#I have to assume that’s happening somewhere or idek what’s going on. but it hasn’t been from transandrophobia circles that I’ve seen
trans-androgyne · 2 months
Transandrophobia theory is not incompatible with transmisogyny theory. Look into my eyes and understand this, I’m begging you.
Quote from Julia Serano’s 2021 article “What is Transmisogyny”: “For others (e.g., certain nonbinary people, trans male/masculine-spectrum people), misogyny may intersect with transphobia in different ways that aren’t adequately articulated by transmisogyny. This doesn’t necessarily make transmisogyny ‘wrong’; it may simply mean that we need additional language.”
From her 2016 article “Articulating Transmisogyny”: “I have observed people using ‘trans-misogyny’ as shorthand to suggest that ‘trans men are privileged, and trans women oppressed, end of story.’ I reject such oversimplifications.”
We are not on opposite sides. There are large misunderstandings at work here. Transmascs are as capable of (trans)misogyny just as much as anyone else, AND they have experiences with the intersection of transphobia and misogyny. These things can both be true.
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aerinmelina · 4 years
i was wondering if you ever thought about writing a one shot about knox and tess finding out kendra is alive bc brandon mull never touched on it in canon, but they would think she’s dead right? idek anymore i just want to hear your thoughts on the topic. happy holidays!💜
Oh dear. Are you ready for this response? 😂
Let me start by saying that I really like Brandon Mull. He’s written a ton of books and, while I’ve admittedly only really read the Fablehaven series, I’ve learned a ton about characterization and writing in general by studying how he tackles plot twists and descriptors and such. I owe a lot of my own progress in writing to his example, and I am extremely grateful for that.
Now let’s talk about this glaring plot hole, shall we? ;)
First off. If I were going to re-write the Dragonwatch series, and I had to include Knox and Tess for whatever reason (canon has yet to convince me that Knox and Tess are actually vital to the plot), I would find a different way to incorporate them than how canon has gone, for precisely the reason you bring up above. Kendra is supposed to be dead to them (literally). I assume they went to her stingbulb’s funeral. What are some ways to incorporate these characters while getting around the whole “Kendra is dead” thing? Well... who says they need to be Kendra and Seth’s cousins? They could be related to Dale and Warren instead, with enough distance in relation to Kendra and Seth that they wouldn’t have heard of Kendra/wouldn’t have really cared about or remembered her passing since they didn’t know her. Or they could be kids who have grown up on some other preserve, in the know about magical creatures since birth, completely unrelated to Kendra and Seth. Or they could be Fair Folk or something.
The point I’m trying to make is that, by making Knox and Tess be Kendra and Seth’s first cousins and introducing them the way he did, Brandon Mull really put himself in trouble with the glaring plot hole which is that Kendra is supposed to be dead to their knowledge. Now, I know that he forgot that he’d written a suicide and funeral scene for Kendra from interviews he’s given and such, but the fact that he still has yet to address this (and we’re now 3 books into the sequel series) bugs the crap out of me.
As a writer myself, I religiously re-read my in-progress stories to make sure that there is continuity and to try and avoid and/or address plot holes. Because you know what? I forget what I wrote. It’s absolutely a thing which happens. Take my current continuous story, In The Darkness, for example. I have to re-read my prior chapters before I write a new one, because I don’t want to repeat certain lines of dialogue that I may have included previously, or sometimes I throw in little plot hints here and there and I don’t want to call too much attention to those by inserting them again by mistake. Or, you know, if I kill a character off, I don’t want to just suddenly and inexplicably resurrect them and have the main characters not be weirded out or surprised by that. Because you know. Continuity. ;)
I get that Brandon Mull forgot about Kendra’s death. It’s something I could see myself doing. But what I don’t understand is why didn’t he re-read his own works prior to writing a sequel series? Or if he did re-read his books before starting new ones, how on earth did he forget that Kendra and the Larsens were all supposed to be dead to the world? (Because he admittedly forgot about the Larsens’ deaths as well, and while I’m not 100% okay with the explanation RE: their apparent deaths that he snuck into book 3, at least he put something in there. *shrug*)
Anyway. Your initial question was whether or not I’ve thought about writing a fic to fill this plot hole. The answer to that is yes, I have indeed thought about it (a LOT), but for the life of me I can’t figure out a reasonable explanation. Which is why I say that if I were to re-write Dragonwatch, I either wouldn’t include Knox and Tess at all, or I would fit them in in a different way so that it wouldn’t be weird that they don’t think Kendra is dead.
