#Hillary Younger
innervoiceartblog · 5 months
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“Each bough and branch gave me a map, not only of that moment but also of what had been lived by me and what might still be found. The nature in that forest harboured my life within her lap and held it out for me to retrace and to know again. She had it all, inscribed into her bark. I had become part of her body; there were traces of me laced among the trees, scattered on the forest floor, caught inside the mosses, harboured in the damp air of the night. The forest knew me simply because I had walked through her remembering heart.” ~ Carolyn Hillyer, Book of Hag
Photo: Ancient forests near Hatfield River, Tarkine, Tasmania. Photographed by Hillary Younger, Tarkine in Motion 2016.
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firerose · 1 year
Nine overthrowing the egg council would be pretty cool....and funny considering he’s still a child or atleast a teenager
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i can't even get angry about american zoooomers falling for bullshit bc we see it all the time with boomers and x and millennials and the common denominators are 1) american education 2) the human brain
so we can and possibly should give breaks to people falling for conmen up to a point
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brokenhardies · 2 years
an 11pm fun amber and jake nickname update;
he calls her mija (daughter) the most often, but will also call her cariño (darling), niñita (little girl) or hermañita (little sister)! sometimes when shes being stroppy, he calls her princesa (princess)
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
Do you think Biden's age is an overblown issue? It does to me because like, believe or not, we do intact have a system to take care of this, and all the times we've had to use if before have worked
If Biden dies, Harris takes over
If Biden deteriorates to the point of being unable to perform his duties (personally I consider this unlikely but I digress), Harris invokes the 25th
If Biden feels he can no longer perform his duties he steps down and let's Harris take over
Which is more than I can say for trump or the lunatic he'll choose for a vp
And that last point about Biden stepping down is important, Biden's sharper than people give him credit for, I do think he intends to serve a full term if reelected, but I do think he's also considered the possibility of being reelected, serving a year or two in that term, and then stepping down and letting Harris take over
Of course the thing with Harris is people right now are transparently trying to do to her what they did to Hillary leading up to 2016, and infuriatingly, people either don't see it or they're falling for it again!
It's the most fucking overblown thing ever, and represents the usual insane double standard. The media mentions Biden's age ALL THE TIME, and yet doesn't mention that Trump is just three years younger at 77, demonstrably in far worse physical shape, and clearly on the express train to senility. Whereas Biden is fit, active, bikes, works out, and otherwise is fine. Is he old? Yes. Who cares? He knows how to do the job and he is certainly a hell of a lot healthier than say, Mitch McConnell (81), who has openly frozen up on TV twice and plainly is not well. If it was Biden doing that ONCE, let alone twice, the media would be howling nonstop bloody murder. McConnell? Eh. Footnote.
Also, a lot of the scaremongering about Biden's age is directly related to scaremongering about Harris. If you vote for him and then he doesn't finish his term for whatever reason, A WOMAN OF COLOR WILL BECOME PRESIDENT AND BE IN CHARGE OF THIS COUNTRY!!!! That is the underlying message. Of course there is a system that handles it if the president, God forbid, should happen to die in office. But Oh Noes It's Scary Female Brown Kamala. Do you want to risk your vote for Biden knowing that ____SHEEEEE_____ might end up finishing his term in some capacity!?!?! She is scary! And brown! And female! And brown!!! We can't let her be in charge!!!
Anyway, yeah. It's total BS, and the fact that the media is fanning it as hard as they can means that they can't think of any way to attack Biden on substantive policy or any other legitimate grounds. So they'll just go after the age thing nonstop, and cross their fingers that it works. Which if it did, would mean ending democracy for realsies this time, but as long as they make money, who cares!
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maysrinn · 2 months
The Snow „Capitol AU“ Family Tree ❄️🥀
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The official Capitol AU family tree including future in-laws!
A few side facts:
It's been noted that the Snow family's legacy is dwindling due to Xanthos never marrying and Rosalyn taking on the surname Dovecote. Janus, faced with having two daughters – Valeria, the elder, and Cassia, the younger (who happens to be the most fervent Everlark enthusiast in all of Panem) – is striving desperately for a son. Cassia on the other hand has made it clear to her father that if there won't be a little brother to carry on the family name, pledging to uphold it herself. Janus simply smiled at her enthusiasm, affectionately ruffling her hair.
Janus also a girl!dad he‘s still just trying to live up to the expectations of his father
Livia and Hilarius were an arranged marriage, both of them have no problem with the other seeking other company as long as it is in private
Clelia is older then Plutarch by 3 years
Janus and her are university sweethearts, shes a year younger than him.
