#Hire Laptops Near Me
hireanything · 1 year
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Hire Home Appliances Near Me| hire-anything
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dragpinkman · 2 years
applying to cvs is harder than the fucking army jesus
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celandeline · 8 months
in your head, on your mind // Jordan Li x Reader, Part 1
i know i haven't posted in like a year, and this is a huge shift from my usual writing, but i cannot express how jordan li has captured my heart and soul. this is definitely going to be a good number of parts, and will also definitely have some smut in there.
word count: 1912
previous part // next part
The Lamplighter School of Crimefighting is your home away from home on the GodU campus. Being Professor Caldwin’s TA is almost a full-time job, and in addition to classes and training and homework, most days you are in Caldwin’s office more than your own dorm room. Not that you mind, really. It’s the sort of job that will really set you up later in life - Caldwin knows everyone - and anything is better than listening to your roommate try and go viral on TikTok for the 30,000th time. And Caldwin’s a nice guy, in his own way.
“L/N.” The gruff call from his actual office resounds over the little foyer your desk sits in. 
Scooting back from your seat, you get up and walk the few steps between your desk and the doorway, hovering at the frame. “Professor?”
Caldwin sits at his own desk - a big, antique wooden thing that’s probably older than anything else in this building - hunched over in front of a desktop computer that’s far too sleek looking for the desk it sits on. Frustration radiates out from him like rays of the sun. Stupid fucking computer… swear they make these things difficult for people my age on purpose… snippets of his thoughts play in your mind without prompting - your superpower passively picking up his most prominent feelings. Of course, if you wanted, you could really focus and read his mind fully (even talk to him telepathically), but that was a boundary you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t cross. He is your professor - and boss - after all. 
Peering over the top of his glasses, Caldwin blinks at you, gathering a stack of papers to his left. “Bring these over to Brink, will you? If he’s busy you can just leave them with his TA, it’s nothing classified.”
You step into his Caldwin’s office fully, and take the stack of papers from him. It’s a hefty thing, so you tuck it under your arm. “Will do.”
“And while you’re out and about, get me another cup of coffee from the staff room. Two sugars-”
“Two sugars, two pumps of hazelnut, one splash of cream.” You say, already heading out the door. You’ve had his coffee order down since he hired you at the beginning of your sophomore year. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Thank you.” Gonna take a hammer to this stupid fucking-
His thoughts cut off abruptly as you walk out of range, heading into the halls of the Crimefighting building. Students fill the space, coming and going from classes, sitting in the chairs near the floor to ceiling windows busy on their laptops, loitering around as they chat with their friends. You purposefully focus on your own goal - Brink’s office, and then the staff break room to make Caldwin another coffee - to force the cacophony of thoughts down. The audible chatter, in addition to the telepathic noise, would have been enough to make you scream a few years ago, but classes at GodU have lived up to your expectations - they’re hard, but worth it, to get your power under control.
Brink’s office is across the building from Caldwin’s, a more luxurious room with lots of natural light and a good view of the campus green. You’d only really ever been in there on Caldwin’s instructions - Brink had only been your professor once, your freshman year, and you’d been too scared of his reputation to actually go to his office hours. Still, it was easy to find, and when you tried the door, it was open. 
The foyer of Brink’s office is much larger than the space in Caldwin’s and you find yourself a little jealous - it would be nice to sit at a desk here. You look first to the doors leading into his actual office, and find them closed. You turn to the figure sitting at the desk, and ask, “Is Brink busy right now? I have papers from Caldwin for him.”
The girl at the desk - pretty, with stark black hair that just reached her jaw and big brown doe eyes - just stares at you for a moment before responding. “Yeah, he’s on a call, actually.” Her voice is smooth, a little deep, and not what you expected at all. 
“Oh, alright, I can just-” You start, only to be interrupted by a wave of lust.
Goddamn. Smash. The things I wouldn’t do to get between those legs… wow. Those legs. How have I not run into YOU before? I mean really, surely I would have noticed the hottest person alive on campus - especially here, in my goddamn department. Fuck. 
Whatever you were expecting, it wasn’t that. You balk. “Um. Sorry. Yeah, it’s not anything classified so Caldwin said I could just leave it with you,” You untuck the stack from under your arm and pass it towards Brink’s TA. Her fingers brush over yours as she takes it, and for a split second, you can feel just how much you were affecting her - the wave of horniness hit you like a bus. The feeling lingers as you take your hand away, and you’re unable to tell if it’s leftover from her or your own reaction. Maybe a bit of both. 
She sets the papers down on her desk beside her without looking, too busy smiling at you. “I’m Jordan, by the way.” She says. “I take it your Caldwin’s TA?”
“Yeah.” You say. “Y/N.”
Y/N. That’s a nice name. Very screamable. 
You fight the urge to do anything but smile. Just looking at her, you would have never guessed such wanton thoughts would come from such a tiny girl, but never judge a book by its cover, right?
“Nice to meet you Jordan.” You continue, careful to keep your voice steady, even. Casual. Not like you can hear every piece of want cross her mind. 
I bet you’d sound good screaming my name. I need to stop - I don’t even know you. I need to get laid, my god. Down tremendous and I JUST learned your name. 
The image of you and Jordan together - tangled up in unfamiliar bedsheets, Jordan’s mouth latched onto your neck as you moaned in pleasure - crosses Jordan’s mind, and yours by extent. For, as she said, having just met you, it was a surprisingly good imaginary version of yourself. Though, she is looking right at you. It would be hard to get any details wrong when you were standing right there. 
Would you let me? Maybe if I was in the other form-
Before you had time to wonder what that meant, she’s changing before your eyes, rearranging skin and bone until an entirely different person is sitting at the desk. A man - taller, broader, but just as pretty and with the same big brown eyes. Your surprise must have shown on your face, because Jordan laughs, a smile stretching across their face. 
“Sorry.” They say, leaning forward to rest their elbows against the desk. “It’s just that I have two faces, so I didn’t want you to get confused if some random dude was waving at you cause I forgot you only met me as a girl.”
“That’s a pretty cool power.” You say, and then, with your mind, “And a pretty good reason to show it off. I mean, for something you came up with on the fly anyway.”
You watch their eyes widen as they realize that you’re in their head, and then their cheeks flush red as they remember what they were thinking about not moments before. “So you’ve just been hearing-?”
“Yeah.” You say..
“I am so sorry-” They start, shifting back into their female form. 
“No, it’s okay.” You say, a laugh on the edge of your lips. “I promise it’s fine, I mean, you didn’t know I was listening in and it’s your thoughts you can’t like, help it. And it’s not the first time-”
I bet, looking like that. Fuck. Pretend I didn’t think that. I’m sorry. Jordan buries their head in their hands with a groan. “Sorry.”
You let out a full laugh at that. “It’s okay, I promise. Please don’t beat yourself up about it, it’s fine. It’s flattering, if anything. I mean, you’re pretty good looking yourself. Not that you’re only hot, I mean - I’m sure you’re nice too.” You pause. “That came out a little wrong.”
Jordan smiles. “It’s okay. I mean, you basically get a free pass to do whatever you want to be since I’ve been…” They trail off. In their mind, …objectifying you. I’d let you do whatever you wanted to me anyway, but… fuck. Sorry.
You smile again. “It’s okay. Promise.” You lean forward across the desk a little, getting closer without getting too close - you have just met after all. The smell of smokey cologne fills your nose, and causes more butterflies to swirl in your stomach. They really are hot. “You wanna know a secret?”
Jordan leans in too. “Sure.”
“Most guys, when they figure out that I can hear them lusting after me, aren't even apologetic.” You say. “So it’s sweet that you are. Charming, even.” It’s true - which is why you don’t usually bother playing into people’s lustful thoughts, but Jordan… 
Okay. Okay, it’s not a big deal, it’s fine. “Would you want to hang out?” Jordan says, a little rushed, like they’d been waiting for an opportunity. “Sometime? We could train, or something…” Please say yes. You don’t have to say yes. I really want you to though.
You think about it for a moment. You don't usually say yes to these kinds of questions, especially after hearing the person's ulterior motives, but… Jordan seems nice, nice enough to genuinely feel bad about their thoughts once they realized you could hear them. And they are hot, objectively, in both forms. 
“Yeah, I’d be down to hang out.” You say, reaching into the pocket of your jeans to pull out your phone. “Can I-?”
“Yes. Yeah.” Jordan pulls their own phone out clumsily, handing it to you. 
You put your number in with a smile, and take the liberty to add a little emoji heart at the end of your name before you hand it back to them. “Should I text you, or are you going to text me?”
I don’t think I could stop myself if I tried. “I’ll text you.” Jordan says, glancing down at their phone. “A heart?”
“You don’t think so?”
No, no. No it’s great, I'm never going to change it. “A little fast, no?” They say. 
You smile, and inject your voice into their head. Liar. I’ll see you later Jordan. 
Before they can say anything else, you turn and leave, throwing one last glance at them over your shoulder. They don’t even try to pretend that they aren’t staring. 
Butterflies swarm your stomach as you make your way back through the halls. You can’t remember the last time being in someone’s head made you like them more rather than less, but Jordan… sweet, apologetic Jordan. It’s exciting, in a way, knowing what they were thinking about you, and knowing that despite the fact that you know, they still want to hang out. You check your phone, even though it’s not even been a minute since you left. Sure enough, a text-
what are you doing tmrw from like 2-4
You type out your reply: hanging out w u probably
You almost forget to get Caldwin’s coffee on the way back. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 11 months
Stray Kids Reaction || He Forgets Your Birthday
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - July 2023
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When you woke up that morning to an abundant amount of messages from everyone but Chan you were slightly disappointed about it. You'd expected Chan to have remembered your birthday but it turned out it had gone to the back of his mind and you didn't know if you should be angry about it or not. It was fast approaching time for Chan to submit another comeback idea so he'd been working harder than usual lately but so had the other guys and they had all remembered to wish you a happy birthday.
"Thanks, Lix," You giggled looking at the small box of cupcakes that were on the table in front of you, your eyes watering a little as you saw the icing on each cake spelt your name out.
"I didn't know if Chan-Hyung had arranged anything for you, so I wanted to do something small." He smiled at you and you let a single tear run down your cheek, slowly looking at Felix who was frowning.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"No....N-No, he just...He forgot." You admitted and shook your head, quickly wiping the tears off your face and trying to move past it. It seemed silly to be crying over it in front of Felix when he knew just how busy Chan was with everything.
"He forgot? How? He has it written down everywhere...There's no way, maybe he's just trying to surprise you," You shook your head at him and nodded over at the door where Chan was sleeping, he'd come straight home and collapsed into bed which you didn't blame him for he must have been exhausted but it hurt. Before you could even begin to process what was happening Felix was making his way over to the door and slamming it open, Chan flinched as he turned around to face the door.
Unlike you'd thought Chan had been in the bedroom, hunched over his laptop and working.
"Are you kidding me?!" Felix cried out when he saw the older boy sitting there,
"It's your girlfriend's birthday and you're in here pretending as though she doesn't exist?"
"Lix, it's fine. He's clearly busy," You tried to pull Felix away but it was like trying to get a bone from a dog - damn near impossible.
"It's not her birthday until next week."
"It's today." Felix combated him shaking his head, normally Chan was on top of everything but it was obvious the idea of submitting a comeback was getting to him a little.
"No. It's next week because I have it written down, right...Yn?" He slowly turned to look at you and as much as you wanted to tell him it was next week, it wasn't.
"It's today," The air seemed to grow thicker as Chan came to the sudden realisation that he'd missed your birthday and his stomach dropped.
"No...N-No, because I booked us a table at your favourite restaurant and I even hired a small boat to take us on the river for a while," He shook his head going into his computer calendar and his face dropped as he realised.
"Yn...I-I'm sorry," You could tell he was sincere about it but you were still hurt inside about it, everyone else had managed to remember but not him.
"It's fine," A blatant lie and anyone with a working pair of eyes could see that so Chan rushed over and wrapped his arms around your midsection.
"I promise I'm going to make this up to you," He whispered in your ear, trying to think of anything he could do to make up for fucking up this much.
It was obvious to the boys what had happened and now they were staring at you and feeling guilty even though they had nothing to feel that way for. It wasn't them who had forgotten about you on your birthday, it was Minho who was still completely oblivious to it.
"Aren't your forgetting something?" Chan asked as Minho walked into the dorm's living room and made his way past you, his eyes scanning over each of the boys before his eyes landed on you but you refused to look at him. Not only had he forgotten it was your birthday but he was ignorant about it as well.
"Happy Birthday Yn!" Changbin yelled out finally having enough of Minho not saying anything and you looked down at your hands. It suddenly felt awkward to be sitting here when all of the boys had remembered but your own boyfriend had failed to.
