#I know i reblog a lot of stuff on a daily basis so here is a tag list to keep everything organized 😁✨!!
diamondsheep · 1 year
✨Sheep's Tag List✨
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General Tags :
Rb Art Insp Polls Links Video Audio Places History Artifacts Positivity Daft Punk References Arts N Crafts Tumblr ( iconic posts ) Ask 👀✨ ( ask memes)
People, History and Nature
Sheep People Nature History Animals Latinoamerica
Aesthetic Tags
Neon Space Colors Fashion Aesthetic
Personal Tags :
Me Mood About Answer Ram Talks Things that i would wear Suzi queue ( queue tag ) Fav ( posts that i really like ) Ultimate Fav ( posts that i extremely love ) To Remember ( things that i need to remind myself of ) I usually tag friends like ( name ) + (emoji ) example : Ram 🐑
Art Tags :
Ramdraws Ram doodles My drawings R4m0c ( my ocs ) Diamondsheep art (mainly anime fanart ) My Edits ( Edits from my other Blog)
General Fandom Tags :
Tloz Sonic Sanrio Dr Stone Parappa Splatoon Nintendo One Piece Psychonauts Demon Slayer Mob Psycho 100 Lego Monkie Kid No Straight Roads Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Sam & Max: Freelance Police Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Crossover ( aus and crossovers of fandoms)
Official Art Tags :
this is a compilation of posts with official art of different media for reference
JJBA Official Art Sonic Official Art Dr Stone Official Art Splatoon Official Art One Piece Official Art Dorohedoro Official Art Mob Pyscho 100 Official Art Figures (anime figures and such )
💖 Link To My Favorite Characters Tag List
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I wonder how many followers I’m about to lose.
So, I try to keep personal stuff on my personal blog, separate from this blog, because I know you come here for the silly quotes and I don’t want to distract you from that or upset you when you’re just coming here for a quick laugh.
But this kinda trumps all of that.
There is a genocide happening right now. Palestinians are being slaughtered with the very clear intent of wiping them off the map.
I am dirt poor with very little prospects. I have very little money to spend on charities or relief funds or even people’s personal gofundmes for things like just getting out of Palestine before they die.
But I do have this blog, and I have all of the wonderful people who keep coming back here, day after day, to get a little laugh. I hope to keep this blog going for as long as I can so I can keep you laughing for as long as I can.
But this is where I have to play the panhandler and ask for some of that good will back. I have to. This is too huge NOT to.
If you have any money, any at all, to spare, please look into the various relief programs or personal gofundmes that can increase Palestinians’ chances for survival. Every little bit helps.
And if you’re like me and you have absolutely no money to spare, try checking out Arab.org. It’s a clever little site where, by clicking on each of their tabs daily, you watch a very short advertisement that increases revenue for their charity.
If even half of my followers made the effort of clicking each tab on that site on a daily or even semi-daily basis, it would make a world of difference to a lot of people.
I’m going to pin this post so that it’ll always be available to see. I appreciate every single one of you and I thank you for coming back, day after day, for these silly little quotes. You have no idea how happy each and every like and reblog and submission make me.
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Gratitudes Combo Post! I shall be bulk replying to nice messages that people have sent me here in an attempt to minimize clutter! I hope this works for you all as well!
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@roodllle I'm very very glad the system works for you!!
For those that weren't here at the start, I actually did initially have set polls up to be daily, but after a bit of poking at it, I was able to figure out how to make polls weekly and still keep things moving on at a good pace! It seems people have enjoyed that a lot more so I'm very glad I put the work in to make the switch!!
I found the reblogs important too, just cause I know how fast things can disappear on the dashboard, and how hard it can be to remember what events are going on, especially if stuff if happening on a daily basis! Plus I talk to a lot of people in very different time zones, so my morning is definitely someone else's midnight.
(Many more below the cut!!)
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@pileofrats It is indeed a full time job gjfisjgfi but if I wasn't willing to do such things For Science, then what kind of scientist would I be? :D (It says Science twice on my diploma, not that you need a degree to be a scientist, but just to show that I am dedicated.)
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@vampiredeliverylady I have indeed been thanked, but it's very nice to hear it every time!! Thank you for taking the time to write such a nice message and it's wonderful to hear that this tournament is making a positive impact for you !!!!
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@samuwhal Thank you so much! I'm very glad you're enjoying it and hope you keep having fun!
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Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day (and I hope all of your interceding days have been wonderful too) as well! I'll admit I maybe wasn't thinking about how much work 1000+ Pokemon would be when I started, but I'm dedicated to seeing this through! (And they've added new ones since I've started!! I'm going to have to go back in and work those in after I'm done here. </3)
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Thank you!!! 💙💙💙
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I am !! Sometimes it gets a little stressful, but at the end of the day, I'm very lucky and very happy to be here!
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Thank you!! I definitely gotta keep it organized, because I absolutely would lose stuff if I didn't ahaha, so it works out for everyone! (And if I am occasionally secretly hoping that sometimes people are finding about this tournament from individual Pokemon tags that they're browsing, well, let's keep that a secret between us ;D)
And needless to say, I am also very lucky to have you all here with me :D !! A tournament is not a tournament without all of you participating and hyping up your favorites!
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Thank you so much!! It really means a lot!! 😊
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@taintedhallows you know it!! :D 💪💪💪
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@commieorcs Thank you!! I hope you're having fun participating! :D
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@indiana-grace Thank you! They're definitely a huge help to me too because I absolutely would vote differently if I couldn't look them in their little eyes before casting my own votes hahaha. My hope is that it also makes it more newbie friendly as well, since I know not everyone voting is familiar with all of them!
