#House Of Indya
shaadiwish · 8 months
Check Out These Online Karva Chauth Sale That Various Brands And Websites Have To Offer So That You Can Slay This Festive Season With ShaadiWish.
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cinamun · 1 year
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Please join me upstairs for part two of the Carruthers home tour in Hopewell Hills. Please be quiet and step over the 3rd step, it creaks.
Part One | Next
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Listen, I tried to find a more convenient time to do this but these two haven't stopped clapping since they got back from renewing their vows. No giggling...
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Yes, a gratuitous close up of the new band Indya picked out. Its an infinity band which, of course, means forever *sniffle*.
Thanks for coming along on the tour! Thanks to Rich for the build and cheers to new beginnings!
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dear-indies · 6 months
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posefx-teaa · 1 year
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“In a transversung multiverse, what If a deja vu was the moment a singular reality splits into two different dimensional possibilities due to a change of rate?
What if change gives birth to new Universes?
What if the universe is expanding because our dimensions are constantly splitting, and multiplying?” — Indya Moore via Instagram.
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petiteblasee · 1 month
Me meti com série do Ryan Murphy - de novo - mas agora a experiência está sendo a melhor possível
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POSE (2018 - 2021) é uma série de drama que nos insere na Nova York de 1987, ápice da pandemia do HIV, e nos apresenta a cultura ballroom, espaço criativo e refúgio de afro-americanos e latinos LGBTQIA+.
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Nesse contexto, fica fácil saber onde o drama vai pegar, mas nada está me preparando para isso, e eu já estou completamente rendida a Blanca, Damon, Angel e Lil'papi - go, house evangelista!
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Ao longo dos anos, esbarrei em alguns spoilers, mas o fato de não acompanhar a história faz a memória falhar, o que me deixa numa situação de roleta russa porque a qualquer momento eu posso perder um dos meus queridos e meu mundo acabará!
Como ainda estou no inicio da primeira temporada, deixo apenas esse post singelo para apreciação, mas saibam que, até o momento, está PERFEITA! Se algo terrível não acontecer e eu não morrer com isso, volto pra falar mais, porque ela merece.
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thesimmerella · 2 years
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I used to HATE building/decorating cuz I felt like I could never get it to look good but these days, I be putting my feet in these builds/decos lol 😮‍💨 I still gotta go in and clutter some spaces up, hence the bareness of the living room/dining room and other spaces not pictured lol!
S/O to all the CC creators! Literally couldn’t do it w/o you 🫶🏽🥹
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n30nwrites · 16 days
Chapter 5 - Shake
Good Doggy Masterlist
Warnings - Being Drunk, Lighting a fire, Glitter
Beta Reader/Editor/My Savior who has to deal with me writing on 2 hours of sleep: @letmelickyoureyeballs
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You walked Soap and Gaz  to his house, convinced that he would follow you into yours if you didn't. You were greeted by Ghost. He opened the door on your first step onto the porch. "Get in." He tells both Soap and Gaz. "Price needs to talk to you." He looks at Gaz specifically.
"Tell your Alpha to control his pack." You say, "I've been with Soap for 6 hours."
"Tell him yourself."
You nodded, still looking at his mask. You didn't like looking at his eyes, it made your body feel strange. Ghost could be considered attractive, build-wise. He was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants. He had a multitude of scars covering his body, and a large burn covering the left side. His chest was large, distractingly so.
“Why do you have glitter on you?” 
"...," You look down at your chest, it was a strange thing, to glow again. Or more like shimmer, but it did remind you of your old self, just a smidge. "Bye."
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(Sierra played by Indya Moore because pretty women~)
So why did you have glitter?
It was near the end of your shift, you had done your side work, cutting up the fruits needed and stocking everything. The club was slowing down, people still being here was a slight surprise, but you guessed it was just that type of town.
Sad drunks, desperate for something, an adventure.
Soap was still with you, which you were surprised about. You thought he would leave a few hours ago, but he just sat in the corner, staring at you.
It was creepy.
"Bartender, another Whiskey Sour!" She's pretty, she has stars drawn on her face along with small hearts, bold makeup, and a small dress. Body glitter everywhere, which made you recall when Maya thought to do that one night.
Since that night, glitter has been banned from your house.
"The bar has been closed down Ma'am." You tell her, making her water. She seemed out of it, enough for you to look around for someone, a friend that could've brought her here. "Drink this."
She drinks it quickly, like it's a shot almost. "Give me another." She coos, "tastes so good."
"Where are your friends?"
"They left." She moaned, "I love this song."
No music was playing.
"We're closing. It's time for you to get an Uber."
"I'll walk." She slurs her words, confident in herself as she chugs down another water. "You're much cuter than the other bartender."
