#I just want the ranch for my cucumber
intercoursefluids · 2 years
bout to pull of some mission impossible shit to get the ranch dressing from my moms room (she has a fridge in there and I *will* have to resist the temptation of stealing one of my niece's string cheese sticks while I am there)
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butchdaydreams · 2 years
Sounds to me like u should spent thousands of dollarydoos $$$ to come to Australia so I can give you as many blowjobs as you would like :3c I'm a simple butch with simple needs and my need to give you a bj is overwhelming at this point
How much money am I supposed to be spending? No blowjob is worth more than my rent, sorry
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nottapossum · 1 month
what are the littles favorite vegetables (if they like any)
I almost want to say carrots for all...but that's just because I really like carrots lol 😆
Okay let's go!
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❤️The best way to get Alastor to eat vegetables is to feed him jambalaya or Gumbo (preferences for jambalaya!) He's extremely picky about food, and won't eat just vegetables. There must be flavor. (Says the guy who eats raw deer)
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🧡Pentious hates all vegetables and will refuse to eat them! Charlie and Vaggie have to trick him by sneaking it into other food.
If he finds out, he will shout at them and express how distraut he is at this betrayal as he continues to eat the food. . . It's good! But he's still angry! 😠
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💚Fizz likes celery and carrots! But only with ranch!
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🩵Moxxie has sensory issues when it comes to food, so it's hard to find vegetables that doesn't bother him.
But He will eat and enjoy carrots, peas, broccoli, and zucchini.
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💜Vaggie likes snack on bell peppers and sugar snap peas! 🫛
❤️Charlie loves: Carrots, and fresh salad with all the fixins, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots. 🥗 😋
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🐁Niffty will eat almost anything...at first before just spitting it out of she decides she hates it.
Sometimes in Alastor's hand which annoys him greatly.
She likes pumpkin, sweet potatoes, beats, mushrooms, and brussle sprouts!
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🦆Lucifer isn't fond of many vegetables, but he likes the crunch of carrots and Sugar snap peas!
Just for fun he'll challenge the others to a crunch war! See who can be the loudest. (Alastor hates that so much!) (Lucifer normally wins)
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💖Angel hates veggies! He likes fruits way better! Husk has to fight him on veggies all the time.
He'll pick it out of his food,
He doesn't care if it has ranch or peanut butter on it, he'll lick it off and leave the veggie there!
They're gross!
Husk is pretty sure he doesn't hate it as much as he claims...just likes fighting him.
🍒Cherri won't eat veggies on their own, they must be accompanied by other food. Broccoli has to come with cheese, carrots need to have ranch, green beans need to be cooked in soy sauce and butter, and salad always needs dressing!
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Clara and Odette both have sensory issues, and enjoy different vegetables.
-Clara: Cooked Zucchini, broccoli, and Carrots.
-Odette: only cooked Carrots and peas. She could eat those all the time and she'd be perfectly happy.
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❤️Blitzø will eat anything with hot sauce! 🔥
@todayimfour @ask-dusty-boy @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @attagirljessy @im-not-paying-my-taxes
As always lmk if you want a part 2!
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scremogirl · 8 months
HII i love ur nonchalant reader sm since i lowkey relate to them too much💀💀 I'm wondering if nonchalant reader w yandere nerd would cause the same reaction or worse?.. :'DD
Omg stop cause why did you open a whole Pandora’s box in my mind!? I also headcanon Nonchalant! Reader as a foodie idek. Original fic here! Nonchalant reader here! Enjoyyyy!!! -Love, Sosa❤️
Nonchalant! Reader with Yandere! Nerd would be sickininggggggg. He would take full advantage of their behavior and use it to get away with things that a normal person would have slapped him for. He is delulu and your attitude is not making it any better 😭. He knows you really don’t care about anyone or anything so that just makes it easier for him.
Before he became popular he would defo try and finesse his way around you.
“Hey… (Y/n)?”
“Uhmmm.. I-I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go get something to eat after we finish this project? It’ll be on me!”
As you two pull up to wherever you decided to eat you see kids from your school through the buildings windows. Everyone has had suspicions that you two were together; you really didn’t care. You knew Yandere! Nerd was just a friend, so why argue? Unbeknownst to you, Yandere! thought you didn’t deny anything because you were already together; playing further into his delusion. You expected people you know to be there and so did he, it’s the reason why he picked this spot.
“Hey, (Y/n)! What’re you doin here? Especially with this freak?” Jeez, this knucklehead again? How many times is he gonna pester you?! Yandere squeezes the drink in his hand, it is only till he here’s the popping of the lid that he stops.
“He isn’t a freak,”
“Really? Because all the freaks I know don’t spend their time working on building fucking Lego sculptures,” he and his goons laugh thinking their funny. You just sigh and give him the classical Kubrick Stare.
“I’m gonna give you the count of three to apologize and get out of my face,” he’s about to say something when he sees you, you have a reputation and he’s not gonna be added to your naughty list. With a quick murmur of an apology, he and his friends leave. You turn back to Yandere! Nerd with a quick head nod once you notice him staring and continue to munch on your food.
That’s ranch on his pants…don’t worry about it.
After he becomes popular, his confidence boosts. He’s too bold for his own good.
“Hey, honey! Did’ya miss me?” you ignore the nickname and continue scribbling on your notepad.
“Oh how you wound me, darling,” with a dramatic sigh he flings his hand to his forehead and flops on you. He stays like that for a while before wrapping his arms around you, face buried in your neck. You continue your scribbling.
“Say, Darling,” he shifts his face around so he can see you. He pauses for a while breathing in your scent. Cucumber Melon; his second favorite to the Peach-Cherryblossom. How he knows that; well, let’s leave that up for interpretation. He sprays it on his pillows before he goes to bed at night, acting like you're there with him.
“There’s this festival after school, Townson Amour? I was wondering if you’d like to come with me,”
“Isn’t that for couples?”
“They’ll be food,”
Another example would be:
Hmmm… I swear you just had that chapstick; it was literally right there. Ah hah! There it is! As you bend down you see the door open behind and the chapstick just so happens to roll away from you to that very same door. Dammit! You’re stuck!
“My, my, my. What a lovely surprise!” You look up amused. You don’t struggle, accepting your fate.
“Hey, you mind getting that chapstick for me?” He looks down and to no surprise there it is at his feet. He bends down to pick it up and smirks.
“You mean, this one?” He waves it around in his hands before popping the cap open and applying it to his lips.
“I don’t know, this flavors pretty good,” you just continue to stare blankly.
“What are you doing here anyways? Don’t you have a club meeting or something?”
“I finished early! I was looking all over for you; if I didn’t know any better,” he walks closer to you, bending his body over yours and whispering in your ear. You can smell the chapstick on his lips, that’s literally how close he is.
“I’d say you were waiting for me,” his hands come up to your waist as he gentley pulls you back to him, successfully pulling you out from where you were stuck.
“Thanks,” you say curlty; reaching for the chapstick in his hand.
“Uh uh uh, not so fast, darling. Don’t you think I deserve a reward?” He invades your space once again.