If I think up a reasonable explanation, I’ll totally write a oneshot about it. I have lines of dialogue in my head that Tess and Knox would say, and that Kendra would say, but without an explanation, those lines of dialogue are strange and out of place. It’s 100% reasonable for Knox and Tess to learn the absolute truth surrounding the circumstances of Kendra’s presumed death at this point in time in the plot, since they are now “in the know” about the magical world, but what I want is a scene which explains why there wasn’t weirdness going on between Kendra and her cousins at the very beginning of Dragonwatch 1, before Knox and Tess found out about fairies and such.
Who knows, my friend. I’ve posited this question to Brandon Mull myself, and I’ve witnessed others ask him this question (in person) too, and he said he’d explain it somewhere in the books, but... Kendra’s explanation hasn’t happened yet. *shrug* Maybe at some point in the near future?
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jaehyunpeachy · 6 years
i am you // you are me - yoonkook - 5k
some weird soulmate shit happens.
read: yoongi keeps running into this cute cashier boy. and they keep matching?
(music to listen: 1. belief - mabinc 2. i am you you are me - zico 3. soulmate - zico ft. iu)
man, seoul has a completely different atmosphere and air to it - way different than in daegu. literally, the air smells different here and yoongi thinks it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but the fact that he notices this small and random detail just makes him a little more depressed because he longs for his cozy home back in good ole d-town.
he’s lounging in a flimsy lawn chair on his apartment balcony and distastefully sniffs the stuffy seoul air again. his mind wanders back to old, familiar places - the bustling family restaurant, his mom’s soothing voice, his father beckoning him to taste the family’s famous galbi-jjim , his brother’s annoying method of showing affection via noogies when yoongi grudgingly accepts his chores for the day.
the fond memories in his head are juxtaposed with the outside sound and sight of the bustling nighttime atmosphere. everything in seoul is so,fast-paced , even the night life, which he can clearly see from his vantage point. he hasn’t really gotten used to it all, more like, barely tolerating it. he’s kinda stubbornly refusing to settle completely which serves to make him more homesick and then he’s stuck in this cycle of stubbornness and nostalgia and longing and stubbornness and nostalgia and longing.
yoongi breaks his nostalgic reverie when he stands up, the chair loudly scraping against the floor. if he’s going to drown himself in memories and be a sad, depressed sack he might as well do it right - with some alcohol.
he checks the fridge to grab a can of beer but fuck - he’s out. all that’s left is a pack of sliced turkey meat, a sad pile of lettuce, a lone half-empty gallon of milk, and a fully empty carton that used to hold eggs.
damn, his produce is mocking him.
just a few hours ago when he opened his fridge he saw the same turkey, lettuce, milk, and egg carton and the word minimalism smugly appeared in his head. yoongi prides himself on not being wasteful; he’s able to use each and every one of his ingredients until they’re completely gone, thank you very much.
but seeing as he’s in a less than ideal mood to be holed up at home and he has a dire need of alcohol, yoongi tears his eyes away from his sad produce, grabs his wallet and keys, and wrestles himself into a big sweater to combat the chilly night-time seoul air. he grumbles as he steps out of his apartment complex. daegu was always on the warmer side. who knows, maybe the seoul air will help clear his head. maybe.
yoongi finds himself deep in thought as he’s walking, a result of his melancholy mood and the atmosphere of night probably. as a result, he doesn’t realize that he’s actually not walking in the direction of the nearest 7-eleven. when he hears the distant sound of a car angrily honking five times - goddamn, chill - he’s shaken out of his thoughts and glances at his surroundings.
nice. he’s in a random alley.
well, way to go min yoongi. this night is just continually fucking with him and becoming more and more disappointing. he takes a minute to inwardly curse at himself for his obliviousness before he has the smart idea of grabbing his phone out his pocket. he googles the nearest convenience store. the top result is ten yards from his current location.
