#I have Very Homoerotic art
abluescarfonwaston · 1 year
Bratworth in his full regalia going to queer artists shows and buying whatever strikes his fancy because he can and you know what? He’s a twenty year old with his own apartment that Von Karma doesn’t visit and its just HIS and he can do whatever the FUCK he wants with it. So Yes. Yes he would like to purchase that painting of two men tastefully cuddling on the beach together and the sculpture of a penis and that hand knit pride quilt thank you very much. And because he both Looks and Is visibly upper class it makes the other rich folk more likely to buy stuff. He’s just Very pleased with himself for decorating his house So tastefully. (Its not. Mrs. Von Karma would yell at him if she saw)
He attended a drag show in college. He bought a school hoodie and had it pulled tight around his face and watched with so much awe and confusion that his little sixteen year old gay heart couldn’t take it and he broke down crying in the back row. Two years later he put on heels and staggered on stage as a performer. It did not shrink his massively overgrown ego in the slightest but the wig and dressmaker he commissioned were Delighted and Franziska had a Blast scolding him and instructing him how to put on makeup properly.
He’s gone to gay bars and clubs before. Saw some men dancing in cages with little more than a thong on and men dancing with men and women dancing with women and loved all of it except the noise and lights and actually i have a migraine now i’m going to leave but Please don’t stop on my account.
He’s written Multiple dissertations on how Magisteel is the perfect couple- just LOOK AT THE THEMES AND PARALLELS PEOPLE. He has been canceled more than once. For picking every fight available mostly. (Half the time he thought he was just having a friendly debate. Tone is not his strong point) But he also kept a Lot of the fanartists fed and housed with his commissions. Larry and Phoenix both made rent because of him more than once. None of them are aware of this.
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dandelionfool · 4 months
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things alfie daydreams wistfully about when it's been too long since he was last almost-killed by tommy
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ruvviks · 8 months
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astraltrickster · 2 months
Sometimes I wonder what to do with the old copies of the shitty wizard books I have from, you know, the before times
Today I got the idea to dismantle them and turn them into a trans pride themed My Immortal diorama type of thing
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nekhcore · 3 months
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me writing a homoerotic scene and being surprised when it's gay
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tiriansjewel · 19 days
it’s been years since my last true fixation on a musical but I regret to inform you all that I just watched the 2014 Swedish Jesus Christ superstar and I feel I will never be the same again.
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anarchythephoenix · 9 months
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I swear to God I cannot make this shit up
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brbremaking · 2 years
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* A meeting, Wendell Berry
* I want you, Mitski
* Green lantern (1990) issue #47, Gerard Jones, Scott Kolins
* I was an island, John-Allison Weiss
* The year of magical thinking, Joan Didion
* A self portrait in letters, Anne sexton
* Zero Hour: Crisis in Time issue #0, Dan Jurgens
* House of saints, Hala Alyan
* wuthering heights, Emily Brontë
* Zero Hour: Crisis in Time issue #0, Dan Jurgens
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I think there should be another widespread piece of media which romanticizes cannibalism but like. Working class cannibalism. You only see that kind of shit in horror movies
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notjanine · 1 year
i hung out with both of them again over the weekend and it's going really well* and this is still wild to me. it's been exactly what i needed- just easy and good, and good in different ways bc they're so different from each other! but i don't think i've fully described either here
Bookstore: very tall. verrry sexy voice. nb and bi. does not do small talk.** similar taste in media to my own, esp movies, book genres, and spooky podcasts; every time we hang out is like (sexually charged) book club. big nose. always looks exhausted (hot). younger than me but an oldest sibling and lowkey has oldest sister syndrome, but not in a bad way.
Tech Guy: medium height. v round. v much a standard normal straight guy*** but sweet? adventurous- seems kinda boring and normcore, but the lore keeps getting wilder. he's iranian (initiated his citizenship process immediately after the 2016 election (can successfully navigate bureaucracy (hot))) and has offered to take me on a date to his favorite little middle eastern grocery.**** maintains the exact level of beard scruff that makes me craaaazy. the EYEBROWS on this bitch!! older than me but a youngest sibling (with sisters, so like. he seems to understand that women are human beings).
