#I have a circle table this’ll go on eventually but until then I got it on the coffee table
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jungw8ns · 3 years
PAIRING: boyfriend!enha x gn!reader. GENRE: established relationship, fluff, crack. WARNINGS: profanity (not that much tho), mentions of death (?). WORD COUNT: 100 - 200 each member.
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the two of you were so pumped playing an escape room together for the first time that the other people in line had to calm you guys down (which was trully embarrassing to say the least 🤐🤐)
he was looking at the ranking board filled with pictures of players that had succeeded in the shortest amount of time and he just wanted nothing more than to see both your faces on there
but anyways, we all know how competitive heeseung gets 🕴️
oh boy let me tell you, this guy WAS SPEEDRUNNING IT but not the kind you were thinking
the second the timer had started he was literally SPRINTING AROUND THE ROOM LOOKING FOR CLUES YET COMPLETELY MISSING THEM 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨
while he was busy running around, you were picking up the little details in the room and in no time managed to open a few locks
"y/n look i found– oh 😐😑😐"
when you noticed him standing from afar staring at you with his arms crossed, you called him to solve this one puzzle you already did
*gasps* "oh no! babe i don't understand how to do this, please help me 😔😔🤥🙏🙏"
he had to bite his lower lip to stop himself from letting out that cocky grin but it got out eventually
"oh it's so easy sweetheart, just put this here and then voila! 😉"
when the two of you escaped you suprisingly got to take a polaroid with him home after ranking 2nd in the records
heeseung was the one who held onto it tho, placing it underneath his clear phonecase for safekeeping <3
"y/n stay behind me >:(("
"um, babe, you do realize that's just a door right?"
you knew you shouldn't have played horror games with him a few nights ago cause he looked like he was about to lose his mind 😔
you had to shove his ass aside and move on to the next mission cause the both of you knew that he was stalling 🏌️‍♀️
jay was being extra clingy the whole time you were playing, he'd either link arms with you or hold hands (he's literally so adorable) 💞💞
while you were roaming around the room trying to solve a puzzle, you saw this horse mask on a nearby table
and so you made sure jay was distracted and put on the mask
you could've NOT worn the dusty old thing but where was the fun in that?
"jay can you come here for a sec?"
you hid behind the wall beside the door frame waiting for him to come into your sight and attacked him
now, how about we guess what happens next?
a. he faints
b. he runs away
or c. he slaps you in the face and forces you to buy him food for the rest of the night
if you guessed c then YAY! YOU'RE CORRECT 🥳🎉🎉🎊
when he finally takes off the mask like those scenes in scooby doo he's never felt so betrayed in his life
he wouldn't stop side eyeing you until you guys finally pulled up on the mcdonalds drive thru
"hi, can i get two um– bts meals please? 😒😒 and two oreo mc flurries 🙄🙄 and also large fries 😐😐"
sane (1/3)
would be trailing behind you like a little puppy (i love him so much 😭😭😭)
he either has his arm linked with yours or held hands every five minutes
really focused on the puzzles he's doing but the second he hears you call out his name for help he's there beside you with the sweetest smile
but anyways, mans was POPPING OFF the entire time you were playing
he was solving problem after problem in no time (he wanted to impress you is why he activated his inner flash ⚡⚡) but he did let you play tho, the last thing he wanted to do was make you pissed at him for hogging all the games
def buried jake with compliments and forehead kisses right after ❤️__❤️
and so the two of you got out in like an hour and a few which you were very proud of
"you were so cool today babe, good job !!"
"aww thank you angel 😊😊"
sane (2/3)
would be linking pinkies with you the whole time, only letting go whenever the both of you had to solve something that needed two or more people
there was this one game tho where he had to arm wrestle this literal hand lever to open the door to the last room (yea...don’t ask why, the staffs were pretty weird 😬😬) 
it made him enjoy the experience a bit more as it was only the two of you playing instead of getting accompanied by strangers
“oh this’ll be easy, y/n step aside, i’ll handle this 😏😏😏”
idk if you were supposed to think about how handsome he looked with his serious expression on and his veiny hands coming into frame or be worried for him because the lever was REAL HARD to pull that his veins looked like they were going to pop any second soon, you stepped in and helped him tho cause you were a good s/o <3
from a spectators point of view, the two of you looked like y’all were about shit your pants but the two of you eventually succeeded on beating it, immediately dragging him to the next room which had a sofa in it, laying down to catch your breaths
cliché moment ahead ⚠️⚠️
the two of you shared a few laughs before standing up on the empty space, held hands and started to jump in circles to celebrate your success 💃💃
yupp, y’all were never going back to that hellhole again
very stubborn at first, he wanted nothing to do with the game but then you held him at gunpoint by saying:
"please just this once or else i'll revoke your mint choco ice cream rights 🔫🔫🔫"
"it won't be that scary sunshine, besides, i'll be ready to 🤜💥 yk?? trust me babe i would never let anyone hurt you <33"
kinda pissed since you blackmailed him into the place and also bc he wanted to play bumper cars and dance mania but he yea he caved in pretty quick 😋😋
(y/n let him play his games in peace tf >:(((( )
once you guys got in tho he realized how normal it was and that it was not terrifying at all
he wouldn't stop back hugging you and you couldn't bring yourself to push him away to play the games so you just let him walk behind you with his arms on your shoulders 😩😩
(y'all were walking kinda funny but don't tell sunoo that 🤫🤫🤫)
yea the two of you ended up escaping with a whopping 2 hours and a few minutes
but it was the effort that counts so A+++++ for the both if you 😜👍👍👍
sane (3/3)
was the one who suggested going, he even searched on naver about really good escape room places to visit and was overall really looking forward it
he liked going to places and having fun with you so it wasn't a shock how his eyes were literally crescents and his dimples were so evident
yea he literally rushed the both of you to the place that you were the first in line 😵
while waiting for the staff to finish setting up he was playing with your connected hands like 🖐️✊🖐️✊ (so precious 💞💞)
"y/n why are you taking so long 😭😭 what if they close and we end up not solving a single lock, hurry up por favorrr 😩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏"
when they finally lead you to the room he was kind of surprised that they had separated the two of you into different spaces (like the one with txt where they had the answers to the other member's puzzles yk???)
he was locked inside a telephone stand while you were handcuffed in the main room
dw the two of you reunited after a few minutes cause jungwon was rushing his lock to get to you 🤭
you both were progressing at an average pace and it made you guys a lot more closer (not that you guys weren't before but you get what i mean)
after you guys escaped the two of you went to eat curry and talked about the whole experience 😋✌️✌️✌️
this boy literally dragged you in the escape room with him
"ok masterchefs, in order to test your abilities we must go through series of puzzles and make it out alive, understood?"
he tried ignoring how confused you were and went on to try and get you guys to escape
HE'S LAUGHING AT YOU FOR WHATEVER REASON AND OBV YOU LAUGH ASWELL CAUSE WHO WOULDN'T??? his laugh is so contagious pls 🤖🤖 he was so close to d wording cause he couldn't breathe from laughing too much
yea.. you guys spent so much time laughing at each other for being so dumb at this that you ended up playing 'till closing time
spoiler alert: he fails on doing anything cause the second you made eye contact with him this child collapses 😍🤩
"haunted house next weekend???"
NOTE – god they were WAY funnier in my head but yeah.... i love them so much AND OMFG HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HEESEUNG’S SELCAS LAST NIGHT???!?@??#?@?!?@ HE’S NOT REAL WTF ⁉️❓❓⁉️
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also, idk why BUT EVERY TIME I SAVE A DRAFT the paragraphs get scrambled?? £!?) 6=6) 🤣😂💔💔🤣🤣😂💔 it's so annoying but anyways, ilysm pls stay safe and have a great day <33
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nahoyagf · 3 years
heyy i love ur writings😭 <33, can i request a hanma x reader doing this pls thank youu😭 (https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJxoGmRP/)
heart shaped kisses 
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characters: hanma x reader
format: fic 
warnings: slight sexual content, drug use , aged up characters, idk if i like the ending so i might change it lol 
other notes:  tysm bae!! and yes ofc, scene was hot asf. this is so long i’m sorry 😭 
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hanma often didn’t come home until the late hours of night. he spent most of his time doing god knows what, but always came home covered in the scent of perfume and booze.
it upset you. not just the idea that he was slowly drowning himself in these things, but also the idea that he was out with other women. you weren’t his girlfriend, hell, you two had never even had any romantic interactions. to him, you were just his housemate that worried too much. worried about his whereabouts and worried about his self care.
you made him food, it was often left on the table, cold. but it always made your heart warmer when you would wake up in the morning and see that hanma ate it. occasionally, he would leave a note saying thank you or that it was good.
tonight you did your usual routine. made food, being sure to make an extra plate for him and then watched tv until you got tired. you were extra sleepless tonight. the job you held was stressful and overwhelming and was made 10x worse when your boss decided he wanted to be an asshole today. you just wanted company and yet, your housemate was out. probably getting drunk and having the time of his life with some girls at the bar.
the doorknob twisted and the sound of clattering keys being dropped then slowly picked up at met your ears. there were a few muffled curse words and the noise of someone struggling to open the door but eventually it opened. hanma looked tired, eyes widening slightly at seeing you still awake. he smelt the same as usual, dressed in a white, silk dress shirt. about five buttons undone to expose his large chest full of intricate tattoos. he also had on loose black slacks and nice black dress shoes that had actually been a gift from you.
he smelt strongly of sake and you realized that he must’ve gone down to the karaoke bar which had the “best sake you’ll ever taste”. so he was out with girls.
“wait in’ for me?” he chuckled, smiling at the table that had a once hot bowl of ramen on it.
“i’m surprised you’re home so early.”
“and i’m surprised you’re up so late.”
you tossed him a half hearted glare. hanma always treated you like a mom, some middle aged lady who goes to bed at 9 and works on her feet all day.
“thank you for the food, sweetheart. looks good,”
the compliments he left on notes always made your stomach flutter but hearing them in person nearly caused you to have a stroke.
“it’s probably cold again.”
you tried to brush off your flustered behavior with the comment but it didn’t come out as annoyed or strict as you wanted it to. he heated the food up, and you let him eat in silence. assuming he was too tired to want to talk and would just go to bed straight after. of course, you were wrong.
he finished his food and put the bowl in the sink before sitting down on the couch next to you.
“it was delicious, thank you.” he sent a grin your way, throwing his arm over the back of couch and watching the cheesy slasher film you had playing.
“it would’ve tasted better if you had it hot and fresh” it came out angrier than you wanted. deep down, you just wanted him to spend a couple days a week actually coming home on time and hanging out with you. by the way his head turned towards you, you knew you had fucked up.
“y’know being a fuckin’ yakuza member is no fuckin’ fun, you’re mad at me for going out and getting a lil’ drunk after spending my whole day fuckin’ killin’ people.” his glare hurt, but his tone hurt worse. you felt your eyes water slightly and turned away, both embarrassed and upset.
hanma noticed this. it sent a pang in his chest to see you look so hurt. he swallowed hard and looked around to find something to make you feel better.
“look... i’m sorry. it’s just been a long fuckin’ day,” he watched your expression. your eyes bore holes into the tv trying to avoid his gaze, face still upset.
“do you smoke?” he asked, reaching the drawer on the side table. his hands grabbed a bag of pre-grinded weed and rolling paper. you just shook your head.
his hands fumbled through his pockets for his lighter, finding it then beginning to roll a joint. his fingers worked quickly and expertly before lifting it to his face and licking the paper. sealing it with a slight smirk. his eyes lit up slightly as an idea popped into his brain.
“here,” he lit it, the smell filling the room.
“i said i don’t smoke.” you said, not bothering to look his way.
“you look tired, this’ll relax you, baby.”
the nickname gave you those annoying butterflies but you swallowed them away and kept a poker face.
“i have work tomorrow.”
“i thought you hated that shitty job,” he was right. you hated it and you hated this feeling that lingered after his lecture. you turned to face him, eyes still watery and a doe look coursed through them. his body filled with desire. stomach fluttering in a way that he hadn’t felt in years, the boyish feeling being something he left in his youth.
“i don’t know how.”
“it’s easy.” his words did nothing to ease your embarrassment and he caught onto that.
“c’mere, i’ll help you out.” he had this stupid smirk, so stupid that brought heat to your face.
you shifted closer. knee touching his, but it wasn’t enough. not what he wanted.
“closer, i can’t help you from there,” you stuttered out as he pulled you onto his lap. making you straddle his thighs. his yellow eyes met yours.
he put the joint in his mouth, breathing in the smoke, and let it sit on his tongue for a little before his hand grabbed your jaw. thumb pushing between your lips to open your mouth and then he exhaled. the smoke entered your mouth, the thick taste and smell clouded your brain for a second. you inhaled and stared at him.
“see? not too hard.” you laughed at that slightly.
“i didn’t do anything.”
he hand dropped down to your hips, rubbing circles as he took another puff. eyes wandering over your figure. he pulled you closer, letting the smoke drift between you two.
“i’m sorry for missing dinner. you forgive me now, hm?” handing you joint to take a hit before letting it sit on the table. hands moving to caress your thighs as his mouth met your neck. pressing sloppy kisses.
you placed your hand on his chest and pushed away slightly.
“i don’t wanna be one of those girls to you.” you said, shaky voice with how intimate he’s being. he chuckled at this. he laughed at this, hand grabbing your face as he rubbed your cheek.
“you think i would do that to you? are you fuckin’ dumb?” despite the seemingly harsh words, his tone was humorous and light. he wasn’t angry, just shocked. “you want me to stop seeing them, then i will, baby. you coulda’ just said that.”
hanma was fully serious. though a part of you worried that he would change his mind once he’s sober, his assuring voice and steady grip on you lifted those thoughts away. his hand guided your mouth towards his, kissing you gently but with a deep passion. other hand sliding up and down your body.
“let’s smoke some more, hm?”
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
With My Life - Chapter Ten
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masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
warnings: (all graphic) violence, guns, blood, smut, PTSD
an: here she is. i dont have anything else to say. 
Elide paced in the parking garage, obsessively checking her index cards. 
Her neat, precise notes and paragraph prompts stared up at her until they became jumbled. They started moving off the page and Elide nearly cried in distress. “L, it’s not- nothing’s working.” 
Lorcan’s dark head popped up over the roof of the car, his eyes soft with concern, but there was something else. Ever since they had woken, Lorcan had been withdrawn. Detached. “What’s not working?” 
She gestured to the cards, hating that tears stung the back of her eyes. “I can’t- I don’t know what I’m talking about! It’s like- it’s like I’m faking my way through it.” Elide looked down at the ground, ashamed that she was talking about her measly little thesis when Lorcan was packing and planning for their lives as runaways. “It doesn’t matter.” 
Her vision blurred with tears. Elide sniffled as she heard his steps grow closer until he was standing in front of her and tilting her chin back. “Princess, it does matter. Your work is important and I care about it.” She laughed tearfully, finally smiling. Lorcan’s thumb stroked her chin and he smiled down at her, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You’ve grown up in this shit - you know it better than any of those reviewers, ok?” 
Elide nodded, rising onto her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck and press her face into his chest, “Thank you,” she whispered, the steady tattoo of his heart calming her. Pulling away, she wiped her cheeks, “Remind me what the plan is?” 
Lorcan nodded and kissed the top of her head, leading her to the car. He opened and closed the passenger door for her before going around the back to toss in the last heavy bag - Elide didn’t want to think about what was in it, given the contents of the hidden compartment in the back of his closet - in the trunk. 
She reorganised her flashcards, making sure they were in the correct order. Lorcan slid in the driver’s seat and breathed out slowly, “You have office hours until nine thirty. Your thesis review isn’t until eleven, that’ll last one hour, at the most, yes?” Elide nodded and he continued, “Then, I’ll pick you up and we’ll go to the airport. Everyone else will meet us there, and we’ll leave.” 
Elide nodded, reaching over to grip his hand. She was staring straight out the windshield, a small smile tugging at her lips when Lorcan kissed the back of her hand. “Don’t worry, princess. This’ll all be over before you know it.” 
Lorcan parked his car three blocks west and one block north of Vaughan’s apartment. 
He walked up with nothing more than his car keys and wallet, only keeping his phone in case Elide called. 
When he went in, Vaughan was tinkering with something on his kitchen table, playing OutKast’s Rosa Parks as he worked. He slapped Lorcan’s hand away when he poked the device, cursing him away in their mother tongue, “Away, bastard.” 
Lorcan laughed and pulled the end of his brother’s braid, leaping away when Vaughan threatened him with the mini blowtorch. He grabbed the kitchen knife lying on the counter and aimed it at Vaughan, making a slashing motion.
They were locked in a dangerous dance, circling each other slowly, Vaughan’s blowtorch lit. Lorcan went to strike when Nehemia walked in, clearly unimpressed and altogether unsurprised by the predicament. “Down, children. Vaughan, stop trying to burn his hair and Lorcan, away with the knife.” They glared at each other, but did as they were told. 
Lorcan went to sit next to Nehemia, looking over her shoulder at the computer. “Find anything new?” 
The woman shook her head, sighing as she put her braids into a bun and swearing when she realised she didn’t have an elastic. Lorcan pulled one off his wrist and handed it to her, squinting to read what was on her screen. “Are these her Wyrd connections?” Lorcan asked, dragging the cursor over a map. 
“Yes, and no. Not all of them are Wyrd… it’s complicated,” Nehemia huffed, grabbing the computer and typing something. Its motor clicked and whirred as it worked. “She’s hidden her imports well. Various legitimate cargo.” She opened an image, “See this, this was a container of produce from Eyllwe.” 
Nehemia went to change the image, but something had Lorcan pausing her, “Wait, just hold on… I think I’ve seen that container before.” 
“What container?” Fenrys asked as he walked in, carrying a long, suspiciously shaped duffel bag. 
Vaughan looked up and frowned, “Hellas, Fen, maybe next time, choose a different fucking bag? It’s like you’re trying to make people think you have a sniper rifle in there, gods damn, man.” 
“That’s what I fucking told you,” Connall muttered, slapping the upside of his twin’s head. 
“Boys, shut up, I’m trying to think,” Lorcan said, digging out his phone. “I’ve seen that container before. That number, I know it.” 
“I’ll reverse search it,” Nehemia said, opening the database of images the agency had access to. 
Lorcan clicked through a batch of photos from the largest arms bust they had done. Maeve had wanted each of them to take pictures on their personal phones - for reasons she never explained and ones they all knew better to ask about. 
“Here,” he said, showing Nehemia the picture. “It’s the same container.” 
She took his phone from him and used a cord to attach it to her computer. The pictures loaded onto the screen and Lorcan got up to pace, “She’s selling guns, isn’t she?” 
“Yeah, she is,” Nehemia said, “and it goes back a decade, Lorcan. She’s been in on this since the beginning. Before Erawan started anything, she’s the mastermind.” 
They all looked at each other, sadness and defeat flickering in their eyes. 
Elide breathed in slowly and exhaled calmly, waiting to be called into the room. Her presentation was memorised and no one knew the subject like her. 
“Miss Lochan?” Elide opened her eyes, looking to one of the reviewer’s assistants. “We’re ready for you.” 
With a slight, polite smile, Elide picked up her bag and followed the young woman into the cold office, nodding to the panel that sat on one side of the desk. 
Darrow was sitting there too and he winked at her. Elide’s tense posture relaxed a bit as she put her bag down. 
“Welcome, Miss Lochan.” 