You rub the bridge of your nose, adjusting the sunglasses you had on your face slightly. You felt sad for the pretty girl, her name could be Amanda or Mila.
Really you were just pulling these names out of your ass from actresses you can remember.
She stumbles a bit. Her purse slips off her shoulder and crashes to the floor. She doesn't even seem to register it, nor does she seem to be there herself. 
You clock out, and go around the counter. Soap seems to notice as he follows behind. You pick up the purse and she looks up, her eyes unfocused. You grab her wallet and find her license. "Alright Sierra, you seem to live around here so let's get you home.”
“You sure you’re not gonna kidnap me?” She leans on you, stumbling to the side and you grab her. All you can think about is that this glitter is going to stay forever.
“Not the plan.” Soap seems to glare at this girl, “Pull up the directions for her house.” You hand him the ID, watching as he gets on his phone reluctantly. 
“She’s 5 minutes fae 'ere” He says, tucking his phone back in his pocket before grabbing her purse and putting her ID in. “Are we taking your car or mine?”
“You’re joining me?” You ask, not surprised at the idea, just surprised he had the balls to ask. 
“Of course, gotta make sure you’re safe.”
“Protective doggy…” You tease slightly, “I was just gonna carry her, I don’t have a car.” Soap gives you a confused look, he could’ve sworn you were at the driver side of a Jeep when you first arrived, he didn’t fully understand it but he knew that if he had asked, you wouldn’t have given him the truth.
“Put her in the back.”
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You realize you had to make a decision, and you were tired so that decision wasn’t the brightest one.
Which is probably why you were most comfortable standing naked outside in your backyard, with all your clothes in a barrel that was on fire. You were staring at it, the embers reminded you of home, but it wasn’t warm enough. The fire was inviting in a way, but if you kept staring you knew that your father would attempt to contact you, and you didn’t want to deal with that right now. So you turned away and grabbed the hose, turning on the cold water and rinsing yourself off, scrubbing with an unused cleaning sponge as your skin turned a darker shade from how hard you were scrubbing.
Anything to not bring glitter into the house.
Good thing the back door was unlocked.
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You woke up at 1 p.m. still naked from the morning. You didn’t have an alarm clock, just trusted yourself to wake up before your shift. You shuffle out and grab some boxers from the floor, pulling them up and washing your face before brushing your teeth.
It was your breakfast time. 
Walking out of your bedroom, your dog greets you. He laid right outside your door, the only reason he wasn’t in your bedroom that night was because he was lying with Maya and you didn’t want to wake her up. 
He stood up immediately and you bent down to pet her, she smiled, which some have described as a murderous smile but that’s just cause she's all fangs. You stand back up and she follows after.
You can hear noises in the living room, voices that make you wary until you hear Maya’s. You trust she can handle herself. She was top of her class after all.
That is until you see who’s in your living room.
“Well, I could’ve put more clothes on.”
Sorry for the long awaiting response! If anyone wants to be a part of a taglist I can make one because I know how annoying it is to look for fanfics and especially when you accidentally forget about it-
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onlydylanobrien · 5 months
Dylan O'Brien with River Gallo, Victoria Pedretti, director Esteban Arango and Indya Moore at the IMDb Portrait Studio at Acura House of Energy at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. (January 20, 2024)
🎥©: sadecjoseph Instagram Stories
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jarofstyles · 2 years
Selfish II
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… hey… selfish part II is finally here. 🍿
Check out our Patreon!
2 months.
It took 2 months for her to open the door. Granted, it was shorter than the combined time he had ignored her, but Y/N just couldn’t deal with it anymore. He refused to leave her alone. He got cookies at night sent to her door and he sent food when he knew she didn’t have her classes. He would show up and talk at her door. He had slipped notes underneath saying how sorry he was, and she would read them with tears staining them. It made her want to forgive him, seeing his own tears on the paper, but the wounds were far too fresh.
He heard through Sarah that he had broken up with Indya. She had gone through how upset Harry had been once the realization set in and how he immediately jumped to action to try and fix it. Her friend was a good one, she knew. Not just everyone would chew him out for his wrongdoings because it hurt her. Though, she did say it was up to Y/N on when or even if she would forgive him when she asked what to do.
It didn’t feel right for a while, and despite sitting on the opposite side of the door while he spoke to her through it and sniffled, she hadn’t had the nerve to open the door.
Not until now.
The click of the door jolted him out of his pre-rehearsed lines in his head. He hadn’t expected it. The beat of his heart thumped to life, breathing catching in his throat as he looked at her.
