#I haven't had such a good book day since January of last year when the Barnes & Noble with the used book section had
televinita · 1 year
Am I lucid dreaming??
Not only did the weather cooperate -- snowed last night instead of rained, so the roads were fine AND it was so sunny it felt at least twice as warm as the 15 degrees the high was -- but when I went to my book sale...
Six of them. New in package. With all items present and unopened. Ten dollars each.
When I tell you I SCREAMED!!! (silently. did audibly gasp though)
I know I am not lucid dreaming because they did not include any of the few super-special boxes on my genuine dream list, but I have wanted a box for so long and not in the more than a year since I’ve been following their releases have I seen a book in YA or adult that I liked enough to spend $50 on. I came close to caving during the Christmas in July and Black Friday sales, but there were still weren’t any I wanted enough to spend $25+ on, not to mention shipping and sales tax. I debated some individual items, but even held back on those. I’ve looked all over Mercari and eBay; the resale value of subscription boxes is nuts. But ten dollars flat for everything???
I ended up buying two -- initially I chose The Lost Love Song (”Love and Music,” December 2020) because I remembered that was one of the boxes I’d considered before, and I think there was an individual item I’d considered as well. I was going to stick with one, because I didn’t want to be greedy or overwhelm myself when one box is already such a treasure.
But after I took it back to my car, I decided I’d better look up what was in the other boxes, because the items might appeal to me even though the books either didn’t or were unknown to me, and immediately went back to buy In Another Light by A.J. Banner (October 2021) because the stuff sounded pretty neat.
Boxes I left behind:
-A Betting Woman: A Novel of Madame Moustache by Jenni Walsh (May 2021) - although this looks like it has some very neat stuff if you are into the games!
-If The Shoe Fits by Julie Murphy (August 2021)
-Reset by Sarina Dahlan (June 2021)
-Fake It Till You Bake It by Jamie Wesley (June 2022)
I am officially in love with whoever donated these instead of turning them into quick cash, especially during the holiday season. I wonder how many the sale started out with, if there were any more -- I got there 2.5 hours after opening, but I was browsing around for more than an hour and nobody else, that I saw, even touched these.
Regardless, I am SQUEALING!!! I have been squealing for two hours straight. I think I might just wrap these right back up and wait until Christmas to open them properly, because seriously, this was an actual-fax Christmas present from the universe. M’book fairies, you have gone far above and beyond anything I could possibly have expected. Or actually, I suppose if I was ever going to say “thanks be to God” and mean it, this is the moment.
I did get a few actual books too, but that’s for another post.
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nimbusalba · 2 months
I need to confess. I have been infected with the good omens brainrot for more than two months. This is my story:
I read the book about 20 years ago and I loved it, obviously. It was written by two of my favorite authors.
I got wind of the making of the first season before it was released, but it somehow slipped my mind and forgot all about it, until recently. In October I saw the recommendation on prime video and lost no time in watching the first season. I was skeptical at first, I don't usually like screen adaptations of books: characters tend to be shallow, plots get oversimplified, you know how it is. Boy, was I wrong. I absolutely loved the series, even more than the book itself. When I finished watching the first season, I realized there was a second season. And that's where I stopped myself. I had enjoyed the first season, but it covered the whole book already, so I thought "what's going to happen in a second season? surely nothing as good as the first”. So, I didn't watch S2 then and there, and I was able to keep going on with my life, like a normal person.
But obviously something happened, if it hadn’t, I wouldn't be telling you about it, would I? In January one night I was bored to tears and I saw the recommendation of S2 of good omens, there on the screen, teasing me. I had learned that Neil Gaiman was totally involved in it, so it couldn't be bad. And I watched it. Oh, yes, I did watch it. I don't remember if it took me as much as two days to watch the whole season. As soon as I finished watching the credits after the final fifteen I said out loud "NO!" I couldn’t believe it! The heartbreak! And I watched S2 again. After watching S2 for the second time I started watching S1, then S2, S1... and it's been like that, on loop, since then.
I'm not sure when I got the brainrot exactly. It must have been between the second and fourth episodes of S2, I guess. But I haven't found a cure yet. I surrendered to it, as you can see. I lost no time in finding this amazing fandom, creating a tumblr account to discover all the wonderful (and some crazy) metas, theories, analyses and art about good omens. And it’s being really fun. I have some theories and analyses of my own and maybe I’ll post them some of these days.
I don’t know if I’ll keep watching good omens on loop until S3 is aired in a few years. And then maybe I’ll have to keep watching time and again the three seasons… I don’t know. I just know that, right now, good omens is my happy place. I’ve been through a lot the last few years and I still am. This series is helping me cope with some things, but above all, it’s allowing me to have something else in my head apart from my own rl problems. So, thank you all, specially all the people involved in creating this wonderful world where I can lose myself a little.
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lil-tachyon · 1 year
Tumblr media
A New Year's Eve Tradition: One drawing from each month of the year
Below the break: the other New Year's Tradition where I go over my art goals from last year and reorient myself for the new one.
Another big year. Mixed results regarding my plans from last year.
-Been doing art full-time for a full year now and haven't even come close to running out of paid work to do. Haven't had a slow week since I started so it's encouraging to know people are still interested in my drawings and willing to pay for them. Hopefully an indication that this is still a viable career path for me.
-Got a website and a newsletter up and running which turned out to be a pretty good investment of time what with the mess that twitter has become and how boring and unreliable instagram is.
Finished two comics this year! One for me, one for Spacewalk Comics, publisher of Holy West. Right now you can see them both on Patreon (and I'll throw in my book Coelum for good measure if you sign up). In total only ten pages, but comics have always daunted me so it feels good to finally have finished some. And I found that I actually really really like doing them, even more than I though that I would, so I want to build off that momentum in 2023.
-Got to meet and interact with so many great artists this year and that's always a pleasure.
-I was going pretty strong with teaching myself Blender for the first couple months and then completely dropped it some time in spring and have hardly touched it since.
-Likewise with some other experiments in painting and different media- was inconsistent in practicing them and became even less consistent as the year progressed.
-Aside from the two short comics, I barely worked on any big personal projects.
-Although I finished all my commissions on time I fell behind on some unpaid but important collaborative work that I still have yet to catch up on.
-In general, as the year progressed I found myself spending all my time trying to deliver commissions as quickly as possible at the expense of investing in my own artistic development or in completing any major works of my own.
-Although I haven't run out of paid work to do, I'm still struggling to bring in enough money to even make minimum wage and I'm only able to continue drawing thanks to the hard work and patience of my wife and I don't want all that pressure on her.
-In general, feel like I haven't made significant progress towards any long-term goal for the last half-year
-My poor musical instruments have hardly been touched this year :,(
-Lots of non-art things I wanted to do that I didn't even get close to
Goals for 2023:
-Get organized and stay organized. I do better when I divide my day into chunks and I lost track of that recently. Get back into that habit. Try to start each morning by going over goals for the day.
-Found that larger illustration commissions eat up a ton of my time and even with price increases have only recently started to bring in a decent amount of money. Will probably prioritize smaller commissions, be more strict about charging for revisions, and in general try to allocate more time for personal projects rather than spending weeks on other peoples' and not getting paid a lot.
