#I hate tagging stuff so much omfg
will80sbyers · 1 year
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Mike Wheeler loves everything that Will Byers does and you can't change my mind
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miya-rin · 2 years
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here are some small iwaizumi boyfriend headcanons
requested through this ask!
has soo many blankets in one of his closets so when its winter time you two can stay in bed all day and cuddle without being too cold :(((
he likes to be little spoon every once in a while and it is so cute when he asks cause he gets kinda quiet and averts his eyes and when you say yes he has this little smile and omfg he is the cutest ever
he never cries while watching sad films but you put on one movie where a dog dies, like marley and me, and this man will BAWL HIS EYES OUT
always smells faintly of coconut because of the shampoo, conditioner and body wash he uses
absolutely loves ariana grande, he walks around humming to the tune of “into you” but flat out denies it every time you bring it up
he really hates the smell of lavender, claims it reminds him of a restroom. if you buy lavender room spray prepare for him to gag (on purpose or just to annoy you) whenever you spray it
ive said this before and ill say it again, he loves paying for your stuff. he doesnt even let you spend your own money as he believes that you should let him provide for you, and no matter how much you argue with him over this, it always ends with him paying for you
hates mushroom, refuses to eat them. he almost had an adult tantrum once when oikawa secretly tried to feed one to him so now you know to never give him any
he actually loves taking part in couples tiktok trends with you, he always tags you in them or sends them to you and asks to try them out
where he is an athletic trainer he obviously knows how to help with injuries, so if you ever have a pain somewhere on you body he will drop everything to help you and make sure you’re ok
walks around your house / flat in only gray joggers and smirks whenever he catches you looking
when he is nervous he taps his fingers on stuff and he normally does it on your thighs as a way to let you know how he is feeling so that you can try and calm him down
when you guys are arguing he always waits for you to finish talking before he starts so he doesn’t interrupt you and make you feel unheard :((
he really liked collecting vinyl records but he never told anyone, he only brought it up once to you as he was talking about the fact he didn’t have a record player, so you got one for him on his birthday and he almost cried because he was so happy that you payed attention to such small part of what he enjoyed and omfg i love him he is just the sweetest
^^ i should also mention i think he gets kind of emotional whenever you do something sweet for him that most people would normally overlook
all of my haikyuu boyfriend headcanons
thankyou for reading! i hope you liked it!
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forever-fixating · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
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Shout out to @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt and @piratefalls for the tags! Second verse, same as the first; we got two WIP teases today again from living in a new normal and A Tournament for His Heart! Both bits are spicy (or spicy-adjacent). Enjoy, loves!
living in a new normal
(Alex is italics, Henry is regular)
Check your inbox. After our last conversation, let’s just say I was…inspired. Enjoy, love.
fuck, baby. that was…
Did I break you?
shut the fuck up
Now is that any way to show your gratitude?
im sorry, im sorry
i really fucking loved it
thank u
There’s my good boy. You’re very welcome, love.
i want to be good for u, ur baby boy
I like the sound of that.
i wish i had something to call u when we talk like this
Why don’t you Google some titles?
fucking duh, ur so smart or im just braindead from that fucking story
okay so im scanning this article and i think i found something
promise to tell me if its lame?
I’m certain it won’t be, but I give you my word regardless.
so theres the usual stuff like sir or daddy
which i dont really like
sir feels too impersonal or whatever and there is only one man i call daddy and thats my actual father
Of course, love. Whatever makes you feel safe and comfortable.
but i kinda like my lord?
cause ur hot and british
like not to be an american cliche but ur fucking accent does things to me, baby
I love it.
And you’re not the only cliche here, Alex. I’m not sure if you realize it, but your accent seems to come out in certain settings, like when you’re drunk or extremely aroused.
u can just say horny hehe
so im ur baby boy and ur my lord?
Sounds perfect, love.
A Tournament for His Heart
“Fuck me,” he begged as Vincent took his spot behind Henry, stroking his quivering hole with a calloused finger. “Make me forget who I am.”
Vincent reached for the vile of oil on the small table next to his bed, and Henry turned his head to watch him slick up his fingers. Soon, Henry was full, those gifted digits stretching him and reaching that sweet spot inside that made Henry moan. But that was not enough. Henry reached behind him to stroke Vincent’s cock, begging, “I’m ready. Please, fuck me hard.”
Vincent smacked his ass and took his cock in hand. Henry groaned as he slid inside him. Once he sensed Henry was ready, he began fucking the prince at a relentless pace. One hand gripped Henry’s hips while the other yanked on his hair, sucking a bruise on his racing pulse that Henry would have to hide with a spell for days afterward. But it was worth it. For a heady moment, the world and its many troubles were held at bay as they took what their bodies needed. Henry let his eyes fall closed and imagined Alex. Did he seek out comfort in another’s arms as Henry did? Would he hate Henry for what he did now?
Forgive me, cariad, Henry pleaded as Vincent’s cock pistoned in and out of him like a raging bull.
Henry came with a broken sob, and Vincent soon followed, groaning as they both collapsed onto their sides on the mattress. As Henry struggled to catch his breath, Vincent nuzzled his neck and stroked his hip, his cock still buried deep inside Henry. It felt nice, loving even, though no such thing existed between them.
“Will you stay tonight?” Vincent asked. “Surely whatever troubled you will keep for an evening.”
Henry thought of returning to the palace, of lying in a cold, dark bedchamber alone, and he wanted to weep. He knew he would be reprimanded if it were discovered where he had gone and what he did. But here, in his substitute lover’s arms, he felt cherished, if only for a moment.
He let himself relax into Vincent’s rough but warm embrace and closed his eyes, whispering, “I’ll stay.”
A/N- Don't worry yall; Henry's heart still belongs to Alex. He just needs to be held (and other things) in the meantime. Chapter one is basically finished, I just need to rewrite the beginning a little to add another character. And much like Alex, I have a peekaboo Southern accent. Chapter three of LNN is about halfway done, I just have two more cities to get through. This chapter will be an epistolary chapter of longing journal entries between the boys and fun text convos. I'm kinda in love with it, and I hope you will be too! I just finalized the band's European tour schedule. Anyone interested in a sneak peek?
Later, taters!
I think most of the people I usually tag have already been tagged, so open tag!
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noahtally-famous · 6 months
td 2023 s2 ep1 spoilers below the cut
(okay so I have not finished s1 but I know the general gist of what happens through mutuals posts and just the td tag lmaoo. maybe later I will actually sit down and watch the whole thing, but that time is not now.)
moving onto my thoughts of s2...
AHHHHHHHH idk how else to explain it but I absolutely LOVED the episode, and honestly I have a feeling I'll love this season, simply bc everyone is so great!!
heck even ripper and chase were tolerable, like, there weren't any fart jokes or anything, it was great!
