#Httyd Hiccup and Astrid's children
reviewinghiccup · 1 year
Title: Your Life is Made Up of The Everyday
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Haddock, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Gary Jorgenson, Spitelout Jorgenson and introducing, Zephyr Haddock.
Author's note: Hey guys I'm so proud of my first little fict on HTTYD. The timeline is set after the movie, including after they met Toothless and his family. I have been writing a lot about father-son relationship and was tinkering around with the idea of Hiccup as a dad. Hope you like it. Wishing you guys a wonderful weekend reading!
Its been 5 years since Hiccup, Astrid and their children went to meet Toothless at the tip of the Hidden World. Zephyr is now older. An intelligent, strong-willed viking pre-teen. With her father's brains and mother's brawn, she traverses the great island for new discoveries. Unfortunately, there is only so much to discover within the thickets and forests of New Berk. Things have fallen stale, and the child wonders if that is all there is about the world.
It is a cold, but sunny Wednesday afternoon. A knot welled in the middle of Hiccup's forehead, swelling into a migraine as Snotlout, once again insists that the new Storehouse be named in honour of his father.
"It is the right thing to do and you know it!" Snotlout says accusingly. "Snotlout, for the last time, we don't pay tribute like this unless the person has passed on."
"SO?" Snotlout replies indignantly.
"SO?! YOUR FATHER IS NOT DEAD! He's standing right there," Hiccup's hands gesture towards Spitelout, aged and white haired. "Oh, don't listen to him Boy-O. He's changed a lot since becoming chief. Pride can overcome a man of weak consti-tu-tion," Spitelout spewed, taking Snotlout by the shoulder as they left the Great Hall.
"What? No! That's not, what - Oh gods," Hiccup lets out, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and index finger. "What's next on the agenda Fishlegs?"
"Well, the Timbermans are wondering whether you can officiate their son's wedding this Friday?"
"Which one?"
"Didn't I officiate his wedding last week?"
"No, that was Jazon. Zen. With a "Z"."
"Why would they name their sons the same name?"
"Its not, if you really think about it. Not technically. At least," Fishleg mumbled. The knot spreads to the back of Hiccup's neck. "Yeah, yeah," he relents, shoulders slumped, "put me down for it."
Just then, a huge beam at the entrance of the Great Hall cracks. Hiccup hears it. His head turns to the sound. "Do you hear that?" he asks. "Hear what?" Fishlegs wonders. Instinctively, Hiccup yells "Get out of the way," to the family walking towards the beam. Grabbing a long staff, Hiccup quickly intercepts the falling beam with it stabilising the structure.
"What happened?" Astrid said, panting. She had come from the armour mason's shed to the Great Hall when she saw the commotion. "The beam gave way," Hiccup said, studying the rotten wood.
"You see here? This is where the woodmites bit through the stem. They've eaten all way through the bark! I told you this would happen. Didn't I tell you this would happen? We need to apply the Funnel Glue to drive them away. The woods dry. When was the last time the Funnel Glue was applied. When?" he said getting up and looking around for answers.
Astrid and Fishlegs tried not to make eye contact. "Whose responsibility was it to apply the glue?" he asks. Astrid looked guilty.
Hiccup sighs, "Zephyr."
"Where is she?" he says, storming out of the hall. Astrid runs after him. "You know where she is."
"This is irresponsible of her. This is very irresponsible of her. She knows the danger of woodmites. After the crashing of Bucket's Barn last summer. She knows the danger, I've told her many times," he rants. Astrid nods. "She knows. I know she knows because when I asked her if she did, she said she heard me."
"Well..." Astrid hummed, he didn't hear her. "That's it I need to say something." Astrid grabs his arm. "I know what you're gonna say," he claimed.
"Well, then let me say it anyways. She's young -"
"Young? I was young once too, but I did my chores as I was told. We all did. Even the Twins. Albeit they could've done it better, but we did everything we could to help the community. I didn't say anything when she didn't take out the trash. I didn't say anything when failed to water the community garden and we didn't have cabbages for four weeks. But, this is too much Astrid, I need to say something now. I'm putting my foot down."
"Ya done?"
"Not completely, but go on," he said, arms folded.
"She's going through something Hiccup. Can't you see? Don't you recognise it? That sullen boredom. Small island syndrome. You had it? I see it in her eyes. She going through the same thing you went through, and what she needs now, is not a lecture, what she needs now? Is her father."
God I hate it when she's right, Hiccup said inside. "And you know I'm right," Astrid replied confidently. He rolls his eyes. She was right. "Fine. I'll go find her."
Blade in hand, Zephyr attacked a bush "TAKE THAT!" she challenged it, slicing off its branches "It might be small, but never underestimate a sharpened blade!"
"Wow, you really showed that bush," Hiccup said, coming from behind her. He gave her a gentle smile. "What did I do now?" she murmured, shoulders slumped.
"What? What's with the third degree? Can't a father watch his daughter completely annihilate an inanimate shrub?" Zephyr smiles. "Of course he can, it's just. Whenever you come see, there's always something to tell me, and its not always good news."
Hiccup recalled feeling the same with his own father once. That on the most times his father sat him down "to talk" it was more of a one-sided directive than a two-way conversation. "Have you always felt this way?" he asks.
"Not always. But, more so recently, yes."
"Well, you're wrong. Because today, I'm here to see what you're up to."
"Yeah! Anything you want to do."
"Don't you have to work?"