“Thank you for having me,” she said, trying to remain calm as she handed out copies of her presentation and connected her laptop to the projector. She checked to make sure it was on the white screen behind her and prayed briefly to Anneith, hoping her goddess would allow a small mercy. 
There was a rustle of paper as the reviewers flipped through her presentation and then the man sitting in the middle nodded once, “Whenever you’re ready.” 
Elide nodded and picked up her index cards. She didn’t need them and she had hardly ever used them, but they brought a sense of reassurance if she ever lost her place. “Of course.” Elide picked up the fob to click through her slides and clicked to the introduction slide. 
Thinking of herself as a child, scared and alone, thinking of the others like her and the ones the system had let down, Elide opened her mouth and the words flowed out of her. 
Her words were succinct and precise, no need to embellish a thing. Elide held the room’s attention, she commanded it, and her presentation flew by. 
With one minor stumble over the abstract of her latest lab, Elide was proud of what she had accomplished and that shone through her as she finished her delivery. 
Then came the questioning period. She answered their queries without hesitation, save for when an older woman asked why she had chosen this particular subject. 
“Um, I-” Elide coughed, her throat suddenly feeling very, very dry. She took a sip from the glass of water she had been given at the start, using the momentary pause to collect herself. “I have always been interested by the inner workings of the human mind, I suppose. When I was a child, I was rather shy and could always be found with my nose stuck in a book that I probably shouldn’t have been reading.”
A light chuckle went through the panel at that and Elide smiled, waiting to continue. “When my parents died, the only living relative I had was deemed unfit to care for me, which he was, and I was placed in the foster system. I was never adopted and I aged out eventually. I spent most of that time trying to find a way to get out and the only viable option that wouldn’t have left me dead was school.” 
A repressed memory of a foster parent burning her school materials and books, projects and papers she had worked tirelessly over, in an oil drum flashed through her mind. Elide was ashamed of the way her throat burned with the threat of sobs. 
Somehow, she managed to finish off, “I have lived through what I study and I can attest to the fact that no one would wish it on another person. The foster system hasn’t changed practically since it was created and it sets children up for disaster, in more ways than one.” With a shaky smile, Elide said, “I want to help and I want change. This is simply the best way I know how.” 
Pity, mixed with respect, swam through the questioners’ eyes and they all thanked her, standing to shake her hand as she exited. 
The bags were all packed. Everything, everything was planned and they had strategized where they would all be going. 
Elide and Lorcan would be going to Suria by plane, then take the train to Orynth in two days' time. Vaughan and Nehemia were flying to Rifthold and catching a connecting flight to Orynth. 
On account of Aelin’s delicate condition, her doctor - after Rowan had said they would be returning to Terrasen for a funeral - suggested keeping flights to a minimum, she and Rowan would be flying directly to Orynth and staying in the safe house. 
Vaughan handed out fake passports to them all. Nehemia took hers and stepped out onto the balcony. 
She let the boys say their good-byes, knowing it was always the hardest part of an assignment for them. If one was hurt, they all bled. 
Nehemia pocketed her fake passport and wrapped her arms around herself, tucking her chin into the collar of her jacket. It was too cold in Wendlyn and she dreaded spending the coldest months in Orynth. 
She had never quite adjusted to anything but the balmy temperature of Banjali. 
Nehemia looked up when the sliding door opened, seeing her husband standing there. She glanced back into the apartment, just catching the end of Vaughan’s double braid as he closed the door behind him. 
“Mi…” Fenrys began, his dark eyes rippling with a deep sadness. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” 
She shook her head and stepped to him, tucking herself into his chest. “Don’t say sorry, please. It’s not the time for apologies.” 
Her kind and loving husband wrapped his arms around her, dipping his chin to rest it on her head. “I still am.” 
Nehemia pressed her face into his neck as tears pricked her eyes, “It’s not supposed to be like this.” She slid her arms around him, feeling like she would crumble to the ground without it. “I don’t want to say good-bye, Fen.” 
Graceful fingers tilted her chin up and soft, heartbreakingly soft eyes met hers. “I don’t want to say good-bye either, but…” 
“We have to,” she finished for him, smiling sadly. Fenrys nodded and unclasped the golden chain he wore every day. A gold band hung from it. Nehemia shook her head, whispering, “No, Fen, please–” 
He pressed it into her hand, gently gripping her jaw, “I need you to keep it safe for me, Mi.” Fenrys closed her hand over his wedding ring. It was still warm from his skin. Neither Fenrys nor Nehemia wore their rings on their fingers. 
It meant more to them to wear them on necklaces - that way they remained close to their hearts and souls. Nehemia wanted to fling it back at him, wanted to scream no, she wouldn’t wear it, but she held it close and nodded. Fenrys cupped her face, brushing his thumbs over her regal, majestic cheekbones, “Hold it when you miss me.” He leaned down, kissing her brow. “Hold it when you’re mad and squeeze it tight enough that I can feel it.”
His lips dusted soft caresses over her eyelids, “Scream at it and be angry because your man had to do the hero thing and save the world.” Nehemia laughed tearfully, her inhale unsteady when he kissed her cheek, “Wear it when you’re sad and wear it when you’re happy.” 
Fenrys pressed his lips to her other cheek, whispering softly, “Wear it until I come home to you, ok?” 
Nehemia rose on her tiptoes, kissing him soundly, her promise in the embrace as she held her fist to his heart. The other hand cupped the back of his neck as Fenrys dipped her, his arms banded around her waist. “I promise,” she whispered. 
Pulling away, Nehemia stroked her fingers over his neck, gazing up into his eyes. “Don’t do anything dumb, you hear me?” 
That swaggering, signature Marama twin happy-go-lucky grin tugged at his full lips, his wicked sharp teeth flashing white. Nehemia could’ve sworn she saw fantom fangs ghosting over his smile. “Yes, ma’am.” 
She rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek, “I’m going to the bathroom. Don’t save the world until I’m back.” 
Fenrys laughed, the sound rich and rolling, “Of course. I’ll try to stop the boys.” 
Nehemia chuckled and walked back into the apartment, going into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. She locked it and braced her hands against the sink, sobs trapped in her chest. 
She looked at the mirror, the flickering light catching on the cuffs adoring her hair. With shaking hands, Nehemia clasped Fenrys’ chain around her neck and began undoing the cuffs until her hair was plain save for the intricate pattern of her tribal braids. Her tears spilled down her cheeks, but still, her chin remained up. She would not bow her head, not once. 
Nehemia didn’t bother wiping her cheeks as she strode back into the living room to find that everyone had returned. Subtly, she tucked the chain beneath her top. Nobody but her and Fenrys had to know that intimate detail of their life. It would be their little secret.
She didn’t look at anyone but Fenrys and walked over to him, pressing her jewellery into his hand. In Eyllwe, she told him, “Keep these safe for me.”  
Fenrys pocketed the adornments, glum acceptance flashing in his eyes. He leaned down, kissing the top of her head where three cornrows crossed before joining the countless others in falling freely down to her waist. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she murmured, pulling away and wiping her cheeks. “We should go. Ellie’s meeting ends in ten minutes and she’ll be anxious if we aren’t on time.” 
No one dared to go against the command in her voice. They said one last farewell as Connall lifted her off her feet, practically squashing the life from her. Nehemia laughed, her hands on his shoulders when her brother in law finally set her back down. “Bye, Con. Take care of him for me.” 
Fenrys spluttered and pulled her back to him, his hands squeezing her hips reassuringly, “I don’t need to be taken care of.” 
Nehemia just smiled and pulled him down for one last kiss, “Humour me, ya hayati.” 
He nodded, finally letting her go. Fenrys slung his arm around Connall’s shoulders and shooed her out the door. With one more smile, Nehemia turned and walked away, resisting the urge to look back. 
Later, when all was said and done, she would regret not taking one more second to memorise the way they looked. 
Elide kept her chin up while she strode through the hallways to her office and collected the things she would need while she was… away. 
“Knock, knock.” 
She turned, smiling at the sight of Darrow. “Oh, hi.” 
“That was very well done, Elide,” he said, stepping in and passing her the various things she had put on her desk. “You’re really leaving, hmm?” 
Elide paused, her computer charger held above her bag. She put it down and turned, nodding slightly. “Yes. I just- I’m sorry, Darrow.” 
He waved his hand dismissively, “Oh, don’t mind me. Just being a crotchety old man. You deserve a break, Elide. You’ve been hitting a few snags in your work so go. Be with your lover,” he teased, laughing when she made a face. 
“Don’t tell him you called him my ‘lover’. He’ll never let me hear the end of it,” Elide said. Darrow held his arms open and Elide stepped forward, hugging him tightly. Tears sprang unbidden in her eyes and she whispered, “Thank you for everything. I can never repay you.” 
“No, you can’t,” Darrow said, pushing her thanks off like it made him uncomfortable. “Alright, I have a class to teach. You take care of yourself, you hear me? I won’t be tolerating any calls from some foreign hospital because you decided to let loose for a night.” 
Elide laughed and wiped her eyes, “I make no promises.” Darrow rolled his eyes and hugged her one last time before walking out of her office. 
She sighed and finished packing her stuff up, remembering to leave the key with the receptionist. 
It was cold and grey outside, which seemed to fit the day. Elide crossed her arms over her chest to conserve heat as she waited on the curb for Lorcan. 
Just as she was about to pull out her phone to call him, a black car pulled up in front of her. An unbidden grin appeared on her face and Elide bit her lip to quell it as she walked down the stairs. The passenger door unlocked, popping open by itself. 
Elide bent at her waist, peering into the car. She tucked her hair behind her ear, frowning, “Can I help you?” The man sitting behind the wheel was decidedly not Lorcan, nor was it any of the other boys she’d become close with. 
He had mousy brown hair cut in a shaggy, unkempt style, that he had obviously attempted to brush into some sort of shape. His eyes were blue, but watery. Vapid. Insipid. The man smiled and she suppressed the shudder that ran through her. “You must be Elide. My name is Cairn, Cairn Beinn.” 
She straightened, dismissing him. Lorcan would be by soon. Elide cocked her jaw, not in the mood to be tricked by anyone and certainly not whoever this piss-baby male was. “No, I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong person.” 
He chuckled unkindly and got out of the car, watching her over the car top, “I admire your self-preservation skills, Ms. Lochan, but I assure you, I’m not here to harm you.” Elide held in her scoff and shifted on her feet, uneasily glancing down the street. No one else was there. “Mr. Salvaterre sent me to bring you to the airport. Please, I can call him for you from the car.” 
Elide looked at her watch and tapped her foot. With a tired sigh, she offered Cairn a tight-lipped smile and walked down the path to the car. She missed the way Cairn’s smile turned predatory. 
With one hand on the door, Elide took her handbag off her shoulder, half in the car. The voice at her shoulder told her to look once more down the street. 
She did, tossing a tired glance over her shoulder just as Lorcan’s Aston Martin turned the corner. She gasped, looking in fear at Cairn. He, alerted by her sound of surprise, looked in the mirror and swore, leaning over to grab her long coat and roughly yank her in. 
Elide pushed at him when he leaned across her to close the door and he spat at her, “Sit fucking still or I’ll shoot your precious boyfriend. Again.” Without another word, he revved the engine and sped down the street, tires squealing on asphalt. 
She looked in the side mirror, through the cloud of burning rubber, and saw Lorcan’s car speeding after them. Fear seized her, Elide was frozen. Until, that same voice reminded her of the blade she kept in her bag. 
Carefully, Elide reached her hand into the outer pocket, her fingers closing around the cool weapon. Cairn swerved violently around a truck, causing her to bump into the window and cry out softly. 
He whipped his head to her, snarling something nasty, but Elide wasn’t listening as she withdrew her fist and stabbed, managing to get his eye. Cairn screamed, slapping his hand over the wound, “You bitch!” He slapped her backhanded across the face, sending her crashing back in her seat. “You’re fucking dead.” 
Elide gripped her bag as he slammed on the breaks, managing to stay in her seat and not go flying. 
Cairn turned to her, blood dripping down his face, which was purple and twisted with rage. “You’re fuckin–” 
She lashed out with her foot, the thin heel of her stiletto ramming into his gut. While Cairn was incapacitated, doubled over, Elide wrenched the door open and shot out, the tires of Lorcan’s car screaming as he braked. 
She didn’t look back as she grabbed her bag and ran. Lorcan leaned across to open the door for her and Elide dived in, quickly slamming the door shut behind her. “Go,” she breathed, bracing her hands against the dashboard as Lorcan nodded and ripped away, shooting past Cairn as he stumbled out of the car, holding a gun up.
Lorcan looked in the rearview mirror and swore low, “Fuck, what did you do to him, princess?” 
“Stabbed his right eye,” she said bluntly, feeling numb as the adrenaline faded away. Her face really fucking hurt from the slap and the cut, courtesry of Cairn’s rings. Elide worked her jaw, hissing through her teeth. “And kicked him. Really fuckin’ hard. With my stiletto heel.”
Pride glowed in Lorcan’s eyes as he turned into an unmarked alley and parked the car. He turned to her, scanning her for injuries. His eyes were practically spitting flame as he gently gripped her jaw to tilt her head. “What did he do.” 
Breathing out slowly, Elide put her hand over his, “He slapped me after I stabbed him.” She attempted a soothing smile, “That’s it, L.” 
He grunted, narrowing his eyes. Then, he covered her eyes with his hand, “Close your eyes, love.” 
She held in her sigh, knowing she didn’t need to be checked for a concussion. “L, I don’t need–” 
“Humour me,” he said, not able to hide the tremble in his words. He was scared. Her big, terrifying, intimidating, and aggressive boyfriend was… scared. 
Elide did as he asked, the smarting sensation in her face fading as she waited. After a minute, Lorcan pulled his hand away, checking to see how her pupils dilated. He nodded, his smile relieved, “All good, Lochan.” 
Gently, he cupped her face, stroking his thumb over the cut on her cheekbone, “Still wears the rings, huh?” 
“It’s not funny, L. Who is he and how does he know me? How does he know where I work?” 
Lorcan didn’t say anything as he reached across her lap and opened the glove compartment. He took out the first aid kit and opened it. “He’s… an old employee. Holds a grudge, I guess.” 
Elide ran her tongue over her teeth, fuming silently. “You guess? I just stabbed someone and the best you can come up with is I guess?” 
“No, you know what? I’m done. I can’t do this, Lorcan! I don’t want to do this,” she said, her voice shaking. Her eyes were wide. Lorcan tilted her chin to the side, focusing on the cut. Elide wanted to scream, but his fingers were soft and soothing on her skin, grounding her as her thoughts swirled around her mind like a storm. 
He kissed her forehead after he cleaned the cut, “Just a flesh wound. I don’t even think it’ll scar.” 
Elide exhaled, pulling away from him just enough to look into his eyes, “I’m scared.” 
Lorcan sighed through his nose and brushed her hair back, picking out a piece of something. “I know.” Those two little words tore at his heart. He wasn’t sure Elide had once let herself break and with two words, her cracks were showing. He moved his seat back and pulled her into his lap, tucking her head under his chin. 
And it was there, in the front seat of Lorcan’s car, that Elide Lochan finally broke. 
Vaughan was the first to hug Elide when she and Lorcan arrived at the airport. She’d gotten a chance to change out of her meeting clothes. Now, she was wearing a pair of leggings and a hoodie. Perfect for air travel. “Ellie-Boo!” 
“Hey, V,” she whispered, offering a tired smile. 
“L said you stabbed someone?” 
She froze, her shoulders tensing. Lorcan noticed and stepped up behind her. With a supportive touch on the small of her back, Lorcan gently tugged her to his side. He spoke in his mother tongue to Vaughan, always preferring the melodic language of his childhood over the common speech.
The man nodded, quickly distracted. Elide all but sagged against Lorcan, turning her head and pressing her forehead against his body in thanks. 
Aelin trailed up, sipping on something through a straw. She smiled and rested her hand on Elide’s upper arm, rubbing softly, “Hi, sweetheart. Do you want some milkshake?” 
Elide huffed a laugh and shook her head. She raised on her toes to kiss Lorcan softly and whisper something before turning back to Aelin. “Oh, I’m not hungry.” 
“Well, I’m starving and these parasites need some food. Come with me?” 
Lorcan looked at Aelin over Elide’s head and relief flooded his face as he mouthed, Thank you. He knew what Aelin was trying to do. 
Elide looped her arm through Aelin’s and nodded, “Let’s find you some food, then.” 
They met up in front of security, just to the side and in a camera blindspot. Elide was picking at a wrap and sipping on a lemonade. It wasn’t much, but at least she was eating something. 
Nehemia distributed their boarding passes out. Her face was closed off after saying farewell to Fenrys. Elide slid up to her, wrapping her arm around Nehemia’s waist and offering her the extra lemonade she had gotten. 
It was ironic that Elide was forcing her into consuming some sort of nutrients. “So, where are we going?” 
“V and I are going to Rifthold. Ace and Ro are going straight to Orynth, I wanted to minimise flight travel for her. You,” Nehemia said, exchanging a pair of passes for the lemonade, “and Lor will be going to Suria. We already got a hotel room for you two, so don’t worry about anything, ok?” 
Elide wanted to make sure Nehemia was ok, but Nehemia did best when she was fussing over everyone else. “Thank you, love.” 
Since her and Lorcan’s flight was the soonest, they had to get going. Elide hugged everyone, leaving Nehemia for last. 
As she hugged the elegant woman, Elide felt Nehemia slump against her and braced her. “You got this, ok, Mi?” 
Nehemia sniffled and nodded, standing up straight. “I know. It’s not forever, right?” She nodded to Lorcan, standing by the entrance. He was talking quietly to Vaughan and Rowan. “Go, go. I’ll see you soon, anyhow.” 
Elide nodded, reaching up one last time to wipe Nehemia’s eyes, “I’ll see you soon, ves’tacha.”
Ya hayati: Arabic, ‘my life’ (i previously used Xhosa for Eyllwe, but since i see nehemia as east african - specifically sudanese - i changed it to match the local languag) 
inspo for nehemia’s braids
Ves’tacha: Romani, ‘beloved’ (i use Romani for Blackbeak) 
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @empire-of-wildfire @ladyverena @ttakeitbacknoww @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012​ @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse e @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @empress-ofbloodshed @b00kworm @hizqueen4life @silversprings98 @amren-courtofdreams @minaidss @superspiritfestival @lovemollywho @queen-of-glass @jlinez @sleeping-and-books @ireallyshouldsleeprn @verypaleninja @januarystears @magicalunicorngypsy @sis-it-dont-add-up @keshavomit
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brokutosan · 4 years
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Title. Oikawa Toruu Is Not A Genius, But He Is A Jackass
Pairings. Oikawa Toruu x Fem!Reader
Summary. In which Oikawa doesn’t always tell his girlfriend things. She finds out anyways.
Warnings. Contains manga spoliers! Oikawa’s inferiority complex is mentioned a lot, as well as his anxieties over it. The title and the summary are misleading, sorry. This is a fluffy imagine (sort of).
“Honey, I’m home!” Oikawa Toruu calls out to a silent apartment. Also, it’s three in the morning, but he’s Oikawa Toruu and Oikawa Toruu could care less if he’s bothering the whole building, so long as he could finally take her in his embrace again (he’s up for a treat when she does wake up though, and not the one he’s expecting).
