#I really don’t know the etiquette here in tumblr so feel free to message me !!
chialattea · 3 months
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(flails around) daily Baby 5 posting I have two hands one is for Nami the other is for her! Chia’s type: women who could kill me and women who would scam me.
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greatstormcat · 4 months
Can I have some advice from one writer to another? It's okay if not, feel free to ignore
Basically, I'm fairly new to posting my fics and art here on Tumblr and I can't stop myself from feeling a little inadequate sometimes. I've been posting for about four or five months now and my writing posts rarely get more than 20-30 notes, if that. I've had my more popular posts, one of which hit almost 1000 notes, but other than that I don't really see much attention.
I feel bad for thinking like this, since so many people say that I should be writing for myself and not the validation of others, but I really want to share my work with people. I've been writing as a hobby for a while but I started my writing blog because I want people to find joy in my work as much as I do.
But when all of the stuff I post doesn't get much reach, it just feels awful. I keep getting the feeling that my ideas/works aren't that great, because if no one else finds them interesting then why should I?
With all of this said though, I feel so superficial for thinking this way. I want to be happy with my work but none of it feels meaningful the more I post and the more my stuff gets put to the wayside, y'know? A few of my mutuals have hyped me up and it feels good, but then it wears off really fast when even after weeks I barely see any notifications from anyone other than them.
Sorry for the long message, but I just wanted to see if you had any ideas on how to stop myself from starting to dislike my work because no one else really enjoys it, or at least don't show that they enjoy it.
Ahhh I know this thought process very well, and I promise you that everyone else that reads this that’s running a blog of any sort knows it too! We’ve all been in this exact same spot, some more recently than others. My first piece of advice is cling to those mutuals, hype eachother up because those are the people that will look after you. Getting a load of notes from faceless internet denizens isn’t going to sustain you anywhere near as much as you think it is. Getting random/insane asks and comments from people who interact with you is so much more important. (Sending hugs to all my mutuals.)
But, that said, I know you want to get your stuff out there to the people that will enjoy it, and this is hard work. I’ve not been going very long although I’ve been lurking around Tumblr since it was first created. My top tips for you are firstly nag the shit out of people to reblog your stuff. Unfortunately a lot of people are happy to hit like on something but leave it at that, they forget that unless stuff gets reblogged it sits still and dies. Reblogs are the lifeblood of Tumblr!
Secondly don’t be afraid to use a load of tags, just make sure they are appropriate ones. Don't tag spam, you’ll get flamed for that as it is terrible etiquette and will piss people off and get you blocked. Use as many tags for your subject/character as you can get in there and your post will pop up in the following tags section for readers. You can also use the scheduler which looks at when you corner of the site is most active.
Third, interact with other people who like the same stuff and they’ll likely end up looking through your blog and sharing your work. This is the one I struggled with the most because my autism is a nasty huge hairy bastard that stops me behaving like a normal human being in conversations. 
Fourth bit of advice, stop comparing yourself to who you consider ‘big blogs’. Behind every screen here is someone writing an idea on their tea break sitting on the toilet. There are no celebrities in fandom, just a bunch of normal people like you and me who happen to enjoy the same thing. Don’t think ‘oh I’ll never be as good as X blog’ because that person is thinking that same though about someone else. 
Last piece of advice following on from that, enjoy what you’re doing. It's really obvious when someone is just making ‘content’ because they think they have to keep up posting to be relevant. Only post stuff you have enjoyed writing/drawing and if you need a break, take one.
The biggest thing is to not hang your selfworth on this, it's just a bit of fun and doesn’t reflect you as a human being. 
That turned out like a huge motherly talk, and I hope it doesn’t come across as condescending because tone is hard to convey. Feel free to use or ignore as you see fit! If you feel up to it feel free to tag me in something you’ve written or drawn.
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stellevatum · 2 months
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Please at least give it a read! Liking this post also means it’s more likely I will follow back, as I know you have RAU’d.
Updated 05/10/2024
Kar/Karmun/Karthonic either-or. If you'd rather separate mun/muse you can use my middle name, Asher to refer to me.
They/Them is cool.
From New York, so the timezone is EST.
Birthday’s January 1990, so 30+
Spoonie with AuDHD
Artist, and educator, so I can get busy. I commute, so I'm on the train for a few hours a day,
You can reach me on here or on discord. Just ask.
Personal blog @karthonic.
On mobile most of the time.
I left the Tumblr RPC 4 years ago so forgive me as I catch up with the new etiquette, etc.
Above all else: Be Excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
This sounds redundant to post this but: If you have no intention of RPing with me don’t follow. Lurking for a bit before reaching out is fine, but I would like genuinely interested folks. Optional, but I've made an interest checker to help organize things.
Communication is key. My muse might be intimidating, but I'm not-- just very busy and on mobile more often than not. Don’t know something, or want me to elaborate: ask! I forgot a reply or not feeling a thing anymore, lemme know. I'm good. I like get to know the people I write with, it makes me plot things better.
This incarnation Kar is for SCIENCE FICTION/SPACE OPERA like verse. Her Contemporary/Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/Supernatural self can be found at @obscurushydrae
While she's Star Wars Based,  don’t sweat it if you don’t know the other stuff. If your fandom/verse has a way in, I can finagle her into all sorts of place (she's literally an cosmic horror at heart).
That ‘selective’ part comes into play. I have every right to not follow someone, decline a roleplay, just as you do. Just be polite and respectful.
OC/Crossover/AU/Multiverse/Self Insert friendly. Not your thing, then feel free to not follow.
There will be casual mentions of recreational drug use, more often than not mentions of alcohol than drugs, but will be tagged upon request. Other possible triggers are her fatalistic humor. 
This is not a content resource blog. If you’re here for the pretty pictures, aesthetics, or memes, this is not the blog for you.
Godmoding is discouraged but I’m not going to stop it. I will likely try to out ridiculous you Bugs Bunny style. Even though she can’t die, you’re free to try and kill her, but let me know first (either way she’s gonna be pissed FYI).
Most art is mine but will be credited. If I reblog any art reposted without the original creator’s permission, let me know. I’ll remove it.
Please don’t follow/interact if you’re under 18. If I follow anyone underage, it’s because I wasn’t able to access any about/ooc information, please don’t take it personally if I unfollow!
If I don’t follow you and you follow me, please just hit me up before doing something. Just because I don’t follow means I’m not interested, I just don’t think our characters mesh with the information given. If we chat about it, who knows!
If I follow you or like a post but not follow, it's likely because I want to check out your rules but can't find a mobile friendly/need time to look through things, especially if it's a carrd. If you follow back, I'll message/send passwords as I don't want to overstep.
I don’t usually greet/interact with personal blogs, so side blogs off personals give me a heads up. Otherwise, I might miss you.
I may unfollow or softblock-- but that doesn't mean I am not against second chances. It usually mean either we haven't really done anything and I'm keeping my dash tidy or you never followed back so I'm taking the hint and stepping off, or you were inactive for 6+ month and I assume you abandoned the blog.
If you'd prefer I don't accidentally re-follow, you are free to hardblock. It's a bummer, but we need to what makes each of us comfortable to write. I will only hardblock if it is in your rules or if it was something serious that warrants it.
Compatible Fandoms (ie I am Familiar with): Star Wars, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Alien/Predator, Dune, The Outer Worlds, Subnautica, No Man's Sky, Galaktikon, RaM, H2G2, and more!
Kar for the most part, is literally the Force. In a body. Raised by mortals, so she thought she was. And spent most of her life just vaguely gesturing and just going with "humanoid." Force sensitive characters might be able to sense her, but she can mask it.
As for appearance, unless you’re really looking you might notice the fangs. And for the most part, assume she’s wearing her signature sunglasses covering her eyes since those rarely are taken off in public.
While not usually brought up, but Kar has attempted to end her life and self-harmed. Nowadays it’s usually just masked with fatalistic humor, recreational drug use, and lots of drinking. 
Askbox will only be open for IC interactions, save for when the meme specifies Mun. IMs are for OOC communication. Anon feature is for sideblogs, multimuses to interact ICly with me. Any Anon messages good or bad directed to the Mun (outside of memes) will be ignored. The Anon feature is privilege, I will revoke it for my well-being if need be.
No Magic Anons, please!
There’s no need to wait to send me a meme if you’ve followed me for 5 minutes or 5 months, send the thing.
Reblog Karma is going to be enforced on this blog. That is, if you reblog an ask meme off me, please send me one. Otherwise, reblog the meme from @karref
Jump on any open post, there’s no need to ask permission, they’re there for that reason!
I will be keeping my posts simple! I don't have the time/energy to make formatted posts, and I like to keep things as accessible as possible. I do try to keep track of the heavily plotted stuff, but the casual things might drop off. Feel free to remind me if it's been a bit!
Communicate! If you’re having trouble writing a reply, talk to me! If you don’t like or not feeling a thread, say so and drop the thread. That also doesn’t mean things are done for good. Come to me if you want to skip/do something else.
If you’d rather we move things to discord, just ask! I’ll set up a server just for us!
Shipping is welcomed and willing to discuss the possibility, but I leave the rest to chemistry and just how we as writers write. Kar is into male muses, and will be polite about turning other people down, unless one doesn’t take the hint.
I will only write ships with muns older than 21, but 25+ is preferred.
That being said, I will no longer tolerate stringing me along, or vague replies. Please be clear and direct. If you are interested; say so. If you are not or no longer wanting to go in that direction, tell me. Any vague or non-committal replies will be treated as disinterest and dropped.
This blog is multiship, meaning each relationship is treated as its own separate place in the multiverse unless discussed and agreed upon.
Kar can be polifidelitous. She’s okay with having multiple partners and those partners having partners if your character is cool with it. But she can be selectively monogamous in your little bubble too.