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Thank YOU!
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gjiofsjgf I'm glad it's working out then!! I too am often too busy to pay attention to other polls I'll admit. Often times the only thing I do on Tumblr in a day is work on this tournament lol
Ok, I think that's a wrap! I shall now clear these asks out of my inbox, but one more collective thank you to all of you and everyone who has said nice things!! It's very very sweet and kind of you all and has given me a lot of energy and motivation to keep pushing forward with this!
Sorry for taking so long to answer some of these!! I know I wanted to avoid clutter, but I could've made smaller grouped response posts and answered these collectively sooner!
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thethinkingaurora · 6 months
I’ve just seen my first radqueer blog, and holy fuck is it disgusting
When I’m saying radqueer I’m specifically talking about transid and transdisabled and stuff like that because that was the main focus of the blog it seems
If you don’t know, transid and such is basically saying you identify as trans but your not actually trans, you’re cis but you want the label, and transdisabled is the same thing but they’re saying they’re disabled (whether that be physically or mentally) when they’re not
If you don’t agree with what I say here or you want to debate me on it, I’ll happily respond anyways onto the actual post
Ok so I came across the blog thanks to @urlocalsupermarketofendocrinosis and you can trawl through they’re reblogs/posts to find the account if you wish, and honestly the blog was impressively stupid
So to start off the blogger (I’ll refer to them as that as they asked to not be referred to as a person so I won’t) says they are transRussian, transUkranian and transJapanese but they’re actually American (at least I think that’s what they were trying to say) so they’re already saying they’re part of 3 different nationalities 2 of which are at war with eachother and while yes it’s possible and there are people who have citizenship in multiple countries that is not their nationality as your nationality is your place of birth
Next they said they were transdisabled with about every mental disorder under the sun (I’m talking all of them from BPD to ASD to ADHD to Schizophrenia to depression to ASPD, it just keeps going on) and then rickets and scurvy and POTs and it a whole host of other things
Next they have transage with about 16 different things there and the only number was 17 and then stuff like permakid, permateen, nounage, schizage and again you guessed it it keep going on
We also have trans race which is more of this shit and it keeps going on
So that’s the blogs pinned post well most of it anyway (I could probably fill an A4 page with all the labels they have there)
So now my problem with this
The concept as a whole is either sad or disgusting and disrespectful
They come along here and say oh I’m disabled because I feel like it when there is actually disabled people who suffer because of their conditions and this kid thinks it’s alright to just be like “ooh a disability I like it I’ll add it to my character traits list to make myself more interesting” which is just so goddam disrespectful
Or say I’m this nationality and that one and this one like my guy do you not know how logic works, you were not born in these places, you are not from these places like if you’re really gonna defend people like this what are you supposed to do, it’s just stupid and a miserable attempt to add interest to a boring character, there are certain things that are facts about you like where you were born and your DNA which do not change ever you can change your gender, you can change your name, you can change your body you can change your voice, but you cannot change your nationality
Another thing they also said they were transid but then literally said they were cis, like come on, they’re mutually exclusive you dumbass
Ok age, that’s another constant that is near unchangeable, you can change your legal age (I think) but you cannot change your actual age
They also say that they are autistic and ADHD and BPD (I’m not sure if them being a system is another radqueer thing but I’m going to go off of the point that there was only one name and the lack of plural pronouns like “we” or “us”), I actually have friends with a lot of these conditions and I have a few myself and they can cause problems and be inconvenient on a daily basis and it’s just disrespectful to people like us to say that your mentally ill or suffering a condition that your not purely because you want to be interesting
Oh yeah also if the blogger responds don’t be surprised if they respond with something about gender dysphoria when that wasn’t mentioned here at all
So yeah to close this off being transid or transdisabled or anything like this is sad and disgusting you are trying to add interest to your life with labels because you don’t have a personality so here’s something you can do throw away all of this bullshit and make yourself a life, discover who you really are instead of building a costume of fake labels in a desperate plight for friends and attention
Oh yeah the person was @emopack
And if you really want to justify this bullshit explain how you transition to being autistic or any of the other things said here
Finally this is not me being transphobic, this is not me being ableist if anything these sort of people are being those for impersonating and mocking disabled and trans people, but if you can find a genuine reason that this is transphobic or ableist tell me and if it’s an actual reason I’ll edit if not delete the post
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fereldanwench · 2 years
I'm going to be obnoxious and presumptuous and tell everyone how to live their lives because I feel like the Cyberpunk 2077 fandom* has an endemic problem with this self-imposed expectation to post new ~*content*~ on a regular basis that is just not sustainable for like 95% of us. And as someone who has also, unfortunately, grappled with that anxiety even though I know it's silly, I feel compelled to tell everyone (myself included) to stop doing that to themselves and slow the fuck down.
(*Probably other fandoms, too--I have many, many Thoughts™ on how ~*content creator*~ culture has had detrimental effects on fandom on the whole, but that's a broader topic for another time.)
Participating in fandom is a hobby, not a grind. No one is going to be upset with you for letting your queue run out or missing a themed day. Nobody expects anyone to have multiple original posts on a daily basis. Your friends aren't going to forget you if you need to take a break. There is absolutely no reason to feel guilty or stressed because a real-life obligation has to take priority over a hobby.
Recognize the ebb and flow of your creativity so you don't burn yourself out. Give yourself the time and space to work on long projects and learn new skills, even if that can't come with regular updates. Let yourself be in the moment while you create. Savor your art--Stop asking yourself "What do I post next?" immediately after you finish a project. Take pride and joy in the work you've already made without wondering how you can make your next post even better.