Oikawa takes note of the subtle changes from when he was last here. For instance, the old hand-me-down couch they got from his mom is replaced by a new, clean, and sleek black couch. There’s also some new additions of little knick knacks here and there, but it still felt like home to him. Kicking off his worn out sneakers by the door, not even bothering to check if it knocked over some of her things, Oikawa heads straight to the bedroom, where he’s welcomed by her sleeping form.
She’s dressed in one of his old Seijoh shirt along with white shorts and her arms are clinging onto a pillow. Oikawa gushes at the sight before snapping a quick picture and taking slow, careful, steps towards the bed.
“If you were gonna sneak around you shouldn’t have announced to the whole fucking neighborhood you were home.” She snorts with her eyes still closed. Oikawa stops dead in his tracks like a deer caught in headlights and remains frozen as if not moving would erase his presence all together.
“Hmph!” Oikawa lets out as his face catches a pillow that was chucked at him by his still sleeping girlfriend. “Nice throw babe. Ever thought of a career switch? I can see you making it big in softball.”
“Stop dicking around and just come here.” She mumbles. Oikawa smiles at the adorable sound of her sleep-induced voice. “As you wish my darling.” He says before throwing all his weight onto her sleeping form.
“Toruu, you jackass!” Oikawa lets out a boisterous laugh at her feeble attempts of freeing herself from his arms. The more she wiggles the tighter his hold gets, before she gives in to his embrace.
“I missed you so much.” Oikawa mumbles into her hair once they’ve settled in. He flips them over so they’re now laying side by side, with one arm slung over her form rubbing soothing circles on her back and the other placed under her head.
“Sorry I couldn’t pick you up from the airport. My boss wouldn’t push back the deadline.” Oikawa shakes his head ‘no’ and mumbles out, “It’s fine. This makes up for it.”
“Good, cus you’ll feel my wrath tomorrow morning.” Oikawa gulps down, knowing she’s totally serious.
Oikawa wakes up after the first good night’s sleep he’s had in a few months to an empty bed. He catches a whiff of miso soup which leads him into the kitchen, to a sight he’s been missing after all those years in Argentina.
Hunched over the stove is his girlfriend, clad in an oversized t-shirt while mixing something in the pot. The sight makes him smile, before her voice snaps him out of his daydream. “Oi, don’t just stand there, go set the table.” He salutes and scoops up two bowls of rice and places them down on the table alongside various side dishes.
Y/N sets down the pot she was stirring on the stove, letting Oikawa catch another whiff of her familiar cooking. “Thank you for the meal.” He says with a huge smile on his face. Y/N sits down across from him on table, where she then proceeds to stare him down.
The sight reminds Oikawa of his mom, who’s an expert at chastising him with looks alone. She bites down on a spoonful of rice, not once breaking eye contact with him. Oikawa racks his head for anything that he could’ve done wrong to deserve this mental beating. Their anniversary? No, it’s coming up in two months. Her birthday? Like Oikawa could ever forget. Then -
“Mind telling me why exactly you’re here on a vacation?” Oikawa feels the hairs at the back of his neck shoot up. Of course he couldn’t. If she found out he got sent home from over exerting himself again, she’ll rip his head off.
“I mean, there’s no anniversaries coming up, no birthday, and I doubt you’re here willingly where your team ain’t.” She lists off the facts with her fingers. Oikawa can feel the storm coming, this was only the calm before it.
“If you wanted to hide the fact that you’ve gone and practiced yourself ‘til you collapsed, maybe don’t have me listed as your emergency contact!” There it is. The ‘wrath’ she had mentioned the night before. “I mean seriously, Toruu! Did Hajime not tear your ass apart in highschool enough for practicing too hard?! You want me to do it too?! I’m scarier than that beefy bastard!” Yes, yes she is. Oikawa silently tells himself.
He clears the table of anything she could use against him as a weapon. Her chopsticks, fork, and empty mug, to name a few things.
“Oops?” Oikawa flinches as her palms make contact with the table. “Oops?!” She screeches. Oikawa gulps down a spoonful of miso soup, trying his best to avoid her gaze. He’s expecting more yelling, but is met with a soft look and a teary girlfriend over miso soup and rice. Fuck. He’d prefer the yelling girlfriend.
“Did you know how useless I felt when your coach called me saying you were bedridden for a week because you just didn’t know when to stop?” She lets out a deep breathe and continues, “Like what the fuck was I supposed to do from across the world? Fucking pray you weren’t out there dying? You didn’t even have the decency to call and let me know!”
Despite her larger than life personality that Oikawa has grown to love over the years, the sight of his girlfriend looking so small makes his heart burst from guilt. He fucked up. That much he could admit. His tendency to push higher and relentlessly practice until he felt his lungs begging for a break was always something that worried her, especially now that she’s not exactly within reach to stop him from pushing himself too hard.
“Toruu, I support your dream one hundred percent, even if it’s taking you thousands of miles away from me, but please,” The anger laced in her voice is replaced with desperation, making Oikawa want to reach out and hold her close, “take care of yourself too. If not for yourself, then do it for me.”
He doesn’t know whether it’s the fact that someone cares about him so much to the point it brings her to tears, or the fact that she is in tears, but he feels himself trembling from the burst of affection. Oikawa doesn’t have the best track record of handling his insecurities well, but knowing that that makes her sad makes him want to do better.
Oikawa crosses over the table and gently places her head on his chest, rubbing soothing circles on her back. Though she’s still a bit shaky from yelling and crying, Y/N eventually calms herself down to sniffles and tiny whimpers.
“I’m sorry.” Oikawa decides to speak first.
“I wasn’t looking for an apology.”
“But I’m sorry either way.” He lets his body fall into her embrace, noting this as another thing he’s missed since moving to Argentina. “For not taking care of myself. For not letting you know I collapsed. For always worrying you, but never stopping to check in on you.”
“And I’m sure this’ll happen again in the future,” he earns a light smack on his chest for that, “but I’ll just say sorry for that too.”
“And,” Oikawa mumbles, his face burrowed deep into the crook of her heck, “thank you, for looking out for me even though I don’t deserve it. You can’t understand how much I appreciate knowing you’re there for me, even if it’s not always physical.”
Y/N feels herself relaxing in his embrace, arms finally wrapping themselves around his waist. Her eyes are slightly watery as she looks up and says, “Promise you won’t hide these kinds of things from me anymore?”
Oikawa opens his mouth to respond, but is interrupted,
“And I don’t just mean when you pass out. I mean like if it ever gets hard living alone in Argentina. If you miss home, if you think you’re working too hard and need a break, I want to know everything, Toruu.”
Oikawa simply hums in response, placing a kiss on her forehead. “I promise.”
A little while later, after they’ve both calmed down and are cuddling on the couch watching some old movie, Oikawa perks up, suddenly remembering something.
“I brought you a gift, by the way.” He skips off into the bedroom, unzipping one of his many suitcases. (He packed four, plus his carry ons. He’s only staying for two weeks). Y/N is visibly nervous at the fact that this ‘gift’ has a whole suitcase designated for it. Turns out she had a good reason to be.
“What the fuck am I looking at.”
“It’s me!” Oikawa exlaims, one hand forming a peace sign brought up to his face, and the other holding up a horrendous life sized body pillow complete with his face and team uniform. Y/N could only blink, wishing to Christen her eyes from the terrible sight. Or maybe turn back time to before she even saw it. After a long moment of silence, in which Oikawa did not move an inch from his previous position, Y/N finally gathers enough sanity to say,
“Alright, get the fuck out of my house.”
Oikawa decides to dig his own grave by cheekily calling out, “Oh come on babe! Think of it as a coping mechanism for when you’re missing your totally awesome boyfriend-”
A throw pillow makes it’s way to Oikawa’s face. They’re called throw pillows for a reason, because now Oikawa’s forehead is red, tears brimming in his eyes from the loud smack! that met his face hard. But apparently not hard enough seeing as how he still manages to let out a, “nice throw,” over teary eyes and two thumbs up. Y/N thinks her boyfriend might be an idiot.
A/N. Very very very short, I know. I haven’t been writing as much bc I don’t have inspiration for anything??? But I’ll get back into it soon. For now, thank you for reading!! I AM working on the two requests I got, but those might take some time!! Sorry for the wait lol. - chuu
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ddixons-angel · 4 years
Fated: Season 4
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Summary: Gloria Rhee narrowly escapes Atlanta with her brother as the outbreak reaches the city. Luckily, they find a camp outside the city and together, they fend through encounters with the living and undead.
Starts a little before Season 1 and then follows the main storyline of the show.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Glenn Sister!OC
Warnings: major TWD spoilers, language, violence (the typical TWD stuff) 
A/N: Woot woot! We are on Season 4!!! Who’s excited??? :D I’m excited and kinda nervous for what you guys think haha the first half of this season will be taking place in the 1-2 ish month time lapse they had between seasons in the show, hope you guys like that ^^ enough of my rambling, let’s go! finding gifs for the first half of this season was so hard guys lol
Chapter 1
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It’s been a month since the survivors won the war against the Governor. Rick had taken up farming with Hershel and they even built a pen for some wild piglets they had found in the woods. Daryl had helped him round them up and herd them into the prison fences. It was now peaceful within the prison, lively with the newcomers from Woodbury but peaceful. Sasha and her brother, Tyreese, had come with the Woodbury residents. They’d all set up a job system for everyone; some people assigned on watch, some on the fences to take care of the walkers that had gotten piled up so that the fences wouldn’t collapse from the weight. 
Carol and Gloria were in the kitchen near the main area of the cell blocks serving lunch to everyone. Another serving of Carol’s classic squirrel and rabbit stew, courtesy of Daryl’s hunting skills. Two girls from Woodbury happily bounce up to Gloria and Carol.
“Hello Lizzie, hello Mika.” Carol smiles at the two girls.
“Hello Carol and Gloria!” the girls speak in unison with a happy grin on their faces. 
Gloria chuckles at how cute they are then passes one of the filled bowls to Carol then goes on to fill up another one. The girls thank Carol and Gloria for the food then happily go over to their father. Glenn smiles as he walks over to the kitchen area, leaning on the counter. 
“So uh... Carol made this right?” Glenn says jokingly, teasing Gloria. 
“Rude. Okay, you aren’t getting any, this is for Maggie.” Gloria playfully eyes Glenn, taking a bowl away from him.
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry! I was kidding!” Glenn pleas, reaching out for the bowl again.
“A word of advice, Glenn. Never mess with a woman in the kitchen.” Carol chuckles at him, shaking her head.
Glenn chuckles and nods, “Yes, ma’am.”
“Here, go eat.” Gloria gives him a second bowl filled with stew for Maggie. 
He takes the bowls and goes to the table where Maggie is sitting and sits down beside her. Another newcomer, Nina, walks up to the women this time.
“Good morning, Carol!” she smiles then tries to hide her grimace at Gloria, “and hi Gloria.”
“Good morning, Nina.” Carol says with a fake smile, handing her a bowl.
“Oh, can I get another one? I wanted to get a bowl for someone else too.” Nina smiles sweetly at Carol with pleading eyes. 
Not bothered with being ignored, Gloria hands her the second bowl and Nina murmurs a thanks then heads to one of the tables. Carol eyes Nina as she walks away then looks over at Gloria and nudges her with a disapproving look.
“What?” Gloria asks, confused.
“You better watch out for that girl.” Carol tells her, nodding pointedly in Nina’s direction.
Nina had sat herself down at Daryl’s table, sitting beside him and placing the second bowl in front of him. Gloria let out a breath, she knew exactly what Carol was saying and they both knew the new girl liked Daryl.
“She’s just being friendly, it’s fine.” Gloria says, not bothered at all. 
“I don’t think it’s that simple.” Carol frowns then leans in and whispers to Gloria, “I think you should keep an eye out for her, call it mother’s intuition, but there’s just something off about that girl.”
“Alright, I will.” Gloria says then looks at Carol and nudges her, “did you just adopt me without me knowing?”
“Please,” Carol scoffs, “I adopted you a long time ago.”
Gloria laughs with Carol and then sees that Sasha is on her way out the building. As she had eaten before, Gloria makes her way out with Sasha since they had their shift on the fences together. 
“So what’s the bet today?” Gloria asks as she catches up with Sasha.
Sasha slows down her pace until Gloria is walking along her side, “that you and I will kill most of them judging with who was placed on our shift.”
Gloria furrows her brows in confusion then Sasha gestures back towards the building and Gloria glances back to the building to see Nina coming out holding a pipe. Sasha had nothing against Nina, she just knew the girl was not a fighter, not when she was back in Woodbury and definitely not when she got to the prison with the others. 
“Well, this’ll be fun.” Gloria chuckles.
Sasha scoffs and rolls her eyes, “yeah, carrying the group is always fun.”
Gloria runs ahead to the fence first and unsheathes her dagger, stabbing a walker through the fence, “first kill!”
“First doesn’t always mean you’ll win!” Sasha chuckles and jabs a walker through the fence. 
The two continue to bicker competitively as they kill the walkers through the fence. Eventually, Nina gets to the fence and she also joins in stabbing the walkers, but not as quick as Gloria or Sasha. Even though Gloria and Sasha got off to a rocky start when they had first met, they'd become fast friends with their competitive nature. Sasha never blamed Gloria for not letting them into the cell block, understanding that it was for the safety of Carl and the others. 
Gloria was about to stab another walker through the fence when an arrow whistles through and pierces the skull, killing it instantly. A knowing smile creeps on Gloria’s face when she sees the arrow.
“That does not count as your kill.” Sasha teases beside her.
Gloria chuckles at Sasha’s words and yanks the arrow out from the walker’s skull, letting it fall to the ground. She turns around and as expected, sees Daryl walking towards her with his crossbow now slung behind his shoulder. 
“Show off.” Gloria calls out, wiping the arrow on her pants before handing it back to him.
“Thought ya needed help with that one.” Daryl teases, a side smile tugging at his lips. 
Gloria rolls her eyes and scoffs jokingly, “I had it handled, Mr. Dixon.”
Sasha chuckles behind her, “hey, are you two lovebirds gonna flirt all day or help?” 
“See what you did? Making me look lazy.” Gloria nudges him and stabs another walker through the fence, making Daryl laugh.
A whining cry from Nina captures their attention as she struggles with killing one of the walkers. Her pipe got stuck in the skull of a walker she had just killed. 
“D-Daryl, help me, please!” she whines. 
Being the way he is, Daryl goes to help her. He pulls the pipe out from the walker with one hand, looking rather effortless. Gloria had gone back to killing walkers through the fence. 
“Wow, Daryl, you’re so strong!” Nina gleams at him helping her. 
Sasha gawks at Nina then turns to look at Gloria, “how are you not bothered? You can not be okay with this.” she says in a whisper.
“Because,” Gloria starts then leans in and whispers to Sasha, “she can flirt all she wants but at the end of the day, Daryl’s mine and he knows that.”
“Oh wow.” Sasha chuckles, feeling quite proud of her friend’s confidence.
“Plus, you wanna take in how uncomfortable Daryl looks with her advances?” Gloria can’t help but point out that he’s been shifting on his feet, clearly not comfortable with how much attention Nina’s paying him.
Sasha glances and notices it too and laughs, nodding in agreement, “you’re right, you got nothing to worry about.”
Daryl comes back to Gloria once Nina is done bombarding him, “hey, Glenn wanted to do some meeting for tomorrow’s run.”
“I’m included?” Gloria looks over at him, yanking her knife out of a walker. 
“Yep.” is all he says as he walks back to the prison. 
Gloria had finished her shift with Sasha and Nina. Tyreese and a few others were in charge of taking the corpses to a designated area to burn. After getting cleaned up from her shift, Gloria came back out to the main area where Glenn and Maggie were already seated at a table with a map spread out. Gloria sat across from them and looked at the area Glenn had circled in red. Daryl came by and sat down beside Gloria, automatically snaking an arm around her waist. She smiles at him as Glenn starts to explain the plan.
“So this place used to be a really popular mall, I’ve driven past it before and it seems pretty overrun, but with the right team we can get a pretty good run out of it.” Glenn says, pointing to the circled area. 
“By the right team you mean...” Gloria ponders out loud while looking at Glenn.
“Us four.” Glenn tells her.
Gloria chuckles, “Glenn, if you wanted a double date, you could have just asked.” 
The others chuckle at her comment, “yeah yeah... well, jokes aside, I’m thinking we can enter the mall at opposite sides, clear it and meet in the middle. Maggie would be covering me, and Daryl covering Gloria. Scavenge what we can find and exit through the main doors.” Glenn explains, his hands guiding them through the map and the other smaller map Glenn had drawn to give them a good visual of the place. 
“So we’ll be leaving early tomorrow morning, that way we can make it back for dinner?” Maggie confirms.
“Depending on how it goes, we might even come back with dinner.” Daryl says.
“Speaking of dinner,” Glenn looks around the room, “where’s Carol?”
Gloria rolls her eyes, “I swear, you just ate.”
“I’m a growing boy!” Glenn grins cheekily at her, Maggie puts her hand to her face in slight embarrassment.
Daryl looks at Gloria with a smirk, “ya sure he’s older?”
“He is...” Gloria sighs jokingly. 
Next Chapter
There you have it, first chapter of Season 4! We have a newly introduced character, I have a feeling not a lot of people are gonna like her at all hahaha I wanted to create some kind of love triangle or even have a jealous Gloria but... I just couldn’t see her jealous so it became this xD let me know what you guys think and what you think will happen on that run they’re gonna go on? (it’s not the Big Spot run, that comes after hehe) 
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy, please don’t panic, we will get through this!
And as always, I would really appreciate any comments left for me! I’ll be replying to any comments in a new post because this is a sideblog!
Taglist (please let me know if you’d list to be added/removed!):
@twdeadfanfic​ | @fandomfanatic97 | @crossbowking | @watchmeaspire | @spidergirla5 | @kamieshep | @letsstarsfalling | @molethemollie | @alicewinchester99 | @neilox | @womanup22 | @jodiereedus22 | @theonlyone-meeeee | @theunofficialduke
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mythicalsecretsanta · 4 years
Christmas Together (G)
This gift is for: Rachel (AKA @bloody-fucking-cigarettes) Merry Christmas! I loved all your Nicesties but I couldn’t get past the phrase “Tooth rotting Christmas fluff”. I snuck a couple of others in there too! I hope you like it :D From your Secret Santa, Ross (AKA @mythical-ross)
Link to AO3, or read below:
Even though they’d spent almost their whole lives together, Rhett and Link had never really spent Christmas together. They’d been a couple for the past few Christmasses, but they’d been living separately and stayed at their parents’ houses on Christmas Eve. This was the first year they were staying in LA for the whole Christmas season, living together in their own house. 
“You can’t force Christmas spirit,” Rhett had said when Link started fretting that it ‘wouldn’t feel right’ to stay in LA, “in a few years this’ll all feel normal.”
Link had snorted at the sentiment, but he appreciated Rhett’s attempt to cheer him up. “Christmas Spirit,” he laughed. “What is this, a Hallmark movie?” 
On December 1st, Link insisted it was time to decorate the house. They had several boxes each labelled ‘Xmas’ that had been unceremoniously dumped in what would eventually become the guest bedroom. Link was eager to start consolidating all their decorations but the more he talked about it, the more Rhett seemed to be trying to avoid it.
“Can’t we just watch a Christmas movie and curl up under a blanket?” Rhett suggested hopefully.
“I’m doing it today and you better help or I’ll just throw all your stuff away,” Link told Rhett. He had no intention of doing it without Rhett, but Link wasn’t above an empty threat to encourage him. 
