sematarygirls · 3 months
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saltyloafy · 3 months
nothing makes me feel like kim dokja more than being obsessed with yoo joonghyuk
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The first several chapters of The Two Towers are a truly unparalleled reading experience. Boromir's funeral. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli running for three days straight. Tolkien going off about the eldritch nature of ancient forests. Merry and Pippin Whump Adventure Extraordinaire. Stupendous, Outstanding, 10/10.
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girlgenius1111 · 5 months
key to recovery
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edit: young reader and platonic barca femeni + platonic leah
r wakes up from surgery, goes home, and is sad. she misses Leah but knows she can't come. her friends try to fix it.
The light of the room filtered through your eyelashes as you blinked your eyes open, just slightly. Everything around you was blurry, and you could just make out a few shapes sitting around you before your eyes drifted shut again. Your head felt heavy, and you weren't quite sure if you could move any part of your body. You tried anyway, shifting slightly, feeling a dull pang of pain in your arm. You got the feeling that the movement should have hurt a lot more, but the way your head was swirling, you were on some serious drugs.
Groaning slightly, incredibly confused, you worked harder to open your eyes, feeling someone release their grip on your hand. You brought what you assumed to be your good arm to rub at your eyes, but your movements were all thrown off and you ended up just wacking yourself in the face.
"Easy there, buddy," a voice came from farther away in the room, as someone else grabbed your hand, pulling it away from your face. You groaned again, and a few chuckles echoed their way through the room.
"Y/n, can you open your eyes for me?" a different voice asked, much closer than the previous voice. You opened them again, and this time they focused on the form sitting next to you. Alexia smiled when you looked at her, and she brought a cup of water up to your mouth, letting you sip from the straw.
The water did a lot to revive you, and the length of your blinks was growing shorter. Alexia took the cup and you looked around the room, seeing people scattered across many different chairs. Lucy was leaning up against the wall, next to a chair that Keira was asleep in. Mapi was asleep in a chair on the other side of the room, leaning heavily against Ingrid, who was smiling at you. All of them were still in their kits, and you were still pretty confused.
Your voice was gravelly when you tried to speak, and you cleared your throat, trying again.
"Why am I in the hospital?" you rasped, looking to Alexia.
"You don't remember?" she asked frowning slightly, and you shook your head. "You got pushed to the ground pretty hard during the game and dislocated your elbow. They had to put it back in place surgically."
You looked down at your arm, then, taking in the heavily wrapped limb. You could just barely see your fingers, and they looked swollen. It was resting on a pillow next to you, and you tried to pick it up, before crying out as a jolt of pain shot through your arm.
"No, no, don't move it, you've gotta keep it still," Lucy said, moving closer to you. She stood at the edge of the bed, crossing her arms, and she inexplicably reminded you of a dad at that moment, frowning at your arm. You nodded slowly, feeling like everything they were telling you was taking much longer than normal to process.
The sound you'd made had woken up Keira and Mapi. Now everyone was staring at you, as if waiting for you to speak. About what, you weren't sure.
A nurse entered then, asking you questions about your pain level, before asking you if you were hungry. Thinking for a few second, you nodded your head enthusiastically. She handed you a bag of animal crackers, before leaving the room. You stared at it for at least a full 60 seconds, before you began to tear up.
"What is it?" Alexia asked, leaning forward, concerned.
"I can't open it and now I don't get animal crackers," you murmured, valiantly fighting to hold back from crying. You really wanted them but you only had one arm.
Alexia laughed, and you looked up at her with wide eyes, confused. She took the bag out of your hands, and opened it before handing you the bag. A smile appeared on your face, and you began to eat the animal crackers. Everyone was still staring at you, and it was beginning to annoy you.
"Why is everyone looking at me," you grumbled, and everyone averted their eyes, almost comically.
"We were just worried about you, pequeña," Mapi said, staring out the window, but looking at you out of the corner of her eye.
For a minute, you were confused. Why were they worried about you? You couldn't remember. Then, glancing down, you did.
"Because my elbow fell off," you said knowingly, and this time the whole room erupted into laughter. They all looked back at you, only laughing harder at the perplexed expression on your face. You didn't think it was very funny that your elbow had fallen off.
"No, buddy, you dislocated your elbow, but I promise it's still attached," Lucy told you, trying to keep a straight face. She pointed at your arm, and you looked down.
"Oh. Right," you said. They must have reattached your elbow to your body. "Can I go home soon?" you asked, looking around. The girls all exchanged looks, before Lucy cleared her throat.
"You can leave the hospital pretty soon, but you can't go home by yourself. You're gonna stay with Mapi and Ingrid," she said hesitantly, not really sure how this information was going to go over.
They'd had a long debate about who you should stay with. Both Lucy and Keira were adamant that you come home with one of them, but neither of them had an extra bedroom. Alexia campaigned for custody of you too, but eventually she was overruled, as it made more sense for you to go with the couple. They had an extra bedroom, and there were 2 of them.
"That's cool," you replied, eyes suddenly starting to slide shut again. "Can I go back to sleep?"
"Si, nena, we'll wake you when it's time to go," Alexia stated.
They tried to wake you. It didn't really work. Instead, they changed your half asleep form into the sweats that Ingrid had brought from your apartment, and all but carried you from the bed to the wheelchair. Mapi wheeled you to the car, until her privileges were revoked after pushing and letting go in the parking lot briefly. Alexia slapped her on the arm, and Ingrid took over pushing.
You don't really remember the car ride, or arriving at Mapi and Ingrid's. They gave you more painkillers before you left the hospital, and you were practically comatose as Ingrid gave up trying to get you to walk, carefully picking you up and carrying you into their house.
When you woke up again, you didn't feel like you were orbiting the earth anymore. Instead, your arm ached, you weren't at home, there was a black cat laying practically on your head, and you had realized you were going to be out of playing for a while. You looked around the room, not seeing your phone near you, wondering what time it was. The sun was filtering in through the window, lighting up the room with a warm glow. The bed you were in was incredibly comfortable, and you dreaded having to get up and out from under the cozy duvet.
You wanted coffee though. Unsteadily, you rose from the bed, already annoyed with the sling holding your arm close to your chest. You shuffled out into the hall and into the living room.
"Pequeña! You're awake!" Mapi called, standing up from her spot on the couch. You only frowned at her, looking around for Ingrid to make you coffee. "How are you feeling?" she asked, thinking you were grumpy because you were in pain.
"Like someone cut into my arm with a knife," you retorted, before sitting down on the couch and glaring at the coffee table. Mapi took in the look on your face for a minute, before deciding that she was not the best equipped person for grumpy y/n.
"INGRID!" she called, ignoring the look you gave her at her loud voice.
"Yes, mi amor?" Ingrid responded, walking into the room. Her face brightened at the sight of you. "Y/n! How are you feeling?"
"Can you make me coffee please?" you asked in a monotone. Ingrid and Mapi exchanged looks, and Mapi mouthed someone's grumpy at Ingrid, who made a face and nodded.
"I'm not grumpy." You grumbled. Ingrid rolled her eyes, walking into the kitchen to get you the aforementioned coffee. Mapi took a cautious seat on the couch next to you, and handed you your phone. You made no move to open it.
"Do you want to call Leah?" she suggested. An unreadable expression flashed across your face.
"No, I'll call her later," you said, and Mapi could have sworn your voice wavered slightly. Ingrid returned with your coffee, and sat down in one of the arm chairs across the room. Both girls were looking at you intently.
"When can I go home?" you asked, because your worst nightmare may have been being forced to impose upon your friends, stay at their house, and make them take care of you.
"Not for a while, nena. A couple weeks, until your stitches are out and you're out of the sling." Mapi replied. "Do you not want to stay here?
Your frosty exterior cracked slightly at that, never wanting your friends to feel like the problem was them.
"No, I just hate bothering you guys. I'd be fine on my own," you started, but Ingrid interrupted you.
"You're not bothering us, we want you here, and we want to make sure you're okay," she insisted, looking at you softly. You didn't reply.
Instead, you picked up your phone, and began scrolling through the many, many, messages you'd received from friends and teammates. Your heart panged when you saw several texts from Leah. You replied quickly, not giving her much information. The longer you thought about Leah, her cozy home in London, the room she still kept there for you, the closer you got to tears.
"Pequeña? Are you okay?" Mapi asked softly, and you turned your head to see her and Ingrid both looking at you.
"Yeah, I'm good. I think I'm gonna go take a nap though," you replied, even though you'd just gotten up. They didn't really know what to say as you rose and headed back to the guest bedroom.
You crawled under the covers, and into a little ball, as best you could with one arm in a sling, and let yourself cry into the pillow. You missed Leah. It had been a while since you'd been homesick, having settled well in Spain, and you talked to Leah so often, you didn't ever really have a chance to miss her. Now, though, you were in pain, you were sad about your stupid injury, and you just wanted Leah.
She'd been with you through it all, everything with your parents. She'd seen you at your worst, and maybe that's why you needed her so badly right now; because letting anyone else in would be too hard. You couldn't ask her to come though, not now, not while she was on the cusp of her return. You cried until you wore yourself out, eventually falling back asleep.
In the living room, Mapi and Ingrid discussed your odd behavior. They'd frankly never seen you this grumpy before, and whatever you had been looking at on your phone had almost brought you to tears right in front of them. They weren't really sure what to do, as you didn't seem like you'd open up to them.
They were just deciding to call Lucy and Keira, and see if they would come try to talk to you, when they heard a cry of pain from the bedroom. They were off the couch and running down the hall in seconds, throwing the door open to find you on the bed, breathing deeply through tears, your one good fist balled tightly.
"What happened?" Mapi questioned, both girls moving closer to hover next to you.
"I rolled over in my sleep," you said through clenched teeth, waiting for the wave of pain to pass.
"I'll get you some ice, and some medicine. You're due for more anyway." Mapi said, heading out of the room. Ingrid took a seat next to you, on your good side, and wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you into her. You let her, leaning in to her warmth as she rubbed your back softly. You took deep breaths, willing the pain away, resting your head on her shoulder.
"How does it feel now?" she asked, after a few minutes had passed.
"Better. I don't think I messed anything up in there." You pulled away from her suddenly, wiping at your eyes. You wanted Leah. You loved Ingrid, you really did, but you just wanted Leah.
Ingrid let her arm fall from around your shoulders, looking at you sympathetically. It was clear that something was really bothering you, more than the pain in your arm.
By the time Mapi returned, with ice, medicine, and a sandwich, you'd reverted back to the grouchy version of yourself, all evidence of tears wiped from your face. They didn't take it personally, the way you barely answered their questions, really only opening your mouth to thank them every time they did something for you, no matter how small it was. They knew it wasn't about them.
Everyone was surprised when Keira and Lucy failed to get you to talk; in fact, it seemed like they'd only made you more upset. They came over later that day, and you wouldn't look at either of them. They tried for a while, getting very little in response. Lucy got fed up pretty fast.
"Kid, I don't understand. Are you upset about your arm? Does it hurt? Why are you acting like this?" she questioned, staring at you hard. She thought that perhaps being firm with you would work. She knew she'd picked the wrong path when you finally looked up, just to glare at her.
"Obviously my arm fucking hurts Lucy. I'm not upset about anything, and I'm not acting like anything. I don't understand why everyone can't just leave me alone," you spoke sharply. Lucy was rather shocked at being spoken to like that.
"Y/n, something is clearly going on. You've been in a bad mood all day. Just tell us what's up." Keira pushed, trying a softer approach.
"Nothing is up. I just want to be alone."
Neither Keira, nor Lucy were Leah. You just wanted Leah. Eventually, you knew, that feeling would pass, and being around other people would be easier. Until then, everyone just needed to leave you alone.
"Leah said you haven't called her yet..." Lucy started, only to be cut off by you.
"Please, for the love of god, just leave me alone Lucy." You interrupted. It seems they'd struck a nerve by bringing up Leah, which neither of them missed. Exchanging looks, both girls got up, each giving you as much of a hug as they could, without crushing your arm, whilst you completely ignored their movements.
They left the room, bumping right into Ingrid and Mapi, who had been shamelessly eavesdropping. They walked back into the living room, and Mapi sighed.
"We're gonna have to call in Alexia," she said, knowing that if anyone could get you to talk, it was your captain. The other girls agreed, and Lucy and Keira left, defeated, as Mapi called the blonde woman.
You were in the living room when Alexia arrived, having been convinced by your hosts to come watch a movie with them. When she entered the house, they gave a random, flimsy excuse about going to get ice cream, before leaving you alone with Alexia. You stared at the TV, stony faced, even after she'd flicked it off, and taken a seat next to you on the couch.
"Nenaaaa," she said, poking your cheek. You shifted your gaze to scowl at her.
"Oye, don't look at me like that," she said sternly, and you dropped your gaze, but the frown didn't leave your lips.
"Are you going to tell me whats wrong, or am I gonna have to force it out of you?" She asked.