“Maybe… a kiss?” So you do.
“Keep the chapstick,” you say, gathering your things and walking out of the abandoned classroom.
Hey! How’d that ranch get here?!
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threadbaresweater · 3 months
plz share ur recipes if u can🙏 I'm 23 and just learing how to pack lunches because I'm substitute teaching everyday and painfully learning that I really can't work 8 hours on just celsius😭
oh, my darling..
if you have a rice cooker, rice is one of the easiest things to prep and have on hand. I recently upgraded ours and it says it will make oatmeal, too, but I haven't tried yet. This weekend, I made honey Sriracha chicken. you'll need:
2-3 pounds of boneless skinless chicken cuts of your choice- breasts or thighs work well
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup honey
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons Sriracha sauce
4 cloves of garlic, minced (you can also use what I lovingly refer to as "jarlic"- it's minced garlic in a jar, usually found in the produce section at the grocery store. it doesn't taste as good as fresh garlic, but it's easy and quick)
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
2 tablespoons corn starch
Mix all of this together and pour over chicken in a slow cooker. cook on low for 7-8 hours or on high for 4. shred the chicken when it's fork tender. if you're packing lunches with it, let it cook completely (along with the rice) and divide it up into containers. I really like the glass storage containers (these are the ones I have). honestly, if you make enough rice, this will get you through a week of lunches!
I also make a big bowl of fruit salad. any kind of fruit you like! just wash, cut, and store in an airtight container or divide into your meal prep containers and it's a good snack on the go. Adult lunchables are fun too. Get yourself some fancy crackers and some kind of meat (salami, turkey breast, ham..), a brick of cheese that you can slice up, and trail mix or nuts. some of the meal prep containers have dividers if you shop around and are good for storing these.
Those bagged salad kits are really nice. You get all the stuff you need and only have to mix it. You can add protein if you like, but they're also great on their own! I also always keep simple things on hand for snacks- string cheese, protein bars, good old pb+j, carrot sticks, celery, and cucumbers are favorites around here.
Casseroles are always nice, and they keep well for a few days. You can throw just about anything you like in a baking dish and have a meal for a few days. This Chicken Bacon Ranch pasta is one that even my picky eater loves. Another easy idea is sandwiches. You can be as creative or simple as you like! Grilled or baked, any kind of bread or veggies you want. The possibilities are literally endless.
Honestly, if you do a little Google searching for what you like, there are millions of recipes out there- ranging from super simple to complicated (but ultimately rewarding!). I'm happy to point you in the direction of what my family loves, but I'm sure you have your own taste and preferences, too.
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brotherlysuggestion · 1 month
Hey, for any of my little sibs trying to learn to eat salads/vegetables but running into a lot of unhappiness/failure/sensory issues, I recently started learning to eat veggies after a lifetime of struggling due to autism and sensory issues, and I have some tips that I’ve collected along the way!
Forget all about the “healthiest varieties” or “most nutritional salads” elitism.
A lot of that talk is based on bogus science or half-truths to begin with, but even for anything that’s true, you’re trying to eat in a way that is sustainable for you. You don’t need to be like anybody else. If you like iceberg lettuce, screw the people who say “well that doesn’t have any nutritional value”. It’s fiber and roughage if nothing else! You like a lot of dressing or add ins and people tell you that isn’t a real salad/isn’t a healthy salad? It’s more vegetables than no vegetables! It gets the greens in your body! Do your thing, you don’t deserve guilt (external or internal) for figuring out your own path.
This is about habit forming and breaking bad associations to form better ones.
Think of this as practice! I eat salads nearly daily when available because I genuinely look forward to them now, but I used to want to retch at just the thought of salad. When I used to think of salads, I always thought of being a kid and trying not to gag while forcing sensory hell so that adults wouldn’t get mad at me. It was punishing for me, and it took a lot of gentle work to change that association! So if you hate salads, really try to identify why. Are they bland and tasteless to you? Conversely, are the bitter flavors too strong? Is it a textural thing? Do you have some highly negative experiences with them in the past?
Don’t force yourself to keep trying something you know you hate.
I personally can’t stand a lot of “ultra healthy” salads that have a lot of different textures/flavors mixed in, and years of trying to suffer through salads like that never made me like them more. Back to the first point again, forget about what you’re “supposed” to be eating and eat what you find the least repulsive tbh.
The greens you choose can make a massive difference, so try a lot of different things!
This is especially important if texture or flavor is an issue for you. Personally I find iceberg lettuce the “easiest” because it has a very mild taste. I started out my adventures in learning to eat salad eating EXCLUSIVELY iceberg lettuce. Butter lettuce or romaine (especially romaine hearts) are others that are popular for being pretty palatable, and I’ve come to love them! And you don’t even HAVE to have lettuce! You can have cabbage, beets, carrots, whatever! Pick a vegetable you like and search for salad recipes using it!
Find a dressing you really like and drench that bad boy if you need to!
Some people really like ranch, or poppyseed dressing, or vinaigrettes, or even sweet dressings with honey and fruit! You can use mustard or honey in dressings! Look up different types of salad dressings and try them all out if you want. Personally, I really like zingy dressings like Italian vinaigrettes or blue cheese, but everyone’s different. You can make a lot of dressings at home, too, and if you have the stuff already it can be a cheap way to find what you like. I know dressing freaks some people out, but referencing my very first point again; some salad is way better than no salad. You may even eventually find yourself able to use less and less once you’re more accustomed to eating salad! So use as much as you need, whether it’s just for now or forever.
Toppings! Salads are allowed to be goodies with obstacles!
Use a protein like chicken or fish (I like tuna a lot) or crumbled bacon, use croutons, hummus, little cubes of cheese or shredded cheese, sliced hard boiled eggs, whatever! If there’s vegetables that you know you like, put those in! I love some sliced cucumber or shredded carrots in my salads. Some people do nuts like almonds or cashews in their salads, some people use chickpeas and corn from a can, and if you’re feeling super adventurous you can try some fruit to sweeten things up! If you like variety then mix warm foods and cold foods, creamy textures and crunchy textures! Make it totally your own. Personally, I’ll sometimes eat around my croutons so that once I’ve eaten all of my greens I have a big, crunchy reward. There’s no rules for how you have to eat something!
Conversely, be as simple as you need to be.
If you need to get used to salads by eating just iceberg lettuce and ranch for a while, you don’t need to be embarrassed! You don’t have to throw the kitchen sink at your salad, even if that’s what helps some others! This is about what works for you.
Don’t be afraid to have salad ingredients… not as a salad!
You can make a green smoothie by blending ingredients if texture is your big issue! Or make a fruit smoothie with some spinach or lettuce thrown in to help you ease into it. Or try dicing up some lettuce, cabbage, and a preferred vegetable or two (avocado, bell pepper, tomato, or cucumber would all work!). Drizzle that with a generous amount of dressing or sauce, and you can use it as a chip dip! Tortilla chips work especially well for this. Or maybe make a vegetable wrap in an actual tortilla? Or throw some chopped up vegetables in your next soup. Even if it’s as simple as putting some lettuce, carrots, or tomatoes into a sandwich, that’s awesome too!
