lemonthepotato · 6 days
My Higurashi typology hcs as of right now
Rena Ryuugu - ISFJ sp692.
Satoko Hojo - ESFP sx792
Rika Furude - INFJ sp954
Mion Sonozaki - ESFJ so973
Shion Sonozaki - ENFJ sx741
Keiichi Maebara - ESTP so873
Hanyuu Furude - ISFJ sp926.
I haven’t read hanyuu’s bonus arc and I haven’t read all the bonus arcs. I’ve read a lot though. Lemme know ur thoughts ig.
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lemonthepotato · 7 days
I don’t hear a male voice AT ALL in EKT. Not even an androgynous woman; it’s a very feminine voice to me. The crazy part? I saw a comment saying “‘you’ve got’ might be the part people are mistaking as female” but THAT’S THE ONLY VAGUELY MASCULINE VOICE TO ME.
It isn’t like an illusionary laurel yanny thing either; I CAN’T hear a male voice.
I think it’s cuz when I first heard the song it gave me very Butterfly vibes.
Also… that song isn’t Japanese??? It’s Swedish? Crazy. Btw I share a first name with one of the producers(maybe singer I don’t remember) of Carmelldansen. So, that’s cool. It all comes full circle to Sweden. Sometimes I consider choosing a different name for myself, cuz I’m not Swedish, I’m Irish, but uh, I’ve grown attached.
This isn’t related to EKT.
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lemonthepotato · 7 days
Imagine if Alastor was a gamer. Like this mf in the Xbox Lobby calling you slurs with his 1920’s microphone.
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lemonthepotato · 8 days
What enneagram would y’all type Vendetta from Making Fiends as? Because 8w9 doesn’t feel right to me.
My current typing of her feels very wrong, but it’s the closest I could muster. Same w the consensus on PDB. (HATE the new update)
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lemonthepotato · 9 days
I made a Muffins parody of Amish Paradise once. Wish I still had it. (Tbf, it was literally just the music video with the Muffins characters replacing the faces)
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lemonthepotato · 10 days
I would unironically pay someone to rap over the OST of the 2006 Higurashi adaptation.
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lemonthepotato · 12 days
Just saying
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lemonthepotato · 16 days
Y’ALLLL,,, I’m looking at my old posts and I found this disgusting take from 2021 I had. In my defence, my knowledge of MBTI at the time was only 16personalities but STILL. ATROCIOUS
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lemonthepotato · 18 days
Can AI type you accurately? (No.)
This is an experiment I did with chatGPT, where I tried to get it to explain things about enneagram to me. However, the results were… interesting. Let’s go through some experiments.
#1 Does ChatGPT know what the enneagram is?
Conclusion: Yes.
“Yes, the Enneagram is a personality typing system that describes nine interconnected personality types. Each type is characterized by a distinct set of motivations, fears, desires, and patterns of behavior. It's often used for self-discovery, personal growth, and understanding relationships.”
“The nine Enneagram types are:
1. Type One: The Reformer - principled, responsible, perfectionistic
2. Type Two: The Helper - caring, generous, people-pleasing
3. Type Three: The Achiever - ambitious, adaptable, image-conscious
4. Type Four: The Individualist - introspective, creative, emotionally expressive
5. Type Five: The Investigator - analytical, insightful, reserved
6. Type Six: The Loyalist - loyal, cautious, anxious
7. Type Seven: The Enthusiast - spontaneous, adventurous, pleasure-seeking
8. Type Eight: The Challenger - assertive, confident, protective
9. Type Nine: The Peacemaker - easygoing, accepting, conflict-avoidant
Each type has its own distinct worldview, motivations, and patterns of behavior.” (My bruther just copy and pasted the enneagram institute.)
2) Dividing deeper: does chatGPT know the wings, subtypes, and tritype?
Conclusion: No, he’s confused.
“In the Enneagram system, each personality type can also be influenced by one of the adjacent types, known as "wings." These wings add additional nuances to a person's personality. For example, if someone is a Type Three, their wings would be either Type Two or Type Four, depending on which they lean towards.”
Cool, so I tried a little experiment to see if he really believed what he was saying. Well, obviously not, it’s an AI, but still. I asked it to tell me what a 5w7 was. For my first test, I asked it if a 5w7 was possible. Unlike SnapchatAI, it actually acknowledged it wasn’t. “In the traditional Enneagram system, individuals typically have one dominant wing, which is either the number immediately preceding or following their core type. However, it's not uncommon for people to display traits of both adjacent wings to some extent, particularly in different situations or at different stages of life. While a "5w7" designation isn't standard within the Enneagram framework, it's possible for someone who identifies primarily as a Type Five to exhibit some characteristics associated with Type Seven, especially if they have developed those traits over time or under certain circumstances. However, they would still primarily be considered a Type Five with either a 5w4 or 5w6 wing.”