NSFW may be on here, or I might do it over discord. I'm playing it by vibes. As I don't really have any established romantic stuff since rebooting, I can't say with any certainty. Will update when I do know.
Blood, Gore, Body Horror, Drugs, etc, will be tagged with (name); for instance drugs; . Special Tags on request.
Posts will be tagged upon request, just let me know!
If you read and understand this, I would appreciate if you'd leave a like the post, that way I know you have without forcing a password.
But if you'd like to message me, here's a DM icebreaker: What's your favorite extinct animal? (If you're lucky I may have cool fact about it.)
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seraphicalsuccubus · 24 days
I'm on NA servers! And id be so down to spam some bg
Also I don't know tumblr etiquette very sorry if I should have just rebkonges your last answer idk what I'm doing ever :3
oh no sending another ask is totally fine, it’s actually preferred because it ensures I’ll actually see your response bc my activity tab is always acting up on mobile recently so i miss when people reblog things in response to me sometimes 😥
but hell yeah baybee let’s goooo !!! do you main horde or alliance ?? are you interested in making a MoP remix character and doing some of that stuff ?? I haven’t started it yet but MoP is by FAR my favorite expansion (along with Burning Crusade, Wrath, and Legion. fuck the rest of them tbh, except some of Dragonflight because Amirdrassil has been my favorite raid since Antorus, the Burning Throne back in Legion lol) so I was planning to maybe tonight or this weekend and check that stuff out but we can also just make regular current Dragonflight toons to level, or fuck it, do both and switch between them as we get bored with what we’re doing !! doesn’t matter to me !!
I main horde but i have some (many 😅) alliance alts because, sue me, but i love the way the Lightforged Draenei look, okay ?? 😭 (and now that we have void elves I can just play an emo blood elf on alliance too lmfao) and some horde alts, and they’re all in different PvP level brackets or we could make some brand new toons to keep just for running stuff together !! I’m game for anything !!
either way, I’m basically cool with doing some remix stuff or just spamming bgs on alts or even starting fresh with whatever, I don’t care !! I do play solely healers so regardless of what we do, our queues for things should be relatively quick since everyone usually always needs heals, and we’ll basically never die with me keeping us both alive in PvE and PvP (if you stick with me during bgs) lol
jeeze, this was a long winded way of asking whatcha like to do in game/faction preference and whatnot just to lead into giving you my battle.net tag regardless because I’m really just up for anything in game so I guess none of that really matters all that much lmfao.
ANYWAYS, it’s Gothicc#1445, feel free to add me and shoot me a message since I have the b.net app on my phone and can reply to messages anytime there !! (if you don’t already have me added because I’ve posted my tag before so I dunno if you’ve already got me on your friends list or not but here it is again, just in case !! 🖤)
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bridgertonblr · 2 years
Hi, first I’d like to tell you how much I enjoy your blog! I can tell you put a lot of work into it! Thank you! I’ve actually never asked a question on tumblr before, and I hope this isn’t too weird, but I have a question that’s been bothering me every time I rewatch season 2 (which is an embarrassing number of times). Please feel free to not answer if it’s a ridiculous question, or not important enough to consider. I won’t be offended. I’ve just always wondered……..when the Sharmas first arrive at AH in ep3, none of the Bridgerton women are wearing gloves when they greet them all outside. I thought this was a nice nod to maybe being more relaxed in the country, and possibly to show how the Sharmas had really already been accepted into the family, even if they didn’t realize it. I’ve always assumed that when it’s just the Bridgertons there, they wouldn’t wear gloves to play Pall Mall, bc it’s just their family there, and they never wear gloves around only each other, so there would be no need. When they do start to play, the girls are all now wearing gloves, but Violet, LD and Mary, are not. I also thought this was a nod to the comfort they felt, and the casual atmosphere. So, finally, my question is………in the epilogue, when now it’s just family (and LD, but I think she’s considered family to them), ALL of the women are now wearing gloves. Even Violet and LD. Why would they become MORE formal around only their family, when no guests are around? Especially when they weren’t even wearing gloves to meet Anthony’s future bride, or during the game for the mothers. Maybe I missed an explanation somewhere, or maybe it’s in the books, but I can’t find where anyone has talked about it, and it’s driving me crazy! I would’ve loved to see them all together, as a family, playing Pall Mall, and completely relaxed and comfortable together. I’m sorry this ask is so long! I know I’m putting way too much thought into a scene from a fictional show, but I thought it was an odd choice to increase the formality, and the “rules” when they are there by themselves? Also, Since Kate is very outspoken about her dislike for rules, I don’t think it would be on her behalf. Has anyone ever thought about this, or know the answer? It doesn’t really matter, but I decided I would just ask and see. It would’ve made the epilogue even better than it was, IMO, if that’s even possible. Thanks for reading my rambling message. I hope you have a great weekend! Thanks again for all of your hard work!
hi! firstly, thank you for the compliment!! we're really excited about this blog and happy you're enjoying it too!
re: gloves — I can't 100% speak to the directors/writers/costume designers choice behind the Bridgertons, Sharmas, and LD's glove-wearing in the Aubrey Hall episodes but I did some light research on Regency glove etiquette and here's what I think. under the cut since it's a bit long:
2x03 the Bridgerton ladies + Mary Sharma are gloveless when first meeting outside AH — I can only assume the Bridgertons are more comfortable at their country home (this source mentions rules were more relaxed at country homes) and, having just come from hanging around inside, didn't feel the need to put gloves on. the Bridgertons also have a much more informal family dynamic than others as shown by the youngest children joining them for dinner (which Simon noted in s1). not sure why Mary wouldn't be wearing gloves while LD was though
2x03 pall mall players wearing gloves vs Violet, Mary, & LD gloveless — since one purpose of gloves was to protect the wearers hands from the dirt & the elements (source), I can only guess that the ladies playing pall mall wore them to keep their hands clean from the mallets. you can also see that most, if not all the gloves are the sheer mesh or netted type which seemed to be a choice that allowed more dexterity (source / source). also, for ladies, glove etiquette meant they didn't wear gloves while dining (source). I think Mary & Violet removed their gloves because they were sitting by the treats and tea. I can only assume LD had done the same to eat but got excited and kept her gloves off while cheering on the players. again, country home rules seem to be more relaxed anyway
2x08 all ladies wearing gloves in the final scene — I don't see anyone eating or drinking in this scene, so I can only assume that everyone is wearing gloves to protect their hands from getting dirty (as mentioned previously). specifically, I think it makes sense, with the regency rules, for any of the ladies playing to wear gloves. and, despite them wearing gloves at the start of the game, I also have a good feeling that as the game went on, Violet & LD would soon remove their gloves again
again, I'm not totally sure what the choices were behind when the gloves were on vs off but I can only guess the show tried to follow Regency etiquette as best they could while also occasionally highlighting the Bridgertons' tight-knit, informal family dynamic. I hope this helped put these scenes in a new light for you!
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Exchange Posting Guide
Hello, friends and frenemies! We are less than three days away from the collection opening, which means I have a tension headache every morning I wake up and remember that I have to finish my exchange fic. The no-fault defaulting deadline has passed, but if you realise you will not be able to finish on time please, please let us know ASAP anyway so we can get a knight writer to write your recipient a gift.
On the other hand, if you have completed your exchange fic draft, please remember to tell us before the 1st! About a third of the participants already confirmed they’ve finished their fic, and we say:
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Okay, now with the collection opening soon, here’s some FAQ on posting!
First off, how dare you?
Honestly, I ask myself that all the time, and the answer is there is no answer. We knew what an exchange would be like. Chances are, you did too when you signed up because many of you were here last year. We have no one else to blame but ourselves.
How does posting work?
The exchange portal will open on August 1st at 12pm AEST. Once it opens, use AO3 to upload your fic as usual:
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Most of the upload process will be exactly the same as usual, but you need to fill in the following two fields:
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Fill in the first with “JaimeBrienneFicExchange2021” (It should autofill, but please be careful to select the right collection! This one is the one we're using. Alternatively, you can go straight to that collection and click the “Post to Collection” button on the top right under the banner once the collection is open.)
Type in your recipient’s AO3 name in the second field. Double check your original prompt to ensure you have the correct name. A few people have different tumblr/AO3 names and we don’t want any fics to go awry.
If you've already made an AO3 draft before the 1st, make sure you add it to the collection and put in your recipient's username in the fields we mentioned above, and make sure you change the date when posting (or your fic will be buried). Be aware it can cause some shenanigans where the fic may not appear at the top of the page.
After that, it’s as simple as clicking post! Your fic will be submitted to the exchange and automatically be made anonymous. As the author, when you open your own fic, it will say ‘YourUsername (Anonymous)’, but to other users it will simply say ‘Anonymous’. Author’s names will not be revealed until August 21st, when we click the button to reveal them.
Feel free to reply to comments during that week. As long as you are logged into the account that posted the fic, all of your comments will also be anonymised.
If any of this process is confusing to you, PLEASE reach out to one of the organisers (nire-the-mithridatist/slipsthrufingers/firesign23/samirant/im-auntie-social)! We’re happy to hold your hand through the process 🤗
What about Lil’ Oathkeepers?
I’m glad you asked, imaginary exchange participant that’s totally not me talking to myself! A Lil’ Oathkeeper is a gift that can be any size and shape. It can be art! A video edit! A moodboard! A fic shorter than 1000 words! Or… a fic longer than a 1000 words, but you probably know that. Anyone (you don’t even have to be signed up to the exchange) can make and gift a Lil’ Oathkeeper. We’ll be releasing the prompt spreadsheet and posting instructions on the 1st!
Why is the exchange opening a day earlier than you said?
Because Slips has set the time on the exchange to suit her own timezone. She has to stay up till after midnight to watch F1 cars go vroom vroom and had to deal with being spoiled for every single episode of Game of Thrones on Tumblr and Twitter because it aired in the US while she was at work. This is her own petty little vengeance and she will not apologise for that.