-Spend more time drawing away from a computer. I feel like being in front of a screen with internet access all day for the last couple years has really eviscerated my attention span. I'm constantly pulling up new tabs of stuff to listen to or reference to look at it. I need to be able to focus. Probably draw some stuff that I can see around my room in the morning before even turning computer on.
-Finished up undisclosed, ongoing collaborative projects
-Work on a book. Got two ideas that I think are achievable, should narrow in on one by the end of January.
-Gonna try to make some woodblock prints this year. I got a printmaking kit for Christmas. We'll see how it goes. Whatever happens I expect to have fun with it :)
-Be more consistent about assessing and re-assessing goals. Try at the end of the week and end of the month. I think neglecting to do this is what got me so off-track this year
-Keep desk clean, room organzied
-Do more artist interviews. If you're reading this and have an idea for someone I should interview or we're mutuals and I haven't asked you yet, get at me.
-Get sewing machine back in working order, sew some stuff. Need a case for my banjo, could try that...
-Read more books
-Spend more time outside
-Take train into city, draw at museums
-Be realistic about whether art is a viable career. Wouldn't kill me to go back into engineering and I do miss some aspects of it sometimes. The trick would be either to find a STEM job I actually enjoy or a low-stress part-time job...
Thanks for sticking around, you guys are the best. No matter what happens I'll keep drawing this year and the next and on and on until my hands don't work anymore or I die. Happy New Year. Peace out. Best of luck.
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aphel1on · 8 months
tag someone you want to get to know better
tagged by @woobifiedvillain a few days ago and finally remembered to do it!!
Favorite color: Yellow, but not an overwhelming yellow, like that soft warm yellow? I love it. People tend to not expect this answer, I think I give off more of a blue or grey vibe. Honestly a pretty grey/silver is probably my second favorite color, but a buttery yellow is just so good for the soul.
Last song: You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi. Danced to it in the kitchen, got consumed by the guitar riffs, nearly knocked a chair over. Before this morning it would've been the Genshin OST... I've been listening to it a lot while I write or do chores recently.
Last movie: An exceedingly mediocre romcom on Netflix that I watched with my sick mom to be nice. Genuinely couldn't tell you the title or more than like, two or three plot points. Last movie that I watched bc I wanted to was the Barbie movie, which was genuinely better than I expected. Enjoyable but would still give it, like, a mixed review. I'm not getting into two months' ago Barbie Movie Discourse on this post
Currently watching: I'M STILL TRYING TO FINISH THE UNTAMED!!!! woobifiedvillain i'm speaking directly to you and quoting you: i too am "chronically incapable of paying attention to visual media, even the good shit" and when i try to explain this to people irl they act like i am insane!!! I haven't watched Good Omens season 2 yet even tho I am reblogging posts about it rn. I think it's mostly adhd, or really just a part of the larger Neurodivergence Soup (tm) that makes it nearly impossible for me to learn something from a YouTube video. I mean, sometimes for a hands-on task a video is essential, but can't there be a written list of instructions to go with it too, bc that sticks in my mind way better sobs... ANYWAY i'm currently on episode 43 of The Untamed, so I should be able to finish it by, like. The end of the year at least lol?
Currently reading: I started reading SVSSS recently because, like. The mxtx mania is in full throttle. I just got here a little later than most people lmao. I'm also currently "reading" like seven different books that I bought or pirated this year and have on hold. One of my Unfortunate Skills is bingereading like 200 pages of something in 1-2 days and then not finishing the rest of it for 8 months.
Currently working on: Keep My Shadow Alive, my big xue yang-centric fix it fic!!! Well, more like a fix it, and then break it more, and then eventually actually fix it fic. Starting from the canon divergence of "Add Pre-Teen Xue Yang to the Burial Mounds Fam" and going from there. I read every fic like that that's on ao3 and was still being eaten alive by the brainworms so I started writing my own take on it and ~6 months later it's the longest fic I've ever written and only 25% of the way through its outline???? So. Who knows if it will get finished (my track record is admittedly not great)- but I've had such a blast writing it so far. Xue Yang is just SO fun to write. Yes it has a plot and character arcs and I could even go full English Major* and start telling you about its Themes, but also it's just an excuse to write Xue Yang interacting with every member of the MDZS cast. Going to STOP talking now bc I fully am the type of writer who will get carried away talking about their wips.
*i am not an english major, but spiritually i am an english major.
Current obsession: Yeah uh, MDZS. My friend convinced me to finally read it in January of this year, and the hyperfixation train has simply not stopped since then. Genshin Impact also dragged me back in with the Fontaine update and I've been having a lot of fun playing it. But MDZS is still mostly the thing that's eating up my RAM. Particularly the Yi City crew, but 3zun is rotating in there too. Sometimes even The Man WWX Himself, i talk about him less but i do love him a lot also lol
Tagging: I'm honestly too shy to do this!!! But thank you for tagging me anyway<3
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literalcatpod · 5 months
2023 Year In Review
So, here we are at the end of our first full year as an active podcast. It's been an interesting experience so far, doing this show. Growth is slow, but that's alright since we're having fun. With 27 new episodes and something like 40 new cats (lightning rounds count for a lot of extras), we had a lot of firsts this year!
For instance, we had our first legitimate usage of the Cat-Tana in Episode 16 - Making a Mugger with a Cat-Tana in Marvel Multiverse (Feat. James Anderson).
With a running bit receiving payoff so early in the year, it'd seem impossible to top, but we kept going, and our next episode had us help Cat McDonald promote her charity bundle!
We also did our first themed seasonal event with Anime Summer Season! Six back-to-back episodes, all using anime/manga-themed TTRPGs!
The final big first of the year was our first episode to receive more than 30 downloads in a 30-day period! That honor goes to Episode 21 - Making a Big, Strong, Focused, Dumb Boy in Warriors Adventure Game. And we can't really mention that without mentioning Twitch streamer FinnOcellaris, who recommended the game and then got everyone he knew to listen to that episode.
And last but certainly not least, we launched our Patreon this year, and got our first patron! Thank you for your continued support, patreon user TheZMage!
Now, onto some numbers:
Our most popular episode of the year was Episode 34 - Making a Familiar Face Around the Skate Park (in space) in Hard Wired Island, which was downloaded 37 times in its first 30 days.
Our most popular episode with a guest appearance was Episode 33 - Making a Biker Gang Leader You Can't Look Away From in Vampire: The Masquerade Feat. Meghan Murphy, (@murphypopart) which was downloaded 25 times in its first 30 days.
Our most popular Anime Summer Season episode was Episode 24 - Making a Cringefail Otaku Maid in Maid Feat. FinnOcellaris, which was downloaded 19 times in its first 30 days.
And finally, our overall most-downloaded episode of the entire year was Episode 18 - Making a Special-Ops Saboteur in Lancer, which has been downloaded a total of 54 times since its publication!
Looking Ahead:
It's a new year, and while it'll continue to be the same show, we do have some new goals!