God, his sweet girl. His best friend. His ideal lover. Looking so nervous and unsure around him, it broke his fucking heart. Shattered it. That look was never something he had experienced before. It used to be a soft happiness, excitement. Relaxation. This was all his fault, and he couldn’t blame anything else for his fuck ups besides his own selfish.
“H-Hi.” He whispered, wringing his hands in front of him. The note in his back pocket felt especially heavy. “Thank you for opening the door. I-I miss you very much.” His voice was hoarse, unsure how to go further with this.
She didn’t say anything besides opening the door further for him, letting him inside of her apartment.
The rush of familiar sandalwood and vanilla hit him. It was warm and soft, the candles obviously lit. It was always so comfortable in her house. It’s why he used to spend so much time over here. It went right to his stomach, realizing if he didn’t fix this, fix them and stop being a coward he could never spend time here again.
As much as it sucked because of the circumstances, the overall comfort of her house did wash over him. He had been missing out on it for so long now because he was a right idiot. A proper fuck up when it came to his own feelings. Trying so hardly to keep his own emotions in check and not mess up their friendship that he ended up doing the very thing he feared the most.
Her hands held on to her own arms as anxiously she walked into her kitchen, putting the counter between them as she motioned for him to sit on the breakfast bar. It was safest to keep him away from her physically because the moment he hugged her would be the moment she caved. Though seeing him now, she could see that he hadn’t taken this friendship break up lightly at all.
The man looked riddled with nerves, fingers twisting his rings and squirming a bit under her gaze. She adored her Harry so much, but the past year had been so difficult for her. The 2 months she shut him out probably was nothing compared to how she felt every time he found a new girlfriend and ditched her.
“I’m still upset with you.” She spoken quietly, taking her warm mug of tea into her hands. Sweater paws covered most of her fingers but he could see the slight shake in them, jamming another spike into his heart. She was unsure and scared and it pained him to his core to see her like this. Especially when he should have been the one she felt at home with. “I’m… I don’t know why you chose to do what you did, or why I wasn’t good enough to keep around whenever you got a girlfriend. I was good enough to sit with when you were single, and even not. You’d cuddle me, you’d touch me- you- you’d crawl into my bed even when you did have them and insist on being so close with me. I felt so guilty every time for enjoying that. Knowing that if my… if my own boyfriend was doing this with another girl, I’d be crushed.” Her voice broke, but his mouth opening was cut off with a shake of her head.
“But I knew that it didn’t mean anything- it couldn’t, when you’d ditch me for weeks on end. Barely texting me, if I was lucky. You’d be so hot and cold with me. It hurts, you know? To care so much, to be known as your best friend and then have people ask how you are… and I don’t even know. I can’t, cause you won’t answer the phone.” There was an attempted sip of tea, but it felt hard to swallow. His sad eyes looking at the countertop, hands flexed on the ends of it.
“I came to terms with the fact that we were in different spots that our friendships would change. That I’d need to just get used to you being less available but… I never imagined you’d get so far gone with another woman that you’d ignore me on my birthday.” Her lip wobbled and he went to stand up, to go to her and maybe fall to his knees, but she shook her head. “No. Stay over there for right now. Please, Harry.” The true pleading in her tone was the only thing that had him pausing. He didn’t want to make it worse.
“I felt so stupid. So… so awful and sad and stupid. I made sure they’d have a drink for you set out so you could have it whenever you showed up. I knew you weren’t talking to me but I never anticipated you’d just… not come.” Her shaky voice felt like daggers. Her thoughts that were so untrue but she didn’t even know it. He had let her think those things… all because he didn’t want to admit he liked her? So he could be comfortable in a friendship and not risk losing her, all to do it anyways??
He was a big fucking idiot. An asshole. A dick. Every insult.
“And I just… I know it’s partially my fault, too. I know I shouldn’t have put all my hopes into you coming because I should have enjoyed everyone else that actually came to celebrate with me. People came to see me and love me and cared enough to drive, some from hours out just for my birthday. But the one person I wanted?” She choked on her words, shaking her head. “He was probably in bed with his girlfriend who didn’t even like me, having sex or watching some stupid movie. Not even thinking about me or caring how my night was.” The bitter words and thoughts made him recoil. Flinching at the ideas and the fact that she was halfway right. He was watching a movie- but he never, ever stopped thinking about her. That’s why he didn’t get to have sex even as a distraction. It showed that he was upset.
“And I knew. I knew that you’d just pop in out of nowhere and expect me to be okay with you again. To roll it off my shoulders and smile and hug you, take a shitty excuse and a half assed apology. It’s because I always did. How would you have learned? I let you walk all over me, I let you break my heart into pieces and stomp all over them until it was finally like sand. You couldn’t pick it up anymore.”