Understand your limitations and accept that others might not have the same limitations you have. Someone who is single and unemployed is going to have more time to dedicate to learning virtual photography than someone with a family and a full-time job. Someone with chronic fatigue is going to have a harder time churning out fic than someone without that condition. Don't compare your output to someone else's. We all have different creative processes, different backgrounds and skills, and different demands on our time and energy.
What works for me to break out of this mindset might not work for everyone, but these are the 3 main things I find helpful to keep me from succumbing to the darkness:
Intentionally break a streak Have you been posting every single Thirsty Thursday for the past 6 months but are having a hard time keeping up currently and feeling stressed about breaking the streak? BREAK IT. Skip one. Even if you have a post, schedule it for the following week. It'll feel wrong at first, but on Friday you'll realize it didn't matter, your friends are still here, and you will no longer be beholden to this inconsequential posting requirement that exists only in your head.
Revisit old posts/drafts/WIPs/outtakes Go through your old stuff! Let yourself enjoy what you made in the past. Reblog it so new friends and followers can see it. Remember what it was like to work on it and the sense of accomplishment when you finished it and what you learned from it. You might even get a bonus and find yourself inspired to revisit an idea or create a new take on it.
It's an obnoxious cliche at this point, but yes: touch grass Online fandom spaces have been a cornerstone of my social and creative circles for over two decades, so I am not by any means suggesting that there is no value in spending a lot of time here. But you absolutely need to take breaks from your devices and reconnect with the physical world or you will go nuts. Go for a walk, spend a day outside with friends or your pets, pick up a tangible craft like coloring books or journaling--Just find something to get you away from your computer and phone.
tl;dr - Creating in fandom should be fun and enjoyable and a reprieve from all of this shit, not an extension of it. There's absolutely no reason to put this burden on yourself to be some superfan posting new work 37 times a week. If you're in the zone and you've got that flow, roll with it, of course, but don't feel like it always has to be like that because it won't be. And that is completely fine.
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nikkidee · 11 months
I can't sleep so here's my two cents on gaining followers on Tumblr, aimed at the lovely folks fleeing the dumpster fire on Reddit.
First and foremost, you should start reblogging or posting stuff on your blog. When I consider following someone's tumblr, I always open their blog and scroll back a few posts to decide if I want to see their posts on my dashboard on a daily basis. So, make sure you've got posts on your blog that reflect your interests, personality, or sense of humor. It's 100% ok for all of the posts to be reblogs, btw, as long as you're putting cool stuff on my dash I don't care if you wrote it or found it.
Though, I wouldn't recommend reblogging lots of random popular posts, that's bot behaviour. Besides, do you really want random followers, or do you want followers who like your taste?
Now that you've got a blog that doesn't look like a bot account, start following blogs and interacting with posts that are related to your interests. It may be slow going, but that's okay I promise. Remember, you can't control if people follow you or like your posts, but you can control how much you reach out to others. And even if you have zero followers, you can still have a dash full of curated posts to browse and enjoy.
Ultimately Tumblr doesn't overvalue follower counts the way some sites do. It's normal to want the validation of lots of likes and followers, but ultimately I prefer to use tumblr to find and connect with a handful of people who share interests and values with me, rather than seeking a huge audience that I never really get to know.
So don't sweat the follower count, followers will happen or they won't. Enjoy your time here regardless. Feel free to reach out if you have questions, welcome to Tumblr
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foreverautumn89 · 1 year
PS. **Was going to just re-blog but I honestly struggle with what the correct way to do that was. When the messages get too long I just create a new post so hope thats ok.**
I hope you know how much you're appreciated. I try to show my appreciation by liking your posts or commenting/reblogging, but now I'm just going to say it outright that I really appreciate you adding whatever content you can to keep the tag up and running.
In reply to our conversation/the reblog:
Yeah its a little silly that I can't talk about an st ship or a fav character from ST with the ST fandom. I've come across a lot of toxic fandoms, but this one is a little too backwards for me.
If I want to talk about it, I have to either: -talk about it with friends who I've talked about it with a million times before and we just end up having repeated conversations most of the time -or talk to people who don't know what ST even is [usually friends] and they try to be nice about it, but don't even know what I'm talking about so it kind of falls on deaf ears
It's ok honestly about me stepping aside, it does suck I can't talk about ST with the ST fans that is a REALLY crazy concept to me, but I think I'm better off just keeping my love for Stonathan and Jonathan to myself [at least when it comes to interacting with ST fans online] so I can enjoy it at least without all the unnecessary drama. It was supposed to be fun, not this constant battle with the fans. The fights and the battles just aren't worth it. I'm still baffled about the fans treating Jonathan like hes the main villain of the show, but it is what it is.
There are rare times I come across a Stonathan post that has a lot of notes/likes, but then I quickly find out thats because most of them think its a joke. Either they say it in their reblogs or the comments. Stuff like 'that's so funny' when the post was not intended to be funny or they insult the ship some other way.
I've never come across a fandom this crazy and thats saying something. I used to question a lot where all the fans had gone too because back in the day back in S1 time, I remember a lot of people being into Stonathan and now they all left. But considering the stuff I had to deal with the last year and all the hate towards Jonathan, I can understand perfectly why they left and don't seem to interact with the rest of the st fandom anymore. It just sucks that we don't get to see their content anymore because the fanbase scared them away. I even had a friend on here recently that stopped coming to this site all together because of the Jonathan/Stonathan hate so now we lost their Stonathan/Jargyle content too. But I can understand needing to get away because they want to enjoy it and you can't enjoy it with the majority ST fans because they suck the happiness and fun out of everything.
