#I made her look like Molly tho >:)
glitterfang · 7 months
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Heard y’all wanna cry about Eddie and his mom?
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prettyprettypaci2 · 2 months
Drool - Part 5
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💊 Part 1 💊 Part 2 💊 Part 3 💊 Part 4 💊
"There's no time for that now, honey! We have to get you to your first treatment session. Just go potty in your diaper for now; that's what it's there for."
Your eyes widen in panic. You're unable to stifle a pathetic moan of protest as you gesture frantically at the bathroom with one of your fat, pink mittens. The toilet is right there! Nurse Molly can't expect you to pee in a diaper on purpose!
"NNNNNNNNGH! Eenh oooohn uhn derrrnherrrrr!" You plead in the stupid language of your muzzling pacifier, which punctuates each drooling syllable with an embarrassing squirt onto your white cloth bib.
"Hmm?" Nurse Molly tightens her grip on your mittened wrist and practically drags you out of the bedroom. You stumble while trying to tug in the opposite direction, and your pink jelly sandal squeaks as you go tumbling to the poured linoleum floor of the clinic hallway. "Oh no, honey! You lost your balance again! Between your tinkles in the bed and how messy you got eating lunch, I'm worried that your tics are just the tip of the iceberg."
You snarl as you attempt to stand up, but it's difficult to gain purchase with the slippery mittens against the freshly waxed floor. With a girlish squeal, your arms slide forward before you collapse into a faceplant, your bobbing pink pacifier clicking against the cold ground. The sudden impact vibrates through your teeth, and you bite down hard on the silicone shaft to numb the intense pain.
"Owwwwwwwooowwwwwwwww!" You scream into the pacifier. The muscles around your eyes tighten, milking tears from the wet heat that flushes your grimacing face.
"Oh no! My little circus tumbler! Are you okay?" Nurse Molly stoops and rubs the back of your head as you try -- and fail -- to stop whimpering. You suck and smack your pacifier frantically, and the counter-stimulation soothes the pain in your mouth. Your usual reaction to any discomfort is to bite your lip or scratch your arm, but the thick, rubbery nipple has become the node through which you filter out all negative sensations. For a split-second between sniffles and sobs, you wonder if you even want to stop sucking the pacifier.
As the pain numbs, you become cognizant of your desperation to pee again. You move to make another attempt at standing, but a firm palm on your back keeps you from rising further than your knees.
"I think until the doctor can get her hands on you, we should be careful about overtaxing your motor control. Four limbs is sturdier than two! Why don't we crawl to the office like a puppy dog?"
Despite her use of the inclusive "we," it's clear that Nurse Molly intends for you to crawl while she walks behind. With one last longing look at the toilet, you shuffle forward pathetically on your mittened hands and wobbly knees, announcing your lumbering progress with a parade of crinkles from your fat diaper. Your white cloth bib hangs perpendicular to the floor, barely catching the occasional comet of drool that comes oozing from your nursing lips.
"There you go!" Nurse Molly coos, congratulating you for shuffling down the hallway as though you're accomplishing some feat of strength. "Left! Right! Left! Right! You're an expert!"
Your cheeks burn like hot lamps; you're absolutely humiliated to be seen in this state. But what else are you supposed to do? It's all apart of your treatment...isn't it?
At last, Nurse Molly stops you at the foot of an unassuming white door, gently setting the toe of her low-heeled shoe in front of your left mitten. The plaque below the frosted glass door pane reads:
With a twist of the faux crystal knob, Nurse Molly pushes the door open. As mystified as you were by the décor of your bedroom, nothing could have prepared you for the bizarre spectacle of Dr. Amelia's office.
One corner of the room is dominated by what appears to be a mock kitchen; its full-sized stove, sink, and accessories are made of a chunky plastic with pastel colors. Though clearly not functional for actual cooking, the fake stove crackles with a tinny sound that emanates from a cartoonish teapot resting on one of its "burners."
A sandbox shaped like a smiling turtle lies in the shadow of a towering structure made of colorful foam blocks, deliberately cobbled together as a sort of play-fort. Against the opposite wall, a bookshelf gleams with the glossy spines of such titles as "Mr. Badger Makes a Friend" and "101 Animal Noises."
But most surprising of all is that there are people in this room. Two young women sit cross-legged on a carpet patterned to look like a twisting road through a bustling city. They're rolling small cars along its splashy, winding design in a bored stupor. One of the women has short black hair that hangs in her face, and she seems to be wearing some sort of braces on her legs. The other woman has long blonde hair, half of which is done up in a pigtail while the other half hangs loose, as though someone started styling it and then got distracted.
As the blonde looks up at the opening door, you see she's suckling a massive blue pacifier similar to your pink one, and that it's secured to her head with a length of white ribbon. Your eyes meet, and the pretty blonde drops her pink toy convertible to give you a gentle wave. Shivering with humiliation on your hands and knees, you feel the wet heat return to your face, tingle its way down your spine, and then concentrate in your groin. The sensation grows and grows until you realize it isn't just embarrassment at being seen like this...you've started flooding your diaper.
"Nnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggh!" You wail, frozen in place as the hot ocean begins drowning your bum, seeking out every corner of thristy padding to nestle into. Your eyes are wet again as you feel the back of your diaper grow heavy with urine, strengthening the smothering hug of gravity on your quivering bottom.
Nurse Molly ignores your obvious discomfort as she scoots you into the room with a nudge of her heel. The blonde continues to eye you curiously as she suckles her pacifier, while her raven-haired companion simply returns to her childish game.
"Here you go, honey! Meet Daisy and Emma! They're here for treatment, too, just like you! I'll leave you three to get acquainted; it looks like Dr. Amelia is running a little late."
Still reeling from the experience of soaking your diaper, you barely notice the creaking of the door as Nurse Molly leaves the room. Unable to communicate through your pacifier, you're at a complete loss for what to do now.
The blonde, Daisy, reaches over and taps Emma on the shoulder. Emma looks up, only one eye visible through her heavy bangs, appearing to truly notice you for the first time.
"Oh. Hi," she shrugs, sounding neither rude nor enthusiastic. "You must be a biter, too, huh?"
You feel the dampness of your diaper acutely as you now hold both women's attention. With a cautious suckle, you nod your head up and down.
"Well, you won't be anymore," Emma smirks, picking up a plastic dump truck and using it to piston a smaller car several feet in your direction. "Whether you like it or not."
You look down at the little car and then back up at Emma, raising your eyebrow in confusion. Daisy twirls her pigtail nervously as she nurses her blue pacifier.
"Oh, you didn't know? I guess I didn't either, when I checked in," Emma sighs. The dark-haired woman crawls over to you to retrieve her toy, and you become aware of the distinct bulge and crinkle beneath her long shirt. Your eyes shift instinctively to Daisy, who shyly lifts the hem of her dress to confirm your suspicion. Both of these women are diapered!
Your heart begins beating like a hummingbird's wings, and your nervous slurping on your pacifier quickens to a drooly allegro. Emma picks up her toy car and leans in, half-smiling, inches from your face. You can smell baby powder on her skin like a sickly sweet perfume.
"Treatment never ends, pottypants. We're here forever."
💊 Part 6 💊
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myohmyimanxious · 1 month
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons bc I'm obsessed xoxo
(Some NSFW is implied/mentioned)
-Husk was there when alastor sold his soul to whomever it was
- He also has no trust is alastor whatsoever like he's terrified of him but he also wouldn't trust him for his life (literally)
- Angel has PTSD
- But he doesn't realise he has it, bc he represses feelings and everything
- Charlie and Angel have a sibling dynamic
- They're pain in the asses for vaggie and husk
- Charlie reminds angel of his sister molly
- He also doesn't really like to celebrate his birthday bc it's not the same without her (unless he's shit-faced drunk and won't remember)
- Vox will make his screen brighter or flicker to get and hold val's attention
- Angel is Husk's lucky charm in gambling moments
- Angel genuinely did love val in the beginning and thought val loved him too
- Whilst Alastor truly does believe that a smile is a both a way to control the situation and hide one's true intentions, his smile is stitched on and he physically cannot remove the stitches as it's part of his deal
- Alastor is colourblind in the same way deer are
- Angel knows what they said about him in Angel court and he plays it off but it really upset him
- Alastor was a serial killer in his life
- He was never caught though
- Alastor plays static when actively trying to ignore someone
- He also plays music for the hotel to dance too, finding that he and Angel enjoyed the same music (bc of the similar time period)
- Husk once got alastor drunk enough to dance with Charlie and taught her how to Charleston dance
- Nifty is like everyone's child. You cannot mess with her
- Nifty will bring bugs to the person she likes most that day (usually alastor)
- Vaggie has threatened angel's life on many occasions
- Those two argue constantly (it's friendly tho)
- Charlie spends a lot of her time breaking up little spats in the hotel
- Charlie has nightmares about the time she saw alastors true demon form
- It made her feel super bad for him too, and she's offered to cut the stitches on his mouth but he refuses
- Lucifer is trying to be a better dad
- It's hard but he is actively trying
- He likes to hand out rubber ducks he's made/painted when people are upset
- Angel has a lot of them, bc he frequently seems to catch Lucifer when he's returning from work
- Lucifer is autistic for sure
- And his ducks are his special interest
- Lowkey he's also smitten by fat nuggets when he meets him
- So much so that when angel is at work lucifer happily offers to feed and look after the lil guy
- Fat nuggets once ate off of alastors plate, and that's the only time it ever happened bc by fucking god did alastor go crazy
- He didn't hurt fat nuggets tho it's okay, he wanted to but angel was like ILL DIE AGAIN BITCH TRY ME MOTHERFUCKER and pulled out some guns
- Angel gives Alastor the tea of what's going down with the Vee's when he gets it
- Mainly bc he hates the Vee's as much as Alastor and also bc Alastor asked him too and he's kinda scared of him
- And also bc it's fucking easy bc Val is a dumb bitch who doesn't know how to be subtle if he tried, Vox thinks so little of Angel that he thinks Angel would be too focused on the sex and Velvette doesn't care much for Angel either
- That's not to say that the Vee's haven't tried to get Angel to be their spy on the inside too, it's just Angel is like nothing to report also I gotta work sorry and just lies to them
- A wannabe patron once was rude to Charlie and lucifer decked them
- Everyone was amazed he had it in him to do it like that bc damn mans was pissed
- Let's just say nobody is rude to Charlie anymore just in case
- Also Charlie is also fucking terrifying when she wants/needs to be
- Someone called Angel a whore and tried to touch him and she went off
- Lucifer had to hold her back
- Fuck with her friends and she will kill you 😊
- Charlie cries at everything (good or bad)
- Vaggie is a real trooper putting up with it
- Angel was like "would you be like that with me if I cried all the time?" To husk, and husk with no hesitation said "fuck no"
- Husk treats Angel like a princess in the streets but a slut in the sheets
- They've deffo fucked behind the bar
- Charlie and Rosie keep in touch
- They have tea parties with Alastor
- Val is scared of Niffty bc she's unpredictable and bc he's not over what happened in the club
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happy birthday - h. g.
summary; hermione fucks you while everyone's in the house for her birthday party.
warnings; FEM! READER, age gap (reader's in her twenties, hermione in her 40's?? idk) SMUT (fingering, toys - strap, vibrator, scissoring, reader calling hermione "mommy").
a/n; I'm so sorry how short this is but I am quite busy and I only got the idea today.... hope u still like it tho. ALSO THIS IS HERMIONE GRANGER DAY!
it was hermione's birthday party
all of her friends we're there; ginny, her husband harry and their kids, ron, bill and fleur and their daughter, remus sirius, teddy, tonks, fred, george, angelina, katie, charlie, percy, molly, arthur, luna, neville and his wife hannah. . . everyone.
currently, you all were eating a cake that molly baked. strawberry one, which hermione liked the most.
she was seated next to you, her hand on your thigh right under the skirt of your pink doll dress. it was surprisingly a hot weather today but that's not why you wore it. you knew it was hermione's favourite. everytime she saw you in it, you ended up getting fucked in your shared bedroom.
and hermione knew that. she knew what kind of a tease you were.
and she made sure to make you pay.
she slid her hand into your panties, not waiting a second before finding your hole and pushing two fingers in there.
you choked on your apple juice you were just drinking.