That? That right there is what killed him. Nausea washed over him as he saw her shrink down her shoulders and turn away from him, looking at the floor. He had done that to her? He, the person he always prided himself over protecting and swore he was doing the right thing by trying to save their friendship, had made her feel like her heart was in irreparable pieces. It made him sick.
He wanted to be the one person she could always count on, but he had a very shit way of showing it. Originally he wanted to please his case and say that he was doing it all to protect the sanctity of their friendship. That he loved her too much in a different way and it was too tempting to be too close and potentially ruin it- but that logic was cowardly. He did it to save himself heartbreak and ended up doing the same thing he had always tried to avoid.
He broke her damn heart.
“Talk.” She waved her hand as she looked down at her feet again, knowing he was thinking up a storm.
The shaky breath did little to steel himself for the case he had to plead. He felt almost resigned.
“I don’t deserve you, and i never have.” He swallowed. “That isn’t a pity move. It’s… the truth. My excuse isn’t something that can explain away why I did what i did. I’m still a bit confused as to what my brain was doing.” He admitted. “I um…” it was so difficult to admit. His heads sweating and cold fear enveloping him. “I realized a while ago that i was in love with you. I knew that if i let it go into a relationship that.. potentionally I’d ruin it. Us. You.” He laughed bitterly. “I know now that it isn’t a good excuse. I just never felt worthy of you. You’re this bright light. Forgiving and soft, so kind and genuine. I’m bitter and dark and sarcastic. I would dim your light, I thought, but I selfishly wanted it. So I began to date other people. People who I knew would distract me enough that i wouldn’t find my way to talk myself into being with you when you deserved better.” Saying it out loud sounded even worse.
“I got careless. I thought… I thought we were unbreakable, that I’d do anything and you’d find a way to get over it because i was selfish. I knew you were a sure thing. You’ve been in my life so long that I couldn’t imagine losing you and if i didn’t break your heart, you’d have no reason to leave me, right?” He had been such an inconsiderate idiot. Selfish, selfish, selfish. “It’s so fucked up, angel. It is. I know i fucked up so bad and I don’t… I can’t expect you to just drop everything and forgive me. That wasn’t why I came and wanted to talk. I will work on forgiveness but I just fel so empty.” He choked out, letting his emotions get the best of him.
“I went for the opposite of you. So I wouldn’t keep fucking girls thinking it was you and wishing it was. I let them control me so i wouldn’t be controlling you but i did it wrong. I’m sorry. So, so fucking sorry, Y/N. I don’t know what i can do to fix it, to make you love me and trust me again, but I’ll do it. I’ll do anything to have you back in my life.”
“Harry…” she whispered. All of this was so shocking. So.. unexpected. Of course she had thought he liked her at first and it had made her giddy. Then he started dating women nothing like her and it made her feel even worse, letting them lead him around like a dog on a leash and sending mixed signals when he would eventually come back to her. Sing her praises. It was so bad, a back and forth on her heartstrings.
“I.. there’s a lot i want to say but I physically don’t know how to.” She dragged her sock covered foot on the ground anxiously. “You are my best friend. You were.” He winced at that though he knew he deserved it. “I was hoping that one day you’d come and tell me that you were into me the way I was into you.” His head shot up quicker than a bullet. “I never imagined it would be because of this. I can’t say I’m not disappointed that it all turned out this way. I felt so awful because of those girls, Harry.” Her soft spoke scolding hurt worse and stunned him more than any yelling.
“It’s like… I know you don’t understand it sometimes but I think you bury your head in the sand. These girls you brought around hated me, they were mean to me, and I couldn’t even blame them. Do you know how unfair it is to not only me, but to them?” Her face was scrunched up in upset. “You were only with them to try and stop thinking about me. It hurt me because i wanted you and it could have just been me. But they aren’t dumb, harry. They knew, at least their guts knew, that you liked me like that. You talked about me in a way that was disrespectful to them. Calling me the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world in front of their faces? It felt so good and hurt so damn bad. I felt so bad for them and It confused me even more. If I was.. why wasn’t I good enough to date for real?”
The moment tears welled up again he stood up, but Y/N placed her hand up. “No. Not yet.” The yet gave him a surge of hope he didn’t deserve.
“Y/N, angel.. please. I know it was fucked up. It was. I apologized to them already, I let them know they weren’t at fault. But you have to know that you are good enough- you’re too fucking good for me. It wasn’t a matter of not being enough- it was me. I didn’t deserve your… your fluffy light and sweetness. I haven’t ever been good with emotions and you deserved to have someone who could be there and understand-“
“What the fuck did you think you were doing as my friend?” She cut him off. “Don’t use that excuse, Harry. Do. Not.” She warned him. “I can decide what I want as it is, but you were my rock before you got all weird. You held me when i was sad, you celebrated with me.. how much different does it get when we are able to get deeper? Maybe for you, you can’t do that with someone else. But you could do it with me, you always did. I don’t want to hear that.” She clutched her arms together again.
