked around the building, it was mostly hidden from the shrubbery and leaves that grew around it.
"Lets clear a path see what we got."
"Why don't we just try our luck somewhere else, we're wasting time." Natalia glared at the offensive flora as Bob, Daryl and Tyreese started chopping it and pulling.
"You see anything else around?" Daryl asked.
Michonne joined them.
Tyreese was hacking at it aggressively, like he was taking out all his anger and frustration out on the green.
"Hey man, go easy. We don't know what we're dealing with." Daryl told him.
Tyreese didn't listen, seemingly finding a door and attempting to pry it open.
They watched the man as he pulled wires off his machete.
A hand reached out, grabbing Daryl, and yanking him forward.
He pulled himself free and Michonne sliced off its arm.
Then Bob was attacked, Natalia jumped forward, plunging her knife into it's skull, causing the man to fall back from being let go.
"Tyreese!" He called out, as Tyreese seemed to be wrestling with a walker.
"Ty!" Daryl shouted.
"Ty! Let him go!" Michonne said, ready to put the walker down.
He soon fell back, the walker who looked like he worked in the station, fell on top of him, trying to take a bite.
Daryl grabbed it, yanking it off Tyreese and to the ground.
Bob went to shoot it but Natalia pushed him back, kneeling on the walker and stabbing her knife through its eye, she didn't want Bob to send out a public announcement to the herd they ditched in the forest, of where they were.
"I told you, this was a waste of time." She told Daryl, standing up as he helped Tyreese.
"Why the hell didn't you let go?" Michonne asked.
He didn't answer her, instead attempted to regulate his breathing.
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ivybird · 2 years
It's always the quiet ones - Part three - It's urgent.
Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader.
Summary: You don’t mess with the Queen.
Word Count: 1878.
Warnings: Swearing, shouting, aggressive John, protective Bucky (he’s a warning, okay), physical abuse, mental abuse, guns, violence, blood, smoking, allusions to sexual assault.
A/N: Hey guys! Thank you for being patient while I dealt with my dogs passing. Okay, so, sad stuff out the way, here’s part three! I’m so excited that this story if finally taking shape and we’re slowly getting into the nitty gritty! Please like, comment, reblog and follow! It’d mean the world! GIF isn’t mine! Enjoy loves!
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Series Masterlist.
The next morning, the sun shone through the curtains calling for Bucky to wake. He rolled and stretched with a smile…he was going to see her today. He rushed to shower and eat, the excitement bubbling through him like something he’d never felt. He opted to appear more casual, for the simple reason that he could move if anything turned nasty. As he slipped on his favourite leather jacket and checked himself in the mirror once more, he smiled again, he was positive his face was going to split.
He swiped the invitation off of the counter, grabbed his keys and almost ran to his car. The invitation itself was beautiful, a charcoal black envelope littered with gold writing. Stunning. Bucky practically raced to Walker’s home, the traffic lights clearly on his side. When he pulled up beside John’s car, he cursed, he was hoping she’d be alone. There and then, everything told him to go home, but he couldn’t, so instead, he had a smoke to calm his nerves.
His knuckles were heavy on the door as he knocked, bouncing on the balls of his feet, he just couldn’t stay still. He didn’t think he was going to get an answer, so he turned and made it down two of the steps before he stopped in his tracks at the creak of the door. “Mr Barnes?”. His shoulders fell at the sound of her voice and his inner God was doing backflips. He bounded up the steps to her as he spoke. “Y/N, hi”. She bit her lips shyly, her gaze heading to the floor. The poor girl thought he was breath-taking and wouldn’t dare be caught thinking it. She knew what John would do to her and no amount of makeup or clothes would hide it, he made that clear last time.
“Can I come in?”. Her warm Y/C/E shot up and locked with his, panic washed over her face and her voice cracked as she spoke. “I-I don’t think that’s a good idea Mr Barnes, John won-“. She was cut off by a stern voice, and by the way she tensed Bucky knew it was Walker straight away. His shoulders squared as he waited for the asshole’s arrival. “John won’t what?”. As he sauntered up to the door, Y/N stepped behind him, hidden from Bucky. “Barnes”.
“Walker”. Both men just stared at one another, only breaking eye contact when Y/N cleared her throat. She clung onto John like a koala, terrified if she didn’t, she’d be sent upstairs. “Gonna tell me what you’re doin’ standing at my door, or ya just gonna stand there like an idiot?”. Bucky’s hands tightened into fists, he couldn’t disrespect John, not in his own home, but he’d be damned if he let him speak to the King that way. “Remember who you’re talkin’ to, Walker”. John stuttered and dropped his head for a split second, it took Y/N everything to not giggle at his macho resolve being broken. “I came to give you and Y/N this”. Bucky held the invitation up and snatched it out of reach when John’s hand reached for it. “But I wanna come in”. Walker straightened and took hold of Y/N’s hand and beckoned Bucky through. He was lead to the lounge by the pair, his eyes didn’t leave her. She was tense, her neck was stiff, and he could see she tried to get her had away from him every now and then, but he always tightened his grip.
Before Bucky knew it, they were sat opposite each other on the overly expensive and lavish couches. He was brought a coffee, because he wouldn’t dare to have a sip of whiskey if he was driving, and a finger sandwich to nibble on and only took a bite when he found that Y/N made it. He complimented her food so much it made her go the colour of a plumb and when he pointed it out, she giggled. Walker was quick to try and gain some control over his fiancé again. “So? What’s the invitation for?”. His arm wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her into his side.
She looked so uncomfortable, and Bucky wanted nothing more than to grab her hand and run. “This is for Buchanan’s. We open in six days, and I want the both of you to attend as my guests”. Bucky had never seen Walker looked so confused and his inner God was punching the air as he fought a smirk. He locked eyes with Y/N and shot her a soft smile. “Drinks are on the house; dress code is black tie, and you get a seat up in the throne room”. John scoffed a little as his hold tightened on Y/N. “What’s the throne room? Isn’t that the bathroom?”.
Y/N giggled at John and locked eyes with Bucky once more. “No, John. The throne room is where the King and his most trusted sit. Am I right?”. Bucky chuckled in utter disbelief while anger swirled in John’s eyes. “Yeah…yeah that’s right. How the hell d’ya know that?”. Y/N giggled again; it was like music to Bucky’s ears. “You’re forgetting who my father is, Mr Barnes”. Bucky laughed and locked eyes with her. Her smile was warm and inviting and she could’ve got lost in his ocean orbs. They got lost in one another forgetting John was sitting right next to her until he cleared his throat drawing their attention to him.
“Alright, Barnes. You’ve wormed your way into my home and interrupted my time with Y/N”. She grimaced at his words, clearly not wanting to be left alone with him, silently thanking Bucky for the intrusion. “What’s the catch?”. Bucky leant back and made himself comfortable. “We both know that you being at Buchanan’s as my guest is gonna do wonders for you in the business world, sittin’ with the King after all the shit we’ve been through”. John rolled his eyes at Bucky causing a chuckle to rumble from his chest. Y/N didn’t know why, but the noise made her squirm. “I have some conditions. You break the rules, you get tossed out on your ass while Y/N sits at the top with me”.
She stiffened under John’s hold; she was in for it. Fuck. Bucky saw the interaction between the two, the jut of his jaw pushing towards the stairs. She nodded her head and stood; a sad smile being shot Bucky’s way. He stood the second she was on her feet, confused looks being sent his way by the pair in front of him. “No no, she stays. After all, Y/N needs to hear the rules too, because I can guarantee you, Walker, she won’t break my rules. She’s a good girl who shouldn’t even be within 10ft of you and I can tell you that we’ll have eyes on you all fucking night”.
Y/N looked at John asking permission to sit back down. He nodded at her but the fire in his eyes scared her senseless. She trembled at the thought of what was going to happen after Bucky left, she just wanted someone to be gentle, to kiss her softly and pull her into a hug that doesn’t end up with the other person forcing themselves on her because: “God, you don’t know what the fuck you do to me, you turn me into a fucking monster”.
John indicated for Bucky to continue. He sat back down, pulled his gun out of its holster under his jacket and turned the barrel to face John as he lay it on the coffee table. He smiled at Y/N, and she returned it despite her fear. He made her feel safe. Without taking his eyes of her, Bucky spoke. “You do what you’re told when you’re told, you don’t bat an eyelash without my say so, you cause a fight, you get shot, you try anything, with anyone, you get shot, you hurt anyone in my proximity, your head goes on a spike. Understood?”. Y/N eyed Bucky as he spoke, the way he looked at her, what he was saying to John without looking at him…it dawned on her. He knows. He knows he’s hurting her; he knows everything, he’s silently telling her. A wave of relief washed over her, Bucky watched her body physically relax, he knew she got it. John stood and paced behind the couch Y/N sat on, while he wasn’t looking Bucky gently nodded his head at her and her eyes were watery with relief as she stared at him. John swivelled on his heel to face Bucky once more. “You’ve got a deal, now get the fuck out of my house”. Bucky picked up his gun and stood, nodding softly at Y/N once more. She could’ve cried and screamed there and then. She didn’t want him to go, he had no idea what John was going to do to her. If he caught on that Bucky knows what he’s been doing to her, he’s going to kill her, so she couldn’t blab, she was sure of it. Silent tears made their way down her face as she watched Bucky head to the door. Her small whisper of “please don’t go” not picked up by his too far away ears.
The moment their front door slammed shut John’s hands were on her. He pulled her up from the couch by her hair holding her face so close to his she could smell the coffee on him. “The fuck did you tell him?!”. When she only whimpered at the pain spreading through her scalp he pulled harder. “Huh? The fuck did you tell him? You tell him what we get up to? Show him your bruises? Think he’s your knight in shining armour, think he’s gonna save you, take you away from me?”. Her lips wobbled as she pleaded with him. “I didn’t tell him anything John I swear! I don’t know if he knows!”.
His hand moved so fast she didn’t see it coming, his palm made contact with her cheek, sending her flying to the floor. “Please stop! John please!”. Her pleas were ignored as he straddled her and wrapped his hands around her throat. She kicked and punched but it was no use, he was too strong. She saw black, her vision blurred at the edges before he unexpectedly let up. He scrambled off her and ran his hands through his short blonde her. “Get outta my sight”. She didn’t move, frozen in place. He’d never choked her before; he could’ve killed her. “I said GET OUT”. She scurried off the floor and ran up the stairs not even checking to see if he followed her. She knew Bucky was gone, she couldn’t have run outside and begged him to take her with him.
She slammed the bedroom door shut and ran for her phone. Her watery eyes found the number she was looking for, her hands shook as she brought it up to her ear. The line clicked and she was greeted with a deep ‘hello?’. She cleared her throat and took a deep breath; he didn’t need to know what just happened. “Daddy, hi. Yeah, I’m good, I’m okay. I need you to do somethin’ for me. It’s urgent”.
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biggerbetterbat · 9 months
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: The group finds a shelter in the CDC. Charlie makes Daryl to play drunk game with her.
Warnings: language, rotten bodies, fluff
Song: Ever Since New York Harry Styles
A/N: Hi :) New chapter, I like it. I feel that maybe Daryl opened up to Charlie too fast...but still it's a good chapter. I can't wait when you will finally see my chapters for season 9!!!!!!! But for now...Please leave a comment and like if you like my work. ENJOY!
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It was bad. If she thought that bad was what happened in the camp, then she didn't know how she could name that.
The smell of rotting corpses was almost impossible to bear. With every breath, she was closer to vomiting whatever she had- and she couldn't let little KitKats leave her body that quickly. It was clear that the city tried to fight back as there were barricades and military cars here and there, but it wasn't the scariest part. There were bodies everywhere. Some of them didn't have body parts, and some were covered in blood. And blood was everywhere.
As the flies. Their buzzing was the only thing piercing through the silence.