"Your mother will deal with it. Between you and me, I let her wear the pants once and awhile. Good for morale," he whispers.
"Sure you do Dad," she replies, cheekily.
"Hey, what does that mean!" Zephyr lets out a slight giggle. "Come here missy!" Hiccup catches his daughter and places her on his shoulders. She falls into uncontrollable fits of laughter and Hiccup's heart swells three times its usual size. The knot in his head and neck melts.
He has grown bigger in ten years while, his daughter, smaller in size than most children are (as he was) could still sit on her father's shoulders. "Now tell me, what have you found?"
She showed him Lars Creek. A body of water Isla Ingerman named after her great uncle Lars. She then brought him up stream where they found huge conifer trees, and pointed to the one she wanted to have and decorate for Snoggletog. "I marked it with an Z, that's my initial," she said proudly "the other kids know not to touch it. Or else," she held up her tiny blade in defence.
"Oh, I see that," he encouraged.
She then took him up the high hill and showed him a view of the village from it. "That's where I look to know you're coming to find me," she says "I'll pass through those pines and into the thickets by a shortcut to reach the stone you always see me on. Just so you know where I'll be."
"Wow, this view. I've never seen New Berk like this. In this light."
"You've never had the time."
"Yeah, you're right. I've been neglecting you," he admitted.
"Nah, it's alright. It's my fault to. I've been avoiding you too."
"Me? Why?"
"Because I know that I've been slacking behind my chores, and well... the less I saw you, the less I felt guilty about it."
Hiccup then realised, she could see the Great Hall from here. She could see, in particular, the entrance of the Great Hall now fallen and lying on the stony pavement. She knew that it fell. She knew why.
"You've really had this place figured out, I'll give you that," he decided to say instead of giving her lecture on Funnel Glue.
"Uncle Fishlegs said that we used to ride dragons. He said that we don't anymore because it was safer for them to live in the Hidden World. But I just can't help but feel..."
"Like, maybe that was a mistake. What if, we need dragons and its better for us to have them? Like, life would be so much more interesting than... than..."
"Than this?" her father continued.
"You know Zeph. I was in your shoes too."
"How could you be? You got to ride a Night Fury. I doubt you know what boredom feels like."
"Yeah, but before I rode one, I was like any kid on Berk. I was just like you too. I had my chores. I rummaged and scouted the forests. Marked my trees. I did almost everything you have. And then one day, the adventure found me."
"Woah! Woah there," Hiccup laughs. "You're only 10 my dear. You have your whole life to build."
"I just wanna be like you Dad. I wanna go on adventures like you and mom did. I wanna be a great leader too. A great warrior like mom."
"And you will be," he said, taking his daughter by the hand "Zeph, I know what it feels like to want more. Wishing that I could push the invisible walls on this island and walk away from it. Fly away from it. But your life is made up of the every day. Whatever you choose to do, it reflects on whatever happens to you in the future. As a kid, mom practiced every morning, her backflips, cartwheels, sword-fightings. You still see her do it now. I used to have to practice flying dragons. It took years to study them, and even with all the knowledge I have, I'm still learning. Things takes time. And the best part about you, is, you have so much more of it."
"We all have to do mundane things in preparation for the greater things to come, you know?"
Zephyr nodded. "Let's get back. It's getting late," Hiccup says getting up. The town was quiet, and empty. It was supper time. The sun had set, and the moon painted the village light blue. They were three blocks down to their home. Zephyr could see her mother setting the table through the window and Nuffink jumping up and down helping her. She took her father's hand and squeezed it.
Hiccup held on to it tightly. All said and done, he loved his daughter, more than anything else and he wanted her to know that he is there for her, in all her good and all her bad, trusting that she will indeed, find her way someday.
"Hey dad?"
"Yeap," Hiccup said, his other hand pressed against their house door, about to push it open.
"I forgot to put Funnel Glue on the pillars of the Great Hall."
"Is that so?" he replied, smiling "Well, then, something for us to look into tomorrow morning."
So, I did it! Ha-ha. If anyone is willing to share their drawings of an older Hiccup / Astrid and Zephyr, feel free to do so. The post has no drawings, because I can't draw and I didn't want to take from googled sources because they don't always pin the original creator.
So if you have any you wanna share, feel free to reblog the post with your characters in mind. I might reach out to use some of your work in the future if this Fan Fict actually becomes a series.
I took liberties and named Fishlegs and Ruffnut's daughter Isla Ingerman. Thought it sounded pretty. Also, Lar's in an homage to Ruff and Tuff's actual uncle they mention in Episode 13 - When Lightning Strikes, Season 1 (Riders of Berk).
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garussy · 7 months
Httyd series where Zephyr and Nuffink grow up and start to scare Hiccup and Astrid
Because their smart daughter is becoming a little too smart and cunning and always seems to be one step ahead of everyone
And their wild son has grown into a massive tank of a boy who follows his sister’s every order
Hiccup and Astrid getting scared because their kids are acting too much like Viggo and Ryker Grimborn
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saturnniidae · 2 months
Httyd 1 Astrid my beloved... I miss her slightly crooked teeth, and the little freckles on her forehead. I love how she's all grimey (affectionate) the visible dirt on her skin, and her greasy looking hair and bangs that get in her eyes. Come back to me little grungy young Astrid I miss you and your anger issues </3
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iwonderhereandnow · 8 months
Httyd crossover fic 2! time: Httyd 2 and three years after book 12
I was walking my dog and came up with this lovely fic idea! Basically, the both series take place in the same universe, with the movies being isolated after the death of Hiccup II. Movie berk split apart from the wilderwest, with plenty of the old families disowning themselves and moving to movie berk. Through their isolation they grew the hatred of dragons that is seen in httyd one. Later, during race to the edge, the dragon rebellion is going on, which movie berk wants nothing to do with. After the war, movie berk and the new kingdom of the wilderwest become political allies, which the dragon riders are ecstatic about! The other side of the barbaric archipelago is something only whispered about, and usually with disdain, so the possibilities of new dragons is endless!