"you okay, y/n?" asked tonks.
"yeah, darling, what's up?" said hermione with a slight smirk tugging on her lips that no one else could see.
"i'm okay," you answered with a surprisingly normal voice.
your girlfriend started thrusting her fingers out and inside of you at a fast pace while having a conversation with harry and ginny about something happening at the ministry.
you had a hard time keeping yourself calm and quiet. you clenched your thighs together in hope she would stop (you weren't uncomfortable, no, just the thought of anyone finding out what's going under the table made you shiver), but then hermione sent you a sharp look and because you were obedient little girl, you spread your legs again.
you started meeting her thrusts with your hips, you needed her deeper. and right then, she hit the spot that made you see stars.
you gripped her clothed thigh, letting her know that you were close, but she knew that already by the way your pussy clenched around her fingers like you wanted to keep them inside forever.
you hid your face into the crook of her neck, breathing hard as hermione hit that spot over and over again. thankfully nobody was paying much attention to you, they just thought how adorable you two are.
your first orgasm of that evening made tears sprung into your eyes as any other that hermione gave you. she kept thrusting as you calmed down and when it became too much, you grabbed her wrist pulled her fingers out.
you wiped your eyes and moved away from her just as luna said, "you seem like you're hot, y/n, are you sure you're alright?"
"actually," you began, "i don't feel very well, i think i might go and take a nap."
everyone was telling you to get well soon as you and hermione stood up, your girlfriend saying that she will take care of you before returning to them.
when you got into your shared bedroom, you immediately reached out for hermione's present you got for her.
she sat on the bed as you sat on your knees in front of her, watching her unwrapping the gift.
"oh, you dirty girl!" she grinned as her eyes landed on a pink vibrator and a strap of the same colour.
you smiled and pecked her lips. "happy birthday, mommy."
"thank you, dove." she put the box next to her and took your face in her hands. "what if we try them, hm?" you nodded vigorously, your whole face lighting up at the idea. "yeah, is that what you want? to get fucked in a house full of people?"
you hooked your fingers around the waistband of her trousers, glancing up at her, eyes batting. "please, mommy."
"well, since you asked so nicely, who would i be to say no? get on the bed, little dove."
you happily did as you were told.
as hermione took off your panties, she asked, "what do you wanna try first? the vibrator or the strap? oh, or how about we use both?"
you couldn't help but clench your thighs at that.
hermione chuckled. "someone's a bit excited, aren't they?"
you helped getting your girlfriend out of her clothes, excited to see every inch of her beautiful body. she then helped to get you out of your dress, smirking when she saw you weren't wearing bra.
after everything was ready, you, with spread legs, patiently waited for hermione to push the strap inside you and put the vibrator on your clit but when she finally did, you threw your head backwards, your back arching to the pleasure.
hermione knew you won't be able to keep quiet and she wanted to hear you so she casted the silencing charm and locked the door.
she started moving fastly and so deliciously deeply, making you moan "mommy" over and over again.
hermione watched you in awe. she was sure there was no more gorgeous view than you during sex.
you've never felt this good in your entire time, full with hermione's dick, the vibration on your clit and the grip on your hip that surely will leave a bruise.
you started to tear up as the tip of the dick kissed the deepest spot inside you, making you cry out hermione's name over and over again like it was the only word in your vocabulary.
the second orgasm hit you harder than the first one in the dining room. you screamed in pleasure, gripping the sheets under you as your knuckles turned white.
you whimpered when hermione pulled out and turned the vibrator off, your eyes widened when she climbed on the top of you, putting on oyour hands above your head and one of your legs over her shoulder.
"you think you can cum one more time for me?"
you know you could and you wanted it more than anything in the whole world.
"mommy," you moaned as hermione started grinding her pussy against yours, her head thrown back, her breasts in your hands.
"you wanna suck on them, dove?" she asked even though she knew you wanted. you didn't hesitate before swirling your tongue around her nipples.
hermione gripped your ankle as you sucked and your clits bumping to each other repeatedly as you hum around her nipple.
"love you're gonna make mommy cum," hermione moaned, speeding her grinding until she was almost jumping.
"oooh!" she came quickly than expected, you following close behind.
hermione colapsed next to you, breathing heavily, calming herself down from the orgasm. she smiled and looked at you.
"what if i tell everyone to leave and we'll have a second round? and then another one?"
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Epithet Erased (webshow & lite novel) | Ace Attorney (video game series & anime)
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[This poll was made by silly mistake on the part of the tournament runner, who misread the bracket. Sorry! It won't count towards the overall tournament. Followers have voted to make Gio/Molly PPP's mascots if they win tho!]
Giovanni Potage & Molly Blyndeff:
1. THEY’RE SO SILLYYYYYYY i love them. they’re such a prime example of friendship with an age gap in media, which, i think needs to happen a bit more. i have friends older than me! i have friends younger than me! and also they’re just. goofy. silly 2. Would any friendship bracket truly be complete without this dynamic duo? She’s a serious an disillusioned elementary school student, resigned to her miserable lot in life after years of neglect and doing her family’s taxes. He’s a wacky and optimistic teenager turned supervillain, here to sweep her away from her abusive family. Together, they commit CRIMES! 3. She is an anxious child who has the power to dumb down noises or impacts to help her deal with the literal everything in her life, as she has to balance school and her family’s toy store, especially as her father and sister seem to prioritize their own selves and not care about the family as a whole. Molly is like 11 or something and has to do her family’s taxes! He is a villainous mastermind!…well, he says he is. In actuality, Giovanni is a captain in the Bonzai Blasters, with ambitions of being promoted to Vice Principal…or even Associate Justice or Valedictorian! (Yes. This is how that system is organized) But unlike the rest, he prioritizes the wellbeing of his minions above all else. He’s comfortable with his masculinity, as he knits for his minions and packs them all some soup in case they get hungry. Oh! He also has the power of soup. He can make soup, make steam of soup, and every 13th physical hit from him deals critical damage (that has nothing to do with soup. It’s just what he does). After a heist gone wrong, these two meet, and Giovanni adopts Molly as one of his minions (giving her the minion name “Beartrap”, on account of her bear hoodie. She likes bears). Together, they thwart/do a heist and steal a valuable amulet. Giovanni also distances Molly from the Banzais when the cops show up, so she will not have to worry about legal troubles. Not spoiling much about the book (Prison of Plastic, go read it), but Giovanni continues to stand up for Molly against her family, who continues to write her off. He tries to get her sister to connect with her and soften up. He can’t do much with the dad because he sucks. Giovanni makes sure Molly knows how cool she is as a person and that she doesn’t let herself be walked all over by other people. He helps her stand up for herself, and in turn, she helps him with crime.
Maya Fey & Phoenix Wright:
1. Quite frankly I don’t think they will win. They are constantly being tormented and experiencing the horrors and this poll would be no different. 2. they literally cannot die no matter what hell canon puts them through. fall off that bridge n cliff to a deathly boy! get kidnapped like 4 times girl! when she gets kidnapped like the first time, they had to make a new sprite for Phoenix coz he didn’t look devasted and depressed enough. Power of friendship though! and she is OKI! :) 3. The most iconic attorney and assistant pair in the series. Phoenix canonically ran onto a burning bridge to try to save Maya when she was in danger. His call with her got cut off once and he left the country to go make sure she was safe. She’s been kidnapped twice to be used as leverage against him and both times she was more worried about him than herself. She once jumped in front of a taser to try to protect him. He’s also defended her from murder accusations like four times. Their relationship defines the original game trilogy even more than the Wright-Edgeworth relationship does. Other Ace Attorney games wish they could replicate this dynamic. They got added to a fighting game as a single unit where they work together to fight. They both think they’re the reasonable one in this friendship, despite neither of them actually deserving that title.
Note: This blog is run & followed by aromantics. Insisting any pairs are ~actually romantic~ will not only cause you to be blocked on the spot, but you’ll out yourself as someone not safe to be queer around. No one wants to hear how stupid you look with those shipping goggles on.
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strangesthirdeye · 4 months
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Sherlock² (Sherlock bbc x Fem Sherlock! Reader)
Summary: When one stunned them, another was also stunned with them
Warning: It's Sherlock he's smart. Odd behavior, reader is Sherlock 2.0 but more weird, Dead body, awkwardness, fluff, shyness, explode, gruesome, reader personality based on Miss Sherlock from HBO, Dhani character is me.
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Edith Kingsley, 30 years old was found dead in his home with an explosion in his stomach. He was found by his maid this morning" Lestrade explained to Sherlock and John as they entered the morgue.
John nodded while Sherlock had no reaction but his eyes were focused on the two body bags on the table in front of him. Lestrade went to one of the body bags and looked at Sherlock and John.
"Now, I don't expect you two to be surprised by the condition of this body, but just a warning. The condition of this body is quite unpleasant judging by the impact of the explosion in his stomach, causing his stomach to have a big hole" Lestrade warned them both. His finger was already on the zipper of the bag.
"we've been through enough" Sherlock muttered.
John loosened his collar a little and nodded in agreement. Lestrade nodded, without hurrying unzipped the body bag. John and Lestrade were stunned as they laid their eyes on the contents of the body bag.
There lay a woman who was Sherlock's age with a dark brown trench coat while her hand was placed on her stomach. Her peaceful face made them confused. Lestrade let out a short breath.
"Y/n! " Lestrade snapped at the woman firmly.
The woman in question was startled and woke up. Her dull eyes looked around before falling on Lestrade. She let out a heavy sigh while smiling a little.
"Morning.. or should I say afternoon? or night?" You said then got up and sat down not taking your eyes off Lestrade.
"How many times have I told you not to sleep in a body bag? It's been 3 times you've done this. I swear to god, if anything happens to you, this body bag is what you'll put in" Lestrade massaged the bridge of his nose.
"Then you should put my name on this body bag because I can legally book this body bag" You scratched your head and let out a small yawn.
"For god's sake, Y/n. Get down now" Lestrade commanded you.
You groaned in protest and got out of the body bag and got off the table and patted and rubbed your dark brown trench coat to remove the wrinkles with both of your hands.
"What are you doing here, Y/n? Didn't I give you time off to recover your broken hand?" Lestrade said, tired of your behavior.
"My hand is okay, I came here to open the cement but I got distracted and was invited by myself to come in here" You said idly.
You still didn't notice the other two men who were with you as your focus was only on Lestrade. John and Sherlock seem to be observing your and Lestrade's conversation oddly. In their minds there is only one question which is 'who is this woman?'. Lestrade's situation around this woman is like a father scolding his daughter.
"Are you messing with the dead here?" Lestrade started to get panicked as he walked towards the other body bag. Body bag that contains a real corpse.