Coriolanus argued with Festus for hours about Rosalyn NOT taking on the surname Dovecote, we can see how that ended.
Aurelius Dovecote is the youngest grandchild at 10 with Cassia being 12 and Valeria being 17
Aurelius is also the only grandchild that has a traditional covey color second name ✨Merigold✨
If there are official names that I Changed and got wrong my deepest apologies! I didn’t found or remembered them qwq
The Baird family tree is up next! 🕊️
Edit: I MISSPELLED HILLARY 🥲 aka Hilarius
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empirearchives · 4 months
Is it true that Napoleon Bonaparte used to know and associate with the Robespierre brothers? Like from what I've heard, he was pretty serious about it, to the point that it hampered his career post-thermidor. (It would make the stereotypical depictions of the Terror in Napoleon 2023 pretty hillarious, honestly.)
Yeah, it’s true. According to Saliceti (a Montagnard politician from Corsica), Napoleon was “their man” (1).
The first known mention of Robespierre by Napoleon was on 23 January 1791. He wrote a piece called Lettre à Buttafuoco. Matteo Buttafuoco was a Corsican politician. In it, he writes: “O Lameth! Oh Robespierre! O Pétion! O Volney! O Mirabeau! O Barnave! O Bailly! O La Fayette! This is the man who dares to sit next to you!” (2)
Napoleon was a political ally of the Robespierre brothers. As far as I know, he never met the older Robespierre brother in person, but he did meet and know the younger brother. They were associates and even became friends. Augustin Robespierre wrote to his older brother “the citizen Bonaparte commanding the artillery is of transcendent merit.” (2)
In 1794, Napoleon accepted an “unofficial” position in the Committee of Public Safety’s war office, specifically at the historical and topographical office. While he worked there, he wrote to his brother “I am swamped with work at the Committee.” (3)
This is how Pontécoulant, who oversaw him at the topographical bureau, described Napoleon at this job:
“It was not a mere sinecure that he had accepted, he sometimes worked fifteen hours a day, . . . and the considerable number of memoranda, reports, letters, and documents of all kinds that he wrote . . . would fill several volumes. Never, even during the campaign of 1794, had the topographical office of the Committee of Public Safety . . . deployed such activity; he maintained continuous communications with the leaders of the different armies, and their staffs, astonished, learned from then on to know this nervous style, full of precision, movement and masculine energy.” (4)
It was during this time that he was asked to write a general memorandum on grand strategy. It was titled Sur la position politique et militaire de nos armées de Piémont et d'Espagne (On the political and military position of our armies of Piedmont and Spain). The person he submitted it to was Augustin Robespierre in June 1794.
Frank McLynn’s description of the memoranda:
“Basing his strategy on the writings of Guibert de Bourcet, Napoleon devised a plan that enabled the Army of Italy to advance to the watershed of the Maritime Alps, having secured control of the passes of Col d'Argentière, Tende and St-Bernard. With the enthusiastic support of Augustin Robespierre, who took Bonaparte's memorandum to Paris with him, Napoleon argued that if the French attacked in Piedmont, Austria would be forced to come to the aid of her Austrian possessions and thus weaken her position on the Rhine, allowing the French to strike a knockout blow there. Napoleon's chances of getting the plan accepted looked good, for his new commander-in-chief, General Dumerbion, deferred in all things to the political commissars; Saliceti and Augustin Robespierre, in turn, nodded through anything military that came from the pen of Napoleon.” (5)
Augustin sent Napoleon to Genoa for a diplomatic mission on 11 July 1794. So, the Robespierres were behind the beginning of Napoleon’s long diplomatic career. In fact, Napoleon was still on this mission when he learned about the death of the Robespierre brothers (28 July 1794).
Earlier that year, the younger Robespierre brother had actually proposed that Napoleon take command as head of the Paris National Guard and replace François Hanriot in Paris. Napoleon considered it, but decided to keep his post instead.
Hanriot was executed the same day as the Robespierre brothers. Who knows, perhaps the same fate would have happened to Napoleon had he accepted the offer.
Nevertheless, according to Jean Tulard “the 9th of Thermidor opens a difficult period for him”. (2) He was arrested in the south of France for his association with the Robespierre brothers. The order was signed on August 6th, and he was imprisoned for over a week (August 9th-20th).
The fact that Napoleon had been in a foreign country (Genoa) on a mission for the Robespierre brothers at the time of 9 Thermidor was used against him.