MKULIA SWEEP???? HELL FREAKING YEAH idc if it's a friendship/alliance, I'm living in my world where they're toxic yuri
Caleb getting some much-needed character development??? I'm SO here for it, and the stuff mentioned during the episode def fits the kinda vibe I have going for him, so that's even better!! (potential caleb & emma friendship??? they can bond over kittens and of caleb being emotionally mature)
also his reactions to the team choosing was gold, I can't wait to see what A-Game he's gonna bring. I'm hoping he doesn't become a version of justin--I just want him to want to be a useful teammate and person for his team/friends/competitors and want to win as well. no overly crazy 'tda justin' villanry pls?? (I mean, I won't be averse to it if it does end up happening, but it'd be cool if things changed up this time around)
CHEMMA BROKE UP THANK FRICKING GOD, our prayers have been answered!! please please PLEASE have them stay broken up
raj & wayne on the same team again!! I was not expecting that tbh, but I'm curious to see where this goes
rajbow is so adorable, like bowie not even letting chris finish before he immediately picks raj first for his team is so 🥹
ngl chase is still a dumbass but now that chemma is out of the way, I mean it affectionately, I can't bring myself to hate any of the characters and that trend isn't going to stop here. that moment when he ran at granny hatchet and bowie was like "I don't believe it, I think he's gonna make it" like that scene was insane
damien is amazing as always, no words need to be said. manifesting a final two involving him
NICHELLE. FUCKING NICHELLE. GOD I CANNOT ARTICULATE HOW MUCH I ADORE HER HERE!! saving the best for last goddammit, I love her so so so so much, omfg the way she slayed the challenge, pls I'm so hyped for her character development this season, I can't wait for the other contestants to eat their words abt her
axel trying to 'be nice' ("i'm a work in progress" yes you are but you're doing amazing) but acting like an ass to ripper is something I live for. "I'm not following you, we're running in the same direction!" LMAOOOO
the fact that priya doesn't hold any resentment toward her parents still irks me, but I still love her character and I'm excited to see what's in store for her
I'm still hoping for some axelle content, but I'm more than happy with the mkulia servings we got
I'm lowkey interested in scary girl's change of character. I feel like this wont be the last we see of her--will she be like an amy and swim back to the island to enact revenge? or will she be like ezekiel and live on the island in secret? or will she be a secret third thing? I sure as heck don't know but I can't wait to find out!! her parting words def seem ominous enough to imply something
speaking of, scary girl's change of character and when she talked abt how she became "normal" everyone's reactions were sending me lmaooo
bowie going "you're never right" to chase but is the one to choose chase on his team, like yes dude frrr that frenemy whiplash was wack lmaoo I love it
same with bowie choosing julia, like yes we love to see two manipulative competitive strategists banding together
on a different note, I wonder what will come of bowie and emma's friendship from s1 and how that broke apart. maybe they could rekindle it in s2? hmmm
zee and their suitcase of sodas 😭
"she's an animal" OKAY MK TONE IT DOWN (pls don't, actually pls continue doing it) YOU'RE NOT HELPING MY MKULIA CASE HERE
millie being priya's first pick >>>
"what strategy? you just stop and run, it's not rocket surgery" 😭 I used to dislike ripper, but if he continues on like this, that opinion will def change. it's only been the first episode and I already don't dislike him anymore so-
chris is still 'tdi chris' aka the b e s t chris imo, and I'm here for it!! also chef and chris's dynamic is still spot-on
in conclusion, im so very excited for what this season will bring!! in case you didn't realize, I LOVED the first episode!
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
Nightfallsystem - Main blog. Plural System. cringe asf autistic and chronic pain haver. giant isopod enthusiast.
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‼️hi guys if ur reading this during october 2023 plz check out @qiekzart rn im doing a thing ✨✨
Check out my etsy plzzz :333 i post adoptables !!
My name is Qiekz, my pronouns are it/its, please use my actual preferred pronouns. For your DNI purposes please know I'm 14 ^_^ also no nsfw interaction or you will fucking die!! im also learning japanese! (please send help.... im dying..... grahh.. ive gone too far to quit its kind of my curse now.)
what to expect from this blog? random shit, this is my personal blog. there may be vents and rants (tagged as #vent and #rant respectively) there may be random shit there will be so many reblogs.
i try to add ids when i can into the alt text, though i have chronic pain so sometimes im too tired to, sorry
Special interests: Giant isopods, Yugioh 💀💀
interests: TBHK, manga and anime, servals, marine animals, suicide boy (critical of it...), made in abyss, (critical of it...) , japanese language ,, ... i forgor
FEEL FREE (i encourage you to!) TAG ME IN SHIT ABOUT MY INTERESTS!!! esp yugioh im really autistic about it o my god
#autistic about this thing tag <- will be me tagging shit im really autistic about!!
not really in discourse anymore other than transgender stuff so if you try to drag me into discourse ill drag you into the pits of hell. i fucking hate syscourse so much.
If i am not speaking and another system member is, the post will be tagged as "- [name]". I tag common triggers, flashing lights and eyestrain, etc, these will be tagged as "TW [topic]". also JSYK i block a fuck ton of people so like, yeah, I block anyone for any reason I want. I will also not unblock you. unless youre liek my friend or smth.
We have so many fictives sooo,, source list: TBHK, Omori, OneShot, Wolf Song the Movie (yknow, that one on youtube.), yugioh..... </3 .. sourcemates r cool to interact n stuff feel free to send an ask im just shy...
anon hate MUST be original no lame "kys" or "[slur]". i will judge you. try better. try harder. get good. if you send anon hate i will judge it and rate it out of 10 so please try your best.
i am weirdo fictionkin heres the list: hooni from suicide boy yayy,, faputa from made in abyss ( I FUCKING HATE THE SORUCE FOR BEING SO WEIRD OMFG AHGHH),, jolteon from pokemon. . im weird and fuckd up . much prefer if u dont rlly seperate me from me in sources. cuz i just am me. sorry. ig. just refer to me as me . thank you
I am critical of all of my interests!!
or more just i hate them agh just be normal omfgggg crying sobbing
if you wanna avoid a common trigger its most likely tagged #tw [topic]. i also tag eyestrain and flashing lights but usually i just tag it as "#eyestrain" or "#flashing". tbh i unfortunately cant be trusted to remember to tag any other specific trigger because of bad memory. i wont tag reclaimed slurs but i will tag slurs used in a mean way
Please do not DM me unless you actually really need to. Send me an ask if you want to DM me and specify that you want it answered privately if you want. but i AM UNCOMFY WITH DMS. unless we're friends or i DMed you first. otherwise i place a curse on you I MUCH prefer asks over DMs
Sideblog list
@oops-all-traumacore (TW TRAUMACORE)
@sunnymogai (inactive)
@hellhoundmutt (inactive)
@sunnymogai2 (inactive)
@qiekz (EYESTRAIN + FLASHING TW please block if you are affected by that please)
alter blog 4 tasma:
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Anti plural, pluralphobe, anti endo, sysmed, against created alters/etc, "dont believe in systems",
Proship, condone or support posting any sexual stuff that includes a child, lolicon/shotacon/etc, someone purposely meant to look like a child, cub.
