#I am overthinking this. but I can't figure it out UGH
adenthemage · 2 months
Man so I'm like drawing a bunch of fan designs/AU designs from some cool folks around here and I cannot decide for the life of me if I should wait til they're all done and put them all together in one post, or post each separately? I can never figure out what the etiquette is with this stuff
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quinloki · 2 months
I cannot handle the shanks/marco I just cannot get it out of my BRAIN
I don’t even have anything good going on in my brain about it bc I am so so not used to yandere vibes but omg it’s been running along in my head with the WBP one
I just…. Ugh….. giving into shanks after all that because you’re tired and at least this way you can be close to Marco, and if you’re behaving Marco doesn’t get hurt. And really, if you’re both behaving Shanks is a little more relaxed about it. I could see him testing, offering a little more freedom here and there. Maybe one or both of you fail the first few times, and you’re punished, but you learn better and take the freedom without pushing it after that. You can go to certain areas of the ship without being escorted, spend time together without someone always there, and really sleeping in Shanks’ bed at the end of the day isn’t so bad. It’s more comfy than some of the places you were punished, and you get to fall asleep with Marco if you’re good.
and I’m sorry Marco I would break so fast I am weak minded
Things go well for a good couple of weeks after you just cave and break for Shanks. You and Marco almost have a passable illusion of freedom, aside from the nagging understanding of your situation you'd almost think you were there by your own desires.
One day, the Red Force is docked, the crew are ashore. You're both let off the ship, and for the most part Shanks stays with you. You're all three almost like a real throuple.
At some point Marco realizes it's just you and him.
No sea stone.
No Shanks.
There's crew, but no one's close by.
He doesn't overthink it, transforms and has you on his back. You're clear of the island before you even really understand what's going on. You've been dissociating so hard lately that it just takes a while.
Marco isn't in tip top shape, but he's not beat or worn down either. He rides the thermals, uses every trick he knows, flies for almost two days before you both stop somewhere and truly rest. Food, water, two hours of sleep maybe and he's back in the air.
Keeps it up for nearly two weeks. He's not even sure where he is when you finally stop and spend a couple days on an island, and neither of you ask. You do your best to appear to be locals instead of tourists, and stick around for a few days recovering, building strength.
It's hard work just living after being confined in the ship for so long. But Marco's body recovers extra fast and he's doing work while you're still getting your own self back up to par.
Maybe you get weeks like this. Maybe months. Maybe the world changes and you both figure Shanks just... isn't Shanks anymore. Everything's different, why not him?
But this isn't a story with a happy ending.
The point of Shanks' sword is pressing into your throat, you can't move, couldn't if you wanted to, but if you do you'll slit your own throat. It's everything you have to keep yourself precariously balanced - you can't even hear what's being said around you.
Marco's in the doorway, already on his knees, Beckman and Hongo are holding onto him as he's begging Shanks not to hurt you. He remembers the rules, he knows he's the one that took off, took you with him, gave Shanks the slip for months. It was him, but he'll endure anything Shanks wants to do to him, he can implant sea stone into his body if he wants.
But hurt him. Punish him.
It's weeks before you see Marco again. You hear him. Every day. Somewhere else on the ship roaring in pain, but it's weeks before you see him. Weeks begging Shanks to let you bear some of the pain, to ease some of his punishment, but Shanks doesn't. Says he's honoring Marco's wishes, and won't deny his convictions.
When you do finally see Marco he doesn't say much, smiles at you, looks you over, asks if you're okay. You promise you are, and he just lays down with you. Cuddles. Keeps you within arms reach for days, eating enough to live, and speaking enough to ease your fears. It takes a few more days for the light to come back into his eyes.
You have to hope someone can save you both eventually, but the world's already changed, and you're still on the ship.
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kaida-beifong · 27 days
You're what?!
Lucius finds out he's an uncle, first panic then asking for help. ----- Lucius: Please tell me I didn't hear that. Husk: Kind of feels like you want to tune it out. Lucius: Well how else am I suppose to react. Babies don't belong in hell! Angel: *Snorts* Looks like you're shit outta luck then. Uncle Luc- Lucius: Shut up! Just shut up!, Maybe I was hearing things. Husk: We heard it, so sorry to burst your bubbl- Lucius: Yes but you two are either drunk or high so I can't take your word for anything. Angel: Wow.. Low blow Lucius. Lucius: You like low blows. Angel: Only when I do em. Husk: *Sighs* Look, face facts she's pregnant. Better get over it now. Lucius: Ugh.. Angel: Why are you so bummed about this. Lucius: Its just a lot okay, I don't want Charlie to overwhelmed. She's already dealing with quite a bit right now. Pregnancy on top of all that. Angel: Honestly out of the two of them I think Charlie is the best choice.. Picture Vaggie being pregnant. Lucius: No, Thank you. Husk: We can either make the best of this or you can continue to panic and overthink i-.. And he's gone. Angel: Wonder where he's going. Husk: Two options. Either to Charlie or their dad but both I find extremely unlikely. Angel: Who else would he go too then? ----- Carmilla: Why are you here. Lucius: Well, as surprising as this might sound you're the only mother figure I know whose good to her kids in Hell. Carmilla: Gee thanks. Lucius: That sounds bad but just listen for a minute. The only mothers I know who live in hell either went on a "Hiatus" or outright hate their kids. You not only have a good relationship with your daughters but love them unconditionally. Carmilla: That doesn't tell me why you're here. Lucius: Can you swear on your daughter's lives you won't say anything. Carmilla: ..Don't