#I literally don’t mind gushing about them should I get an ask
unformula1 · 4 months
everything perfect (LS2 x reader)
everything perfect (LS2 x reader)
valentines day series - valentines’ day countdown: -3
synopsis: you and logan in your perfect little relationship
“HEY!” Logan shouts as he covers his shirtless body with his shirt.
“I’ve seen that enough times already.” You reply, chuckling.
pairing: logan sargeant x reader
word count: 906
Logan spends just about forever getting ready but you don’t mind. You sit in the living room, scrolling through your phone as Logan hogs the bathroom, getting ready.
A few minutes into waiting, you stand up and walk toward the bathroom, opening up the door.
“HEY!” Logan shouts as he covers his shirtless body with his shirt.
“I’ve seen that enough times already.” You reply, chuckling.
Logan’s face turns red as he quickly puts the shirt on. He grabs his jeans which are hanging from the door handle and puts them on too.
“Are you going to stand there and watch me change?” He asks.
“Yes.” You deadpan, leaning on the door frame, staring at Logan.
“I feel uncomfortable.” He says.
“No you don’t.” You reply, smiling.
Logan doesn’t respond, he hurriedly puts on his pants and looks in the mirror to comb his hair. 
He runs the comb through his hair, making sure every strand of it is perfect. 
“Combing your hair should not take this long.” You say, still leaning on the doorway.
He looks at you, shoots you a glare before turning back to comb his hair. You chuckle. You can’t lie, it’s pretty cute.
You stop leaning on the doorway and walk to Logan’s room. You already know which jacket he’s going to wear. You search through Logan’s messy pile of clothes in his closet, picking out the denim one. After closing the closet and turning off the lights in his room, you walk back to the toilet, tossing him the denim jacket. 
He catches it and shoots you a warm smile, like a small child. 
“Thanks.” He says while putting on the jacket. 
“Are we done here?” You joke, which earns you a small laugh from Logan. 
“I don’t take that long.” He says, dragging the ‘that’.
You stare at him, “You literally spend forever in there it might as well be your room.”
He looks down sheepishly and fiddles with his jacket.
Now you feel bad.
“But I love that about you.” You add on.
Logan’s face brightens up and he looks back up at you. You smile slightly and kiss him on the cheek, which catches him off guard.
His entire face flushes red and he can’t even keep it in anymore. It’s even worse when you stood in the doorway to watch him change. He covers his face with his hands and hides it from you.
It’s adorable. It’s unbearably adorable.
“Come on Logs…” You drag the last syllable.
He makes an unintelligible noise, still covering his face.
“Logs…” You drag the end of the word again.
He finally removes his hands from his face which reveals how red his face is. It’s very red.
He smiles at you and you smile back at him. 
You lead him to the door as his face slowly becomes less red. He grabs his bag and swings it over his shoulder, slinging it across his body. You open the door for him and he does a cheeky little bow back. 
You close and lock the door before both of you walk down the corridor to the lift. He stays close to you and keeps his hands in his pockets while walking next to you. 
The cold wind gushes against you as you exit the building. Logan keeps close to you as both of you wait for the car. You look into his eyes and he shyly smiles at you. It’s very cute. You smile back at him.
After a while Logan takes his hands out of his jacket and swings them nearer to yours. He’s definitely hinting something. You pick up on this quickly and you hold his hand. He smiles widely and grips onto yours. 
His hand is warm and soft which makes you love holding his hand all the time. Logan loves holding your hand too, he’s pretty needy for it too. 
It’s a far cry from the frat boy personality that he puts up. It’s very different from his loud and outgoing self when he’s around his friends. No. It’s not the same when it comes to you, he likes to keep quiet around you and just cuddle with you endlessly. He gets needy at times but he doesn’t care, and neither do you.
A strong gust of wind blows into both of you. Logan doesn’t even ask before swinging his jacket around your shoulders and holding you closer to him. 
“Aren’t you a gentleman?” You whisper into his ear as he pulls you in.
His face turns red again and he lowers his head, hiding it from you. You chuckle and you see a small smile form on his face.
“You have to stop making my face red.” He whispers back.
“Is that so?” You say before planting a kiss on his forehead.
Logan lets out a soft groan and covers his face again. He leans into you which almost makes you fall but you catch yourself.
“I love you so much.” He whispers into your ear
You blush and punch his shoulder playfully.
“The tables have turned.” He cheekily says which makes you punch his shoulder again but harder.
“Hey!” He pouts.
“I hate you.” You say, leaning into Logan’s personal space.
“Love you too.”
You aren’t going to lie, you love Logan so much. He’s everything perfect to you and everything that makes you smile, and deep down you know he loves you back too.
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Nimona headcanons that I wrote in like 15 minutes don’t judge me
I feel like both Bal and Ambrosius are the kinds of people who try and act like they’re not sick 
Bal has an amazing immune system he rarely if ever gets sick 
But when he does get sick he’ll be in absolute denial about it 
If someone confronts him all he’ll say is “No I’m fine I don't get sick” and then he’ll push himself until he’s literally sitting in a hospital still acting like he’s not sick 
Ambrosius has the worst immune system you can possibly imagine 
Someone sneezes on this boy and he’s sick for the next two weeks 
But he’s also sick enough times that he’s convinced himself that he can work through anything 
After a while he’s literally forced to relax and be taken care of and he complains the entire time that he should be working 
I’ve kind of alluded to this headcanon but I don’t think Nimona can get sick
But if she could get sick she would be the most annoying person known to mankind 
She would have a sore throat and make the biggest deal about it and force the boys to take care of her
And the boys will comply because this is one of the few times that Nimona lets them take care of her 
I mentioned in this post tags that they all hand make every single present 
The first thing that Bal ever made/gave Ambrosius was welded rose that he made out of scrap metal 
He thought it was a stupid present but Ambrosius got super emotional and said it was the best present he had ever received 
Bal highly doubted that cause Ambrosius literally got a car as a birthday present once 
But then he saw it in a little vase that Ambrosius made and it became kind of a tradition after that
During every big event in their lives Bal welded Ambrosius a rose and he kept every single one 
By the time the knighting ceremony rolled around he had close to 80
Ambrosius made more heavy-duty vases just to hold all of the flowers 
It’s kind of sweet because you can see both of their hobbies improving as the years go on 
The first gift Bal ever got from Ambrosius was a sweater he crochet himself 
He made it cause he knows that Bal runs cold and he would make off-handed comments about it every once and a while
He was kind of nervous cause he never took on a project that big before 
Bal wore it all the damn time 
He treated that sweater like it was gold which is why he was crushed when it started unraveling 
He went to Ambrosius sobbing with an arm full of yarn apologizing and saying he ruined it
Mind you he gave him that sweater like 5 years prior and had knitted and crocheted him a million things afterwards 
It was a miracle that the sweater lasted as long as it did 
He spent the entire night consoling him while asking for his input on the new one he was currently working on 
The first gift Bal and Ambrosius gave Nimona made him tear up and cling to them as an actual koala for the rest of the night 
Bal welded him a little dragon and Ambrosius crocheted him a little rhino
The first gift Nimona gave the boys was for both of them
It was a painting of the three of them the boys thought it was beautiful but also incredibly out of character 
Until they gave them the second painting of the three of them fighting guards as the institute burned down behind them
The boys framed both and hung them in the living room
Whenever Ambrosius goes anywhere he’s swarmed by groups of people and sometimes those people will ask questions about his clothes and jewelry 
And he gets this proud look in his eyes while he says “Oh my kid made this in the living room 15 minutes before I left the house” 
When Bal proposed he actually made both the engagement and their wedding rings 
He always got compliments on both rings and Ambrosius would let them get a better look while gushing about all the little details that were put into it
And this doesn’t stop when Bal and Nimona are around either 
In fact he’ll drag them over and gush about them while they get progressively more embarrassed
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Tipsy and Turned On
Gibbs X Reader One-Shot
Prompt: You attend an NCIS Ceremony and get a little too tipsy around your boss.
Part 2
Mentions: Drinking
You smoothed your tight dress over for the hundredth time in the last 20 minutes as Bishop ran around the little hotel room you two shared, looking for her earrings.
“They were literally on the sink just a second ago,” she cried out, exasperated. You looked at your watch, noting that you only had about 40 minutes before the ceremony started.
“Check by the mini fridge. Maybe you set them down them when you stuffed your face with the bag of peanut m+m’s.”
You checked your makeup in the bathroom mirror and put a thin coat of lipstick on before you heard Bishop’s triumphant squawk.
“Got em!”
Walking out, you saw her putting the earrings in while munching on something which you assumed was the m+m’s she was finishing. A loud obnoxious knock sounded at the door before it opened a second afterwards and Tony walked in.
“What the hell DiNozzo? You don’t just walk into our room like that. We could’ve been naked!”
“Darn, should have knocked 30 minutes ago,” he teased, making you roll your eyes.
“Are you guys ready? The ceremony starts in like a half an hour,” you heard McGee’s voice announce from the hallway. At least he had the decency to stay outside.
“Oh relax McFidget. It’s literally 3 floors beneath us. We’ve got plenty of time to grab a drink and meet some newly promoted probies.”
You spritzed a little perfume, grabbed your clutch, and walked out of the room, making sure to smack Tony on the way out. Abby and Palmer were already down in the lobby when you guys stepped off the elevator.
“Oh my gosh, your dresses are so beautiful!” she gushed while running over in her Doc Martens.
You returned Abby’s excited hug and smiled anxiously, which she caught onto.
“Yeah. The entirety of NCIS is here. Including SecNav.”
“Well let’s get you a drink then. Soften those nerves.”
The boys went to find your assigned table while you Abby and Bishop went over to the bar, each ordering a cocktail. After a couple long sips, you took a breath and tried relaxing. Crowds were never a problem for you as long as they didn’t include a bunch of higher ranking officials and their bosses walking around. You scanned the massive dining hall and spotted Vance conversing with some other man in a suit you assumed was important but wasn’t expecting to see the third individual in the conversation as well.
“Since when did Gibbs come to NCIS ceremonies?” you asked, as Abby and Bishop turned to look.
“Oh, I heard Vance is forcing him to be here since we’re suppose to be receiving an award,” Bishop explained.
So that’s why he looking exceptionally handsome in his full black and navy suit. He even wore a tie. The man definitely cleaned up well and you actually had a hard time taking your eyes off of him.
Ever since you started working with the team, you had been…intrigued by Gibbs but it never got past the point of checking him out a few times or shooting some harmless cheesy flirts that everyone would just roll their eyes at. He never gave any indication of being intrigued as well, let alone attracted to you in the time that you’ve known him.
“Alright. One shot and let’s go join the others,” you heard Abby say.
You turned to her and saw her sliding over two shot glasses for you and Bishop. Now that Bishop just told you that you were going to have to get up on stage, you needed a shot more than ever.
“Abby, you’re a mind reader.”