"All right, everybody. Keep moving. Go on." Shane rushed everyone in a whisper and demanded them to be quiet.
When they reached the door, Rick and Shane tried to open them, but it wasn't working. All they did was make the metal echo through the silence. T-Dog looked around and then looked straight at Rick. "There's nobody here."
"Then why are the shutters down?" Rick asked.
"Baby, come on." Lori pulled Carl to her body in a caring gesture.
"You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl insulted Rick and stepped forward ready to fight. Charlie caught his arm quickly as she stood closest to him.
Shane held up his arms trying to calm hunter. "He made a call."
"It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl tried to get to Rick. "You hear me?"
"Just shut up," yelled Shane and stepped between his best friend and Dixon. "Shut up. Shut up!"
"Rick, this is the dead end," Lori said.
"Where are we gonna go?" asked panicked Carol, pulling her daughter closer.
"Do you hear me?" Shane turned to Rick. "No blame."
"She's right." interrupted Lori. "We can't be here, this close to the city after dark."
"Fort Benning, Rick, still an option." a cop said.
"On what?!" Charlie snapped. "No food, no fuel. That's a hundred miles."
"One hundred twenty-five. I checked the map." Glenn corrected her friend.
"Forget Fort Benning," she said again to Shane. "Rick. We need answers tonight, now."
"We'll think of something." he looked at her.
"Come on, let's go," said Daryl and pushed Charlie a little to make her walk towards the cars. "Let's get out of here."
"Let's go please," Lori said to Rick.
"Alright, everybody back to the cars! Let's move!" Shane commanded, ushering everyone to move.
"The camera!" Rick suddenly screamed. "It moved!"
Dale looked at Rick and then at the camera. "You imagined it."
"It moved. It moved." Rick argued, trying to convince everyone.
"Rick, it's dead, man." Shane came back to Rick and tried to pull him to the car. "It's an automated device, man. It's gears, okay? They're just winding down. Now come on. Man, just listen to me. Look around this place. It's dead, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go, Rick!"
When Rick pushed Shane away and hit the shutters again, Lori jogged to him and made him look at her. "Rick, there's nobody here!"
"I know you're in there!" Grimes yelled. "I know you can hear me!"
"Everybody get back to the cars now! Go!" Shane yelled at everyone again as he saw that they were still standing and waiting.
"Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left." Rick begged the camera.
It was chaos. Walkers were snarling, Rick was yelling, Shane was trying to get them to move, and Lori was begging her husband to go. And Charlie was just clenching to Daryl's shirt.
"If you don't let us in, you're killing us!" Rick yelled.
"Come on, buddy, let's go!" Shane tried to help Lori and move his friend.
But Rick was standing still as a rock, looking into the camera. "Please! You're killing us."
Shutters opened suddenly and bright light shone from behind the glass doors.
Rick was right.
Dr.Jenner invited him to his safe zone on the condition that they all go through blood tests, so obviously they all agreed- even though Charlie was sure she would faint because she hated blood tests. The group was careful around Dr.Jenner, who was leading them somewhere and soon they found each other in a big room with machines and huge screens, which they could see in a dim light from the corridor.
"Vi, bring up the lights in the big room," he said and the big room got lit up. "Welcome to Zone 5."
Rick followed him. "Where is everybody? The other doctors, the staff?"
"I'm it," Jenner answered. "It's just me here."
Lori looked around the room, her eyes opened wider than ever before. "What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?"
"Vi, say hello to our guests. Tell them...Welcome."
Hello, guests. Welcome. They heard the computer's voice from heaven.
"I'm all that's left. I'm sorry." Jenner said.
After the blood test that she did everything to avoid, she was rather content with what happened next. When Jenner found out that they hadn't eaten in days, he prepared the biggest dinner she had seen in weeks.
The atmosphere was the same as the night Amy and the others died. They were laughing, and talking and they were old friends again, not strangers who just had to survive again.
"You know in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner. And in France." Dale said while pouring wine into the glasses.
"Well, when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some then," Lori said.
Since the last argument with Lori at the camp, Charlie came up with her own method. Before expressing her opinion about anything at this point, she was asking herself a question: would it be better if I bit my tongue. If the answer was yes, then she was just fisting her hands so her nails were digging into her skin.
It was like that this time. Because Carl probably would never be in Italy or France. He will probably never even live up to the legal drinking age.
But once again. She remained silent.
"What's it gonna hurt?" Rick looked at his wife. "Come on."
He nodded to Lori and she moved away her hand that was covering her son's cup. Dale poured Carl some wine and smiled. "There you are, young lad."
"Ugh." Carl stuck his tongue out, which made everyone laugh.
"That's my boy." Lori nodded. "Good boy," she added while pouring Carl's wine into her glass.
"That tastes nasty."
"Well, just stick to soda pop there, bud." Shane smiled at the kid.
"Not you, Glenn." Daryl pointed at the Asian boy next to her.
Glenn looked at Charlie and then towards Daryl with a dumbfounded expression."What?"
"Keep drinking, little man," Daryl said. "I want to see how red your face can get."
Sophia sat quietly, her small frame barely filling the chair next to Charlie, who was watching Glenn's interaction with Daryl with an amused smile. "They're being silly."
"They are," Charlie nodded.
"It's probably the first time I see Daryl talking so much," the girl said. The woman looked at her with a smile. "Do you ever miss being a kid?"
Charlie considered the question for a moment before responding. "Being an adult has its challenges, that's for sure. So, I guess yes."
"What do you miss the most?"
"My brothers," Charlie answered immediately without giving it much of a thought. "We were very close, when we were young."
"I always wanted a brother," Sophia confessed. "I wish your brothers would be here with us."
"Me, too."
"And I hope they're safe somewhere," she said.
Charlie tried to smile at her reassuring smile and words, but it was hard as emotions cumulated in her. Her face probably looked as if she ate a lemon, but in a warm gesture, Charlie caressed hair of the little girl. Sophia looked up at Charlie with a grateful smile, her eyes shining with emotion. Without a word, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Charlie in a tight hug. Charlie was taken aback for a moment before returning the embrace, her own arms encircling Sophia protectively.
Rick hit his glass a couple times to make everyone quiet. Then he stood up and looked at Dr.Jenner."It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly.
"He's more than just our host!" called T-Dog.
"Here's to you, Doc. Booyah!" Daryl yelled lifting the bottle up.
And then everyone called after him: "Booyah!"
"So when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here, Doc?" Shane asked, looking at the doctor. " All the...the other doctors that were supposed to be figuring out what happened, where are they?"
"We're celebrating, Shane." Rick looked at his best friend. "Don't need to do this now."
"Woah, wait a second. This is why we're here, right? This was your move." Shane snapped at him, clearly annoyed. "Supposed to, you know, find all the answers. Instead we...we found him. Found one man. Why?"
Jenner looked down at first as if thinking about the answer- how to tell them a traumatizing story in the most approachable way.
"Well, when things got bad, a lot of people just...left." he shrugged. "Went off to be with their families. And when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun, the rest bolted."
"Every last one?" Shane asked.
"No." he shook his head. "Many couldn't face walking out the door. They...opted out. There was a rash of suicides. That was a bad time."
Walsh looked at Jenner and narrowed his eyes. That must be his face when he was interrogating people in the past. "You didn't leave. Why?"
"I just kept working, hoping to do some good."
"I'm gonna throw up," said Glenn. Her eyes widened and she was up on her legs, helping him stand up. "Dude, you are such a buzzkill, man." said an Asian boy, facing Shane.
With that, the dinner was over and Jenner offered to show them where they could crash. Charlie took her bag with one hand and with the other, she held Glenn as he was swaying a little. They were following him down yet another hallway.
"Most facilities power down, including housing," said Jenner. "So you'll have to make do here. Couches are comfortable, but there are cots in storage if you'd like. There's a rec room down the hall that your kids might enjoy. Just don't plug in any video games, okay?" he leaned in to look at the kids. "Or anything that draws power. Same applies," he turned to face the group. "If you shower, go easy on the hot water."
"Hot water?" Glenn gasped.
She smiled at him as he shook her body slightly.
Charlie frowned as she wanted to step into a room after Glenn. He blocked her entrance explaining that he was sharing it with T-Dog, as Daryl didn't want to let him in.
"Come on, dude." she stomped her foot.
"Next time, Charls," Glenn said and patted her shoulder. "Know it's hard, but you can make it through the night." he teased her.
"Hey, Charlie!" Shane called her name. "You want to share a room?"
"Say, since we're both staying here tonight, how about we share a room? It'll be more fun than going solo."
Charlie's expression shifted from amusement to mild surprise. "Uh, thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass. I prefer my own space."
Shane shrugged nonchalantly. "Can't blame a guy for trying, right? The offer's always open if you change your mind."
As he sauntered away, Charlie shook her head with a smile, amused by Shane's persistence and relieved that it went so smoothly.
Daryl knew he made a mistake as soon as she entered the room and left her bag, so she could shower. Charlie knocked on his door, asking if she could share a room with him because the only one left was with Shane. He didn't really get the issue, so he just agreed.
And now he was realizing it even more, as she was sitting in her extremely short pajama bottoms and drinking whiskey from her glass. While he was drinking from his glass.
"Let's play questions," she said.
"It seems to me that we've playing that game since you entered that damn car with me."
Charlie rolled her eyes and finished her drink, just to pour herself some more.
"Come on, Daryl."
"But why?"
"Why not?" she chuckled.
He sighed and also bottomed his drink, pouring even more than before, because he knew that he wouldn't get through the night completely sober.
"So you didn't have a wife. So girlfriend?"
"Boyfriend?" she asked, but when she saw his death stare she didn't need an answer. "Okay, sorry. Just asking. So...how many people have you kissed?"
"Does it matter?"
"No. Like any of those questions." she shrugged.
"So how many have you kissed?" he asked.
"I don't know. Two?" she looked at him. "What? I'm not that easy. I was working, I was busy."
Daryl really didn't want to answer that question and was even more scared of what else she wanted to ask.
"Was it like the love of your life?" she asked.
Daryl bit his lip, embarrassment going up on his cheeks. "Nah."
"Okay." she shrugged as if nothing happened. "On a scale from one to ten, how good kisser are you?"
"I'm not gonna answer that question."
"Why?" she gasped. "It's a normal question. I think I'm like...eight," she said and looked at him. "No. I'm a nine."
Dixon scoffed. "You are vain."
"I prefer the term confident." she corrected. "So?"
He really didn't want to answer the question, because he felt ashamed. How could he tell her that his first, last, and only kiss was with a girl that Merle paid to kiss him? It was humiliating. Also, it was impossible to rate himself like that.
"Were you an adult films actress before?"
"Because of your questions. You have no shame. Those are private things." he answered. "'Sides your face seem familiar."
Before Daryl realized his words his face already turned bright red. He watched her cheeks puff with the air as she held her breath in. But soon the liquid came through the nose as she started laughing out loud. Avoiding one humiliation he pushed himself in even bigger humiliation.
"Oh, God." she inhaled, whipping tears away. "Daryl, you're the man one of a kind. I was a TV presenter before, that's why my face...seems familiar." she chuckled. "What you were doing before?"
"Hangin' around with Merle and his friends. Doing stupid shit," he answered.
"You were close," she stated more than asked, but Daryl just shrugged. "I was pretty close with my brothers...once."
"My older brother Luke," she said. "He's four years older than me, but we used to tell people who didn't know us that we're twins, because of how inseparable we were," she said, looking in the distance with a smile. "Once we wrote a Valentine to a girl and we signed it with the name of our other brother, Will. The girl was older than him, extremely popular, she was classmates with Luke. She laughed at in front of the whole school, everyone was teasing him for that and he knew it was us. He didn't speak to us for six months and when we all went to the summer camp, he put mud in our clothes so it was extra messy." she smiled. "It was the first time we went on this camp alone, without our oldest brother Finn. Our dad was furious. He grounded us all and the biggest victim was little Pete, who didn't know about anything, but was punished anyway."