It had taken him aback that she had actually raised her tone a bit. She never had before. It felt like a slap in the face because ultimately- she was right.
She was fucking right.
“Christ.” He choked back a cry. “You’re… why am I such a fucking idiot?” He ran his hand through his hair. “Fuck. FUCK! You… you’re right.” He leaned over the counter and took a moment to collect himself. “You’re always right, angel. Always. I’ve fucked up so bad. I know it. I know that i hurt you, I made you feel like you didn’t matter but…” he took a step closer after righting himself. She didn’t tell him to back up, so he allowed himself a bit closer.
“One thing i will swear to you, is I’ve loved you this entire time. So much I swore there was something wrong with me. I was obsessed- I am. I never imagined losing you and now that i have, i never want to do it again.” He rasped. “Please. I love you, angel. I do. My whole heart is in smitherines, just like yours but,” he looked over her tear stained face. “Let’s fix them. I won’t ever hurt you again- well, I’m an idiot so i may piss you off- but i will never hurt you like that again. I won’t leave. I never wanted to even when I was making myself.” He stressed. “Let me love you the right way. I’ll take my time and prove it to you. To everyone, I swear it. Your pace.”
Y/N looked at him apprehensively. Part of her wanted to scream bullshit but… she knew him. She knew the desperation on his face, the truth behind his words. He wasn’t joking.
God, if he wasn’t her only weakness.
“My pace?” She peeped, wringing her hands together as her shoulders fell slightly from the tense position.
His heart stuttered with the realization. Please, please, let this mean what he was hoping.
“Yes, of course. Your pace. I’ll come over when you say, or I’ll show you how i can treat you as a boyfriend. As anything. I just need you in my life, sweetheart.” His throat felt sore and scratchy but he was sure hw would talk forever without a glasss of water if it meant he got her back.
“Okay.” A shudder sigh had her dropping her hands as harry approached, a cautious look on his face. “But slow. I’m still sensitive, Harry, you can’t take it to heart when I doubt you. I will. I want to trust you. But know that If you ever repeat that or try to take me for granted again, I am gone.” This was true. Her heart couldn’t take another beating this bad,
“I swear, I won’t let you regret this. I love you so fucking much.” He opened his arms. “Can I hold you? Just for a moment?” Pushing his luck for sure, but he knew she needed it just as badly.
The moment she fell into his arms, he knew he would never let go again. Not when she was the love of his damn life.
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rebouks · 2 years
hi becca! i have recently discovered a lot of new sim stories thanks to your reblogs! i was wondering if you could recommend some of the sim stories you have been following recently. thanks!
Holy great mother of ball sacks.. dis gonna be long...
@bionibots - Uniqa V @budgie2budgie - Rotational Play @castawavy - Early Birds @cinamun - Indya @citylighten - Dear Diary @cyberth0t - Inheritance and a WebToon version!? @dandylion240 - Various Stories @thedevilliers - The Devilliers @digital-deluxe - Public Enemy @dynastiasims - Aine @emotrait - Prequel @enchanting-whim - Bloodthirst @eslanes - A Devil Between Us @eternal-infamy - Volatile @fairefolked - Reverie @galaxsims - Various Stories @gunthermunch - Munch @itsmariejanel - Contagious Chemistry @thegrimalldis - House of Grimalldi @ladybugsimblr - Various Stories @literalite - Don''t Go Where I Can't Follow @madeofcc - Various Stories @marigolde - Legend @mellindi - Impulse @morrigan-sims - RTQ @mosneakers - Various Stories @muchsimlish - Imani & Caleb @natolesims - Various Stories @therichantsim - Let It Burn @robertpancakes - Bro Household?? dude idk what the story is actually called pls don't @ me 🙏
@saevaei - Sasso Legacy @seaslugsims - Virtuous Cycle @shesthespinstersimmer - Various Stories @softpine - Frozen Pines @someone-elsa - Something About Us @stinkrascal - Straud Legacy @tartiish - Circles @toskasimz - Eclipse @treason-and-plot - Five Years Later @vatorelilith - Songs From a High Tower @wannabecatwriter - Various Stories @wa-royal-tea - Windasia Royalty @warmsol - Lune @warwickroyals - Warwick @whyeverr - La Boca Cerrada @wolfavens - Light Trap @xldkx - Papercuts @yawninggraves - The Night We Met @yimiki - Tales of Camelot @zombietrait - The Villareals @zosa95 - Gemma Clarke
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I don't think that Z was "extremely introverted" in 2016-2018. Many people that have worked with her have said how fun she is to be around, including Tom. Rebecca Ferguson has mentioned how Z is "delightfully naughty". We have to remember that Z has a lot of media training and she doesn't like to share what she doesn't have to. We saw how, for example, she hid her romantic life since she was 16. If you believed what was saying in interviews, she was always "too busy to date".