First and foremost, while the themed event of the year didn't bring in any new listeners by my estimation, it WAS a lot of fun, so we're gonna keep doing it. Right now we're considering a fall theme. We probably know what that theme is but we've got plenty of time to decide on that so we'll hold off on announcing it for the moment.
We came close to this in 2023, but for 2024, if at all possible, I'd like to have exactly one guest per month. And to be fair, we're already off to a pretty good start. January will just be me and Austin, but from February to May, we already have recordings booked for every single month! (which you can see if you join our Patreon!) That's 4/11 months already covered!
I'd also like to try and do a better job of highlighting indie games. I know "big" is relative when it comes to any TTRPG that wasn't published by Hasbro, but even so, most of our attention typically goes to small-press RPGs rather than the REAL indies (whatever that means). So like. Indie devs. So long as your game has chargen, put it on our radar. Even if it's too short of a process for its own episode, we can make it work in a lightning round eventually!
Finally, I (Joel), am gonna try to be better about our video content! I signed up for Headliner and everything, and yet I still haven't managed to make a single shareable clip. That's on me, and I know that!
And for our other goals, we're gonna need your help!
Growth on this show thus far has been slow. We'd like to change that. And so, we have three calls to action for you, and we'd be thrilled if every listener that sees this would do one!
First, if you haven't already, tell a friend! While we did do a lightning round episode highlighting solo RPGs, most of us don't play these alone. If nothing else, bring a Cat along for a one-off! They're all available here!
Don't have friends? the next best thing you could do to help is leave a rating/review on the app you listen to your podcasts on! If your podcast app doesn't let you do that and you, for obvious reasons, don't want to touch Apple-made software, you could always go to Podchaser and review us there! Currently we have a handful of ratings, but so far no reviews! It'd be great to hear what y'all like about the show and most importantly, positive ratings and reviews get fed into your app's algorithms and increase the likelihood that the show gets recommended to new listeners!
And finally.
More importantly than ANYTHING else I've asked of you.
I've done the math. we have somewhere between 20 and 30 active listeners.
But do you know how many emails we have received containing cat pictures?
Would you like to hazard a guess?
All things considered, one tenth of you at most have sent us pictures of your cats! AT BEST!
There is NO way only 3 of our listeners have pet cats. That's just not the kind of show we run! Y'all get your toxoplasmosis-riddled brains in gear and SEND US PICTURES OF YOUR CATS!!!
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johnmchacker · 1 year
First Post
So this is it. My first real post on Tumblr. Yay me! I guess this post is going to be about myself, and the Masterlist of what I've written, in timeline order.
I'm JohnMcHacker, and I'm a longtime Harry Pothead. (That sounds like an opener to Potters Anonymous, doesn't it?) I'd heard in passing of HP earlier, but only started reading when Goblet of Fire hit the shelves. I quickly read through all the previous books, waited eagerly for Order of the Phoenix (my personal favourite of the lot), and the rest is history.
I read a lot of fanfiction and wrote some (not very good) stuff, until about 2012 when life got too busy and I stopped writing. But HP was always in the back of my mind and I always thought about the universe, reread the books, and thought about what happened next. I picked up HP again in 2022 when I heard that fanfiction had had a mild resurgence during the pandemic, browsed through a couple, and realised that fanfiction had matured significantly in quality and depth since I left the scene. (And plumbed certain new lows, in my opinion, but live and let live I guess.)
So now I'm writing again, and I'm writing stories that I've had 10 years to think about. There's a specific grand arc of what happened after Deathly Hallows that I have in mind. As of this post (January 2023) I haven't actually started on the big events, but I'm warming up and getting there.
So at last, we get to what I call The Moments In Between series, as of January 2023:
Who Is Ginny Weasley Dating? - May 1997. Harry/Ginny.
Jumpers Then Fall - Dec 1995 to Dec 1998. Hermione/Ron.
Last Orders - Jan 1997. Headmaster Severus Snape celebrates a birthday.
Harvest Dream - Sept 1999. Harry/Ginny.
Singing Out Of Tune - Feb 2000 to Dec 2000. Harry/Ginny.
Once A Jolly Bagman - Aug 2001. Harry/Ginny.
Midseason Murders: Down The Pub - July 2002. Harry/Ginny.
The Witch's Birthday - Sept 2002. Hermione and friends.
Miss Butter Elbows - Spring 2003. Harry/Ginny.
Horses For Courses - June 2003. Hermione/Ron.
The Magic We Make - Spring 2004. Astoria, with a dash of Draco.
Hammocks - July 2015. Teddy/Victoire. An ode to puppy love, and summer holidays.
Rose's Grown-Up Christmas - Dec 2018. Rose and Ron.
How Did You Know? - Dec 2019. Harry/Ginny, some James Sirius Potter and his mum.
What James Sirius Potter Did - April 2020. James Sirius/OC. Short teen drama ficlet.
Twenty-Five Years Later - August 2022. Harry/Ginny, and family.
I also have other stories not included in this series, but this is my main "timeline" and grand story arc, so to speak.
My stories revolve around the themes of good vs evil, friendship, family, and love. I write about the never-ending battle for justice, righteousness and love against lawlessness, wickedness and hatred, and I write about the little moments in between (ba dum tss!) of kindness, affection, romance, of friendship and family.
My favourite pairings are Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, and Draco/Astoria. I intend to write most about these couples, but I hope to also explore others along the way, as well as family in general. Because Family is everything, believe me.
So please, stick around for the ride, I hope and believe you'll be suitably entertained. And as always, per the byword of all fanfiction synopses in the golden days of yore: read and review please!
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stacywaters · 1 year
Written in the Pages (RM) CH1
 𝄆𝄞 Late January, 2013 𝄇
I wrap my scarf loosely around my neck and step out of the house. I stare down at the familiar path of bricks under my feet as I walk to school. The sky is the same shade of gray and despite the brisk wind, there are no leaves on the trees to be rustled.
When I get to school, I sit down at the back of the room and pull out my book to read. My classmates bicker around me but I don't look up, lest I be reminded of my own loneliness. I shut my book tightly once the bell rings, noticing someone sitting only a few desks in front of me. It was Namjoon. I had liked him since around November but learned better than to get my hopes up. He wouldn't even be friends with someone like me. It's not that he was necessarily popular, but he did have some friends. I rarely spoke, so he most likely didn't know my name.
Lessons began and I tried to keep myself from staring. It isn't like anyone would really notice though, as I am in the back corner. It's better if I don't encourage myself and just suppress these feelings like I always have.
Soon enough my classes are over and I'm walking back home. As I go, I notice two girls around my age chatting with each other. They're laughing and seem to be having such a good time, I can't help but feel envious. I haven't had a best friend like that in such a long time. I only start to feel worse listening to what they're saying.
"I know! Taehyung really is so hot... if only he'd notice me!"
"Yeah, but have you seen his friend? What was his name..."
"Yes! He's in one of my classes, I want to get to know him"
"You should!"
"But what do I say?"