make me kill you. Lucius: Charming but I'm serious, this cannot get out. Please. I have literally no one else to go too. Carmilla: Fine I won't say anything, now what. Lucius: My sister is pregnant and I have no idea how to handle this. Carmilla: ..Are you the father- Lucius: Fuck no, why would you even ask that. Carmilla: Cause most uncles don't freak out over their sister being pregnant. Lucius: Well in case you forgot this is literal hell. A baby has no place in hell. So I need a motherly perspective from someone who gives a shit about her child. Carmilla: You think Charlie won't, you think Vaggie won't-.. How did they e- Lucius: My guess is magic I didn't ask for details. And it's not that I don't think Charlie won't be a great mom, I think she'll be great at it, I'm more concerned on what to look out for or you know stress mothers go through and how I can help her a bit. Carmilla: You realize it's been quite sometime since I had a baby. Lucius: I can tell. Carmilla: I'm going to ignore that for your sake but if you're actually intending to want to help your sister, maybe take on more of her work load. Less stress the better and maybe try to make an effort to get along with her partner. Lucius: Ugh.. Carmilla: Oh grow up she's not that bad. Lucius: You've only met her once. Carmilla: She's been coming by more often honestly if you'd been around maybe you'd know that. Lucius: If you didn't threaten to shoot or maim me every time I come to see your daughter then maybe I would. Carmilla: The fact you know why I threaten you should tell you more then enough. Lucius: I wouldn't hurt her- Carmilla: You already did but that's neither here nor there, if you want to be of use and be helpful then start by acting nicer to her partner and helping out more around the hotel. See where it goes from there. Lucius: Wait what do you mean I already did. Carmilla: Sorry that's not part of our discussion and I've got a meeting to attend too so either leave or I will make you. Lucius: ..Fine. Thank you for your help Carmilla. Carmilla: You're welcome. Lucius: I never wanted to hurt her, I hope you know that Carmilla: Then prove it. Words mean very little to me. Lucius: *nods* Alright I like a challenge. See ya Mila! Carmilla: Do not!-.. And he's gone.
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kebriones · 6 months
As an artist yourself i want to ask for your opinion. I want to draw couples in Greek mythology like Hades and Persephone but i feel already that people will think of them as overrated for someone to make art again for this couple for the millionth time.
Or when great artists make art about one specific couple so i personally feel that i can't make about the same couple. Like for example i would like to make art of Alcibiades but you already draw Alcibiades so amazingly it feels like i can't do it
Unless i am totally overthinking it without reason idk sorry for the rant 😔
Dear Anon, I will preface this by saying I completely understand what you are saying.
But life is very short and when you have a harmless and creative thing you WANT to do, like drawing something, you should just do it. Absolutely go and draw as much hades/Persephone art as you want. Because it's so popular, yes, some stranger online will perhaps see it and scoff "oh another hades/pers shipper ugh". That's fine. Don't mind that. It's unavoidable There will be dozens of other people who will enjoy it and will love your art.
Second point: never ever think that you mustn't draw something because someone more skilled is already drawing it. I'm not sure what the root of this way of thinking is, to give you some specific advice on combating it, but I know other people irl who have a similar issue of feeling like they're trespassing on some "better artist's territory"
I can only tell you that you never ever lose your right to draw something you want and sharing it with people, even if you're five years old and drawing stick figures. I myself will be ecstatic to see ANY fanart of Alcibiades, all of them are amazing to me. And this has been the case in all fandoms and art spaces I've been in. Especially fanart, will be enjoyed no matter your skill level.
I can't find it right now, but there's a comic where it shows two bakers, and one of them is feeling bad because their cake isn't as fancy as the other's , but the person who gets the two cakes is super happy because they got two cakes. More art is always welcome, nevermind what the style or skill level is, and never ever ever ever think you shouldn't draw something because it's overdone, or already being drawn by others.
Also like the Alcibiades fandom is small and we all need to pull out weight in this boat so go draw Alcibiades this instant 😠 😠
I'm joking <3 but i hope you get the sentiment. And I hope you draw whatever you want.
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misscorn · 2 years
Day 1 Stalker/Cherry Blossom
I hope I can participate in all of @takaritsuweek this year, but I am technically on vacation with friends right now so we'll see if I can crank out all these one-shots lol. For now, enjoy!
Ritsu was probably starting to take this too far. Yes, it started off as just reading all the same books as Saga Senpai...then it turned into trailing behind him to and from school...and then there was the bed thing that happened when Ritsu was first invited to Saga's home...so there was a bit of an escalation happening, to say the least. He still couldn't believe Senpai saw him smother himself on his pillow! Ritsu tried not to dwell on that too often, otherwise the embarrassment would force him to change his name and flee the country.
But this was probably...too far. Most of his previous stalking behavoir stayed in a certain proximity to school: to, from or in it. But this was a public space! If his Senpai spotted him there's no way he'd be able to come up with a believable excuse and then his Senpai would come to realize how weird Ritsu really was.
When they were in the library yesterday, Saga had quietly asked, "Have you ever been cherry blossom viewing before?"
"More often when I was little, but yes, I usually go with my parents. I haven't gone yet this year though." Ritsu answered. "Why?" He asked, curious as to what made Saga think of that.
"I've never been. Or, if I have I was so little I can't remember." Saga answered. "So I was considering going. Maybe." He sort of side eyed Ritsu, attempting to read his reaction.