"I'm going to head home for the night-" You tried to get out but Jeongin shook his head at you, he was very much looking forward to spending the night with you.
"I thought we were going to watch cringey movies and gossip," Jeongin whined as you stood up, reaching for your bag.
"I'm not really in the mood right now, I'm sorry." You smiled weakly and Minho stared at you, his stomach dropping when he noticed the boys watching him waiting to see what he was doing to do.
"Don't...Minho...Just don't. Everyone here remembered my birthday except for you, do you know how that makes me feel?" The boys slowly made their way out of the room leaving the two of you to discuss this privately.
"I didn't mean to forget."
"Just like you didn't mean to forget our anniversary? Do you even care for me? Even a little?" The words tore through him and he wanted to cry at the thought of you thinking he didn't love you,
"I adore you Yn, you know that." He reached out to touch your arm but you stepped away from him and shook your head. As badly as you wanted to believe him, the part of you that was hurting wasn't going to let this go so easily.
"I don't...You're always off doing whatever, forgetting things that are supposed to be important and I'm left to wonder if you even love me."
The next morning Minho had gone straight to your apartment and covered the living room with bouquets of your favourite flowers, as well as getting some decorations he found.
"What's this?" You frowned coming down into the room and frowning when you saw him sitting in front of you,
"Happy Birthday," He smiled weakly at you, holding up a present as you bit down on your lip.
"I wanted to try again, so we're pretending today is the day and that I didn't almost fuck up the best thing that has happened to me," He brought you closer to him and you smiled weakly, kissing his cheek softly.
"Are you sure he knew about it?" Felix questioned as you finished packing up the final box of decorations that had lined the room the boys had rented for the night. He was directing his line of questioning at Jeongin who had planned the whole night tonight,
"How would he forget? It's her birthday." Jeongin whispered looking over at you, the boys had planned a surprise party for you, not your boyfriend but your boyfriend's friends and you were starting to feel sick at the thought of Changin not being here.
"Maybe he got lost on the way to the venue," Felix suggested once he realised that you could hear everything that they were saying,
"Or he forgot," You mumbled, shaking your head to yourself, it wasn't the first time Changbin had forgotten something important and you knew it wasn't going to be the last either but that didn't mean it hurt any less. The door to the room suddenly slammed against the wall and a sweaty-looking Changbin was standing there, drenched in a thick layer of sweat and panting heavily.
"I got here as quickly as possible," He looked around the room and then over at you but you refused to even look in his direction, wishing the boys goodbye before making your way out of the venue with Changbin hot on your trail.
"Yn, I- I don't even know how to begin to say-"
"Don't say sorry because we both know you won't mean it." You shut the boot of your car and stared at him, your arms folded over your chest as you stared him down.
"How can you say that? Of course, I'm sorry." He whispered, his eyes softening as he looked at you. There were tears running down your cheeks but you tried not to draw attention to them.
"Then how are you always forgetting things? If it's not my birthday it's our anniversary...or the times you forgot we had dates." He scoffed at you and shook his head, there was only one time that had happened.
"That's happened once!"
"Four times." You scoffed, getting into the car but he held onto the door preventing you from shutting it on him.
"Let me make it up to you?"
"I would, but I don't know how you can do that. It fucking hurts Binnnie," Your voice cracked as you let the tears stream down your face, the door was pulled wide open and you were suddenly pulled free from the car and into Changbins arms.
"I will find a way, please...J-Just don't go home alone, let me come with you." He begged as he rubbed your back softly, your arms tightening around him as you nodded your head at him.
Hyunjin smiled at you as you sat beside him in bed, you watched him closely as his smile slowly turned into a frown,
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckled softly as he slowly got out of bed,
"I'm just waiting for something." A couple seconds of silence went by before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek, smiling at you before heading into the bathroom without so much as a "Happy birthday."
"Baby? Are you forgetting something?" You called from outside of the en-suite door, waiting for him to remember but the door opened.
"You're right! How could forget!" You smiled brightly, finally happy he seemed to have remembered so quickly but he walked past you, took the towel and headed back into the bathroom again souring your mood within a couple of seconds.
The rest of the day you'd spent completely alone, deciding that if Hyunjin hadn't remembered then you were going to spend the entire day alone doing everything you loved.
"Where have you been? I've been texting and calling you for hours." He said as soon as you walked through the door,
"I spent my birthday doing everything I wanted to do since someone forgot." You stared at him and watched as the clogs in his head began to turn over and he realised how badly he'd fucked up that morning.
"Don't." You warned him, shaking your head as you made your way through the house, taking your bags up to your bedroom as he followed behind you.
"I spaced! I'm used to working on your birthday, I just-"
"You forgot. No biggy," You lied, even though it was a huge biggy, you could see just how much it was stressing him out and while you had been mad that morning there was no use making it worse now when he was clearly having a hard time with it. 
"Big, Big, Biggy," He shook his head at you, holding you from behind.
"Let me order your favourite food, and tomorrow we will do everything you could ever want." He held you tighter as you nodded at him, smiling a little as you relaxed in his arms.
You walked into the studio with a picnic basket and some bottles of water, sitting on the sofa as you watched Jisung through the small glass window inside of the room. As soon as he saw you he smiled and walked through the door,
"What's all this?" He nodded to the picnic that you were laying out in front of him and you smiled a little. You knew when you'd woken up that morning that he'd forgotten your birthday but you knew Jisung well, he was a cute hamster that forgot his own lyrics and there was no way you could be mad at him for forgetting your birthday. As much as it had upset you, you'd decide to get on the better side of it and come out smiling. There was no need for a huge fight when it was clearly something that could be remedied by you talking like adults or you acting mature about it. It wasn't as though he forgot every year, in fact normally he was on top of everyone's birthdays, always the first one to message so clearly it had been a mistake this morning, one you could easily forgive him for.
"Birthday picnic, I knew you'd forgotten but I wanted to come and spend lunch with you," You smiled as you pulled out the hotter food, Jisung's bottom lip trembling a little as he scratched the back of his neck
"I didn't...I-I didn't forget...I-I was just-" He tried to come up with something - anything - he could say to try and make you believe him but he couldn't and guilt began to swim over his body. With the stress of the job weighing on him, it must have slipped his mind and he felt awful for it,
"Relax baby, it's fine. Honestly, please just eat with me?" He nodded sitting beside you as you took out more than enough food for the two of you, both of you beginning to dig in while Jisung apologised to you for forgetting.
It had been a week of silent treatment for Felix and he was beginning to lose his mind a little. Usually, the two of you would get into a fight, you'd give him the silent treatment for a couple of hours and everything would be fine again but clearly, this wasn't a normal fight the two of you had. Not that there was a fight, Felix just remembered you no longer speaking to him,
"You're really not even going to look at me when we're in the same room?" He questioned as you stared down at your phone, scrolling through a random news article you had no interest in.
"What did I even do?" He stared at you, completely oblivious to everything he had done last week. It had been your birthday and you happened to share it with a few of Felix's friends while he had spent the day wishing them birthday messages and calling them to let them know he was thinking of them he hadn't even so much as wished the same to you.
"It's what you didn't do." You mumbled, locking your phone and placing it face down on the table in front of you. All of the other boys had remembered, you'd even gotten a couple of gifts from them each but Felix was blind to it all.
"What is it I didn't do?" He whined a little, he was sick and tired of beating around the bush and to be frank, so were you. It was annoying having to tiptoe around the subject.
"My birthday was last Friday." You stared at your boyfriend and watched as the realisation hit him, his mouth beginning to form an "O" shape,
"So while you were wishing everyone else a happy birthday I was alone...the whole day with not so much as a text from you." You sniffled a little, it was still fresh in your heart and you hated how much it burnt to not hear from him that day,
"Why didn't you say something?"
"I thought my own boyfriend would remember something so simple." You began to cry into your hands and instantly he was sitting beside you, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as he bought you to rest against his chest. 
"I'm so sorry Yn, I'm so fucking sorry."
"Do you know how much it hurt to see you wishing everyone else a happy birthday but me?" You sniffled as he continued to hold onto you,
"I'll make it up to you," He promised but you didn't say anything, you just cried into his chest softly as he held onto you.
All day long Seungmin felt as though he'd been forgetting something and it had bugged him too much, even when he walked into the house something still didn't feel right.
"Do you ever feel like you forgot something important but you can't put your finger on what it is-"  Seungmin stopped as he walked into the living room to see you sitting with the boys and surrounded by some presents and cards.
"I see I forgot something very important." He whispered as you stared down at the card in your hand, thanking the boys for coming to see you when they did.
When they eventually left Seungmin was following you around the house while you cleaned up, apologising over and over again but you refused to even acknowledge that he was talking to you.
"It was an easy mistake." He told you as you shook your head, standing in the doorway of your shared bedroom. Right now you didn't even want to look at Seungmin nevermind share a bed with him for the night,
"An easy mistake is when you forget to pay a bill, or when...O-Or when you forget to pick someone up but not forgetting your girlfriend or four years birthday." You shook your head at him about to shut the door when he placed his hand on it, preventing you from doing so.
"It's the first time in four years I forgot, that has to make up for something." He whimpered a little and you shook your head, softly shutting the door and going to get ready for bed.
The next day when you eventually decided you could no longer avoid Seungmin he was all over you, pampering you with kisses and extra attention, he'd even managed to get the day off so he could at least attempt to make up for yesterday.
"I made breakfast, and I got some of your favourite movies ready," You stared at him as he pointed over at the living room, everything was done to look cosy and you hated how much you wanted to give into him for all of this.
"I don't have presents until tomorrow-"
"It's not about presents Seungmin...It's about you remembering it," He nodded his head, pressing a small and gentle kiss to your cheek,
"I will, I promise." You hummed a little at him as he lead you into the living room, making you sitdown on the sofa before he bought everything into you.
As soon as the front door shut Jeongin could sense that he was in some kind of trouble and he instantly wanted to get back into the car and drive to the dorms.
"Babe?" He called out to the dimly lit house, slowly beginning to make his way up to the bedroom where he figured that you would be waiting for him but when he got there he frowned. Small sniffles were coming from inside of the room and you sounded as though you were whispering to someone else. Jeongin's hand stilled on the door handle as he listened to you,
"I just can't believe he forgot," You sniffled louder this time and you shook your head, you knew it probably seemed like a stupid thing to cry over but you hated Jeongin for forgetting your birthday.
"He embarrassed me in front of everyone Lixie. Mum was looking forward to showing him off to everyone and he just never showed up...N-Not even a text to let me know he was busy." You began to cry into the pillow and Jeongin's stomach dropped as he listened to you talking about him.
"My birthday, how could he just forget? Am I that forgettable?" You questioned angrily, sitting up in the bed as you thought about it more and more. That was when you noticed Jeongin's shadow under the door and you sighed wishing goodbye to Felix before waiting for Jeongin to walk into the room. As soon as he did there was a sheepish look on his face and he whimpered a little, you looked like you'd been crying for hours. There were tear stains down your cheeks, your eyes were swollen pretty badly and not to mention they were also bloodshot.
"You forgot...You actually forgot," You bit out a little angrier than you'd intended but you couldn't believe he'd just managed to forget your birthday. It wasn't as though they had any promotions going on at the moment either, come to think of it he was supposed to be on holiday so you had no idea what had been so important he was able to forget you all day.
"Words and actions will never make up for what I did. I know, I fucked up and I intend to make it up to you for the rest of my life." He whined as he got into the bed beside you, slowly wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into a tight embrace your heart fluttering as you relaxed in his touch. You hated your heart for giving in to him so easily after what had happened today,
"How did you forget?" You probably didn't want to know the answer but you knew the question was only going to gnaw at you until you got an answer from him anyway,
"I don't have an excuse, I just blanked. I went to see my brother and we went for food, I just completely blanked on it, baby," You nodded at him, you were glad he was being honest with you about it rather than lying but it still didn't make you feel any better about being ditched all day.
"Tomorrow, we're spending every second together. You'll get breakfast in bed...I'll treat you like a queen." He promised as he began to kiss your cheek and slowly down to your shoulder, pampering you with kisses up and down your neck and shoulder.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy @aerastus @laylasbunbunny @critssq @lenfilms  @meowmeowisdaname @imafivestarkpopstan @lost-leopard-beanie @djeniryuu​
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solitaszn · 1 year
curtains | ted lasso ✧˚ · .
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Pairing: Ted Lasso x fem!reader
Summary: under the employment of one trent crimm at afc richmond, you are the second American hire and only female journalist at the club starting to make headlines following the head coach being the first.
Warnings: cursing
WC: 980
Author's note: This is really my first multi part fic so be gentle!
