#I mean seriously Ludwig what were you thinking
atom-writings · 6 months
hiii can i request russia, canada, germany and greece seeing their s/o wearing their clothes for the first time? good luck on ur finals :D !!
hetalia russia, canada, germany, and greece seeing their s/o wear their clothes
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1.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons / scenarios
tw: none!
a/n: holy shit tthis request is so old that its a new finals season :sob: guys im trying. ALSO idk how to write greece. but hopefully its ok
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Ivan wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you wore his clothing. Like, he just never expected anyone to ever… want to do that?
Plus, if you’re any shorter than 6’ 5”, his clothes are more like blankets than anything wearable.)
Mornings at Ivan's house were always cold. His dacha had been built long before the invention of home heating systems, and he had always refused to modernize anything he owned.
So, when you finally woke up, you grabbed one of Ivan's jackets to keep yourself warm while you made breakfast. It was huge, on him and you, and lined with fur from animals killed centuries ago.
The house was quiet aside from the quiet sizzling of an egg on a pan. Or at least, it was until you heard the dull thuds drawing closer behind you.
In an instant, Ivan wrapped his firm arms around you, picking you up off the floor for a second.
“G-Good morning to you too,” You tease him softly. All he responds with is a quiet grunt, muffled as he buries his face in your hair.
“Should I make you something too?”
He shook his head, “You are too perfect to be cooking right now...”
“Aww, Ivan...”
”Please wear things like this more often...“ He mumbled, seemingly embarrassed.
”What, your things? Should I steal more jackets?“
“Yes... please...“ He said, and you could feel his smile, even if you couldn't see it.
He just can't get enough of you wearing his stuff. He thinks it makes you two look like a real couple. Then everyone will know that you're his (:
From the start of your relationship, Matthew had been trying to subtly coerce you into wearing his clothes. It's like, one of his main relationship goals.
So if you did it without him asking, his brain would fry.
“D-Dear, what are you- a-are you...?” Matthew's shaking voice makes it way past your earbuds, which you promptly rip out.
You turn away from your desk to face him, and his face immediately lights up.
”Sorry, I- I didn't have an-“ Is all you sputter out before you're interrupted by a hug that sends you tumbling backwards. He's warm as he curls around you, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
”Oh. Uh-”
“W-Wait, sorry... I- I didn't mean to um-”
“You're f-”
“No- I mean-” He pulls away, letting go of you completely.
“MATTHEW,” You finally manage to break him out of his stuttering state, “It's fine.”
He averts his gaze as he stands before you, awkwardly playing with his hoodie cuffs, ”I- I just really think you're um- cute in that...“
”Matt, it's just a hoodie.“
”Yeah but it- it has um... that...“ He points to the maple leaf pattern covering the hoodie. That makes you pause, looking up at him like he said something weird.
“It's just leaves.”
His cheeks immediately turn the same shade as the leaves on his hoodie, ”W-Well! It's better than stars and stripes!“
Seriously, anything that shows that you're showing him over America will make him go crazy.
Ludwig doesn't have a lot of casual clothes, so you're kind of limited in your “stealing t-shirts for pyjamas” options
And sorry to disappoint, but his stoic demeanour isn't getting majorly cracked even by that.
It was a rare occurrence for Ludwig to let you do anything around the house. He cooked the meals, he cleaned the dishes, he did most of the laundry, and the sweeping, mopping, and literally any other task that had to be done. So, in a moment you thought would never come, you were actually excited to be doing the dishes for him.
But, because of his disaster of a “modern, ergonomic” sink, that meant getting water all over your shirt. And seeing how you were wearing something nice for a date night with him, you only had one choice. Throwing on one of his torn and faded old t-shirts.
After a few minutes of washing the dishes alone, Ludwig took his place beside you, leaning against the counter and watching you intently.
“Yes?“ You prompt him, and he immediately looks a little embarrassed.
”Thanks for doing this.“
”You do this every night, so like, it's fine?“
”Y-Yes, but, I still appreciate it.“ He tells you quickly, before placing a hang on your shoulder. You turn off the water for a moment, plunging the kitchen into silence again.
Before you could register it, you were pulled closer to him. 
“You should wear my things more often…” He mumbled before leaning down to kiss your cheek.
“Buy more normal person clothes then.”
Then he pulled away with a groan, “OK, the moment is over.”
Heracles probably didn't even notice until you said something. Anytime he's looking at you, your clothes are the last thing he registers.
”Oh, wait... uh- sorry,“ You blurt out once you look down and remember what you're wearing, ”I forgot to ask if I could...“
He looks over you as your hands fidget with the hem of his oversized t-shirt. The design said something in Greek, but all you could make out were the words ”FOOD“ and ”CATS” (It was more important that it was comfortable than stylish.) For his part, he looked completely disinterested in whatever you were saying.
“If you could what?” Heracles asks, his tone dry and tired.
“If I could wear your shirt...”
“Oh,” Then he glances over your direction, barely looking over his tea, ”Yes, I see that now.“
”Do you... care?“
”No.“ He says as if what you had just asked was as obvious as the colour of the sky. Despite that, it didn't seem to bother or excite him in the slightest.
He might find it a little amusing when his clothes don't fit you, but generally he doesn't care. He believes strongly in the idea that ”What's his is yours, and what's yours is his.“
Because of that, he'll steal your clothes too. And he might rip them. Oops.
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hetaliaimaginesin2022 · 8 months
Germany italy and japan have a close friend and crush who's another country, this country likes their accent and language and go as far as to ask them to teach them the language. How do they deal with that?
I've crawled out from the crypt, I hope this is acceptable lol
Germany • Ludwig Beilschmidt
German is a very harsh and rough sounding language and accent, he's heard plenty of jokes from other countries about it, so he'd never expect that you'd find it endearing in any way
When you asked him to teach you the language, he was slightly flustered, giving you an affirming nod
Hopefully you didn't plan on using this as a chance to flirt with him, because he takes the teaching aspect very seriously, showing up with language textbooks, a notebook, and extra pencils
You really have to buckle down during each session, especially since he's a real stickler for pronunciation
He doesn't mean to be overbearing, but he believes that everyone should put their best effort into everything they do
Plus he likes the idea of you two conversing together in his mother tongue, maybe while grabbing a coffee
That being said, there are mandatory breaks in between lessons, it's important to refresh your brain to help productivity
Also, you may start to notice him dropping German in his sentences far more often than he used to, he claims it's to help, but it's really because he knows you like it
Japan • Kiku Honda
Kiku wasn't too surprised when you told him that you were interested in learning his language, his culture (or a severely watered-down version of it) has been very popular in the recent years through media, so another country wanting to learn the language wasn't all too notable
Considering it was you though, he was delighted
He loves spending time with you, so the idea of spending a few hours a week with you, teaching you about his language and script, sounds more than nice
He focuses on Kanji first, insisting that it will make speaking vocabulary a lot easier down the line
The sessions are calm and relaxing, and he's a very patient teacher, making sure to go to a pace you're comfortable with
He enjoys starting off sessions by trying to converse a bit in Japanese
He finds himself thinking that the words sound gorgeous coming from you
North Italy • Feliciano Vargas
As soon as he found out you were partial to his language, he began to slip more Italian in his sentences than he ever did previously, and his accent became ever so slightly more pronounced
He used the guise of "helping you learn", but he only changed his speech because you like it, and he's not subtle about it at all
While he's excited when you ask him to teach you Italian, the sessions are unstructured and often derail into other topics quickly
Because of this, he opts to drop the books and drag you to his country instead, getting you to order your own food in restaurants and converse with the locals in Italian, insisting that the best way to learn is through the people
In his country, he'll also drag you to mostly empty cinemas, where a movie will be playing in Italian and he'll translate any words or sentences in whispers
He's not too serious on pronunciation and honestly thinks it's endearing when your natural accent, regardless of what it is, shines through the words in Italian
He loves flirting with you in Italian now
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makwandis · 7 months
Do you have some more modern!pruaus headcanons? And if yes would you want to share them? 🙏🙏
omg yes girl I got u
MODERN PRUAUS OKAY, while I gather myself to go get a pizza and cure my hangover,
They don't live together. They do long stays with each other on and off. They are in a nice place where they aren't arguing seriously, they are trying to be considerate and kind- they have come such a long way. I think they made it official in the 2000s but have been seeing each other since the 50s, being gentle about it. They are too old for problems. Gilbert has always been desperately in love, and gave up for a long time on Roderich and finally when he really gave gave and decided to just try and move on Roderich is like hey :) which blows Gilbert's mind.
When they spend time together, they like to go on walks, they love going out to eat, Roderich days Gilbert to the theatre which Gilbert also enjoys. Museums. They probably travel around- vacations in Greece and Croatia, drinking wine and whatever. It is relaxed.
However just because they're slow and chill doesn't mean they both aren't fucking insane. Roderich and Gilbert have been kicked out of many restaurants, Gilbert enjoys causing ruckuses still. The whole matter of them making it official Outraged basically everyone they know- Ludwig still isn't very happy with this ("after ALL THAT? AFTER HOW MANY WARS? AFTER WHAT YOU pUT ME THROUGH? AND NOW-"), many people were concerned for Roderich because Gilbert is known to be a fucking maniac. It was a lot of drama. But they held firm and told everyone to fuck off- Gilbert especially.
Sometimes the past haunts them, but both Roderich and Gilbert have made a choice to try their best to look beyond the past- really, they couldn't work without that. Gilbert is certain that this time they will make it work! And Roderich is too. They compliment each other well. They nap a lot. They're so old!
If you'd like even more specifics let me know that's kind of my overview
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fareehaandspaniards · 8 months
Also really curious about how you see Ludwig!
Seems really like the perfect role model guy!
Perfect role model guy? Maybe xd
I haven’t thought much about his past, but I think that he is also a foreigner (as many other characters!), or rather his family is from other lands. He himself was born and raised in Yharnam, but his roots are southern.
Another doodle to show how exactly I see him (It's Laurence in the left and Edgar in the right, nevermind xD) :
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What can be said for sure is that he is very cute!
A "father" for his soldiers (hunters), an excellent fighter, a strongman. An exemplary family man - in my headcanon he is married, and perfectly copes with the role of a father and husband. However, what he couldn't do is to be the "head" of the family - I think he is very shy and timid in private and in more intimate settings!
He's also a great knight! Like, a true knight (I mean not a medieval robber and feudal lord, but a really exemplary servant, master of the sword and sir in shining armor. I swear I read a legend about a knight with a magical, talking sword, (no, not Excalibur xd) It reminds me a lot of Ludwig, though I've forgotten the legend ;_;)
He has a lot of virtues, but his flaws.....
Stone-faced. Which made it hard for Laurence to get along with him at first. Ludwig is very closed and takes deeds rather than words. Laurence couldn’t understand his loyalty and endeavor to serve for some time, but when he got it – he started to fear that Ludwig will abandon the Church after discovering it’s dark secrets.