She just winked and clinked your glass before throwing the shot back. You and Bishop followed suit, both grimacing from the liquid flames pouring down your throats and followed her towards your reserved table.
“Looks like you 3 found the bar just fine,” Tony pointed out as you took a seat.
“Don’t you have some naive agent to be bugging?” you retorted. He smiled and gave a nod to some young woman across the way, proving your point.
“Actually, she’s a file clerk and I’ll be right back.”
He left the table in the direction of the blonde haired woman as you all shook our heads and laughed. A few minutes later you saw Gibbs walk over.
“Didn’t think you were coming Gibbs. You don’t usually like these types of events,” McGee pointed out as he took Tony’s spot beside you. Instinctively, you took a long sip of your drink.
“Vance wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
As if on cue, the lights dimmed and the SecNav walked onto the little stage area holding a microphone.
“Thank you all for attending our little get together. We have a few announcements and presentations so let’s get started. Firstly, let’s honor those that we’ve lost in our battle for justice. Agent Simmons….
We all listened quietly, occasionally nodding or clapping for different reasons but the thought of having to get up on stage soon was driving you crazy. You hadn’t even known your leg was shaking under the table until I you felt a warm hand still your movements. Looking over, Gibbs gave you a small reassuring nod calming and exciting you at the same time.
His hand had left but the warmth was still there, leaving your skin with goosebumps.
“So these awards go to Special Agent Gibbs and his dedicated team, if they could make their way over,” Vance’s voice spoke too quickly. Part of you just moved in autopilot, getting up and following behind Gibbs with the rest of the team following behind in a line. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you, judging you.
Luckily, the little bit of alcohol you had was kicking in, dulling the sense of anxiety but you knew you looked at your hands, they’d be shaking.
On stage, Vance adorned your necks with medals and shook everyone’s hands before dismissing you. It was simple and quick and you would’ve ran off the stage at top speed had you remembered how to act at such formal events.
The hardest part was over and now was time to relax, as you sat on the floor of your hotel room, doing your 3rd shot with Bishop and Abby.
McGee had left early with Delilah and who knows what pants DiNozzo got himself in but you, Abby and Bishop were having the time of your lives.
“You should try it, you never know, you might enjoy it,” Abby suggested from the couch.
“I’m not sleeping in a coffin Abbs! I’m already claustrophobic!”
“You know what you should do. Pretend to get lost in the hotel and end up at Gibbs’s door.”
Both Abby’s and my mouth dropped open at Bishop’s comment and she laughed. She was the only one I told about my slight attraction to our boss and now Abby knew too.
“Bishop, I can’t believe you said that! I thought we had a secret together!”
“Oh don’t worry Y/N. I knew something was going with you and Gibbs wayy before Bishop told me anything.”
“What?! There’s nothing going on! And Bishop shouldn’t have said shit.”
They both laughed at the horror in your face and you prepared yourself another shot.
“You should do it though. I overheard heard him talking with Ducky about you. He didn’t say it exactly but he thinks you’re interesting. And for Gibbs to say that, that isn’t normal.”
“But I don’t even know what room is his.”
“202. Right down the hall,” Abby stated, already ready for your excuse.
“No one is saying go in there and force him to have sex with you. Just go and see what he does. If he escorts you back to your room, maybe he’s not interested. But if he invites you in..”
“What about Rule 13?”
“You know how many times we’ve broken that rule? It’s almost funny that we still have it. Come on, hurry before your buzz goes away and you chicken out.”
The both of them practically pulled you up and dragged you over to the door.
“Here are your shoes,” Bishop said, putting my heels in my hand and pushing me out.
“Wait, you guys can’t just kick me out of my own hotel room-
Your statement was cut short as they shut the door in your face, both could be heard giggling on the other side. Looking down at the heels in your hand, you decided against putting them on for fear you would faceplant if you tried walking in them and slowly made your way down the hall.
198, 200, 201..
You stood in front of 202, seriously wondering why you befriended those two. Well, it was now or never you thought as you knocked softly 3 times. A few seconds went by, you swaying slightly as the tequila did its job before the door opened up.
You were genuinely surprised at seeing Gibbs answer the door in nothing but a white tee and boxer briefs, you almost forgot the line you had planned.
“Oh. Is this not my room? I could’ve swore it was..” you probably slurred at him.
“Do you normally knock on your own door Agent L/N?”
Shit. He knew. Maybe. Maybe not.
“Do you know what time it is Y/N?”
You made a move as if to look at your watch, which you didn’t have and heard him sigh.
“It’s 2 in the morning. Have you been at the bar all night?”
Holy shit, it was that late? You were for sure going to have the worst headache the next morning.
“Yes.” Your answer was short, but your tone was almost a question. You don’t know what you were saying anymore, you honestly forgot what he asked you.
“Can I come in?” You blurted, hoping he wouldn’t turn you down. He rubbed his face in exasperation and opened the door wider for you to step in. Holy shit. Holy shit. You did not think you were gonna get this far.
You stepped into his room, noticing that all of his lights were still on and the tv played softly.
“Have you been up all this time too?” you asked, setting your heels down on the little loveseat.
“Just going over the case.” He closed the door and walked over into the bathroom. You looked around, seeing the case file spread across the little desk and the queen bed beside that looked untouched.
You weren’t sure what to do now. You do know that this tight dress you’ve been wearing for hours was starting to become very uncomfortable and this plan was looking dumber and dumber by the second.
Gibbs came back out of the bathroom and grabbed a water from the mini fridge before offering it to you along with some pills you assumed were aspirin. “Drink.”
You listened obediently and gave the bottle back to him, the both of you staring into each others the entire time. Then for whatever reason, you walked over to his bed and plopped down on it, practically moaning at how nice it was.
You almost fell asleep right then and there but then felt something drop onto you. Opening your eyes and looking down, you saw a pair of sweats and a faded USMC shirt lying on the bed.
“You’re not gonna escort me back to my room?” you asked him curiously.
“Do you remember your room number?”
You thought about it before answering honestly.
“Then I can’t escort you back to your room. Go change.”
Whether it was the liquor that made you do it or just something deep down inside that gave you the courage, you got up from the bed and pulled your dress zipper down your back, pulling your arms out of the sleeves and letting the dress fall to the floor.
Turning around, you brought your eyes to meet his and watched his icy blue ones stare right back. “What are you doing Agent L/N?”
“I don’t know.”
You took a couple steps closer to him, the cool air making you shiver slightly and just stood there. He didn’t move an inch but you watched him slowly look over you, his mouth moving to slowly lick his lips, sparking something in you.
Taking a chance, you put your arms around his neck and brought your body close to his, noticing how his hands immediately found your hips and his head dipped to meet yours in a deep kiss.
It was better than you ever imagined and between his mouth moving against yours, his hands gripping your skin tighter and the way he pulled you in closer was giving you enough endorphins to pass out.
When you both pulled away for a breath, you smiled. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
“Oh really?” His voice was husky and lower than usual, making you close your eyes.
He nuzzled your neck and wrapped his arms around your torso but made no attempt to bring you to bed.
“As much as I’d like to continue this further, I want it to be on a different occasion,” he spoke in your ear, kissing just below and releasing his grip on you.
Bringing your arms back down, you looked away and stepped back. He was quick to pull your chin back up to look at him.
“What about dinner at my place tomorrow?”
You just nodded and he gave a small smile, leaning down to kiss you again, making your head spin.
“You change. I’m going to take a shower,” he said, pulling back and heading into the bathroom.
You took a huge breath, letting out all the tension and multitude of emotions. You changed into the clothes and just sat on the edge of bed, absent mindedly watching whatever movie was playing.
A few minutes went by and you felt your eyes getting heavy, the alcohol and everything that happened in the day suddenly making you very tired. Knowing you weren’t going anywhere, you crawled across the bed and slipped under the covers.
“Y/N. Wake up.”
You opened your eyes to see Gibbs sitting on the bed beside you, now dressed in sweats and the same t-shirt but his hair was wet from the shower so you couldn’t have been asleep for longer than 20 minutes.
“Chug this, then you can go to sleep,” he said, handing you a small bottle of water. You smiled at his kindness and sat up. As you drank, he turned all the lights off, only the tv illuminating the room and joined you under the covers. You placed the now empty bottle on the bedside and scooted a little closer to his warm body. You weren’t sure how much intimacy to give but you were perfectly content when he moved his arm so that it rested under your head and pulled you closer.
You thought about how the nights progression went on and decided you’d actually have to thank Bishop and Abby.
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theheraldsrest · 4 months
~How would the companions/advisors/LIs react to the Inquisitor being turned into a cat by apostates, and suddenly being in danger from aggressive nobles with allergies and refugees looking to ‘fortify’ their next meal. Meanwhile, the Inquisitor’s totally nonchalant and just living the best life~
“Companions (+Romanced) reacting to Inquisitor turned into a Cat”
God bless all of you. I love you all. This request kept making me giggle, thank you, @sacredpigeon, for this thought! (I think the void ate this ask, but i had it saved in my document, so all good!) Now we go through who’s a cat person and who’s not.
-Lord Lex
-The commander of the Inquisition should be calm and complete in any situation. Not this situation though, my man is panicking. What does he do?! You’re a cat! What kind of magic is this?! How do you reverse this?! He holds you under your armpits and holds you out, trying to figure out what to do. Goes to all of the magic users and begs them for help. If romanced, he tries to see if you're still in there, asking for any sign. If given a sign, it gives him a bit of comfort though he still doesn’t know what to do with you. Promises to fix this, awkwardly patting your head and yelling at anyone who goes too close to you.
(Please picture a poor soldier being yelled at not to get too close to the Inquisitor and all they see is some cat walking around.)
-Josey is trying so hard not to gush over this beautiful cat that the companions brought back-wait, it’s who now. See, it’s a little hard to accept that the cat in front of her is the Inquisitor when there’s literally just a cat in front of her. Do anything to prove it’s you and she’ll be convinced, even if it’s a bit skeptical. She’s trying so hard to treat it like a serious situation, but she really can’t when you’re at the war table and there’s just a cat there with a serious face. If romanced, she’s adoring you, petting and kissing you, telling you how pretty/handsome you are. Keeps you close so that no one bothers you while trying her best to get someone to reverse it.
-Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t- Ok but this is really funny. Leliana is trying so hard to keep a straight face while the others explain what happened to you. She’ll look you dead in the eye, and tell you to nod your head or shake your head before asking you several questions. If you’re still conscious and answer properly, you’ll notice a big smile growing on her face that she is failing to hide. She promises through her laughter that she’ll help find someone to fix it. Later asks if you can understand what her ravens can say.
-Just acting really annoyed. On the opposite side of the cat-loving spectrum, so she’s trying to hide her dislike for the small felines while still addressing you as if nothing happened. Madam Vivienne will not treat you any differently and, as such, will expect the same from you. If you’re more cat conscious than your own, she’ll pass the responsibility onto someone who loves cats, specifically Dorian. You have witnessed both having a conversation about you, Dorian calling you little baby while Vivienne calls you menace or beasty.