Even outside of salads, experiment with texture for vegetables!
You can roast most vegetables on a sheet pan in the oven (or in an air fryer) for a crispy and crunchy experience! Or you can boil or steam them on a stovetop (or in the microwave) to different levels of softness; you can get most vegetables pretty mushy with enough time, if crunchy textures are hard for you! Looking up vegetarian versions of your favorite meat-including dishes can sometimes also offer great ideas for getting different textures out of vegetables! Try everything that you think you might like: grilling, griddling, roasting, steaming, boiling, sautéing, braising, stir frying, and blanching (which also helps reduce bitterness!) are all different methods to look into, and different methods have different results with different vegetables!
Big takeaway…
Be patient and kind with yourself. Working through food aversions is hard. The goal is gently pushing/testing your boundaries and expanding your comfort zone, NOT forcing yourself. Forcing yourself into extreme discomfort, distress, or pain typically only makes aversions worse! So it’s in your best interest to be patient and go as slowly as you need to. Be proud of yourself for trying, and don’t let anyone (including yourself) make you feel shame for doing what you can.
And obligatory disclaimer:
Please don’t get discouraged if none of these tips work for you! This isn’t an exhaustive list, and I’m not any kind of professional. This is just a mix of tips I’ve seen online, and what worked for myself and my own sensory issues, and I’m still learning more about myself all the time! If you’re struggling, there’s still more out there! You can achieve your goals, I believe in you. 💖
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I have a request, this time for Dad Josh! I thought the blurb you wrote for Dad Danny feeling his baby kick for the first time was so stinking cute! Could you maybe write the same but this time for Josh? 🥹
Baby kicks Josh version coming up! 💕
Warnings: pregnancy
It was the middle of the night and you had to pee for the hundredth time. Sighing, you slowly and carefully roll out of bed. You go to the bathroom, and when you come out, you start feeling a little peckish. So you go to the kitchen to find a snack. 
Rummaging through the fridge, you decide on cucumbers and ranch dip. As you start slicing the cucumber, Josh walks in rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Hey. The baby wake you up?” He asks, slipping onto the stool at the counter.
“Yeah, I swear his favorite place to be is right on my bladder.”
“I’m sorry doll. Do you want me to do that for you?” He asks motioning toward the food.
“I’d really appreciate it. My back is killing. Thank you, lovey.” You say.
“It’s no problem, anything for you. Here come sit and I’ll finish up.” He says getting off the stool and coming around the counter, taking your place.
“Thank you. Would you mind cutting some carrots and broccoli too please?” You sheepishly ask.
“Not at all.”
Once all the veggies were prepped, Josh loaded them onto a plate and spooned out some dip on the side. He slid the plate across the counter. Taking the plate, you thank him. He says you’re welcome and comes around to sit next to you.
Taking a bite of one of the cucumber slices, you sigh contently.
“Just what you needed?” Josh asks with a chuckle.
Nodding your head, yes, you take another bite. You’re about halfway through the plate when you start feeling kicking.
“Josh, give me your hand.” You say.
He reaches over and you place near where you just felt a kick. As soon as you place his hand, baby kicks and kicks hard. Wide eyes, Josh’s mouth drops. He’s speechless. Fully turning toward you, he places his other hand on your belly. Just a few seconds later he feels another kick. He is in awe. He'd never been able to feel them before.
Kneeling down, he speaks to your belly, “Hello pumpkin. I felt that. You did so good! Do you think you can do it one more time? Give me one more big kick, bug.”
A few moments pass and there it is. A third kick. Tears begin to fall down his face. “Thank you kiddo. I am so excited to meet you. Your mama and I love you so much. You are all that we could’ve ever dreamed and hoped for. We can't wait for you to come and we get to see your beautiful face.” He says leaning in and kissing your baby bump.
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manda-kat · 7 months
Foods you can make and experiment with that are super easy, for people like me who are afraid of cooking:
Salad. Most salads don't take any cooking skill. In fact, the most you have to do is chop a few vegetables. Can be a side or a main course. My advice is to buy a bagged salad at a supermarket, the kind that's mostly just lettuce and red onions and then grab a tomato and a cucumber. Grab your favorite dressing (if you don't have a favorite or are unsure, the safest bet is Italian dressing (has a zing) or Ranch dressing (creamy)) and put it all together. Experiement with different veggies, dressings or add proteins.
Ramen. Look, we all know you can microwave a cup of noodles. Don't microwave it. Take it up a notch. Put water in a little pan, put noodles in a pan and make them that way. It takes like five minutes. The key part is that you cannot just add the noodle seasoning. Try adding soy sauce, an egg, meat, veggies (broccoli and cabbage are a win) and/or spices (chili powder is a good choice for spice, garlic powder is fantastic for everything.)
Chicken salad. Canned chicken is already cooked, so you don't have to do a thing to it. Add mayonnaise, celery, lettuce, cucumber, whatever you like. It's nice and light, but still gives that protein we all struggle to find. Put it on toast or a croissant if you feel inclined. Chips and crackers are fantastic as well. Salt and peppet vigorously.
Tuna salad. Same concept as chicken salad. I always add relish and mayo to mine.
Hoagie. Grab a sub roll and just gather together your favorite order from Subway or Jimmy John's. And you'll have enough to have subs all week if you want. Don't forget the chips.
And lastly, for my super duper secret recipe. My favorite easy meal that looks super complicated but can't be beat and is easy peasy to make...
French Toast.
Grab bread. Not normal bread. Fancy bread. I prefer cinnamon swirl raisin bread, but I recommend trying a few and finding your favorite. Get a bowl and pop two eggs into it. Pour some milk in there. How much? We don't measure in this house. Roughly equal parts egg and milk, I suppose. Now add vanila extract (DO NOT use the recommended tumblr amount I beg you) and a tiny bit of sugar and then some cinnamon. Of course swirl it around with a fork to get a good mix. Put butter on your griddle or pan (pan will burn faster than griddle, be warned) and let it melt and coat everything. Dunk your bread slices and pop them on the heat. Flip them every few seconds until each side is toasty and pop it on your plate. Use syrup if you want.
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slavicafire · 22 days
On your breakfast struggles, it sounds like Muesli (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muesli) is something that will fit right in. You can get readymade ones of most major brands (nestle, kellogs, or your local brands). They have nuts and oats which are quite healthy and filling. You just add warm or cold milk and some fruits to give it some flavour. You can also add peanut butter for a bit of creamy texture. Its not sweet (except for the fruits) and easy to digest and can be made savoury (with additions like peanut butter). If ready-made version is not available, you can just get the ingredient and mix them up in a big jar and use that. Its the same and probably cheaper that way.
Besides that you could try Poha (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poha_(rice)). Its a very common breakfast across India supposedly its easy to make and can be made overnight or early in the morning. I love it but have never bothered to learn to cook it. You can add peanuts and other things to it to make it more delicious and savoury.