Ludwig is quite infantile inside - he loves strategy and tactics, but mostly uses it in games for children! And actually the one who got him talking and also befriended was Gehrman, who offered him to play a board game. Gehrman and Ludwig are good friends in my opinion and drinking buddies xd I just like to imagine them drinking a huge mugs of beer while Laurence sips juice through a straw from an exquisite glass. Both friends were a bit silly and eventually acquired enough local jokes that pissed Laurence off LOL
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Ludwig had nightmares very often, and a restful sleep is a reward for him. Moon influence – thanks, Laurence.
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He is Edgar's idol also! He dreamed of being like the perfect knight (but didn’t succeed xd). And I really like the headcanon that Ludwig picked up little Edgar on the street in his last sane year and gave him to the Orphanage on which the Choir was based. In my headcanons Edgar is stuck being 20 years old in a Nightmare, so I guess that's probably a pretty realistic course of events...? How did he survive his stay at the Orphanage, where children were "used" to communicate with the Great Ones? I-don't-know! xd I just like to think that way, haven't tried to seriously consider it.
Ludwig conducted the massacre of Old Yharnam with true steadfastness. That's why people started call him "The Beast" - he never once showed compassion for people turning into beasts. The problem is that when he does something, he shows no doubt. All his doubts and worries were left in Laurence’s hands, and Vicar was in no hurry to clear his image in front of people or dissuade them.
The Moonlight, after the incident with Old Yharnam, had been the only source of meaning for him. The moon called, the moon comforted, the moon promised. Under its influence, Ludwig forgot everything that brought pain, just as he had forgotten his wife and son and daughter, who had died turning into beasts.
Ludwig had faith in Laurence. Ludwig also believed in healing blood. It had healed his wife, and he believed it was the future of Yharnam. Vicar asked him not to ask questions, promising to tell him one day WHAT the Church was doing, but he wasn’t able to fulfill a promise. Ludwig found out everything for himself later.
Djura admired him at first, but later joined those who called Ludwig "The Beast." He could understand everything, but he couldn't forgive him for following heartless orders.
Ludwig had been an inspiration to Damian(Me? Not to mention Damian? HAhahahaha) during his years of service as a Tomb Prosperctor. Although Damian considered this service "unholy" (the old belief that the dead should not be disturbed), Ludwig inspired him to keep going.
And! Also he was a good friend of Maria. She wasn’t as naive as Ludwig, because tried to discover secrets of Research Hall, but they both had sensitive hearts. He was a good man and she valued it during those hard times. Also how couldn’t Ludwig not appreciate Gehrman’s best apprentice? Young, talented, kind-hearted – Maria was another «knight». (I love so much female archetype of «knight». I have some examples from other games and OH MY GOD, AHksdhfksjhfiwhe General Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX plus Lady Maria is a duo of my heart…)
I used to call myself holyvicar shipper, but actually no… I like it, as much as other pairings, I can even feel it, especially if feelings are one-sided (Ludwig is in love), but Laurence really wants to feel the same, but simply can’t. Ludwig is too easy for him? I don’t know. Ludwig/Maria? Ludwig/Micolash (lol)??? I appreciate any fanart or fanfics but not really into these ships. So Ludwig is married in my world.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
pinnie my boyfriend broke up with me because he fell “out of love” with me. I still love him very dearly and I’m not feel feeling too good, could I get some hurt/comfort from the clergy boys if it’s not too much trouble? your art and stories have really helped a lot thank you.
[Laughs in "too insecure and alert to ever get in a relationship". But no seriously, sorry to hear that. I hope it was at least a smooth conclusion. Also, I shoved all of them in here.]
Oh man. See, these monsters are generally scummy and opportunistic, they're not someone you want to reach out to for comfort. Because it won't be genuine. Chances are a good portion of them would have a hand in at least ruining any relationship you might have had. If not outright killing your partner, which is, without a doubt, what most want to do.
Breg does not know how to comfort you during this time, because he generally sees you breaking up as a great thing! It means less work for him! Do you wanna go somewhere? Let's celebrate!
Fasma will offer you drinks, because that's how he copes. Though, that night, he'll be drinking in victory. Your ex-lover's going to appear somewhere with a bullet between their eyes but ssshhh- Just drink.
Morell thinks you're silly! It's actually hard to take you seriously even if you aren't one of the pigs in his kitchen. What're you on about? ex-partner? That pathetic little thing? Pumpkin, you've been Morell's ever since he laid a hand on ya, that right there is just his next pig.
Gallon is also another monster who will offer you drinks, and endless conversation. See, the topic may hurt you, but Gallon wants to pry. Both to find everything he can about the person he's going to make have an "accidental death" and to get you vulnerable enough that you'll lean on him for all the comfort you need.
Fank-e goes so silent when you mention a partner that you might get scared. Until he start blabbering again. Hahah, that's so dumb, lol! You're BFFs, who cares about that loser?! If he fell off the face of the Earth, no one would care. Hey hey, do you want matching bracelets? Fank-e will help throw out all the ugly junk your ex gave you!
Vinnel is likely to hurt you purely for not being told you were in a relationship to begin with. It's ugly and impulsive and he's going to fetch your ex wherever they are to rend them in pieces for the viewing pleasure of all sickfucks in The Clergy. Mostly his. He brings their teeth back for you. Smile, Vinnel threw out the trash for you!
Santi has not stopped laughing. He knows it's insensitive but- Partner?? You?? Oh, you poor thing, not even close. See, you're his human. Whoever that little chucklefuck is? No love, they're gone, might as well never have existed. Oh, do you want to stop by their place and fuck on ther bed? Because that Santi can do!
Grimbly is, without a doubt, going to ruin your ex partner's life somehow. They never deserved you! <3 But you know who does? Grimbly! Because how could he ever fall out of love with the light of his life? Humans are frail and dumb, no offense mommy/daddy, but you deserve the love of someone who will never let go. Till your dying breath, you're his.
Ludwig is actually almost normal about this, almost. He's unnaturally calm, but that's only a ruse. Deep down, beneath all the blankets he's piled on you and the junk food you're both scarfing down, he's boiling alive with violent excitement. Because this is the greenlight he was originally not going to wait for. Lud will seriously slaughter your ex, torture them the way he wanted to before. There's nothing to stop him now, not even their pitiful cries.
Mervin will not comfort you at all. See, you deserve this! That's what happens when you reject someone leagues above for a piece of walking shit like that vermin who just dumped you. Does it feel good? No, right? It's humiliating, isn't it? Yeah. Did you learn your lesson? Grovel at his feet and you might still have a chance with Mervin. Your ex? Oh ho, don't worry, they'd make for a lovely skin carpet.
Obie's treating you to a five star restaurant. And don't worry about dressing fancy, you're getting a private booth. Eat all you want, he knows the sensation of rejection like an ugly second skin. See, not to shit on your science, but he thinks that if you had given him a chance, none of this turmoil would be happening now. Oh, him? Nah, he's not hungry, he's saving his appetite for something special...
Nebul is having deep conversations with you about what it was like being with this person, how they made you feel, how you were treated. See, the wraith thinks you've picked someone who never truly loved you. They neglected you. They're immature and selfish, you'd benefit from a lover who has life experience, someone who's above that silly dating game. Don't you want commitment, sweet pearl?
Belo is the living embodiment of "I told you so." Quite like Mervin, he's treating this as a lesson you should take key points from. Mainly that true love is near impossible to find and you shouldn't be tricked by other silly little humans and their pointless words. Second, that you must always trust your guardian angel when he says something is bad for you. Belo warned you dating them was a bad idea! Now he's going to have to punish the two of you. See, this is why you can't be left alone to make your own choices, you need him. Only him.
Patches is screaming internally. Why are you crying?? You didn't see him hang your partner from a tree, did you? Oh. Oh you broke up with them? Wow, so sad. Yeah. Anyhow, you wanna go on horse rides with him? The dullahan found this mare that's so nice and calm, you can totally learn to ride a horse with his guidance, forget about that idiot.
Sybastian really doesn't understand the need to cry, you're confusing yourself, the only reason he never killed them is because you always seemed so upset by the idea. Which is dumb, because you're his mate! Well, now that that's over, he's going to go for a quick hunting trip, and you two can officially consummate your bond later!
Krulu has erased any memory of prior relationships you've had, as well as killed all your ex partners, because he's a petty god and only he can be the one living being to ever have had you.
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fantomette22 · 10 months
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E-EXCUSE ME?! (That drawing also made me think of how Ludwig's eyes were growing on his right shoulder too, so it could really be Moon's side effect but) EXCUSE ME! This theory sounds SUPER interesting?? So you think there were many Dolls mass-produced, and the one we meet in the Hunter's Dream is just one that "survived"? Or like what? Can you please elaborate, this sounds like a really unique take?
Oh you mentioned it on your reblog but yeah it is reminiscent of Ludwig! It's also really interesting how he's the only beast that obtain additional eyes... but instead of being in his head it create another head- ok anyway we'll talk about it another day let's go winter lanterns theory! XD
This time I will "try" to not divague too much on all the other theories & interpretations I know/have or we'll still be on it tomorrow 😂(sorry I failed)
Because if you ask me seriously what I think are the winter lanterns well I don't know 💀 I'm not sure at all what the hell are they, why they're here and how they came to life. I have/know tons of possible ideas. I guess for a fic I could choose but canonically I really don't know what they are for sure. (I won't be referencing the demake versions that is really cool btw or the comics ver because I haven't read it yet!)
So well I think everyone who played Bloodborne know what this abomina- I mean enemy is.
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They have a part of the doll body (form, clothes, wooden joints hands and fingers like the doll) they're made are made of messengers and have eyes (like mensis brain) and inflicted frenzy like the giant brain. + they have those horrible little jaws... and they sing this...
I'm unsure some say it's Mergo's lullaby other said it's the hunter dream music, some said it's neither... so if someone know... because really idk. It's beautiful yet disturbing. the voice is too deep and distorded.
(Did you know the doll was supposed to hum a lullaby in her sleep? When she nap there's black corner on the screen like there's a dialogue but there's nothing, it's the last thing remnant of this cut content. it's actually in ver 1.00 apparently)
They can be found in the nightmare frontier (3 of them I think), the nightmare of mensis (5?) and the fishing hamlet (2) in the hunter's nightmare (dlc). (Ok 10 of them, add the doll 11, add Maria 12, like the 12 hours of a clock. COINCIDENCES?!?! cough couch sorry yes it's probably the case but still hahah it's funny)
Ok so about the theory I was referencing here and referenced once in a while. I originally saw it on reddit but sadly I can't find the link anymore 😞
Basically, the original speculation said that the winter lanterns could have been created by Mensis (eventually healing church), to take care of Mergo, if I remember well. And then they become corrupted by the nightmare.
