#I am just been thinkin
bookshelfpassageway · 27 days
one of these days i'm writing some kind of essay about lost media and humanity's need to solve loose ends. people only care about it because its lost. people only know its lost because somebody cared about it. it's such an achingly beautiful concept. it's such a horrifying fate. it's about mortality and the traitor that is memory and about love. its about the human spirit and a new kind of folklore. all forms of media preservation are a race against the deprecation and physical decomposition of their storage medium. i hope there's a heaven for art.
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godbirdart · 9 months
"are you a good person" i don't know, am i?? i don't think i get to just Decide that for myself
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
I have Gathered some Data
@skysofrey and I recently got into a discussion about names in OFMD. Specifically, how many times does Ed actually call Stede by his name in the show? We could only think of a few examples each and that didn't seem right. And because I'm insane, I decided to rewatch and note down every time a name was used, who used it, and who was being spoken to. Here are my findings!
Before you proceed, please know that this is strictly for fun and because I was curious. There are likely errors in the data (I'm sure I missed some things, I'm just one person.) but! I still think that what's been gathered is very interesting.
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Here are some other fun/important/miserable things that I found in my travels:
There is one more time where Stede calls Ed “Edward,” and the only time it isn’t said to him directly. This is when Stede is addressing the petrified orange.
Of the five times that Stede is called “The Gentleman Pirate,” two of them are from Ed.
Ed calls Stede by his name only twelve times in the series. Only two of these instances are spoken to someone else. There are two others when Ed is looking for him at the pier, and therefore spoken to no one.
There are only ten instances of other characters calling Ed something other than his name or “Blackbeard.” Two of these are from Izzy, during the scene in Spanish Jackie’s bar, where he’s informing Stede that Ed would like to meet with him. During this scene, he only uses “my captain” and “my boss.” This is one of the very few times he doesn’t refer to Ed to other people as “Blackbeard” and it’s at the time that is arguably the most important. (He’s an idiot.)
Out of the twenty times that Ed refers to himself, fourteen of those are as “Blackbeard/The Kraken.” He refers to himself with names other than “Ed/Edward” 70% of the time. 50% of the times he refers to himself by his name are during the beach scene in episode nine, and there is only one instance where he uses his name that is not in Stede’s company. ("Actually, I do want to be called 'Ed' from now on.")
Izzy only refers to Ed as "Edward" to other people four times in the show. Two of those times are when he's marooning Stede's crew, and each time he uses his name in that scene, he takes on a mocking tone. Meaning that 50% of every instance he's referred to Ed as "Edward" to other people, he's been mocking his name.
Ed calls Stede "mate" as often as he calls him by his name, but he only calls him "mate" directly.
Stede calls Ed by his name only once more than Izzy does.
80% of the times Ed refers to himself by name happen in episode nine.
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bunnyhysteria · 29 days
a few people are bringing up depression in response to my shen yuan post, and while do what you want yes, I feel this does go back to how people don't know how to write disabled characters as another person brought into light. including mental disabilities.
mayb now I'm projectin on this one, but seein the absolute cluster fuck of shen yuan, it feels strange to go "it's depression!". I see narcissistic personality disorder, other cluster b traits, I see autism, mayb even ocd. he's a paranoid, hot head mess whose constantly calculating every moment. but people don't really know how to contextualize mental illness, especially not the "scary" ones, even if they have mental illness themselves. just slap on depression and anxiety as a bandaid and don't talk about the rest! it's not that people don't want to go further (or at least I have some faith), I just think our current society has not prepared people to step out of the "nice" mental disorders.
so I don't fault anyone who reduces his nonsense into the socially acceptable depression, but I can't act like that it doesn't make me uncomfortable. but also not uncomfortable enough to directly respond to strangers on the interwebs HSKDHDH.
but I also did want to talk about the depression to slob pipeline as well because that's I suppose the part that gets me. he's unwell, so he's a slob and a disgustin mess. a statement that could be made about someone who has depression, but I have a hard time applying the "he" to shen yuan in this case. I'm personally under the "I care so much about my image that I feel like I'm gonna rot from the inside out" type, and my response has been to hyper clean. clean and clean until I can't clean anymore and so I'm stressed that I can't make my space (and by extension myself) better in a small matter of time. I was once a slob in the past as a teen, but I'm immensely embarassed by it. I'm vain, so I take photos of myself with my backdrop being my room, and I will loose my marbles if someone looks down on me because I threw my pjamas onto my bed while gettin changed. no one but me and my family enter my room. no one else even enters the house.