-This has to be one of the goofiest things he’s ever seen and yet no one would believe him if he told this story. Hell, half his stories that are true no one believes. He’s split on treating you like the Inquisitor still or treating you like a cat. Settles on a middle, calling you the “Inquisipurr”. Tries different things to see if you still have your consciousness or if you’re just a cat at the moment. Blink once for yes and blink twice for no. Hiss if you thin Cassandra should be nicer.
-Number one cat translator. Sort of. He can convey what you’re thinking, especially if you keep your mind. Doesn’t even mind it and still treats you like his friend. But most find it funny when he adds in a random meow because that’s how your mind is currently. Also with the occasional “The Inquisitor wants your attention” and then pointing down at the cat. It's the Cullen thing, but more people are obligated to think that that's just how Cole is instead of thinking he's a lunatic.
-Honestly? This is some bewildering magic, and he’s pretty sure the caster might have messed up. He’ll admit that it’s adorable, but he’d rather make sure you're safe before anything else. Solas will be one of the main people trying to look for a way to turn you back while also keeping an eye on you. Constantly goes between treating you like a cat and petting you before remembering that this cat is the Inquisitor and acting like nothing happened. If romanced, he tries to get you to follow him so that he can keep an eye on you. Or else, just holds you wherever he goes, holding you away from others when they talk to him.
-Ok, don’t panic. Or freeze. Both would be bad. Cassandra does both. She’s just…so confused and worried but what does she do about it? She tries to corral you to safety, afraid she or someone or something might hurt you. Then immediately goes to find a magic user and get them to figure out how to fix you. She’ll stay by your side the whole time. If romanced, she’ll put you on eye level and talk to you to calm you down, even if you don’t understand or look more calm than she feels right now. Cassandra promises to care for you as long as it takes to turn you back.
The Iron Bull
-What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK. You’re so small and weird and WHAT. What does he do?! Bull’s trying to keep an eye on you while also trying to get someone to help you that knows what you’re dealing with. If you try to nudge up against him or climb him, he just tries to relax as much as possible, making sure you’re not gonna hurt yourself while an animal. If romanced, he just yoinks you up by the scruff of your neck and onto his shoulder, keeping a hand over you while looking for one of your magical companions.
-You know those pet owners you just gasp and say “Look at you!” and pick up their cat real gently like just to hold them close to their chest while petting them? Dorian. He’s treating you like an actual cat while smiling the whole time, both because it’s funny and I do think he loves cats. Even risking cat hair on his outfit and notes. If romanced, he’ll even bring you up to look him in the eye while baby-praising you. “You are stunning, yes you are.” Doesn’t know if you’re fully conscious or not, but has to make sure you know he loves you no matter what.
-This is so funny and yet so cursed at the same time. She, too, is panicking while laughing at how stupid this is. What in the absolute shit magic is this? She really doesn’t want to touch you in case it’s contagious (Sera, that’s not how magic works) so it’s even funnier seeing her dance around away from you, yelling at you to stop it. If romanced, Sera makes a long scratching stick to pat you on the head and show you affection. She loves you but not risking it.
-Definition of panicked and protective. Whether you’re in a romance with Blackwall or not, he’s trying to hold on to you, his arms carefully around you and close to him. He can’t lose you if you’re close to him. Also, he’s used to nails of animals digging into him. Though if you are in a relationship and people are currently trying to fix your situation, some do spot him cuddling you, scratching your ears and kissing your head, assuring you that you’ll be fine.
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The Vees are Overlords but also a business, therefore they hold meeting and work with clients right and workers? Well what if a Business client or worker unknowingly said something about Retro!Reader in a meeting?
If its before Vox it come be commenting on Retro's cooking, as I see Retro would always ensure Vox had home made snacks for while hes working. Something like "That House Wife of yours is decent in the Kitchen, I see why you keep them there"
If its before Valentino I assume its after Retro brings him something between shoots, some fool would comment on Retro's looks or ask why Retro isn't one of Val's 'Stars' kinda a "Bod like that should be in those sheets"
Velvette would most likely be dealing with jealous models who don't know fully who Retro is but Retro gets to walk in, get the nice personal design treatment from Velvette and not have to talk the cat walk? Bitch fight would incoming.
Hope you don't mind my ramblings and if this sparks something Hooray!
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He would destroy the person in question if it’s an insult^
Vox is always boasting about Retros cooking, how skilled and talented they are. He literally never shuts up about it. Now, the demon who said ‘I can see why you keep them there’ might have meant it as a sort of joke or some shit, but Vox would not be pleased. He does not take kindly to people who insult or degrade their partners (ironic, considering Valentino), so someone who’s making that sort of implication about his wife? Death.
He’d sort of chuckle and go ‘excuse me?’, daring the demon to repeat themselves. It’s over for them either way. If the demon backtracks, Vox will very pointedly dedicate the rest of the meeting to bragging about all of Retros other skills, too. He’d try to start by mentioning it off hand, but he’d get so invested in proving a point to the low life that insulted his wife that he’d get carried away. He’d go on and on about how creative and thoughtful Retro is, how nice they are to everyone, including those who work at the company. He would not-so-politely remind everyone that Retro knits sweaters for people at the company picnics, how they always cook at least half the food at the company get together and parties, stuff like that. It’s a stupid move to insult Vox’s wife, but insulting the person who everyone loves just because of how nice and kind they are? That’s ten times dumber.
Valentino would shoot a bitch on sight if they made a comment about Retro in bed. Yes it’s hell, insults and comments like that are to be expected, but he has standards when it comes to Retro. Val is so unbelievably protective of them when they come by the studio, it’s startling. He knows what Vox would do if anything happened, and Val doesn’t want to see Retro in any sort of compromising situation to begin with. He’d do his best to keep everyone in line.
He’d shoot glares and insults at anyone who looks at them the wrong way, anyone who looks at them for too long. Keep in mind, Val is in a wonderful mood whenever Retro visits him at work. They help him with scripting, and he’s always admiring them and gushing over them. He draws little hearts in the margins of his papers and sometimes lets them on set. He’s always nervous about it, but it works out nicely. They usually only help adjust someone’s clothes (with how few they’re wearing, it’s very important), the perspective of cameras, sometimes the hair or makeup (only a little). They know exactly what Val is looking for, and how to get the scene how he wants it. They’re calm and polite and everyone is just so relieved about it. Retro even does their best to make sure the actors are comfortable, the clothes aren’t too tight, the clasps work correctly, things like that. So yeah, if someone makes a comment about them, they’d be lucky to only receive extra hours of work as a punishment.
Velvette? Okay, if Retro was the type to confront people, Vel would record the entire thing. Unfortunately, Retro usually pretends they don’t hear a thing. They’d rather ignore it and keep up the nice and polite house wife routine. They’re probably busy admiring their lovers, anyway. So, instead, Velvette would shoot a model a glare and walk right up to them, demanding they tell her what makes them think they can say such a thing.
Retro gets treated special because Velvette respects them, thinks they’re awesome and adorable and can’t do anything wrong. Mostly. So, the fact that one of her models (people she sees as frequent fuck ups) would try to put themselves on Retros level? The fact that someone would even think they’re anywhere near as good as them, anywhere near as deserving of Velvettes attention and affection as Retro? A ridiculous notion. The model is lucky not to be torn apart by Val. Velvette would go off on the model, listing every single mistake they’ve made in the past hour alone.
The workers at Vee Tower learn not to fuck around when it comes to Retro pretty quick.
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yeonhours · 1 year
dinner maybe !?
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author's notes : Honestly I'm scared to post this , this was the fic that got me deleted last time , but hey i actually enjoyed writing this , so let's see how this goes down ㅠㅠ
pairing : bf! yeonjun × reader
genre : smut , non idol au
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Yeonjun loves the fact that your wardrobe is filled with  dresses and skirts. You pace around the house or anywhere else for the matter in skimpy and pretty skirts . Soobin and his s/o had invited you both to their home for dinner and today is no different as you sit beside him with a pretty pink skirt that has obviously ridden over your thighs that exposes your creamy plush thighs . “ And you know , i never expected that they would telecast that part in the show !” soobin exclaims as he excitedly talks about the new to-do episode . You are completely immersed in the conversation , laughing about how funny and chaotic the recent episode was . It always feels like soobin is your best friend , you guys easily get along . Yeonjun on the other hand is shamelessly turned on at the feeling of your plush thighs against his. He knows that he is literally sitting at a dinner table , with his best friend and his girlfriend but the thoughts of literally pushing you against the table and flipping your skirt up to ruin yor cunt is absolutely consuming his mind . 
It’s like your thighs are calling out to him. He always had an obsession with your thighs . He likes to fold your legs in a mating press while fucking you deep , so he can pepper kisses across your thighs or better leave pretty bite marks across them . He cannot help himself . So Yeonjun lets his hands drag up the bare skin of your thighs, until he finds the spot where there should be more fabric, your  panties.
 A low groan sounds in the back of his throat when he finds them not there, clearly taken back by surprise at the lack of panties . You gasp at the sensation of his cold finger tips right against your folds that you almost choke on the food . “ Hey are you okay ?” Soobin asks , clearly concerned as you started coughing mid eating . Both Yeonjun’s and your face are a deep shade of red , but when you turn around to look at Yeonjun,  he has this smug look on his face , a clear indicator that you will be fucked stupid tonight . And honestly you don’t know whether you should be sad or excited about it . “ You are begging to be fucked in front of soobinnie , don’t you ?” he whispers in your ear as he slowly drags his finger tips along your folds. You let out a slick of gush the sensation gripping onto his thighs for support . Yeonjun shows you no mercy as he plays with your folds while soobin resumes his talking . His fingertips slowly inches towards your hole but he teases you by pulling them back . He suddenly pulls his fingers out and secretly licks his fingers clean , as if he were tasting the sauce , looking right in the eye with the most fuckable eyes ever . “ Sluts like you do not get to come “ Yeonjun says as he continues eating as if he just didn’t discover you not wearing panties to a dinner with his friend . Your arousal is dripping down your thigh at this point as you pray to god that soobin does not notice it . 
When soobin stands up to put the plates in the sink , you hurriedly stand up and pull your skirt down quickly , and making your way toward the sofa and pulling a comforter over you to hide yourself . Yeonjun on the other hand is having the time of his life , as he follows suit and removing the comforter off of you . He sits himself right beside you , and quickly works down his belt with the clink of a metal and pulls you over his lap . You can feel how hard he is through his boxers as you let out a ‘jjun’ as he gently guides you over his dick . Soobin is still in your hindsight as he clears up the table and you pray to all gods that he does not notice what is happening on his couch . “ What scared that soobin will finally see how much of a cock whore you are for me ? “ he whipers roughly in your ear , still guiding you up and down his clothed cock . His boxers are drenched at this point . He hears soobin’s voice nearing , so he pulls over the comforter over the both of you . He releases his red cock out of the confines and simply flips your skirt over in such a way that it is bunched around your waist . “ ye-yeonjun , no no ah - soobin might come here any moment “ you blabber but to no avail as he teases your hole with the tip of his cock , slightly putting it in but not really . “ Wouldn’t you love that ? Soobin seeing how good i am fucking you and seeing your cunt dripping with cum ?” he whispers and continues taping his cock against your clit . Your face is flushed red and your gripping onto the sides of the couch for dear life as Yeonjun sinks you down on his cock . 
