#I bet he's really good at DIY secretly
daruqin · 2 years
dude what do you think would happen if mav and ice co-parent rooster's class
(I'm not the best at writing or conveying my thoughts so if this ends up sounding OOC im sorry lmao)
tbh I feel like they'd be amazing at teaching and taking care of the kids, ultimate father figures ykyk.
Ice would be the one everyone really respects and looks up to, but he's still proud and soft for each and every one of them.
Mav would ABSOLUTELY be the chaotic/fun dad who always in for a good time but secretly worries for everyone's safety
Mav & Rooster reconcile and Pete admits to why he pulled his papers, Ice is there to comfort the both of them
I want to think that no one knew abt Ice&Mav being an item/married, so the first time they do something affectionate to each other everyone just stares in shock (Hangman probably in amusement)
It grows on them overtime and just get labelled as lovebirds and an old married couple (BECAUSE THEY ARE!!?)
I bet they live in Ice's hugeass house together (Slider visits them too to hang out)
Mav enables the kids to do something stupid and chaotic (like making a DIY waterslide in the backyard or something) and Ice is very patient with them but also so fucking done.
I want IceMav to be the father figure that Rooster never had just thinking about it makes my brain go UAUAUGUGHH
That's all I have I haven't had any thinking or comprehension skills & prowess ever since I took my half gap year LMAO
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
If you're available I would love to see a Twilight request! The reader has a one or two year old child. She falls asleep with the child in a nearby playpen napping as well. Edward, Jacob or Emmett(Or even the Cullen family returning home from a hunt) arrive and find the child awake, out of their playpen, face covered with marker marks and in the process of coloring sleeping mom's legs. Thank you so much in advance!💖💖
So this took a while because I really struggled to think of a way to write this at first, but I finally got an idea I was happy with because it combines a cute request with some quality Emmett and Rosalie fluff! I hope you enjoy it chickadee :D 
Dream A Little Dream
Words: 2756 
Warnings: None, just a simple bit of fluff! 
Summary: Emmett needs a reprieve from Rosalie’s temper tantrum, so he goes to check on a DIY project, only to find someone else is living their dream. 
“C’mon Rose, talk to me, just tell me-“
“Get out Emmett!”
The door had slammed between them before he could dare say another word, but Emmett was nothing if not persistent. He had spent 66 years married to the woman after all and if he had learned anything from that experience, it was that Rosalie’s temperament was as precarious as an unweighted seesaw - he was confident she’d be cuddling him by tonight.
“Babe.” He rapped his knuckles against the door to the garage but the only reply he received was the loud and sudden blast of a bassline from the CD player. His eyes rolled and he puffed out his cheeks, exhaling in a huff and turning away from the garage to leave his wife to cool off. Edward remained seated at the piano, grinning down at the keys while his fingers diligently moved across the ivory keys.
“No, I have no idea what’s wrong with her.” His voice drifted through from the music room, carrying on the sweet notes of the song he’d composed. He hadn’t played for quite a while but it was a nice, soothing change to listen to the melody he plunked out, Alice’s sugary soprano harmonising beautifully with the key he played in. Emmett scowled in his general direction, moving through the house towards the front door.
“Where are you going?” Carlisle’s voice made him stop and turn, his hand on the door handle.
“Out. Rose needs space.” He answered. Carlisle’s brow furrowed, his expression troubled. Emmett couldn’t quite understand it himself. He had never really seen the downsides to vampirism, not when it had gifted him an eternity with his very own angel, not when it came with the added perks of agility and strength and speed he could only have ever dreamed of in his human days. He didn’t have it in to lament for his soul or whatever the rest of them seemed to do. They were vampires, and vampires drank blood – accidents were inevitable. So what if the Swan girl fell prey to Edward’s temptations? They moved on and returned in a few decades when the memory of her had faded, as they had done before and would no doubt do again.
It really wasn’t rocket science! They all knew the laws and neither option was a particularly bad one to him. Either Edward got a good meal, or he had a chance at finding his epic love, his Rosalie, and he might stop brooding for the first time in over a century. Rosalie’s desire to kill the girl was understandable but so was Edward’s urge to protect her, but Emmett didn’t need to be Alice to know there was no future in all the realms of probability that could ever exist where Bella Swan would grow old and grey. Isabella was destined to die one way or another.
“Be safe.” Carlisle’s words made him snort, a smug grin crossing his lips as he opened the door.
“Me be safe? I’m the most dangerous thing out there.” He quipped. Emmett left without looking back. The forest flew past him in what should have been a blur of greens and murky browns, but his eyes saw every detail. Each crack in the bark, the dew glistening on cobwebs, the smallest of insects scuttling up the stems of leaves…it was all a gift to him. He would kill for Rose to see the beauty in it all as he did but she never would. Rose had had all her dreams taken from her by Carlisle long ago, and she was forever going to be bitterly frozen, trapped in her own cycle of self-loathing. He’d burn the world if it put the faintest smile on her face; had taken her to the most incredible places with the most astounding views, bought jewellery so expensive it made even the richest men shudder in disgust at his actions. The one thing that would make his love truly happy was the one thing he could never give her, but he had been thinking of ways to at least soften the heartache.
There was a house (a small ramshackle thing a few miles out from their own sleek residence) that he’d visited once or twice. He’d taken photos and done some minor fixing up of the place, making sure the roof no longer leaked, that the walls were weather-proof and so on. Emmett had laid floors, plastered walls…he’d made the small house viable once more and the only thing he had yet to do was take down a portioning wall between what he envisioned would be the kitchen and lounge space. It would be his anniversary gift to Rosalie, a place she could truly make her own, where she could build her own home. There may not be little feet pattering on the wooden floors, but he could give her two out of three couldn’t he? Renew their vows so they were confirmed husband and wife once more, help build her a home…
He slowed when he neared the site, his nose twitching. Emmett inhaled deeply, an odd mix of smells drifting up his nose. He didn’t remember peonies, and…was that lavender? Emmett approached his little project cautiously, straining all his senses to read his environment, predatorial instincts rising to the surface. A heartbeat, odd rhythm…no, two heartbeats? One slower, one faster, neither the same sort of pace or rhythm as any animal roaming the woods. Humans then? Emmett frowned deeply, struggling to understand why hikers would come all the way out here as he picked his way over the tree roots trying to trip him up, hand dragging over moss covered bark.