"Why does AFC Richmond keep hiring Americans when it is on the brink of relegation?"
Ted stares at the article in dismay and then looks at your desk from the window. He gets up and shuts down his laptop, making his way to your office. You hear his gentle knocking on the glass. your eyes brimmed with tears and your head in your hands as you reread the words "hiring Americans" and "relegation". 
"Uhm, come in, Ted!" you say, blinking away your tears.
"I saw the email, I’m awful sorry about that," he said.
"No it’s fine; you know how the journalists are here, especially at The Sun."
"Yeah. So hot-headed," he joked
You giggled; it wasn’t even that funny, and you still laughed so hard. It’s probably the first time Ted got you to genuinely laugh since you started becoming an assistant to Trent (now independent), who wanted to get an American’s eyes and edits on his writing for his book about Ted Lasso. Ever since you got to Richmond, you have been reserved and quiet in the office you and Trent shared, which he rarely used. only there to follow him when he had questions about certain American mannerisms that he did not want to ask Ted or Beard about, not wanting to spoil details about said book.
"I’m glad to see you laughing again." It’s nice to have you around; I hope you know that." He winked at you and walked back to his desk.
He caught a glimpse of you smiling and being giddy, with your face turning a shade of pink. Ted didn’t realize he had stopped doing his work and started staring at you until Roy stood in the doorway and made it obvious.
"Put your fucking tongue back in your mouth, or I’ll tell her to get a curtain for that office, you freak."
You said a muffled, "Roy?"
"What?" He’s the only person he tolerates in the locker room office. People often thought the two of you looked related until you spoke. Your dark hair and eyes, and the fact that you both often wore black. You wore it just to be professional, but he did because he couldn’t stand being in color.
"Do you think I’m bringing down the club for being American?"
Dumbfounded, he replied, "Who the fuck said that?"
"The Sun?"
"And why the fuck would you listen to those fucking pricks?" They don’t fucking work anywhere near as hard as you do."
It’s true that although you were technically an assistant journalist for Trent, you took it upon yourself to do other things around the club for the team. often on coffee runs, helping Will, answering emails for Trent, or really anything you could keep yourself busy with. It didn’t help with your personal life, though; you overfilled your day so much that when you get home, you’re too exhausted to do anything else.
"Thanks Roy."
He grunted and left.
You finally clocked out and headed to your car when you caught Ted on his phone next to it.
"Oh, hey, Ted, what are you still doing here?"
"Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to have a drink or something."
"Ted, I would love to, trust me, but I’m just exhausted, and I’m seriously considering just sleeping in my car."
"I mean, heck, I could drive you home if you don’t mind."
You threw him your keys. Unlocking it, he opened the door, still forgetting that it wasn’t his side. Him still leaving the door open for you to get in and jogging to the other side.
"I’d have to say this is the most normal car in this parking lot; there are too many fast Italian ones here," he says as he drives out of the lot.
You scoffed, "You couldn’t make me buy one, I need a Subaru."
"I immediately could tell you weren’t from around here with this janky thing."
"Janky? Were you expecting me to pull in with a huge Ford F-150, Ted?"
"I would’ve liked you to, would make me feel right at home."
"No way you had one!" I wouldn’t have pegged you for a truck guy."
"Yep, a huge navy blue one, had a Kansas State Shockers sticker on the corner of the back window. That’s how I could tell which one was mine.” You could tell he was so happy that he could talk about the American college experience with someone other than a Beard.
"How long did you coach at WSU?"
"Five years took us all the way to the national championship."
You yawned in between words, "That’s amazing, Ted."
"God, I hope I’m not boring you," he laughed.
"You’re so mean! and you missed the turn, just take this left, and we can get into the parking garage."
"Ooh, a parking garage, that’s mighty fancy” he chirped.
"It’s what happens when you don’t spend $400k on a car."
You both pulled into your spots. Once you were parked, you gathered your things. "Here we are, home sweet home," Ted said enthusiastically.
"Actually, Ted, sorry, do you mind if you walk me to my flat? It’s just that it’s late and dark, so I-"
"No, yeah, of course, no need to apologize,” he said, closing the car door that was followed by two beeps echoing off the cement walls.
"Thanks, and thank you so much for bringing me home; you really didn’t have to."
"It was my pleasure, darlin'," he winked.
Surely you hadn’t heard him right. Darlin’? Was he flirting with you? You walked to the door and swiped your security card to get into your building. You turned to hold the door for Ted; you hadn’t noticed how much he towered over you. His six-foot stature made you question how you also hadn’t noticed his shoulders and strong arms. Were his eyes always that warm brown?
chapter 2
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mabelstone · 6 months
hello babie
little angst fic in light of the new matt pics? gruffy stubborn horknee matt? a little christmas miracle?
love u miss u
hi sugarpie miss u more
hope this suffices <3 i couldn't think of a 'christmas miracle' i am sorry xx maybe i'll write a soft christmas fic after this
18+ ofc, you know me by now
Nobody Compares to You
matt stone x reader
word count: 2.1k
Being with a prolific near-billionaire with a ridiculously successful TV show and a close-to cult following has its downsides. The copious amounts of groupies, stalkers, etc, etc. Not to mention that he's the textbook definition of a workaholic, which often meant you would go days without seeing each other due to your conflicting work schedules, despite sharing the same bed each night.
You knew this going into your relationship with him and you swore you wouldn't have it any other way.
That was until you found out about the new hire at South Park Studios. A painfully beautiful, bubbly young woman around your age, funny and oh, so intelligent. To your dismay, everyone in the studio had grown very fond of her, including your beloved boyfriend. The part he failed to mention was that she was now his personal assistant, hence why she would text him at inappropriate hours and was practically glued to him each time you visited him at work on one of your days off.
You could look past the groupies and die hard fans as you knew they wouldn't ever stand a chance. But a young woman so full of life, someone who made Matt cackle the way only you and his friends could unearthed something deep inside you. An unmistakable hatred for this girl, though she hadn't done anything wrong, per se. This created a rift in your relationship with him, and though you wanted to blame her, it was painfully clear that it was your doing.
One day you'd surprised him with lunch, taking in a container of his absolute favourite meal that you'd slaved over all morning.
"Oh, thank you, gorgeous," he'd kissed you tenderly, though his words to follow suggested he wouldn't be eating it any time soon. "I wish you'd called... Belle and I just got Chinese, I'm stuffed."
Your smile faltered, peering over at the twiggy blonde tapping away at her laptop with her long, neon orange nails. "I wanted to surprise you. My mistake."
Belle looked up intermittently with an unreadable expression, "yeah, so sorry. What was your name, again?"
"Y/N," you shot her a fake smile that was about as friendly as a kick to the jaw. He mustn't talk about me often. "Ah," was all you could muster, a pang of disappointment flooding your veins.
"I'm sorry," he frowned lightly, a gentle hand taking yours. "I'll have it for dinner! You know me so well."
"So you'll be staying late again?"
"At this rate, it's a safe bet," he smiled sympathetically. He looked tired, no surprise. You sometimes selfishly wished that he'd get a bad cold or something so he'd be forced to stay home with you. "I'm really sorry."
"Meeting in five, Matt," Belle spoke up, her tone a lot friendlier than it was with you.
"I'll get out of your hair then." You didn't say bye, instead speed walked to your car, fuelled by your rage toward his assistant.
Matt: Not even going to say goodbye to me?
Matt: This isn't my fault
You: i just didn't know you were having lunch dates with your assistant
You cursed yourself straight after your message sent, realising just how ridiculous you sounded. Like a jealous teenage girl.
Matt: Lunch date? You mean having lunch with your coworker is now considered a date?
You: does she even know you have a girlfriend?
Matt: Do I really have to share my personal life with my assistant? She does, yes. What has gotten into you?
You: she gets to spend every minute of every day with you
Matt: So this is about her? Don't be so jealous, this is a work relationship.
Matt: Gotta go.
Your eyes blurred with tears as you drove home in silence, your jaw ticking in frustration. You couldn't help but wonder if you were in the wrong. Surely he would have had to pick her as his assistant, right? Why couldn't he have picked a man. Or, as awful as it sounds, a girl who wasn't so attractive. Or maybe a girl who wouldn't have graduated the same year as you.
He got home at 11pm, a bit earlier than you had anticipated. You couldn't sleep though, your mind running wild at the possibilities. With all the time spent with her and away from you, would he fall for her? Would he stop loving you? Was she planning to whisk him away from you? Was your little argument today just pushing him further into her arms?
He walked into your bedroom and didn't say a word. He walked straight into the ensuite and locked the door before you had a chance to speak, closing your mouth immediately.
When he came out, he looked visibly more relaxed, newly grown out curls dripping beads of water onto his skin. He sat in front of you on the bed, only a towel keeping him decent.
"Care to tell me what that was earlier?" His voice was stern, eyebrows slightly raised.
"You tell me," you tone was unwavering as well, arms folded across your chest.
"I wish I could," he huffed, the frustration clearly creeping back. "I can see that you're jealous. But I think theres a bit more to it, isn't there?"
"I miss you."
"Of course I miss you too. But I have to go to work. I can't control the hours!" He raised his voice slightly. Maybe there was more to this for him, too.
"We haven't had sex in two weeks, Matt," you sighed, looking toward the ceiling as that awful, sad feeling reared its ugly head again. "You used to want it- need it, every second day, at least."
"We haven't had time!" He sighed now, running a hand over his face. "I've had to... deal with it myself."
"Does your assistant have to be there for that too? Does she add it into your calendar?" You bit, meeting his eyeline again, that now had narrowed on you, angry brows knotted together.
"You are a brat, you know that?" He spat, appearing as if he were about to double over in anger.
"I'm a brat, huh?" You laughed humourlessly, shaking your head at him. "I spent all morning cooking for you. Every day I do all the cleaning after I've been working all day. I iron your clothes for the next day and have them ready for you every night before I even think to do anything for myself. Before I even have dinner!"
He just stared back, not interjecting for a change. His expression softened as he let you get it all out.
"I have done that for you for four years now! Four years! But I'm a brat, huh? All because I miss you and yes, I'm upset that you have a pretty new assistant. I'm upset that she spends all day with you, gets to have lunch and sometimes dinner with you. She gets to eat and laugh with you, all the while I come home to our house alone. I go to sleep alone and wake up alone. Do you know the things I would do to have lunch with you just once a week? The fact that I'm even explaining myself is ridiculous, I-"
Your rambling was cut short but warm lips pressing gently against yours. Your hands instantly found damp curls, fighting the urge to cry at the fact he was finally at your fingertips, and not when he was snoring beside you in the small hours. He was finally there, finally, you had his undivided attention.
His fingers quickly hooked into your panties, pulling them off in one autonomous motion. He wasted no time disconnecting your lips, positioning himself between your thighs. His warm tongue flitting over your clit sent a shockwave of electricity through your body, a sharp gasp from your lips piercing the overwhelming tension in the room. You grabbed a fistful of his hair without a second thought, grinding down onto that beautiful face. The coarseness of his beard scratched your inner thighs, sending a chill down your spine. With your eyes screwed shut, you moaned his name just as you had imagined for nights on end, his own groan vibrating against your core. You opened your eyes when you thought he'd pulled out your vibrator, soon realised it was just his phone buzzing somewhere on the bed spread. He didn't slow his motions, continuing to lick dizzying stripes across your clit. You felt around for his phone, wishing you hadn't when you saw her caller ID on the screen.
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Mm, what?" His voice was muffled against you, only pulling away when you pulled your hips away. "Oh, come on. I can't control when she calls me, babe. It's probably something really important."
You realised you weren't angry at him, but absolutely livid with her. You just had a gut feeling about her. You knew girls like her, you could tell from he minute you laid eyes on here. She just wanted to climb the hierarchal ladder that was your beloved boyfriend. Unfortunately he was going to have to figure that out on his own. You couldn't help but give him the cold shoulder that night.
Things had slightly improved between the two of you. You'd been intimate more frequently, things often getting so steamy that one time he'd bent you over the kitchen counter, resulting in very burnt chicken for dinner.
For the sake of your own sanity, you'd stopped torturing yourself with your imagination over his beautiful assistant. He loved you, he was as faithful as they come.
Matt: I'll be home in 30 xx
He'd messaged you that two hours ago. You were worried you'd have to start calling police stations, but he finally responded to your missed calls with another text.
Matt: Long story. Talk soon.
He returned home an hour later, the door slamming behind him. You startled from where you sitting on the couch, having stress drank through half a bottle of red wine at this stage. He scooped you up from your position on the couch, eliciting a loud squeal of surprise from you, followed by the thunk of your wine glass hitting the carpet, effectively painting the rug crimson.
"Don't worry about it," he breathed against your skin. "Missed you," he trailed kisses along your jaw and neck, your breath hitching when he would hit your sweet spots.