"Don't worry about it! I'm sure he likes you back anyway"
"I hope so"
I keep my head down and continue walking. Still, their words get to me. They were both so pretty...oh course he'd go for someone more like them. I'm confident in who I am. Really. It's just that Namjoon is nothing like me. He has plenty of friends and admirers, all of them do. He is going to date someone in his social circle, like them.
Once I get home I grab some banana milk from the fridge and sit down at my desk. Pulling out a pen, I work on my manuscript.
𝄆𝄞 Namjoon POV𝄇
"What's her name?"
I turned to my friend Hoseok and smiled.
"Wait... how long have you had a crush on her?"
"Since spring last year, around April"
"It's almost been a whole year!" Jungkook whined, "why are you only telling us this now?"
"I was nervous! I haven't even talked to her..."
I looked up at my friends who were shocked by my confession. Finally, Jimin spoke up:
"You need to make a plan soon if you ever want her to notice you. You're both graduating this year, remember?"
"I know, but what do I even say to her? She's just so... so perfect. I don't want to ruin any chance I have by saying something stupid"
"Well, you've liked her for this long. Do you know of anything she likes?" Taehyung questioned.
"Hmmm, she's really intelligent. She also really likes books, every time I see her she's reading one. Would that work? Should I try talking to her about that?"
They seemed to approve of that. After talking for a bit longer, I went home and made a plan. Tomorrow I will try talking to her before class starts.
𝄆 𝄞 𝄇
The next day I got up earlier. I walked to class and didn't get distracted talking to people. I was determined. I didn't realize until I settled down in my seat that there were still over fifteen minutes before homeroom would start.
After waiting for only a few minutes, she walked in. She took my breath away, though she was just wearing our school uniform. I started fiddling with my hands under my desk, the nerves getting to me. Slowly I stood from the desk and approached her.
"Um... hi" I mumbled.
She glanced up from her book and immediately her eyes widened. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Did I upset her?
"I just uh.... Wanted to know what book you're reading?"
"Oh." She hesitated, "it's just... something I found in the library. It's in a series actually"
"Nice. Sounds good"
She nodded and looked back down to the pages.
"...maybe I'll check it out"
With that I returned to my seat, hoping it wasn't too obvious how flustered I was. That was my first time actually talking to her! It was so awkward though... Does she not like me? Was something I said wrong? She seemed so indifferent.
𝄆𝄞 Y/N POV𝄇
I stared down at my book but unable to focus at all. What was that? Did my crush actually just talk to me? What is happening?
I sigh to myself. He probably just likes reading too, and wanted to know what book it was. I'm sure it's nothing personal, he doesn't even know my name. Still, a part of me feels excited, like maybe I have a chance.
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harryhandstan · 1 year
I’m glad you get to stay with your sister!! That’s nice you get some quality time together. My brother came and stayed with me for thanksgiving for a couple days and it was so nice!!! We haven’t spent that much time together in who knows how long! We played lots of mariokart and board games and it was great!!
And I’m doing alright!! Lots of ups and downs lately. The time change for daylight savings messed with my head a bit and then I just got sick a couple days ago I’m sure thanks to my kiddos at work. And it’s been raining all day but I took that as an excuse to wear my cute chelsea rain boots! But I’m hanging in there!! Just trying my best as always!!
Oh and I found out I’m getting a $2/hour raise in the new year so that’s exciting!!!
Also I finally watched my policeman!!! I thought it was really good! Although it didn’t make me cry like everyone said it would hahah and I usually cry at everything (for example when I went to see black panther 2 the other weekend and I started crying as soon as it said “in memory of Chadwick boseman” and then I cried several more times throughout the movie lollll). But I really enjoyed it and thought it was a beautiful film. I really liked DWD as wel although I don’t think I could pick one over the other because they were sooo different ya know!
liz omg I'm so sorry I'm late answering this!! I feel like a lifetime has passed since we've talked because of what's happened. I got kicked by one of my dad's horses at the beginning of this month and ended up with a compression fracture on T11 of my spine and a contusion on my right hip. recovery's been a little rough but I'm incredibly lucky it could've been much, much worse!
I LOVE staying with my sister it's become one of my safe spaces to be there with her! her roommate is her bestie that she's known since kindergarten so I feel really comfortable there around her too. I had planned to go stay with her some this week for Christmas too, but idk if I can now with my injury. I'm so glad you got to see your brother and spend time with him! I haven't seen my little brother since last year but he will be coming home for Christmas so I'm excited to see him 😊
I'm so glad to hear you've mostly been doing okay!! and omg YES whenever I worked at the daycare before I got sick SO often because of my babies, so I completely get it! I hope you're feeling better now 💕 the time change always throws me off too I hate it. I bet your boots are adorable on you!! and yay for your raise that's exciting!!
I was supposed to start my new job soon (I can't remember if I've told you about it already? so ignore me if I have!). I've been offered a lead teacher position at a new daycare that's opening soon! but now I'll have to wait until I'm all healed before I can start 😔 I'm a bit bummed by that but my bosses have been very sweet and understanding about what happened to me and are holding my position for me until I can start! which will hopefully be sometime in january
ah I didn't cry at MP either and I'm the same way about crying at a lot of things! maybe because I read the book and was already familiar with the story. and I agree I love both movies I think he did an amazing job as I knew he would!!
if I don't get to speak to you again before, I hope you and your family have the happiest of holidays together! stay warm and take care of yourself 💗 sending you all my love!!
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robins-den · 2 years
I had a dream last night that I was Invective and my boyfriend was Larry Butz.
In it I think I wrote fanfiction but also I was at Hogwarts?? And after reading a five year old fic professor flitwick came out and was like "do.... Do you want me to introduce you to the club...." Because I guess it was magic fanfiction that took you back to when it happened or was written or SOMETHING. So I (still Invective) was like yeah sure. So I joined the arts club and a voice over said that I was the first Slytherin to join a club, ever. But also there were only three people in the club including me so I don't think clubs were a huge thing.
I had two chocolates in my inventory, one from Larry and one from Claire Elford I think? They looked like bread stuffed with chocolate. I then started writing or maybe it was a voice over thing irl in the dream. But basically it was April, I had been trying to make Valentine's day chocolate's since January and it had been going terribly. Burnt, mushy somehow, etc.
Then I drew something and posted it to Tumblr, Instagram (which I haven't touched in over a year), and the Hogwarts exclusive social app? Which they had I guess? And then.... I don't know how to describe this but it started getting stolen and reposted with either no credit or the reposter actively pretending that they had made it themselves? But this came through in the dream with seeing like . Fucking. MMD dances of the people stealing it in front of my art?
One of the people who stole it was Edelgard from Fire Emblem Three Houses and the way that this came through was her entire fucking house doing a coordinated dance and then Hubert did a "andddd here she is!" With his arms and she showed up on screen and started busting some INCREDIBLE moves. Like, girls group level dance moves. And my art was still in the background but barely even the focus anymore. Other thieves include a blue haired Anna (fire emblem) and I think Trucy Wright? All of their reposts were still on the Hogwarts social media btw. (All of them were explicitly MMD esc models. Very good models! But not the official ones at all)
At some point in the dream we cut to Larry's perspective, and his is basically like "I really like money! But that's not why I'm with my girlfriend, and I'm worried that she thinks that IS why I'm with her!" Because in the dream I / Invective was this very successful.... Something who made a lot of money. I think in the dream our relationship problems worked out :)
Also at some point we cut to a woman standing in an open air horseless wagon and it was labelled "me looking for Mona leaks that show she'll appear in story" and a supernaturally strong wind blew her out of the wagon.