Both: soft hands.***** lots of friends, including platonic female friends. dislike going out and doing things alone, except for going to the movies, which they do often. when asked what dnd class would you be, personally, like you as the person you are now, both said... bard.****** idk how to feel ab that one.
so i like them both and i'm also glad i started seeing them at the same time, bc i think if it was just one or the other, things would have gotten too intense too fast (bc they both like me A LOT and i'mmmmm enjoying that more than i would have expected, i am tempted to overindulge in such adoration). as-is, i've made a list of guidelines for myself that's helping me to maintain boundaries and keep things as tidy as i can. it helps that they're both good at communicating and planning!
anyway next weekend i'm hanging out with the two friends who set me up with these ppl and i need to think of something very good and special to bring them to say thanks!!!
#*i baked for them both which is like. when i baked on days i hung out with messy guy i was like lemme not tell him. that's not what this is.#i dated my ex for MONTHS before i made anything for him. but idk this is different i'm different now!#(i made an incredible aromatic apple galette based on a scent blend i made for reading a biography of cleopatra for Bookstore#bc they mentioned that they finally felt like they got their sense of smell back after having covid months ago#and i made huge gloriously sticky sweet iced cinnamon rolls (vegan!) for Tech Guy bc i was gonna pick some up from a bakery by his apt#but then i realized. i could just make them (better!) myself)#** every other text from this mf is a grammatically correct paragraph that conveys Specific Information or asks a Clear Question#they were like Idk why i always have so many autistic people in my social orbit. and i said girl i'll tell you exactly why lmao#*** he said he's 'like 70% sure [he's] not bi.' that is not 100% and this bitch LOVES professional wrestling aka homoerotic gymnastics so..#(aj styles is his fave which does seem like a v heterosexual choice. but. also he's seen ricochet perform live!!!)#**** i love grocery stores i LOVE grocery stores.#***** lissen my ex was basically a farmer which was nice for some reasons but that mf had calluses on calluses and didn't moisturize.#hand stuff could not be a key part of our repertoire SADLY.#****** Bookstore used to do some serious Performance Art (see: very tall good voice) and Tech Guy is a musician#and they have both made comments about how much they enjoy supporting their friends (within and outside of the context of id-ing as bards)#lizzo_boys.mp3#bonus way they are similar: they are very verbal about how attractive they find me and how lucky they feel to be with me and#they have each explicitly stated that their primary objective during sex is to please me#(my ex said the same but these two are taking it to a new level)#man i didn't realize how much i needed an ego boost after everything with messy guy. they are certainly giving me that!#and i also feel lucky to have found each of them. they're great :)
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rinatthemin · 10 months
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"What do you think, Mr. Green?"
"What about, Mr. Mori?"
"The weather tonight—chance of rain I heard. Reckon the Ätherflotte will be flying?"
"Hm, I've heard the same. That perhaps we can expect a night's reprieve."
"You see? That's a good bit of news, isn't it! Been itching for an evening out."
"Oh? Do you have somewhere in mind?"
"Nah, you didn't like the last place I took us. It's your pick this time, Green."
"Now there's music to my ears. Hm, well—would you happen to have something nice to wear?"
"I've got that suit you like. Just had the waistcoat cleaned."
"Ah, that'd do nicely! Let's make a stop at yours then, and you can change while I give the theatre a ring."
"The theatre, eh? What're we seeing?"
"Well, provided there are short-notice tickets available, I thought we might finally catch a performance of Concerning the Pianist."
"Wait—come again?"
"Pianist, Mori. I've told you about this show! The one that had that review in the Chronicle last week. It's said to be terribly funny."
"Ohhh, that one! Alright, color me interested."
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astronicht · 2 months
Okay I'm almost done with Fellowship, here's an incomplete list of shit I noticed and thought was buck fucking wild on my first ever read-thru: medieval edition.