He clenches his jaw as he burrows himself into you completely, the feeling of you around his cock sending him into complete ecstasy. He can feel you adjust yourself  and he wraps his arms around your waist, forcing you to stay in place. He needs to calm himself down first, keep himself from throwing out all of his composure and just pound you senseless . “ such a good slut for me aren’t you?” he whispers as soobin returns with a bunny smile on his face . “ So guys , do you want to watch Netflix ? “
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onlyluxalo · 5 months
More random Welt hcs because Welt is my male bias for HSR and Hi3rd <3
Also this is a gender neutral and older reader btw!
Random Welt Yang hcs
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Reader and Welt quite literally act like Carl and Ellie from UP no questions asked (thanks twitter oomf for saying this when I talked about Welt with an older reader)
Reader has definitely found pictures of Welt when he was a child (when he was still known as Joachim obviously) and feels a bit shy about it when reader found the pictures as they gushed about how cute he was
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(Here’s what Joachim (Welts shadow/inner self/consciousness looks like so you HSR only players know) and plus Bronya just in SoQ to find Seele from chapters and chapters ago)
So since I was told by another Hi3rd oomf on twitter that Welt can shape-shift, I’d like to think when the Express members are gone and when Pom Pom isn’t around, Welt would just casually go into his SUGAR form and just stay on readers should like feeding him something small
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(Here’s SUGAR Welt btw for just the HSR only players)
Welt lets himself be comfortably drunk around reader despite him being used to get drunk with Siegfried because canonically he’d procrastinate on work (as a animator) and leave to go hang out or drink with Siegfried
Reader practically sees Joey (Welts adopted son) as their own and gushes on how adorable Joey is (idk if Joey ages or not due to being a Welt Joyce clone so he’s still a child in this 💀) and also reader practically adopted Bronya (Zaychik) in the process since Bronya was mistaken as Welts daughter and he didn’t bat an eye (that’s canon)
Reader has scolded Welt at least once or twice about him not really needing his glasses because he’s not even nearsighted anymore
Reader and Welt game together occasionally and Welt always wins if it’s a fighting game (Bronya definitely taught Welt her skills) but occasionally slips up intentionally so reader can win and not feel sad
Cuddles are a must with Welt no questions asked. He loves the closeness.
I like to think Welt would be overprotective of reader (in a healthy way) because he doesn’t want to lose anyone important to him like his father and Welt Joyce again and reader knows that but they don’t mind the protectiveness because they know it’s not ill intent from Welt
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(Left is Welts dad, Elias Nokianvirtanen and on the right is Welt Joyce for HSR only players and no theirs no image of what Welts mom looks like because theirs no official image or look but he has his moms genes I believe cuz Welt isn’t blond)
Welt has shown his moms/parent figures (Tesla and Einstein), reader they gave them the look on that they better treat Welt right since they’ve known Welt since he was only 8 years old and they want Welt to be treated right with the right person
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(Red head is Tesla and blue head is Einstein)
That’s all I think so I hoped you guys like them at least and I apologize for using “()” a lot 😭
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ctitan98official · 5 months
@sobersaber : I really love your interpretations of the RE characters and how you encapsulate their personalities so well from prompts. If you don't mind, I would like to request the re8 ladies reacting to a Y/N with braces. I just had braces done this week, so it makes me wonder how these individuals far from modern civilisation react to a literal saw trap in your mouth. Thanks <3
Thank you, my friend! Also, check out the cool art that @sobersaber does! Now, this is a great idea. Let’s get into it!
Alcina is one of the few people in the village who has actually been out in the world. When she was a Jazz singer, she visited lots of places with her band and met many different people.
However, she was born in a different time. Dental braces are somewhat of a mystery to her as she’s never really seen them.
When she gets you to smile for the first time, she is truly surprised by the shiny metal in your mouth.
She asks politely if she can get a better look to which you nod your head.
Alcina asks lots of questions, but she is very supportive. She loves you no matter what.
The doll maker is no stranger to dental braces. She has studied medicine and anatomy which have both led her to a few books on dentistry.
She really just sees them as a means to an end. A dentist thought you should have braces? Great… That’s about it for her opinion on them, really.
She absolutely thinks you rock them, though.
She likes the intricacy of how they are bonded to your teeth.
When you first showed them to Angie, she begged Donna to make her some so that she could see what having braces was like. Donna did, but Angie couldn’t stand it. She thought they felt very strange.
Miranda has the most experience with living in modern society outside of the village.
She has met quite a few people who wear dental braces.
She thinks you look really cute with them.
Sometimes, she’ll tell a joke just so she can see you laugh. Getting to look at your braces is a perk.
Miranda makes sure you are practicing good oral hygiene and will scold you if you don’t take good care of your teeth. She’s a scientist. Rules regarding your health must be followed around her.
Bela has heard of dental braces. She’s read quite a few books (Young adult novels. You can’t convince me otherwise!) where characters have them.
She finds them quite fascinating. It makes her wonder what the world is like beyond the village.
When you smile at her and she catches a glimpse of them it just warms her heart. It’s part of what makes you unique to her.
Now whenever Bela reads something and a character wears braces, it makes her think of you.
She thinks your dental braces are badass. Literal metal bonded to your teeth? Cool!
When you are talking to her, she’ll often look at your braces because she just finds them so interesting.
Definitely wishes she had some.
It makes you feel more confident that she not only accepts that you have braces, but fully adores them.
As long as Cass likes them, that’s all that matters in your opinion.
Freaking gushes about your dental braces when she first sees them.
She asks if you can get multiple colors and when you say yes she dares you to get a set of rainbow bands.
You’re in. If Dani wants it, you’ll do it. Besides, she’ll be the one seeing them the most, not you.
Dani always wants to stick her finger in your mouth to see what they feel like.
You don’t mind. Dani asking before she puts her hands in your mouth would be nice, though.
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
The Lou Lou Special
An Elvis Presley One Shot
A response to the writing game prompt: “Do you mind? I came in here to get away from other people.”
Warnings: kissing, fluff, Texas? some historical inaccuracies. All the typos. I literally just finished writing this. It is perhaps the fluffiest and most innocent thing I have ever written.
Summary: Lois is away from home, visiting her family in Texas, when her cousins abandon her after an Elvis Presley concert.
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7:15 PM, Thursday, June 16, 1955
Midland High School, Midland, Texas
The sun was setting off in the distance, and the warm, rich golden oranges, yellows and pinks of the dusk sky almost made the oil rig silhouettes look beautiful. Even so, Lois wished she was back in Pasadena, getting a malt in Old Town with Jean and Ruby, perhaps talking with some of the older boys from her high school. Or sitting back giggling with Jean as as Ruby flirted and tried to get someone to buy her fries. It had only been three days since she’d been shipped off to Texas, but she was already homesick. She sighed. Right now, Lois would even settle for a night taking her bratty, unbearable her 8-year old brother Ritchie out to a movie. Anything to not be here, stuck with her cousins, a living tribute from her parents to kiss up to Zeyde. Nate’s snickering brought her back to the present, and Lois pressed her hands into the cold brick ledge and turned around to look at her cousin.
Nate sipped from his flask, and handed it to his friend, what was his name, Ralph? Nate’s sister Sharon lit a cigarette and blew her smoke to the side, her dark red lipstick smudged the tip. It reminded Lois how simple her own make up had been, she touched her purse and pulled out her light pink tinted lip pomade, reapplying it with her finger.
“Want some?” Sharon asked, a sneer in her voice as her cigarette ash fell down onto the concrete floor. She thinks she’s so cool and sophisticated now that she’s graduated from high school. Lois was now the only student among the group, Nate worked for Zeyde, and Ralph did something for an oil company. The boys had been in the same grade, and Ralph was much closer to her cousins than she was.
Lois shook her head, and looked back out over the ledge, this time down to the front of the high school, watching groups of other young people, and some of their parents, walking into the entrance below.
Ralph took another swig of the flask and thumped it in Nathan’s chest. He looked at Lois and Sharon, then back at Nate. “We should do down, I wanna get to the front where we can dance with some of the girls.”
With that, Nate led the way off the rooftop and down the stairs to the back of the high school.
Nate’s voice echoed as he called out in the stair. “Dance? Who’s the cat we’re seeing tonight anyhow?”
Ralph bounced to the bottom stair. “Elvis Presley, he’s on the Hayride radio show, but I saw him in Houston with my brother. He’s wild. I bought all his records.”
“Never heard of him,” Lois whispered.
“Don’ you listen to the Lousiana Hayride out there in San Diego?
Lois shook her head, and whispered, “It’s LA actually.”
“What was that?” Ralph asked, but Nate hit him on the shoulder as they turned the corner.
“Don’t pay any attention to her, she doesn’t know anything, she’s barely 16.”
Lois sucked in her tummy, and hung back, trailing behind them while they wound their way through the high school hallways, encountering more and more people as they closed in on the auditorium. Ralph, Sharon and Nate fell in with some friends they recognized, and Lois trailed further behind, listening to them excitedly talk about their summer plans. One girl asked Sharon when she was moving to Austin for college and Lois tuned out Sharon’s exuberant gush about her dorm and her roommate and the new Cadillac convertible Zeyde had bought her. What a brat, if Zeyde knew what you said about him behind his back he’d give you a slap in the face stead of a new car, Lois smiled to herself.  She toyed with the idea of slipping away and seeing if they noticed as the group got farther and farther ahead of her. Several other kids now walked between her and her cousins who had made their way to the front. Lois decided to just hang back and stay, she had no plan for how to get back to the house if she snuck away. So she meandered to a clear spot against the wall, pushed a lock of her dark, brown hair behind her ear and leaned back, picking at her finger nails and scanning across the dark room.Uh. Three more weeks here. I guess I should be happy I got off the ranch tonight, she told herself, thinking of Bubbie back at the main house, probably knitting on the porch or bossing some of the servants around.
The lights dimmed, and the crowd went quiet. Looking around, Lois realized that all the seats were filled, and there must have been fifty people so lined up along the walls, more in the back. I guess this Melvis guy must be popular here in Texas.
A bright light appeared in the center of the stage, and Lois noticed the big bass and drums already set up. A man in a bright silver dinner jacket and suit pants ran out onto the stage to take the mic, and the crowd cheered.