I try to block the anti-Jonathan people/anti-Stonathan people so I don't have to deal with their nonsense, but it seems to be the majority of the fanbase and I can't block almost the entire fanbase.
That's what I was doing before too-carrying the Stonathan ship on my back. I wasn't carrying the ship alone there was like 10 other people here. But it was exhausting and burnt me out trying to make content daily. Theres still a lot of stuff I haven't even posted that I don't have time to edit. It doesn't help that my last computer died and I have to remake the stuff that wasn't backed up so now I need to re-do stuff like the videos.
I will offer a piece of advise-when I couldn't find Stonathan content on here, I would go to other sites for crumbs of it like twitter in particular I found Stonathan content being added on a weekly basis at least.
Exactly-its definitely not a joke or a crack ship for me either. Especially since its right on the show its canon that Steve changed for the better because of Jonathan and Jonathan saved Steve in more ways than one that night-that alone should make it a popular ship. Ever since the end of S1, almost all of Steve's whole storyline has been about him being in love with Jonathan and becoming a better person for him/because of him and putting Jonathan's and his friends/family needs and wanted ahead of his own. And people just ignore that and act like its a joke for them to be paired together. It blows my mind. I just don't get it. Meanwhile, in other fandoms there are enemies to lovers ships and in canon they don't have what Stonathan has-showing in canon that someone has changed for the better because of this person canonly and showing how much they care for them. Steve even gave up Nancy at the end of S2 and told her you should go with Jonathan-that wasn't for Nancy's benefit it was for Jonathan's. He put Jonathan's happiness needs and wants before his own.
Also, their relationship is so messy and complex has so much depth to it-honestly I don't know why its not more popular, but then again its also not my problem to fix. If they want to miss out on Jonathan and Stonathan, that is their choice. I don't need their Steddie-like level of content because I got my own. So I can't be too worried or bothered by it.
Its like Drarry from HP and that is the most popular ship for Harry Potter. You'd think Stonathan would be a lot more popular too… Steve is a nicer person than Draco since Draco never adopted a group of kids and took care of them and Draco didn't start changing for the better until the end of the series, but considering all that you'd think Stonathan would be a more popular ship just a little bit at least.
Thank you. I appreciate it. It would be nice to have someone to talk to about the ship besides the same few people I've been talking to about it. Not that I don't enjoy it, but its become a bit of an echo chamber and us just rehashing things we have already said before.
And I love that you're such a huge fan of Jonathan! I love finding people like you. It's like finding a unicorn or something seriously. It's not often you can meet a genuine Jonathan fan in the ST fandom [as ridiculous as that sounds].
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rubixa-seraph · 7 months
About Me~
This is my main blog! Occasionally, art goes here. Lately I've been musing about Trigun, and I'm still deep into Devil May Cry. I talk little but I like a lot of things, and reblog everything to a side blog.
I write fanfiction when I have time. You can find me on Ao3 as RubixaSeraph.
Side blogs of note:
@blooddrop-palace Where all of my Devil May Cry works get linked, and where I reblog anything DMC
@rubixa-reblog If you want to see where my common interests go (and potentially social commentary,) they go here. Anything fandom, anything cool, and sometimes current events all go here. I don't like to reblog random stuff to my main blog. Note that I get very lazy about tagging, but filtering should work based off of the original tags the posts had, so your blacklists should work fine.
I have perfect understanding of the separation between fiction and reality, and I know exactly what I am doing with my fiction and what I am doing with my reality.
I am also a working adult with family affairs to attend to on a daily basis. Please keep this in mind, and understand that my wants and needs from fantasy and fiction are first and foremost to cater towards my own self care.
I do not care what age you are if you would like to follow me. I expect all followers to decide on their own terms if they want to see my content or not.
I will reserve the right to refuse to engage in topics that are inappropriate to discuss, or topics I do not want to be a part of.
I will block anyone who are hateful and does not mind their own business, including but not limited to: hating on other people's fantasies/fictional interests, assuming a person's real life behaviors based on their fantasies, making threatening or derogatory statements about groups of people based on their fantasies or fictional interests, or accusing people of crimes based on their fantasies or fictional interests.
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findafight · 1 year
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I posted 7,803 times in 2022
145 posts created (2%)
7,658 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,374 of my posts in 2022
#qitup - 345 posts
#stranger things - 311 posts
#sw - 302 posts
#video - 213 posts
#steddie - 148 posts
#steve harrington - 134 posts
#platonic stobin - 111 posts
#finda's rambles - 89 posts
#ml - 71 posts
#finda writes stuff - 57 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#jim is down for it and afterwards goes 'that was wild. when can we do it like that again?' and spock is like 'in seven years' jim goes oh🥺
My Top Posts in 2022:
Middle-aged rockstar Eddie on twitter is so funny to me he'll have very professional tweets about tours or releases etc and promote causes he supports but then he'll be a little chaos gremlin like
"the first time Steve and I actually met I held a broken bottle to his neck. Think that awakened something in him. 😈"
And Steve replies
"Robin told me I sucked on a daily basis, Jonathan punched me in the face, two weeks after Nancy pointed a gun at me I told her I loved her. You ain't special"
And Eddie replies an hour later with
While his followers and fans are like...what is going on and who is Jonathan. Why is Eddie Munson airing his relationship drama on twitter dot com. WHY DID HE HOLD A BROKEN BOTTLE TO STEVE'S NECK
2,113 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
I am a hardline Steve is a "boring queer" truther. Yes he's bi and genderqueer!! Does he change pronouns? Nope! It's easier to use he/him and he doesn't care. Does he wear anything other than high waisted mom jeans and sweatshirts? Absolutely not. Just because gender means next to nothing to him both for himself and in regards to attraction doesn't mean he's going out of his way to do anything about it. He knows he looks like Just Some Jock but he's comfy!! His ass looks good! What more is there to clothes than that!