"Nothing is wrong, Alexia."
"Well I know that's not true. You've been snapping at everyone, you look like you want to cry constantly, and you've barely spoken. And you've refused to call Leah. So I know something's wrong, and I'm going to sit here until you tell me what it is." She said firmly, settling down into the couch for added effect.
"Fuck off Alexia," you mumbled, immediately regretting it. Alexia was staring at you, jaw dropped. You'd never spoken to her like that. She'd never heard you speak to ANYONE like that.
"Y/n, we've been patient, but we're just trying to help you, and there's no reason for you to be rude," she scolded, her tone very angry. You felt so guilty for being so rude, and you were so frustrated with yourself for being so pathetic. They were just trying to help, and because you missed Leah, you were acting like a brat. Tears, of frustration or sadness you weren't sure, began pooling in your eyes.
"I'm sorry," you murmured, your voice cracking. Alexia watched you carefully, scooting closer when you began to cry, and rubbing her hand up on down your good arm.
"Nena, please talk to me," she pleaded, "maybe I can help."
"You can't help."
"Why not?"
"You just can't," you replied bitterly. "No one can help, there's nothing anyone can do, she can't come here, she has to focus on her recovery." You were too caught up in your emotions to realize you'd given it away.
"Is this about Leah, cariño?" Alexia asked carefully. You nodded, finally letting out a loud sob. Alexia moved forward, and you buried your face in her chest, sobs wracking your whole body. "Oh, nena, why didn't you say something? You don't need to be embarrassed about missing her, she's important to you, and she's always taken care of you," Alexia soothed.
You didn't respond, continuing to cry into Alexia's sweatshirt, and she held you tightly, but gently, careful not to jostle your elbow. "It's okay, y/n, it's okay to miss her, and want her when you're hurting," she reassured you, but you weren't showing any signs of calming down, and she knew she needed to do something before you started panicking.
She grabbed your phone off the couch, without you noticing, and called Leah, holding the phone up to her ear.
"Y/n? Why've you been ignoring me!" Leah complained as she answered. Your tears slowed at the sound of her voice, and you leaned back, shakily holding your hand out. Alexia handed you the phone, and you brought it to your ear.
"Lee?" you asked, voice sounding broken.
"Hey buddy, what's going on?" Leah asked, voice much gentler than it was before.
"I really miss you," you said, your voice almost a whisper.
"Oh, y/n, I miss you too. Are you having a hard night?" she asked.
'I guess. Since I got hurt, I just want to see you. It's stupid," you replied.
"No, it's not stupid. I want to be there more than anything, I really do. Is this why you've been ignoring my calls?" She asked, heart hurting for you.
"I didn't want to make you feel bad for not being able to come."
"Y/n, you should never worry about that. I want you to talk to me when you're sad, when you miss me, even when I can't come to you."
"Okay, I'll try."
"Good. Now tell me about your day. Is everyone taking good care of you?" She asked.
You settled back against Alexia, nuzzling close, trying to express your thanks to her. She simply wrapped you back up in her arms, and texted your friends, telling them you were doing better. She expected the call to take a while, but she didn't mind staying with you through it, as it was clearly what you needed. She did wonder, however, if she could manage to get you to England during your recovery; seeing Leah would definitely speed the process along.
do we want a part 4? or perhaps a prequel?
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luxaofhesperides · 2 months
if you give a ghost a trauma: a parody fic
read on ao3.
Danny wishes to be sent someplace he could have a better family. Unfortunately, that lands him in a Gotham where tropes are made reality to the extreme. He really just can't catch a break. (or: a dcxdp parody fic where i make danny the only one able to see how bizarre things are. this does not help him in any way.)
. . .
“We’re gonna get you!” Maddie Fenton, a Bad Parent™ cries as she shoots her gun at Danny, her half dead son.
“No!” he wails, flying around as he dodges the shots. “I wish my parents weren’t trying to capture me for Evil Science Reasons! I wish I had a better family!”
“Lol, done,” said Desiree, snapping her fingers. 
Danny only has time to say Uh-oh before he’s sucked away into a magic portal and spit out into a dark and dreary city. In just the one second he’s there, before he even hits the ground, he hears gunshots, screaming, and the wailing of police sirens. Then he hits the ground and groans, releasing his ghost form to go back to being a human. 
“Where am I?” he asks himself, getting to his feet and looking around. The alleyway he’s in is empty and full of garbage just scattered around. Wherever he may be, it clearly needed to invest more in its sanitation department. 
He spots a fire escape on the side of a building and uses it to climb onto the rooftop, a totally normal course of action. Then he stares at the city, glowing with the street lights and neon business lights and a spotlight with the shape of a bat in it glowing on the clouds. 
“This might as well just happen,” Danny says, “My life is already so weird anyway.”
He stands there for some time, at a loss of what to do next. The wind is cold and brings with it a promise of rain, and from the looks of the dark clouds above him, it’s going to rain soon. Danny needs shelter, fast.
“Hey, kid, you okay?” says someone who snuck up behind him.
Danny shrieks and jumps, nearly going over the edge of the roof.
“Woah!” the person says, grabbing his arm and pulling him back to safety. “That was close!” 
Danny blinks up at his savior, then squints. This guy’s definitely not normal, since he’s wearing a domino mask and a lightly armored black suit with a blue bird emblem stretching across his chest. 
“Way to nearly kill him, Nightwing,” says a new person, dropping down onto the roof from the sky. This new person wears red and black, a pair of bandoliers crossing over his chest. 
“Well, I saved him, didn’t I!”
“Um, hi,” Danny interjects. “Thanks for grabbing me before I fell, but who are you?”
“You don’t know who we are?” blue bird asks rather incredulously.
“Do you think I’m asking just for fun.”
Red and black steps in with a smile. “I’m Red Robin, that’s Nightwing. We’re vigilantes trying to keep Gotham safe.”
Danny makes an educated guess that the city they’re currently in is Gotham. Not a city he’s ever heard before, but what does he know?
“Okay,” he says. There’s really not much else he can say.
“You never answered my question,” Nightwing says. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, just fine. No idea where I am or how to get home, but it can always be worse, you know?”
“Did you get lost?” Red Robin asks, pulling a holographic computer up from his wrist. Tucker would kill to get his hands on something like that. Danny wonders if he can get his own as a souvenir. 
“Something like that, yeah,” he replies. Another few gunshots ring out loudly through the streets, closer than they were before. Danny flinches, then ducks down a little, looking back towards the street apprehensively. “Um. You guys gonna do anything about that?”
The two vigilantes shrug, as if that’s an acceptable course of action. And then a hand shoots up and grabs the edge of the roof by Danny’s foot, making him jump in the air. Nightwing catches him yet again and moves him away from the ledge. 
A red helmet, leather jacket wearing guy built like a pro-wrestle hauls himself up the roof easily. There are guns tucked into holsters on his thighs and a red, block bat stuck on his chest. 
“Should I be concerned,” Danny says blankly. 
“Nah, it’s just Red Hood,” Red Robin replies, “The only person he ever tries to kill is me.”
“Cause you’re a replacement. And also, get over it, that was ages ago We’re good now. I haven’t even had a Pit Rage episode in months!”
“So the bullets you shot at me last week were just for fun?”
“Yeah, and they were rubber, so it’s not like you would have gotten hurt.”
Danny takes a few steps closer to Nightwing, hiding behind him. He’s getting bad vibes all around from that guy. 
“Tch,” a new voice says right behind Danny, making him flinch. A young boy with a sword steps out from behind him and joins the crew of vigilantes just hanging out on the roof. “As if he’s even worth that much attention.”
“Hello to you too, Demon Brat,” Red Robin says.
“How many of you are there?” Danny asks. “Don’t you need to like, protect the city?”
“Batgirl and Spoiler are working on it,” Nightwing says.
“We’re doing what?” another voice says, and a energetic blond girl dressed in purple armor hops onto the roof, tucking her grappling hook away. Following her is another person in all black, face fully covered, with stitches covering the mouth portion to make it seem as though they can’t talk. The person leaves the blond girl behind to head straight to Danny, making him take a few nervous steps back. 
“Dead,” she says, poking his chest with a finger.
Is that a threat? It feels like a threat. 
“No?” he tries. 
“What are you talking about, Batgirl?” Red Hood interrupts. “We all know the only dead person here is me.”
Everyone promptly groans, telling him to shut up about it and go one night without mentioning his death. 
Okay, that seems concerning! Is he another halfa? Is he like Vlad? Danny’s going to be so mad if he got dropped into another world directly into the hands of another Vlad. 
“You’re dead?” he asks, leaning away from Batgirl as she pokes him once more. 
“Same hat?” Danny tries, squinting at him.
“The fuck?” is the answer, which tells him that he probably doesn’t know what Danny’s on about. There’s still a 6% chance that he’s just lying to make Danny look like a fool, though. 
6% is more than 5%, which means it’s enough for him to just act on instinct and walk right up to the gun-wielding Red hood. He tries to consciously use his ghost sense, which is an odd feeling that reminders him of the moment before he hiccups. 
A light blue mist wafts out his mouth. 
Yep, the rumors are true: this man is dead.
“Once, again,” Red Hood says, “The fuck?”
“Seconded,” Nightwing adds.
“Third!” Spoiler joins in. 
Danny takes a page out of Batgirl’s book and pokes Red Hood’s chest. It’s very solid, only hard muscle, and reminds him a bit of Dan. That’s never a good sign. Something about Red Hood is making his skin crawl though, a sense of wrongness that sets alarm bells ringing in the back of his mind. 
“Did you come back instantly when you died?” he asks.
The white lenses of Red Hood’s helmet turn neon green. “Why the fuck are you asking me that.”
“Just checking. The green I’m seeing right now is making me think you’re a halfa.”
“What’s a halfa?” Red Robin interjects.
“An unlucky soul like me,” Danny responds, distracted. He lays his palm flat against Red Hood’s chest. The vigilante holds still, as if frozen, letting Danny do as he please. The ectoplasm he feels in other ghosts is usually calm, made unique by the personality of the ghost it belongs to, but it doesn’t roil and try to hurt the host like the ectoplasm in Red Hood is doing. 
He pulls back and looks around at the circle of vigilantes surrounding him. “Can anyone answer how he came back? Where did he even find this must rotten ectoplasm?”
“Pit,” Batgirl helpfully answers.
“Pit,” Danny repeats. “Like a pit of death? Toxic sludge? Landfill pit gone evil? What am I working with here.”
“Lazarus Pits,” the little one with the sword says. “How do you know about them?” He then pulls out his sword and points it at Danny, ignoring the way Nightwing hisses Robin, no! 
His name is Robin? Isn’t that just Red Robin’s name? Did this Robin have a color added to his name as well? 
“I literally don’t, but if it’s green and weird, then it’s probably ecto.” He turns back to Red Hood. “I’m gonna take care of it now.” And then he shoves his hand into Red Hood’s chest, ignoring the alarmed shouts from the other vigilantes. They try to pull him away, but Danny goes intangible, making their hands fall right through him as he gets a good grip on the ecto, sending his own out in a steady stream to chase the rotten flow towards his hand, then yanks it out. 
It’s green and goopy in his hands, steaming slightly in the air. “Ew,” Danny says. “That’s nasty. You were just living with this inside you?”
Red Hood doesn’t seem to hear him. 
Red Hood takes off his helmet and stares at the rotten ectoplasm in Danny’s hand. Nightwing approaches him cautiously, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“Hood? You doing okay? How are you feeling?”
“It’s gone,” Red Hood answers, shocked. “The Pit Rage. It’s gone. I haven’t felt this clear headed since before I died.”
“That must have sucked,” Danny says empathetically, then shakes the nasty ecto off his hand. It lands on the roof with a wet splat. 
Once again: ew.
“How did you do that?” Red Robin asks, crowding into Danny’s space. Batgirl slides up behind him, trapping him between them. 
“Did you not just watch me yank it out? It was easy. Anyways, y’all got jobs to do, and I got places to go. So I’ll see you never!”
He tries to fly away, but only manages to get a few feet before he’s pulled down by multiple people grabbing at him.
“What is going on here,” A low, gravelly voice demands. Yet another vigilante appears, gliding out of the shadows. This one is much bigger than everyone else, cloaked in darkness, with a helm that has two little ear things poking out on top. 
“Batman,” Robin says, “This meta cured Hood of his Pit Madness.”
“I see,” Batman replies, looking Danny over. “Are you an orphan?”
What the fuck. Who just asks that?
“Are your parents well?”
“Sure? My mom was pretty energetic while shooting at me before I came here.”
“You do not have to be unsafe in your home again,” Batman says, grabbing something out of his tactical fanny pack. “You can live with us instead.”
He holds out fucking adoption papers.
Danny backs up as fast as he can, shaking his head. “Oh, no! No you don’t! I did not trade one fruitloop for another!”
“No new brother?” Batgirl asks sadly. 
“Definitely not,” he insists. “No thank you! I’m fine as I am and fully plan on going home.”