So yeah. I think Harry Potter (derogatory) showed up because of all the posts I've seen about the authors new shitty book, Ace Attorney showed up because I've been watching a playthrough of it, and Witch's Heart showed up for Obvious Reasons. Also, I don't even like Mona.
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terpernoctem · 4 months
hi pals
do you know what time it is?
it's time for our ✨monthly personal post ✨ show of hands, who's excited?
okay never mind, so it rained for about the entire month of january, not even kidding. it rained and it rained and it kept raining for days on end.
see, i left Ireland for a specific reason (burn out excluded): breaking news, i know, but it rained a lot over there. i come back home and it's the most it's ever rained since 2015, people.
do you comprehend?
i think maybe the universe is trying to tell me something
so it rained a lot and i felt like i was about to rot all the way but i didn't and in fact i (1), got into yoga again, (2) wrote almost 10k, (3) took my very first driving lessons (i'm comically terrible at it but eh), (4) applied to things!
isn't that something??
i don't feel any less lost or you know, useful in any way but it's a start, innit
i've definitely had a couple of bad nights, and what's funny when you live with your parents as an adult is that you still cannot talk to them about serious stuff without feeling like a teenage waste of space? or at least that's how i feel—and i recognize entirely it doesn't come from my parents, god no, they've been great and really supportive, but ughhhh.
what is it about this whole situation that makes me age backwards (and not in a good way)??
in other, completely related news, my birthday is a couple of weeks away, which is always kind of the time i typically freak out about it (last year i booked a last minute trip to edinburgh for that very reason). then i calm down and start to get excited about it.
question is: with the big 30 looming over, will i get excited at all about it this year?
it's a daunting thought. let's not—let's put it aside, shall we?
truly, a part of me still can't believe how lucky i am to be able to stay with my parents here on the island—it's genuinely something i didn't think i'd be able to do for a long time— and it's objectively great, i mean, it's summer (well, you know, as summer as it can get), i've got time to myself, i've got my loved ones close.
yet another part of me longs for a more, idk, exciting? life. i might be repeating myself but i feel like i haven't seen everything i'd like to see yet. been toying loosely with the idea of going the self-entrepreneur path, but ugh—
truth is, i can't bear to be tied down yet.
on this week's list: sort out the library situation (mom's library is—oh don't get me started, but i'm gonna fix this), get serious about studying for driver's test, finish drafting my main wip, find a life purpose.
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eggcount · 5 months
Who is Jessie Anyway!!?!?!?
January 9, 2024
So, on Saturday I got Covid.  (I'm no longer a unicorn - so sad and so much for Gale's theory that the Gorcey genes are somehow protecting us. And I got it magically from Toby who is in St. Paul and I haven't seen since Thanksgiving.  I don't know how that happened, but it's true.  Here's how I know.  Toby got Covid from his in-laws over Christmas.  His symptoms were that he had a huge headache and was super tired.  Being the father of at least one child who doesn't sleep through the night, he didn't give it much thought.  But then, his mother-in-law tested positive, so he decided to test and yikes - there was the little purple line!  So, on Saturday, I was dead tired, like "will someone put that baby to bed" tired, almost-face-planting-in-my-dinner tired.  And it just popped in my head - I have Covid.  Dave said "no you don't", I said "yes I do", Dave said "impossible", I said "I'm testing" and yep - I have Covid and Toby gave it to me. That's my story.  If not for Toby, I would just be sick and not in quarantine for 5 days.  And I would still be a Covid unicorn.  oh well.  What can you say, that's the risks of having children.)  (btw, the true story of where I got it is from Dave, who also has Covid, but didn't think he did, so he didn't test when he got sick last week.  It's his second annual New Year's Covid. He probably picked it up on New Year’s Eve at the Seldom Scene concert. He's out of the quarantine period and didn't get the Paxlovid because he passed the 5 days onset of symptoms when I got Covid and he got tested.)
But this is a big digression - the point is that I'm not quite well enough to do anything, despite the Paxlovid, but that's your gain.  I can write Egg Counts!!!  Everyone wins.  I get to write Egg Counts, you get to read them.  I'm a little less bored and you are hopefully a little entertained.  I'm sure everyone is shivering with delight!
Back to the topic - who is Jessie anyway!!?!?
We lost a lot of chickens in 2022.  And ended up getting four new ones in October 2022.  Jessie was one of those girls.  But before we get to that, I really need to catch you up on the year before we got Jessie.  Fortunately, I still communicated with my kids about the chickens on WhatsApp and WhatsApp, as Maurie just informed me, is searchable.  So, I have a lot of information - dates and even pictures!   Get ready to be updated!
Of most interest to everyone will be Henrietta’s brush with death at the beginning of 2022 – dramatically called “Henrietta gets bumblefoot, nearly dies, but is ok now” or “How Greta brought Henrietta back to life.”   Henrietta’s name should be familiar to everyone.  She’s, well, she’s of blessed memory now, but back in January 2022, she was the last of the hand raised chicks that we got in April 2014.  And she had bumblefoot which is horrible staph infections on the bottom of the foot which causes the hen to limp. You have to cut them out.  Good thing for us, Greta is a pro at bumblefoot surgery.  And also, Carolyn Preyer, our neighbor and vet, is OK at bumble surgery. But not so good a thing for us, is that we were leaving for St. Paul  to attend a Kathan Clan gathering for Alice’s birthday leaving Andre to watch the chickens so the surgery had to be done NOW.  We booked Greta with Carolyn coming over later to help if Greta had problems. (She also brought a lot of vet tape!).  After a nice soak in the downstairs sink, the bumble was taken care of, but Henrietta was not ok.  In fact, she was really not ok.  Carolyn did an inspection, and discovered a giant puncture wound.  It looks like she might have been attacked by a fox and now the wound was infected.  Honestly, we all thought she would die   She was that not ok.
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Here’s the problem.  We were leaving the next day. If she died that night, that would be sad, but ok. If she didn’t die that night, she would need nursing for the bumblefoot and for the wound.  Daily soaking, and bandage changing.  Greta was willing to do this, but not willing to take her home to die.  Carolyn, although she was 100% convinced that Henrietta would die, was not willing to “do the deed”, as she doesn’t know how to humanely end a chicken’s life.  That was super important to her.  In her opinion, Henrietta was very comfortable in a box and surely would pass peacefully in the next couple of hours.  Her breathing was shallow, her eyes were glazed, and she just had that end-of-life look.  Greta agreed to come back the next day to get her in the unlikely event that she lived.  I agreed to stand vigil over her and make sure that her passing was peaceful.  Dave agreed to bury her before we left.  So, we had a plan.