He goes to bed at ten and wakes up at six-thirty for a run before work. His favourite show is M*A*S*H. The most outlandish thing he's done besides Monster Killing is name his rescue cat WoodChipper because it kept trying to eat his porch.
3,596 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Steve shows up to work one day with a baby bjorn complete with sleeping baby on his chest and Robin is like Steve....what the fuck?
And Steve says "I would've called you last night but she'd only stop crying when I held her and my parents were fighting, obviously, and I had to figure out how to make her bottle then I fell asleep with her on top of me and I think my dad legitimately forgot about us even though this is his fault, and there's no one to take care of her so I had to bring her. Sorry."
That is a lot and answers very few of Robin's questions.
"who...is she?"
Steve brightens and smiles down at the baby who's tiny baby fist is scrunched up in his work vest. "Oh! My half sister. Her mom works for one of my dad's business partners and brought her to my parents while they were away last week so they came home, mostly to dump her off on a nanny they forgot to hire--hence my baby holder here--and fight. Turns out dad cheating is easier to ignore when there isn't actual proof of it."
"oh. Woah."
"yeah. Anyways, ready to rewind some tapes?"
So they start work Steve logging returns into the computer and cupping the baby whose name I don't know yet's head. Then the little baby wakes up, making little baby noises, and Robin is not one for babies really, but Steve coos and picks her hand off his chest and waves it at Robin.
"see, that's your auntie Robin! Say hiii auntie Robin!"
The baby chews her tongue at Robin and blows a spit bubble.
And how is Robin supposed to not be charmed by that?
"awww," she says, letting the baby grab her finger, "yeah, I'm your auntie Robin. Your big brother's gonna take care of you so good huh? You'll know your way around retail in no time."
Steve giggles.
It is then that The Gremlins decide to show up and Cause Noise. Baby sister starts to cry and Steve takes her to the back to get her to calm down and change her, comes out (ignores the party's questions. Giving them Ultimate Mom Pose with Bonus Effect of Baby) hands her to Robin who is a little nervous but she will not let her new niece (?) Down, and goes back to find and heat up a bottle.
Eddie, who drove the gremlins and was looking for something in his van comes in, sees Robin holding the baby and is like huh? What's this?
And then Steve comes out with a bottle and a baby blanket over his shoulder, reaches for the baby from Robin and tries to get her to latch on the bottle with quiet words and gentle hands and Eddie is not okay he's not fine he's having a melt down because Steve with the kids is one thing but Steve with a Baby is something very different and he should not be expected to keep it together seeing this
Part 2.
Part 3
5,784 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
Rockstar Eddie au in the 90's and there's rumours he is ~homosexual~ right. So the whole band is in an interview, and the journalist asks
"so, Eddie, what do you have to say about those rumours ?"
"what rumours" (he knows exactly what rumours)
"the rumours about you having slept with a number of men. About being, ah, gay? Seeing as you've never had a public relationship with a woman, and some of the songs you've written could be seen as, ah, insinuating things."
(at this point Jeff and Gareth make Significant Eye Contact. They know what's about to happen.)
Eddie nods. "Ahhh. THOSE rumours. Well, gotta say, don't believe everything you hear!" He pauses just enough for the interviewer to open their mouth and interrupts. "I mean," he leans forward with a wide grin, "obviously I am a flaming queer. We know this. [Insert song title here] is clearly about gay sex, duh, I'm not exactly a subtle man. It's the sleeping around stuff that's just plain rumour. I've been happily in a committed monogamous relationship since '86!"
this is obviously not how the interviewer thought any of this would go. They are scrambling. "O-oh? Would you like to... Elaborate on that?"
Gareth speaks under his breath "oh no, now he's not gonna stop" as he looks to the ceiling. Jeff's face is valiantly trying to not smile.
Eddie is vibrating. "Oh absolutely! Okay, so we're from this Podunk Indiana town in buttfuck nowhere, right? Steve and I met when-"
"Eddie please, man. I can't believe you held out this long but we have an album to promote and if you start gushing about Steve we'll be here forever. Please, Eddie." Says Jeff, smiling.
Eddie proceeds to pout as his bandmates ignore his grumbling about never getting to talk about Steve and Jeff and Gareth are like Eddie you waxed poetic about his chest hair in song literally five minutes before this interview. PLEASE let us talk about music I'm sure people will clamour to get an interview exclusively about Steve. You'll have time to talk about him to the press just let us have One Last Interview that isn't just Eddie Talking About Steve Time. Please.
9,948 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
When someone comes out Steve's immediate gut reaction is to drag their taste in romantic prospects. Robin rejected him and came out and he went full "okay fine but please like BETTER girls oh my god" like the Mean Girl he is. God bless.
When Will blurts that he's in love with Mike (which... Yeah Steve knew that one.) Steve goes "okay there's nothing wrong with liking boys but why wheeler?? You can do so much better Will. Seriously. Literally anyone else." And will is just ?????? He just said he liked boys and Steve's biggest issue is that it's Mike?! "Mike is being a jerk!! He's ignoring you!! Dump his ass, Will!" Most confusing acceptance ever.
Eddie confesses to Steve and the man blinks at him like "but...I'm a prep?? And bitchy? And have had, like, five concussions?"