Ritsu smiled as bright as ever. "I think that's a great idea!"
"When do you think is best?" Saga asked.
"I'd say sooner rather than later. The cherry blossom season might slip away before you even realize if you wait too long to go."
"What about tomorrow?" Saga asked, the weekend just ahead of them.
"Sure, why not tomorrow?" Ritsu said with a pleasant smile. "I'd suggest earlier in the day, as early as you can. It's a little cooler and the crowds are a little thinner in the morning usually."
Saga nodded and after that they went back to their reading.
And now Ritsu was here, attempting to blend in as he watched his Senpai from afar among several cherry blossom trees.
I should just go home, Ritsu thought, but his feet refused to lead him away the moment his eyes landed on Saga. He looked so beautiful among all the pink flowers, like something out of a fairytale, it would be a shame to leave now! Then no one would be here to admire the real view that was Saga Masamune. Plus, in a weird, stalker-y way, it was like Ritsu got to share this experience with Saga. It certainly was a sweet, romantic setting...if only Ritsu had thought to suggest going together! But at the same time, he would've hated to intrude. Ugh, why did things always have to be so complicated? Or at the very least, why did they have to feel complicated? I could be overthinking things. Now I'm overthinking my overthinking. Ritsu huffed at himself before refocusing. He had to keep an eye on his Senpai, half to admire him and half to make sure Senpai didn't notice him.
Usually, staying unnoticed was easy enough. Ritsu loved Saga, but he was normally kind of aloof and uncaring about what-or who-was around him. Ritsu figured Saga would be a little more aware of his surroundings today, considering he was here to literally admire the environment, but he was a little too aware for Ritsu's liking.
Saga kept looking around, and not necessarily at the cherry blossoms, rather as if he were looking for something or someone.
Did he invite a friend? Ritsu wondered, trying not to feel disappointed at the fact that Senpai hadn't invited him. If another person shows up I'll leave...I would really feel like I was intruding then. As long as Senpai has a good time that's all that matters.
Ritsu looked at a few cherry blossoms himself, figuring it'd be a waste not to at least admire them a little bit. Plus, he crossed his fingers that having his back turned to Saga would mean he wouldn't notice Ritsu while he was scanning the crowd.
Why did I have to suggest he go during the morning? There's not enough people for me to blend in with! Ritsu thought, cursing himself before he started to count to sixty, hoping that would be enough time for Saga to go back to being oblivious to the people around him.
He almost got to the full minute, but soon he felt a tap on his shoulder and heard a familiar voice say, "Hey."
Ritsu hoped he didn't visibly tense up and he slowly turned around, doing his best to smile past his embarrassment. God, how humiliating was this!? Showing up to cherry blossom viewing the same day and time his Senpai said he was going to! It was impossible to chalk it up to a coincidence.
Before Ritsu could even try to formulate some kind of lame explanation, Saga said, "You're late."
Ritsu blinked. "What?"
"You said to be here by early morning. It's still morning I guess, but there are more people starting to come. So come on, before it gets too crowded." Saga grabbed Ritsu's hand, making Ritsu involuntarily jump.
"...What?" Ritsu repeated, confused.
Saga raised an eyebrow at him. "Our date?" He said. "You are free today, aren't you? You said today was fine when I asked."
Ritsu stared at him, replaying their conversation from yesterday in his head. Senpai had been asking him out on a date?!
He's so weird, Saga thought, trying to ignore the way Ritsu's big, doe, star-filled eyes made his throat tight and his face a little warm. He hoped the hand that was holding Ritsu's wasn't starting to sweat.
"Y-Yes!" Ritsu said with an enthusiastic nod of his head. "Sorry-yes-I'm free all day today!" He exclaimed. "I'm...I-I'm very excited for our d-date."
He's not normally this scatterbrained, Saga thought, I hope he didn't hurt his head or something. "Right. Let's go then."
Ritsu walked alongside Saga, his heart pounding in his chest as he fought with himself on whether or not he wanted to yank his hand away. On one hand he was holding hands with Senpai and on the other hand he was holding hands with Senpai. Plus, they were in public! Though, the crowds were still pretty thin...and it's not like anyone was paying attention to them anyway. Causing a scene and trying to shake Saga off would cause more attention than anything.
In the end he continued to grip Saga's hand, hoping his nerves wasn't making him hold too tightly.
"Its pretty out here." Saga commented. Ritsu knew he wasn't one to wax poetry, so he'd consider the cherry blossom viewing a success in terms of Saga having a good time with that one comment.
Though, Ritsu couldn't bring himself to look at the flowers, instead just staring at Saga with a dopey smile on his face as he said, "Yeah, it's beautiful."
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Why do I feel like ants are walking on me?? Very itchy. My allergies have been kicking off really bad tonight. But it was not a bad day at all. It was just stupid hot. I was damp all day. But it's fine. I am in the ac now and doing a lot better.
I did have a fun day though! I slept pretty well and didn't toss and turn as much. I got up and got dressed. I felt very cute. I wore my long black skirt today because I thought I could like. Fan myself? But mostly it felt like to much fabric. But I would be okay.
I said goodbye to James and went to get breakfast. Which took almost a half hour. So I am glad I left early.
I got to camp and stopped up by the ground elements area to make sure things were set up and this is when I realized how heavy the air was. I almost thought it might rain but it was just heavy and hot and horrible. Ugh.