I am a big fan of smoothies with coffee, protein powder, bananas, oats and nuts. Its not too sweet and quite filling. But along with it i usually grab atleast a peanut butter toast to fill my stomach. Peanut butter toast itself is one of my favourite breakfast of all times. Add some bananas to the toast and its even nutritious and healthy.
If you're not vegetarian or vegan, then omelette and toast is an easy and obvious choice. There is a version of omelette in India called Masala Omellete which is basically eggs with diced tomato, onion, capsicum; salt and pepper, and a few other spices (if you have any), beaten / mixed throughly and then cooked on a hot pan. I am guessing you didnt immediately go for omelette coz you don't want to cook. (I might have missed this if you have mentioned it. Sorry).
For a while i would just grill a bunch of chicken and put it in the fridge. It would last few days during which every morning i'd just heat it up and slap it on to a cheese toast. Its delicious and filling and feels like a full breakfast and takes less than 5 mins to put together if you already have grilled chicken.
Another go to i have is a cottage cheese or boiled egg salad. Cottage cheese can just be had as is. It doesn't need cooking. So just mix in a bunch of veggies (tomato, onion, capsicum, cucumber, carrot are easy choices coz they don't need cooking), throw in some sauces (whatever you have hummus, ranch, mayo, barbecue, sweet onion, literally whatever); salt & pepper; shake it up and you're done.
Honestly my go to on busy mornings is a peanut butter toast, which i quickly put together and just take with me and nibble on as i rush to work.
Hope this helps. Bon-apple-tea.
poha sounds very interesting! thank you for the ideas
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turtledude · 2 years
Personal headcanons for 2012 tmnt turtles. Fluff 🌸
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-secretly loves rom-com but will never tell a soul
-bonus: Mikey found out when he snuck into raphs room and saw him crying while watching the titanic, he never let him live it down
-has way to many protein shakes
-doesn’t like chocolate but LOVES sour candy
-he loves punk rock but occasionally lets his inner swifty out
-color blind because I said so and it somehow makes sense
-hyper active adhd
-Donnie had to explain pronouns to him. He understood pretty quick but didn’t think much of it. He probably wouldn’t care if someone used she/her on him but he prefers he/him
-he doesn’t like to verbally apologize but if he makes one of his brothers upset on accident he’ll leave a note in their room saying he was sorry and that if they told anyone he apologized they would face his rath
-gets really sad if an animal doesn’t like him but pretends he doesn’t care. (Def a dog person but likes cats)
-I also see him as Demi-romantic and bi. He can’t see a relationship happening if he doesn’t trust you or know you well enough, so I think it fits him(yes I know he fell really quickly for Mona but that doesn’t matter shh)
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-loves cucumber water
-fav movies are horror films
-he always points out the mistakes if the gore doesn’t look accurate
-I headcanon that when Donnie was younger one of his teeth was loose and Raph like tied a string to it and a door to get it out but it was the wrong tooth. Raph still feels bad about that(I got this idea from a fan made comic but I forgot which)
-He’s autistic you can’t prove to me she’s not
-he’s had a wide range of special intrests which is why they know a lot of random stuff.
-they already knew about pronouns and think any fit him, but it took her a while to realize her sexuality
-bi king
-he’s scared of dogs, def a cat person
-doesn’t like the texture of meat that much
-he often makes things for her brothers to show he cares for them. Time and gift giving is the way they show affection
-not used to physical touch but loves hugs, especially Mikey’s hugs. She finds it really sweet
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-they love pickles so much (probably tried it on pizza while his brothers just looked horrified in the distance)
-lactose intolerant but doesn’t care (his brothers suffer for it)
-def still watches my little pony (me too it’s okay)
-innetentive adhd
-forgets things constantly but always feels bad about it
-Raphs gotten into the habit of reminding him about stuff and Mikey really appreciates it
-loves action films but thinks horror is too scary
-their pan like I just can’t see it any other way
-bros got rizz with everyone/j
-doesn’t really care about pronouns but prefers they/he
-he prefers cats over dogs but still thinks dogs are cute
-their very physically affectionate and hugs their brothers as much as they’ll let him cough* Raph
-listens to music when he’s upset
-if he makes one of his brothers upset they get really mad at himself, they’ll constantly apologize and try to make them feel better
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-autistic and his special interest is space hero’s
-loves action and comedy movies(even better when it’s a mix)
-he hates mayonnaise, idk he just looks like he hates it.
-the type of guy to eat ranch on his pizza
-he’s gay your honor
-whenever he tries to act serious his brothers try to mess with him and make him laugh, it works everytime
-he’s trans and uses he/him cause I’m right
-literally cannot decide whether he likes cats or dogs more
-even though he tries to be mature, he can pretty hot headed sometimes. He’s also stubborn so if you make him mad it will take a bit before he apologizes
-but even with that if he calms down and realizes he actually upset his brothers or friends, he’s gonna apologize. He doesn’t want to ruin a relationship just because he’s stubborn
-he has scars from fighting and sometimes feels a little self conscious about them, but Raph always tells him they look cool and it actually makes him like them more
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whatsnewalycat · 2 years
Just Dumb Enough to Try
Chapter 10: Take Me to Church
Word Count: 3.6k
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Content Tags / CW: swearing, smoking, pining, mental health spiral, cheating/infidelity, lying, catholic church, oral sex (m receiving), church sex, bathroom sex, dirty talk, making shit up about Javi's origin story, parent death, car accident death, establishing relationship expectations
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Chapter Summary: Our heroes have a fun time at church.
Notes: Chapter title from "Take Me to Church" by Hozier. We've officially made it into the second act of this story- yay! I'm going to take the series summary off of these posts going forward, but if you'd like a series summary, click first chapter. Comments, questions, concerns? Let me know :) I like receiving feedback. OK, THAT'S ALL, THANK YOU FOR READING!
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St. Mary’s Church, Laredo, TX
June 21, 1998
The pew creaks beneath your weight as you shift in your seat between Dan and Cheryl. As far as Baker family outings, going to church is both your least favorite and the most frequent. They’re Catholic, and mass lasts almost an hour and a half most Sundays. This gives you ample time to daydream about anything, as long as you stand, sing, and sit when everyone else does. Overall, you’re there because it makes Dan and his family happy, and (ever the people pleaser) you want to stay on everyone’s good side.
It’s almost always incredibly boring (hence the daydreaming). Today though… you and Javier are stealing glances at each other. Each small glimpse makes your heart skip and cheeks blush. A fluttering feeling creeps across your chest, then liquefies into heat that pools in your center.
You just saw him yesterday afternoon up at the Pour House, but you were there with Dan and his friend, Greg. When Javi entered the bar, he came over to say hello to everyone, then sat down next to you and chatted with you while Dan talked with Greg. Dan didn’t pay the interaction much mind, but on the way home he asked what you two had discussed, to which you answered vaguely, “We were just catching up. You know, wedding planning, how the ranch is going, movies, all that.”
“He hasn’t been trying anything with you, right?”
“Javi? No,” you grimaced, “He’s never been inappropriate with me. We’re just friends.”