Also it’s easier for her to keep everything straight in her head this way. Mathematics is not her strength. We’re kindly moderators though, so here’s a handy timezone conversion for you.
Why do I need to let you know by the 1st that I’ve finished my fic if I can post it anytime during the following week?
So we can find a knight writer ASAP. The sooner we know that you won’t be able to complete your fic, the sooner we can find someone to fill in for you. We don’t want anyone to be disappointed.
Do I have to post ON the 1st of August? I’ll be AFK for the day because my cat has a piano recital!
No, you can post it anytime between the 1st and the 7th. If you can’t or don’t want to post it on Sunday, then you can absolutely wait until later. We anticipate that the bulk of fics will be posted over the weekend, but if you want to post it on the 6th, then that’s absolutely your choice. Just be mindful that your recipient may be worrying why they haven’t received one.
Also tell your cat we’re rooting for them!
I really overshot the 1k limit and need to post multiple chapters. Should I post them together and drop my 40k prompt fill in the tag all at once, or can I stagger it throughout the week?
You must have a complete posted story by the 7th of August, unless you have reached out to us to make alternate arrangements. If you want to post your story over the week, you can. If you want to post it all at once, you can. As long as your prompter gets a completed fic in the posting window, we don’t mind.
(Also, look at your life, look at your choices! It was a 1k minimum!!! Buncha overachievers in this fandom, I swear 😂😂😂)
Can I thank my beta in the notes of my story?
Absolutely you can! The betas of the fandom be working HARD this week, they definitely deserve recognition. Just be mindful of including anything in your notes that might reveal who you are. You could choose to name your beta, or just thank them generally and add their name after authors have been revealed.
What if I don’t receive a story?
It might be because your author hasn’t posted it yet - they have the full week from the 1st to the 7th to post their story. It also might be because your fic needed a knight writer to write it. If this is the case, know that your knight is probably working very diligently to complete it, but might not be able to complete it within the window. If it looks like your fic will be significantly delayed (like until after authors are revealed) we will contact you directly to let you know what’s up.
What’s the etiquette around thanking my author?
A kudos and a comment is pretty standard. It’s up to you how long your comment is; we don’t write comments with our heads, we write them with our hearts. Just keep in mind that a person out there spent time working on something just for you and make sure you show your appreciation, even if the story isn’t exactly what you expected!
Can I promote my story?
Please don’t do this until authors have been revealed through the collection.
Can I rec my gift story?
Absolutely! Share the love! You can choose to rec it while it’s still anonymous, or wait until the authors are revealed. It’s up to you.
I’m not participating in the exchange, but I want to get into the spirit of the week. What can I do?!
Well firstly, read any of the 102 fics we expect to be posted that week! Read them and enjoy them! Leave a kudos! Leave a comment! Leave ten comments! Write rec lists and share them on Tumblr or Discord or TikTok, wherever it is that the cool kids hang these days!
What’s for dinner, nire?
Chicken, seasoned with my own tears.
I have another question that hasn’t been answered in the FAQs
Either send us a message through tumblr, or get in touch with one of the organisers privately. We’ll get back to you ASAP!
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bottlesandcats · 3 years
hiii!! i hope it's okay to just ask you, i really want to start writing fanfiction but i'm so embarrassed of my writing style and in general, ever showing it to anyone? do you have any tips for beginners? 🥺
Hey there Anon! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but I was at work when I saw your ask, and wanted to really think about what to say before responding. With that in mind, I hope you don't mind a really lengthy answer.
I have to say I’m incredibly flattered to have someone ask me for writing tips, and will do my best to provide some insights based on my own experience. I'm no expert, but I've done a lot of writing both academic and creative. Of course, it goes without saying that the following strategies are what work for me, personally. Everyone works and thinks differently, so some of my suggestions may not fit the way you work and that's totally okay!
Because I am an anal nerd, I've organized my responses into categories.
Writing Style
Firstly, remember that your writing style is unique to you and you have nothing to be embarrassed about! But honestly, I think a lot of writers feel the same way; I don’t actually like my fiction writing style, either, and am always working to improve it.
One thing I’ve found that helps: find authors whose style you really like, and read and reread their stories and study how they write. What’s their sentence structure like? How do they write dialogue? How do they set up scenes? Is it through dialogue or more through the use of a character’s thoughts? This is what I do. I have three authors, who all write in a particular way that I really love, that I tend to reread and study for inspiration. Just know that your style is not set in stone and you do have the ability to adjust it, it just takes practice.
At the end of the day it's easy to wish we could write like our favorite authors, but don't be too hard on yourself; your style is special, too!
Getting Started
When I used to write research papers in school, I was a big fan of creating outlines before I'd start writing the actual paper. However, for creative writing, I don't use outlines because I find that I'm constantly changing things around. The outline would either have to be so basic in order to allow for flexibility that it wouldn't be of much use, or it would become irrelevant three chapters in.
Writing that first sentence is probably the hardest part of writing a story. What I did, for the story I'm working on now, is picked a part that I was really excited to write about and just started with that, first (I'm pretty sure it was something that comes much later in my story, that I haven't even posted yet). That helped me to get really into the process and feel confident about what I was doing, which made it easier to move onto other sections. What I'm trying to say is don’t be hemmed in by feeling like you have to write sequentially. I tend to write scenes as they come to me; I don’t force myself to write consecutive chapters, if that makes sense. For example, in my current story, I had chapter 14 finished before chapter 11 bc I had a burst of inspiration and just wrote it all out. Just be aware that sometimes this can lead to you writing yourself into a corner (which did happen to me in this fic), but the beauty of it all is that it’s your story and you can change whatever you want!
If you’re writing a story with chapters, keep a point in mind. My beta reader actually taught me this. With each chapter, ask yourself “What is the goal of this chapter?” Think of chapters as mini stories that, when combined and read in order, create one big story (duh). Therefore each chapter should ideally have a purpose that moves the overall story forward.
Write about what you know. If you don't know -> research
Authenticity is really important to me. I have googled the most random shit for this story: "Did soldiers have to repair their own uniforms in WWII?" "Popular slang of the 30s and 40s." "How to make jambalaya." "Popular cigarette brands of the 30s."
I have also been very careful around race in my story as it involves POC and I'm as white as white gets (I got a hyphenated name and everything). When I address a character's emotions around race I try to match it to how they acted in the show/movie. I don't rely on conjecture or how I think they'd feel, bc as a white person, it's impossible for me to truly know what it's like to be a POC. This also goes for dialogue; it can be easy to turn people into caricatures. I've watched TFATWS at least three times, and have watched numerous interviews with Anthony Mackie to try and make sure I write dialogue and emotion that fits him as an individual and not a stereotype. It's not perfect, and I'm sure I've made some mistakes, but it's something that's really important to me and I try my damndest to make sure Sam Wilson comes across as authentic.
Getting Edits
I see a lot of people suggest sharing your work with friends or family to get feedback. I'm not really a fan of this because I'm pretty private about my writing. I don't want anyone that I know reading it bc, frankly, I'm embarrassed (hey look how we came full-circle there!). Besides AO3, Tumblr is the only space that I feel comfortable enough to share my work without fear of judgement. I think the preferred alternative is to get yourself a beta reader. This is the first fic that I've worked on with a beta reader and...wow, what a huge difference it has made! I found my beta reader when he posted on tumblr expressing an interest in beta'ing, and so I messaged him (hey @3dg310rdsupreme). It’s the best decision I ever made. He has truly made me a better writer, and my current in-progress fic wouldn’t be nearly as good without him offering edits, acting as a sounding board, and reigning in my excessive use of lengthy paragraphs (he will probably cringe at these paragraphs, here).
Posting Your Story
If/when you do decide to post your story in a public forum, try to maintain a loose posting schedule. When I first started uploading I committed to a chapter a week, but by the eighth chapter I was getting too stressed and found myself glued to my computer 24/7 trying to keep up. Hold yourself to goals so you don't wind up abandoning the fic, but remember that you are your own boss and this is meant to be fun, so go easy on yourself. I'd also recommend getting several chapters finished BEFORE you even post the first one, to give yourself a head start. You think you have plenty of time but it's surprising how much time edits and rewrites can take.
It can be really scary to share your work with others. Writing is really hard, can be very personal, and it's an incredibly vulnerable feeling to put yourself out there like that and leave yourself open to the judgements of others. I was terrified when I first started to upload chapters because I just wasn't sure what reader etiquette was like. The last time I posted a fic was on FanFiction.net almost 10 years ago and ppl did not hold back their criticism (I think things have vastly improved since then or maybe AO3 readers are just nicer). I can't emphasize this enough: you are not obliged to take readers' criticisms/feedback whether they are constructive or not. I don't ever leave criticisms or corrections when I comment on other writers' stories; I honestly don't feel it's my place to do anything other than support them as they are sharing their talents for free. Some writers welcome constructive criticism, and will typically state that in the notes if they are open to it. I do not; it's why I have a beta reader. I did have one reader post a public comment correcting me on a couple things (one of which was a misunderstanding on their part) and I politely requested that in the future any corrections should be sent to me privately, not publicly shared.
Wow...I think that's a good start. I really hope at least some of these tips will be useful to you! Thanks for reaching out, feel free to do so again, and if you ever want to send some pages my way you are more than welcome to! Just remember, be kind to yourself and have patience bc seriously…
Tumblr media
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crushpdf · 3 years
Tumblr Etiquette Masterpost
Hi! Because I have (1) anxiety (2) been on tumblr for more than a decade, I have assumed the incredibly narcissistic position of making a post about how to interact with people on tumblr, since I think I’ve mastered the basic rules.
UPDATE: I started drafting this post a while ago. I'm not calling anyone out. I mostly made this because I realized I had a shocking number of followers who are new to tumblr.