Batman frowns. “You said your mother was shooting at you.”
“Yeah, and? The food in our fridge comes to life every meal and we have to fight it. This is normal for us. Chill out and put those papers away.”
The entire crew of vigilantes seems very put out with Batman obligingly puts the adoption papers away. 
“Yeah, I’m done here. Go back to protecting the city. I’m just gonna… go.”
Danny doesn’t wait for them to say anything else before flies away, remembering to go intangible this time. He soars through the polluted streets of Gotham, weaving between tall buildings made with dark stone and decorated with gargoyles. It’s all very dark and dreary, which means Sam would love it.
She would not be loving the pollution, though. Danny certainly isn’t. 
“I wish I could go home,” he says loudly, looking up at the sky expectantly. 
No magic portal appears to yoink him back. 
“I wish I was at home again, and not here!”
Desire does not appear to help him out. She leaves him stranded in Gotham, pouting at the sky until he gives up and flies down to sit on a new roof and angst about his situation. Hopefully this time a gaggle of vigilantes won’t bother him.
Resting his head against his hands, he sighs. Then again, and again, loudly. “Man, this sucks,” he says to himself.
“What’s got a kitten like you so down?” someone says behind him.
“I’m so tired of random people sneaking up behind me on rooftops,” he informs them without turning around. If they wanna talk to him, they gotta got to him, not the other way around.
“Ah, ran into the Bats, did you?”
They’re called Bats? But only two were Bats. None of the other vigilantes fit the theme. That’s just lazy and inconsistent. They should rebrand to something better.
The person walks over and sits down next to him. Danny glances over and is startled to find a woman in a leather body suit, with a hood that has cat ears and googles with an orange tint. 
…Is everyone in this city just dressed strangely at all times? Is this the normal fashion of Gotham?
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to stare. Who are you?”
The woman laughs. “Oh, so you haven’t heard of Catwoman?”
“Nope. No clue who you are.”
“Well,” she purrs, “A pleasure to meet you. I’m a thief.”
The dots connect in his mind. “Like a cat burglar!”
“Yes, like that.”
“Man, this city is wild and I come from a place that deals with ghosts on a daily basis.”
“So what are you doing in a place like this? Gotham isn’t kind to newcomers.”
Danny sighs, yet again, and tilts his head back to look up at the cloudy, starless sky. “I made a dumb mistake and got sucked into a magic portal that spit me out here. I have no clue how I’m going to get home.”
“Do you have a place to stay?”
He glares at Catwoman. “I’m not open to being adopted. I’ll just eat any papers you send my way.”
“I wasn’t planning on it,” she reassures, “I have no interest in being a mother. But I have a spare bedroom if you need it, and I wouldn’t mind teaching you a few tricks of the trade. It’ll be fun, messing with Batman.”
Ah, so she’s doing this for Trickster Reasons. Danny can respect that. 
And he also doesn’t have any other options. Considering how much gun violence and general violence he’s hearing in this city, he’ll probably be killed an embarrassing number of times just from trying to find a place to sleep on the streets for one night. Between cold, dangerous streets with storm clouds hanging heavy over his head or a guest bedroom in the home of a thief with a theme, there’s really no choice.
“If you don’t mind me hanging around, I’d really appreciate having a place to sleep until I figure out a way home.”
“Come along, then! I was just about to turn in for the night.” Catwoman stands up, stretches, then takes hold of the whip on her waist and snaps it out. She takes a running leap off the building, then throws her whip out to wrap around a billboard to swing across the street. 
Danny watches her go, then follows her lead, flying behind her, ready to catch her just in case. But Catwoman moves with ease, clearly experienced in recklessly moving through the streets, and makes her way to a highrise apartment with no trouble at all. 
They land on a balcony just as the sky rumbles with ominous thunder. Another second later, and the clouds open up and heavy rain begins to fall. 
Catwoman throws the door open and they both scramble to get inside before they get drenched. The lights flick on, revealing a stylish modern apartment, filled with art pieces and ornamental bonsai trees. A few quiet cries come from corners of the room, and then cats appear, one after another, moving around Danny’s legs curiously before turning to Catwoman. 
“That was a close one,” Catwoman says conversationally as she takes off her hood and googles, revealing her face. Her pixie cut is messy and her eyes are bright and sharp, just like a cat’s. “I suppose since we’re going to be working together from now on, that we properly introduce ourselves.” She holds out a hand for to shake. “Selina Kyle. I look forward to the trouble we’ll cause together.”
Danny stares down at her hand, then takes hold of it. Looks like he’s going to be a thief! Well, it’ll be a fun story for later. 
He doesn’t want his name attached to his new life of crime, though. And, he figures, this is a fresh start. New life, new name. There’s one that pops into mind immediately, and he latches onto it, ready to step into the world of crime. 
“Call me Neal Caffrey,” he says, shaking her hand. “I’m ready to start when you are.”
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project-sekai-facts · 4 months
How are we feeling about ensekai’s emu3 translation!!! (I’m mad)
(if you remember the 3 whole posts i made when asahi got de-gayed on EN you'll know i am mad too and that this is probably going to get long)
i don't like to be too cynical but it was so obvious that they were going to change that line, i had a feeling since the event first released on JP and after the incident with Asahi where I went through and tracked down multiple other examples of EN removing queer subtext it became clear to me that in no way shape or form was "emu-chan really loves nene-chan" making it to EN without getting changed. what i didn't expect was them changing Nene's line after Luka's comment, which actually makes this whole situation far worse than many of their other instances of toning down queer subtext.
for anyone who isn't aware of what happened, in chapter 5 of the current Emu event, there's a scene where Nene, Rui and the Virtual Singers are talking about what would cheer Emu up. The vsingers all talk about how much Emu loves spending time with Nene, leading to the following exchange
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If you look for them, any fan TL of this scene will be something similar to this:
Luka: ...Fufu. Emu-chan really loves Nene-chan, doesn't she? Nene: Th-that's nothing special...
EN's official translation is this:
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So what's the issue? I'll start with Luka's part. In the original text, she uses the word daisuki, which can mean to "like a lot" or "love". It's a word you will see frequently in the idol/idol-adjacent genre of games, due to its ambiguity in that it can be read as either platonic or romantic when used towards a person, and often will be used in ambiguous situations so that it's harder to confirm the writers' intentions either way. so here, fans of the emu/nene ship could view the fact that emu loves spending her time with nene as more on the romantic side, but people who don't like the ship could view it as platonic and move on.
while they didn't translate daisuki directly, Luka's line still works, and still contains the ambiguity that works as ship tease in the original text. it's a perfectly fine localisation that still conveys the original intent. despite that, there is something to be said about EN's consistent refusal to translate daisuki as love in most instances when it's not used on An/Kohane (but then again, EN has literally teased An/Kohane on their twitter account so is it all that surprising?).
Here's some examples:
Aibou no koto ga daisuki de / he loves his partner -> he cares about his partner very much (The Power of Unity chapter 7 when Kaito is comparing Arata to Akito and Toya)
HARUKA-CHAN, DAISUKI DAYOOOO!!! / HARUKA-CHAN, I LOOOOOVEEE YOU!!! -> You're the best!!! (Dear Me, As I Was Back Then chapter 4 when minori is at an ASRUN concert. this one isn't actually that great of a localisation)
Honachan no koto daisuki dakara. Kore de iinda yo. / I love Honachan, so this is fine. -> I want what's best for her. And this is it. (Leo/need main story chapter 14 after Saki tells Honami she won't bother her anymore)
Minna daisuki de - taisetsuna tomodachi na no / I love them all - they're my dearest friends -> They're all amazing, and very dear to me. (Leo/need main story chapter 17. this isn't good either)
What's particularly amusing about that last one is that there's a second official translation for it that I assume was done by JP staff (since EN never promoted doing the Journey to Bloom subs like they did back when they provided subs for Petit SEKAI) that actually keeps the word daisuki as love.
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Yeah. I love all my friends - and they mean the world to me.
It's a better localisation than the official EN team one.
Questionable localisation choices aside, Luka's line is fine and is actually in line with the original. The issue with this localisation very much lies with Nene's part, because that is an entirely new line.
In the original text, Nene's "that's just normal" or "that's nothing special" or however you choose to TL it, is meant to be her questioning Luka's statement, since all the things that the other vsingers said that Emu liked were pretty normal things like going shopping and playing video games with nene. To Nene, these things are normal activities for them to do together, so she gets embarrassed by the fact that Luka concludes from that information that Emu loves Nene. When I dissect it like that I think you can really tell what the writers were going for here lol.
"That's just us being friends" does still convey the idea that Nene thinks these activities aren't anything out of the ordinary and she isn't sure why the vsingers are picking these out as some of Emu's favorite things to do, but it's very different from the original line. "But those are just normal things we do together" is something I just came up with on the spot, but it's a lot closer to the original text and still conveys the same meaning. The fact they changed the line to "that's just us being friends" is, honestly, not even subtle that they're covering up queer subtext. The original scene was very clearly written in as ship tease, and EN mentioning "friends" for no reason, especially since the word nor anything close to it was not used in the original, is instantly a red flag because it's like the go-to for queerbaiting and censorship. This was intentional. There was no need for them to specify that the relationship is platonic, Luka's part is ambiguous for a reason so that fans can view it how they like.
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Just to top all this off, here's Rin's original line just before that Luka+Nene interaction:
Oh, and! And! She said that playing games with Nene-chan is also super fun!
And here's Rin's line from the official EN translation:
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That's not the same thing, but even more weirdly, the incorrect part (super fun->really loves) is a correct translation for the part changed in Luka's line. So, they can do it, they are willing to say "really loves", just not in the right places. Maybe because Rin's part is less personal than Luka's part? It's strange actually, this isn't the first time they've done this either. Off the top of my head I can think of an example from Shiho's Varied Kindness 2* story where they translated the word "suki" as really loves, despite that being much stronger than the original word used (and the fact that daisuki is used a lot in the Leo/need stories and it's incredibly rare if not entirely unknown for them to translate it correctly).
It's not subtle that they're trying to remove implications of the characters possibly being queer, they did it in curtain call and they did it in walk on and on, and multiple times before then too. And considering some of the content in this year's events and the amount of times they say daisuki alone, it's gonna keep happening. honestly i hate the fact that i keep trying to justify the translations in these posts. these translations are intentional. what happened in the curtain call translation back in october says enough. when a character who uses explicitly romantic language towards another guy passes as a straight character in the translation you know they're doing it on purpose.
oh and once again, it's only the EN server that has this issue. The scene in question was translated almost word-for-word on the TW and KR servers.
read fan translations. they're better than what EN gives us and people put a lot of effort into them.
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exilepurify · 1 year
A small but crucial detail I really love about S3e12 and Reigen’s whole encounter with ??? is the fact that Reigen doesn’t break down until he lays eyes on Mob.
Reigen is calm and collected throughout the “earthquakes”, realizing that Mob’s causing the disaster, running after him, and braving his way through the tornado. He’s determined to reach Mob at all costs and never wavers or hesitates.
Reigen calls out to Mob when he sees his silhouette in the distance, but it’s not until Reigen struggles close enough to Mob to actually see the state he’s in that his composure crumbles.
And it crumbles. It’s the first time the audience has ever seen Reigen so openly upset. I am not exaggerating by saying that Reigen is genuinely desperate and distraught, and it happened the moment Reigen made visual contact with Mob.
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And this isn’t even taking into account him breaking down into tears talking with Mob. This is just the start of the encounter.
I like this little detail so much because it accentuates the fact that Reigen truly didn’t have any idea what Mob was dealing with or holding inside. All of the evidence pointed to Mob being the cause of the disaster. Reigen knew on a logical level that this was Mob’s power at work (“But Mob’s in the center of that tornado, right?”). But I think Reigen still refused to believe it on a more emotional level. To Reigen, Mob can do no wrong. Reigen sees Mob with such a favorable tint, I’m sure in that moment everything seemed so unreal to Reigen that he couldn’t make himself believe Mob was capable of this.
But when he finally catches a visual of Mob in his ??? form, he sees Mob wrapped in a sinister red energy and absolutely monstrous, his shape blurry and poorly defined from his raw power distorting it into charcoal-like smudges, his face stuck in a pained grimace. ??? looks so out of place in the normal animation style that he seems otherworldly, like he belongs in a different dimension.
The only thing keeping Reigen in denial was not directly seeing Mob rampaging around the city. So when Reigen saw ???, the realizations and the gravity of the situation just hit him all at once and he flew into a desperate panic.
It just seems so like Reigen to downplay Mob’s ability to hurt, both himself and others.