After thinking about this and other theories I read concerning the doll (that she could have been created by healing church originally and Gehrman recover the doll after/was given to him and then he made the clothes etc) and the extra knowledge I have on Japanese dolls (yes I made researches oh jp doll and it's even more interesting than the European victorian era one ahah) I could share the following ideas :
That maybe the winter lanterns were originally created by the church/mensis to help them + hunters in the nightmares. Because it was too dangerous to let humans go there for too long. But eventually, because no one cared properly for them, after a while, they become corrupted (or after Mensis did their ritual) and well become like this*. They would have been created after the original dolls because that had lot of potential or smt. They have clothes really similar to the doll but also the black church attire and without the dlc they are highly associated with the lecture building aka linked with church & mensis.
It's interesting to note 2 thing :
Their name come from the alkekengi plant (more explanation on reddit). they are called Hozuki in Japanese. (they even made little dolls with the grain hehe)
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*So about the dolls in general. I believed the doll in Bloodborne is highly inspired by the mourning doll from victorian era (I explained here a little) but it's interesting to see how they traditionally view dolls in Japan (because the devs are Japanese). If you're familiar with the culture/legend in shintoism/buddhism, they believe that objects and especially the one we cherish the most, have a soul. So they think dolls have a soul and they have special ceremonies to dispose of them when they aren't needed anymore called "ningyo kuyo". A way to thank them to have been there during childhood and to free their spirit by purification (burning them in a ceremony with prayers etc). But why? Well if it's not done it's believed that the soul stay but would become an evil spirit. because they were abandoned and not taken care of anymore. there's Yoke who might come from here or another good exemple : branette/banette the Pokemon
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So... I wouldn't be surprised if that's why they turned into nightmares monsters. The doll was actually treat with care and respected, was loved. Not the others. They probably didn't even have a face...
There's really tons of other speculations on them so have a few others here as well :
Some people think it's failed attempt to the doll creation and they were discarded/abandoned but it don't make sense to me, are at least not like this. it's also highly possible that's it's some kind of "echo" of the doll + messengers. the 2 thing that are supposed to be to always be safe and nice. Some think only the hunter/us could see them or see them like this. It's unclear.
Also I do headcanon in part that they could have been Maria very own nightmares (they do have horrifying similarities with the patients of the researches hall... and some they are always in the nightmares).
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The patients head (alone) cause frenzy as well. I feel like if the experiments had succeed (obtained additional eyes on the inside, for the patients), it would have been way too similar to a winter lantern. + they look similar to the doll and if we go on the headcanon that Maria used to wear smt really similar to the female black church attire during her time at the research hall well...they're based on her too. I imagined she could have been plague by nightmares of those but it's really headcanons territory.
Another theory I saw earlier while doing researches : they could have been human actually who transformed, past black church female doctors or hunters, but that don't explain the wood hands or why they transformed and all the other guys just died.
So yeah there's way too much thing it's always really interesting to know what people think
Next time I might share my more detailed headcanon concerning their creation + the doll hehe.
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》Use this post for context《
>During school, on the first day of the new semester<
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Piper (Pokey): "Perfect!!"
Harmony (Bob-Bomb): "Welcome to the team, Topper! I'm sure you'll fit right in!!"
Ballad (Hammer Bro): "We're always pleased to have another member!!"
Topper: "Um... Th-Thanks..."
Aria (Piranha Plant): "You're dressed very fancy!! I can tell, you take music very seriously!!"
Viola (Pianta): "I can't wait to get to know you!!"
Topper: "Ummmmm..."
Sonata (Spike): "Oh yeah, by the way, the teacher's car broke down this morning-"
Ludwig: "AGAIN???"
Topper: "Does that mean... No music?"
Cadence (Toad): "Just for today! You can use this time to catch up on work for other classes and such! Or just goof off and talk to US!!"
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Topper: "... I-I don't know... I think I just need to sit for a second..."
Ludwig: "Okay!!"
Adagio (Shy Guy): "Hey Ludwig!! We're starting up a Kahoot!! Wanna play with us?"
Ludwig: "Oh! Sure!!" *Gets up* "Let me know if you need anything, okay?"
Topper: "Alright..."
Ludwig: *Walks off*
Topper: "........." *Pulls out a book to read*
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???: "I'm Plessie!"
Topper: "... Hi." *Picks up his book* "...... Can I help you?"
Plessie: "No... I just wanted to say hello!" :3
Topper: "... Alright." *Back to reading*
Plessie: "Ooh, A Court of Thorns and Roses? Are you a fan of the series?"
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Plessie: "Oh. I love the series!! What do you think of it so far?"
Topper: "... It's interesting... I guess..."
Plessie: "Is there any book series that you ARE a fan of?"
Topper: "Um..." *Thinks* "There's this one series I really like... You've probably never heard of it--It's not very popular... It's called Horseclans by Robert Adams. It's about-"
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Topper: "REALLY?!?!... What's your first favorite?"
Plessie: "Promise not to laugh?"
Topper: *Nods*
Plessie: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid."
Topper: !
Plessie: "I know, I know. Very classy."
Topper: "Those books were my whole childhood!! I related to Greg so much... I mean, I never had a younger brother. Or a best friend... But I still felt like the world was always trying to ruin MY days... Reading those books again and again was my therapy!!!"
Plessie: "Oh wow! I didn't relate to Greg AT ALL. But I still thought the books were fun because of just how obserd some of the things in it were!!"
Topper: "Well, you don't gotta relate to a book to enjoy it!!"
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>After class<
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Ludwig: "Cool! It seems like you two definitely hit it off!! I mean, she really seems to like you!"
Topper: "Yeah, I guess so."
Ludwig: "Like... She really seems to like you."
Topper: ".........?"
Ludwig: "......"
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degreeofdisorder · 3 months
young royals s3e2 episode reaction
heavy breathing on speakerphone? are they having phone sex?
oh no. just longing. that is genuinely worse
"what would you have done if I was there" ok nvm they're gonna have phone sex
oh that was really sad
are they ever not gonna get interrupted by knocking. on god.
vanessa gives me the heebie jeebies
y'all vincent is SO dramatic he should genuinely drop out and become an actor.
not the uncomfortable looks between the third years re: the gay porn movie sjfkdjfld
"no one's been bullied" and pans to alexander. yeah. fr.
I knew they were gonna talk shit abt wille as soon as he left.
hm. of course august wants to defend that.
how surprising, ludwig not going to see wille
oh, kristina is fully unraveling huh
bro farima is starting to piss me off too
seriously. not one single functioning adult in this whole damn country.
"so the plan is to not do anything until it looks bad to not do anything" isn't that the plan for all royal families for eternity?
god they're so cute with their piano and their hand holding and their talking about their feelings
simon: close the school !!!!!! wille: wait no
or are you just with me because we go to the same school skflsjfdljfslrk I MEAN.....
like that's not an unfair assumption y'all wouldn't have met otherwise bffr
hm. okay
awww yeah felice is a baby I love her
omg the lil high five/hand shake thing with wille and simon I'm gonna start crying they're so cute
ooooooo a camping trip. love this for them.
"do you think we'll get to sleep together" WHO ARE YOU NICK AND CHARLIE AT PARIS?? STOP THAT
god they're so fucking cute I'm gonna kms
oh her and micke having a whole conversation like parent and child? ok
oh wow sara's a whole driver huh
so weird to have sara and micke bonding. like genuinely so weird.
oh they're making out now huh
yo this season is wish fulfillment in every goddamn way
like they're so fucking precious I'm gonna fucking die
awww nothing more precious than rotting with your girl besties
a petition lol
why's he allowed a laptop and not a phone though? that makes no sense
oh. oh um.
oh well that sounds an awful lot like sexual assault huh
lil bro's got a full blown eating disorder huh. you need therapy not exercise
oh uh simon tore him a new one huh
ooooooo protective bf wille going all out
listen. I don't *enjoy* abuse of power
but every time wille reminds august who's the heir and who's gonna be king n shit, it's just. it gets to me all right. it gets to me
aw come on that was barely a fight
listen I know this is supposed to be dramatic but A RELIGIOUS PAMPHLET I'M GONNA DIENDKFKSKGJDLFKDLGKDLFK
I thought I was gonna be immune to any and all mentions of any sort of revolution, turns out I'm not
oh good lord no
simon don't do it
oh he did it. oh yeah fucking wonderful.
teenagers, y'all.
sure, baby. be the very public boyfriend of the future king of sweden, get a fuck ton of hate (and be accused of social climbing), post an original song about revolution, profit. a+ decision making here. I see no flaws.
oh, yeah, of course farima is in this bitch
this is stressing me out lmfao
I mean I'm actually like really glad they're both tense and still reminding each other that they love each other. #communication
but oh no
"I've taken care of myself and sara since we were kids" yeah wonder why that was [stares at linda and micke]
girlhood, man. so beautiful.
not stella going "you're so so beautiful" like yes she is that isn't the problem
ok fuck you valter
nonbinary regnant maddie
tbf simon....... like wouldn't y'all want to get it on lmfao
it makes me very sad tho. the fact that no one would wanna sleep in the same tent with them. homophobic.
bro I am so into felice + wille + simon. a wonder.
the lil hammock bit I love them so much
I'm genuinely so obsessed with them they're being SO PUBLIC like that's a power couple right there
STELLA AND ROSH?!!?!!??!? +/? +? /?? =!!
STELLA??? AND ROSH?????????
bro this is straight out of a fanfic I can't stop laughing
fredrika is so nasty and for what sjfkdjfkdjfkdkf
oh my god
oh that's so fucking awkward akfkskflskd
oh that's a class divide fr in there. wow.
wilhelm that is *so* fucking *low*
like ohohoho you're rich like me now because you got your UNDERAGE SEX TAPE LEAKED
that is *so* low holy fucking shit
oh wow
okay that was stressful
I do love those artful shots of wille
oh. ludwig speaks. didn't know he had a voice. I assumed kristina had it on some conch shell necklace.
"is it my fault?" WILLE NO. NO
oh yeah that's gonna be stressful isn't it
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Sweet Revenge
Pairing: Baron "Happy" Corbin x Fem Reader 
Summary: Being on the Smackdown commentary team, the reader isn't a fan of Pat McAfee because of how can be annoying, especially his flirting toward her. When Pat is out for the week, she's excited about Corbin, her friend with benefits, who certainly flirts with her while joining commentary and mocking Pat, making the reader want 'revenge' when the show ends...
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY!) 
Word Count: 2.4k 
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @cuzimacomedian @april-jeanette-wagner @starwithaheart @seeingstarks 
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Tonight at work was so peaceful, being on commentary was fun and I was good at it, and with Pat being away for the week?