In literally the second line of the book, Tolkien implies that Bilbo Baggins wrote a story which was preserved alongside the in-universe version of the Mabinogion (aka the best-known collection of Welsh myths; I promise this is batshit). This is because The Hobbit has been preserved, in Tolkien's AU version of our world, in a "selection of the Red Book of Westmarch" (Prologue, Concerning Hobbits). If you're a medievalist and you see something called "The Red Book of" or "The Black Book of" etc it's a Thing. In this case, a cheeky reference to the Red Book of Hergest (Llyfr Coch Hergest). There are a few Red Books, but only Hergest has stories).
not a medieval thing but i did not expect one common theory among hobbits for the death of Frodo's parents to be A RUMORED MURDER-SUICIDE.
At the beginning of the book a few hobbits report seeing a moving elm tree up on the moors, heading west (thru or past the Shire). I mentioned this in another post, but another rule: if you see an elm tree, that's a Girl Tree. In Norse creation myth, the first people were carved from driftwood by the gods. Their names were Askr (Ash, as in the tree), the first man, and Embla (debated, but likely elm tree), the first woman. A lot of ppl have I think guessed that that was an ent-wife, but like. Literally that was a GIRL. TREE.
Medieval thing: I used to read the runes on the covers of The Hobbit and LOTR for fun when I worked in a bookshop. There's a mix of Old Norse (viking) and Old English runes in use, but all the ones I've noticed so far are real and readable if you know runes.
Tom Bombadil makes perfect sense if you once spent months of your life researching the early medieval art of galdor, which was the use of poems or songs to do a form of word-magic, often incorporating gibberish. If you think maybe Tolkien did not base the entirety of Fellowship so far around learning and using galdor and thus the power of words and stories, that is fine I cannot force you. He did personally translate "galdor" in Beowulf as "spell" (spell, amusingly, used to mean "story"). And also he named an elf Galdor. Like he very much did name an elf Galdor.
Tom Bombadil in fact does galdor from the moment we meet him. He arrives and fights the evil galdor (song) of the willow tree ("old gray willow-man, he's a mighty singer"), which is singing the hobbits to sleep and possibly eating them, with a galdor (song) of his own. Then he wanders off still singing, incorporating gibberish. I think it was at this point that I started clawing my face.
THEN Tom Bombadil makes perfect sense if you've read the description of the scop's songs in Beowulf (Beowulf again, but hey, Tolkien did famously a. translate it b. write a fanfiction about it called Sellic Spell where he gave Beowulf an arguably homoerotic Best Friend). The scop (pronounched shop) is a poet who sings about deeds on earth, but also by profession must know how to sing the song or tell the story of how the cosmos itself came to be. The wise-singer who knows the deep lore of the early universe is a standard trope in Old English literature, not just Beowulf! Anyway Tom Bombadil takes everyone home and tells them THE ENTIRE STORY OF ALL THE AGES OF THE EARTH BACKWARDS UNTIL JUST BEFORE THE MOMENT OF CREATION, THE BIG BANG ITSELF and then Frodo Baggins falls asleep.
Tom Bombadil knows about plate tectonics
This is sort of a lie, Tom Bombadil describes the oceans of old being in a different place, which works as a standard visual of Old English creation, which being Christian followed vaguely Genesis lines, and vaguely Christian Genesis involves a lot of water. TOLKIEN knew about plate tectonics though.
Actually I just checked whether Tolkien knew about plate tectonics because I know the advent of plate tectonics theory took forever bc people HATED it and Alfred Wegener suffered for like 50 years. So! actually while Tolkien was writing LOTR, the scientific community was literally still not sure plate tectonics existed. Tom Bombadil knew tho.
Remember that next time you (a geologist) are forced to look at the Middle Earth map.
I'm not even done with Tom Bombadil but I'm stopping here tonight. Plate tectonics got me. There's a great early (but almost high!) medieval treatise on cosmology and also volcanoes and i wonder if tolkien read it. oh my god. i'm going to bed.
edit: part II
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inkeyjay · 1 year
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iulia post iulia post
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill i will conquer -
Meet iulia, one of my dnd characters, formerly an Oath of Conquest paladin. Like Leondras, the founding mother of her former order, she decided to break her oath and raise her sword towards the very institution that instructed her.