now, in httyd 2, three years after the war ended, drago enters the scene. Drago was an old supporter of the Alvinsmen, and are trying to restart the war by killing and enslaving dragons. Upon hearing that drago is coming towards berk, he sends a message to book Hiccup, who has been trying to rebuild the Wilderwest.
due to their alliance, the ten companions of the dragonmark head out to gather info about Drago, but are captured by Drago, who had heard stories about the boy king.
Astrid and the rest of the gang are then captured, and one of the guards come up with the idea to get rid of the king and his companions at the same time as the dragon riders. It backfires, and the crew hides in the dragon cages with the riders and sneak onto the battlefield.
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000marie198 · 1 year
Hiccup the mom
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 2 months
Hello I literally love ur writing style SO much, been binge reading all your httyd stuff and having a blast!!! Ty for being awesome, ur updates always make my day :3
The Jealous One pt 5
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Words: 1848
The Great Hall is always a nice place to frequent when one’s seeking companionship. You are, however, not doing that.
Tags: fem!reader, silly, ambiguous timeline, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, Jealous!Hiccup, Post RoB/DoB, Pre-RTTE
<Previous - Next>
You spoke and acted suddenly with Hiccup and with a wrongness that had made you uneasy for days to follow.
Acting out with Snotlout and the Twins had gone against a lot of your do-good lay-low-and-miserable instincts, which made you momentarily numb to them, in a way. 
When you were caught up with them, too busy to think, you ended up doing things in ways you definitely wouldn't have had you been thinking normally. The joy always ended up outweighing any other feelings you might have had on what you did later, but now it was a little different.
You feigned normal, but also you avoided Hiccup a lot, so you weren’t sure how you ended up here.
“-I don’t think that does anything for most dragons,” Fishlegs looked down at Ruffnut, some of his general nervous demeanor melting away in favor of minor exhaustion at her relentless questioning, maybe catching on some, “There are some, but…”
Snotlout was off on the other side of the Hall. Be it far below him to serve. However, he’d lost a very minor bet so he had to go get you guys dinner for the next five weeks.
You weren’t quite sure where Ruffnut was. Busy, probably. 
You sighed, slightly rotating the mug you had in hand, slumping down on a nearby bench, giving the off-put Viking a rest. That wasn’t your intention, to put him off, anyways.
Tuffnut chuckled to himself, before dropping down on the opposite bench, cradling Macey over his shoulder.
Fishlegs stood watching you for a moment, before perking up slightly. 
You turned your attention away from him, choosing instead to lay your head over your arms on the table. You didn’t care to register anything past that, even as Fishlegs began silent conversation with a new party, someone you barely sensed joined him through the loud hustle and bustle of the hall.
It took a while, but eventually you heard a familiar holler, followed by an exhausted declarative, “Food’s here.”
You lifted your head genially to reveal Snotlout, with a set of four plates balanced on his arm, one balanced between the horns of his helmet. Ruffnut followed closely behind, laughing at him.
“Snotlout!” You cheered.
Ruffnut poked his middle, causing him to nearly fumble your food as he balanced angrily past moving gaggles of Vikings. 
“Hey!” He snapped, “Watch it!”
She cackled as a group of running children, followed by Gustav, nearly ran him over.
“Oh, wow,” Came a voice from your left, “Never thought I’d see him do that.”
Your head jerked to reveal Hiccup, standing above you, watching Snotlout with mild amusement, though there was something stiff about him which you thought was very well deserved.
“That’s for sure,” Said Astrid with casualty, revealing herself from behind a set of women carrying two full plates of chicken to one of the larger tables, where clans preferred to sit together.
You grimaced slightly and turned away, leaning back against the meal table behind you, elbows propped against wood. 
Then cringed as they eyed each other with mild apprehensiveness from opposite sides of the table, then rolled your eyes and scooted away slightly as you spotted Snotlout, who had finally made his way over, Ruffnut dropping a roll of thick, hastily carved spoons on the surface. 
You cringed as they clattered across wood, picking one up and rubbing it with your sleeve.  
“You have to get your own food,” Snotlout scoffed at the two plus Fishlegs as he finished unloading plates onto the table. 
“Thanks, Snot,” You batted your lashes at him falsely as he gagged, ignoring the odd, caught-off guard look from Hiccup as you glanced back.
You fought the urge to gnash your teeth at him.
“But…” Fishlegs started, staring at the plate that had once previously been on top of his head. But you knew he’d have no luck. As always, Snotlout managed to negotiate himself an extra bit of food on top of his already loaded plate.
You noticed, with glee, that your plate was loaded with a little extra stew than normal. Something Plegma usually only did for the Riders.
“Nice,” You said, somewhat pleased, lifting your brows slightly and grinning from ear-to-ear, slouching back further against the table before taking a small bite.
“Food could be better,” You said snippishly, as you nudged the stew around your bowl with a spoon, resting your mug against the table and tugging it towards you with your other hand.