So peaceful, not so loud, and no annoyances. Just the way I liked it. Things were going to be interesting too with Corbin joining commentary.
Corbin was there solely because he took out Pat the week prior, but that was none of my business.
At first, he was quiet, as were Michael and I, listening to what Ludwig and Gunther had to say, but his mocking of Pat began when Shinsuke Nakamura’s music hit.
He shot up out of his chair, jumping and freaking out like a fan and it was hilarious.
“What are you doing you fool?!” Michael yelled as he jumped up onto the desk, copying Nakamura’s pose, getting on his feet, and playing an air guitar.
“Leave him alone, Michael! He’s got moves!” I laughed, squealing when he grabbed my hand, pulling me up to the table:
“Come on, Y/N! Have some fun!”
Michael was very curious as to why I was so friendly with him. I didn’t associate with talent too much, but Corbin? No one knew that I talked to him.
I jumped up right alongside him, dancing along and rocking out:
“This is actually so much fun!” I giggled, doing an air guitar too, laughing at Corbin on his knees, being so dramatic with it, but I played right along and enjoyed the bit of goofiness.
Corbin did not stop singing the beat of his song till it cut, but I needed to sit, actually out of breath, but still smiling:
“That was so much fun.”
My smile grew when Corbin hopped back down, having me snort at him throwing Michael out of his chair and taking the spot next to me.
“What the?! Corbin!”
Michael was so annoyed, but I was blushing when Corbin sat next to me, shutting Michael down:
“You’re so lame! I’m sitting next to Y/N. She’s actually a good commentator and knows how to have fun, Michael!”
“Why thank you, Corbin,” I smiled, fixing my skirt and joining in on the digs at Michael, “It’s nice to be sitting next to a man with taste for once.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Michael looked at me, upset but I shrugged:
“Just being honest.”
The main reason I didn’t like Pat was because of not only how annoying he could be, but his little flirting. I knew Corbin was only out here to mock Pat, but we had a relationship outside of the wrestling world and he was really flirting with me:
“Think it’s the first time you’ve actually sat next to a man and I sure have good taste.”
Licking his lower lip, he put his arm on the back of my chair, a sexy smirk forming while staring into my eyes.
I had to look away with my smile growing, letting his arm rest there, all of us silenced when Nakamura took his microphone, challenging Ludwig to a match.
For the majority of the match, we were taking our jobs seriously, but Corbin kept me laughing, yelling at Michael after he kept bringing up his attack on Pat:
“I ran people over in football, just like I ran your boy, Pat McAfee, over.”
“So, what is going to happen at Summerslam?” I was curious about his game plan and he kept messing with Michael but also saying:
“Oh, Summerslam is going to be beautiful, just like you, and Cole’s gonna have to watch his best friend, who just rejuvenated his love for the WWE! We saw your tweet, you should be embarrassed! You’re gonna have to watch me punish him”
“Well, at least I have friends,” Cole actually hit him with a good one, but then I stepped in:
“Hey, don’t be telling lies now, Cole. Corbin has friends!”
“Thank you, Y/N,” He smiled at me, holding my hand on my thigh, “I have an amazing friend, sitting right next to me actually and I’m not talking about you, Cole. You idiot.”
Man, I haven’t had this much fun on commentary for a while, Cole shooting back:
“Bottom line is, for you, this is about jealousy.”
“Jealous about what?!” He laughed, “I’m doing just fine, living a great life, got an amazing friend here with me, unlike you, Cole! And she’s so sweet and gorgeous? Pat is jealous of me!”
“Definitely jealous,” I snickered with him, not meaning to get lost but with his hand starting to rub my thigh under the desk, the soft squeezes of his huge hand deep in my thigh, I was thinking with a different mindset, “Like look at how successful Corbin is, an amazingly built wrestler, handsome. Pat could never.”
Michael's eyes about popped out of his head, “Excuse me, Y/N?!”
“You heard what she said,” Corbin smiled in his face, leaning to me, hand going even deeper in my thigh, finger toying at my panties, “You think he’s jealous too?”
“So jealous,” I smiled back, leaning against his shoulder, squeezing my thighs together, and trying to fight the pleasurable hums.
“Get a room,” Michael mumbled under his breath, Corbin having me blurting out with laughter when he plucked his glasses off of him.
Right as I stopped, Nakamura hit his finisher on Ludwig, so we finished out the match and then really grew quiet while watching Gunther punish Ludwig for losing.
It was hard to watch, but once they began to exit the ring, Corbin took the time to properly make his exit as well:
“Thank you so much for having me, Y/N. I had a great time, just might come down a little more often.”
“You can take both of their places if you want,” I played, making Michael more upset:
“Wow Y/N. After all the time we worked together.”
“Oh, I know, poor thing. I feel bad for you,” Corbin jabbed, taking my hand to kiss it and thanking me again, “It was a pleasure.”
“Certainly,” I blushed when he kissed my hand, that intensifying when he blew a kiss to me, mouthing:
“Text me.”
Taking my phone, I waited for him to make his exit and luckily we went into a commercial break, texting quickly:
[Im getting revenge later]
[Revenge? 😂 I was just having some fun 😈]
[Yeah while I was working 🙄😂]
[I was too!] [Come find me and get your ‘revenge’ when you’re done then]
I left it there because if I kept on texting him, I would get so distracted and there was still a good bit of time before the show ended.
Better believe that when it was over? The goal the second I got backstage was finding Corbin.
He always had a private locker room to hang out in, only thing was, I wasn’t sure where it was. So, I just followed the signs, really focused so when I felt someone take my arm and pull me, I squealed so loud.
“Geez babe, it’s just me!” Baron laughed, hugging me from behind and laughing at my reaction, needing to breathe, but also rolling my eyes:
"You just can't be scaring people like that!"
"Aww, I'm sorry," He pouted and lied, just to kiss my neck and squeeze me, "You're just walking around here looking so damn fine, couldn't help myself."
"Don't suck up to me," I warned, letting him kiss my neck and smiling, "I'm still gonna get my revenge."
"Let me guess," He kissed up to my ear, hand slipping under my skirt again, teasing me, "It was really hard not to moan while I was doing that?"
"Wasn't fair and you know it," I hummed, grinding back onto him a little when he slipped a finger under my panties, running through my folds and then making its way in:
"You enjoyed it though, just like you are now," He chuckled, curling his finger to hit that little bump that would make me shake, "Still soaked from it."
"Baron," I opened my eyes, so lost I forgot, laughing, "We're in the hall."
"Shit," He laughed, wiggling his finger once more, then fixing the both of us, "Wanna head out? I brought the Ferrari."
Curse that sly smile of his, holding up and jiggling his keys, giving me a great opportunity to take my revenge, snatching his fedora so it blinded him for a moment, then stealing the keys and running:
"Thanks for the new car!"
"That's fucked up!" He yelled, having me run full speed and laughing, going out to the parking lot, pushing the button for the horn so I could find his Ferrari.
He caught up with me quickly, my upper body halfway in the car as I was laughing more, trying to get in, but while leaning over, he spanked my ass good, pulling me out of the car by my hips:
"Nice try, Y/N!"
When I stood up straight, there was no emotion on my face and it quickly worried him, but I did it on purpose. Teasing me tonight, what he just did in the hall then spanking my ass like that? My blood was running quick and hot.
"Hey, I thought we were just playing-" He truly thought I was upset, till I yanked him by the shirt, kissing him hard, shoving my tongue in, and growling:
"Get your ass in the front seat."
"Who you talking to like that?" He tried to play around, and I was still in a playful mood, but still had an attitude:
"You want some ass or not?"
"I'm getting that ass," He laughed, tapping me and switching places to hop in, watching as I looked all around, making sure no one was there to see me step out of my panties, throwing them into the passenger side before climbing in on top of him, shutting the door and immediately kissing him again.
"Good thing I blacked out these windows," He locked the doors, tossing his hat off my head, whispering while playing with my skirt, "I've been thinking about fucking you in this skirt all night."
"You're gonna get what you want," A sly look crept onto my face, biting his lip while helping unbutton his pants, "Just with a twist."
"Really set on trying to keep me down, huh?" He quickly fixed himself, leaning the seat back, and I purred softly into his ear:
"Oh, I will. I know just how to work you up and quickly."
"Please remind me," He never let his ego or confidence drop even a little, usually in complete control while we were having our fun time, but I was bound to change that. Even if it was just him moaning my name, that would be enough for me.
At first, I slowly sat on his cock, raising up my skirt a little so he could have a good view, swiveling my hips around slowly, then leaned up towards him so his tip popped out slightly, teasing by letting it ease in and out, doing it quicker and quicker, then threw myself right back on every inch.
"Knew you were going to do that," He was biting his lip, thinking I didn't hear what he said and whispering in his ear always turned him on, giggling then whispering to him:
"Getting to you already?"
"Be lucky I'm letting you be on top after you snatched my keys and ran," Trying to distract himself, typical, but I made sure I kept that intense excitement around, nibbling on his ear softly, then biting down his neck:
"Don't lie to yourself. You know that this is exactly what you wanted, to see your hot, little boo thang fucking you in a tiny skirt."
Keeping his mouth shut was a sign, stepping it up and holding the seat, rocking back harder and quicker, moaning myself, but making sure he was the one who really, really felt it, especially when my walls began to clamp up.
"Isn't that what you wanted?" I wanted to see how he would respond, getting him to crack a little:
"You know the answer."
I laughed in my moans, resting my head on his shoulder because I wasn't slowing down and I was feeling it, really tight and it had me burning up, but I made sure he heard every single moan and whisper of his name in the sweet tone that wired him up.
"Fuck," He mumbled deep, a groan bubbling in his chest, and with a hard spank to the ass, I shot up a little and moaned louder, gasping when he held the back of my thighs, rocking me down on his cock even harder than I could myself, growling, "You're gonna cum before I do."
"Oh, you're close?" That instantly gave me a boost of energy, bouncing down and topping his speed, him not being able to thrust his hips because of the limited space, seeing if I could get him off before I hit mine.
It was truly a challenge, his hands all over my thighs, ass, and stomach, gripping hard and trying to keep himself together. For me, it made it all harder, creating a small rock of the car, hands pressing up on the ceiling, and my moans reaching some high notes, shaking with the inevitable heading my way.
"Fuck, Y/N," He tried hiding that it was a moan, but it was, arms wrapping around me and bear-hugging me, having my moans break up into gasps, his cock throbbing, and right as his heat shot into me, I whined so loudly, legs tensing up and my slick running hard all over his cock, hugging his head:
"Oh my god, Baron!"
He kept us up straight, still in his arms while we both were panting, his body dropping back into the seat and mine fell back into the steering wheel, having me jump when the horn blared.
"Can I get a second to breathe?" He laughed, pulling me down to his chest.
"I really hope no one heard that," I was out of breath and wheezing, looking around to see if anyone was in the parking lot, not seeing anyone from my line of sight.