LGBTQphobic, transmed, transphobe/homophobe/biphobe/panphobe/etc, 'super straight'/variants, anti-ace inclusion, anti-aro inclusion, anti a-spec inclusion, aphobes, anti mspec lesbian/gay/etc, stelliophobic, anti lesboy/turigirl/etc, anti any good faith queer identity, anti neopronouns, anti xenogender, anti mogai.
Ableist, support autism speaks, think "narc abuse" is a thing/demonise people with any disorder including NPD, infantalise people with disorders/disabilities/etc, post/support on subreddits like r/fakedisordercringe or r/systemscringe, use the term "Aspergers" / describe urself as an "aspie" (Hans Asperger was a nazi who killed many disabled people, so shut the fuck up.)
Racist, cultural appropriators.
Radqueers, trans-id/transX, transrace/trace (not adoptee term), support the term transplural, pro-contact/contact-complex/contact-neutral for harmful paraphillia, sway people away from getting help for harmful paraphillia, MAP/Pedo/zoo/necro. (also transspecies is ok if its not used in a transX way)
Fujoshi/variants. fetishize mlm/wlw, etc.
Against traumacore / vent art.
Have minors on ur DNI (no offense im just a minor lol), NSFW-Focused blog
Post stolen art (includes AI images) / trace art without consent
other stuff is im neutral on factkin or kff tbh. and i think id rather stay neutral on tulpas as a term. i just dont fucking care. i dont involve myself in syscourse anymore, i might post more endogenic positivity later but id rather not due to the rampant harassment and infighting in the system community.
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nemobeatrice · 6 months
Fic Writing Questions Tag
Thank you for tagging me, @hunter-sylvester!
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
I have 62. It'll look like I have 53 if you don't have an account. Some of my fic are restricted.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
248,908. Gees...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
JJBA, Elder Scrolls, WoW, Shrek, Saints Row, Elden Ring, and Dragon Age. I also wrote a hate fic about Onision. I hope he goes to jail. It was something I wrote way back in 2012, but I posted it on July 13, 2021. However, I mostly write for JJBA.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So I got Bored and Wrote this for my Friends (JJBA) E (for explicit)
JoJo's Azeroth Adventures (JJBA and WoW) M
(Was) Stuck in Traffic (JJBA) E
Fugo Meets his Minecraft Boyfriend (JJBA) Gen Aud
Daisies and Roses (JJBA) T
I'm not going to provide a link to my explicit fics, sorry.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most of the time. When people compliment my fics, I say thanks. I don't know how else to respond. 😅
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mostly write fluffy feel good fics BUT..........................I did write this, teehee! c:
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, I've written a lot of stuff. That could be any of them. Uh, this, I guess.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't received any hate, yet. But I do mostly write JJBA fanfic, so I expect a hate message.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I don't write much of it. It's crack.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh, yeah! This one is probably the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I hope people alert me if that happens.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
My brother and I have written some chapters for certain fics.
13. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Poly La Squadra and Shrohan (Shrek x Rohan). Oh, and FuGio.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Golden Miners is a WIP, but I'll finish the next chapter sometime in December.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Gee, I don't know. I guess people like it when I write something funny.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not good with grammar. Tbh, I don't know how tf I graduated high school.
Hmm, and I guess details too. I read one of my fics (a smutty one) during stream, and my brother kept wanting more details about certain scenes. I just think some details aren't necessary for the reader to know, but maybe I'm wrong.
Oh, and then there's editing. Omfg, the typos I make.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I usually avoid doing that. If I'm writing in English, the whole thing is going to be in English.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Elder Scrolls.
19. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hiking in Murren, Switzerland because I love how I made Diavolo a disaster. Domestic Life with Diavolo because I enjoy a bit of slice of life. Trip to Crystal Mountain because I loved Crystal Mountain so much that I wrote about it but with one of my fav ships. Liurnia's Burger King because my friend really loves beating children up and calling the enemies Burger King employees.
Oh, and I do love this one chapter my brother and I wrote.
I know two people I could tag, but I don't think they get along. So... anyone who wants to do it.
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
“Right now” makes me think of Jonathan if he went to NYU.
“Full machine,” “Best,” and “This is what the drugs are for”? Byler vibes. Sometimes the pov switches for me, though—little lines within the song speaking more of Will than Mike even when the overall song is more Mike’s pov, or vice versa.
“I know it won’t work” is giving Stancy
“The blue” makes me think Lumax, and Jancy, but also Jargyle a bit?
Ahsjdkfncnfkdiejcncjfkffj i hope you had/are having/will have fun listening to the album! If/when you want to answer, what’re your initial thoughts on the songs as they related to st?
so, a disclaimer, i have only listened to this album once all the way through because i have to be careful with gracie's music because it makes me sooo sad 😭 but god gracie never misses with her lyricism, so i loved it so far!!!
totally agree with the ones you added for byler. i put "i should hate you" and "this is what the drugs are for" onto my will playlist, and i put "best", "full machine", "and where do we go now?" onto my mike playlist. also "difficult" was already on my mike playlist.
abby @/strangeswift is a genius and pointed out that so much of "where do we go now?" is so mike to el, and that felt like a cultural reset to me like, But when I kissed you back, I lied. You don’t know how hard I tried, had to fake the longest time. THAT IS MIKE.
"i know it won't work" totally gives steve/nancy (so it doesn't end up in their tags and stuff i'm only gonna use byler's ship name lol) vibes! and for "the blue" honestly i was thinking about how this was byler in mike's pov too, like will coming out of the blue in the sense that mike still coming to terms with his sexuality and not expecting to fall in love with will, but then he does and in that love just finds everything he's been looking for. but also YES LUCAS AND MAX AND JONATHAN AND NANCY.
overall, i stand by the fact that gracie somehow always writes such mike wheeler coded songs, and i need to listen more, but i was sitting there like, "oh, mike. mike. mike" every couple of songs 😅
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years
Thank you @ryuuryuuhoney and @akaipepo for the tag
Would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!):
Honestly…human I wouldn’t be any magical being tbh but I would be a complete menace.
Would you be at rsa or nrc?
NRC would be so much better than RSA. Like, I wanna have my daily dose of entertainment and chaos not sitting by the campfire singing YAHO!😭
What dorm would you belong to?
I would probably stay in my little Ramshackle hut. But if there was some reason I had to move out, I would probably be in either Ignihyde or with my homie Malleus in Disomnia.
What character(s) would you be best friends with?