And it didn't help that we had to keep walking to the lodge to pick up and drop off our groups. So I had to walk across camp like. 7 times. I was so overheated every time we got up to my program. It sucked.
But thankfully the groups were great. I drove my car down and had a weird thing happen with my parking break and reverse switching?? But I figured it out and parked by the office. I did have to walk back up to the tipi feild to meet with Zay so he could help me set up low ropes. And that was fine with me. And because it worked out Chloe was able to give us all a ride down to the lodge to get our groups. Thank you Chloe!!
And like I said the groups were so great. Like 90% of the kids participated and were a lot of fun. We had a few who did not participate and a couple who actively tried to make their classmates fail? Just complained?? I don't know. It's all good. We had a lot of fun.
I let them know we were doing a challenge by choice model. And that let some sit out of they wanted. And that I encourage them to participate but I won't force them. We started with the tire over wooden stakes thing, and while every group today accomplished it, I think they were overthinking it a lot. But the person who was the speaker/director of each team did a good job and I think the debrief was good? I am bad at the debriefs.
Next we did whale watcher. The first got up could not get it, with a 15 second time, the second group had a lot of complaining and got 60 seconds. And the last group did the best at working together and got 1 minute and 15 seconds!
We would do team wall next. It was my first time doing it and I did my best to encourage but I couldn't help much. Mostly because I can't reach and can barely see over the wall. And everyone was so sweaty that it was hard to pull people up and over. And I slipped on the ladder and was a little shaken up but it was fine. I was just really sweaty and kept running out of breath. Sucked. At least I was having fun.
We did the low ropes next. And that was fun. Lots of laughs. And finally we would do the A frames over in the tipi feild. It was a fun program, though they all took forever to do the first two and I was surprised by that. Ah well.
After the first program I walked them down to go have snack. Took a minute in the ac at the pool house. And then went to the porch to eat my sandwich and chill until the next program. After the second program they had lunch. I walked all the way to the lodge and then they told me we had our lunch at the office. So I walked back. They got me Mac and cheese. Thank you Heather.
While there I got to hear some horse community drama. And then my dad texted me that his amputation has been scheduled. Next Tuesday. I'm not thrilled that there is still another week of waiting. But like emotionally I understand why dad needs time. I just want him to start healing. And this feels like the step. This is it. This is going to help him in a tangible way. Like it sucks. It really does. But I also feel like amputation is one of the oldest surgical things? Trepanation is older probably.
I had one more group and they did a great job. But we were all so stupidly sweaty and I felt so dirty. I finished almost all my water. And then everyone came and helped me put everything away. I felt very loved in that moment.
Heather drove the gater up and helped carry everything up to the shed. And once everything was wrapped up and put in it's place she drove me, Chloe, and Zay back to the office to go home.
I took the walkies inside and refilled my water. My car felt like it was a million degrees so I turned the car on and let it run for a minute before I left.
And it was a good drive once the car cooled off inside. I was super excited to go home.
And when I got back here I was frustrated by the what still. But I got upstairs and James had put the ac on for me. They were in the shower. And once they were done I went and took one myself. I felt a lot better after that but I was still so damp.
I would sit in my studio in front of a fan. And went through all our bath and body products and tossed anything that smelled full and combined things that could be combined and tossed the empty stuff. It felt nice to organize. James helped bring stuff in from the bathroom for me. And I had a nice time sorting.
James went and got pizza for us for dinner. They walked to the pizza shop to get it. I laid in the ac until they got home.
We had pizza in the living room and talked about how to make my book now that the pieces are done. But that ended up being so frustrating. James is going to organize the files but then we looked at the scans and they looked terrible. The scanner just wasn't doing what I was hoping. And so then I set up lights and background paper to photograph the scans. But I only have my phone and they looked terrible.
I was just so bummed. And felt so stupid. Like this should have been finished months ago but camp was a lot and now things are getting so busy again so even though I don't have a real deadline I just wanted to be done already. And so I'm frustred with myself.
It will be okay but I sort of shut down I was so upset. We will figure it out but I am still not having much fun.
James made me a little milkshake. And really I am just ready to go to sleep.
I am driving back up to my parents tomorrow. And my brother is going to be there and then we'll go have lunch. I asked if he wanted to do an activity but he wasn't down. I am only slightly sad about that but I understand. I am going to go hang out with Jess after that. And I will probably sleep over at my parents so I don't have to rush or drive late at night. We will see what I decide but I packed my little backpack regardless.
Now though I'm going to wash my face and get ready to sleep.
I hope you have a fun and safe day tomorrow. Take care of yourself!!! Goodnight!!
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Day I don't even know anymore, going to assume it's Day 7
I'm getting settled in, meeting friendly people. I don't know why, but most Heavy Weapons Guys just seem to have such warm hearts. Haven't met one who's an asshole yet, even from my previous assignments.
Off topic, but sometimes I wonder if my biological father would be proud of me, of where I've ended up by meandering in his footsteps to become an engineer. I don't think he ended up in the same kind of situation I'm in where he's employed by one of the brothers in a fucked up family feud, but my mother, bless her cold and shriveled heart, would tell me about him sometimes when my stepfather wasn't around and she'd had a bit too much to drink. She said his job killed him. I do have a box of his things, a big locked chest that I bring with me to each of my assignments. I still haven't opened it though. I don't know the code yet, and I wanna figure it out myself. I can't break the lock open, that'd be cheating. I've tried his birthday, the day he met my mother, my mother's birthday, several important dates, hell, his employee number that I found in my mom's filing cabinet. Still haven't tried my birthday because...well...Shit. It just seems too easy. Maybe I'll use it. I wonder what the man left me. Maybe he kept a journal too, one can only hope. I just want to know more about him. Apparently I look a lot like him.