"Mm- what happened at work? Where were you?" You grabbed his jaw in an attempt to slow him to no avail. He continued to carry you to the bedroom, physically in front of you, but mentally somewhere deep between your thighs.
"Don't worry about it," he echoed, placing you down onto the bed. You felt a little worried - he only got like this if something really stressful happened. He was usually great at talking about his feelings, especially when something happened at work.
He continued to kiss down your body, trying to strip your clothes with such haste you could barely keep up.
"Babe- stop. Stop." You huffed, finally getting a grip on his tireless wrists. "What happened? Were you with her?"
Then he came back into his body, eyes narrowing on yours. "We're seriously still on this?" He groaned, sitting back on his knees. "I fired her."
"Fired her?!" You couldn't hide the surprise in your tone, but masked the happiness very well. "Why? I thought she was a hoot, no?"
"I don't want to talk about it right now," he sighed. Catching your expression, he realised you weren't going to let up until you had the full story. "Jesus- okay, she tried to make a move on me. Happy? You were right." He rolled his eyes.
Now you were beaming. You thought you'd be more upset, but his obvious disgust debunked that thought immediately. "Say that last part again."
"You were right," he rolled his eyes again, playfully this time. "Now take off your clothes."
"Yes, sir!" You laughed too, stripping off your clothes so fast, you'd miss it if you blinked. Immediately, he was on top of you, a growing hard on pressing into your thigh.
"Nobody compares to you," he mumbled against your lips, stripping his boxers without taking his eyes off you, drinking you in. "Nobody."
His words warmed you to your core, words you didn't know you needed to hear. Despite the intensity leading up to this moment, he slid himself in slowly, stretching and filling you inch by glorious inch. You arched your back into the feeling, bare chests rubbing against one another.
"I love you," you breathed, grinding gently into him, both of your hips connecting in slow synchronicity. His warm arms surrounding you, pulling you impossibly closer.
"I love you," he kissed you slowly, "so, so much."
You felt more connected than you had in weeks, months, even. And in that moment, you too though, nobody compares to you.
you know me by now. no proof reading sozzy and this ending sucks balls... but its dry out here
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Not a question, just a headcanon
Ada, as the CEO of her jewellery company and Leon as her bodyguard and secret lover cause he doesn't want anyone to think he's using her for her money.
ada as ceo but also designer, she has so many things to do for her job and because of how successful she is, she also needs protection. she hires leon purely because he was the best at his job, she didn't mind that he was attractive either but didn't really talk to him that much at first
she frankly thought he was a bit too good at his job, he was very to the book, continually doing his job how he needed to so she didn't complain
he starts to keeps an eye on her even if he's not working
ada hired other bodyguards as well, leon needed time off too
but the other ones complained about ada a lot sometimes. she would run off somewhere and they wouldn't be able to find her!!! (this is bad for their jobs!!)
they would complain to each other- that ada was cold to them, often times even a bit rude, but they chalk that up to her being "too rich," to really know what it's like for other working class people
leon figures that ada was never that mean to him, so he just thinks maybe she was having a bad day with the other bodyguards.
eventually ada only asks for leon, and he doesn't mind
it's super late one night, leon just brought her home and he was about to just check on her one last time for the night- but he walks in on her accidentally, she was in the bath or something and he just, covers his eyes, "oh, my apologies Miss Wong."
she's still covered by bubbles, but just sighs, probably stressed about everything in her life
"is there anything i can do to assist you?" "if you could order dinner for me soon?" "understood." "order something for yourself also."
leon's surprised, but nods and turns away and leaves to go do that.
he doesn't really know what to order for himself, he's not really hungry so he just orders ada like her usual dinner... maybe something french and fancy and he just orders himself a burger and fries
their dinners are delivered and ada's out of the bath now. her face bare of makeup and her hair is wet along the tips. just a silky robe is wrapped tightly around her waist, her long legs exposed underneath. she sits at the large dining table and laughs when she sees leon with the fast food bag and the fancy bag for herself.
"you ordered yourself a burger?"
"well, i usually don't eat while on the clock..."
"eat dinner with me."
she's already digging into the bags, stealing a few fries from his bag. he sits near her in the corner of the large table. he tries a bit of her dinner. finding the flavours a lot more refined and distinct. but he still mostly eats his burger. she asks him a few things but he mostly just answers politely, he's not meant to talk a lot while working (it makes him distracted)
after dinner, she yawns a bit and heads to bed without another word. leon just signs off for the night and heads to bed as well. (he stays in her penthouse suite as well unless he has a day off)
the next day, he wakes up and heads down to meet ada and start his work day and ada's already in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, a sleek form fitting power suit with maybe a plunging neckline and sparkly necklace (from her line! hehe) and some dangly earrings also. they're red diamonds and sparkle and contrast well with her outfit. her hair is sleek, her makeup perfect. her lipstick print faintly staining the rim of her ceramic cup.
"ready for today?" she asks and gathers up her birkin??(would she be a birkin girlie? or prada??? chanel? dior???) and slim briefcase with laptop and heads on out after finishing up her coffee. leon follows swiftly, helping out out of her penthouse and towards her office building??? and towards some meetings and also to work on some designs for a new collection
leon can't deny that he's attracted to her, i mean who wouldn't be? but he keeps things extremely professional-
until he finds it hard to keep being professional around her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
they start sharing dinners more, sometimes breakfast, always after ada asks. she starts to ask more and more of him. and he obliges
until! one night things start to get a bit too hot and heavy, they had dinner, ada slipped into the bath. she changes into a soft sexy set of bra and panties.
he's gotten more comfortable around her- the other guards are def already thinking they're sleeping together, but they haven't yet. YET.
she asks him what he thinks of what she's wearing. he can't even say what he wants to say which is like, "fuckfuckfuckfuck" he just ends up saying, "you look... uhhhhhhh." "speechless huh?" "you look.. perfect." they do flirt a bit, especially since leon starts to get the idea that ada's actually interested in him. (aso cause leon's stupid)
but she teases him a lot, pushing him onto the edge of her bed. straddling his thighs, teasing him with a kiss on his cheek. "good night handsome," and she lifts herself off of him and heads to her walk in closet or something while leon rushes out towards the spare bedroom and just FURIOUSLY MASTUR
this repeats and ada eventually catches him. finding him sitting on his bed, just stroking his cock and whimpering and whining to himself. she hears him whining her name and just giggles to herself. he scrambles to hide himself but the damage is done
"are you stroking your cock and thinking about me?"
"show me what you do."
"what are you imagining? that i'm doing this?" she asks with a tilt of her head, she lowers herself onto her knees and perches her manicured fingers onto his thighs. her eyes going back and forth from his eyes and his bulging cock. he pumps himself so slowly, the head leaking more precum since he can't even control himself, seeing ada watching him.
"use your words leon."
when he doesn't answer, she just leans in and kitten licks the tip of his cock. he JUST CUMS FROM THAT.
"hmmm, already?"
she just trails her finger along the head and shaft, collecting his cum and tastes a bit of it against her tongue.
she just hums, her lips upturning and gets up and leaves. she probably goes to bed a bit huUHHHHghugh and fingers herself to sleep but also feeling a bit dissatisfied since she hasn't had a partner/bf in a few years. leon's JUST right there, so she's maybe like- well...
BUT HE'S TOO PROFESSIONAL! he won't do it. in the morning he apologizes for being so unprofessional and swears it won't happen again. he'll even resign if he has to.
but she says she'll double his pay. he can't accept that, he won't.
so things kind of fall back into normalcy. but ada's so bored now that leon won't break his professionalism. ada tries to go on date with someone but leon doesn't want to work that shift. instead he tries to go date someone else too. both dates fail miserably, ada's only wanting her money, and leon's just because they could tell his date could tell he was hung up over ada.
the next time they see each other they're both in bad mood. frustrated in more ways than one. ada's struggling with the new collection and leon's also just trying to be professional still. he declines to her dinners but also feels bad because she's obviously lonely. she puts on front and pretends she's fine but she does miss his company. she ends up heading to his bedroom one night and he's still up, maybe just thinking and can't sleep. "can't sleep either?" she nods and makes her way over to his bed. she sits on the edge for a while. nothing said between them both.
"would you like me to make a tea for you?"
she's just wearing a silk robe, tied around her waist. this one much longer so it hides more of her legs. he doesn't stop her when she moves over on his bed and straddles herself over his strong thighs. he swallows though, realizing he's only wearing boxer briefs underneath the blanket. ada slowly ghosts her fingertips along his chest and neck. leon rests his hands on her hips. stifling any noise from his lips and stares hungrily at her.
what the fuck is a block limit???? i just got hit by it is it cause of the bullet points??? what the fuck???? okay well. uh guess im done for now what teh fuck fuck you tumblr okay anways i'll add onto this more later maybe sljbfjdsbfs just when it was getting good huh?
cockblocked by tumblr
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Pairing- Jin x Named Reader
Word count- 4.2k
Includes- risque photo shoot, fingering, oral, pussy eating, cum swallowing, missionary, taking pictures during sex, riding, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Jin Masterlist
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"Are you kidding?", I ask my best friend
I'm completely shocked that she'd ask me this
"No I'm not kidding Jinnie. I trust you and I'd rather you do it than some stranger"
"You do know I've never done this before? I photograph fashion shows, not model shoots"
"Yeah but you know what you're doing. You had to take classes on all kinds of photography when you were in school right?"
I did
I could do what she's asking
But it's her
"Jin please? I don't want some stranger taking these kind of pictures. I feel comfortable with you"
I know she's comfortable with me
We've been friends since we were toddlers
I just didn't know she was this comfortable with me
"Why do you want this kind of pictures anyway?"
She sighs, "My agent said I needed riskier pictures to show agencies and photographers that I'm up for modeling anything. She suggested lingerie and nudes"
Her agent suggested this?
"Look, I'll pay you as if I hired you. We can be professional and pretend we're not friends"
I snort, "You're not paying me"
She raises her eyebrow, "Yes I am. This is a legit photoshoot Jinnie. It's your job. I want high quality photos. And I'm not taking anything for free"
I scoff, a little insulted, "You think I wouldn't give you high quality pictures for free?"
"I know you would Jinnie but I can't let you do it for free. You're taking your time that could be used for another shoot. You're using your materials and equipment that can be used for legit work. I'm paying you"
"No you're not"
She's insane if she thinks she's gonna pay me
I do lots of photography for our friends for free all the time
I'm especially not going to take money from her
"That's the deal", I interrupt, "If you want me to do this, I will but I'm doing it for free. You never have to pay me for anything Jo. Never"
She huffs, crossing her arms, "Fine. Thank you"
I nod, "Where so you want to do this?"
"Uh couch I guess. I want tasteful pictures, not porno ones on a bed"
Yeah I doubt I could keep a hard on from forming if it was on a bed
As it is it's going to be so hard to not get hard
Especially with my feelings for her
Yes it's the cliche falling in love with your best friend trope
I just fell hard when we were teenagers and it's always been her
Yes I've had girlfriends but I've never loved any of them
And she's completely oblivious
She's like that with most things but when it comes to me she's completely blind about my feelings although I tried to make her aware of it without saying it
I eventually gave up and figured she doesn't see me like that
It sucks but I don't know what I can do
Nothing now because she's seeing someone
Not a boyfriend but a guy she's been dating
Pisses me off but whatever
If she's happy, I'm happy for her
"Alright then", I tell her, "You should go get ready and I'll set up everything"
She nods, "Thanks Jinnie"
"Sure Jo. Anything for you. You know that"
She smiles, taking my breath away then leaves to her room
I let out a breath, telling myself that this is just like any job
Yeah right
How I'm gonna do this I don't know but I will, for her
While she's getting ready, I pull out my camera, laptop and all the equipment I need
Her couch is near a window and I pull the curtains back, deciding to try to use natural light
If it doesn't work, I'll set up the lights
On my camera, I make sure the battery is full and switch the SD card to a blank one
I take a few pictures to make sure everything is working and clear
"Uh Jinnie? Are you ready?"
"Yeah Jo, I'm rea-"
My words die on my lips as I stare at her
I don't know where to look
At her big boobs in the small bra, the tiny panties, the stomach piece attached to panties or the strings attached to garters around both thighs
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I had no clue she had her belly pierced or a big tattoo on the right side of her body
'Stop staring!', I yell at myself
I avert my eyes to her beautiful face, her eyes done in pretty eye makeup, her lips glossy
Fuck me
"You ok Jinnie?"