According to Patrice Gueniffey, “Napoleon spent his spare time reading the history of Marshal Maillebois’s campaigns in Italy and writing a long, self-justifying memorandum addressed to the representatives […] without saying anything against Robespierre”. (3)
The appeal which released him specified his military acumen. He was considered too crucially important to the war effort to kill or keep imprisoned.
“We are convinced of the possible utility to us of this soldier's talents, which, we cannot deny it, are becoming very necessary in an army that he knows better than anyone, and in which men of this kind are extremely difficult to find.” (3)
So he was released, with his head still attached to his body. But, the situation had definitely changed for him. The representatives were cautious about him and refused to reemploy Napoleon as commander of the artillery. Nevertheless, he continued to work on the campaigns as part of the staff of General Dumerbion, and working his way up from there.
In 1797, Napoleon evoked Robespierre in a speech in Ancona to a surprised dinner party. He defended Robespierre for his “alleged crimes” and said of him:
“Since its origin,” he tells us, “France has had only one strong government: that of Robespierre.”
The impression of horror that the memory of this man had left on everyone’s minds was so recent, so profound, that it is difficult to imagine the painful surprise this opinion excited, and with what ardor it was opposed. Far from abandoning it, General Bonaparte tenaciously supported it:
“What,” he said, “is a strong government? It is one which has a well-determined useful purpose; the firm will to achieve it; the force capable of making will triumph; finally, the intelligence necessary to properly lead this force. Let’s examine if Robespierre combined all these advantages: What was his goal? The triumph of the revolution. He felt that a counter-revolution would be more bloody, would lead to more cruel, more lasting evils than those that our revolution had demanded and would still require. So he wanted to accomplish it at all costs.” (6)
Did this association have an effect on Napoleon’s career? I would say it definitely impacted his reputation and the perception everyone had of him.
To Madame de Staël (and eventually Victor Hugo), Napoleon was “Robespierre on horseback” (2). Mallet du Pan calls Napoleon “a Corsican terrorist” (7). The royalist pamphleteers had titles like “Robespierre and Buonaparte or the two tyrannies” and “The Jacobins and Buonaparte or historical essay on the alliance of the two tyrannies which oppressed the French nation” (2). In them, Napoleon was described as a “worshiper of Marat, accomplice of Robespierre, vile complacent of Barras” (2). To Metternich, “Napoleon seemed to me the incarnation of the Revolution” (8). He tried to warn the other countries in Europe against making peace with France, because, to him, “No peace is possible with a revolutionary system, whether with a Robespierre who declares war on chateaux or a Napoleon who declares war on Powers” (9). William Pitt the Younger spoke of the “jacobinism of Robespierre, of Barrere” and called Napoleon “the child and the champion of all its atrocities and horrors” (10).
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This is a royalist caricature of Napoleon created by Pierre-Marie Bassompierre Gaston. The caption says “One is always faithful to one's first love”. (Source)
Here is Napoleon’s stance on Robespierre:
“Robespierre died because he tried to stop the effects of the Revolution, and not as a tyrant. Those who wanted to bring him down were crueler than he was: Billaud-Varenne, Collot d'Herbois, etc. He had against him Danton's party, which was powerful and immense. Probably he could not have acted otherwise. I believe that Robespierre was without ambition. . . . Everything I read in the Moniteur teaches me nothing, but it confirms me in the opinion that I had, and settles me in it even more. To be sure, Robespierre was not an ordinary man. He was very superior to everything around him. His discourse on the Supreme Being proves it. Disgusted by what he was hearing, he felt the necessity of a religious system among people who did not want anything, either religion or morals. Morality had to be raised up again. He had the courage to do it and he did it... That was great politics. No doubt he shed blood; that is the other side of the coin, but he is certainly less guilty than Tallien, who slaughtered Bordeaux, or Fréron whom I saw in Marseille taking poor unfortunates by the collar to have them shot. Those men were real killers. Had he [Robespierre] not succumbed, he would have been the most extraordinary man who appeared.” (3)
(1) Adam Zamoyski, Napoleon: A Life
(2) Jean Tulard, De Napoléon et de quelques autres sujets: Robespierre vu par Napoléon
(3) Patrice Gueniffey, Bonaparte: 1769–1802
(4) Le Doulcet de Pontécoulant, Souvenirs historiques et parlementaires
(5) Frank McLynn, Napoleon: A Biography
(6) J. P. Collot, La chute de Napoléon
(7) Albert Sorel, L'Europe et la Révolution française, V. 5
(8) Memoirs of Prince Metternich 1773-1815 Vol. 1
(9) Henry Kissinger, A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812–1822
(10) The speeches of the Right Honourable William Pitt, in the House of Commons, V. 3
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I JUST READ YOUR KILLUA RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS AND I AM SCREAMING. I was wondering if you could please do some domestic Killua headcanons, they don't have to be married headcanons because i know some people aren't comfortable with it. Thank you, take care!