I hope this makes sense lol i’m so tired
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venvellan · 10 months
da2's arishok is a good villain. if you have a fundamental understanding of the qun and listen to his thought process, the things he does makes sense. he uses the qun to justify slaughtering kirkwall's people, which is utterly inexcusable and what makes him a villain, but his character is complex enough to make dealing with him that much more thought provoking. he sends agents to kill petrice because she was killing his people, he doesn't give up the elves because they committed their lives to the qun, no matter how recently they converted, and he refuses to leave without the tome (and isabela) because his idea of justice hasn't been done. his logic makes sense, generally, though it is wrong on more than one occasion. he isn't moral, but he is methodical.
i feel this way about solas, too. i like da2's arishok for the same reasons that initially draw people to solas, i think. when we meet them, i find them interesting and educational to talk to, someone worthy of respect, and someone very honorable in their own way. similarly, many of my issues with solas compare with flaws in the qun/the arishok.
solas asserts that all of his beliefs are correct, and we're never allowed to challenge him on any of it. if he has high enough approval, he'll approach you to go, "yknow, i thought you were all [insert prejudice or stereotype] but YOU showed me that some of you guys are actually okay," which is NOT what it looks like for someone's beliefs to be challenged.
brief aside, i want to be fair in that we don't get this opportunity with many of the companions, and it's not even an inquisition specific issue. the dialogue format is agree, joke, be mean, and it's flawed, but it works in the majority of interactions. we don't really get to engage in nuanced discussions with characters, but there are positives and negatives to the system overall. it is possible to challenge and shape a character within this dialogue system (i.e., garrus vakarian) but in dragon age that really only comes in the form of harden/unharden. it was a little more doable with origins' system, but it really hasn't been a huge part of any dragon age game. most characters' beliefs remain largely unchanged by you regardless of how you play.
solas also possesses a strong sense of duty and purpose, though what duty he has, what his true goals are, he keeps hidden as long as he can. the most damning comparison though, to me, is how willing he is to destroy the world and bring back "his people," while the qunari fight to conquer the world and homogenize society into "their people."
in any case, with both him and the arishok, you can see the wheels turning in their heads. you can see why they do what they do, even if it's wholly immoral. it makes their threat a lot more personal, a lot scarier, psychologically, that a "normal" person, who doesn't want to cause suffering, can hold such specific beliefs and such strong conviction that knowing that they'll hurt people doesn't give them any pause. the root of their motivation is understandable. solas wants to right his wrongs, at his core. the arishok implicitly believes that the qun is safer, better for its people than life outside the qun. we can see that they're taking it too far, but they don't care. it makes them good villains.
"i am not corypheus, i take no joy in this." sure, which is a very similar sentiment, emotionally, to the qunari sense of duty. you can say you don't enjoy it all you want, you're still committing genocide. you can hate the qunari all you want, but you fight with their ferocity, their unshakeable faith in their own cause. their need to "do what's right," no matter who's caught in the wake.
i understand why people like solas, i go back and forth on it myself, but i don't think he's all that different from the arishok in method and motivation. they're each thrust into a world so different from what they believe is "right" that they demand it change around them. if we had to kill the old arishok, then if solas refuses to give up, he will have to die. he doesn't get to do genocide just because he's romanceable. he's a good character, he's a good villain, but he's not a good guy, and unless he stops before he does any real harm (which he will not do), he should share the arishok's fate.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Born for Greatness 2
Find the series masterlist
For those of you who liked the world building: Good news! We’ve got lots of it this time. Plus we get to see Soap and Gaz’s shifted forms. 
Warnings: Brief violence, anti-shifter rhetoric, non-graphic injuries, non-graphic violence, swearing. 
Word count: 3k
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It took a few days to get the scheduling pinned down, but you managed it. You also watched every time the pack worked or trained with the soldiers, keeping an eye out for any other malcontents. Fortunately, you seemed to only have a handful of those to deal with. You got the requisition forms sent in. 
And then you defaulted to the normal etiquette, which you’d had to teach dozens of times already. 
“There are really only a few rules you’ll need to remember,” you told the first group. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to teach you the history of the world part one.” A few of them laughed at that, and you grinned. “Okay. First thing to remember: staring them in the eyes is a challenge. You do not want to do that. Pick another point on their face - forehead or nose, or even chin. Shows you’re paying attention without accidentally challenging anyone.” 
“I thought that was for dogs,” one bold soldier piped up. 
You wiggled one hand back and forth in a ‘so-so’ motion. “In actual canines, yes. In shifters, it’s more complicated. They’ve developed some of their own social norms, including eye contact. Besides, this is a general etiquette class, not specific to the pack residing here currently. Some shifters don’t give a shit about eye contact. Others are very picky about it.” You shrugged. “These are best practices.” 
The soldier who’d piped up nodded, apparently content for now. 
“Next rule–and this one is arguably more important, so pay attention.” You paused a moment to stare at the class. “Do not touch without permission.” 
There were a couple incredulous scoffs, a bit of confusion, but mostly dawning understanding.
“I know it’s tempting,” you continued. “Especially with the canine shifters. They look friend-shaped! They are not friend-shaped. Without permission. You always, always ask permission first.” You paused again. “Or else you end up like one idiot I knew who lost two fingers.” 
“Two?” someone yelped. 
“Uh huh.” You sighed in remembered exasperation. “I was with a friend who had shifted, and this idiot thought my friend was a dog and decided to pet him. My friend is not a dog. He’s a wolverine.” 
“Wait,” one of them started with a little bit of panic. “You’re friends with a wolverine shifter?!”
“Sure am,” you agreed with pride. “He’s a grumpy bastard, but I’m stuck with him now.” 
There was a new level of respect in their eyes as they looked at you. You tried not to let it go to your head.
“So what are the other rules?”
“Just one more, really. This one is usually the hardest for people to follow.” You paused, tapping your fingers against your thigh. “If any of the shifters go feral, do not, for any reason, raise a weapon against them. Not a tranq gun, not a nerf gun, not a knife. Nothing.”
“Not even to defend ourselves?” This one sounded incredulous.
“Chances are good that they will recognize you as… pack-adjacent, is the best way to put it. They work with you every day, they’ll recognize you by scent, if nothing else. As long as you don’t start acting aggressive, they won’t either. They’ll be focused on whatever set them off.” You shrugged. “So don’t be the idiot to send them feral, and don’t be aggressive. This is also only if they go feral, which is not likely.” 
“What if they attack us?” This was one of the ones who was on the fence. You’d kind of hoped she’d speak up. 
“Defend yourself if you have to.” You shrugged. “It is highly unlikely that they will attack without provocation, even when feral. Best practice when a shifter goes feral is to back off.”
“You ever dealt with a feral shifter?” The same woman, meeting your gaze almost challengingly. 
“I have.” You smiled gently. “My wolverine friend, for one. And I’ve assisted in more than a dozen feral incidents over the years.” 
Another ripple of respect passed through the crowd. You spotted Gaz and Soap hanging out just outside the door and grinned. 
“Like I said, these are best practice kind of rules. I will be watching to see if you implement them.”
“What happens if we don’t?” The man who asked sounded very tentative. Good. 
“I hand over a list of names to the Lieutenant and let him decide what to do with you.” You shrugged. 
That got them to shut up very fast, and you dismissed the lot of them. You noticed with pleased satisfaction that many of them remembered not to look the two shifters in the eye. 
“Well, that seemed easy,” Soap said, walking up to you and draping one arm over your shoulders. 
“You really have a wolverine friend?” Gaz asked, waiting until Soap had walked you out of the room to fall in on your other side, leaving you bracketed between the two.
On the one hand, this was a good sign of acceptance. On the other hand… this felt like mischief. “I sure do,” you agreed. “And he really is a grouchy bastard.”
“So he’s your pack?” The question was playful, but the look in Soap’s eyes was entirely serious. 
You frowned. “Not… exactly?” You wrinkled your nose, trying to figure out how much to tell them. “He’s packless by choice, but he says I’m the closest he’ll get.” 
The two exchanged a look over your head. “But you still do this,” Gaz pried gently. 
“Well, yeah. He’s got his life, I’ve got mine. I go visit him when he calls, sometimes he shows up at my apartment for a few days.” You looked between the two and then sighed. “We are not involved, romantically or physically.” 
They both looked sheepish, which meant that had been what they’d been wondering about. 
“And what mischief are you trying to drag me into?” You frowned, looking around. You didn’t recognize this area of the base. This… could be bad.
“Not mischief,” Soap immediately protested. “We’re showin’ you around!”
“Ah yes, the tour with no sign posts, no running commentary, and ominous dragging of a victim between you two,” you drawled. “Definitely showing me around.” 
Gaz laughed. “This one,” he said to Soap, stepping ahead to open a door into a quiet courtyard. Somehow, there was a natural space here, left to grow as it liked, completely surrounded by the buildings. A single tree grew in the middle of the courtyard, leaves swaying in the breeze. 
“Oh yeah,” you muttered, looking around. “Feeling totally safe here.” 
“You’ll see.” Gaz shot you an amused look before he started stripping. You looked pointedly up at the tree, even as Soap laughed at your modesty and started stripping as well. 
A soft woof let you know it was okay to look, so you did. 
A dog was standing next to you, tail wagging. A Belgian Malinois, if you remembered right. (You were less up to date on dog breeds, to your very private dismay.) He woofed again, tail wagging a little faster. 
And beyond him was a wolf, gray with a black saddle and lighter gray underside. The wolf wagged his tail slowly, carefully. 
“You two are trouble,” you said, though you couldn’t stop your grin as you lowered yourself to sit on the ground. “What, your LT showed off so now you get to do the same?” 
Soap, the malinois, woofed again and sat in front of you. Gaz sauntered over too, sitting next to Soap and showing off the size difference between them. The wolf was definitely bigger. 
“Yes, you’re very handsome boys,” you agreed, grinning. “And if your Alpha asks, this was your idea, not mine.” 
“That I’ll believe.”
You gasped, nearly falling over at the sudden voice behind you but for Soap darting forward to brace you. “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ,” you groaned, hanging your head. “How the fuck are you so quiet?” 
“Habit.” Price still didn’t look apologetic as he stepped around you and Soap, lowering himself to sit next to Gaz instead. “How did the first class go?”
You shrugged, sitting upright again. But Soap stayed pressed against your side. “Well, I think. They paid attention, at least. I’ve got one more class today, and I’ll be watching to see if they actually take the lessons to heart.”
Price nodded, not shifting even as Gaz draped himself across his Alpha’s lap. And if that wasn’t a good visual of just how big Price was… That could be distracting. You swallowed and looked at Soap instead. 
“May I touch you?” you asked him softly. Sure, he’d initiated, but you didn’t want to presume.
He shoved his head under your hand, unsubtly asking for each skritches, and you laughed quietly as you obliged. 
“He’s a right menace,” Price said, pulling your gaze back to him. “Won’t leave you alone if you don’t put him in his place.”
“I’ll make sure to let him know if he gets annoying.” You smiled, smoothing your hand down Soap’s back. 
Price snorted softly but stayed quiet, watching you carefully. He was still wary. Which was fair. Honestly, you hadn’t expected this much acceptance from Soap and Gaz, not so quickly. But they were both younger still, and probably just happy to have a new person to play with. Canine shifters especially were more accepting. 
Gently, you nudged Soap away from you. “I need to get some coffee before the next group,” you said, patting the top of his head. You paused, gaze darting to Price’s eyes and then up. “Alpha.”
He nodded once, dismissing you silently, and you pushed yourself to your feet, brushing off your backside as you went back inside. 
The second class went just as well as the first, and you took a brief break to check on the rec room. Popcorn seemed to go fast, which you noted down, and a few other snacks. You made sure to add those to the base grocery list, marking them specifically for the pack. 
That done, you checked on the status of your requisitions. Then you made a couple phone calls regarding those requisitions. 
And by the time you were done with that, it was late, and you hadn’t eaten yet. Grumbling a little, you dragged yourself to the mess. 
Dinner was silent and solitary, again. Not that you really minded. You were able to respond to some texts from friends and previous packs, enjoying checking in with people. 
The walk back to your room was quiet but not solitary. Ghost appeared out of nowhere and fell into step next to you. You waited to see if he’d talk first, if he’d ask you for something, but he didn’t. Just walked with you. 
So you paused at the door to your room, looking at him. “Something I can help you with?” 
“Why do you do this?” Ghost crossed his arms over his chest, looming over you. 
“Help people? Or help shifters?” You raised one eyebrow at him. 
You huffed. “I like this job,” you told him, mirroring his posture, even though you could hardly loom over him. “It’s satisfying. It’s something I’m pretty good at. I like making connections and getting to know people. And it’s easier for me to go between packs than it would be for a shifter.” 
For several moments, the two of you stood silently, you carefully not meeting his gaze but otherwise holding your ground. 
Then he scoffed. “Good way to get hurt.”
Anger flashed, hot and bright, and you breathed through it. “I am well aware of that.” 
He grunted once, having clearly scented your anger. But he didn’t push further, turning and striding away. 
You breathed out, watching him until he rounded a corner. Then you shook yourself out and locked yourself in your room.
You still had work to do.