Kalim: We would be such good friends also I KNOW THIS MF HAS ADHD LIKE ME I KNOW HE DO! I FEEL IT IN MY GUT! WE WOULD JUST UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER SO MUCH! OMFG! (But we would also be a huge annoyance to Jamil)
Malleus: Scary Dog Privileges…
Nah but fr I would invite this man anytime I feel lonely or want to go with him somewhere around the school. HE DESERVES IT GODDAMMIT!
Lilia: We would just be manaces together…
Floyd: Nurodivergent bitches stay together!
Honestly even though I say on multiple occasions (irl) that Floyd scares the absolute shit out of me. I would probably understand him the most and have a likely chance of not pissing him off. We would probably have the same mindset too lol
What character(s) would you hate?
Ace: I would never let that mf get away with the stuff he says to Deuce. I know for a fact if I was in that Prologue and he started insulting me…Crowley you are going to have a murder on campus grounds.
Crowley: I would talk back to him so much he does not deserve my patience.
what character(s) would you date?
I was gonna say Rook BUT FUCK IT poly date with Malleus & Kalim
What would floyd’s nickname be for you?
Rainbow Trout…(idk it seems fitting)
And rook’s?
 Mon Artiste…(it also seems fitting)
What twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
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Which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
What club would you join?   
Film Studies so I can help out Malibu Barbie 
How do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
My life would be so fucking hectic but I would survive. I would put my foot down if Crowley tried to order me around like…BITCH!? I swear MC needs to speak with their chest sometimes when talking to Crowley or Leona. DON’T THEM HOES GET YOU!🙄
[optional!] what would your unique magic be?
Tbh…I wouldn’t have one (the only magic I have are these hands)
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I posted 2,985 times in 2022
That's 1,767 more posts than 2021!
23 posts created (1%)
2,962 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,232 of my posts in 2022
#mcr - 290 posts
#ofmd - 79 posts
#art - 65 posts
#toh - 41 posts
#birds - 21 posts
#tiktok - 18 posts
#lol - 15 posts
#lmao - 14 posts
#fuck capitalism - 14 posts
#prev tags - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 74 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
The londoner in ur birmie squad sjdhhdf
i am so sorry bro i dont think i am who u think i am 😭😭
8 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
aras have you seen the Joan of Arc outfit yet
10 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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3000 posts!
ashamed 😔
16 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
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19 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love the energy and all and I don’t want to offend but as a Muslim girl i can tell you that it is literally haram to identify as anything other than your god given gender. Like I’m not trying to be rude and I’m glad that there a respectful supportive people out there but if you’re looking at the Quran and other islamic book you’ll find stories about how its considered haram. Accepting the islam religion means accepting everything and dedicating yourself to it you can’t just pick and choose.
omg my first anon hate hahaha
i know im not obligated to answer hate but im going to anyway bcuz of i have things to say (sparkle emoji) (im on pc and dont have the energy to find an emoji keyboard)
okay first of all nowhere did i say that I identify as Muslim. i get that it was ambiguous tho so its cool. to clarify,, I am personally not Muslim but I kind of have to act like one so I don't get kicked to the streets or some shit lol and maybe I'm a bit of a coward idkkk but anyways
I would be interested to know what other Islamic books ur talking about btw, but I'm pretty sure the quran doesn't mention being trans anywhere at all. in fact I'm pretty certain, I've read it multiple times with translation and commentary interpretations and anyway being trans wasn't really a 'known' thing back then? bcuz obviously patriarchy and gender roles n segregation blah blah was wayyyy more yk. shit I forgot the word. uhhh yk like prevalent?? ofc the quran does mention a shitton about gender roles,, so yk men r the breadwinners, women raise the kids and keep house and be good wives etc. and also remember the big important fact:: GENDER AND SEX R DIFFERENT THINGS!!! meaning technically u cant be 'born' a gender (omfg my keyboard hates me imagine a question mark here) ur born with certain genitals and society assigns u a gender based on that . sounds a bit fucked when u put it like that actually but anyway back when the quran was being revealed this wasn't a known thing cuz yk they didn't have studies on this stuff,, and yea ur probably gonna say 'but the quran came from allah and he knows everything' well the fact of the matter is he either forgot or smth idk I don't speak for God but trans people definitely exist that's a fact we know so yeah. oh I should come back to my point which was, even with the quran saying those things about what ur supposed to do based on whats in ur pants which is crazy outdated anyway it doesn't take gender ≠ sex into consideration either soo ye that's the most it could've said about being trans and that not very valid anymore rip and that's not even mentioning non-binary people
and anyway Islam is literally all about acceptance and respect and everything so idk it would probably be better if u didn't go around telling ppl they're 'literally haram' for being trans or gay or any typa queer bcuz its literally not our choice (insert question marks) believe me I would fucking love to be comfortable in my 'female' body but I cant no matter how much I try to force myself so I'm sorry dude. no one would choose to be stuck in a situation like this. personally, I believe Islam needs a super massive reformation. well not Islam exactly, but a lot of things said in the quran r outdated wildly now, while a lot of it will also always be relevant, eg. everyone being equal and yk give to the poor etc. i have absolutely nothing against Muslims (I have it against my family for being so forceful about religion - different thing) yall r super cool and ik being a Muslim girl isn't easy believe me, but genuinely seeing Muslim people around and yk, just existing in wider society outside of Islamic spaces makes me feel so proud of where I came from even if its not been the best experience. have u seen the show We are Lady Parts (question mark) its about an all female Muslim punk band and there's only six episodes I literally watched it all today but the message of it is what I'm trying to get to you. u don't have to be the perfect pious wife to be considered a 'good Muslim',, there are so many ways u can show faith. you don't have to be a big strong man who can handle all pain with ease while single-handedly providing for a family either.
anyways peace out that sure was a journey lol and I definitely have forgot some of the things I wanted to say but yea that's all don't forget to like and subscribe &lt;3
(colours r to make it easier to read for people with shorter attention spans,, they don't have any other significance)
36 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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kiaminiplays · 4 months
get to know a simmer tag
no one tagged me but I figured it would be a nice lil introduction to me so i'm doing it anyways <3
1. Whats your favorite sims death?
Probably by laughter just because of the shock value I get cause I always forget sims can die that way lmao.
2. Alpha cc or mm?
Baby, I'm mixing everythinggggg. Sticking to just one thing has never been me and why not have the best of both worlds?
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No. It's never been that serious. It's just another way for story-telling like seeing my sims gain happy relationship weight, etc.
4. Do you use move objects ?
I wouldn't ever play this game if it didn't exist lol
5. Favorite mod?
Lumpinou's mods are literally phenomenal, I also like Wicked/Wonderful Whims for the attraction system and the buffs/pop-ups. Other than that, I like the newer self care mods that are coming out like the functional clutter kit by Cepzid, etc.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I'm pretty sure it was Seasons. Which, duh?
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
LIVing, the other way feels awkward to me but hearing it either way doesn't bother me.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? 