“Ugh,” Ruffnut rolled her eyes.
“Stick-in-the-mud,” Snotlout agreed, though not with cheer, looking at Tuffnut with a sneer as he scratched himself in the armpit.
You blew a raspberry at them, before frowning.
Maybe you had been grumpy. 
You glared at Hiccup from the corner of your eye, a move that might look coy on someone else, though you personally just felt a little bit queasy, as if a horde of bugs had started buzzing up and down your intestines, angry as you.
What had happened- you weren’t sure it was even an argument -maybe it was- but you could have gotten over it, maybe. Going over it with Tuffnut, though, had broken something in you that you hadn’t realized you’d been building back up hanging out with one half of the Riders.
You sighed shakingly, as you finished another swallow, bringing your mug down genially. It settled on to the table by your side with a simple clack, before pushing off against the table, swinging your legs over the side.
You felt the tension in your chest release as you moved across the hall, not expecting anyone to follow.
You weaved through the throng of the Great Hall clumsily, though not without experience. One hand held your elbow, the other the handle on your mug.
Your goal was, of course, to refill your cup, though that also had the slight upside of taking you away from the Riders.
You’d gotten sick of watching them all talk together, and to be honest, you were feeling a little out of place.
People milled by, momentary, uninterested onlookers to your conversation, by the side of a lunch table; a sturdy, tall woman with red hair piled up into a huge knot, a man in a helmet with four horns knocking people aside with his elbows, large trays in hand.
A lady with a shawl passed by, covered in the skulls of small animals swept by, nearly knocking you in the head with a wooden tray, speaking loudly to someone on her other side.
Looking back, you couldn’t help thinking about how you would have loved this if you’d been just a few years younger.
Sure, you were only friends with a few of them, but-even if you weren’t at the forefront of the crowd, you always imagined you’d feel like the girl of the hour. Maybe it would have been better because of it. Sure, you were living on a small rock island in the middle of nowhere, constantly showered on by torrents of hellfire and bloodshed, but you had Hiccup.
The Riders were his dream, so being ditched felt like he was telling you to kick rocks. Like he wanted you to feel miserable. Deep down thought, you’d wanted his dream- You’d wanted to be there too.
You’d had Hiccup in those daydreams, those dreams within dreams, casual and there and real enough like goats milk on skin, like falling asleep with hands carding through your hair after a long day.
You were incensed. You wanted to cry and yell, but you also felt terrible. The feeling built high in your stomach.
You wondered if anyone else took notice. 
You had never quite spent time with all of the Riders at once, and were quite adverse to the idea. The more you thought about it, the more you were even less inclined to stay than before.
You paused at the brush of a palm over your shoulder, loose and without any sort of grip, yet feeling enough for you to take notice, stopping suddenly. 
The hairs on the back of your neck stood. If you’d had hackles, they would have been raised.
“Hey, wait, where are you going?” It was a bit difficult to hear over the rabble, the crowd around you built up by voices much stronger than his or yours with personality and enthusiasm, yet you were able to make it out, a voice you knew by heart all the same.
You turned and reached behind you, feeling the edge of a table bump into your rear. You leaned against it, racing your hand down slightly behind you to brace and dust over its surface.
The grain of the table was lumpy under your fingers yet smoothes by years of use and the grazing passes of many other hands.
“Why do you care?” You grumbled, arms falling loosely from their cross. You were nearly surprised when he heard you after.
“Why do I care?” Hiccup shook his head, “...What’s going on?”
You nearly missed the last bit, his voice nearly drowned out by the shout of someone two tables over. It was quite difficult to hold up an argument in the middle of a crowd, it seemed.
“Nothing,” You said, in lieu of an explanation, irritation spiking in your gut.
“It’s not.”
At that moment, the large arm of a blonde man nearly pushed him onto the table aside.
You fought down the urge to smile, looking down and feeling pretty malicious.
On the floor, you were greeted by a half-eaten leg of meat lay bitten into and discarded a few lengths away from you, a puddle of what was either stew or something you didn’t want to think about just further ahead.
You grimaced and scuffed a single loose boot toe into the Great Hall stone, annoyed, not surprised at all when it slid smoothly against the surface.
“What are you getting at?” You asked antagonistically. You felt stupid, dancing around him, mostly because you didn’t want to be talking to him at all. 
Was it arrogant for you to want to get away? Was this conversation penance, punishment for your earlier outburst?
You couldn’t help but wax poetically about it in your head.
“What am I-?” That seemed to do it -tick him off, that is.
“I can’t really read that mind of yours, genius.”
“Maybe if you stopped spending so much time with Snotlout-” Hiccup stepped forwards.
You snapped, gritting your teeth and stepping closer, feeling your nails dig into your palms through the fabric of your skirts, clutched in your hands,  “What’s your deal been?! I’m friends with Snotlout. What’s the big deal?!”
“I-...” He started, looking frustrated, though his eyes darted to the side slightly, “I just-”
“Gods,” You grit your jaw, bringing your hands to your head, not flinching when a few drops of mead spilled out the other end of your mug.
You didn’t show it, but you felt terrible. 
You hated the way his brows tilted, the momentary expression of grief on his face- yet you just wanted him to leave you alone.
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HTTYD theory:
Why are Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut the only people their age?? Like any other kids we see are always younger than them. Why does their generation consist of literally only six people?? (Unless they exist off screen but why were they never shown??? Cause they're not main characters??? I refuse to accept it)
MY theory is when Hiccup and the others were babies, there was a particularly tough winter, or maybe a sickness that ravaged Berk's children so horribly that most of them died. And the gang were literally the only survivors.