When she used to share a bit more in her Snapchat and app era, we could see that Z always had people around the house and that she kept a packed schedule
What is true is that she's not into clubbing, but who would like that when you have a bunch of men hitting on you? She's also careful with the people that she hangs with because there are a lot of energy vampires and hypocrites in Hollywood. It's good to have a small close circle in that industry. Still, we sometimes learn that Z has been keeping friendships with people we don't about like Indya Moore saying how helpful Z was to her
Anon, I think a LOT of ppl have a common misconception about introverts that's just NOT TRUE.
I think ppl assume that if you're "introverted" then you must not be any fun, or that you like to stay in your house 24/7, or that you're "shy" (although, it usually goes hand in hand, but NOT always).
All being "introverted" means is that you draw your "energy" by being alone, or having your "me time".... Whereas now extroverted ppl get their energy by being AROUND ppl. Introverts can sometimes get drained of energy after a while if they're around too many ppl for far too long lol. 😂 Whereas extroverts tend to THRIVE on it.
That's basically it. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm more of an introvert myself (I kind of feel like I'm an ambivert actually with heavy leanings to introvertedness), but everyone always describes me as so "popular", with tons of friends, and very "sociable". I'm even naturally shy too, but that doesn't mean I can't talk to ppl, or have fun, or do things outside of my house lol 😆
I have a blast and I'm VERY busy! I just know that I eventually need to "recharge" my batteries by being alone (or with small groups) and just do "NOTHING" every once in a while lol🤷🏾‍♀️
That's literally all it means folks lol.
You can be "sociable", outgoing and FUN all while being an introvert! 😊
Z herself has said that she's introverted and "shy". I'm not gonna sit here and argue with what the woman has said out of her own mouth lol 😄
But, newsflash!! Introverts and shy pp DO like to go out and do things also! Hello? 😂
This is no shade to you Anon.... just the common misconception that ppl have about introverts. Not all shy ppl are introverts, although, it usually goes hand-in-hand. But everyone is different. I think there are also different levels of shyness and introverted-ness too. 😊
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shaadiwish · 2 years
Shopping For Raksha Bandhan? Check These Budget-Friendly Ethnic Outfit Brands. For More Such Trends And Ideas, Stay Tuned With ShaadiWish.
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cinamun · 1 year
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DUMB thick | Next
Well here we are! A tour in two parts of Jayce and Hope Carruthers new home! I had an idea to use a debug house on the same lot as an identical build and, just as I suspected, @therichantsim came in clutch. Because I can't not take pics of every single corner, this is the main level, part one if you will.
Long post ahead so follow me under the cut!
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soakedinbloodandmagic · 6 months
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NAME: Sky Amara Moorland.
AGE: Thirty-five years old (born March 6th, 1988).
ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces (which Dante loves to laugh about, because they are Not Like The Stereotype).
PRONOUNS: They/them (identifies as non-binary).
SPECIES: Cambion (demon father, human mother).
LOCATION: Nightshade Hollow, Virginia (although they haven't always lived there, but moved there as a child because of Things That Happened).
OCCUPATION: Paralegal for Nightshade Hollow's resident public defender (also known as their best friend in the world).
FACECLAIM: Indya Moore.
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ABOUT: Born just a little over a year after their brother Charlie, Sky came into the world as a mistake their mother wished she could get rid of - mainly because they were conceived as a result of a night between their mother and the same demon who had contributed to the creation of their brother. Despite Angelica Moorland's repeated swearing that she would never lie with that demon again, after learning who and what he truly was and realizing that her first child might be the same, the demon had still come to her again, and she had been no more able to resist his charms than she had been the first time, thus resulting in another child of his being brought into the world.
And it was this same quality of Angelica's, this addictive personality and poor skill at resisting temptation, that continued to cause problems for her and her children, even after their demon father had disappeared again and refused to answer her half-hearted attempts to summon him. Many of Sky's earliest memories consisted of their mother sitting around the kitchen table with a new group of men every night, drinking or smoking, and yelling at Sky or Charlie to go back to their tiny bedroom whenever she noticed them trying to sneak into the kitchen for some food. She never laid a hand on either of her children to hurt them, but the serious neglect, the screaming whenever they did something she didn't approve of, and how much she left Charlie to take care of his younger sibling on his own had just as much of a negative effect.