In this post I’m covering Asks + Anons, Reblogging + Liking, Following, Tags, and ~Making Friends~.
TL;DR: tumblr etiquette is about social norms. These are the norms I have observed in my time here. You’re free to blog as you choose, but tumblr is a happier place when everybody is following the same guidelines.
Yes I use the words like “have to” or “rule” in this post. No, none of these are actual rules. Do what you want, but be prepared to face disgruntled users.
Let’s get started!
All About Following 
Rule #1: You do not have to follow anybody you don’t want to. You do not need to let someone follow you if you don’t want to.
Tumblr is technically a social media site. If you want to grow your social circle, follow your mutuals’ mutuals. The internet is like real life. You do a Group Hang, and then eventually you get to the one-on-one friendship. (Please refer back to Rule #1)
Some of your mutual-in-laws might feel slighted if you follow everyone except them. That’s okay. (Please refer back to Rule #1) You might feel slighted if you’re the one not being followed. That’s okay. (Please refer back to Rule #1)
Tumblr is technically a social media site, but it’s also a place to see the content you like, not just the people you like. You can be friendly with people you don’t follow, or who don’t follow you. Some users are amazing people who just post the wrong content. That’s okay.
If someone posts content you don’t like, unfollow them. If you don’t like someone’s personality, unfollow them. Don’t be an asshole, don’t hate-follow, and don’t stress yourself out.
Asks, Anons, Messages
I tried to organize my thoughts into paragraphs. I really did. But talking to people on tumblr is messy if you do it wrong, and I’m just going to bullet-point some etiquette guidelines.
Rule #1: You do not have to answer any messages you don’t want to.
Your 500 word message should not be the first time a user sees your name
.....Before you get Venting Privileges, a user should recognize you from the tags you leave on their posts, or the comments you leave on their fic, or the other shorter messages you’ve sent them, or from being mutual-in-laws, literally whatever. But it’s Not Cool to dump things on people who don’t even know you.
The anon button should be used in two scenarios only:
.....1, to send a positive message. Not neutral! Positive message, the kind of message you send with heart emojis.
.....2, if you don’t want to admit personal information about yourself. The Venting Privileges Rule still applies even if you’re on anon (ie: you can’t vent! Because they don’t recognize your username!) and “personal information” does not include unpopular opinions. I’m talking messages like “Saw your post about living in Houston, and I agree!”
.....(Okay, three scenarios: if someone specifically asks for anons for an ask game or something!)
If you don’t want it posted publicly, don’t send it over an ask. Send it as a DM. You can always kindly request that the recipient doesn’t publish it, but typical tumblr etiquette is that asks get published by default.
Personally, if I follow someone back I like to introduce myself! Many of these conversations end after the “hi” stage, and I never force friendship upon someone. But many of these conversations also work as ice breakers, and make it easier to send the second message, and the third. Don’t worry that you’re being rude if you don’t do this—it’s also totally normal to just keep blogging as usual!—but it’s helpful in making friends.
If you reblog an ask game from someone, it’s just common courtesy to send them an ask of your own.
Tags, Blacklists
Rule #1: You do not need to use any tags you don’t want to.
(Are you sensing a theme? But this one gets a...)
But, be prepared to face disgruntled followers over this.
Tags are useful in so many ways. They’re a great place to organize posts so you can find them more easily later on! They’re a great place to show off your personality! They’re a great (and quiet! More on this later) place to show appreciation for content creators.
They’re also so incredibly helpful for your followers to avoid content they don’t want to see. If you’re delving into a new fandom and are about to reblog twenty posts in a row, tag it. If you’re liveblogging a movie, tag it. If your post (especially your photo posts) contains any common phobias or unpleasant things (gore, spiders, etc) tag it. And if one of your followers asks you to tag certain content, even if you don’t really understand why? Tag it, or else expect to lose that follower.*
*This isn’t about your follower count, btw. This is about being a decent person.
On the other hand, use blacklists and filtering liberally! If a user does tag their content, you have no right to complain about their posting it. Just filter it.
Reblogs, Likes, Comments
Tumblr is a blogging site. It functions on reblogged posts. That’s just how it works. This is not one of those sites where you scroll for hours clicking the like button.
Here are what likes are for:
Showing support for someone’s personal posts
Showing appreciation for someone’s tags
Admiring content that doesn’t exactly align with your blog (different fandom, inappropriate, whatever.)
Saving a post to find later
Showing double the love!
Here is where likes are most disappointing:
The original fic, artwork, or edits of your fellow tumblr users, especially in your fandom
(If you’re someone who regularly reblogs things, I’m not talking to you. You’re allowed to simply “like” posts. I’m talking to those users in my notifications that, day after day, like 35 of my posts and reblog exactly 1 of them.
Just reblog shit.)
Also, remember how I said you can quietly show appreciation in the tags? Only comment directly on a post if you are sure you’re adding something worthy to the post. If you’re just saying “haha me too!” or “I remember this!” just leave it in the tags. (Reminder! You can do what you want! It’s your blog and I’m not the police! I’m just teaching you etiquette! And the polite thing to do is to leave personal commentary in the tags!)
Let’s recap:
Aaaaand: Making Friends
Start small. Introduce yourself after you have mutually followed each other.
Leave nice things in people’s tags. They notice.
Send ask game messages.
Show off more of your personality. This isn’t a one way street!
.....You can do this by, well, reblogging things. Also by tagging things. Also by just making original posts.
Do not go zero to one hundred. You wouldn’t sit next to someone in class and start talking about your trauma (even if you heard that they share your own!). So don’t do it online.
Like people’s vent posts, and their asks, and their tag games. Reply to them, too.
Honestly? Do more tag games! If someone says “anyone can do this and say I tagged you” take them up on the offer! Tag other people you want to get to know more.
Last but not least, you do not owe anyone anything on tumblr, and no one owes you anything. Ignore the rude message. Block the annoying tag. Follow the users you like even if they don’t follow you back. Do not tell people to post more of X. Do not tell them to post less of Y. Do not ask them why they don’t follow you.
It’s so much easier to press the unfollow button than to be a dick.
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our-family · 3 years
  “The name’s Freddy Fazbear, and Ah welcome ya to our home. Play nice. Get ta know us. Read them rules down below... Don’t break any of ‘em.”
Prefer semi-lit to lit, mutuals only.
Mun info: He/him, 28 yrs, 15+ RPing experience. Mutuals may request discord in IMs for plotting. Sometimes mun might fail to read social cues and become overwhelming, we deeply apologize for this and strongly urge all followers to be open with us if mun has done or said anything upsetting!
Detailed About with list of Muses found here.
Blog Rules
- Please do not reblog RPs that you are unaffiliated with. It’s weird.
- Please be mindful of spam liking; I really appreciate every single like! But if I get 20 in a row all of a sudden, it’s extremely disorientating.
- Honestly, I would write more rules, but a lot of this should be standard Tumblr etiquette. Rules will be added when as people break ‘em, I guess...
Standard RP Etiquette
- No godmodding, power playing, blahblah...
- Romance Shipping is kinda iffy for me. I’m bad at human verses, and most of my characters are animatronics. Additionally, I’m just not very good at it - though I LOVE to see others have fun with adorable couples!
- For me, Platonic love all the way! I love developing friendships, sibling relationships, parent child, uncle aunt, weird cousin, so on! Happy acquaintances are also great with me too. :) Let’s plot it out.
- I reserve the right to accept or reject anons/asks/starter requests. Usually won’t reject ‘em though. Sometimes I like to take my time with a really good ask to make sure my answer is just right, so don’t get discouraged if I take while!
- No sexual content on this blog whatsoever.
- Sideblogs are welcome! Personal blogs may follow, but I would appreciate it if all RP is done strictly through your sideblog. Additionally, I will constantly forget who’s personal belongs to which sideblog! So be sure to clarify who you are with every message (even if we RP’d before; make sure I don’t mistake you for anyone!).
- Do not reblog my Headcanons/Roleplays unless they relate to your muse, and we are mutuals. If you agree or like my headcanons, just leave a like! You can always rewrite the headcanons in your own words if you wish to adapt them to your blog. :)
Character Content
- OCs are welcome; however, be sure to have an About page clearly listed on your blog for me to review. Cause I will review it. Repeatedly.
- My characters won’t usually know your OC immediately unless we plot it out beforehand - though recently I’ve found it easy to have the animatronics recognize regular customers and staff.
- Anons welcome anytime, but please keep it respectable. This is a family establishment.
- Be warned that this blog will touch on darker subjects; murder, death, lots of angst, violence. I will do my best to tag, but specific triggers might slip by the wayside. If you have a trigger that seems to commonly come up in this fandom, feel free to send an ask recommending a tag.
Go ahead and like this post if you’ve read the rules. (Not required, it just makes me smile!)
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princewished · 3 years
Thank you for coming to read my rules, I appreciate you taking the time out to do so!
1. my BLOG, PROMO, & DASH BANNER are courtesy of the wonderful @villainsrph  !! I cannot recommend Briar's work enough, truly just a brilliant person to work with.
• I'm a private, selective blog for Disney's Aladdin, the 1992, 2019, and Broadway Musical versions.
• THIS SAID, my Al is often characterized as a mix of all three. Sometimes it will be clearer who I’m portraying because I’ll lean on different facets of their personalities, but for the most part I try to take inspiration evenly from all three of them.  • regular roleplay etiquette is requested, i.e. cutting posts, no godmodding, etc. 
• WHEN I SEND ASKS, I’ll usually send a whole bunch of them. This is just to give you options about which you want to answer. I don’t expect you to answer all of them, or any of them, ever! There’s no expectation at all. I’m just chill. It’s rp. We can chill, you know? Also, this all said, please feel free to spam ME with asks! I really like to have options, really appeals to the little adhd gremlin inside me <3
ALSO, when I continued asks, it will be in a separate thread. I’ll reply to the ask (yours or mine) with the link TO that thread, just to remind myself that I continued it. This is also no pressure to continue the ask if you don’t want to! I’m just trying to keep myself organized.