Domestic Killua Zoldyck Relationship Headcanons
Author's note: Hi anon! I'm so glad that you liked my other headcanons so i give you these!
❥ He's used to waking up early for training and stuff, because he always had to for training when he was younger but now that you've gotten him addicted to sleepy morning cuddles and now he complains to no end whenever either you or him have to get out of bed
❥ Like the poor boy will so firmly in denial
❥ "Killua, Love, we have to get going, it's 6am."
❥ "No, it's not, go back to bed, baby."
❥ He has great memory and is always double or triple checking his bag or pockets to make sure he hasn't forgotten anything, so he almost never forgets anything and this helps you out too because he likes to check you're things and packs anything you've forgotten for you along with a little note wishing you a good day.
❥ I know people may think this is kind of a stretch but I headcanon that before he ran away, he learned a lot from the cooks working at his family mansion.
❥ It also really feeds his ego when you compliment his cooking skills lmao. Also he 110% uses his claws to cut up food.
❥ "Hey, pretty face, get me a knife, please?"
❥ "They're all dirty, hold on, let me wash one for yo- okay then."
❥ He still trains pretty often like around 4/7 days a week, so not as much as he used to but he's still staying on top of his game, more so out of habit than him wanting to but he does still enjoy it. 
❥ But lets remember that he has a very, very, very large amount of stamina so he can train for a long time.
❥ So more often than not, you get tired before him so you go to get a drink or eat and just watch him workout, you know, for ideas for things to next time, definitely not check him out, no sir 😭
❥ Going grocery shopping with him will go one of two ways. Either, he has a list, he’s a man on a mission, he’s determined to stick to the list, he’s a man with a vision, nothing shall sway him.
❥ Until he enters the store and sees some new chocolate or candy that he hasn’t tried. All that resolve? Gone.
❥ You end up getting things that you guys actually need and he’s just standing there with like 50 packs of whatever it is that he bought lmao 😭
❥ He likes to take you on at least one date every week. But he’s started avoiding parks, (unless you want to go ofc) because once a little kid called him an old man because of his white hair and poor Killua practically died.
❥ When you two were decorating your shared home, he wanted pretty neutral oe dark colours but he caved when asked for a brighter colour scheme but he, to this day, still says it looks like a Teletubbie threw up in there, but he loves it.
❥ Movie nights happen often but he didn’t want to watch titanic at first because he said, “It’s going to be so boring and lame.” but cue him at the movie literally a sobbing mess😭
❥ He never recovered lmao
❥ He tried to start a flower garden and just forgot about it for a week and all the flowers died. He restarted it but you take care of it for him because he’s still pretty forgetful about it but he’s convinced he’s done it all himself because you decided not to tell him.
❥ You know that one meme that’s like, “You’ve been home for an hour and a half and not even once, not one time have you tried to cuddle me and it’s pissing me the fuck off, I want my fucking cuddles.”? Yeah that’s him, he gets so moody without physical contact from you, it’s hillarious.
❥ He likes to make fun of people who can’t do basic house chores but then you walk in on him wrestling a fitted sheet and swearing like a sailor😭
❥ He can cook, as I’ve mentioned before, but he also like junk food and it won’t do shit to him because of his fast metabolism.
❥ You guys have a cat named flip-flop (thank killua for that) and he SPOILS it so much.
❥ “Come on, Y/n, Flip-flop would never scratch the curtains. Isn’t that right Flip-flop?” And it meows like it’s agreeing.