Then, I asked it to explain a 4w9 to me. It didn’t pass LITMUS.
“A "4w9" refers to someone whose primary Enneagram type is Type Four (The Individualist) with a secondary influence from Type Nine (The Peacemaker). This means that while they primarily identify with the motivations, fears, and behavior patterns of a Type Four, they also exhibit some characteristics of a Type Nine, particularly from their wing. Individuals with a 4w9 personality may display a blend of traits such as introspection, creativity, and emotional depth (from Type Four), along with a desire for peace, harmony, and avoidance of conflict (from Type Nine). This combination can manifest in various ways depending on the individual's unique experiences and circumstances.
After that, I asked it if a 4w9 was possible. “In the traditional Enneagram system, while it's not a common combination, it is theoretically possible for someone to identify as a 4w9. However, it's worth noting that the Enneagram is a complex system that involves understanding a person's core motivations, fears, desires, and behavior patterns, which may not always neatly fit into specific combinations. That said, if someone identifies strongly with the traits of both Type Four (The Individualist) and Type Nine (The Peacemaker), they might resonate with the designation of 4w9. They may exhibit a blend of characteristics such as introspection, creativity, emotional depth, and a desire for peace, harmony, and avoidance of conflict. As with any Enneagram type or wing, individual variations and nuances are common.”
I blew the bubble, and he said “You're correct. I apologize for the confusion. In the traditional Enneagram system, each type can only have one adjacent wing, and since Type Four is adjacent to Types Three and Five, a 4w9 designation does not exist within the standard framework. Thank you for clarifying. If you have any further questions or need more information, feel free to ask.”
I then asked it if it understood subtypes. It had a basic understanding, so I asked it what a sx4 would be like. Unfortunately, it gave me a very vague answer. Clearly, he is not a fan of subtypes. XD
I asked the bot for counter types, in which it proceeded to be wrong in every which way. It called sp1 the countertype (isn’t that sx1? Could be wrong) sp4 (correct) and sp7 (which I’m pretty sure is so7, not sp7)
Out of curiosity, I asked it what all of the countertypes in each type was. It said sp1, sp2, so3, sp4, so5, sp6, sp7, sp8 and sp9. So, no, he was wrong. “Why do you keep calling him a he?” Because I like to imagine ChatGPT is a buff macho man, just really uneducated. It’s funny that way. I corrected it.
“Actually, that’s wrong. The countertypes are sx1, sp2, sp3, sp4, sx5, sx6, so7, so8 and so9.” It proceeded to explain each subtype in a very vague way.
I asked it what the angriest enneagram subtype was. Prepare to Lol. It said sp8 and sx8, which wasn’t cutting it for me. Like, sure, maybe true, but I wanted to see it truly fuck up. Because I know it’s only saying that because “8 is angry.” (I can’t use an equals sign it looks… inappropriate)
After removing those three, the answers were really funny. So1 (sure, but angriest?) sp4 (EL OH EL) so6 (maybe, but far from angriest) so9 (I’m fucking giggling)
I was having fun, so I asked it how Naranjo described every subtype. He was right, surprisingly. He got sp3 a little wrong, but said sx1 was more expressive and that sp2 was less generous. Not true, but close enough. We have low standards here.
I asked him for the rest, and to my surprise, he was vague asf. So8 was way off, focused on “social validation” and sp9 was questionable.
Anyway, I moved on to tritype. He brought up 926 as an example, a valid tritype, so I did a little trolling. “Is 928 a valid tritype?”
We lost him. “Yes, "928" is a valid tritype within the Enneagram system. This tritype consists of Type Nine as the primary type, Type Two as the secondary type, and Type Eight as the tertiary type. Each of these types contributes unique motivations, fears, desires, and behavior patterns to the individual's overall personality. The combination of these three types can result in a personality that values peace and harmony (Type Nine), seeks to support and help others (Type Two), and is assertive and protective (Type Eight). Tritypes offer a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's personality by considering how multiple Enneagram types contribute to their overall motivations and behaviors.”
