#I have to be funny to make up for my inconvenience + my trauma was useless if I can't make it entertaining + I never learned to
mythicalcoolkid · 2 years
I hate how much of communication is like ":)) hey I know I joke about it and it's really funny but this symptom is actively distressing to me! :)) I don't want to be doing this and I don't like it!! :))) I am aware that I still have this weird memey grin on my face but I really am being serious I don't enjoy being like this! :)) having this conversation while still Like This is killing me and I wish to anything that there wasn't something so wildly wrong with me! :) I hate this!! :))))))"
#m/cc#negative#it's like that Howl's Moving Castle curse where I need to talk about how I am physically incapable of talking seriously about#stressful things but uh#talking about that serious and debilitating issue for me is. y'know. stressful#whole time I have this dumb memey grin and keep throwing out finger guns and peace signs while trying#to explain that I *do not want to be like this*#like trying to explain that you don't always want to be dancing and it's kind of ruining your life but you're dancing while you say it#I have to be funny to make up for my inconvenience + my trauma was useless if I can't make it entertaining + I never learned to#feel understand and process or even identify my emotions + I don't know how to handle the feelings that come with processing the#things that have happened to me and them being a Big Deal That Hurt Me + desperately wanting approval by being entertaining#+ not wanting to be a Downer#so uh. yeah! this has been a really serious and upsetting thing for me since I was maybe 8? and it's REALLY hard to express that I'm being#serious about it... because I also can't take it seriously... :|#it's a horrible curse loop that's so painful to ever try to break through#okay. for the record I've gotten much better at this#it's just worse the past couple days because Slightly Serious Life Event I Can't Process and (currently) late night with ADHD meds worn off#unable to stop making jokes for five seconds meant couldn't do some stuff I really wanted to do even when I tried to stop#I hate it! :)))) it's gonna be fine it just. I hate it!! :))
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letteredlettered · 4 months
Hi! I was wondering are there any other pairings that you would consider for Draco and Harry? What appeals to you about those pairings?
Honestly, the only other person I ship Harry with is Ginny. I'm not likely to read Harry/Ginny fic, but that's a ship I can really imagine being happily ever after in a way that lives on in my head. Meanwhile I will totally read Harry/Snape, Harry/Sirius, or the crossgen ships, but I do not ship them and mostly really just want some nice smut in those corners of the fandom.
But for Draco, I ship Draco/Hermione in a major way. But I'm really afraid of reading fic for them because I'm just kind of assuming the dynamic will be a lot of a) Hermione deciding Ron isn't her intellectual equal and therefore is a bad partner, which is something I cannot stand and makes me almost want to like Ron out of sheer spite, b) Hermione deciding Malfoy is her intellectual equal and therefore a suitable partner, when he's really not; no one is her intellectual equal and that really is okay, c) Hermione deciding Malfoy is really hot and fuckable, or d) Malfoy deciding Hermione's gotten really hot and fuckable because she's smoothing down her hair and wearing fashionable clothes, which I despise viscerally.
Meanwhile all I've ever wanted in my life is Malfoy growing up and being a bit more mature and having some regrets and then meeting Hermione again and absolutely losing his mind for her. Like she is so smart and so talented and so powerful and so honorable and so good that he just worships her. And he's like "well that's very nice; I've turned over a new leaf and can respect a Muggleborn; I am an improved member of society," except his dick keeps being inconvenient about it.
And slowly Malfoy realizes that Hermione with her bushy hair and bad clothes is perhaps the hottest woman on earth. And it really, really sucks because Hermione is infinitely kind to him and the only person in this new society who has ever really given former Death Eaters, and also him specifically, a second chance. And she's so warm to him and generous and good and laughs at his little jokes. And also she would never be romantically interested in him in like. Ever.
She's literally never thought of him that way, not even once. She mostly pities him and kind of thinks he's a funny little guy. And Harry is like WTF he called you slurs and you were tortured in his house, and she's like, "We must move beyond our past, Harry," and she really does, but it literally never occurs to her that Malfoy is a man. He's a human being who deserves a chance. And at some point maybe someone even points out that Malfoy is a man that may have some kind of romantic or sexual desires in this world, like maybe they think Malfoy's a hunk and wonder who he might be dating, and Hermione is a startled by this because she's literally never considered it and then goes right back to not considering it, she has so little interest.
This is really the fic that I want to read. Like Draco making heart eyes for hundreds of pages and meanwhile Hermione pioneers space travel and the cure for cancer. BUT I would also be fine if eventually Hermione did notice him and return his affection, but only after like, a RIDICULOUS amount of him pining while she is so completely oblivious that she makes Wei Wuxian look super aware.
Anyway, that's my other main Draco ship, though I quite like Draco/Ginny too. I'm not sold on a particular ship dynamic, though I somehow doubt fic about them is really focused on the shared trauma of Voldemort befriending them and using them and threatening them and throwing them away, which is what I would really be into for them. I also just think they're kind of hot, I guess, though honestly most Ginny pairings are hot because she's hot.
I'll read some crossgen stuff and I'd possibly read like, idk, Draco/Lupin or Draco/Neville and like it, but I think my heart is really set on Draco/Harry or Draco/Hermione, even if I'll never read the latter.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
This is finna be short because I honestly can’t stand writing these since I censor myself a lot in order to still try and be respectful to this comic and the fandom but I will say this, this comic as a whole has desensitized a lot of fans to actual abusive behaviors and toxic relationships. Like I’m being genuine right now when I say a lot of the people in the fandom are starting to blur the lines of what’s consent and what’s not, what’s healthy and what’s toxic, what’s acceptable and what’s unacceptable, and my favorite one what’s morally correct or morally fucked up.
It’s sad that this comic has managed to place so many disgusting and disturbing topics and themes into this comic while also making it seem like completely normal and harmless stuff. If you don’t believe me we have people shipping Hera and Kronos, as if the chapters with their past wasn’t obviously traumatizing for young Hera and put her in positions she wasn’t safe in. It’s funny how people don’t understand that Hera’s emotional turmoil with Kronos and uneasy emotions pertaining him are not signs of crushing on him, and it’s insane how people take those signs and completely downplay it all so they can write it off as some forbidden romance.