• MUTUALS, please feel free to reblog any ask and turn it into a thread!
• for personal blogs: I'm very pleased you enjoy my content and I'm happy that you're here ! please refrain from reblogging threads / any posts that are sent in via another rper so as to not clog their feed ( which looks like “blogname asked: __” ). if you send in a post, you’re welcome to reblog that, and most headcanons are free to reblog unless tagged otherwise. all posts are okay to interact with, meaning liking / replying. Thanks a bunch!
• I’m not interested in roleplaying smut on this blog, so please don’t follow with that intention.
• I do post & occasionally rp mature themes, i.e. assault, murder, etc. all posts will be tagged accordingly, but please follow at your own discretion. • no hate will be tolerated on this blog. this includes queerphobia, racism, islamophobia, or any things of that nature.
• I’m happy to roleplay multiple threads with one person, especially in different aus! I write Aladdin for a variety of canons and aus with my own headcanons thrown in. any of these canons or aus includes placing Aladdin into existing media (i.e. books/shows/movies) or simply things that tickle my fancy at the moment, like historical fiction scenarios (for example, I have a Revolutionary War verse simply because I'm a nerd about the Revolutionary War) or Star Wars or really, genuinely anything that I think may be fun. that said, please feel free to message me about some crazy idea, the odds of me wanting to do it and have a great time are Incredibly high.
• please keep in mind that I do have adhd & so things tend to fall by the wayside. if I am neglecting one of our threads / a thread in general, please don’t hesitate to approach me and ask if I’ve seen it / it’s in my drafts! • If I don't like a post that you tagged me in within a couple days, please send it to me! Tumblr tends to also make things get lost in the void.
• i am mutuals only, which means we both have to be following one another to rp together. however, i accept asks & dms from everyone, so please don't let this deter you from reaching out ! me being mutuals only is only within my interest of policing my own content.
• THAT SAID, please police YOUR own content. this means that if I post something you don't like, quietly unfollow, softblock, block the tag, what have you. if I'm interacting with something you don't like ( a duplicate, a character that you just don't want to see, etc ) i urge you to softblock them or their tag. blocking at any point is a legitimate and valid thing. this is your experience, and I am not responsible for your happiness any more than you're responsible for mine. thanks ! <3
•  I firmly reserve the right to unfollow, block, and softblock you. If I unfollow you, I'll softblock you as well. If I do unfollow / softblock / hardblock, please don’t approach me asking why. Please don't make this into a big deal. It is not a reflection on you, but a precaution taken by me.
• if you want to do softblock me and don’t want to see me again, please hardblock me ! I genuinely think tumblr unfollows people randomly because it happens to me with several old mutuals every so often, so I really prefer you hardblock me. If you do softblock me / unfollow / hardblock me, I'm not going to hunt you down and ask. Everyone has a right to their comfort and privacy.
My verses are my own, created from my own imagination and headcanons. They aren't up for grabs at any time, even with credit given to me. I work hard on this blog, on my posts, threads, verses, and about pages and sections. Please don’t take what isn’t yours!
TRIGGERS. • If there is something that I’m not tagging and you’re uncomfortable, please let me know! I want this to be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. I usually tag triggers as tw [content]. I read everyone’s rules, but I don’t always catch everyone’s triggers in spite of my best efforts. Please let me know if I can make your dash more comfortable! • My personal triggers are insects and animal death, so I won't be writing content about these topics. If you don’t tag these things obviously I can’t and won’t demand you do so, but if there’s an excessive amount of it on my dash I will softly unfollow. This simply means I don’t want my feed cluttered, not that I’m no longer interested in roleplaying. SHIPPING. • I love to ship, so please feel free to approach me with them ! I write Aladdin as bisexual, & really there’s no ship that I won’t be willing to try so long as there’s a possibility of it working (i.e., I don’t think Aladdin and, say, Carpet would be shippable. Carpet... is a carpet.) IMPORTANT: • I am not Middle Eastern or Indian. That said, I’m always doing research to ensure that my depiction of Aladdin is as accurate as I can possibly make it. I'd appreciate any help you can offer me on how to improve it!
ABOUT ME. hi! like i said earlier, i'm 21+, my name’s fi / fia (idc which you use !! all good <3), she/they pronouns please. p.s. I love to talk ooc so please feel free to come into my IMs at any time!
p.p.s. i'm really rather shy and anxious, and so I find I'm not spending a huge amount of time online, but i promise i'm interested in what you have to say / what we're talking about even if I disappear during the middle. it is only that i am small and easily overwhelmed like a littol chinchilla. it's not a reflection on you at all!
full name. aladdin (of) ababwa. aka. al. birthday. tbd. age. 17 - 45, verse dependent. gender & pronouns. male, he/him. orientation. bisexual, biromantic. species. human. occupation. verse dependent. residence. agrabah; verse dependent.
hair. black. eyes. brown. build. slight, athletic. scars. arms, legs, back. face claim(s). avan jogia, testing mena massoud. height. 5′8″.
zodiac. tbd. alignment. chaotic good. hogwarts. gryffindor. positive traits. loyal, ambitious, adaptive, quick witted negative traits. stubborn, hot tempered, too trusting, generally an idiot
mental. anxiety. physical. n/a. phobias. snakes; drowning. eyesight. 20/20. diet. healthy.
birth place. agrabah; saudi arabia. ethnicity. middle eastern. parents. cassim & zena. siblings. verse dependent. pets. abu, verse dependent. education. very little. notable skills. parkour. languages. english, arabic. abilities. several & varying.
aladdin was born to zena and cassim six months after they elope. zena, the daughter of a wealthy merchant, was forbidden to marry cassim due to their social inequality. instead of being forced into an arranged marriage, she ran away with cassim to a prosperous city called agrabah, where she hoped to make a new life with her husband-to-be and the child she was pregnant with.
not long after aladdin's birth, however, cassim set off in search of a mythical treasure that would endow him with endless wealth.
alone, zena spent five years raising and loving her son aladdin, dealing with the variety of situations that arose as a young, single mother. aladdin, in spite of his good intentions, was a mischievous child, and always managed to find some form of trouble. 
since aladdin was conceived out of wedlock he had very few friends, so he and his mother were very close. she began to lose hope that cassim would return and became obsessed with inspecting every person who acme to agrabah, hoping that it was cassim again. obviously, none of them ever were.
aladdin, at six years old, had no idea how to help his mother, and since she was spiraling he quickly realized he needed to take care of himself. he learned how to do chores and how to steal, but as the days went on his mother's lucid moments grew fewer and farther between and the fugues grew longer and longer.
unable to get zena to eat or sleep, aladdin cared for her as best he could. he couldn’t prevent her from weakening, and the illness that swept agrabah was the final straw. she passed away shortly after aladdin turned seven, and he was quickly turned out of the house and cast to the streets, where he roamed for a time. begging got him very little and, though a skilled thief already, he had trouble providing for himself. as a result, he grew ill quickly, and would have died if he were not taken in by a lower class merchant and his wife.
while staying with them, aladdin recovered from his sickness and took comfort in the shelter they provided. in exchange, he helped the merchant with his wares and delivering messages around the marketplace. this exchange stopped being profitable for the merchant far sooner than either of them expected, and aladdin was turned out onto the streets again.
eight and alone, aladdin retreated to the slums of the city in an attempt to find shelter, stumbling across a lofted hovel. it was abandoned and discreet, so aladdin hunkered down and made it home.
he spent the majority of his childhood attempting to fit in with the street children while still trying to maintain his sense of self. the other children didn’t find this particularly amusing or endearing, and as a result, he was alone for much of the time until he found his friend abu, a monkey who escaped from his trader.
the two of them became fast friends, and as the years stretched on they came to be partners in crime. they made a ruckus of the marketplace, stole only what they couldn’t afford (that’s everything), and depended only on each other. 
this status quo only began to change the day something in the marketplace felt different. it wasthe girl wandering from booth to booth; she was special. 
when she got herself into trouble aladdin couldn’t help but intervene. it was the only way he’d get to meet her - and she'd change his life, somehow. he just knew it.
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panharmonium · 4 years
hey guys, semi-rhetorical question,
what exactly do i have to do in order to stop total strangers from leaving their unsolicited opinions on posts that i wrote for myself, on my own blog, behind a cut, not under the merlin tag, with a disclaimer saying “it’s cool if we have different opinions, feel free to scroll on by if this isn’t your jam”?
how many more steps do i have to take to remind strangers on the internet that i am not soliciting commentary and that not everything is an invitation for debate?  it’s frustrating enough that i feel like i have to take these steps at all - basic etiquette should be enough for people to understand that when you see a take you don’t agree with, you can just go ahead and scroll past it.  
i am going to try to muse about this in the gentlest way possible, because it’s hard to know on the internet whether people are maybe just too young to realize these things, or maybe they just weren’t thinking in that particular moment (like - the way i would talk about this with a young person is not the same way i would talk to a fandom veteran who ought to know better, for instance), but this is definitely a recurring thing on tumblr that i have experienced numerous times, and which i do think is aggravated by the structure of the platform.  and, given that tumblr does not have the old LJ-style functionality of friends-only or anything like that, the truth is that this site can make it kind of a challenging to establish a comfortable space for yourself, which is something that has bothered me for a long time.
this is why i started putting disclaimers on meta in the first place.  i know it’s hard to remember, given the structure of this website, but not everything on the internet is written in the spirit of “prove me wrong.”  that’s why i started writing preludes saying “this is how *I* engage with the show.  it is fine if *YOU* engage with the show a different way.  i am just writing in my own space for my own personal enjoyment, please feel free to continue enjoying the show in your own way.”
as an example - this is the disclaimer i put on a piece of meta that recently earned itself some unsolicited commentary (boldings added now, for emphasis [and yes, the commentary has been removed already, to protect that user’s anonymity; i’m not interested in pointing fingers at specific people, just in discussing the dynamics of a wider phenomenon that i encounter sometimes on this website]):
just some meandering thoughts on where the thematic center of merlin bbc lies for me, and how it weaves itself in and out of my fandom experience.
under a cut because this is a) sort of long and b) not really directed anywhere but my own brain, as i keep thinking about and creating for this show.