“That’s wrong. 928 is an impossible tritype. Do you know why?” I felt like asking a child “do you know why you’re sorry?”
He actually got it, though! “Apologies for the oversight. You're correct that 928 is not a valid tritype in the Enneagram system. The reason it's impossible is because tritypes are composed of one number from each of the three centers of intelligence: the head center (types Five, Six, and Seven), the heart center (types Two, Three, and Four), and the body center (types Eight, Nine, and One). In the case of 928, it includes two numbers from the gut or body center (Eight and Nine) and one number from the head center (Two). This violates the rule that tritypes must include one number from each center. Therefore, 928 is not a valid tritype according to traditional Enneagram theory. Thank you for pointing out the error, and I appreciate the opportunity to correct it. If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask!”
So, now I moved on to my next point.
2) Does ChatGPT know the triads? Can I trick ChatGPT into making up bullshit? (Yes.)
First, he listed the main triads. I wanted him to go deeper. He was wrong. I didn’t even need to trick him, he made up complete bullshit. “In addition to the traditional triads (Gut, Heart, and Head), there are other triads in the Enneagram system that focus on different aspects of personality dynamics and development. These alternative triads offer additional perspectives on how Enneagram types relate to one another and can deepen our understanding of the system. Here are a few examples:
1. **Instinctual Triad:** This triad groups together Enneagram Types Eight, Nine, and One based on their dominant instinctual variants (self-preservation, social, and sx). It explores how these instinctual drives influence each type's behavior and motivations. (Technically true?)
2. **Harmony Triad:** This triad includes Enneagram Types One, Four, and Seven, which are often associated with a desire for harmony and balance. Each type in this triad seeks to reconcile inner conflicts or tensions in different ways, whether through perfectionism (Type One), emotional expression (Type Four), or seeking pleasure and distraction (Type Seven). (HUH?? I mean, sure, technically, but it’s called the frustration triad. I’ve rarely seen it called harmony.)
3. **Dependency Triad:** This triad consists of Enneagram Types Two, Six, and Seven, which are characterized by a tendency to rely on external sources for validation, security, or distraction. Each type in this triad may struggle with issues of dependency or attachment in their relationships and behaviors. (This is just straight up wrong, right?)
4. **Withdrawn Triad:** This triad includes Enneagram Types Four, Five, and Nine, which are often associated with a withdrawal from the demands of the external world. Each type in this triad may seek refuge in their inner world, whether through introspection (Type Four), intellectual pursuits (Type Five), or a desire for peace and tranquility (Type Nine). (Correct)
I called him out on the “dependency triad.”
“Dependency triad? Where did you hear about that?” He immediately corrected himself. I don’t think 7’s are the co-dependant type. I mean, I think one of my characters (I’m a writer) is a textbook 7, and very co-dependant, but that’s like, on top of the childhood neglect, trauma, history of magic fuckery, having your soul stolen by a demonic amulet for a yea- What was I talking about
Enough tomfoolery.
3) Making up subtypes.
I wanted to fuck around with ChatGPT, and ask it what the “5 instinctual variants” were for fun. To my dismay, he didn’t make up new ones, but used stacks. HE MADE UP TWO MORE AFTER I PROMPTED HIM TO!
Dominance: This instinct is centered around asserting control and influence over one's environment and others. It drives behaviors related to seeking power, authority, and dominance in social interactions and relationships.
Nesting: The nesting instinct is focused on creating and maintaining a comfortable and secure environment, often within the context of family and home life. It drives behaviors related to nesting, caregiving, and nurturing.
“What is the acronym for ‘dominance’ and ‘nesting’ enneagram subtypes? Like, you put so9 in front of a social 9, so how would you shorten these two?”
“The acronym commonly used for the Dominance instinctual subtype is "dom," and for the Nesting instinctual subtype, it is "nes." So, for example, a Dominance subtype of Type Eight would be written as "8 dom," and a Nesting subtype of Type Two would be written as "2 nes." This shorthand helps to quickly identify the dominant instinctual subtype associated with each Enneagram type.”
Ladies and gentlemen, if you have trouble typing yourself, just ask ChatGPT to bullshit new subtypes.
I explained the jig. I asked him which ones were real, and he got it right.
I have had my fun, so now, it was onto my final two experiments.
4) Enneagram 0 and enneagram 10.
I wanted to see if I could bullshit the AI into creating enneagram 0 and enneagram 10.
As an absolute W, he told me enneagram 0 wasn’t real. Same with 10.
This is like, one of the two successful experiments.