It was just starting to get dark when Link carried one of the boxes into the living room. Rhett gave a long moan when he saw Link coming. “Now?” He whined.
“Yes,” Link said cheerfully. “Come on, it’ll be fun!” 
Despite his protests, Rhett helped Link carry the boxes downstairs. They sat facing each other on the rug as Link looked around the room thoughtfully. “How big is your tree?” Link asked. “We’ll only have room for one big one… maybe some little ones.”
“What?” Rhett practically whispered.
“Your tree,” Link prompted. 
“I always get a real tree.”
They stared at each other, mouths ajar, like they had just discovered a horrible secret about each other. Link was the first to speak.
“I’m not having a real tree in my house!” 
“But you’d have a fake tree? Those things are horrible!”
“They’re a lot more appealing when you don’t have to worry about it catching fire and burning down the whole house!” 
Rhett scoffed at the suggestion. “That won’t happen.”
“You don’t know that!” 
“Yes I do,” Rhett said, trying to sound reassuring. “Plus a real tree looks and smells better. It smells like Christmas to me. Why do you think I like wood so much?”
Link hesitated. He knew Rhett was trying to emotionally blackmail him and it was working… almost. “Rhett, come on,” he said calmly. “We already have a nice tree. We don’t need to go out and buy another one.”  He placed a hand on Rhett’s knee and squeezed gently. “Just for this year and we can talk about it again next year.” 
Rhett sighed. He, of all people wasn’t immune to Link’s charm. “Ugh, fine. But just this year. I love my real tree dang-it.”
Link smiled, both relieved and satisfied to get his way. He opened a couple of his boxes until he found the tree in pieces. “The one downside,” he said, grinning as he pulled out a bundle of branches and set them on the couch, “is that you have to attach each branch individually.” 
“Are you kidding me,” Rhett muttered under his breath, but got up to help.
With the ‘trunk’ connected to the base, Rhett kneeled on the floor and slotted in the branches as Link passed them to him one at a time. He put out his hand to receive the next branch, looking up at Link when it didn’t come.
Link gazed down at him blissfully. “I can’t believe I’m doing this with you.”
Rhett huffed out a laugh, “why d’you say that?”
Link shrugged. “We always spent Christmas with our parents and I figured some day we’d start spending it with our own, separate, families.”
Rhett gave a small smile, unsure what to say to such a touching comment. “I’m glad,” he said, the words catching in his throat.
Link cleared his throat, physically shaking himself, and handed Rhett the next branch. They were soon standing side by side inspecting the bare tree. 
“It looks so sad,” Rhett said.
“Once it’s decorated it’ll look great.”
“Why don’t we put some lights on it?” Rhett suggested. “I’ve got a bunch of them.” 
Link watched him go back to the boxes and select a string of little white LED lights. “I have colored ones,” he said.
Rhett stopped what he was doing and looked at Link. “Aren’t those a little old-fashioned?”
“I like them,” Link shrugged. “They remind me of the tree in my mom’s house.”
“Oh yeah…” Rhett said, tilting his head slightly. When they were kids he was always so jealous of Link’s Christmas tree. The tree in his house was all red and gold (‘tasteful’ his mom called it) but he always thought Link’s tree looked more like Christmas. “Okay,” he said after a pause, “colored it is.”
Rhett held one end of the string of lights at the top as Link circled the tree with the rest, adjusting as he went. He couldn’t resist running his fingers across Rhett’s stomach each time he passed, earning a giggle from Rhett. 
With the lights on the tree, Rhett went looking for ornaments. He opened the next of Link’s boxes and peered inside. Sitting right on top was a little tree, about two feet tall, made entirely of green tinsel. He’d bought it years ago when Link said he wanted something to brighten up his desk. Rhett had found the tackiest, cheapest decoration he could and proudly set it down beside a bemused Link.  “Why do you still have this?” he said, unable to hold in a laugh.
When Link realized what Rhett was talking about, he snatched the tree out of the box and held it away from Rhett. “Because I love it,” he said, placing it defiantly on the table at the end of the couch. “Remember when you bought this for me?”
“I was having such a bad day,” he said, “and you just appeared beside me with this ridiculous tree and a huge smile on your face, so pleased with yourself. It turned my whole week around.” Link smiled to himself at the memory and looked up to find Rhett smiling back at him. 
“In that case, I love it too,” Rhett said. He went back to the box of Link’s decorations. There were no tree ornaments, but the box was full of little snow-covered buildings. “What are these?”
Link looked into the box and lifted out two of the houses. “My Christmas village!” he grinned. He moved an unopened box off the coffee table and set down the houses. “I got this one first because it looked like my house and then I bought that one because it looked like your house.”
Rhett watched as Link arranged the buildings on the coffee table. He had a space for each one and looked up at Rhett triumphantly as he placed the last one. “It’s Buies Creek,” Rhett realized. 
“Yeah!” Link said, and stood up beside Rhett to survey the town. He wrapped an arm around Rhett’s waist and leaned his head against Rhett’s chest. “I know it takes up a lot of space. I’m sure we can find somewhere else for it.”
“I like it there,” Rhett said. “We can work around it.” Since they weren’t going back to North Carolina, it was a nice way of keeping their family and old friends close. 
Link retrieved a candle out of one of Rhett’s boxes and set it down beside the village. “Can I light this candle?” He said, hoping to improve the ambiance.
“Not that one,” Rhett said quickly before Link could find the candle lighter. 
“What? Why not?” Link asked. It was just a plain white church candle with a Christmas tree stuck on the side. It looked like he got it at a gas station.
“It’s just a reminder,” Rhett said, looking a little uncomfortable. “Before we were a couple I was really good at hiding my feelings… most of the time.”
Link sat down on the couch and gave Rhett an encouraging nod. Truth be told he was still good at hiding his feelings. When he opened up, Link liked to encourage him as best he could.
“Once I was in Walmart, minding my own business, and you text me all excited about some guy who’d just asked you out and it killed me man.” Rhett cleared his throat and sat down beside Link on the couch. “I just started crying right there in the aisle.”
Link placed a hand on Rhett’s knee and squeezed gently. “Yeah, I was a dumbass.”
“We both were,” Rhett said. “This nice lady came and asked what was wrong and I just blurted it all out. She told me if it’s meant to be, it’s never too late and she would light a candle for us.” He lifted the candle and smiled. “I picked this up in the next aisle over to remind myself that God would be working on it.”
“That’s really sweet,” Link said. He placed a hand on Rhett’s cheek and gave him a gentle kiss. “I guess it must have worked.”
“Guess so,” Rhett grinned.
Link scanned the rest of the boxes and pointed at a small one by the couch. “That one says ‘Rhett’s Xmas tree ornaments’. You think that has Christmas tree ornaments in it?” 
Rhett narrowed his eyes. He didn’t remember labelling his boxes so extensively. “Alright alright,” he said, amusement in his voice. “You just concentrate on finding your own so we can figure out what to keep and what to throw away.” 
Link found his box of ornaments and sat down beside Rhett on the couch. “My own decorations take up the whole tree so we definitely need to get rid of some stuff,” he said, searching through the decorations. 
“I don’t want to get rid of any of mine,” Rhett muttered.
“Well, neither do I,” Link said and looked into Rhett’s box. “There’s bound to be something you don’t need in there,” he said. He pulled out a plain blue star and turned it around in his hand. “Like this. It’s nice, but it’s not very distinctive.”
Rhett took the star from Link’s hand and held it up beside his face. “It’s the same color as your eyes,” he said sheepishly. “I couldn’t resist it… it was just something subtle that reminded me of you.”
Link took the star back and looked down at it in a new light. Before they got together, Link would keep little items all the time that reminded him of Rhett but he didn’t realize Rhett would be sentimental enough to do the same. Without speaking, he went and placed it on the tree and sat back down on the couch.
“Thanks,” Rhett grinned. He peered into Link’s box and picked out a little plastic Santa carrying a christmas tree. “Do you want to keep this? It’s a little cheap looking.”
Link’s face flushed. He gave Rhett a guilty look.
“Seriously?” Rhett said, understanding right away. He held the ornament up to eye level so he could get a closer look. 
“What?” Link said. “A bearded man with wood made me think of you.”
Rhett couldn’t help laughing. “Okay, fair enough,” he said. “That one can stay.”
Link leaned over and gave him a kiss. “Don’t worry, you’re still my favourite bearded man with wood.” 
Rhett rolled his eyes, but laughed anyway. “Okay, well what about this?” he said, lifting a gold bell out of the box. “It isn’t even a Christmas decoration.” Rhett had taken a trip to Philadelphia years ago with his brother’s family, and brought a Liberty Bell back for Link as a souvenir.
Link smiled fondly at the memory. “I was so pissed at you for going on that trip,” he said. “We were crazy busy with work and you just left me for a week to deal with it on my own.”
“That doesn’t sound like a great memory,” Rhett pointed out.
“But you came back,” Link went on. “We spent so many Christmases apart, I moved the bell to my tree to remind myself you’d be back. You always come back.” 
Rhett couldn’t think of a response. It was just like Link to turn a bad memory into something positive. 
Before Rhett had a chance to speak, Link leaned over and took a plain silver ball out of Rhett’s box. “What about this? It couldn’t possibly have any sentimental value.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’ve had that one longer than any other decoration,” Rhett said, grinning at the confusion on Link’s face. “One Christmas I was at your house, and I was telling your mom how much I loved your tree and how it didn’t feel like Christmas until I saw it.”
“That’s really cute,” Link said.
Rhett shrugged. “Well your mom must have thought so too, because she took that ball off the tree and gave it to me to keep.”
“I never knew that,” Link said. “I always wondered why you had that one silver ornament on your mom’s beautiful red and gold tree.”
Before long, there wasn’t a bare branch on the whole tree. Every ornament seemed to have some sentimental value and neither was willing to let any of them go. 
“What kind of topper do you have?” Rhett asked, setting the remainder of the ornaments on the floor. 
“A star,” Link said. “What kind of topper to you have?”
“A Link!” Rhett said, holding up the weirdest looking angel Link had ever seen.
“What the hell is that,” Link asked slowly. 
Rhett smiled at the angel in front of him. “I got it because I liked the look of it,” he said, “then one day I saw it out of the corner of my eye and realized it looks exactly like you.”
“It does not!” Link protested, narrowing his eyes at the doll’s heavy brow and square jaw.
“Let’s see your star,” Rhett said, trying to change the subject. 
Link pulled the star out of his box and held it up to show Rhett. It was made of wood and painted with red, yellow and blue paint. 
“Uh…” Rhett said, not wanting to criticise it in case it was particularly meaningful to Link.
“Don’t give me that look,” Link snapped. “Remember the time I took my mom to Europe for Christmas? I picked it up in a Christmas Market in Berlin and the woman selling it told me to make a wish and put it on my Christmas tree.”
“Good sales technique,” Rhett grinned.
“Well it worked,” Link shrugged.
“What did you wish for?” Rhett said, a smile teasing at the corner of his lips.
Link couldn’t help smiling. “It doesn’t matter, it already came true,” he said, and leaned forward to press a kiss to Rhett’s lips.
“Oh,” Rhett grinned, “well in that case, can’t Angel Link go on the tree?”
Link picked up the little gold angel and looked at her face. Apart from the long hair, it actually did look a lot like him. Distinctive for a woman, to put it nicely. “I guess,” he said, turning his nose up.
“I think it’s beautiful,” Rhett said, looking at Link instead of the angel.
“Shut up,” Link said while trying not to smile. “Okay fine, put the angel on the tree. But I’m not getting rid of the star.”
“Put it on that little tree,” Rhett said, pointing at the 2 foot tall tinsel tree.
Link shrugged. They didn’t match and the star was half the size of the tree, but he crossed the room and placed it on top anyway. 
“Perfect,” Rhett said.
Perfect wasn’t the word Link would have used but it looked whimsical if nothing else. “Better than putting the angel on here,” he admitted. “That would just look like me with a tree up my ass”
Once again, they stood back and inspected the tree. It looked considerably better with the decorations.
“Do you feel more Christmassy now?” Rhett asked, prodding Link in the side gently.
“Yeah,” Link said, grinning up at him. “Don’t you?”
“A little.”
“We still have a box of ornaments we don’t want to throw away,” Link said, pointing at the box on the floor. “What are we going to do with them?”
“Save them for next year?” Rhett suggested.
“But I want them out now!”
“Well then we’ll have to take something else off.”
Link looked up at Rhett pleadingly, like Rhett was going to be able to magically fix it. “Well,” Rhett said, after thinking it over for a moment. “There is one easy solution.”
“We could get a bigger tree.”
“Oh!” Link said, initially pleased with the suggestion. He narrowed his eyes at Rhett when he realized what he was really suggesting. “Wait a second. You’re just saying that so we’ll go and look at real trees.”
“Aw come on Link,” Rhett said. He placed his hands on Link’s shoulders and turned him towards the tree. “We tried yours and it’s not big enough.”
“I’ve never had any complaints before,” Link grinned, unable to help himself. 
“Please?” Rhett said, trying not to giggle at Link’s joke.
“Fiiiine,” Link said. “We can go tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” Rhett said, leaning down and giving Link a kiss on the cheek.
“I must really love you,” Link mused. “I guess if you’re happy, I can cope with the fear of the house burning down.”
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sig-nifier · 5 years
the men in this town (live and die)
for my guy @redvsvblue in the rt writing community! enjoy the heist shenanigans
When people think of a heist they think of flashy suits and even flashier get away cars. They think of tension, of a harsh voice yelling commands over the whip of a bullet. It’s Los Santos - they shouldn’t expect any less.
However, this is not how the Fakes came to power.
The Fakes came to Los Santos in a blaze of laughter and daring. They had heists with no escape plans and no weapons - they even completely free-styled once, but all decided that one was a bit too dangerous.
It was the confusion they liked, the delayed reactions of officers due to shock, the absolute chaos that came with every news article. If it brightened the city and entertained themselves, you can bet they’ve done it.
Which leads us to the present day.
Six men stood round a table, blueprints laid out and weighed down at the corners with three mugs of coffee and one cup of tea. It was an easy enough heist - steal a priceless necklace from a jewellery store and get out before the LSPD started breathing down their necks. It was a particularly high class area of Los Santos, so a simple to follow, nothing-could-go-wrong plan was in need.
“Let’s all swap gimmicks.”
Surprisingly, it was Michael’s voice that jumped from ear to ear and broke the serious atmosphere that had been created.
He shrugged when five faces continued to stare at him. “This place has been serious for far too long.”
Gavin’s squark of a laugh rang out in a single note accompanied by the clap of his hands. “Top! Whose who?”
“I’m the Vagabond.” 4 voices spoke in unison.
“You’re too lanky to be the Vagabond, Gav.” Geoff spoke up, arms crossed as he watched the inevitable chaos that was soon to be their plan start to form.
Gavin rounded on him, arms flailing as he gestured wildly to the rest of the crew. “Me?! Jeremy’s half the size of Ryan! Michael doesn’t have the right build either and Jack’s too f-“
He cut himself off, but Jack hadn’t missed the beginning of the word. The older man stepped forward, blunt amusement clear on his face. “Too what, Gavin?”
“Uhh, just-“
“Yeah, Gav, why couldn’t Jack be the Vagabond?” Jeremy cut in, clearly picking up on the joke.
“I think you’d be great, Jack. Truly terrifying.” Michael clapped Jack on the shoulder, a shit eating grin on his face as he watched Gavin gawk at them all.
Ryan, who’d been silently watching this exchange and wondering how his shtick had ended up the centre of the conversation, ran a hand down his face and sighed.
Geoff clapped a hand down on the Vagabonds shoulder. “What do you think, wanna give us some makeup tips?”
“It’s not makeup.” Ryan began, but was quickly drowned out by the four other voices that picked up on the easy bait.
“Does it have to be a skull or can I have, like, a butterfly?”
“I’m thinking just a full face of blue.”
“I reckon the Rimmy Tim colours would look great.”
“Maybe I’ll do glow in the dark and have it come out of the eyeholes.”
Geoff grinned at the chaos he’d created, knowing Ryan would like nothing more to dispose of them all and find a new crew elsewhere.
“This is going to ruin my reputation.” Ryan mumbled, lifting his mug and allowing the blueprints to curl up at the corner.
Surprisingly, this heist was one of their most successful.
It was the confusion that did it. Having six Vagabonds meant the LSPD saw one of them at every turn.
Ryan dove undercover, the familiar pump of adrenaline drowning out the fear that came with the rush of a bullet past his head. This was his favourite part. He liked the start of a heist, when the feds first show up and think they have a chance. He liked the cocky remarks and the generous pull of the trigger before both sides started to value their ammo. He lived for the disappointment on the cops faces when he danced just out of their reach.
A body crashed down next to him and though he couldn’t see their face under the leather mask, Ryan had no doubt they were grinning. You’d think it would be easy, telling apart the crew despite their identical outfits, and sure, up close he could pick them apart from their breathing patterns but it wasn’t quite as easy with bullets raining down from every angle. Despite this, there was no mistaking those tattooed hands.
“You seeing this shit? They haven’t got a clue what’s happening!” The glee in Geoff’s tone pulled a low chuckle from Ryan, both of them checking their clips and ducking lower as another round was sent their way.
“This’ll be one for the books.”
“And to think you were against this whole idea.”
Ryan shrugged. “I’ll admit it has a certain..dramatic flare that I can appreciate,” he nodded his head to the left, “which one of us is that?”
Hiding behind one of the LSPD’s cars was another Vagabond, rising up on occasion to shoot back at the cops that had him pinned down. From this distance it could have been any number of the crew.
Geoff leaned forward, glancing around Ryan to get a better look. “Gavin, maybe? Or Michael.”
They took some time to sit back and watch their friend, pistols heavy in their hands as they ignored the chaos that surrounded them. The figure eventually pulled out an object, throwing it over the car and running in the opposite direction as an explosion rang out seconds later.
“Michael.” They confirmed in unison.
A shower of metal rocked the car they were up against, smashing a window and sending glass down on their heads. Geoff shifted his position, getting ready to move.
“I’ll go right, you take the left.” Ryan nodded in response, dropping back into his serious heist mode as he too turned to find another cover. He felt a clap on his shoulder, heard the running of feet and then he was moving, the wind drowning out all other sounds as it whipped past his ears.
The heist ended pretty quickly after that.
Jack took a bullet to the shoulder, Jeremy almost took a knife through his throat but there was always a Vagabond there to get them out of trouble. Gavin had lost his mask at some point and whilst the face-paint did well to cover who he was, the wild blonde hair was a bit of a give away.
They escaped in a range of vehicles, Michael and Jeremy piling into the front of a truck whilst Jack gave the LSPD hell from the back. Gavin and Geoff ended up together on a fast looking bike and Ryan stuck to the alleyways, running in circles until he was sure he wasn’t being followed. Being on foot, Ryan was the last one back to the penthouse.
It was odd, walking in and seeing five Vagabonds scattered around the room. There was once a time where he wouldn’t have shared this with anyone, would’ve tracked down whoever dare imitate him and make sure there wasn’t even fingerprints to identify them by, but somehow these five idiots had wormed their way into his life and made even the Vagabond a part of him that he didn’t mind sharing. Everyone had shedded the masks, face-paint smudged from sweat and struggles with the feds.
“Solid success, that.” Gavin grinned, hands on his hips as he looked around the room.
“Says the one who wasn’t shot.”
“It’s just a scratch, you’re fine.”
“Just a-“ Jack began, half rising out of his seat before wincing and lowering himself back down, voice dropping so only Jeremy beside him could hear. “I’ll give you a scratch.”