Like no wonder Astrid felt so much pressure to be a good dragon killer (in the first film obviously). Because to her they were picked for a reason, spared by Thor. Like the pressure that they all must have felt being the Children That Survived. But eventually becoming the kids that literally CHANGED THEIR WORLD, and ended up saving Berk their own way. Like this group of kids that survived, who because of that felt pressured, afraid that they'd never be able to take care of and protect their home on their own, ended up doing it in a way they could've never imagined. And that's beautiful to me.
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violet-moonstone · 10 months
HTTYD Sibling/Family Relationships
Some things I wish we got more of in the franchise are A) family relationships, and B) other young people in Berk who are older or younger than the main 6 riders and Gustav.
We didn't, so here's my headcanons.
First one isn't very original because in the books Snotlout and Hiccup are related and Snotlout says he's "next in line" in THW but I would love it if Spitelout and Stoick were canonically brothers (or brothers-in-law!!!), making Hiccup and Snotlout cousins too. I want Hiccup and Snotlout, despite being only-children, to have grown up like brothers who can't stand each other. Before the events of HTTYD, Snotlout teases Hiccup about how he'll usurp him, but when Hiccup trains Toothless, the rivalry becomes even worse, as Snotlout finds himself in second place - this already happens to a certain extent in RoB/DoB, but now it's more pronounced. Them improving their relationship and avoiding the pitfalls of Stoick and Spitelout's rivalry is even more meaningful. Also as we know from comments Snotlout has made about sewing, his mother is a sweet lady who teaches her son crafts. Too good for Spitelout, tbh. Would be nice if she were also a fierce fighter who is super good at sewing too.
Fishlegs is a very protective older brother to a younger sister who is similarly sensitive and sweet. He, however, stops being sweet the second anyone poses emotional or physical danger to her. He loves taking her flying on Meatlug when she's still too small for her own dragon, and he's always teaching her dragon facts. I think his parents are very sweet as well. His mom is a super tall and busty Viking lady very while his dad is smaller. They're both sheep and yak farmers and not really the warrior type. Fishlegs got his love of animals from growing up on a farm.
Astrid is the youngest of at least 3 older siblings (either brothers or sisters, doesn't matter) who are all very accomplished. Each excels in either strength, intelligence, or stealth, but they're all pretty brave fighters in general. (I'm thinking she has at least one brother who is very strong but not super bright - big himbo energy. Ruffnut probably has a crush on him, and it creeps Astrid out). As the youngest, Astrid feels like she has to live up to and exceed all of their abilities. She also *hates* being the baby of the family, which is why she's so aggressive. One of her parents is doting (probably does something in crafting) while the other is very intense (a warrior).
Ruffnut and Tuffnut are the middle siblings of a huge-ass family and have lots of extended family as well. Literally everyone in their family is chaotic as hell in their own unique, Thorston way. They do everything from farming, fishing, smithing, fighting, etc, because there are so many of them. Berk is already a small community, and it's very common to have at least one Thorston relative somewhere in your family. Eventually, they have to identify Thorstons by jobs, landmarks, or well-known events (Those are the Baker Thorstons, or the Cliffside Thorstons, or the Thorstons-that-Ruined-Snoggletog, etc.)
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astridhoff03 · 2 months
Httyd Homecoming headcanon:
Fishlegs and Ruffnut getting divorced, Fishlegs marries Snotlout, Ruffnut marries Throk, Fishlegs giving the severance pay to Ruffnut and Tuffnut opens a chicken farm with chicken and a mace shop with macey. And Hiccup and Astrid, who have a strong, passionate marriage, having two beautiful children just watching all this drama like:
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died-of-feels · 9 months
My Httyd Next Gens Pt. 1
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Name: Oswald
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Eruptodon (doesn't ride)
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Age: 23
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Sword
Relationship status: Just married to Solvig
Occupation: Eruptodon protector
Personality: Quiet and tends to keep to himself and stay out of people's way and problems. Likes to tease his younger siblings especially Baldur about Zephyr.
Misc: He made a vow to never ride a dragon again after he gave up his position as first in line for the throne to devote all his time to the eruptodon effectively passing the throne to his younger sister Eula.
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Name: Solvig
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Eruptodon (doesn't ride)
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Age: 22
Parents: Throk and Atali
Weapon of Choice: Katana
Relationship status: Just married to Oswald
Occupation: Eruptodon protector
Personality: She is very friendly and always willing to help those around her. She is just as courageous as both her parents and is quick on her feet.
Misc: She just like her father has always had a strong connection with the eruptodon and vowed to always protect it. Also made a vow to never ride a dragon once she became the protector.
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Name: Eula
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Baby Razorwhips
Age: 20
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Wingmaiden spear
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Wingmaiden
Personality: She is very well spoken and a great debater. She prefers to be off of the island she grew up on but makes sure to visit her family as often as possible.
Misc: She was always so fascinated and amazed by Atali’s story of being a Wingmaiden that when she was old enough she decided to pass her claim to the throne of Defenders of the wing to her younger brother Baldur and become a Wingmaiden herself.