I can’t even blame the fans for thinking this way either since Rachel has been normalizing insane and crazy shit like this for years, she doesn’t care how bad the relationship is and how disgusting the reality of the situations get she’ll still make light of it and treat it like it’s either a small inconvenience or just cute romantic stuff. Lore Olympus is not a romance comic, it never was and that’s because you cannot write a romance with Persephone and Hades or at least not a completely healthy one. The myth is about tragedy and trauma of a mother and daughter you can’t exactly morph into some office fluff. If she wanted to do that then she should’ve written something original and left the myth alone because honestly Lore Olympus is the worst retelling ever, nothing about it is good and Ive lost all respect for it because it continues to feed the young audience it targets these fucked up ideals and try to paint rainbows and kittens over it like it makes it okay. We shouldn’t be normalizing any of this shit and Rachel should not be trying to condition her audience to normalize it, if you’re making anything problematic and you’re aware of that you should not shy away from calling it out that’s how fucked up mindsets and behaviors start to arise by trying to market disgusting and toxic tropes as good things. Take responsibility in the mindsets you gave to your fans and actually debunk all of the terrible themes you have in your comics and address the people who still think like that. You cannot have a story including assault of any kind and welcome those who ignore it and ship victims with their fucking abusers, address it and stop hiding behind your hype men.
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mamabearwonders · 3 months
Some Forest Wisdom From Granny Bear 🌲 🐻. Come sit by the campfire. 🌌
Life can be shitty. Some days there's no sugarcoating it. Some days we just scream into a pillow and cry. Some days it feels like life is just out to get us and everything hurts and nothing is worth it.
I see you.
I've been there. We all have been. You're not a failure or ungrateful or negative for going through a horrible time whether it's out of the blue or from something specific.
Life itself can be very traumatic for people who have not had a safe space or love in a world that is always against us. So I'm not gonna tell you to be positive. I'm not gonna say bandage the pain and smile. I'm not gonna say it all gets better.
Because you won't feel heard.
What I will say is. You're worth sticking around. Take up your space. Scream, cry let it out. And give yourself a chance to find those pockets of life that feel like a warm hug. Whether that's finding a YouTuber you really or maybe you're looking forward to seeing a new movie.
I think so many of us think we have to have it all figured out right now or life is pointless. But that's the beauty of life. If it goes sucky and nothing goes right, there's a new day. There's a try again. It doesn't mean life is over just the day is. In the big grand scheme of things one day out of the week.
Maybe it's months and months and you think it'll never get better. Go to your communities. Go to people that feel like you and share in that pain and that itself is healing.
I don't have all the answers. I'm in pain all the time. I grieve all the time. But life has a funny way of bouncing back. I've learned to let go of expectations of what my life should be because that was making me even more miserable.
Some pain stays. Some trauma stays. And a lot of people think that means they're a hopeless case and no one will love them. But you will find your people that feel the exact same way and you'll realize you aren't as alone and hopeless as you feel.
You're not a burden. You're not an inconvenience. You deserve to claim your space and exist freely without having to prove your worth through numbers (ED related), productivity or how well you can mask pain or mask your true self.
No wonder we're so tired. We're expected to fit painfully into a world that hurts us or to fawn and freeze around people who hurt us and never get to know ourselves. But maybe here we can find a little piece of heaven, a little slice of peace, a little sense of belonging & finding those who show us our worth even when we think we don't deserve it.
With love❤️‍🩹,
Starry Bear🌠🐻
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dootdootwriting · 2 years
Yooo, if you're open for requests and you feel like doing this one, could you write reader (possibly gn) comforting Zhongli and/or Thoma? Something both fluffy and hurt/comfort, hurts good kinda vibe.
Thanks in advance!
hurt/comfort my beloved.... anyway i made up some scenarios for this!! enjoy <3
pairing: zhongli, thoma x reader (separate) tw: theyre sad lol, mentions of past trauma in zhongli's type: hurt/comfort pronouns used: none! a/n: this took me three days and i had to rewrite it because i read the request wrong someone send help </3
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being alive for so long will take its toll, especially on someone who's seen so much and been in the middle of so much war
normally zhongli is calm and collected, though there are times when he has to take a break and be by himself for a while
these are the days where he pretends to be sick and tags out of work
since he's met you, however, the memories eat away at him less and less
you're able to remind him to live in the present and enjoy the moments he's living through as he lives through them - especially now that he is for all thoughts and purposes a mortal
he still has his days, though, and since you're usually busy, he doesn't like to disturb you. by the time you get home, he's usually composed himself and is ready to receive you.
except for today.
commissions went quickly and you were feeling just a little bit lonely, so you decided to go home early
instead of tea brewing and zhongli intently reading the newspaper, or an empty foyer with a note reading "went out to watch the ships, be back soon," you found nothing.
and then you find zhongli sitting on the bed, head in hands, sobbing almost silently
your hand finds its way to his back, gently rubbing slow circles into the fabric of his shirt
when he finally turns his head to look at you, you expected to find him sad. instead, however, he mostly just seems very, very tired
and thankfully, you're exactly what he needs. after a few seconds, zhongli wordlessly places his head in the crook of your neck, allowing you to hold him
it's not often that you see him like this, and while it's a bit difficult to understand what to do, you figure he just needs some comfort
you stay holding him for a while before his breaths slow down, and he removes himself gently from your arms and kisses your forehead
"thank you, my dear... i apologize for the inconvenience. would you like to go make some tea?"
you tell him he doesn't have to apologize for anything, and he lets out a light huff and brings you in for a quick hug
tea turns out to be exactly the right thing.
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ah yes, inazuma's beloved fixer, always helping someone somewhere with some sort of issue
it seems that wherever he goes, someone has a problem in need of solving, and of course he is the one to ask
and he doesn't ask anything in return! thoma is Just That Kind, and unfortunately, this means people tend to take advantage of him.
it seems these days that he doesn't even have time to have his own problems
when you meet him for a nice dinner at the komore teahouse, taroumaru greets you eagerly, tail wagging as always. you expect to see your boyfriend in the same state, as he is usually.
however, when you enter the room where you're supposed to meet him, instead, you find him exhausted and slumped over his meal.
"hey, what's wrong? are you okay?"
thoma erupts from his seat. his arms flail out from his torso and he rants for as long as he has the breath for
it's almost funny, the way he's frustrated with everything, his limbs flapping about wildly, but you can tell how much he'd had pent up inside, so instead of laughing, you pull him in for a hug
he sighs loudly and lets his head fall on your shoulder
"i just don't even have my own life anymore. i'm sorry for yelling. i'm not mad at you."
you reassure him you knew he wasn't angry with you, and pat his back, chuckling lightly
"how about we take a week off, okay? you can tell lord kamisato i have other plans with you."
"please," he says, and you can hear the relief in his voice.
you spend the night resting with him flopped on top of you, mumbling about the people he'd helped today
and you swear to yourself: if anyone even tries to ask him for something over his break, you were going to strangle them.