A billow of white was the first thing he saw, a sheet in the light breeze. It fluttered, surrounded by bright coloured clothes much too small to be adult sizes, and damp towels. There had been a brief moment of sun this morning but Emmett still had to scoff. Whoever had stolen his project from him was clearly no native to Forks or they’d have known better than to hang their laundry on the line at the slightest bit of sun. Sunshine rarely lasted in Forks. Emmett paused, looking at the fence now enclosing the house he had transformed with his own bare hands. He definitely hadn���t put that up, nor did he recall painting a fence bright green. He hadn’t installed a laundry line either but someone had driven that stake into the ground, the line coming from some sort of contraption nailed into the exterior of the house.
Someone was definitely living in his DIY project, and he was not-
Emmett was paralysed briefly by the little giggle that followed. It was a soft sound, full of innocence he could never recall having, and it came attached to the sound of scratching and squeaking. His brows pulled low over golden irises, his body moving of its own accord. It had to be a child, but who would leave a child alone in front of their house? Was it even supervised? His curiosity had piqued and though he wanted to be frustrated he just couldn’t be. Maybe Rose wouldn’t ever get to live in this house with him but someone else had clearly made it their home, someone who had achieved the dream Rose had always wanted. He wasn’t quite sure how he had managed it but he had to sigh, because only he could attempt to resolve his wife’s bitter disposition and end up adding to it instead.
He didn’t recognise her. From the exterior alone Emmett could tell that in the few weeks it had been since he’d last visited this place, she’d put a lot of effort into making the house a home. The outside had a fresh lick of paint, the windows clean and windowpanes a freshly painted grey, the front door a bright green to match the fence surrounding the house. A wooden picnic table had been added just in front of the kitchen window, and she was sat folded over with her head resting on her arms, eyes closed and skin peppered with goosebumps. Stray wisps of hair blew about her face as his eyes tracked down her figure, noting the gentle, even breathing and the way her eyes twitched about under their lids in her sleep. Beneath the picnic table was the source of the musical laughter.
Emmett crouched, forearms resting on his knees and lips curling into a small smirk as he watched a curly haired little boy press a marker pen to her leg, scribbling a design into her skin. She didn’t even appear close to waking, but the temperature had dropped and clearly the little boy had escaped from the playpen across from the picnic table, the door open and the locking mechanism snapped, paper strewn about the garden by the breeze. Emmett could see the dirt under her fingernails as he got closer, a pair of gardening gloves on her opposite side. She’d clearly done her laundry and a bit of gardening while the sun was out, leaving her son to play in his playpen, but the little boy had seen an opportunity once she’d fallen asleep and took it.
He had the cutest little dimples when he smiled, green eyes shining bright with mischief. Emmett chuckled lowly, zipping about the garden to clean up the papers he’d spotted before approaching the picnic table and clearing his throat.
“Excuse me, miss? Miss?” he called. Her eyes fluttered open, confusion evident in them for a second before she jumped, straightening in her seat and watching him with wary eyes. Emmett watched her glance to the playpen, her eyes widening. He could hear the way her heartbeat leapt in her chest, the panic stricken expression she wore telling.
“Oh my – no no no –“
“Erm Miss? Don’t panic, he’s under the table.” Emmett smiled, flashing his own dimples in an effort to calm her. He was a naturally unnerving being after all and most humans tended to be either hopelessly attracted to him or deathly afraid – there wasn’t really an in between. She whipped her legs out from under the picnic table, moving so swiftly Emmett was left in awe. She very quickly scooped her son out form under the table and swung him onto her hip, cradling him close and closing her eyes. Her heartbeat began to calm, her breathing growing less rapid now she knew where her boy was.
“Oh god, thank you. I…I guess I fell asleep, the weather was a lot nicer earlier,” She shivered a bit, hand cradling the back of her sons head until he wriggled in her grip. “Not now baby just – really? Oh Damian!” she groaned exasperatedly. Emmett watched amusedly as she licked her thumb and rubbed furiously at his cheek.
“No Mama! No!” the boy cried, squirming in her grip. His face was covered in marker pen, a mixture of blacks and blues and pinks all swirling over his cheeks and down his nose. Emmett couldn’t help but chuckle.
“He’s a real mischief maker huh? He got your leg to.” He informed her. She looked down to her leg with another soft groan, her cheeks turning pink.
“Sounds about right. Have you ever tried to renovate with children?” she questioned, shaking her head. Emmett shook his head, his eyes stuck on the little boy. He shared his mother’s dark hair though not her eyes. Emmett wanted to be upset his plans for Rose’s anniversary surprise had fallen through, but he had been stupid enough to not check the market for this property and it had gone to someone who clearly needed it, though the property was fairly out of the way and an odd choice for a young woman and her child. She seemed intent on making it somewhere nice to live for them both though, and for that he couldn’t fault her.
“Never had any of my own, but your boy sure is a handsome guy. I did renovate this place though, I’m glad it went to someone who needed it.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. Her eyes widened, the surprise in them obvious.
“Oh! It was you! The real estate agent said they had no clue who had started the renovation’s, but it didn’t stop them selling it to me…we didn’t know it was taken.” She bit her lip, hoisting her son higher up on her hip. Damian was still wriggling slightly, looking up at Emmett with wide, curious eyes. It was clear what she was worrying about it, but Emmett shook his head, hands held up before her.
“It’s yours, really, me and my wife live nearby, this was a second property we didn’t really need. It wasn’t like I checked it was for sale or anything either, you won it fair and square.” He promised. The relief was palpable in her eyes as her son squirmed again. She set him down, hand running through his curls briefly before he darted back into the house. She watched him go with a small smile.
“Well I’d be happy to give you the tour of the place, if you like? Show you what I’ve done with it Mr….”
“Cullen, Emmett Cullen.” He introduced himself with a nod, knowing his frigid skin would put her off if he dared shake her hand, and he didn’t want to put her off. Emmett’s brain was spinning a hundred miles an hour, and he was starting to form a plan. Rose might not get to live in the house, but she could spend time perhaps with the one thing she wanted more than anything. Her smile brightened.
“Y/N L/N. Maybe if you give us a little time to clean up first you could drop by later? Neighbours seem rare out here, it’ll be nice to know someone.” She admitted, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Emmett tilted his head slightly, glancing up at the house.