He unzipped the body bag and observed the body to find what you had done to the body but found nothing.
"seriously, a dead body with explosion marks in his stomach. Interesting tho, I just looked at his stomach contents but found this tiny chip in his stomach" you scratched your head and took out a pill bottle that contained chips from your trench coat pocket. Then you threw the pill bottle at Lestrade to which Lestrade was able to catch it.
Sherlock raised his eyebrows impressed with what you did.
"You can't just do anything to this corpse without permission" Lestrade argued.
"Molly said ok" You looked at Lestrade innocently.
The three men looked at the source of the voice. There stood a woman wearing a white shirt with a cardigan outside and a tote bag in her hand. Her face holds a concerned face.
You turned and looked at your partner and smiled a little.
"Dhani, hey" you waved at her.
Dhani's worried face changed to furious and strode towards you quickly and pulled your shirt collar firmly and pulled you out of the morgue.
"You're not at home, you're not at Scotland Yard either. I've been looking for you everywhere, even I've been in here 3 times looking for you. You disappeared for two hours and you were suddenly in the morgue. Luckily I asked Molly, you know?!" Dhani scolded you as she walked out of the morgue leaving the three men there.
"I'm sleepy that's why I-" your voice argued getting fainter little by little.
Everything became silent as the chaos duo left from there leaving three grown men there with gawked faces, confused and done with everything. Various of emotions running through them.
John glanced at Lestrade. "who's that?" he pointed his thumbs to the exit.
Lestrade sighed tiredly. "Y/n L/n and Dhani Omens. Y/n is our new transfer DI while Dhani is just her partner same like John. Doctor plus writer."
"so we get two Sherlocks and two.. me?" John murmured.
"You could say that" Lestrade nodded and looked around. "Now, back to business. Sherlock, come here"
Sherlock who looked at the exit idly walked towards the real body bag. His mind began to wander with you. Where did you come from?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Listen, whatever you ask, don't ask her sensitive questions. She's just lost her husband so you better not ask her recklessly, understand?" Lestrade warned Sherlock.
Sherlock grunted and opened the conference room door. There you and Dhani sat facing the victim's wife who was sitting with a solemn face. Dhani looked concerned towards the middle-aged woman while you looked bored and sprawled on the chair. Your legs unconsciously push left and right to turn the wheeled office chair making you turn left and right partially.
Dhani noticed Lestrade enter the conference room, she then got up and greeted Lestrade.
"DI Lestrade, good afternoon" Dhani greeted him with a sweet smile.
"Doctor Omens, DI L/n" Lestrade nodded in return.
Sherlock and John then entered and looked around. Dhani noticed the two of them and greeted John first.
"Afternoon, Doctor Watson... I'm Dhani Omens.. So sorry about the burst I made earlier. She.. Y/n is always like that." Dhani looked down in shame.
John waving his hands, no problem sign. "no worries, Sherlock too, except sleeping in a body bag" John lightened up mood.
Dhani chuckled a little. Dhani then looked at Sherlock. "Mister Holmes" Dhani nodded in greeting.
Sherlock nodded without saying anything. He then looked at you with narrow eyes.
" it's liquid bomb and made into a pill. Known as Devil's foot. Highly explosive. Even the tiny explosion can make a large amount of explosion. The pill exploded inside his stomach and that's the cause of your husband death" you murmured idly.
The woman in grief cried when she heard what you said and held her chest as she breathed fast. Her maid (who found her dead husband) next to her held her shoulder and rubbed her back trying to calm her down.
John and Dhani looked concerned at the woman. They both understand how it feels to lose a loved one.
you smile tightly clearly you are annoyed with all this as Sherlock seems neutral with everything. Sherlock then took a seat next to you and sat facing the woman and the maid.
You glanced at Sherlock silently.
" Someone detonate the pill to explode it" Sherlock explained.
"Obviously" you added.
Lestrade stood next to you while crossing his arms. "We understand that you are in mourning now, but your husband may have enemies who are not satisfied with him."
You reached into Lestrade's jacket pocket quickly and fished something out of his jacket pocket. Lestrade scolded you. The pill bottle was taken out of the pocket and held by your hand. You held the pill bottle containing the chip in front of their eyes.
"This chip is used for bombing work. Someone who detonated it obviously knows about this" you stared at the chip longingly. And then you snapped and leaned forward with both hands crossed on the table. You support your head with your right hand while looking at the woman with a blank face.
"When did you last see your husband" You questioned.
The woman calmed down a bit and looked at you and Sherlock with a face stained with tears.
"this morning. He.. he looked fine this morning before I left for work. I don't know what he did after that. He was supposed to get ready to meet his assistant at his company but then he.. he said he didn't feeling good so he just sits at home" The woman wipes her cheeks with a handkerchief while sniffling.
Lestrade nodded in understanding. John and Dhani just kept silent and looked sympathetically at the woman.
"You're in the medical field too, right?" You wheeled the chair next to her. Your hands were placed on the table as you leaned your face towards her with steady eyes.
the woman looked down. Avoiding eye contact with you. "yes, I'm a pharmacist"
"So you're the one who suggested him to take medicine?"
"he is sick so of course he needs to take medicine"
You hummed. "Any kids?"
"No" she still looked at her lap.
"don't have any or don't want to have any?" you leaned closer.
The woman panicking again then she breathed fast as she held her chest. Panic attack. The maid rubbed her back with a concerned face.
Lestrade and Dhani pulled you away from her by pulling the wheeled office chair to Sherlock's side. You sprawled on the chair annoyed. Sherlock observed you. Making deductions about you. Anything he can read but he can't read your body language nor did his deduction work. He frowned.
'now this is interesting' Sherlock thought.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"aren't you mad?" John walked by Sherlock's side.
Sherlock glanced at John in the corner of his eye. "about what?"
"DI L/n. She's taking your case. You usually don't let other people take your cases unless it's Mycroft's cases. What happened there? hmm. You always argue about cases." John looked up at his flatmate.
"I don't see any point in starting arguments" Sherlock replied coldly.
John nodded sarcastically. "i can see that. But usually even smart person in that room you always talk over them and point out your opinion but then when DI L/n talked, you let her talk"
"What are you trying to say, John" Sherlock retorted.
John chuckled sarcastically. "Seriously, you got this thingy just like when you can't read Irene Adler. You let her have her talk, she's outsmarted you and you become curious about her."
"She's smart, of course I let her have her talk" Sherlock blurted.
"no no, you don't understand. She's got you, isn't it? She's just like you and now you want to find out everything about her. You and her are no different, Sherlock. You guys are the same." John said while staring at Sherlock's side face.
"we're not the same, John. She's seeing things as a game and I see things as a challenge. Everything that's happening around me is always a challenge. I solve cases because I want to get rid of boredom and she solves cases because she wants to play. Now, can we stop this topic and get on with life" Sherlock fastening his walked.
"For God's sake, what I'm trying to elaborate is that you have feelings for her" John stated while chasing Sherlock from behind.
"We barely know each other, how come I have feelings for her. I only know her name" Sherlock grunted.
"you might not show it openly but you have your own way of showing it. She's stunned you with her wisdom and you let her stunned you. Isn't it obvious?" John concurred.
"no" Sherlock said simply without glancing at his flatmate.
John nodded off and let his friend be. He's tired of Sherlock antics. He knows that Sherlock is not very good when it comes to romance but he also knows that Sherlock is not good at showing his affection to others so he just shows it in his own way.
This is getting weirder than John ever thought.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You and Dhani hurried up the stairs to the therapy room where all hell breaks loose. Futuba Yashiba, right now is pointing his gun towards his friend who distributed the pill bomb. You and Dhani find out after going to Futuba's girlfriend's house when you realize that Futuba is the one who caused the pill bomb to be created. And now, he who unconsciously swallowed the pill bomb after it was distributed by his friend wanted to take revenge on his friend before he exploded.
Thunderous footsteps were heard from the four legs below as you both rushed up the stairs to the therapy room on the 3rd floor.
As soon as you arrived in front of the therapy room, you burst into the room without thinking about anything and tackled Futuba to the floor. You hold him down while trying to grab the gun from his hand while Futuba struggles under you to let go. He cried out saying to let him kill his friend who right now was holding back the bleeding in his leg. Seems like Futuba already shot him.
Dhani already assisted Futuba's friend by trying to stop the bleeding. A few seconds later, Lestrade, Sherlock, John and two police officers entered and rushed towards you who managed to get the gun away from Futuba. While John rushed towards Dhani who is assist Futuba's friend.
"Y/n!" Lestrade shouted.
"Take him, Gwerk! " you breathed out.
"It's Greg" Lestrade remarked as he and two officers began to gather around you and take a hold of the crying Futuba. You got up and brushed your trench coat then remembered something.
"Stay away from him cause he had swallowed a pill bomb and at any moment he will explode!" you shouted and then covered your ears.
The police officers there then released Futuba and distanced themselves from him and took cover including Lestrade. Sherlock stepped in front of you unconsciously as he too took cover.
Everything is silent except the crying of Futuba who is still laying face down on the floor. His face stained with tears and snot waiting for his death to arrive but nothing happened. No explosion nor did his guts explode. He's safe. The culprit who controlled the bomb did not detonate it.
Sherlock looked at you who still covered both ears. He sighed in relief.
Lestrade looked at Futuba dumbfounded. "he's not exploding"
You uncovered your ears and looked at Futuba from behind Sherlock. "The culprit didn't press the button" you murmured.
"indeed" Sherlock added then looked at you worriedly. "alright?"
You stared at Sherlock with the same look. "fine, you?"
"good" Sherlock replied simply. You and him stared at each other without any care with the people in the room for a good 5 seconds before you both snapped back from reality.
You broke eye contact from Sherlock and rushed past him towards Futuba's friend who was still crying out in pain. You kneeled down and grabbed the collar of his shirt roughly and leaned your face against him with a firm face.
"Tell me where the heck did you get that pill bomb?! " you demanded rudely.
Futuba's friend just cried in fear while both hands held your hands that gripped his collar. Dhani and John held you trying to released your gripped from his collar while you shook Futuba's friend's body roughly.
Sherlock came and kneeled next to Dhani. "tell us where did you get that pill bomb, now" Sherlock commanded.
"I didn't see their faces. They wore black hoodies and just handed me the pill and told me to give it to Futuba saying it was just headache medicine" he cried out.
"Their voice, you said they told you to give him the pill. Tell me, is the voice you heard male or female?" Sherlock questioned.
"I can't hear them well because at that time we were in the club so the atmosphere there was very loud.. Their voice was muffled by the mask" he replied as he was still trying to free himself from your grip.
You released him and strode towards Futuba who was still lying facing the floor. His cries are still heard. You kneeled next to him and grabbed his shoulder then roughly you turned his body to face you.
Lestrade standby behind you in case you act out of control. Sherlock then got up and stood near you who was kneeling next to Futuba.
Futuba cried, his face stained with tears and snot when facing you. You scrunched your face in disgust.
"So you are the cause of all this happening. Tell me why you want to kill your own friend when he doesn't know anything about this? Tell me now!" you shook his head roughly.
Lestrade grabbed your shoulder and pulled you away from Futuba.
Futuba cried out while covering her face. "I killed her! with my own hands! I killed a little girl!"
Sherlock looked at Futuba with disgust while you looked at Futuba coldly. Now that's it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"That little girl is yours, isn't it? Mrs. Kingsley?" you said as you rocked your body left and right.