he rounds a corner and walks a few paces before he spots it. only a single neon sign that reads “ level” adorns its storefront and he assumes that’s what the store is called. yoongi power walks toward it, through the front door, and straight towards where he thinks they should be keeping the alcohol because dammit, he is a man on a mission.
somewhere on the other end of the store, which isn’t actually far from where yoongi stands now, the clock goes from 11:59 to 12:00.
yoongi surveys his surroundings. he’s bombarded with neon colors from every angle, which makes the store feel bigger than it actually is. from the outside, it looked cramped and dull and drab and not colorful. due to this very misleading outward appearance, yoongi immediately thinks that this is exactly the type of store that is empty seventy-five percent of the time and will most likely be out of business within the next month.
okay, it is midnight, but yoongi can tell when a store is being frequented or not, in this case: not. it’s the only possible explanation as to why his sneakers squeak so unusually loud on the unusually pristine tiles.
he strides towards the refrigerated area and for some reason, he feels a strange sense of familiarity, like he’s been here before; a type of vague awareness that comes from something like a dream.
actually, yoongi’s seen stores like this before. namjoon has a very cultured and particular sense of tumblr aesthetic and this store fits the bill perfectly.
yoongi chalks that niggling feeling as a latent reaction to all the posts he witnessed namjoon reblogging to his tumblr, as they sat on the couch on their respective phones. he’s suddenly bitter again because now, with his current situation and location , he can’t even call namjoon out for trying to be hipster because he’s too far away to even see namjoon or his stupid hipster-aesthetic-whatever tumblr in person.
yoongi spots the alcohol, finally, and grabs two - he hesitates and turns around - three bottles of the brand he likes and walks to the checkout station.
well fuck, he was hoping for a some sort of self-checkout machine - this is seoul, the largest metropolis of korea after all - but he should have known not to expect anything when he set foot inside.
god, he’s too impatient and drained and sad to deal with another human being but sucks up his feelings once again as he steps up to the counter. no one is actually there and yoongi spots a bell and rings it twice. a couple more times, more insistently, for good measure. suddenly he feels his phone buzz in his pocket. he checks and sees it’s from namjoon.
at that moment someone stumbles out of the ‘employees only’ door and utters a quick apology for making yoongi wait.
yoongi quickly glances up from the phone and sees that the cashier is a young twenty-something boy. all he sees is a mop of soft brown hair and just under it, a pair of soft brown eyes which he unwittingly makes eye contact with. but suddenly it is broken - the cashier beginning to ring up yoongi’s items, and yoongi looking back at his phone.
dance monster [12:10 am]
you’ll never guess wat happend today
me [12:10 am]
dance monster [12:11 am]
so u kno that tattoo i got a while back ????
me [12:11 am]
joon ur gonna have to be a little more specific
dance monster [12:11 am]
ok ok that one on my wrist !
the moon one !!1!1 !
me [12:11 am]
dance monster [12:11 am]
idek hyung like
ok fuck
this sounds so weird but like
for some reason i woke up this morning
me [12:11 am]
a goddamn miracle
dance monster [12:12 am]
shut up hyung
anyway i woke up
and now i have a new sun tattoo
me [12:12 am]
dance monster [12:12 am]
idk !!! hyung idek wats goin on ajoer
i think it’d be better if u called me
“excuse me?”
right, yoongi still needs to pay for his things. he jams his phone into his back pocket and fishes for his wallet. he awkwardly fumbles for some bills, “ah, sorry - here you go,” and all but flings them on the counter in his haste to get back to his conversation with namjoon and to go back home and avoid strangers altogether, let alone semi-attractive strangers.
it looks like his original plan of drowning in sorrow will have to be put on hold. nonetheless, he welcomes the new interruption in the form of his dear friend.
right as yoongi’s about to exit the store, the cashier calls out to him.