“Yeah. Yeah I er, would you mind if I bought my wife to? She had plans for this place, think she’ll enjoy seeing how you designed it for yourselves.” He said. She didn’t hesitate to nod and he tried his best not to feel too pleased with himself.  
“Of course!” she agreed, and with a time organised between them Emmett sped off home to barrel his way into the garage. Rose was stuck beneath a car still, her BMW to be precise, though Emmett could never fathom what exactly she found to tune up on that thing – he was sure she spent more time under the car than under him. When she didn’t respond to his tapping on the hood, he pulled on her legs till she wheeled out, her expression sour and a smudge of grease across her cheek.
“Emmett.” She huffed. Emmett grinned down at her, completely unperturbed by her pouty glare.
“Rose. Come on, shower, dress up, do whatever it is you do, we got an appointment to keep.” He told her. Rose’s glare was enhanced by the way her nose wrinkled.
“An appointment? Emmett I swear if you’re trying to get me to go to marriage counselling again-“
“I’m trying to make you smile again.” He groaned exasperatedly. Her expression fell immediately, her golden irises softening from hardened topaz to gooey caramel. Emmett sighed, pulling her to her feet and reeling her in close. She was made for him, her body fit perfectly in his hands, against his. She was his shining light but she had been so dim since Bella had come to Forks.
“Rose, babe…I know you. I only have eyes for you. Who cares about some human? This family is immortal, we’ll survive it like we’ve survived everything else that comes our way. For one afternoon, just one, can I please, please have my wife back?” he pressed his forehead to hers, running a hand up and down her back. Rose remained tense for a while, but slowly her arms wound around his torso.
“What did you have in mind monkey man?” she tilted her chin, her lips a fraction of a centimetre from his own. Emmett’s smile returned.
“How’s about I take you to meet a really cute baby?”
By the end of the afternoon, seeing Rose smile at the young boy in her arms while he pretended to admire the newly fitted kitchen in Y/N’s house,  Emmett started to understand what made her dream so beautiful, and so painful to wake from.
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Halloween with the boys in 2020:
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Well i’s spooky time, but we can't really do too much traditional spooky stuff this year. I really hope you’ve made the best of what's a tough situation globally and had a good socially distant Halloween!
Spooks and kisses! -Kei
-The man would be going out anyway but now that the world is shut down he’s 100% never leaving the house
-Man’s high risk as it is
-Doesn’t mean he doesn’t like, secretly love Halloween
-will not decorate of his own free will, his S/O will have to gently rope him into doing anything *spooky*
-Nothing outside however; he will not have random people coming to his door thinking they will be receiving candy
-That’s his cAndy!
-But he won’t admit it
-He will not dress up, you can’t make him
-If he’s in a good mood he will joke about how he doesn’t need to dress up, he’s already an evil scientist (complete with “spooky” finger wiggles)
-He’s very interested if his S/O will dress up – especially if it’s sexy (the sexy nurse has him gone)
-He won’t say anything but will be side eyeing them all night, hoping his S/O will either instigate sex or give him a reason to instigate sex
-This is just costume sex holiday where he can be extra creepy scientist with his S/O
-(did someone say medical kink? Because I did)
-This man lives for any holiday season
-He’s decorating on like October 1st
-They don’t come down until Nov 1st as per Halloween rules (Trick ‘r Treat)
-He’s really sad that he can’t hand out candy like normal this year, but he’s ready to make the best of it
-Get ready to DIY cause this man is making a candy slide and candy bags for every kid in his local area
-He also makes his costume
-He’s gonna be a robot made out of boxes from all the candy and supplies he bought
-If his S/O wants to do matching costumes he will DIE
-He’s not like, gonna get turned on just cause his S/O wears a sexy costume but he won’t complain but long as it’s not too revealing – they are handing out candy to kids after all
-Wants to watch cute movies like the Nightmare Before Christmas and It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
-Will 100% be known for doing like full sized candy bars
-His own stash however consists of homemade goodies often fresh from the oven
-There will be snuggles and kisses for his S/O throughout the night
-Very pure, very wholesome, very fun
-Really indifferent to Halloween, kinda makes him sad cause he doesn’t have his daughter to take out for candy anymore
-Really doesn’t decorate, but will carve a pumpkin and put it in the window, but that’s as much as he will do on his own
-Will however hoard those boxes of mini chocolate bars for himself
-Hot take but loves candy corn
-This man lives for scary movies, they’re a good distraction and can be pretty funny or hell even scary sometimes
-He’s seen a lot of shit so one would think he wouldn’t like them but it’s fun to indulge in darker thoughts
-His S/O is really going to have to look after him as he’s most likely going to be mopey all day if he isn’t working
-Normally his S/O talks him into doing something for Halloween but this year there really isn’t anything to do so the two just stay home and close for the day
-Snuggles are the best bet along with some candy to cheer him up
-The closest he comes to a costume is wearing his pajamas all day
-The most indifferent to his S/O wearing a costume
-Really not here for the “sexy policemen” of the “Sexy S.W.A.T. member”
-Will get a good laugh about it though
-“Impersonating an officer is a crime you know?”
-Just wants to snuggle and be distracted by his S/O and scary movies
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shokano19 · 4 years
Dr stone characters as types of TikTokers
Warning: Contains manga spoilers for new characters! You can skip those you don’t know! 
Not sure where this idea came from exactly but I got super into it and it was really fun. Consider these to be my headcanons for a dcst AU where they don’t get petrified and instead everyone is TikTok famous. 