“HeyyyOOO there all you Midlander chicks and chucks! It’s me, Moon Mullican, that handsome rascal who sneaks into your bedroom every night…… on KCEK, that is! Don’t pout, don’t be a lout, daddy’s here and the night is clear for us to have some fun. So stick with me, chickadee, we’re gonna have a party!”
Lois, shook her head to herself, he sounded just as bombastic in his sing songy bantering voice as the radio DJs back home, except with a slight Texas twang. The same twang her mama had been trying to rid herself over the last twenty years in the California sunshine.
Moon’s voice rang out again, and the cheering died down.
“I know he needs no introduction, this boy’s records have been skyrocketing right up the charts. He’s only twenty years old, and has a new distinct musical style. An’ I see all the little gals out there are all ready to scream and shout, with out a doubt, so let’s give a warm Texas welcome to that Hillbilly Cat, that Memphis Flash, ELLLvezzzzzz Presley y’alll!!”
A tall, young man ran out from the wings with a big grin on his face, and Lois gasped at his see-through white lace shirt, tucked into a pair of white dress pants with a silk, pink strip down the side. A guitar hung down at his left hand, and he hit Moon on the shoulder, shaking his hand, then turning to smile at the guys filling out the band behind him. Putting the microphone back into the stand, Elvis slapped his guitar and leaned forward, stuttering and tapping his right foot. He exuded a nervous, excited energy, and his voice was low and deep as it cracked.
“He - he - he - hey y’all, How are ya?” he asked the crowd, and they called back with whoops and claps and cheers. “It’s a real honor to be back here in oil country and play for ya folks. A real honor. I always say, Texas people are, are, the bestest people, an y’all make us feel welcomed an right at home and we wanna thank ya.” He smiled as some of the kids cheered and clapped and called out his name. One girl at the back called out “I love you Elvis.” He smiled into his guitar, responding with a smirk. “I - I love ya too, honey. Well, y’all paid for a show, and that’s what we’re fixin ta give ya. So, well, this un was a single that came out last year on Sun Records. Maybe ya heard and if not, well, it goes sumpin’ like this.” Elvis began to strum his guitar, he closed his eyes, and burst in to the loud opening mewl of “Good Rockin’ Tonight.”
The auditorium filled with the band’s music, and the audience began to stand up in their seats. Almost everyone standing near the wall rushed to the front and began dancing and bouncing up and down. The energetic, country picking of the guitar and the fierce urgency of Elvis’ voice grabbed Lois and she found her feet pulling her forward, mesmerized by the way Elvis moved and sang. He was a man possessed as he swung back and forth, playing guitar as his knees seemingly had a life all their own, jerking and squirming their way across the stage. She found her own feet moving side to side, and relished the feeling of crinoline swishing over her thighs under her dark blue navy skirt. Her cousins and Ralph had ended up in the middle of the crowd dancing at the front of the auditorium, and Lois made herself at home, alone, comforted at least being able to see them from a distance from where she was at the right side of the stage. Closing her eyes, Lois let her self move and twist to the music, then smiled awkwardly at the two girls near her when the song finished.
Lois looked up at the stage, noticing how Elvis clutched the guitar close to him, tightly, as he began to sing “That’s All Right Mama.” During the guitar solo, which the skinny little man in back played, Elvis staggered over to where Lois stood and she moved to lean up towards him against the stage, entranced and unable to stop herself from the gravitational pull of his quirking smile. He bite his lip, and locked eyes with her, muttering a low “How you doin’ tonight, darlin?” from the stage. The air hitched in Lois’ throat as she laughed nervously and breathed a “good” up to him in reply. Elvis winked, then moved back to the mic and finished the song, pulling his hand through his hair and looking back at Lois with a wide, beaming grin. The girls behind her squealed, and told her that they couldn’t believe how lucky she was. Lois didn’t hear them. She was transfixed, and let her self go, bouncing up and down as the band continued to play song after song, “Blue Moon of Kentucky,” “Heartbreaker,” “Baby, Let’s Play House.” Lois had never seen anyone like Elvis, his legs were spread out wide, he swiveled his knees and thrust his hips up into his guitar, and the girls next to Lois screeched when he swaggered near them, reaching out to try and touch his white hush puppy shoes.
 Elvis began to strum his guitar and then stopped to speak into the microphone.
“Hold it now, fellas, let’s get real, real gone with this one.”
Smirking, he started playing the guitar again, singing  “Milk Cow Blues,” and shouting out “Let’s Milk it,” as the lead guitar player began his solo and Elvis began to swing and wiggle vigorously across the stage. After the solo, Elvis held his guitar aside so he could yank up his belt, laughing at himself and how his shirt was coming out of his pants. Lois blushed, as she caught herself staring at his groin. As if sensing her eyes on him, Elvis looked up at her, and grinned, walking back to the mic to finish singing.
Elvis thanked the audience after that song, and Lois leaned harder against the stage, watching as he wiped the sweat from his face and into his quiffed pompadour. Elvis and the band walked off the stage, and he shot her a kiss as he walked off. Lois stood there, giddy, her whole body felt charged with an electric fire. She steadied herself, catching her breath for a few minutes, then turned around to watch the audience slowly filter out of the back. Lois’ heart started to race when she realized she had lost sight of her cousins, they had not hung back like she thought they would. She started to slowly pace around the side, looking for their faces in the crowd, before quickly walking outside gasping as she saw Sharon’s new convertible pulling off from the parking lot. Lois blood began to beat in her ear drums, and she walked back in, looking around the auditorium for any face she might recognize from previous visits to Texas. Or a kind smile she could trust. She got back up to the front of the empty room and suddenly felt very frightened and abandoned and alone and could feel the tears welling up behind her eyes, so she ran out of the side door and into a nearby stairwell where she sat down and let it all out.
“Ughh, I hate Texas. And I hate Nate. And I hate Sharon and her stupid new car.” Lois stammered to herself through the tears. Then she heard the door to the stairwell crack, and yelled over her shoulder.
“Do you mind? I came here to get away from other people.” Lois wiped her eyes, and turned around to see the singer, Elvis, standing in the doorway behind her.
“Well, hi ta y—you, too, baby.” he smiled, and walked over before plopping down next to her. “Jus loading up the car, and I thought a cat was dying in here. Came to save its life.” He put his arm around her, instantly familiar, and squeezed her waist. His thumb rubbed up and down to soothe her. Lois had never been this close to a boy before, and she trembled at his touch but didn’t pull away. “Hey, sssh, ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
She turned to look up at him, a soft chuckle escaped her mouth as she said, “I know, I’m not scared of you.”
“Huh, well, ok then, fearless wonder. Tell me why you’re in here crying, hate to see pretty girls cry.”
Lois leaned into his shoulder, embarrassed. “Ughh, I got left here and I don’t know what to do.”
Elvis patted the top of her hair. “Yeah, I saw you from the stage, looked like you were all alone through the show. Ain’t ya folks coming to pick ya up?”
“Nuh uh, I came with my cousins. They didn’t want to be near me during the show, I guess I cramp their style, then they left afterwards without me. Sorta a practical joke, I suppose.”
“Well, c’mon, let’s go find a phone and get you daddy to come getcha.” Elvis stood and Lois pulled herself up on his outstretched hand. His face still gleamed with a slight sheen of sweat in the dim glare of the stairwell, and his hair had a glossy radiance to it. She leaned on him for balance, and he put his hand on her waist as she adjusted herself. A blush crept up her cheeks, and Elvis’ lips quirked.”What’s your name, lil’ gal?”
“Lois. Lois Stern.”
Elvis spoke slowly, and softly, stepping back and talking her hand to walk out of the stairwell. “Well, alright then, lil’ Lois, let’s go call ya dad.”
Lois gasped as he walked her in to the hallway. “That’s just the thing, I’m visiting from Los Angeles, and, and, I don’t know my grandparent’s number, or my aunt and uncle’s…”
Elvis stopped for a minute. “Hmm, know where they live?”
“Not the street, but… they live at Quien Sabe Ranch, people round here might know where that is.”
Elvis stopped to think. “K, this is what we gonna do.” His voice was low and playful. “I gotta take the boys back to our motel, then I’ll drive ya home. Sound good?”
Lois nodded, she couldn’t help the dizzy feeling of relief and excitement and attraction that radiated from her face, and Elvis chuckled as he pulled her into his side and walked her out the back door.
Dipping her french fry in her strawberry shake, Lois looked up to see Elvis’ horrified expression. She giggled.
“What? Never seen someone mix savor and sweet before? It’s delicious, you should try.” She reached across the table with her half eaten fry, and giggled more at his scowl.
“Uh uh. No thankee. No ma’am. These are potatoes and this is a shake. Sometimes they mix in my mouf, but uh, somethin about dippin it in.” He shook his head. “Nope, just don’t sit right with me.”
“C’mon, I promise you’ll like it.”
Elvis shrugged and sat up, and smiling. “Ugh, alright, can’t say know to you, lil’ Lou Lou.”
Then opened his mouth, and Lois fed him the rest of her strawberry milkshake covered fry. He sucked back up over her finger with a devilish glare, and Lois laughed, pulled her finger out of his mouth,
“Ya right.” He said licking his lips. “S’good. S’perfect. Huh, shudda known, the lil’ Lou Lou special would taste just… mhmmm.” He grunted.
Lois chuckled uncontrollably. Then stopped when she noticed an older couple at a booth down the restaurant looking over at them with disdain, and then whispering to each other. She looked back at Elvis, his lace shirt, eye liner and greased back hair made him somewhat of a spectacle in Midland, Texas. Lois slid her left saddle shoe along the inside of his hush puppy, her knee grazing his slightly. It was the second most forward thing she had ever done. The first being getting in his car with him and three men, dropping them off at a hotel, and then riding alone with him to grab something to eat before he drove her home. Elvis leaned his knee back into hers, arching his left eyebrow up.
She nodded her chin at the booth behind him. He turned his head to look as she said, “I think you got some fans?” The couple scowled and looked away when Elvis waved at them.
“Aw, they just sore I got a fancier shirt then them.” He took a big bite of burger. “Sow, whads yoar sthorry, darglin?” he asked, mouth full of food and eyes full of mischief.
The door bell rang behind her, and more people came into the diner. Lois didn’t notice. She breathed deep, savoring the spectaclar turn of events, the sweetness of the strawberry shake, the warmth of Elvis legs as they slide tighter on either side of hers and she breathed in with a smile, feeling her blush return.
“Hmmm, well, I’m 16, I love in Pasadena, California, and I’m stuck here in the middle of nowhere Midland Texas for three weeks.” She sipped her shake. “My mom grew up here, met my father in Houston, and he took her back out to Pasadena where he’s from, and that’s where I live with my kid brother. But my grandfather, well, my mom says if I want to go to college or have a wedding, Zeyde’s the one who’d pay for it, so its my job to come visit and make nice.”
Elvis hand moved over Lois’ knee, rubbing the top.