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@mayttesworld  @v3ntit0p1a  @eiswife 
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infernothechaosgod · 5 months
I think we as a society need more Raph giving usagi the shovel talk
People say donnie would be very protective/jaleous of leo And I agree but do not forget about my boy raph, he would bring the accual shovel to the shovel talk
Also idk why but I find the image hillarious like Raph is so calm most of the series, and he deals with his emotions the best but keep in mind those are his baby siblings, and you have no idea how family/close friends get when the younger one get's into their first relationship
they act as if the universe is ending and it's funny as shit everytime
There like this everytime
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blorbocedes · 21 days
im not og anon but theres never girlnico hetcedes its an actual crime. Nico is already underestimated and downplayed in comparison to lewis as is, itd be so much more intense with girlnico. I think there would be so much more envy and bitterness with their relationship🤷‍♀️ not even just in a racing sense but with nico being a girl driver the whole grid would be after her and lewis would be frothing at the mouth but not saying anything… i think theyre neat and should fuck raw
i think it's hard to get hetcedes with girl nico done right in a racing au cause a lot of the tension esp early brocedes years fanon is lewis grappling w desire for nico vs being closeted vs wanting to crush him to dust, so how would that translate in the gendered dynamics when lewis wld simply feel normal and even entitled to end up with nico in the heterosexual sense. it also becomes an underdog v underdog story like girl champion vs first black champion like okay hillary vs obama 2008
i think there's definitely a lot to chew on and it def can be done, I just have a hard time conceptualising it
my personal girl!nico hetcedes is where nico quits karting after hitting the ceiling for girl racers and goes off to imperial while childhood friend lewis becomes the world champion, lives out the dream. and then nico returns to the paddock as toto's problematically younger 25 y/o gf 😁 and lewis feels all types of way about it...
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
Just read
what you're longing for (you claim to abhor)
It was amazing
Could we get another a fic like this but with nore focus on Jasons age? I think it be hillarious if they all thought he was younger than tin and everyone keeps trying to get him to come move into the manor. He said something to Dick probably like "for **** sake dickwing hes 15!" Only they miss the hes or maybe jasons voice filter messes up and they jow think the red Hood is 15. Jasons annoyed but as Jason thearter kid Todd hes making the most of the situation
Lmao the amount of horror the batfam would feel “knowing” that a veritable child is to blame for the heads in a duffle bag incident lol.
It’s a very fun idea, but I’ve got many other fics to focus on for now. Maybe eventually once I’ve worked through my fic roster 💚
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
Scream Wardrobe HCs Pt. 1- Stu Macher
IDK if anyone will care about this but I've spent so much time thinking about wardrobe so here's some popular 90s clothes and brands I think Stu would have worn
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One of those hypercolour shirts that change colour with different temperatures
He wears it to parties, it lets everyone know when he hooked up with someone (because brightly coloured handprints)
Also he can draw on himself when he's bored
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2. Vans, Timberlands & hush puppies
this feels self explanatory
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3. Those surprisingly short umbro soccer short
his legs are so skinny and he's so tall they only come to like halfway down his thigh
Billy loves hates them
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3. Carhartt jeans
he just has a buch of different cuts and colours of these
he likes the extra pockets for snacks and swiss army knives and sharpies
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4. Skate brands like spitefire and thrasher
Especially when he was younger, the dude looked like he stepped out of thrasher magazine, it was a bit much
he probably still has some of that stuff by late high school but definitely less
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Tatum bought this for him and he actually looks really cute in it
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6. Just like, a bunch of Quicksilver
He got that fake surfer bro vibe
Are you kidding? This man has a Hawaiian shirt
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7. One of those multicolour vertical stripe shirts
this one is Eddie Bauer but Tommy Hilfiger had stuff like this too
Tatum steals it and wears it tied up
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8. The ridiculous joe boxers with the smiley face logo
he thinks he's hilarious
all of his underwear has some sort of atrocious print on it
Billy hates these full stop
help why are bill and hillary clinton in this actual underwear ad
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ems-the-fangirl · 7 months
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Regressor! Ezekiel headcanons
just a sweet lil' guy!also kind of a crybaby
very smol.tiny.anywhere between 1-6 but normally on the younger side and does regress for fun,but also involuntarily (like me lol)
doesn't speak,just babbles and points
loves loves loves animals
very loud and energetic when he's happy! he claps,twirls,and makes little animal noises! (again,like me lol)
that one little type that shoves anything in his mouth
tries to be a good boy for his caretaker,but it's hard not to fuss when they're brushing his hair!that's owie!
loves being picked up,carried,hugged,anything.helps he's surprisingly light
carries a stuffie goose he's had since he was a baby.it's called goosie.
chews on said stuffie goose
loves going for walks in forests!
sleepie but nightmares make sleepy bad
will run off if he sees something interesting
likes to be called things like little man,baby boy,baba,and sweetie!
moos like a cow for no reason other than it being hillarious to him.