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Name: Baldur
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Skrill named Bolt
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Age: 18
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Long sword
Relationship status: Dating Zephyr
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: He tends to get very fixated on certain things and start to disregard the things happening around him. He is also very stubborn and will treat people the very same way that they treat him
Misc: He is currently first in line for the throne of the Defenders of the Wing and has no plans to give it up. He has every intention of marrying Zephyr and making her Queen of the Defenders of the Wing.
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Name: Ericka
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Changewing named Novax
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Parents: Eret and OC named Greta
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: She inherited her father’s fierce loyalty but is very naturally aggressive like her mother. She is a very skilled warrior and plans to one day join the Berkian Guard
Misc: She loves to cook and make her friends treats to cheer them up when they are sad so now she knows what all the riders favorite sweets are and can bribe them into doing patrol or other chores. Her best friend is Zephyr.
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Name: Zephyr
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Nightlight named Dart
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Age: 18
Parents: Hiccup and Astrid
Weapon of Choice: Sword and Battle axe
Relationship status: Dating Baldur
Occupation: Dragon rider leader
Personality: She has a very similar personality as in Homecoming just more mature and willing to listen to what the older vikings are trying to tell her before jumping to conclusions. She is also the most knowledgeable about dragons out of all the children and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them to the point of often having to be dragged away by her friends for her own safety or even Dart refusing to cooperate with her anymore
Misc: She enjoys reading the book of dragons and training with her mother. She also got her father's ability to create useful inventions. Her best friend is Ericka
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Name: Nuffink
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Nightlight named Pouncer
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Age: 15
Parents: Hiccup and Astrid
Weapon of Choice: Battle axe
Relationship status: Dating Thyra
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Very similar to his personality in Homecoming but more mature. He is still very rambunctious and likes to try all of his father’s aerial tricks that he was told about as a young kid. His favorite pastimes are flying with Pouncer and annoying Zephyr.
Misc: With the very real possibility of his sister marrying Baldur he is most likely to become the next chief of Berk.
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Name: Thyra
Eye color: Purplish Blue
Dragon: Monstrous Nightmare named Ember
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Age: 15
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: War hammer
Relationship status: Dating Nuffink
Occupation:Dragon rider
Personality: Thyra is very confident in her abilities and is willing to spar with anyone who offers. Unlike her dad she isn't afraid to not take first (breaking generational trauma from snotlout). She tends to spoil her dragon and treat her as the most important living thing in the world.
Misc: She is the most competitive of all the children and likes to follow Hiccup around and annoy him until he is quite literally just chasing her away.
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Name: Tove
Eye color: Purplish Blue
Dragon: Deadly Nadder named Attor
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Age: 15
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: Spear
Relationship status: Flirty with Skjor
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: She is extremely girly and likes to focus on how she looks over fighting the other kids. She wants to be a healer like her mother (yes I headcanon Ruff as the healer after Gothi)
Misc: She and Attor like to look in the reflection of shields to preen. She tends to get distracted while fixing her hair or grooming her dragon and will miss important details in a conversation. She is still very useful in a battle and will take down enemies in style. She and Astrid have bonded over having Nadders and she has learned a few tricks from her.
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Name: Skjor
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Razorwhip named Wingnut
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Age: 15
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Double ended axe
Relationship status: Likes Tove
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Skjor is the perfect mix of both his parents with his father’s love of learning and dragons and his mother's survival instincts. He loves adventure and journaling.
Misc: He met Wingnut when he got stuck on a random island and used the survival skills his mother taught him. First in line to be chief of Berserker Island.
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Name: Vivika
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Triple Stryke named Suvi
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Age: 14
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Sword and Blow darts
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Vivika is the most patient out of all the children and always willing to hear a multitude of answers to one problem. She is the peacekeeper between her siblings and on the island.
Misc: She enjoys sitting under the shade of the trees with Suvi to read and be away from her responsibilities for awhile. She really looks up to her aunt Heather.
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Name: Lagertha
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Gronckle named Lapis
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Age: 14
Parents: Dagur and Mala
Weapon of Choice: Battle axe
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Dragon rider
Personality: Lagertha is a born warrior that is always ready to take on anyone and anything that will try to pick a fight with her. She likes to boss people around and get the island people to do tasks for her.
Misc: She likes to get up with the sunrise and fly around the island with her dad. Her favorite pastime is whittling long sticks into spears.
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Name: Noma
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Hideous Zippleback (Gas) named Calothosk
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Age: 10
Parents: Tuffnut and OC named Friva
Weapon of Choice: Mace
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: Noma is a free spirit who usually does whatever sounds fun. She is curious of the world around her and can often be found taking a walk around the island. She and her cousin Leahlout are attached at the hip and if they aren't doing their own thing they are always together.
Misc: She likes to help her father in the forge (I headcanon that Tuff begins to help Gobber in the forge now that Hiccup is to busy as chief) or helping her mother cook and bake in the great hall.
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Name: Leahlout
Eye color: Blue
Dragon: Hideous Zippleback (Spark) named Thevren
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Age: 10
Parents: Snotlout and Ruffnut
Weapon of Choice: Daggers
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: She is the most calm out of all her siblings but still enjoys causing a ruckus on the island especially for Gobber and Spitelout. 
Misc: She likes to follow her dad around while he is training the Berkian guard (I headcanon that Snotlout is the captain of the Berkian guard) and likes to train with them herself.
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Name: Bjorn
Eye color: Green
Dragon: Gronkle named Fishmeat
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Age: 9
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Jr. Dragon rider
Personality: He is sweet and gentle much like his father but tends to make up his mind and become fixated on his decision and refuses to listen when people try to tell him the opposite.
