#I don't even want to work in that field. @my subconscious WHAT are you doing
annabelle--cane · 1 year
dreamt last night that I hosted a talk show podcast and was doing an episode moderating a debate on some piece of internet discourse between my parasocial enemy and my parasocial crush but neither of them knew how I felt about them because I'd never publicly spoken about them before and my parasocial crush had the right side of the argument but kept making such personal and baselessly mean accusations against my parasocial enemy that I was just sobbing into the mic "girl I love you and I don't want to keep defending this person but you leave me no choice, get your act together or I'll have to kick you out of the studio." why is this what I have nightmares about.
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 1 year
When the 141 + König try to get your attention.
They'll have extra bandaids, hair scrunchies, socks, and ammo for your favorite guns. Anything you could possibly need as an emergency that you might not get easily. They carry around hygiene products for you too if you need. "Dammit I need." Bam immediately in your hand. "Oh I should have taken extra." Don't worry about it they gave enough for a month. Have an illness or need medication they have the supplies you need on hand always. You're tired and can't sleep because you have watch? Oops your shift has been covered, go get some rest.
You've noticed it eventually. He's always got whatever you need and soon it becomes so regular that you're just subconsciously turning to him when you need something. He's always got it too. Without fail. It's not till Price, smug as fly shit, tells you Ghost is covering your night shift that you make the decision to confront him. In the military a man doing you favors could mean anything positive or negative but it could definitely be used against you. You find him and sidled up next to his side. "What are you doing?" You ask eventually. He grunts, pretending to be confused. "You're always doing me favors on the field and now you're taking my watch. What do you want?" He looks down at you. "Don't want anything." His sentence feels incomplete and you just glare up at him. A sigh and then, "Alright I do want something." Ice crawls through your stomach. You had hoped it was just him trying to make you feel comfortable in the group but no, there was a string. You look out to the range and track in your base. "Name it." You bite the words, trying to shove as much terror as you can in to your sentence. "Go to dinner with me." A beat, you inhale, another beat and you decide whether or not this counts as harassment. "You've been doing this to...get me to go on a date?" Trying to make the situation clear from your perspective. "Can't really flirt to save your life, the only way I knew what to do. I'll still do it. I just want you. You're a damn good soldier and an asset to the team. And you leave your work out of the base. The team likes you." He tilts your head back to him, as gently as anything. "I like you."
You loved your dinner and plan more date nights.
With Johnny it was harder to figure out if something was going on. He was always carrying extra things for the team. Ammo, meds, clothes, whatever. It's not until you get a smoke grenade to the face and you have to rip your contacts out to flush your face properly that you don't have extra, and your goggles that have your prescription is in your room. Keeping the pillows company. "Fuck all this." You're basically blind without them and there's no way you can fake it till you're back to base. It was stupid and careless. Price was going to have a field day with this after he reams you for an hour at least. "You alright?" Soap slumped down next to your still prone body. "No it's dumb I left my glasses and contacts. I'm going to have to evac. Or just wait." Soap laughs and you're about to get mad before he pulls out goggles for you. It's your old script but it's not too bad. You make it back to base with nothing more than a headache from your aching eyes. There's no reason he should have your old glasses. In fact, it's made you start to question how he always knows where you leave your things. He's genuinely nice and not in a bad way, even Ghost is gentle around him. Still, you need to talk, cause that's weird. Looking around you find him and you ask him to follow you in to the conference room. He does, glancing at you in confusion. You keep your face neutral and when the two of you sit down he's relaxed but nervous. "Everything alright?" "No not really, why do you have my old glasses? Pretty sure I threw those out, plus it's weird that you always know where I lose things." You lay out your concerns and his shoulders drop. "One, yes I notice where you lose things but you're always losing things and it makes you frustrated. So I've just been making sure to pay attention when you put something down or when you drop something. Two, you did throw them out but I had an extra from when your glasses once on a mission. So I've always kept one just in case. I'm sorry I made you unsettled. I really meant no harm. Plus I, wait no, sorry not the time." He waves his hand. "No no go on it's ok." You feel comfortable again and willing to go back to how it was before and hopefully set boundaries better for yourself. He leans forward. "I like you. I've been trying to get you to look at me, actually look at me." You feel your face go hot. "Dinner, maybe? Or something?" He continues, trying not to laugh at your agape expression.
You have dinner and a movie and happily wonder what your next date will be
You were so focused on getting your exercise this morning done before it got too busy that you missed the breakfast call. 'Dammit!' There was no way it wasn't packed with people now. All the good food would be taken and you are not going to touch those breakfast bars, more crumb than food honestly. You make your way to your room, hoping that you would have something in your stash of snacks. As you comb through your drawers you find a single bag of popcorn. You had been meaning to go up to the shops and restock but you've been so busy or do tired lately. And now your stomach was growling. Great. You finished your popcorn on the way to the mess hall. The line was long but you slide in and wait. "Hey morning." Gaz bumps your shoulder friendly. "Hey!" You smile, he was always nice to you, and welcomed you to the group easily. "Got your favorites already don't worry about the line." He points over where the 141 was sat and a plate in front of an empty chair. You frown, "Yeah those are my favorites? How did you?" Gaz scoffs. "You eat like the same 6 things it's not hard to remember." Actually now that you think about it, he always makes sure you had your favorite food. Even if he for sure had to go out of his way. He looks over to your concerned face. "Hey you ok?" "No that's really weird. But thank you I think." You pick up your plate and go back to your room. It's too loud and the sound of other people chewing makes you want to scream today. Gaz followed you. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." You sigh and stop. "I'm good at what I do except this. Let me start over. You, me, dinner?" He asks and you look over to him. Before you can stop it a smile creeps over your face. "You were flirting?" He laughs, sheepish. "Badly, obviously." You shake your head, still smiling. "Ok you know what? Dinner sounds nice."
You both enjoy dinner so much that you end up taking all your meals alone together. It becomes so commonplace that Price sends those fold away tables to your rooms.
You were new and the transition from your old squad to the 141 was strange. The base was private, secluded and unfortunately for you the nearest stores were about 15 miles away. It made shopping for hygiene products so annoying so you had to stock up. Until you had been gone for two months on a mission and you came back smelling awful and you had been run ragged and all you wanted was a shower and maybe a two week nap. You walked up to the base and Price walked out. "Good to see you, welcome back." "Good to be back Sir. I'll feel better after I get settled." He laughed and walked you in. "We had a bit of a move around. Your room was moved." Nervous now you followed him. "Something happen?" Shaking his head, Price lead you to a new door. "I should have had this done before but it turns out there's no real way to get plumbing to where your room was so we moved you here." You walked in and your things had been carefully moved. Wait. "Plumbing?" "Built you your own bathroom. Little bit of your own space." "I don't understand. I was fine with the one we already had." You looked under the sink and there was one more box of pads and tampons you absolutely were sure you didn't buy. That was creepy. "Let me know when you need new ones by the way I'll put in the order." Your head was screaming danger. No man in his position of power would just do that for no reason. Danger. No one would build a bathroom for one person and get the exact private things you would usually get. Danger. Slowly you stood up. Option One, get a hold of someone above Price and get out of here quickly and quietly Option Two be nice and grateful, (which you are Ghost and Soap are big fans of bathroom sex and any chance to not see that again was fantastic), but see if you can get out of this room without him noticing you freaking out. "What's wrong?" He asked, noticing your tension. Fuck, option one then. "It's kind of weird you know my order and the things I get. You also built me this. Captain, you have to know how this looks." You turn and face him. He looks at you and the gears start to turn. "Oh shit. No it's not like that I completely understand. I'm just trying to make you feel at ease. Give you your own space. Also your products are coming out of the squad budget so it's not any string I had to pull. I only noticed what they were when it was being packed away." You really think about it. Mull it over and over and slowly nod. "Then.. thank you Captain. I do appreciate it. It's so nice." Your own bathroom. You would have killed for this in your old squad. "Just want to take off my favorite girl." There he goes again. The easy banter. "I thought it was no big deal." You tease. "If I wasn't your favorite girl then you wouldn't do this?" He chuckles. "No I would. I wouldn't have any ideas about what goes on in this shower but I would still make it happen." "What kind of ideas?" You lean on the doorframe and he takes a few steps to you. "Let me show you."
You must have been in there a while because when you both make your way to the kitchen Ghost and Johnny are sitting around looking vaguely impatient. "Thank fuck." Ghost sighs and Johnny laughs. "Finally done? Thought you'd never finish."
You and König are good friends coming in at the same time, the two of you bond over trying to figure out your place in the squad. He's got your back and you've got his. When you get stuck in rain or fall in to water puddles too deep and they seep through your boots, he always has an extra pair of socks with him. Or a shirt when you need to rip one for an impromptu bandage. But it's especially odd when he happens to have a belt that is your size that you use to hold up a gun you swipped off an enemy body. "We're gonna talk about this when we get back." You tell him, matter of factly. And you do. You come up to his room and he let's you in. His body language is tense and he's actively making himself look as small and non-threatening as is physically impossible. "You always have spare clothes for me. You always have a hair tie or like today with a belt that I checked and is my size. It certainly isn't yours. So what's going on?" He slumps, and admits that he just wants to take care of you. "I'm not sure why I picked that but. For me it's strange I have to order my clothes or make them so I always like to make sure that you have clothes? I think. I'm not sure what I mean." He stands up and your eyes follow his. "I'm sorry my dear for upsetting you." You scoff and wave him off. "It's not weird you didn't upset me. Besides I think it's kind of cute that's how you show you care." König runs his hand over yours. "I do care. A lot. So much it drives me mad sometimes." He leans down, your head straining back, baring your neck to him. "Show me." You plead. "Not yet. I'm told I need to wine and dine before indulging, no?" You can see his eyes crinkle in mirth and damn if that isn't cute and hot at the same time.
"Ok I'm dined, I'm wined. Can we indulge now?" His laugh, deep and warm, is a balm and a flame at the same time.
Can you tell König is my favorite? None of this is healthy btw. I'm walking through the factory where they make the red flags and I'm asking for the gift shop and menu anyway. I need an exorcism.