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magnumdays · 8 months
Magnum PI 5.12 - Three Bridges review
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Little bit late this week because I had trouble finding the ep and well this new mid-week airing time, it's at a pretty inconvenient time of the week for me.
The promo for this episode was misleading as (when is it not) but in this case it was a really good misleading. We did get funny sting-ray case but that was just a side plot for laughs.
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And for me it worked so well because it gave us more Miggy scenes and man, do I love how they're doing Magnum and Higgins as a couple now. It's established, comfortable but still sweet with that hint of sexy they always had and IDK, why can't we just have 10 seasons more of this?
The Case
Seems like a semi-straightforward "trusted the wrong person and got my money stolen" case. But this being Magnum PI, there is of course a huge trafficking ring behind it and the bad guy is actually a good guy and everyone (except for the Triad) gets a happy ending. (Brushing over the trauma of trafficking and being used as a human sheild at and also sort of betrayal of trust and stealing lots of money from people, and all that jazz. Because goodness will win out and happiness reign supreme -that's just how we roll in Magnum PI land.)
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I liked it, even if finding the hotel (which granted took the combined power of Kumu and Higgy) and then just getting walked straight into the heart of the Evil Overlords organization was a bit convenient. Like if I was a boss bad-guy I would have just told my underlings to walk potential spies and cops and other interested parties off the property. And then just moved my operation.
Just saying, a bit sloppy for a 97-million-dollar operation...
The end bit with findning Haun (Han?) after he'd been sold off again, maybe that should have ended sadder or more dramatic. Like Haun could at least have gotten shot in the arm or something... just a little suggestion.
Or Higgy should have gotten shot because she was just walking straight into the path of this guy's bullets...
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The Miggy
What took you so long?
I was about to ask you the same thing.
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They are so adorable and just maybe the ultimate modern battle couple of all time.
Seriously was there one Miggy moment when the banter was not on point?
"Get where it's going and intercept it!"
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Side note: does someone on this show have like a drowning kink? I feel like waterboarding is the to-go torture method of choice for all bad guys. I mean Nuzo was water-boarded before he died, Higgy was, then she almost drowned and now we got TM getting all drown-y.
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And love the look Magnum gives the guy when the bad guy is all "This ain't gonna work - go get his friend". Like from mildly smug (above) because hey, Mr. Navy Seal "I can hold my breath for five minutes" isn't worried about anything to 'not amused' in like a second.
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(I mean of course Higgy being all kick-ass going to get her Hubby, also lovely.)
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TC - Sometimes you just need your mom
So TC pushing everyone away after last week when he seemed to be opening up and doing a bit better with Shammy and Kumu felt like a step back, but also very real. Because rehab and progress is not linear nor does it "make sense" for most people in a logical way.
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Mommy-TC showing up and both showing him that she not leaving because she loves him and wants to be there for him and talking to him about weakness and stubbornness, was the right play. Because when life sucks sometimes you just need your mom right?
It's also a nice call back to last "season" which they've been so good at during season 5. Like with Higgy and the Mandarin and just little references to stuff (still waiting on the tattoo though...)
Rick and Love
So I guess Piper was only in the picture to push Rick and Suzy together then? Maybe? I kind of hope she sticks around and has some other nefarious purpose. But if she's not in the next episode or 14, I guess she was just there to get the Suzy/Rick ship to sail.
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Which, I mean, we did all want that and it is sooo very cute and I'd want to see happy-family feels! Let Suzy or Rick have a birthday and we can end with a surprise party or something this season (and bring a real baby this time).
Overall + I'm on a break next week
I enjoyed this episode so much, possibly a bit more than last week's ep even, and I'm a bit annoyed with myself it took me like 4 days until I could watch it. I guess, part of why I postponing watching is because each week means one episode closer to the last one. Urg, why did they end our show!!! It's such a freaking shame because it absolutely feels like they've found their groove with the Miggy relationship and just the whole vibe of 5a and so far 5b!
Next week I'll be traveling so I might not be able to get access to the episode at all before I return home, which sucks because it's my favorite plot-device: my faves going undercover.
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But yeah, 13+14 might end up being a double episode for me (+ double review!) in two weeks but we shall see!
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nagdabbit · 5 months
This isn't a prompt or a request, but hear me out Dags. What if you remixed Lamp Bright Rind but made it wrestlefic? Who would you cast, what would you change, what would you keep? Consider it a thought experiment
don't do this to me, don't you dare do this to me. shit. fuck. balls
like. for those not coming from the st fandom, i once enjoyed the show and fandom and wrote a massive harringrove fic where billy was a disgraced chef trying to reinvent himself, and steve was a corporate lawyer trying to get out from under his family's shadow and do as much good as he could. they live across from each other, they can see into each others kitchen windows, steve cant cook and shows up unannounced to get cooking lessons, and it's cute as shit from there. there's misunderstandings, there's mistaken identities, there's healing from trauma and growing up and not realizing that their entire friend group is a circle. im proud of it
now like. fuck. shit. thought experiment my ass. this is gonna consume me.  fuck you man
my first instinct, bryan the chef. not disgraced, not exactly, but tired. thinks he has nothing left to make, but is determined to start a new restaurant and do something different. yuta as his neighbor, starving, stressed college student who would eat more vegetables if he knew how to cook them. renee is his restaurant partner, and her husband mox is his best friend who is there to give him shit and pep talks and shitty peptalks. bryan doesn't like jons friend eddie, who tags along when they go out, but eddie sometimes make him get out of his wallowing. and sometimes bryan has to get eddie out of his own wallowing about his on again-off again relationship with claudio, bryans foh manager. bryan already feels weird falling in love with the college student he's teaching how to cook, but then he finds out yuta is like renee and moxs adopted son he'd never met before, because he's always so busy with school
but i have an instinct i like more, actually. remix my remix.
renee the chef. shes always had a great gig on food shows and writing cookbooks, she's beloved. but she's never had her own restaurant before, and she's shit scared about how it's gonna go. her business partner, bryan, knows she's gonna kill it, but also he's an asshole, sometimes, and doesn't know how to give a proper inspirational talk. but he is good at interfacing with their investor while she goes crazy trying to finalize the menu. hell, she doesn't even know who their investor is. they hire yuta in the kitchen, and he's young and adorable and eager and even if he doesn't have the training that they do, she likes him more than anyone else who applied. his mortal enemy, daniel, got hired to the wait staff tho, and no one can tell if they're gonna fuck or fight at any given time. claudio just has good foh manager/host energy, he's personable, what else can i say. eddie is the bartender slash woodworker slash handyman who solves their problem of needing a bartender, needing someone to fix the place they chose, and needing a custom bar installed. also he's funny and he pisses bryan off and makes claudio blush. then there's mox, the burly, rough and tumble famous ufc fighter and window neighbor in the apartment building next to renees. he can't cook for shit, renee has a running tally of the number of times she's seen him throw the windows open to let out smoke. and one night, bored and tired of trying to work on the menu, she takes pity on him and carts a box of ingredients to the building next door, hunts down his apartment and offers to teach him how to cook. then there's the matter of who their investor is, and who the mysterious man all her friends are trying to set her up with is, and the inconvenient fact that she thinks mox is kinda cute and is starting to fall for him
i think that's the one i would write. less trauma this time around, more softness.
