#I had such grand plans for this one
lioriel · 11 months
Day Eleven: Fairy Godmother
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fandomsandfeminism · 1 year
Yall wanna hear a kinda funny, kinda sad story about my grandmother and hetero-normativity?
Ok, so... when my grandmother was in her 50s (I was an infant), she met a woman at the Unitarian Church. And, as can happen when you meet your soul mate, this event made it impossible for her to deny parts of herself that she had fiercely hidden her whole life.
All the drama- their affair being found out, the divorce with my grandfather, the court battle over who got the house, happened while I was a baby. Even in my earliest memories, it's just Mama Jo and Oma, and my grandfather lived elsewhere (first his own apartment, then a nursing home, then with us.)
But here's the thing- no one ever explained any of this to me. No one ever sat down and was like "hey, Rosie, so do you know what a lesbian is?" It was the 90s. It was Texas. I think my mom was still kinda processing all this, and just assumed that like... I was gonna figure it out. Don't mention it, let it just be normal. Like I think my mom thought that if she explained the situation, she would be making it weird? I dunno.
But like. In the 90s, in all the movies I had seen and books I had read, do you know how many same sex couples I had seen? Like. 0. Do you know how many "platonic best friend/roommates" I had seen? A lot. I had no context, is what I'm saying.
I literally thought this was a Golden Girls, roommates, besties situation until I was like...I dunno, 11? 12?
It was actually their parrot, an African Grey named Spike, imitating my grandmothers voice saying "Johanna, honey, it's getting late", that triggered the MIND BLOWN moment as I realized that *there's only one master bedroom and it only has 1 waterbed* when all the pieces finally clicked.
Anyway. I think it's a real important thing for kids to know queer people exist, for a lot of reasons, but also because kids can be clueless and it's embarrassing to have your grandmother be outted by a parrot because everyone just thought you'd figure it out on your own.
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Anyway, here is my grandma and her wife, my Oma, after they moved to Albuquerque to be artsy gay cowboys and live their best life. They helped run a "Lesbian Dude Ranch" out there (basically just with funding and financial support. As Oma has explained "traditionally, most lesbians don't have a lot of money" so they wrote the checks and let the younger ladies actually run the ranch.)
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goatpunches · 1 year
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Hear No Evil / See No Evil / Speak No Evil
Yi City Version
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yourtipsygrandma · 27 days
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I saw the Northern Lights and I’m having an extreme emotional reaction excuse me
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pebbledrat · 2 years
Okay okay okay okay. And hear me out. I’m going to lay out the evidence and you’re all going to correct me
tubbo politely critiqued bbh’s party set up for several minutes (no decorations??)
tubbo tried to give suggestions on how to liven the place up (there was a lot of talk about bunting which bbh completely brushed off)
tubbo stated several times that he was excited to be attending a party (no one has invited him to a party in ages!)
tubbo felt strongly about dressing in an appropriate formal skin for the event (taking time to weigh his options and emphasize that some skins are too casual for a party like this)
tubbo made certain to prepare a gift for the host (he gave some concerns about appearances and rudeness)
tubbo keeps up with the events of parties he didn’t attend (read about the red banquet in the Dream SMP Times, knew enough to discuss it with bbh)
I think it’s abundantly clear that tubbo cares about throwing good parties and being a good guest and keeping up to date with the parties he can’t attend. 
I think. President Underscore. was a socialite. 
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stars-n-sweets · 1 month
i wish we lived in a world that believed in good people. i get so angry when people get so fundamentally confused and scornful and defensive at the prospect of someone just being good. nice. kind.
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a-lil-perspective · 10 days
Pregnancy weekend plans is like
*wake up* -> *eat* -> *mildly exercise* ->*go back to sleep* -> *wake up* -> *eat* -> *mildly exercise* -> *go back to sleep*
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little-tyrant-gortash · 3 months
You should kill them before they end up killing you. Be careful Gortash
"They are my ally. I will not kill them. And while your concern for my well-being is appreciated, I do not require it. With this in mind. Get out."