Edit: can't believe I forgot Kyle. Ugh. Sorry for the late addition folx
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moonriverrise · 1 year
Dreams are supposed to be subtle messages from your subconscious, right? Then why the hell did Eddie keep having the same type of dream every single night. The same dream featuring the same boy with chestnut hair, doe eyes, and freckles sprinkled all over.
He didn’t know the boys name, but he’s around Eddie’s age based on looks. His hair is styled in a certain way, swooped to the side almost perfectly. He’s pretty strong looking and pale skinned, and has the most wonderful laugh Eddie has ever heard.
In the dreams that Eddie had, he meets this boy under a tree in a long sunflower field. He’s always there before Eddie, sitting with his back against the trunk of the tree, staring at the sky or simply laying with his eyes shut.
Whenever Eddie came up to him, he was greeted with the same phrase every time, no matter what differences are in the dreams.
“Hello, Sunshine. How are you?”
It's sweet, and it warmed Eddie’s heart in a way he never thought something could. Then Eddie would sit down and they would have conversations about their lives. Because, this boy had a life, probably something Eddie’s brain made up.
“Oh, and Dust thinks he’s so much better than me just because he’s good at Algebra. Who the fuck is good at Algebra?!”
The boy is entertaining, he’s funny, pretty, charismatic. One dream he has, turns a bit different after the greeting, which is said more solemnly. Soon afterwards, the boy asks Eddie something.
“Have you ever kissed a boy before?” He asked. Eddie has paused.
“What do you mean?”
“Uhm…do you ever think you might like boys the way you like girls?” And Eddie had to pause again, because, thats how he had felt. That’s the questions he thought about, the ones he had asked Uncle Wayne.
“All the time.” Eddie responded.
“Is it..normal?” Eddie looked over to the boy, who looks nervous, scared.
“Of course. You can like whoever you want. People who don't think that are stuck up pricks.” Eddie expressed. The boy had laughed, gently. Then laid his head against Eddie’s shoulder, and then shut his eyes.
“I have a friend, you know that one I mentioned, Robbie?” Eddie hummed. “She likes girls, only girls. I want to tell her about this, but I'm afraid. Even though I know she couldn't possibly be mean, I just don't want to be abandoned.” Eddie sighed.
“It’s okay. You just need to take your time with it, talk yourself through it.” Eddie advised.
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie had paused, once again. He looked over at the boy, who looked up at him in response, through his lashes.
Eddie traced his face with his eyes, placed a gentle hand on his face, rubbed a thumb against the boys skin, who let his eyes blink closed. He leaned into Eddie’s touch, embraced him, his being.
Eddie leaned closer to the boys face. The wind whistled loudly, and birds sang in the background. Eddie let his other hand cup the boys face, and their lips met, slowly.
It was slow, but deep. Gentle, yet hungry. They parted and Eddie stared into the boys eyes, as tears settled in them. A brief flash of panic runs through Eddie’s blood…
The boy laughed, giggled like a birds song. He wiped his eyes and whispered into Eddie’s ear.
“Thank you, for all that you are.”
Eddie’s eyes had fluttered open that morning, and he felt comforted with a sense of kindness and the ghost of tender lips against his own.
Then, Eddie got up, and got dressed, ready to go to work at the cafe down the street from his apartment in Indianapolis.
Dustin walked up to him during his shift, he was wearing a hat from that summer camp he’d gone to a few years back.
“Hey Eddie,” He said.
“Hello, Henderson.” Eddie responded, giving him a look.
“Wow! Don't have to be hostile!” Dustin joked. “You know my buddy i've been meaning to introduce you to?”
“Your babysitter?” Eddie asked while pouring creamer into a cup of coffee.
“Yeah! Steve! He’s here, sitting next to me and Robin over there.” Eddie didn’t follow where he was pointing, instead decided to focus on throwing a portable cup onto the coffee then calling out the order number as he slid it across the counter.
“Alright, hold on dude. Gare! Can you take order for just a second! I'll be back in a minute!” Gareth groaned but begrudgingly walked over to the cash register. “Thank you, I promise to spare your next character in Hellfire.”
“You better, man.” Gareth responded as Eddie walked out to meet Dustin.
They both walked over to the table and Eddie froze entirely when he meets eyes with someone so familiar.
It's the boy from his dreams.
“Okay, Eddie this is Steve. Steve this is Eddie.” Eddie waved a hand in Dustin’s face to shut him up.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” Steve. that was his name. He asked him that, and Eddie nodded slowly.
“I know you from somewhere too,” He responded. Steve’s eyes went a bit wide, and he stood, facing Eddie.
“Sunshine?” Eddie nodded, vigorously.
“Guys…” Eddie shunned Dustin with his hands again.
“Robbie is Robin- the gay friend?” Eddie asked. Steve nodded. “Dust…that’s Henderson?” He nodded again.
“What the hell?-” Robin spoke up. Steve shushed her.
“You look exactly how you did before.” Eddie said to him. Steve smiled.
“You look even brighter in person,”
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strlingsav · 1 year
Wounded: Two
– Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Explicit sexual content under the cut. Read at your own risk.
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You hadn't seen Simon since your intimate encounter in his bunk. It had only been a day, but your growing concern was for his leg more than anything else.
A small part of you wondered if he was purposely avoiding you, finding himself no longer wanting to be around you once he'd gotten what he wanted.
You did your best to push the thought from your mind, throwing yourself into your work, ignoring every gnawing twitch of 'what if' and 'maybe'. You didn't have time or the mental capacity to coddle your feelings, or wonder where Simon was.
He was still injured, likely limping around base, probably still participating in field training. You'd signed off on his physical under the impression he'd be stopping in to have his wound fixed; you wouldn't have if you'd known he'd leave it to fester.
You filled in the remaining details of your patient charts, logged every prescribed medication and finished your rounds. You were ready to head home for the night, collecting your things from your desk when he appeared at your door. He was watching, like he'd caught you in his trap- again.
You hated how easily you gave in, let him have all of you without a second thought. He'd spun a web, of charming words and honeyed nicknames that made you feel warm, special. You knew it wasn't real. In your subconscious, your voice was screaming for you to let him be. To leave, before things got complicated.
"Lieutenant," You pursed your lips, still holding your bag in your hand.
"Don't have to call me that," He said, his shoulder resting against the doorframe.
"I prefer it," You said, a polite smile over your lips.
"Y'know my name."
"I do."
"Rather you use it."
"Why's that?"
"Seems right given the circumstance."
Your brows furrowed, inhaling a deep breath to keep a clear head.
"In here, you're a patient."
He hummed, unsatisfied with your answer. "Don't think it matters much."
"It does," You cocked your head, waiting for his response.
He nodded, slow, understanding but mostly combative. He was ready to put up a fight, ready to explain in detail the things he wanted to do to you. He'd never been a submissive man, nor did he often give in to things he disagreed with- but you were an exception.
"Can y'fix me up?"
You sighed. "I was going home." You dropped your bag, turning to gather supplies. "Take off your pants."
"Bloody hell, Doc. Doesn't take much, does it?"
You shot him a glare over your shoulder. "Sit down."
He was satisfied, knowing he was in your head, making your heart beat just a bit faster, your body burn with a heat of arousal. No matter the situation, Simon could bring it out of you, even against your innermost, adamant protests.
He undid his belt, his eyes on you as he pulled his pants down. He sat himself on the edge of the treatment table, hands gathered in his lap as he leaned forward to watch you. Now that he knew you felt something for him, something more than an innocent attraction, he wouldn't let you slip from his fingers.
You examined the wound, no longer fresh, though still showing the muscle beneath, pink enough that it could be re-sutured and he could be sent off with a course of antibiotics.
"You shouldn't have left it like this," You looked up at him. "It could've gotten infected- you're lucky it didn't."
His eyes hadn't left yours, aroused by the way you scolded him. Your strict voice, hand brushing the hair from your face so you could focus in on his wound- heat crept through him. You, in your element, tending to him after-hours; watching you in itself was interesting, but he liked you, not just as his doctor.
"What's the damage?" He asked.
"None that I can see," You nodded. "Stitches again, though."
He nodded, "Figured."
You huffed, your needle piercing his skin, a bit more careful with the tender flesh. Still, even as it showed an angry shade of red and had begun the healing process, he didn't say a word. No sounds of pain or discomfort, only watching you work.
"You've got nice hands," He said.
You looked up at him, quirking up a brow.
"Thanks," You smiled faintly, amused. "I'm trying to be gentle."
"Don't need gentle, y'know that by now."
You glanced up at him, shaking your head at his antics.
"You left an open wound and likely haven't been taking the pain meds I prescribed, I'll save you some of the pain."
"That ain't what I'm talkin' about," He said.
You avoided his gaze, knowing with his fine-tuned observational skills he'd surely see right through you. He had already. He'd read the flustered expression on your face with ease, finding satisfaction in making you stutter, second-guess your boundaries and feelings.
You didn't like being under the microscope, on display for him to scrutinize and tease. You were smitten yet irritated by his relentless flirting, but really, you despised how easily he could make you want him. Need him.
"It's what I'm talking about," You shot back.
"You're bein' difficult, sweetheart."
"You should be on your knees thanking me for staying to treat you," You said, raising your brows.
"Y'just have to ask," He shifted backwards onto his hands.
You exhaled, "You're insatiable." Your eyes lifted to his as you yanked the suture material through his wound.
"Can't blame me. Y'should see your face."
"What's my face?" You asked, your lips lifting to a hardly-noticeable smile.
He leaned forward. "Had that same look on your face when I had my tongue-"
"Simon." Your voice was low, threatening.
You kicked the door shut, leaning back on your stool as you stared up at him.
"I like when you say my name, Doc."
"You're a patient, Lieutenant. You want anything other than medical attention, you can find me after work."
You finished the last of your knots, tightening it slowly, finally bringing the separated pieces of flesh together with focused precision.
You stood from the stool, sliding the gloves off your hands, throwing away the disposable items.
He leaned in, grabbing hold of your thighs to pull you closer before you could step further away.
"You're off the clock, ain't you?"
You sighed, "Yes, but we're still in my office."
"Think you like bein' a bit filthy, Doc," He mumbled, dragging you in to stand between his thighs. "You sayin' y'don't want me to fuck you on this table?"