"Yeah. Fine", I say
I'm so not fine
"Let's start", I say, wanting to get this over with
She nods, getting to the couch and sitting on it
She puts her arm on the arm rest, leaning against it, her long brown hair falling over her shoulder
She looks at me and I swallow hard, raising the camera and taking the picture
She moves and I take picture after picture of her
Of her in the same position but laying her head on the arm rest
Of her leaning back against the couch
Of her sitting with her legs tucked under her
Of her sitting with her back to me, looking over her shoulder, a small smirk on her face
Another where she's laying on her side, looking innocently into the camera
Another of her laying on her back, one arm above her head, biting her lip
And each one makes me harder and harder and I hope to God she doesn't notice
"We got lots of good shots", I tell her
She nods, "Great. Should I take the lingerie off?"
"I uh...sure"
"Well should I just take it off or are you going to take pictures while I do? Would those be good shots"
Christ, she's trying to kill me
"Yeah I could do that. They'd be nice shots"
She nods, unbuckling the strings on the garders, peeling off the stomach piece
Then she takes off the garders from around her pretty thighs
I'm taking pictures of everything she's doing and hyperventilating at the same time
'Be professional', I yell at myself
I have to pretend this isn't the girl I want
I have to pretend this is a stranger who booked me
I have to stay professional
She reaches around her back and the next thing I know, she's pulling the bra down, her big perky breasts exposed
Oh my god
She drops the bra, then stands up, pulling down the strings of her panties, slowly taking them off
They pool at her ankle and she steps out of them
I choke on air, seeing her completely naked
She's fucking gorgeous
And her pussy is so fucking pretty, so small
She sits on the couch and I take pictures of her doing similar poses to the ones where she was dressed
She lays down on her back, and I move closer, taking a picture from above, a small smile on her face
I swallow hard, lowering the camera and checking the picture
My eyes move from the camera screen to her lower stomach, right above her pretty pussy
Biting my lip, I can't tear my eyes from that piece of skin
I don't even know that I'm touching her until I see my hand run over her skin
I snatch my hand away, cursing myself but at the same time loving how soft and smooth she felt
I need to get a grip
I feel her hand on mine, my eyes moving up to hers
She puts my hand back on the same spot
"You can touch", she says so softly
I can what?
Did I hear her right?
She sits up a little, taking my camera and gently placing it on the floor
Then she takes my other hand and puts it on her chest between her breasts
My heart is pounding in my chest and my brain is not working
"You can touch if you want", she repeats
Her words finally penetrate my brain and my hands move on their own
I run one hand down her body, feeling her skin tremble under my touch
Moving to her thighs, I slowly move my hands up, reveling in the way her skin feels
Getting to her breasts, I wrap my hands around them, squeezing softly
My gaze moves to her face and I'm completely in shock at seeing her eyes closed, biting her lip and what seems like pleasure on her face
Getting braver, I lean down, kissing the skin between her breasts
I almost don't believe what I'm hearing when she lets out a soft moan
"More Jinnie"
I can do that
I press more kisses on her skin, feeling it tremble beneath my lips
Moving to her nipple, I lick it, feeling it get hard under my tongue
"Mmm Jinnie"
I lick that nipple a few times then switch to her other, licking that one slowly
Once it's hard, I suck it in my mouth, tugging and playing with it
"Oh fuck Jin! Yes baby"
Hear her fuels me to keep going and I suck on her nipple like I can't get enough, rubbing the other with my hand
I play with her nipples for a little, listening to her soft moans
Then I press kiss after kiss to her skin, down her gorgeous body, my hands moving down slowly, more soft moans spilling from her lips
I can't believe this is happening
I stop right above her pussy, thinking kissing there would be going too far
She however, runs her hand in my hair asking, "Please"
Looking up at her, I ask, "Are you sure?"
She nods
Ok then
I press a soft kiss on the top of her pussy, loving how it feels under my lips
I kiss her a few more times, opening her legs as I move lower, feeling how wet she is under my lips
God I just want to eat her pussy
Looking up at her, I ask, "Can I taste you?"
"Yes Jinnie. Please"
Without saying anything, I lay my tongue on her pussy and slowly lick up
Groaning against her, I taste her and fuck she tastes incredible
I knew she would
"Jinnie!", she cries and fuck I love the sound of my name in her voice
"Wanna make you cum", I murmur, licking her again
"Yes yes yes", she yells
Thank god
Pushing her legs open more, I bury my tongue in her, swirling everywhere, running along her slit
"Jin! Oh my fucking god! Jin!"
Moaning against her, I grip her thighs hard as I roll my tongue over her clit
"Yes Jin! There! Fuck there!", she cries
Moving my tongue fast, I lick her throbbing bump over and over
As I do that, I move my hand and start pushing two fingers in
"Oh my god! Jin! Fuck Jin!"
As I sink my fingers in, I feel her tiny tight pussy suck them in
God she's so fucking wet it's all over my hand
I move my fingers in and out, slowly at first, picking up speed every few thrusts
She loudly cries my name over and over and I've never had a girl respond to me this way
Never this loud, never yelling my name like she is
I really like it
I'm making her feel really good, I always wanted to and I'm achieving it
Wrapping my lips around her clit, I suck hard and fast, her screams so loud in the room
Her clit is throbbing so hard against my lips, each pulse sending pleasure straight to my hard cock
Still moving my fingers inside her, I feel a soft spot and I press down on it
"Fuck!", she cries, her body arching slightly
Got her spot
I move my mouth faster, slurping on her small clit while I rub her spot over and over
Her hand plunges in my hair, pulling as she screams my name
"Jin! Jin!"
Her pussy pulses so fast, so hard as she cums, her legs shaking around my head
I finger and suck her through it, feeling my hand get fucking drenched
When it's over, I move back and pull my fingers out of her
I gape at how creamy her cum is
It's all over my hand and I immediately put my fingers in her mouth, tasting her
Oh my fucking god
So good, so sweet
I need more
Pushing her legs to her chest, I tell her, "Hold your legs"
She does and I look down at her pretty pussy
Spreading her lips, I lick along her entrance, cleaning up all her cum
I need more
Circling her hole a few times, I plunge my tongue inside her
"Fuck!", she yells, clenching around my tongue immediately, making me moan
Pulling my tongue out, I shove it back in over and over, tongue fucking her little pussy
"Jinnie! Oh my god! Don't stop! Baby!", she cries
That's not a problem as I'm not stopping anytime soon
Rubbing her clit with my thumb, I continue to fuck my tongue into her, loving the way she tightens around my tongue, the way she's creaming my mouth
"I'm gonna cum!", she yells, her body starting to shake
I wiggle my tongue in as much as I can just as she throbs hard, her cream coating my mouth
I swallow eagerly, licking back in for more
"Baby. So fucking good", I moan
"Fuck Jin"
Reluctantly I move away when she finishes only to be so shocked when her hand grabs my shirt and pulling me against her, her lips crashing into mine
Fucking fireworks go off in my vision, my heart beating so fast as I kiss her
She leans back down, taking me with her, her arms wrapping around my body
I go with it, slipping my tongue in her mouth, hers playing with mine
I feel her hands go under my shirt, softly touching me, my skin going crazy, trembling and shuddering
God her small hands feel so fucking good
As her fingers travel up my back, she takes my shirt along until she separates from me for the second it takes to get my shirt off
She throws it on the floor, her arms wrapping around my neck, kissing me passionately
Laying on top of her, my skin touches hers and it feels fucking incredible
As I kiss her, her hands continue to touch me, sliding down from my neck, down my body to my hips where she starts pushing my sweatpants and boxers down
She gets them a little down my thighs and I help her, pushing and kicking them off, our lips never parting
Her legs open widely, letting me lay between them
Her hand wraps around my dick, jerking me off softly
"Fuck", I moan against her lips
"I need you Jinnie"
Pulling away from her lips, I look at her in shock
"I need you", she repeats
"Uh where?"
She lets go of me, taking my hand and putting it against her cunt
"Here. I need your big cock buried inside me, need you to fuck me"
"I...I....uh...", I stammer, my brain not functioning
"Please? Fuck I wanted you for so long baby", she whispers
What the fuck is she saying?
"Please Jinnie, just once. Let me have you once"
I nod, crashing my mouth against hers
As I kiss her deeply, I move her legs around my waist, the head of my cock pushing into her tiny hole
She cries out as I sink into her, spreading her hole around my length
"Oh my fucking god. So tight princess", I gasp
Her pussy latches onto my cock so tightly, sucking me in as I move inside her, spasming so pleasurably, soaking every inch of my shaft
"Fuck Jin. You're so fucking hard baby. God you feel so fucking good", she cries, clinging onto me, "Please fuck me baby. I need you to fuck me right now"
"I will princess. I'll fuck you so good you won't want any other cock but mine", I promise her
I start moving, slamming into her cunt hard over and over, feeling her tiny hole split around my dick
It feels incredible, I can't believe it
I can't believe this is happening
I can't believe I'm inside her, can't believe it's my name she's screaming, that she's begging me to fuck her harder
I thrust in, moving my tip right into where I think her spot is
"Seokjin! Oh my fuck!", she cries, her body shuddering and I think I found it
Sitting up, I hold her legs open, looking down and watching the sight of my cock moving in her
Her pussy is creaming my cock so much, it's fucking pouring from her, making a huge mess
"Your pussy looks so fucking pretty stuffed with my cock", I tell her, "God, your tiny hole is straining to fit me in"
"It feels so good baby", she moans, "Fuck, I love your big thick cock"
I can't believe she's saying this to me or that's she's enjoying it this much
Her hands grip my wrists hard as I pound into her again and again
"Fuck so pretty", I murmur, watching her hole throb around me, "Would be such a pretty picture"
"Take one", she whimpers
My head snaps up, my eyes on her
"Take one?"
She nods, her eyes so fucked out, "Take a picture of your cock inside me. Take whatever pictures you want. Just don't stop fucking me"
"Are you sure?", I ask
"Yes Jinnie. I trust you"
Stopping my movements but staying buried in her, I lean over and grab my camera from the floor
My hands shake as I turn it on, focusing the lens on my dick completely inside her, her swollen lips wrapped around me so snugly
Snapping the shutter, the camera makes the sound that indicates a photo was taken
"Spread your lips for me princess", I ask
Her fingers move, holding her swollen pussy lips open
"Oh fuck", I whimper, taking a picture of her straining hole around my dick
Pulling back I move in slowly, taking picture after picture of her hole getting wider and wider the more I get in
My head hits her spot and she whines, shivering
Taking her hand, I put it on her clit
"Play for me princess. Make yourself cum on my cock"
Her fingers start moving rapidly, rubbing circles on her clit
Her pussy immediately throbs faster, clenching my cock repeatedly
I take a picture, focusing on her hand playing with her clit
Then I take a wider view of my cock inside her while she plays with herself
"So pretty baby"
She breathes faster, getting tighter and tighter, the pleasure amazing
I start grinding inside her, right against her spot to help her get closer
"Jinnie", she cries, "Oh god Jin! You feel so good baby. Fuck, I love your cock"
Her body shakes, her hand moving like lightening, her cream leaking around us
I take picture after picture of her pretty stuffed pussy, while watching her bring herself right there
Pushing her hand off her, I replace it with mine, rubbing her clit while I pull back a little then slam back in
"Seokjin!", she screams, her orgasm starting, her cunt choking my cock, sending me into fucking intense bliss
My eyes move to her body, her face and mouth drops at how stunning she is while she cums
I immediately lift the camera taking picture after picture of her- her body arching, her head pushed back into the couch, pleasure all over her face, her eyes closed, her mouth screaming my name
I can't believe I'm seeing her cum
Hell, I can't believe I made her cum
It's like a dream and if it is one I never want to wake up
As she finishes, her body relaxes into the couch, her breathing ragged
Moving my attention back to her cunt, I slowly pull out, capturing photos of her cream coating my cock
My head slides out of her but she creamed so much that there's a string of cum still connecting my head to her hole
It's so hot and of course I need a picture of it
After taking it, she sits up, pushing me backwards until I'm sitting against the arm of the couch
She climbs on top of me, getting my cock in her hole, taking me in and sitting against my skin
I look up at her as she brushes hair out of my face, her arms moving around my neck
She smiles, then presses her lips against mine
I put the camera down then wrap my arms around her, holding her against me as I eagerly kiss her
I honestly don't know what I'm going to do after this
I had her amazing kisses, I don't know how I'm going to go without them
Her tongue slips in my mouth as she starts bouncing slowly on me
With each bounce, she moves faster and faster, pleasure blasting in my body
Her hand moves into the back of my hair, pulling my head back, her soft lips pressing kiss after kiss to my neck as she rides me perfectly
The pleasure is insane, my hand gripping her hips, helping her slide up my cock and slamming her back down
"Fuck princess. Feels so good", I whimper, her tongue licking a spot on my neck
"No baby, you feel good Jinnie. Fuck, I knew you'd feel this good", she murmurs against my skin, "I knew you'd be perfect for me"
I knew she's be perfect for me too
As her words sink into my brain, I realize what she's saying
It sounds like she's saying she thought about us like this before
But that's impossible
She never said anything about any feelings for me
Nor acted like she has any
She moves harder, jumping up and down my cock, her cunt flooding my entire lap, pussy so tight, so clenching
"Please Jinnie, want you"
"You have me baby", I tell her
"No Jinnie. Want you always", she says softly, leaning her forehead against my neck, pressing kisses at the base of my neck and sending shivers down my spine, "I can't only be with you once. Not now. Not now that I know how you feel"
"You have me baby. I promise"
She shakes her head, murmuring in my neck, "I don't Jinnie. I love you so much and you don't love me. You'll never be mine"
My heart explodes in happiness asy brain absorbes that she loves me
We love each other and I'll be damned if she's not going to be mine
Lifting her head, I look in her eyes and seeing love in them as she looks at me takes my breath away
"You have me princess", I repeat, "Always. I love you"
Her eyes widen, surprise in them, "You do?"