She's my character in @royalsea-art's grand scheme of things
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First image is how she started on the campaign. Recently turned 19, fresh in a different city, trying to be lawful and impose peace (yes, she was a cop, bear with me)
Second image is from the customary masquerade session.
Aaaand then the incident* happened *we got bamboozled (she trusted her order and an old friend against the party's advice and all she got was treason)
I did not choose the song so do not perceive me, Iulia's song is Queen of peace by florence + the machine but they made me use ed sheeran against my will
So! Long story short, she sacrified so the rest of the party could escape, dying in the process. This is the moment when i think she definitely broke her oath and cut ties with her order.
Eeeexcept she did not die, and was saved from the fire and rubble by Nirilde (the eyepatch one) (gay behaviour enemies to lovers shit if you ask me) (i may have some homoerotic swordfighting sketches) a member of the cult the party has been fighting against from the beggining. (the party members still think she died)
She was held hostage for some time but in the end managed to escape and partially recover from her burns. she looks like this right now:
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She now marches for The Sun, ready to defend the people she loves from the same people that managed to corrupt Leondras' legacy, the same ones she fought all those years ago.
Sunlight brings warmth, but it can also start a fire.
The night she died, iulia was a spark.
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highly-important · 1 year
Little Art things I'm obsessed with pt 1
Portraits of absent figures:
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David Hockney - A Bigger Splash, 1967
Hockney originally visited California in 1963 and was won over by the sunlight and laid-back lifestyle, especially the luxury and ubiquity of the swimming pool. He described it as his "promised land" The splash is about freezing a moment in time, but it is also empty of human presence but implying a human. The male figure is present in some of David's other works from this time period, especially his muse and then-partner Peter Schlesinger. These paintings are about a hedonistic gay lifestyle, and the swimmers, the divers, are often the subject of voyeurism and desire. But in this painting, we just missed the diver, which makes the object of desire more private and personal. Who was the painter looking at, lusting after, etc. I like the contrast of the incredibly sharp and graphic suburban neighborhood, and the chaotic, organic splash. So again, if the divers represent this homosexual desire, we have this contrast of an orderly heterosexual world, and the queerness that joyfully disrupts it.
And then of course, with the absent figure, there is this massive sense of loss and loneliness. And so much of loneliness is about concealment, hiding in shame. This is a private space, but its also an exposed space, enhancing the loneliness. The figure is isolated, alone, invisible. Its a sadness that contrasts with the setting, the activity, and saturated lighting.
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Felix Gonzalez-Torres - Untitled (billboard of an empty bed), 1991
These billboards were exhibited in the streets of Manhattan during the AIDS crisis. This piece was created the same year Felix Gonzalez-Torres's boyfriend Ross died. This portrait is a celebration of love and a memorization of loss and the emotions between intimacy and publicity. In the artist's own words:
“What I’m trying to say is that we cannot give the powers that be what they want, what they are expecting from us. Some homophobic senator is going to have a very hard time trying to explain to his constituency that my work is homoerotic or pornographic, but if I were to do a performance with HIV blood — that’s what he wants, that’s what the rags expect because they can sensationalize that, and that’s what’s disappointing. Some of the work I make is more effective because it’s more dangerous. We both make work that looks like something else but it’s not that. We’re infiltrating that look.“
The work intentionally uses the matching, identical depressions to imply a same-sex couple. The image itself is extremely intimate, but its being displayed in public spaces.
Felix Gonzales-Torres became known for his absent bodies.
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And then, a little different, this painting by Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (1837) commissioned by Frederick and and Coralie Frey, depicts the three Frey children, with the faint shadow of a figure. There was a legend that there was a fourth figure in this painting. In 2005 a private collector, Jeremy K Simien, purchased the painting and it underwent conservation.