also, consider: gruff famous chef ruby, bumbling neighbor ang. up and coming chef hook, weird cabaret neighbor dan(housen). world renowned chef regal quietly trying to start a diner, boring vegan neighbor bryan who only makes salad and it makes regal sad. revolutionary vegan chef sami, and his overworked vet neighbor kevin. chef swerve and poofy haired cowboy hangman next door that he hates, he promises. actually i like that one a lot, too. chef orange, king of simple ingredients and big flavors, and his goofy streamer neighbor chuck. chef willow, trying to make a name for herself, and her weird neighbor kris who thinks she's an alien but we're not quite sure about that or not. 
so many combinations... shit. balls. fuck.
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kaatiba · 11 months
OC Weaknesses
tagged by @faytelumos​ (who also made this meme!)
Rules: Quick, name a bunch of your OCs and their weaknesses, but it has to be funny.
Sage: broke the world by being a giant nerd and creating a self-insert for his favourite book series. also his long, luscious, totally impractical-for-someone-on-the-run hair. 
Ro: magic doesn’t work on or through her. she literally nullifies it. no magic healing for her if she gets stabbed. good thing she never gets stabbed, huh. 👀 eventually sage becomes a weakness too; unfortunately she likes the feral, helpless little loser. 
Alyss: her total inability to be chill, the ex-boyfriend she imprisoned and tortured, and her nothing-matters-and-I’m-about-to-make-that-everybody’s-problem philosophy on life. 
Fintan: literally can’t be on time if his life depended on it. carries a pocket-watch everywhere and is still always late. also has a chronic case of Snooty Bastard disease in both the literal and figurative sense. unfortunately it’s incurable, RIP.
Jax: best worst dad. saved an orphaned street kid from getting experimented on by an unethical magi-scientist. raised said kid to murder people for profit. is so proud of her. it might kill him to express that though. 
Halah: wanted to have a fun adventure. got trauma instead. doesn’t learn her lesson, goes on another adventure. trauma x2: electric boogaloo, but this time for a good cause. 
Raoul: intolerable Noble Asshole, in love with his married cousin, thinks Halah’s evil, maybe.
Ilyas: likes Raoul, who’s kind of a jerk, and is in denial about it. in love with Halah, convinced she’ll never see him that way. totally ignorant of the fact that he’s the Best Boy.
Nilam: literally none, she’s the coolest person ever. down to fight Raoul at the slightest provocation though, which can be inconvenient.
Sirin: doesn’t realize her cousin’s in love with her. has no idea what she’s getting into when she goes on a cross-country treasonous road-trip to rescue her kid or die trying. 
Nur-al-Hayat: unfortunately, mommy and daddy issues. soon to be brother issues too. 
Cipher: might get himself killed with his need to make a quip at every (in)opportune moment. his entire identity is wrapped up in his brother-who-isn’t-really-his-brother, and without him, who is he even?
Sasha: so busy angsting over whether she’s a person that she completely misses that she is the coolest ever, actually. also thinks cipher’s funny. might crack her face if she smiles though. 
Etienne: rich white boy realizes too late his parents are Evil, his money comes from Evil, and that he’s Evil by association if he doesn’t do anything about it. tries to run away from it all, fails successfully, and then accidentally triggers a civil war. 
Wren: could break everything and herself if she thinks about anything for too long.
Kai: that is my precious darling angel baby boy and i love him. some might side-eye him for giving his former slaver one single chance to redeem herself and then falling in love with her, but actually his heart is just huge and enormous and you wouldn’t get it.
Cormac: Area Man In a Stupid Hat Ruins Everything. critical failure to consider other people as people.
tagging: @tracle0, @hyba, @athemarina, @zmwrites, and @sculpture-in-a-period-drama
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emi-matchu · 2 months
pet peeve discourse format: post that presents your own side of the wildly vitriolic discourse as the soft anxious uwu smol bean side. example:
> group I identify with: "hey guys, could you please do this one small thing for us?? 🥺🥺"
> group I consider my enemy: "omg you absolute dipshit you're the worst and everything you've just said is the worst, how fucking dare you ask me to mildly inconvenience myself, I hate doing things for anyone ever and my basis for this is entirely to watch you suffer because it's funny, lmaoooo"
> group I identify with: "oh.... ok...... guess I'll go die...... 😭😭😭"
idk I just have such a bad reaction to, in community conflict situations, pretending to be the One Soft And Reasonable Side,
for stuff where it's like. y'all I've been seeing this discourse, that's not how your cohort actually consistently talks. in most of these things, there's beratement posts and petty angry manipulative bullshit flying around in all directions
What tumblr discourse is, is traumatized people trying to find answers for their overwhelmingly complex feelings and experiences… even when people are wrong, it's very very rare that there's an actual outright villainous side ime
and idk, it just really irks me to see discourse fall away from the useful relevant topic into deciding We Are Good Ones and They Are Bad Ones, when we're not talking about CEOs, we're talking about other young disabled traumatized people, trying to figure stuff out with the only peers they know how to find
it's okay to be mad at people, it's okay to think someone is very very wrong and to say so, disabled traumaqueers are plenty often wrong and do bad things! trauma reactions, including bad and hurtful ones, are extremely common among us, this is how the trauma works
but idk, the times when people process this by presenting the rest of the world as outright villains, and themselves as just soft sweeties trying to get by…
idk, that's the stuff where I get real sad and scared
I genuinely kinda like discourse! I think sorting through complex issues together, even with conflict and tension involved, is extremely useful and interesting
but I hate "the discourse is bad because the other side is Willfully Cruel, unlike us who are just being Reasonable"… and the only way I've found to get away from it is to… just stop reading it and make sure my posts never end up in front of anyone anymore, I guess
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SFW: 3 4 10
NSFW: 1 2 4
3) Arguments headcanon: I think my favorite Linzin argument would have to be their disagreements in how they approach kids. Whether it's the young Korra, Tenzin's four airbenders, or even random kids they pick off and try to help on the streets. Lin likes to be blunt and unfiltered whereas Tenzin tends to sugarcoat everything. Granted, they're both way too extreme in their approaches, but the arguments that follow are both hilarious and scary.