As it turned out, Henrietta had her own plan and after a few hours of looking like it was “the time”, opened her eyes, lifted her head, assessed the situation - the warm house, clean box - and decided not to die.  She gave a little peaceful coo, and went back to sleep. What a roller coaster of emotions.  Instead of burying her, she was off to Greta’s house for a week of healing.  Greta set her up in the basement and hand fed her until she was strong enough to feed herself.  Twice daily baths to soak the wounds were part of the prescribed treatment and Henrietta came to love floating around in the tub.  Greta’s cats were jealous.   We got daily updates and returned home to a glowing and ready to rule the roost Henrietta.  I think she was a little disappointed not to have daily baths, but excited to see her sisters. 
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And now I am feeling better from the Covid, so you’ll have to wait for more updates! 
btw, the huge hens are happy.  They are not integrated into the flock yet, but follow us around and come when called. Daisy is a little skittish with Jessie, but she’s not even laying yet – still a pullet.  I’m pretty sure when she comes into adulthood, she’ll realize that she could stomp all over Jessie and Jessie will – well, we’ll see how it goes.  Annabelle has not had to engage Jessie again and takes good care of Daisy.
Love to everyone,
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oldmanbayou · 5 months
2023 Year End Survey
1. How did you ring in the new year for 2023? caught covid for the third time
2. Who did you kiss at midnight/your first kiss in 2023? Ames
3. What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before?: drove a standard, lived alone, grew carrots
4. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? It looks like my new years resolution last year was to opt out of sibling birthdays, which yes, I absolutely succeeded at. Didn't shop for any of them, didn't worry or think about their birthdays coming up, I don't think I even bothered wishing them a happy birthday!
I can't imagine I'll be making any new years resolutions for 2024--I need a break from failure.
5. Did anyone close to you give birth?: God I hope not.
6. Did anyone close to you die?: My sister's cat Snickers was such a love.
7. What places did you visit?: Disneyland and Baltimore
8. What would you like to have in 2024 that you lacked in 2023?: joy
9. What dates from 2023 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?: January 13 - Nermal Day March 14 - The day the sky fell September 11 - Grimey left Day December 12 - Grimey return day
10. What was your biggest achievement of the year?: Making it to the end.
11. What was your biggest failure?: Taking out the trash while Grimey was away. Giving Nermal a better life. Keeping the chickens safe from each other. Keeping the truck alive. Get a passport. Not panicking on a work trip where I had to god forbid, travel alone. Not panicking in the middle of the bread aisle. Not panicking every time I leave the house. Not dissociating for 3 months. Not just living off of goldfish crackers and popcorn for 3 months. Among a million other things.
12. Did you suffer illness or injury?: crippling depression
13. What was the best thing you bought?: an awl
14. Whose events required celebration?: Grimey fulfilled his life dream of wrestling in Japan.
15. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: It's hard to be furious at others when I've paid no attention whatsoever to the world outside my own head.
16. Where did most of your money go?: Besides the boring american adult stuff like property tax and health insurance premiums -- My immune system seems to behave like a 90-year-old, so my doctor ordered a bunch of lab tests to rule things out. Since everything came back negative, my insurance company disagreed that the tests were medically necessary. I am severely phobic of needles--I don't just take blood tests for funsies, you chumps.
17. What did you get really, really, really excited about?: Grimey coming home
18. What song will always remind you of 2023?: probably David Teie's Music for Cats
Compared to this time last year, are you: a) Happier or sadder?: sadder
b) Thinner or fatter?: thinner
c) Richer or poorer?: poorer
19. What do you wish you’d done more of?: die
20. What do you wish you’d done less of?: exist
21. Did you fall in love in 2023?: no
22. How many one-night stands?: No.
23. How many people did you kiss? No.
24. What was your favourite TV program?: I think I've only tried watching one thing this year -- the Haunting of Hill House. I can't follow anything anymore but it was helping me sleep for a while until the characters seem to have gotten trapped in some funeral home for what felt like an eternity. I had to give up.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?: It's hard to hate anyone when you're not really existing in the physical world.
26. What was the best book you read?: I haven't read a thing this year
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?: I haven't really had time or energy to discover
28. What did you want and get?: Three things in no particular order - #1 I've been tearing my house apart periodically for YEARS searching for a copy of an old family home movie of peak sentimental value that everyone has thought was lost for good, causing some pretty serious grief in the Viola family. I remembered my dad had digitized it before the video was lost, but I seemed to be the only one with this memory and I was starting to wonder if I made it up and was merely clinging to false hope. Well, my sister's husband/my brother-on-law has achieved sainthood. He recently stumbled on, buried in the wrong case in their basement, the digital copy my dad had made years ago. So I am NOT crazy - not this time - and the Viola family can feel whole once again! #2 - New Zelda game #3 - Grimey came home
29. What did you want and not get?: a frickin break
30. What was your favorite film of this year?: I haven't seen anything this year that really managed to captivate me but I'm going to vote for Asteroid City.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?: I turned 39. It feels like an era ago and I can't remember a thing about it. Grimey says we went to the Brimfield Antiques Faire.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?: If our fence hadn't collapsed in March. I feel I need to explain because I'm NOT upset about the fence collapsing in a storm--it was due to collapse and before it even collapsed, "fix sketchy looking fence when the ground thaws" was high on our house project list for the year. But it is the timing of the collapse and the domino effect it caused that set off neverending chaos that I am STILL battling.
Cleaning up the damage took my time and attention away from Nermal, and completely destroyed a critical period of acclimating him to the other cats and the rest of the house. Now I'm left with a choice of either imprisoning Nermal in the office, where he quickly goes feral and creates a toxic work environment where I get hissed at if I need to move and feel like I'm encroaching on his privacy every time I enter the room. He also gets depressed and grieves because of course he has to be besties with Huffy, and with Huffy also besties with Tews, I can't like, imprison Huffy too so Nermal is kept happy because then I'd have Tews who's grieving and Huffy who is annoying and scratching at the door all day. OR I can constantly supervise two cats who literally try to murder each other and get blood all over the floor if I dare turn my back on them for two seconds because god forbid I might want to pee or get something to eat or check to see what the chickens are alarming at. I've had better luck introducing cats by NOT introducing them than I have had with these two--y'know the anti-Jackson Galaxy, "just let them have at it" reckless baby boomer method. They'd have been better off if I just did that than if I had tried. THIS is Kitty Hell.
The collapsed fence cooped the chickens up while their spring hormones were out of wack and set off a Great Hen War. I had to watch Redd get her comb torn off under my watch and Mini-Redd get most of her beak torn off. I'm not going to lie -- I'm traumatized by it.
The garden had a rough start because the fence collapsing caused the hawk net over the chicken yard to collapsed and crush everything underneath. I had to rebuild everything at the beginning of spring and lost March and April. Many of my seedlings died from neglect because I didn't have time to care for them, and a lot of things I planned to plant I never actually got around to planting. Meanwhile, Grimey got signed to a year-long contract in Japan and with both of our heads in completely different places, I don't feel like either of us were really emotionally available to each other for most of the year. With so much nonstop chaos to deal with through the whole year, I also didn't have room in my head to emotionally prepare for being on my own.