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The painting revealed Bélizaire, a fifteen year-old enslaved domestic owned by the children's father. The picture captures the complex relationship between the boy and the children, the family that was keeping him captive. For one thing, the way he is set back from the others. There is this sort of intimacy between them along side the psychological trauma of forced bondage.
Here is a great Tiktok about the painting, to quote "What I'm struck by is what a sensitive portrait this is of this young man who was living in an inhumane society where he, despite being a human being, was bought and sold."
A few years after this painting was created, the three Frey children died, and Bélizaire was the only one who survived into adulthood.
The painting stayed in the Frey family. At some point, likely in the late 19th or 20th century, Bélizaire was intentionally painted over. In 1972, the great-granddaughter of Coralie Frey donated the painting to a Louisiana museum, informing them that a figure was painted over. During the course of the painting's life at the museum, no effort was put into restoring the figure.
Jeremy Simien's, who bought and restored this painting, said on his instagram "Bélizaire, they know your name now. Tell the ancestors to let me sleep for a minute."
And shout out to the picture that make me want to write this, Hyde Park Flowers, London by Tumblr user @kimironside I won't re-post it so check out the link.
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phospadparadscha · 5 months
Church dance + Gems au = accidental near-fusion???
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And now, for the main event: Black Opal, the fusion of an Orange Pearl (Kim Kitsuragi) and mystery gem (Harry Du Bois). Below is a reference I made:
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Black Opal, the fusion of Harry and Kim as part of my Disco Elysium / Steven Universe crossover AU. I really wanted to lean into the nostalgia and adrenaline junkie aspects of both characters. The conclusion I came to was a 70s biker. I think every time I've seen a picture of someone's american dad back when they were younger, it was a guy with insane facial hair and a homoerotic biker fit, which lead me to this as the aesthetic for a fusion of these two. These are black opals, for reference:
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As a fusion, they both struggle to speak as a singular being. They are not a very stable fusion, mostly due to Harry's damaged gem and how quickly they both can diverge from each other in action and personality. When they do agree however and can maintain Black Opal, its the aspect of themselves that brings out the daring qualities of the other; the one that says "hold on!" and presses their foot on the accelerator, the one that revs their engine, the one that brings a boombox to a boat ride. After a while Black Opal is able to assimilate both aspects of Kim and Harry, as seen in the last panel where his enthusiastic and showboating personality (which both Harry and Kim posses individually in different ways) becomes more like a singular being, like other fusions in the show.
I arranged their limbs and eyes according to where I think they diverge in terms of personality and what they try to accomplish as a fusion / where their interests conflict. This seems to be the case for fusions in Steven Universe as well, where the less harmonious a fusion is, the less proportional the limbs and eyes are to a human body. Harry and Kim have divergences in their eyes and in their forearms. While physically they follow each other in a common goal, Harry and Kim have different ways of handling the world and diverge in their sense of interfacing. Kim has a delicate touch generally, while Harry tends to brute force his way through obstacles. They also have divergent eyes; They both see the world very differently and have different reactions to the same stimulus. Besides these two divergences, they are a fairly harmonious fusion physically.
This is Kim's first fusion, meanwhile Harry has fused before with multiple people from Precinct 41 and his ex, but due to his amnesia he doesn't remember that he has.
Harry and Kim are both basically in historical cosplay throughout the entire game, and I liked the idea of them both being a fusion that dresses in an outdated and charming way as well, like a person out of time. Black Opal as a gemstone I chose because the rainbow coloration of Harry's pale damage on his gem would intermingle with Kim's orange pearl, while the orange and green of the two of them mixed as colors would be a darker muddy color. Thus, this would equate to a dark gem with rainbow coloration inside. Opals tend to be porous as well, which I found fitting for Harry's eroded gemstone.
I love how Harry and Kim have whack-ass facial hair in game and I wanted to give them both an insane facial hair combo. The leather jacket is basically a combination of Harry's green disco blazer and Kim's orange bomber jacket. Kim's gloves become biker's gloves, the "tie" from Harry is the bandana they both wear around their mullet with buzzed sides. They're wearing these big biker's boots, which are drawn largely from Kim's boots in game. Kim has a ton of little compartments to his clothes, so I liked the idea of there being a bunch of zippers everywhere. I'd have put even more and drawn on some patches but my hand was starting to fall off from drawing so for now this is it.