“um,” he pauses cutely, “nice sweater.”
yoongi looks down. it’s an old number, one that jimin got for him as a christmas present. it’s kinda not his style because it’s colorblocked - well, color in general - but it’s the first thing he found as he left his apartment and it’s oversized and it’s a gift. from jimin. so.
he looks up again and sees the exact same sweater on the cashier.
o-kay. what a coincidence.
at this moment, yoongi gets a really good look at the twenty-something cashier boy. well, as good of a look as he can seeing as half of cashier boy’s body is obscured by the counter.
the cashier is clearly taller and bigger than yoongi but the sweater still looks oversized and his fingers just barely peek out from under the sleeves. yoongi gets a good look at cashier boy’s doe eyes and button nose and his whole look just screams soft.   fuck semi-attractive. this guy is possibly the most attractive guy yoongi has ever seen. the most attractive person in seoul, by far. at least to yoongi’s standards. and this is only the visible half - yoongi gulps - doesn’t even want to think about anything lower than that.
he eloquently chokes out a word. “cool.”
real smooth, min yoongi.
well, time’s up. yoongi’s just about done with social interaction and he’s itching to get home and he wants to maybe forget this whole thing because goddamn, he’s awkward and the cashier is cute.
cashier boy blinks and fuck, yoongi can see his eyelashes from here. and then, cashier boy smiles , all twinkling eyes and soft lips, “have a nice evening, sir.”
yoongi bolts out of the door.
jungkook just barely managed to keep his fluster in check. he tried to not to stare at the strange man’s silvery hair, or at his sharp profile, or at his attractive piercings, three silver hoops on each ear - fuck, since when did jungkook find piercings on anyone but himself attractive?
but the thing that caught jungkook’s attention the most was the sweater. not the fact that it was so large that it swallowed the man’s entire frame but still made the entire fit scream effortless and attractive. not the fact that the color palette complimented his silver hair.
they had the same fucking sweater?
taehyung, who is privy to jungkook’s unique tastes, had carefully chosen the very sweater as a christmas present. he claims that he happened upon it in some random thrift store and thought it screamed jungkook and bought it even though christmas wasn't for another three months.
jungkook thinks otherwise. the sweater is just. so nice. taehyung probably bought it at a non thrift shop last minute, which would explain why jungkook ran into another person also wearing it. yeah. that would explain the coincidence. it’s definitely embarrassing, but people are bound to be caught wearing the same clothes, seeing as they’re mass produced for that reason - to be worn.
as he starts cleaning up, jungkook silently thanks himself for choosing the night shifts at level supermarket because 1. he likes staying up late 2. he gets to meet interesting and colorful characters like that one sweet ahjumma with cotton candy pink hair that comes in every day at 9:36 pm sharp to buy a bag of lollipops and nothing else, for example.
jungkook’s checking the inventory for the third time - it always helps to be extra thorough - but his mind begins to wander back to that silver-haired man.
a small - admittedly very small - part of him wants to never see that man again because he was a stranger, a very attractive stranger, and jungkook acted like such a freaking loser. god he’s blushing again. but the bigger- much bigger - part of him wants to see the silver-haired man again. like, he was fucking attractive. but also something about a frustrated looking man coming in a store at midnight that hardly anyone ever comes to just.
he’s like a novel jungkook is itching to read.
jungkook just wants to know.
jungkook wants to know. jungkook wants to know how this man likes his eggs cooked. does he have any tattoos? is he a morning person? okay, maybe not that because he’s up and about at midnight.
what is his opinion on soulmates? does he listen to dean? what does his smile look like? does he like smiling? is he a smiley person? is he doing okay?
because most of all, jungkook wants to tell him that things are going to be okay. something about this man seemed - lonely and jungkook has an urge to reach out and be like, me too, i understand, i hope you’re okay.
but. jungkook shakes his head to clear the thoughts. he’s doing it again. he’s getting ahead of himself and he’s doing that fantasizing thing he tends to do. at his core, jungkook is a very kind and empathetic person and the times he does feel good about himself he wants to meet people and reach out. back at his small hometown, the people were very friendly and accepting, and this made it easy for him. and with the town being so small, eventually jungkook knew everyone and everyone knew him and he was very comfortable with this.
however, this is seoul. and after making the difficult decision to leave the comfort of his town to pursue his dreams in the form of a dance degree, jungkook has learned that not everyone feels the same way in this city.
‘city people’   he thinks with distaste - but mostly - disappointment.
jungkook closes and locks the store’s front door, as well as his hopes for seeing the silver-haired man again. he’s no stranger to how this kind of thing works. nothing good happens when he gives into wishful thinking.
as soon as yoongi is back in the safety of his apartment he calls namjoon. “joon, what’s up?”