4) Playful/silly headcanon: Tenzin likes to make up songs about Lin whenever she's busy working. He'll hover around her like a bee and just sing funny things about what she's doing and Lin pretends to tolerate it but secretly, she thinks it's really cute.
10) Heartbreak headcanon: I so wanna avoid talking about the big Linzin breakup and the trauma that follows: but there's one headcanon that I love so much that it hurts my heart. After they broke up, Lin stopped growing her hair longer than her shoulders and Tenzin refused to fully shave off his beard. It was their little way of mourning the others' loss.
1)Positions/locations headcanon: I think with locations: in their late teens/early twenties, they may have covered every nook and corner of air temple island as well as the Republic City police station haha. Once they're older: canon/postcanon, I think they're less adventurous with locations and stick to places they know: beds, showers, and couches instead of shacking up behind a tree. BUT, where they got less adventurous about locations, they got more experimental with positions as they grew older. As youngsters, they'd go for more acrobatic, inconvenient yet pleasurable positions because they're often doing quickies or hiding away. But growing up together, they gradually learn what's fun and worth the effort and what simply looks good but doesn't feel as great. But they're always open to trying new positions. Tenzin's favorite has got to be mating press lmao and Lin's favorite is reverse cowgirl. When Lin tops, it's Amazon and when Tenzin does, it's doggy lol.
2) Rough or gentle? Fast or slow? Ugh both and both. Rough and fast, rough and slow, gentle and fast, and gentle and slow. Lin and Tenzin are two people with the most possible sexual opportunities, and growing and learning together only allows them to try everything. Lin loves rough and slow while Tenzin loves gentle and fast.
4) Who tops/bottoms, who’s dominant/submissive: I think they're both switches. Sometimes, Lin tops, and sometimes, Tenzin does. It really depends on what kinda day they've been having and how they're feeling at the moment. But more often than not, I'd say Tenzin tops. The sex is heavily governed by emotions when it comes to these two: so it's more dependent on who has some steam to blow off.
Ask me about my headcanons!
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ssreeder · 1 year
ahhhhh sreedie I lost track of tiiiiime I missed an updateeee
but ykw that means?? you get double the amount of blather from yours truly this time around :D
lmao finally sokka is getting some sword training that isn’t zuko hitting him with a stick when he gets his form wrong
sorry sorry but sweaty sokka is making me think of this one tv show where the main character is panicking bc she has to distract this guy and what she decided to say as a distraction tactic is “I feel.. sticky” and I almost died of second hand embarrassment.
anyways sweaty sokka supremacy this boy needs more minor inconveniences to balance out the major inconveniences that bulldoze over his hopes and dreams
honestly I think sokka is coping pretty well given the circumstances
I’m going to expose myself here but when suki finally reunited with sokka I will admit I was physically wiggling in excitement
aw suki your girlhood dreams are about to be pulverised :((
also can I just say I adore you bc you’ve managed to perfectly balance the fact that suki is a teenage girl with what she thinks is a requited crush BUT ALSO she’s a leader and a tactician and is aware of anomalies in her surroundings at all times
slay kovi my new fav
yoooo suki coming in clutch with the gossip besties
SHEN POV SHEN POV SHEN POV SHEN POV SHEN POV SHEN POV ok yeah I’m gonna be Sooo much more annoying about shen than anybody ever was about reho. now your never gonna wanna remarry me :(
shen is more dedicated to complaining about his sore ass than zuko is to self preservation fr
zuko and shen banter that’s actually purposeful verbal attacks but I’ll pretend is banter bc it’s funny >>>
it’s not Actually funny but it’s lowkey hilarious that shen is like “fuck now I gotta be chivalrous and save zuko over myself if I ever get the chance why must I be such a gentleman woe is me” like bestie if you really didn’t want to help zuko you could just.. Not
also I think you’re handling like the racist propaganda of the fire nation about the other nations really well btw!!
lmao not morrak singling sokka out as an instigator for potential mass injury so blatantly
okay sad that sokka is suffering with communication BUT HOPEFULLY when (and I mean WHEN sreedie istg) zukka are reunited he’ll maybe have a better time trying to get zuko to like.. actually fucking talk about how he’s feeling??? maybe?? a girl can dream okay. but also it’s so real to like not be able to open up to people able difficult topics (not that I have anywhere Near the trauma these boys have) just bc you haven’t yet started talking to someone about them and it’s overwhelming to even think where to begin bc it feels like even if you could figure it out it’ll be impossible to actually convey all the nuance of how you’re feeling bc there’s just so much of it
AUNT WU pls sokka enjoy hating on spirit shenanigans I was you to experience some joy
ohoho please PLEASE let quon’s assholery and ambition bite him in the ass P L E A S E sreedie I’m begging
dude not zuko genuinely considering whether he would maintain his pride better by literally shitting his pants. I can’t anymore with this boy
“are you a good person shen”
“not all the time”
I’m not sure whether to be scared that quon Will be worse than zhao or laugh at quon’s confidence bc there’s no way he’s worse than zhao
quick question sreedie umm how hasn’t zuko lost any teeth yet am I just supposed to suspend my disbelief about how many times he can get punched in the jaw and not suffer some serious dental damage
awww shen you DO care about zuko :3
genuinely living for shen’s belaboured feral pygmy puma dad era that zuko is forcing him to suffer through its glorious
listen all shen needs to do is leverage sokka against zuko?? like literally just bitch at him about how if he gets himself killed then sokka will be distraught and that’s like at least 60% of his attitude issues solved
do I dislike jet? yeah. do I think it’s going to be wildly entertaining to have him along for the journey? yeah.
NOT MORE OF THE FUCKING BENDER SUPPRESSANTS FUCK OFF ohohoho alas quon you are unaware about zuko being bloody superhuman when it comes to this drug
I was going to say something else but now I have forgotten but!! it’s okay bc now I am going to read the second chapter and hopefully I’ll remember it at some point when I’m writing my next comment >:)
I have been thinking of answering your asks for DAYYYYSSSSS but these damn holidays don’t wanna let me DO IT. But don’t worry ex-lover I am here!
Suki & Sokka reuniting is amazing! She is going to be a good influence on him, I feel it in my BONES!
Or he will gaslight her into thinking he is fine & she won’t be able to help with Shiiit….