Currently a celebrity sim I made for an upcoming gameplay series, my god, I snapped lmao. keep a lookouttttt
9. Have you made a simself? 
I have....attempted. It freaks me out cause I forget what I look like lmfaooo
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? 
I always have the More Traits in CAS mod sooo: loner (introverted), creative, hates children (don't come for me, I'm team ftk lmao), geek, book lover
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? 
The new true black they added awhile ago. I always hated that blue-black swatch with a burning passion lol or the new platinum blonde
12. Favorite EA hair? 
Baby I couldn't name one cause I never use them lmao. The waves they added for the guys is pretty cute though
13. Favorite life stage? 
Young adult for sureeeee. Adult too, I guess, considering there's really no difference between the two at the moment.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? 
I'm a CAS creature, ngl. But I enjoy playing all three.
15. Are you a CC creator? 
Nope. My brain cells cannot compute it lmao. I wish I was!
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? 
Also nope! But it's legit my third day out here so I'm not pressed. Excited to make some in the future!!
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) 
4.....put the pitchforks and torches downnnn! I do have 3, but I hardly play it.
18. Do you have any sims merch? 
No, and will never buy any <3 EA has enough of my coin
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? 
I do! It's kiaminiplays as well and just kiamini on Tiktok/the gallery. The content is coming soon!
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? 
Chileeeeeee. I've been doing makeovers from sims I had in my library in the beginning and. the horror. omfg. But before I used to only be an Alpha girlie and now I use both so my sims can look cohesive with the game. I'm too lazy to make a save file all alpha.
Other than that, I love seeing sims have individual styles and be diverse so I try to make them each different and same thing for my builds.
21. Who’s your favorite CC creator? 
Wish I could list everyone, but heres some I don't think I could live without lol:
camuflaje, ceeproductions, gorillax3, greenllamas, jius, joancampbell, khadijah551, madlen, northernsiberiawinds, okruee, sheabuttyr, serenity, sentate and so much more.
22. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? 
City living, hands down. I can't remember any save where my sims haven't lived there for a bit. So now that we can edit the windows I'm obsessed all over again. I think For Rent might eventually give CL a run for its money just because we can create our own rental lots now.
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
I definitely feel you on the whole " probably not the best I could write, but I'm definitely having fun with it " Vibe. Personally, for me, those posts back in the day felt like jam sessions to get the juices flowing on a bad day.
Ahh, lying about your age to avoid callout posts was something I did, too. Mostly because it happened to me before when writing/drawing creepy pastas. It wasn't smut, just dark content people didn't like me writing. So, for the LIS blog, I just lied and said I was like 19? If I remember correctly, just to post, like vaguely steamy content. About a super-powered punk serial killer and super-powered depressed hipster.
We wince looking back, but those past little nuggets helped us press forward.
Was it Gabbie? I vaguely remember AOT, but I feel like it was Gabbie
As much as we can make fun of them, we can't deny that without these old accounts and stories, then we wouldn't be here today.
It's because we can look at where we started and how far we've evolved and changed that we can have the confidence to write and post more, to be more indulgence with our art.
All those beloved cringy stories helped shape our skills, we had to start somewhere, and no one aims to learn better than a person at a humble start. So much of my current euphemism and dictionary is in thanks to those years I spent writing stories and getting unsatisfied with my choice of words so much that I went searching for guides and reading writing and thesaurus books.
It was when I first had readers to interact with, when I first began understanding where to establish my boundaries and the times I let people cross them and got uncomfortable. It's also when I first realised how important marketing is for wrtiers, sadly, how if your account and story don't look pretty, then a lot of people won't give it a chance.
I liked the doodles and pretty headers but I hated the advertising and marketing aspect. Making a story look appealing and having to tag with the trending fandom related stuff. It felt ingenuine but I knew no one would find it otherwise.
And omfg, a super-powered punk serial killer and a super-powered depressed hipster sound literally so cool, how dare you rob the world of that.
Yes, those moments were fundamental. They're the clumsily carved bricks that make the foundation in our own story. They're the reason the bricks at the top are so alligned and well-cut.
Our minds can be unforgiving when it comes to our own mistakes, current, and past. So it's good to take a step back and see the whole picture. Where we started and where we're headed to. I was never happy with my writing before, not truly. But these days, I am. I take pride in what I make, and that's all that matters.
And yes! It was Gabbi! I got so heated over the hate she got because she is literally a child you weridos, why are you holding her up to an adult standards? Why are you mad that the adult characters are forgiving her? Of course they will. She doesn't know better.
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discotenny · 7 months
I also think that ramuda finds after a while that he does truly enjoy a lot of the things that he thought he was only pretending to like..... I think he did so many cute and fun things but never truly let himself indulge in them to the fullest and always questioned if he actually liked anything, at all, that feeling of emptiness inside and unsure whether or not he could ever enjoy anything
but (seeing this through a fling poly lense. but platonic posse or y/n perspective fits just as much) his reactions to his loved ones, gen being silly or dice being stupid or the two trying to make him laugh.. he reacts the way he would pretend to but it's cuter and cheerier because it's honest... aaaahghghggnvjfjwudfffff ramfdddmdmdmdmdmrzmudassramudamramuramuramura
also, I um I thought that your discodark tag was inexcplicably #DISCOSHARK and sat here for so long trying to figure out why. oy. amazing tag though I wouls use that
be careful writing smut because omfg every time I've seen a hypmic blog accept smut the horny fans make it so like 80% are smut, minor fans are pushed out and then the author gets tired of only writing smut/overworked from the demand and retires from hypmic 😭 the horny force is strong here
however. I already have a req in mind haha I wil wait until mine and a lot of others are filled before submitting to be fair but... >:3
also imo in the fling poly house... everyone has their own room but they often sleep in one with each other, dice is almost always in ramuda or gen's bed at night and the one everyone usually ends up in is ramuda's
if you don't fall asleep cuddling or ■■■■■■■ dice you wake up with him at the foot of your bed like a big dog 🤭 -jaku anon
RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT !!! It’s the inner conflict thats akin to delusion. What if he’s enjoying these things because it’s what he’s supposed to do to keep up appearances. What if he’s smiling and laughing and having fun because it’s all apart of the careful persona he’s built up after all this time.
It doesn’t cross his mind that he could possibly genuinely enjoy the things he does because he thinks everything about him is part of the persona. He doesn’t think the laughs and smiles and fun are real cause he’s never experienced it sincerely before. Through time with Gentaro, Dice, and everyone else in his life though- the line between “Ramuda” and Ramuda blur.
Bit by bit he starts to realize that he’s not laughing to keep up appearances, he’s not eating this ice cream to survive, and he’s not hugging his friends to build artificial bonds.