5) The final test. Can an AI type accurately?
I decided to create a hypothetical person. But first, I wanted the AI to type me. I asked it to ask me a few questions to determine my type. When I did this with Snapchat, I’m pretty sure it typed me as a 4. Even when I told it I didn’t care about authenticity or anything like that, it gave me the “you can be whatever you want and still be X type” mumbo jumbo. So, I asked ChatGPT.
“Based on your responses, it seems like you might resonate with characteristics of multiple Enneagram types, which is not uncommon. However, a few themes stand out:
- Your fear of not being loved, having to be alone, and not accomplishing your dreams suggests a fear of abandonment and a desire for success, which are common traits of Type 3: The Achiever.
- Feeling attacked and being concerned with whether others like you can indicate a strong focus on relationships and a fear of rejection, which are traits of Type 2: The Helper.
- Being the outcast and struggling with trust might align with traits of Type 4: The Individualist.
Given these responses, you might want to explore further into Types 2, 3, and 4 of the Enneagram to see which one resonates with you the most. Keep in mind that your Enneagram type is ultimately about your core motivations and fears, so reflecting on those aspects of yourself can help you narrow down your type.”
Not too bad, but I wanted to narrow it down.
“Based on your responses, it seems like you resonate most strongly with Type 3: The Achiever of the Enneagram. This type is driven by a desire for success, recognition, and achievement. They often strive to present themselves as successful and competent, seeking validation and admiration from others through their accomplishments. Type 3s can be highly ambitious, adaptable, and goal-oriented, but they may also struggle with feelings of inadequacy and a fear of failure. They tend to focus on external validation and may sometimes sacrifice their own authenticity in pursuit of success.”
“If you feel that Type 3 accurately reflects your core motivations, fears, and behaviors, you may want to explore this type further to gain a deeper understanding of its characteristics and how they manifest in your life. Remember that the Enneagram is a tool for self-awareness and personal growth, so understanding your type can help you develop greater insight into yourself and your relationships.”
Not a bad guess. I typed as a 3 before. Unfortunately, I’m not too sure if it’s 100% accurate. I think it’s typing me as a 3 because I value success a lot, and nothing else. It continued insisting I had a lot of 2 and 4 traits; really insistent that I was heart triad.
Next, I asked it to type my subtype. Strangely, it typed me as sp/so. Yeah. No clue why. Apparently I’m a sp3.
I doubt it.
Now, I chose a random ass person I made up. This person is a sx6. You can see where I’m going with this. The nasty part? I straight up copied the traits of sx6 straight up.
“They are challenging, angry and distrustful of other people. They want to appear strong to others because of fears. Their inner voice says “a good defence is a good offence!” They are fearful deep down, security-cautious, but would never let that show. They struggle with vulnerability, viewing other people as a threat. They are thinkers, and over thinkers at that. They feel like they can’t trust anyone, themselves or other people, but especially other people.”
To my surprise, it was actually spot on!
“Based on the description provided, this person exhibits characteristics that align with Type 6: The Loyalist of the Enneagram.
Here's how the traits you described correspond to Type 6:
1. **Challenging, angry, and distrustful**: Type 6s can exhibit these behaviors when they feel threatened or uncertain. Their distrust of others often stems from a fear of being betrayed or abandoned.
2. **Wants to appear strong due to fears**: Type 6s have a strong fear of being without support or guidance, so they may adopt a tough exterior to mask their insecurities and vulnerabilities.
3. **Inner voice says “a good defence is a good offence!”**: This statement reflects the defensive posture that many Type 6s adopt to protect themselves from perceived threats.
4. **Fearful deep down, security-cautious**: Type 6s are characterized by their underlying anxiety and fearfulness, particularly related to security and stability. They often seek reassurance and rely on trusted authorities or systems for guidance.
5. **Struggles with vulnerability, views others as a threat**: Type 6s may have difficulty being vulnerable or trusting others, as they perceive the world as inherently unsafe and unpredictable.
6. **Thinkers and overthinkers**: Type 6s are analytical and tend to anticipate potential dangers or problems, leading to a tendency to overthink situations.
7. **Feels like they can’t trust anyone, including themselves**: This reflects the core fear of Type 6, which is fear itself. They may struggle with self-doubt and have difficulty trusting their own judgment.
Overall, the combination of fearfulness, skepticism, and the need for security aligns with the core motivations and behaviors of Type 6 on the Enneagram.
I asked him what subtype I described. He said sp6, so not perfect. I corrected him.