And Eddie is like "what the fuck are you talking about"
"I'm just saying I doubt I'm your usual type! Obviously I like you back but you could probably do better"
"Steve are you saying my feelings are reciprocated while also being self deprecating n order to insult my taste in men?"
"oh. Yeah. Oops."
Lucas and max come out without specifying crushes (except on each other) so there is no need to drag them for their taste in men or women.
Dustin is like "I literally only like Suzie" and Steve is like "I know this and I love you (and her)" BC Suzie is amazing and helped save the world too. And grey ro/ace Dustin.
The only person whose taste he doesn't criticize is Mike and that's because when he says he's in love with will Steve just goes "he's too good for you" and nothing else.
12,144 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. ( repost do not reblog ! )
✿ name:  G/Spacy
✿ PRONOUNS:    She/Her
✿ preference of communication:  Definitely discord, ims suck. 
✿ name of muse(s):   Lena��‘Tracer’ Oxton
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):   I started on this hellsite I think in like 2014/2015? so something 7/8 years?
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:   Mostly tumblr and discord 
✿ best experience: Tbh I have so many great memories from this blog, it’s part of the reason I can’t leave. There was the great glitter incident of 2016, crack with Sombra and Lexi, worldbuilding with so many great people. I’ve met people from around the world here, which is something so incredibly cool for me. I still have friends who have long moved on from here that I talk to on a daily basis. One of these days I’m gonna make it out to see some of these people because they’ve been so close for so long. 
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:   Honestly I’m a pretty easy going person. I don’t have a lot dealbreakers, outside of the typical ‘don’t godmode/don’t step on me/my boundaries. Probably spam or forced interactions. 
✿ fluff, angst or smut: Honestly, all three. I will always been a sucker for angst (poor Reikkon keeps seeing it randomly pop out at the worst times lately), but I think fluff has a very important place in writing too. Given the material and Overwatch itself, most of my writing leans more toward the angsty side (because come on, a girl abandoned to time and a robot apocalypse are pretty angsty but yknow). Shipping isn’t a huge thing on this blog but I’ve enjoyed writing smut on other blogs too. 
✿ plots or memes: Both! Most of my threads start off as memes and then I’ll usually pop into dms/discord so we can plot where to go from there. I have a lot of wishlist items so it’s always nice to get to plot some wishlist stuff, but aside from that, memes are great too. 
✿ long or short replies: I am a very, very long winded person and I love to write, so they usually end up being longer. I love to explore the inner/outer dialogue of the characters and overall reactions so I can get a little out of hand sometimes.  
✿ best time to write:  Honestly whenever I have the time tbh. Sometimes I can write all day ( like last night ) but othertimes it might be weeks before you see something ic out of me. I try to balance out those times with aes or musings, rather than too much ooc, but even that can get out of hand sometimes. So sorry for some of that. 
✿ are you like your muse(s):    I’d say a little bit. I try to draw some positivity from her. The constant, good outlook on life is something I’ve tried for a long time to master, so it’s nice to get to write it as well. As far as being soldier/pilot/time traveller? Not so much. 
TAGGED BY:  @threebetrayals
TAGGING: @throughconflict @femtaile @facetedspades @veqva @tlacehualli @quick-drawn @florafound  whoever else wants to do it
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nibwhipdragon · 1 year
🖤🤎🕸🍻💞 for the ask game!
🖤(I admire you from afar)
Same here! I don't think our main interests line up too much, but it's nice to see your art and the sort of stuff you reblog!
🤎(I want to know you better)
Once again, I feel the same. We're mutuals, but it feels like we're not with how little we talk and know about each other haha
🕸(We've talked once)
...Have we????
Ok ok actually after giving that some thought I think I did send you an ask saying happy birthday once? It was before I followed you I think?
🍻(I want to talk to you)
SAME. I WANT TO TALK TO YOU SO BAD. Like. I know Arrax is my only mutual I talk to on a daily basis, even exchanging our discords and that, but like. I basically don't talk to you at all and I feel bad for it haha
You seem to post about final fantasy a lot, after I finish Sonic Frontiers (hopefully) I'll continue playing ff7 remake, and that'll pave the way to us talking more (and maybe I'll finally find out the context to "Me? Gongaga")!
💞(I love both your blog and the content)
Even the divorce stuff? Even the purposefully terrible drawings of characters doing weed and smoking massive blunts? That's...surprising for sure!
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ofsgiathan · 1 year
NAME: shin
PRONOUNS: she / they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: definitely discord if we're familiar with one another! otherwise i'm fine with tumblr dms.
NAME OF MUSE(S):  angeal is my most active muse. commander shepard is ... well ... extremely low activity. and i'm in the process of bringing ulquiorra back.
RP EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS): as a whole?? 19+ years. on here?? uh ... well ... i was on here back in 2014 only to leave within six-ish months of rping on here. then i came back in january 2022 because of irl stuff and figured it'd be a great way to cope!
BEST EXPERIENCE: this is actually really hard because idk what i'd actually put for this. i've met a lot of super cool people on here to the point of me talking to them on pretty much a daily basis now and whatnot.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: this is actually incredibly tricky tbh because i have a lot of pet peeves / deal breakers. for instance ... if you don't have your age anywhere on your blog then that's an automatic NO from me. i also get irked when people get hypocritical and won't admit when they're being one. like ... ... ... ... ... owning your mistakes is one thing. i'm fine with that. but saying shit and not backing yourself up is a whole other story.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT?: preferably angst tbh! and despite being a demi, myself, i definitely enjoy writing smut as long as i'm close with my rp partners! fluff is ... well ... fluff and who doesn't like fluff??