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sashimiyas · 2 years
iwaizumi is the smoothest, most charming friend and the shyest crush.
it’s hard not to fall for him when he teases you so naturally, pulls smiles out of you so simply. he’s fun and kind and dependable and so easy to talk to.
and the moment you tell him you like him, he turns into the flushiest dork who can’t handle the pressure or embarrassment. suddenly he can only speak in single worded sentences and why is he now even cuter than before?
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blusandbirds · 1 year
the thing about jason todd is that its about a lack of agency. its about being born with nothing and nobody, knowing you were always going to die young. it's about his death being about the joker and about batman and about the joker and batman. its about his death being literally left up to a telephone poll. they had two different sets of death in the family panels drawn up. jason's fate was never in his own hands. its about people saying jason todd was a character who worked best dead. its about being born again because of some cosmic superpunch, catatonic. its about his dunk in the lazarus pits being orchestrated by talia al guhl. he couldnt control the circumstances of his birth, his death, his resurrection. doomed by the narrative tugged along by the narrative ahhhhhhhhh
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The Broken Window - Chapter 1 - Dabi x Reader (Explicit)
You didn't really think you could outrun a deal with the Devil, did you?
You were running.
You were running, and running, and running, but it didn't matter. They were right behind you like hunting dogs after their prey, their hands clawing at your ankles. Were you in the city or the wild? The pure darkness that surrounded you didn't answer. You knew soon, there would be nowhere left to run to. 
A hand grabbed you by the foot, and you fell face-first into the nothingness. They were all over your body now, suffocating you, burying you deeper into the void, the sound of your own heart maddening inside your head. You tried to breathe, but you couldn't, you couldn't, and a hand wormed its way inside your chest as it tore through your muscles and bones to toy with your insides. You could feel it, deep inside you, ready to grab onto your lungs and squeeze every inch of air out of them like they promised you they would, and then-
And then, you woke up.
It took you a few seconds to realize you were in your room, safe, whole. You felt your arm shake as you put your hand against your chest, feeling the smooth skin and the presence of the trashing heart under it. It was still there.
You absentmindedly wiped your eyes, unshed tears and overwhelming fatigue making your sight blurry. The bed creaked as you got up, the cold tiles on the floor grounding as you made your way to the bathroom. Were you ever going to sleep peacefully again?
The old faucet hesitated before spewing out some freezing water, and you promptly splashed it over your face, hoping to no avail it would make you feel alive again. You glanced in the mirror, and like every day since you'd started living here, you wondered who the person looking back could be.
She looked nothing like you. Her hair was dyed and cut, her clothes baggy to keep her frame hidden, the eyes you used to carefully apply makeup to every morning dark and reddened by the contacts you even wore in bed out of fear. Where you had been joyful and witty, she was nothing more than a shadow people would pass by without noticing. And that's what you needed her to be.
The men after you were much more than the tormentors in your dreams. Even a child could tell you the yakuza was not to be trifled with, that all those who betrayed them would be found floating in the river with weights attached to their limbs, if they had any limbs left at all. But what most people didn't understand was that, sometimes, there was no one else to turn to than the Devil himself. You needed money, desperately, and they had provided what the state had refused to.
You poured some cereal into a bowl, counting the individual flakes as they fell from the box. They were a luxury you couldn't afford to overuse. There was no milk to let them soften in, and so you ate them dry, the texture impossibly tough against your teeth. You hadn't brought your phone or your computer when you ran; you weren't stupid enough to believe they wouldn't use them to track you down in seconds. Yet, as you stared at the wall facing you, the old flowery wallpaper ripped in a few corners, you wondered if your friends had sent you any messages this morning, like they used to do every day. Maybe, after four months of disappearance, they had given up on you.
Work took up most of your day. To the other tenants of the apartment building, you were the faceless caretaker who cleaned the floors and did the laundry, a young girl who had fallen on her luck and for whom the owner had kindly lent the unfinished flat on the fifth floor. You didn't mind cleaning; it kept your mind occupied, a roof over your head, and a disposable face mask over any of your recognizable features.