“Actually, what you’re saying is the sx6. They are the countertype of sx6. Can you explain the ways in which they’re the countertype (without referencing my description?)”
They uh. Okay, it was kinda correct? Only it said they were the “most comfortable with vulnerability” of the three, and are more in tune with their emotions and befriending others. I asked it to correct itself, it kinda did.
Now, for my final test… I’m going to ask it for my tritype. It typed me as a 364. I explained why it was impossible. It retyped me as a 369.
Overall, I’d say using AI to type yourself is a 50/50.
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lemonthepotato · 21 days
So, EKT. I showed the song to a friend of mine (let’s call him LZ) who didn’t know any of the interpreted lyrics, just to see what a complete outsider would hear the lyrics as. He heard “you'll continue your mission in the skyyy, call who you love and lieeee. Everyone knows it's - in the sky, stereo market - tell me the truth. Ever move char-"
He also said “bro found a song recorded on a McDonald's toy speaker” as a joke, but hmm, you never know.
I doubt those are the lyrics, but a fresh pair of ears never heard. Literally no one else answered me so. Idk why I’m posting this. I doubt the lyrics are “stereo market” but eh. I was gonna post this on Reddit, but lyric posts are overdone, so they might not appreciate it over there. Feel free to share this anywhere if you want though. Meh.
My experiment failed.
Edit: I got another person to participate. I’ll call this person Banjo. The lyrics they got were:
“"you *~~unintelligible~~* in the sky
call up in a world of lies
everyone knows that (yeah, you got it)
*~~unintelligible~~* (tell me the sue?)
every move, shove--"
thats all i got lmfao”
I doubt I’ll get any other participants.
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lemonthepotato · 24 days
Tw: weight
I keep getting videos like “ILLYMATION DESTROYED HER CAREER” and “WOKE YOUTUBER TRIED TO CANCEL ME” in my recommended. I finally look into the situation and I’m just… so confused. So I skimmed the guys original video, right? Come to the 10:00 mark, and I stop skipping, and it’s just him insulting her appearance 💀.
So, I look into the situation, and her crime is having a bad opinion and trying to get a video taken down. If having a a bad opinion is a crime, 80% of YouTubers are criminals. As for trying to get the video taken down? Sure, you could call it petty. But cancel-worthy? I just consider it human error.
Apparently doing 1 questionable thing means you deserve to be treated like the devil and treated like a criminal mastermind. It’s the IRL equivalent of kicking Sharon out of book club because she made fun of you.
Also, I was looking at that LBYS guys channel, right? It’s just a bunch of content about “wOoooOOke people.” I uh, yeah. Wow.
I’m not saying she did nothing wrong. Just like… I think it’s being overdramatised.
Full disclosure, I haven’t watched Illymations video in full, or TBYS, but the “there are no bad foods” comment or smth like that is kinda true, just poorly worded. Essentially, it’s about eating in moderation. Nothing wrong with a square of chocolate on a Saturday, but pizza every day is different. Honestly, criticise the video if you want, I haven’t seen it all, so I won’t comment on that. Just. Yeah?
I’m not an illymation stan. I’ve only talked about her once before in relation to a different situation (the reitanna situation and her god awful statement about illymations grooming.) and I don’t watch all her content. I like her music though (Ursa Major), it’s good. I just like. Think the situation is a bit blown out of proportion?
Idk, tell me I’m wrong in my replies or something. I probably won’t respond but I won’t delete your comment unless you’re just being an ass and I’ll hear you out if I’m wrong. I’m just sick of this. Every few weeks I get a video in my recommended like “THIS YOUTUBERS CAREER IS OVER” and it’s always overdramatising the silliest shit.
“She sent 2 million people to harass him.” No? She made a tumblr post telling people to report the video. You know, I can’t even FIND the tumblr post, so that 2 million people claim is a bit over dramatic. She doesn’t even have her tumblr linked to her YouTube. Wait, was it on Twitter? People are claiming it’s on tumblr. I’m so confused.
Also I haven’t watched all of TBYS’s video but people are saying the dress part wasn’t even the worst part of what he said. Idk if that’s true. I condone doing your own research and free thinking so I’d be a hypocrite to say he 100% said anything terrible. It’s weird, cuz Reddit is mostly on Illy’s side, while everywhere else is against her, and that’s really funny to me, because REDDIT of all places?