PLOTS OR MEMES?: i like loose plots over full on plots tbh. but i do really like memes / unprompted asks! the reason i don't like things fully plotted out is because ... like ... if i wanted something fully plotted out then i'll write a fanfic or read a book or watch a movie / tv show. i like the element of surprise.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: uh ... i'm honestly a wordy person, myself, but i do like having short replies lead into longer ones. it also really depends on my mood tbh. sometimes i want short and simplistic things and sometimes i want a novel.
BEST TIME TO WRITE?:   whenever i have the motivation / inspiration / muse to write tbh. but i'm mostly and evening writer tbh.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: we ... actually have a couple of things in common tbh. but i think the biggest things we have in common is that our biological fathers are non-existent asshats and were raised by our mothers. not only that but we're both pretty close to our moms. we also both love helping people whenever we can so there's that. our morals and mindsets are pretty similar too really. but we also have a lot of differences too. so i think this is one of those "yes and no" kind of things.
tagged by: stole from @alvcrd​ tagging: whomever wants to do it tbh! i just like doing these a lot.
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creaturebehavior · 1 year
i post my other blogs urls a lot, not because I give a shit about a follower count but because I like being surrounded by people who care about the same stuff i do, and i’m hoping to find anyone who maybe has similar tastes so we can like and reblog each others posts lol and interact passively
i don’t really have people to bond with over fashion and style and hair and makeup irl. i have one friend who is interested in fashion but that’s only one person and we don’t talk to each other very much
and idk how to find other people who are on the same wave as me when it comes to hair and makeup, even when i was in cosmetology school i couldn’t relate very much to the people around me cuz their style was more conventional
what feels even better than getting followers after posting a url though is when someone follows organically. can you tell how starved i am for connection and friendship? lmao this post is kinda sad. But honestly like there’s a couple people who followed my hair blog semi-recently and i got to follow them back and we post some similar stuff, i like it a lot. feels a little like i’m finding my people.
i know most my blogs are just reblog blogs, but i love to curate my little spaces for my interests and engage with other people who are also curating their little spaces for their interests
using tumblr very much feels like putting together a collage sometimes, or decorating your bedroom wall. and idek. i’m trying to find other people who rip out the same magazine pages as i do. tumblr is a creative outlet for me. it’s where i come to appreciate art on a daily basis. and also feel a sense of camaraderie, knowing there’s other people who connect with the same art i do. it would be nice to have this irl but i’ll take what i can get lol.
and idk how else to find followers on my smaller blogs other than just wait it out and occasionally post my url to my bigger blogs. i barely even know how to find other blogs that i can follow for like more hair/makeup content. we need a tag for our niche so we locate each other on here. clothing blogs are easier to find than hair/makeup blogs.
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smol-skijumping-fan · 6 years
I'm back for now and I've changed my icon, it's now summer boi Alamommo! Soon I will change my URL but I'll make a new post for that as well 😉
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sednas · 2 years
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what does your jjk crush say about you
saw an attack on titan version of this on tik tok and I immediately wanted to do it with the jjk boys
just posting this simple idea while I finish the requested tokyo revengers headcanon
if you feel exposed feel free to insult me by reblogging this post :))
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─ yuji
you give me golden retriever energy like him
too pure for this world
you clearly say a lot of dumb shit during a daily basis but it's not a big deal since you look cute while doing it
if your crush is yuji you might be the opposite of him.
a loner who doesn't trust people that easily.
you may actually be a junpei yoshino kinnie or megumi kinnie
it's giving me the "I hate everyone but you" trope
─ megumi
first of all, you are correct. second of all, are you okay? :(
I noticed that most of the people who have a crush on megumi are exactly like him.
so... how's the daddy issues going?
honestly, you just crave for intimacy in a relationship, you know, being with that kind of person you can sit in a comfortable silence with
your definition of romance is reading a book together in the same room.
you're also sensitive, I think you need a hug
─ gojo
you whore.
I knew y'all down bad when I saw a picture of him in that squat position while reading comments such as ✨riding my phone rn✨
I feel like you have a hard time loving yourself, but you force yourself to since you're persuaded that no one else is going to do it
you're probably hot tbh
but you're also annoying and a strange mix between shy and loud
─ geto
you want an husband don't you?
well, too bad he would probably spit on your face while calling you a fucking monkey. (pretty sure you wouldn't mind the spit part)
no cursed energy, no geto suguru :(
joke aside, I think you're a romantic person
you want flowers and a good morning/night text everyday
can't blame you tho, you know what's good for you and I respect you for that
domestic life is your definition of romance
I see you as a mature person
and you are as horny as gojo's stans, you just managed to hide it
─ nanami
you need to be protected 🥺
idk why but you give me soft vibes
I see you as someone very mature, I would probably trust you to hold my drink during a party.
you're someone people can rely on.
but I have the feeling that you often feel left alone or not good enough and it's a shame since you're the best <3
you're also horny but in a moderate way and the daddy issues are strong with this one.
─ sukuna
you might be shy but you scare me.
you would gladly leave everything behind if it was to serve this man.
you scare me because you're a real paradox, too afraid to ask for ketchup sauce at mcdonald's but would happily sit on a man's lap who has 4 arms, 4 eyes, 4 legs and 2 dicks.