“Hmm, zeyde, you Jewish?” Lois nodded. “Ya know, my neighbors back home in Memphis are Jews, or they were, ‘bout half ma friends are. They taught me yid-a-yish, ya know.”
“Hmmm.” Lois flipped her hair to the side, tucking her dark curls behind her ear. “I hope they taught you yiddish, too, might come in handy if you ever play Brooklyn, or LA for that matter.”
Elvis squeezed her hand. “I know ya aint makin’ fun of the way I talk, are ya Lois?” Then moved his fingers down to pinch her knee.
Lois squealed, inviting another sharp look from the other couple at the back.
“No, no no. I swear, I didn’t mean it,” she yelped as he ticked her leg, she almost fell over giggling when he stopped.
“Whoweee,” Elvis exclaimed, catching his breath from laughing. His eyes locked with Lois’ and his expression became more serious. “Whoweeee… hmmm. Ya got a boyfriend out there, back in Passsa -a -dena?”
Lois shook her head, sucking up the last of her shake.
“Ever had one?”
She shook her head again, looking down.
“Ever been kissed?” his voice cracked as it hit a higher register.
Another head shake. “Nope, I’m preparing for life as an old maid. Weighing my options, librarian or school marm?” Lois smoothed down her white blouse, straightening the dragonfly broach above her breast. The light glinted off of the rhinestones in it and she looked back at Elvis. He pursed his lips, his hand now moved under her skirt and over her bare her knee slowly, firmly, insistently.
“Mhmmmm, I think you could probably do whatever ya set ya mind to. But I promise ya, you’re too pretty to be a spinster, Lou Lou. Mhmmm. Someone’s liable to grab ya up, when you least expect it. I bet you’ll be married ‘fore you’re twenty. If that’s what ya want.” He squeezed her knee. “Right, let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
Elvis’ pink Cadillac Fleetwood drove up the road, passing the large metal sign with Quien Sabe Ranch hollowed out. He had stopped at a gas station to get directions, thankfully the property was a well-known local landmark, and once they had got to a certain point, Lois had been able to help with directions. His arm tightened around her shoulder, and she rubbed her head into his arm,  hating the prospect of leaving the warmth of his touch, the delicious feeling of being enclosed in him completely.The large house at the center of the property was aglow, and little lights twinkled from the other houses and buildings around the compound. A small pond sat beside the big house, and Elvis pulled next to the tree there, about twenty yards from her grand parents front door.
“You didn’t tell me you lived in a manshun.��� Elvis finger traced along the top of her arm.
Lois turned into him, her mouth next to his ear as she whispered. “I don’t. I live in a small, three bedroom house in California. Think you’ll ever come out that way?”
Elvis pulled her into him. “Hell yes. You know.” He drew back from her, turning to look into her big brown eyes, his large fingers feathered over her forehead, and his face lit up with tender excitement. “You should start a fan club. I don’t have one there yet. Start a fan club for me, out in Los Angle - les, mhmm?”
Lois looked up in to his eyes, the earnest emotion she saw there was so intense she immediately acquiesced, shaking her head. “Yes, of course, gosh. Me?”
Elvis smiled. “You’re swell, you know that? And pretty.” His fingers trailed down to Lois’ waist, it felt like the whole side of her body fit into his large hand as she pushed into it.
“I bet you say that to all the girls”
Elvis leaned in closer, his nose hovered above hers.
“Nope. Only tha pretty ones.”
His hand moved up, and his thumb slid over her torso, coming to notch right below her breast. Lois exhaled slowly.
“Can I kiss you, Lois?”
She answered by leaning up, and kissing him first. Smooshing her lips fervently, awkwardly, roughly onto his. Her arms snaked around his neck as Elvis smacked off, laughing, both hands at her waist.
“Whooooa, whoooo.” he leaned in, and softly kissed Lois’ cheek. “Slow down, baby, slow down. This ain’t the Kentucky Derby.”
Lois giggled, then moaned as he kissed her neck and peppered a trail of soft kisses from her jaw to her mouth. She moved, slowly, with the rhythm of his body as he kissed her again on her lips, this time pushing his tongue into her mouth, and grinning as she jerked back, wiping her mouth with surprise and catching her breath.
“S’called a French kiss.” Elvis announced, rubbing her arm.
Lois grinned. “You know, I’ve never been kissed before. I …” she smiled sheepishly. “I think this is the best night of my life.
Elvis smirked, and squeezed her shoulder.
“Tell me your number baby, I’ll call you when I come out to California.”
“Do you have something to write it down with?”
Elvis pointed to his head. “Nu uh, this is all I need, just tell me your number. C’mon now, I gotta get back, heading on to Abilene early. Reckon the boys already put an ABP out for me”  He cupped his hand over his mouth, as if talking into a police radio. “Look for a young gal, dark, dangerous, pretty as heck—”
Lois slapped his shoulder. “Ok, ok, ok. My number is FA 3- 2780, that’s FA for Fairoaks, 3- 2780.”
Elvis bent over and kissed her cheek, then leaned across her lap to pull her door open. “Alright Lou Lou, FA 3 - 2780, got.” He grinned, as she got out of the car and turned around to see his eyes following her as she walked up to the house and went inside the door. A low whistle came out of the car as she swished her hips a little more and she grinned into herself. Later that night, after explaining most of what happened to her grandparents in thebroadest, vaguest terms possible, Lois would go on to collapse upstairs on her bed, and spend the night replaying her time with Elvis, trying to conjure up the feeling of his arm around her and his lips on her mouth.
8:35 PM, Sunday March 25, 1956
The Stern Household, Pasadena, CA
The sound of her mother answering the phone stirred Lois from her homework, and she stared ahead at the TV.
“C’mon Ritchie, put the Ed Sullivan Show, huh?”
Her brother turned and stuck his tongue out at her.
“Thought you were doing homework, four eyes.” He laughed, nodding at her new glasses.
Ugh, glasses, an annoying brother, I really will die a spinster.
Just then, her mother leaned into the living room from the hallway.
“Lois? There’s a young man on the phone for you. He said his name is Elvis Presley….” Lois jumped up off the couch with a shriek. Marjorie Stern looked with alarm at her daughter as she dashed for the telephone. “Wait… that name sounds familiar, is he in your class?”
Lois grabbed the phone, waving her mom away.
“Hey, Lou Lou? That you? Where you been, I've been calling you all day. I just got to Los Angle - less. When can I pick ya up? Been hankering for that Lou Lou special. Ya know, something sweet and savory mixed ta gether.”
taglist: @whositmcwhatsit​ @ellie-24​ @missmaywemeetagain​ @be-my-ally​ @vintageshanny​ @from-memphis-with-love​
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Catching the Bouquet (Yandere!Wanda Maximoff x autistic!fem!reader)
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*Not my GIF
Summary: At a mutual friend’s wedding, you end up catching the attention of Wanda Maximoff. And she ends up catching the bouquet.
(CW: Sensory overload, hypnosis sort-of)
Author’s Note: I started this fic a while back and I didn’t get around to finishing it until now. Also my laptop’s kinda breaking down. I’m hoping to get a new one very soon. 
Also I had my birthday on the 11th!
You’re absolutely panicking.
Why on earth would she ask you to sing as she walked down the aisle? People have always told you that you have an angelic voice, but your self-doubt holds you back from grasping that belief.
One of the bridesmaids, Felicity, enters.
“There you are. Oh! You look gorgeous!” she gushes. “You look like an absolute angel.”
Your cheeks grow red and you turn away, causing her to giggle.
Felicity gently turns your head to face her.
“It’s okay that you’re nervous, but you’re going to sound beautiful. Trust me; your future husband is going to be so lucky to have a wife like you.”
“Oh, hon, if only you knew....” you think. 
“Anyway the church is filling up, you should probably get to your spot.”
She gives you a little friendly kiss on the cheek.
“You’re gonna do great!” she smiles as she leaves.
“Wait....did she just....?”
You blink and shrug. You have more important things to worry about right now. You go over some vocal exercises and drink some water until you’re literally rushed out. There are so many people there, you feel like you’re going to pass out from sensory overload.
You walk down the aisle, feeling electric butterflies in your stomach. That is until you pass by someone in particular. All of a sudden, you see a wisp of scarlet and you slow down a bit; for some reason, you feel calmer now. Maybe the nerves just went away, but then what about the scarlet wisp?
Never mind that. You head up to your place on the stage and prepare yourself as the orchestra starts playing. Now operatic soprano songs aren’t what you considered to be your best, but this time it comes out so smoothly, almost effortlessly. You look out into the crowd a few times; everyone seems practically entranced. However there are two people in particular who seem especially intrigued. Both of them are leaning forward, almost seemingly lovestruck.
The first one is Felicity; though she tries to be subtle about it, you can tell that she’s fascinated. So then that remark she made earlier about your “future husband”?
“Did....did she just assume I was straight?”
You mentally shrug it off.
The second one you don’t recognize; a woman with darkish brown hair with bits of red in it and dark green eyes dressed in a gorgeous red dress sitting in the third row. Around her neck is a simple, but beautiful, silver Star of David necklace, one which due to its simple color helps calm you a bit by focusing on it. She also seems to be attempting to emulate subtlety, but you can tell that she’s fascinated. And she is quite beautiful. You wish you could gather the courage to talk to her later.
The song finishes and you step far off to the side as the ceremony officially begins. Despite being out of the spotlight, Felicity and this unfamiliar face seem to be fixated on you. It’s both intriguing and discomforting. 
Thankfully the ceremony finishes and everyone is lead into the reception hall. You head into the bathroom as your anxiety returns. Your trembling hands drop on the sink as you feel like you’re going to collapse. You manage to stumble your way to one of the soft couches in the bathroom. Taking deep breaths, you start to focus on the floor, trying to ground yourself as you stim. You’re so caught up in your calming techniques that you don’t even here the door open.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You gasp and jump a little as you’re thrown out of your thoughts. Looking up, you see the unfamiliar face looking at you with concern. Your heart begins to thump again.
“Oh! I’m sorry for startling you,” she apologizes. “Is it alright if I sit next to you?“
You find yourself nodding and she sits to your left. You two sit in silence for a few moments, but she speaks up.
“I hope I didn’t upset you or anything with all of that staring,” she says. “It’s just....your voice is so beautiful, like an angel. I couldn’t help it.”
Once again your cheeks turn a rosy red and you glance away shyly, causing her to giggle endearingly.
“I’m Wanda,” she introduces.
“.....(Y/N)” you mumble shyly.
“(Y/N).....I’ve always thought that that was such a pretty name. Pretty name for a gorgeous girl like you.”
Your cheeks turn cherry-red and she melts at how adorable you are.
“Anyway, what brings you in here?” she asks.
“I...I’m not really a huge fan of big crowds....” you admit quietly. “They....they make me nervous, especially when I have to....make small talk in them....because I’m autistic so social skills aren’t really my best thing......also....I get nervous singing in front of people.”