She chuckled.
"I miss them," Charlie whispered.
"Your dad seems a tough guy," he said.
"He was. We were never too young for something. He treated us all equally." she said. "What was your biggest dream when you were...seven?"
"Bike," he answered without thinking.
"Mine was a pony. Or at least lessons on how to ride a pony. I asked for it every Christmas and birthday, but all I got was a plastic gun." she said. "When I was older he replaced it with shooting classes."
"Now you can thank him," Daryl answered. "My dad was an asshole, too."
Daryl didn't like to think about it and even more he hated talking about it. Merle didn't give a flying damn about what was happening at home, so he just kept quiet. His childhood wasn't so sweet and his relationship with his brother wasn't so perfect, but he felt the urge to share with her the smallest piece of his nightmare.
"I was running away from home. From my father," he said. "I spent days away in the woods, that's how I learned what to do. If not my asshole father I would be dead already."
She nodded her head. "Did you and Merle have any traditions?"
"Yeah," he said. "First we were getting wasted and then stoned, never the other way," he answered, but she knew he was teasing her, so she kicked him. "Did you?"
"Not really." she shrugged. "I just remember that Billy was singing this one song all the time since he was little. When he was stressed or scared or when he needed to focus, it was this one song over and over again. When we were all living together I was sick from hearing it." she shook her body in disgust. "But we all picked it up and we were all singing it. See now? I can't even remember the song."
He looked at her and nodded. Daryl for the first time saw a human in her, a real person with real feelings. It was also the first time she was sharing her personal stories or memories from before. Daryl was even more curious about her now, he wanted to know more about her.
"Have you ever skinny-dipped?" she asked after a moment.
"Go to sleep," he said as he placed his glass on a nightstand. "You're too drunk."
She rolled her eyes and mumbled something that sounded like you're no fun but did as she was told. Then she looked at him from her place on the bed and looked him in the eye because he actually asked her a serious question."Why you didn't want to share a room with Shane?"
"Have you seen the guy?" she asked. "I don't trust him after the amount of alcohol he drank tonight. And I don't trust him when he's trying to find comfort after losing Lori."
"And you trust me?"
"You're a good man, Daryl," she whispered.
He knew that he was everything, but good. However, he wasn't in a state to argue with that.
"Go to sleep."
"Mmm. Night night, Mr. FunKiller," she said, and in a second she was out.
In his dreams, all he saw that night, was her smiling face, and all he could hear was her laugh. That was a really good damn night.
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cherienymphe · 3 months
girl, i need your advice, backstory is my aunt is sick on dialysis, she was hospitalized back in june and came to move in with my family after my mom said she'd take care of her. we didn't know the extent of how sick she was and because my mom works full-time, i was left with majority of the load, i literally did everything for this woman on top of dog-sitting and doing my remote job so i grew resentful and said that this woman needs professional help. so with my parents support i sat my aunt and her husband down and told them i'm not taking care of her anymore. they got angry and my aunt who couldn't walk without a walker or oxygen before suddenly stood up and took all her things and left. this was back in august.
my mom and her stopped talking which hurt my mom deeply cause she's her sister who she practically raised and hearing from her other sister that she's losing her sight made my mom worry about leaving things on bad terms so she decided to text her.
i told my mom to tell her just say "hey, how are you doing? we really need to talk, i hope all is well".
my aunt responded, "thankfully i'm alive. i've been here to talk, you're the one that decided to wait a long time, what do you want to talk about?"
my mom or i don't know what to say, like what do you think the best way to go about this is?
This is tricky. I don't believe anyone should be obligated to take care of family but I do agree it's the right thing to do in most cases. With that being said, leaving you with majority of the load wasn't fair and it's only natural you'd grow a little resentful. If it really is that bad that she'd need professional care, I feel like your aunt should've been understanding of that and your feelings. I don't think it was right for her to basically cut off contact and a relationship like that. She's the one who shut y'all out, not the other way around, so idk why she was expecting y'all to reach out so soon when she kind of made it clear she didn't want anything to do with you guys. I think I'd let it be known that y'all didn't think she wanted anything to do with y'all as per her own behavior and see where it goes from there
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walker-bait-1973 · 8 months
We Ain't Dead Part Seven
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Photo Edit by Me
A Daryl Dixon x Reader (She/Her) Fanfiction
Warnings: Typical TWD Violence, Swearing, Slow Burn, Fluff, Smut
Author's Notes: We've been immersed in the world of Daryl x Y/N. They've discovered a safe haven, set up a system for survival, and are thriving. A newly discovered life is an added asset to their lives. A stranger appears. (Please be aware, that if you're looking for the story to follow TWD timeline, you won't find it here.)
Part Six
@eddiemunsonsupremecy @daryldixmedown
Chapter 29: The Stranger
Daryl groaned in his sleep, his arm wrapped tight around Y/N who was dozing in and out. She sighed, unable to sleep. She rubbed Daryl’s chest slowly, placing a kiss on it from time to time. Even listening to his heartbeat wasn’t lulling her tonight.
Dog jumped off the foot of the bed growling. Daryl and Y/N were up in a shot. They both hurried into their pants and, grabbing their weapons, headed into the living room.
“Hey! Hey! Is there anyone in there?!” A voice beyond the fence was crying out in desperation, surrounded by Walkers. Daryl glanced at Y/N.
“Dog, hush,” she hissed. Dog dropped to the floor, laying at the front door as a sentinel. Daryl looked out the back windows. He glanced at Y/N and pointed towards the front. Only one he indicated. The one person in the front. Y/N had her binoculars out and nodded, only one. He made his way back over, peeking between the curtains.
He looked at her shrugging. She shrugged back. They snuck out the back and watched from opposite corners of the house, in the dark.
“Help! If someone’s there, please help!” The man was fighting the Walkers the best he could, but from his yelling, was attracting more.
Daryl called out from his vantage point, “are ya bit?!”
“No! No! Please!”
“Where’d ya come from?”
“I’ve been on the road for months. Please! I’m all alone, desperate for some help!”
Daryl and Y/N rushed out, Dog beside Y/N to the gate. They stuck their weapons through the fence, stabbing out as many of the Walkers as they could reach. The man fought with them, brandishing a long wooden staff. Proficient in his usage of the weapon, Daryl and Y/N were impressed. Once the last Walker was downed, the man leaned forward onto his knees gasping for breath.
“Thank you, thank you,” he repeated, standing back up.
Daryl curtly nodded, “Be on yer way.”
The man hesitated, “I need a place to hole up, and get my energy back.”
“There’s plenty of other houses around,” Y/N pointed towards some, “we’ve cleared most of them out.”
“I have run out of food. And I haven’t been around another living soul for so long, I feel like I’m going to go insane.”
“We don’t need none of that shit ‘round here.”
“Please. I’m begging you.” He opened his waistcoat and held out two large knives that he threw inside the fence. Then, he slid his large bo staff in, “I’m desperate. My name’s Morgan. I can help out with anything you need. Earn my keep.”
“You seem to think we’re taking you in,” Y/N snorted, tossing his weapons back over the fence, “be on your way.”
“Have a heart,” he said, “I can’t stay out here.”
Several days went by, and Morgan wouldn’t move from his spot.
“He’s gonna attract attention t’ us.” Daryl was furious, “we’re gettin’ more Walkers now.”
“I should give him some food, maybe he'll move on.”
“Fine. Let’s get him some stuff.”
They gathered a good bagful of food and carried it out to the front. Y/N tied the straps and tossed it over the fence, “here’s some food. Please, just move on.”
“Or I’ll shoot ya where ya stand. Gettin’ sick of yer shit.”
He picked up the food gratefully and started eating the sandwich.
“Is that venison?” he asked between bites, “is there good hunting around here?”
“No, it‘s shit round here,” Daryl answered.
“Ah. Look. I know I’m bringing Walkers. I don’t mean to. But if you even just let me camp out in the yard for a few days…”
Y/N and Daryl exchanged glances.
“Go ‘round back,” Daryl said, “but if ya don’t go away, after three days, I’ll kill ya.”
“Fair enough. Thank you.”
Dog was first around the back. Daryl hesitated before they moved from the front lawn. He’d read Y/N’s eyes.
“Ya sure ya wanna do this?”
“I think we should. You’d fight hard to get us into a place if we were desperate. Look how drawn his face is. Remember when we were starving? He gave us his weapons without being asked the other day.”
“Alright,” he said after contemplating the pros and cons, “I’ll back y’all up. He ain’t ta get close ta ya at all.”
“No… he won’t.”
Daryl cupped her face, “Y/N… yer my world.”
“And you’re mine.”
“C’mon then.”
When they walked around, Dog was sitting just out of arm’s reach from the fence, growling at the stranger.
“Thank you, you won’t regret this.” He smiled pleased, his white teeth unusually bright against his dark skin.
“Don’t make me regret it, ‘cause I’ll kill ya.” Daryl pointed at him. Y/N slid the makeshift necklace with the keys for the gates from her neck and handed it to Daryl. She pulled out her gun, pointing it directly at the man. His hands went instantly up, dropping his bo staff.
“Back up,” Daryl pointed, drawing up his crossbow. The stranger did as he was told and set all his weapons down in front of him. Daryl unlocked the fence and tossed the necklace back to Y/N. He warily opened the gate, went to the man, and frisked him for any other weapons than what he produced. There weren’t any. He went through his pack. There was only a spare change of clothes, some fishing line and hooks, the food they’d given him, and a small book titled The Art Of Peace. Daryl shoved everything back in and said, “go to the gate, but don’t go in.”
The man followed the commands. Y/N’s gun remained trained on him while Daryl picked up his weapons.
“Alright, go on inside, but stay close t’ the fence, with yer back to it.”
Again the man did what he was told without hesitation. Daryl locked the gate and said, “follow me.” They went towards the house. Morgan took everything in. 
Daryl said, “inta the house. Go on.”
Morgan went inside the back door and looked around. The smell of food elicited a grumbling in his stomach. He spied piles of books, some puzzles on a card table, games piled in a corner, and a small fire in the fireplace. Cozy. They’d been there a while, he could tell.
“Thank you so much for this. I won’t give you any reasons to kill me.”
“We’ll see about that,” Y/N said. Daryl nudged him down the hallway towards the other two bedrooms and opened the door to the smallest one where the single bed was.
“Get in there. Eat some of yer food. Gonna barricade this door. Ya try and break it down…”
“I know, you’ll kill me.”
“Damn straight. Know that woman there in the livin’ room? Ya try an hurt her, I’ll kill ya.”
“Basically do everything you say, or I’ll get killed. Right. I understand. What’s your name?”
“Don’t matter…”
Daryl pushed the tall dresser from the other bedroom in front of the door and waited a few moments. He slowly walked the hall towards Y/N.
“Shove his weapons up in our closet, Y/N.”
She nodded. When she returned she said, “do you think it’ll be okay? I mean, I don’t want to regret my decision.”
Daryl, chewing his thumbnail, shrugged. It’d been years since they’d seen another person, the moment surreal.
“Gotta be real careful is all. He may be just fine. But y’all know me. I’m gonna guard what we have with my life.”
“Me too.” She kissed his chin.
Several hours went by. Daryl and Y/N checked on the man numerous times. All he did was sleep on the bed for most of the day.
Chapter 30: Home
Time passed. Three days turned into a month. Morgan had become a part of the household. He’d earned his keep and was a great conversationalist. He helped with all chores and played games in the evenings. He and Daryl played a lot of poker, both winning dried beans used for chips many times. He learned how to can, hunt, and dry meats. He got to have three square meals, showers, and books to read. Most of all, he had true company. He’d discovered early that Daryl wasn’t much of a talker. Y/N made up for it though. He really liked them, and they liked him. He was even returned his weapons.