“Better not,” he said sternly.
Never mind the fact that his hand was resting on my bare leg the whole time, fingers drawing sweet nothings onto my skin.
You’re in this now. Actively lying, sneaking, cheating.
“Doesn’t he have a thing with Kim, anyway?” you asked, looking out the window. You didn’t think that was still happening, but the question (which you only asked to cause misdirection) churned your stomach with anxiety. Even if they were still seeing each other, it’s not like you’ve established exclusivity with Javi. You’ve barely established a romantic relationship with him.
“Yeah, but you never know with guys like that,” Dan squinted over at you, curling his lip.
The word yeah dug into your skin like a sliver.
What does he mean yeah? Is there something I don’t know? Not that I'm the boss of Javier or anything. He’s free to do what he wants. I'm cool with whatever. I'm cool as a cucumber.
You shrugged, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
So why do I feel like this is my circus and my goddamn monkey?
You’re jostled out of your thoughts as you realize the people in the row in front of you are rising to go get communion. Once they file out and start towards the sanctuary, everyone in your row rises. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.
When you flush the toilet, you hear the heavy bathroom door open and close as someone enters, but doesn’t go into the other stall. You pull up your underwear and straighten your turquoise dress before emerging, the click clack of your heels echoing around the room. You jump when you look up and see Javi is leaning up against the tile wall, looking up at you, arms crossed expectantly.
“What are you doing?” you ask in a hushed tone, whipping your head around to make sure there’s no one else in here.
He pushes himself off the wall and advances towards you- eyebrows drawn together, lips parted, gaze hot. He’s on you at once, hands cupping your face, guiding you back into the stall, locking the door behind him.
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he breathes onto your mouth. A grin spreads across your face and heartbeats like a bass drum start thumping in your chest. You run your fingernails through his hair, gazing up into those mischievous dark brown eyes. He keeps eye contact with you, running his hands up and down your waist affectionately. His whispers continue, “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, I… I need to touch you, I couldn’t stop myself from following you.”
“You’re such a trouble maker,” you tease, then raise yourself up onto the balls of your feet and brush your lips against his, back and forth. He inhales sharply and mimics your motions. The feather light touch sends shivers up your spine. His mouth curls into a smile and you can’t resist any longer. When your lips meet his, he savors the feeling for just a moment before running his tongue along yours. A small gasp escapes you when he bites your bottom lip, then starts trailing kisses down to your neck. You tilt your head back and thrust your hips into his. He runs his tongue in circles down your throat. Your knees go weak and you involuntarily let out a moan.
“I th-thought public bathrooms were o-off limits?” you pant, untucking and unbuttoning his dress shirt until you can reach up and splay your fingers across the tender warm skin of his abdomen. A shudder racks his body, then he presses his lips back to yours.
“I can’t wait any longer. Look at you- fuck ,” he pushes you up against the wall and starts pawing at your dress, trying to get his hands underneath without moving his lips from yours. You shake your head at him coyly, then swap positions with him so he’s the one against the wall. Your hands travel down to his belt buckle, undoing it with a deafening jingle that ricochets off the bathroom walls.
“Must be a special day if you’re wearing underwear,” you tease, tugging at the tight material of his boxer briefs until they’re down to his ankles. Pointing a finger at his mouth, you instruct him to suck. He grabs your wrist as he gladly accepts the digit into his mouth, enthusiastically rolling his tongue around it.
All the air whooshes from his lungs as you crouch down to look at him. His cock is engorged and thick; he is deliciously well-endowed. You look up into his wild eyes as you place your wet finger tip onto the thick bead of pre-cum hanging off of his cock, then drag it down his length. He looks down at you, pleading, desperate for more stimulation.
Javier lets out a small cry when you follow the same path with your tongue, then back up again. You slide the head into your mouth and swirl your tongue around it, then seal your lips around his girth, bobbing back and forth, taking a bit more of him each time. He holds himself back from interfering with your process, watching you graduate his cock to a deeper level with each thrust. Hushed grunts and whines fall from his mouth, seeming so much louder than they actually are as they reverberate off the empty walls.
When the head hits your gag reflex, it gets triggered, and you let out a choking noise. You take it out and catch your breath, stroking him attentively as you try to relax your throat. The sound of you jerking him off is obscenely loud. He groans, “That’s so good baby, h-holy shit yes , you’re such a good girl.”
Sinking down from your crouch onto your knees, you adjust so you can get a better view of him coming undone. Your lips wrap around his cock and you start working faster, relishing the feeling of him rubbing against your lips, your tongue, the roof of your mouth, dipping into your throat when you can handle it. You bring a hand to his balls and cup them, rubbing your thumb across the sensitive sack gently. He shudders under your touch and it only makes you more ravenous.
“Look at me,” he rasps, and your gaze shoots up to him as he chokes out, “That’s perfect, baby. Can you take more?”
Your eyes water when you try, but you’re able to relax enough to start taking him deeper. He nods in approval and you continue working enthusiastically, finding a steady rhythm that makes his eyes flutter. His hands grab onto your hair and you moan, taking him in as deep as you can. “H-holy shit. Can- can I fuck your face?”
You pull off of him, saliva stringing from his cock to your face as you gasp for air, “Fuck- fuck yes, you can do anything to me.”
You take him into your mouth again and look up at him. His lips are puckered, brow furrowed, sweating through his nice dress shirt. He puts a hand on either side of your head and slowly thrusts forward, testing the waters. You relax your throat and jaw enough that on his next thrust, his cock slides deeper into throat. He starts to go faster, at which point you’re sure you could fucking drown someone in your panties with how wet you are. He’s using your mouth as his fuck toy and it’s everything you could ask for in this moment. He whispers sweet affirmations, telling you how good you’re taking him, how fucking sexy you are, how crazy you make him, how you’ve been making a home in his brain, living there, nesting.
The squelching and moaning coming from your mouth is echoing off the walls of this church bathroom, but it’s like you’re the only two people on earth. His lip curls up and his rhythm starts to grow more frenzied. He whimpers, “I’m- I’m gonna cum, baby. In your mouth?” You nod and bat your eyelashes up at him.
He’s looking down at you, tears brimming your lust-blown eyes, cheeks hollowed out, lips swollen and wet as his cock thrusts in and out of your pretty face-
A series of small moans leave his lips. His hips reach a fever pitch, then jerk forward a few times as cum spills into your mouth. You swallow the load while his cock is still submerged. His chest is still heaving when the death grip he has on your head softens and he pulls himself out with a pop . He pulls his boxer briefs up before helping you rise from your knees. Once upright, his thumb runs along your tingling, swollen lips, then he kisses you, coaxing your mouth open with his tongue so he can be inside you one more time before parting.
He pulls himself together and re-enters the chapel while you review the damage in the bathroom mirror. You look… like you just sucked someone off, honestly. Hair mussed, red puffy lips, mascara transferred onto your cheeks… and is that a fucking hickey ??
I’m going to murder him.
Once you fix yourself up the best you can and exit the bathroom, you realize the recessional hymn is playing, and decide that there’s really no point in going back into the chapel.