Your lips parted in shock, your chest tightening at the vivid imagery his words created in your mind. Heat crept over your face, engulfing your entire body just moments later. He was right. He was also charming- too much so for his own good, and dangerously so for your sake. It didn't take much for him to break down your adamant denial, the rigid rules you had in place.
Truthfully, you wanted nothing more than to give in. But a small part of you knew that if it breached the inside of your office walls, it wouldn't be a fleeting hook-up. You'd be reminded every time you came to work. You'd want more, more than 'house-calls' and tending to his wounds.
It was, in part, why you were a bit grateful he hadn't visited you sooner. Had he, you would've given in at the first sight of an invitation. But some time apart allowed you to keep a sliver of your dignity, your composure.
You sighed, "We can't."
"We can."
"I can't- with a patient."
"I ain't just a patient."
"You are."
"You want me to take you out, Doc? Go for dinner together?" He was without a doubt, grinning like mad beneath his mask.
"No- I'm saying we do this, in here- I can't be your doctor anymore. At least not just your doctor."
"That s'posed to stop me?"
"It should. You're not that kind of man."
He shook his head. "You ever ask me what I want?"
You sighed, defeated. "No, I guess I didn't."
You should've known better than to feed into the gossip, the rumours that spread about him. He wasn't the scary, mean man people had made him out to be. You couldn't help it, not with the aura of disconnection and indifference that poured off of him. You didn't expect anything more from him, nothing aside from sexual gratification.
"I want you."
You sucked in a breath, holding it while you searched for a coherent sentence to blurt out.
He scanned your face, realizing quickly that you'd been silenced by his confession. He pulled you in closer, close enough for your hands to reach his shoulders for balance.
"In every way."
You peered down at him, lips inches from his while you debated on your next course of action. He didn't allow for much deliberation, lifting his mask with the crook of his thumb, leaning closer to press his lips to yours.
You attempted to step back, but his hold was suffocatingly strong.
"Simon," You murmured against his lips. "Your leg," You looked down at the irritated wound.
"I've been takin' your damn meds, Y/N," He said, his hand travelling to your backside. "Now come 'ere."
He pulled you onto his thighs, your legs straddling his waist as he brought his lips to your neck, attacking your flesh with greedy kisses. He undid the sweater you wore, yanking your scrubs over your head.
You were panting, breathing heavily with arousal that was festering in your stomach. Every part of you wanted desperately to give in to your desires, regardless of the consequences that might come after.
His lips moved from the silky skin of your neck to bite the protruding flesh of your breasts, still contained by your bra. You couldn't help but push your chest forward, your hands moving behind your back to unclasp your bra, letting it slide off your arms.
His hands cupped them with gentleness, his eyes attached to yours as his lips engulfed the sensitive, perky nipples before him. Your head fell back, your hands grasping at his shoulders as he ran his tongue across them, teeth grazing them softly. He smiled faintly every time you'd whimper, bring your chest closer to his lips.
"I-I shouldn't- You shouldn't-"
He silenced your stuttering with another kiss- harsh and dominating, his hand lifting to your jaw, tilting your head.
"Y'don't stop talkin' do you?"
"I'm trying," You whispered, his nose nearly touching yours.
"Told you, I want you. Nothin' to talk about."
You breathed in, inhaling his scent, his words. Your fingers played with the few locks of hair peeking out from beneath the mask at the nape of his neck.
His eyes were dark, half-shut with the arousal pumping through his veins. You could see them clearly now, the freckles around his eyelids and the blonde eyelashes that kissed his cheeks with every lazy blink.
You'd been convinced, thoroughly, that it could work- would work. That he meant what he'd said. It was entirely believable, with the way his hands held your body, the way his lips savoured every inch of your skin.
It didn't matter now, you were already condemned to giving yourself to him. You had been desperately holding on to the last shred of self-control, but it quickly withered away with his touch.
"Touch me," You breathed, your head lifting to lock eyes with him. "I need you."
He pulled you in, your ass grinding against his crotch, and let his fingers slide under your waistband. He had a firm hold on your backside, squeezing a handful of the soft flesh, his other hand finding your clit, his fingers rubbing over it generously.
Your mouth fell open, your eyes poring into his as he moved his fingers in circles, using your sticky arousal to help glide over your clit smoothly.
His fingers would dip inside you, slowly, introducing them with a teasing glimpse of pleasure, then he'd pull back out.
"Look at you," He whispered. "I like seein' you like this. Squirmin' on my fingers."
You pressed your lips against his again- craving the connection, praising him for his sweet words. You slid your tongue across his, savouring the softness of his mouth.
He stood to his feet, turning you to face the examination table, his hands gliding over your hips, your stomach.
"Bend over," He whispered- it was abrasive in your ear, the gruffness in his voice. It coaxed goosebumps from your skin, a fuse lighting up through your spine.
You did, letting your hands rest on the table as your eyes peered over your shoulder at him.
He pulled your scrubs down your legs, chuckling when he saw the panties you had on.
"Black?" He teased. "'S that lace?"
Your cheeks radiated with warmth, hiding your bashful smile against your shoulder.
He hummed, "You are filthy, Doc."
His calloused hands slid across the round flesh of your backside, moulding it against his palms. He slid your panties down your legs, his hands gliding down your soft skin. Defying all stereotypes, he was soft, a bit rough around the edges but your pleasure was his ultimate goal.
"You gonna let me fuck you?" He asked, his palm brushing over your spine.
You exhaled, nodding.
He exhaled himself, pulling his briefs down just enough to free his cock, running his hand up and down it a few times while enjoying the vision before him.
His hand gripped your hip, the other guiding his cock into the slick warmth of your pussy, his head rolling back.
Your back arched further into the cool metal of the table, your lungs collapsing with the sharp exhale- a gasp of pleasure that left your lips. You turned over your shoulder to look at him, watching his eyes. He suddenly locked his gaze with yours, pushing his hips forward, in turn pushing himself deeper inside you.
"Keep those eyes on me," He mumbled, letting both his hands fall to your hips as he pulled you into his pelvis. "Fuck me."
Another grunt came from his chest when your body bounced forward. His grip tightened, rolling his hips into your backside.
You could feel your stomach tightening, and you lowered yourself to lie flat, your cheek pressed against the table. You spread your thighs further apart, earning a slap over your ass.
"Y'like this, don't you?" He asked, leaning over you.
His voice travelled in the small room, consuming you, earning a moan from your parted lips.
"You like bein' bent over," He breathed in. "Fuckin' filthy."
You groaned softly, listening to his tone, feeling his cock slide in and out of you with ease.
"Yes," You whimpered, choked with the overwhelming pleasure in your stomach. "Fuck- yes, Simon."
At the sound of his name from your lips, he nearly growled- possessive and pleased.
"That's it- say my fuckin' name."
He pressed his chest flat against your back, his hand reaching under to find your clit. His gloved fingers circled the sensitive bud, your body twitching with every movement, fighting off the desire to cum.
"Simon, please," You whispered- hardly audible under the strain in your voice. "Please don't stop."
"'S right, gi'me this cunt," He groaned. "Give it to me."
You were tense, rigid, with every thrust of his hips, his cock grazing your cervix, plunging deeply inside you. As he dragged his hips back, hitting the wall of your G-spot- his fingers still stroking the swollen, sensitive organ at the crest of your pussy- you cried out softly.
Your head rolled further to the side, your eyes barely opening as you turned your gaze to see his watching your every move. It only made him work harder, move faster to please you- to feel you.
Your stomach was burning- a searing temperature only rising with every passing moment. Your thighs were shaking, your hands holding onto his that were gripping your waist.
"Simon," You gulped, your throat dry. "Please, Simon."
His eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head, listening to you call for him- beg him for more. He'd oblige, always, over and over again.
He said your name, rough with strain, between quiet gasps of pleasure. Your pussy fit around him so well, your walls collapsing in every time he'd flick his fingers over your clit.
Your body was contorted, your torso twisted to watch him. He could easily see your breasts recoiling with every thrust, your hips moving in his hand.
"Go on and cum, Y/N," He grunted in your ear. "Cum on it, love."
His encouragement pushed you over the edge, your pussy constricting around his cock, pulsating with the sporadic waves of pleasure overtaking your abdomen. You trembled, your thighs threatening to give out beneath you as he continued his vigorous thrusts into you.
"Fuck that's good," He grunted, pulling you back to meet his hips.
He was a bit rougher now, exhaling harshly against your neck as he tilted his head to watch you. Your eyes met his, soft and pleading, glassy with orgasmic bliss.
He didn't ask this time, he just buried himself deeper inside you, his cock twitching as he released his cum in you.
He stood still for a minute, catching his breath, appreciating the velvety walls of your pussy, careful not to overstimulate himself.
You exhaled, your hands landing on the table. He stepped back, pulling his briefs back over his groin. He took a nearby hand towel, running it between your thighs in an attempt to help you clean up.
You'd dressed back in your scrubs, and he stood in the corner, watching you gather your things.
"Come back to mine," He said, moving toward you as soon as he saw you grab your keys. "We'll get a bite on the way."
You bit the inside of your cheek, ruminating on his tempting offer, your eyes meeting his.
"Okay," You nodded. A moment passed in silence, before you moved forward. "Let's go."
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stqrbxy · 8 months
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please call my name. [中也] chuuya nakahara.
he's there for you, no matter the day or time, he'll be at your beck and call; even if you don't ask for it.
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t.w :  depression? burning out, vulgur language, just reader being tired of living.
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Another excruciating day to get through, it's definitely not like you don't have enough weight on your back anyway. As a groaned muffle nuzzles against the comforting warmth the pillow provided you for your nights at your apartment, you had to abandon it for the day.
What a pain.
The scents of sweet dreams coaxed back to you, begging you back on its field of roses, but your body subconsciously moved to try — to prove their worth, to do their job, what's the point of their job if they don't even do it right?
Lazily, you trudge over to the sink, slowly squeezing out the toothpaste from its container onto the toothbrush; lethargically brushing your teeth and attempting to brush your hair in a way at least presentable.
You were a fashionable one, but today you weren't feeling like it, so you just slipped on the first outfit you found okay-ish in your wardrobe.