“okay, so. like. yeah. i don’t know, hyung!” yoongi goes to open a bottle of beer, his silence prompting namjoon to continue.
“i just woke up and now i have a new sun tattoo on my wrist! honestly, it looks pretty good paired with the one i already have of the crescent moon.”
“well, as long as you’re happy with it joon, i guess it’s cool.” yoongi takes a long gulp, “could’ve been worse. could’ve woken up with the word ‘penis’ tattooed in large letters instead.”
namjoon cackles heartily and yoongi smiles at the sound. “yeah, you’re right hyung.” he laughs again, “this is like some weird soulmate shit.
yoongi elegantly swallows some beer down the wrong airway. “yeah,” he coughs a few times to clear his throat, “come to think of it-,”
on second thought, maybe yoongi will keep cashier boy to himself. what happened earlier that night still felt - unreal. yoongi feels like he’ll break the enigmatic anonymity of the attractive cashier boy if he says anything.
“no, nothing. nevermind,” yoongi changes the subject, “how’s that new track going?” and namjoon enthusiastically explains his progress.
the next day, yoongi finds himself slouched at his desk, pen tossed somewhere to the side. he’s looking down at what he can only call organized chaos atop his desk. this is usually how his song production process starts anyway. he scans some of the lyrics he just scribbled all over and he sees stuff like ‘ enigma and mystique ’ and ‘ eyes that hold stars ’ and ‘ deer in headlights... i’m struck by your beauty mystery loveliness- ’
uh-huh. yup.  okay. yoongi stands up and gathers all those loose leaf papers in a pile and goes to deposit them in the wastebin.
he pauses and throws them in a random drawer in his nightstand.
he needs to get out. he grabs his leather jacket draped across the back of his desk chair and power walks his way out of his apartment.
yoongi finds himself wandering the city again and wait. it’s that store again. what the fuck? did he just subconsciously make his way to back to the store and it’s attractive cashier-
shit. yoongi sees said cashier boy through the front windows, presumably stocking a shelf. he gets up and starts walking back to the counter, but as he’s doing that his body faces the front doors, which probably puts yoongi in his plain sight.
yoongi quickly backpedals, hoping he hasn’t been spotted.
he stands in place for a beat.
he refuses to acknowledge how hard his heart is hammering.
after much internal debate, yoongi decides that fuck it. he’s already here and he sees a huge jar of cheese puffs from where he’s standing and he might as well get that. because. he needs. inspiration.
he walks in, trying his best to put confidence in his steps and not looking at the cashier - who is now sitting at the counter with earphones and bobbing his head to a beat and is he humming?
yoongi walks down the chip aisle, deciding that he needs to have different flavors on hand when he gets tired of the cheese puffs.
over the top of the aisle, yoongi can see cashier boy stretching and fuck. his shoulders look good in that leather jacket too.
yoongi reaches the end of the aisle and is about to stroll into the next one, but almost trips on his shoelaces of his black converse. he kneels down and glances at the counter, seeing that the cashier is now standing. they make awkward eye contact and yoongi quickly goes back to tying his own shoelace, not before seeing a flash of black converses disappearing behind the counter.
when yoongi goes to pay for his items, cashier boy has taken off the leather jacket, leaving him in a simple white tee with a simple supreme logo. and now his incredibly toned biceps are out on display. wow. is it getting hot in here? yoongi sees the veins in cashier boy’s arms when they flex to hold the large container of cheese puffs. yoongi gulps.
it’s too hot - yoongi strips off his own leather jacket and slings it over an arm. eyes looking anywhere but the cashier, he taps his foot and waits for cashier boy to state the price and yoongi can pay and then he can leave.
except. cashier boy hasn’t said anything for a little while. yoongi chances a quick glance upwards. cashier boy is staring at - yoongi’s chest? fuck, did he wear his kumamon jammies out or something?
but like, if this boy has something against kumamon, yoongi has a serious bone to pick with him.
yoongi glances down at his own shirt. then back up at cashier boy. then back at his own shirt.