Michael turned as Ryan entered, a grin on his face that leaked adrenaline. “There he is - the OG. You have fun?”
“If you call destroying my image fun, then yeah, I had fun.”
Geoff clapped a hand down on his shoulder, an action that Ryan realised was starting to become a trend, and squeezed it reassuringly. “Relax. Everyone’s terrified of you, this won’t change a thing.”
Despite the warm hand weighing down on him and the familiar grins that came from around the room, Ryan wasn’t so sure.
Two Weeks Later
The rest of the crew were in the middle of an intense game of Ultimate Chicken Horse when Ryan walked in, pulling off his mask with a huff.
Geoff was quick to pause the game, frowning as he stood and approached his friend. “What happened? They didn’t take the deal?”
There was a mumble of a reply that Geoff couldn’t quite make out, the rest of the group crowding round to hear too.
“Don’t flub, Ryan.” Michael teased.
The older man closed his eyes and sighed, a pained expression crossing his features before he spoke up once more.
“They didn’t think I was the real Vagabond.”
The silence that followed held a cautious humour in it’s noise, nobody wanting to be the one to break it.
“Apparently I’m ‘too tall’.”
It was Jack that laughed first, spit flying as he spluttered and doubled over, a hand coming up to wipe away tears from under his glasses. Gavin followed fast, leaning heavily on Michael who was stuck in a silent laugh with his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Geoff was the loudest of all of them, a contagious cackle that had even Ryan fondly rolling his eyes at the situation. Jeremy had so far been able to keep his composure, though the twinkle in his eye showed he was close to cracking too. He moved round, reaching up and clapping a hand down onto Ryan’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry, we’ll send me next time.”
The sound of Ryan’s groan was drowned out by the laughter that engulfed the room.
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all-the-wrong-lines · 6 years
This was written at the request of @sparkle123tt​. It’s my first LoT fic so go easy on me. “Can you write a fic where Constantine enchants items that are precious to each member of the legends team to protect them from some evil demon?”
“I’ll go first, since mine’s the easiest to figure out anyway.” Zari tapped her totem as she spoke. “I never go anywhere without it.”
“It’s not just about physical proximity, love.” Constantine raised his eyebrows but he stepped towards her anyway. “It’s the sentimentality that the demons hate. They don’t get all wishy washy like you and me.”
“It’s got that too,” she said, hand closing around the totem.
“Well whatever it’s got,” John put a hand out to gesture at the suspicious blood-red seal he’d marked on the table, “we can’t exactly cast the spell with it around your neck, can we?”
“What do I need to do?” Zari stepped forward, removing herself from the group fully.
“Simple, love. Just set your item in the circle and put your hands on the outer ring.” He set his own hands down on the circle as Zari did what she was told. “The rest of you,” John looked pointedly at the remaining three crew members, “don’t need to be here for this. I suggest you go find your own items.” He turned his head back to Zari. “Now Zari, I need you to focus real hard on the item. Focus on what makes it important to you.” He saw Zari close her eyes and soon the markings on the circle began to glow a vibrant red.
“Bullocks.” He almost pulled his hands free, but Zari’s eyes reopened and the glowing ceased.
“Is something wrong?” Zari looked at him, demanding an answer.
“Nothing’s wrong love. It’s just that your item’s got a bit more juice than I expected.” He leaned forward a tad further. “It’s already magic then, yeah?”
“Is that a problem?”
“Problem? No. Snag? Predicament? Obstacle?” He let the last word come out slow, popping every syllable. “Maybe, but that just means you’ve got to think harder.” He saw Zari nod. “Let’s try again, shall we?” Zari closed her eyes again and the glowing resumed. “Tell me about the item.”
“It’s a totem. It belongs to my people.” There was a pause. “It belonged to my brother.” The glowing grew stronger.
“Tell me about him.”
“He was brave, right up until they killed him.” She stopped talking, but the glowing continued to rise and the table beneath their hands felt warm. John knew better than to push. Just because she had to think about it didn’t mean she had to talk about it. Eventually, the glowing ceased and the table became suddenly cold.
“You can open your eyes now love.” John took his hands off the table and reached into his pocket for a Silk Cut. Zari opened her eyes, looking down at the table and grabbing the totem to replace it on her neck. “That’ll protect you now.”
“It already protected me.” She looked back up at him and he smiled around his cigarette.
“Well, now it’ll protect you more.”
“And what do we have here?” John was sitting at the table as Ray entered, waiting for the others to finally get off their asses and bring him something to enchant.
“It’s, uh,” Ray brought up a hand behind his head, “It’s a necklace. I hope it’s okay.”
“Didn’t know you wore jewelry.”
“I don’t!” Ray’s eyes got wide. “I mean, not that there’d be a problem if I did. There’s nothing wrong with men wearing jewelry.” John tilted back in his chair, amused at the rambling. “It was my wife’s.”
“Didn’t know you had a wife.”
“Yeah.” Ray looked down at the floor. “Had.” John let the front legs of his chair fall back forward.
“Right. Set it in the circle then. Hands on the outside.” John watched as Ray scrambled forward, eager to follow instruction. John was reminded briefly of a well behaved dog. “Close your eyes.” Ray closed his eyes and John placed his hands back onto the outer ring of his sigil. “Tell me about your wife.”
“She was sweet.” Ray smiled and the ring beneath him began to glow softly. “Smart too. And beautiful.” There was a pause. “She was a lawyer, like her mom. I decided to become The Atom when—“ Another pause. The circle was beginning to warm. “When she was killed.”
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” John looked at him intently. “You just have to feel it for the spell to work.”
“No, no it’s okay.” Ray shook his head slightly. “It happened so long ago. 2014. But I’ll never forget her. It wasn’t fair what happened to her.” The circle went cold, the simple silver necklace in the center continued glowing faintly, like an ember. John picked it up.
“You chose the right object.” He sat back down, wishing he had a glass of something strong. Ray still had his eyes closed. “It’s over by the way. You can open your eyes now.” Ray’s eyes shot open, immediately settling on the glowing object in John’s hands.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it. This’ll protect you now.” He threw the necklace at Ray, who stared at it questioningly. “Something wrong?”
“Just thinking I’d better not lose it.” Ray looked up, waiting for a response that wasn’t coming before beginning a shuffle to the door.
“Go ahead and send the next one in, would you?”
“John?” Ray was standing by the door now, moments from leaving.
“What did you enchant, for yourself I mean?”
“My coat.” John smirked.
“Your coat?” Ray tilted an eyebrow up.
“What, you don’t like it? I think it’s quite snazzy myself.”
“But you said it had to be something—“
“Ray.” John dropped the smile. “Next person.”
“Alright John, let’s get this over with.” Sara walked up to face John immediately, setting a black mask on the table and crossing her arms.
“What’s the matter, got something against sentimentality?” John smiled up at her, still sitting comfortably in his chair. Sara set her hands on the circle.
“No, just got something against wasting time.” She gave him a look that wasn’t quite a glare but that couldn’t exactly be described as friendly either.
“Right.” John stood up casually. He could’ve been quicker but that wouldn’t have exactly been much fun. “You seem to know the drill then.” He placed his hands on the circle and watched as Sara closed her eyes. He waited as the circle glowed faintly, but didn’t heat up.
“Whatever you’re thinking about isn’t strong enough,” he said. Sara’s face twisted in annoyance.
“What you you mean ‘it isn’t strong enough?’ It’s plenty strong.”
“Then you need to think about it more vividly.”
“I am.”
“What are you thinking about?” John asked, sighing. He’d hoped not to have to pry.
“You said we wouldn’t have to talk about it,” Sara snapped. John looked down at the table. It wasn’t glowing anymore.
“Unfortunately love, you’re going to have to if you want this to work.”
“Fine. It’s my Black Canary mask. I’m thinking about when I was Black Canary.”
“Alright love, keep thinking about it.” The circle began to glow faintly again. “Why’d you pick this? You have plenty of things you could have picked but you picked this one.”
“Because being Black Canary made me feel strong.” The circle remained steady.
“You’re lying to me. Whatever it is you’re holding back I need you to say it.” There was another pause.
“I was wearing it when I died.” Her face went expressionless. “It was the only thing I was wearing when I died that I wasn’t wearing when I woke up. It fell off in the alleyway, but Laurel kept it.” There was finally heat forming under John’s fingers as he listened to her talk. “I keep it to remind me that I was given a second chance. That everyone else deserves one too.” Cold. Silence. “They shouldn’t have to suffer for theirs.”
“That’s enough, Sara.” Her eyes shot open as he spoke. “The enchantment is through.” Sara blinked. “Maybe that mask will be able to protect you this time.”
“Maybe?” Sara looked up, forcing a quick smirk. “I didn’t think we were paying you for ‘maybe’.”
“You’re not paying me at all love.” John sat down and smirked back. “Don’t know why I’m even here, to be honest.”
“Yes you do.” Sara grabbed the mask, placing it in her pocket and walking to the door. “It’s the vacation time.”
“Don’t tell me.” John looked down at the object in front of him. “You won a swim championship as a kid. Your greatest achievement.” Mick grunted in response. “These had better be some pretty important goggles if they’re going to have the juice to protect you.”
“They are.”
“Right.” They looked at each other for a moment. “Close your eyes then.” John said amicably enough but still received an eye roll first. “Think about what makes the object important to you.” Mick’s face screwed up in concentration and John looked down at his hands in surprise. “What are you thinking about?”
“None of your business, trench coat.” John just about rolled his eyes himself, but he was too focused on the unusually cold table. Just as he was about to call it off, the table flashed hot underneath his skin and the glowing stopped. He could feel magic emanating off of the goggles.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen like that.” John’s eyebrows pushed together as he thought about what could have caused the problem. “The table was supposed to get warm. I don’t think it worked right.”
“It worked fine.” Mick grabbed the goggles and started for the door.
“I can’t guarantee that—“
“It worked fine.” The door shut and John was left standing.
“Fine.” He said sarcastically at the door. “Get possessed then, won’t you?” He fixed—or rather unfixed—his collar and walked over to the cabinet. It was none of his business anyway. Only thing that was his business right now was the whiskey he’d stashed in the cabinets.
Some days just made you need a drink.
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humansunshineao3 · 6 years
Prompt from anon: I don't care in which situation there are but can you write a short fic where Alec loves Magnus' hair and he plays with it or stroke it.
This is a little bit of fluff set in 3x05
“Do you wanna take a bath tonight?” Alec asked tentatively as he put his empty martini glass on the coffee table.
Magnus smiled, his eyes gentle. “Needing some cuddles, Alexander?”
“Always,” Alec shrugged. “So…?”
“It’s already running.”
Alec hummed, standing and holding out his hand to Magnus. The older man laughed softly at his lover’s neediness, but twined their fingers together and let Alec lead the way to the bathroom. When they reached the bathroom, Alec let his hand go and turned to close the door. “Magnus, I need you to know, I’m really serious about this. About you.”
“I know, angel,” Magnus nodded, cupping Alec’s face in both hands. “I know. And I’m just as serious. I hope you understand why I put the brakes on earlier today. I just don’t think we’re quite ready yet. That doesn’t mean that I love you any less… It just means that we need to have a little more mileage on our relationship, you know?”
“I get it,” Alec assured him, taking Magnus’ wrists, thumbing along his pulse points. “I promise. I just feel… Sheepish.”
Magnus chuckled, eyes sparkling with fondness. “It’s never easy to have these conversations.”
Alec hummed, stepping closer to bury his face in Magnus’ neck. “You’re telling me.”
“Give it another six months, yeah? Then we’ll talk about it again. Maybe we start with giving you a drawer in my dresser, hmm?” Magnus coaxed, rubbing Alec’s back.
“God, that definitely would have been a more sensible suggestion.” Alec groaned.
Magnus grinned, kissing Alec’s temple. “If you weren’t a little ridiculous sometimes I wouldn’t love you half as much as I do.”
“Bath’s done,” Alec mumbled, pulling away slowly. The two of them stripped efficiently, Magnus magicking their clothes into the laundry hamper in the bedroom.
By this point, Alec was almost used to Magnus being naked around him. He didn’t feel a desperate stir of arousal at the sight of Magnus’ naked ass like he had done once upon a time, but he did have the irrepressible urge to smack it playfully, and Magnus yelped as he did so. Laughing, Magnus growled softly at him, flicking his nipple.
“Aw, fuck yeah!” Alec whined teasingly, and Magnus snorted, rolling his eyes. Magus had tried showing Alec some vintage porn that he had lying around, and ever since, Alec had taken it upon himself to mock the girlish shrieks of the bottoms whenever context called for it. Alec grinned, utterly pleased with himself as he saw his boyfriend crack a smile. “Can I be big spoon?”
Magnus smiled, rubbing Alec’s hip. “Of course, love. You want a bath bomb or just bubbles?”
“This’ll do,” Alec shrugged, sinking into the bubbles and parting his legs just enough for Magnus to climb in between them, the two of them sighing as they settled together in the water. “I just wanted to hold you close.”
“Mmmmm,” Magnus murmured, pulling Alec’s arms around his waist. “The feeling was more than mutual.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, Alec kissing along the length of Magnus’ shoulders, nuzzling into the crook of his neck and up to his hair, which was drooping a little in the humidity of the bathroom. He loved the smell of Magnus’ hair; it was mostly sandalwood, sure, but there was also hairspray and the tiniest hint of musk right at the crown of his head.
Magnus chuckled as Alec stuck his face right in the middle of his mohawk, rubbing his forearms fondly. “That really is your happy place, isn’t it?”
“Mmmmm, yeah,” Alec sighed, squeezing Magnus gently. “Want me to wash it?”
“That would be wonderful,” Magnus admitted. It was never just a simple shampoo and rinse when Alec washed his hair; the younger man went all out, massaging his scalp and kissing down his neck and making him feel utterly, utterly loved.
Alec grabbed the specially brewed shampoo from the shelf above his head while Magnus magicked off his makeup and slipped down into the water to get his hair wet, scritching at his hair under the water to get the most stubborn parts of the product out. When he rose, Alec kissed his shoulders and dug his sudsy fingers right into the base of Magnus’ skull, rubbing in little circles up the back of his head until he got to the longer bit on top, scrunching and rubbing the hair between his fingers.
“I’ve changed my mind,” Magnus breathed, tipping his head into Alec’s touch, “you can move in whenever if I get this every night.”
Alec laughed, shaking his head a little as he worked, ducking his head down to pepper soft kisses up the nape of Magnus’ neck, making him squirm a little. “It’s what you deserve.”
“Mmmmmm, I love you.”
“I love you too,” Alec murmured between brushes of his lips, stroking his fingers through Magnus’ hair to finish off. “Time to rinse.”
Magnus ducked under the water again, Alec’s hands dropping to coax the shampoo from the strands of Magnus’ hair, making sure it was all out before tapping Magnus’ shoulder to get him to sit up again. “God, I could go to sleep now.”
“Can we stay here a little longer?” Alec asked, settling back into the position they’d been in before. “I, uh… I have some questions, if that’s okay.”
“Of course, angel. After that lovely head massage, you can ask me anything you like.” Magnus assured him, closing his eyes.
Alec hesitated. “I’m not asking this out of jealousy, but curiosity.”
Magnus’ shoulders tensed a little, but he nodded, turning his head to glance back at Alec. “Alright… Ask away.”
“Was George the last person you loved, before me?” He enquired shyly, though he held Magnus’ gaze.
“Well…” Magnus shifted, turning his head back to the front, “he was the last serious relationship I had. Dot and I dated for a couple of years in the thirties, but it sort of fizzled out. But he was certainly the last time I… Really lost someone.”
Alec swallowed hard. “What was he like?”
“Alexander, you don’t have to care about this stuff…”
“No, I-I… I wanna know. I promise. He was important to you, right? So I want you to be able to talk about him. I feel awful for making you feel like you had to, to censor yourself somehow.” He explained, squeezing Magnus gently. “But if you don’t want to tell me about him, that’s okay too.”
Magnus nodded, biting his lip. “Well, he was… I suppose in some ways he was similar to you. Fiercely loyal, righteous, a firm believer in justice. He was a fighter. But in other ways he was very different to you. He was… He wasn’t very good at speaking his mind, but honestly, that just made him more interesting. I never quite knew what he was thinking in the first few years. Of course, eventually we figured each other out. But…” Magnus smiled slightly. “Mostly, he was a good man.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to settle for anything less,” Alec chuckled, “I can’t imagine you ever had much time for bad boys.”
Magnus laughed. “On the contrary, I spent the first two hundred years of my life chasing all the wrong people. But I grew out of it eventually. Camille aside, of course.”
“I almost forgot about Camille,” Alec snorted, his arms tightening around Magnus the slightest amount.
“So, what about you? You must have had crushes, even if you didn’t act on them.” Magnus relaxed back into Alec’s arms, resting his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder.
Alec shrugged. “There was a boy in Alicante. He had less than zero interest in me, but I was, like… In puppy love with him. For like, years. It was humiliating.”
“I bet he was flattered.”
“God no, he had no idea I existed,” Alec snorted, smiling a little. “He was a couple of years older than me. We were paired up to spar when I was about fourteen and he was seventeen. He was shirtless so, obviously, I was distracted.”
“Pervert,” Magnus teased, elbowing him gently in the ribs.
“I make no apologies for my weakness for toned tummies.” Alec insisted, thumbing over Magnus’ abs. “But yeah, he got me on my back and straddled me, his arm across my throat. It was…” Alec shivered a little, which made Magnus laugh a little too loudly. “I was fourteen!”
“Of course your sexual awakening happened in training.”
Alec grinned. “Man, I haven’t thought about Cartwright in… Years.”
Magnus hummed, nuzzling into Alec’s chest. “It’s nice to get a little nostalgic from time to time.”
“Yeah… I get it. Why you keep that box. And…” Alec chewed his lip. “I hope I make it in there.”
“Alexander…” Magnus sat up out of the bath, perching on the side so he could look Alec in the eye. “You already did. We could break up tomorrow, and I’d still remember you forever. The impact you’ve made on my life… It’s so new, but I know that it’s unforgettable. You’re going to get pride of place, angel.”
That meant more to Alec than he’d thought it would, the younger man feeling hot tears springing to his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Of course!” Magnus chuckled, thumbing at Alec’s cheek. “Of course.”
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jojowritesstuff · 6 years
And I finally got to finish off the second part to this.
 “I am pretty sure you brought those germs home from work,” Raya said and took the cup, heading to the ridiculously small bathroom. She took a swig of the saltwater mixture, gargling it but almost immediately spit it out into the sink with a shudder. “God, that’s disgusting!”
 Hazel winced. “I love you,” she called after her girlfriend. “Try not to let it touch your tongue…” she warned.
 “Too late,” Raya called out from the bathroom before once again spitting into the sink, trying to get rid of the taste. “For how long do I even have to gargle this to make it work?”
 “Longer than you have,” Hazel sighed and walked over to the bathroom once she put the water on the mini stove to boil. “Come on, like twenty seconds, once or twice more,” she said, wrapping an arm around Raya.
 Raya took a deep breath, bracing herself. She quickly took another sip and threw her head back, counting to twenty in her mind as she gargled. She was speeding through her counting, trying to force herself to keep going but eventually she spat the mixture into the sink, gagging afterwards. “Can… can I stop please?”
 Hazel nodded sympathetically. “I’m sorry, it should be helping now though. Do you want to lie down again?” she asked, rubbing her girlfriend’s back.