All actions are done in a half-asleep manner, no one — not even you, would be surprised if you didn't look as neat as the mirror reflected with blurry eyes gazing at it.
Exiting your bedroom, you are met with the sight of a short ginger lounging on your living room sofa. The one you're so very familiar with. How could you not? You could recognise those bleu céleste eyes even if you were on your last breath.
Speaking of the one and only Chuuya, he seemed to make himself at home, one leg over the other whilst sitting on your couch, the faintest sound of the television casting a romcom in it in the background as his eyes travelled over you. Frowning subtly when he saw the eyebags underneath your eyes, and how you didn't look even remarkably close to the enthusiastic person he knew you were.
Wait, how'd he even get into your house? Ah right, you gave him a spare key, but that brings another question to your mind —
" Chuu'? Don't you have work today? "
The words leave your lips almost without your own will, the blank look on your face causing Chuuya to dryly chuckle.
" No, not anymore at least. You've been clearly down for the past few weeks, overworked, not showing up to our dates — even more, because you're over the moon at the smallest amount of time you spend with me, "
The words weren't meant to be cocky or arrogant, it was the truth. Considering how busy both of you are, you both are equally elated whenever you two get to spend time together, no matter what you're doing.
" So, I've decided to take a day off for my doll, we can stay home, do whatever the fuck ya' want, just spend time. Would you like that? "
Chuuya asked, but both of you knew there was no other way out, he was a man of his word after all. A smile, which seemed rare after its long-term disappearance, appeared on your lips. A sigh escapes your body, treading over to your boyfriend as he smiles marginally at your submission. He wraps his arms around his beloved's body, whispering coos in his low voice as he brings you to sit on his lap.
Oh right, you had work, and you still didn't tell them that you wouldn't go at least. Either way, the exhaustion caught up to you, and you failed to argue any further, letting Chuuya carry you around for the rest of the day, treating you as a princex to be cared for.
With him around, you can let your insecurities loose and worries dissipate.
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author’s note : back from the dead back from the dead I'm back from the dead back from the dead /lyr /ref with that out of the way... hope you all are doing great! I've been through a shit ton for the past few months, that's no excuse to slack off though. so, i hope to supply you with more fanfics of sorts; this fanfic is rather ahaha.. self-indulgent, hope some people can find a tinge of comfort in it.
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tinselxoxo26 · 2 years
𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸 𝓞𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓥 🍃
[Note: I'm not a professional astrologer so please don't take these personally if it doesn't resonate with you, this post is about tropical astrology. Tbh this has been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks now lol. Hope y'all enjoy reading this long post! ]
Part 4
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🪴 Pisces Mercury could be known as someone who likes to randomly sing whether it's at school or in public, as Mercury rules Gemini & Virgo which could represent education or daily lives.
🪴 People who consider becoming a teacher as a career has their Saturn conjunct MC, or Saturn - MC aspects, or 10H/Capricorn placements, Saturn - ASC aspects. It makes sense since Saturn represents authority figures.
🪴 Scorpio Mercury are ruthless when it comes to roasting people when they have to, otherwise they tend to be selective with their words.
🪴 Cancer placements/Moon dominants people might like lullaby or songs that gives off a lullaby feeling or nostalgic vibes
🪴 Your dominant planets in the signs & houses can tell you who you attract/attracted to like your friendships (degree also applies)
[Example: You're a Sun dominant & your sun is in Taurus in the 10H at 12 degree. You could attract/attracted to Taurus placements/2H placements/Venus doms, Capricorn placements/10H placements/Saturn doms, Pisces placements/12H placements/Neptune or Jupiter doms, or Leo placements/5H placements/Sun doms.]
🪴 Mercury in the 12H might find it hard to fall asleep, the 12H represents the subconscious & what is the subconscious related to? Sleep. Mercury is the planet of the overthinker, so the native who has this placement will overthink at night & find it hard to fall asleep.
🪴 We usually see Jupiter representing husband in a female's chart but what about Mars? I feel like Mars in a female's natal chart is so underrated when it comes to crushes specifically male crushes.
[Example: Cancer Mars, having a crush on cancer men or men who have traits of cancer (nurturing, loving, caring, knowing how to cook etc.) The house & the degree it's in is still as important]
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🪴 Having asteroid Juno in the 12th house indicates someone being a hopeless romantic.
🪴 Having your asteroid Juno conjunct other person's planets in the 1st house in synastry chart indicates that you see them as a marriage material and you want to be in a relationship with them.
🪴 Having asteroid Varuna conjunct the sign of your MC (Midheaven) mean that you could get well known in that field/workplace.
[Example: Varuna conjunct Taurus MC, Taurus deals with food related things, you could be well known for working in a restaurant, a chef, a waiter etc.]
🪴 Just a theory, the sign your asteroid Varuna sits in your natal chart can tell the people around you that might/already be famous.
[Example: Varuna in Capricorn, your father/authority figures could be well known in their workplace or your male friends could be well known in the future. ]
🪴 People with vertex aspecting their venus especially Venus conjunct Vertex might have been offered to do modelling before or offered to do with anything related to venus themes (makeup, beauty, decorations etc.)
🪴 I've seen people with default Lilith in 2H in Virgo/Gemini can make someone struggle with their self worth a lot to the point where they would hide themselves in their home & never wanting to come out; since Virgo is ruled by Mercury & it's related to thinking process, in their mind they would judge themselves quite harshly. It's even worse if they have their Lilith in Virgo/Gemini degrees. (I hope ppl with this placement are doing okay ❤️)
🪴 Having asteroid Talent in the 1st house in asteroid Webb persona chart could indicate that you like to show off your talent on social media.
🪴 While having asteroid Aphrodite in the 1st house of Webb persona chart could indicate that you like to incorporate venusian themes on social media. For example, music, poetry, art, makeup, beauty, flowers etc.
🪴 Having a Scorpio Ascendant in Webb persona chart indicates that you like to keep things private in social media like putting your Instagram on private.
Asteroid codes:
Juno (3) | Webb (3041)
Aphrodite (1388) | Talent (33154)
Varuna (20000) | Vertex
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🪴 Men with Cancer Mercury could be seen as someone cute during their primary years or age 7-14 years or seen as someone who likes to hang out with female groups.
🪴 Men with Virgo Mars are seen to be serviceable to his guy friends or someone who can be a pushover-
🪴 Men with Cancer Venus are seen to be popular/desirable with females.
🪴 Ik this is specific but I can't help but to notice how men with Aries Sun & Moon can blush really easily or turn red easily, like the whole face can turn red really easily.
🪴 Men with Gemini Mars could have an interest with guitars as Gemini deals with the body part of hands & arms, guitar involves with hands & arms.
🪴 This is just a thought but the sign & houses the Moon & Venus is in for men can represent the type of woman he befriends with.
[Example: Capricorn Moon, befriends with older woman, or woman who are mature/serious etc.}
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Thank you for reading up until this point, make sure to stay tune for the next post, love y'all 💕
~ 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑥𝑜𝑥𝑜26 🌸✨ ll masterlist
all rights reserved © tinselxoxo26
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[ Pics credit: Pinterest ]
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maxwellatoms · 1 year
I would love your full thoughts on the AI debate. I think it can become a very useful tool for artists but that’s my non artists opinion
A few months back, I was telling my partner how the AI-generated art at this moment in time reminds me of the works of the Surrealists. The Surrealists were big on drawing from dreams and the subconscious, and came up with a bunch of games and exercises designed to stimulate creativity by divorcing your conscious mind from the artistic process. I said that so far humanity hadn't created a conscious AI, but I wondered aloud if we hadn't created a subconscious AI. I guess that's why some of these programs have names like "Deep Dream" and "Dall-E".
My partner said, "You're so high right now." And I was. But I still think that we created something, and it's dreaming. And it's very much listening to what we're whispering in its ear.
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The problem some people have with AI-generated art is that it steals art from actual living and dead human artists in order to create its works. It's considered poor taste among humans to steal someone's artwork and present it as your own. But we are allowed to collage and to nip around the edges of copyrights until we can find something we're actually allowed to do. So it seems like a grey area.
The real problem though, is that it absolutely will steal your jorb. And my jorb. I can definitely see a not-too-distant future where anyone will be able to sit down and spend a couple of days crafting their own full-length motion picture with AI assistance, and have it look as good as or better than anything we've got today. Not everyone is a storyteller, but I think it'll really open up the field for almost anyone to try. The next Stephen Spielberg could be just some sixteen year old kid on the internet, and I think that scares a lot of employed artists. Because even employed artists are just sort of barely employed.
In the end, it just sort of seems like one of those things (there are so many!) that you just can't do anything about. Studios are always looking to pinch pennies, and there's no way the biggies aren't funding research into this stuff. The really dark times will be when the studios have the tech and the public hasn't gotten its hands on it yet. Things are gonna get weird.
Artists are going to have to deal with AI the same way so many other industries will. More and more, I think it's the changes coming for society at large that people dread. We humans certainly don't seem to be very good at preparing for the inevitable.
In the short term, let it inspire you if you want. The way you might let a dream inspire you. Definitely don't claim it as your own work. Maybe every once in a while type in, "Thanks for all of the inspiration, AI. You're really cool." And then hope it remembers your kind words on Judgment Day.
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solshifts · 2 months
how does one lucid dream?? and how are you able to shift by lucid dreaming??
Hey !! Thanks for asking ♡ Lucid dreams for me are complex but once you get the hang of it, it can be super easy !!! There's a few ways on how to do a lucid dream!! I'll explain what I do and then I'll add some other methods on how to get lucid in your dreams!! Please bare with me because this will be a longgg post!! Just want to give you guys the best info that I can. What I first recommend is downloading Oniri! Oniri is a dream app specifically for lucid dreaming! It can send you reality check reminders, and you can even document your dreams(which is something you want to do for lucid dreaming). ♡ For reality checks, you can set how often you want to get them in the app for example, you can get them every 30 minutes.. 1 hour etc;!