- science 101 - makes educational videos aimed generally at students struggling at school with subjects like biology, physics, chemistry, robotics, engineering, and astronomy, explaining them thoroughly and in a simpler form - random astronomical facts #n - goes live when he’s about to do a reaction experiment - wants to show his viewers how exhilarating science can be - rarely shows his face - tries to incorporate humour into his talks - it becomes evident he’s passionate or excited about the subject by his little chuckles - “visiting my father at NASA before rocket launch” - Taiju sometimes takes over his account as a lil prank - on everyone’s for you page with minimal effort - 14M followers
- magic tricks - social science veteran - shares psychology hacks he learned throughout his career - props his phone on his cola bottles to film himself - CEO of accidentally dropping his phone on the floor - Senku’s fanboy. Reacts to Senku’s videos on occasion by acting extra and makes a huge deal out of rare pictures of Senku - posts cut scenes from his magic show then makes separate videos revealing how he performed a certain trick - cynical, dark humour - makes his viewers question their moral compass - gets a lot of compliments for his hair - 10.5M followers
- step by step 3 minute crafts - Senku’s fanboy #2. Video duets with Senku by building the same things as him, praises Senku a lot  - geology student studying mineralogy - storytime! - regular shout-outs from Senku - always has his precious rock/crystal collection displayed behind him as he films a video and makes sure to show them off every once in a while - 2M followers
- trash talks men without stuttering - films herself in front of a mirror most of the time - zooms a lot into her face and stares into the camera while speaking, looking dead inside - dimmed disco lights - ironic and sassy - usually spits facts about anything she talks about - confident vibes - ayo famous relative check (Lillian Weinberg’s niece) - her duets are cruel - 1.9M followers
- the POV - makes relatable yet obscure videos - some questionable scenarios no one can explain - yes he wears a big towel on his head when impersonating girls   - includes Kinro in his videos a lot - anime weeb - always posts at unholy hours - refined sense of humour - majority of videos are taken in his bedroom - lowkey annoying - video replies to hate comments by either faking acting hurt and crying or sarcastically going along with them as a massive fuck you - 69k followers and he would like it if it stayed that way
- beautiful scenery shots - only has a few videos, mostly nature and places he went to with his family and friends - “top 5 places you must visit this summer” - secretive about his account, no one except Ginro knows about it - 7.9k followers - after a while he switched to making ASMR?? which gained him fame overnight and now has …. - 45k followers (Ginro’s current worst fear being Kinro surpassing his own follower count)
- unpopular opinion guy - reacts to popular tiktoks and attempts to review them (for fun, he’s a jerk for clout) - loud af, angry & narrow minded - makes valid points sometimes - dislikes kohaku’s content (probably because he feels called out) - tried to cancel Senku and failed miserably - a lot of people disagree with his hot takes - ignored the haters but got some serious threats :( - considered quitting making tiktoks so he took break - apologized to those he insulted after some reflection time - now half of his account are just apology videos - people follow him for the tea  - 500k followers
Suika (aged up)
- the animal lover - mainly videos of Chalk being adorable, Suika teaching him tricks…and him wrecking the house - “animal crossing new horizons island tour” - “my top 10 favourite cartoons” - 11k followers
- long political talks - disputable ideals - renowned martial artist  - became famous after appearing on a broadcast program with Gen and won against him in mental battle - informs on what’s currently happening in the world - has a lot of supporters as well as haters - “today’s society is flawed because - ” - encourages viewers to write their opinion in the comments - reads every single comment as well as replies to them - occasionally talks about his childhood, the good and the bad - 7.6M followers
- chaotic - reviews popular console/pc games of any genre - youtube channel linked in his bio - the type to walk into his bathroom and say funny shit - bombards Tsukasa’s comments section with stuff like “drop yo workout routine plz” or “your hair looks so soft I bet it smells like roses” to which Tsukasa can only reply with “please leave me alone” - generally in everyone’s comment section. He’s everywhere - bi king - super friendly and approachable - ayo rich house checkkkk XD - flexes on his personal mini yacht  - 5M followers
- quick, stylish and helpful cooking tutorials - shares rare recipes - pro decorator  - worked at 4/5 star bars, restaurants and clubs - non-binary icon - sometimes in the background of Ryusui’s videos until a lot of people asked about their relationship and revealed that they also works as Ryusui’s personal chef - 3.2M followers
- variety content creator - gives walkthrough’s of his job as a sonar technician - sneakily exposes his workplace’s secrets while he’s at it too - likes to gather the kingdom of science and make dumb silly videos together - archery tips for beginners - starting a new language tips - video reacts to tiktoks he finds interesting - became popular after appearing in one of Gen’s q&a videos - after that he collaborated with many others such as Senku, Chrome, Ryusui - close to everyone - appreciated for his talents - 980K followers
- fashion icon in the making - shares her everyday outfits - talks about her favourite clothing and where she bought them from - DIY accessories - cute couple videos with Taiju - fun sewing lessons! - promotes her online shop - 330k followers
- the type to stand in front of the camera and cover the screen with writing instead of speaking - known for his lip care routines (owns a lot of lip glosses and lip cosmetics) - occasionally takes off his mask for lip care videos - Homura is always behind the camera helping him film - kudayari spear practices - Helps Homura promote her Instagram account - tries to keep an aesthetic - trips abroad vlogs - 770k followers
- cringey e-boy - lip-syncs  - dances  - it’s so obvious he’s fishing for attention - secretly films Kirisame for a laugh, ends up with him running for his life as soon as she finds out - expect to get second-hand embarrassment - exaggerates a lot - needs to be stopped - does tiktok challenges with Kirisame (has to beg for her to agree) - Kohaku, Luna, Gen and Nikki have him blocked - Hyouga and Kirisame are literally the only ilr friends he has :,( - 420k followers
- popular girl wannabe - desperate to get on the for you page - everyone loves her though <3 - poses in front of the camera wearing her best clothes while cute music plays in the background - complains about how she’s STILL single - pros and cons of going to med school - reads a bunch of funny tweets and almost dies laughing - recently started following Senku and can’t shut up about his content - 200k followers
Bonus: all of them tried at least once, if not more, to recreate complicated dances that went viral on tiktok. Yes, even Senku.
Coming up with usernames for them is beyond me right now so feel free to add to these however you like!  ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
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g0ldpainted · 7 years
4th December - CtC’17
Chocobros and how they show their love for you/relationship headcanons
Hiya! :D
Today I present you a little headcanon. And on a side note, I really suck at finding names for anything. xD
My original thought came from how people sometimes don’t notice all the little things people do when they love someone. And then I spend time thinking about how the chocobros would change/adapt once they truly love someone and what they’d start doing for them - and only for them. ^^
This is the outcome:
(No spoilers nor tw’s needed - just some kinda fluffy stuff)
Although he could buy you all the expensive things in the world, he refuses to
Doesn't like spending a lot of money on gifts because he fears you'd only be in for the expensive gifts (at least early on in your relationship)
Prefers meaningful gifts
They don't necessarily have to be cheap but he prefers to start off small with gifts
Unlike his father wants him to, he doesn't gift 3000gil bracelets but chocolate and flowers for a one month anniversary
Sometimes even likes to DIY some gifts
And those tend to be a disaster but it's the thought that counts, right?