Sherlock who is standing behind you looks narrowly at Mrs Kingsley wife of the dead husband. Mrs. Kingsley who was sitting on the sofa was stunned after hearing your accusation. She then looked down. Her eyes started to tear up so it was her body that started shaking.
You walked up to Mrs. Kingsley and bent down to see her tear soaked face. You smirk.
"She was killed by Futuba at the Supermarket a few months ago. And then-" you walked and stood next to Sherlock. "The mom seeking revenge for her daughter's death. She wants Futuba to die the same way Futuba stabbed her daughter in the abdomen. She then created pill bombs, not much but enough to kill the people involved." you looked at Mrs. Kingsley, smirking.
Sherlock opened his mouth after a long silence. "You killed your husband because he didn't care about your daughter's death, so when he's sick and sitting at home, that's your opportunity to give him that pill"
You took Mrs Kingsley's phone and pointed it at Mrs Kingsley with amusement. "and then you push the button when you think it's time"
"It's the same as Futuba only you didn't press the button. Something is holding you from pressing the button. Guilty? perhaps" Sherlock assumed.
Mrs. Kingsley stopped crying and raised her head to look at the two of them with newfound anger on her face. She then got up and tried to approach you while shouting.
"He really deserves to die! He killed my girl!" she yelled angrily as she approached you and tried to harm you but then Sherlock pulled your collar away from her.
You chuckled and let go of Sherlock's grip and rocked your body left and right as if doing a little victory dance while chuckling. Both hands in pockets.
"caught" you said amused.
Mrs. Kingsley's face started to turn red. "You don't understand what it feels like to lose someone you love. You have no feelings of pity at all. You are clearly just a human being who has no emotions and no compassion" She yelled at you insult after insult.
You covered your ears then put Mrs. Kingsley's phone on the table before you walked towards the couch near Sherlock and jumped a little, landing on the couch while closing your eyes trying to block out all the nonsense from her.
Mrs Kingsley threw another insult at Sherlock the same way she said to you. Sherlock kept his neutral face. He is used to people throwing insults at him.
And then she got enough with that and kept quiet and looked down at her lap with a solemn face.
"she was beautiful.. My girl.. she was so innocent and didn't know about the world yet. He killed my girl in front of me. I did try to find him after her death-" Mrs Kingsley looked up and looked at you both with somber face "And I met him. Laughing with his friends without a care in the world. Without a care that he had killed my daughter. So, I got the idea to make a pill bomb. But then, my husband knew about my grudge and added reasons for me to kill him first. I give him the pill and I detonate it" Mrs. Kingsley got up from her seat.
She slowly reached her phone and opened her phone screen with a solemn face. You opened your eyes and looked at Mrs. Kingsley skeptically while Sherlock seemed too follow her movement. Mrs. Kingsley's fingertips slide her phone while slowly smirking.
You widened your eyes after realizing something happened now and hopped off the sofa and rushed towards Mrs. Kingsley trying to stop her doing something gruesome.
"She swallowed-"
Mrs. Kingsley pushed the button from her phone screen and her guts exploded making blood splatter everywhere including your face stained with Mrs. Kingsley's blood. You were stunned with wide eyes when you saw Mrs. Kingsley's body fall to the floor.
Sherlock who witnessed the gruesome incident widened his eyes and rushed towards you.
"L/n" Sherlock called you in his hoarse voice.
You just stand in front of him. Didn't acknowledge Sherlock's presence. Your eyes stared at the fresh corpse on the floor. Both of your hands are clenched into fists, you then kneel on top of Mrs. Kingsley's body and pull her up by the collar. Mrs. Kingsley's head lolled upward. You shook her body as if trying to wake her up even though you knew she was gone.
Sherlock held your body by gripping both of your shoulders trying to release your grip from the body.
"I haven't finished questioning yet! why did you press that button?! why?!" you yelled while shaking Mrs. Kingsley's body hard.
"That's enough!" Sherlock shouted struggling to release you who was fuming angrily in his grip.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"alright?" Sherlock looked at your face that was clean of blood.
You snapped out of your reverie and looked at Sherlock. "fine, you?" You turned your gaze to the ambulance that was carrying Mrs. Kingsley's body into the ambulance.
"Good" Sherlock nodded and looked away from you.
Both of you fell in comfortable silence as the ambulance lights flashed in front of you just like the police car. Everything has become normal, the real culprit has been caught but it's too late to arrest her as she is brought into the ambulance to the hospital for an autopsy. Sherlock's mind started wandering with the argument he and John had before.
'you might not show it openly but you have your own way of showing it. She's stunned you with her wisdom and you let her stunned you. Isn't it obvious?' John's voice began to echo in his mind.
He didn't realize that. He might lack romance but he knows that he is unconsciously stunned by you and he lets you. He let you stunned him with your wisdom. He likes to be near you and hear your voice.
'Wow. What is this?' Sherlock thought with wide eyes. His face started to turn red. He's blushing. Sherlock Holmes is blushing over a woman he barely knows.
He turned his gaze on your side face. Now he sees how gorgeous you really are. He swallowed hard.
"Why didn't you talk much while solving this case, Holmes?" you suddenly asked.
Sherlock stiffened. He turned his attention to the cement floor. "You talk first, so I'll let you talk"
"why? I read in John's blog that you are the type to talk a lot, why suddenly you don't talk much? You know you are allowed to talk, right?" you stared at Sherlock.
Sherlock lost all the sentences and panic started to burn in his heart. His eyes darted around and stopped at a glimpse of you next to him. He let out a heavy breath.
"you stunned me" Sherlock said those three sentences lowly.
"Me?" you turned your body to face Sherlock.
"yes, you. Everything about you stunned me and I lost my words. Dammit, I've never been lost for words before, but you. You manage to make me lost for words and I let you do that. You make me curious about you. Everything about you is curious to me. My deduction can't work on you, I can't read you easily just like any other person I've encountered. You DI Y/n L/n make me question you to me" Sherlock breathed out.
You are stunned. Now that everything is placed where it originally was. Now you understand what it means. You smirked and walked over to Sherlock. You looked upon his face and Sherlock looked down at your face. The height difference is everything.
"We barely know each other and now you say that I stunned you?" you chuckled and palmed Sherlock's cheek with both of your hands. You rubbed both of his cheeks with your thumbs. "You stunned me too, Sherlock Holmes."
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miynt0012 · 5 months
[SIM DOWNLOAD] Lumine | Genshin Impact
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maxis match | four outfits | full cc list
I found some hair that looked like hers and sooo this happened.
I’m quite pleased with the result, tho I’m 99% she’s the only genshin character I’ll ever make lol
ps, her name in the gallery is gonna be hotaru (her jp name), since that’s the name I use the most :P
please don’t share my sims / pictures of my sims on the gallery or on any other platform
edit: since the high-waist shorts are no longer available on the link provided, you can download them here!! All credits go to the original creator ofc!
cc list:
lamatisse - bare skintones
NSW - perfect eyes shaping(mm eyebags n2, mm eyelids n5, eye prest n10) | NSW - eye colors | yooniesim - imperfection teeth set | NSW - bodycare kit (female torso mask n2 mm, cleavage mask n6 mm overlay) | NSW - skin n7 kit (skin n7 mm overlay) | stretchskeleton - maxis match-y eyebrows (01-06 merged) | PYXIS - about face (skin details) | luumia - skin features (lip tints) | remussirion - nose mask 04
simandy - mimori hair 
pralinesims - blush n25
oydis - make or break collection (long coffin 2 nails) | oydis - nuit jewerly set (necklace star) | magic bot - fingernails polish 7v | magic bot - classic thights set (ripped thights) | eunosims - nail set | simpliciaty - ephemeral chocker
belaloallure - off duty cc (ayres cargo pants) | simandy - drown in the night (bad habits jacket acc) | seoulsoul - basic techwear (halter top) | trillyke - go baby pants | manueapinny - bab bab set (open chest crop top) | ms-marysims - maxis match set (high-waist shorts) | rusty's - basic sleeveless t-shirt | babyetears - mirror skirt / jacket leather moonlight (mirror skirt) | ren okamoto - jenn top  
MMSIMS - dr. martens molly shoes | seoulsoul - girlboss boots set (high boots) | jius - sweety&salty collection (platform heeled boots 01)  
joshseoh - universal hair overlay | kijiko - ea eyelashes remover | NSW - female new year collection (lips presets n33-41, lips presents n1-9) | evoxyr - bad memory nose presets | hellfrozeover - hip dips slider 
+ cc I couldn’t find online (+ the tattoo I made myself from this image, which is blurry as hell because I can't use s4s, but at least it exists), included in the sim’s folder (3 files)
additionally, the following add-ons have been used:
nifty knitting
a preview of her outfits:
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please take a look at my TOU before downloading!! thank you!
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teddie-bear420 · 4 months
tier list
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warning this is super long and ranty but does have some silly doodles ill post else where :)
-teddie bear 420
I have had several dreams about vaggie and lute and alastor, they plage my every waking moment. one was me going to smooch city with alastor (very scary that man does not wash his teeth). the others vaggie just shows up sometimes
really liked vaggie in her angel flash back, her hair cut was so cute, not a fan she still has pink eye but what eves. I LOVE HER PONY TAIL THO, give my girl better hair styles!!!
do you think theyve explored each others bodies?
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I hated lute at first cuz, just look at her. you could get snow blindness with how white that woman is oh my lord. but once the 8th episode rolled around with hot women fighting my brain kinda clicked on for our old second in command. i keep going back to her in my brain and slowly morphing her into a heart broken lesbian who has a superiority complex and bullies her crush and then moves on to having a sugar mama situation ship with Lilith.
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alastor is just so fun and silly, and there's this one x reader fic that ive made fan art of, you've all seen it. i just love this guy but i like to imagine he's a woman just for me :)
i understand why he is a fan favorite
i love charlies look but i hate how childish she is, like girl you are like 24 kill your friends pimp. nifty molly emily are all so cute and i enjoy looking at them. cant wait for the nifty episode (delusional)
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i do love nifty more than the rest of these ones tho. i see lots of folks talking about how nifty is alastors daughter or angel dusts little baby daughter SHUT UP
OK maybe nifty lives in my dreams too
do you think theyve explored each others bodies?
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mimzy makes me mad cuz the show hated having her there clearly, like why is she the only fat person in hell. dont worry girl, I'll appreciate you once again i have to make alastor a dyke for my own sanity
do you think they-
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lilith and rosie are good to look at, i like how rosie talks and her showtunes, god i love her show tunes. pentious is the only yellow dude in hell. velvete looks like ass most of the time but I LOVE A BAD BITCH
like i said, no strong feelings
ok most of these dudes are too ugly or too annoying and i hate when they are on screen, lucifers pants are his skin, angel dust has the worst fashoin sense ever UGHS I HATE HIM WHERE ARE HIS TITS WAAAAAA
also i love that her name is sarah, thats such a basic name, like i can type alastor x reader and theres a bunch of results but if i typed sarah x reader, shes no where :(
also shes got that mlp horse face going on i love it
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i despise carmilla carmine, i hate her dumb horns, i hate her unnamed daughters, i hate her skirt, i hate her song, i hate her blazed ass eyes, i hate her long hair
vox just looks bad i cant lie
OK ADUM MAKES ME SO MAD HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN JACK BLACK WE SHOULD HAVE SEEN HIM BEING A FAT BASTARD CUZ I WAS CONVINCED HE WAS ANOTHER SKINNY TWINK also i am an anti shipper when it comes to adum x lute cuz that shit is weaaaak. he is so mean to her and not in a hot way, adum is some incel and lute is a goddess
yeah, #adumisoverparty 2024 the most divorced man in heaven
i can not wait for season two dude, im so pumped
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Favorite boss(es) in No Straight Roads?