What to do to lucid dream: ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ 1. Set your reality checks for every hour! I usually try to aim for 15 - 20 reminders a day so your consciousness can replicate what you do in real life and can induce a lucid dream. Reality checks can be as simple as counting your fingers and after you've counted all ten, push your finger through your palm and saying "am I dreaming?" ,and if it doesn't go through, then you're not dreaming yet! What reality checks do is they get your body in the habit of doing this motion and then end up doing it in your dreams! When your finger goes through your palm, you'll automatically realize your dreaming and boom! Lucid dreaming! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ 2. Say affirmations through out the day!! This has helped me a ton with lucid dreaming because I expect myself to get lucid. I usually just say "I will lucid dream when I go to bed tonight" ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ 3. Go to bed at a good time!! YES I'M LOOKING AT YOU... I sometimes go to bed around 10:30 pm if I'm trying for a lucid dream that day. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ 4. write your dreams down!! As much as you can in Oniri, even if its the littlest detail, it'll help you start to remember more and more!! The oniri app also has a write down your dreams reminder that you can set when you wake up but be quick because you can forget your dreams very quickly when you wake up! This will also help your dreams become more vivid and more lifelike!! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ 5. Pick what method you want to use to induce a lucid dream!! Theres several methods in how to induce a lucid dream! The way I use is right before I go to bed I usually say to myself "I will know I'm dreaming tonight" over and over and over until I have fallen asleep. Then, when I randomly wake up in the middle of the night, I say it again when I'm super groggy until I pass out and this is how I usually induce a lucid dream for myself! The other ways on how to get into lucid dreaming is the Wake back to bed method (WBTB), and the MILD method ( which I use) ! I hope this answers the first question! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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As for shifting with lucid dreaming, this topic can be a little tricky! It's not as easy as shiftok makes it look but, I'm willing to work with you guys and help you through it! ♡ First off, do NOT say that you're dreaming out loud in your dream, you subconscious will most likely get angry at you (weird right?) and the people in your dream will also get mad at you and it can actually take you out of lucidity. ♡ Once you have realize you are lucid dreaming, try the best you can to ground yourself so you don't launch yourself out of a lucid dream. Transport yourself to a very calming place! Like a field of flowers! and while you're there, I usually spin in a circle and tell myself that I'm grounded to my lucid dream for now! ♡ Now what's controversial is the whole portals thing, in my opinion, portals NEVER work. I have tried, and I quite literally got bounced right out of the portal like a whole trampoline. What I usually try to do before I get out of dreaming and wake up is, I spin in circle and tell myself affirmations for shifting(can be whatever you prefer :) ). This has made it so much easier for me to not wake up. Once you feel kind of a drop, just know you're shifting but continue to say affirmations!! ♡ You'll eventually shift to your DR self's dream and wake up in your dr!! I hope this has helped, and I'm sorry for the long explanation<3 Feel free to ask more question if you have any more!!―୨୧⋆ ˚
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the-words-we-sung · 5 months
The songs of Young Royals - S1E4
Here we go again ♪ Episode 4 my beloved, it is your turn!! Part one and two of this little project can be found here and there ♥
Holes, Zhala and Deep Throat Choir
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I free my eyes at the start of time Maybe this is an obsession of a witchy kind And I lose myself inside Erik died, Wilhelm lost the only person he was truly close to, the only person who was there for him. He is losing himself: what do you do when you lose the person that matters the most to you? It's when you realize how incredibly lucky it was that he started at Hillerska when he did, so he could meet Simon. Because otherwise, what would have happened to him? Would he have lost himself forever? It's interesting that the "maybe this is an obsession" lyrics happens at the exact moment when we see Simon sending messages to Wilhelm while he watches the funeral on TV. "obsession" is a strong word but he is already very smitten and sending many messages to Wilhelm to check on him, to tell him he's there. Wilhelm does not answer though, because he is losing himself...
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So you say, all you wanna be is remembered Let me make you go down in history, baby Let me write you into history, darling Let me sing you into eternity This song is beautiful. Indeed it's a good choice of song to commemorate Erik, Simon sounds great and the lyrics work very well in this context.
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But there's a double meaning here: yes it is meant as a commemoration of Erik, saying he will not be forgotten, but it's also a message from Simon to Wilhelm. He is the Crown Prince now, and he is in love with another boy: it will make him go down in history. As Kristina said, he's the first one in the history of the royal family to not be straight (or at least the first one being opened about it), which will be a huge thing and an event that is gonna shake the country. But I can't help feeling moved by this song, by the image that Simon will be there with Wilhelm, next to him to endure it all. And let's not forget that Simon is gonna write a song about him during season 2, a song that he wants to sing in front of the entire world. So yeah, "let me sing you into eternity", Simon, you smitten boy...
Revolution, Elias
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Let's start a revolution How beautiful it is Running with a crown on your head A resolution written on your hands And the lies they will hurt you No more This song... Do I even need to talk about it? Probably the best song they could choose for this show!! And I'm sure everything has been said about it already but let's give it a go anyway ^^ The whole scene is kinda perfect: the choice of song, the cinematography, what Wilhelm says... And yeah, it's Wilhelm grieving, and realizing that a lot of people around him are not "real", not his friends, not really there for him, for the true Wilhelm and not just the Prince. They don't know him. I think he probably doesn't know himself very well yet either. But it also makes him realize that he does like Simon. That's the only true thing, the only real thing he has left now that Erik is dead. And it's a revolution. Because he finally lets his guard down (granted he's drunk and high, but still!) and admits his feelings out loud, something he hasn't really be able to do 'til now. And he's going against everything he was taught, everything he believed. And that's a revolution. I don't know if he's "running" with the crown on his head, but he's certainly walking and stumbling onto that football field. And I'm not sure the resolution to declare his love to Simon was there already, but he still chose this place, where they had their first "date" to come to. So I do think that, even subconsciously , he was choosing Simon, choosing to come to him. And gosh, i don't know what awaits us in season 3 but yeah, in one way or another, Wilhelm and Simon together are a revolution.
Live and die, Gina Dirawi
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Leave my body in a mess All my seeds are ruined This is my homage Back to God Thought if we Were free For a night We'd make it right But they're not free, not even for a night. They should have been. This night should have been theirs, and only theirs. It was their first night together, it was private and beautiful. It was love and lust after so much longing. And they don't know yet, how August is betraying them, betraying this moment. They are not doing anything wrong. They're actually "making it right" because they're finally acknowledging their mutual feelings, being true to each other. It's not in the scene but later on in the song there are the lyrics "life in peace, no need for the lies" and it just works so well for them. Because they might have been honest about their feelings in this scene, but they are still in the midst of so many lies. And it's gonna take so much time for them to finally free themselves from this spiderweb of lies and complications. This scene makes me so happy and so sad at the same time. It should have been just happiness, and love. It should have been freedom...
The songs of Young Royals - part 1 The songs of Young Royals - part 2
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horrormurderkill · 10 days
Answer my call
Demon/Weapon x Reader
Note: Inspired by GUILTY GEAR STRIVE, the gear is a creature so no you're not romantically involved with an item. Short fic/imagine.
You cautiously walked down the rocky road of dirt and stones, finding an intriguing cave holed underground. Intriguing because the entrance seemed to have been made by hands, so you decide to boldly step inside. Peeking inside the entrance and further, you see it has a sharp downturned path leading deeper, thanks to your flashlight. Carefully, you slide down the path, landing on the end of the sharp downward slope easily. The cave is unnaturally warm and not humid, you can practically feel the heat bouncing off from everywhere.
You walk further, sudden stumbling upon the source of the extreme heat. A gear, powerful and heavy one, it seems. As it is a fire elemental, you slowly walk towards it, to not get burned. Shouldn't do this, everyone knows a lone gear can be dangerous, so generally people shouldn't come near it. But curiosity gets the best of you. You stop in front of it, the fiery heat from the weapon making you halt. It's a spear, the edge of the blade looks sharp as glass.
Unlike others, who would've probably tried to immediately own the equipment, you will not. In a world like this, you know it's better to have a gear, as a protection. Though, you're confident in your strength and you have beaten all kinds of fighters, even though you don't have a gear. Instead, you admire its design, and look; white handle with purple and pink hues, almost looking like the universe is held within inside. In contrast, its blade is entrapped in amaranth colored frames. The handle also has golden frameworks on the bottom and top, making its large body more daunting.
"What is your name, stranger?" A voice comes through the weapon, echoing through the walls of the cavern. You look closely at the blade, jumping a bit when a humane face gazed back at you. "From how it looks like, you seek the success of owning me as well?" The person inquires.
"You can call me [Name], and not really. I've never really found the reason to have or even search for a gear." You answer, surprising them for a second, "I just stumbled upon the entrance of this fall in, and found you." The person hums, their eyes and teasing smile glistening with wonder, taking in your appearance, keeping your voice in the metaphorical drawer in their mind.
"But, do you want to feel the simplicity and the complexity of having your own weaponry?" That makes you ponder, and after a while, "Why not? I'm open to experience things that will be new to me." With your answer, the figure seems satisfied, lips holding a gentle smile.
"I'm a decent, high ranked gear. Even though you probably don't have much education in working with a type like me, but you should try at least. Am i right?" The heat comes to a stop, the individual allowing you to hold it. Pulling it off from the ground, you're quite content with how weighty and large it is, turning it around to see the style. "Has anyone come to take you?" You ask, subconsciously.
"Yes, many fellas, actually. I didn't allow them, though." You make a face of amazement, as the cavern was quite farther into the field of woods. Isn't that easy to find. But you guess that it maybe because of the aura high ranked gears can emit. "I like you; your presence calms me." You smile at it, appreciative of its honesty. Perhaps you two can find out more about each other.
Useful to one another, of course both of you are going to fit each other perfectly just as puzzle pieces.
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fwibblefwobble · 2 years
Hello there! I saw that you were out of ideas and I have one for you. How would Morpheus react to reader having powers?
Hihi my lovely anon!! Thank you for sending me this request!! It kept me company through a very long and sleepless flight :) I hope you enjoy!!
The Dreaming is a realm of wonder, a catalyst for change. Mankind has fought its wars, chased its fantasies, found self-realization in this very place. Every person that has ever lived is deeply, intimately familiar with this space of collective consciousness. You, especially so.
You're not quite sure what the Dream Lord sees in you. To him, you're a tiny blip in an ever-expanding universe. An inconsequential star in an overwhelming sea of night. At best, you're a case study. At worst, well... you haven't gotten that far.