Sometimes, an older woman on the third floor would leave a pastry or two for you on her kitchen counter, as if you were a stray cat she was trying to domesticate. She had kind eyes, those who, once upon a time, you would have seen yourself trust with all your secret during an afternoon tea in her macrame-covered living room. But, for your sake and hers, you couldn't afford to get any closer to her. If, somehow, they connected her to you, you would both go through a living hell for a crime she had nothing to do with.
When you came back to your apartment, midnight on the dot, there was always a light wind going through the rooms, consequence of a broken window you were too scared to ask the owner to fix. You'd drink some water, eat if you could, brush your teeth, and find refuge from the cold under the thin blanket of your bed, hoping you might finally rest without being chased by invisible shadows. Yet every night was the same, the ghosts of men sent by the League to get you always running through your mind. It was an uncomfortable, but manageable routine, where every part of every day was identical to what it had been the day before.
Which was why when you stepped in tonight, at the same time, in the same way you had done for the last four months, you immediately knew something was wrong.
You took a hesitant step forward, feeling the lack of the familiar frigid draft against your skin. The room had never been so pleasantly mild and toasty, yet to you, it felt as though it clung onto your skin like fire to cloth. 
From the looks of it, the intruder hadn't turned any lights on, or moved anything in the main living area. You listened to it, trying to hear any abnormal sounds from the rest of your home, but you were met with nothing but silence. Were they already gone?
Swallowing thickly, you tiptoed your way to the kitchen, grabbing the largest knife you could get to without opening the old wooden drawers. It wasn't much to look at, barely bigger than the palm of your hand, but maybe, just maybe, it would be enough to deter them from lunging at you first.
That left the bathroom and your bedroom. Weapon in hand, you made your way to the first, breath shakily coming out in reassurance when you found no one behind the ajar door. You made your way to the last room with a beating heart, mind playing a thousand scenarios in less than a second as you grabbed the handle with a sweaty palm. But inside, there was no one.
You let out a sigh of pure relief, feeling the tension in your body ease at the sight. The sweat had made your clothes cling to your damp skin, and you let your grip loosen on the knife, wiping your clammy hands against the fabric. Perhaps the owner had wanted to surprise you and repaired the window himself? You couldn't help but laugh out loud at how paranoid you had become, letting something as small as the wind put you into a frenzy.
"What's so funny?"
You turned around so fast the knife almost slipped out of your hands, and you almost fell as you fumbled to get it back.
Where there had been no one sat a man, legs crossed and resting comfortably on your makeshift sofa. Even sitting down, you could tell he was tall, much taller than you, a muscular chest visible under his dirtied white shirt.
"I don't know what you think you're doing here," you started, much less intimidating than you would have liked, "but you need to get out."
The man took a puff out of the cigarette in his free hand, eyes crinkled in amusement. His irises were blue, an unnatural, glowing azure that seemed to shine in the dark. It felt as though they looked right through you, into you, cutting open your flesh with their fiery stare like in the worst of your nightmares.
"Actually, I think you know exactly why I'm here, Mari Honda. Oh wait, that was your last one, wasn't it? It's Haruka Inugawa now. Or is it Betty Kaito? You'll have to forgive me, I got kind of lost in your list of fake names."
You swallowed with difficulty, the taste of bile coming up your throat. 
"I don't know any of these people. Get out of here."
He took another puff of his cigarette, his unnaturally large smile never fading from his lips.
"C'mon, you really wanna play hard to get? What are you gonna do ?" he asked, amusedly throwing a look at the knife trembling in your hands, "Stab me ?"
"I will," you replied firmly, joining your second hand to hold the knife in an attempt to straighten it, "so don't get closer to me."
He hummed, licking his bottom lip. "You know, I really love doing exactly the opposite of what people tell me to do."
Slowly, casually, he raised himself up from the couch, stretching his limbs in mock boredom.
"Stay back !" you screamed.
"Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?" he mused, taking a step towards you. He was close enough for you to see his face now, although you wish you hadn't. What you had first thought to be shadows playing tricks on your eyes were scars, enormous, dark scars, wrapping themselves all around his skin like he had been burnt alive and brought back. Silver piercings covered the only parts of his body with clear skin, making him look like a makeshift, assembled doll of a man from a Frankenstein tale. "I told ya, I like doing what people tell me not to do."