[as always, before i get rolling, a reminder: when i write about how i engage with this show, it’s just me talking about what gives me, personally, the most satisfaction or enjoyment, not the way i think everybody should do things.  if this isn’t your particular read, please feel free to scroll past.  i am not ever going to bother anybody for engaging with this show in their own way, so please don’t worry about it if we are not on the same page.]
when i look at that, i’m not sure how much clearer i can be.  i’m not sure what part of this says, “send me a six-paragraph screed about how vehemently you disagree with me, as if i personally placed this analysis in your inbox and forced you to read it.”
do you know how often in a day i see fandom posts that i disagree with?  every time i see a merthur post, for instance, i think to myself “ugh, this is not remotely accurate.”  but i have never, in my life, left a reply on someone’s post telling them how wrong i think their take is.  that’s just not polite, and it’s just not necessary.  what do i care if someone has a different opinion than me?  they are just having fun in their own area.  it doesn’t make sense for me to enter their space and tell them what i, personally, think of their take.  they aren’t asking me for a debate.  they are hanging out on their own blog, having a good time in their own way.  i am glad they are enjoying themselves!  i am happy to let them keep having fun!  i do not need to insert myself into that conversation and rain on their parade.
i know this is something tumblr culture isn’t always good about understanding (and i know the structure of this website makes it almost impossible to remember, too; i do get that), but just, as a gentle reminder: me posting an analysis on my own blog, in my own space, is not equivalent to me saying “you, a stranger on the internet, must agree with this!”  me posting on my own blog is not directed at you at all.  it has nothing to do with you.  i did not send you that post.  i did not ask you to read it.  i did not put it in your inbox.  i did not insert myself into your space.  i did not ask for your attention.  i did not come anywhere NEAR you.  i don’t even know who you are.  i don’t mind if you engage with this show in a different way.  it does not affect me.  i have never and will never leave contentious replies on posts that i disagree with in order to try to convince people they’re wrong.  i have never in my life sent somebody a message to change their mind about a fandom opinion of theirs that i believe to be ill-conceived.
i see posts that i disagree with every day, and every single time, i scroll past them.  i leave them alone.  i let people have their fun.
i understand that the knee-jerk reaction on this platform is for us to react to everything as if it’s being shouted at us, personally, through a megaphone, and a lot of this is a structural problem on this website, i know.  i know that.  it’s bothered me for years.  the reblog function creates a system where posts leave their homes quickly, so it’s all too easy for people to feel like an OP is seeking them out and forcing them to read something, or soliciting contributions from the wider internet.  but we HAVE to remember the structure of the forum we’re in - any particular post you stumble across was written on an individual blog, and the individual who wrote it did not ask you to look at it.  they had no control over whether you saw it or not.  it wasn’t directed at you personally, and it isn’t an automatic invitation for caustic debate with strangers, either.  
people are allowed to write about their own fandom thoughts on their own blogs.  the act of writing about one’s own fandom thoughts on one’s own blog is not equivalent to canceling someone else’s fun, or stopping other people from liking/disliking things in whatever way they please.  i am allowed to write about my own opinions, in my own space, without worrying about other people who might wander by, catch a glimpse of my house through the window, and get upset because i’m “telling them” something they didn’t agree with.  i didn’t “tell you” anything!  you came here yourself.  i did not send this post to you.  i did not visit your blog and tell you ‘you’re doing fandom wrong.’  i don’t even know who you are.  we have never spoken to each other in our lives.  you don’t follow me, we’re not friends, and my post (in this particular instance) has zero reblogs - the only place you could have read it was on my own blog, which you chose to visit.
i’ve met tons of great people on here, and we’ve had lots of fun conversations.  and sometimes our takes are not even the same!  but i don’t mind that, because we’ve introduced ourselves to each other and have already developed a friendly relationship.  like, just today, i was having a fantastic convo about hunith where myself and the other participant weren’t 100% on the same page, but we were still having a great time with the discussion.  i don’t mind talking to people who have different opinions than me - to be honest, most of the topics about which i recently received a bunch of unsolicited commentary were actually things that i have written about previously, and that i would’ve loved to have talked about more, under different circumstances.  but i do mind strangers barreling into my house uninvited and then lecturing me, via a series of long, combative messages (devoid of any background context that could have been gleaned from the rest of my writing), about how the ultimate message of merlin bbc is that “the only correct way to fight oppression is to suck your oppressors dick.”
like.  was that necessary?
if we were friends, or even acquaintances, you would know that i do in fact talk about this theme a lot.  but we’re not, and i am not interested in having a conversation with someone whose first message to me was a) an unsolicited argument and b) a reference to metaphorically sucking someone off.  i have literally never met you before in my life.  you did not say hello, you did not introduce yourself.  and you jumped right into that?  
it’s just not polite.  i wouldn’t approach a stranger like that in real life.  it’s not cool to do it on the internet, either.
and just to be clear - i don’t have anything personally against any of the people who have ever sent me messages like this.  i’m not mad about it, and i really do think that for the most part it’s not intended to be malicious in any way; i just think people legitimately don’t register that this isn’t an okay way to approach someone.  so just - in the spirit of maybe helping people pause before they interact with somebody else like this, because i’m pretty chill myself, but other people might be more rankled by it - please, next time, just stop and think for a second.  if it helps to ask yourself “would i interact with this person like this if we were off the internet,” then definitely consider that.  entering someone else’s space for the sole purpose of leaving them negative commentary, when you have never met them before, and when they did not come anywhere near you or ask for your attention or approach you in any way, is not a good way to start a conversation with a stranger, especially when that person’s work specifically states “these are my own thoughts, not a directive for how others should do things/if you have a different take, no worries; feel free to just scroll past.” 
*deep breath* ...anyhow.  
there is no “friends-only” option on tumblr, so i don’t really know what else i can do to make it clear that i am only writing about my own thoughts and my own experiences, and if your thoughts and experiences are different, cool!  go have fun!  i don’t need you to agree with me about everything.  i will never, ever come to your blog and leave you notes about all the ways i think your analysis is flawed, especially when i’ve never met you and haven’t read your other work, plenty of which address the “disagreements” i have.  i just don’t think it’s a polite or fun thing to do to others, and i would love it if people could extend me the same courtesy.
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onmicheysmind · 3 years
ground zero
Hey folx! Welcome to my blog. My name is Michey Moon Fox and my pronouns are they/them. I am a queer, trans non-binary individual from Central Illinois. It’s been a minute since I’ve been a part of the Tumblr scene, I’m hoping to actually create content this time around.
I’ve created this blog for a couple of purposes- I don’t really know if anyone will ever read any of these posts, however my goals for this blog are valid all the same. First, I hope to process and release a lot of trauma from my youth. I acknowledge that these topics are triggering for some. With that being said, I will be placing all trigger warnings in the very beginning of each post that it is necessary. I have been in therapy for a year, however I am not always able to communicate my emotions/thoughts verbally- I am a much better writer, so here we are. I hope that sharing this content may help at least one individual feel a little less alone in their existence than I once did. Second, I have a lot of opinions about our society- TLDR it’s f*cked and I KNOW that we can absolutely create a better system for the collective society (not that self-serving cr*p that the top 1%/white/cis/hetero folx made up). I have a pretty well rounded education/working experience to help shape my opinions and ideas. I studied at Lake Land College- I attended for a year and a half as a student in their RN program then switched over to human services. While attending LLC I worked as a CNA/patient care technician in a nursing home and hospital. I also studied at Southern Illinois University in their criminal justice program. Since completion of my undergraduate studies I have taken an interest in working in the food service industry. I will warn you, my opinions and ideas are HEAVILY abolition-aligned. Third, I’ve got a creative-a$$ monkey-mind and I would love to share it with anyone willing to scroll through the feed on my blog. I’ll post recipes, project updates, music playlists, makeup looks, books I’m reading, subjects I’m learning about, etc. By the way... ALWAYS feel free to share art, music, food, literature with me!! :)
OKAY, SO HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: BLOG RULES: 1) BE RESPECTFUL! No hateful comments toward any individual that interacts on this page. I will find you, I will report you, and you bet your sweet a$$ you will be blocked. 2) If you do not know someone’s pronouns and must use pronouns to refer to them, please use they/them until you have the time to reach out and ask them what their pronouns are. It should be proper etiquette in our society but it isn’t (shame:/). Anyways, it is proper etiquette for this blog. 3) Please no self promotion- if you have a business or product you think that I would be interested in, please do not hesitate to send me a direct message. :)
Thanks for reading if you made it this far! Welcome to my blog where I share with the world what goes through my mind. First content post will be coming soon, no worries!