 Raya nodded and turned the tap to rinse the sink with hot water before trudging back out of the room, collapsing onto the bed with a shiver. “I hope that murdered all those damned germs,” she muttered, wrapping the comforter around herself.
 “I’m sure it did,” Hazel said, and went to fix a cup of tea. “For you,” she smiled, handing it over to Raya.
 “Thank you,” Raya said, accepting the mug with a grateful smile. “This is definitely better than the salt stuff,” she hummed after the first sip.
"That was the whole point. The honey and vitamin C will now have a chance to soothe your throat." Hazel explained.
"Honey's good. My momma gave me honey when I was sick as a kid. It helped and tasted way better than medicine," Raya mumbled and slowly drained the mug, the warm liquid providing welcome relief to the scratching in her throat.
Hazel smiled, kissing Raya’s forehead after she set the mug on the bedside table. "Mmm, you're still really warm," she murmured, her brows creasing in concern.
"'m cold," Raya whined, shivering under the rather thick blanket. She slumped against Hazel with a tired sigh, suppressing a cough. “How can I be warm when I am basically freezing?”
"You always get chills when you're sick," Hazel told her with a light smile. "Come on, I want you to do something for your congestion. Then you can sleep more comfortably."
“Do I have to get up?" Raya asked with a light groan, craning her neck to look up at Hazel.
"I think it'll help, but that's up to you," Hazel said, tracing light patterns on Raya’s back, feeling the warmth radiate through the fabric of her shirt.
Raya made a small noise and climbed out of bed though she kept the blanket wrapped around her shoulders, clinging to it. “N'kay, what now?"
"Steaming," Hazel announced, walking over to the small kitchen area. She set a pot on the stove after filling it with water. "As soon as the water starts boiling, inhale all the water vapor. It'll loosen up your congestion," she promised. “It would work better if we could add some essential oils like peppermint but I could not find any so this’ll have to do.”
Raya nodded and did as Hazel told her. Eventually breathing started to come easier for her. "I think it's helping."
"It definitely is, you sound better," Hazel said honestly. "Whenever you feel good enough, head back to bed, okay? Until we can get you some actual meds rest will be your best bet."
"M'kay" Raya mumbled staying near the steaming pot a little longer until she eventually headed back to bed, curling up under the covers once again. "'m sorry this trip went downhill."
Hazel shushed her gently. "Honey, it’s alright," she assured, kissing her temple. "Want me to keep you warm?" she offered with a playful smile
Raya nodded pathetically and moved over to make room for Hazel. "Maybe we can keep going tomorrow. Jus' gotta sleep this off." she mumbled, exhaustion already taking over.
"Keep going right home," Hazel said lightly, sliding in beside Raya, whose skin was burning. She pulled her in close, her fingers lightly tousling her hair.
"But we wanted to do this for so long," Raya complained, yet she cuddled close to Hazel, seeking warmth. She nuzzled her face into Hazel's neck, sniffling lightly.
“Hey, none of that now," Hazel admonished. "I just wanted to spend time with you, you know I don't care what we're doing," she said kindly.
"Bet you did not want to spend time with such a mess," Raya mumbled pressing herself closer to Hazel as a violent shiver ran down her spine.
"Shhhh," Hazel hummed, rubbing a hand down Raya’s back. "I always want to be with you. Sickness and health, remember?" she reminded her gently, holding her close. “Now get some sleep, I’ll be here.”
Raya nodded slightly, trying to ignore the shivering and her aching limbs. She kept herself pressed flush against Hazel, trying to soak up as much warmth as she could.
 Raya fell asleep almost instantly, waking up a few hours later. Feeling overly warm she tried to peel the blanket off herself without waking Hazel. Though in her feverish daze she wasn’t all too successful with that plan.
"Mm? You up baby?" Hazel murmured tiredly, blinking herself awake. The constant shifting of the mattress had woken her though her sleep was rather light to begin with.
"Sorry. Didn't want to wake you," Raya croaked, her voice pretty much gone. "Is jus' so warm."
Hazel was suddenly wide awake, the room was fairly cool so Raya really shouldn’t be feeling that warm. She sat up a little, propping herself up on her elbow as she was feeling her fiancées forehead. "Ry, you're on fire!" she gasped.
"Don't feel good," Raya finally admitted after successfully kicking the covers off the bed.
"Okay, let’s… let's get you a compress," Hazel said, sliding out of bed and heading to the bathroom to wet a cool washcloth. When she returned she placed it on Raya’s forehead who let out a hum of appreciation when the cold cloth came in contact with her skin.
“We  need you to cool down, get that fever down a little," Hazel explained. "Come here," she opened her arms as she slid back into bed.
Raya whined and curled into Hazel's arms. Her breathing was labored and she kept her eyes closed trying to stifle a cough, wincing at the pain racking through her chest.
"Shh, you're okay," Hazel said, rubbing Raya’s back lightly. "You're okay,” she repeated though she was growing concerned. Without a thermometer she could only estimate Raya’s temperature. “Why don't you get a little rest?" she prompted, figuring that for the time being sleep would be the best cure.
Raya nodded, despite every fiber of her body hurting she tried to get comfortable. Exhausted from the fever she even managed to fall asleep rather quickly.
Hazel frowned, deeply concerned. There was a slight but noticeable rasp in Raya’s breath, each inhale appearing strained.  At least her fever seemed back in somewhat normal ranges after a few switches with the cold compress. That calmed Hazel enough to allow herself to doze a bit, though she was wide awake whenever Raya would stir.
Snoring lightly, Raya remained nestled in Hazel's side for the remainder of the night, shivers tearing through her. She woke again early in the morning, rays of sunshine were streaming through the window and tickled her face. She wanted to move over so the light wouldn't bother her and just go back to sleep for a little longer but a coughing fit had her sitting up, nearly gasping for air.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Hazel murmured, immediately awake when Raya moved. "Breathe baby, in through the nose and out through the mouth," she instructed, her hand drawing sweeping circles over her fiancée’s back.
Raya tried to get her breathing under control, the coughing slowly subsiding. Panting lightly, she slumped into Hazel. "Coughing hurts," she rasped.
"That's what happens when you're sick honey," Hazel sighed, her arm still wrapped across Raya’s shoulders. "Come on, I want you to breathe steam again," she encouraged.
Raya nodded and slowly got up, following Hazel who was already setting the pot back on the stove. "Which way is gonna be quicker? Home or to the next hotel?" she asked as they waited for the water to boil.
"It's about the same," Hazel responded, having looked it up the night before while she was trying to stay awake to keep an eye on Raya.
“Can we go home?" Raya asked with a sniffle and rested her head on Hazel’s shoulder.
"It's alright sweetie, we'll drive home and make it back before dark, and you can sleep the whole time," Hazel promised.
 Hazel made sure Raya made it out to the car without trouble before heading back and checking out. She returned a few moments later and pulled the blanket from the back of the car, which she was glad they forgot to take out before. "Here’s something to keep you warm," she said, and gave it to Raya. "Try to sleep, okay?"
Raya nodded and cuddled up under the blanket. "Thank you," she rasped, not even bothering to try and stay awake. She fell asleep before they even made it far but soon was woken up by yet another coughing fit.
"Hey, you okay?" Hazel asked, glancing over at Raya. It had been only an hour and already traffic was looking like hell.
"Sorry," Raya panted out, sinking back into the seat. "How much longer?"
Hazel sighed. "A little while Ry," she said apologetically.
“Have you even had any breakfast? Maybe we can stop somewhere." Raya murmured.
Hazel shook her head. "I'm fine, traffic's a bitch and I just want to get home as soon as we can.”
"Come on, just to grab a little something? I'd like some juice or something, you always try to tell me how important hydration is," Raya smirked knowing that she'd get Hazel with that.
Hazel sighed, switching lanes. "Just because you wanted something," she said, stopping at a small convenience store. She returned to the car a few moments later, with juice and some over the counter medications for Raya.
"No breakfast for you?" Raya asked when she saw Hazel returned with a couple of items but none of which even remotely looked like food.
"Everything was really old, really greasy, or looked like it could survive a nuclear war," Hazel said. "I'm fine, I’ll eat when we get home."
"Oh god, looks like we found the literal end of the world," Raya joked, her laugh cut off by a raging cough. "God..." she groaned.
“Here, cough syrup," Hazel said, pulling a bottle out of the bag and handed it to Raya. "And Advil, and then congestion medication s well."
"You, my love, are a lifesaver," Raya rasped, taking the medicine with a grateful smile. "You sure that stuff isn't over its shelf life already?" she asked looking at the packages varily but took a dose of each medication anyway. "Here's to hoping it'll help."
"Yes, I checked," Hazel nodded. “Everything has at least another six months until it goes off.  “Now get some rest," she said, pulling back on the highway.
 The next few hours seemed to melt away, Hazel's eyes growing tired of the same stretch of road while Raya was sleeping soundly.
When Raya woke up again she still felt achy and sluggish but breathing was actually easier for her. "Hmm... hey" she hummed, blinking her eyes open blearily.
"Hey you, how do you feel?" Hazel asked, stealing a quick glance over at Raya before she focused back on the road.
"Still not great but better I think," Raya said, her brows slightly furrowed as if she was just questioning herself. "My throat is still messed up but I can breathe again. What time is it anyways?" she asked looking over at Hazel. "You look tired, maybe I should drive the rest of the way," she offered.
"Um....  seven thirty," Hazel said. "And no, you're staying right where you are and rest until we're home, only an hour more. Don’t need you to get us into a crash on the last bit of the way," she teased.
Raya's eyes widened. "Oh god, have I really been asleep that long?" She said up straighter figuring she slept long enough by now. "I'm sorry, this must have been boring as hell," she apologized.
Hazel shook her head. "No, it was alright... you were out pretty hard so I played a few podcasts earlier," she said.
"Why doesn't this surprise me?" Raya smirked. "Can't wait to finally be home."
“Yeah, me too,” Hazel nodded in agreement.
It was just over an hour and a half until they pulled into their driveway, Hazel dead-tired but hiding it the best she could. "Home sweet home," she said.
"Finally." Raya smiled, stretching slightly as she climbed out of the car. "I vote we just order in tonight and crash with a movie," she suggested, and followed Hazel to the back of the car to help carry their bags inside.
"I got it," Hazel insisted, taking the bags out of Raya's arms. She ushered her girlfriend inside and made her sit down on the couch draping a blanket over her shoulders. "Mm, go Indian, the spices will help clear your nasal passage.”
"Sure, Indian sounds good actually, we haven't had any for so long," Raya said, pulling the blanket tighter around her before reaching for her phone. "Chicken curry for you?"
Hazel nodded. "That sounds great," she called out, already on her way to get the rest of their bags.
After their food came, Hazel made sure Raya took another round of meds before ushering her off to bed.
"Baby, you are really, really sweet but I'm okay, it's just a cold," Raya said, albeit not unkindly. Still, she cuddled up under the covers as soon as she was laying down, her limbs still aching and heavy despite having slept most of the day. "You gonna come lay down too?"
Hazel nodded, taking off her glasses before sliding into bed. "Wake me up if anything happens," she said, already letting her eyes slide shut.
Raya was out almost immediately but woke up again roughly two hours later, Hazel still asleep next to her. She groaned lightly, trying to suppress a cough. She figured she could only hold on so long before the next coughing fit would tear through her yet she didn't want to wake her fiancée. Carefully Raya slid out of bed and headed to the kitchen.
She managed to close the bedroom door before doubling over with a violent cough, wincing as she waited for any noise coming from the bedroom but it appeared that Hazel remained asleep, something Raya was immensely glad about. Once in the kitchen she rummaged for the medicine in the rather dim light, finding it after a moment.  She took another Advil and a rather large swig of the cough medicine hoping that it would fight the cough at least for the night. She already had a dose before going to bed though but she figured it must have worn off by already.
She stayed sitting in the kitchen until the constant urge to cough her lungs out faded. Getting up she got immensely dizzy and instinctively reached out to hold on to something, anything and knocked a few things off the counter in the process. "Shit," she mumbled as various items clattered onto the floor.
Hazel remained asleep, until the noise in the kitchen made her bolt up. She swung her legs out of bed, immediately heading for the kitchen. "Ry?" she asked blearily, not even wearing her glasses.
"Hmm, hey," Raya murmured, flashing Hazel a quick smile. "The thing fell…," she mumbled, her gaze back on the ground though she didn't even move to pick it back up, her mind slow at progressing what happened.
"Okay, what is going on?" Hazel asked, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Is your fever up?" she wondered, feeling her fiancée’s forehead.
"'m fine" Raya slurred lightly. "Jus' got a lil’ dizzy," she explained, holding onto the counter to steady herself.
"Ry, what's up? You don't look good," Hazel said, wrapping an arm around her fiancées waist. Her fever didn’t seem to have gone worse but something clearly wasn’t right.
"'mokay, took some Advil 'n cough stuff," Raya murmured, resting her head on Hazel's shoulder, closing her eyes to stop the room from spinning. "'m tired though."
"Whoa, wait, how much of each?" Hazel asked, suddenly wide awake. She glanced at the clock, trying to make out what time it was so she could estimate how much time had passed since Raya took the last dose of medicine."Raya, look at me, okay? Eyes open. Raya, sweetie, how much did you take?" she asked again upon not getting a response the first time.
Brows furrowed, Raya thought for a brief moment. "Two Advil 'n some cough syrup. The cap thingy, got that full.  Jus' wanted to stop coughin' not wake you." She old her.
"Ry, you can't take multiple doses in just a few hours," Hazel said slowly. "Come on, let's get back to bed okay? Drink lots of water, and we won't go to sleep for a little while, sound good?" she asked, though she wouldn’t give Raya much of an other option until she would be sure she didn’t overdose too bad on the cough medicine.
"Issit bad?" Raya asked, noticing the concern in Hazel's voice and growing a little worried herself.
"No, but I just want to make sure you flush it out, okay?" Hazel assured, trying to keep Raya calm. Though she decided that if she’d get worse or wouldn’t improve within an hour at most she’d take her to the hospital just to make sure.
"M'sorry," Raya hummed, still somewhat leaning against Hazel as she helped her get back to her feet. "'m dizzy."
"Yeah, I know," Hazel sighed, supporting most of Raya’s weight. "Let's go lay down, okay?" she prompted.
Raya nodded lightly, letting Hazel help her walk back to their bedroom. She felt tired and hazy and just wanted to lay down and sleep everything off. She curled up and closed her eyes as soon as she was back in bed but Hazel nudged her and made her sit up again to drink a glass of water.
"Okay, listen, I want you to tell me... hm, okay, tell me about your latest project," Hazel said, sliding her glasses on. She was willing to do anything to keep Raya up and talking until the excess medication would be out of her system.
A light smile crept across Raya's face. "Annual photos for a daycare center. Kids are fun to work with," she told her. "Can I sleep now? 'm tired 'n don't feel good," she whined.
Hazel shook her head and slid back under the covers. "Not yet, I want to keep talking," she said, glancing at the clock. "For an hour, until four," she sighed and reached out to check Raya’s pulse. It was off but not dangerously so, which served to calm her. "We could talk about the wedding, or my last patients, whatever you want Ry."
"Want to marry in a castle, like a fairytale," Raya admitted without even realizing. "Lots of flowers 'n music," she continued, cuddling close to Hazel.
"Okay," Hazel laughed, pulling an arm around her. "What else?"
"No white dress, maybe red." Raya told her, nuzzling her face into Hazel's neck. "Possibly a carriage," she murmured.
"A red dress? Fair enough," Hazel said, and for the next hour and a half, she did what she could to keep Raya awake before they were both dozing off.
 When Hazel woke up, she found her girlfriend still nuzzled in close. She pressed her lips to Raya's hair, pleased to find her fever had gone down significantly.
Raya made a small noise, stirring slightly. "Hmm? Hey," she mumbled, looking up at Hazel blearily.
"Morning hun. How are you doing?" Hazel asked, her voice still heavy with sleep.
"Tired 'n kinda weird but I think my cough is gone, maybe the cough stuff did its thing," Raya told her, stretching languidly but didn’t move it get up. Instead she nestled back into Hazel’s side.
"With your dose I think the company needs to be sued if it didn't," Hazel joked, relieved to see that Raya was okay and her accidental overdose didn’t cause any problems besides a little confession she probably didn’t even remember.
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wellhellsbelles · 6 years
There Goes Our Love Again
You will get three chapters after this inbetween now and Christmas day. The third chapter is Christmas related. I have more written and more to write, but I just thought it'd be cool to put out a Christmas chapter on Christmas. :)
ao3 link here!
iv. God Don’t Make Me Lose My Mind
Farkle blinked and suddenly it was October, almost time for Halloween. He’d been buried in piles upon piles of work at his job, and adjusting to his new environment proved to be a tad difficult, go figure. To be fair, engineering was demanding work, so there wasn’t much time to have an “adjustment period”. He was thrown back into projects almost instantaneously, so he concentrated solely on those.
Luckily for him, the gang all planned an outing for Friday night because they all agreed they needed some fun time since all of their jobs were taking up every bit of energy they had.
Never in his life had Farkle been relieved to be invited to get wasted with his friends. He was a little too focused on his education in college to want to wade in those waters, determined as ever to earn his degree as fast as he could. Of course, he did say yes to the occasional outing, but other than that, he was confined to his dorm very much so.
Now? He’d like to get out of the stuffy, indoor atmosphere and be out on the town, laughing and pretending that he doesn’t have to be a grown adult for just one night.
They all deserve it; they really do.
Unfortunately for Farkle, he arrived last, thirty minutes late to the party because work and blah blah blah. But he doesn’t care; he just plopped down in a seat at their table, immediately ordering a drink and shrugging off his jacket.
“Long day at work, Farkley?” Riley asked, sipping at her piña colada. Farkle buried his head into his arms.
“You can say that,” he mumbled. Maya patted him on the shoulder.
“Oh, chin up, Dr. Farklestein. You’ll get the hang of it. You’re a bigshot engineer, now!”
“And besides, we’re not here to talk about work. We’re here to party! Bartender, a round of your strongest shots, please!” Zay shouted, his voice barely reaching above the rest of the bar. The bartender nodded, fixing up their drinks while they waited.
“I take it you guys have already gone crazy and drank a lot within the thirty minutes I was absent?” Farkle asked, giving the waitress a head nod after she dropped of Farkle’s order.
“Nah,” Lucas said at the same time Maya said, “Of course.” Farkle snorted.
Not much had changed with those two. Not really.
“Okay, we did,” Lucas changed his answer hastily, “But only a couple of drinks. I told everyone to hold off on the getting drunk if only to let you get drunk with us.”
“Thanks, man,” Farkle smiled, taking a swig of his drink. “I have to say, though, I’m not looking forward to the hangover in the morning.”
“Focus on the now, not the future, Farkle. Drink and be merry!” Zay exclaimed right as the shots arrived. Zay grabbed one off the tray and the rest of the group followed suit, all of them raising their glasses in the air.
“To getting drunk!” Maya yelled.
“To getting Farkle drunk,” Zay corrected her.
“I’ll drink to that,” Lucas said.
“Same,” Riley echoed her sentiment. They all downed their shots after that, the liquor burning in Farkle’s throat as it went down.
“I’ll order us another round. It’s time we got this party started!” Maya said, raising her hand for the waitress to come over.
“Another?” Farkle asked.
“Oh, come on, Dr. Farklestein. We’re gonna get you a Phd in partying by the end of this night!”