Daryl sat whittling by the fire, making more arrow shafts. Y/N was lying down.
“How long have you two been together?” Morgan asked, looking up from the book in his hands.
Daryl glanced up, “three years.”
Morgan whistled, “long time these days. Were you together before everything?”
“Naw. Met up shortly after. She helped us out. We took her in.”
“Mhm,” he hummed, “There were more of us in the beginnin’.”
Morgan lowered his eyes, “I had my family. But now they’re gone. Your people… they’re all gone too?”
Daryl shrugged, “Things went t’ shit and we all got separated. That book ya got in yer bag…”
“The Art of Peace?”
“Yeah, what’s it ‘bout?”
“Would you like to read it?”
Daryl nodded. Morgan went into his bedroom and grabbed it. He handed it to Daryl.
“There are not many pages, but there’s a lot to learn. It was passed to me by a friend. He taught me Akido, and also how to use the staff I carry around.”
“Yer great with it.”
“Thank you. And you, my friend, are an all-around weapon expert. Were you a soldier before?”
“Naw,” he chuckled, “just learnt how t’ use things as needed.”
“I see. Are you and Y/N… married?”
Daryl coughed hard, “naw…”
“Oh.” Morgan chuckled, patting Daryl on the back, “seeing you two together though, gives me hope for the world.”
“Because you two love each other. It’s a beautiful thing in this ugly violent world.”
Love? Daryl never imagined he’d love anyone. But here was a man that had only been with them for a month pointing out what should’ve been obvious to Daryl. He’d never known love. It seemed like some bullshit people said only to end up hurting and hating each other soon after. No one stayed together in his world before the fall. Just using each other, beating on each other, and then tossing each other away. Y/N was different. She’d never demanded anything from him. She treated him fairly and seemed to be on the same page as him. They didn’t need to say much and were completely comfortable in their silence.
Y/N was the most beautiful woman Daryl had ever seen. He loved her eyes, her smile, her body. Most of all he loved her spirit. She was smart and brave. When he was around Y/N, his stomach felt funny, his heart raced… did he love her?
Morgan observed Daryl’s facial expression. Even though he’d only been with them a month, he’d learned quickly that Daryl internalized things more than he spoke of them. This was one of those instances.
“Did ya meet a lotta people on the road?”
“Some different sized groups. A few places are set up nice, behind walls.”
Daryl looked up quickly, “Walls?”
“Yeah. Big walls enclosing the whole damn place. They’re leery of strangers of course, but I was taken into one. It was called… the Kingdom. Good people.”
“Why’d ya leave then?”
“I think I just wanted to see what else is out there. Looking for the right place to fit into. I’m welcome back at any time. They regarded me as a valuable asset before I left. You know, it’s a place where you’ve gotta carry your own weight. Help out.”
“How far is that from us?”
“Atlanta Georgia.”
Daryl stopped whittling, “What?”
“Atlanta Georgia.”
“We’re from Georgia.”
“You’re kidding?”
Daryl shook his head, “No, I ain’t. Senoia.”
“Daryl… you were only about thirty miles south of it.”
“Fuck.” Daryl uttered under his breath. This is what Y/N would talk about, groups of people… thriving. And they were behind walls.
“I bet Y/N would be happy to hear about the Kingdom.”
“Let me sit on it a lil’ while.” Daryl chewed the inside of his cheek.
“Fair enough.” Morgan patted him on the back. He was pretty sure he knew what Daryl was thinking. He was a solitary man, a quiet man. And he seemed well adjusted to and happy with the life he’d been living in this house. He and Y/N had a nice thing going. Plenty of food, fresh water, amenities… they had everything. And going back out there in the world such as it was… not so inviting.
Daryl said his goodnight to Morgan and slid silently into the bedroom. Dog was lying on the bed next to Y/N in Daryl’s spot. He whistled quietly and Dog popped off the bed with a huff and laid on the floor. Daryl stripped down to his boxers and laid down on the bed. Y/N was facing away from him, sleeping soundly. He scooted up behind her and wrapped his arms her. He pressed his face into her hair, inhaling deeply. She moved slightly, a tiny groan escaping her lips. Daryl reached under the blanket and rubbed her hip, his fingers feeling the edge of the cotton of her shirt and rubbed his hand downward over her stomach.
“Daryl?” She whispered, turning her head.
“Mhm…” He breathed in her ear causing a shiver to go down her spine. She rolled to her back, lifting her mouth to his chin, kissing it lightly. He sought her lips, crushing them with his own, sucking them slowly. Y/N’s hand trailed down his strong, muscular arm, grasping his hand and leading it up under her shirt. He broke the kiss and sucked in a tight breath of air as his fingers traced the line of her rounded breast, and her hardened nipple. Her back arched slightly.
“I want you to touch me more…” she confessed, her voice silky smooth. He tugged her shirt upwards exposing that excited nipple and closed his mouth around it, his tongue teasing the peak, eliciting a moan from Y/N. Her hand wove into his wavy dark hair as his tongue trailed up her breast and to the hollow of her throat.
She rubbed over his shoulder and along his back to his narrow hip.
“We gotta talk…” He said between pecks on her skin.
“No… not now…” she muttered.
Daryl became lost in her body. He was rock hard and aching for her. Y/N was full of passion, her body tingling with anticipation. He lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it carelessly on the floor.
“A’right… later…” he captured her lips again, his tongue pressing between her teeth, wrapping with hers in an erotic tangle. He loomed over her for a moment, pressing his chest against hers. Their skin made contact, heat ignited as his knees pressed her legs open. She lifted to meet him, but he paused.
“What is it?” She whispered into the dark.
“I don’t wanna hurt ya.”
“You won’t… you’re doing great… please… don’t stop…”
That little bit of encouragement drove him over the edge. He reached between them and yanked down his boxers before guiding himself into her. Her toes curled as she closed in tight around him, his large cock filling her fully. His hips plunged downward and lifted, capturing her body’s response. She moved with him now, meeting every slow thrust with a grind of her hips. She wrapped her arms around his waist rubbing his lower back. His tongue ran between her breasts, up her neck, over her chin, and across her mouth. She nipped at it, trying to pull it into her mouth.
“Sunshine…” he breathed, pressing deeper into her. She tightened around him, her vaginal walls clamping him, squeezing harder and harder until they came together. His weight was on her. She held him there. They kissed, and then he withdrew. He rested his head on her chest as she held his hand.
“Wow…” she whispered breathily. Daryl grunted, rubbing his cheek along her nipple.
They dozed, the sweat from their bodies gluing them together.
Part Eight
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bitter-like-coffee · 1 month
hehehe thank you for the Jessica Jones ramble!!! ur sooooo right abt everything tbh. i totally think ur fine to just watch s1, like the others were fine but s1 stands alone really well. also i feel it with tennant tbh i never even liked him until he was kilgrave and its still my favorite role hes ever had
Its just, its so sad it could only happen in the lawless era of Baby Netflix because its just delicious. I think if more of marvel's ips were handled with a similar brush i might actually enjoy them. Not to say they have to all be Gritty Noirs Focused On Very Grounded Villains, but itd be nice if they really sat w their premises. I dunno if any of the movies w Steve and Bucky ever really get into that sorta thing, but theres such a depth you could get out of Steve and Bucky grappling with the future and adapting and challenging their 30s? Worldview, etc.
Tennant just did such a good job w Kilgrave. Simmons was uh terrifying lol. I realize I hadnt mentioned Trish and. Ough. Ough. I love her so much, like any good noir should elicit, I spent so much of her screentime murmuring "girl dont do this". I love her desperation and drive to help people even at her own peril. Much like Jessica, she can't help it, but unlike Jessica she's not physically strong enough to not be the damsel, so she hides in Rapunzel's pin-locked tower and learns to fight in the hopes that if the evil stepmother or a dragon comes she'll be ready. And then the dragon asks her to come in, politely, through the front door and she's so charmed by his candor that she's helpless. The entire rest of the show after Trish popped one of Simmons' pills to save Jessica, I was just looking at her like a dog eating something it's not supposed to.
It really was like, incredible how harrowing every moment with Trish's mom was. The scene where she was trying to force Trish to purge was so hard to watch, made me cry.
And then theres Malcolm abd Robyn abd Reuben abd this isnt even getting into the deliciously toxic yuri wrt Hogarth and Pam and her ex-wife whose name I'm blanking on. Honestly this us just a testament to how beautifully female lead so much of the show felt, which really added so much punch to the themes they were tackling, especially since there were a ton of Kilgrave's victims who were men (but weren't solely the focus).
I really loved Malcolm, especially after they, blessedly, revealed that his addiction was less of some stereotypical black druggie horseshit abd that Kilgrave had just added another tool in his arsenal to keep a good guy under thumb. (To be clear whether his reasons for his addiction, he needed help and compassion, but I was wary of it as a like stock trope.) Learning he'd wanted to go into social work was gutwrenching.
I think, though, I was most impressed with Robyn and Reuben. From the outset they seemed very...Stock "Crazy" Apartment Weirdos, abd as was perhaps the intent, they made me very uncomfortable, especially with early appearances making it seem like there was some WEIRD incest going on. And then Reuben's little crush on Jessica happened and I dreaded every time he was on screen but gradually less because he was a little weirdo and more because he was so visibly a little weirdo head over heels for Jessica. I cried when he died, and I was shocked at how masterfully they made me care. And then Robyn's neuroses kept building in the background abd foreground as she desperately searched for Reuben, and even though she's absolutely weird and abrasive and perhaps needs anti-anxiety medication, she's so solidly a mourning person who was so afraid because as much as she felt like her brother couldn't survive without her (and woe, she was kinda right), she needed him. The scene in the penultimate? Episode? Of Season 1, where she sobs because his fucking charger finally came, days too late, because she told him express shipping was too expensive? Oh that crushed me and made me really gel w her very strongly as a character.
Everyone's Arcs were so good aaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaa. (I love Luke Cage and i practically danced every time he was on screen. Just such a wonderfully grounded, traumatized man.)
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phoenixblack89 · 10 months
Chapter 10 - The Secrets We Keep
Well its certainly been a hot minute since I posted a chapter. If ya follow me ten ya know that a unexpected, but otherwise welcome, pregnancy has taken up much of the past year. That whole shebang was very stressful which could b a whole episode of some soap opera with how certain members of my family went on about how I'd end up with post natal depression again and wouldn't cope with 2 kids etc. this person basically can go to hell...
Anyway that's taken up a lot of my energy and as ya can imagine i haven't had time to write or even read anything but I am finally in a place where I have the time, creativity and energy to write again and am already working on the next chapter of this so please keep ya eyes peeled.
As always - page breaker is by the awesome @firefly-graphics
TAG LIST: @lilythemadqueen @autocon23 @archerangel @littlegodzilla @pandora-writes-stuff @boondoctorwho @browneyes528 @darylsgirl @purple-serenity @fandomsaremykryponite
WARNINGS: Shane being a gaint tit, typical TWD gore, character death, foul language
Main Masterlist
Phoenix made her way to the camp fire as her stomach growled loudly. She knitted her eyebrows together in confusion as she saw Maggie shaking her head at Glenn from the porch of the farmhouse. She turned quickly to look his face as he received a nod from Dale. Glenn stood and walked to the centre of camp before he cleared his throat as everyone sat, gaining their attention. 
"Erm.. Guys. So... Barn's full of walkers." His voice quivered out.
"Ya know how to fucking ruin the day before it's begun don't ya Glenn." She scoffed as everyone slowly stared at the Asian man in shock, as he shuffled nervously from foot to foot. 