It took three more days to get to the last group of soldiers. This was the group you were worried about - Keyes and his second-in-command, Martinez, were in this group. They’d be the hardest to work with. 
Sure enough, you’d gotten no further than the first rule when there was a loud scoff. Keyes stepped forward, right to the unofficial barrier between you and your temporary students. 
“A man should be able to meet eyes when giving orders,” Keyes said, cocky and brash.
“I suppose that depends on how you define respect.” You remained calm, watching him with a polite little smile. 
“It’s basic courtesy,” Keyes spat.
“Basic courtesy changes from place to place.” You kept your gaze focused on his nose. It was a little too big for his face, honestly. “There is no singular universal set of rules.” 
“Sounds like a load of shite to me.” He stepped into your space, staring down at you in challenge. 
“Be that as it may, your superiors have ordered you to attend however many classes I deem necessary.” Your smile turned distinctly sweet. “How many times would you like to retake this class?” 
“You’re bluffing.” Keyes was eyeing you now, a little wary. 
You pulled out your phone and pulled up the screenshot you’d taken of the email with the orders detailing that you had to pass every soldier on base (including the pack) to be cleared to continue working there. “I’m afraid the higher ups take on-base safety very seriously.”
Keyes turned an interesting shade of mauve. “You really think that’ll work?” he asked, shoulders tight, hands clenched at his sides.
“I think if the shifters bother you that much, you need to transfer out. They’re not going anywhere.” You refused to back down, putting your phone away again. 
“That’s not fair,” Martinez protested, quickly joining Keyes. “We all worked hard to be here!” 
You shrugged. “Then I suggest you work hard to move past whatever prejudice you have.” 
Keyes gave you no warning. Just stepped into your space, hand grabbing your upper arm tight. Tight enough to hurt. “You’re butting in where you’re not wanted,” he murmured, low and vicious. “I suggest you pass us, or face the consequences.” 
“Let go of me.” You spoke slowly and clearly, heart pounding, not willing to show that he was actually hurting you. 
“Sign off and I will.” Keyes tried to loom over you. Physically, he could, but he had nowhere near the presence that the shifters did. 
You were just drawing in a breath to berate him and figure out what the hell to do, tension crackling through the room, the other soldiers shifting uneasily, when Price strode in. His upper lip lifted in a silent snarl, and he’d crossed the room and had his hand wrapped tight around Keyes’s wrist before you could say anything.
“Assaulting a civilian this time?” Price growled, low, banked violence in his tone. 
Keyes turned his head and met Price’s gaze head on. The tension thickened between the two as Price’s eyes slowly darkened from blue to brown. 
Keyes was trying to provoke a shift, you realized with horror. He was going to try to get Price declared unfit for duty.
So you did the first thing that came to mind. You slapped your free hand over Keyes’s eyes and pushed hard, forcing his head back to expose his throat. 
You’d forgotten about Martinez. The slightly smaller man tackled you, sending you sprawling to the ground, with the likely unintended side effect of sending Keyes with you. You landed hard and then coughed as Keyes elbowed your solar plexus on his way down. Your lungs froze, refusing to draw in air for a few long seconds until you coughed and wheezed in a breath. Somehow, in those few seconds you’d been incapacitated, Gaz and Soap had both shown up and were restraining Keyes and Martinez. 
“You broken?” Price asked, crouching by your head.
“They wish,” you wheezed, pushing yourself up to sit slowly. “Ow.” 
Price silently helped you to your feet, doing a quick visual inspection of you. You let him, indulging his instincts. 
“Think you’ll need a statement from me?” you asked, not even bothering to look at Keyes and Martinez.
“If you feel up to it.” 
“Let’s get it over with,” you agreed on a sigh. “The rest of you, I’ll let you know when your make-up class is.” 
Price escorted you out, walking you down to an office to get everything down on paper. You refused a medic, knowing you’d bruise but there wasn’t much to be done for that. 
And once that was done you leaned back in your seat, resting your eyes for a moment. “Have to admit, I didn’t expect them to get violent,” you muttered, lifting one hand to rub your temples. 
“Neither did I.” There was something like regret in the curl of his lips when you opened your eyes to look at him.
“No blaming yourself.” You pointed sternly at him. “This is part of my job. This happens sometimes. Some people are prejudiced, and that is not on you. Got it?” 
His lips twitched with humor this time. “Yes ma’am.” 
You scoffed but stood with a little wince. Your head was really aching now. 
“One more thing, before you go.”
“Yes?” You stood a little straighter. 
“Timeline got pushed up on a mission. We’ll be going to another base for a week, approximately.” His expression was blank as he looked at you.
“And I’ve been ordered to go with.” You breathed out slowly. It made sense. You could run interference when necessary, maybe have a chance to educate a few more people, help smooth some things over. “Okay. When are we leaving?”
“Wheels up at 0800 tomorrow morning.” 
That did make you groan softly. That wasn’t a lot of prep time. “Right. Um, where do I meet you?” 
Price huffed softly, though you couldn’t tell if he was amused or disapproving. Or both. “I’ll have Gaz escort you if you can be ready by 0730.”
“Can do.” You nodded to him (carefully) and left his office. You had a few things to do now, after all. 
Packing, fortunately, didn’t take all that long. You snuck a few snacks in your duffel, in case you (or one of the pack) needed them. 
And then you went to the rec room and folded the blanket, stuffing it in its own bag. Also just in case. 
By the time you made it back to your room, your energy was waning. You dropped both bags next to your door, set an alarm on your phone, and collapsed into bed.
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tumble-witch · 5 months
TW light suggestion of body horror. No descriptions though!
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Bunnix shows up in Marinette's bedroom when it's already dark outside.
Marinette knows what the older heroine is about to ask the second she hears the burrow open. When Bunnix greets her, Marinette is hyperventilating. Instead of exchanging pleasantries, she asks:
- Is it... him again?
Bunnix has a grim expression on her face, yet shakes her head. Marinette exhales. She has another question.
- Is it something I did?
- No. I'm sorry I'm asking this from you again. I'm sorry there will be no answers yet.
- It's okay. I am ready.
At first Ladybug thinks she is on another planet. Another dimension, even. There are cloud fractals in the sky. There is a street light growing out of another one, growing out of another one, growing out of another one... Trees are huge and have so many leaves they are almost a solid green mass. Some buildings are so tall they go way past the clouds in a curvy line. It reminds her of the Jack and the Beanstalk fairytale her mom used to read her before bed.
The roads branch out like blood vessels, getting smaller with each separation, ending in dead ends near the buildings or growing vertically on top of the walls.
The whole city almost looks like it could move at any second. It almost looks alive.
As Ladybug progresses through the streets (if she can even call them that), she finally realizes where the people are.
At least, what's left of them.
Infinite growth apparently works on humans, too. She never thought she'd be so thankful to see somebody not move.
The silence makes her ears ring. Everything is quiet, except for some mechanical sounds the structures make, not really meant to support their own weight in this new form.
Then, she hears laughter.
A girl with hair so long she's not sure where it ends is frantically pacing around the roof, her body movements jittery and odd. As the camera of the heroine's yo-yo focuses on the akuma, helping seek out where the cursed butterfly is hiding, Ladybug realizes the dress this girl is wearing is not grey.
It's is covered in trillions of colourful tiny dots of different shapes and sizes. They seem jittery too, as if trying to move, but some force is making them stay together. This feels like standing up after lying down for too long. Looking at the pattern for too long makes her head hurt
Ladybug continues hiding. She takes her time looking for clues. At this point she's not really sure if the girl is actually laughing or this is a weird hysterical cry. Sometimes the akuma starts muttering under her nose, too quiet to make out most of the words. Ladybug is pretty sure she heard the girl say "I can fix this" a few times though. She shifts to hear the words better.
The akuma turns around
This is the hardest she's ever fought. Chat Blanc feels like child's play now.
While the villain almost looks out of breath, long hair going everywhere, Ladybug is still barely able to keep up.
The air is too dense with oxygen.
The girl has a yo-yo as a weapon, in a cruel twist of irony. And she's damn good with it. Yet, she clearly hesitates in using the thing, saving it as a last resort to escape.
Ladybug tries to reason with the akumatized victim.
- Wait! Please, let me help you!
- You don't understand, - the girl looks around frantically, - I have to fix this! I need to fix this!
Villain's grey yo-yo starts to glow white and she throws it at a fire hydrant, making it grow another one on top.
The akuma was inside the earring. Ladybug was hit by the yo-yo. She doesn't have the time to think as she casts Miraculous cure, just before her brain registered the pain fully.
She'll remember the way it looked when she closes her eyes though.
The streets go back to normal. Her body is normal. Ladybug turns around and meets the eyes of
Marinette sits on the ground, horrified. But before Ladybug can talk to her Bunnix appears and she has to go.
Bunnix doesn't say anything as they walk through the burrow, but she's pretty sure the older heroine is holding her shoulder softer than ever before.
They didn't change anything. They didn't fix anything after they came back, no scoldings, no erasing her name from anywhere, nothing. Marinette is growing more paranoid at every turn, expecting to get akumatized. Her conflict avoidance is at all times high. She's withdrawing from her friends.
Nobody is near when Hawkmoth himself shows up in the middle of the night and she has to transform. He senses her distress immediately.
This is just too easy.
The butterfly lands in her earring just as she started to call for a last effort Lucky Charm.
"Creatomachia, this is Hawkmoth. You are overwhelmed with every problem creating a million smaller ones. Things seem to stack on top of each other and just never end. I'll give you the power to fix everything. In return, you will give me your and Chat Noir's miraculous."
For a split second, everything is white.
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gretavanlace · 8 months
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Sugar II (part 2)
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: language, angst, Josh is perfect, angst, also maybe some angst
I’m so happy that you are all enjoying Sugar 2.0 as much as I am! I’ve missed this little world so much and it just makes me smile to know that you missed it too ❤️
Curled up into a tight ball under hotel room sheets, your mascara smudges across and stains the bleach-white pillowcases. And you might feel a little guilty about that if you could form a halfway coherent thought.
You’d expected a coworker, also dragged into town for this god forsaken conference, when you’d heard your name skittering across the marbled lobby floors. Turning to find Daniel, dripping in Greek God beauty and memories, had stolen the air from your lungs.
Quite literally, you had found it impossible to breathe for a few panicky moments as your eyes darted around in search of those that might be tagging along with him.
The warm, nostalgic feeling of stumbling across an old, dear friend had been overshadowed and twisted by fear…and a horrible, throbbing sadness; there was a time when this was your life…the last time anything had made any sense.
The overwhelming urge to sob in his arms had left you aching when he’d pulled you in for a bear hug. Somehow, his being so near had made home feel that much further away.
Take me to him. You’d wanted to beg Danny, clinging to his sturdy frame.
Now, you just want to run. To pack up your things in a hurry and flee the building as if it were engulfed in flames. You wish you were shoving your bag into an overhead compartment on a plane bound for anywhere that isn’t here.
This is too close. They are too close.
Three years it’s been, and he is still the first thing that weighs like sand on your mind when your eyes blink open in the morning…and your very last thought before they drift closed at night.
Has it really been three years? It doesn’t seem possible.
You think of Josh, too. Of course you do. But it is with a distant fondness for what you had. He is a pretty memory. A good memory. One you can recall easily, and with wistful affection. You can speak of him readily, with gentle sentiment. It was a great thing you had, and now it is no longer. Simple.
You try so hard not to think of Jake, but he’s there all the time anyway. Cozied up inside your head like he owns the place, no matter how many times you’ve ordered him to vacate. He always was stubborn, and his memory has proven no different. There is a hole in your soul shaped exactly like him. Hardly a blip of light in your eyes; you left most of it there with him all those moons ago.
You could so easily satiate your searing need in some minuscule manner, via YouTube interviews, balcony seats at shows where you would stand no chance of being spotted. The wails of his guitar could pour from your speakers and right into your chest whenever it feels too hollow. You could fall asleep to samplings of his velveteen voice, rasping answers to questions floated from radio hosts and devour written pieces where he speaks so eloquently and with such reverence about his craft…
You could, but you don’t.
You do none of these things. It simply cuts too deeply.
Early on, you did. Tortured yourself as you sobbed and cried out in the night like a homesick child. Yes, in those early days, you’d punished your fractured heart and yearning mind with pain; sunk your teeth into and gnashed them together, fearful of letting go.
But you’ve found your way. Tripped clumsily along, patching together a new normal slowly. The diamond that rests upon your ring finger reminds you of that…and you feel sick with self loathing. Weeping in this strange bed over what used to be, while he waits at home for you, happily watering your plants and tending to the household chores. Loving you from a distance.
He sends you texts just to say he loves you, and so you’ll know you’re on his mind. To ask if you’d like him to pick up anything from the store so you won’t have to worry about it when you return home. To remind you that he adores you in a hundred little ways.
…and here you lie, in a bed that isn’t the one you share with him, chest caving in around your heart, squeezed up tight and longing for Jake.