─ mahito
joke, no judgment here, disliking fictional characters only because they're bad and mean seems really boring to me.
it's quite ironic because you're probably a junpei yoshino kinnie even if you won't admit it 💀
like sukuna, it's usually the sweetest and shyest people who have a crush on this psycho.
you're into dark stuff such as tentacle play but once again, no judgment is made.
your mom would probably be disappointed in you if she knew tho
I think you're really good at hiding your "dark side", everyone thinks you're too innocent for your own good, if only they knew ;-;
─ toji
hello everyone and welcome to this session where I'll expose myself, let's start:
hornier than horny.
crazy mf.
alexa play daddy issues by the neighbourhood.
you probably have abandonment and/or trust issues.
you have a crush on toji because of his toxic behavior and since your dad is also toxic you tend to be drawn to toxic men.
or, you desperately want a strong parental figure. someone strong enough to protect you, someone to feel truly safe with.
or both lol
you're also colorblind since you don't seem to see the red flags everywhere 👩🏾‍🦯
toji stans are usually the saddest people in the fandom, their mantra is sad, depressed and horny, all the time.
also, if you have a crush on toji and you're a switch, you're wrong, you're a sub stop lying to yourself.
probably into the predator/prey play thing too.
anyway, church is free bitch.
it's me I am bitch.
─ toge
smol bean 🥺
you're either a cinnamon roll and you need to be protected or a tough person who is secretly a cinnamon roll and need to be protected.
I feel like you tend to feel all your emotions in a very intense way.
you might cry easily or at least you're very sensitive.
you kind of want to smother someone with your love and affection.
you're probably clingy too and you have the habit of constantly blaming yourself when something bad happens.
well, I want you to know that you're precious <3
─ choso
smol bean second edition 🥺
like the toge one, you only want to love and be loved, your intentions are pure and I see you as a very kind person.
you like the idea of teaching choso how to live "normally".
I think you really need to feel connected to the person before getting intimate with them.
─ naoya
do y'all even exist? 😑
pretty privilege in all its glory and the mf is not even that pretty.
I can deal with mahito's sluts but you are something else.
I don't even know what to say, might give you a restraining order.
go make a sandwich to your man I guess...
your self-esteem is worst than the toji, mahito and sukuna stans combined.
─ yuta
romantic slut.
you like the boys who look like 2 minutes away from dying and with gigantic eyeballs because they play minecraft until 5 am in the morning.
I see you as a very gentle person who tends to be a little too kind and often ends up being hurt by the person you have trusted. you cute but please get some sleep.
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jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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skaldish · 2 years
I'll level with y'all on this—I've been focusing on my store a lot because I'm trying to find an additional source of income in the face of disability.
To the shock of no one, I'm a web designer by trade. My background lies in writing and art. It's not lost on me how much I can do with my skillset...but there's also not a lot I can do outside of it.
A few years ago, I started developing chronic soft tissue damage in my dominant hand due to daily computer-work for my job. This, combined with my rapidly-declining mental health due to the pandemic, forced me to move from full-time to contract with my current employer so I wouldn't completely destroy my body or my mind.
I'm blessed that I live in a state that with quality state health insurance. My living expenses are extremely low and I don't need to make a whole lot to squeak by.
However, I now live with a permanent physical limitation, which limits what I can do on a day-to-day basis. Because of this, I've started to look into setting up long-term investments. This includes literal economic investments like stocks and bonds, but also in projects that will sort of just...semi-run themselves after I put in the work needed to get them going.
Given my skillset, e-commerce is perfect for this.
Let me tell you all a little secret. Setting upon an online store and selling things is stupidly, ridiculously easy. It's even more ludicrously easy when you know how to use what I call "rich people tools"—the kind of online marketing solutions wholeass companies use to advertise and grow.
These tools run like a well-oiled machine. Everything about them is about minimizing effort while maximizing profit. Most so-called "social media," like twitter, facebook, and pinterest? They all integrate with these tools seamlessly, because the true purpose of these websites is to be marketing platforms for business owners, so they can deliver their ads directly to people's eyeballs in environments where their guards are down.
It's actually pretty fucking disgusting.
(I've always hated advertisements and the culture that surrounded them. It's why I don't try to push products too heavily here even though I know I can queue up a million reblogs for them. Knowing what I know now just makes me hate it all even more.)
But anyway, for the last month or so, I've been thrown into an ethical dilemma. I don't want to, and never wanted to, monetize Skald's Keep. Its purpose is to be a free website that competes against the monetization and commercialization of Heathenry.
But it's also supposed to be a trustworthy website. By having a store that clearly sells a plethora of direct-to-consumer products, it looks like I have ulterior motivations, and that's not what I'd call trustworthy.
And yet, I need a livelihood, and e-commerce is the strongest play I've got.
Fortunately, I think I figured out my own problem just by hashing things out here—I need to start my own business separate from Skald's Keep. An entirely different website altogether that's clearly just a store, one I can market to hell and back with the disgusting tools capitalism built for itself without sacrificing my intentions for Skald's Keep.
As for the current Skald's Keep store? I think it would be a BALLER idea to turn it into a hub for indie pagan publications—a place to feature all the devotionals, guides, and workbooks I see so many people here make but don't have one place to put 'em.
It would be stupidly easy too. The product entries can link off to whatever platform you're hosting your book on; lulu, amazon, etc. All you'll have to do is give me the link to your book, the image of the book cover, and the paragraph description, and I'll plug it all in. That way, I can showcase the work of the community without necessarily needing to "recommend" it for educational reasons. You'd basically just take advantage of my high-ranking results on google.
It will also create a library where people can easily find non-Folkish stuff, which takes money away from them and puts it in the hands of the average pagan.
Yes, I think this is the plan y'all. We will have our cake and eat it too.
Thanks for being such a great audience and for putting up with my hair-brained shenanigans as I was working through this. <3
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