The group rushed towards the barn where Glenn said the walkers were. Growls and snarls could be faintly heard as the group gathered around the barn. Shane being curious, peered through the gaps in the slats into the dark building then startled back as one growled and lunged towards the smell of fresh meat. The walkers crashed against the door, making the chain rattle as the group took a step back in fright.
"You cannot tell me you're all right with this." He stated, shaking his head and pointing at the barn. 
"No, I'm not, but we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rick counted in his soft southern tones. 
"This is our lives!" Shane spat at his friend in anger. 
"Lower your voice." Glenn hissed as the doors gave another shake. 
"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea sighed with a disappointing tone to her voice. 
"I would hate to agree with blondie but... We can't stay with walkers under 100 feet away." Phoenix huffed, pointing at the barn before shrugging. 
"It ain't right. Not remotely." T-Dog input quietly. 
"Okay, we've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right or we've just got to go. Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time."
"We can't go." Rick snapped at his friend. 
"Why, Rick? Why?" 
"Because my daughter is still out there." Carol said breathily, giving Shane a look of disgust at such a suggestion. 
"Okay. Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility." Shane laughed a little with a strange look in his eyes as he stared down the smaller woman. 
"We're not leaving Sophia behind!"
"I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago!" Daryl growled out, getting angrier by the second as the loud mouth former police man spoke. 
"You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll." The man scoffed. 
"You don't know what the hell you're talking about."
"I'm just saying what needs to be said. You get a good lead, it's in the first 48 hours." He half whispered to his former colleague, making sure that everyone else could still hear him. 
"Shane, stop."
"Ye being a dickhead Walsh." Phoenix growled, her hand going to her knife in anger. 
"Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction!" Shane snarled into Daryl's face with a look of sheer disgust on his face. Daryl shoved at Shane as his anger got the better of him, causing the group to begin to yell at each other.
"Back off!"
"Keep your hands off me."  Shane hissed at Lori.
"Now just let me talk to Hershell. Let me figure it out." Rick yelled, trying to defuse the situation before it became a fist fight. 
"What are you gonna figure out?!" Shane spat, gesturing to the barn in question. 
"If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land."
"Hershell sees those things in there as people... Sick people... His wife, his stepson." Dale spoke quietly, trying to get everyone to calm down. 
"You knew?" Rick gasped at the eldest group member.
"Yesterday I talked to Hershell." Dale said calmly, glancing at the group.
"And you waited the night?"
"I thought we could survive one more night. We did. I was waiting till this morning to say something. But Glenn wanted to be the one." The older man reasoned quietly as Shane glared at him in shocked anger. 
"The man is crazy, Rick, if Hershell thinks those things are alive or no -"
Phoenix scoffed at the noisy group before she walked around the side of the barn and looked up at the ladder. 
A Hayloft?
She glanced back at the rest of the arguing group and made her mind up and picked the torch lying in the grass up before her feet and hands pulled her quickly upwards. The smell made her gag slightly as she nearer the edge of the loft and looked downwards. The groaning mass turned their attention to her, broken and bloodied hands reaching upwards. She flicked on the torch she had grabbed and spun it over the creatures. 
"Oh shit." She gulped as she tried to do a head count. There was more than she expected there to be. How had they all gotten in here without people noticing?
Suddenly the beam of light landed on a smaller figure and her heart stopped.
"God no..." 
She turned and scrambled out of the hayloft and away from the barn as quickly as she could. As she reached camp, she leaned against a tree with her good hand and threw up all she'd eaten the last few hours. Her stomach feeling twisted and her heart completely shattered. 
It had to be her eyes playing tricks. It couldn't be her! It couldn't! Daryl had just found her doll two days ago! She wasn't in the fucking barn! She was simply lost out in the woods. 
No one noticed her throwing up or the tears streaming down her face. She fell to her knees gripping her hair tightly as she sobbed. Her rosaries fell from her shirt and she clutched them tightly in her fist. 
T-Dog was the first to notice the girl, who seemed to be in some distress. He nodded to Daryl and pointed to her. Daryl frowned and shrugged, he still felt guilty and was avoiding her. The most contact between them being when he had dragged her to Hershell. He shook his head at T-Dog and made his way to the house. 
Carl stood and frowned in confusion at Phoenix as she slowly stood. 
"What's wrong with you?" He asked curiously. She glanced down at him and walked away. Her hands itched, she needed to end the poor child's suffering for her mother's sake and the group's. It would destroy Hershell's trust in the group but to hell with that. Living with walkers less than 100 feet of them.
That wasn't going to fly. 
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"Maggie. Hey, Maggie, just talk to me. Hey. Maggie." Glenn panted as he rushed after the girl, who finally paused and turned towards him. 
"Give me your hat." She held her hand out to him. "You said talk to you, I'm talking to you - Give me your hat." Maggie said quietly as Glenn handed her his hat before taking one of the eggs in the basket and placing it into the hat. Glenn looked puzzled for a moment before Maggie forcibly pushed the egg filled hat onto his ebony locks, the broken egg running down his face. 
"Why would you waste an egg like that?" He gasped flicking egg off his forehead. 
"I think it was rotten." Maggie snapped as she walked away. 
"Egg is good for ya hair Glenn. At least you'll have the best hair around here for a while." Phoenix chuckled as she glanced over her shoulder, continuing her way towards the farmhouse before spotting Carol sneaking around near the stables and heading, out of sheer curiosity, in that direction instead. 
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"You can't!"  Phoenix heard Carol call out as she peered round the stable door.
"I'm fine." Daryl puffed out as he lifted a saddle down off the rack. 
"Hershell said you need to heal." 
"Yeah, I don't care." 
"Well, I do. Phoenix does too." Daryl's eyes flicked to the red head at the stable door before focusing back on the saddle. "Rick's going out later to follow the trail."
"Yeah well, I ain't gonna sit around and do nothing. Besides Rick can't track for shit." 
"Seriously Dixon?! You that pig headed that ye can't see ye need t' heal!? Ye really think I'd let Rick go out without me?" Phoenix snapped, her accent changing to a slight Irish lilt, as she entered fully, standing behind Carol and giving him a look. 
"Now ya talkin' t'me? Huh?" He spat in her direction before scoffing. "Mind ya own fucking business!" 
"No, you're gonna go out there and get yourself hurt even worse! We don't know if we're gonna find her, Daryl." Daryl paused and glanced at the grey-haired woman in shock. He couldn't believe he was hearing this from her mouth. "We don't. I don't."
"Carol....." Phoenix breathed in disbelief before glancing at Daryl. 
"Can't lose you too." 
Daryl threw the saddle in anger before clutching his side groaning. Carol rushed to his side and reached out to help but was brushed off.  "Are you all right?" 
"Just leave me be. Stupid bitch." He growled harshly as he limped away. Phoenix wrapped her arm around Carol's shoulders and smiled weakly. 
"He's just sore and upset Carol like a bear with a hangover. Just ignore him." 
"I know. Just wish he understood...." Carol said quietly, slipping out of the embrace and leaving the Brit to stand in the empty stable with her thoughts. 
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"Come on in."
"A little light reading for lunch?" Rick asked, glancing at the bible beside the vet's plate. 
"Been working so hard lately I get my study in where I can." Hershell sighed, placing a bookmark into the holy book before gently setting it down on the table beside his plate.
"You know we can help you out with your work." 
"It's my field to tend." Hershell said quietly.
"We found the barn."
"Leave it be." Hershell said, his eyes not leaving the page. 
"Well, I'd like to talk about it, but either way... your barn, your farm, your say." 
"I don't want to talk about the barn. I don't want to debate." The man said finally looking up at Rick. 
"Not a debate, a discussion." Rick reasoned quietly. 
"I need you and your group gone by the end of the week."
Rick sighed heavily. 
"I talked to Dale. You and I have our differences with the way we look at the walkers. Those people, they may be dead, they may be alive. But my people, us, we are alive right now, right here, right in front of you. You send us out there and that could change."
"I've given you safe harbor. My conscience is clear."
"This farm..." Rick pleaded as he sat down. "This farm is special. You've been shielded from what's been going on out there. Dale said you saw everything happen on the news. Well, it's been... It's been a long time since the cameras stopped rolling." Hershell stood and walked away and Rick rushed after him to continue his plea. 
"The first time I saw a walker it was just half a body snapping at me from the ground. My inclination wasn't to kill it. But what the world is out there isn't what you saw on TV. It is much much worse and it changes you. Either into one of them or something a lot less than the person you were. Please do not... do not send us out there again."
"My wife's pregnant."
Hershell turned away from the window to look at Rick in shock. "That's either a gift here or a death sentence out there. If we were to stay we could help you with the work, with securing this place. We can survive together." 
"Rick, I'm telling you we can't."
"You think about what you're doing."
"I've thought about it." Hershell yelled. 
"Think about it."
"I've thought about it."
"Think about it again. We can't go out there." Rick said as he left the building. Hershell glanced up at Maggie, who turned away from her father. 
"He's right ya know." Phoenix sighed, stepping round the doorframe. 
"Miss Black. What do I owe the pleasure?" Hershell said quietly, standing and entering the kitchen. Phoenix followed slowly and looked at the old vet in quiet confusion.  "Ah... The same as Rick no doubt."
"There's a great deal of shit I've done in the past. You and I both know it. But this...." She scoffed, following as the man left the building. "Why keep it secret? Ya could've told us from the get go" 
"We all keep secrets do we not? You have yours.... You have them to keep you safe... From your group... from Rick and Shane...  I did the same."
"Mr Greene we ain't gonna go in there guns akimbo! This is your land and we'd of respected your decision." She spoke quietly, figuring that yelling would do no good. 
"Not all of you..." The girl nodded and sighed. "You are a woman of faith. I believe those people are sick and that God will deliver them into health again. Have you lost your faith? Do you not have any hope left at seeing the men you wish again?" 
"Faith is a fragile thing these days..."
"My offer still stands, regardless of whether your group finds out your secret. This isn't up for discussion anymore. This is my land. Its been in my family for generations."
"Mr Greene.... There are dead men walking in your barn. And one way or another...  This fucking shit is gonna end real badly."
"The same will happen if your group find out your secret. I'm asking you not to act so I don't have to Amelia..." Hershell said quietly, raising himself to his full height and staring the girl down. 
"If that is a threat, think about your decision sir. Some things need to stay in the dark..." She said quietly before turning away. 
"And some find glory in the light." Hershell said after her, returning to his work. Phoenix bowed her head and walked off slowly towards camp.
Neither noticed a figure step out of the shadows and fold their arms, shocked and a little confused about what they had just heard. 
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"You're a complete bastard ya know that right?" 
Daryl glanced up at the feisty girl in front of him and scoffed. "Don't ignore me arsehole. I'll put ya on ya back and beat some sense into ya." 
"Yea, like to see ya try. Better yet, fuck off away from me." He growled deeply, his eyes daring her to even lay a single finger on him.
"Dixon.... What you said to Carol was outta line! When someone is loosing hope like that... You're supposed to make them find it again. Not blow up at them and hurt yaself!" 
"She's given up... Ain't nothin' gonna change her mind now." He sighed defeatedly. Phoenix crouched down in front of him and lifted his chin to look at her, ignoring his flinch. She smiled sadly at him before nodding slightly. 
"Then maybe... Its up to you to find something to give her that hope again. Anything to give her that little glimmer of light in the dark." Her eyes flicked down at the dried flower near his feet before patting his knee and walking away.
Daryl stood and sighed, watching as she walked towards Beth, who nodded eagerly at her. 
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"Go get your cap. I'll wash it for you, okay?" Maggie said as she pulled dales hat off his head. 
"Do you know what's going on?" T-Dog asked as he walked up to the porch. 
"Where is everyone?" Andrea questioned as she walked beside T-Dog. 
"You haven't seen Rick?" Glenn asked the pair. 