Jake, Jake, Jake…always Jake. Why won’t he go away?
A knock, swift and sure, startles you out of your misery with a jolt.
You don’t plan to answer, that’s a given…you’re a mess, complete with a blotchy, tear streaked face, and swollen eyes…so you’re silent as you creep over to the door to have a peek through the peephole.
He looks angelic, waiting out there in the hall nervously fidgeting. His curls look like home and your fingers itch to touch them, innocently. Almost the same, and so different all at once, now closely clipped at the sides. He looks reminiscent of his younger self. A little like the Josh you’ve only ever known through pictures; the Josh before he swept into your life like a tornado of light and smiles. He always was so beautiful. So offbeat. So eclectically mishmashed together and esoteric.
It’s like spotting a twin flame that you never expected to see again. Like the dead has risen…
…and before you’re consciously aware of your actions, you’re sliding the lock and cracking open the door.
“Hello, sweet girl.” His voice is soothing, and weighed down heavy as it slams into your head and scrambles your brain.
“Josh,” is all you’re able to manage, stupidly.
“As beautiful as ever, mama.” He smiles, flashing that tiny gap in his teeth that used to make you weak.
“Now, listen,” he holds a hand up and then shoes away whatever notion he’s about to bring up, “Don’t you hold this against our dear Daniel…I know you didn’t want to see us,” he lowers his voice into a conspiring whisper, “but you should know, he’s become a terrible tattletale in your absence.”
Suddenly, you’re hyper aware of the fact that you’ve left him standing in the hall like an unwelcome stranger. Against your better judgment, you invite him in.
He’s careful not to touch you, mindful of overstepping in a way that’s so out of character for him it makes you feel unsteady.
“You really do look lovely, sweetheart.” He smiles, “A vision. I’ve missed you, my friend. I’ve missed you very much.”
‘My friend’ stings a little at first, but within a blink, it settles and feels right - you were always friends. Friends before it became love, friends while it was love…
The Josh you knew possessed a great many talents, and quick adaptability was listed among them. He allowed the fickle winds of life to toss him about like no one you’d ever known, and had an ever present and uncannily firm grasp on relationships, and an admiration for how they can shift and morph.
He also always was a cool liar when it was for the greater good. Some things clearly never change.
Nervously, you sweep a hand through your hair and blot your eyes with the backs of your hands, “Lovely my ass…c’mere.”
With little reservation, you tug him in close and fold your arms around him. An unexpected huff of a laugh escapes you when you feel his familiar warmth.
He hugs you back, long and hard, with a soft, “Hi, baby, hi.”
“How’d you find me, you stalker?” You joke tenderly as he sways your bodies back and forth. “I didn’t give Danny my room number.”
That chuckle of his that you’d buried in the past trots out to say hello, “A trip to the front desk was all it took. Have you forgotten the Kiszka charm so easily?”
“Uh-huh,” you roll your eyes, though you’re still wrapped up tightly together and he cannot see.
“Okay,” he concedes “the Kiszka charm and maybe a hundred tucked into a hand or two.”
How strange that you had begged Danny not to tell him; his embrace is blissful and you’ve missed him terribly.
Still, there is a phantom in the room with the two of you, and you know without a doubt that he feels it too.
When he pulls back, his hands slip down your arms to clasp around yours…and he sees it.
“Oh my, mama,” he tugs it up closer for inspection, “would you look at that. Going to the chapel, huh?”
“I—“ for some unknown reason, you pull your hand away and tuck it behind your back as though you’ve been caught in a shameful act.
He tilts his head, regarding you carefully “Can we sit?”
With a welcoming gesture, you usher him in further, and like the gentleman he’s always been, he opts for the chair and doesn’t mention the disheveled bed, or its wept upon pillows.
After you settle in respectively, there’s a long stretch of silence in which you both seem to just sort of sink into being in the same room together again. Finally, he breaks the ice.
“He can’t know you’re here. It won’t be like this,” he waves a finger back and forth between the two of you, indicating the ease in which you’ve reunited.
A choked sob threatens to breach your lips at the mere mention of him, and your hand darts up to press it back.
“And he certainly can’t know about that.” Josh points to your ring winking obnoxiously in the light.
“Of course,” you nod rapidly, blinking tears back. “Yes, of course not…but, is he…” falling silent, your gaze lands on your bare toes and stays there.
“Is he, what?” Josh’s voice is kind, and you are so grateful for it. “Okay? No, sweetheart. He’s very far from okay. I should lie for him, I know I should. He’s my brother…I should tell you he’s happy. Happier than he’s ever been.”
“Will you?” There is a desperate hope in your plea that makes you cringe inwardly. “Will you tell me he’s happy?”
His eyes, so like his twins, and so full of sorrow, watch you for such a long time you begin to squirm this way and that in your seat. “Sit still, mama…” he finally scolds with the tiniest wink to soothe your anxiety, “he’s happy. He’s fine. But best if you just steer clear, alright?”
“So he’s happy? Or you should lie, Josh? Which is it?” Why are you asking? You don’t want to know. It’s infinitely easier to swallow the lie. You can’t stand the thought of Jake broken still and riddled with the pain you know so well.
With a sigh, he avoids your gaze. “You know the answer to that already, it seems. Are you?” His eyes flick towards your engagement ring, “Happy, I mean? Are you?”
Now it’s your turn to lie, “Yes. Very.”
He nods, and then glances at the mascara glaring from your pillows like evidence at trial. “Yes, it would seem so.”
“Josh, I—“
“Look,” he cuts you off, stressing with urgency. “We’re only here for the night. Lay low if you can. He’s bad off, and to see you would level him. To see you with that,” he once again points out your ring, “Would kill him. You leaving…”
A shaking breath rattles his shoulders, “It wasn’t easy for either of us, but Jake? Jake is still in that hotel room you walked out of a thousand nights ago. He never left, sweet girl. He never fucking left…and as much as I know that it’s not your fault…”
He trails off in thought and then drags in a hitching hiss of air, “As much as I know it isn’t either of our faults, I still place all that blame right here, with you and me. I can’t watch him descend any further, alright? So just lay low until we’re gone. For me, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you nod, a thousand questions beating like bird’s wings against the cage of your mind, “Yes, of course.”
Another lull slips in to visit until he shakes his head slowly, “How did I ever manage to get over you? You truly are beautiful. I’d almost forgotten…that’s heartbreaking.”
There is an innocuous lilt to his tone that warms your soul like cocoa with the fattest marshmallow bobbing along in the mug, and you feel your cheeks turn pink under his open, golden gaze.
“Me?” You laugh, “What about you, gorgeous? I love the hair.”
“Oh, you know,” he brushes his palms over the sides with a bashful shrug, “I let Sam trim it, scissors slipped…had to do something.”
“Still blaming Sam for all of life’s tragedies?” You laugh again. You always did laugh so freely with him, and you’ve missed it more than you ever allowed yourself to realize.
He scoffs with the faintest roll of his sparkling eyes “Obviously. That’s what the youngest is for, mama. You know this. And speaking of Samuel, you understand that Daniel will tell him, right? Those two might as well just get married and call it a day.”
Another giggle sounds out of you, “Don’t be jealous, Joshua. It’s unbecoming. Danny loves you, too…and Sammy I would say definitely considers you a solid acquaintance.”
“Yes, well, my acquaintance would be thoroughly crushed if he didn’t get the chance to at least say hello to you. Maybe later tonight? After the show?” He leans forward and toys with the beads swinging between his knees. “How would that be?”
“Only Sammy?”
He holds up two fingers, scout’s honor, “Only Sammy.”
You agree, and catch up a while longer until it’s time for him to take his leave, and you can’t help the confession that blurts out of your mouth without eloquence.
“You said he never left that hotel room,” you waver with bitten back tears. “It wasn’t…I don’t want you to think…it took me a very long time to leave that room, too.”
One last time, before the door closes behind him, his eyes linger on your pillow and the evidence of your tears, and then find yours, “Sweetheart, are you sure you’ve left it at all?”
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @jakesgrapejuice @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @gretasmokerising @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @thelvnternskeeper @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordie-gvf-admin @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake
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sudsyv2 · 1 year
You guys know that audio that goes
“My wife, she’ll get upset if she sees you touching me on my chest”
“I am your wife”
Ghost loosing his memory for a short period due to a tbi during a mission, doesn’t remember who soap is but knows that he does have a husband. (Who is soap)
And because ghost doesn’t remember who his husband is, he tries to not let soap touch him in any way. “You shouldn’t be touching me. I have a husband” ghost would say, mumbled and low due to just waking up from his injury. Trying to get soap to move his hand away from his thigh.
And soap would laugh, not bothering to remove his hand. He can’t wait to tease his husband after this.
This would be great blackmail.
“Ah am your husband, si”
Ghost didn’t respond even after a couple minutes. Soap didn’t mind though, patiently waiting as he felt the familiar stare from his husband.
‘He’s always been real observant..’ Soap reasoned in his mind.
Normally most people would be devastated but Soap knew his LT would be back in shape soon enough. He was also already notified by the nurse that ghost would regain his memory in a couple days. All soap had to do was wait and be there for his husband.
He smiled slightly as he saw ghosts eyebrows knit together and his eyes squint, obviously deep in thought.
“..you do look familiar.”
In his own thoughts, Soap absentmindedly rubbed a comforting hand on ghosts thigh. “You’re doing so great, love.” Soap cheered his husband on with a big grin. Trying his hardest to hold a laugh when he sees a blush creep on ghosts face.
“You’re pretty.”
“Huh?” Soap said, snapping out of his thoughts to look at ghost. Who was staring at him with such intensity it would’ve made soap shrink in his seat if he wasn’t used to it.
“You’re really pretty.” Ghost repeated himself. Looking at the new red tint spreading itself on Soaps face. “It seems I’m very lucky.”
Not wasting any time, he gently grabbed soaps hand. And squeezed it as best he could, rubbing his thumb across the others palm. The sound of their rings clinking together as ghost ran his hand across soaps own.
“We have rings” ghost said to himself, in both awe and suprise. “We’re married you idiot, I told ya! You don’t ever take yours off, love. But neither do I.” Soap said, smiling to himself at a fond memory.
(“You gonna keep it on even during our missions?” Soap exclaimed, surprised that his now husband would wear the ring everywhere they went. Ghost has always been the more cautious one so it was a suprise for the man to want to wear something so precious all the time even during their line of work. “Of course.” Ghost answered. “Not like anyone would say something. Everyone knows we’re married, hell price was our pastor. I think they were all more excited than we were while we were getting married.” ghost pointed out. Soap only laughed at it, how absurd is it to have their captain unite them through marriage. “I’m thinking of wearing mine too!” Soap said, his usual bright smile shining on his face)
“You’re smile is amazing. No wonder I married you..” ghost said, staring intently at soap. “So pretty too, you look like what poets write about.”
“If you didn’t tell me you were already mine, I think I would’ve gotten on my knees and proposed a second time.” Ghost laughed, not noticing the shiver that ran through soaps body.
(Seems ghost is a flirter when he loses his memory)
“Y-you..” Soap stuttered out, not sure whether to look away from the gaze of his husband or to just straight up kiss him.
Now it was Ghosts turn to laugh at his husband. “I’m?” Ghost said, a small grin forming on his face.
“You don’t even act like this when you’re drunk. Trying to get me to cry happy tears huh?” Soap said breathlessly, leaning in to plant a soft kiss against the corner of ghosts mouth. A smug grin forming on his face as he felt ghost try to lean in to soaps kiss.
“Wouldn’t think of making someone like you cry, less it’s in bed.” Ghost said trying to sit up. Already snaking a hand to soaps back.
But after soap heard the pained groan come from ghost he stopped it. Removing ghosts hand from his back.
“Let’s leave it off right here, we can save the lovey dovey stuff for when we get you out of here alright?” Soap said, gently pushing ghost back into the pillows on the hospital bed.
“…” ghost didn’t say anything, only staring at soap. “What’s the matter?” Soap asked, worried that his husbands injuries had maybe worsened while they talked.
“Nothing, nothing at all. I would like it if you- I mean- can you..” soap looked expectantly at ghost. Patiently waiting for him to finish what he was saying.
“Stay please” ghost reached out with a bandaged hand, trying to grab at soaps shirt
Soap laughed lightly
“You couldn’t get rid of me even if you tried, Si” and soap took ghosts hand, kissing it gently.
“I would never”
It took 4 days for Ghost to regain his memories.
“Well, hello there!” Soap popped his head into ghosts hospital room. Today was the day that ghost would be able to leave and hopefully the day he would remember everything.
“Hey…” ghost responded with his usual gruff tone, staring at soap making his way next to ghost by the side of his bed.
“What happened while I was out?” Ghost asked, he had heard he shortly lost his memories from the nurses. Outside he looked real calm, like usual, but inside Ghost worried if he had done anything to soap while he didn’t remember him. Worrying if he had hurt the other.