He took another step forward, and you could smell the nicotine coming off his clothes, the odor nauseatingly filling your nostrils.
"Please," you begged, "I swear, I only left to get you guys the money, I really did, I have a couple thousand in the bedroom and I can get your more by the end of the week-!"
"Not good enough," he replied drily, dropping his cigarette to the floor and crushing it against the heels of his sole, the sound sickening. "I'm coming back with your entire debt paid, or with your body in my trunk. Your choice, princess."
Another foot forward, and he was within reaching distance of your knife, his patchwork chest of dark tattoos and scars barely a few inches away. The look he gave you was challenging, daring you to try and stab him, and knowing perfectly well you wouldn't. He was toying with you the same way a cat would play with the trembling body of a mouse, letting it believe it had a chance at escaping before ripping it to shreds.
Your grip on the knife was rock hard, your nails digging painfully into your palms in a desperate attempt to keep it steady in front of the intruder. He reached his hand up, so close to you you forgot how to breathe, and grabbed the blade of the knife with a sick smile. He tugged, once, with such strength you instinctively let go, yelping as you fell ass first onto to cold hardwood floor.
"Little girls shouldn't be playing with sharp objects," he touted reprehensively, observing the small knife, your last and only line of defense, now in his possession. "Aren't you already in enough trouble ?"
He seemed so much taller now, a gigantic dark mass looming over your huddled frame, two blue orbs in its center watching you squirm away until your back hit a wall.
"Give me a month, I beg you," you cried miserably, trying to appeal to the man's sense of pity. "I know I can get half of it by next month. I'm not- I won't run away this time, I promise, just a month !"
"And what's the word of a liar worth to me?" he replied, raising his foot to the height of your face. You shut your eyes close, feeling tears of fear desperately escape them as you braced for the pain of his boot crushing the side of your head.
It never came.
You hesitantly opened them back up, and he laughed, honest to God laughed, a twisted, raspy sound from the depths of his throat.
"Hey now, what kind of guy do you think I am ?" he snickered, visibly amused by your tear-strained face. He brought his hand to your cheek and you recoiled in panic, but he simply wiped a few droplets with his finger in faux tenderness, the grin of enjoyment never leaving his face. "I don't go around hitting beautiful women. Unless they ask me to."
He bent down to be at your level, his breath impossibly warm against yours: "And you're pretty beautiful, aren't you?"
His fingers kept trailing the beads of water on your cheeks, petting you like one would a frightened animal, as no sound dared to come out of your mouth.
"Hey, I have an idea," he whispered like he was about to tell you a secret. "Why don't we make a deal, you and me ?"
Part of you knew that he was most likely playing with your emotions, trying to get one last rise out of you before he broke you for good. But you couldn't help the hope in your voice when you asked him: "A deal ?"
"A deal," he repeated, the abused skin around his mouth awkwardly distorted by his smile. "See, the big boss isn't gonna be too happy if I come back and I tell him I just offered you an extra month for nothin'. And then it's my ass on the line. We wouldn't want that, would we ?"
You hesitantly shook your head negatively, hoping it was what he wanted out of you.
"Right," he hummed, pleased. "But if I come back and I tell him you already moved somewhere else before I got to pick you up, then neither of us is gonna be in trouble. And then, all you gotta do is get the money together before I pay you another visit in a month. How does that sound?"
Too good to be true. There was no compassion, no empathy in those eyes of his. There had to be a catch.
"What do I have to do ?" you finally asked, trying to look into his piercing stare without flinching.
"You don't have to do anything, baby. It's a deal, remember? You're free to choose what you want," he smirked.
But the reality was clear to both of you: between only dealing with him, and dealing with the entirety of the fearsome League, who had built their reputation leaving no opponent or traitor alive, there wasn't much of a choice to be made.
"I'll do it. I'll make a deal with you."
He didn't reply immediately; he didn't need to. The look on his face was one of pure delight, his eyes crinkled smugly. For the first time, you took a moment to observe him closer, noticing the faded trace of badly placed stitches that had never healed quite right along his jaw. He had to have been very handsome, once upon a time, his chiseled features still visible through the scar tissue. Had the League done this to him?