Least favorite?
(Sincere apologies. I've been holding this one for more than a year in my box, so I hope you don't mind a really late reply ^^")
(Also Happy 3rd Anniversary, NSR!! 🎉)
I will tell ya honestly - they all are my favourites!
Tho if to be more specific I decided to set them up by TOP.
1. Sayu
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Oh Sayu, my beloved <3
The Best Virtual Idol and The Reason I bought this game in the first place!
Her music and style of battle was the most fun and dancy! I still vibe to it to this day-
Sooo many references to Internet Culture and Digital Art fills my heart with warmth and gives me determination just like her song itself as well!
Funny Useless Fact: She is the only boss I've beaten on Rank B on my first blind playthrough!
2. DK West
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My second favorite and at the same time the hardest for me to beat.
I personally didn't adore RAP genre at first and never seen anyone preform it as an actual entertaining battle until he showed up...
Anyway, despite damaged fingers - 10/10, would fight again!
Funny Useless Fact: When I was drawing him for the first time I listened to his theme on loop for 4 days straight in order not to get myself distracted or lose motivation, so I finish the piece.
3. Yinu
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Oh, sweet child...
I love Yinu and her theme lots even if I'm not that big of a fan of Classical Music. And her backstory...Gosh! It made me cry a lot.
And I'm still feel ashamed of breaking the piano ;;-;;
Love the pace of how music goes with the fight and it feels even better when you get into actual rhythm. There were issues that gladly wore off thanks to practice and fighting this boss over and over.
Tho those slamming cords haunt me whenever I listen to the song off-battle-
Funny Useless Fact: I didn't like her Mother at first but when I read more about her and relationship with Yinu my opinion completely changed. And this is why I would nominate No Straight Roads for The Best Storytelling and Character Design.
4. EVE
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Two-faced, tall woman.
Used to be one of my favorites but due to some circumstances I can't look at her the same way I used to but I still adore her as a boss!
I honestly love her style of the fight and music that changes depending on who you play.
Tho fighting her is literally like eating a lemon but eventually you kinda just accept your fate and roll with weird artistic antics happening around you.
And EVE herself as a character is so fascinating. Like this is the moment where I started to see that these aren't just bosses, they are actually characters that tie this little but complex story together bit by bit. And this is why I would nominate No Straight Roads for The Best Storytelling and Character Design AGAIN!
Funny Useless Fact: EVE was supposed to be a next character to have a complete and detailed art of but due to my forgetfulness, difficulties with her design (and many other things) - it was never finished but I hope to get that dusty sketch out of WIP folder someday.
5. Tatiana
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The Bitch. The Boss.
I don't really like her music and rhythm but I can forgive that since it is kind of fitting for conflict between her and the BBJ.
She tries to hide her true image throughout the story and the fight but ultimately crumbles cause escaping from the past isn't the best option to improve.
I love her design and personality and I wish there were more villains like her. Strict, simple, stoic and yet well-written.
Funny Useless Fact: I've never drawn Tatiana until NSR announced their release on Steam with addition of Fanat Graffiti Contest that I certainly didn't want to miss out on. It was difficult but I did it and ngl, I am still proud of the results.
6. DJ Subatomic Supernova & 1010/Neon J
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I can't really say anything much about both of them. Sorry, guys...
Their designs and personalities are fun and well-made but due to one of them being the first you fight as "tutorial" and the other appears only at the end of a fight. (1010 band doesn't count as an actual boss to me more like a part of it) They didn't struck me much as the others did...
I will say this thou: their backstories are interesting. One is an academy astrology teacher with a goal of achieving the stars and other is a war veteran who just wanted everyone to live in peace and he himself despite everything never stopped his passion for doll-making and making people happy.
Just simply, beautiful...
Cool Science Fact: Their VAs are GOLD!
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vintagelacerosette · 6 months
Tag game Tuesday/picrew catch up!
Oh how I've missed doing these! Thank you so much to these sweetpeas who tagged me to do these tag games/picrew. Lyle @milkovetti Michelle @michellemisfit Bri @y0itsbri Evie @energievie Julia @juliakayyy Georgia @iansw0rld Kat @mybrainismelted Nosho @creepkinginc Cross @crossmydna Willow @ian-galagher Lyds @ardent-fox Vey @look-i-love-u Molly @deathclassic Jay @surviving-maybe 💕
💟Name: Myn/Shermyn
#️⃣Age: 27
🗺️Location: Sydney
🧥Do you own a robe? Describe it. Yeah a pink silky with lace trim one my older sister gifted me as my maid of honour gift 🥰
☕️Do you have a favorite mug? Describe it. Why yes! It's one of my prized possessions! My Gallacrafts mug I made art with the darling & talented Ling @lingy910y
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🧣Do you have a favorite blanket? Describe it. You know I don't think I do & that's tragic 😔
🍵Coffee or Tea? Tea
↳🔥🧊Hot or Cold? Cold it's been so damn humid & dry in Sydney rn 😓
🧦Fuzzy socks or Wool socks? Wool
🧤Gloves or Mittens? Gloves but the fingerless kind so I can scroll/read fics on my phone lol
🔥Fireplace or Campfire? Fireplace
🌞🌜Sun or Moon? Both baby! They work in tandem to give us life ☀️🌙
🍬Chocolate candy or Sugar candy? Sugar 🍭
🥐Sweet Pastry or Savory Pastry? Sweet
🎃Peppermint or Pumpkin Spice? Peppermint. I haven't had pumpkin spice before
🛏️Go to bed early or Wake up early? Wake up early but i don't sleep early to make the happen 🥲
🥣Cold cereal in milk or Hot oatmeal? Cold cereal in milk I especially love the sweet ones. American cereal certainly hit the spot with their cinnamon toast crunch or lucky charms 🤤
🍞Potatoes or Bread? 🥔
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And Finally…
🚬 Gallagher or Milkovich? It'll have to be MIlkovich even tho objectively the are more terrible ones than good. But to be fair the great stole my fucking heart 💖
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Which character from any media would you like to have as a father? 
I think Johnny Rose from Schitt's Creek would be a funny dad plus loaded 🤣
If money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?
I'd love an otter omfg they're so damn cute 😭
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What is your Chinese takeout order? 
Sweet & sour pork & spinch noodle with wild mushrooms.
What's your favorite emoji?
🥹 I'm particularly fond of this one bc it's the marvelling of beauty for me
Would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?
I think greenhouse. I think would be so soothing & I feel like I need more plants in my life hahaha
What childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?
Cardcaptor Sakura 🌸
What was your tumblr like when you first joined?
I joined 2012 it was so aesthetic & I wished be one of those vintage aesthetic blogs hence my tumblr name lmao. I kinda got confused & scared how to use it so i stopped for 2 years. So i missed out all the fun drama i guess lol. Then I started using it as like a scrapbook of things I liked hahah
What clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?
50s but I feel that would be such an effort to pull off
If you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?
Pokemon but like in the switch games. I've been playing too much instead of sleeping lmao
What is your favourite piece of art? 
Idk if I have a favourite but one that impacted me in high school was a piece called 'Atomic: full of love, full of wonder' by Nike Savvas. Funny thing is that I got to see it in person may 2 or 3 years after seeing it in a high school text book & having to do essays on it. It was by complete accident & I had no idea see was displaying her work in our national art gallery. It was magic to see a piece irl after studying it 🥰
Do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?
My bestie jusr got me this steel pink hello kitty tumblr that was a collab with a bubble tea shop! I love it I take it to work 💖
What fanfic trope is a quiet fave?
I think time travel with younger selves meeting their older selve & seeing how they fot their happy ending 🥰
Do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?
Yeah a carry bag for work. It's this tote bag another bestie got me for my last birthday. It's really cute. It's pink & mint green with a cluster of cute things like teddy bear.
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?
Respectfully no ❤️
What is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?
I'd say mafia au especially bc of the amazing fic by Kay/Shamelessquestions, The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?
He sure could! He's our swol lil man
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Look at them guns!!
Who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?
I kind have this tie between Fiona getting it or it being passed to Liam & Franny to keep the legacy going
Not tagging any bc I'm late but if you see this & you want to go ahead starlight 🩷
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cursed-princess-club · 3 months
my apologies if this is out of place on your blog- it's one of the few CPC blogs I know- but am I the only one who feels weird about the whitewashing Frederick's character is going through in fandom right now? like demonizing the CPC (a place literally made of the oppressed) in favor the white, cis, het, oh-so-innocent-and-pure boy? and making it seem like he was completely in the right to be racist to Gwen (unintentional racism is still racism!) and that everything he did was 100% justified and explained.
Again, sorry if I sound like an SJW (can't believe I'm using that term in 2024) but this just really rubs me the wrong way.
NOOOOO I get where you're coming from, you're valid in feeling that way. (also it's totally okay to send me asks! i enjoy talking about cpc :D and i'll do my best to answer them!)
white boy favoritism is definitely a Thing in fandom and. yowch. generally we've seen characters ignorant towards how people on the braided island look where even the cpc thought that gwen was cursed at first (shoutout to molly for being normal about leelathae!). if i remember correctly leelathae's implied that she's human which makes me wonder about the lore... plus I don't really know how defined witches are with their stances in Hashtag Society but i feel like there's probably a social stigma or something there too... are all of them "evil"? are they born witches? do they all have similar traits? Who knows.... and yeahh the braided island inhabitants are a fictional race, but also the coding! the other pastel kids resemble their white father more, and they're technically mixed, while gwen is visibly more like her mother. like being more visibly indigenous or latina but if you were gwen in cpc. which makes me think yk
by definition the cpc is a disabled support group!!. (club my beloved) personally i also like to add queer in there too heh... and also majority of them being women! so they are meant to be representative of the oppressed,, Even if they're all rich princesses. (but i think that's just more because of the setting lol, since they're treated/treat each other like... well... normal people... so i feel like them being rich isn't a point trying to be made. slightly off topic but this is something ive thought of haha) I DO understand what you mean tho and why it rubs you the wrong way. frederick a flawed character that shouldn't be put on a pedestal. same with the others, they're flawed! and i like em. i like frederick! they all grow and change and i like watching their progress! (it does really suck how ignorant the people in universe are though about other races... may be a worldbuilding thing again. i wonder about the other fantasy races in cpc! how different are the wizards and witches seen? and fantasy racism is a whole other topic i don't know if i can bring justice to in a discussion gadiufnhdam)there's a lot that can be argued about how they function and the name and how they treated frederick and tori's argument too but i digress </3 (i'm open to opinions though!) i gotta think more about the worldbuilding and stuff kek
OVERALL!! frederick isn't perfect, the club isn't perfect, but i don't think any of them should be demonized for it because to me that's the whole point!! that nobody's perfect! lol lmao xd welcome to the club yk. imperfect people are just people n stuff
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spacecatsocblog · 1 year
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Concept for one of the main characters of Space Cats, Psyche!
Psyche is actually the first character I ever made for this story back in the 6th grade... around 8 years ago (omg I cant believe this story is almost 9 yrs old...)
info on Psyche (this is long im very sorry):
He is a jaded 35 yr old fighter pilot for the Felis Military, he does his job because he has to, as he signed his life way at 18 to become a soldier.