So, you grab your sketchbook and cigarettes out of your car, then open the hatchback so you can sit in the cargo area. Thankfully, your dress is long enough that you can cross your legs and prop the book up onto your thigh without the world seeing your soaked underwear. Cigarette in one hand, pencil in the other, you look around for inspiration; an out of place willow tree catches your eye, so you start to draw it. You hear a familiar gait approach and peak up from your paper to confirm it’s Javi. He lights up and sits next to you, observing your work in progress.
“Hello there,” you grin.
“Long time no see,” he winks.
A hum buzzes off your lips, then you point to the new marking on your skin with your pencil and scold him, “You gave me a hickey.”
His eyebrows raise and eyes widen; he winces as he inspects the enflamed skin, “ Shit . I got a little too carried away, I’m sorry.”
You look over at his apologetic face and wave it off, “I’ll just say I burned myself with my curling iron or something,” then continue sketching. Truth be told, you like the marking because it’s from him. If it weren’t for your scandalous predicament you’d wear it like a badge of honor. He leans back onto his elbows and casually watches you work, puffing away like a chimney. The silence that settles is comfortable. It’s so easy to spend time with him.
The other day, the two of you laid in the bed of his truck, bodies tangled in some configuration or another until the sun set. You exchanged ghost stories and urban legends. He told you that he believes in ghosts, which is shocking, but forbade you from telling a soul. Even after the cold set in until it made your fingertips numb and your bodies ached from laying against the hard metal ridges of truck bed, you were playing chicken, seeing which of you would say they have to leave first.
His presence is like a blanket, warm and comforting. But you sense that you have barely skimmed the surface of this man. You suppose he could say the same about you, too, and he’d be right. It seems that both of you have built a fortress around your hearts. With each talk, laugh, kiss, touch, comfortable silence… you allow yourselves to disarm it a little more.
Javi sits up and reviews at your progress. You tell him, “Did you know that if you plant a willow branch, a new tree will grow from it?”
He turns to look at you, raising his eyebrows, smiling at this fun fact, “Really?”
“Probably not this one, though,” he bites the inside of his cheek for a beat, then continues, gesturing to the huge shaggy tree, “It’s completely illogical that this tree is growing here. Weeping willows don’t grow in Texas.”
Your face screws up in confusion, “They don’t? Then how…?”
He looks as bewildered as you, “I have no idea. It’s why my abuela chose this church, though, because it’s a miracle that it exists here,” his gaze drops to his fidgeting hands, “Funny enough, my parents ended up meeting here when they were kids. Pop was homeschooled, so I don’t even know if they would have met otherwise.”
You set down your pencil and turn to him, “That’s how your parents ended up meeting? A freak willow tree brought them to the same place?”
“It sounds ridiculous when you say it like that,” he laughs.
“It’s like a fairy tale,” you giggle, placing your hand on his arm, “So, yes, it is ridiculous. But also… romantic. I love it.”
You rub your thumb affectionately against his arm through his suit jacket, hesitating to ask the question on the tip of your tongue. Speaking softly, you ask, “I’m sorry if this is out of line, but… is your mom…?”
“She died in 1982,” his gaze flicks to yours, you suppose he’s gauging whether or not to continue, “in a car accident,” he takes a deep breath and looks off at nothing in particular, “I uh… I was the Sheriff’s Deputy here at the time and first responder on the scene.”
“ Fuck , Javi,” you whisper, limbs falling limp at the implication.
He doesn’t say anything for a while, just stares into the distance with that haunted look upon his face. When he opens his mouth to continue, his voice is raspy, “Seeing her… that’ll stick with me forever. She was already dead, couldn’t do anything, but I tried. My dad hasn’t been the same since then, you know. We uh… we miss her a lot.”
“Javi-“ you squeeze his arm and he turns towards you, eyes somber and watery. You pull him in for an embrace, cradling his head on your chest. It doesn’t matter who sees or what they think about this moment, that’s not what’s important. You brush your fingers through his locks, holding him close, breathing in the scent that’s so perfectly him. You wish you could take away all the pain, but know you can’t. His body becomes less rigid as he melts into you and wraps his arms around your torso. Quietly, you tell him, “I’m sorry that happened to you. And… thank you for trusting me with your story.”
“Thank you for listening, cariño.” he mumbles into your chest. You release him. The pet name he’s given you tightens your chest and makes you blush every time it rolls off his lips.
“Anytime,” you try to wink. It doesn’t work.
“You ok?” he raises an eyebrow at you while leaning back onto his elbows.
“Yeah I was um… winking at you,” you hide your reddened face.
He snorts, amused smile breaking out on his face, “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm,” you clamp your lips together, stifling laughter. Then look back up at him to demonstrate your wink again, which is more like one eye clenching shut while the other twitches uncontrollably.
Laughter erupts out of both of you. He asks between breaths, “You- you know what a wink is, right?”
“Oh my god shut the fuck up,” you cackle, smacking his chest, “I was just trying to be charming, like you!”
“You’re plenty charming. Maybe not good at winking, but you are charming,” he grins over at you and winks perfectly.
“You’re lucky I like you so much or I’d kick your ass,” you tease. Your heart lurches in your chest when you see the endearing way he’s looking at you.
He mumbles, “I’d like to see you try.”
You roll your eyes at him playfully and turn your attention back to drawing the freak of nature willow tree. Javier observes you occasionally while watching people, particularly keeping an eye out for either of your families. Eventually, you start thinking about Javier and Kim again, and curiosity gets the best of you. It just keeps gnawing at your mind and you can’t stop yourself from asking.
“I- I have a question,” you squeak.
He furrows his brow and looks over at you expectantly.
“Are you… seeing Kim?” you stumble, “Like, too? - I mean- obviously I have no say in that or whatever but-“ you clear your throat, “just, like, so I know.. you know?”
He seems to freeze up as he’s processing this. Your heart beats faster, tension builds in your shoulders, and you literally cannot stop yourself from continuing, “Because I know you two had uhm… kissed, or whatever, and you were her date last weekend…”
His expression doesn’t change, his eyes just search your face. You wriggle in your seat nervously.
“But we started uhh,” you swallow hard, trying to pantomime, “I guess, this… thing. And I just want to know.”
At this point, your heart is pounding so hard, you feel dizzy and you’re practically panting.
Am I sweating? Am I having a panic attack?
“No, I’m not involved with Kim. Or anyone else. Just you,” h e looks down at his hands, “I actually talked to her- Kimmy- after last weekend. We both agreed it would be better if we’re friends.”
The festering bundle of anxiety in your chest dissipates with a heavy exhale, immediately replaced by embarrassment and relief, “Why did you let me keep rambling like that? Jesus Christ.”
He raises his hands in the air defensively, “I was waiting for you to finish talking!” Then chuckles and smiles at you, “Besides, you were pretty cute, getting all flustered like that.”
Your face burns scarlet and you try to hide it by looking down at your paper and letting your hair cover your face. You feel him watching you.