I appreciate how Hypmic as a brand didn’t make Ramu secretly hate all the pastels and fluff he surrounds himself with. It’s refreshing seeing a male chara of his nature enjoy that stuff personally 🤔🤔🤔 It’s part of what makes Ramu such a good chara to me ^w^
The last time I wrote smut on this blog was when I was a minor writing for Bungo JABSKDBDKDJIS (DWDW IM TURNING 19 SOONTOO 🙏🙏🙏). The horny force is VERYYY much strong in that fandom too if u guys take a peek. And I definitely know what you mean by minor fans are pushed out, it was soooo prevalent back in my Hetalia and BSD eras (separate ansnsjdhdkdndj)
I’ve seen and heard my own stories of how writers would get overwhelmed writing smutfic only and it’s something I do wish to avoid 😣. And I REALLLLY don’t want it to become what the majority of my blog is about. Maybe if I get tipsy again I’ll have a horny thirsts night but that’s about it skdbdkdbdk.
Everyone sleeping in Ramu’s bed is such a thought omg kenkenrnrndmwm. Trying to cramp 4 people with wildly different preferred sleeping positions in one bed is insane. You guys will see more of this in my big sleeping post but I HC Gentaro to be the most cuddliest at night because of how he runs cold. His limbs are long so at least one arm / leg is touching each of you at once.
AND I FULLY AGREE !! Dice is the type to stand at the end of your bed, silent and staring- waiting till you wake up in the middle of the night and it scares the shit out of you. Terrified, you ask him what’s up and he says he had a tummy ache :C
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nettlebrand · 9 months
About Me ♡ DNI ◇ BYF ♤
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About Me
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My name is Jackson or Jason, usually only close friends call me Jason
I use any and all pronouns! Although please ask before using certain neo pronouns. No noun pronouns please (nothing against them at all! They just make me uncomfortable being used on ME, I use them for others if I can)
I draw and write a lot
I hyperfixate easily, and my interest can change very quickly
I am Russian German Native American and Nigerian
I speak 5 languages English being my 4th so please excuse grammatical and spelling errors
I have a fianceé <3
I am a lawyer in training so I might not post often
I have a lot of fandom ocs, which is what my writing is usually based on. I might sometimes post about original characters and stories.
◇ Sona ◇
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Do Not Interact
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-normal stuff here, racist, homophobes transphobes, pro life, nazis, and soviet supporters ect
-Communism supporters (do research omfg)
-people who demonize ASPD or being a sociopath
-proshippers (go away you are gross)
-anti generational trauma / people who believe past wars and historical event cannot effect the victims decendants
-"family is forever" kind of people
-people who romantize kidnapping, stalking, torturing, drugging in public places / on the internet (especially if that has never happened to you)
-You send anonymous hate (you are a coward if you are going to send hate show your account)
-Genshin, DSMP, Your Boyfriend, Object Show, Nazi/Soviet Drawing Countryhuman fans
-Under 14
-People who self diagnosis intense disorders (DID, ASPD, ect) (I have studied this enough to have a degree in cognitive psychology, I don't want self diagnosisers near me)
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Before You Follow
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• I have ASPD, more commonly called a sociopath. I lack empathy and care towards other people. It takes me a while to develop a sense of care. Because of this, I am very blunt and rude, I try to use tone tags whenever I can to make this work, and I may also overly use emojis.
• I am hypersexual, I make a lot of suggestive jokes with close friends and make sexual jokes. This is a SFW blog and will stay that way, but I will make suggestive jokes
• I have intense and I mean intense trauma. I joke about it a lot and laugh about it. It makes me feel more comfortable with it.
• I do not go out of my way to contact new people, I have trouble starting convos unless I really know you or find you interesting. This does not mean I do not like you, I am just socially awkward and try not to hurt people emotionally.
• I listen to probilatic artist and once in a while get into problematic media. I will heavily express my opinion on said stuff and media, I am a very argumentive person
That is all ◇ Enjoy My Blog
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ficsandfandom · 2 years
Love in a time of the Zombie Apocalypse by rizzlewrites
I put this one off for a while but it’s SO GOOD OMFG!!!
basically: a world after the war, overrun by zombies, muggle and wizarding worlds aware of each other and, in some cases, collaborating. harry and hermione, part of Project Christmas- an initiative to create a cure before the USA drop nukes on them- break Draco Malfoy out of top security prison and enlist his help. problem? malfoy’s a sociopathic wild card who people can’t pin down, ron’s basically comatose and dickheads exist- even in a zombie apocalypse!
(this is as i read so might be a bit disjointed- enjoy!!)
1. DRACO MALFOY OMFG!!! the way he’s written is just AMAZING! and omfg the dramione tension is top tier!!!! literally closed my screen like 10 times in the first four chapters srsly.
2. blaise zabini is the actual loml and if i dies i will cry. also, i love draco from draco pov bc then there’s justices decisions. scared he’s gna hurt ppl i like tho💔💔
3. i’m upset. this fic is a damn rollercoaster and i’m not built for this. the worldbuilding in this is amazing btw- so fun to read. and characters who r rlly easy to get invested if<33
unfortunately also quite realistic in some ways, which means i stay upset🤩🤩 which is less great but oh well ig i read to feel anyway so. i’ll take it. doubt there’s gonna be fluff in this one smh.
(not done yet but recommend already)
4. i love this!!! there is some fluff btw and such a good balance of realism and romance and it’s just amazing to read <333
5. i hate it. i hate everything. and everyone. i am grieving. mourning. and it’s unfair. JUST ONCE. JUST ONCE I WANF A HAPPY ENDING FOR *specific character* AND I NEVER GET IT I AM TIRED. and in shock. didn’t even get to cry. unfair.
6. ok now i’m more emotionally stable hers smth else i love abt the fic- the morality and duality of characters. hard to be a ‘good person’ in the middle of an apocalypse. but the shades of grey of each character, and how far is too far depending on the person is written so well.
also how much they change like so many characters i just didn’t like that i’m now severely emotionally attached to!!!
breaking points are also really interesting and i love how even tho a load of them are tagged as BAMFs, they also FEEL real? idk i’m not deep enough but basically: feelings and morals? written rlly thought provokingly. and thoughts have been provoked xx
(still not done but it’s been like a day spare me i’ve been busy)
7. i cannot express how much i love the ‘dark father figure to a kid who dgaf’ trope. it is elite and i love it!!
9. breaking points<33
10. icba to keep updating like this but basically:
it’s amazing, i love it, please go read it x
(lil side note bc i’m so HAPPY: IM SO SO PROUD OMG!!!! like ik many fics kinda deal with the trauma and stuff but this one just shot it out of the WATER kinda wish there was more focus on hermione’s issues but even those are still dealt with throughout so i can’t rlly complains but omg DRACO<333)
this fic cannot get more perfect omg i got a title drop!!!!
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icselpatlamalar · 2 years
Like crumbles if you dont heal. 
In 2016 when i started collage i come out and got abused by my parents for decades, controlling, verbal physcial attacks etc. I kept it together thx for my friends at that time but after i got hit in the heart by unsucesful lovers it become even more depressive.