Psyche is smart and has figured out how shit and secretive the government is, but he has accepted that there is nothing he can do about it. He is pretty much always grumpy, he doesn't like to talk much, and he's short with most people.
However he is actually an amazing pilot and fighter, he's sure to rise in the ranks, as long as he doesn't lose his temper too much and reveal his distaste for the government.
Almost all soldiers in the Felis Military are assigned a partner during training in the academy. If a cat has family in the academy at the time, they are almost always partnered with them. Psyche very much so knew this when he joined, as he and his (adopted) brother Clvic joined the military together so they could be eachother's copilots.
Psyche doesn't like to talk about Clvic anymore... his brother is gone, and he's gotten in enough trouble for questioning his death. He refuses to believe the government is telling the truth, but as he knows, there's nothing he can do about it.
For the longest time Psyche was a rare lone pilot, refusing to be assigned another copilot. The government only allowed it because Psyche was one of their best pilots in the force, they warned him however that eventually he would be assigned a new pilot.
When that day came Psyche was assigned Tygam, a cat who had lost his hind legs in battle and had to let his copilot be reassigned while he recovered. Psyche was absolutely pissed about this whole situation, especially since Tygam is a talkative, cocky, idiot (Psyche's words).
However they actually become a great duo, Tygam gets Psyche out of his shell, and Psyche gets Tygam to stop and think before he flings himself at danger and looses another limb.
Other fact that I didn't fit in above, Psyche is bi and poly, he is mates with a molly named Silo who is slightly insane and a high end weapons designer (i love her).
Psyche also eventually becomes mates with Tygam as well and the three of them raise Tygam's orphaned niece as their child! In prev versions of this story Psyche and Silo also have kittens but in not sure if I will keep that this time around... idk 🤷‍♂️
Extra facts about prev versions of Psyche:
In the 6th grade when he was first created he was originally named Cycodelic Space Cat (yes spelled that way) and he was pink bec I had one pack of gell pens and they were all bright colors.
I am glad i made him tho bec his story has come so far, and if I hadn't made him pink the space cat species would look so boring.
Psyche was also a happy spunky guy when I first made him but now he's all sad and traumatized :p makes him more interesting hehe
Also in the first versions the government was chill and they were fighting space dogs, (I was a big fan of the Cats vs Dogs movie) but now the government sucks and the plot is about rebellion yay!
[Image 1 ID: a digital drawing of Psyche, a alien cat oc. He is standing with his right side showing and his right paw raised. He has a tired, unimpressed expression on his face. He is a a slender long furred mostly white cat with pink patches of fur and green eyes. The patches of pink, are on the top of his head, covering his ears and forehead, and going down between his eyes, pink also lines his under eye. There is another large patch of pink on his flank and covering his tail. He has scars on his flank and the bridge of his nose, and they, along with his nose and ears are bright green. He is also wearing a dull green collar with a red plus symbol in a circle, a grey star and a grey bar on it./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: a drawing the same as the previous one, but this time Psyche is wearing a bulky/puffy dull green jacket with red accents. The jacket has large bulky sleeves and a large collar, the cuffs of the jacket, the zipper, and the edge of the collar are all bright red. The jacket also has darker green thick vertical stripes, one on the sleeve and two on the back. There us also a large red circular patch with a darker red plus on the shoulder of the jacket./End ID]
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lemonthepotato · 6 months
Songs I associate with each Enneagram type (but I’m bad at typing):
I don’t think I can say this
Carnivore - STARSET
Finders Keepers - Riproducer
World So Cold - 12 Stones
Alright, you ones have been getting too many unironic entries. Time for mockery.
World Around Me - Escape The Fate
Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing - Set It Off (Accidentally chose the acoustic version) (me momen)
Rock Bottom - Grandson
Molly - MSI
Oh No! - MARINA (I know I’m shit at typing but how is ‘Don’t need money, don’t need fame’ 3?? PDB is wilding)
Sorry if I put this elsewhere, but Hope Of Morning by Icon For Hire. I originally took this as a 5, 6 or 9 song when analysing it, but I had an epiphany; it’s 1 coded. Let me explain. (“My mind’s a kaleidoscope, it thinks too fast, blurs all the colours til I can’t see past, last mistake, the choice I made, staring in the mirror with only myself to blame.” Black and white thinking, self-hatred. “Sometimes I’m afraid of the thoughts inside, nowhere to hide inside my mind. I’m scared that you’ll compare and I’ll look like a lifetime past repair.” High standards, worries about being a bad person. “Self-disgust and selfishness tend to hold me awfully close, but I don’t want my friends to see that, I don’t want my friends to know.”) (I’m on the fence about this typing) (I feel like I might be trying to type every song I can, which isn’t how this works. While I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin seems 853ish to me, like, I don’t associate it strongly with 8, so it doesn’t belong in this list. Same with a lot of other songs.)
Where Has Everyone Gone? - James Marriott
It Should’ve Been Me - Riproducer (“But I’m unsure of my intent. Surely my fragile hospitality would shatter under the stress.”)
Painkiller - Three Days Grace (I know it’s a fucking metaphor, before any smartahs try to correct me.)
You know I have so few 2 songs when I have to resort to Helluva Boss fansongs that are maybe semi-official now
UwU Song - Rikutzu (Idk I don’t have any 2sungs)
This song is sx2 core. (UM HELP??? I put the wrong song here, but I have no idea what the one I meant to put here was. THIS IS SUCH A FUNNY MISTAKE THO)
Sticks and Stones - The Pierces (sx2) (“I’m the one you want.” “But you get scared when we’re alone, like I might suck your blood.” “Love me more than anyone.” “Can’t undo my spell on you.”)
Jericho - Celldweller (this is such a so2 song, and let me explain!) (“self-importance amplified.” “you’re looking down, and feeling so profound. you’re so impressed by your false humility.” “an unhappy ending to your sense of deity.” “you’re so oblivious to your own frailty.” “an unhappy ending to the life you’ve glorified”)
Witness - Mindless Self Indulgence (relate as a disintegrated 6 tbh)
Copycat - Circus P (“I say everything you like to hear… I can’t remember who I am… I’ve become what you like”)
Why Not Me? - Set It Off
Good Enough - atsuover (“Why would I continue being me, when better people are all I see?… put on your mask and get up on your on your way, they love you anyway”) (suppose this could also be 1)
Scary World - Night Club (ooo3 ooo3 ooo3) (edit: not sure if I’d type this as a 3 or 4 song?)
You’re Dead - Norma Tanega (“Plan all your moves in advance.” “There’s too much work to be done.” “Don’t ever talk with your eyes, be sure that you compromise.” “You’ve sold out your dream to the world.”)
Theatre - Icon For Hire (“I’m getting pretty good at feeding them the lines they like, but I don’t recognise the girl that I see each night.”) (6 fix btw) (I’m just using this as an excuse because I keep neglecting the 3’s)
EVERYTHING - LuluYam (“I wanna be everybody’s dream.” “I want to be everything.” “A king, a lord, an emperor, a god. A fake, a fraud, a phony, oh my god. Don’t crack through my facade. Don’t crack through my facade!)
Fake it - Seether (“Who’s to know if your soul will fade at all? The one that you sold to fool the world.”) (“Fake it if you’re out of direction, fake it if you don’t belong here. Fake it if you feel like infection.”)
Pretty For You - Baby Bugs (okay, this could be 2 or 9 too, but it’s kinda sx3 for me, imo)
Ghost rule - DECO27 (Not putting lyrics up, I don’t speak Japanese and am relying on rough translations)
Insecurity - Girls Love Shoes (This song is SOOOO 3 core) (“What are they thinking of me?” “I just want to stand out, I just want to fit in” > w4.)
Happy Hurts - Icon For Hire (“Can we let the pain and happy mix?… If I had to pick between the way that I am, and the way that everyone else seems to pretend, I wouldn’t question it, not even for a second”)
Identity - Grandson
Skeleton - Set It Off
Get Well II - Icon For Hire
Sugar And Spice - Icon For Hire (“Wouldn’t you rather be broken than boring too?” Seriously, such a 4 song.)
Feel Better - Penelope Scott (“I don’t wanna feel better, no one’s ever gonna love me like that again… I don’t wanna get over it, I wanna get under it instead.”)
Pyrite Girl - Riproducer
Hurt - Get Scared (“How do you think I’m alright? And I like the way you hurt inside.”)
I Can Only Be Me - Mars Argo (“Try to take my identity, and I’ll just create a new one.”)
Only Be A Story - Icon For Hire (core fear)
4w5 moment (no I’ve never played Touhou)
Iodine - Icon For Hire (“I think I’m just in love with the feeling” “Crazy is I believe the medical term, for when we wanna recover, but don’t wanna learn.” “I say I wanna be happy, but I quickly forget. Will I sabotage all the good I’ve got left? Depression’s like a big fur coat, it’s made of dead things, but it keeps me warm.”) (9 fix btw)
Won’t Forget - Dabu
Pretend You Love Me - Baby Bugs (“And sometimes I wonder if I didn’t hurt so bad, would I be more lovable to my mom and my dad? And if I went back in time to see six year old me, I’d say this shit does not get better, this is who you’re meant to be and I’m a monster, so you say, and I do this on purpose anyway. I need to feel this pain.”)
Devastation And Reform - Relient K (Disintegration to 1) (“I feel like I was born, for devastation and reform. Destroy everything I love and the worst part is, I pull my heart out, reconstruct, but in the end it’s nothing but a shell of what I had when I first started.” “But they’re’d be no story, without all this dissension. So I inflict the conflict, with the utmost of attention.”)
L’assasymphonie (from MLOR) (For the same reason as Ghost Rule, I won’t put the lyrics up)
The Abandoned Castle Of My Soul - The Gothic Archie’s. Do I need to explain this? Lol
Pain - Three Days Grace.
Lateralus - TOOL (“Overthinking, overanalysing, separates the body from the mind.”)
Dream Your Dream - TryHardNinja (Ok look, I know there’s a type probably more suited for this song but I’ve been neglecting the fives.)
The Sun, The Moon, The Stars - Aether Realm (I have no justification for this)
Echo - CrusherP
Anonymous - Three Days Grace
Jail Time - Chloe Adams (“Jail time, living in my head.” 5w4 core.)
Hounds - Puma Blue
The Fool - Aether Realm (no idea what this songs actually meant to say but considering it’s called ‘the fool’ referring to the fools journey and mentions knowledge like 2ce it’s 5core.)
The Grudge - TOOL
Am I Supposed To Apologise? - Maria Mena (“I sought understanding clarity and truth, by baring all the wounds inflicted on my youth.” Literally 5w4. Maybe 4w5. In case it isn’t obvious, I’m pretty bad at typing songs.)
Can’t Get Out - Dabu
5 with a 4 fix. Yeah I didn’t say all these entries would be serious.
Breakdown - Lacuna Coil (“Shutting myself off, getting numb inside.” “I can’t stand the noise outside.” “Even if you think I’m fine, I’m still damaged, I stay out of sight.”)
Mind Is A Prison - Alec Benjamin (I’m at the 100 link limit) (“Sometimes I think too much.” “I’m always stuck in my head.” “Guess my mind is a prison, and I’m never gonna get out.”)