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yamisedai-a · 4 years
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this blog is highly selective/private & mutuals only for my own comfort. i’ve had some bad tumblr experiences in the past and i’d rather not have any more. i will only rp with you if you are 18+!!
gore and sexual content may appear on this blog, these themes will always be tagged as 'tw: nsfw'. similarly, any common triggers will also be tagged accordingly on the blog: 'tw: blood', etc. if you have any triggers or need something tagged, please just ask! i personally do not have any triggers that need to be tagged and if i do, i can filter them myself.
if i follow you, i want to write with you! it also means i’ve taken the time to read over your rules and i hope you would do me the same courtesy. if i follow you and you do not follow back after about a week, i will respectfully unfollow.
while i respect everyone’s individual portrayals, i tend to be a little self conscious about my portrayals. it’s a habit i am trying to break. if we’re good friends and get to talking ooc i am more willing to write with dupes. generally i am pretty okay with them. 
i try and stay as true as i possibly can to any character's canon, however i am human and i do not agree with all canon scenarios that are portayed on screen. if there are any canon divergences with miroku, they will be noted further in their respective verses/info tab.
tracking/tagging: yamisedai
vagueposting, constant negativity untagged, or hate of any kind will get you unfollowed or blocked. i do not tolerate any kind of toxic behavior. if i see it? bye. accordingly, if you’ve broken any rules that i have listed here as well, that will also possibly result in a consequence of the same result.
i’m open to different verses and aus with some characters that i know the fandoms of. however, this blog will only be within inuyasha majorly. THOUGH I LOVE OC’S! if you follow me, and i do not see my character and your character interacting/or if i have to do a lot of research on the fandom/character and it is hard to find the information on your blog/wiki, i may not follow back.
i write single, semi, and multi para. sometimes i write novels hahah. sue me. but you never have to match my length! and if you have any issues with the length, just shoot me a message! you are also ALWAYS welcomed to shorten a reply if the threads are getting lengthy, all i ask is that you do give me something to work with.
i am not big on aesthetics. i find it time consuming to edit replies with the little time i do have. i like my tiny text and one icon-- but if you don’t use any formatting or go the extra mile, i don’t mind! i am fine roleplaying in whatever context that you are, even if you don’t format at all! i do have astigmatisms in both my eyes. sometimes small text hurts to read. especially later in the evening, when i do most of my writing, but i can always zoom!
personals - do not reblog threads! you are welcome on this blog, feel free to like threads and posts, however if you reblog them, it messes with my notifications and makes it EXTREMELY hard to find things. I will usually give a warning once, after that i will block.
i do instill mains and exclusives. mains will take priority in threads/asks/etc. i will have around 2-4 of each canon character- a list will be added soon on the bonds tab! don’t be scared of the list! and if you’re interested in becoming a main, just shoot me a message to discuss it!
i do not own miroku or claim to own him! muse does not = mun! & i’m also not here for drama, politics, or ship wars-- just fun and creativity-- that’s all. anything that happens in character does not reflect me as the mun! miroku may be mad at your muse but i am not mad at you!
while they are fine, excessive pestering will also resort in a not happy vicki, i'll probably ask you to chill & if you don't, it will result in a block.
don’t godmod, powerplay, you know-- all that good stuff. if you have a concern you would like to address about myself or my blog, please come and speak with me. my dms and tumblr ims are always open.
i am not a meme or aesthetic source! i am very happy you like the content that i am posting on my blog, but please reblog from the SOURCE. it’s common courtesy and very much appreciated, not only from myself but many roleplayers!!!
hi there! thank you so much for reading all of this! it really means a lot! my name is vicki, please just vicki--not vikki, viki, vicky, vickie, etc. the spelling of my name kinda bothers me since there are like a million of me in this world/it is my actual name and yes, i am very icky.
i’m 28, she/her, est, basically married & i work 40+ hrs a week as a banker. please be patient with me on work days! usually when i work i am only available in the evening. you can always find me on discord and tumblr ims for plots and chit chat though! if you do not already have my discord, please feel free to shoot me a message and ask. i'm not really one for drops on the dash or anything. i love making shit, even if i think i suck at it hahaha. if you ever need icons or screencaps, i am open to helping you out, if i have the time!!
this is not my only blog on tumblr! i am also pretty active within the star wars fandom, i have a multi where you can find more inuyasha muses & i have a rwby blog currently on hiatus. if i am not here, you can find me on those blogs!! if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! thank you for taking the time to read this!! i truly appreciate it and you! <3
blogs: @sundragcn, @greyfulcrum, @anchoredstowaways​
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Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange FAQ & Posting Guide
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First off, how dare you?
What? You signed up for it. We didn’t make you! (But we’re so happy you did!)
How does posting work?
The exchange portal will open on the 7th at 12pm AEST ( the countdown is here ). Once it opens, use AO3 to upload your fic as usual:
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Most of the upload process will be exactly the same as normal, but you need to fill in the following two fields:
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Fill in the first with “Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange 2020” (It should autofill, but please be careful to select the right collection! This one is the one we're using.)
Type in your recipient’s AO3 name in the second field. Double check your original prompt to ensure you have the correct name. A few people have different tumblr/AO3 names and we don’t want any fics to go awry.
If you've already made an AO3 draft before the 7th, make sure you add it to the collection and put in your recipient's username in the fields we mentioned above, and make sure you change the date when posting (or your fic will be buried). Be aware it can cause some shenanigans where the fic may not appear at the top of the page. And don't be like a certain organiser and accidentally post something you meant to be a draft.
After that, it’s as simple as clicking post! Your fic will be submitted to the exchange and automatically be made anonymous. Author’s names will not be revealed until August 22, when we click the button to reveal them.
Feel free to reply to comments during that week. As long as you are logged into the account that posted the fic, all of your comments will also be anonymised.
If any of this process is confusing to you, PLEASE reach out to one of the organisers ( @nire-the-mithridatist​ / @slipsthrufingers​ / @firesign23​ )! We’re happy to hold your hand through the process 🤗
Why is the exchange opening a day earlier than you said?
Because I’ve set the time on the exchange to suit my own timezone. I have to stay up till after midnight to watch F1 cars go vroom vroom and had to deal with being spoiled for every single episode of Game of Thrones on Tumblr and Twitter because it aired in the US while I was at work. This is my own petty little vengeance and I will not apologise for that.
Also it’s easier for me to keep everything straight in my head this way. Mathematics is not my strength.
Why do I need to let you know by the 7th that I’ve finished my fic if I can post it anytime during the following week?
So we can find a knight writer ASAP. The sooner we know that you won’t be able to complete your fic, the sooner we can find someone to fill in for you. We don’t want anyone to be disappointed.
Do I have to post ON the 7th of August? I’ll be AFK for the day because my cat has a piano recital!
No, you can post it anytime between the 7th and the 14th. If you can’t or don’t want to post it on Friday, then you can absolutely wait until later. We anticipate that the bulk of fics will be posted over the weekend, but if you want to post it on the 13th, then that’s absolutely your choice. Just be mindful that your recipient may be worrying why they haven’t received one.
Also tell your cat we’re rooting for them!
I really overshot the 1k limit and need to post multiple chapters. Should I post them together and drop my 40k prompt fill in the tag all at once, or can I stagger it throughout the week?
It’s your choice! If you want to post your story over the week, you can. If you want to post it all at once, you can. As long as the story is mostly posted within the 7th to the 14th window, we don’t mind. If you want to post a chapter or two after the 14th, because your 40k behemoth has more than 7 chapters or grumkins ate your wifi, then that’s cool. Life happens! Please try to have the whole fic posted before authors are revealed on the 22nd.
(Also, look at your life, look at your choices! It was a 1k minimum!!! Buncha overachievers in this fandom, I swear 😂😂😂)
Can I thank my beta in the notes of my story?
Absolutely you can! The betas of the fandom be working HARD this week, they definitely deserve recognition. Just be mindful of including anything in your notes that might reveal who you are. You could choose to name your beta, or just thank them generally and add their name after authors have been revealed.
What if I don’t receive a story?
It might be because your author hasn’t posted it yet - they have the full week from the 7th to the 14th to post their story. It also might be because your fic needed a knight writer to write it. If this is the case, know that your knight is probably working very diligently to complete it, but might not be able to complete it within the window. If it looks like your fic will be significantly delayed (like until after authors are revealed) we will contact you directly to let you know what’s up.
What’s the etiquette around thanking my author?
A kudos and a comment is pretty standard. It’s up to you how long your comment is; we don’t write comments with our heads, we write them with our hearts. Just keep in mind that a person out there spent time working on something just for you and make sure you show your appreciation, even if the story isn’t exactly what you expected!
Can I promote my story?
Please don’t do this until authors have been revealed through the collection.
Can I rec my gift story?
Absolutely! Share the love! You can choose to rec it while it’s still anonymous, or wait until the authors are revealed. It’s up to you.
I’m not participating in the exchange, but I want to get into the spirit of the week. What can I do?!
Well firstly, read any of the 102 fics we expect to be posted that week! Read them and enjoy them! Leave a kudos! Leave a comment! Leave ten comments! Write rec lists and share them on Tumblr or Discord or TikTok, wherever it is that the cool kids hang these days!
What’s for dinner, slips?
The souls of naughty children, and also maybe nachos.
I have another question that hasn’t been answered in the FAQs
Either send us a message through tumblr, or get in touch with one of the organisers privately or via email. We’ll get back to you ASAP!
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(credit to @naomignome​ for the gif!)
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Okay. This is going to be a long rant on how I’m frustrated with tumblr and ao3 and this fandom in general so don’t read this if you’re going to be annoying about it. This is very very bitchy. 
so to begin let's talk about comments. I don’t get like any. on anything. It’s a struggle to get past ten comments on a fic (that’s not including my replies). And when I do get comments it’s just like ‘Cute!’ or “Pls continue!” like that’s nice but please don’t? I didn’t fucking spend hours and hours on something I am very passionate about for that shit. Would one sentence hurt you? Would comment on fics at all hurt you? No. It fucking won’t. 
If you want more information on how to comment or stuff like that please let me know cuz i will make a post about that. But let me just tell you this, if you are reading fics without commenting (or a the BARE MINIMUM leaving kudos, please stop. This is why so many writers get frustrated with yall. No this is not me fishing for compliments. This is me telling you that I am doing something for free that I have a lot of anxiety about and i am doing this FOR FREE. YOU DON’T PAY ME FOR THIS SHIT THE LEAST YOU COULD TELL ME IS THAT YOU LIKED IT. 