weird. yoongi’s wearing a supreme shirt. cashier boy’s wearing one too. cashier boy squints, like he’s suspicious of yoongi or something.
yoongi clears his throat, “uh - can i pay for my things?”
this seems to shake the cashier out of whatever stupor he’s in, “ah - sorry.”
yoongi pays for his things and goes to grab the bag the cashier is holding out for him to take. yoongi overshoots a little; okay, maybe he’s a little flustered and accidently knocks his hand against the cashier’s.
there’s a little clink as yoongi’s ring bumps against cashier boy’s.
okay. fuck. they’re wearing matching rings too?
they both face each other with similar looks of shock and confusion. before either of them have a chance to say anything, yoongi books it out of there real quick.
something weird is going on and jungkook doesn’t know what to do.
he’s just minding his own business, listening to offonoff’s new album while doing his math homework at the register to keep an eye on the store in case anyone does come in. it’s midnight but still.
then, jungkook sees movement in the corner of his eyes and realizes that someone has come in without him noticing.
it’s the silver-haired man again. and shit, he looks really good. he’s standing in front of the snack shelf, with his hands in the back pockets of his jeans and he’s wearing this large leather jacket.
jungkook does not salivate.
but wait. jungkook looks down at himself. how is he also wearing a leather jacket?
it must be another fluke. jungkook hurriedly stands up and takes his jacket off, pacing around for a bit.
he looks over at the silver-haired man again and sees him tying his right shoelace.
jungkook looks down at his shoes.
his left shoelace is untied.
a mixture of mild horror and panic starts thrumming through his body, but he refuses to tie his shoelaces and resumes his nervous pacing.
he turns around and jumps slightly. the silver haired man is right in front of him, fidgeting with his hair.
jungkook goes to ring up his purchases, which are all comprised of various family size chip bags. he goes to ring up the last item, a jumbo container of cheese puffs, and pauses. the silver-haired man has taken off his leather jacket and. why. is he wearing a supreme shirt. like jungkook.
jungkook stares dumbfoundedly at that stupid supreme logo and the man’s prominent collarbones before he clears his throat and asks for jungkook to ring up the total.
right. jungkook hurriedly bags everything and thrusts them towards the man, hoping he’ll leave quickly.
the man accidentally knocks his hand against jungkook’s and this time jungkook does not hide his shock.
you've got to be fucking kidding. they have matching rings. it's like they're a couple or something.
what. is happening.
the next night after his shift at the local coffee shop, yoongi actively seeks out level convenience store, as well as its resident attractive cashier. he’s wearing this ostentatious, bright yellow, furry thing. it’s so. loud. and lowkey ugly. hence the reason why he’s out at night.
however, yoongi swears his sweater is bright enough that he’s probably glowing in the dark.
but, yoongi also needs to prove a point. whatever cosmic fuckery is going on, whatever deity is fucking with him, yoongi just wants to prove to himself that this is all bullshit. running into a cute stranger repeatedly is enough, and yoongi doesn’t need any other unexplainable shit happening.
jungkook is tapping his foot, a habit of his that surfaces only when he’s nervous or anxious. jungkook is definitely focusing on math homework and definitely not looking out for a certain silver-haired stranger.
he rubs his nose with the sleeve of his sweater and almost sneezes. geez. jungkook had asked taehyung to lend him his craziest article of clothing at the moment, seeing as taehyung’s fashion style is overall - crazy. so, taehyung tossed him the first thing he laid eyes on in his closet, and it was this gucci sweater. gucci my ass, jungkook thinks. this sweater is just a very good excuse to cosplay as big bird.
jungkook just wants to figure out what is going on. like, he meets some cute stranger and-
holy shit. he sees said stranger standing outside on the sidewalk.
okay, somebody up there must hate jungkook because - he looks down at himself just to make sure - both of them are once again, matching.
like, how does the stranger still look striking in such an ugly sweater?
jungkook can only stare as the stranger swiftly turns around and bolts down the street.
yoongi slams the door of his apartment closed, breathing heavily. he looks through the peephole to make sure no one had followed him. he’s not taking any chances.
that’s it. something is up and yoongi’s solution is to - hole himself up in his apartment.
wait, can he do that? oh yeah, it’s friday. and he doesn’t have any shifts until monday.  fantastic. he can devote himself wholeheartedly to his unfinished tracks over the weekend.