Soap only answered with a warm smile, the same smile that had grounded ghost when he was nervous to recite his vows.
“Nothing crazy happened!” Soap said, waving his hands around.
“Yup!” Soap smiled, only he will know what ghost was like. And he’d use it to tease his dear husband later.
Just not right now
Soap was too excited to take his husband home, to their cute cat and their comfy bed.
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sinning5sos · 1 month
No Shame | Luke
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surprise, I'm alive bitches XOXO
Requested: YES! I took a few requests and put them into one
i was wondering if you could write about dom!luke fwb kind of situation where luke tells you about his thought process when writing no shame and admitting it’s like about the reader ? 
literally the sluttiest kinkiest shit you can write for luke
leaving hickeys all over luke, JUST IMAGINE SKSK
Word Count: ~3.1k
Luke: wyd?
You rolled your eyes at the text that just came through, and your eyes flickered up to the clock. 9:45 PM. This was the usual time he texted, but you couldn’t help the smile forming as you typed your response.
You: On my way to you?
Luke: Wow so eager for me. See you soon angel.
You loved the message and got off the couch to head to your car. Your engine started up and you turned the radio on as you started to drive to Luke's apartment. You couldn’t help but laugh as one of the band's songs started playing over the radio, a song from their second album. You had met Luke through a mutual friend at a party after they released their first album, but slowly became closer whenever they would be back in L.A. or if they flew you out. 
You made the first move, kissing him when you were slightly tipsy and the two of you realized you had a lot of chemistry. It was mainly physical, but there were a few moments where the two of you would go on dates but neither of you would call them dates. Just friends with benefits. It was too busy for either of you to date but you loved fucking him too much to let him move on, to let yourself move on.
The drive to his house was quick, that’s also part of the reason that the two of you continued hooking up with one another. You entered the code into the gate and pulled into the driveway next to his car, shifted into park and sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. You applied just a little bit more of the lipstick that he loves, and ensured your make up was fine. He loved the disheveled makeup look after he fucks you thoroughly, so you knew what you were doing. 
You climbed out of the car and walked up to the door, about to knock but he already opened the door by the time you got to the threshold. He’s just so attractive.
His curls were freshly washed, the smell of his body wash hitting you immediately - you were the one who bought it for him, one of your favorite scents. He had a basic white tee on but it fit him so well, as well as the gray sweats he had on. 
He pulled you in immediately, his lips meeting yours as you wrapped your hand around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you. There was no need for introductions, no need for any conversation. You both knew what you were there for.
“Now listen angel, there’s going to be a few things happening. I want you to go upstairs, strip down and get on your back. Next, I am going to put your ankles in the spreader bar and show you what I bought for you earlier today,” He murmured in your ear, his hands coming down to grip your ass.
“The first part of the toy goes right on your clit, and then the other part of the toy goes right inside that pretty little pussy of yours. Then, I’m going to fuck that sweet ass.” He muttered, his words echoing in your head as he slapped your ass. “Understood angel?” 
His nose nudged yours and you nodded your response, his lips moving to meet yours again.
“Go.” He whispered, and you eagerly went up to his bedroom and did exactly as he said. Your eyes landed on the toy, a bright pink vibrator that was sort of U shaped, on his bedside table beside a bottle of lube. You quickly stripped down and laid on the bed, your anticipation building as you heard Luke slowly come up the stairs. 
You shifted slightly as he opened the door, his normally bright blue eyes darker, lust evidenced on his face as you slowly opened your knees and his gaze fell directly onto your center.
“Ankles up,” He murmured, and you lifted your ankles up into the air as he slowly clasped the cuffs around each of your ankles, the bar separating your legs further and he pushed the bar up into the air.
“That cunt is so fucking beautiful. And it’s all mine to devour,” He muttered, his gaze snapping up to yours as he pulled his tee over his shoulders. He pushed down his sweats as well, his cock already hard and you smiled up at him, knowing that it was you who caused him to be like this.
“Devour?” You whispered, and he nodded as he knelt in front of you on the bed and pressed a light kiss on the inside of your thigh before pulling you down on the bed. He ducked his head underneath the bar and you rested your ankles on the top of his shoulders. He spit directly onto your center, and you knew the gentleness was gone.
You loved giving up control to Luke, loved giving him everything you could offer and loved that he took it all.
He immediately bent his head down, his tongue laying flat against your center as he licked up, your juices coating his chin. You watched him, every swipe of his tongue jolting your body a little bit, and moaned as he finally gave in and sucked your clit into his mouth. He pulled back and spit onto his fingers, pushing two of them inside you as his mouth enveloped itself around your clit again. You pushed your head back into the mattress, your eyes closed as he continued fucking you with his fingers.
He pulled back, “I want you to cum at least once with my mouth, cum once more with that toy inside of you, then cum again as I fuck your ass. Got it?”
You whimpered out a yes, your ability to form any other words gone as he grazed his teeth against the bundle of nerves, your back arching into the bed as your orgasm quickly approached. Luke had such a way of making you cum, and so quickly too. His mouth was talented, in more ways than one.
“Cum for me angel,” He pulled his mouth back, his fingers working quickly inside of you as you rode out your orgasm on his fingers, your body shaking as your high crashed over you.
“Good girl,” He muttered, moving back under the bar and leaned over to his bedside table. He grabbed the toy, your core still sensitive as he brought it up to your mouth, “Now lick.”
You did as you were told, taking the toy into your mouth and Luke chuckled as he brought it down your body. He rubbed the bigger end over your clit, then brought it down to your core and pushed it inside of you, then lined up the top part of the toy and pressed it against your clit. He pushed the button in the center, the vibrations jolting your body as the toy filled you and sent waves of pleasure throughout it.
“Oh.” You gasped out, your hands grasping his sheets as he watched you wraith beneath him, his hands not even on you. Your breathing caught, your gaze focused on him as he had his own hand wrapped around his cock. He slowly started stroking himself, stopping occasionally to grab some of your juices that were flowy freely, and used it to fuck himself.
“Such a good girl for me. Look at you, taking that toy so well. Your cunt looks so pretty being this full,” He murmured. Your breathing became ragged as your second orgasm was approaching, his cock and the idea of it being in your ass soon overtook your thoughts. 
“Don’t you cum without my permission,” He snapped, and brought his free hand down to your cunt, giving it a gentle slap. Your body jolted and you nodded, your eyes moving to his.
“Can I cum please Luke?” You nearly begged, and he chuckled at the desperation in your voice. He didn’t give you an answer, instead he just tugged the bottom lip between his teeth as he continued stroking himself. You were writhing beneath his gaze, your eyes following his hand as he pushed another button on the toy and the vibrations increased.
You cried out, wanting to close your legs but that damn spreader bar held your ankles apart still. 
“Luke, please,” You begged, nearly screaming out his name as he nodded.
“Good, cum again for me. God, what a fucking beauty you are,” He whispered, and you released your mental block and quickly came. Your thighs were shaking, your hands dropping down to your core as you held the toy against you, the overstimulation starting to become too much.
“Luke,” You whimpered, and he turned the toy off. 
“I’m going to give you a minute to relax and then I’m going to turn that toy back on.” He muttered, and you attempted to catch your breath as he grabbed the lube. He poured some onto his fingers and brought them to your ass, and slowly pressed in. The two of you had done anal plenty of times, but that wasn’t when you were full from a toy as well. He had one finger in and slowly added his middle finger. He chuckled as he started to stretch you out, having your body relax beneath his touch.
“Such a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
“Anything for you Luke,” You breathed out, loving the way that he looked down at you.
“Since you’re being a good girl, I’m going to go ahead and set those ankles free, but I want them on my shoulders instead.” He instructed, and you nodded as you brought your hands up over your body and stretched them over you. 
With his free hand, he undid the clasp on one and your ankle moved from the bar and onto his left shoulder. He did the same on the other side, and you felt a slight relief from the stretch but then Luke lined his cock up with your hole and started pushing in. You melted into his touch, the stretch turning into pleasure quickly. He switched the toy back on and you gasped again, your body quickly returning to the overstimulated mess you were before.
“Luke,” You called out, his name becoming all you could muster as he started fucking your ass.
“What a fucking vision this is,” He grunted, holding onto your thighs to keep you secure as he pushed in fully, his cock filling you so well. 
You couldn’t form words any more, his name falling from your lips as you felt your third orgasm approaching again. Between the vibrations on your clit and inside your cunt, and Luke fucking your ass, you weren’t going to last long at all.
“Please,” You gasped out, your body clenching, “please,”, your thighs starting to shake as Lukes own orgasm started approaching, “let me cum, please.”
“You want to cum?” Luke asked, and you shook your head as your interlocked your hand with his, and he nodded, “Cum for me, angel, go ahead and let go,” 
Your legs shook as your third orgasm crashed over you, moaning his name loudly and clenched your eyes shut so tightly that stars danced across your vision. Your body continued to shake as Luke fucked you, and it looked as if he was about to cum too. His chest was moving deeply, his breathing labored as he was focused on you. 
“I’m going to cum in your tight little ass, is that okay with you angel?” He asked, and you nodded lazily as the toy still vibrates inside of you, the overstimulation draining your body as he finally came. He moaned and nearly collapsed on top of you, his hand coming between your legs to turn the toy off and you nearly cried out in relief. Your body hadn’t been used to this quickly, your orgasms draining your energy.
“God, what a good fucking girl you are for me. Look how fucking hot you are,” He murmured, and you nodded in agreement, watching as he slowly pulled out and pulled the toy out from inside you as well.
“Stay here, don’t move,” He whispered, leaning over your body to give you a gentle kiss before he went into the bathroom adjacent to his room. He took only a moment, before he returned and pressed a warm washcloth to your core and helped soothe your body. He helped clean you up, and tossed the rag into a hamper nearby before climbing into bed beside you.
You curled up in his arms, his shoulders so broad against you and he hummed quietly in your ear.
“You did so good,” He murmured, his warm breath tickling against your neck and you giggled slightly. He pulled the covers up over the two of you, and you sank deeper into him.
“I have a song that I’ve been working on. Would you want to go to the studio with me tomorrow?”
Your eyes flickered over to Luke at his question, and you bit your lip as you thought. Nothing really could come of it, so you agreed.
“Yeah I guess. What time?” You whispered, pressing your lips to his chest and deciding to tease him further. You sucked the skin there and he sharply drew in a breath, and looked down at you.
“11:00 am is when we start recording. There’s a few things I want to work on first and then you can come in. Maybe 1:00? And you can bring lunch?” He asked, a hopeful smile on his face and you pulled away to laugh at his eagerness.
“Sure, I can do that. But you’re paying. Go ahead and send me some money now, Mr. Internationally Famous Lead Singer.”
“Good. I have some ideas, I’m going to write real quick.” He murmured, pulling away from you and you sighed at the loss of warmth, but he returned after a minute with an old notebook and a pen. He climbed back beside you and began to scribble on the paper. You attempted to peek, but he quickly shifted so you couldn’t see.
You leaned over h8im, pressing your lips to the base of his neck and decided to give him another hickey and he chuckled quietly.
“Angel, you’re not marking me to embarrass me tomorrow, are you?”
“Embarrass? Please, you should be so lucky to broadcast that you were laid.” You whispered against his skin, before moving slightly up his neck and he leaned into your touch, your lips grazing the soft part of his neck that was so tender for him.
“You’re right, I’m insanely lucky to have such a good girl like you for me,”
* * *
It was 1:15p now, a little after when he said to come and you were listening to his bandmates mess around with you while he finished up the song.
“You know he’s never brought a girl here,” Calum mused, and you felt a slight blush creep through your cheeks but shook your head.
“We’re just friends,”  You insisted, but Calum chuckled.
“What sort of friends? My friends never leave hickeys on my neck.” Ashton shot back, and the blush darkened throughout your skin, 
“Or scream my name out in the hotel room when you thought the others were gone,” Calum quipped.
“Or used as a writing inspiration before. That’s why you’re here, he’s got a new song he’s been working on and he won’t let us listen to it yet.”
“Mind your business,” Luke rolled his eyes as he walked in, leaning down to kiss your cheek and you nearly pulled away but he grinned. “Just saying thanks for lunch,” 
He plopped himself down right beside you, a little too close for someone that was just a friend, and started to eat. You felt Ashton and Calum’s gaze on you, but avoided eye contact.
The two of you had established many times that you were just friends, but friends who fucked and went on dates because neither of you had wanted to deal with the pressures of a relationship. At least, so you thought.
“Alright angel, ready to go listen?” He asked, slurping down his drink and you nodded as the other two started giving him the same treatment they had just given you. Luke waved them off, his middle finger in the air as he led you into the studio space. You always loved seeing what they did, whether it was seeing their process or seeing them perform. 
Luke pressed play as you settled into a chair, your leg crossing over the other as the first few chords of the new song came on.
“Remember, it’s not finished yet but I wanted to hear your thoughts before I kept going.” 