"He went off with Hershel. We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago." Andrea replied softly. 
"Yeah you were. What the hell?" Daryl said as he and Carol joined the group around the farm house stoop.
"Rick told us he was going out." Carol puffed quietly, slightly out of breath from trying to keep up with Daryl's long strides. 
"Dammit. Ain't anybody taking this seriously? We got us a damn trail." Daryl snapped, waving his arm in the direction of where he'd found the doll a few days ago. "Oh, here we go."
Daryl walked up to Shane as the man walked towards the collective members of the group with the gun bat slung over his right shoulder. "What's all this?" 
"You with me, man?" Shane asked, holding out a shot gun to the redneck. "Phoenix?" 
"Yeah." Daryl replied, glancing at the Brit as she takes a gun out from the waistband of her pants and twirling it around her finger, as he took the offered shotgun. Shane nodded before turning to the rest of the group. 
"Ya had that all this time?" Daryl asked, cocking his head at the girl, who smirks in reply. 
"Time to grow up. You already got yours?" Shane said to Andrea over his shoulder as he passed by her. 
"Yeah." She said back quickly "Where's Dale?"
"He's on his way." 
"Thought we couldn't carry." T-Dog said confused as a handgun was placed into his palm. 
"We can and we have to. Look, it was one thing sitting around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. But now we know it ain't." Shane said pacing in front of the stunned group before turning to Glenn. "How about you, man? You gonna protect yours?" Glenn glanced at Maggie before taking the shotgun from Shane.
"That's it. Can you shoot?" Shane questioned the elder farmer's daughter. 
"Can you stop? You do this, you hand out these gun, my dad will make you leave tonight." Maggie snapped, glaring at the angry man. 
"We have to stay, Shane." Carl spoke up as he walked towards his angry uncle. 
"What is this?" Lori queried as she exited the house and stomped towards the group. 
"We ain't going anywhere, okay? Now look, Hershell, he's just gotta understand. Okay? He... Well, he's gonna have to. Now we need to find Sophia. Am I right?" Shane whispered as he kneeled down in front of Carl.
"Huh? Now I want you to take this. You take it, Carl, and you keep your mother safe. You do whatever it takes. You know how. Go on, take the gun and do it." 
Lori pushed Carl behind her quickly and snarled down at the man for daring to drag her son into the madness. 
"Rick said no guns. This is not your call. This is not your decision to make."
"Oh shit." T-Dog exclaimed, his gaze drawn to the edge of the forest and the sight of Jimmy taunting a walker being controlled by a leash. The group all turned and gasped. 
"What is that? What is that?" Shane panted as he took off running towards the trio with walkers on poles got closer to the barn. 
"Shane!" Lori yelled after him as she and the rest of the group followed him. 
"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled bursting though the rusted gate. 
"Shane, just back off." Rick yelled as he corralled the walker he was controlling away from Jimmy. 
"Why do your people have guns?" Hershell snapped, his glare going to the Brit, who lowered her guns and slipped them back into their place. 
"Are you kidding me? You see? You see what they're holding onto?" Shane gestured towards the walkers in disgust. 
"I see who I'm holding onto." Hershell stated, his face a stony mask.
"No, man, you don't." Shane growled angrily, dodging the walkers outreaching fingers as Jimmy ducked away from the others. 
"Shane, just let us do this and then we can talk." 
"What you want to talk about, Rick? These things ain't sick! They're not people! They're dead! Ain't gonna feel nothing for them 'cause all they do, they kill! These things right here, they're the things that killed Amy. They killed Otis! They're gonna kill all of us!"
"Shane, shut up!" Rick yelled over the growls and hisses. 
"Hey, Hershell man, let me ask you something." He asked as he pulled his gun from his waistband and checked the chamber. "Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this?" Shane hissed before shooting the walker in the stomach. Phoenix flinched at the noise and glanced at the rattling chain as Shane pumped 3 shots into the chest of the walker. 
"No! Stop it!" Rick snapped as he grit his teeth. 
"That's three rounds in the chest! Could someone who's alive, could they just take that?! Why is it still coming?" The angry man shot again and again.
"That's its heart, its lungs. Why is it still coming?" Shane shot another round from his clip into the walker. 
"Shane, enough."
"Yeah, you're right, man. That is enough." Shane took the final shot and ended the walker, Hershell dropped the leash and paled. "Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!" Phoenix glanced away from the barn at Shane's words, causing T-Dog to give her a questioning look.
"Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us!" 
"Enough!" Rick snarled, his grip on the catch pole sliding slightly. 
"Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you got to fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now." 
Shane smashed open the barn doors and backed off quickly as a group of the undead stumbled out. 
"Take the snare pole. Hershell, take the snare pole. Hershell, listen to me, man, please. Take it now. Hershell! Take it!"  Rick pleaded as Hershell stared at the guns pointed towards his friends and family. 
"No, Shane. Do not do this, brother."
"Wait! Don't do it!"  Glenn yelled. 
"Rick!" Lori shrieked. 
Shane ignored everyone's yelling and broke the lock on the doors with a pick axe before throwing them open.
"Come on. Come on, we're out here." Shane taunted, backing away slowly from the barn doors. 
"This is not the way!" 
"Please!" Beth cried out as Patricia wrapped her arms around the girl. 
"Get behind me." Lori whispered, shoving Carl behind her and trying to shield him. 
"Come on." 
The walkers scrambled and growled towards the group.  Phoenix bowed her head as Daryl gave her a glance before raising his gun and taking aim. Tears fell silently down her cheeks as she knew what was about to happen.
Something she could have warned the group about. 
"Maggie." Glenn whispered to the young woman, who was clutching her stunned father as tears flowed down her face too. 
"It's okay."  Maggie whispered and nodded  at Glenn who raised his own shotgun. 
"Stay back!" Rick yelled over the shots as Lori pulled Carl to the ground and hugged him tightly.  
The group panted as the barn doors slowly creaked and a lone figure appeared, blinking at the sudden change in lighting. 
"Sophia?" Carol sobbed, rushing towards the barn to her daughter before Daryl grabbed hold of her around the waist as she collapsed to the ground. "Sophia! Oh no. Sophia. Sophia. No!" 
Lori grabbed onto Carl and pulled him tighter against her as her heart broke for the other mother of the group. Carl sobbed as he stared at his friend's corpse stumbled towards the group. Rick pulled his gun out slowly and aimed at the little girl's head. Silence over took the land as a single shit was heard. 
"Don't watch." Daryl whispered to Carol as she sobbed. 
"Sophia!" Carol wailed as Phoenix turned and ran before her body had even hit the ground. 
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4rainynite · 1 year
Danny Phantom Enemies Headcanons
This headcanon is gonna be about the many characters from the series Danny Phantom and see what their relationship with Team Phantom would be in the series ranging from: ally, neutral, and enemy. Now, it’s time for the enemys, enjoy. Allies here and neutrals here!
P.S. Sorry this took so long to due, real life comes before making headcanons. Enjoy!
Warning : Some character explanations will be super long, mentions of death, and other things rated PG-13.
Skulker - He was one of Team Phantom's first villains and was obsessed with hunting Danny for his pelt (GROSS!) and for being a Halfa. Skulker obviously doesn't care about who or what he hunts especially if a child or an endangered animal is his target. Once it's revealed that Danny isn't the only Halfa around (Not just Vlad and Dani) I can see him giving Danny 'the reason you suck speech' about how Danny is no longer special or worth his time hunting, which is a relief for Danny, but they'll still fight each other. Skulker may over time have a villian's respect towards Danny and Team Phantom, but will never admit it. I have a theory that the only reason he never hunted Vlad is because Vlad bribed him with endless weapons if Skulker never hunts him and Vlad pays Skulker to hunt things for him. On the scale of villiany in the show Skulker is #4 seeing as he hunts for sport and how he has been dangerously close to killing Danny and others.
Nicolai Technus - As much as Technus is a mad scientist type guy, he didn't really have the drive to be evil until Danny planted the idea. Once the idea came to mind Technus went through without hesitation, he could've changed his mind anytime. He defiantly embraced his villainous role by manipulating Danny and Valerie's emotions to like each other knowing that Valerie likes Danny Fenton and hates Danny Phantom (a bold move, I must admit). Ans in the bad timeline he teamed up with Skulker forming an even bigger baddie. So, yeah, he's an enemy.
Walker - For a guy who's a warden and expects everyone to follow the rules he's a hypocrite. He makes his own rules for others to follow, kidnap children, putting that shock collar on Wulf and almost putting it on Sam, and framed Danny and made him public enemy number one in his own town! If the series continued like a court episode revealing that it was Walker who attacked the ex-mayor and his police ghost possessed many citizens. Thus, clearing Danny's name and some high council in the Ghost Zone (not the Observants one, but like a lower division council that handles the different ghost jails and domains) remove Walker from his position as a warden and he is a prisoner of his own jail. He'll obviously blame Danny and Team Phantom and wants revenge.
Penelope Spectra & Bertrand- Oh my gosh, where do I begin with her? After the trauma she caused during her first episode she's #3 on my DP deadliest villains chart. Before she even set foot in Caper High, Spectra has gone through many different schools sucking the students' of their misery/energy to make herself and Bertrand stay young by lying and humiliating them, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if those poor kids ended up committing suicide because of her. Heck, she tried to kill the students of Casper High in 'Doctor's Disorder' and Jazz during the pep rally in front of everyone to create more misery. She made Danny utterly miserable, tried to turn Danny against Jazz, and tried to vaporize Jazz, and made Danny question himself as a Halfa by calling him a freak. As for Bertrand he's basically her lap dog and has no problems resulting in killing to get what he and his boss want. I think we all can agree that these two need to stay away from everyone, but mostly children.
The Guys in White - Let's face it: Amity Park hates these guys! Every episode that they're threatening citizens and ghost. They seem to have no problem with collateral damage seeing how that tried to kill Gregor/Elliot thinking he was the ghost boy and destroyed the observation station. Unlike the Fenton's who'll pay for the damages they caused, the Guys in White refuse to pay a penny and use the excuse that they work for the government. The worst thing they ever committed was them trying to blow up the Ghost Zone which would destroy our world too. Overtime they'll waste too much money on ghost catching equipment and the citizens of Amity Park will get sick of them causing the organization to disband. With only Agents K, O, and the leader guy still around trying to capture Danny or any other ghost.
The Other Ghost Hunters - After, their encounter with Danny Phantom they most likely felt humiliated, and it only fueled their hatred towards ghost. But seeing how popular Danny Phantom is in Amity Park doing anything against him is a big no-no. So I can see them waiting for Danny to screw-up so they can catch him.
Control Freak and Lydia - Seeing as Team Phantom have ruined his circus and plan to take over the world it's a given that he's an enemy. He probably spent years going to every town with his circus stealing from banks, museums, and jewelry stores only to be stopped by a couple of teens would make anybody vengeful. I doubt he remembers that Phantom and Fenton are the same person after Danny erased everyone's memory, but he does remember the events. Seeing as Lydia and Control Freak are a couple she seems cool with whatever evil scheme he comes up with. I believe the two were dating before her death.
Prince Aragon - Let's see arrogant, was willing to marry a child (I'm aware that was a practice back then, but today absolutely not!), kept his kingdom imprisoned in time for hundreds of years, and was abusive towards his sister. I see him having more of a vendetta over Dora and Sam than Danny.
Hotep Ra - Was a backstabbing advisor who tried to takeover world.
Vortex , Undergrowth, Nocturn - All three are powerful elemental: weather (Vortex), earth (Undergrowth), and dreams (Nocturn) that connect not just the human world but the ghost world as well. In each of their appearance all three were able to takeout Amity Park in a short amount of time and gave Team Phantom a run for their money, until they learned a new skill to defeat them. Seeing how the Observants had Vortex on trial it's obvious he is super powerful! I wish there was a special episode where all three combined like Skulltech 9.9 to see what kind of damage they could do.