“Why is that?” she asks gently.
You shrug.
“I....I guess I just don’t think I’m that good.....or if I somehow do think I’m good....I’m afraid to admit it. I’m afraid I’ll seem....full of myself. I don’t want to be seen that way.”
She nods sympathetically.
“Sometimes it’s difficult to believe,” she tells you. “But acknowledging that you’re good at something isn’t being full of yourself. I also overheard a lot of people talking about how beautifully you sang.”
Your face feels hot.
“I....I was in choir in middle school and high school,” you admit. “And then I took voice lessons in college.....but I’ve never seen those kinds of songs as something I’m good at.”
“Well, I think you did very well with the song. In fact, I think you did beautifully.”
Her hand slides over yours and grasps it gently. 
“And you seem like such a kind and caring person. The person you end up marrying is going to be so blessed to be with such an angel.”
You’re practically scarlet all over.
“You’re too sweet,” you giggle. 
She smiles and for a while, the two of you sit there in silence. Something about Wanda makes you feel a bit more at ease being here.
“So what brought you in here, Wanda?” you ask.
“Same as you, sort of,” she sighs. “I get drained very easily in large crowds. After that ceremony, I kind of just need a place to.....revitalize.”
“Oh!” you exclaim. “I...I mean if you don’t want me to be here--”
“No...no, it’s fine....” she says. “I don’t mind being around someone else. It’s just.....a lot of people out there.”
The two of you sit in silence for a bit, but unlike most times you’re in silence, you feel at ease. It’s like she’s taken all of the anxiety and thrown it out the window.
“I know I’m supposed to go out there for the reception soon,” you sigh.
“Why?” Wanda asks.
You give this some thought, and realize she has a point. Why do you have to go out there?
“I mean.....I guess I don’t have to,” you admit. “I just....I know people will be expecting me because......because...”
You trail off and soon shake your head.
“Never mind.”
“Because they want to congratulate you on your singing, right?”
You nod.
“Y...yeah....it’s custom....I don’t understand how social skills work.”
“Sometimes people make rules that just don’t make sense.”
“Yeah....” you nod.
“....When we’re ready,” Wanda says after another moment of silence. “Perhaps we could go to the reception together. Face it together, you know?”
You look at her and nod after considering it.
“Yeah....yeah, I think I’d like that. Plus I really don’t wanna miss the bouquet toss.”
“The what?”
You blink.
“You’ve never heard of the bouquet toss?”
She shakes her head. 
“It’s not really part of Jewish weddings.”
“Oh,” you say. “Well, basically, at some point during the afterparty, a bunch of ladies gather behind the bride, she throws the bouquet behind her, and the ones behind her try to catch it. Whoever does is said to be the next one to get married.”
Intrigue sparks on Wanda’s face.
You nod.
“I’ve never really been a big believer of stuff like that, but I’ve been hoping to find love recently and I figured ‘why the hell not?’”
“Interesting....” Wanda’s voice seems to fade a bit, as if she’s answering herself.
Suddenly the door opens, making you jump.
“Oh! There you are, (Y/N)!” It’s Felicity with the biggest smile on her face. “C’mon! It’s almost time for dinner. And it looks like we’re going to be sitting together.”
“Um....o-okay,” you stammer nervously. You look over at Wanda and you two stand up, walking out together.
And you’re so caught up in your own nerves that you don’t notice Wanda shooting a glare at Felicity as you two leave.
As you sit at the dinner table, you notice that Felicity is getting a bit touchy-feely with you, and she seems to be smirking and glancing over at someone from afar, but you can’t see who it is. You don’t understand; if Felicity is in love with you, why doesn’t she just come right out and tell you instead of playing around like this?
Your leg bounces as you wait for them to announce that it’s time for the bouquet toss. You can hardly eat your meal, that’s how anxious you are. Everyone else is finding love, why hadn’t you been able to?
Finally the bride sets herself up for the bouquet toss and you rush up to the forming crowd. Your heart is pounding as everyone gets into position and your stomach is tense. It seems like an eternity when you hear the clamor of the crowd. The bouquet is headed your way, but it’s...weirdly glowing red. Suddenly your arms seem to reach out on their own as it falls. You’re so caught up in hoping to catch it that you don’t notice the other pair of hands next to you.
At that exact moment, two pairs of hands catch the bouquet and you’re one of them. You look to your right to see who the other pair belongs to. You’re shocked to see that it’s Wanda.
“Oh!” you exclaim, blushing.
She giggles.
“So...what happens if two people catch it at the same time?” she asks.
You shrug. 
“Maybe they’re both the next to get married?”
“To each other?” she asks.
You blush even harder.
“No.” You hear a blunt voice behind you. “They don’t.”
Turning around you look to see Felicity, and she looks pissed.
“It can’t be two people. It has to be one,” she declares.
“Who died and made you the queen of weddings?” Wanda’s accent becomes more prominent and she also sounds pissed as she steps in front of you to confront Felicity.
“It just doesn’t work that way.”
“Says who?”
“It just doesn’t.”
“Says. Who?”
A moment of shock passes before Felicity moves closer to Wanda. Her voice drops to a slight whisper, but you can still hear what she says.
“You need to stop being so argumentative. I don’t want things to get.....ugly.”
At that moment, Wanda tilts her head at Felicity.
“Do I now?” But it doesn’t sound like a question. More like a dare.
The crowd, and the entire room goes so silent that you could hear a crumb drop. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Felicity shrieks in absolute horror, causing the rest of the room to go into pandemonium. The sound makes you panic and you cover your ears, rushing off to the wall before dropping to the floor and rocking back and forth, your eyes scrunched shut.
A few moments later, the noise seems to fade away; you suddenly feel yourself calming down a bit, wisps of scarlet gently flooding your vision and soft inaudible whispers echoing in your mind. Opening your eyes, you look to see Wanda, and only Wanda, but you don’t panic for some reason.
“Are you alright?” she asks you softly, her voice being the only thing you hear.
You nod slowly. 
“I am now.....I’m sorry. Loud noises are extremely overwhelming to me.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, sweetheart,” she assures you. “I feel the same way. What’s say you and I go back to my place to relax and cuddle up close?”
You nod with no hesitation.
“Yes....cuddles would be lovely.”
Wanda smiles and helps you up.
“You know,” she begins as she leads you to the dressing room to get your casual clothes. “Perhaps us both catching the bouquet is a sign from the universe. Perhaps a sign that we are meant for one another.”
You nod as you grab your casual clothing.
“I think so....”
After you gather your things, she leads you out to her car and drives off with you in the passenger’s seat. You’re so spaced out that you don’t notice Wanda’s sweet, but unhinged, smile. Everything’s going exactly to plan. Of course you two were meant for each other. You couldn’t imagine marrying anyone else. Or perhaps you won’t ever be able to, something she’ll make certain of. 
She has you in her grasp. 
Now it’s only a matter of making sure you’ll never leave.....
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i saw that your requests are open!!! if it's alright i'd like to request makoto, yun, yang and jamie with a himbo bf headcanons!!
i rlly liked the himbo oneshot you wrote and wanted more!!^^ if you've already written this type of request for any of the characters mentioned sorry!!! i can't remember the ones you've written for atm :'}
if you do end up writing this tysm!!! i love ur work!!!!
Yep! Of course! Though I excluded Jamie since I'm waiting for SF6 to fully come out before writing any of the newcomers. Literally, all I know about him is his theme (which fckin’ slaps btw).
Edit: For some reason, Tumblr got rid of a whole paragraph? Should be fixed now sorry about that!
Makoto, Yang, and Yun with a himbo boyfriend!
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Makoto is already bold and straightforward,  so it takes her a while to figure out that her boyfriend has a critical case of himbo. The only time she starts catching on to your condition is when she’s trying to flirt, but even then, she most likely blames herself, believing she’s not being more clear about her intentions (Which I guess in a sense is kinda true …). 
Makoto doesn’t think you’re dumb at all. Anyone that thinks that better keep their mouth shut! If she hears even one ill word, she takes care of it herself! More times than not, Makoto has the offender by the ear, forcing them to apologize while her boyfriend stands clueless. You appreciate it though. 
She admires your power greatly! And is super happy to have a sparring partner! Though she will notice if you lessen your blows with her! Come on. She can handle a punch or two! Give it your best shot - oh you don’t fight? … Would you like to? Makoto really wants you to learn how to fight if you don’t already know, at least let her teach you the basics! She just doesn’t want your strength to go to waste, that's all!
Yang knew you were a himbo almost immediately, his older brother being one himself. Not that he minds, his experience just means he is better suited to endure you. Though that’s not to say he is merciful, he’s a teasing machine once the situation is right.
He understands that you’re an adult and not fully gullible 100% of the time, so he has a very hands-off approach, not budging in with your affairs too often. He finds it amusing when you don’t catch on to someone's jokes right away, finding your realization. However, it's an entirely different story if someone tried to bad mouth you. If they assumed they’ll get away with it, they got another thing coming at them real quick. 
Yang is a bit quiet with his affections, but I believe that his touches do show his appreciation towards your muscles and overall strength. When you two spar together some people (and perhaps even you!) will notice him being a bit touchy around your shoulders and back. When you two are relaxing Yang takes his place by your side, leaning against your shoulder as the two of you watch movies. 
Yun is also a himbo (and y'all can fight me on this)  and is in the same boat as you. More often than not did you do something that’s so obvious that you like him and yet, it flies past Yun like a bullet train. Yang finds amusement in this for a short while till it just gets sad and annoying. Yang sooner or later will just force you too to hang out till one of you breaks and admits you like each other.
Yun is a bit better at catching on when people are trying to be rude to him and/or his friend. He’s pissed when they talk about him but it's a whole other situation if they talk poorly about you. Once he catches the offender being a douche, toward his boyfriend?!? It’s game over buddy! It literally takes you and possibly Yang to get him off the poor dude.
Every day, without fail Yun asked his boyfriend to spar with him.  It doesn’t even matter if you know how to fight or not, he still asks (and perhaps even offers to teach you a little bit). He just doesn’t see the point in not at least sparring if you're so strong! And no matter who wins, it will end with Yun gushing about you in some way. [Sorry I’m deviating  here but I really like the idea of Yun hiding in his hat as his boyfriend picks him up ahbajkasw sorry carry on!]
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Sorry if Yang and Yun are ooc! For some reason I struggled real hard figuring out how to write them
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laf-outloud · 9 months
Sorry, I don’t know the whole context of this, so forgive me if I’m missing the point a bit. I’m doing some inferring on what the OG quoted post might have been, but it made me think of something.
I think there is some truth to actually being at a con to understand the atmosphere there, like CE cons (or Comic Cons, to be fair). Different cities gave different atmospheres for sure and some are worse than others, but for the most part, people treat the actirs fine in ops and things.