"Good girl. Smarter than you look, huh?" 
In other circumstances, you would have frowned before promptly telling him to go fuck himself. But you had a feeling it wouldn't go over so well now, and that he likely had little interest in hearing about your degree.
"C'mon now," he smirked, tossing the knife he still held further away in the kitchen, the blade disappearing into the shadows. A weight you had almost forgotten fell off your shoulders, the knowledge that he didn't intend on using it instantly making you relax. "Gimme a show."
That caught you by surprise, and you looked at him hesitantly, unsure of what he wanted you to do.
"God, do I have to spit out everything for you?" he mumbled, a trace of genuine annoyance on his features. This wasn't good. You couldn't afford to get on the bad side of your only lifeline, but what could he mean by-
You felt your cheeks redden, and his smile came back, pearly white teeth shining in the dark. You nervously tugged at the edge of the oversized sweater, the cheap fabric catching in your nails. If you were wrong about this, you'd humiliate yourself in your last moments alive on Earth. But if you were right...
As if you were ripping off a bandaid, you tugged off your top in one rigid swoop, bundling the fabric in your lap and looking away in a last-ditch attempt to preserve your modesty.
"There we go," he whistled appreciably, his eyes so carnivorously going up and down your chest, you could feel their heat through your skin. "The pictures on your file didn't do you justice."
Pictures? you thought worriedly. What kind of pictures? How much information did they have on you?
His fingers ghosted over the delicate skin, tracing but not quite touching, and he looked at you expectantly.
"Y-you can touch..." you mumbled under your breath.
"See? You're getting it now," he smirked.
You didn't expect the intense warmth of his hands, the skin there untouched by the havoc that had been wrecked on the rest of his body. The way he kneaded your breasts like dough was impossibly pleasant, the first human contact you had had in months, and if you leaned into his touch, well, you'd just ignore it. The man, however, was not so kind as to do the same, a shit-eating grin dancing on his lips as he kept toying with your chest.
"Must have felt alone for a while, right sweetheart? It's practically criminal to have tits like yours and keep them hidden away like that."
He punctuated the last sentence with a rough tug on one of your nipples, and you covered your mouth in surprise when a small moan escaped your lips.
"Fuck, yeah..." the man said under his breath, his eyes never leaving the way your breasts bounced gently against his hands. "You're lucky the big boss didn't decide to pick you up himself."
"Why?" you managed to mumble, biting your lip to prevent any more embarrassing sounds as his fingers insistently twisted your nipples.
"'Cause you look exactly like those girls he likes in the porn games he plays all day. Nice, fat tits," he trailed on, digits moving to your stomach "and a pretty little waist to hold on to."
You tried to imagine the leader of the biggest gang in Japan as some sort of shut-in gamer; in any other circumstances, the idea would have made you laugh.
"I'd tell you to get up, but I think you look real good on your knees," the man interrupted your reverie as he rose smoothly, a firm hand guiding you closer to his lower body. You felt a tinge of panic as he held your head clutched to his jeans, the dark fabric visibly stretched around his crotch; were you actually doing this? An impatient tug at your hair confirmed it for you:
"C'mon, open this up for me. I don't have all night."
You hesitantly tugged at the zipper, guiding his member out of its confines before swallowing with difficulty.
He was big.
Not so much thick as he was long, very long, a row of metal loops piercings adorning the veiny underside almost all the way to a pulsating, bright red head. You couldn't help a small 'oh my god' as it slipped through your lips, cursing yourself internally as the man laughed at your bashful words.
"Yeah, you're not the first one to call me that. In my off time though, I go by Dabi, princess."
Dabi, you thought, glancing away from the thick cock to look into his flaming eyes. What a strange name. For someone who had ridiculed your bank of fake names, Dabi sure sounded like the alias of someone who didn't want to be found.
He nudged it against your cheek insistently, the tip almost rubbing your bottom lip.
"Open up," he simply said, and against all sense of better judgment, you obeyed.