Everybody’s Watching Me - The Neighbourhood (“Uh, oh, where can I go? Everybody’s watching me.” “I go through all the trouble of keeping it within my walls. I try to be as subtle as I can. Assume that nothing needs me, all I’ve done defeats me.”)
Feels Like A Wish - Station K (sx5) (“You made my dreams come true.” “Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, from my mind. How can I escape, from this irresistible place?”)
People Watching - Air Traffic Controller (I originally typed this as a 9 song, but it’s soooo 5.) (“Hiding in secret from us all? Who can you trust, who will you call?” “You see the world while locked inside.”) (heavily 9 fixed with a slight 4 fix, too)
Nightmare - Set It Off (“And all I know is that I don’t feel safe… but am I losing my mind?”)
Curse Or Cure - Icon For Hire (“Oh I swear my emotions are the enemy… I’m afraid I can’t trust myself, don’t leave me alone”)
Killer In The Mirro - Set It Off (“Never let your guard down… cause I know if you could switch this, you’d be dishing out the same shit… now I know, there’s no one I can trust.”)
I’m Made Of Wax Larry, What Are You Made Of? - A Day To Remember (“Everybody’s out to get me”; yep that’s my entire justification)
Misguided Ghosts - Paramore (“See I’m tryna find my place, and it might not be here where I feel safe… would someone care to classify our broken hearts and twisted minds so I can find someone to rely on, and run to them?”
Fear And Loathing - MARINA (Congratulations, if you’ve ever put this song in your vent playlist, you’re a 6 or 6 fix. :))
Culling Voices - TOOL (“Disembodied voices deepen my suspicious tendencies. Conversations we’ve never had; imagined interplay… heated altercations we never had, yet I’m guided by them all…. misleading me over and over. Judge, condemn and banish anyone and everyone, without evidence, only the whispers from within.” E6 blueprint.
Hearts A Mess - Gotye (6 blueprint. Actually 5 too.)
Beneath Me - Lucid Planet
I was gonna type this as 1, initially, but it’s more 6core
Paranoia - A Day To Remember (it’s literally called paranoia like-)
The World Is A Very Scary Place - The Gothic Archie’s (this could also be 5)
Diseased - Baby Bugs (4 fix go brrrr haha)
In Between - James Marriott (“It’s out of the question, it’s over the line, to not be phased, to just be fine.” “How nice it sounds to have your guard down and nothing in between.”) (694 tritype because this is the most 9-ish 6 song ever.)
Pretend - Ursa Major (“My mother said don’t feed the strays, they’ll break your heart and run away.” “What if I second guess again? And listen to the worries in my head?” “You promised me you wouldn’t leave, and boy was I naive, I should’ve never let you in my yard.”)
A sp6 and an unhealthy so2 walk into a bar.
Wired For Worthless - Citizen Soldier (“Pull you in, push you away.” “A brain built by every memory, of times I was not enough to make the ones I love wanna stay.” “Love is a lie, hope is a hole, trust is the trap that took my soul. Family is fake, hatred is home, getting abandoned is all I know.” “A brain built by every memory of times I was vulnerable in vain, which just proved that I’m never worth the pain.)
Dizzy Paranoia Girl - VocaloKAT (so613) (“Expectations high from the start, I’ll just mess it up. Congratulations, you fell apart, f- I messed it up.” “Thoughts racing up and down, oh what to do now? Follow protocol.” “Panic all around, but never make a sound.”) (lol when this song came out I kinda forgot it cuz I couldn’t make the lyrics out, until today when I remembered it existed)
Killing Harmony - Mcki Robyn’s P (I first listened to this song with no context. If you try to do the same, you’ll understand.)
Sugar Crash - ElyOtto
Using You - Mars Argo (ok some people are saying this is a 2 mistype and maybe but idk it gives 7 vibes.)
Ruin My Life - Hollywood Undead (I love stereotyping)
We Are One - 12 Stones
Borderline - Toke Styrke
Happy Pills - Weathers (Come on. I’m allowed to stereotype a little.)
7w8 731 moment
Weak And Powerless - A Perfect Circle (I’m not trying to stereotype, I’m just saying this song captures the ego-structure of an E7 trying to escape their shame over addiction through more addiction.) (You might say E8, however, the whole coping mechanism of E8 is denial. I don’t think an E8 would identify with being weak or oppressed, but that’s a generalisation)
Anytime You Smile - JT Music (We Happy Few is 7 coded anyway lol) (“A little rain and clouds will never bring me down.” “I know we’ll get through it.” “Believe me, if I’m dreaming, I wanna keep on sleeping.” “I don’t quite like myself when my head’s not in the clouds.”) (I unironically love this song tho and idk why, cuz it’s the type of song I would hate regularly lol. Maybe it’s the fact it’s… not ironic? Tongue-in-cheek? You’ll understand my point if you know the plot of WHF.)
No One Can Tell Me - Girls Love Shoes (I originally read this as an 8 song, but I see this as a clear 7 song)
Loose Cannon - Set It Off (Yeah this is almost entirely stereotypes. Don’t really care though.)
I Didn’t Ask For This - Beth Crowley (I wanted to type this as counter 6 but I knew I’d just be bias cuz I’m a… probable SX6.) (I don’t believe in subtypes anymore) (no I won’t elaborate lol)
Catch Me If You Can - Set It Off
Power & Control - MARINA (except maybe the line about vulnerability but PDB thinks so so it must be right! Man, I love having outside unreliable sources confirm my beliefs! Call me Fox News.)
Discord - Eurobeat Brony (fear being controlled) (8w9 ish due to wanting peace) (an excuse for me to tell you the ORIGINAL song is better.)
White Rabbit - Egypt Central (“I will not be used.” “It’s the reason I chose to cut my losses. Your lies fool no one.” “We’re falling and we’re losing control.” “I won’t be pushed aside, I will be heard. I will get what I want, what I deserve.)
SAHARA - Ivycomb (“Lost in this desert and I’m looking for freedom.” “On my own, I’ll make it.” “I’ll take it by fighting the coldness inside.” “There’s no one to call my friend, but the burden’s feeling lighter without their things.” “But I quickly take my leave and I refuse the aid.” “No one can hurt me if I’m walking all alone. They can’t desert me if I’ve already turned to stone.”)
K All The Enemies - Mario Judah. (“Bring the rage. I will not let you control me, I will not let you betray me.” “Ignite the fire in me, I will not furthermore be controlled.”) (also, 6 fix.)
FACE IT - NOTHING MORE (“Shed this doubt, stand your ground.” “A man is born, and the boy has died, face it.” “You’ll never get to me.” “I’m on my own, silencing the angels in the better part of you.” “I am your gut, I am the truth. I am the power in you.” “Gotta face this on my own.”)
Reflection - TOOL
IN MY MOUTH. Really, you should’ve seen this coming.
:) you know exactly why
My Demons - STARSET
Circles - KIRA (“Circles and circles, I look around, I go around, looking for something that cannot be found.”)
This song also describes the 3-5 years I didn’t leave the house and couldn’t even get up. Huh? Oh, that’s a… joke. Haha… (“I don’t want to know what’s waiting for me outside. I’ll make myself disappear. Tell me I should face my fears, but it’s so dark and cloudy in my room. I’m a sunflower who can’t bloom.”)
Still Here - Difitial Daggers (10/10 spelling) (Amazing)
Begin Again - Dabu
Cemetery Blues - LuLuYam (“Why does everybody else seem to know me better than I do?” “Don’t want no damn special attention.” “The way I see it, why do I try at all? Maybe I don’t need to. Maybe I don’t want to. Maybe I’m dramatic and I can’t make up my mind.” “Try to be an optimist and I don’t wanna lose.” “Just another spectre in the graveyard.” “Cause the mask that I’m wearing is a safeguard, and the face underneath is holding back hard.”)
All The Fish Will Be Floating - Rusty Cage (“Apathy is a dangerous tool. Too much of empathy will make you a fool. Apathy blinds your eyes from everything.” “And I ain’t choosing no more, and I ain’t losing no more, and I ain’t winning no more. And I ain’t sinning anymore. Ain’t doing nothing anymore. I ain’t nothing no more.”)
Language Of The Lost - Riproducer (I literally can’t quote the lyrics rn because genius is lagging)
Spanish Sahara - Foals (I have to explain this one. “So I walked into a haze.” >The E9s forget about self. “Forget the horror here.” >escapism, a common E9 coping mechanism “I’m the fury in your head. I’m the ghost in the back of your head.” >again, loss of self, but also repressed anger. “A choir of furies in your head.”)
Imaginary by Evanescence is such a 9 song like. If 999 was a tritype, that’s this song.
Don’t worry, I get accused of having shit taste all the time. I know what you’re thinking.
No I’m excluding the Enneagram album because I don’t like it. Uh… kinda blunt. :( I just don’t know how else to say it.
If you want to listen to any of my playlists: 1, 2, 3, 4
Edit: Making a new version
Edit 2: I might just update this one
Edit: didn’t include it, but whoever typed Bullet by HU as sx4 when it’s the most obvious depressed 7?? Also, hey, what would y’all type Darkest Part by Red? It fits a so3 character of mine, but I actually have no clue.
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randomgentlefolk · 5 months
CPC CHAPTER 161 + 162 + 163
*rises from the dead* what...what year is this...?
Look, the only thing I can say as an opening to these chapters is DAMN
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Okay yeah Lorena would say this lmao.
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Nahh I'm guessing Prez in her spider form does not know about Whitney apologizing and all? Because she's mainly looking at Whitney, and it looks like she took a moment to recognize who he is.
Man, Whitney really hasn't forgive himself. But at the same time I can't really blame him, y'know? I think I would have a hard time forgiving myself either if I was in his position. But! I do hope he can forgive himself and improve himself more and more. His past may be bad, but I'm sure he's looking up to a better future.
Dang that's one way to open a big ahh door lmao XD
OH HECK NAH I HOPE MOLLY WILL BE ALRIGHT. The blood coming out of her mouth is worrying me...
Finally!! The Pastel Princesses are showing their powers! May I say Lorena's weapons are SICK. THE THORNY VINES AROUND COLONEL SNUGGLES?? SUZIE'S SWORD?? LORENA'S UHH... KUSARIGAMA?? I'm not sure what lorena's weapon is, but it reminds me of Michaelangelo's weapon from tmnt 2012.
Maria calling her animal troop HECK YEAH. The animals attacking Leland is so satisfying. Leland is lucky Maria didn't call a tiger or smth.
OH GOODNESS GRACIOUS HECK NO. Ugh I can imagine the cracking sound from Aurelia's leg. Y'know i didn't expect this ship (whether romantic or platonic) was gonna happen, but i'm not unwelcome to it.
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Dangg Frederick, you go gymnastic king XD
Hah! His chanting actually made me smile XD yes frederick, you are the tiniest prince....you are the tiniest prin–
YOOOOOOO Leelathae's portrait???? I am really convinced now that Leelathae is in Gwen's dream!! I hope she's going to protect Gwen from Leland somehow, but i'm sure now that she will help realize who Gwen's true love is. Which, I'm fairly sure by now, is Gwen herself. I mean, it fits with the theme of the comic soooo
With the mix of modern and traditional technologies in cpc, i do now wonder why they don't build an elevator inside castles considering the amount of floors there are. I'm thinking...Steampunk styled elevator?
-> Sheesh! Leelathae's reflection is getting worse and worse... Perhaps it's because she doesn't love herself because of herself anymore? Well now that that's in mind, Gwen is kind of repeating history.