Next topic, bit TMI.
Spring's been getting to me like the little rabbit I am. Ugh. I would like to get some kind of help for it, but also I don't quite trust anyone here yet. Thankfully the copper IUD should be doing its thing, so I won't be having any children. I don't think I would be able to handle that sort of thing. It would just kill me inside. Plus they'd probably be messed up anyway. I'd be a shitty father.
The testosterone I am taking does help with how I'm feeling, but not as much as I would like for this kind of thing. I guess it's at least keeping me from being completely useless. Still, I feel so needy sometimes, and people who I probably wouldn't normally see as attractive look incredibly attractive. I don't need or want this.
Also I think that sniper I met the other day was asking me to bed? I may be overthinking it, but...If he was I regret not taking him up on the offer. It can be difficult to find someone to spend a season with... Though on the other hand, I don't know what he'd think of me or what anyone would think of me. They'd be expecting something that I just don't have right now. It's kept me from getting relationships before, and I've even gotten hurt a few times. A man expecting another man like him, but then they get me. It hurts.
Shit like this also keeps me from seeing doctors.
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angelicyoongie · 2 years
Ooo, I just remembered that I forgot to mention something in my reblog for the lovesick update. So here I am.
Anyways, so I just wanted to say that I love how the reader always assumes right. Like whenever she finds one of the boys creepy or thinks that they are the ones responsible for something, she’s like always right. It’s just that she second guesses herself all the time and tries to logic away the idea that the boys are being creepy or may be her stalker (stalker, not stalkers cuz she still thinks there is only one).
It’s like her guts and heart are always telling her the right thing, but she always ends up overthinking her way through into convincing herself that she’s wrong. She gives them the benefit of the doubt, rather than trusting her own assumptions. Like she’s so smart yet since she’s convinced herself that she’s paranoid, she doesn’t even trust herself.
Idk, just the fact that she knew Jungkook was sniffing her, that Jin was limping, that Jimin was too into the letter and her, that Namjoon was giving off maybe strange vibes—she’s always right! I wish I could tell her to just trust herself. She’s literally always right!
Either way, I love her character and feel that her view of herself being paranoid is very realistic. The fact she second guesses herself and tries to logic out the candidates for her stalkers is very realistic as well. I can’t wait until she realizes she’s been right all along. Like to see her realize her instincts have always been correct might lead her to being a lot more trusting of herself and might be the very thing that leads to her saving herself from them.
Ugh, I just have so many thoughts. I’m seriously loving this story and every element of it just makes it one hundred times more intriguing! You’re always great, and this story just proves it! It’s so good!! Sending you love!! 💕💕💕💕💕
I'm so glad to hear that you find it realistic!! I know y/n can be viewed as a somewhat frustrating character because we know she's right, but she doesn't believe in herself. Though, who would after going through all the trauma she's endured for the past year? She's constantly looking over her shoulder, the police won't take her seriously, her own home isn't safe – the list goes on. It's no wonder that she feels like she's going insane and that she can't trust her own emotions. I know I would be just as confused and scared as she is.
Her intuition and instincts are really good, and I think she would've easily figured out who the stalker was if there wasn't seven of them. Who in their right mind would ever entertain that thought, you know? Even having just one is crazy enough. The reveal is going to be very interesting, there's going to be a lot of mixed emotions! I can't wait to write it!!
Thank you sooooo much!! 😭💖
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aestheticfangirl · 4 years
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Jungkook's POV :
I was unable to sleep tonight again I woke up from my bed and when I looked outside I saw a huge truck and a car. I guess our new neighbours are here. My mom said someone is moving today. But whatever it doesn't matters to me I am not that sociable. I like my own room. Anyways I went downstairs and mom handed me trash. Ugh I have to go out and throw this again.
I was throwing out the trash when I saw him. He is spectacular. He looks so sad. His face depicts that something is terribly wrong with him yet he is silent. I have never seen such a beautiful man before. I am awestruck by him. And then suddenly he looked at me and our eyes met. The electric energy that sparked inside me is something I have never ever felt before. I panicked and rushed home.
I went to my room and secretly watched him. Amidst of his sad vibes he is smiling for his parents. I wanted to hug this boy so much that I can't explain in mere words. But I don't know if he even will talk to me or not. He then went inside his house and my secret stalking is finished for now.
I returned home after a dreadful day.
My mom is cooking so many dishes today so I asked, " Hey mom why are preparing so many things for the two of us ?"
Mom replied," I invited our new neighbors today for dinner, as you have returned now please help me set the table "
I am literally shocked I mean I am happy I am having butterflies in my stomach. I am going to meet that boy again and who knows we might become friends and then best friends. I am an overthinker. I went inside my room and searched for all my latest video games. I am a games freak and I guess he will also like my collection.
I rushed down then and set the table as mom wanted.
Finally they arrived and we ate our dinners and gossiped a lot. Mom and the new neighbors became quite good friends in an instant and they even planned to go grocery shopping together.
I finally talked to the guy ," Hey I am Jungkook but usually friends call me Jk and you ?"
He replied , " I am taehyung but people usually calls me V ".
His voice is so deep that I feel in love with his voice .