I nod, "I love you so much. We don't have to be apart anymore"
She nods, "Ok baby"
"Ok princess", I smile before pulling her to me, kissing her sweet lips
As she kisses me, her tongue against mine, she moves along my cock, taking me so well
She breaks the kiss, leaning to my ear, "Cum for me Jinnie"
"Fuck princess"
"Please baby. Wanna be filled with your cum"
Oh my fuck
I didn't know that I'd love hearing her ask for my cum as much as I do
"I will baby but I need you to cum first", I murmur, slamming her up and down my length, "Cum for my cock and I'll fill you right up"
Bringing her down, I hit her spot and she screams my name, coming all over me
"Fuck baby!", I cry, ecstacy filling me from her orgasm, throwing me into my orgasm
Holding her down on my dick, I cry her name, spilling into her waiting pussy
"Yes Jinnie", she urges, "Fuck you feel so good when you cum. Give me everything baby"
"Fuck Jo", I moan, her words making everything better
"Want it all Jinnie. Gonna milk your cock for all your cum"
Her pussy is doing an amazing job of milking my cock, throbbing and sucking everything I give her
When it's over, I open my eyes I didn't know I closed, out of breath
She touches my cheek softly, smiling at me
"I love you Jinnie. My Jinnie"
I nod
I'm her
Always was, always will be
"I love you Jo. My princess"
"Always", she whispers
"Always", I confirm
I miss her softly, keeping her against me, loving how perfectly she fits into my arms
"Can we cuddle?", she asks when the kiss ends
"Absolutely. But how about we go to your bed for that?"
She nods, "Good idea"
Holding her, I stand up and carry her to her room with her giggling
Getting into her bed, she moves right into my arms, our bodies and limbs tangling, pulling the covers over us
"Mm this feels so good baby", she says
It does
It feels right
"We have to do this all the time", I tell her, running my fingers in her hair
Holding her hand up, I kiss the back of it, listening to her giggle
"I love you Jin"
"I love you Jo"
With that she snuggles into me and we lay in comfortable silence and I silently thank her for asking me to take those pictures of her
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francesminos-tt · 5 months
cregan is married and fucks his son's nanny, jace 👀👀
I am not sure if this is what you ask for, but I tried😅
It was somewhat laughable for a graduate student to work as a babysitter, but Jacaerys found this job best accommodating to he needs. Jace was on his year of pursuing a doctor’s degree in Winterfell Institution of Technology, a renowned academic hub for science enthusiastic like him. Jacaerys came from an affluent family, but he decided to finish his education and carve a place in the world on his own, which meant no easy money from mother, no top-notch sports car from Papa Laenor, no private security from Daemon, and absolutely no private jet from grandpa Corlys. Jacaerys had a scholarship, and he worked as a part-time babysitter to help pay the rent.
“Okay, time for bed, little man.” Jacaerys helped the little boy into his dire wolf printed pajamas before tucking him in, making sure the boy was warm and comfortable.
“Can you tell me a bedtime story, Jace?” Rickon asked, his dark eyes tentative and pleading.
“Of course.” Jacaerys replied, sitting down on the edge of the bed carefully, “Which one do you prefer tonight?”
There were at least a dozen children’s book in Rickon’s room, ranging from fairy tales to folklores, all with beautiful illustrations.
“The werewolf and the dragon prince.” Rickon replied with anticipation, “That’s my favorite one!”
That was Jacaerys’s favorite, too.
“All right.” Jacaerys smiled, reaching over to pick up the illustrated book and opened it on his lap, “Ready?”
Rickon nodded expectantly. Jacaerys brushed some stray curls from the boy’s face and began to read the story of a dragon prince venturing into the dark woods and befriended a long lost clan of werewolves. Rickon was fast asleep before the dragon prince could made it to the wolf’s den.
Jacaerys gently closed the book and dimmed the light, leaving only a small light source in case the boy woke up at night. Jace would kiss the boy on the forehead if Rickon were one of his younger brothers, but he had to remind himself that Rickon was not his family. It would be inappropriate and felt like trespassing if he got too intimate with the boy.
Jacaerys closed Rickon’s bedroom door behind him with a soft click and headed for the kitchen. The house was dark, indicating that Rickon’s father had not come home yet. Cregan Stark was a busy man, and it was normal for him to work late into the night. You had to sacrifice something in order to run the biggest technology company in the realm, after all. For Cregan, he had to give up his family time, even his wife, who had filed for divorce and moved out, and that was why Cregan was in need of a nanny to look after his son when he was gone.
Jacaerys was the perfect candidate for the job. He was the eldest of five siblings, well-experienced with children, especially little boys. He lived near the Stark house, a short 15-minutes’ walk, so it was easier for him to come to the house on a short notice. Also, he was a post-graduate student, highly intelligent and extremely patient, so Cregan did not have to hire another home teacher for the boy. For Jace, the job fit him just fine. He got along with Rickon, and he could have a quiet night to study after the boy fell asleep, not having to listen to his neighbor’s ugly moan when they jerked off or the nasty curse when they lost a game.
Jace poured himself a cup of tea and opened his laptop. He really needed to finish reading the materials for the lecture next week. Jace was on his third cup of tea and second energy bar when the door was pushed open, entering a tall and muscular figure wrapped in a puff jacket, scarf and beanie. Cregan was a strong guy, so this outfit only made him more towering and muscular, more like a bear than a wolf. Jacaerys could never understand why Cregan insisted on parking his car three blocks away and ran the way home in such cold weather. Cregan said it was a good exercise for his lungs, but Jacaerys never fully believed him.
“Hello,” Cregan greeted Jace cheerfully, “I assume my son has fallen asleep already?”
“Yes.” Jacaerys replied, “It’s past midnight, Cregan. Every boy Rickon’s age should be fast asleep by now.”
“He always behaves so well around you.” Cregan shrugged the jacket off and threw it to the couch casually before entering the kitchen to wash his hands and get some tea, “He’s a total menace when you are not here. He wouldn't go to bed last Saturday and I had to promise him a vacation to Dorne in the summer and ten private museum tours.”
“Maybe he just likes me better.” Jacaerys joked. Contrary to most people’s belief, Jacaerys was not as serious as he looked. Granted his sense of humor could be considered dry in common standards, but Cregan found it charming. In fact, he found everything about Jace charming, from the young man’s intelligence, diligence, strong sense of responsibility, to his handsome features, relatively small but toned body (do not ask how Cregan knew it) and those pink lips that looked so soft and kissable.
“Perhaps.” Cregan said, pouring milk and sugar into his tea as if his life depended on it, “I like you very much, so maybe Rickon takes after me.”
Jacaerys’s smile disappeared, replaced by something unreadable.
“We talked about this, Cregan.” Jacaerys lowered his voice, as if he feared there were ears in the wall, “You are married. I am your son’s sitter. We cannot-”
“I am going through a divorce, Jace.” Cregan said, stopping at the high chair where Jacaerys sat, “And Rickon is sleeping, so technically, you are off duty now.”
Jacaerys could smell the aftershave from Cregan, fresh woody scent with a hint of musk, reminding him of a cozy cabin in the snow. Cregan always made him feel cozy, like sitting beside a burning hearth. Chatting with the Stark had become Jace’s favorite pastime, and he had grown very fond of the man, but it didn't mean he could cross the line. Call him a conservative, but it just didn't feel right to develop a relationship with your employer, no matter how much Jace wanted it.
“Relax.” Cregan said, stopping right behind Jace, “I haven’t done anything inappropriate yet.”
“You shouldn’t.” Jacaerys replied, but somehow, he didn't struggle when a pair of strong arms snaked around his waist.
Cregan chuckled, resting his chin on Jace’s shoulder, his little stubble stinging the sensitive skin on Jace’s neck. Cregan felt cold, but warm at the same time. The feeling was too complicated to describe. Jace had never felt anything like this before, the slight tingling creeping up his spine, the clench of his stomach, and the lump in his throat.
“It’s up to me to decide, isn't it?” Cregan whispered in Jace’s ear, brushing his lips against Jace’s cute earlobe.
Jace never had the chance to finish his sentence, for Cregan had sealed their lips together into a passionate kiss. It was not the first time they kissed, but it was the first time Cregan’s tongue sneaked into Jace’s mouth. Cregan tasted just like how Jace had imagined it, fresh like the fresh air of a crisp winter morning and warm like a cup of hot liquor. Jacaerys should push the man away. He really should, but his mind was too clouded by the caffeine and intense reading that he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He just placed his hand on Cregan’s strong chest, but didn’t push.
“You have no idea how long I have dreamed of this,” Cregan whispered as they parted to catch their breath, “and what kind of nasty thoughts are on my mind whenever I see you.”
“Pervert.” Jace murmured, his cheeks burning, “I am your son’s sitter!”
“You like me doing perverted things, don’t you?” Cregan’s large hand slipped into Jace’s sweater, roaming on the young man’s smooth skin and stopping at his nipple, “Or you won’t be like this.”
Cregan teased Jace’s stiff nipple with his fingers, pressing, pinching, and embedding his nails into the flesh. Jace jolted in surprise, breathy moans escaping his lips.
“Cregan, we really shouldn’t.” Jace tried again, but his words were powerless.
“Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want this.” Cregan lifted his head from Jace’s neck, and looked straight into the young man’s soft brown eyes, “Tell me to stop, and I will.”
How could Jacaerys tell him to stop? Cregan felt so warm, their bodies pressing tightly together, so perfectly matched like two matching puzzle pieces. Jacaerys liked Cregan. No, hell, he fancied Cregan, from the moment he came to the house to interview for the nanny’s job. Jacaerys tried to keep his affection hidden, for he felt embarrassed and guilty that he had developed feelings for his married employer who happened to be a guy.
Jacaerys was the first to break eye contact. He couldn’t look at Cregan’s eyes anymore, so honest and open, as if making out in the kitchen when his son was fast asleep in the room was absolutely normal. Jace didn’t struggle when Cregan’s hand slipped into his sweatpants.
“You are hard.” Cregan observed, wrapping the bulge between Jacaerys’s legs in his large palm and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You are, too.” Jacaerys said, more like a retort. He reached down to Cregan’s pants and mirrored the large man’s gesture, amazed at how large Cregan was. Jacaerys was not some pillow princess. Once he had made up his mind, he would do everything within his power to enjoy the moment. And now, he had made up his mind to fuck Cregan tonight.
Fuck moral standards. Fuck appropriateness.
“For you.” Cregan wrapped his free arm around Jace’s tiny waist and lifted the young man up onto the counter, and settled between Jace’s legs.
Jace instinctively wrapped his legs around Cregan, pressing their groins together, their hard cocks making first contact through Jace’s sweatpants and Cregan’s jeans. Even through layers of fabric, Jace could feel Cregan’s pulsing cock so much that he couldn’t help but swallow, anticipation slowly building inside him.
They kissed again, eagerly taking off each other’s clothes. Soon Jacaerys was sitting on the counter completely naked, his butt against the cool surface, his laptop and coursework completely forgotten. Cregan had taken off his shirt and his jeans were half way down his legs, exposing his massive cock and the thick bush in his groin. Cregan’s body hair was just as dark as his hair, a little rough to the touch like his stubbles, which Jacaerys just adorned.
“Fuck, you are more beautiful than I imagined.” Cregan marveled, pumping Jace’s cock with one hand and groping the young man’s tight ass with the other.
“You are more romantic than I expected.” Jace joked, sweat dripping down his curls onto Cregan’s lips, which Cregan licked clean immediately.
“I want to fuck you.” Cregan said, always so open and honest that Jace found it cute.
“Okay.” Jace nodded, opening his legs a little more.