“That’s not even possible,” Farkle muttered under his breath, but didn’t complain further. The waitress returned and took another order for shots, disappearing shortly afterward. Farkle went back to sipping on his beer tentatively, worried what his friends were going to bring him this night.
He never really could tell.
They all engaged in some small talk before the waitress had returned again, this time a bottle in hand.
“Here you guys go,” she said, relinquishing the bottle to Zay who had a devilish grin planted upon his face.
“A whole bottle?” Farkle griped. Zay nodded his head.
“You bet, Farkle. We’re all going to participate in a drinking game tonight. And you don’t get to Farkle your way out of this.” Farkle shot him a look of disdain.
“Did you just use my name as a verb?”
“We do it a lot when you’re not around, actually,” Riley admitted. Farkle narrowed his eyes at them, unamused.
“You guys are lucky I like you all. Alright, fine,” he gave in, “What’s the drinking game we’re playing?”
“Yay!!!” they all celebrated when Farkle finally agreed. He just huffed in response.
“Okay, so the game we will be playing is—Maya drum roll please,” Zay pointed towards Maya, who began mimicking a drum roll on the table, “. . . NEVER HAVE I EVER!” Farkle leaned back his head.
“Good lord.” Riley poked at his face, a bemused smile on her face.
“Lighten up, Farkley! This’ll be fun,” she giggled, already starting to get tipsy. Farkle threw up his hands in defeat.
“Alright, fine! Just start.”
“Sounds good to me,” Zay said, removing the cap to the bottle of liquor and filling everyone’s shot glasses. “So this is how it’ll go: we’ll all take turns going around in a circle, each stating something we haven’t done. But if you have done this thing, then you take a shot. Whoever reaches seven shots loses the game and gets a punishment of the rest of the group’s choosing. We all on board?”
“Yup,” Maya, Lucas, Riley, and Farkle all agreed in unison.
“Great! I’ll go ahead and start,” Zay announced, cracking his knuckles in preparation. “Never have I ever . . . been in a love triangle.” Maya, Riley, and Lucas all groaned.
“Come on,” Riley pouted. Farkle grinned, happy he didn’t have to take a shot for this round.
“It’s the rules, sugar,” Zay shrugged his shoulders. The three of them all took a shot, holding their glasses out for Zay to refill after. “Alright, Lucas. You’re up to bat.”
“Okay, got it. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.” Everyone took a shot except for Lucas. He raised a brow at Farkle. “Farkle?”
“I’m not proud of it. It’s how my classmates and I celebrated after we got our doctorates,” he answered.
“Wow, nerds really know how to party,” Maya teased him.
“Ha ha.”
“You’re up, shortstack.” Maya nodded, waiting until their glasses were full again to begin her turn.
“Never have I ever . . . lived outside of New York,” she said. All the boys grumbled, taking their shots.
“Not fair,” Zay huffed, but Maya only smiled at him angelically.
“Sorry, sugar.” Farkle could already feel the room start to spin a bit, the alcohol getting to him quickly.
This was what he signed up for, unfortunately.
“Riley up to bat!”
Riley’s face didn’t change as she tapped her chin thoughtfully, and all Farkle could think was, Oh crap, she’s about to target me, isn’t she?
“Never have I ever . . . gotten drunk at my friend’s party and then thrown up in her kitchen sink,” Riley finally stated, her gaze fully on Farkle.
“You told me you wouldn’t tell anyone!” Farkle whined.
“Sorry, Farkley. I really want you to get drunk.” Farkle took his shot, albeit begrudgingly, thrusting it towards Zay for a refill. He felt himself grow bolder with each drink, his mind becoming wicked as he thought up another “Never Have I Ever” statement.
“Never have I ever . . . lost my top in the ocean while on a family vacation,” he stared back at Riley.
“Oh come on! You said you’d keep that a secret!” Riley exclaimed as her cheeks turned beet red, leaning back with the shot.
“And that was my revenge for you, my dearest Riley,” Farkle chuckled. Riley stuck her tongue out at him in response.
The rest of the game went off without hitch, and eventually Riley and Farkle were the two losers, both of them having reached seven shots. They both groaned together when Maya, Lucas, and Zay began laughing at them because they knew exactly what was next:
Their punishment.
If Farkle weren’t feeling so drunk already he might’ve just left the bar in a hurry, but he was, and so he was feeling ready to take on whatever challenge they had in store for him.
“Our punishment for the two of you is—drum roll again please, Maya—get ready . . . KARAOKE!!!” Zay announced, Maya and Lucas cheering alongside him.
“God, this is going to be terrible,” Riley snorted, and Farkle smiled knocking into her with his elbow.
And terrible it was.
Because, between the two of them, they are godawful singers, exacerbated by the fact that they are indeed drunk. And to make matters worse for Zay, Maya, and Lucas, they’re actually into singing karaoke to the point where the three of them had to pry Riley and Farkle off the stage.
“~I BLESS THE RAINS DOWN IN AFRICAAAAA!!! GONNA TAKE SOME TIME TO DO THE THINGS WE NEVER HAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!” Farkle and Riley shouted as they swayed together, Farkle’s arm around her shoulders and Riley’s around his as they sung their fifth song in a row.
“Alright, guys, I’m gonna have to insist you get off the stage now. The manager’s pissed,” Maya shouted to them from below the karaoke stage. Riley put her index finger to her lips sloppily, shaking her head.
“Shhhhhh, peaches! Farkley and I are singing a very important song right now!”
“I’m blaming you for this, Zay,” Maya muttered as she trudged onto the stage, dragging Farkle and Riley off along with her. She was lucky they were drunk or the task would be impossible.
“But I wanna sing more songs!” Riley whined, her hand grabbing wistfully towards the microphone.
“Me too!” Farkle cried.
“Nope. Absolutely not. You two are going home. Lucas, help me out here!” Maya called out to him.
“On it.” Lucas was by her side at a moment’s notice, grabbing Farkle’s arm and slinging it over his shoulder while Maya took care of Riley.
“You wanna just drop them both at my apartment? I think that might be easiest,” Zay offered.
“Good point, Zay,” Lucas agreed. “Let’s just do that.”
Together, the five of them loaded up into a taxi (yeah, not very “law abiding”, but the taxi driver agreed to shut up about it if they gave him an extra thirty dollars), and drove off towards Zay and Farkle’s apartment, ready to just crash once the night was over even though it was only half past midnight.
The pains of growing up, alas.
Riley and Farkle didn’t shut up the entire taxi ride to the apartment, much to the rest of the group’s chagrin, but by the time they arrived, the two had fallen asleep side-by-side, Riley’s head tucked neatly under Farkle’s.
“I almost hate to wake them up at this point,” Lucas said after he, Maya, and Zay had all slid out of the car. “They look so sweet and peaceful.”
“C’mon, let’s get them inside,” Maya grumbled, tugging at Riley’s arm. “Riiiiiiileeeeeeey,” she crooned, “We’ve got to drop you off. Come on.”
“Mmmmm . . .” Riley moaned but followed Maya’s instructions, reluctantly sliding out of the car. On the other side, Lucas just pulled Farkle out and slung him over his back, thanking the taxi driver and shutting the door.
“Remind me to never get them this drunk again next time,” Maya said as they carried the dead weight of their friends up inside their apartment, all the way to the third floor.
  The next morning, Farkle was definitely regretting the night. But at least he had fun and he got to spend it with his friends, and for the first time in a long time he felt true, unadulterated happiness course within him once again.
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The Danganronpa V3 cast with an S/o who suffers with migraines Part 3!
Kokichi Ouma
•You two were at an amusement park
•Kokichi could never be satisfied with simplistic dates, hence why he always brought you somewhere absolutely insane
•He’s a madman, and he’s most certainly not okay in the head, but you love him for that
•He had insisted you two went on the craziest roller coaster before you left
•You, being sweaty and exhausted, firmly said no
•Besides, you already had a small headache from the heat and chaos. You didn’t need something adding onto that
•But, of course, with his begs, whines, and fake sobbing, you eventually obliged, insisting it was the last ride
•“Nee-hee! Sure thing, S/o!”
•You two waited in line, and got a seat on the ride
•Once it started, Kokichi cheered, the wind whipping on both of your faces as the ride went at an unreasonably fast speed
•You felt your headache begin to worsen, but you knew there was nothing you could do about it
•So you simply tried to enjoy the ride
•It wasn’t until you went completely upside down in two straight circles that you felt a little dizzy, and at that point, your head was pounding
•This had gone beyond a average headache and you knew it
•So, frantic and in pain, you reached out and tugged on Kokichi’s sleeve
•“Kokichi,” You whispered, “I’m having a migraine.”
•At first, he thought you were kidding
•He thought you were playing a prank on him
•“Nishishi~ Are you trying to prank me,
S/o? I’m the king of lies! You should know that! You can’t trick me.”
•He was feeling pretty smug about that response until you visibly inched away from his loud, high-pitched voice, burying your face in your hands as if you were trying to block everything out
•Oh shit
•You weren’t kidding?
•Well, now he just feels absolutely terrible
•Your breathing is heavy, and you’re panicking, and hyperventilating at that point, because the spinning on the ride is making your headache worse, you can’t even get off or do anything about it, the sunlight hurts, you’re dizzy, your own boyfriend doesn’t believe how much suffering you’re in and you might just be si—
•You felt yourself be pulled closer to Kokichi, his tiny arms wrapped firmly around you as he lowered his voice, which you were grateful for
•Worried you might panic if he changed his sudden demeanor and started acting all concerned, he kept it up
•“Nee-hee... S/o, I’m gonna need you to breathe, yeah? If you don’t, I’m gonna cry and I’ll never forgive you,” He whispered, “The ride’s almost over. I’ve got you, see?”
•You obeyed, taking deep breaths and trying to calm down
•So he did believe you after all
•Throughout the rest of the ride, you stayed close to him, having him mumble little instructions or reassurances to you until the ride ended
•When it stopped, he took your wrist and gently led you out of the area, walking you back to the car you two came in
•He buckled you in and placed his hands on the wheel
•“Alright, S/o,” He started enthusiastically, though luckily still in that gentle voice, gentler than you thought he could go, “Are you ready to race back home?”
•Before you can reply, the car takes off, and this man is speeding
•He is speeding all the way through traffic and giving people the middle finger if they are in his way
•Kokichi is going so quickly and you don’t even have the energy to complain
•You only hope the police won’t stop him
•When you get home, he pulls into the driveway very calmly, as if he didn’t just whip through the entire place
•Then, opens your car door and helps you get out
•...Cue you vomiting on the ground. Luckily, not on him
•What did he expect? He was going so fast, hardly giving you a break from the swift ride at the amusement park
•Of course you were nauseous
•Kokichi visibly cringes but simply looks away, keeping his hand on your shoulder and trying to rub circles on it assuringly
•When you finally finished, he guided you away from the throw up and led you into the house, inching you onto your bed and flicking off the lights
•He pulled a trash can up beside you and got you some pain pills and water
•He would sit beside you and hold your hand, letting you squeeze him if it really hurt you
•If you needed a distraction, he would whisper to you about his organization
•If you wanted to be alone, well, sorry, you can’t. He knows you’re in pain and he’s sorry but you aren’t staying here alone! At the very least he’ll begrudgingly sit in a chair far away from you
•He’s not leaving you without a hot boyfriend to hold your hair back when you throw up
•If you wanted him to stay close to you, hell yeah, wish granted
•He’d hold your hand and rub your back reassuringly if you needed
•And, when you finally were able to utter out a weak yet content, “I think I’m feeling better now”, he was thrilled
•“Really, S/o?! Now you can come to all my D.I.C.E meetings with me!”
•“That was a lie. Go get some rest, you sweaty madman.”
•You snickered at the light hearted insult, about to comply when suddenly he nudged a bottle of water towards you
•“If you can drink this entire thing in a minute, I’ll make you some rice or something.”
•He was trying to take care of you and help you recover, subtly
•Because he cares about you
•And even if he didn’t show it, he was worried, he was scared, he hated seeing you hurt and in pain to where you were practically helpless
•And if he can help you out at all, he’ll do it, no matter the cost
Kaito Momota
•The two of you were stargazing
•You already had an awful headache beforehand, but you didn’t want to pass up an opportunity to spend time with Kaito
•So you walked outside and greeted him, kneeling down and laying down in the grass beside him
•He pointed out several different stars to you, and despite your inability to focus due to your bad headache, you smiled
•The glittering of the stars really were beautiful
•Eventually, though, as you laid down in that position your headache started to worsen
•You swallowed, gasping as a sharp pain rippled through your head
•This wasn’t just a headache
•You were having a migraine, and a bad one at that
•Kaito noticed your change in demeanor, and he narrowed his eyes
•“Hey, S/o! You feeling okay?”
•You would pretty much die if you shook your head, so you mumbled out a, “No. I’m having a migraine.”
•Now, Kaito was aware you had migraines. He just didn’t know too much about them, or how bad they got
•So when he saw you looking like such a mess and in pain, he panicked
•“Do I need to call 911?” He asked quickly, “Um— uh, no! I won’t do that! This’ll... pass on it’s own, right?”
•You flinched, a fresh wave of pain crashing over you at his loud voice
•“Please lower your voice, but... yeah. It’ll— It’ll end on it’s own.”
•He gave you a worried glance, practically this close to calling a doctor before sighing and wrapping an arm around you
•“I’ll take you to your room.”
•Now, under any other circumstances, you would’ve been fine with that
•But it was so dark outside, and it was cold, but not too cold, which was pretty much bliss for your migraine
•And you didn’t want to move, you felt like if you took even a step your head would collapse in on itself
•So you whimpered out a “No.”
•Kaito tilted his head, tentatively putting an arm around you, treating you like a glass doll
•He really didn’t want to hurt you
•“No? You want to stay here?”
•You muttered a quiet, “Yes,”, leaning into his touch
•Kaito only gave you a small smile, reaching out and trying to soothingly stroke your hair in an attempt to ease your pain
•If you threw up, he held your hair back and rubbed your back, sliding you a little further away from it when you were done
•He encouraged you to try and sleep it off, to which you tried
•You thought it would be near to impossible when the pain in your head was strikingly awful, but with Kaito holding you close, you succeeded in falling asleep.
•When you woke up, the sky was pink and the sun had begun to rise a little
•You looked over at Kaito, who was lightly snoring with his arms wrapped firmly around you, pulling you into his chest
•A small headache lingered, but for the most part, it was over
•Despite Kaito being asleep, you murmured a quiet, “Thank you” and pulled yourself closer to him
•You were sure you heard a snicker, but hey, you’re going to pretend you were asleep
•Because two can play at that game!
Tsumugi Shirogane
•Tsumugi was making a costume for you
•She asked you for your favorite character, and she’s going to make them for you!
•Humming, she asked you to stand straight, taking measurements of your waist
•You were staying as still as you possibly could
•And, you were succeeding!
•...Until a huge, sharp pain suddenly crashed over you out of nowhere, and you gasped, dizzy
•You would have lost your balance if Tsumugi hadn’t immediately dropped the measuring tool and caught you
•“S/o! Are you alright? What’s the matter?”
•You tried to respond, but your head was pounding, and it hurt to think
•This came out of nowhere...!
•Oh god, why now?
•You took a deep breath, trying to stay calm as you whispered out a light, “Migraine.”
•Tsumugi immediately calmed down, now that she knew what was the matter
•“Okay... lie on that bed for me, okay, darling?”
•She guided you over to her bed, gently lying you down and rushing to get you some water
•She returned, making you take at least a sip before setting it back down on her nearby table
•She flicked the lights off, carefully brushing loose strands of hair stuck to your face and sitting down beside you
•If you needed absolutely anything, she’d get it for you!
•If you wanted something more comfortable to rest in, she’d change you into something, no doubt
•She may even try doing your hair to calm you down or distract you
•She’ll soothingly lace her fingers through your hair, styling it in a different way
•Though she always make her movements gentle
•She’ll hold your hand and whisper simple reassurances, promising you it would be okay
•Tsumugi panicked when you slowly sat up, and she rushing to get the trash can when you told her it was alright
•You were okay and the migraine had passed
•She exhaled, going over to sit beside you and wrapping an arm around you
•“I’m glad it’s over, S/o,” She told you gently, “Here, you get some rest. I’ll go get you some fruit, okay?”
•You couldn’t protest— as she had already left.
•But as she walked to the kitchen, she was happy you weren't in pain anymore
•Seeing you hurt made her so upset, and she was happy you were okay now
•She would do anything, anything to make you feel better, even if it killed her
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sleepyfoodtruck · 3 years
back in the day (part 3)
swear to GOD i'm gonna link the other 2 fics lmao asdfg i just keep forgetting!!!
part 1
part 2
i think this is gonna be the last part of their "meet cute" (lmao), i'm gonna try and start writing about the actual mod during the weekend and stuff.
The school year had gone by in a blur, which was rather odd. Usually, Snowhill felt like the days just dragged on and on, it was annoying but she'd liked the predictability of it all.
Wake up at 6 AM. Go to school. Stay in class until 3 PM. Go home. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
Sometimes they'd go on field trips, other times she'd volunteer to help with a school function (for a grade of course) or to stay a bit later to clean up the classroom. Her whole life had been like that and she'd liked it enough, sure it was a bit lonely at times, but everyone feels like that sometimes, right? Besides, it allowed her time to practice her spells and potion-making.
After Coral showed up, however, things took a rather harsh twist. Long gone were the days where she'd know exactly what would happen, her routine went through the window and splattered all over the pavement. No mercy from her "new bestie for life".
Wake up at 6 AM, call Coral so she'd wake up on time. Go to school and don't unpack anything yet, lest Coral crashes into the table again. Stay in class until 3 PM, skip a class or two with Coral if she's too bored. Go home? Absolutely not, Coral's hungry and she wants to beat the record for most french fries eaten in an hour; remember to carry a thermos with tea for her stomachache. Refuse to eat at home because you're full of french fries. Stay up until late talking with Coral through videochat. Sleep an hour or two. Repeat.
It...was a lot to get used to. She'd complain all the way about the numerous changes in her day because, honestly, how messed up is it that you gotta re-acommodate your whole day for only one person?
Truth was, she didn't mind it that much. It was a bit annoying at the beginning and it did take a while to get used to. Sometimes she'd forget to call Coral and, though her friend never got upset about it, she did feel awful and ended up apologizing a lot. Other times she'd be "too down in the dumps" (read: depressed) to even go to school. On those days, Coral would drop by her house around lunch time and hang out with her; sometimes she'd drag her outside, by the horns, just so she could "get some fresh air in your itty bitty lungs!!!".
She never had anyone take care of her like that. It was gross and disgusting and she didn't want it to stop. Her family was very supportive through it all, they'd come to accept her new friend with no issue. Or, rather than accept...
"That kid's way too skinny for her age!!" her mom, a centaur, huffed "Have you been giving her the lunches I've sent?"
"I have. She chows them down, last time she almosr swallowed the fork" Snowhill sat at the living room table, working on her History homework.
"Y'know how seamonsters are, they eat too much and gain almost no weight" her dad sat down next to her, petting her horns and getting to work on new spells "My coworker's like that, at least".
"I know that! But still, she makes me so nervous" she huffed again, her tail swishing in agitation "Oh! I know! Invite her over next week, I'll make casserole!"
"Don't you sass me! You gotta take care of her, she takes care of you!"
"We're classmates, she sits right next to me and she helps me with math, of course I gotta take care of her"
Her dad snorted, dropping his spell book "Oh sure, "classmates". You hear that? That's what they call it now?"