I asked him to come with me to my room to play video games. He agreed. He is quite silent. I am also not that talkative. Yet I managed to make some small talks. I asked him about his old school ,old friends and all those stuffs.
It's time for him to go home now but I don't want him to go. But what can I do I can't stop him.
I said ," Ok it was nice to spend time with you and if you ever need company give me a call I am always free ."
He smiled and replied, " yeah sure ! Goodnight and sweet dreams."
After we went I am again unable to sleep I decided I will go to the roof and listen some songs may be I will feel better .
When I went I saw a familiar figure at the roof. As our roofs are kinda connected I saw V sitting.
I addressed him , " Hey there do you also have sleeping issues ?"
He nodded simply.
I thought I am too nosy so I didn't said anything further. I simply sat down put on my earphones and listen songs and secretly stole some of his glances . The moonlight is making him more beautiful than ever.
I can see that sadness in his eyes again and I can't resist myself anymore and so I asked , " Is anything wrong? "
He looked at me but remained silent.
His silence is so loud that I felt like he is asking to be hugged and I moved towards him and holded him in my arms I don't know the consequences but I did what I wanted. I was shocked to see the reaction from him I thought he will push me away rather he holded me more tightly and he started sobbing slowly.
I whispered to him , " Relax I am here and I am never gonna let you go ".
His grip tightened by my words and a small smile passed my face as if I understood he too felt that magical vibe that I felt. I then decided I am never gonna leave this man.
He slowly lifted his face and looked at mine and smiled gently and said , " Promise me you will never leave !
I promised him that I will never leave and he became happy . I wanted him to be happy I am gonna do everything possible to bring happiness to this pure soul. He is the only best thing happened to me.
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danicac07 · 4 years
Title: A Flower We Saw That Day
1. Café
You were busy doing your plates since it was your 2nd year in college. You have a report next week, had a research paper and furthermore its due date is also within a week and you didn't know where to start. By being helpless, you needed to relax yourself and grab some coffee.
You went to a café where there are less people known that place. It's far from your University where it is recondite and place at the second floor building. As you enter at the café you were the only person there as if it was enchanted or literallyno one knows that café actually existed and you were so mystify. You think to yourself that you are lucky to have known this place of all people because the sooothing ambiance of the café makes you forget everything- even your report and your research don't even matter anymore. The welcoming scent of the aromatic coffee makes you want to stay forever but you know to yourself it is just a matter of time that you will be there at the café and now's not the time to be daydreaming of staying forever. (See fig. A)
You went to the counter and order a mocha frappuccino and waffle.
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Figure A
"One mocha frappuccino and can you also serve me a waffle please."
"The total that you ordered is two hundred pesos."
You pick your wallet in your pocket and give a five hundred cash.
"I received 500 pesos." Said the cashier.
The cashier gave my changed which is three hundred pesos.
"We will served it to you ma'am, you may wait and sit anywhere you'd like."
"Thank you." I said with a smile even though I don't know why I am thanking...
You just thought of something... they said you should be glad in every single thing because we all carry and facing a problem on our own so, always be nice to other person.
You pick a seat in the corner where no one can see you or as much as possible noticed you. As you went to the spot you'd like, you pull out your laptop in your bag and start to do your report and waited your order.
Fifteen minutes has past and they served you the mocha frappuccino and waffle. As you're going to dig in (eat up), a handsome guy came in. You scan him from head to toe.
He is six feet tall (182cm), a dyed hair color blue, has a sharp eyes, you can see his jawline, and has a fierce look. You cannot tell if he is a model or somebody else. You can't tell his identity because he is so sexy from what he is wearing and all. A perfect guy you might say. His skin is a glass like porcelain and as he went to the counter... the deep voice of his gets the best out of you- you were so attractive to the voice of his. You think to yourself ("this is not good") because you know to yourself that you're going to be self-conscious when he is around looking that handsome.
You were trying to calm yourself down. As you saw him ordering for a while... the girl in the counter is also dumbfounded. You imagine her that she was drooling all over the place so you just laugh to yourself and think that the cashier girl and you were on the same track.
"One hot of coffee please." He said in a pleasant voice.
"O-one hundred and f-fifty pesos." Said the cashier girl as she stutters and being bashful.
As this good looking guy pick a wallet to his jeans pocket he give a two hundred pesos cash and hand it over to the counter.
As the cashier girl took the two hundred pesos cash, she changed it and gave the fifty pesos to this guy.
"Thank you." He said.
You thought to yourself ("this one is also an odd little fellow")
As he going to pick a seat... you and him just locked eyes and in an instant you break the eye contact and you focus to your laptop, eat your waffle and sip a mocha frappuccino you ordered.
Your heart beat is getting faster and louder and you wish to yourself that he will not noticed something fishy about you.
He walked towards at your seat and sit next on the other corner.
Right now... you can't focus to your report because you can still hear your heart beat is getting faster as if you cannot breathe because all of those vacant seats in the café... he decides to sit right next to yours.
You took a glance to this young man and good gracious! As he wait his order you thought to yourself as if he is making a drama or what (see fig. 1) but you're not sure if he is waiting for someone like his girlfriend and your heart is broken because you think that maybe he is taken already.
(I mean who would thought that this man is single? Just looking at him make you fall in love 24/7)
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Figure 1
You think to yourself that you don't want to care anymore because you know to yourself you are a hopeless women who is in a 2nd year in college and wants to graduate as soon as possible because you have a dream to achieve. You're so ambitious that you don't have time for a guy like him (referring to the handsome guy on the other side of his corner).