In 2018 summer i realized i had a shit life and it made me extreamly depressed and questioned my existance with low key s*cidal tendencies. I fall for my 1st ex not because i loved him but i lacked safety and peace. I fall for people who have what i dont have... He lived in a great city, had good friends, had cool time there and he was FREE. I had a miserable life, awful city, awful friends, awful abusive parents. I loved him as a tool. I used him to escape my life. And at the end i got abused as fuck and non of my friends even helped me to deal with any of this bullshit or even guide me slightly.
It was even more painful when my only supporting friend gone mad (no joke she became extreamly paranoid and schizophrenia). I had no one supporting me in real way. Even the therapist i went to were shit heads that felts so fucking lonely. This lead me to have a s*cide attempt which fucked up my ego forever.
 No matter how much i healed i felt shit and no matter how much i achived i feel shit. Because i have been keeping deep bullshit in me and had no one to talk to and nothing was working due to circumstances not chaning.
I made 2 friends in 2019 fall. One of them turned out to be a patalogical lying covert narsc who tried to ruin my life for 2 years, by attemtping to kill me and twisting every deep talks we did and even shallow ones because they were in love with me (or obsession and jelousy to be honest) and another girl who has s*cidal tendencies as well as depressive anxious personality with some hypervilligant behaviours too.
I now see i have tagged them as friends because omfg my currents friend then would hear me out and they were kind enough (by that i mean they only listen to you so they can hate u for being vulnerable and hurt you later by this fake closeness) but not kind enough to be real friends. I have waited 1 year to talk about my abusive relationship with someone and thats why i loved them. I felt free and both of them were edgy acting fragile people, now i see how miserable they were realy and how fucked they are tbh. 
While all of this was going on i was having hobbies, sucesful at school, winning competition building my character and wishes, dreams. But it always a lil bit fragmented because i was literally in a very fucking toxic enviourment.
In 2020 i could take it anymore after years of abuse and gaslight and mental torture and run everything to the flames. Burned all my bridges, exposed everything. Everyone flee when i started to be real to them about their bullshit.No one really fake loved me anymore lols ok this is late. It was pure chaos i literally had to move out to a new city for couple months. 
In 2021 I decided to change my life, i have bump head agains every possible wall and people. I even had to physically attack people to get my rights back, which is not good experience. I had come back but this hyperviligant girl and i get together back because i needed money, at the end i left her for her codependent behaviour. Then this physco come and threatened me by “exposing and cancelling me” which was actually him saying he will frame and gaslight me and shit, he already contacted my exes and friends and spreaded rumours about me for 2 years... 
After that i have been a very angry unforgiving cold and distant person whoo nly focus on loving myself and my career goals. I have met many more people and do many jobs but i no longer give a fuck about humanity in that codependent sense. I left many people behind, many stuff and lifes behind. I have alot more boundries and i dont let bs happen. 
I was asking myself why the fuck my life has been shit. Now this makes alot of sense...
HEAL YOURSELF. If you dont it collaps like a cotton ball with a thread attacht to sisyphus’s rock. I now realize i never had a bf or lover or real friendship because i have been so much in survival and breadcrumb efficeny mode that i have not been able to live and experience my life to the best. 
I always had to make money, make the best time, get the mood up, fix shit, achive dealines, make connections, deal with loneliness and boredon, heck fucking fix my clinical depressin all by my self. 
Right now i have a stable good job, some friends that are meh but alright, i have hobbies i love, a character i love, a family we get along, I have no mental health issues but i still time to time get bored with life, but i am a creative mid-class person so its better than before. 
But still, i would love to have real connections where i dont feel the need to have the best from others or anything good or perfect. I just wanna have independent relatisonship and 0 bullshit. I have learned my lessons and using people is a bad one which killed me. I am so glad i learned the harsh truth of reality and objective conditions of life and subjective needs of me. 
I can safely say i am my bff which was hard to say. I have so much respect and love for myself but i am still scared of real relationships due to inexperience and chaos i endured. 
But i wanna fall in love with me and many others and have friendships and cool shit altogether. I have fixed the most important parts.
Pls god give me nice shit.
I can give u alot of advice and guidance but truth be told, i am not pro at life. I am still and adult who is trying to figure out some of the most impossible problems with life.
I wish i had this much experience and brain tbh. Rest was good ngl. 
Just be you and do you. The rest is not as important as you think and try to be moe punk when u have to free fall from that bridge into the precived abbys. ıt pays of when you look back at horrible life u left behind.
One of the best thing u can do is to GET RID OF TOXIC SHITTY PEOPLE WHO ARE INHERINTLY AWFUL. Then i would say learn TO BE STABLE ON UR 2 FEETS.  Then i would also add LEARN TO LET SHIT BURN.
I never had problem with self love tbh this isnt about love this is about mental head space so FUCK EVERYONE WHO THINK LOVE IS THE ANSWER TO EVERY BS. THINK FOR URSELF AND BE SELFISH TIME TO TIME.
I am done with this. Hope it helps u too. I learned damn many of these shit are just tower after tower after towers and damn i am the pro pheonix but damn gurl give me a slack pls.
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karmawonders · 2 years
You got me at the whole "giant game of tag throughout the entirety of the world of teyvat"
May we please, I am begging, be blessed with a fic based on this wonderful idea because I am yearning this sounds amazing!
🌸Omfg I had the hardest time formatting this so I’m sorry for the delay anon!🌸
I did a combination of fic and headcanons for this, I hope it’s alright!
Totally sped through this, so the ending is a bit lackluster. You’ve been warned 🙃
Post contents/warnings: General Genshin “sagau” style AU. Genshin cult AU. Religious themes. Mentions of injury to reader. Being hunted. A bit of angst
Teyvat Tag
You were upset, yes. Your favorite characters, no, people, had hunted you down and tried to kill you. If it wasn’t for the spirit of Teyvat, you would be hella dead. Like you just woke up here one day, it's not like you died and got isekai’d here! At Least you're pretty sure. You might have died in your sleep, a bit unceremonious compared to the truck-kun route, but still!
When you saw all of the people begging, crawling on their knees, sobbing for some form of forgiveness, honestly, you weren’t sure if you wanted to give it to them. I mean, you were a god and you had gotten in touch with your “godly powers” aka the user interface of this world. A couple of sweet madames as offerings and flowers, all going directly to your inventory, wasn’t exactly a great medium for forgiveness of what they have done. I mean? Someone tries to kill you mercilessly and you are handed just handed a roast chicken? Accompanied with a sobbed sorry? Yeah,it didn’t quite feel adequate enough.
Sure you had a shit ton of stuff now! It didn’t really mean much though when you didn't exactly want to spend it on any of them though. I mean, what good is all these treasure hoarder insignias? You aren't going to ascend anyone with them after everyone hunted you down like a wild animal!
You were sitting atop of Venti’s giant statue in Mondstat, ignoring everyone down below. You had sat there for a while, passing time through the UI, letting time for word to get out that you were atleast showing yourself in a public area.