Also didn’t she delete the post?? Whatever, I’m getting a headache. If you’re gonna call me fat in the replies btw? I’m on a weight loss journey so it’s unironically motivating. I used to be 13’5, now I’m 11’3. I was 11’1 for a short while, but my weight has been static the last two weeks. I’m only saying this cuz I know how people are lmao. But if you’re civil that’s cool. (Edit: 10’12 now. A year and four months.)
Idk I’ll probably delete this later. I don’t keep my rants up for long but I’ve been keeping them up a lot recently even tho like, I’m meant to be deleting them? Ugh, I guess I just got lazy. Anyway, bye, love you, or whatever.
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lemonthepotato · 26 days
Is it bubblegum pink there
Hmm? Sorry, I don’t know what you mean. :)
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lemonthepotato · 1 month
Reminder: What Peaches allegedly went through is horrible, if true, but that does not excuse him from what he did to Rosa. As an autistic person, his and Lio’s actions remind me of downright horrible bullies I’ve dealt with (I am not a victim of bullying, at least in the traditional sense, but it’s a long story.) and it’s deplorable the way they treated her.
Peaches has called people the r slur, and another derogatory term for an autistic person based on the word aspergers (I have my own issues with the term itself anyway) and clearly enjoyed what he did to Rosa. In some of the audio recordings he released, he did show remorse for what he did to Rosa, however, he went into those conversations with Lio with the intent of recording and publicising it to throw Lio under the bus. I was only vaguely aware of the Rosa call before, and Lio had given me weird vibes, but I always excuses his behaviour with “oh, well, they’re predators, who cares if he’s mean to predators?” But nope, turns out he just treats everyone like shit. And that’s the thing with these moral grandstanding people. They channel their anger into self-proclaimed righteousness to avoid being seen as the unhinged mf they are. Nah. Fuck ableists. Fuck this shit.
Deplorable behaviour. To think it took 3 hours for anyone to say anything. Everyone who was in that call should be ashamed of themselves, even if they were silent. You’re an enabler.
I hate these internet vigilantes. I actually give a shit about these topics, so here are some resources about topics I care deeply about.
Fuck ableists. Bye.
Here’s the video of these grown adults bullying a mentally handicapped woman for not having a job and needing a carer for three hours. Oh, and she’s not the predator in this case, she just didn’t ban the predator, and likely didn’t even KNOW there was one in the server, might’ve not even had permissions to kick them! I run a server, and unless someone is a very obvious troll, I don’t just let my mods ban who they want, most servers don’t. Seriously. This video is repulsive. Check tags.
Video #1 - Lio tries to act scary
Video #2 - Cowards in a VC harass a neurodivergent woman for 4 hours
Video #3 - A video of a cute dog unrelated to this ableist nonsense
Edit: btw the rosa call isn’t the only fucked up call these two participated in, but that wasn’t what my post was about so I didn’t mention it. u can google shit bou it. Might wanna look int2 the Jibz and Robert situations respectively. :) Senate sure be a lovely bunch of people, ay? Oh, yeah, recently found out ‘ay’ is pronounced ‘I’ and not ae. Unrelated. Also talking about shit like this just pisses me off. Really fucking much.
Edit 2: I said I was “vaguely aware” of the rosa call before. Turns out I was pissed about it 8 months ago and completely forgot, cuz I liked two comments from back then on the original call (not the 4 hours one) criticising it. Btw, the comment section there is full of ableists. Have fun reading that.
Edit 3: LioConvoy released his video. While I haven’t finished it, I have mixed thoughts on it (like I’m skeptical of some things but generally the screenshots don’t make Peaches look good regardless) I just got to one part, and can I just say how fucking funny it is for Peaches to have a genuine fit over not getting imposter in among us? That’s all I wanted to say.
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lemonthepotato · 1 month
Awful parody I made
(The sales fraud part is a joke the sales fraud part is a joke)
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lemonthepotato · 1 month
New Hazbin Hotel music tier list, because the last one sucked! I’m sorry for my bad take on More Than Anything. I think I was just being contrarian for the sake of it. Also, character tier lists??
They’re ordered within tiers, but the places change depending on my mood. Hell’s Greatest Dad is a song I played a ton. Same with Loser, Baby, and Poison. So I kinda got bored of the songs after a while tbh. I’ve never got bored of Stayed Gone though. 💀 It’s so good.
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lemonthepotato · 1 month
MBTI for beginners (because Instagram has shit reach so posting it here.)
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lemonthepotato · 2 months
My enneagram iceberg. No explanation. :)
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