As he was waiting for his order you can feel that as if someone is watching you. You feel uncomfortable because the one you only think who is watching you is that guy.
"What?" You said.
"Nothing." He smile.
(You think you are melting because your weak point is a guy who has a deep voice)
"Then stop staring at me." You said as if you were trying to threaten him.
"I wasn't looking at you, I am looking at the poster on your side." He pointed out.
You were so embarrassed that you want to go out at the café and scream out loud.
("Somebody help me!")
Then, a waiter served his hot a cup of coffee.
("Thank you for saving me waiter. I owe you a lot.") Thinking as you were already glad to the server.
"Here's your hot a cup of coffee, Sir." The waiter said.
He just smile and take the hot cup of coffee. (See fig. 2)
He took a sip and still smiling.
("How I wish I am the coffee cup. What. Did. I. Just. Said?") You thought to yourself.
You shake your head and you start to focus on your report.
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Figure 2
(Really? You think you can focus in that situation of yours? Haha)
You wanted to finish the report and as you were about to focus on your report he started to hum a song.
He was humming it, and you feel you know the song very well but you're not sure. (Play fig. 3)
(Please imagine that wonwoo sing all the parts of smile flower. Hehe I can really imagine it so well because I really love his deep voice.)
Figure 3
As he sip and humming a song...
"Excuse me, but what song are you humming?" You say directly as if you want to search it up on YouTube once you find out the song.
"If I tell you the song what would be my price?" He smirked at you and you think that is clever of him.
You think carefully and said "I can tell you my name."
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Figure 4
"Clever. But I want something more." He said as if he was teasing me.
Your expression and emotion just mixed up.
"You want something more? But it is just a song." You said abruptly.
"If you say so." He said sipping his cup of coffee.
"Ugh. Fine." As you growl and let out a sigh.
"Smile Flower" he said.
"What?" You said.
"That is the name of the song." He said as he puts down the cup of his coffee.
"Oh. Okay... thanks." You said to yourself and search it up.
"Okay. Your name please." He said mischievously.
"Y/N." You said indifferently.
"Jeon Wonwoo." He said and put his hands on under his cheek.
("Damn don't be so cheeky and charmer at the same time") you thought to yourself.
"So what is 'something more' you want?" You said as you raise your eyebrows.
"Do you have boyfriend perhaps?" He said.
("What? That was it? I was overthinking of what he wants me is just to ask if I have a boyfriend? Am I a joke to him?") You don't know why you're so mad but you keep your composure. ("I guess this is his way to know a woman? Ugh, I don't know anymore I'll just answer him.")
"No. I haven't." You said.
"An ex?" He said.
"No. I don't have a boyfriend since until today." You said sighing.
As you sigh... you feel as if he is eager to listen to you more.
"Well, I think we're on the same page." He said smiling and keep his eye contact to you.
You become stupefy. Because all the this time, you thought that this handsome guy has a girlfriend because he is perfect and all but you thought it all wrong.
"Uhh, you're kidding right? I mean, y-you're handsome and all. What I AM trying to say is you definitely have everything." You said.
He chuckles and said "Maybe I am not that as predictable as you may think."
"Then maybe you have an ideal girl right?" You said as if you want to know this uncanny man.
"Maybe not an ideal woman but is someone who can fully understand me. I am a reserved man after all." He said.
You think that you understand some part of him but in reality, you know you can't still figure him out because everything about him is mysterious.
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Thank you for reading!
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allyannesd · 5 years
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[A.N] Hey so um this is my first imagine kind of story. This is a Jeff Atkins imagine if you haven't noticed. Lil reminder that I DO NOT own any of the 13RW characters.
[In this story Jeff and Hannah live cause THESE ANGELS DESERVED BETTER]
Y/N: your name
Y/L/N: your last name
Y/N/N: your nickname
Warnings:Fluff, makeout, drinking (if you don't like drinking), swearing and cute lil Jeff.
Saturday. The last night before school started again and of course someone must throw a comeback party right? Right. That someone is Jessica Davis. A really good friend of mine and a really nice person if you ask me. It's noon right now, parents out of town for an urgent business cause and here I am, Y/N  Y/L/N, in my bed in my boyfriend's large hoodie cuddling with him and watching Disney movies. 'Why aren't you watching a cool show or a romantic movie' I don't know... guess were that kind of couple. And to be honest I don't care what we're watching as long as I can play with his hair. Cliche right? Heh I don't care.
"Y/N can we go to Jessica's party?" He says tilting his head to look at you. "I don't know Jeff I'm not in the mood for drunk horny teenagers" I say sarcastically and rolling my eyes. "Oh come on it'll be fun. Besides I'll be there making the party better" he turns his body around and hugs your waist. "Pweaase. For me?" He looks at you with his puppy blue eyes which makes it impossible to say no and he knows it. "Ugh okay we'll go" I say rolling your eyes. "Thank you...thank you...thank you..." he says as he pecks your lips.
•••••••Time lapse... because I can heh••••••••
It's 7 Pm I'm getting ready and yes, I don't normally  party but since your boyfriend is one of the most popular baseball players at school he needs to be there. Aka you also need to be there cause ya know...party=drinking=girls hitting on him. And yes I do trust Jeff with my whole life but I don't trust them.
In anyway when I actually go party I dress pretty impressive I can say.
I combined a plain tight crop top with high waisted torn short jeans, a Gucci belt and a moon necklace that Jeff got me on my birthday.