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I just wanna say I love how Jack is gonna make the wedding fits both his and Leelathae's liking. I know that is an average kindess act for marriage but it's still pretty heartwarming for me.
Ngl I'm curious what Leland and Isolde's wedding was like. I hope we'll get at least a picture!
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Aw, this interaction is adorable. Look at how Isolde is smiling! I hope we will get her smiling like this in the present time..
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WOAH WOAH WOAH. I mean, I was sure Jack would eventually confront his parents, but dang. Actually, it makes sense how Helena and Jesse starts seeing their reflection wrong too. I think with how much they talk about their beauty, they don't love their inner self (their personality) and instead too focused on their outward beauty. So I'm guessing here that what triggers the reflection problem on people, is personal hurtful words? First with Gwen, Frederick calling her ugly. Leelathae, Helena and Jesse calling her ugly. And now with Helena and Jesse, Jack called them hideous.
But y'know what? I am so glad Jack confronted his parents. It feels SO good. He loves Leelathae so much, it's so heartwarming.
So happy that Helena and Jesse are running away on their own. Let's hope they never come back...
I genuinely dunno how to feel about flashback Leland now. Is he being genuine? I don't know. But it's nice that he's at least trying to comfort Jack. Too bad he regrets it now tho lmao XD sucks to be you Leland hahahah.
Since Leland is comforting Jack...Um, Isolde and Leelathae moment? Lambcat? I really wanna see them just having conversation together because last time Isolde thought Leelathae was stealing her food xd
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Leelathae's wedding dress!! It matches Gwen's!!! I guess Leland really remembered that lmao. Damn Leland crying and Isolde just stared with concern XD (i would've added Gwen's wedding dress photo but Tumblr's max pictures :( )
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Okay can we talk about how majestic Jack's hair is??? Like dang pop off king. Now I know why Maria's hair is so beautiful.
It's sweet how Jack would do anything to Leelathae aww.
Uh, yeah, no, I am not going to talk about that uhh "diagram" the doctor gave to Leelathae. Nope. Nu uh.
Back to the present let's gooooo!!
A for effort, Miss Agatha. A for effort....
HAHAH GOOD LUCK LELAND GOOD LUCK LMAO. I nearly forgot about the thorns covering Gwen. Honestly I wonder how no one from the Plaid kingdom (beside Frederick, Leopold and iirc Isolde who already knew) questions about the fact that she has not got woken up from a literal war that's happening in her palace.
Hah! I live for Frederick and Aurelia bickering. I especially love how Frederick is being argumentative. Usually he can be pretty uh..pushover? Actually the correct words would be he doesn't have any moment to stand up for himself :')
Yep! Confirmed once again! Leland is the serpent!
Jamie is a mood with that speech. And the fact that he has not only 1, but 2 ultimate flashbang??? DAMN JAMIE.
Ohoho what am I sensing here? What did you write Leopold?? I can hear the Leomie shippers screaming right now lol.
Okay those are ALL of the chapters lmao that was long! Uh, what have I been doing to the point I post 3 chapters late? Ahaha....u see... i actually have not excuse. I apologize.
That's all for now!!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thought)
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Childs Play - Modern AU
summary: honestly just a sh!tty little oneshot ab the gang watching a horror movie w reader lmao. couple hints to a relationship between Arthur & reader. could just be a friendship tho. I've never written an AU before so i really hope i keep everyone in character <3
(also ik the chucky movies arent scary like at all but the thought of john and sean arguing over who looks more like the scarred-faced ginger killer doll made me giggle)
"oi Marston, he's got a mug almost as ugly as yours!"
"me? im not the one with the unruly carrot top. thats the real horror here,"
Sean and John continue to joke and yell over the film, in a feeble attempt to act less scared, makes it hard to believe them when theyre both clutched to Lenny and Abigail like little kids on their first day of school. Sean had orignially been cowering behind Karen (though he swore he was protecting her from the totally fictional horror movie) until she had become fed up with his whining and slapped him upside the head. "ruining the goddamn movie with your muttering," she had mumbled, leaving poor young Lenny to comfort the redhead alone.
Her decision to seat herself on the (what she thought to be) more mature of the two couch groups, alongside yourself, Arthur, Molly, Dutch and Hosea, had proven to be the wrong choice - trading in dumb and dumbers crys and whines for Dutches painful, painful, old man movie talk
"So who sent the doll to the house then?"
"we dont know Dutch,"
"Now who's bowl has the poison in it?"
"we dont know Dutch, thats the point."
"Now that Husbands gonna get caught with the nanny, its obvious. such bad writing,"
"...oh...it was the wife,"
Molly has her head in her hand, finding herself envying the helpless dead victims from the movie, who dont have to listen to her partners consistent rambling. Hosea and Arthur have both grown accustomed to this by now, seemingly fully immersed in the film as if there were no distractions.
you feel an eager tap on your leg,
"hey y/n - is this the one with the crazy doll porn?"
you lean down from the couch to the floor where Javier is sat, with his body turned to you, but his eyes still fully focused on the film infront of him.
"no, no. thats 'seed of chucky' this is 'curse of chucky',"
a mix of both disappointed mutters a sighs of relief come from the floor group, comprising of Javier, Charles, Sean (who has now been quite literally kicked off the couch by Lenny), Trelawney, and Uncle.
There were a total of six 'groups' during VDL gang movie nights. the two couch groups - comprised of those who could, and those who couldn't behave. the floor group, the dining table group - which was mostly just Mary-Beth gushing over the romantic undertones of every film, Ms Grimshaw, Pearson and Strauss - drinking red wine in the kitchen and chatting shit, and finally Micah - who is usually kicked out of the living room, to make sure that he wasn't "getting any ideas", as Arthur would put it.
By this point, everyone who wasn't talking or scared shitless was slowly falling asleep, Abigail somehow snoozing through Johns constant complaints. Arthurs eyes were lidded shut, his head leaning back. you nudge him every few minutes,
"yknow you can go rest - dont have to sit through this shitshow with the rest of us,"
"no, no, I'm just restin' my eyes is all," he'd swear.
"can't quite leave you to watch this scary picture all by yourself now can i?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at his old-man excuse for having his eyes closed, rolling your eyes at him, you accept his answer. You both know you aren't the type to get scared by a cheap slasher flick, but you were endeared by his supposed reasoning.
The film was coming to an end now and even Dutch had quietened down now, an arm around molly and his face plastered with a triumphant grin - he had successfully guessed the ending to the film, like he so often did. There was popcorn scattered over the floor (and mostly in Charles' hair) from Seans failed attempt at starting a food fight.
John had gotten over his fears (lectured by Abigail during the snack break about how getting scared of a Doll would set a bad example for Jack) he was now totally hyping up the film, muttering Chuckys one-liners under his breath and laughing to himself over it.
Charles inched toward the DVD player, case in hand as he dejected the disc that was playing.
"Are we putting on the next one?"
no. you were absolutely not.
A/N: i didnt know how to end this. honestly this is mostly just self indulgence bc i desperately miss watching horror movies w big groups of people </3. might make a part 2?
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louff4tw · 1 year
Percy headcannon that when Gideon and Fabian died Molly was a huge mess and Author was barely home. Charlie and Bill were in school. Going by the photo in OOTP. Her brothers were alive in July 1981. So I feel like they died August 10 and the emotional pain led to the early birth of Ginny on the 11th.
He was already helping a bit with the twins before. The moment Ron was born they were sorta pushed towards him. He taught them how to walk and talk. George’s first word was Percy. Second Fred. Fred’s was George. Second was Percy. Ron’s first word was also Percy. But sounded more like purse then pierce till at 4 he finally said Percy. Bill and Charlie helped out as long as they could. But they had to go back to Hogwarts. They say Percy down and told him he had to be strong and Brave like a true Weasley. They he had to be a Perfect kid for Mum and help her out cause she needs help. That he had to step up and help. They both felt guilty but very relieved when they went back to school. Cause at least they could get away.
Molly would have trouble to get out of bed. Percy would do a lot of the childcare despite being 5-6. Molly didn’t even think of who was caring for the kids. Even new born Ginny. Thankfully Percy watched his mom make formula loads of times.
He would get the Babies up first as they were easier to handle then the twins. Get them fed and changed and put in the play pen in the living room. Then he would make breakfast for himself and the twins plus Molly. He would bring hers up. Tho she didn’t eat half the time. Then drag the twins down and the three would eat in the living room so he can keep a eye on the babies. And then he would clean up as the twins played. He would then busy himself with the kids. Feeding and changing when needed. Trying to get the twins potty trained was a mess. Molly put it off cause she was so overwhelmed with twins and two infants.
He also had to build a barrier in the living room cause Ron was walking and the twins were sprinting. He would sometimes yell at them to stop. Cause he’s a little kid and scared they would hurt themselves. At lunch he would put them all down for a nap. Clean up. Cook lunch. Bring some up to Molly. Bring down the barely eaten breakfast. Which would then be his lunch. He would make lunch for the younger ones for when they woke
Meal times were a hassle with all 4 awake. The twins would make a huge mess. Spurned on the more Ron laughed. Ginny had to be hand fed her bottle and Ron his baby food. More food ended up on Percy then in his mouth.
The twins would be super energized in the afternoon and just go batshit crazy. If you’ve met a toddler you know what I mean but times 2.
What made everything worse was for the first few weeks of this the kids would start crying for Molly but she never came. Sometimes she would hold Ron and Ginny but sorta refused to look at the twins. She would also tell Percy what needs to be done. To tired to realize. He’s just a little kids. Way to young to care for a premie infant. A baby and two toddlers.
Molly would come down and make dinner. It made her feel like she actually did something. Arthur would come home and eat some times or just after the kids have eaten. If he came home that day. Half the time he was a no show. It was Percy’s favourite part of the day. Almost like things were normal. But after she would go right back to bed. Arthur would either go to his shed. Back to work. Or join her upstairs. “I’m trusting you to watch them for a hour or so Percy, your so mature it’s like your a adult!” Tho it was never just for a hour.
Percy never complained. Or cried or fussed. He just assumed that this was how it was. And on the rare occasions that he was thanked. It made him grateful. He also wanted to make life easier for his Mom.
After dinner was hard. He had to clean all four kids. Make sure they were bathed. Hair brushed. Teeth brushed. The scariest was Ginny cause she was just so small he was terrified. But he managed. The twins would make a huge mess while bathing. He would get the babies down first cause the twins would take the longest. The babies would sleep in his room in case they needed him in the middle of the night. He would also read to them while showing Ron the book. Helping to teach him to read. Once down. He would wrestle the twins into pjs. Every glass of water they needed. How many stories they asked for. They would finally go down at 10pm. Way later then they should be. He would then spend the next few hours fully cleaning up. Not because everything was messy but he developed ocd and anxiety. A mess left today was doubled tomorrow. He would also meal prep and deal with the animals. And handle the garden gnomes. Finally going to bed at 2am. Crying himself to sleep from stress. Only to wake several times to feed and change the babies.
This would go on for Months. Slightly getting better as time went on. By the time he went to Hogwarts she was taking care of the younger 4 again tho whenever he was home they would go to him. Till he kept trying to be perfect. She continuesly comparing her kids and rifts forming.
Years later once he was back with the family she still doesn’t acknowledge how much he did for her and the others. Even tho there are questions she can’t answer. Like milestone questions.
Even when George jokingly asked when he was potty trained and she didn’t know but Percy did
One day he will realize how cruel what happened was. And part of him will never forgive his parents
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