yoongi wakes up saturday afternoon, but allows himself the luxury of lounging around in bed for a few more hours. this effectively brings the start of his day well into saturday evening. he fishes around for some spare instant ramen packets, and begins working as soon as he gives himself some salty sustenance.
his weekend goes by like this: immersing himself with writing lyrics and producing elementary beats for a few straight hours and then taking short naps in between. he eats if he remembers. or if namjoon reminds him.
all in all, he does a good job of not thinking about the weird stuff that’s been going on, and especially about the soft-looking cashier boy.
yoongi stumbles out of his bedroom, finally succumbing to his stomach’s urges, as well as namjoon’s rapid texts.
he fumbles around for a cup of ramen - his last one, he’ll have to refill - and goes to find a scissor to cut off the plastic wrap.
his fingers slip and he ends up cutting himself.
he sighs as he looks down at his bleeding finger. he dabs at it lightly to try to clear away the blood, but it just keeps oozing out. he grabs a tissue and presses on the fresh wound, waiting for it to clot, but the blood just keeps coming.
what the heck? he didn’t cut himself that hard.
ah, shit. he doesn’t have any bandaids.
he checks his phone. 2:55 am. is there a store open at this hour-
there might be one.
before yoongi thinks about it too hard, he wraps a clean tissue around his finger and books it out of his apartment. he’s not about to hold a tissue around his finger for the rest of the night to keep it from getting infected.
as he fast-walks to level convenience store, yoongi thinks about cashier boy again for the first time in awhile (a couple days.) maybe whatever matchy-matchy curse or spell or shit is over, since yoongi hadn’t seen or even thought about the boy. wow. an achievement.
cashier boy probably isn’t even there, seeing as it’s so late.
whatever, yoongi just needs to grab some bandaids and then he’s out.
he heads into the store, notices that the register is unattended, and goes to grab a box of bandaids. while he’s at it, he stops by the ramen aisle to refill his stock.
as he makes his way to the register, he sees someone now sitting behind the counter. yoongi stops in his tracks. it’s cashier boy. he looks as stunning as ever. and he’s fiddling with one of his fingers, which happens to be bandaged. he looks up and only then does yoongi continue walking towards him.
none of them say anything as cashier boy rings up his items, but he does raise his eyebrows slightly when he notices the blood-soaked tissue around yoongi’s finger.
after he pays, yoongi doesn’t leave right away. instead, he rips open the box of bandaids and slaps one around his finger.
“how did you hurt yourself?”
holy shit, even cashier boy’s voice is attractive - what the fuck - with a soft, lilting tone to it.
“uh, i cut myself trying to get some ramen.” god he sounds stupid.
“wait, really?” cashier boy’s doe eyes widen - yoongi sees his eyelashes, - “me too! i was doing inventory and had to refill some ramen for the shelves and yeah.” he gesticulates with his injured finger.
yoongi is silent for a moment. they even have matching wounds.
“this shit is real, isn't it?”
cashier boy tilts his head. “oh. you mean the weird clothes thing-”
the lights in the store flicker and then suddenly fade out completely.
yoongi panics for a second as his eyes adjust to the darkness, but that initial shock instantly goes away as soon as he sees cashier boy’s big eyes reflecting the street lights outside.
he finishes cashier boy’s sentence. “...yeah. the weird clothes-matching thing.”
“well, my best explanation is that the universe continually derives pleasure from fucking with me.” cashier boy pauses, “n-not that it's always a negative thing! i mean, this time wasn't so bad!” he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, “i-you - sorry! i didn't mean to make that sound like an insult to you.”
yoongi chuckles, “hey, it's fine. the universe likes fucking with me too.”
cashier boy shyly ducks his head.
yoongi looks around the store, now shrouded in complete darkness. “should we maybe find the fuse box or something..?”
cashier boy sits down on his stool. “nah, it’s fine. this happens quite often, actually. i don’t even know why you bother coming here when there are plenty of 7-eleven’s,” he sighs, “this store is pretty shitty and rundown.”
“i don’t know. i kinda like the warm, colorful vibe.” yoongi thinks, also, it’s because you’re here.  