Pariah Dark - Guy was a tyrant king who ruled with an iron fist and was so powerful that a group of ancient ghosts had to imprison him in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep to stop his reign of terror. He doesn't care if you're human, ghost, or halfa in his eyes he's above all. The guy transported Amity Park into the Ghost Zone and lead an army that could've destroy everyone and the world! Heck, Skulker didn't want to confront him, SKULKER, that really says something! Hopefully, no one will be stupid enough to wake him up again.
Dan Phantom/ Dark Danny - He has no humanity in him, destroyed most of Amity Park (and most of the world), committed two thousand evil deeds, and even tried to kill his family and friends. Dan Phantom has no redeeming qualities and seeing how the observants couldn't take him out without Clockworks assistance shows how powerful he is. Inever believed Danny's ghost side was bad; Danny is Danny whether he's Phantom of Fenton. I believe the guilt and stress of losing everyone he loved and the fusion with Vlad was what form Dan Phantom. Heck! If it were reversed and Danny killed his ghost half, he would've been Dan Fenton human serial killer. For everyone's sake he needs to stay in the Fenton Thermos forever!
Master's Blasters - Okay, we all know season three and the last episode were to put it lightly -something. But I have to ask: where did Vlad find these guys? I mean honestly, a trio of ghost hunters pop out of nowhere, are better hunters than Valerie and Danny, the second they arrive Amity Park just eats them up and are willing to pay for being saved despite how they feel about the GIW, seriously? If it weren't for the cancelation, I would've built them up that Vlad staged their hunting/ rescues to make them look better than Phantom. As Danny slowly doubts himself as a hero the Master Blasters start charging for the rescues. At this point of time Phantom and Red huntress are nowhere to be found so the citizens of Amity Park have no choice, but to pay. Skip forward to the ending (minus Danny and Vlad revealed to be halfas) where the Fentons, Phantom, and Red Huntress team up to protect Amity Park from both ghost and human threats it's revealed that Master's Blasters aren't as good as they appeared without Vlad's trickery. They most like vow revenge on Team Phantom and try to outdo them only to fall flat.
Vlad Masters/ Plasmius - Where to begin with, Vlad? Oh, wait, I know! Vlad had this whole scheme to keep Maddie to himself, make Danny and Jazz see him as their father, created clones to make a new family, take over Amity Park, and tried to kill/humiliate Jack on a number of occasions. Even in the alternate timeline when he finally marries Maddie he is crazy controlling of her. He's doomed Amity Park/ the world numerous times for power, attempted to kill Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, and Dani who are children (would've killed Valerie too if he knew about her finding out his secret), has tried to discredit Danny, taken over Amity Park via cheating, used his ghost powers to gain his wealthy, the list goes on. Vlad does seem to have some regret which is something most of the villains of the show don't seem to grasp. His older self in 'The Ultimate Enemy' realized the error of his ways and helped Danny return to his timeline (Vlad did state that he could've killed Danny instead but choose to do the right thing). And judging from the end of 'Phantom Planet' and the cover of the book ' A Glitch in Time' he seemed remorseful. He's done many things that have endangered both ghost and human life just to mess with Team Phantom, only time can tell if he deserves redemption.
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minervadashwood · 2 years
Scars and Stitches, Ch. 4: Alone
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Summary: Rick is not pleased. Later, an attack on your camp. Warnings:  Typical twd violence.
How we need another soul to cling to. ― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
When Daryl let go of your wrist, you turned and threw up your hands defensively, trying to put yourself between him and the barrel of Rick’s gun. 
“Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot.” You glanced back at Daryl, and he was now about three feet away from you, crossbow raised and aimed at Rick.
Behind Rick were some of the other men from yesterday. Glenn seemed to be the only one with any sense; he wasn’t holding a weapon at the ready.
You figured it would be best to deal with Rick.  “Daryl didn’t do anything wrong.  I made him bring me out here.”
Rick glanced at you, then glared at Daryl.
Annoyed more than anything, you put both hands on Rick’s chest.  “Calm the fuck down, Rick.  You put your gun down, and Daryl will put his crossbow down.  No one here wants to hurt anyone else.  Just be calm, and I’ll explain everything.”
“She’s right,” Daryl said behind you, and to your surprise, he slung his crossbow over his shoulder.
“Yeah, c’mon man,” Glenn chimed in.
With a labored sigh, Rick uncocked his gun and holstered it. Then he gave you a long, hard look.  “I thought Daryl kidnapped you. To get back at me for Merle.  You had me worried sick.”
Rick was about the same age as you, but this was sounding like something a father might say.
“We woke up this morning,” Rick continued, “and no one could find you. Jim said you were at the Dixons’ tent last night, so I thought maybe you were with him.” It was clear Rick meant in the Biblical sense, prompting you to shake your head furiously.  “But he was gone, too.  I thought the worst.  Whole camp’s worried about you.”
Before you could process that bit of information, Daryl called your name.
You turned, and he tossed you the padlock from the door to the roof. 
You missed the toss, and the heavy lock clanged on the concrete. However, you understood Daryl’s intent.  You picked up the lock, and using a paperclip, unlocked it like you had before.
Rick raised his eyebrows.  “Why didn’t you tell anyone about that yesterday?”
“I tried to. I told everyone I wanted to go back, but no one listened.  And I didn’t want to come out and say, ‘I used to steal stuff,’ to a cop who’s been keeping me safe the past two days.”
Glenn perked up. “What did you steal?”
“Oh, come on, man, that don’t matter now,” T-Dog stepped away, clearly relieved but still anxious to get out of the city.
“Food,” you told Glenn. “Sometimes clothes or shoes. Money. Depended on what we needed. Never took from anyone who needed it more than me, though.”
“Oh,” Glenn said, deflated. “I was hoping it was like jewelry or casino heists or something.”
Rick looked like he had more to say to you, but all he did was start talking about guns and Dale’s toolbox.  As Glenn laid out his plan, you braced yourself for another exciting day in the big city.
As he drove the truck with you sitting safely between him and Glenn, Rick was still furious with you.
But he’d be lying if he didn’t admit he was a little impressed.  You may not be able to defend yourself, but he was quickly learning you weren’t as lacking in skills as you’d claimed.  He didn’t think you were deceiving him, just that you didn’t realize some things about yourself.
For instance, you’d convinced that crazy redneck Daryl to protect you in a city full of walkers. And kept him calm while doing it. Keeping Daryl Dixon calm was not something he—or anyone else—had managed to do. Rick didn’t like the thought of you getting close to a man like Daryl, but it was clear you could handle yourself when it came to the guy.
Beginning to think of you as a younger (if only slightly) sister, he hoped you would come to realize what a valuable person you were. Until then, he’d keep looking after you and try to steer you in the right direction.
It was early evening when you arrived back at camp to find pandemonium in place of your safe haven.  Rick ordered you to stay in the truck while he and the others went to help fight off the walkers.  Traumatized by the thought of being in danger again, you had no problem obeying.
When the attack on the camp was over, you watched through the windshield as everyone started hugging their families and friends, crying, but relaxed now that the walkers were gone.
You were sad for Andrea just like you were sad for Daryl, but you were also sad for yourself.  You didn’t have anyone to hug or hold on to.  If the camp had worried about you while you were gone, no one seemed to care about you now. Not even Rick.
You tried to tell yourself all the logical reasons you weren’t the loneliest person in the world, but it didn’t stop you from feeling like you were.
Eventually, some folks went to work making the camp habitable again, and soon the only people out and about were the few keeping watch.
With no reason to leave the vehicle, you continued to sit there, feeling sorry for yourself.  The valium in your medicine bag tempted you, but you’d never taken drugs aside from prescribed antidepressants. You wouldn’t start now.  Addictive behavior was in your genes, and the risk just wasn’t worth it.
Just when you thought you may as well lay down and try to sleep, the door to the truck swung open.
Daryl Dixon stared at you. “Hungry?”
Stunned speechless, you stared back.
“Got some ‘possum.”  After a pause, “Cooked.”
Daryl held out his hand, and, desperately craving the touch of another human being, you let him help you—for real this time.
Sometime later, Rick approached the small fire where you sat with Daryl Dixon.
“Morgan…” he began, trying to find the words.
Glancing at the radio in his hand, you asked, “Did he answer?”
Rick shook his head.  “I missed sunset, with everything that happened.  Tried for a while, but nothing.”
The deputy observed you and Daryl for a moment.  You went back to staring at the small fire, and Rick wished he knew what to say. He was torn between taking you back to the main camp and allowing you some space.
Besides, sister or not, Rick couldn’t really tell you what to do.
Without looking up from the fire, you said, “Lori and Carl okay?”
Rick nodded.  “Shaken like the rest of us, but okay.”
Without a word, Daryl stood, left the fire, and disappeared behind his tent. After a moment, Rick squatted beside you.  “You did good today.”
You looked up at him through hooded lashes.  “Do you think Morgan and Duane are okay?  Maybe something happened to them right after we left.  And I just abandoned them….”
Rick took a knee, so he was eye level with you. Then he said, “You can’t abandon someone who decides to stay behind.  Morgan made what he thought was the best choice for him and Duane.  He can’t take that back any more than I can take back leading you to a city full of the dead.”
You seemed doubtful.
“We all make choices,” Rick told you.  “No use trying to change them. Just have to learn from it and move forward.”
Shoulders slightly more relaxed, you sighed, “Thanks, Rick.”
He stood when you began to stare at the fire again.  “Well, you need anything, you know where to find me. Lori, too.”
Daryl reappeared after Rick left and again took a seat next to you.
You watched as he began using his knife to carve a series of wooden sticks into sharp points.  His hands worked expertly, turning the stick this way and that, knife chipping away at the wood. Once the first stick had been sharpened to his satisfaction, Daryl then carved out two notches a few inches from the other end of the stick.  You had no idea what the purpose behind it all was, but you were fascinated.
“Who’re Morgan and Duane?” Daryl said.
You realized you’d been staring, so you schooled your gaze back to the fire.  “My friend and his son. I was with them when I met Rick.”
Unbidden, a giggle burst out of you.  “Morgan and his wife, Jenny, are my best friends.  And I practically watched Duane grow up.  Jenny’s gone, though.”  You were starting to think Morgan and Duane might be gone now, too, but conceding that thought might really break you.
Daryl continued working at his stick project, whatever it was, and you furtively wiped at the corners of your eyes.
Time passed, and on a day in which the least frightening thing you’d done was stare into the barrel of a loaded revolver, you were ready to do something brave.
“Daryl, I know this sounds weird, but…can I hug you?”
He was clearly startled, but after a moment, he stood and held out his hand.
Mindful of the injury you’d stitched up yesterday, you pulled yourself to him, threw your arms around him, and buried your face in his chest. An overwhelming sense of comfort enveloped you as you breathed in the scent of him.  Like before, he smelled of the forest and cigarettes, and it reminded you of a life you’d left long ago. Although you had no regrets about leaving it, your childhood would always be a part of you.
Daryl silently held you in his strong embrace. You were reluctant to let go, but you forced yourself to not impose on him anymore.
You pulled away, gave him a whispered, “thanks,” and took your seat by the fire.
You both resumed the easy silence you’d had most of the evening. Words were unnecessary. You wouldn’t have minded another hug, but it was comfort enough just to share the same space with someone who seemed to care.
Daryl worked for a while more until he appeared satisfied with his stick sharpening. The fire itself was now nothing but a dim glow of fading embers.
“Better get out of the way,” Daryl said, standing up.
You stood and took a few steps back, then Daryl began kicking dirt on what remained of the fire. 
This was it.  You had to find your way to your borrowed sleeping bag and face the night alone.