“Hey, look at me,” he says softly. You sigh as you look up and let him see your beet red face. He tucks the hair in your face behind your ear, “Tell me what’s on your mind.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, then look down, “It’s just so silly because, you know, I’m fucking engaged. Why do I care if you see someone else? How is that even fair?” you confide, then throw your head back and groan, “It’s not. It’s not fair. But I think of you with someone else and, fuck , it tears me up. But what if you’re holding off on pursuing someone because of me? What if that person is the one you’re supposed to be with? What happens when I-” you stop and shake your head.
What happens when I fall in love and you leave for someone better?
He takes this opportunity to cut in and stop you from rambling into oblivion, “I’m pursuing you because I want you. I wouldn’t normally entertain the idea of being a paramour, trust me. It wouldn’t be worth the hassle,” your eyebrows draw together, you look over at him. He meets your gaze and smirks, “For anyone else, it wouldn’t be worth it. But you are.”
You realize you haven’t been breathing, so take a sharp inhale. Your heart hammers in your chest and you can feel heat rising in your face again. Every part of you feels a magnetic pull to him, aching for his touch.
“Why would you say something like that to me when we’re in public and I can’t kiss you?” you chide.
He grins at you so wide you can see his dimples and goddamn him .
“Can you wait until tomorrow?”
“If I have to.”
“I’ll pick you up around 3?”
You nod, biting your bottom lip.
You look down at the willow tree doodle, tear its page out, and hand it to him before you scoot out of the car, “I should go see what’s taking them so long. Bye, Javi.”
“See you tomorrow, beautiful.”
You don’t look back as you make your way back into the church, but by the time you and Dan come back out to leave, the trunk is closed and his red truck is gone from the lot.
[ Next Chapter ]
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kenkubluk · 10 months
grocery list time~
literally just get these things if you want a vegan low cal life, because you can control portions and make things you enjoy eating with less calories- i made some example recipes under the list:
SPICES. please make the investment into SPICES!
->continuation of spices, heres a basic list- cocoa powder, cinnamon, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, veggie bouillon powder/cubes, salt, pepper, lemon pepper, etc (you can find more online but please dont forget it)
->and simple sauces like soy sauce, basic hot sauce, mustard, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, etc.
stevia or agave fruit sweetener. (please make sure whatever you choose you dont buy any sweetener with aspartame!!)
dairy free yogurt (i’ve heard coconut is good)
dairy free butter (earthbalance is my fav by far)
-> you could also make due with olive oil (cooking)
1st milk for normal stuff- unsweet cashew milk or unsweet creamy almond milk
->2nd milk for cooking- i suggest soymilk but creamy coconutmilk works good too
tofu. extra firm and silky work for different things (meat substitutes, egg substitute, diff. milk products substitutes) get either/both
carrots, mushrooms, chickpeas, and cauliflower all make good meat substitutes (bacon, chicken nuggets, pulled pork, etc) if cooked properly
OATS! plain oats are soooo versatile (used as flour, cereal, granola, crust, etc)
ricecakes (i use it as replacement for toast)
Pumpkin or sweet potato (in NO SYRUP canned form, very good for cooking low cal desserts or protein bars)
apple sauce (used for cooking and just yum- can be an egg substitute)
low cal noodle types- chickpea, edamame, shirataki, konjac, cauliflower, zucchini, spaghetti squash, and i think miracle noodle
literally any and all veggies and fruits- but a reminder of basics are broccoli, cucumber, onions, spinach, beets, eggplant, tomato, zucchini, potato, apple, banana, grapes, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, mango, etc
WARNING ⚠️ be careful of sugar free drink flavor packets as they contain aspartame and other strange ingredients that ppl have complained of side effects- i would suggest to steer clear of many of the packets and go for a large unsweetened lemonade or fruit punch bin of flavoring so you can make it yourself. please check ingredients for health reasons.
-> HOWEVER, drinks like olipop, simple truth organic, waterloo, and zevia all have flavored water/sparkling water/cola drinks that are aspartame free.
I highlighted things that i think are really important
Veggie dip: yogurt, seasoning spices (ranch seasoning is goated), and a tbsp or lemon or soysauc, all mixed and best used as a “veggie chip” dip, like baked cucumber chips
Literally any cake/protein bar: oats blended, protein powder, 1/2cup apple sauce OR mashed banana, some milk, and whatever toppings you like
Granola: oats, chia seeds, cut up fruit pieces, and maple syrup or honey for binding. mix in bag, bake on baking sheet on pan.
Hot n sour soup: you can use hot n sour packet or make veggie bouillon and add hot sauce, soy sauce, and tsp chili powder. Then (to whichever mix you’ve made) add egg mixing around, and then add extra firm tofu in little cubes. Let the soup mix well and set a little while cooling.
Nicecream: freeze banana. add banana, tbsp of milk, 2 tbsp of yogurt, tbsp of sweetener, and a fruit of choice (a tbsp of protein powder also will help). blend with blender and then let it sit for a minute- add whatever you want on top
my best “toast”: seasalt ricecake, spread 1tbsp vegan cream cheese, and then spread 1.5 tbsp of organic raspberry jelly.
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jellogram · 1 year
It's so wild to me when people are afraid of horses and act like they're cold-blooded lizard creatures and it's also wild when horse girls are like "We share a special connection... he always knows what I'm thinking..." because I worked at a ranch for two years and my big takeaway is that horses have significantly less going on in their skull than anyone thinks. Have you ever looked in their eyes?? It's just emptiness. We took an anxious, low-intelligence prey animal and bred it into a job and no one wants to acknowledge that this creature onto which we project so much is like two degrees of separation from a cucumber
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floydsmuse · 6 months
Meggy, I'm trying really hard with the Calvin thoughts, I really am, but the Miles Miller thoughts/thots really started talkin and it just couldn't be helped (lol).
Benny absolutely loves to help with the chores around the ranch and he's so friggin cute while doing it (lol). Maybe it's a warm spring day and the grass is nice and green, the flowers are in bloom and everything is just bursting to life. Maybe you're pregnant with Jesse and your bump is getting in the way a little bit. You're hanging all the sheets, pillowcases and shirts out on the clothesline to dry and you drop one. You squat down to pick it up but Benny comes waddle-running over and sternly tells you, "No mommy, no! Daddy say no bend over! I gon help you!" (lol).
Miles loves bringing Benny to go and collect the eggs because he knows it'll keep the broody rooster and the hens in line and from pecking his boots. Benny will be tossing the feed to the chickens while Miles is checking to make sure the eggs aren't fertilized before bringing them back to the house.
Miles and Otis both teach Benny how to milk the cows too. You and Miles adopted four females who mated with a bull and it was one of the best decisions you could have made since it cut back on the grocery bills. The other good thing too was that Miles and Otis didn't have to milk them as often since the calves are still little and can nurse in the early hours of the morning (Rhett and Royal also do that with Abigail, one of the dairy cows Cecelia took in) and you guys get all the milk, cheese and yogurt you could want (especially since Miles is a fiend for all three, lol). You know too that it's time for the cows to be milked when Benny comes back carrying a metal bucket and clanking it with your wooden spoon (lol).