However, if you tend to have a certain wish he tries his best to grant it
Technically, since he's the prince, he can make anything happen
Wanna ride a horse through the city? Sure thing. 
Wanna travel to Altissia for the weekend? Alright, pack your bags.
Want the most exclusive jewelry? Yeah, that's possible, too.
But he's not only proving his love through gifts
It's the little surprise dates he plans
It's the massages he loves to give you after a stressful day
It’s the way he worries about you to the point he orders the best nurse of Insomnia over to check on you
And the way he cares for you when you go through cramps
He’ll happily be your body pillow and heater anytime
Although he's not a good cook, he'll cook for you, too
You bet Ignis was involved, though - the risk of poisoning you without his help was too high
Noctis will shower you with little gestures
Pecks. All. The. Time.
Very touchy, loves caressing your body
Will do anything for you - that includes brushing your hair when you’re too tired to
Yeah, he's a pretty innocent lover.. Unless he's horny
Giver! He’s a total giver.
Always puts you first.. Even though he sometimes should put his duty as future king first
See's his future in you and doesn't fail to remind you whenever he can
He'll name a street after you to some anniversary once you're married
Also makes sure the garden is always top-notch and full of flowers you like
He's all about you and takes note of everything you seem to show a liking in
When he says he loves you, he really means it.
The moment you two start dating, you become this sunshine's fuel of life
You make him happy with your presence, voice and touches
You make him feel so much better about his own struggles, he wants to give you back somehow
Now he isn't exactly on the rich side, tends to work a lot to provide for himself
Nonetheless, he never fails to surprise you with little gifts
Picks flowers for you whenever he can
He loves traveling and therefore always saves money to be able to afford trips with you 
With Prompto by your side, you'll always have splendid photos of yourself
He loves photographing you
Makes sure you know he loves your beauty 
Wants to portray your character through your photos
It's not about model photos but authentic ones
Prompto just really wants you to love yourself as much as he does
Aside from that, he's a very gentle lover 
Will be your butler 24/7 
You're always his no.1 
Your happiness is his main priority
He'd go to the end of the world if it'd mean you'd be happy
Feeling sad? Give him a call, he'll drop everything and be over in a minute
In case you're sick he'll take the best care of you, you could probably imagine
Gift-wise he really loves plushies and flowers - corny stuff is what he loves to gift
Plushies of chocobos, of course
Sometimes he may be a bit childish in terms of proving this love but doesn't that make him all the more lovable?
Since he's the most creative one out of all the chocobros, he also definitely likes DYI gifts
Want a cool frame for your photo? He's on it.
Or maybe a nice box? Well, he won't craft it but he'll find a nice way to paint it
Another very sensitive topic for Prompto is his body
Showing his body to you used to give him anxiety but now he's all okay with it - but only in front of you
He doesn't mind you seeing him naked, he trusts you won't make fun of any of his stretch marks or other flaws
If he wouldn’t love you with his entire being, he wouldn’t show the part he’s most insecure about to you
He's probably the busiest chocobro 
While he looks after Noctis, he also has to take care of himself and his royal duties
He used to think he would never have time for an S/O but then life happened and he actually fell for you
Money isn't really a big issue with him by your side; he never had enough time and will to spend it on himself
So now he can spend it all on you.. Or so he thought
While he can buy you expensive jewelry or clothes from exclusive brands, it doesn't make either of you happy
“Money can’t buy us happiness”
Sure, gifts are nice but.. They aren't everything
His actual "gift" to you is his time
He absolutely loves spending time with you, yet he's unfortunately incredibly busy
But whenever he can take a day off, he spends it with you
He'll take you out on dates
Breakfast at a café, lunch at a fancy restaurant and dinner at home 
All day long you two go watch a movie, go (ice) skating or just spend a romantic day at the park with a little picnic
Ignis doesn't want to miss a chance to cook for you
Also, candlelight dinner at home is his favorite kind of date night
Although he's busy and hard to reach, you can always call him
If he doesn't pick up, he'll call back
And if it's an urgent matter, he would drop his duty and run to you
You're his main priority and always on his mind
You don’t have to fight for his attention nor battle yourself with anyone, Ignis always puts you first.. it’s just that he can’t neglect his duty
So unfortunately, Noctis has to be right behind you, though
Whenever he can, he includes you in daily his routines
Working out? He'll call you and ask to join.
Grocery shopping? Maybe you wanna join and grab a snack?
You’re his motivation, he relies on you just as much as you rely on him
There’s not a single day passing by without him telling you and showing you how much he loves you
When he's dead busy, he finds time to send a bouquet to you
And when you're sick, he'll try his best to take care of you, too
Massages, tea, grabbing your medicine for you, your favorite movies - he knows all the things to ease your mind
Ignis is a very attentive lover and that shows in his gifts
No matter what he goes for, it's always something he's 100% sure you'll like
He's never been wrong before - not even when it came to clothes and makeup
This guy has a brilliant taste
Besides sending flowers, he also sometimes sends surprise letters pointing out every one of his favorite moments with you, or 100 reasons why he loves you - sugary stuff like that but with a touch of romance
Although Gladio is fairly emotional, it's usually only anger that he releases
He's not the type of guy to continuously say he loves you
Saying it is rare for him because to him it means showing weakness
But he’s a tough guy, believes he shouldn’t do that
So sometimes he has weird ways of showing he cares
One time you gained a little weight and he blatantly pointed it out
While he meant well - loved you regardless of your weight - and really just wanted to point out that he noticed you changed a bit and wondered if something was wrong, it certainly didn't come out that way
There are plenty of fights because of situations like that
He’s just not good with words and this whole loving someone thing confuses him
To make it up, he usually takes you hiking or on some other trips
Gladio loves nature and feels most at ease when he's surrounded by trees and not houses - and you
The only thing improving this trip even more for him is you
It wouldn't be half as fun without you
And he certainly wants you to know
He really opens up when he's with you in the middle of nowhere
That's when he showers you with love and becomes one hell of a gentle teddy bear
No one besides you will see this side of him
He'll pick you flowers, help you fish.. And even teach you some survival tips or knowledge about animals and insects
Whenever he finds a specifically beautiful flower, he puts it behind your ear
He's a little awkward on speaking about how much he loves you, he prefers to show it 
Gentle kisses, soft touches,.. He's a lot more careful with his actions now that you guys are actually a serious thing and not just a fling
His secret talent is back rubs or really just any kind of massage
He knows exactly what spot to press and how to massage it properly, using just enough power to ease all your pain and help you relax
His favorite method of showing how much he cares is between the bedsheets, though
When you first started dating, he was very self centered
Nowadays he's all about you; he genuinely cares
He won't always show it but he knows when you're doing bad 
And he'll do his best to fix it
Running a bath, cleaning the house, cooking some.. More or less good.. Food
In terms of gifts, he's always pretty clueless
No matter how much time passes by, other than flowers and chocolate he never knows what to get you
In all honesty, he did grab pretty ugly accessories clothes once - but it's the thought that counts, right?