Then, Daryl said, “You can stay with me. Merle’s stuff is still there.  He had an air mattress and a new pillow.”
You furrowed your brow at him, surprised but so very grateful. “Either you’re very perceptive or I’m easier to read than a popup book.”
Daryl shrugged.  “Safer havin’ someone watch your back than go it alone.”
AN: Gentle reminder that reader is not Rick's actual sister, but from here on out, he thinks of her as one.
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whumpacabra · 2 months
46. Reload
Past trauma, headache, sensory overload, firearm mention, brief self sacrificial and suicidal thoughts, minor character death, referenced dog attack, vaguely implied past noncon, repetition
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The hand that wrapped around Wolf’s wrist was unsteady, smeared in blood. He flinched at the contact, freezing in place. (He could almost hear Harrison’s angry snarl, the fast approaching footsteps over the ringing panic in his blood.)
“You won’t get away with this…” Anders’s voice was weak; he was bleeding profusely, left arm almost ripped off by Dog’s powerful bites. “You…I’ll find you again. You’ll…go back. Eventually…”
Wolf’s eyes flickered between Anders eyes and the folder. (Blood was starting to pool, soaking into the papers.) He needed to move, he needed to break away, he needed to look at Harrison -
“Run. Hide. You’ll be back. Dogs are loyal like that, against their better judgement…” Anders shuddered, moving his grip to Wolf’s jacket as he tried to pull himself upright. His face was inches from Wolf’s too-sensitive ears, breath hot and nauseatingly familiar. “It doesn’t matter if I die here - you won’t forget me. You won’t forget Smith. You won’t forget what we made you - ”
The gunshot rang out, clean and clear. A sniper rifle’s bullet at point blank range tore through Anders’ chest like a canon ball, a gap through blood and flesh and bone where his heart once was. A few futile spasms later, he lay dead.
Wolf didn’t move, breath caught in his throat until Harrison’s voice finally reached him, familiar hands scooping up the bloodied folder and dragging him back to his feet.
“What - Jesus fuck - god - ”
“Fucking creep.” The woman who still held the rifle swung it over her shoulder, unconcerned by Harrison’s frantic panic or Wolf’s sluggish haze. He stared at her, and she stared back - icy eyes cold and calculated and laced with restrained curiosity. “Well, are we gonna get to exfil or not? I’d rather not be here when they decide to carpet bomb this place to cover their tracks.”
“Agreed. Move, now.” RJ corralled Wolf and Harrison into the backseat of the truck, the woman sitting behind the driver’s seat next to Harrison. (Liza had mentioned there was a sniper called ‘Walker.’ But thinking back on that woman…that face made the hound in Wolf’s chest howl with recognition, with relief and grief in equal measure. He should have looked more closely - he should have asked - )
“You good?” Harrison’s voice was low, a whisper from where he sat between Walker and Wolf in the backseat of the humvee. Wolf hummed a soft sound of confirmation, the thought of speaking nauseating.
(Smith was dead. Anders was dead. But he could still feel their phantom hands around his throat. A collar he could never shake. Anders never lied.)
Wolf could still hear the helicopters circling overhead.
In fact, the hum of the rotary blades was far too loud, too close. Wolf nearly jumped out of the truck when he saw the Sikorsky Blackhawk waiting in the field below the Carlisle’s, it’s blades spinning lazily.
(He would have succeeded in throwing himself from the moving vehicle if the doors hadn’t been locked.)
“There’s our ride. Walker?”
“Earplugs.” She handed a pair up to Thomas, dropping two pairs in Harrison’s hands. “We won’t be airborne long - you know your tactical signs?”
“Yes ma’am.” Harrison’s voice had a smile in it, but that was far below the distant drone of the blades. Even with the earplugs, Wolf could feel a headache pulsing behind his eyes, his implants aching behind his ears. He hoped he didn’t look as shaky as he felt jumping out of the humvee, wind and dust whipping at his hair. He squinted at the figures sitting and standing by the helicopter’s open door, all wearing the same uniform as the soldiers that had accompanied Anders minutes before.
Wolf followed Harrison, trying to focus on his frantic heartbeat instead of the overwhelming Loud all around him. It was nauseating, and the idea of getting into the helicopter and flying wasn’t sitting well with his stomach. Harrison tapped him, brow furrowed in concern, lips moving but no sound reaching Wolf save for the Loud Loud Loud -
The distinctive ping of a bullet striking metal sent everyone scrambling, RJ dragging Thomas after them into the helo, Walker and Harrison following soon after. Wolf, in his haze of pain and panic and muted curiosity, turned around to see where the shooting was coming from.
A shuffle of movement at the crest of the hill, the glint of a scope dulled by the lack of direct sunlight.
(They weren’t going to stop. Not until he was dead, or they were.)
He was so tired.
Wolf had fought, he had been broken and beaten and bent into the shape his handlers thought he should fit. He had fought to break out of that mold, to see the sun and stars again, to know fresh air and warm safety. He had fought so hard to be free.
But he wasn’t sure he had the strength to keep running.
Wolf thought he heard his name, briefly, Harrison’s voice muffled and far away. He hoped Harrison was far away.
The weight that slammed into him was from the wrong direction - a bullet would have struck his chest, not his side. But as the weight pulled him down, Wolf became acutely aware of what had happened. One of the strangers had tackled him to the ground.
The man on top of him was heavyset, weight pressed on top of Wolf and rough, gloved hands grabbing at his jacket.
“Do you have a fucking death wish? Don’t you - ”
The words were muffled by the Loud, but he knew that voice. The smell of sweat and gunpowder and fresh blood rolling off the man was familiar in a way Wolf couldn’t place, something between stilling safety and hysteric relief. He couldn’t make out the man’s face, sunglare goggles and mask obscuring all but a thin line of pale skin across the bridge of his nose and the top of his cheekbones, but Wolf could feel in his bones he knew - or was supposed to know - the man on top of him.
(The usual panic wasn’t there, no well of terror and hate for the touch of another. Not for this man.)
He stared up at the stranger, the stranger stared down at him, rage silenced.
“Ghost! Get in the fecking ‘copter ‘fore I leave your ass here for the Yanks!” Wolf didn’t quite understand the thick Irish accent rolling from the closing helo door, but Ghost certainly did, dragging him up and into the craft as the others forced the doors closed.
(Ghost. He knew a Ghost, once. Ghost… His Ghost? Ghost ghost ghost ghost - )
Wolf couldn’t hear himself think over the roar of the blades churning, the rattle of gunfire against the helicopter’s hill. But he wasn’t sure it mattered, an almost-memory of a man holding him close. The soldier tore off his mask (a scar running up his left cheek from his jaw) and discarded his goggles (eyes, so sharp and yet so bright with fear and grief and cautious hope). Gloved hands cradled Wolf’s face, Ghost leaning in as though that would change his appearance or reveal some evidence of forgery.
Wolf, to his own surprise, found his own hands reaching out - even his right, shaking with pain as the stitches in his arm strained against twitching muscle. The face held in his palms was rough, scratchy with a few days unshaven, but Wolf knew it’s shape and scars. Wolf knew him.
Wolf remembered his Ghost.
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(An AU of my Freelancers series)
Taglist: @i-eat-worlds @whumpy-daydreams @stargeode
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somereaderinblue · 1 year
Walker Siblings Rewrite
I totally did not write this bcz I have a soft spot for siblings. Also, Melanie is frickin gorgeous, she deserved better. DC hire me.
ANYWAYS! Upon reentering the BB fandom, I’ve decided to try my hand at writing for it, which brings me to this. Ft. my Bludhaven Beyond AU! Enjoy!
Melanie Walker/Spoiler
Loved her the moment I saw her, hated how the show treated her. Especially the comics, god don’t get me started on it. Why why why did they reduce her to a Faux Action Girl & Stalker who literally went into action just to impress Terry? Hell no, we ain’t doing my girl dirty like that so here’s how it’s gonna go.
Melanie’s primary goal doesn’t just revolve around Terry; it’s about breaking away from her parent’s emotional abuse/manipulation. It’s about breaking away from a self-destructive lifestyle of crime she’s stuck in out of misguided loyalty to them.
Thus, she and her brother move to Bludhaven for a fresh start. It’s a lot easier since no one would rlly gives a damn there. Plus, it ensures their parents will never find them.
She’s content to continue as a restaurant helper & even teaches kids basic coding part-time. Her brother had a harder time adjusting which caused some tension, especially after he got fired. Fortunately, he soon found employment at Dick’s gymnastics studio, easing her worries.
Unfortunately, the peace wasn’t gonna last for long.
At first, she thought her brother was desperate for adventure when he came to her with his crazy theory about Mr. Grayson being an ex-assassin. She decided to humor him like siblings wont to do (she’s the sane sibling to Jack’s irresponsible, you can’t change my mind).
They discovered he was half-right.
Redemption time baby! Time to stick it to the asshole parents by becoming what they hated most!
Her brother blackmails convinces Dick to teach him so he could take on the Nightwing mantle. Dick didn’t think it was a healthier alternative to dealing with whatever parental issues the siblings had but between vigilantism and crime, the former was the lesser of two evils.
Melanie wasn’t interested and for a while, she was Jack’s ‘guy in the chair’. However, as her brother got into worse scuffles due to rising gang activity, she realized she had to step in. Not just to protect what family she had left but to prove that she’s better than her parents.
Thus, she modifies her old Ace costume and debuts as Spoiler. Lame moniker compared to Nightwing but hey, she’ll take it over Ten any day.
Jacqueline ‘Jack’ Walker/Nightwing
(The fandom page literally just calls him Jack so I made up his civilian name, don’t judge.) 
I surprisingly came to like Jack despite what little screentime he had. Which is why I’m disgruntled with how the tie-in comics treated him. Him going back to being a criminal & getting beaten up by Batman just felt like the writers were pointlessly kicking the dog (Melanie) more. After all the crap she’s been through, she could’ve at least gotten one decent family member. So, let’s give this guy more depth.
I hc that Jack found it harder to straighten out bcz he’s an adrenaline junkie & kleptomaniac; something his family’s criminal lifestyle unhealthily enabled.
He tried to accept his restaurant job but his urges made him pilfer silverware/ small valuables from his coworkers. That combined with his haughty attitude got him into trouble until his boss finally fired him.
Pissed, he went for a walk to clear his head until he stumbled upon a gymnastics studio. He had some gymnastic/acrobatic skill thanks to his time as a criminal. So, he walked in and after chatting with Mr. Grayson, landed himself a job there.
Surprisingly, he enjoyed it. The physicality gave him the adrenaline rush, Dick (having caught on to his kleptomania) helped keep his urges in check & the kids loved his knife tricks (he has a heart, okay?).
One day, a local gang tried to rough them up for ‘protection money’. He helped Dick scare them away but after seeing his mentor kick ass, Jack began to suspect he had a secret. An ex-criminal would naturally recognize another ex-criminal! Or assassin, either one was cool, really.
He managed to needle his sister into snooping around until they finally found the old Nightwing costume. Jack’s heard of Nightwing from online forums and he’s a closeted fan.
Seizing this golden opportunity, he begged Dick to teach him more. He won’t admit it but he’s not just interested in vigilantism for the thrill but bcz he’s realized he can care for others and that he does care.
Also, this would be the ultimate middle finger to dear old daddy.
Thus, Bludhaven had a Nightwing once more. And after one too many close calls, he had his sister joining his side, this time as Spoiler.
So maybe he can’t have riches. But hey, the wellbeing of his sister, mentor and the kids were good enough compensation for him.
Oh, and Dick totally doesn’t adopt these ex-criminal siblings with parental issues. He totally doesn’t become a cool supportive healthy father figure to Melanie & Jack who no longer have to be accomplices in crime to earn affection. Look at him, Bruce, he doesn’t enable your chronic adopting.
(A/N: note my sarcasm.)
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