“Okay?” Cregan asked, as if he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.
“What? Are you backing down now, Mr. Stark?” Jace chuckled, deliberately calling Cregan by the man’s family name, as if they were nothing more than employer and employee.
“No. OF course not.” Cregan flipped Jace over and covered the young man with his large form, “You cannot get rid of me now, Jace.”
Jacaerys had no such intention, but Cregan would have to wait to hear him confess.
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books-and-kids · 5 months
My safe families coach (caseworker equivalent) is going to call me today to discuss the details of someone else taking Deshaun. I feel so guilty and inadequate not to be able to finish out his hosting but I can’t figure out a way to. I’m sick and not getting enough sleep, to the point that I felt lightheaded and dizzy last night, but I could grit my teeth and make it through that for 2 more weeks. The problem is work. He’s not allowed back to daycare until he tests negative and is symptom free for 5 days. That’s totally reasonable from daycare’s perspective, but he’s still coughing and very snotty so I suspect it will be many days until he meets that criteria. And while hes home I can only half-work. He needs constant access to me. I’m wearing him in the carrier for many hours each day, but he won’t accept that all day and the rest of the time he has to be near me, climbing all over my lap. If I ignore him he cries. If I try to type, he grabs at the laptop. I can take some calls, but it’s a crapshoot what his mood will be like. Yesterday I had an important external call that I had to take off camera and mic, listening to someone else explain my work while Deshaun screamed in the background.
My job has been incredibly flexible and supportive but it’s been a week (we tested positive last Thursday night) and I don’t want to push it. Right now is busy for me also — I’m leading an important project with a firm deadline based on external factors we can’t change, and it’s already behind schedule. If I don’t finish my pieces of it within the next 1-2 weeks, it won’t happen in time.
There’s just no slack. If daycare is out as the childcare option, there’s nothing left. No partner to trade off childcare with. I’m not allowed to hire a babysitter (safe families would require them to be certified, there’s no prudent parenting standard), and even if I was I can’t imagine finding someone who’d risk getting sick, and even if I could I couldn’t afford it. I have family in the area, but nobody who’d volunteer to babysit a sick child while I work. (Mostly when I hear about people with that kind of family support it’s from their mom, and my mom is dead.)
What am I missing? I know single parents exist and manage sick kids. Do they accept the need to take significant PTO and the limits that places on their ability to perform at work? Do they accept getting no sleep so they can catch up on work after the baby is asleep? I guess if I was truly committed I’d do some combination of those things. Am I a terrible person because I’m not willing to? (I should also say — my job is really important to me. I work for a nonprofit doing the most important work I can think of. In terms of helping people, my job does that more than hosting does. And, I’m in my early career and I want to build my reputation as a top performer. I know there are different considerations for different people.)
Of the three hostings I’ve done that involved daycare, all three have had kids home unexpectedly. Charlie was home for a day and played independently and it went fine. Bella was home for 7 consecutive work days and it wasn’t great, but she watched a lot of Barbie Dreamtopia and we muddled through. Now with Deshaun, today is the 5th consecutive work day (one day off and then 4 days working while also caring for him). Is that level of daytime childcare need typical in yalls experience? If I’m not able to manage it, does that mean I’m not cut out for hosting and should stop doing it?
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adcmans · 7 months
This is just a bit of my story and yes it is my Sona and yes I’m reposting this again since I deleted the other one. Thanks to @cypriathus for helping me fix up the writing you should check them out!! I will post this on A03 if your interested!
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Sora was on her laptop looking for jobs to work, she was staying with a friend she met while she left home. Sora leaned on the table with her right hand, while her other hand was tapping on the table. She was humming a song that she had stuck in her head. She needed money to start looking for a house and pay back her friend who has been paying for her college tuition. Sora was too busy to even notice that the door opened, hearing it open and close. Stolas, a friend of Sora, entered the living room and saw her distracted. However, his footsteps broke her concentration and Sora turned her head towards his direction to greet Stolas. He went near her to see what she was looking up.
“I heard from a friend at the local club that there is a job at the Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. Apparently, they’re in need of more people. Imagine eating a lot of pizza and seeing the other animatronics in person. I heard about them before when I was a youngster!” Stolas boomed, with excitement begging Sora to work there.
“I did hear about that from a couple of people before. It’s supposedly fun to go there and that the animatronics look so real, but I’m not so sure. I’m afraid that I might mess up,” Sora calmly said with a sigh, searching up the Pizzaplex to see most of the animatronics and was surprised to see how big it was.
Stolas moved in closer to Sora, moving her hand away from the laptop and looking at the website. He found the help wanted section, and showed Sora of how much she gets paid, her duties, and potential benefits. Stolas turned the chair around grabbing Sora’s shoulder and started to beg.
“I promise it’s going to be super fun and I know you won’t screw up. There is going to be music and a bunch of kids!” Stolas said, shaking her with a smile plastered on his and exploiting her weaknesses.
“Is it worth it? Maybe I should give this job a try. It’s nice to get pizza and listen to music from a job like this,” Sora thought to herself.
Sora rolled her eyes and just clicked the hired sign. She told Stolas to leave her alone, while she put in her information and he left with excitement. Sora started to laugh and put in the information that’s required for this job.
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hireanything · 1 year
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Hire Home Appliances Near Me| hire-anything
If you're looking to hire home appliances in your area, look no further than Hire-Anything.com. We make it easy to find and rent appliances from trusted local vendors. From refrigerators and ovens to washing machines and dryers, we've got you covered. Simply enter your location and the type of appliance you need, and we'll show you a range of options to choose from. Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and secure, so you can feel confident in your rental experience. Say goodbye to the hassle of buying and storing appliances and hello to convenient, affordable rentals with Hire-Anything.com.
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Steven Stone and his S/O living together headcanons
first headcanon of the year, so yall know it's gotta be with my boi steven!
just some cute domestic fluff. gn! reader, not proofread lol
When Steven asked you to move in
Randomly one rainy day as you watched a movie
Cuddled up on his couch in Mossdeep
You couldn’t even fathom saying no
It meant a lot, him offering you his space, his time, for the foreseeable future
And it just solidified how strongly he felt for you
Plus, it was such a quaint litte home by the sea!!
Steven… well he’s never really lived with someone before
Sure, he’s lived with his father
But that was when he was a kid, in a huge mansion, with a flurry of nannies and maids
Totally different to two adults moving in together
So it’s definitely an adjustment
Though he’s still very excited!
His cupboards are so bare oml
In terms of both food and cooking utensils
You’ve barely placed your first moving box
Before you’ve dashed to the nearest grocery store
And bought a cart’s worth of pantry and freezer staples
(You’re also gone ahead and ordered MANY kitchen gadgets, that Delibird should be here with them by tomorrow)
Despite Steven insisting that it’s your home now
He pays for practically everything related to your house
He’s such a sly bastard about it too
Like he keeps ‘forgetting’ to set you up with one of the bills
Or he already has his card out by the time your cashier is done ringing up your shopping
While it is very nice to be looked after financially
Especially by such a stunning male specimen
You still want to contribute, even in a minor way
He does eventually relent and let you pay for the PokeStarFlix subscription and some milk sometimes
The house has a very specific feel to it
Fresh, slightly sweet, slightly salty air
Always a touch cold
Tidy and spare, but still cosy
Noticeably warmer and homier since you’ve moved in
Steven definitely likes having someone who cooks in the house
Whether you only know how to make ramen or are basically a god in the kitchen
There is just something just so wonderful about a homemade meal to him
Especially by the person he loves most in the world <3
You know he’ll be hugging you from behind as you tend to something on the stove
While he is forbiddenfrom even touching the oven
He does try help out by cutting veggies or doing the wash-up after
Of course, he would never pressure, or even expect, you to cook for him
He’s more than willing to take you out for dinner or have something delivered
Even hire a chef for a day
You think that last option is a little much but you appreciate the sentiment
Surprisingly, despite Steven being a wealthy heir and all that
He’s actually quite… competent about looking after himself and his space??
He cleans up after himself
Vacuums, dusts, mops, etc.
Even does his own laundry
He LOVES his steamer
Though most of his stuff is dry-clean only so his washing machine is not used too often
At first, Steven is firm on keeping his office as his space only
He has a lot of paperwork to do and rocks to inspect
You don’t mind, since you get the run of the rest of the house
This rule doesn’t last long however
He’s quickly come to love just having you around
He’s lowkey clingy like that
Your presence is so comforting to him
So, he starts encouraging you to come sit in his office
“It’s a quiet place to read,” he’d say
“There’s a socket for your laptop,”
“You can keep your craft supplies in there,”
“You’re beautiful and I really want you near me while I work,”
You don’t really need convincing haha
Making your own little corner
Which you decorate with your favourite stones and some of your work/hobby stuff
When you’re in there together, you tend to keep to yourselves, yet still relishing in each other’s presence
While you both sneak glances at each other
And occasionally get up to give each other kisses
Steven still travels from time to time
You were already used to this from before you lived together
But going from waking up to him every day to sleeping on your own for a week or more
Does make your home feel a little empty
And your heart a little achy
Enough to make you stop Steven from doing his thing?
Absolutely not!
You can’t not let the guy whose last name is literally Stone hunt for rare stones!
Or do his job!
Plus, he always invites you along, so it’s not like he’s intentionally ditching you
He even gives you the option of joining him on his trips a little later on if it suits better
It is nice after a long week to just hop on a plane and stay somewhere exotic with your hot, eccentric boyfriend
Relaxing with Steven is somewhat of a funny sight
You’d be in your favourite hoodie and sweats/leggings
Hair not done
And he’ll be in a crisp shirt and slacks
Freshly showered, shaven and styled
Even a waistcoat/vest!
To him, no blazer = fun, casual
His pjs are so fancy and formal too wtf
Though he is not opposed to getting matching carbink or tinkaton onesies
The quality of your toiletries after moving in? Out of this world
Steven gets the good stuff
Luxurious creams, hydrating lotions, masks that leave your face so soft
And he’s totally willing to share his haircare/skincare products with you
Or buy you the ones specific to your wants/needs
You love, love, love rainy mornings in Mossdeep
Waking up next to your silver-haired dreamboat
Snuggling under the covers
Listening to that gentle pitter-patter
Before eventually pulling yourselves out of bed
Getting yourselves presentable
Then you put together some breakfast while he makes coffee (about the only thing he can compentently make)
And you sit together and idly chat and just bask in each other’s company
Just very peaceful and lovely
Which is a good way to describe your home with him :)
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sixshotsinatumbllr · 5 months
Part 3 of rating Good Omens characters based on whether I would employ them in my IRL cafe
Part One Part Two
I'm eventually going to run out of characters that I can find GIFS for, in the meantime, let's keep this going.
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Newt Pulsifer
That's a firm no. He doesn't come with any references whatsoever, and when he emailed his resume my laptop crashed.
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He has a trial for a few shifts but he's just too sloppy with keeping the kitchen clean; he leaves spills everywhere and doesn't clean them up, causing a food safety hazard. We will get him in for the occasional weekend service as an extra when we are really desperate, because he has a good rapport and service manner with the customers.
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He got a job but was fired within a week for being an entitled brat. However, we let his sister Jemima set up a stall selling her ceramics out the front during the school holidays, and we provide her all the free milkshakes she wants.
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I feel like putting Hastur anywhere near food would be a health violation.
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I have mixed feelings about Ligur. Part of me feels like he might sell illicit drugs out of the back door, and half of me thinks he'd be a very focused and useful chef. It's 50/50 on this one.
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We don't have the set up to cater to Saraquel's mobility needs as an employee in our rabbit warren of a kitchen space, and that's on us. She would make a great employee and we are missing out by not providing a more diversity-friendly workplace.
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Sister Mary Loquacious
Um, no. Doesn't feel like a good idea. But I'd hire her after her character arc into Mary Hodges, that woman has business acumen. We might go to a paintball training event she runs.
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Warlock dowling
He and Ennon had one shift together and it was totally disastrous to us, they are both no longer working with us but are best friends now.
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I can imagine Uriel with big Chef Knife tattoos and tattoos of botanical drawings of heirloom vegetables all up her arms. She's a gun cook and we put her on the busiest shifts. She fails to talk to anyone because clearly none of us are worthy.
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Nah, she's one of the bikers that come in and get a big brekkie on the weekend in the middle of their bike trip up the mountain.
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deathnot-e · 4 months
hii kuroh!! i was reading through ur s/i descript and saw you mention a few aus? :0c i wanted to ask more about them! (@eveningshards)
heyo, haze! ♡♡ go make yourself your favorite hot drink and maybe pick up a snack because we're going to be here a while. okay maybe not but. I love talking about my aus, hehe. no spoilers though, I'd love to translate my fanfics someday and maybe [and that's a huge maybe] turn them into fan comics when I get better at drawing. so. no spoilers. ♡♡
so, yes, I have three aus. one for kuroh/light, one for kuroh/L and one for kuroh/light/L.
more info under the cut because this got lengthy. oops.