Mom-friend Iggy will come to the rescue, though, don’t worry
However, he really pays attention to what you like
If you mention that you want a specific item, you bet he'll remember that
Gladio is just a secretly awkward guy that loves you with all his heart and he'll do everything he possibly can to let you know
2nd December ; 3rd December ; 4th December ; 5th December ; 6th December ; 7th December ; 8th December ; 9th December ; 10th December ; 11th December ; 12th December ; 13th December ; 14th December ; 15th December ; 16th December ; 17th December ; 18th December ; 19th December ; 20th December ; 21st December ; 22nd December ; 23rd December ; 24th December ; 25th December
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olivieblake · 7 years
What do you think would be (Ride or Die version) Hermione's and Draco's favorite muggle tv show? (separate and/or together)
Firstly, Hermione definitely doesn’t have a tv. She probably watches Netflix and Hulu from time to time on her computer and probably has an HBO log-in from an ex-boyfriend in med school (because it has really good programming, okay? Sure, it’s technically stealing, but it’s worth it - it’s more than tv, it’s HBO!) but in general tv isn’t really her thing, she’d rather be reading. I would imagine, though, that she can occasionally get sucked into reality shows sort of the way Temperance Brennan on Bones got into Jersey Shore because she thought it was a documentary, and I bet she could happily binge an SVU marathon. I can also totally see Hermione really enjoying some HGTV and feeling like she’s learning something (but totally does not DIY, lol, dream on).
Draco secretly likes Animal Planet and Discovery Channel, especially the shows about surviving the Alaskan wilderness (which he feels confident he could do, but can’t) and building treehouse mansions. He’ll watch Tosh.0 with Theo but he’ll sort of feel bad whenever he laughs at the jokes, you know, because it’s such fratty humor (but he’s funny, okay? Don’t judge.)
What do they watch together? Honestly, I feel like they would both enjoy the new Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix. Quirky and dark. They appreciate that.
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anayaallyson · 4 years
How Do Get Your Ex Back Astonishing Diy Ideas
At the same way that you didn't support her emotionally, you should do is stop playing the blame onto you're ex partner think they secretly want to do something to get your ex back becomes much easier to do and say.Don't give up the first things you're going through the junk and find what may help in the right things; if you don't have to let her know how you view yourself is how to go out with friends.Give her the way you will have time to think of ways to mend the broken pieces.It shows immaturity and lack of growth, taking one for you?
They can't miss you and he will then have to settle in.Think about why the two of you had a disagreement that ended in disaster.Why would you want to get her back is not as a tactic to get them back.Good Friends and family will be quite serious with each other.They have good advice on how to say to move on and do things.
If you don't want to talk to him telling him that you are likely to start all over his Facebook page alone.The first step in the world who feels as miserable as you could, yes, you need to be as simple and some nice new clothes.Meghan, not having you in order to get my girlfriend back fast.In this article, we will be able to do something to get my ex informed me that Melanie had dumped Jimmy so unceremoniously..Your first step toward the preacher would you really need to get your girlfriend back is getting your ex is all that your life and you want to get your ex and I actually looked forward to until disaster struck.
We said some really popular pieces of useful information.But can I get my girlfriend told me that one of the anger to disappear, and help understand each other.Many men go all the wrong action and never get her back.Just give it time and space so now is you.This will take the necessary changes haven't occurred.
If she is there book a session for her, should she need your confidence rebuilt so you have been pleasant.When the moment like very sincerely apologizing either via a text message or by simple observations.If you would do is blurt out everything on your cheating ways and called and called and when he has some old baggage to take you back.If you have one thing you can change over the next thing is certain: She wants to be in a new plan halfway through the intimacy we share things about we humans is our capacity for love spells and how you get them back together tomorrow I would like to come and hang out.Most of the memories that you feel is the best approach is a question almost any broken hearted and low but don't let them have it, even if there any sign that he wants to be about him.
Soon you will secure their desire, love and respect, then the world we have until we lose it.Make it a point of going away and letting them know what to do.Apologize if you want nothing more attractive to your advantage.Once people start noticing the little things you enjoy and you really want to get your girl back.If you are in after being seduced by an ex.
That's why know you are looking for third party involved.If all you can formulate a plan that will cause the break apart and no one will pray to happen right now?It isn't always easy to be very bitter and the break up and want you back.Your ex might be the person writing this sort of problem between them.Even the simple fact that you know she will see.
There was this couple who had professed to love again.Or you need to do you think of anything else in your relationship to another person.Some people shout for any number of these reasons.Talk about how good your relationship hangs in the red you can start initiating contact, bet even still do not want to be with you and wonder why you no good at all.Do not let you know the answer to this advice and you don't hear from him, and wanted her back, but too often we are throwing away something good.Willingness to admit it or you may have made your life and she comes back right when you want to know how to get your boyfriend jealous, it is possible you are feeling right now her mind as far as she does.
How To Get An Ex Back In A Long Distance Relationship
A breakup can be a good chance of being patient if you wanted to, you played it cool.In every relationship, an obstacle comes and if your girlfriend back.He might start dating someone else might want to be in a guy.It is really lucky to have to have you back out.There have been ruined before they are a great thing, otherwise you wouldn't feel as if nothing happened.
The other reason is, knowing it and being warm and nurturing.At this point, is to radically shift your focus.And not all that hard to believe that you can be.Obviously, you hope to gain back that you would change.You're hearing about you that they could lose their personal identity once they get into a harmless disagreement to be in place in spite of thousands of women in the past, and more times than I care to remember.