"Who gives a shit if they did?" He shrugged, closing his eyes and relaxing, "Damn, that was hot."
"Sure was, baby," I smiled, kissing where his tattoo was behind his ear, then teasing, "Also, totally got you first this time." 
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akwardlyuncool · 4 months
Class Favorites: The "I'll Have What He's Having" DougDoug Food Challenge.
*Disclaimer and apologies to DougDoug:
I didn't watch his official run, but I've seen at least 5 or 6+ different groups do the challenge (full VOD's over here), I've read his rules on X, listened to people reference run and was overall invested in this silliness. That being said, I wanted to link his video first cause he deserves the props and his run is what you should look at if you're "serious" about doing the challenge.
The "Essential" Challenge Rules:
So basically you and 3 of your friends, so 4 humans total, get like 4 or 6 hours to go to 10 fast food places (drive-thru only) and order the same exact meal that the car in front of you just ordered and finish it, drinks and condiments included. 1 of the restaurants has to be KFC, there can only be 1 official drink spot and 2 official dessert places. Oh and you can't, like my dad likes to say "call Earl." Also I don't think it was official, but it probably was and if it wasn't it should have been, no car watching, as in don't try and to scam the system by scoping cars before you get in line.
Now Let's Rank A Few:
I was only gonna throw up links to my favorite runs, but in the process of doing that I've decided to rank them. Note, this won't be the leader-board ranking, just a rank based on my personal enjoyment and how annoyed I got when teams did ish they didn't have to do, like eat everything before going to the next spot or when they didn't eat the condiments. For everyone else's sake, I'm only gonna link the "condensed" versions because if you happen to be remotely interested, I'm not gonna make you watch multiple 5/6 hour long VOD's, even though I think they're better. (It was a hyper-focus, leave me alone.) Also this is not something to be taken supper seriously, any commentary I have is not that deep, but I am right lol.
Ludwig with The Yard Podcast
I had such a good time watching them test their limits, with some wanting to quit after 1 coffee and then thinking you got this when you're 2 seconds from calling it on a quarter pounder. I feel like when I say I want bro content, this is what I mean.
Blau & Friends
Blau is diabetic so their run was just fun to watch, because of that being being the case. (Don't worry too hard, he was monitoring his insulin and doing what he needed to do to be safe the whole time.)
Fear & Podcast Ft. Nadre and CarolineKwan
This was the first one I watched and how I really got into following the madness. Don't get cocky right away and don't think that the healthy or vegan options will necessarily be your friend. In this challenge, no is really your friend cause all of them could surprise you with a super sized, family meal.
Agents Of Chaos
From what I remember they just had a solid run and I want to give them props for that.
Mayor Wertz & Friends
Their run was as little annoying cause if I'm remembering correctly they were car watching and forcing themselves to finish the meal before they could go to the next place. I just wanted to scream at them "N0" and "YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT," every couple minutes. There was also a Pup Cup involved in this one, so they get content points there.
Wubby & Friends
Probably my least favorite just based on the vibes of the group and if I'd watch them again, but they did have heart. Honestly though, it's been so long since I watched all of these, so last might be too strong and Mayor Wertz team might need to be dropped down, just because of how annoyed I was while watching.
This was just something I was so into this last year and without going into the valid critiques of over-consumption, I genuinely enjoy this kind of foolishness. Like this kind of silliness is what I'm referencing when I say I want something that doesn't matter, but that I can also be the judge of cause I'll watch every other one and become the expert.
PS: As I'm writing this, I'm literally watching another run of the challenge and I'm so annoyed cause they used Kody Ko as the run example and he didn't do it right! For anyone who hops in on this in 2024 lol, Kody Ko's run shouldn't be the run you watch because they didn't finish their drinks and he called Earl, which technically ends your run. (Yes I'm looking at you JC.) Also to the person on YouTube who told me to chill because I pointed these things out, that was me be chill-ish lol.
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Die Heilige Sinfonie
It's almost cake time? Could say we're cutting it fine.
(You're NOT ready)
(Weak, unsteady)
(Is it petty?)
(Let me set this real...)
(You done lost it)
(Victim? No shit)
(Yet you claim I)
(Don't know how you feel?!)
Oh... It's Iggy. That's where he ran off? I wonder what for? The others are probably worried about 'em.
"You... What was all that about?" Best not make it weird 'til he inevitably snaps.
"Bahahahaha! Nothin' a human should know! Seriously, nothing to worry about!" He's... bad at lying. Or is he only good at lying when it's not important to him?
"I'm unconvinced. If it really were nothing, you wouldn't have shooshed out your brothers and sister like that. And not to mention you storming out like that... Is childhood really that embarrassing?"
"Again, Sil-chan... IT'S. NO. THING. Now shaddup about it!" Blegh... "Sil-chan"...
"Aw... Now I'm curious. Wait, don't tell me... This is about your... attitude changes, yeah?"
"My WHAT?! When did ya hear about that?! Ahahaha!" Now that was a more nervous laugh. He's cracking. I KNOW IT.
"Heh... I had a hunch you did. Don't think that because I used to never leave my room, that I didn't know anything."
"Oh really? Like what?" You're pushing your luck, Iggy. But if you insist...
"Lot's, actually... Let's see... Morton knowing how to bake, Ludwig not liking cats, Larry owning porn magazines, Lemmy wanting to express sadism in battle like the others, Roy viewing Wendy as his biggest weakness, Wendy not knowing how to swim... And you being-"
"Shove it already, Sil-chan! I told you to shut up about it!" Oh hey! He's actually pissed off at me! That's good!
"If you're that mad at me, you wouldn't be using that nickname. Though, I really don't see what's got you so ticked at me an' my curiosity. Is it really that bad?"
"..." Heh. Was only a matter of time before I got him to shut up. It's really that simple.
"As I thought. Hahahaha! ...Tell you what, though. We could strike a deal for this information." I told you I'm now curious.
"What's in it to you?" He snapped at me rather quickly. This anger radiating off of him... I like it. But I have one more wish... Will you cry for me, please?
"I do love my secrets... And for a dear friend's secrets? Mm! Delectable! Tell me... What do you think about letting me ask my questions... in exchange for tight lips on this? We could reach a mutual agreement... IF the feeling is mutual."
"Nope! No chance!" *sigh*
"As expected... Well, what do you suggest as favor? In exchange for this, I mean? I'm trying to help you, you know..."
"Fine! Tell me what's YOUR biiiiiiig secret?!"
"Hmph... Fine. Let's see... MY personality change didn't come from a day, either. Do you know that I'm also an accomplished explorer? Yes... One such treasure at the end of these excursions is what gave me this brand. It was a mask that reverses the wearer's personality for a day... But I hated being your laughing stock... Why, I was too shy, enough where all of you would make fun of me. So I provided some adjustments to it... lo and behold." Sounds like I was just pulling that outta my ass, but it's true. Heh...
"Really?! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" Oh my... Yelling already? That's what I like to see...
"Listen...  May I clarify and remind you that I'm interested in learning partially because YOU'RE so guarded for it, and because I legitimately WORRY what happened to you?"
"EVERYONE WORRIES YOU IDIOT!!" Woah. "Everyone's ALWAYS wonderin' 'What happened to you?', but they never EVER stop 'n think that they're part of the problem! Help you I'll help you I'll help you... Everyone says that, so WHY couldn't they help me?!" I... wasn't aware of this half of 'em.
"What's goin' on over there??" Oh god, that can't be Lemmy... WHY NOW?!
"Phew! Iggy I was worried about you! Why'd you-Oh hey Silvy-lady."
"We're in the middle of something here... Do you mind?"
"Well... What WERE you doing?" Fuck.
"Well..." Iggy you bastard! Keep your mouth shut! He thus brought the little one to tell him what happened last until now. "Really?" Yes Lemmy. Correct answer. Ugh!
You people are SO protective of each other it makes me sick! Why can't someone be violently protective to me too? Boring boring boring!
*bzzt* *klunk klunk* 
"Okay then... Silver." Flatly using my first name only... Ehe. "What do you think the secret is?"
"Hmm... Your dearly devoted little brother's room elephant is... How he was just too shy and pathetic as a child, am I right?" Again, I can hardly fathom why you two insist on keeping this a secret?
Lemmy was just stumped. Never saw his shocked look before. Iggy, meanwhile, was just... blank-faced. No anger, no bitterness, no sorrow, just... perfect stoicism. Hey... Maybe now my questions can be answered...! Oh man, this is really gettin' me excited!
"Couldn't you have guessed? Maybe you knew..." Nope, never mind.
"Never mind him... Come closer, be nice, and answer me, please... Just why are you so protective on this...?" Press up against your target. Look for any gaps in discomfort among participants.
"Honestly... Why the hell are you so interested in me...? It's so embarrassing, ya know? Hahaha..."
"I just know you're gonna falter... Heyyyy... How 'bout ya answer this question~?"
"You said no one cared 'bout you enough for that problem... Yet Lemmy seemed to know. 'Course, knowing and caring are two distinct things... So tell me... Does your little buddy care~? He's someone... so he counts under everyone...!"
"Of course... This doesn't follow if you were thinking of... something else. Were you and I thinking of the same thing...? Or maybe... You were thinking of... something else ENTIRELY~!"
"...Aw. You broke my neck. I'll have to fix that later... How could you do a thing like that? How could you do a thing like that? How could you do a thing like that? How could you do a thing like that?" Make your way back to your target. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.
"*shove* When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. I thought we were friends." And again, we meet our target.
"Listen, retard... If you're gonna be like that... Then I have ways of making you talk, Ignatius~ Your siblings are over there... yeah? How would you feel... if you had your nasty secret ratted out to the others...? That's gonna be your fate of mockery, if my guess is right. So why don't you just hurry up and tell me?! Why are you so into keeping this a secret anyhow?" His face was shadowed. He was facing downward, he was quaking a bit. That'll teach 'em...
"Go an' tell 'em... Do what ya want... Just LEAVE ME OUTTA THIS...!"
"hEY-! IGGY SLOW DOWN!!! COME BACK!" Again... What? Just like that... Voice cracked, and BAM! He ran outta here! He's FAST.
"Well... Can't really say I told you so-"
"Why couldn't you have just stayed out of this...? Or at least told ME something." I wasn't really mad, per see. Okay, I was a little mad. But no one has kept a secret away from Silver and LIVED. She's intelligent and charming enough to find it out.
"A secret stays a secret! What else was I gonna do?"
"Keep quiet about this? All I saw was him storming out of the fancy kitchen. Never the conversation content that was the tipping point."
"Uh... Sorry about the neck."
I just ignored him.
"Aren't you curious on why his childhood embarrasses him so...?"