You're also incredibly aware of Dream's omnipresence. It's impossible to ignore, especially in the thick of his domain. Life pulses to his heartbeat. Wind gusts to his breath. You can feel the land swell and sing at his presence; feel the rise and fall of his chest through the grass of Fiddler's Green. You could blush at the intimacy of it all.
He's not shy in the way he lavishes your subconscious either. Tonight, he has you running along a field of poppies, vivid and bright against the setting sun. You giggle as you flounce around, delighting in the way each step you take gives life to another blushing red blossom. The waning light of the sky warms your face, washing you aglow in a sea of beauty. It seems that Morpheus took note of your favorite color when you mentioned it in passing. When you picture his signature sourpuss face, you chuckle. The mopey bastard cares more than he lets on.
Air compartmentalizes as you fall backwards, slowing your gravity to a featherlight descent. Petals stroke your face, tickling your cheek as you pass. You stretch, content in your safe haven, and think nothing of closing your eyes and drifting.
When you wake, you're sprawled on a lacquered scarlet floor polished to gloss. You blink, dazed and confused at your new surroundings. This doesn't feel like the Dreaming. You can feel the familiar hum of Dream's presence guiding you in your sleep. This place feels... wilder. Primal.
Your voice reverberates through the caverns of your surroundings, echoing through what seems like valves in the walls.
A voice thrums back at you, deep and enthralling. "Hello," it purrs, "what can I do for you?"
You move to stand, apprehensive.
"Who... are you?"
A laugh snakes through the room, winding through your ears in loops.
"Who or what I am doesn't matter, darling. I just want to know about the little mortal who caught dear Dream's eye."
Your breath catches, eyes darting around. Trying to track the voice around you is impossible. It's in your head, in the walls, in the air, thick and cloying.
"Who are you?" it drawls. "What do you want? What do you most... desire?"
The last question lingers, drilling into your head with potency. Your mind is brought inward as every yearning that has ever been rushes to the forefront. A figure with long, polished nails scrolls through them leisurely, shimmying in delight. You gasp at the intrusion, hands flying to your head in an attempt to reel yourself back in.
"My my, you really do like Dream, don't you?" Their eyes flash gold, lips pulling a Cheshire cat grin. They peruse through a memory of you and Morpheus on the beach of his realm. You're witnessing the creation of a newborn dream, surveying its maker all the while. He's quiet as he works, fingers weaving in tandem with the growth of new nerves and bodily structures. It's easy as breathing, natural as the moon and its tides. For him, it might even be mundane.
You, on the other hand, remain awestruck. Witnessing an Endless is a privilege beyond all else, not to mention one in its own element. It's unfathomable how much he gives for his realm, for humanity. His role in the universe is beyond mortal comprehension. Duty is a tragic thing, one that weighs heavily despite its beauty. You can't help the way your heart breaks for him, how much you wish you could shoulder his burden. How, despite the crushing responsibility, you want to have a little magic too.
Desire's eyes narrow at your admission. They pluck the memory from your mind, rolling it between their fingers like one would a marble. Your other memories are dismissed with a flick.
"Well, isn't this cute?"
Your head burns with the influx.
"Let's give this little wish a try, hm? For the both of us. Just to see what'll happen."
As the figure turns to leave you heaving in its wake, it stops its saunter halfway down the hall.
"And before I forget... let's leave Dream out of this, okay? It'll be our little secret."
You wake up in a cold sweat, hands clutching at your sheets. The world around you is a terrible kaleidoscope of expansion. Your room is hardly recognizable, every object shifting and warping erratically in its place. Every transformation feels like a piece of you warps with it. It's uncontrollable. It's violent. It hurts.
"Morpheus," you scream, "Morpheus!"
The air around you shifts, and you know the Dream Lord has answered your call. He rushes to your side, surveying the madness around you. You nearly sob in relief at the cool touch of his hand on your face.
"What happened?" he demands, "Who did this to you?"
You choke as you try to recall your memory. The flash of the golden figure's smile rips through your consciousness. All you can manage is a vigorous shake of your head.
Morpheus watches the chaos around you with quiet fury. Something, someone must have found out about his involvement with you. Sought to punish him for it. Why, he wonders, holding your writhing frame in his arms. Who would enact such cruelty upon an innocent? Just to get under his skin?
This, he decides, he will unearth later. For now, he will gift you a paltry bliss, slipping your lids shut gently with two fingers and a soft kiss.
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thewrongmoon · 1 year
Color Grading in Stranger Things
Soooo I wanted to make this post because I'm someone going into the field and I've been seeing some debate on the topic. Mostly around "production errors." I think the term "production error" is kind of misused in a lot of cases? For me things boil down to one of four things: 1. actual production errors, 2. intentional details, 3. coincidences, or 4. things that just happen and/or are normal in the production process.
The fourth one is the category I see most with the color grading "errors" in the show. I think there's an inclination to apply real world logic to film/tv a lot of the time, but you have to remember that that doesn't necessarily extend to things like color grading and lighting. Lighting and color grading are both things that can change slightly between shots in the same scene. And this isn't an error (most of the time.)
Making these subtle changes usually is done with the intention of making the viewer subconsciously feel something. You can get away with quite a bit because viewers will not notice these subtle changes on their first watch; there's just so much new information that your eyes are absorbing that the color or lighting set up being slightly different isn't usually something you'll immediately notice (unless maybe you have some expertise in the topic/work in the field.)
The reason for these changes can vary. Each lighting setup and color palette has a different feeling, emotion, symbolic meaning. I'd say a lot of the time they're based in color science but they can also have a more narrative based meaning (example: director deciding that in the film he makes that the color yellow = danger. They start to associate the color with every precarious scene. Subconsciously the viewer begins to become fearful whenever the color yellow is on screen.)
I think showing actual examples from the show would help kind of demonstrate what I'm talking about so let's get into it!
Exhibit A:
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Image one: Around 10 minutes 30 seconds into the episode
Images two and three: Around 13 minutes into the episode
So I noticed that this shot became more blue in time when I was making my movie theatre blush analysis (see that here) But actually, rewatching the scene, the shot of Mike only looks slightly more blue than the previous shot of them. The shot with Will looks very noticeably more blue, though. These shots were obviously filmed on the same day, maybe even at the same time with multiple cameras rolling. They also have the same lighting set up (split lighting.)
So, is this a production error? No. If the intention was to make the shots of Mike and Will have the same color grading, you would literally have to be the most incompetent person alive to mess that up. Copying the same color grade from one shot to another is the easiest thing ever. You will not be hired as a colorist if you don't know how to do this.
Why make these shots slightly different, then? I'm not the guy who did this grading so I can't tell you with 100% certainty, but I have a couple ideas: The one I see the most is tying this to Will's visions in S2. The bottom two images are after Will has another vision. We see this blue color grading when Will is in the upside down and having visions. Blue also has a cold connotation, and we see Will get goosebumps, shiver and tremble in this scene.
Exhibit B:
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Okay this one is a lot more subtle. Also this one has to deal more with lighting than color grading though I'm sure both play a part in this.
So in the scene where they bury the body, the light setup is extremely bright and high contrast. If you look at their shadows in particular you can see how dark they are. There's almost no fall of on the shadows in the first picture. I think the whole set of scenes has a yellow filter to imply a hot, arid environment, but it's more noticeable in the first and last image. The first two images also have a lighting set up where the main light is right in front of them, putting Will specifically in a Rembrandt lighting setup. This lighting is meant to kind of represent the sun beating down on you, it's hot. Will and Jonathan are also really sweating, so it's obvious that this is what the intention was with this lighting setup.
When Mike and Will sit down to have their heart to heart, the lighting very subtly changes. The main light is now a back light, though there's also a light above them as indicated by where the shadows lay. But the lighting is also a lot softer. The shadows have more fall of, which leads me to believe they either used a soft light or a reflector. Softer light can be an indication of a more romantic scene. When they're broken out of their moment, the lighting grows less soft and everything starts to get more yellow.
Exhibit C:
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So I think this whole thing was confirmed to be recorded in one take, so I'm operating on the idea that they didn't change the lighting in this scene in between shots. But they possibly could have? The fill light on our right looks slightly dimmer than in the shot before.
But I mostly think this is a difference in color grading. Mike's face is darker and has more contrast. Once again, not a mistake but an intentional decision. This is the scene where he's trying to desperately get El to fight Vecna. I think the contrast was accentuated to add more drama to the scene. Mike's cries of "Fight!" grow more desperate, his voice is cracking, he's clearly scared. High contrast lighting is more dramatic, more cinematic, more high stakes.
A discussion on the more technical side of things:
So not every one of these things is explainable by them intentionally wanting to set the mood or having a narrative reason behind the slight changes. Color grading is one of the final parts of the production process, so the footage you have to work with is all you're gonna get. And mistakes do happen in some footage. Some scenes are shot on different days, sometimes a light breaks or is set too dim, etc, etc. The colorist is responsible for helping to match these shots together in a way where the error isn't noticeable and doesn't break the immersion of the viewer. But you have to work with what you have!
Also, I did mention copying the grade from one shot to the next, but please don't think that that is like "oh i just have to grade one shot, copy it to all of the other ones and then I can be done!" because that's not really correct either. You'll still want to tweak the grade slightly for each new shot. Each shot probably has different lighting, a different set of people or objects, and other things you have to consider.
But I hope this was a helpful break down of the process! Honestly if I went back and rewatched more scenes I could probably find more examples of this, I only really have Mike and Will scenes because I've analyzed those the most, lol. Just know that not everything is as linear as in real life, film/tv is an artistic medium so it's gonna break some rules occasionally.
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rudjedet · 1 year
the "useless degree" anon here. thanks a lot for your reply and sharing your thoughts!
yeah, capitalism makes it all so difficult. i want to keep on studying philosophy but i am also considering learning how code so that maybe i can get a job that would support me financially while studying philosophy.
however, everyone tells me that doing so would be half-assing two things instead of doing one thing well and i should just pick one and learn and do that.
and while i understand that these people might be right and that they have good intentions, it sometimes feels like some people just don't want philosophy or subjects like it to be learned at all.