It’s definitely true that Jared gets some shitty people wearing insulting shirts or giving him the cold shoulder on their ops. Utterly unacceptable, and this kind of thing should be squashed, but that requires having workers who pour over social media because some insults are more obscure (while others are obvious). But then we also see that Jensen gets insulting morons, too, only many of them are too dumb to realize they are insulting him, or no one taught them not to be creepy weirdos. Anyway, my point with this is that both a Jared and a Jensen get some shitty interactions, and both seem to get them from Jensen fans. But, despite these examples, most people are nice at cons, the dicks are the exception. Things often look miles worse on Twitter or wherever than they were in person, so I agree with the idea that someone has to be at a con (like CE) to fully get what it’s really like. Again, not excusing bad behavior.
On the other hand, those people who deliberately cut Jared out of answers at panels, while dicks, I guess unless they actually insult him, there isn’t a rule that you have to ask both actors a question, it’s just common courtesy. However, for the attention whores who use their time to gush over Jensen ("I worship the ground you walk on" 👀), or who monopolize the actor’s time by trying to have mini convos (people asking Food questions or ask them for food recommendations at local places tend to do this a lot) or who tell whole ass stories about themselves (or stand on chairs to literally show of their stalker-level tattoos) need to be stopped by CE Staff or volunteers. If this is too uncomfortable for " the volunteer" con workers who aren’t really permanent fixtures at each con, then they need to hire people running the mics who are permanent abd who aren’t afraid to shut people down on the spot.
I’m glad your con experience seems to have been very good, and that they made the rules for questions explicitly clear from the start. And people respected them.
I think one problem with CE is the fact that they just have the band play between panels when a staff member should actually introduce the guests and remind the audience of what is not allowed. CE seems to rely too heavily on the actors, or band, to do the heavy lifting like transitioning between panels, and that can put them in awkward positions if they are supposed to lay down rules for the audience.
Anyway, sorry fir the ramble. I guess in short, I just wanted to chime in that most CE con-goers are either nice, or at least mind their own business, but I agree something needs to be done about the shifty ones. And CE really needs to get more serious about informing their own rules.
Oh yeah, I agree! I don't think I ever mentioned that there were a ton of people doing crappy things at CE cons, just the minority who do exactly what you talked about. If it wasn't clear, I just think that having only Jared at a multi-fandom convention weeds out the few who do make it a point to be rude towards him because they are there to see the other guy. (I don't know what Jensen's going to do when he's on his own. Hopefully, there are enough GA fans to drown out the AAs.)
"CE seems to rely too heavily on the actors, or band, to do the heavy lifting like transitioning between panels" I would say this is a cost-cutting measure on Creation's part, but I suppose if the contract with the band includes managing panels, then there's not much that can be done. And it wouldn't really be that hard for Rob or Rich, or any other band member to address the audience at the beginning with the rules, but apparently no one likes to be seen as the disciplinarian.
As for Creation, I would love to know if they've actually enforced any of their rules in recent years, particularly the ones listed below.
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maxburnett · 2 years
Hi Nic!! 💕 Can you tell me more about dom!Steve Kemp and how we met? ✨✨
The following is intended for mature readers only! If you are under 18 you should not be on my blog! Do not read what I post!
The two of you met at the grocery store, you needed help getting something pulled down off of the top shelf on aisle 6.
You heard the most beautiful voice asking if you needed help and turned seeing the most beautiful blue eyes and she sharpest jawline. You swore it was carved out of stone. He got the seasonings you needed for your homemade salad dressing and he smiled when you thanked him.
He shocked you when he said he’d actually just moved into town. He’d opened up a massage parlor up in town, he’d given you his card told you to come in any time. He’d given you a free massage. You weren’t sure if you’d take him up on the offer.
A week later you caved in and headed to his parlor and he fit you in to be his last client of the day. He closed up and got ready for you. He asked that you get ready and that he would return. You were left to undress and one of his assistants laid a towel over your ass and left you and dimmed the lights.
“Alright,” he said letting him know he was back. He started at your shoulders and helped you relax in a way you hadn’t relaxed in so so long. His hands worked your body like nothing had never worked it ever in your life. The lower they went, the wetter you could feel your pussy growing, you held in the moans as best as best as you could. Then he began to knead his hands into your thighs and you were so fucking glad the towel was covering you. You tried to hold back your moan, but it escaped your lips.
“Are you alright y/n?” Steve asks you seem to think you can feel his smirk.
“Yeah … just fine,” you get out.
He smirks and moves his hand up the other thigh and gets his fingers awfully close to your pussy. He hears you moan again. “Right …” he licks his lips. “You know it’s just me and you. My assistant went home. If you want I can help relax you there too,” you move your head and look up at him.
“I don’t know,” he sees you blush, even though you try to mask it by turning your face the opposite direction.
“I’ll take you out later. “Promise I’m good for it. I’m good at a lot of things,” he winks.
“I’ve just never done anything like this,” you say shyly?”
“What get a little massage?” His fingers are kneading so fucking close into the skin near your ass. You can literally feel your pussy clench. “Don’t want a happy ending? Bet I can make you squirt? Have you ever done that y/n?”
You blush and let out a quiet “No,”
“Would you like to? Do you mind if I remove this towel to get a look?”
“Fuck yes,” you get out. “I want you to massage me there,” you plead. “Please Steve. Please I need it so bad,” you hear him chuckling. He removes the towel and you feel his hand moving over your ass. “Look at that that pretty pussy’s already so wet for me. Look at you,” he said slowly dragging a finger into your slick and into his mouth. “Fuck taste so good too,” he starts rubbing your thighs again for a few moments, before slapping your pussy a few times getting a whimper out of you, it hurt a little since it was from being so horny. “That’s it, love. Let me hear how good it feels.”
He moves two fingers up inside of you and curves them up, pressing them up feeling that familiar spongy area. Your moans and cursing filled the room as he looked down at you.
“Stttteve,” you got out “Kiiiis fuck kiss me,” you stammered
He laughed as he stopped for a moment and leaned and kissed you sloppily for a moment and stood again and began to quickly and sloppily finger you. The sound of his fingers in your wet juicy pussy filled the room and finally, he hit the spot and your ejaculate spilled out you in gushes. “Fuck what a good girl. Let’s see if you got one more,” he placed the fingers back in and you squirted not once more but twice.
He kissed you again and helped you clean up. He shocked you when he pulled you flush to him. “Fuck that was so hot,” he placed his hands to both of your cheeks and pulled you into a kiss. You weren’t sure how to act at first, but slowly you kissed back.
“Now get down and suck my cock,” he says pulling your hair and guiding your face down. You smile as you look up at him and free him from his pants and take his tip into your mouth as he starts to face fuck you relentlessly. Your saliva is dripping all over his cock by the time he finally pulls you off of it and lays you up and lays you onto the massage table and spreads your legs and pushes your legs apart with his thighs. He’s deep inside you within mere seconds, a hand around your neck lips pressed pressed against your ear making sure you want this.
You come first, squirting all around his cock again.
He comes on your stomach in a few spurts but pushes back wanting to feel what cock warming you feels like.
Because something tells him that you’re about to be his new favorite submissive.
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custardcrazy · 1 year
Following up to my previous ask (I was the anon from before) ~
Don’t worry about not answering right away!! I don’t mind at all lol. And, you absolutely do Ted justice. You write him so well; if I could only read your fics/stories forever I would. They’re so good and I keep going back and rereading them (also because honestly? There’s not a lot of good Ted content on tumblr </3 ) you write so clearly and descriptive enough so that I’m not guessing who’s talking or where we are. Not to be that guy, but I could gush for hours abt your writing and just how much I love it.
Side note: listening to Deftones while reading your fics has me ascending. Life changing material.
i totally agree! there's a complete lack of theodore on tumblr and hopefully i sort of make up for it haha.
but oh my god i can't say thank you enough. literally giggling rn i'm so glad you like my writing so much, like i said i don't have the best confidence in it when posting lmaooo!! you're so sweet <3
my friend keeps trying to get me to listen to deftones and i always forget.......... i should do that. probably
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scargentum · 4 years
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I drew more Future Avengers because I’m hooked on that rn. Watched an Adi focus episode recently and felt the need to draw him
Funny thing that happened: so I knew he was voiced by Xander Mobus (one of my favorite voice actors oh my GOD what a king) yea? I had to look up the cast on other sites because IMDb messed up by not giving credit to the right VA for Chloe (which is what I mentioned when I drew her). Turns out.... Adi’s Japanese voice actor is one of two of my all time favorites, Tamaru Atsushi. AND I FIND THIS OUT BY LOOKING ON WIKIPEDIA??? (BECAUSE WIKIPEDIA HAD THE RIGHT CREDITS??? COMPARED TO IMDB??? Embarrassing.)
Anyways watch Marvel Future Avengers and stan Codec/Adi
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nuclevi · 2 years
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boyfriend!kise who..
was so nervous before asking you out that he felt dizzy and almost puked straight up. who blushed and stuttered so much in front of you that you had to ask him to take a deep breath and start again with a clear head. who cried afterwards in his room thinking he had messed up and now you think he’s lame. who literally jumped and roared out of happiness when you accepted his confession which had strangers around you eyeing him suspiciously. kise who links your hand with his and kisses your knuckles every time you are out together. who is always making you laugh. who never lets you walk on the roadside of the pavement, gently pushing you to the other side by a hand on your waist. 
boyfriend!kise who needs your advice for every outfit he wears for the day. do you think this red flannel suits him? or does the blue one? what shoes should he match with this hoodie today? you would know best, he thinks. he doesn’t even go shopping without you and if you can’t accompany him then he’ll video call and show you every clothing he’s selected so far. kise who talks to his mother about you, all the while blushing and with a huge smile on his face. who wants you to meet his mother one day and form a bond like he shares with her, as you both are the most important women in his life. 
boyfriend!kise who never lets you get sad on your own. the pain you feel, he feels it too now. who buys you your favorite food on the days you don’t feel the best and puts on a sappy tv show while he holds you flush to him. who always thinks of you when he sees the moon, excitedly snapping a picture to send it to you. who is always talking and babbling around you because he is most comfortable around you and you are always listening to him. kise who has your contact name saved as “baby☽♡”. who always walks past his fangirls hurriedly, muttering a “sorry, later.” and heading towards where you are waiting for him after his match. who runs towards you as fast as he can, his face breaking into the biggest smile when he hears you gush about how good he was at court. 
boyfriend!kise who melts when you play with his hair. who painted you a scenery of sunflowers and blue skies on the background on a canvas, like this. who is always talking about you around his teammates and gom. “they sent me a selfie today and god, i am ready to die for them.” “yo aominecchi, i think i should buy a necklace for their next birthday. what do you think? “their birthday is 4 months away, dumbass.” “okay and?” “maybe we should go for white lilies for our wedding decor.” “you should focus on graduating first, kise.” to say that kise tires them out is an understatement. but will he stop it? no. you are always on his mind anyways. 
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