"...I mean, I wouldn't hate knowing-"
"See? I'll wring him outta the secret if it's the LAST thing I do here..." Off to the castle indoors! I have a camera to see! Run run run! Ehe.
Why did I say okie doki to this?
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atom-writings · 1 year
If you don’t mind me asking, what would it be like if the Axis (including Prussia and Romano) were the reader’s next door neighbor. And how would they try to romance the reader?
(Hetalia Axis x Reader) Next Door Neighbor!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N thank u for giving me a reason to write romano i love him so soososos much. Also whoopsies i did not write japan if u guys want me to do japan i will do it separately and then it will be longer thank u for ur undertsanding <3
Trigger Warning: Men being incredibly insistent, other than that none!
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Feliciano has never been subtle. Especially with those he wants to romance. As soon as you move in, and he lays eyes on you, he’s completely enraptured. It wouldn’t even occur to him to take it slow. You’re cute, so he has to have you.
Anytime he sees you coming out of your apartment, he immediately strikes up a conversation. Of course, this would become very irritating for you, if it weren’t for how charming he was. Originally he tries to line up when he works with when you do, but he’s always late for everything anyway. That plan doesn’t last long.
“Y/N!” Feliciano calls from down the hall, sprinting towards you, “W-Wait up!”
Obliging him with a huff, you turn around to greet him. As he catches up, he immediately keels over, out of breath and panting desperately.
“Feliciano, good to see you. “
“Y-yeah…” he sputters out, still trying to catch his breath, “Good to see you too…”
He takes a moment to regain his composure. While you wait, you set down the luggage you had down on the floor outside your apartment door.
“Listen, listen, I wanted to ask you something before you disappeared. Which, wait, where were you? Did you leave or was I just missing you?”
“Ah, yeah, it wasn’t anything big. Just visiting some family out of town.” He perks up at the mention of your relatives.
“Oh, great! B-but, uh, I wanted to ask… Will you go on a date with me?” As he asks that, you look at him in shock, clearly taken aback.
“Seriously?” You ask, incredulously.
“Yeah! I’m cute, you’re cute, why not?”
You jump a little bit in excitement, “Of course, Feli!”
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Oh, Ludwig would absolutely despise this scenario. He thinks you’re absolutely adorable… and now he has to see you around every day? Why can’t anything be easy…
He’s definitely very aware of the complications that could come with dating someone you have to see all of the time. He’s never been the most smooth… and now, if he messes up, he has to hear you through the wall all the time. What if you started dating someone else then too? He’d have to move… oh dear, oh no… clearly the best route is to just not talk to you at all! If he can take it…
Immediately spinning around from opening his door, pressing his back against the wall when he makes eye contact with you, he responds, “Y-yes?”
You step back in surprise at his extreme reaction, “Woah, something wrong?”
“Nein, nein, nothing is wrong. What is it?” As he says that, he tries to pose casually.
You calm yourself down, pulling out a letter from your pocket and unfolding it. His eyes immediately widen at seeing it, and your suspicions are immediately confirmed.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this love letter I got, would you?”
He stutters, “N-No! I mean… a little, but no! Yes! Maybe!”
“Ok, yeah, because I looked it up… and the only place that makes these kinds of seals is in some obscure German village. And I thought, who would know about an obscure German village? Probably my neighbour, right?” You smile at his reaction, noting his blush.
“Ja, ja, I do… I… um…”
You cut him off, “Did you send it?”
He freezes, his face flushing more, “Y-Yes…” he gulps nervously, “I-I’m sorry! I did not want to make you uncomfortable!”
“No… no, it’s really cute.” 
He looks at you in surprise, “Really?” He continues as you nod, “Well then um… would you like to go out with me next Friday?”
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Romano falling for someone super quickly? Someone who, if he dated them, could create lots of awkward situations? Shocker. Fortunately, reality has never stopped him before.
You’re gonna immediately realize what’s going on. Considering that he trips over himself every day to say good morning and try to strike up a conversation, he is just as subtle as his brother. Except he can’t help but add at least one compliment every day. If he wasn’t so handsome, it would definitely be a bit creepy.
“Bella.” Romano greets you simply. He stood before you awkwardly, sweating but trying to hide it smoothly. Although he was the one who knocked on your door, it seemed as if he was waiting for you to speak first.
You pause, “Yes?”
“As you may have noticed, I have been trying to get your attention since you moved in.” He continues, trying to keep his composure.
“Yeah… I noticed.”  Multiple occasions in which he had almost cornered you to talk to you, for only a moment, come to mind immediately.
“Well… that is because I like you quite a lot.” You struggle to respond before he quickly takes out a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back. He thrusts them against your chest awkwardly, returning to crossing his arms and huffing.
“Oh… um… thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah. You're welcome. All of this… and that…” He cringes as he remembers his overly drastic behaviour, “was just because I think you’re really… attractive… and interesting. So go out with me, alright?”
You look back up at him, amused, “Not much of an offer there, is it?”
He freezes, wringing his hands and looking away, “S-Scusami… will you go out with me? There’s a new French place that opened down the road, I thought… maybe we could go there together sometime…” his voice trails off.
“I’d love to, you weirdo.”
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Gilbert is very aware of how awkward this is going to be. Unfortunately for you, he does not care. He can’t stop himself from slipping little gifts under your door all the time, with a note proclaiming his entire full name, title, job history, and every reason you should date him. 
But… every time you try to actually talk to him, he panics, yells, and runs away. A couple of times he’s told you he doesn’t speak English… after he just spoke English. It’s cute how he gets so flustered, but also incredibly frustrating if you actually like him.
Just one simple word makes Gilbert desperately press himself against the wall to get away from you, but he quickly recovers, pulling a comically awkward pose.
“Funny seeing you here!”
“Outside… your apartment? …That I live right next to?”
“Yes, that’s what I said.” His tone rises nervously.
“Listen, I’ve been getting all your little gifts and-”
“WOW! Would you look at the time! I have to be going, tschüss!” He yells, his strong accent coming through. He tries scooting past you to escape, but you grab his shoulder quickly, stopping him.
“Gilbert. Listen, you always run away-”
“Me?! Running away?! I can tell you, I have never done so! Ask any Danish soldier from before 1700!” He says, laughing nervously.
“Gilbert.” Your tone becomes sterner, and he deflates, his tone and face dropping, “Are you really in love with like you say you are?”
His face flushes and he brings his hand up to cover his cheeks, “Ja… Yes… I am.”
“Then, let’s go out already! I’ve been waiting for you to ask me on a date for months!”
“What, the notes were not enough?” He jokes.
“Not when you keep running away from me!”
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katyspersonal · 10 months
Please share some fluffy headcanons about Brador and Laurence! 🥺 like that cute fanart you did.
I love this ship so much, you don't understand...
🩸 Laurence is 5'2'' (157 cm) and Brador is 6'1'' (185 cm). That's it, that's the headcanon. xd Big height difference kills me..... But also, sometimes Brador would lift up and hold Laurence when he is not tall enough to look in the eyes to whoever he is having a sass battle with ;-; xDDD (Also please validate my heights headcanons post ( x ). Initially he was gonna be 5'0'', but my friend said it was impossible to take seriously, so I had to elongate him a bit hdhfhdsfd)
🔒 Brador is apologizing and enabling Laurence to a, perhaps, unhealthy degree. He believes that everyone should know their place in this world, but for him Laurence is MEANT to shape history and do great things. He trusts in his methods and end goals completely, and will "stay by his cancelled boyfriend's side" no matter what Laurence does. Hell- If someone manages to interest Brador past Laurence being gone, liking Laurence will be the demand for dating Brador. You can't forgive some of the shit he did "for the betterment of humanity"? SHRUUUUGGG.
🩸 Okay, okay, sorry for going the dark side when we are talking specifically about 'fluffy' things. That's just how Brador is. xd But yes, he will often follow Laurence like a shadow, stand near him and scare anyone that tries to argue with Laurence with his glare. In fact, most people do not even know he is an assassin, simply assuming he is one of the most frequently seen bodyguards of Laurence. You've also seen that I give Brador a big cool cape in the era before he got the cleric beast hyde, but Brador will often try to get Laurence under his cape in an attempt to keep him even 'more' warm and safe- especially when they are walking on a chilly day. It embarrasses Laurence a little, being seen on public coddled by his "servant" (as far as society is aware) like that. He is the high-ranking holy figure! But he never denies Brador in doing this.
🔒 In the case of other displays of reverence/affection/both on public, like kissing his hand, complimenting him a bit too much, fixing his hair and kissing his forehead afterwards, etc Laurence is not really shy. On the contrary - if some people DO give the 'hmmm is that appropriate for the holy figure and some gremlin that just body guards him tho?' look, Laurence will simply smugly comment that they should watch this and learn how he SHOULD be treated xd
🩸 When Laurence is feeling tense, nervous, guilty or straight up scared (yes, shockingly, that can happen), and Brador is near - he will hold his hand tight, often not even realising it. It makes Brador melt, though, no matter what situation prompted that.
🔒 There would actually be a long period of Laurence not even realizing Brador's true feelings towards him, thinking that they are just close friends and Brador's constant gestures of affection, gifts, kisses, protectiveness etc were just a normal thing. Me and Val are joking that he is blind to all this, yet when Ludwig as much as distracts for like 2 seconds from his precious sword to look at him - that toooootally means he's secretly in love for him dsfhhfds There is a lot of humour we both added about this ship, but on a more serious note, you could tell that Laurence has been taking Brador for granted...? Brador would have to actually step over his passive, obedient simping and get assertive just once, to make Laurence reflect on their past and UNDERSTAND already. He'd feel guilty for it, but it would actually be worth it... When Laurence would be forced to reflect on their past, it would hit him how loyal, trustworthy and unwavering Brador has been, how many things they've shared, and he would just.. Figure out maybe he loves him too? Maybe suddenly developing feelings based on how much a person loves him and how much he did for him, rather than on who he 'is' is a bit questionable, but the way Kris put such things - "how much person is willing to do for someone they love can also indicate their personality, so it is not the shallow attraction that you assume it is" ...maybe? And in any case, they would be happy together regardless, and this is what counts.
🩸 They were hugging and kissing even before actual relationship, though! Simply because Laurence did not even know how to kiss and had no partner before Byrgenwerth era (ie before meeting Brador that was around there).. so he asked Brador to assist him in practising how to do that as a close friend.
🔒 Laurence often sits on Brador's lap, while they're looking through documents, reports etc together and discuss them.
🩸 @val-of-the-north mentioned that already, but we decided that in the Nightmare, Brador projects his phantom near Laurence's beast to "talk" to him ( x ), tricking himself into thinking that Laurence still can understand his words. It is bittersweet, yeah. Also, if whatever curious hunter closing in on Church's secrets happens to have hair or eyes similar to Laurence's when he was a human, Brador will actually sob and hold his victim with varying levels of talking detached from reality - from asking to just 'let him have it a bit longer' to straight up saying 'I thought I've lost you forever'. Before inevitably killing them, that's it, but he is depressed as fuck past the point of having to mercy-kill Laurence himself.