Sokka hasn’t spoken to ANYONE about what happened to him except Zuko. & even his dad & Bato got the “safe version” so yeah opening up or even beginning to accept that this is a topic he will EVENTUALLY have to find words to communicate is very difficult… for some people it’s impossible. So I do feel bad for Sokka he isn’t an in easy spot.
It’s funny you mention teeth this was like a big convo in the server today so I’m going to go ahead & say zukos teeth are blessed by Agni themselves so they will not break or fall out it’s canon don’t question me.
Shens teeth are not though
I have my hand pressed against the glass window of my house staring across at your house because we don’t live together anymore but I miss you…..
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hasufin · 1 year
And I mean guys here. This isn’t some super-secret “Boys Only” thing, I don’t care what your birth certificate says, but I’m talking to guys here.
You need to get a pedicure.
I’m serious. I know our culture treats it as a silly indulgence for women. And yeah, there are some aspects which you might find uncomfortable.
(That’s fine. Some people will give you shit about it and talk about “fragile masculinity”. They’re bullies. You’re allowed to be uncomfortable with things which undermine your identity and may possibly trigger past trauma. There are an awful lot of people who think that’s all funny, but it’s not, and you’re not the bad guy for that.)
So, no, you’re not obligated to get your toenails painted. (You can if you want to, though. They’ve got thousands of colors.) And it’s understandable the first time you go to a salon, that it feels like you’re invading a female-only space.
Let me tell you something. Guys, we need pedicures.
Let me tell you about me. I’m upwards of 250lbs (about 114 kilos, or almost 18 stone if you want). I hike in the mountains on the regular. I walk when I can. Sometimes I lift weights. You know, pretty active.
Do you have ANY IDEA what it does to the soles of your feet when you’re regularly slapping that much weight on them? So, so callused. I one time ended up with a cyst because I got a splinter embedded in the sole of my foot and didn’t feel it.
And I bet you’re like me. We’re not generally raised to take good care of our feet, and they get a whole bunch of abuse. You maybe know to trim your toenails, but don’t do it as often as you should. But do you even own a pumice stone? (Pumice stone isn’t enough, really, but it’s a start).
You need help. I’ve checked carefully, and determined that my feet are on the ends of my legs. This is a terribly inconvenient place to put them, but I was not consulted in the matter. So proper foot care is awkward. There’s a lot you can do, but every now and then, you should go to a salon and have someone help.
Now, like I said - the first time you go to a salon, it might be a bit awkward. I get that. Honestly this is a good chance to bond with a partner, friend, or relative who does go regularly: they’ll know how it’s laid out, and can help explain things. In theory you can just go in, but it helps to have some guidance.
They usually have packages you can choose from - manicure, pedicure, foot and leg massage, etc.. I’m honestly a fan of going all-out, you’re already there. Just be sure to tip well.
Once you select what you want, they’ll take you to one of those salon chairs - the kind with the little foot spa. Oh, I should mention - wear clothing you can roll up easily. If the weather allows, shoes you can take off easily, too. You’re there for them to work on your feet, so it’s best if they can be accessible. I, um, do not advise a kilt though. These are professionals and do not need a direct view of your genitals. Just, like, maybe sweatpants, okay?
Anyway, the spa chair. It’s got the foot bath. It has some snazzy controls, which are, I’m sorry, not necessarily intuitive. It has a built-in massage function, but there’s a decent chance it’s not big enough to work with your frame. You’re allowed to use the controls on the chair, but don’t mess with the foot spa part - that’s for the technician.
They’re probably going to run water into the foot spa. They might put some bathing salts in. They want you to soak your feet for a little while, it makes their job easier. If it’s too hot or cold, let them know politely. They can adjust it, and you’re supposed to be comfortable.
After a little bit, your technician will start the pedicure. If you’re with a group, there’s a fair chance you’ll be the last person helped - I’m sorry, you’re a bit of an outlier and you’re probably waiting for the most experienced person.
Now, I can’t tell you the exact order this will go - it varies from place to place. They might want to use wax on your feet, it’s pleasantly warm but not hot - however, they may not have bags big enough for your feet. This will likely be a theme - many just aren’t set up for people with big feet. Be patient and understanding about this, they can’t fix it either.
From here, you will need to obey some basic instructions - they will want you to put one foot or the other either up on the footrest, or down off the footrest. Aside from that your goal is to not move, and warn them if something tickles or hurts. Yes, some customers are ticklish, this isn’t unusual. However, if you jump, someone might get hurt. So warn before that happens.
At some point they will do the thing you really want: exfoliation. They’re going to remove the dead skin from your feet. With you, that’s not a trivial task. You, uh, may want to look away. I’ve had them go in the back and bring out a dremel tool, a cheese grater, a microscalpel, and a microplane grater. The latter is the most popular. No, it does not hurt, they are literally removing dead skin only, but it’s possibly not something you want to see. And there’s a lot. (Tip well. Really. They deserve it.).
After that, they’re going to trim your toenails and cuticles, and give you a calf massage. If you want, they’ll also paint your toenails. Once that’s done - and after your toenails have dried - you can move on to the manicure if you want (you are not obligated to get a manicure). Then, you put your shoes back on, roll down the legs of your clothing, and pay at the front. Again, be sure to tip generously - you are a special challenge.
The first thing you will notice is that your feet are waaaay more sensitive. Not in the “everything hurts” way, but just that you feel more stuff, because you no longer have a ridiculously thick layer of dead skin on the soles of your feet. Be sure to bring thick socks.
What you will also notice is that your feet feel cleaner than they ever have, they don’t itch, they don’t feel dry, and just plain feel better.
Over the course of the next few days that sensitive feeling will go away, and the thick skin on your soles will build up again.
Once you get over your discomfort, you’ll find this can be an enjoyable experience (well, mostly - I personally have never much cared for the cuticle trim, but that’s just me.) and one you look forward to.