“well, the longest the power’s been out was like, thirty minutes.” cashier boy unlocks his phone and begins scrolling through, “um - you’re free to leave..? i have everything under control.”
yoongi makes no move to leave and hops up to sit atop the counter. in doing so, he’s inevitably brought himself closer to cashier boy. when yoongi turns his head, he sees cashier boy up close, ensconced in moonlight, the contours of his face highlighted by shadows.
yoongi stares at cashier boy’s dark eyes, and at his eyelashes as they fan across his cheeks when he blinks slowly.
yoongi’s eyes are immediately drawn to his lips when he worries them between his teeth. if they begin leaning into each other’s orbit, none of them are the wiser.
suddenly, yoongi feels a sharp sting on his forearm. at the same time, cashier boy jerks away, hissing in pain.
something is etching itself into yoongi’s skin and he squeezes his arm to try to take away some of the pain.
his arm is still searing when the lights flicker back on.
“god, what the fuck was that-” yoongi looks down at his right arm, all red and puffy, and sees a tattoo.
it's a lock.
yoongi looks up in shock.
cashier boy has a similar look on his face. and on his left arm, is a tattoo of a key.
there's still specks of blood on cashier boy's fresh tattoo and yoongi grabs a nearby napkin and slowly dabs on it.
cashier boy flinches slightly, but yoongi places a hand on his upper arm to comfort him, to ground him. yoongi traces the boy’s tattoo lightly with his thumb and looks back at his own. a perfect match.
“i’m yoongi. min yoongi.”
cashier boy smiles softly. “jungkook.”
me [12:01 pm}
quick question
so like
did anything weird happen
before ur tattoo appeared
dance monster [12:15 pm]
i mean
not that i can think of ??
hyung just cuz u and jungkook had some storybook soulmate romance doesn't mean smt like that happened to me
me [12:32 pm]
well what happened that day
dance monster [12:44 pm]
nothing really
i just had a study session with jin
me [12:49 pm]
what exactly were u two studying
dance monster [12:50 pm]
need i remind u that jin is my metaphysics and epistemology tutor and wait wat were we studying ?
oh yea !!!
~metaphysics and epistemology~
me [1:00 pm]
you think he's cute, don't you
dance monster [1:05 pm]
im not answering that
me [1:06 pm]
im sensing a blush
dance monster [1:10 pm]
now that i think about it
i came into that session late that day
as i was leaving my apartment i somehow
hit my knee on the doorframe
and fell
and dropped all my stuff
left a nasty bruise
also got a paper cut across my right palm as i was tryna pick up all the books in a hurry
me [1:16 pm]
you would
i fuckin bet smt like that happened to jin
yoongi is rudely awakened by big bang’s ‘bang bang bang’ - why did he let his boyfriend pick his ringtone?
said boyfriend stirs in his sleep, burying his face deeper into yoongi’s shoulder and wrapping his arms tighter around yoongi’s waist. “mmph - hyung. make it stop. let’s nap more.”
yoongi turns his head and places a kiss atop jungkook’s forehead, “sorry baby. just let me take this real quick.”
he blindly grabs around for his cell phone and sees namjoon’s caller id lighting up.
“hyung! what the fuck. what is happening.”
yoongi groans. “yes, what is happening. please enlighten me.”
“me and jin have matching bruises! even cuts and everything! i met up with him today and remember that cut i got on my palm? he had one too, and then we realized we have the same injuries!”
yoongi tries to process this information as fast as he can with a sleep-addled brain. “so, he’s a masochist?”
“no! god, no. he’s the one with the sun tattoo! remember how my sun tattoo appeared? well, he’s the one that had it, and he said that a moon tattoo appeared on him! like mine! hyung, we’re matching!”
“well, congratulations.” yoongi sounds grumpy, but he means it. “though i feel bad for jin. you’re a fucking klutz. don’t kill him before you ask him out officially.” he yawns. “i’m going back to sleep.”
with that, yoongi hangs up and turns back to wrap himself around jungkook.
“hyung, what was that about?” jungkook murmurs with his eyes still closed.
“nothing. just some weird soulmate shit.” he buries his nose in jungkook’s fragrant hair. “let’s go back to sleep.” ~
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