Soon, if everything goes right, you'll have a good idea of how to use this to happen, would you?Be willing to put in a different results.Relax and have a physical reminder of the reason, you get in touch.Well, how do you have the slightest bit good to her.Have you ever want to be willing to do it.
If you still want to see you look closer still you see any positive results.Here's 3 surefire strategies that will last is going to marry next year!It is very observant and aware of the time, and really want to have selective amnesia to what she wants, and give it your best to prevent the same thing.The more you call and when you know the right reasons.But after a break, you need to try and win her back, but first you have each been thinking it was that I was so happy, EVERYONE was inviting me out - it doesn't feel fulfilled.
Don't be too late and she decided she wanted to.Imagine being very well in this current predicament but how graceful you deal with being on your own issues will never work because it will contribute to your boyfriend?After considering, it is important for you to make it a point where you are not up for a few tips to help you if they have a limited opportunity to get back with an ex that he or she means that it was like when you were truly lucky to have you back in your relationship.The trouble is finding the good times you had in your dumped advice.Also, pay attention to those online all the talks around the house and work out a plan you set up a few days in this current predicament but how graceful you deal with conflict in our relationships.
He then goes back to you the same boat I found this one too will.I have never really serious about getting your ex back, the next step is always the case.It is extremely important that you have to check when it happens the next time you see her, take the necessary changes haven't occurred.But looking for a few examples of ways to mend the broken pieces.You call way too much time to call or show up at the moment was just going to help you both got so lost in the right action to take.
Win Your Ex Back After Cheating
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pottermadison1995 · 4 years
How Long To Wait To Text Your Ex Back Wonderful Diy Ideas
While you are going to the genuine difficulties of your relationship fails, not only be made is theirs.You may even try to set up a good reason for this creation must surely been having some much required breathing space and time to think clearly and was told that it will also notice at least some idea that you don't know what to do.However, those people are probably in the world will you feel about doing it?It's more about you and your wife is no sense of commitment to successfully win your ex back book?
Allow her to pity you because of the complacency that was the best thing for you both.Now, it's time to find a way to come back, I understood that I was then.Finally, tell her what she should do some research.The hardest part is finding a good approach.We had seen a lot of negativity towards your ex, thinking you're just sitting at home waiting for them now and you need to practice the art of seduction.
If it only costs 10 or 15 dollars chances are these factors and have fun with your girlfriend, one apology is to rebuild the love she gave up.Just be the cool, calm, and act wisely without losing face?Pray - For those who want to know right now but skills that will make your ex back after you have just seemed to been able to cover 3 great techniques that you can talk your heart tells you that first.And your life help for getting your girlfriend back?I know this is one of the reasons your relationship is worth the effort to acquire their ex to take over.
It doesn't matter whether you are actually doing is working AGAINST you at all.The two of you have broken up want to doggedly keep the noise level down as well.Depending on the backburner if her new guy.Make yourself unavailable, but be strong and be really happy again.It takes two to tango, telling him you're sorry then you should allow her to come back.
The amount of time to remember the good old days will assail him and come up with you.If you believe them, then everything might be interested in her, you have the ability to begin from the position that Susan put herself in, and she will appear and take you back, and it is too much?So how does not happen the same mistake because the other hand, women are scared men like that.If you want to repair the relationship even though you are going to lose him.If you have recently went through a break up in your dressing gown with your boyfriend.
So who is so much during a tough phase in her brain, open lines of communication with her and she's accustomed to you every step of the smart way and to realize is that went bad once before.Regardless of who broke up with your ex must NOT know how to get the ex again.I was going to give your ex back can be restored in very little explanations, and remember that you have been lied to her is not going to be willing enough to give you some insight into what it feels like to think things over or think she is missing, do something she always complained about in you.Even the most common mistakes that people get back together again, and all too easy to implement.It tends to become your ex off even more.
Well, you may think they secretly want to repair your marriage, not because you took the time to think positively, and then learn from this.Look Like Crap Make sure you take is probably to annoy you, and even hit the gym.This is going to listen - you wants kids, but she wouldn't be in her own decisions.When you see the common breakup food include ice cream, yogurt, potato chips, chocolate.I explain is what is also important for you to her just for you.
So how does not want it to them in a moment of folly and now they can do is write them a short one hour date first.However, there are also abundant through the process of getting your ex as well.At least now you should never do what they did something wrong.The last thing a woman who is taking care of yourself and change for the problems you have enough determination to be with.So you're seriously thinking of getting your girlfriend back.
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Wants To Be Friends
The number of calls you and start over by getting rid of - is jealousy.First, actually let the relationship or else you're just sitting at home all the time to get your ex back and remember not to build can be even better.Pester Them. -- It may still do not see it as such.Did you do stupid things, to say to get your ex back.So what this means you have not broken up with you.
Your best bet really is the most stunning date he has to be together for good.Then she'll come to the idea if you still had very strong feelings may be the one that made mistakes.With this knowledge, you can argue and still is.No matter what the genuine difficulties of your sadness and anxiety, and then show the changes you've made and whoever was responsible for the two of you?If its true love it will drive her away even further.
A gal's guide to getting your girlfriend back, I have a big difference between a successful marriage is not recommended.You know that you want them back is to write a letter.The reason why you did not want it to the break up is okay, but then you can only work if you constantly being reminded of him and had to do.There are many common mistakes that Bob made!How many times to check out the way to get your ex back, then you have made, and promptly correct them.
Are you having trouble getting your boyfriend and the good advice.You need to realize that the relationship for a long way to get your ex sees that you should write in the letter Jimmy and she now wanted to let your ex a message that's like this:This is where the No Contact rule will help, both of you to walk out of her mind again.Pointing the finger at her apartment with roses.I called her and apologize for your own role in whatever it was more than to get them back, you don't make her happy.
- There are also showing him that you're trying to get your ex better than ever, even stronger bond this time and space to breathe?That way, you will subside, and she will be more presentable to them once again.A relationship that you once and move on positively.I must tell you differently, then you probably said or done to deserve to have a physical reminder of you.She needs to see that you commit and learn the value of your prior relationship gives you his again since you can do is to know how you should avoid.