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hello riku and other birdfriends, this is in response to your "what is freeze/fawn like" post and i am about to ramble so hard about our experiences in your inbox
our dominant trigger response is freeze (and flight to a sense), and funny enough we can't really comprehend the fight response (so feel free to talk about that!)
we were always a shy/anxious child, and the nature of our abuse and upbringing play a pretty big part into why we react the way we do. nature and nurture that kind of thing.
start discussion of abuse
we were homeschooled by our mother for the entirety of pre-college, and given her... myriad of mental problems, we didn't really go out and socialize much. our mother was (and still is) very emotionally detached from us, and would frequently berate and frighten us for even the smallest inconveniences. all we could really do was sit there and take it, with nowhere but my room to run off to after we were done getting chewed out.
one of our traumaholders had a very vivid flashback earlier this year, and was practically locked up sobbing in the fetal position on the couch as they relived the memory of being hurt. that isn't the first time we've been frozen like that, feeling cornered and helpless, but this was the most recent and vivid for us.
end discussion of abuse
in my understanding, our freeze response is derived from our anxious disposition and being (essentially) bullied in our own home. the lack of other places to escape to left us with very little else to do but curl up and wait for the storm to pass.
sorry if this makes 0 sense or is otherwise hard to follow, the only way i know how to talk about things is thru my own experiences. and i'm lost in the (brain) fog.
also fuck it we ball. no anon for us this time
- 🔌🎮
*nodding nodding nodding* No no no that checks out that checks out. I like hearing some of these cause it helps me piece together a bit more of an image of the general concept of something otherwise foreign so it is MUCH appreciated.
I'm assuming what with the "curl up and wait for the storm to pass" am I right in inferring / assuming that then in the more default coping for not-directly trauma things would likely be a retreating to the sense of waiting for the storm (the stressors / anxiety source) to pass (go away with its own time) regardless of if there is a clear end point in place or not (cause mental illness duh)?
Because if I'm following and understanding, especially in situations such as the type you mentioned in your lived experience and from what I know from others and some personal experience, in past experiences the best way to get the stressor over would be to not engage as engaging would often worsen the situation. So it becomes a bit of a usual / default for a panicked brain used to those situations to assume the solution is to do nothing and wait for it to naturally and independently pass - thus like a storm?
I'm trying to understand this a bit by basing it off of how our personal things work but reversing certain aspects.
Cause - its a lot more complicated than this but for the sake of not sharing more than I'm supposed to and the post simplicity - we largely had to help our older siblings control our parents from a young age and quickly (when the eldest moved out) had to take on the responsibility of controlling our parents by ourselves in our early teens. So largely when issues came up, if they were not stopped at the bud, they would flourish into Huge Issues and my parents weren't going to stop themselves so we ended up playing the role of stopping them before they started.
So if fawn/freeze in your description would be a storm passing, fight/flight is more like preventing / avoiding the snowball turning into an avalanche.
For us, if there is an issue, we have to do something about it otherwise it not only wont get better, but it will likely get much much worse - regardless of if there is something that can be done, what in the case of a metaphorical storm.
But a lot of the time when we get triggered or in a flashback, we have to HAVE to do things. It varies greatly on which part is out because we are pretty evenly split on Flight Specialty and Fight Specialty.
Flight (my dominant coping) for me is doing literally everything and anything moderately related to whatever is stressing me out and making a clear plan and trying to forsee everything ahead and plan for every little thing that could go wrong or right and how to prevent it and (long long long list). Everything has to have a plan and be made out in my head and I am not joking that I used to have a "40 year plan" for my life as a result of this.
Fight (XIV's dominant coping) literally makes it so that if he is even remotely bothered by something he tends to get at least a strong draw to generate problems, find adrenaline, and instigate something if there is not an active issue - which he has done historically many times to a dangerous level in the past. In high levels of set off though, it drives a strong need to destroy, break, and maim things that to the part that if not satiated or able to match the level of stress / distress can then turn into self injury to try to fulfill it.
Something the both of us get (XIV more generally, me more specifically with bird-related issues) is that when we get trauma-related triggered on issues, it isn't uncommon for the only thing to be circling in our head is about how dangerous someone / something is and how inconsiderate / problematic and how fucked up and unfair that [thing] is and it circles and circles and circles brewing up a sense of vitrol each time that is really hard to contain if left to circle.
I mainly say this cause two days ago while trying to work my brain was like "Hey remember this thing said a few days ago??? Well lets replay it and get mildly triggered and the reaching implications and think about everything we need to say to the person who said this and make a list of every little issue that is implied with that statement because they absolutely are COMPLETELY inconsiderate and will not do better or be better unless I state this and if I don't state this I will be trapped and that ASSHOLE will win" and I was like
"pause. bro. self. were at an elementary school. there is no birds being threatened here. no one did anything. even the line we are looping is taken out of context and being stretched thin. chill. were ok"
But ya know, ramble bambles and sharing experiences for compare and contrast.
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jacksnaces · 9 months
Inconvenient Qualities Pt. 1
I do not dance. I was told I look stupid and everyone is going to laugh. I hate my smile. My mom spent so long trying to teach me how to smile exactly right. She showed me what a good smile was like. I never did figure it out. I do not draw or paint anymore. I thought I was getting good, but I mean she was always my biggest critic. I hate my laugh. I hate how loud I talk. I wish I could join in on the stupid little games. I cannot react. You could have just got me tickets to Noah Kahan but I’d be too worried of looking stupid. I do not know how to use my words. I cannot express emotions. I cannot say I love you even when I mean it. She made that such a big deal. Went as far as to get onto me. But dad always encouraged it. But never did he stand up for it. Now I struggle telling family that I love them. I cannot sing. Sometimes if the music is loud enough I will join in. But I over think it. I wanted to write music but that is also on the list of things I’m unable to do. And it is funny. I am a hopeless romantic yet doing something as simple as buying flowers or writing a letter is so incredibly difficult to do. I cannot buy the things I need. So instead I buy things I want. I do not understand that one. Owning more than one pair of shoes makes me anxious, I must be clean. Used to I had to be fully put together even just to go to the store. Luckily this one I have mostly broken. I have learned not to give a fuck. I cannot take pictures of myself. I judge every photo taken so harshly. And that sucks because I love pictures. Sometimes hearing footsteps through the house or the sound of the knob being touch causes me to panic. Sending texts absolutely scares me. I was taught to worry how others perceived me. I was taught defending myself was considered talking back. Finally, my brain took it upon itself to quit trying to calmly explain and go straight into fight mode. I think there is a second side of me living in my brain. But also, I am scared I have made that up just to keep from accepting fault. Which is funny cause like I still accept what I did, and I am still striving to fix it. I have been taught I am not allowed to go to sleep until I have solved the problem. I have been taught my needs come second and they do not get met unless I am needed. I struggle with food. I was told I will get fat and be ugly if I was not careful but also, I was not allowed to leave the table until every bite was gone. My sensory issues was me just being dramatic. My meltdowns was just so all the attention would be on me. I was and still am too young to have depression or anxiety and I never did go to war so there is no way to have PTSD. I am just living in a delusional world out of spite of my mom. She makes sure to remind me I’m not actually trans, but I’m doing this out of spite. Funny. You may wanna be careful, as I only have emotions to try to gaslight those around me. And watch out for the fact that I cannot accept responsibility. That one still cracks me up. I spent so many years trying to be perfect, but it will never be enough. I will never be worth loving. Not unconditionally at least. I do nothing but destroy everything around me just for fun. Not because the fact I was autistic was hidden from me and the mental abuse I endured. I can’t do arts and crafts as that was childish and dumb. Plus, her father always had a say. Could not join any school plays cause as dramatic as I was, I wasn’t good enough to be in theater. I was a slob. Despite me keeping the house and yard perfect. I just did not have time for my laundry after helping put hers away. I do not love my siblings because I could not stand being touched. I am going to taint them and ruin them just because I exist. I will never become anything in life. I will die sad and lonely, living on my parents’ couch. Inconvinent qualities that the trauma formed. So may lies pushed into my brain. Little by little I am taking it back.