It was likely because of all this trouble at home that Sky started to become what most schools would consider "a troubled child". They started picking fights with other students, insulted their teachers more often than they spoke civilly to them, and even got suspended twice for stealing a girl's homework and trying to copy it. Of course, their mother was none too happy about this, no amount of screaming or sending Sky to their room, or even Charlie trying to get them to promise him to stay out of trouble, was enough to get Sky back on the right track; they were in a perpetual state of fear and rage due to their mother, and it felt like the only way to get it out was to let it out on other people.
Despite all of this, no one in the Moorland house could have predicted what would happen one day when Sky was thirteen. While in a verbal sparring match with a boy in their class, Sky had quite literally seen red for a second... and their vision had cleared to see the boy slumped on the floor on the other side of the hallway, having been thrown into the lockers by some invisible force. While there was no one there but Sky and the boy, since the fight had happened between classes, the boy had still started spreading stories about Sky Moorland having some kind of freaky magic powers, and though there were plenty who dismissed it as just a thirteen-year-old boy refusing to acknowledge that (someone they thought was) a girl was stronger than him, the fact was that in a tiny town in the backwoods of Virginia, rumors like that were more likely to be believed than not.
Given the scandal about their family beginning to sweep the town and all the citizens who were turning against them because of it, Angelica decided that it was finally time to inform her children of the secret of who their father was. Although Sky's initial reaction was that their mother had to be crazy, they also realized that there was very little explanation for what they had done to that boy - and Charlie's subsequent confession that he had actually sprouted some demon characteristics before was all it took to cement the reality that their father was, in fact, quite literally from Hell, and that, since he had also not been around since Sky was born, there would be no way to teach Sky and Charlie how to control their demonic abilities. And it was because of that, Angelica declared, that they needed to leave Avalon, the tiny town where they'd moved when Sky was a few months old, so that there were no more incidents concerning her children's powers and the rumors about their family did not continue to grow until they were forced out of town entirely.
And that was how the Moorlands ended up in Nightshade Hollow, a town that was only slightly bigger than the one they'd come from, arriving just a few months shy of Charlie's fifteenth birthday. Angelica confined Charlie and Sky to their new house once they arrived, declaring that they would not be allowed outside until they had mastered whatever demonic abilities that popped up within them. It took many weeks of trial and error, but eventually the two siblings had practiced enough that they both had near-perfect control over the explosive telekinesis and mild mental manipulation that apparently came with their heritage, and could even make the transformations into their half-demon forms, and the incredibly heightened senses that came with them, come and go as they willed. Angelica finally let them go to school after that, and for a while, things were as normal as they ever got with the Moorland family, with Sky continuing to get into trouble, Charlie trying his best to take care of them, and Angelica drinking every night and screaming at her children roughly as often... until Sky finally came out to their mother as non-binary one night when they were seventeen, resulting in a screaming match that finally got Sky kicked out of the house.
That, however, turned out to not be the worst thing that had happened to Sky. Charlie, already eighteen and living on his own, took his younger sibling in, getting them a job as a at the local sheriff's station, where he also worked while he trained to be a deputy, once they had finished high school. Eventually, Angelica moved away once again, realizing her children were more than done with her, and Sky and Charlie found themselves able to live much happier lives than before: Charlie eventually became Nightshade Hollow's chief deputy, Sky was able to move into their own place, and Sky also became a paralegal to their friends Dante and Addy's older sister Layla when she wound up moving back to the Hollow, and eventually the two of them became the absolute best of friends.
Sky considers themself - and they hope their brother is, too - in a good place now, much better than when they were starting out in life. The Hawthornes, their cousin Olly, and Addy's familiar-slash-adopted-little-sibling Greer are fully aware of the Moorland siblings' secret, Sky and Charlie are fully aware of theirs, and despite the mystery of their father that still looms over their life, Sky couldn't be happier to be where they are right now. Until, that is, powerful outside forces attempt to invade Nightshade Hollow, threatening everything good in Sky's life, and they find they'll have to fight harder than ever to make keep their home and their family safe... even if it means finally coming face to face with the so-called "man" who abandoned them and Charlie.
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Everybody say hello to my little violent cambion baby Sky!! They are just a little bit feral and we love that for them <3. I really hope you guys enjoy this little introduction to them, as well as all the writing for them that I have to come!
Tagging the slasher OC fam: @raraeavesmoriendi, @jmathesonandsiblings, @baubeautyandthegeek, @publiclypining, @bubbles-the-banshee.