If it had felt already warm through the fabric, his cock was hot inside your mouth. The member pulsated in your mouth like lava, the feeling of the metal piercings refreshingly cool in comparison. You took more of him in, looking up to gauge his reaction, and he grunted in approval, pupils fluttering. For as much as he mocked you, he clearly hadn't gotten any physical touch in a while, too: his grip was so firm in your hair it hurt, and the low sounds he let out through grinding teeth as you started moving up and down his shaft told you everything you needed to know.
"Fuck yeah, baby... you do this to every guy who comes here for cash? That how you're so good at it ?"
As an answer, you gave him a peculiarly indignant suck along a large vein and he almost stammered before catching himself, biting his own already damaged lip to the blood. 
"Let me- fuck, let me try something, ok?"
You mumbled an inaudible 'ok', your mouth still impossibly full of him, the vibrations noticeably making the muscle of his tights tighten. In an instant, the few inches of him you hadn't taken inside to give yourself space to breathe were shoved roughly inside your throat. You choked in surprise as he used your face with abandon, pointedly ignoring your weak attempts at protesting. Whatever pretense of fair play he went on earlier was gone, the sight of tears of exertion in your eyes seemingly only making him carve himself deeper into you.
"Yeah, that's the shit, that's it baby girl!"
You couldn't breath, the strength of his trusts knocking any air straight out of your lungs. You were starting to feel dizzy; if it wasn't for the possessive hold in your hair, you might have simply fallen down. Soon, your vision got wobbly, and only the feeling of the metal ring on his cock scraping your throat and of heat pooling between your legs seemed to remain. You couldn't help but let out a muffled, broken cry around him when his pace suddenly sped.
"M'gonna cum," he groaned, the words barely registering in the fuzziness of your mind. "Better be ready, I ain't doing it anywhere else but in you. Gonna make you swallow all of it, little fucking slut-!"
Warmth filled your throat, the taste salty and acidic, but you swallowed it all, his pistoning cock still overfilling your mouth. When he finally pulled out, you gasped in relief, the air painfully filling your lungs.
Dabi let out a small sigh; of contentment or dissatisfaction, you were too busy remembering how to breathe to care. One of his hands left your hair and pried your mouth wide open, a digit scoping around your tongue purposely. It occurred to you he was trying to see if you had swallowed all of him, and you felt strangely embarrassed at the thought.
"I'm n'ot a sl'ut," you managed to say in between the fingers inspecting your mouth.
He pulled them out, seemingly satisfied with his inspection, before popping them into his own mouth, licking the saliva off with mock gusto.
"Might wanna look up that word in the dictionary again, princess. Pretty sure your name is next to it, now."
He nonchalantly tugged himself back in his pants before he pushed your abandoned sweater closer to you with his foot. That's it? A little voice in your head asked before you quickly shut it down. Of course that was it. It was a business transaction, nothing more, one that had just saved your life.
"As promised, you get a month to find us the cash. Not a day more. I'll be back for you the second your timer runs out.."
His warm hand tugged at your chin, forcing you to look right into his burning stare.
"So you better not try to escape again, baby."
You straightened your back with as much pride as you could, maintaining the eye contact.
"I won't."
He let go before heading to your window, pushing its previously broken hinges open. He climbed on the windowsill with the grace of a cat, dark hair melting back into the shadows he had first emerged from.
"Dabi ?"
He looked back, seemingly surprised to hear you call him by his name. Against the night sky, his eyes blazed a shimmering blue, and for a second you let yourself be transfixed by their unnatural glow.
"Thank you. For the deal."
He smiled without a word, that cocksure, daunting grin you knew would now fill your night terrors, the shiver of an unknown emotion running through your veins at the thought.
And with that, he was gone, no sign of the intruder left in the apartment except for your half-naked form, on your knees on the kitchen floor, and one perfectly fixed glass window.
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whatudottu · 1 year
You know, at first the idea of the Galvans being high intelligence-low wisdom made me wonder if the Cerebrocrustaceans have slightly more wisdom than the Galvans to contrast being slightly less intelligent than them.
Then I remembered that one of their best scientists thought that a reasonable response to First Thinker-senpai not noticing him was to blow his planet up, and realized that nope, they’re just as lacking in the wisdom department.