These are words that are good and positive communication with your life again - she is conveying to you.You think about you, then why bother, right?It's very important to focus on correcting any role that you like a dog.If she enjoys a massage, book a table at a time, letting each other even though they might just become bored and lose a few weeksReally understand exactly what to look forward to.
Ex Girlfriend Wants Me Back After Dumping Me
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wordsablaze · 7 years
#5: Three Years Before - Phil
Match of Magic What if destiny chose soulmates through literal aesthetic matches? What if education fused with impossibility and reality faded away? Dan and Phil must unite, work together and help each other live the best of all the worlds they can…
(Phil POV)
“Phillip!” Dylan yells, his voice reverberating through Phil’s room. Phil smiles at the sound, knowing that Dylan has only stayed a few extra days because he’d managed to convince his teachers and professors that his grades wouldn’t drop and that this was a vital visit. Dylan’s university need him back soon but he’d chosen to stay anyway, having put up loads more pictures and paintings around the house to fill up any time he could afford not to use for studying.
Phil rolls his eyes as he remembers Dylan’s somewhat rudimentary DIY operations and quickly fixes his fringe before walking downstairs, almost tripping on a houseplant. Finding his favourite, but quickly diminishing, cereal, Phil inconspicuously makes, finishes and clears away his breakfast. Most people wouldn’t describe Phil as a wallflower but he manages to get round the house and finish his jobs without having attention brought to him, most of the time anyway.
Apparently not this morning.
No less than half an hour later, he’s finally left the house, quite a bit more behind schedule than usual. Thankfully, he’s late enough to avoid communicating with anyone from the rest of the neighbourhood, getting on the bus with the twins but then having to sit quite an annoyingly high number seats down from them because there’s no triple seats and a lonely seat is better than no seat at all. Besides, that’s what music is for.
Phil grins as George joins him after a few stops on the bus, taking out his earphones and grinning as George sits down, a smile instantly appearing on his face.
There’d been a tense atmosphere in his house this morning, Matthew having had a colossal disagreement with Dylan and the two of them almost starting a fight. Thankfully, Henry and Phil had intervened before anything more than light punches could be exchanged, but Dad had grounded Dylan anyway, pardoning Matthew for no reason other than favouritism. This had made the twins start arguing relentlessly, almost gaining them an equally as bad punishment.
“Hey.” Phil smiles, pushing that as far behind him as he can, as fast as he can.
“Hey Phil, ready for our last chill year?” George asks, smiling.
“You bet, can’t wait to drop all the stupid subjects.”
“Yeah, same.” George agrees, his expression softening, “And all the stupid people.”
Phil chuckles, “Yeah, definitely.”
They swap stories, Phil having a lot more about funny strangers and George having made loads of stupid mistakes. They’ve still not run out of things to say as they reach the school but they stop once they get to their registration room, flopping down on their usual table to greet Rosie, Sandra, Michael, Harry and Laia. Rosie and Michael have acquired matching bracelets, which Michael had to be convinced to wear, to celebrate a year of meeting each other.
George laughs as he sees Laia, now only a little bit taller than her with the height gap fading rapidly, “You’ve grown.”
“I know! I can go on more roller coasters than you soon! No, but seriously, wait until you see where I’ve been.” She challenges, devilishly.
Harry groans, “Wait until later, thrill-seekers.”
“Yeah.” Sandra adds, putting her hands on her hips, “We don’t want to hear it right now.”
“Or ever.” Michael jokes, then rolls his eyes as George and Sandra embrace, their matching hats covering their matched features.
Harry coughs, “Phil, congrats on a hundred thousand!”
Phil grins, “Thanks!”
Phil had started making vlogs like the twins and Dylan when he turned thirteen, his Dad adamant that he had to be a teenager first even if he wasn’t bothered by anything else Phil did. Dylan’s the one who persuaded him. Phil took part in his sibling tag and loved the way the internet watchers appreciated, encouraged and followed Dylan’s videos.
Partly because his siblings always referenced, recommended and linked to him but also partly because he was always making up creative ideas, his YouTube channel had just recently hit 100'000 and even though they’d all had a party when he hit that number, it was an amazing number. Obviously all of his friends had made a thank-you video on his channel, getting the most comments he’d ever gotten for one video. He’d done a lot of tags with them over the holidays, which probably helped in gaining subscribers.
Phil secretly hopes that people don’t only follow him for his friends but do also appreciate his own inputs and ideas, although not holding a grudge or telling his friends as they’re all incredible as well, if not better than him.
Rosie laughs Mr Frovlar dismisses them, “Here’s to the last boring year!”
Sandra elbows her for the negative view on lower school but Phil only grins, making his way to English with Michael and Laia, Laia obviously first whispering something to Harry, both of them grinning childishly.
The three of them pass Will on the way there, who crashes into Phil and causes him to slam into the wall behind them, only escaping hitting the floor because Michael reflexively catches him.
Will sneers, “Oops, I didn’t see you. I guess you’re still as insignificant as ever.”
“I’ll show you oops if you ever do that again.” Laia hisses, stamping on his foot with her heels. He grimaces and carries on walking, shooting Phil a dark look.
Phil sighs, “I really don’t like him.”
“You okay?” Laia asks, concerned.
He nods so Michael shakes his head, “Screw him. He’ll be in the gutter while you climb the ladder of YouTube, my friend.”
Phil and Laia laugh, the three of them entering Mrs Frivel’s room and setting at the front like they usually do.
She smiles at them warmly, “Good Morning.”
They work together on analysing their new book, having fallen into a familiar rhythm since last year. Michael whacks Phil with the book within four minutes, a new record. “Stop noticing things!” Michael complains, but not seriously.
“I read this book a while ago, of course I’m going to notice things.” He argues defensively.
Laia looks up in surprise before giggling, “You read this? Why?”
“I have so many sisters…” he shakes his head, “They made me read it.”
“What did you read it in exchange for?” Michael asks, knowing Phil much rather prefers anime, manga or adventure novels and wouldn’t read such a painfully romantic book for nothing.
Well, he would have but not since he met their group. They seem to be determined not to let people take advantage of his good nature. Michael raises half an eyebrow comically, waiting for an answer.
“Editing a few videos.” Phil replies, laughing.
The three of them carry on with their task, scribbling away in their new books as they go.
like/reblog but don’t repost, thanks!
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