The orchards are by far yours and Miles's favorite places on the ranch. The grape orchards always smell so good and there's rows and rows of apple, blueberry, apricot and huckleberry bushes. Miles loves being out in the field but seriously hates cutting the grapevines back if they're really overgrown and has to keep poor Benny from eating half the crop because they're just that good (lol).
On the property, you're especially grateful for the swimming hole. Montana winters are super cold but oof, those mountain summers are HOT. Half the time you and your family will just dive in without a second thought on especially hot days. Benny loves looking for the duck nests and watching the mallard and his mate leading their little duckies down to the water and anytime you guys have stale or moldy bread that needs to go, Benny will gladly take it down to the swimming hole to feed to them.
He also loves to help with the vegetable garden too. Benny loves to yank up the carrots, parsnips, radishes, turnips, beets, ginger, garlic, potatoes and onions and Miles doesn't mind in the least when dirt sprays everywhere. He loves to pick the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans and big fat squash that like to creep through the dirt. In Fall, you guys get big, fat orange pumpkins that soon become jack-o-lanterns, soups, stews and pumpkin pies.
Speaking of which, Benny loves to help in the kitchen too, especially when you make the German chocolate cake that Miles's grandma, Essie, used to make and it's so tasty especially with the farm fresh eggs, milk and cream that you guys have (lol). Beef, pork and chicken are especially easy to get and Miles even trained the pigs how to find mushrooms which is an added plus for the kitchen. You always have fresh bread being baked no matter what time of the year it is and you always laugh when Benny pulls up a chair and sits in front of the oven to watch it rise.
Meggy I promise you I will try and get some Calvin thoughts/thots together soon, I'm tryin and it's a BITCH!!!! (lol).
Mary my darling! don’t worry about it :) i will gladly accept any thots/thoughts that come up! i love our precious boy Miles & i can’t wait to read what you’ve sent in!
~ aww little Benny helping out with the chores :,) i just know he feels like such a big boy & is all giddy to help out mommy in any way he can🥹 Benny running over to you to pick up what you dropped is just so sweet! Miles wouldn’t want you to lift a single finger while you’re carrying baby boy & would do everything he can to make your pregnancy as easy & effortless as possible for you!
~ i could so picture Miles bringing Benny to collect the eggs & milk the cows too! that couldn’t be more perfect :,) idk why but for some reason i could see Miles having a ton of knowledge on all the animals on the farm & he’ll share little facts with Benny & you at any given chance! he’s so fascinated by all creatures & animals that roam the earth. he almost loves them more than he does humans, but with an exception of you & Benny of course ! i could also see animals being super attached to Miles, like even deers or squirrels will come up to him & he’ll happily feed them or give them a little pet. He’s like the wildlife whisperer or something. a real life prince charming🥰
~ ahh not Benny eating up all the grapes🤣 i can’t say i blame him tho. they are super yummy! especially fresh ones straight from the vine! a swimming hole? that sounds intriguing! i need one of those when it gets hot😅 aww Benny pulling out veggies from the vegetable garden is so cute! i like the idea of you & Miles gathering up all the veggies & squash to make some delicious soups/meals! i love Benny being a big help & getting so involved with all these activities around the farm :,)
~ Benny helping in the kitchen too?! Mary! it’s just cuteness overload at this point🥹 i could picture him being all giggly & excited when you ask him to help you bake/cook! when you or Miles offer to help Benny, he playfully shuns you away & is all like “i got it mama, dada. no need any help.” which proceeds to make you & Miles laugh. you let him do his thing, but are always there to guide him or help if he needs it! :)
Mary! these thoughts were so sweet & just what i needed tonight🥰 as always, thank you for sharing them with me! i look forward to see what you send in next💗
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jones-friend · 2 years
So my realistic and achievable goal has been to win at salad and I’ve learned a few things I wanted to share! Salads are actually great, its just a shame most places serve them with 60%+ lettuce.
Until you know proportions better buy a pre chopped/washed bag of lettuce. This is the base, the bread to your sandwich. For example if you’re making an italian salad to go with romaine. In regards to leftovers, one bag of salad leaves is enough to give two people a meal + leftovers. Each bag past gives another two people of leftovers
Decide on a lean to your salad. So far I made italian to go with pasta, cucumber bc its fresh, and apple spinach bc I’d never had it. Once you do, google a few recipes to see what else people are adding to that kind of salad. Be discerning, there’s weirdos out there, but you’ll find interesting takes to consider!
You wanna load that salad with veggies. This is the lunchmeat of the sandwich. Carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, etc. Whatever pairs well. Now. I’ve found a good ratio is one veggie per bag of salad you add. So if you’re doing one bag get one red onion, one head of broccoli, etc. Of course some will need adjustments like carrots and grape tomatoes but about one each works.
Add a protein. Now, you may end up doing this in ways you don’t expect. Proteins you can add: hard boiled eggs, grilled chicken, cheese (feta, chedder, etc), chopped/whole nuts, find an appropriate protein to add with your salad. If you aren’t sure what that is google the type of salad you’re making and skim recipes to see what kind of nut or cheese people add to their salad.
Consider dressing. What do you like vs what works well, sweet vs savory. Italian salads tend to be savory and work with italian dressings. The cucumber salad I made was fresher and worked well with ranch. Both were good with french dressing. Depends what you want!
I’ll add to this with more discoveries. So far I’ve added three new recipe cards to my box of healthy salads I’d love to make for people. Plus you can balance out a dinner of mac and cheese or carb heavy pasta with a salad to get more out of the meal. Plus, prep is easy! All you need do is chop vegetables.
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Man, more people need to understand that a good salad -like a refreshing lettuce salad you would eat on a summer day- needs to be -and I cannot stress this enough- crunchy. I ain't just talking about the croutons, I mean the leaves themselves need to be crunchy. "Oh I don't like salad, I tried it once and liked the dressing but the lettuce itself was so sad." Have you tried better quality lettuce? Like seriously good quality lettuce is like soooo underrated. It's refreshing and nice much like how a cucumber is, in the way that it tastes like how you would think solid water would if ice didn't exist. Once I ate half of an entire bag of lettuce just cause it was so good. (Felt a bit like a cow in that moment but it was worth it. I aspire to find the quality of lettuce again)
"What if I don't like the dressing?" Different issue all together try a different one.
"But, the lettuce was fresh and crunchy I just didn't like it!" Yeah, that's fair. You're allowed to not like lettuce, that is a completely fine and normal opinion. I'm not going to judge you if you don't like lettuce, I just want you to genuinely try it. If I judge my liking of salad based off every wilty sad bowl I've had, I probably would say I don't like salad! Sometimes lettuce just doesn't taste right which is also a problem in trying it. So make sure you get genuinely good quality. And this goes without saying but don't judge it based off the fact that you put too much or not enough dressing.
I could rant more about this as this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I should probably just caesar with my rant that's been roman all over the ranch that is my mind.
(Sorry, I had to get all of those puns out. Hope I don't feel too wilty about it later.)
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