🔒 Eh, I told you that Laurence starts wearing a crown after Cainhurst falls (he had crown in cut content, actual name of Sage's Hair item is 'Skull of a Saint', Church replaces monarchy's authority, etc ( x )). Past that period, Laurence always keeps the crown on during........ things. Brador loooooves it, though. Yeah it is not as funny as 'Mensis Cage stays ON!', but still SOMEwhat funny in my opinion. x)
🩸 There were a few times Laurence would ask Brador to wear something he normally would not, like robes of Executioners or just high-ranking Clerics, simply because he would like to see how it looked on Brador. And one time when he asked Brador to shave his beard a bit and wear glasses. He actually found Brador with very short facial hair, glasses and in robes looking very hot. I wonder fucking why....... I reeeeeally wonder why is that, huh..... -_-"
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🔒 Also, that headcanons post was sorta ancient, but still relevant I think? That Brador actually secretly has a great taste and artistic skills, and he was the one to design the sigil used on Healing Church's holy shawl, and has been helping with the outfits designs enough. Not to mention being inventive no less than Gehrman with tools and weapons. Laurence reposted it with credit to the original artist, of course, but he really appreciates his talent.
🩸 Brador has quite an amount of scars on his body from having been stabbing himself with the Bloodletter, that Laurence likes to kiss good whenever he can spot new ones appeared. Also, because of the specifics of Brador's weapon, he of course has quite the iron-deficiency. Hmmm ok like, you know how an old lady will see you being too thin and gasp at how malnourished you are and insist on feeding you 5000 homemade meals? Laurence is like this but with seeing how Brador clearly needs to consume more blood, straight up going green from losing too much of it xddd He will basically insist on giving him more blood like a tea in his concern.
Okay, look, I really tried to make it fluffy and cute, but I don't know how xd They are somewhat hard to take seriously because they are SILLY! They also love being haters together about some people within the Healing Church they're not particularly in kahoots with, or about 'antagonists' (like Caryll or some of the particularly distrustful Old Hunters Gehrman was not able to talk). And they just love doing SILLY things!
Thank you for the ask, though. However.....
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Please just pause a little bit fdshfhds-
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1047: Morning Checkers and Arm Wrestling (Super Smash Bros)
11:23 a.m. at the Smash Town's Local Park.......
Roy stares hard at the checker pieces in front of him before slowly and cautiously moving the black ones to the other side.
Ludwig: (Staring at Roy on the Other Side of the Checker Table) I must say, Roy, you've been taking this game a lot more seriously the more rounds we've played thus far. I'm impressed
Roy: (Shrugs) It helps pass up the time of boredom. And considering so many the rounds you've beaten me so far- Like... I dunno, over a hundred or something-
Ludwig: (Smiles Proudly While Pointing His Finger Up) Approximately one hundred, ninety seven wins to two to be exact.
Roy: (Gives His Older Brother a Deadpinned Look on his Face) You just love being a know-it-all smartass, don't you?
Ludwig: Hey, you mentioned the fact that I've gotten over hundred victories. I just decided to present you the approximate amount. (Looks Down at his Pieces) Oh. And while we are one that subject in particular.....(Moves One of the Pieces Around Three Times Before Blurting Out....) Checkmate.
Roy: (Angrily Slams his Fist onto the Checker Imprinted Table in Defeat) DAMNIT! I thought I had you that time!
Ludwig: You were close, the closest play you've made yet actually, but alas, that alone wasn't enough to stop me from reading through your tactics. It wasn't too predictable as your last few performances, so you are improving quite a bit.
Roy: Damn right I am. And ain't stopping till I get more wins in my belt. So best two out of-
Roy turns around to see a pink, short haired girl wearing a blue hoodie, glaring at him with her hands on her hips.
Roy: (Raises an Eyebrow at the Young Lady) Uh anything I can help you with, pinky?
??????: Are you Roy Koopa?
Roy: That is the name my pops gave when I was born and raised, yes. And who might you be?
Kuma: The name's Kuma. Princess of Osohe Castle or whatever. (Crosses her Arms Together) And let's just I'm not too happy about the way you've been treating my little Sunflower as of late.
Ludwig: Little.....Sunshine?
Roy: Wait, you don't mean-
Lucas: (Slowly Reveals Himself From Behind Kumatora as He Chuckles Awkwardly a Bit and Waves at the Two Koopa Brothers) H-Hey, you guys.
Ludwig: (Smiles Back at the Young PSI User) Ah Lucas, good morning.
Roy: (Rolls his Eyes) Of course you would have something to do with this crap.... (Crosses his Arms While Smirking at Lucas) You decided to tell some princess on me, you little twerp?
Lucas: (Immediately Hfs his Hands Up in Defense and Fear) No! I-It wasn't like that all! I-I accidently blurted your name out one yime and she gotten mad at you every since, I swear!!
Kumatora: (Looks Down at Lucas With a Light Pout on her Face) Lucas, relax a little, will ya? You can't keep letting that bully scare you like this.
Ludwig: (Rolls his Eyes Himself) The irony about that label in particular is that it was his actual nickname growing up.....
Kuma: (Starts Snickering as She Turns her Attention to Ludwig) You're kidding~
Ludwig: (Simply Nodded) It's true. In fact, everyone of us in the Koopa family, minus Junior, had our own nickname growing up.
Kuma: Really? What was yours?
Ludwig: I'd.....(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth While Blushing) Rather not reveal that bit of information yet....(Turns Back to Kuma With a Soft Smile) B-But instead, allow me to give you a proper introduction instead. (Places his Hand on his Chest in a Gentlemanly Type Fashion) My name is Ludwig von Koopa. The eldest of the Koopalings. (Eyes Back on Roy) And the blatant bully's older brother.
Roy gives Ludwig the middle finger without making eye contact.
Kuma: Aw man. Your name sounds way cooler than mines does.
Ludwig: What is your actual name?
Kuma: Kumatora Heloise Crumbits III. (Sighs While Lowering Down her Posture a Little) Sounds lame, I know.
Ludwig: Actually, I think it sounds rather lovely.
Kuma: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Seriously? Y-You're not just yanking my chain here, are you?
Ludwig: No, I mean every word. Can't say I speak for everyone else, but....I at least think your name suits you perfectly in all fronts.
Kuma: (Starts Blushing a Little While Smiling at the Blue Haired Koopa) Aw thanks. I like the style of your hair by the way. It makes you look so rad and.....sophisticated in a way....
Ludwig: (Starts Blushing as Well) Oh, uhh....Thank you. (Starts Waving his Hair Back a Little) I always do whatever I can to make my hair look decent enough for the day, despite how tedious it gets.
Kuma: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, I feel ya~ Having long hair can be a real pain in the butt to try and fix. Makes me pretty glad that I cut mines short.
Ludwig: And for the better I presume. Your short hairstyle represents you flawlessly
Kuma: (Starts Blushing Some More While her Hair a Little) Well, don't you have a way with words...~
Roy: (Starts Snapping his Fingers) Hey, hey, hey! Romeo and Juliette, enough with the flirting!
Kuma: (Quickly Glares at Roy with the Same Blushes on her Face) We were NOT flirting!
Ludwig: (Rolls his Eyes Again in Annoyance) We were only having a normal conversation here, Roy...
Roy: Yeah? Well, I'm calling bullshit on all fronts and am losing my patience as we speak. (Turns Back to Kuma) Now tell me what you want from me already!
Kuma: Well, originally, I planned on kicking your sorry hide to the curb. (Gently Ruffles the Top of Lucas' Hair) But since Lucas here managed to convince me not to at the last minute, I thought of perfect alternative instead. (Crosses her Arms With a Smirk on her Face) A challenge if you're man enough for it.
Roy: Challenge, huh? What do ya have in mind?
Kuma: One-on-one Arm Wrestle. If I win, you gotta swore not to bully Lucas anymore.
Roy: (Lowers his Sunglasses Down From his Eyes While Raising an Eyebrow) And if I win?
Kuma: (Shrugs) I dunno. I'll give you twenty bucks and...let you give me crappy nickname or something. Haven't really thought this through until now.....
Roy: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Hmmm....Not the best at nicknaming folks....(Smirks Evilly at Kuma) But give me a few hours and I'll be sure to give you the worse nickname imaginable.
Kuma: (Makes her Way to the Other Sode of the Table) So I take it you accept the challenge then?
Roy: Yep. And just so you know.... (Slams his Elbow on the Table Up High With his Hand Put, Grinning Even More Conniving) I don't go easy on chicks.
Kuma: Good. (Cracks Both of her Knuckles) Neither do I. (Turns Back to Ludwig) Hey, I'm sorry, but....you don't mind if I-
Ludwig: Not at all. (Gets Up From his Seat and Presents it to the Pink Haired Princess) I wish you the best of luck.
Kuma: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks. Anyone ever tell you how much of a gentleman you are?~
Ludwig: I've been told that many times, yes.
Roy: Nerd Simp.
Ludwig: (Glares at Roy Before Turning Back to Kuma) I implore you to give him everything you've got.
Kuma: Will do! (Takes her Seat and Grabs Roy's Hand With an Iron Grip While Giving Him a Very Competitive Smirk on her Face) I won't even break a single sweat once I'm done with him.
Roy: ('Tch') Please. (Tightens up his Grip While Smirking Back at Kuma) The only one who's gonna sweating in shame is you, little miss princess.
Kuma: We star in a count of three: 1.
Roy: 2.
Roy/Kuma: 3!
Without any hint of hesitation from both sides, the two competitors begins their awaites challenge, refusing to let either of arms touch the checker printed table. While that's happening, Ludwig and Lucas watches it unfold in the mid distance.
Ludwig: So....how exactly did you and Kuma met if you don't mind me asking.
Lucas: We met back Sunshine Forest when me and the Dragcos helped her get away from the Pig Mask army. Eventually when we started traveling together, she's been teaching me everything I need to know about controlling my PSI-powers. And....also, how to punch and stuff- B-But mostly the PSI training!
Ludwig: I see. (Turns his Attention Towards the Experience PSI User in Particular) She seems pretty well versatile in the strength development.
Lucas: (Happily Nodded to Ludwig) Mmhmm. That's because Kuma is the strongest person I know. One time, our friend, Duster and I saw her face a really huge grizzly bear with her bare hands. Ooh, and I think I also saw her wrestle a white tiger once as well.
Ludwig: Without using any power intact? She really is amazing.......
Lucas: Ludwig, are you really having a crush on Big Sis Kuma right now?
Ludwig: (Eyes Begins to Widened at the Question Before Turning Back to Lucas) What? N-No, of course not! I never had a crush on her!!