They may have good intentions, but they're not right. I say this as someone who actually tried to go into programming (I did actually also complete a JAVA development mini-degree now that I think about it) after Egyptology, which I certainly didn't fucking half-ass. Now I personally never got anywhere with programming partly because I'm a woman and blonde and this means that even on a good day people subconsciously underestimate the fuck out of me (I'm sure some of you remember the IT job I had for like all of 5 months), but JAVA itself also didn't turn out to be my jam; I might have enjoyed programming more had I gone for e.g. PHP.
That said, 80% of people in programming are half-assing it. Self-taught guys with not a lick of actual experience landed jobs that I, again with mini-degree in hand, wasn't even considered for even though the course I followed basically gave me a year's worth of work experience. I've seen code that made me go "what the actual fuck" in live programs and apps. So the "don't half-ass two things" is a bit of a moot point, because our society isn't the meritocracy people want to believe it is, anyway.
If you like programming, you should definitely consider it. Just be aware, insofar you aren't already, programming jobs tend to prefer fulltime workers. So it might be difficult to combine with doing your degree from a purely practical perspective.
But you're right, otherwise. Society at large just really struggles to see the value in humanities or social science fields. We're the first ones whose funding gets slashed, whose departments get dissolved when cost need to be cut, etc.
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neapologist873 · 2 years
Who killed Katerina?
If you are not already familiar with our theory about Katerina being Maria, please read it here. It is also advised that you read this other theory of ours.
DGM is full of unreliable narrators, and there is no better example than Mana. Take this scene from his memories, for example. We see a looming figure that appears to be Nea, a younger Bookman watching with a disinterested eye, the wheat fields of the Campbell Manor, and the Earl's elvish form standing before the Cornelia tree with a lifeless Katerina.
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This begs the question; who was the one to have killed her? This is all Mana's memories, the same Mana that has been consumed by the presence of the original Earl and Adam, and the very fact that he considered the Noah to be his family in the past suggests he's always been easy to manipulate. So it's possible that this memory of his is really more his perceivement of everything based around how he remembers things or the lies he's been fed. What I mean by that is that perhaps "The Betrayal" to Mana was believing that Nea killed their mother. But if Cross is really the brother of Katerina, then why the hell would he be helping Nea? Because it wasn't Nea that killed her, but Joyd.
Reasons why I believe this to be, include:
1.) It's the perfect way for Mana to go against Nea and to be vulnerable enough to return to being the Earl. And I really do think Joyd has to be at the center of that all, as it makes too much sense in being the Noah of Hedonism.
2.) The fact Tykki looks like Nea could really suggest that Joyd has always taken up forms that resemble Nea. I speculated that Joyd feels like an imperfect copy almost, or like he wants to take Nea's place beside the Earl, and so he could have staged this all in hopes of him dying. It brings me back to my theory that Tykki might not be a regular human, as his symbol (butterflies) seem to suggest as well, being the symbol of reincarnation and rebirth.
3.) The Earl hovering over the dead Katerina could be him grieving. He resents Mana and Nea, and the death of the only human he loved could have been enough of a shock to bring him back. After all, this is Mana's subconscious and Nea and Allen have shown that it's possible for the two to bleed together in memories and dreams.
4.) We keep having these moments where we see Joyd grinning, but he's just a blacked out silhouette and so there are no key features to associate with him outside of Tykki's appearance. I did once point out that of the silhouettes from the original Noahs (art can be found in Night 187), there were two that seemed to resemble Nea.
5.) This could explain why Nea and Joyd always have these moments showcasing that they are connected somehow on a deeper level than their looks (i.e., both of their exorcist sword scars throbbing at the same time). And if Nea is aware of the fact that Joyd used their similar appearances to trick Mana, it's no wonder why he hates him in particular so much.
6.) In Night 187, the Earl had said that Wisely took so long to be reborn because his memory was damaged after Nea killed him, and yet when Wisely looks at Tykki, he says "I'm surprised. Joyd looks just like that man...". Wisely tends to refer to the Noahs by the memory they possess, but it is interesting that he specifically said Joyd looks so similar to Nea. Road also said to keep this a secret, as she's the only other one to remember what Nea looks like. So that suggests that Noahs forget details about their past life, but would this apply to Joyd when we know that
Tykki unconsciously wards against his memories so that Joyd isn't able to take over
Joyd smiles with malice whenever he sees Nea, hinting that he remembers exactly what Nea did to him.
Also, while only Wisely remembers his previous lives, Devit said "so they're working for your side now?" in reference to Lavi, a Bookman. This insinuates that Bookman could have even done nothing while Katerina died because they don't pick sides, they just record history and don't necessarily care about saving lives. As Nea doesn't side with the Noah, this could further add to the fact that Katerina's death was a catalyst of sorts.
You could also turn this theory on its head and suggest that the look on Nea's face is because Mana was the one to have killed Katerina under the Noahs' influence, as depicted here:
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Of course, this is all purely speculation, but it would make sense within the realm of theories we've made here previously. The fact that Cross seems to hold sympathy for Road and not Joyd has also been on my mind a lot, and this theory could explain some things regarding that. Potentially even Road's fear of Joyd.
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ferrocache · 6 months
ok fic jumpscare. ftm!rosa. no tws
enjoy i guess .? if enough people want im might finish it. itll be a oneshot
Rosa found herself staring at her body in the mirror once again. This had started to become a regular occurrence. Everyday after getting dressed she would sit and stare at herself in the mirror. Something felt wrong... Something had to be wrong. But she didn’t know what. Maybe it was the clothes she wore, or maybe it was the way she carried herself, Rosa just couldn’t figure it out. After snapping out of the trance she had worked herself into she started to carry on with her morning routine. Slipping on her red blazer, with a couple enamel pins as decorations she took one last look in the mirror and headed on to the short walk to work.
Although Rosa’s relationship with Artem was good, great even, she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes. Nor could she look in anyone's eyes, lest they read her thoughts. She honestly felt bad for keeping her thoughts to herself, but she didn’t know how to put her feelings into words? How would you even go about describing something like this? She sped up her pace as she realised she had been standing still while thinking. To be honest, she found it embarrassing. Everyone else, especially in the NXX team, had their lives and themselves figured out, but why couldn't she? Was something wrong with her? 
She sighed as she walked through the office’s glass doors and gently waved to the receptionist before taking the stairs up to her desk. Papers had started to pile up on her desk, and multiple boxes of documents had accumulated around her workspace. She had been working on them but they just kept piling up and no amount of overnighters could make it bearable. Her colleagues had offered to help but she had declined all of them. She didn’t want to burden them with more work, not after she felt like she had started to weigh down on their good mood.
Eventually, Rosa was confronted. Artem had been keeping an eye on her and noticed that something was off. He had called her into his office multiple times but everytime Rosa had an excuse and needed to leave. "You've been acting.. Off. Is something going on that I should be aware of? You know that you can trust me, right?"Name glanced around to see if she could find a reason to leave, but eventually sighed as she slumped back into her chair.
 "It's just, well.." She paused, unsure how to explain. "I think that something might be wrong. I don't feel like myself anymore- I promise I'm not going insane I just.. Don't know." she blurted out the last part quickly and turned her head away to avoid eye-contact with her partner. Artem looked at her, noticing how her hands nervously intertwined with each other and the slight bouncing of her leg as she grew anxious. 
"I'm happy you can talk to me, but I'm unsure on how to help. It's not really my, er, field of expertise." He pushed his chair back and stood up. "You take 2 sugars in your coffee, right?" Artem gently asked before sliding his chair back into place and walking towards the coffee machine. Rosa hesitantly nodded and slightly loosened up her stiff posture subconsciously.
 "I just.. Don't feel.. Connected to who I was. I'm not really.. Rosa . I feel like a weird amalgamation of thoughts and feelings at the moment. I don't know what to do." Artem nodded, his back turned as he fiddled with the buttons on the coffee machine. Rosa sighed again. "I should probably go see someone about this." she muttered, looking into the rose-coloured mug that she had been given. Artem nodded again and sat back down. 
"Sounds like a good idea. If you need, you're always able to take time off from the firm and from the investigation team if it all gets too much for you. And also," He took a long sip of his coffee. "Please look after yourself." Rosa smiled slightly and nodded. 
"I will do my best, Mr Wing." 
It was 3am and yet she was still in a trance. The face that looked back at her from the mirror had distorted, becoming uncanny and much unlike her own. A pair of scissors lay on the bathroom counter caught her eye and before she knew it, she had cut her hair short. She shook her head a bit and pulled at the jaggedly cut strands, inspecting the damage before putting down the scissors and starting to sweep off the rogue chunks of hair that sat on her shoulders. Sure, it was a bit drastic, but it made her feel better.
She looked down and studied the way that her pyjamas stretched and folded across her body. It didn’t look right. Something about it was wrong.. Something always had been wrong, to be honest. Rosa had known this for a long time, but it never had started to drag her down until now. She flicked the lightswitch off and fell into her bed, loaded with blankets and stuffed toys she had gotten from her friends. Rosa thought for a while, about work, about the NXX investigation, about her life in general, and about what she was going to do tommorrow. She already had the day off, from Celestine insisting that Rosa take a break, but other than work there wasn’t much else to do other than chores. 
The rustling of the tree branches outside the apartment window woke Rosa up. The sun had risen, and it seemed about midday. She had planned to stay in all day and catch up on sleep, but after climbing down the stairs and discovering the fridge was empty except for a few day-old leftovers and some very sad-looking fruits, she very quickly changed her plan. Seeing her sorry excuse for a fridge she gently closed it and slowly climbed back up the stairs to put on clothes. It wasn’t anything fancy, just some sweatpants and a thick jacket as the wind had picked up. 
Staring at the aisles of groceries at the small shop nearby, she kneeled down to grab something before being interrupted. 
“Excuse me sir, did you-” The woman behind Rosa stopped abruptly and looked a bit panicked as Rosa turned around and looked at her. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry ma’am. Did you drop your wallet? I found one over there and was wondering if it was yours.” The stranger held out a red and gold wallet, with a rose embroidered on it. Rosa nodded and thanked the lady before going back to deciding what to buy. Something.. Felt right. Like all the pieces of a puzzle put together- But what was the puzzle? Was it being called sir? Was it having someone be kind?