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deadpresidents · 8 months
Do you think Biden would have beaten Trump had he run in 2016? I know Biden stepped aside because because of his son, but it also seems likely he stepped aside for Clinton.
Yes, I do think that Biden would have beaten Trump in 2016. I don't know how Biden would have handled a campaign at that time with the death of his son having taken place much more recently, but if he could have emotionally handled the rigors of a full-on Presidential campaign at that time, I think he would have beaten Trump in the general election.
The question to me is whether or not Biden could have won the Democratic nomination in 2016 if he had run against Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Obviously, Biden was younger at the time than he is now and still a much better retail campaigner than Hillary ever was, but I don't know if a Biden campaign in 2016 would have had the same energy as the Sanders campaign that year -- either from the grassroots or from the top-down. It would have been a much different campaign than 2020, as well, because that one took place during the pandemic and Biden was able to run against an historically unpopular incumbent in the midst of botching the worst public health crisis that every voter in America had ever lived through.
The other big question if Biden had run in 2016 is the role of Barack Obama. In 2016, Biden was the incumbent Vice President, finishing his second term of a partnership with President Obama that ended up being one of the closest personal and political relationships that a President and Vice President ever had. But it is no secret that President Obama did not believe that then-Vice President Biden was the best choice to succeed him. Biden's emotional well-being after the death of his son in May 2015 certainly worried Obama, but in books and reporting since that time, it's been apparent that Obama believed that Hillary Clinton made more sense as his successor in 2016 than Biden for a number of reasons. That ultimately resulted in some hurt feelings on the Biden side at the time when Obama seemed to be urging Biden to step aside in 2016 while the Vice President was still considering a potential run. It never impacted Biden's loyalty to the Obama Administration or truly got personal, but it was especially troubling to Biden because he still had not made a final decision about a potential 2016 campaign and one of Beau Biden's dying wishes was that his father would run for President. Obama never directly discouraged Biden from running in 2016; he thought that Biden earned the right to make his own decision about the race, but he was worried about Biden's emotional state in the wake of Beau's recent death, he worried that Biden wasn't the right candidate to defeat Hillary or Bernie for the nomination, and he worried that a potential Biden loss -- either in the primaries or the general election -- would tarnish Biden's overall political legacy and possibly come across as a repudiation of the Obama Administration eight years in the White House.
Of course, Trump's victory over Hillary in 2016 gave Obama's successor the opportunity to immediately start reversing many of Obama's accomplishments and reset the hope and change represented by Obama's successful 2008 campaign. And the irony is that the crucial, traditionally-Democratic blue-collar voters that Hillary Clinton's campaign tended to overlook in 2016 are the same voters that Biden has spent a significant portion of his political career representing and connecting with. So in 2016, Trump won battleground states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Ohio that Obama had won in both 2008 and 2012. Without those states in 2016, Trump wouldn't have defeated Hillary Clinton, and when Biden did run against Trump in 2020, his victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania (Trump once again won Ohio and Iowa) were crucial in the Electoral College.
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Cover Art | Blood at the Root by LaDarrion Williams
A teenager on the run from his past finds the family he never knew existed and the community he never knew he needed at an HBCU for the young, Black, and magical. Enroll in this fresh fantasy debut with the emotional power of Legendborn and the redefined ancestral magic of Lovecraft Country. Ten years ago, Malik’s life changed forever the night his mother mysteriously vanished and he discovered he had uncontrollable powers. Since then, he has kept his abilities hidden, looking out for himself and his younger foster brother, Taye. Now, at 17, Malik is finally ready to start a new life for both of them, far from the trauma of his past. However, a daring act to rescue Taye reveals an unexpected connection with his long-lost grandmother: a legendary conjurer with ties to a hidden magical university that Malik’s mother attended. At Caiman University, Malik’s eyes are opened to a future he never could have envisioned for himself— one that includes the reappearance of his first love, Alexis. His search for answers about his heritage, his powers, and what really happened to his mother exposes the cracks in their magical community as it faces a reawakened evil dating back to the Haitian Revolution. Together with Alexis, Malik discovers a lot beneath the surface at Caiman: feuding covens and magical politics, forbidden knowledge and buried mysteries.  In a wholly unique saga of family, history and community, Malik must embrace his legacy to save what’s left of his old family as well as his new one. Exploring the roots and secrets that connect us in an unforgettable contemporary setting, this heart-pounding fantasy series opener is a rich tapestry of atmosphere, intrigue, and emotion.
Artwork by Hillary D. Wilson
Release date | May 7, 2024 Storygraph
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