Lucas: Then why did you complimented her name and hair earlier?
Ludwig: Because I thought those were the two factors that make her more lovel- I-I MEAN, more unique than she already is! (Starts Rubbing his Arm a Little While Frowning) A-And besides, I'm sure she already has a significant other by back your universe....
Lucas: She's not dating anyone in our universe.
Ludwig: (Eyes Widens a Bit Again Before Turning Back to Lucas) She isn't?
Lucas: (Shakes his Head) Nope. Well, I mean, there was this one time where some snobby prince who tried to ask for her hand in marriage at that fancy party we went to, before Kuma sent him flying. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking)."She doesn't want to be tied down to any marriagable crap" is what I.....think she said? Not entirely sure....
Ludwig: ('Sighs in Relief') That's a relief.....(Notices Lucas is Still Staring at Him Before Blushing and Looking Away Again) N-Not because she is single, but the fact that she wouldn't let something as trivial as arranged marriage, take control of her current lifestyle. That is all.
Lucas: ........You know, if you want....(Smiles Softly) Ashley and I could help give you some tips on everything romance related.
Ludwig: But I- ('Sighs in Defeat') I'll take you up on that offer, Lucas. Thank you.
Lucas: You're welcome!
The loud, ringing noises of screams and crashes was enough to gain the attention of both Ludwig and Lucas ad they turn to see the table was now slammed into the ground and a terrified Roy Koopa laying on floor as Kumatora is still standing, brushing the dust off her clothes with a satisified grin on her Face.
Kuma: Sorry for the display of real, raw strength there, Roy~ I just so happen have a reputation to withhold. You understand, right?~
Lucas: (Happily Cheers For His Close Companion) You did great, Kuma!
Ludwig: (Nodded in Agreement)
Kuma: (Smiles Brightly at the Two.Boys Watching Her Before Turning Back to a Defeated Roy Koopa) Now, with that victory established and out if the way....,(Glares at Roy) Quit messing with Lucas. (Balls Her Fist Up at Roy, Showing Off a Pink Static Ki) Or else.
Roy: (Quickly Nodded in Fear and Agreement)
Kuma: (Went Back to Smiling) Good! Glad we can come to an agreement. Lucas!~ (Walks Away From the Smashed Table) Let's go out for some victory ice cream!~
Lucas: (Happily Nodded) Yes, ma'am!~
Kuma: (Turns to Ludwig) Wanna come with, Ludwig? The more, the merrier~
Ludwig: I would love to, but I'd already promised Roy to take him to the coffee place in another dimension. But... umm....
Kuma: Hm?
Ludwig: If you...ever have any free time in your hands, would you....like to hang out sometime? J-Just the two of us....
Kumatora: (Stares at Ludwig For a Brief Second Before Smiling Softly) Yeah. I'd like that. In fact, we can hangout in the mansion whenever you guys come back. I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
Ludwig: Spendid- I-I mean...('Clears Throat') That's great to hear. Can't wait.
Kumatora: (Giggles Softly) Same here, Mr. Von Koopa~ (Waves Goodbye to Ludwig Before Walking With Lucas) Take care.
Ludwig: (Simply Nodded) You too, Kuma.
Lucas: (Turns to Kuma) You seem to be getting along well with Ludwig~
Kuma: Yeah. He's a real sweetheart, at least compared to his brother.
'A Bit of Silence'
Kuma: Hey, Lucas?
Lucas: Yes. Kuma?
Kuna: Do you think....(Starts Rubbing The Back of Her Head Back and Forth While Looking Away) I may have a shot with him someday?
Lucas: (Happily Nodded) Definitely. I can tell that she's starting to take a lot of interest in you. He even seems relieved when I told him about the time you declined a prince's proposal.
Kuma: (Immediately Pouts at Her Little Sunflower) Dude! You told him about all of that?
Lucas: It slipped out of my mouth, I swear! ('Sigh') But still, there's no doubt in my mind that you two would make a great pair. You just need to give a chance whenever you two are ready, 'kay?
Kuma: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Right. (Pulls Lucas into a One Arm Hug) Thanks, buddy~
Roy: ('Groans in Defeat and Pain') Mother....ugh....
Ludwig: (Walks Over to the Smash Table and Looks Down at his Brother) Enjoying the taste of defeat, brother?
Roy: (Clicks his Teeth While Looking Away) Hell no. (Gets Himself Up From the Ground) She just-(Grunts While Stretching his Back Forward) caught me off guard is all.
Ludwig: (Rolls his Eyes Yet Again) Of course she did. (Tosses a Ring Up into the Air, Causing it to Expand into a Larger Size in Front of Him and Roy) You're ready to go?
Roy: Yep. (Starts Cracking Both Sides of his Neck Before Making his Way to the Ring) It's about time I teach you a thing about the dating scene.
Ludwig: (Gives Roy a Deadpinned Look) You can't be serious.
Roy: I'm not letting my big brother go and make a fool of himself inexperience. Now let's go already!
Ludwig: ('Sigh') Coming.
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engagemythrusters · 9 months
okay. ahsoka. here we go
Immediately a fan of the music. Did they get the same people as TBOBF and The Mandalorian? The Ludwig person? Forgot the name…
But also red? Why red crawl?
Why is she searching for Thrawn not Ezra. Like I know the two left together but you think Ezra would be the priority. Not thrawn.
Aaand there’s the ship. Always start Star Wars with a ship.
Uuuugh my pirate site keeps buffering. Booooooooo
“They’re jedi” okay vibe but are they actually. Or is it those sorta-Sith guys
Ugh okay my annoying I have to go without subtitles now… :/ tbjs js gonna be hard
Okay that was a very Star Trek move. Why. For what.
Shin Hati evil love that for her. Love evil gorls
Evil granpa got shoulders daaamn love that for him
Ah it’s Bad Wig Girl.
God seriously why are the wigs so bad. Fucjing Disney. Boo.
Man I miss when Star Wars had cool titles. Phantom Menace. Return of the Jedi. Now it’s just fuckin NAMES.
Oooo interesting place. Old jedi temple? Looks like it.
Aaand her Lekku and Montrals still look like shjt styrofoam.
Okay fun lightsaber trick. At least theh didn’t forget how cool Ahsoka Tano is.
Wonder if we’ll see Morai…
Oh wow. Ahsoka wearss lipgloss ig. Okay.
This is very slow paced. Move a lil girl.
Those remind me a lil of the Zeffo spheres. But if they were filled. Idk maybe I’m making a connection that isn’t there. I just really like Star Wars Jedi games. Their lore was WAY COOL.
What do droids need capes for tho. Like why. That’s literally so fuckin impractical
God I love T-6 shuttles. Best Star Wars ship. I mean other than bobas. But yeah T-6 sexiest SW ship
Do we get to see Sabine soon I miss her
Okay her makeup and contacts really really suck
Hera just. Disbelieving. I get it. She’s so hurt she can’t let herself hurt anymore.
“Does that mean Ezra—“ WEEPING
Hera “oh my god more jedi bullshit I can never escape” Syndulla
Oh lothal so so pretty
Ohhh it’s that wall
Ohhhhhh weeping
Oh she’s not there
Hehe I love her
I love u Jai
God look at them. Look at the wall. Christ. Kanan…
Hehe sabine
Sabine u shit hehe
This is a good actress for her 10/10 thank you for giving yourself to our beloved explosions girl
“She’s crazy” yeah she had years of being stupid with Ezra to make her nuts xoxo
What’s the kitties name
Ohh it even uses the same loth cat sounds from the show AND real kitty sounds
What’s the NAME of kittyyyyy
Oh Ezra’s stuff 😭
“More than others” WHAT?! Okay. Not sure what that means.
Not sure that I like the change that recording brought. But. It’s okay I’ll accept it.
Evil gorl <3
WHYD she choose such a bland ass name then?!?!!
oh my god. Jesus that was force shit wasn’t it. Fuck that oh my fod DONT MAKE HER FORCE SENSITIVE YOU DUMB FUCKS. IM SO FUCKING MAD.
Haircut time?
No not yet.
That was CRAP dialogue. That was HORRIBLE. Wow. Oh my god fire these writers. So hard.
I do love this music tho. It’s p good.
Okay so far it does NOT make sense how ahsoka arrives at the tower at the end of rebels. This isn’t fair. I loved that scene so much.
Awww chopper drawing.
Okay she’s a puzzle maker now as well as an artist? That’s dumb
And she’s gonna steal it isn’t she hehe she is def Ezra’s sister >:)
Huyang like “I taught this”
Luke so not the only jedi he was meant to be hehe I mean k get it. But also it’s so dumb 😂
Sad that they didn’t make Lothals mountains just like the ones in the real series.
callin him Turkeyleg until told otherwise
Sigh I miss Ezra.
Fucking miss Kanan. It still hurts so much.
It’s been so long does Sabine still hurt? Does she still miss him the way she used to?
Heraaaa hiii 🥰
Hera knows her daughter
Okay so why is holograms so. Sounding like this. It’s more… MORE. Than how they used to sound. Is technology worsening or some shit?? Don’t like that.
Ahsoka stop being MEAN TO MY SABINE.
Yeah SNIPS. Ha.
Heras greatest strength is that she is understanding above all else. And I love her sm for it.
I better be
Palm hand fist…
Okay fine.
Mr Tukeyleg
Ah shit yeah I figured
Nothing will ever be easy for her. Nor for ezra.
She can use a lightsaber and she can use the Darksaber BUT BY GOD SHE IS NOT FORCE SENSITIVE
Why are u flying so slow 😭
No not my girl 😭
Oh is that the end ep 1?
Oh who is Ray? Rest well, Ray <3
Ep two coming in a sec.
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nishihii · 2 years
How do you feel about Simple Gratia? According to her clothes she was one of the Old Hunters, second known female one after Maria :thonkery: What dynamics do you think these two could have, overall are there any headcanons for her you have?
YES! yes i have stuff for the gentlest of all giants!
has a tooth gap- it just feels right
has rather simple life principles "if i have something to do and stuff to support myself with and actually LIVE then i am happy :)" however that does not mean she is devoid of depth
whilst she IS a big softie she knows how and willingly does appear intimidating as a means to protect herself
is a dog person
was in her 30s-40s before she died
is probably like... 8 feet tall
when it comes to what her relationship to maria (or other hunters) was like- i think that:
she and maria understood eachother fairly well, despite their different backgrounds. gratia was no noble and had endured many a hardships in her early life
ludwig is her number one buddy to joke around or have drinks with, she will never drink more than one shot tho
carrying others in her arms is her love language
while certain church hunters (not the old hunters, they were mostly accepting) would admit she was really impressive- it was in a really mocking way that they treated her. they didnt take her seriously and they probably wanted to put her behind bars when the time was right. and behind bars she resulted to prayer- as she once had in her childhood
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