*picks up shen yuan by the scruff of the neck* yer telling me this rich pretty boy obsessed with tryin to get people to take him seriously wouldn't have an instagram or whatever the equivalent would be?? honestly I feel like it would be expected of him, and he might also flaunt his wealth (that he didn't earn) to try to feel better. if you couldn't tell I'm tryin to shove a superiority/inferiority complex onto him over his status. that's just cause I think it'd be funny I don't have any text evidence off the top of my head for that lmao.
ultimately with all this, I just want something different. I want people to step back and look at shen yuan for who he is and then extrapolate out from that and into how they want to play with his character. I don't know how, with all these complex thought processes and characterizations of binghe, we have landed with a very 2d, copy paste version of shen yuan every time. maybe I just need to dig more into shen yuan fan creations, but I have yet found one to step out of the invented fanon version mold or their small variations. and its quite strange to me given how divorced fanon shen yuan is from canon shen yuan. I suppose I'm not used to a fandom with a character so warped away from canon well accepted. dare I say, ooc.
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bloo-the-dragon · 8 months
*holds nebula like hamborger* what am i to do with you.
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rainymoodlet · 10 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Ep. Eleven] A Colorful Day
I know they'll come for me, if I need, if I need... For I see the love in you; it feeds me, it feeds me.
Daniel keeps utterly surprising me! But it was there in black and white autonomy: Suraj won the show's third First Kiss! Congratulations to @gothoffspring and her lovely botanical boyyy 🥹
[ Part 2/2 ] 🌹
#god i am so sorry posts have been all over the place these past two days!!! i just paid rent and almost dryheaved lmfaooo#ts4#ts4 screenshots#ts4 gameplay#ts4 challenge#ts4 bachelor challenge#;kmik#sim: daniel#suraj kennedy by gothoffspring#||#i don't think i've mentioned this but the songs i've linked#are the songs i listened to while editing their pictures dfkhds#josiah deserved a song dammit but u kno#dreamy kiss caps bwah#these two have some of my utter favorite caps omg the extras??? are just... shoujo quality mwah#i did NOT expect this!! their romance bar was on the wiggly whirly the entire date! (their friendship bar was scootin up just fine) but#out of absolute nowhere#dan was just fucking talking to the guy#and the next time i clicked on suraj it was right there: first kiss. and i said - okay dan if you're thinkin I Want To Kiss Him while#he's talking then you're goddamn gonna#but bwuh omg the song is really good for them in its own haunting way#there's a schism between these two that's so fascinating...#like suraj is nervous around dan but dan is also nervous around suraj??? i feel like neither of them have found a rhythm comfortably with#each other but like... not in a bad way???#they're drifting closer and closer together in the effort to meet in the middle and its SO INTRIGUINGGG#BUT GODDD ISNT SURAJ FUCKING STUNNINGGGG#LOOK AT THAT MAN'S FACE#LOOK AT HIS EYELASHES LOOK AT HIS GENTLY PARTED LIPS#THERE'S A REASON DAN'S FACE IS BARELY IN THESE SDJKHFSJH#so dreamy... fwah i just adore it
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stonerzelda · 8 months
when god was making me with his little plasticene clay he said wat if i gave this one unbridled rage in the form of moral justice values but also made them spineless as all hell wouldnt that be funny
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picklesinabottle · 9 months
obsessing about michael holing up in a body that is not his own in a dark church and dean folding in on himself every time and neither of them doing anything until prompted with a way for revenge or to get them back
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claudia-kishi · 2 years
elementary is about love.
sherlock holmes knows about love. he knows it exists... to a point. is love a human construct? he doesn’t believe it, but he knows he’s felt it. with irene. with his mom. he knows it exists, but is it real?
joan watson knows about love. she sees it as what’s considered normal. she can recognize it between other people. jamie’s weakness? that she loved sherlock, and joan exploited that. but love for joan? she’s tried it. she’s been engaged. she’s dated. she’s been with a number of guys (who all sucked btw ew). and she thinks she’s trying to find the One. only for her to find someone who checks every single box of hers and to realize. she doesn’t want it, and so she wonders, what do i want? maybe this kind of love isn’t what she wants at all.
by the end, they both know about love. love for each other, love for their work, and love for the work they are able to do together. and they don’t need anything or anybody else. they’d do anything for each other (including murder btw <3), and they will always be part of each other’s lives no matter how far the universe dares to part them.