Okay so next is tumblr. I know we’ve all seen that post about how you should reblog to help creators so that’s not what this is about. This is about leaving comments in tags. At least to me, this is really annoying. If you really want the author or artist to know what you think reply to the post. Or better yet, reblog it and leave your comment in the reblog and not in the tags. I don’t have the fucking time to look through all the reblogs of all my fics and most of the time yall don’t even do that so please. reply to the fic. It is hard? No. None of this should be that hard. (again if you want to know what to say let me know and I’ll make a post)
And on top of that, i have never once seen my fics in a rec list. Not fucking once. And is my writing perfect? No. I know that. But my writing isnt garbage. I know that. But i’m really sick of seeing the same five people and the same five fics in every rec list. And don’t get me wrong. Those authors are great, but there are dozens and dozens of smaller writers who are doing work just as good as them. So please when you make a rec list, add smaller fics. 
Okay so this isnt’ about fics but i’m frustrated and upset so leave me alone. SO I have quite a few friends here on tumblr. Only two of the ten people I talk to are ever the first ones to start a conversation with me. I am always the first one to reach out and start a conversation. This fucking sucks because it makes me think that they don’t want to talk to me. That they don’t care about our relationship. And it feels fucking awful. So you know, send messages to your friends, start conversations. Because i feel like shit all the time when I’m the only one putting in any effort. 
Okay last thing i promise. Now we’re talking about asks. I get <2 a month. That’s it. like? wtf? is it hard to send someone an ask? I don’t think so. Because ill let you in on a secret. Even if you just tell me hi it still makes me happy. Don’t even get me started on ask games because let me tell you a little etiquette some of yall don’t seem to have figured out yet. When you reblog an ask game from someone, it’s courteous to send one to that person. Seriously. Just do it. 
Just try to do better. Please. Becuase the amount of times I’ve considered deleting my fics and giving up on writing in the past month? It’s more than I can even count. 
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Partner search!
Hello all! I’m looking for a skilled, experienced 1x1 partner or two for a Discord roleplay. I have a few particular plots, though please feel free to come with your own ideas. Please read to the end as there is a password I won't answer messages without.
•General/Writing Style•
I usually prefer sticking at around 4 paragraphs and up, but quality over quantity for the most part. If you usually write 3 paragraphs or less, it'll be hard for me to stay interested, however. I would prefer you write in 3rd person, past tense. Please have decent grammar and spelling, varied vocabulary and sentence structure, as well as decent syntax. Please provide me something of substance to respond to in your responses. Please also be somewhat experienced.
18+ only, but 21+ preferred (I'm 23)
Mine is EST. I do not mind what timezone you're in.
•Response Frequency•
I'd prefer if you could respond at least once a week. I'm a pretty busy student can't definitely commit to much more than that, so I won't ask that of you. Please try to communicate when you will be gone or significantly less active for several weeks or more. I will try to do the same.I'm a bit less lenient with this when we're still doing introductions, so if we've barely said hello but a few days pass and I hear nothing, I'll assume you're no longer interested or never were in the first place and close our discussion. You are free to assume the same of me.
I'm a sucker for Romantic Slice-of-life with a healthy dose of drama and angst, but I do like to weave other genres in there too such as Supernatural, Mystery, Action, and Adventure. I'm really open to most things if the plot interests me.
•Gender and Romantic Preference•
I strongly prefer playing a female main outside of MxM. Beyond that, I am open to MxF, FxF, and MxM . Currently, I'm mostly in the mood for an MxF or possibly F//. My apologies, but please note I do not play male in MxF unless we have roleplayed other pairings together before and have highly compatible writing styles. I rarely double up.I do not engage in dichotomy personality dynamics(ie- dom/sub, ABO, top/bottom) and like pairings to be close to even as possible in contributions to the relationship. If a scene gets intimate, I'd prefer we fade to black.
The plots I’m looking to do atm are listed below. Despite this, you're more than welcome to share plots of your own. I'd prefer it if you are open to brainstorming plot points and bouncing ideas off each other too- let's keep this interesting for both of us so it stays alive.
I would prefer not to roleplay with OCs that are excessively shy, Mary-Sues, or OP. Additionally, please ensure your own OC does not monopolize the plot with their own issues and background. Let's share the spotlight.I tend to play multiple characters and would prefer if you did too.Please do not control my main OC or any named side characters I introduce. It can really mess with my plans with them if you suddenly auto-kill out of nowhere or something... If necessary, I may permit you to control a side character of mine, but please run it by me first. Communication is key.
Discord is strongly preferred. I can potentially be convinced to use kik, tumblr, or line.
I am willing to roleplay within the universe of several fandoms, but please note I do not roleplay as canon characters and would prefer not to roleplay with canon characters either. Please recall that I am more than happy to do original plots too if you aren't into any of these.-Corpse Party**-Black Mirror-Death Note-Avatar The Last Airbender*-Downton Abbey-Call The Midwife*-Dragon Quest(IV-IX)***-Miraculous Ladybug****(I'd love to delve into the more subtle, darker elements like the consequences of a broken miraculous and time travel)-Fruits Basket**-Soul Eater*-The Hunger Games-Harry Potter(The number of * indicates craving)
•Original Plots•
(Muse I would like to play is bolded. If neither are bolded, I can do either. All of these are open to brainstorming and tweaking!)
Muse A was born into a society where ‘falling in love’ is not a thing. Sure, it’s written in about fairy tales and even history texts, but most Readers laugh it off as a silly, archaic concept. All couples are formed by reading Cerebral wavelengths, stats that are unique to every individual. Every person has a single match and are paired with that person permanently when they come of age. No trades, no take-backs. Muse B, though born into the regular world, doesn’t believe in love either. Perhaps it was the plight of their parents, or that one nasty breakup. Perhaps it was the sight of all the couples around who’d be lovey-dovey one week, but strangers the next. Whatever it is, they don’t buy it. That suits Muse A just fine- their Cerebral wavelengths not only don’t match, they bang together in a cacophony. Why is it then that these two begin experiencing an undeniable pull to each other?
One night, Muse A is taking their usual jog through the park when they trip right over Muse B tying their shoe. Cliche start is cliche, I know, but stay with me here. After some initial awkwardness, the two hit it off quite well. Flash forward a week or so and the pair are starting school in the same class, Muse A as one of the typical debutants, and Muse B a lucky upstart on a basketball scholarship. Muse B had high hopes for where things’ll go…only to find out Muse A has a boyfriend, who happens to be Muse B’s nemesis on the courts. Whoops. But something’s really off with the couple. As in the boy is downright awful, and it isn’t just the rivalry talking. Yet Muse A refuses to leave him…why is that?
(This is an older one of mine, but I’ve recently kinda been in the mood to start it up again.) Marianoh’s Culinary Institute is the most renowned school for culinary arts in the country. Any who truly wish to be a master chef would be foolish not to attend. Unless they don’t have the means- the tuition is insanely high. Muse A is part of the lucky few of humble beginnings that has been selected to attend via scholarship. They couldn’t be more excited. Muse B, on the other hand, comes from a family of celebrity chefs. Their spot at Marianoh’s was confirmed before birth. Yet, somehow, they don’t share Muse A’s joy. Far from it, actually. What happens when the two are partnered up for the year?
(A brand new one definitely open to suggestions) St. Cornelius’ Academy(or University) is an academic institution reserved only for those of royal or noble background as well as their future servants, attendants, and body guards. Students of the academy hail from kingdoms where individuals are born gifted with control over the 8 elements- light, wind, flame, flora, lightening(tech), water, earth, and darkness. Students are divided based on status into ‘Golds,’ ‘Greys,’ and ‘ The ‘Gold’ category includes all royalty and nobility aside from viscounts and barons of low birth. The ‘Gray’ category includes future ladies and men in waiting, other servants, attendants, and body guards. Students are instructed in all areas in order to best prepare them for their future roles from political science to etiquette to combat. Given the wealth of a portion of the student body, the campus is a vivacious display of luxury, featuring lavish gardens, seemingly endless grounds, state-of-the-art learning facilities, and even an expansive kitchen headed by a world renowned 31 star chef. Currently, I have three potential pairings in mind for this set-up.
-Muse A is a new lady in waiting assigned to a spoilt, catty Duchess of Aquaria(Water Kingdom). Catering to the every whim of the young princess-to-be is exhausting, but her goal of reaching far greater heights than her questionable background merits keeps her going. What faster way to do that than catching the eye of Muse B, the princess’ bethrothed and crown Prince of Aquaria using abilities bequeathed to her by her merpeople ancestry? The lines between acting and reality are prone to blurring, however and actual feelings soon begin to muddle her plans. Muse B isn’t as unaware as he first seems either..
-Muse A is the somewhat naive prince of Angion(Flora), unsure of his future. He’s distant from his fiancée, Muse B a cold, proud Marchioness of the same kingdom, and his closest confident is one of his newest body guards, Muse C. Little does he know, that Muse C has quite the secret- she’s truly a girl whose taken on her brothers identity to serve. What will happen when all comes into the open?
5. Muse A has always been at the top of their class since early elementary and thrived on it. They come from a family of high achievers where failure is neither seen nor accepted. Proud and arrogant over their achievements, their grades make them, them. All that changed when Muse B showed up, smashing the entrance exams with marks unheard of. Of course Muse A wouldn’t take that lying down, thus, the classic rivalry begins. What happens when the two find they have more in common than they thought? Life on Muse B’s side is not all it seems as well.
Contact Instructions: Please message me here on tumblr  (https://lisanimelis.tumblr.com/) with your favorite color and a writing sample. If all goes well there, we'll move to discord. 
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