I'll definitely be drawing more of this fusion and for this AU in the future but if you guys have suggestions, ideas, art requests for the crossover let me know. The tag for posts about this au is "disco universe".
Below are some of the clothing and aesthetics I referenced while drawing Black Opal:
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Noncanonicals Tournament FINAL
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This final is between Han Ying from Word of Honor (shizun/mentor: Zhou Zishu) and Fang Duobing from Mysterious Lotus Casebook (shizun/mentor: Li Xiangyi / Li Lianhua)
Propaganda under the cut! (Warning: Propaganda may include spoilers about the characters and their media)
Han Ying:
He idolized and was mentored by Zhou Zishu to the point of recruiting other young martial artists to revive ZZS’s dying sect and willing to die live happily ever after for it.
#han ying wants to fuck zhou zishu SO BAD#han ying#shizunfucker tournament
#my sweet ying'er wants to fuck zzs so bad he's gagging for it
#HAN YING HANDS DOWN#would have licked his boots if he asked
#han ying wanted nothing more than to officially become zzs's student/part of his sect#it was literally his dying wish that his brothers in arms may get to do that#he says several times in the show to zzs's very face that he's 100% down for dying for him#he swears allegiance EXCLUSIVELY to zzs and not the prince they're all serving#he comes up with bangers like 'if there is anything you need I will lay down my life with no regret'#'if you were gone one day how could I live alone'#'a loyal servant wouldn't have two masters in his life'#he sneaks into zzs's abandoned residence and homoerotically-#-strokes the painting of a flower that symbolizes a) zzs himself b) zzs's grief for being the lone survivor of his sect#and he wanted to join siji so so badly#it was his life's dream and he died IN siji but before getting to have that 😭#listen he makes me insane#anyway they should have fucked sloppy style and zzs would have had an out of body experience if hy called him shizun#my final thesis goodbye
#it's HAN YING#you could power entire nations with the power of that yearning
#han ying saw zhou zishu and IMMEDIATELY dropped to his knees are you joking#wen kexing immediately clocked him
#ying'er my sweet prince#he wants the dick so badly
Fang Duobing:
Fang Duobing has most definitely had several fantasies of being dommed by his shifu Li Xiangyi! He is also equally invested in marrying Li Lianhua - travelling the jianghu, going on rooftop moonlit dates, incorporating looking after him forever and ever into his general future plans. This is even before he knows that Li Lianhua and Li Xiangyi are the same person. Oh there are Layers to the shizunfucking. Where's that post about being so devoted to someone that it breaks the pedestal they're put on and comes full circle to loving them for the person they are? (its here: https://www.tumblr.com/difeisheng/733133489565745152/the-core-of-fanghua-is-built-around-fang-duobings) When they finally do get to know each other 10 years later, after Li Xiangyi's identity is found out, Fang Duobing insists on being equals rather than master-and-disciple! Li lianhua is Fang Duobing’s guide in the Jianghu! He leaves his house, dog and the only records of his unique martial arts to Fang Duobing before running away!! Fang Duobing’s most important agenda is to save Li Lianhua from slow death by poison!!! He doesn't care if Li Lianhua keeps leaving him behind and lying to him and is 'at peace' with dying!! They live together. They'll never be equals. They've been equals all along. They're zhiji. They're master and disciple. they're married. They're everything.
#this man wanted to fuck his shizun under two whole ass different identities#this man was given one million choices between his shizun and his entire cushy rich boi life and did not sweat the decision even once#this man was engaged to a princess - who was COOL - and went “no thanks i’d rather follow shizun around in a fantasy china airstream’
#this cannot not be fang duobing let's be serious#polls#he's been drawing hearts around his shizun's name since age 8
#Fang Duobing going through it for what he thinks is two different people but is just one guy#so he gets my vote easy
#pls he is head employee at shizunfucker.co
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