"What? But we're classmates!"
"Sure you are, dear" though she was facing the stove, Snowhill got the distinct impression her mother had that sardonic smile, the one she loathed, the one that said 'I know more than you about this but I refuse to tell you, however I will laugh at you by the time you find out'.
"B-But we are!!!!"
We're just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.
Snowhill kept repeating that same sentence over and over. On her way to school, during classes, at lunch sharing her portion with Coral and on the subway back home.
She was absolutely sure of this fact. More than that, she was sure their relationship (whatever it was) was not what her parents were implying. She'd had crushes before, even a boyfriend and a girlfriend (kinda?), and this didn't feel anything like those two instances.
We're just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.
Could they even be considered friends? Coral seemed to put more effort into their hypothetical friendship. She'd sit with her, help her with math and, recently, forced her to socialize with the rest of the class. She hated that last part though, it wasn't a lie that being lonely was just more comfortable for her.
We're just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.
"What'cha thinkin' about?" speak of the devil.
Snowhill looked up from her knitting. She'd taken it up recently, her aunt and grandmother finally decided she was ready and had begun to train her; craftmanship spells were an ancient art in her family, and it was her turn to carry on the tradition.
Shrugging, she untangled a bit more yarn and continued knitting, the scarf slowly taking form "Nothing. Just trying to not miss any stitches"
"OOOOHHH!!! What're you making? Is this yarn?! It's such a pretty color too!!!" Coral grabbed the ball of yarn, twisting it between her claws and admiring the lush green color.
"It's supossed to be a scarf, granny said this was the easiest thing to start with"
The undine nodded, not answering as she was still too entertained playing with the yarn, her pupils ridiculously expanded.
"What the fuck, she looks like a cat?" Snowhill stared, perplexed "Why is that cute".
"Say!!" Coral stood, a bit dizzing from doing so too fast "Wanna come over this weekend? I found a super rad abandoned ship, I think you'd like it!!"
"Uh..." shit, shit, shit. How to turn her down without seeming like an asshole "I...have...goat things to do. This weekend. In my house. M-My goat house".
"Uh-huh" the undine crossed her arms, an amused smile on her face "your goat house?"
"Yup!!!! My goat house!!!!" she started knitting again, missing every single stitch.
"Where you do goat things. Because you're a goat?"
"Soooo...I'm sure you won't mind doing your goat things in the sea? Your mom said you'd be delighted!"
"...You arranged this with my mom..."
"Sure did!!! See you by the shore this Saturday, 12 PM sharp!!!"
The week passed by in a blur and, before she knew, it was already Saturday. That meant...Snowhill was gonna come by today!!! They'd hang out and check out the spooky abandoned ship, maybe she'd finally convince her to give sea food a try!!! Then, she could finally get her hands on her hair and braid a bunch of shells and small rocks all over it AND her horns. It promised to be a very, very exciting weekend!!!
...That is, if she'd just get in the water already.
"C'mon Snowy!!! The water's great, you've been standing there for fifteen minutes!!" Coral was lounging on a rock, her tail making small waves as it swished back and forth.
"Don't call me that" Snowhill gripped her sweater, a very tense expression on her face "I, uh, can't swim".
"Yes you can!! Your mom showed me pictures of you guys on the beach. She can swim, and she's half horse! You'll manage"
"The ocean scares me?"
"I'll be with ya, I'm the most dangerous thing in this part of the sea!!"
"My fur's gonna get wet?"
"I'll help you dry it later. C'moooon!!!"
The goat bit her lip, twisting the bottom of her very rumpled sweater. Coral sighed, she really didn't wanna pressure her and she did seem really uncomfortable. But, her mom said it was fine? If there was an issue, she would've been told, right?
Eventually, Snowhill sighed and began taking off her sweater "...Fine. B-But don't laugh. And...and don't tell anyone, or I'll curse you".
Excited, the undine perked up. She finally managed to tug her sweater off her horns and dropped it on the hot sand, twisting her hands and nervously looking around. As expected, she was incredibly hairy; as a goat, it was only natural. Coral still couldn't help but stare though, it hadn't occurred to her that it might be a problem and she might feel self-conscious about it; it looked so soft! She must spend hours brushing it.
Taking another deep breath, Snowhill slowly treaded into the water. Coral propped up on her elbows, a confused frown on her face; her friend had said she was a goat, so why--
"Why do you have fins?!"
She startled, a loud "BAAA" escaping her before she covered her mouth. Her very small but clearly visible ear-fins also dropped, she was mortified and her yelling wasn't helping.
"UGH. This is why I hate the ocean!!! My fur gets stiff and these stupid fins come out, and my tail hurts and--"
"YOU HAVE A TAIL?!" Coral dunked into the water, way too excited to completely process the full sentence.
Sure enough, there it was: an honest to god mermaid tail complete with very fragile-looking fins and scales. The tail was coated with a light layer of fur, she still had her goat legs somehow. In fact, it looked as if she had attached a mermaid tail to her waist. A bit weird, bu cool nontheless.
"This is SO COOL!!! I knew you weren't a goat, but I didn't think you were a seagoat!!!"
"Y-You knew?! Who told you?!"
"No one! But, c'mon gimme some credit here" Coral stopped swimming in circles, placing her hands on her hips and looking a bit annoyed "I've lived in the sea my whole life, I could smell it on you".
"...Oh..." to her credit, Snowhill seemed a bit embarrassed "S-Sorry"
"No biggie!" she grabbed her hand, still tiny and still fitting perfectly with her own "This'll make everything so much easier!! We just gotta swim for a bit, enjoy the view!"
At first, it went great! They went slowly for a bit, so that Snowhill could get used to actually swim in the ocean again. They passed by a few schools of fishes, collected pretty seashells and shiny rocks and even tried a few mollusks; despite claming they were "absolutely disgusting", Snowhill still ate them.
They'd been swimming for a good 30 minutes before Coral noticed something was wrong. She was babbling about the abandoned ship, how there were some doors that wouldn't open but could, most definetely, be broken if they rammed something against them. She was about to suggest using her friend's horns, turning around excitedly just to notice she was alone.
Well, not alone. But Snowhill was slowly skinking to the bottom of the ocean, very still and very much not breathing.
"SHIT!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Coral quickly swam to her, lifting her with ease and going back up to the surface as fas as she could "Please don't die on me!! Please, oh god, please don't die on me!!"
She reached the surface in record time, throwing Snowhill on the sand roughly. As she grabbed her shoulders to wake her up, she couldn't help but watch in fascination how the tail disappeared; it slowly faded away, merging with the back of her legs and further up her waist.
"Whoa...n-no, I gotta focus!!" once again, she began shaking her "C'mon sis, wake up! You can't die here, we still got a test on Monday!!"
But she wasn't waking up, she was too still. Touching her face, Coral noticed that her skin was cold; Snowhill ran like a furnace, her being cold couldn't be a good sign. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hands on the goat's chest.
"Please work, just focus and don't dehydrate her" she looked at her face one las time, then closed her eyes.
Everything was still for a moment. Then, focusing very hard on extracting the right amount of water, Coral lifted her hands. A small bubble began to form, its color murky; a bit of sand was also inside, as if the goat had managed to swallow it somehow. Very carefully, she dragged herself to the shore and dumped the bubble in the sea. Her tail hurt considerably (there were many rocks and they cut deep), but she crawled back to where Snowhill was.
A bit of color seemed to return to her face, though it was hard to tell since she was so pale. With shaky hands, she gently slapped her cheeks.
"S-Snowy? Can ya hear me?" nothing. She though for a moment, then leaned down and whispered in her ear "The teacher said the math test's gonna be on Monday"
"WHAT?!" the goat got up and promptyl smacked her horn on Coral's forehead.
"OW!!!!" "FUCK!!!!"
Coral rubbed the sore spot on her forehead, while Snowhill coughed up what little water was left in her lungs. Gingerly, the undine rubbed her friend's back, the coughing fit lasted forever and it sounded awful.
"Ya good?" still rubbing her back, she sat down propperly. Her tail was ridiculously sore.
"Y-Yeah, sorry" Snowhill's voice was raspy, she still seemed to be out of it, as she leaned into her friend's side as soon as she stopped coughing.
"Oh! Um, good! You give me quite a scare there" a bit flustered, Coral hugged her back "What happened? If you don't mind me asking"
She didn't say anything at first, staring off into the ocean and breathing a bit too loudly. The undine took a deep breath and hugged her a bit tighter, she was so tiny and she was shaking and it was her fault and--
"I should've told you before, that's on me" she spoke slow and ver low "Yeah, I'm a seagoat. But I haven't been to the ocean in years"
"You don't like it?"
"Uh, it's not that. My fins are too small and my gills are under my fur. I'm not supossed to be underwater for more than 20 minutes" she paused, took several deep breaths and then continued "Used to be about...6 hours, but I moved to the city and there wasn't much time to come back to the ocean. I guess my body forgot it can breath underwater"
"I'm really sorry" giving into temptation, Coral rested her head right between her horns "It was a bit obvious, you were kinda anxious. I shouldn't have pushed ya"
"It's whatever. For what it's worth, I had fun"
"You did? But we didn't even get to see the ship!"
"Well, yeah. I mean, drowning sucked but-" Snowhill sat up a bit, almost snuggling into her "I missed the sea. We'll find a way around, maybe an air bubble will work better next time"
Next time? She was planning for a next time? Coral bit her lip in giddy excitement, trying her hardest to keep still. They watched the ocean for another minute, both shivering as a cold breeze blew past them.
"I'm guessing it's late enough, I should get going" reluctantly, the goat stood up and (slowly) walked towards her discarded sweater "Ugh, gross, its covered in sand"
"Wish you could stay over but, uh, I don't think it's a good idea" she brushed a bit of sand off her tail, hissing when some of it got into her injuries.
"What the fu-- you're hurt? Why didn't you tell me?" Snowhill walked over and dropped to her knees, placing her hands on her tail "Don't move"
"You don't gotta--"
"I'm not dumb, you must've done something to get the water out of me" the cuts and scrapes glowed green before closing themselves "It's only fair I help you out, too"
"Awww, bestie, you didn't need to do that!!"
"...It's...it's what friends are for"
We're not just classmates.
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josephthropp · 4 years
With only one month until he plans to depart from Beach City, Steven finds that a lot of his human friends in Beach City are ready to start saying their goodbyes. Funnily enough, all of them seem to come with a gift.
This’ll be a multi chapter fic, with the first chapter featuring Kiki! Full excerpt is below, underneath the cut!
It didn’t take long to get Kiki settled on the couch with her water, Steven sitting to her right with the bag in his lap. He’d refrained from tearing into it right away, despite his curiosity bubbling up once he’d taken it from her. Just as he’d thought from looking at it, it was a pretty hefty package.
“Is this like an early birthday gift? You didn’t have to do something this many months in advance.”
“Nah, nothing like that!” Kiki was quick to wave off the suggestion. Something about the thought must’ve struck her though, as she suddenly looked a little off and set her water glass on the coffee table.
“Are you okay?” Steven asked.
“Yeah. I guess it’s just…” She chewed on her thumbnail as she paused, looking for the right words. “...it kind of is an early birthday present, isn’t it? Since you’re not gonna be here in August.”
Well, that accounted for the odd sort of unspoken tension around the whole situation that Steven had noticed. It had felt strangely familiar when he noticed Kiki trying to duck out of the situation before, and now he knew why. It was kind of similar to how he felt when he had to tell her and everyone about him leaving Beach City.
There were only four weeks left at this point, just one month until his planned set-off date. He’d finished telling the general populace of Beach City at this point. All that was left was the gems, and that was something he couldn’t stop himself from putting off. It was getting pretty down to the wire, but it was fine. He’d tell them. Eventually.
In any case, Steven instantly understood the apprehension in Kiki. This was a really weird thing to think about, him not being here anymore. He’d struggled to tell everyone about it for that reason, so it was fair to expect everyone else to feel weird about it too now.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he mumbled.
A silence pervaded over them for a moment. It seemed that neither of them quite knew how to continue the conversation after that.
Mercifully, Kiki was able to muscle through the tangible awkwardness after a moment. She forced herself to put on a smile as she scooted closer to Steven on the couch, gingerly placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You’ve been having some rough sleep, right?” she asked.
Steven blanched a bit in response.
“I didn’t accidentally visit your dreams again, did I?” he asked, incredulous. “Oh, Kiki, I’m so sorry, I’ve just been—”
“Steven,” Kiki cut him off, “it’s okay, you didn’t do anything like that!”
Her hand on his shoulder applied a little more pressure, offering a little assurance that things were okay. She went on, “It’s got nothing to do with me! I can tell just by looking at you!”
Steven raised a brow. It was true that he’d had trouble sleeping, but he hadn’t realized it had gotten to the point where he looked like it.
“Oh boy, is it that obvious?” He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck self-consciously.
“Eh, just a little bit. I’ve got the edge because I’ve been there, I know the telltale signs.”
Kiki reached over to run her thumb lightly over the top of Steven’s right cheek, alluding to just what she meant. Those dark, stubborn circles under his eyes. And here he’d thought that the cucumber slice cold compresses he’d been doing were really helping out.
“It’s been hard,” Steven admitted, conceding that there wasn’t much point in trying to act like things were normal, “I still have bad dreams a lot. Not as much as before, but it’s still at least once or twice a week.”
Kiki hummed in acknowledgement, her hand tracing over the dark marks under Steven’s eyes for another moment before she pulled away. It was almost affectionate in a way, but still just odd enough for Steven to feel a little flustered by the whole thing. It was almost like Pearl, fussing over him with far too much fervor.
“Yeah, even just a night or two will throw off your whole schedule,” Kiki said with a sage nod. “Hopefully what I got you can help out a little with all that.”
The reference to the bag still in Steven’s lap drew his attention right back to it. He’d been so curious in the first place, and his interest was piqued even more now that he knew what was in the bag could allegedly help him sleep. Now that was enticing. As it was, he could just about kill for even a few more restful hours.
“So, can I open it?” he asked, eagerness seeping into his tone.
“I guess it can’t hurt,” Kiki conceded with a shrug, “plus it’ll all be easier for you to pack without all the tissue paper.”
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dizzedcom · 5 years
Two and a half years after launch, Pokémon GO is at last getting player-versus-player battling.
If you’ve already had your fun with GO and moved on, that headline is probably all you need to know — it’s either enough to re-spark your interest, or not.
But if you’re still polishing up that Pokédex, hatchin’ eggs, and raiding every weekend, you’re probably itching for a few more details. Good news! I got to run through a few battles late last week, and I noted damned near everything that was mentioned.
Here’s what I learned:
Each player brings three Pokémon into a battle (rather than 6, as with the main series). The first trainer to knock out all three of their opponent’s Pokémon wins. Niantic says that 6-on-6 just took too long for a game meant to be played, as the name implies, on the go.
If you’re not already friends with a potential opponent, you’ll need to scan a QR code from the other player’s screen to initiate a battle. If you’re ultra friends or best friends, you can battle remotely
Don’t have anyone to battle with? You can also face off against the leaders of the three teams: Blanche (Mystic), Candela (Valor), and Spark (Instinct). The best part of that: training against the gym leaders will earn you points toward the long-frozen Ace Trainer medal (which has been impossible to make progress on since the gym overhaul back in 2017 got rid of training.)
Once a battle is initiated, you choose to battle in one of three leagues, with each league having a different cap on your Pokemon’s Combat Power (or CP): Great League (with a cap of 1,500 CP), Ultra League (2,500 CP), or Master League (No cap.)
The thinking there: different Pokémon might shine at different strength tiers, which increases the number of “worthwhile” Pokémon. It also lets newer players jump into battling at lower levels, where higher CP Pokémon aren’t on the table.
To fast attack, you tap the screen. Unlike gym battles/raids, there is no swiping to dodge.
Tapping to fast attack juices up your charge attack.
Or, I should say, charge attacks. Plural! Each Pokémon can now have a second charge move permanently unlocked (using stardust/candy.) These unlocked charge attacks will also work in raids/gym battles. The new move is picked at random from that Pokémon’s currently available moves at the time of unlock (read: you won’t get a community day exclusive move, or a legacy move, unless Niantic opts to bring them back into the move pool.)
You can use Charge TMs to change either attack.
When you fire a charge attack, a circle and timer appear on screen. The faster you tap that circle before the timer counts down, the more damage your charge attack can potentially do.
When your opponent fires a charge attack, you’ll have the opportunity to use a “Protect Shield” which greatly limits the damage it can do. The catch: you only get two protect shields per battle, so you’ll want to use them at the right time.
Matches are timed (thought Niantic hadn’t settled on a match length when I did my test battles). If the time expires and Pokémon are left, the win goes to the player with the most remaining Pokémon and/or the most health.
Both winner and loser are rewarded with items; winning does not guarantee better items.
Potential rewards include Sinnoh stones, the much coveted items required to evolve a bunch of recently added Pokémon.
Battling the AI team leader trainers will give you rewards once per day
Wins are recorded; losses are not. Niantic repeatedly noted that they didn’t want there to be any reason to not battle someone.
Like sending a gift or participating in a raid together, battling a friend counts toward increasing friendship levels.
Potions and revives can not be used mid-battle. Meanwhile, damage and knockouts do not impact your Pokémon outside of the battle.
The real-world weather will show up in battles, but it’s purely visual; while this may change eventually, Niantic tells me that weather does not have an impact on Pokémon stats in PvP battles at first.
As of last week, the only Pokémon you can’t bring into battles are Ditto and Shedinja.
For anyone hoping that GO’s eventual battle system would be modeled after the battles of the main series, this… isn’t that. Rather than a turn-by-turn back and forth, battling in GO feels closer to what players might’ve grown accustomed to when taking down a gym or participating in a raid. New mechanics, like the aforementioned protect shields, help to make it feel a bit more strategic and less like blindly tapping the screen until something happens — but after 20-something years of Pokémon games, any changes are bound to be a point of heated debate.
With that said (and with the disclaimer that I’ve only had a few battles so far) I’d say I’m… intrigued. It certainly won’t replace the main series battling system in anyone’s heart, but it’s a solid take on a system that works for casual players while still giving them reason to better learn which Pokémon are strong/weak against each other, which move sets are most effective, etc. It’s an intentionally casual battle system for what is an intentionally casual game. Don’t like it enough to take the time to battle a friend? Battle an AI trainer instead, get your rewards, and be done with it. Want to swing the other way and get super into it and become notorious in your neighborhood for being tough to beat? You can do that too, and the gameplay impact is about the same.
I appreciate that they’re allowing friends to battle remotely (once they’ve reached the ultra/best friend tiers.) It’s a bit of a departure for this game, which generally requires you to be on-location and face-to-face for nearly everything else. But with many Pokémon GO players being new to the series, remote battling lets them get in more battling practice against an actual human than an exclusively in-person system might.
As usual, Niantic is being a bit ambiguous about when this’ll roll out, saying only that it’ll roll out “later this month” — which, generally, means as soon as they’re able to flip all the switches, squash the last minute bugs, and get the necessary updates through the App Store. From what I’m hearing, and like many of the recent GO feature releases, I’d expect it go live for higher level players first.
Pokémon GO is finally getting player-versus-player battles. Here’s how they’ll work Two and a half years after launch, Pokémon GO is at last getting player-versus-player battling. If you’ve already had your fun with GO and moved on, that headline is probably all you need to know — it’s either enough to re-spark your interest, or not.
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