You had an idea, an excellent one at that. They had chased you around like a wild animal for weeks, and you figured it would be funny to return the favor. Ofcourse, in a game of tag.
The question here was did you chase them around? Or did you use your newfound powers to make it impossible for them to catch you this time around? Maybe both?
It didn't matter, the 3 archons who shamelessly tried to kill you, and the vision holders of each nation, had gathered between the statue, crying. It was kinda getting annoying.
Using your powers, you quietly floated down to the earth, just above reach from any grabby hands who wanted to use you as a snot cushion. Ahem, venti.
You ignored the callings and sobs of everyone.
“Your grace! We are so, so sorry!”
“We didn’t know it was you! Please enact revenge on us, its only fair!”
“Please forgive us, we are fools!”
Yeah, you really are idiots. CHasing down someone who didn’t even know what crime they were commiting.
Once this game of tag was over, you should probably enact some laws or something to prevent that happening again. But that didn’t matter right now.
Mustering up courage and a booming voice, you tried to act as “Godlike” as possible, explaining this proclamation.
Any vision holder and archon could hunt them down once again, this time under the guise of a game of tag. Those who tag you shall be forgiven. Archon tag you? Their respective nation and people shall be forgiven. A single holder? They and 2 other people. Non vision holders could help, however it was there job to provide any assistance they could to you, if you need it.
They were all so confused, honestly you wish you had captured their expressions with a camera or something, it was an upgrade from faces filled with hate and bloodlust.
You told them all this, made sure the three archons nodded in understanding, and pulling up your map, you smiled, telling them the game had begun.
It was a few days before anyone actually located you, and to your surprise, it was Klee! You hadn’t teleported out of Mondstat, you figured it would be best to be a bit fair to only teleport once after an escaped encounter, and only within the nations that persecuted you so.
So here you were, backed into a corner by the little arsonist, smiling happily at the game. She was young, so she didn’t quite understand the severity of everyone's actions, but she was enjoying this new game and chasing you regardless, and honestly, you were as well! It was fun, dodging her, running around, laughing all the while.
(to be clear, this time you had help of the UI telling where “attacks” were coming from, as well as a infinite stamina you could use. Hey, you weren’t going to let yourself be completely helpless this time!)
Oh, you could just imagine the look on everyone's faces when they learn that Klee was the first person who got to try and tag you.
“Your Grace!” Klee breathed, hands on her knees panting, about 20 feet away from you. “You are sooo fast!” She looked up, smiling brightly. “You really are the best!”
You thanked her, her smile fueling your ambition to make this game be infuriating for the archons and others who mercilessly tried to kill you. She continued talking.
“Me and Dodocco didn’t understand why everyone was so pent up before, but this game is super fun! I’m glad I got to play with you!” You shook your head, realizing that she thought that from the beginning this was all just a game of tag. That was probably for the best. “Although, it is getting kinda dark now, Master Jean is gonna be upset if I stay out for any longer. Thank you for playing with me Your Grace! I love you soooooo much!” She waved before starting her skip back towards Mondstadt, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Opening up your map, you decided to head over to Liyue, seleccting a waypoint close, but not too close, to Liyue Harbor. No doubt this area would be flooded with people as soon as Klee got back.
The second person you ran into was Xiao, who found you pretty quickly.
You admit, you were a bit worried about him getting you, but with a a bit of fiddling with your UI, you figured out how to make it a “quick time event” like old video games you used to play, just as a means to balance out his insane speed.
Xiao's brows were incredibly furrowed and focus during your entire encounter, only saying once how He, and the others, were incredibly sorry for the sins against your divinity. It almost made you wanna call off the game of tag, but when he lunged at you, almost tagging you, you decided against it. What cheap tactics he employed against you was almost hilarious, thanks to the UI you could tell where he was going next, etc.
It took longer then you wanted to admit, but eventually he slumped over, exhausted. “You are a formidable opponent, You Grace.” He shook his head, trying to catch his breath.
You sat down too, not to close to him, so that you could still get away if he decided to try and be sneaky again.
Opening you inventory, you saw that you, out of everything, had Almond Tofu. Had Xiao given you this as an offering before? Probably. Carefully, you scootched over to him, handing it to him before immediately regaining your space. Luckily, he didn’t try anything funny.
You didn’t expect soft tears to fall from his eyes, him hunching over crying gently. He told you how much he loved you, and how much you helped him in his time under Osials rule, and more. You honestly wanted to comfort him, despite the game of tag going on and him trying to impale you.
The whole of Teyvat, especially the nations that did not try to kill you, found the entire thing quite enjoyable. Those from the other nations couldn't help but see themselves as superior for not trying to kill you, despite the fact that they totally would have. Oftentimes you found yourself sleeping in “NPC” villagers, offering you things, their apologies, and more. You didn’t exactly care, to be fair. It was nice to meet the “NPCS” of Teyvat though, the majority of them were really good people.
Here are some crack headcanons cuz why not
You, on the edge of Starsnatch cliff, Jean and other Knights of Favonious blocking your exit. “You are trapped, Your Grace! Surrender, so that this game of cat and mouse shall finally be over!”
You, mulling your options, before having a total “Y/N” moment, falling backwards of starsnatch cliff into the waters below. (Teyvat is obviously going to make sure your fine)
Cue Jean screeching as you wave from the water below, the water carrying you off gently towards Inazuma.
Kayea walks over to Jean, smirking at our antics. “Aren’t you going to go after them? I didn't know you were such a slacker.”
Other ideas/rots
You, sprinting down the streets of Inazuma city “casually”, everyone mouth agape as you carry bottles of dango milk, the Raiden Shogun right behind you, shouting something about the Glory of Inazuma and having dango together.
Diluc absolutely refuses to participate in the game of tag. He does, however, let you use Dawn Winery as a safe haven if you need to rest/etc, and he is more then willing to spar with pesky Knights who wont let you rest. He is quite proud actually he is able to provide this for you, and anyone with half a brain cell can tell. He always was a devout worshipper of you afterall.
You and Klee enjoy running away from Jean, the two of you even teaming up occasionally, Diona offering help as well. The kiddos basically become some of your strongest allies, across all the nations. Diona would yeet waterballoons with her tail like how she uses her special, slowing them all down.
Zhongli wants to try and tag you? No can do, Qiqi is guarding you and zhongli doesn’t quite want to fight a child. Though qiqi would totally square up. Come at me grandpa!
Sayu would totally teach you her ninjitsu arts so you could both sonic the hedgehog around and away from people. Yae Miko finds it hillarious, and is almost wants to join in.
Honestly, there are a ton of different directions this could go in. I feel that just teaching Teyvat different games would be fun in general. Capture the flag, red light green light, etc.
Anyway I thought these were a couple of cute ideas! Lajshsjskwla
Remember to drink water !
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