EDIT - I am an idiot and forgot the tw/cw. trauma mention, amnesia mention, canon typical murders/violence in case the mention of kira makes you uncomfortable. I think that's about it.
in the kuroh/light one [polar bear panic], light finds kuroh one night. kuroh has been sitting in the same spot for hours, dressed too lightly for winter and looking very disoriented. light stops and talks to him and realizes that the man has lost about 80% of his memories. that intrigues him, of course, and he starts to wonder if maybe that's a trap laid by his enemies. maybe near/mello/someone else hired this boy to learn about him more while pretending to be an innocent man with amnesia. but no. he genuinely does have amnesia due to trauma. they uncover what happened together and end up falling in love.
in the kuroh/L one [cybercafé cuties], L arrests kuroh thinking that he is kira. kuroh has a blog on which he publishes very accurate analysis and theories about kira despite not having access to a lot of information - he bases them on what he observes himself as well as what he hears in the news and reads on the internet. L immediately thinks that he's involved, but no. he's just someone who's smart enough to never publish his theories from the same cybercafé and never from his own phone/laptop to ensure not being caught by kira. cause let's be real, someone as dangerous as that probably wouldn't appreciate how observant kuroh is, hah. so. yep. he's taken in, L realizes that he has nothing to do with kira and what happens happens.
in the kuroh/light/L [triple threat] one, I'm not entirely sure what happens just yet. the first two aus are the same as they were before, with an improved plot because it's been years and my writing and I have grown, but this one was so ridiculous and unrealistic that I just. had to start over. ideas are starting to come to me though. ♡♡
so yeah, sorry about the dyslexia-flavored word soup. hope everything makes sense, oof.
thank you for asking! ♡♡
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poledancingdinos · 2 years
You’ve Got Me Hooked - Chapter 5
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Riley McKenzie)
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Sex work, stripper, OnlyFans, Mentioned Online Harassment
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @marytudorbrandon @foxyjwls007  @peaches1958 @identity2212  @summersong69​ @liecastillo @islacharlotte​
A/N: If you want to be added or removed from my taglist, let me know!
Please consider giving me a reblog because dumblr is censoring these posts so badly that I struggle to find my own chapters on my blog.
As soon as my boss got to the garage this morning, I asked him about hiring Riley to help with advertising. He’s known me my whole life so when I told him I knew someone willing to help us out, he didn’t ask for more information, he just took down her number. He opened this small shop a few years before I was born and I know it would be devastating for him to have to close it down. 
I don't know much about running a business. Sure, I can run a team and keep track of costs and inventory, but I didn't have to deal with suppliers, banks and customers. I sure as hell can't manage a web page or anything like that.
After I found out about Riley, I checked out "Razzy's" profiles. Not her Onlyfans — that is a line I'm determined not to cross — but I looked at her TikTok and her Instagram. She's good at what she does. She has a big follower count by my uneducated standards and lots of likes and comments. I also made the mistake of reading some of the things people said about her and had to close the app before I did something stupid like march into her room and confiscate her laptop and her phone.
Some people just say how hot they think she is. Lots of them share all the fucked up shit they want to do to her. I’m no saint, I like it rough as much as the next guy, but I don’t plaster my desires across the Internet. Those weren’t the bad ones though. They were fucking nice compared to what I saw next.
I scrolled through dozens of comments from other girls calling her a skank or guys saying how she should be ashamed to do those kinds of things for money. So many people were lashing out at her from completely anonymous profiles, each one worse than the last. How does she manage to read that every day? No wonder that poor girl doesn’t feel safe enough to wear anything other than pants and hoodies in front of me.
Despite all that, I have to say, I can see her talent and skill showing even if it has nothing to do with the typical corporate bullshit. The colors and tones of the videos are consistent throughout the posts and they always compliment that bright pink hair that I assume is a wig since Riley's blond locks don’t look like they’ve ever been colored.
I text Riley a quick heads-up to expect a call then put my phone back in my locker. Aika is asleep under a nearby table, knowing well enough to stay away from the lifts and other tools and machinery. She’s content just being near me and the loud noises are nothing compared to the sound of bombs and gunfire she was trained to endure.
I’m the first one here every morning. Sometimes I go to the gym first but I still make it in by 8 am to open up. More often than not, I wrap up whatever job the other guys don’t quite finish or I do the final checks before returning a car to a customer.
My boss, Don, handles all the bookkeeping and most of the administrative work with the help of his wife since his arthritis made him incapable of working on the cars. They had a pretty good business going for the best part of the last forty years until all the larger chains started undercutting his prices. A few of the other mechanics had to leave and find better paying jobs elsewhere because there wasn’t enough work here to go around.
It doesn’t help business that the building is falling apart on the outside. The parking lot is in such dire need of being repaved that I’ve become an expert at maneuvering cars around the pot holes and deep cracks. It looks nothing like it did back before I enlisted.
It used to be that the garage ran off word-of-mouth alone with most of the locals adopting the garage because it was just that — local. But now, no one could blame customers for taking their business somewhere cheaper or somewhere they deem more reliable even if it is a half hour drive away from town. A lot of the old clientele have either retired or moved away since the garage was started, meaning there is no inherent loyalty from the townspeople. It’s just how things work these days.
I’m busy doing an oil change when I hear a car pull into the lot. In fact, I heard it approaching from the main road long before it ever reached the turn off. That car sounds like a bunch of bolts in a garbage disposal even over the loud music and the various power tools the other guys are using.
I roll out from under the car, expecting to greet a potential customer but instead I’m surprised to see Riley stepping out of the vehicle. I’ve noticed before that her car doesn’t look in great shape but I always assumed it was mostly aesthetic. If I had realized how bad it is I would’ve offered to take a look at it a long time ago.
I exit through the open workshop door with Aika trailing close behind. As soon as she sees her approaching, a wide smile spreads over Riley’s face. She bends down, burying both hands in Aika’s fur.
“Hey, sweet girl.”
“I take it Don called ya?”
“He did.” Riley stands, catching my gaze but as soon as she does, she turns her eyes towards the ground. She tries to play it off by wiping the dust from the knees but I know that she is just that shy.
She isn’t wearing her typical sweatshirt and leggings, instead opting for a cream blouse and fitted black pants that show off her beautiful figure. She looks every bit the professional put together woman I know she strives to be. She obviously put some thought into what she wore, because it’s not so fancy that she’d appear stuck up to a bunch of guys literally covered from head to toe in oil and grease on a day to day basis. It’s perfect.
"I'll show you to the office,” I say, pointing over my shoulder.
I lead Riley inside, being mindful not to get grease on anything, and knock on Don's door frame. The door was taken off its hinges long before I started working here. Part of the reason is so he can keep an eye on the work floor and be available if we need him. The other half of it is because he makes sure to say "hi" to every person that comes in even if they don't need his help.
"Hey boss, Riley's here to see ya."
"Miss McKenzie, how wonderful to meet you." He stands, shaking Riley's hand.
"The pleasure is mine, Sir."
"Oh, none of that, call me Don. Please, sit."
I take that as my cue to leave, going back to my work. I glance towards the office every so often and every time, Riley has a smile on her face. She takes notes of whatever Don is saying, nodding along.
It's funny how different this Riley is to the girl I've come to know. Instead of making herself as small as possible, she's sitting straight with her head up and shoulders back, meeting Don's gaze as they talk over their ideas.
Over an hour later, she stands and shakes Don's hand again. She walks out through the office door and makes her way to her car with a small wave my way.
When my day is over, I go to the office to drop off my day's paperwork then poke my head in to say goodbye to Don.
"I'm headin' out."
Don lifts his head from the stack of invoices he's reviewing.
"Alright, Son, thank you."
I don't want to meddle but I can't help myself from asking about how the meeting went.
"So, umm, what didja think of Riley?" 
He crosses his arms over the desk, leaning closer.
"Oh she is just lovely, Sy. Smart and beautiful, you've got yourself a real catch there."
Something in my chest warms at the praise but I have to remind myself that she is not mine to be proud of and never will be. When Sam said she filmed videos with other girls I figured he was just making it up to try and catch my interest but I’d seen enough on “Razzy’s” profiles to know he’d been telling the truth.
"Actually, we're just friends. Barely know her if I'm being honest."
Don's eyes go wide. "My apologies, I thought she said something about you two living together."
I guess he would have assumed that. Not many people in his day believed in living together out of wedlock so us living as roommates must be strange.
"We do. But we didn't know each other before I moved in. We both know I don't make enough to pay for my own place right now and there aren't a lot of men my age looking for roommates."
Like that, any remnants of a smile is completely wiped from Don's face. "I know, Sy, but I really can't —"
I stop him immediately because I have no intention of trying to guilt him into paying me more.
"I didn't mean it like that, Don. I just meant sharing with Riley might not be a conventional choice but it works out well for the both of us."
He nods in understanding.
"That car of hers sounds like a real piece of work."
"You can say that again," I say, sinking into the chair opposite him. This is shaping up to be a long conversation so I might as well get comfortable.
"She's refusing to let me pay for her work until she has proof that it helped us bring in more business."
I scoff, shaking my head. "That sounds like her alright."
She rarely stands up for herself but if ya offer to pay something of hers, she gets as stubborn as a mule.
"She also said the money would be better invested elsewhere."
"I doubt gettin' the the lot paved costs the same as a couple hours of her time."
"No, you're right about that." He pauses, looking down at the invoices on his desk. He pulls open the bottom drawer of his desk, taking out two glasses and a bottle of something that looks an awful lot like whiskey. He pours us both a generous amount and slides mine across the desk. "But if she comes back after crunching the numbers and tells me what I've been thinking for a while, I'll take out a second mortgage on the house."
"What?" Now I know why he pulled out the liquor. "No, I'm not lettin' ya do that Don."
The last thing any man his age needs is another loan to pay off. If he's even mentioning it to me it means he's already talked it over with his wife and that she’s agreed. He’s serious about this.
"If it means saving this place and keeping it going then, yes, I am. Your father and I worked too damn hard on this place to see it go down. I don't have any kids of my own but as far as I'm concerned, half of this place is yours and you deserve to have yourself a stable income to provide for your own family some day."
His words cause my throat to tighten up and I have to swallow down a gulp of whiskey before I can respond.
"Well, just know that I will be by your side every step even if we do have to shut this place down."
He takes a sip of his own drink.
"You're a good man, Sy. Your daddy would be proud."
Fuck, this has really turned into a liquor kind of conversation. I simply nod, looking over his shoulder at the framed picture on the wall behind him. My pop and a much younger Don smile back at me, my pregnant mama on one side and Charlotte, Don's wife, laughing brightly on the other. 
"I'll see ya tomorrow, Don."
“Get home safe.”
Those are always Don’s parting words. I never took them seriously until the first time I shipped out. Then they got a whole new meaning after my parents were killed in that car wreck.
I shoot the remaining whiskey from my rocks glass, focusing on the slight burn down the back of my throat then get to my feet. “Will do, Don.”
For the second day in a row, Riley is at the island when I get home. She has a set of colored pencils spread out around her computer and sheets of paper strewn from one end of the counter to the other.
“You know, Don doesn't expect you to get back to him tomorrow.”
She doesn’t look up or move from her spot. She just keeps coloring with her head tilted to the side and worrying her bottom lip between her teeth.
“I know, but I want to brainstorm while the ideas are still fresh.”
Fuck, she is adorable. All I want is to go up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I’d rest my chin over her head and look at all the ideas she’s put on paper. I’d tell her how much it means to me that she’s doing this for my godfather.
“Have ya eaten?”
“I have stew simmering on the stove. Should be ready in about an hour. I got bread from the bakery on the way home and —” Her sentence is cut off when her eyes land on me. “Sy, why are you green?”
“Aika and I went to the park.”
She gives me one of those cute little giggles that she always hides by putting her hand over her mouth or making her hair fall in front of her face.
“You know, normally, the dog is supposed to be the one rolling in the grass.”
I finally get my boots off and step further into the apartment. “Where’s the fun in that?”
She shakes her head at me and waves me off. “Alright, shoo. You’re trailing grass and mud everywhere and in all honesty, I can smell you from here.”
I give her a mock salute. “Yes ma’am. I’ll let ya get back to work.”
I take my shirt off, leaving it inside out in an attempt to keep at least some of the dirt contained. Riley immediately turns away but not before I spot how her eyes trail over my chest. Maybe she isn't completely uninterested after all.
Chapter 6
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