“Angel, with the gun in your hand - pointing my direction, giving me affection. Love is fatal, won't you give it a chance? Center of attention, don't you ask me any questions.” He paused the song, and your mind began to spin but you smiled at him.
“Keep going,” You reached over him and pressed play and he leaned into you as it continued on.
“Go on and light me like a cigarette, even if it might be something you regret. You got me now, now, now…swallow me down, down, down, down.”
You nearly snorted as the song progressed, and Luke paused it to see what caught your attention, “You liked that line, didn’t you?”
“Swallow me down?” You glanced up at him and he chuckled.
“Down, down, down. Just wait angel, there’s more.” He winked at you, and proceeded to press play. The song continued, your mind absorbing every lyric, feeling the beat and you clenched your legs together as the next line poured through the speaker, “I only light up when cameras are flashing, never enough and no satisfaction. Got no shame, I love the way you're screaming my name.”
The song ended shortly, a few other lyrics sticking through your head but Luke just kept grinning at you. 
“I think we ought to fuck like that more often if this good of a song comes from it,” You teased and he chuckled as his right hand planted itself on your thigh, but you nodded, “I like it, especially if the lyrics are as accurate as you say.”
“Of course. You’re a one of a kind girl for me angel,”
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ancientbygone · 1 month
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simulacra 3 [take me back to eden]
Sleep's mimic forms of the vessels during the time period of TMBTE, because i can't be normal and start a series from the beginning and not the end.
more info + design breakdowns under the cut:
[obligatory "when talking about the vessels, i'm talking about characters" disclaimer]
background info on the whole idea:
Sleep as a being is shapeless in my mind; more of a concept than a creature. it can manifest as sort of an absence of light in any shape to others, usually to appeal to feeling/emotion. the only "rule" for that is that whatever Sleep tries to appear as cannot look more or less innocent/powerful than Sleep actually is, which usually manifests in two things: the size being different from the thing/person it's imitating, scaled according to power, and/or added features, usually in some way threatening or regal.
one of Sleep's more consistent forms it takes throughout interacting with Vessel is mimicking him, partially to create an illusion of the two being more similar than they actually are and partially because Sleep used to exist as Vessel's shadow when they'd just met. the visual itself has changed through time (you can see what it was like during Sundowning in my Higher artwork), and during TMBTE that visual is pretty much the titular song's character with the most minor tweaks (which is why i didn't draw it separately).
all that made me think about the idea of Sleep mimicking the other vessels just to fuck with Vessel further (to be clear, i am a strong believer that Sleep only interacts with Vessel in any way). so now here are the designs of those mimics during the events of TMBTE, utilizing the album's song characters much like the Vessel mimic. because again, i have to start a series from the end, i guess.
"ii"/ii mimic (song character used: AYROK)
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the main idea driving the design of "ii" is the real ii's goal to keep Vessel more or less safe by being by his side in worshipping Sleep, which is the reason he'd decided to become the second vessel in the first place. the choice of AYROK as the character to use in this design is obvious. one of the ideas that stem from that is ii's duty/desire to keep his face hidden for Vessel's sake; only his hands are visible & detailed because that's the only part of him Vessel remembers before either of them became vessels of Sleep and the only part ii has really shown after that. another is ii's timidity in telling Vessel to go against Sleep's will because he fears that no matter how bad it may be, it'll be much worse if Vessel doesn't follow it. that part comes through in the pose - shyly holding his hands together as if they're tied.
"iii"/iii mimic (song character used: Aqua Regia)
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the song character inspo being Aqua Regia is mostly because of the calmer nature of the song and the dynamic duo it makes with Vore, less so the themes of the lyrics. also its visual design. iii mimic's design themes are iii's adoration/borderline obsession with Vessel (wearing Vessel's jewelry and having elements of his robe in his shirt + his own face/mask slowly melting off) and his enagement with worship as an act/aesthetic rather than something more serious (the overabundance of jewelry and accessories; the extra arms; the body language; the cuffs around his arms and legs being decorative and not actually restricting). also the rings on his fingers make a checkered pattern.
"iv"/iv mimic (song character used: Vore)
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the use of Vore for "iv" is obvious too. song wouldn't be the same without his real life self. the design really just aims to combine iv with the Vore character, but there are two big things here. the simplest one is anger issues, which is why he's So Goddamn Spiky and why his jacket looks like scarred skin rather than painted & customized. the anger mostly shows up in the body language: most of the time "iv" just stares unblinkingly with pure palpable ire in the two glowing dots for eyes, and when he does move it's very stiff and snappy and barely controlled. the other thing is that, simply speaking, the real iv got into this whole mess without knowing the full extent of it and now he's in too deep and kinda losing himself. in the design it's expressed through the human features gradually turning into bug-like, such as the hoodie fading into a segmented millipede-like body and the fucked up mantis hands, and the gold of the original iv's mask melting over the face with the horns being part of it. the spikes protrude from him in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish between jacket decorations and actual parts of his body, but the spines are definitely from his body & allow me to live the dream of iv with a mohawk LMAO
anyway have fun with these go nuts i'll make similar sheets & posts for Sundowning and TPWBYT eventually
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destinysbounty · 3 months
pls explain the stupid powers thing where they came from lloyd but suddenly now theyre genetic out of nowhere bc the former is the stupider of the 2.
Oh my god Raine I am so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for like 50 years, I completely forgot about this ask. If it's any consolation, I made diagrams!
So the bottom line is, the elemental powers ARE heritable. And although the Lloyd thing makes things complicated, it doesn't change that.
First, let's talk about Golden Power. As I understand it, Golden Power is a godlike power first wielded by the FSM and used to create Ninjago. Again, correct me if I'm mistaken, but my understanding of it is that it's essentially an amalgamation of the four Elements of Creation.
Despite being extensions of Golden Power, these four elements still operate much like normal elements - that is, under normal conditions.
See, Golden Power is also hereditary. It was passed down from the FSM into his grandson Lloyd. Kind of. Lloyd inherited an essence of his grandfather's power.
(Yes, yes, I know Energy technically classifies as an elemental essence rather than an elemental power. But even then this still tracks.)
The way I see it, Energy acts more as a foundation. A connection. Think movie rules, where "green" is the thing holding everything together. Energy is the foundation upon which the others ebb and flow, it is the thing that connects their elements together. The glue that connects the Elements of Creation and forms Golden Power.
Here's another way to think about it. Let's assume that this whole elemental network of Golden Power operates a bit like a circuit (more or less). Each of the four Elements of Creation act as a battery and Golden Power is the lightbulb, with Green Energy being the wires and circuitry connecting everything together. Like so:
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When the whole circuit is complete and properly functioning, power is being diverted from the sources of power - the four elements - and transferred through the circuitry into the lightbulb. Under these conditions, the four elements would be considerably diminished on account of having their power diverted into something else, while the lightbulb would be brightly lit.
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In some cases like in season 1 and most of season 2, this simply manifests as a diminished access to their own elemental power that must be supplemented with the use of their Golden Weapons (which in themselves are artifacts of Golden Power that have been attuned to particular elements). They still have some access to their power, and even more so after unlocking their True Potentials, but that access was inhibited on account of much of their power being routed into this Golden Power/Energy circuit system.
(Note that this isn't a perfect analogy - unlike batteries, elemental power is not a limited resource but is instead constantly regenerating. I think of it a bit like blood - finite in the moment, but so long as we are healthy we can consistently produce more every day. Hence why Nya was able to regain her powers without instantly being connected to the sea: in the context of this analogy, you might think of her power being drained as bloodletting. The new power she developed was new and untainted by her former connection to the sea. I know all these analogies are starting to get confusing though, so feel free to disregard this.)
Now in past generations, the Green Ninja hadn't been born yet. So the actual circuitry itself wasn't present, meaning there was nothing to connect these elements together. Nothing to spend from their elemental reserves. So while Golden Power cannot form under these conditions, the previous EMs could use the full extent of their power without issue.
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But then Lloyd was born, and the ethereal threads of power tying their elements together finally entered the system - thereby diverting those four powers into a greater collective of Golden Power. Even if Lloyd hadn't unlocked his True Potential, the system itself had taken shape, waiting for him to be ready to use it.
Then in the latter half season 2, the og4 completely divested what little they had of their powers at the time. And due to the increased energy demands of Lloyd's awakened USM form/abilities, any scrap of power they may have generated thereafter would immediately be converted into Golden Power instead.
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Then in season 3, they returned to the Temple of Light to reverse this transference. and this is, unfortunately, where the circuit metaphor starts to fall apart. But for the sake of argument, just let me have this.
When Lloyd did returned his friends' powers to them, he also completely dissolved his Golden Power in the process, restoring them to their pre-GP conditions but in fact to what their power levels would have been in a non-GP environment. That is, they were finally able to access the full extent of their elemental abilities because the lightbulb wasn't there to transfer their energy away. Similar to what the system looked like back before Lloyd was born. This is why they were able to actually wield their elemental powers without the use of the Golden Weapons, when in the past that had only been possible through their True Potential.
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(Yes, I know this isn't really how circuits work. I took an electrical engineering class in high school, and you have no idea how much the inaccuracies pain me. I mean I did warn you the analogy would fall apart. But I've put too much work into these diagrams to turn back now.)
Now, as for why their powers didn't work in season 5...that's a whole other headache. My best guess is that Morro attempted to reset the system to its prior GP state, but since he didn't do it properly through the Temple of Light everything just kinda got a little fucky for everyone instead.
The TLDR is that the og4's elemental powers don't come from Lloyd, per se, but he does sort of act as a conduit (ha) for their powers. And his capacity as that conduit can at times inhibit or enhance their own indvidual elemental potentiality.
...does this make sense, like at all? I feel like I just did a bunch of incomprehensible rambling that no one else would be able to understand. Listen, Ninjago's magic system is agonizingly convoluted enough as it is. I'm just doing my best 😭😭😭
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myjisung · 2 years
kisses with bang chan !
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content. stray kids bang chan, headcanons, gn!reader — fluff.
warning. none
a/n. as requested numerous times, chan! might've gotten a little carried away with this one... what can i say, i am a bangchan lover at heart afterall. feel free to request who i should write for next!
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it was in his studio. chan had not planned for it to happen that day, he was not one to plan such things out anyway. all that mattered to him at that point was that he liked you a lot, much more than he thought he would. eventhough chan wanted to put his work and career before anything else, he could not help but be constantly distracted by your presence; so much so that he was starting to consider getting into a relationship.
he could not tell whether you liked him or not. his lack of confidence blurred his vision and made him spiral into believing that someone like you would never settle for someone like him: some guy who liked music so much that he sacrificed almost everything to get his tracks where he wanted them to be.
yet, that night, he stopped thinking. if you asked him where that confidence of his came, he would shrug and laugh a little because, really, chan had no idea. one moment he was showing you this new song he had been working on and reading out the lyrics he and jisung had written as you looked at the mixing software on his computer. the next, you were smiling softly as you talked and talked about how the song was much better than the last time you listened to it.
maybe it was the words you chose to say or the way your eyes twinkled as you complimented his improvement, but chan could not help but cut you off to randomly utter "can i kiss you?". taken aback, you stared at him as red crept up your face. chan mirrored your expression, growing nervous and got ready to backtrack that last statement of his before it got weird. fortunately however, you ended up nodding, as if you had been waiting for him to ask. he did not need anything more, chan immediately leaned in after gently cupping your face.
the kiss he gave you that evening was one you would always remember. probably because he could not help but giggle constantly once it dawned on him that he actually managed to kiss you.
as often as he can actually. as soon as there is an opening you can bet he will dive in. he is far from stingey when it comes to kisses. if you ask for one, chan will give you one. if he feels like kissing you, he will kiss you. it is as simple as that. he does not overthink it, chan simply likes to give.
if you wanted an actual estimate, thousands of times a day would be the closest i could get to guessing it right. he loves to say he likes kisses a normal amount but we all know that is far from being the case; no one likes kisses as much as he does. he just wants to kiss and be kissed every single minute of every single day. so, if he can make it happen, he will.
oh, so lovely. they are the absolute best. they are a mix of everything at the same time. chan gives loving kisses in the morning. he pecks your shoulder when waking up next to you and then kisses your lips sweetly when he meets up with you in the kitchen after his shower. before leaving for work, he would gently tuck stray hairs behind your ear before kissing your cheek and wishing you a great day. when he comes back and is in a good mood, he would get so playful; peppering your face with kisses and planting his mouth right on top of yours at random times just to get a few giggles out of you.
it is impossible to put him in any category. chan's kisses come in all shapes and forms possible; and each and every single one of them is perfect in its own way. he knows what he is doing and you can tell. overall an amazing kisser to be honest.
ONE. head kisses : when he feels protective
TWO. hand kisses : when he's distracted and working
THREE. temple kisses : when he feels extremely soft
ONE. forehead kisses : make him feel safe
TWO. cheek kisses : get him all giggly
THREE. lips kisses : he just likes to be kissed tbh
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