Misc: Bjorn is a pacifist so he prefers to find nonviolent solutions to problems and stay out of fights for as long as possible until a dragon or someone else is in serious danger of being badly hurt.
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Name: Ingrid
Eye color: Green
Dragon: None yet
Age: 5
Parents: Fishlegs and Heather
Weapon of Choice: Teeth
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Baby
Personality: Ingrid likes to act sweet and innocent especially around her parents (they know she’s not) but she is a feral child and will bite when she feels like it.
Misc: The first person she bit was Dagur. Her other targets include Hiccup, Snotlout, Skjor, and strangely Astrid
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v3n33rs · 10 months
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Hi I'm a Transgender (FTM) fanfiction writer and I'm here to make people happy
Anyways lets get to the good stuff
And for !'s: F! = Fem M! = Male NB! = Non-Binary T! = Transgender(FTM only) P! = Platonic
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
M! Reader
T! Reader
Smut(I'm bad but hey, it's something)
Ask for specific kinks(I'll tell you if I'll write them or no)
AU's(Ex: Animal world, Mythical creatures, ETC)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Pregnancy(Ew children)
Incest\Tcest(Requeat this and I'm blocking you)
Pedophilia (Minor x Adult)
Scat or Piss(Ew)
F! Reader or NB! Reader(Sorry NB's)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
If you're Trans\Homophobic, Racist or a Pedophile Leave, Now.
If you have a rude comment keep it to yourself
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
COD(Call of Duty)
ROTTMNT(Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
MLP(My Little Pony)
HP(Harry Potter)
MID(My Inner Demons)
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
HTTYD(How to Train Your Dragon)
DS(Demon Slayer)
The Maze Runner
Sonic The Hedgehog
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
John "Bravo-Six" Price
Simon "Ghost" Riley
John "Soap" Mactavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Alejandro Vargas
Roldolfo Parra
Valeria Garza
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
Casey Jones
Splinter (P! Only)
Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Discord (P! Only)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ronald Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Arther Weasley (P! Only)
Molly Weasley (P! Only)
Mrs Oates (P! Only)
Helluva Boss
Moxxie (P! Only)
Millie (P! Only)
Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust
Husk (P! Only)
Cherri Bomb
Lucifer (P! Only)
Ash(P! Only)
Marnie(P! Only)
Allister(P! Only)
Bea(P! Only)
Kabu(P! Only)
Opal(P! Only)
Bede(P! Only)
Melony(P! Only)
Hop(P! Only)
The Twins
Nezuko(P! Only)
Any of the Hashiras
The Maze Runner
Chuck(P! Only)
Sonic The Hedgehog
Tails(P! Only)
Blaze(My bbg)
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Request anything I'm bored as all hell
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jadeddangel · 6 months
Asks/Reguests: Open
Sup! You guys can call me Lulu! This is mostly a 16+ page so I just ask that minors don't interact.
Gemini, gender-fluid, and I go by any pronouns
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Who I will write for:
Record of Ragnarok:
Hunter x Hunter:
Micheal Afton
Freddy Fazbear
Glamrock Freddy
Roxanne Wolf
Montgomery gator
Glamrock Chica
One piece:
Buggy the Clown
Hazbin hotel & Helluva boss:
Angel dust
Glitz and Glam
Attack on Titan:
Jujitsu kaisen:
Creepypasta and marble hornets:
Jeff the killer
Ticcy Toby eren rogers
Eyeless jack
Avatar (the way of water and the first one)
The Owl House:
Amity Blight
Luz Noceda
Eda The Owl Lady
Raine Whispers
The collecter
Sal fisher (Sally face)
Sokka (avatar the last airbender)
Zuko (avatar the last airbender)
Toph (avatar the last airbender)
Mono (little nightmares 2)
Six (little nightmares 2)
Erica slaughter (something is killing the children)
Mizu (blue eyed samurai)
I will not write any of the following:
Ships of any kind unless there is a reader involved between the 2
Anything above suggestive content
What I will write:
I will write the following:
Age regression( only for comfort and angst)
Toxic relationships
Don't see something you would like to read? Go ahead and go to my asks and I'll answer as soon as possible!!
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Death - Chapter 5
These Children of Death
Summary: Post Httyd 3, the dragons never left. When Hiccup and Toothless disappear after responding to a distress message, Astrid and the Dragon Riders give chase.
Warnings: Death of a minor character, talk of illness, violence
Rating: Explicit
Words: 3 400
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Stormfly, Snotlout, Hookfang, Valka, Cloudjumper, Eret, Skullcrusher, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Barf and Belch
Pairings: Hiccstrid, Rufflegs
Author's Notes: So, the month of May means I got a couple of long weekends, so I thought yesterday was Monday and today was Tuesday, so I almost completely forgot to finish this chapter in time for today!
But here it is!h
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theroomfloor · 7 months
Yes, I will draw them. Someday… I promise
I'm starting from the idea that the 4 nations aren't completely divided, and that benders of the 4 elements live together, as in the case of Berk, although the most common are firebenders. It's become a big mix and that's why it's harder to know who will be the next Avatar
Hiccup: The Avatar. However, when he was born, apparently, He didn't bend any of the elements, considered a nonbender, until find out he's the Avatar.
Astrid: Waterbender. Yes, again using the blue outfit as justification, but I also think water suits her. She and Katara would be besties.