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seancefemme · 2 years
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Dream Girl Evil
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aria0fgold · 1 month
Thinkin bout my isat au now, I don't have much of an idea on it cuz tbf I barely changed anything other than well-- Odile is in pain now. Just thinking more bout scenarios that'd differ during the uhh... new loop+?????? How'd I even go about calling that new set of loops now?
Just that the most visible change would be on Odile who's now waaay more tired looking and a lil more slower than usual. So in a way her battle style becomes a lil bit like a glass cannon in that she hits HARD but takes time for her to get a hit in now. And as the loops go on, she becomes weaker on the defense department so she truly be a glass cannon. Odile also doesn't "level up" in this au too since she had already maxed her experience out, it's just that she's also slowly dying so to be fair-- Her exp is fine but her hp isn't and her lvl is being treated like a timer of her slowly approaching doom. So even if her levels lower, it won't really affect her experience and the spells she had already unlocked. To the Universe, she's still as experienced as a lvl 99 person, it's just that now she's becoming as fragile as someone lower leveled.
She retains her more powerful spells but using those spells would backfire on her and result in a recoil that ALSO hurts her, not as much as she damages the enemies, but a significant of her hp gets taken away still.
#aria rants#isat spoilers#isat au#edit: okay its all cleaned up now. everyone can look. this is why i should save to drafts first than posting immediately...#also am thinkin bout the moral dilemma with the friends now esp with mira as mira doesnt rlly Like knowing bout the previous miras#so when they eventually remember the previous loop. then i think she'd end up with a reaaaally confusing problem of#''i know what happened in the previous didnt happen now and i know you felt bad about it and i know i shouldnt be mad#about it either since im different than that mira but i also just cant help but feel hurt by it anyway but i KNOW I SHOULDNT--''#i think everyone would have a moment of confusion on How to take in the previous loop esp with the events that happened#during act 5. everyone is hurt. but they also shouldnt be hurt cuz that event technically Didnt happen in this timeline now#but they Remember it. they remember it happened. they remember how it felt. they remember how hurtful odile's words were#they remember but they shouldnt remember it. they understand odile but they also just cant help but be hurt by it anyway#and they Dont Know what to do with that now. they remember that loop and yet now theyre in a different loop#its in a past that never exists now but They Remember and they dont know what to do about it now#just yaknow-- the dilemma of remembering a past that doesnt exist and remembering the feelings of a past thats been overwritten#cuz frankly-- how Do you tackle that dilemma? you try to address it and it feels off. you try to understand it and it still hurts#and you cant dwell on it rn either cuz other than the life and death situation of the king freezing vaugarde in time. theres odile#whose life is slowly withering away like a flower in a vase with a water that has long dried up and its now at the mercy of wilting#of gems and pages au#ogap au
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edsbacktattoo · 2 years
now we all know the ‘his name is Ed’ scene is important for like an unlimited number of reasons BUT i think my absolute favourite thing about it is the exact phrasing of it. like it’s one sentence, but the choice of words is so important. and the best part about it is the name that Stede chooses to use.
He doesn’t call him Blackbeard. He doesn’t even call him Edward, ‘cause that’s not who he is to Stede.
His name is Ed. he chose to use the name that Ed gave to Stede the moment he woke up. he chose to use the name that Stede knows him by, not the name the entire world knows him by. because who gives a shit about the rest of the world?
Not Blackbeard. Not Edward. Not Blackie or The Kraken or whatever else. Stede’s in love with him and it’s as simple as saying his name. and his name is Ed.
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quirkle2 · 2 years
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pokemon au anybody
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xagave · 11 months
Hi I'm back from metrocon but what....happened to tumblr's layout???
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cerealmonster15 · 2 years
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jamiazu doodle ft that one tweet that changed my life tbh
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