I wasn't just dealing with the fence dominoes -- it's truly been one thing after another this year starting from the very beginning, but without the fence dominoes, I could have better coped with the other shit and ended the year feeling like it was a more average year of shit rather than like....a year completely engulfed in flames.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2023?: flannel
34. What kept you sane?: wandering around Hyrule naked
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: Mr Trash Wheel and his family
36. What political issue stirred you the most?: I honestly don't even know what's happened this year outside of my own home. Is Biden still president?
37. Who do you miss?: Matthew Perry
38. Who was the best new person you met?: I have a new coworker, Wendy who is lovely.
39. Who were your closest friends in 2023? Ames
40. What are you doing to ring in 2024? taking this fine survey
41. Who do you plan on kissing to ring in 2024? Ames
42. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2023: No
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jonwongton · 5 months
I know I say every year flies by really fast, but 2023 has been one of those years that's felt like it lasted forever. When I was looking back at pictures of what happened in January and May, I couldn't believe those both happened this year.
My plan from the start was for 2023 to be like a soft year off. I wanted to maintain my career while placing a light emphasis on health and real world/self improvement education. I wasn't looking for a lot of change, and on paper, this year should have been great since a lot of positive things happened for my family.
However, when I really think about it, I spent a good chunk of this year not at my best. I had a pretty bad neck injury in May that I still haven't fully recovered from, and emotionally I've had to step out of my comfort zone to make room for a special person. On top of that, I haven't had the time like past years to keep up with kpop. I've really leaned on kpop during my first six adult years so I can really feel my anchor being gone.
Something that really stands out for me in 2023 is the lack of that one magical special moment. So far, they've been
2017 - the moment I clicked on my first GFriend b-side (Neverland)
2018 - Nagyung's 반반 hair reveal at KCON Thailand
2019 - getting a selfie with Hayoung at Washington Square Park
2020 - the release of the Feel Good mv after 15 months
2021 - standing atop Namsan tower during my first Korea trip
2022 - Nakyung's shh to open Hush Hush during the first concert day + the Stay This Way fanchant on the last concert day
2023 - ???
so they're all kpop related. I really just don't have a single moment this year where all my emotions pour out again. That probably leaves my year ranking at
2018 > 2019 > 2021 > 2017 > 2022 > 2023 > 2020
Not everything was bad: I still learned a ton about a lot of random things (sports, politics, history), improved my social skills, *worked on* my emotional maturity, and got physically stronger. If this is considered one of my worse years, I'll consider myself lucky.
Minor kpop dump:
Song of the year: 눈맞춤 - 프로미스나인 (fromis_9) [#menow was good too but I like 눈맞춤 more)
Album of the year: EXIST - EXO
Top 5 b-sides of the year:
What I Want - 프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
OMG - NewJeans (뉴진스)
One Kiss - Red Velvet (레드벨벳)
Lucky Star - NiziU (니쥬)
Oh Ma Ma God - EVERGLOW (에버글로우)
Seasonal songs:
겨울: Sugar Rush Ride - TXT (투모로우바이투게더)
봄: WHY - Kep1er (케플러)
여름: 여름이 들려 (Summer Comes) - 오마이걸 (OH MY GIRL)
Current top 5 DDR songs (song + chart combo)
Ace for Aces
Possession (20th Anniversary Mix)
London EVOLVED ver. C
mathematical good-bye
Spent the whole year in a relationship :)
Made my annual Korea trip for the third year in a row
Significantly improved my reading, timing, and stamina when playing harder songs (912k on snow garland fairy, my first few 15 GFCs, solid GFCs through the 14 folder, three 12 AAAs)
Went to my first football game (49ers wiping the seahawks in the wildcard round)
Attended my older brother's (first) wedding
Attended my sister's wedding
Saw all my extended family in Oregon for my cousin's wedding
Made two SoCal trips
Learned a lot about personal finance
Goals for 2024
Get promoted to senior staff
Get a 900k on an 18 + PFC a 13
Learn to cook six traditional Cantonese recipes
Work on my flexibility (shoulders, back, and hamstrings) to prevent injury instead of focusing on weight
Read all five books currently sitting on my bookshelf over the past two years
Sleep earlier, wake up earlier
Talk less, listen more
I really coasted throughout 2023 (+ the second half of 2022), so I want to put my foot on the gas a little more next year. It's time to get back to growing my career, improving my health, and applying that conscious effort towards my personal goals.
24 is my favorite number, so I hope it's gonna be my favorite year too. :)
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timeoverload · 6 months
I am so happy to be home. It was a long day. I didn't have eye cases this morning so it was nice to not have to rush like I normally do. I'm glad that I had time to get a burrito for breakfast because lunch looked terrible and smelled bad. I wasn't going to waste my money on that. I spent my morning doing power equipment and sterrad. I haven't done that in a while so I guess it was nice to mix it up for once. I offered to take a decontam shift because I didn't feel terrible this morning and it has been a while since I did that but they wouldn't let me so I guess that was nice. I think they are afraid I'm going to hurt my back more. I had 17 cases this afternoon but surprisingly I got done right at 5:30 so I was amazed.
I got frustrated with the department director earlier. He was so appreciative of me staying so late last week but now I think he expects me to be able to do that all the time. I had a surgical tech come up to me and asked if I could train her to do my job so she could help me out once she starts taking lates. She can tell that I'm burned out and not a lot of people know how to do that. He told her I can't do that right now even though I'm in charge of that and I know what I'm doing. The director won't let me train any of the late techs right now because it's "too hectic" and he wants to wait for things to slow down. It's always busy. It wouldn't effect anyone in our department at all. I tried to talk to him about stuff earlier but he seemed annoyed and brushed me off. I guess he expects me to just deal with it until then. He still doesn't know how to do my job and neither does the morning team lead so I can't rely on them. They keep saying they will learn but I know they don't want to. They avoid it every time I ask about it. He also wants me to update the eye instrument book since it hasn't been done in years so I don't know when I'm going to find time to do that. That will probably take several hours.
They are making me complete a talent survey so they can identify what my top 5 talents are. I already filled that out when I got hired but they lost the information somehow so now I have to do it again. Last time it took over an hour and I remember it being terrible. I don't know when I'm supposed to do that. I might have to stay late to complete that if I can't find time during the day. I have to get it done by next Thursday. I think HR is just trying to give people more work to do during the busy season while they sit in their offices. No one else in my department has to do it. It's so stupid.
I am also getting so sick of instruments getting lost or broken. A lot of the time it isn't my fault but it falls back on me. Some of the techs have been leaving cannulas and I&A handpieces attached to their disposable tubing and throwing them away. I have had to dig through the trash multiple times to try to find things. Today another connor wand manipulator broke and those are $300 a piece. They are so delicate and if you touch it the wrong way, the tip will snap off. We don't have any extras and they are on back-order and the eye coordinator is upset about it. I understand and I'm upset too. I'm trying to be more careful than I already am.
I requested January 2nd and 3rd off. I don't have anything planned but I just don't want to be there. I'm looking forward to that.