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vallaurent · 9 months
Valerie "Val" Laurent
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Name: Valerie “Val” Laurent
Age: 30
Community Job: Nurse/Part-Time Bartender
Reside in: Spacious apartment near the solar panel yard
How long have they been in Redwood?: 4 months
Gender: Cis Woman
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Faceclaim: Indya Moore
Biography: (CW Child Abuse, Addiction)
Val’s early life wasn’t a happy one. She was born as “Chloe Harper” to her parents John and Catherine Harper. Her family seemed almost perfect from the outside, with John and Catherine being high school sweethearts who married almost as soon as they graduated and seemed to be going strong ever since. Except that it most certainly wasn’t as perfect as the Harper family tried to appear to be. John, a police officer, was an alcoholic. Chloe remembers often enough coming home from school to find her father passed out on the couch, bottle in hand. Her mother, Catherine, had become bitter with her marriage and taken to having affairs, none of which she bothered to hide from her daughter. Catherine ended up leaving John and Chloe without a trace when the girl was ten. This seemed to break their fragile household - John turned from a tired drunk into a belligerent, becoming verbally abusive towards his daughter, before escalating it. 
Chloe doesn’t talk about what happened, but on one night, she knew she needed to get out. So, throwing what little belongings she could fit in her school backpack, Chloe left her home. The next few years were hard on her. She made her way to New York, changing her name from Chloe to Valerie to leave her past behind. When Val reached New York, she was broke, had no documents or a place to stay. Out of desperation, she quickly found herself taking on seedy jobs with people who had no interest in asking questions, before, finally, slipping into sex work. 
Val doesn’t like to think about that time of her life. She worked the streets to survive, because she had no way out. Quickly, in order to cope with the stress of what was happening to her, she found herself drinking, which didn’t erase what was happening to her, but took the edge off of everything. She spent years living like this, working and drinking, hardly ever sleeping in a warm bed for more than a night at a time. 
Val was sure she would have lived like this forever if a kind soul hadn’t taken pity on her. A former sex worker who had managed to leave the industry, they took Val in, to live in a communal house in Harlem. And while Val was still left with issues to battle, finally, at age 22, she found herself living in a somewhat stable home for the first time in years. Her life seemed to improve - her addiction was a constant issue, something she never quite managed to beat, but it got better with the help of her new found community. She even managed to start studying to become a registered nurse. 
By the time the outbreak happened, she had been clean for about a year. Working in a hospital as a nurse in training, she found herself faced with the outbreak as it happened. Watching people not die when they should, coming back when they shouldn’t. Watching the infected lunge at her coworkers, anybody that came to near. Watching the hospital break down entirely, patients being airlifted, staff evacuated until there was nothing left. 
Val’s commune broke apart just as quickly - people becoming infected, leaving for the countryside, few staying behind until they couldn’t handle it anymore. Val tried to cling onto the last bits of her home until she couldn’t - until raiders burned their house in Harlem down and Val was forced to flee. 
She spent the next few years on the road. Her story isn’t special - she joined up with groups, watched people die, fought for her life when she needed to. Encountering Redwood was nothing more than pure luck - stumbling across the settlement after her most recent survivor group had disbanded. Redwood seemed like a godsend to her - just that some of the issues she brought from outside never quite left her. Not as much as she thought they did. 
She was treated as the baby of the commune she lived with, and despite her tough upbringing, sometimes acts a little spoiled because of it. She definitely has the habit of getting people to do what she wants by sweet-talking them (whether that actually works is a different story). 
She loves gossip, and when she’s working the bar, she spends a lot of time trying to learn about the latest, juiciest rumors and spreading them around town.
Her dream when coming to New York was to become a model. She even went to a few castings during her first few weeks but, without documents, they could not really hire her. 
Despite her sometimes (seemingly) spoiled and childish attitude, she is absolutely not squeamish when it comes to blood and gore (she can’t really afford to be, working as a nurse).
Ever since coming to Redwood, she has fallen back into her old patterns of addiction. She does her best to hide this, but she tends to sneak alcohol during her shifts.
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west1rosi · 10 months
LIKE THIS POST for a starter from my the iron islands houses muses during the MAIN ASOIAF ERA. specify if you want a specific muse (or several and i'll pick). if you are a multimuse, choose your muses, or else I will ignore because I'm not good at choosing.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—greyjoy
❝ THEON GREYJOY . . . — GREYJOY [the captive ward.] heir of the ironborn︱bisexual, he/him. ︱ alfie allen.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—sunderly
❝ INDYA SUNDERLY . . . — SUNDERLY [spice trader.] lady of saltcliffe. ︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ * jessie mei li.*
❝ HOUSE . . . .—merlyn
❝ MANFRYD MERLYN . . . — MERLYN [kite captain.] ironborn. captain of the kite of the iron fleet. ︱bisexual, he/him. ︱ * olly rix*
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