The grocery store had been very quiet, since most people were working, but it still took a decent amount of time to grab everything she needed and check it out. There were some odd looks, reminding Rosa that she had, in fact, cut her hair very unevenly. Rosa noted that she needed to get it cut properly, lest she look like a failed craft project next time she saw a client. Only god knows what Celestine would say. 
Despite multiple reminders to clean up her hair, it completely skipped Rosa’s mind. That was, until, Rosa was called into a meeting after there had been progress on the current NXX case. Despite her best efforts, the attempt at a quick trim was no better than the original. Walking into the investigation team office was the worst part. Only Luke had shown up early, but that did not help. Immediately after Rosa walked in, the look on Luke’s face went from focused to barely holding back a laugh. After seeing the tired look on Rosa’s face, he attempted to hide his smile, but it was a little too much.
“Nice haircut, Watson.” 
“Thank you, Luke.” Rosa put down her bag and stretched before sitting down. Luke shuffled over and played with her hair. 
“It looks nice on you. Short hair.” Rosa put her hand on Luke’s to stop him from making her hair worse. 
“Do you think so? I cut it on a whim the other day. Not really sure if I like it or not.”
“It’s cute,” He petted her on the head and flicked his hand back before Rosa could slap his wrist. Luke leaned back in his chair and faced Rosa. “Reminds me of that time when we both tried to cut our own hair with safety scissors..? Back when we were little.” 
“Oh god, yeah.” She ran her fingers through it. “You think you can fix it?”
He shrugged. 
“I can try..?” He dug through his pockets and held up a pair scissors.
“Yes plea- Do you always have those in there..?” Rosa asked as she grabbed them off of him. 
“Yeah,” He gently grabbed a piece of her hair and inspected it. “I can work with this. I’ll.. Maybe move to the bathroom..?” 
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obedientononline · 1 month
Tracing the threads of whisper of the mind
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Unraveling the mysteries of dream ,so what exactly a dream is? Dream can be defined as Sequence of events happening in subconscious mind oftenly in sleep.
Even though definition is quite understandable but I still wonder what exactly a dream is, theories on why we dream, science behind dream ,psychological significance ,what not and that one definition is unquenchable.
I am so enchanted by this for several reasons as I go through this everyday, each day a new script a happy script like a field of dandelions in the warm breeze, a sad script like a dark looming cloud, a tangled script, a contentment script just like a golden glow of sunset embracing peace or the worst a fearful script like a freezed heart paralyzed. Sometimes a mixture of sweet, sour, tangy delightful melody of contrasting sensations.
A night owl in me was brought up in the landscape of Dreams, Without my awareness I developed this habit of staying awake late at night because of this. As I mentioned earlier one bad script and you don't want to go back to sleep again.
Preferred to stay conscious rather than journeying the path of subconscious. But the fact one cannot deny the natural rhythm, I end up with the flow of notes of dreaming.
The dreams which will make me question my existence but how challenging is to recollect one's dream. If only this was a case may be I feel it would not be bothering me as much as it does, it bothers me for various other reasons like a phenomenon called Deja-vu, the exact places exist for real even though I have no idea about it, the common dreams repeating and some of them wild too. All this made me fascinated to know about this more and more.
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The thing that science could not answer dream completely makes it more interesting.
While there are many theories about dream, before that I wanted to know why it is difficult to justify or explain the actual significance. When I went through several research papers and scholar's talk I got to know it is challenging as Brain is complex and mechanism involves neural process which is difficult to understand for the common people like us, the next reason as it is subjective experience as it varies from person to person.
One of the main reason which makes a lot of sense to me as well is that Dream is a limited access, dream occurs during sleep when the conscious mind is inactive so basically when a researcher wants to study as a individual can't remember or explain as it is limited, reporting or analyzing is difficult in such case, hence coming to the conclusion is also difficult.
And lastly also due to knowledge in various fields such as psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, anthropology etc. So it is not yet fully understood by an individual.
But wait Why do we dream?
The exact reason why we dream is still a topic of debate among scientist and researchers. However, several theories explore the purpose of dreaming.
After getting to know about why it is a mystery still, all my attention for the proved theory and even the hypothesis increased .
Firstly I was probing to know about the hypothesis, of course the excitement in exploring a hypothesis is more captivating than the realm of proven theories.
Some of the interesting hypotheses which I have come across is as follows:
Hypothesis of Random activation: Dreams arise from random neural activity during sleep with the brain figuring the sense of the signals.
Emotional processing Hypothesis : This says that dreams help individual regulate emotions providing a chance to work on unresolved emotions.
Hypothesis of memory organization: Dreams organize memories, adding new information with existing knowledge. There is an other similar hypothesis which is Memory reorganization which facilitate reorganization of memory prioritizing important information while discarding less relevant details.
Psychoanalytic Hypothesis: This is one of my fav which says that dreams provide a window into unconscious mind revealing hidden desires, fears, and the influenced behavior and conflicts. How interesting is that!
Hypothesis of warning danger: This tells that dreams simulate danger in advance allowing them to be prepare for one. The one thing I would like to add from my individual experience is that there is an unforgettable dream of mine which was the best dream, the dream was that my father returning from hospital for my birthday and he did but not in that state, which haunts me till date.
Problem Solving Hypothesis: According to this theory Dreams provide space for the brain to explore in creative aspect also in resolving problems, which may help in real world.
Hypothesis of continual-activation: This hypothesis tells that dreams are a result of continual activity of brain during sleep reflecting process of consolidating memory and emotional processing.
Evolutionary Hypothesis: Dreams have evolutionary significance, adaptive functions like threat detective as mentioned earlier in Warning danger hypothesis, social bonding and survival skills which helps in survival of the fittest of an individual.
Hypothesis of Cognitive development : Dreams play a role in intellectual development helping to solidify neutral connection and hence develop problem solving, creative thinking etc.
Then I headed towards some of the research papers published regarding this. Firstly, I came across "Dreaming and the brain: Toward a cognitive neuroscience of conscious states" by J. Allan Hobson, Edward F. Pace-Schott, and Robert Stickgold published in 2002.
This was one of the interesting research paper I came across which begins with the introduction and objective of dreaming which states that Dreaming is a universal human experience that offers a unique view of consciousness and cognition. It has been studied from the vantage points of philosophy and it further mentions that they will also review polysomnographically defined wake and sleep states. Their analyses will be based on comparisons and correlations among these various mental and physiological states.
This paper will cover the three major questions seem to be ripe for resolution through constructive debate:
1. Are the similarities and differences in the conscious experiences of waking, NREM, and REM sleep defined with sufficient clarity that they can be measured objectively? If so, do the measures establish clear-cut and major differences between the phenomenological experience of these three physiological states?
2. Are the similarities and differences between the brain substrates of the states of waking, NREM, and REM sleep defined with sufficient clarity that they can be measured objectively? If so, do the measures establish clear-cut differences between these states at the level of brain regions, as well as at the cellular and molecular levels?
3. To the extent that affirmative answers can be given to the two preceding questions, can a tentative integration of the phenomenological and physiological data be made? Can models account for the current results and suggest experiments to clarify remaining issues?
In order to understand this, we need to know about certain topics
A state space model of the brain-mind:
The brain-mind is a unified system whose complex components dynamically interact so as to produce a continuously changing state. As such, any accurate characterization of the system must be multidimensional and dynamic and must be integrated across the neurobiological and psychological domains. Both neurobiological and psychological probes of the system must therefore be designed, applied and interpreted so as to recognize and clarify these features.
They have explained this with the help of state space models which can be simplified as (1) the information processing capacity of the system (activation); (2) the degree to which the information processed comes from the outside world and is or is not reflected in behavior (information flow); and (3) the way in which the information in the system is processed (mode).
The resulting state space model, while still necessarily overly simplistic, is nonetheless a powerful tool for studies of consciousness. It captures many aspects of the neurobiological, cognitive, and psychological dynamics of wake, sleep states, and is unique in several important respects that light of the controversial conceptual and empirical issues that have stymied the study of waking, sleeping, and dreaming.
The phenomenology and psychophysiology of waking, sleeping, and dreaming
In this section they have discussed the evidence which has been gathered over the past 40 years in an effort to define the conscious states of waking, sleeping, and dreaming and to measure their formal features quantitatively. With respect to the first question raised in the introduction, was defended the position that these three states can be defined, that their components can be analyzed and measured, and that they are significantly different from one another.
And guess what my search of definition of Dream found a way here.
"Mental activity occurring in sleep characterized by vivid sensorimotor imagery that is experienced as waking reality despite such distinctive cognitive features as impossibility or improbability of time, place, person and actions; emotions, especially fear, elation, and anger predominate over sadness, shame, and guilt and sometimes reach sufficient strength to cause awakening; memory for even very vivid dreams is evanescent and tends to fade quickly upon awakening unless special steps are taken to retain it.”
It is believed that this highly specified definition serves both folk psychology and cognitive neuroscience equally well.
Then they provide us the Overview of the NREM-REM sleep mentation controversy, early findings of distinct differences between REM and NREM mentation with the appropriate data.
Then comes the relationship between dream features and dream report length
A critical review of the papers of Antrobus (1983) and Foulkes and Schmidt (1983) reveals that these papers report significant quantitative differences in the features of REM and NREM dreams. Both papers also find features such as dreaminess or character density to differ significantly between REM and NREM dreams even when report length is unjustifiably normalized. Neither study reports data that argue against the contention that the strong correlation between report length and dream features occurs because reports with more dream features require more words to describe them (Hunt et al. 1993; Nielsen 1999). We urge the collection of additional data to further clarify the nature of these REM/NREM differences. Such data should include ample numbers of reports, collected longitudinally in naturalistic settings, which are obtained from home awakenings physiologically monitored with un-intrusive devices such as the Nightcap.
They have even provided Methodological considerations in the study of dreaming and the reduction of psychological states to narrative reports.
In conclusion, this paper made me gain a deeper understanding. This study underscores the importance of continued research. Perhaps We continue to explore the interplay between conscious and unconscious.
Journeying to dreamscape I don’t know whether I crossed realm of imagination . But I definitely discovered unknown within, I really want to continue dream quest navigating to inner self.
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