I had to make a doctors appointment for next month because I have to go in for a med check or else they won't refill my lamotrigine. I'm not planning on changing my dosage because it's already pretty high.
I'm also bummed that I won't get to see you until the end of the month but I will be ok. I'm not going to complain about it too much. I just miss you. 💖💖💖
Despite the bad things that happened, it was still a pretty good day. Sorry for complaining so much, I just need to vent sometimes. I was happy to get to leave on time. I was going to stop and get something to eat on my way home but I changed my mind because I was tired and cold. I will probably just have some soup in a little while because I don't think I have anything else to eat right now other than poptarts. I'm tired and I need to go to bed early I think. Hopefully tomorrow is a good day.
I hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow too!! 💖💖💖
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cosettepontmercys · 6 months
Cossette, hiiii! ☺️🥰 My weekend is being good and a little weird, but yeah, I had a hot bath and some chocolate so I'm feeling better. I am, also, so bad with self-care and making my days as comfortable as possible. That's something I'm really looking forward to bettering in the coming year. I already have some plans! You just reminded me I need to get some scented candles because they always soothe my soul!!!
How was your weekend?
Oh, I do hope you end up enjoying it, when you can!!! I've been trying to get everyone I know to read them. Hehehe ARCs, that's so extremely cool!!!! Wow
I have a lot of unpopular opinions on Jane Austen. Nothing too serious, she's so freaking awesome!!! I haven't watched that adaptation yet, I think I am too scared to do it at this point! Is there a film that you watched this year that you absolutely recommend to everyone?
That's the most difficult question ever!!! I love all of them. I see pink and my eyes go 😍😍😍😍😍! I think it also depends a lot on my mood. Do you have one, though?
Have a super wonderful week!!! 🤍😘☃️
hi friend!! i'm glad to hear that you're hoping to work on that in 2024!! 🤍 i am also a big scented candle lover — i recently got a candle warmer and i loveeee it. probably one of my top 5 purchases of the year! my weekend was good, very self-care-filled, and i got to see my uncle which was always nice! i also read a little, which was nice since i haven't been reading a whole lot lately!
i would love to hear your unpopular opinions on jane austen 👀 fun fact, jane austen and i share a birthday! i was hoping to do a full austen reread last year which then got pushed into this year, and i still haven't read a single austen this year since i decided to reread les mis instead... oops? but hopefully next year i'll reread some austens! and i want to read/reread more classics too! i really want to revisit a lot of books i read for school and reread them now as an adult and see how i feel about them!
i am notoriously bad at watching movies — and also very bad at recording them on letterboxd! but i really loved watching glass onion: a knives out mystery (which i watched in january with my uncle), theatre camp (which i watched with my friend alyssa), the menu (which i watched with my friend jamie), barbie (which i saw the weekend i saw eras tour, with three of my closest friends), and of course, the eras tour film (which i saw a couple times; twice with my mom and once with one of my best friends from school)! i think part of my enjoyment was the movie itself, but also the experience of watching it with someone i love! what about you? do you have any tv/film recs for the year?
i am also a "any shade of pink is perfect" person, but i will say i have a softer spot for the pastel pinks! my room is very pastel pink + bright whites! hope you're having a good week my friend!! 🤍
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collected-times · 1 year
17th january
The past two weeks have been both a time to relax and ease my mind and also quite struggling or challenging.
The first week I spent my time going to bookstores, buying a few books and started to read again. This kinda got my thing again, since I basically haven't been reading since like 5 years or something. When I was a kid and youth I used to read a lot and still got my bookshelves filled with beloved treasures. I lost contact to books during my high school and graduation time since we read a lot in school already. I also startes to read english novels instead of german ones, which is actually my main language. I also went out to meet family members and friends, also people I haven't seen in a long time which felt really nice. On saturday the 7th my best friend and I went to a local dance event from the sports I do and watched a lot of dancing groups performing their dances they prepared the last year. So this was all pretty fun. At the end of the week I felt really peaceful in my heart and mind, felt refreshed, mindful and also a little happy and excited for what is yet to come.
Then time passed on. I still feel strong and capable, but there have been a few things that were challenging. I went back to my educational school and was confronted with a lot of important topics which were quite overwhelming for me. Teachers wanted us to have an opionion on things we haven't really discussed yet and I had only a matter of minutes until I had to vote or speak up for certain things. I don't know, this really drained my energy last week. On the past weekend I spent some time at home doing my household tasks and some creative work. And then I went on to meet the man I love (will describe him like that since I don't mention names in here) and we wanted to have a cooking night and watch a good science fiction movie. We planned on this on tuesday and figured out that we wanted to meet on saturday evening. Yet he decided spontaneously to join a birthday party of his roommate. I have to say, when people tell me that they will make some space within a day for our time together, I expect them to appear at places around maybe 5 or 6pm so we can actually spend some time together. He also said that he will make time throughout the whole saturday and not at noon time. But this is what happend: he went to that birthday party and arrived at my place at 8.45pm, which made me quite angry. I had already bought some vegetables, planned a dinner and didn't meet with anyone else since I don't like changing my plans last minute and so I waited. I waited for 3 hours. And at the end of this he asked me if I wanted to join a party and I got really pissed because I was waiting for him so long already and surely didn't wanted to socialize with random people I don't know. So I told him and he didn't understood my feelings and had many explanations on hand. - and this was even more frustrating. When I feel something, I don't want to hear explanations because I always feel like someone is devalidating my emotions and thoughts. I want them to be recognized and maybe hear an apology. But this never happens.
So I kinda didn't had enough space in my head to actually rest on the weekend and felt very uncomfortable with that whole situation. When we finally met, we didn't really had any kind of conversation and the next day he got depressed because of some small incident. He sat on my bed looking sad for a whole amount of 2,5 hours when he finally decided to leave my place. Today is a monday and I tried to make myself an easy day, made some sketches, read, ate, llistened to music and stood at home since it's quite foggy and rainy outside. But things keep running through my mind, especially when it comes to thoughts about him. I felt abandoned, I felt worthless at some points and also like someone he just uses for physical contact. This isn't alright and I don't feel appreciated right now.
In two weeks I will have an appointment at a therapist's place and I'm really looking forward to get into a therapy agreement with that therapist. When everything turns out as I imagine it could happen that I get a therapy place within the next 4 months. I really really need that since the episodes where I also get depressed and get harming thought seem to get more and more. When they appear kore often and stay longer I figured out that it means I'm not in a good space mentally. I care about myself, already try and do a lot to make my life more comfortable, stable and everything, but there are still a lot of issues that are unsolved and I really want to get better as soon as I can.
In four weeks my internship starts and I will have to work for 6 weeks. I got into a place where disabled adults live with only a low bar of assistance and I'm really interested about what I am going to learn during this time. I think I found a good spot for that internship and feel very comfortable with the staff and the boss of the living complex. There will be more projects in my education coming ahead but I won't stress about this. Let things come with time. :)
So this was it for now, this text helped me a little bit to structure my thoughts and feelings and now I will get back to readinf my current read "conversations with friends" by Sally Rooney. Bye🤍
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