Now I'm just imagining the Contumelia coming up with alien species to populate the newly-created galaxy with and making two ridiculously smart ones before going “wait, we can’t make them too OP, we have to nerf them somehow”, and in addition to having one species be five inches tall and giving the other species no hands, deciding to make them complete dumbasses when it came to practicality and sound judgment.
Galvans are considered smarter on the long term, being typically more intelligent than cerebrocrustaceans on the technicality that they plan thinks beyond one certain goal; there's a longevity to galvan tech that cerebrocrustacean tech has not been designed around, which is not quite 'planned obsolescence' persay but 'right to break' style fixing and updating versus 'goal a, b and c' design philosophy.
But that tends to make galvans 'slower' to think because they (as a generalised statistic) like to plan things to a more completed state, whereas cerebrocrustaceans are great at coming up with disposable instant ideas and solutions and move on to the next to outthink the situation they're in. In other words... autism vs ADHD /lh /hj adlkfhgfkl-!
I think the reason why species known for their wisdom aren't heard about in the wider galactic sphere (beyond just not having a concept in the world of Ben 10) is because they have a high enough wisdom to not get involved too heavily beyond their own scope. I mean certainly they'd be wise enough to retort were anything to happen to drag them out but, unless you're a 'wise guy' sarcastic trickster individual or 'look at what i can make' big brain smart alec, wisdom might not get you heavily well known (unless you're a geochelone aerio against a power hungry Aggregor)-
Nnnn the contumelia... considering that the construction of the universe is beyond our feeble human understanding, being the looks something up fifth-dimensional beings that they are (depending on what Ben 10 defines as dimension, this could mean they are beings of split timelines and come in the visual form that they do because of the very limited 3D snapshot a three dimensional being imagines which at the very least manifests in matters of emotional sway) they may create and destroy universes for perhaps the intrigue of divergent timelines, but I do not think they have control over the actual species that make that universe home. Something something I don't want to discredit achievements (even fictional ones) to the work of one specific cause, yada yada the contumelia being5D beings that are perhaps entertained by the comparably one dimensional 3D lives merely through the creation of new variable timelines.
#ask#anonymous#galvan#cerebrocrustacean#contumelia#ben 10#this slightly derailed because i found an ancient ass video how-to-imagine-the-tenth-dimension to respond to the contumelia idea#but i really like to imagine the difference in galvan and cerebrocrustacean intelligence#to really be the matter of 'how long does it last' rather than 'how fast can this happen'#if it were a race- cerebrocrustaceans can give you a handful of ideas and solutions#but in the grand scheme of the universe longevity is sought after and the galvans excel at long term investment#a galvan with a cerebrocrustacean assistant/idea pitcher would be unstopable#a cerebrocrustacean with a galvan assistant/idea pitcher would invariably be halted by the hemming and hawing#and through impatience would rush what would've been the final project rather than rough drafts#in education perhaps galvans may worry about their roughest draft not being perfect enough#meanwhile cerebrocrustacean students are the experts of - heh - brainstorming and roughing out some concepts#if dr psychobos had sat on his plans perhaps a little bit longer or had thought things out#maybe he wouldn't have come to the 'destroy all galvans' route- but like considering he's also xenophobic towards them...#ya know not very wise and certainly not wise enough to go 'maybe i shouldn't mindlessly hate an entire species because of the one guy'#side note: why in the hell is ben's emotional sway mr smoothie beyond the 'comedy' of seeing incomprehensible beings#as a smoothie cup
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hungnitan · 5 months
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One summon which I neglected, it's kinda scary since I thought it's not bad to getting Nikitich
These pretty lucky summon came with just 2 ticket 30 quartz
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vividfullsensation · 2 years
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BOND 10 MORI YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE (+ the whole description:]!!!)
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franeridan · 8 months
read the first dressrosa volume and id never gone back to reread this arc in full after reading it the first time so I'm just now realizing but wow wow the coliseum part is So Much more fun to read after you know who the characters taking part in it are ????
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goatpunches · 2 years
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Yi City? More like … WIP City
This is an old WIP I’ve had since MDZS Vol 2 but haven’t yet found the energy to finish … but I wanted to post it here. Maybe someday I’ll pick it back up
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