Fishlegs: Earthbender. What I like about earthbending is that it's a completely opposite element to his personality, he's a kind and adorable guy, while earthbending is hard and offensive. But it completely suits him too, because he's protective and strong, and he likes gardening. Bonecrusher likes it for sure
Snotlout: Firebender. Do I really need to explain about this?
Tuffnut and Ruffnut: Airbenders. They're both airheads, so. But seriously, I think the air really suits them, how much they would mess around. Just look at Tenzin's children, or even Aang himself.
Heather: Nonbender. For me, she would be like Asami (and Astrid could be Korra, I'm just saying). Strong and powerful without needing to bend. She would be good with weapons but would also use technology.
Dagur: Firebender. Honestly, it's the most offensive element and it can create lightning, do you want more explanations? But also, I like the idea of him being a Nonbender like his sister. Like, being an heir, they expected him to be a powerful bender, but he ended up disappointing his family and people. So he went through such heavy training that it ruined his psychology.
Mala: She and the entire Defenders of the Wings tribe are Nonbenders. A tribe that lives isolated and without any benders, having a certain repudiation for them, until they meet the Avatar and his gang.
Atali: She and the Wingmaidens are also Nonbenders, but they would be more like the Kyoshi Warriors. Or they could also be like Gliders, so they could "fly".
Now some that I'm just going to throw here and won't comment on
Stoick, Spitelout and Gustav: Firebenders
Gobber: Non or Earthbender (especially Metalbender)
Gothi: Waterbender
Viggo: Non or Waterbender (especially Bloodbender. Thanks @reallyprofoundkryptonite for the idea)
Ryker: Earth or Firebender
Krogan: Fire or Nonbender
There're a lot of characters missing, but I can't think of anyone else right now. The main ones are here. Feel free to give your opinions and headcanons.
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d999666 · 4 months
I got tagged by @cerisia76 on this:
Tag 9 people you want to know better
But I don't have anyone to tag! Now that I've been tagged, I'll write it down. (My native language is not English. Grammar or words may be awkward. Please understand.)
3 ships :
Hiccup x Astrid(How to Train Your Dragon/HTTYD)
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You don't know how much I love this couple. I was always happy to see this couple from HTTYD 1 to 3, and in the TV show series. In HTTYD 3, they are married and have children. They look great together. I want to draw their fan art someday. (I'm practicing.)
2. D'jok & Tia(Galactik football)
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Yes, I know. Tia's love is Rocket.
I like D'jok and Tia's brother-sister relationship. These two people depend on each other. Obviously, these are my favorite characters in Galactik football. The chemistry between these two is crazy.
3. Zuko & Katara(Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA)
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I'm careful about this couple, because Katara eventually married 'Aang' in the formula. And Zuko married mai. But the tense relationship between the two in the show was interesting.
( I'm supporting any coupling.) It's interesting how Katara forgives zuko, and how zuko makes mistakes and repents. Eventually, get to the fire episode. Katara and zuko became colleagues. At the end, the scene where zuko threw himself for katara to prevent danger is one of the best scenes.
Last song:
Zac Efron, Zendaya - Rewrite The Stars
It's a song I've been listening to over and over again every day these days. I haven't watched this movie, but I liked the OST, so I put it on my playlist.
Last Movie:
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
I didn't watch a movie this year. The last movie I saw in the movie theater last year was Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. It was my favorite series in the Marvel series, and I don't want to think it's over. The members had great chemistry. I know that even if they went different paths, they would get together whenever there was a space crisis.
Currently reading:
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Kurusiya no Hitorigoto(The Apothecary Diaries)
Recently, I am reading a novel called The Apothecary Diaries. I liked this book even before it became famous for its animation. Recently, 13 books came out and I am reading it. (The animation is on Netflix exclusively.)
Currently watching:
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Delicious in Dungeon
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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
Both animations are on Netflix. I was happy that my favorite works would be animated in 2023 and 2024.
Currently drinking:
I drink americano at work to get rid of my drowsiness. Even if it's cold in the winter, I always drink iced coffee. Coldness and caffeine are the best for driving away sleepiness.
Currently craving:
When I was in college, I couldn't afford to buy animation Merchandise because I was busy working part-time. But now that I start making money, I have some leeway in my life.
I know that I enjoy minor genres (minor fandom).
There are only a few Merchandise that are officially sold.
So I thought, 'If you don't have any, let me make one.' I made a necklace with the names of my favorite characters engraved on it.
I put commission to get the illustration I wanted. (I didn't upload.)
Of course, I draw fan art, but I'm not good at drawing.
Recently, I've been looking for photo cards and doll making.
I want more Merchandise.
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misscoolisback123 · 5 months
I now see why people are pissed off at the third HTTYD movie. I saw it in theaters at the time, and I felt like something was off about it, but I didn't pay too much attention to it. Then I saw the image for spin-off for it, and I thought that it had something to do with another franchise, or it was an original series. It's one for Hiccup and Astrid to have children and descendants, but it felt so forced. Not only that, but the second Christmas movie completely forgot about the fact that his kids actually met Toothless, the light fury, and their offspring. My Headcanon is that over time, the descendants will migrate to other countries and marry people from various countries. Over time, though, dragons will no longer be a thing. The dragons no longer existing after Hiccup and Astrid have children seems way too early. The dragons will still exist, but they'll be a secret. I saw this done in a fanfic in which Belle from BATB finds Toothless and befriends him. Hiccup and the rest of his clan different feel the same. There was no reason for Hiccup to let Toothless and the other dragons go.
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