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Oh yeah, it’s like the one-year anniversary of that time Henrik said child trafficking wasn’t that bad because “it shows the resilience of our staff” or whatever, isn’t it?
It’s funny how the exact moment I knew that Holby were going back to pretending John Gaskell never existed, and that they were going to start treating Russ as the first man Henrik had ever loved - was from an episode Russ wasn’t even in.
I think I’ll always be bitter about that scene. Henrik would never say that. There aren’t a lot of things Henrik would never say, but treating human trafficking lightly is fucking one of them. And the reason Henrik would never say that isn’t because of some shitty, retconned, noncanonical CSA storyline that was written solely to villainise and victim-blame poor Sahira. (I don’t let that nonsensical storyline influence my Henrik analysis and I don’t plan to ever do so.)
It’s because Henrik’s closest friend, essentially his life partner, the person he had the most intimate relationship with that he’s ever had with anyone, was a survivor of trafficking. Henrik knew how traumatised John was. He spent years watching John struggle with mental illness and self-loathing as the result of his abuse. Henrik has had such close and personal, even if secondhand, experience with the effects that that kind of abuse has on someone.
The Henrik who knew and loved John Gaskell would never treat trafficking lightly, or say that it should be brushed under the rug. Honestly, I don’t believe Henrik pre-the writers coming up with Gaskell would have done that either, but especially considering how close he was with John, Henrik would be absolutely fucking horrified and wracked with guilt for letting more children suffer the exact same abuses that John did. He would go out of his way to make absolute sure that nothing like that ever happened at the hospital again. He wouldn’t treat it as an unfortunate inconvenience that was just getting in the way of a good CQC review or whatever.
The fact that he brushed Evie and Mia’s trauma off so easily, and focused on their parents’ resilience rather than their pain, is tremendously out of character and I’m still so angry that that scene happened.
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suburbiatales · 1 year
unhealthy attachments, embarrassing separations
we hear a lot about the perils of romantic relationships. after all, we are at our most vulnerable when we allow a person into every aspect of our lives. they see us at our best, and at our worse. from crying at a stupid video of a raccoon accidentally dissolving a piece of cotton candy (if you have not seen that video, you know nothing of pain), to a jealous screaming match over flirting with the cashier at the supermarket. they've seen us from every angle (literally). they know about the weird mole on your labia, your inverted nipple, and your fascination with pimple popping videos.
all of that to say 1) I have a weird mole on my labia and 2) it's old news. most romantic relationships end in tragedy or, at best, an awkward wave when you run into them at the local coffee shop.
but do we talk about platonic relationships enough? i can tell you right now that nothing has hurt me more then the "friend" breakups i have accumulated over the years. this year, for example, i had a friend dump me for keeping a secret that wasn't mine to tell. the worst part? they told me they forgave me. and then proceeded to ignore every text and every phone call. actually, that's a lie. they texted me to ask for a 4am ride to the airport. and my dumbass, of course, said yes.
i was dumped so many times by friends that i developed a (diagnosed by my lovely therapist) fear of abandonment. so, unlike other people with legitimate reasons to feel abandoned, like daddy leaving for a cigarette and never coming back, i fell prey to mean 13 year old girls who didn't like my dry sense of humor. lame.
anyways, back to my point. another thing you hear a lot about is the romantic soulmate. that look across a crowded bar, the butterflies, a hint of nausea. but did you know that there are friend soulmates too? that one person that just met you and immediately got it. "it" being why you are the way you are, how to navigate your flaws, how to cheer you up when you're down. and i met mine.
for the purpose of anonymity (as if anyone reads this blog-), we'll call her margaret. maggie darling was my first friend in college. usually people completely divorce their first freshman buddy; we are so desperate to find a friend we'll cling on to anybody at first. then you find your footing, your people, and that first desperation friendship becomes a lost memory. not me and maggie. it was friendship at first sight. we immediately died at each others jokes, shared our childhood trauma, had our first sip of watered down vodka together.
the funny thing is that we couldn't be more different. i was a goody two shoes, depressed little nerd. she was a drug addict, manic pixie dream girl. emphasis on the "manic". and the "drug".
she struggled to make friends at first. even though i didn't i stayed by her side whenever she needed. we were conjoined at the hip. when she wanted to leave a party because she had no one to talk to, i was outta there holding her hand.
when the situation flipped however, she forgot i existed. she made a new best friend that i didn't like. so instead of being that cute friend trio, buffy/xander/willow style, they became a duo. and i became a solo.
over the years, she eventually dumped the inconvenient new best friend. apparently, i wasn't crazy for disliking her, which maggie made me believe. "you are jealous," i heard numerous times. no, the girl was insane. no boundaries, shots for breakfast crazy. post a picture of maggie naked on her instagram story crazy.
i found that, over the course of 3 and a half years of knowing maggie, i have been the comfortable friend. the one she reached out to when everyone started hating her for hitting on someone's ex-boyfriend. or when her recent fuck buddy dumped her. but when i needed her, she disappeared.
it's so sad that she was the only person i have ever met that completely understood me as a human being. undoubtedly, in a different universe where she has any type of self-reflective inclination, we are inseparable.
but here i am. i neglected making other friends because she felt lonely, and i wanted to support her. now i am maggie-less and friend-less. it's my own fault really. i think our bond was so strong at first that i developed this incredibly unhealthy, concerning even, attachment to her. almost an obsession. and that's what i am here to warn you about.
take care of yourself first. i don't care if its with a partner, or a friend, or a partner/friend. no one is going to put you first, stop neglecting yourself for the service of others. friendship and acceptance aren't everything. sometimes a girl just has to be her own best friend. don't let yourself be the miranda to someone's carrie. be the samantha to your own samantha.
anyways, that's the rant of the day. i hope you learn from my misfortunes. don't forget to hydrate and take your birth control. deuces.
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