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"Babe are you ready? We should get-" he shuts his mouth quickly before finishing his sentence. "Umm.. I- I mean- holy shit Y/N" he stares at you, analyzing you up and down before coming towards you and puts his hands on your waist and whispers in your ear "What do you think of canceling this party and just stay here?" His whispers, even after all these months of being in a relationship with him, they give you shivers. You can't help but smile. "I'm sorry tiger but I didn't get ready for nothing. You got yourself in to this" you say with a smirk on your face and giving him a kiss on his jaw line which made him even more frustrated. "Cmon move it tiger I don't wanna be late" he groans as he grabs his varsity jacket and takes your hand leading to your front door.
After a 10 minute ride to Jess' house, you two walk to her front yard seeing already drunk teenagers laughing, teasing and well, making out. "Wow already drunk I see" you say entering the house and seeing Jessica dancing with Justin. "Y/N!! Jeff!! How's my otp?" She greets you both with a huge smile on her face. "Pretty good. This one forced me to come." You look at Jeff and he tightens his grip on your waist. "Why you didn't want to come to my party? You're breaking my heart Y/N!" She says joking and making a sad face knowing that you don't like partying a lot. "Anyway since you're here why not have fun huh?" Says Justin giving a devilish look at Jeff which made him kiss your neck playfully. "Easy there tiger, as I said before you got into this mess on your own" you said turning around and playfully pushing his chest with your index finger. "Oh come on baby" he whines. "Go have fun with your friends babe. And by the way I'm keeping your eye on you" you said grabbing Jessica's arm and heading to Hannah who was sitting on the couch.
"Boo!" You shout making Hannah jump. "God Y/N don't ever do that shit!" She chuckles. "Why are you sitting here alone?" You sit next to her and Hannah glances over to where Clay Jensen was. "Oh my god! You like Jensen?" Jess gasps. "Oh Jess that's not new believe me." You say and Hannah slightly punches your arm. "Okay I do like him a little" you raise your eyebrow and she looks at you with a 'what' face "oh come on a little" you say making quote marks with your hands. She rolls her eyes "okay I like him a lot, satisfied?" She shrugs "no I'm not satisfied. Go to him and chat" you cross your arms. "Are you batshit crazy?! No way" she semi-whispers. "Come on Han, remember how Y/N and Jeff started hanging out and then dating" Jess points at me. "Um Jeff was tutored by Clay and Y/N happened to hang out with Clay?" Hannah says and  looks at both of as confused. "Kinda, well Clay happened to know that Jeff likes me and I also told him one day and he convinced me to talk with Jeff. We started hanging out and I helped him with French and boom our first date at the Crestmont theatre." You say and glance at Jeff who was already looking at your direction with Clay. "Hey Han, come with me." You say standing up and taking her hand. "No Y/N, no way" Hannah denies understanding where you wanna go. "Han please just let me be Cupid today" you look at her with a smile and puppy eyes which makes her roll her eyes and giving in.
I've always been Clay's 'cupid' and I need to admit he really did help me with Y/N. I will forever thank him for this and I'll do whatever I have to do to make things happen with him and Hannah.
"Hey babe." You say giving him a peck on the lips and then turn to Clay "Sup Jensen?" "Y/N hi, um nothing much. Hannah..." "Hi Clay" says Hannah sheepishly. "So um Y/N I need to talk to you." says Jeff and you look at him confused "It's kinda urgent" he says again nodding towards Clay and Hannah. "Um yeah sure Jeff let's go" You say grabbing his masculine arm. As you walk away from Clay and Hannah you wink at Hannah and she sights.
"Oh my god we're such matchmakers" you tell Jeff laughing as you're walking upstairs "I know we are." Jeff whispers and he kisses your neck. "You really can't keep your hands to your self can you?" You say with your hands grabbing his neck. "Y/N have you seen yourself? How could I keep my hands away from you?" You can't help but smile to his comment. Jeff moves his kiss from your neck to your jaw line and then to your lips and without a fraction of a second you kiss him back. He grabs the back of your head giving in more in your kiss and you bite his bottom lip. He licked your lower lip asking for the entrance and you let him without hesitation. Now your tongues were dancing in sync. You both part away to catch your breath but after less than a minute Jeff grabs your hips, lifts you up and crashes you on the wall behind you. His kisses move again to your jaw line down to your sweet spot and starts sucking on it making a little love mark.
After a while of sucking each other's faces you go downstairs where Zach tells Jeff to go for a beer run.
"I wanna come with you babe" you ask looking up to his tall figure. "It's okay my French lady, I'll be back in 10 minutes anyway" he kisses the tip of your nose and he walks out of the door. You wanted to go after him, you had a bad feeling about this but when you did he was already turning left. "I'm probably overthinking this" you said and went back inside to find Jess or Hannah.
-After 10 minutes-
"Clay what's up?" You ask worried since you haven't heard from your boyfriend. You look at Hannah who looks concerned. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" the phone dropped out of hands and you started crying, being out of breath you were at the edge of having a panic attack. "Y/N WHAT HAPPENED?!" Hannah continued asking being really worried about you. "I- I need to go NOW" you picked your phone and started running outside the house "Clay which intersection you said?!" You asked trying to calm a little "Okay I'm coming right now".
Hey, I hope it's good if it's not.. sorry.
I'm taking requests so if you have one just send it.
I'll probably start writing part 2 right now because I have nothing else to do.
Okie byee
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