#Helen Wick x John Wick
evren-sadwrn · 2 months
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In which; Helen Morgan— a painter, befriends a singer-songwriter by the name of John Wick seeking independence from the record label keeping his music career dull.
thank you 2 @johnwickb1tsch for letting me use the name helen morgan<3
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googoobabajogwick · 1 year
A John Thanksgiving.
Words: 3176
John Wick x sibling! reader
Summary: Helen really wants John to invite some family over for Thanksgiving dinner with her family. Hard part is John doesn’t have any family, but he does have you and that’s the closest thing he’s got.
Warnings: weed smoking lol
John and Helen had been married for two years now. He had never been happier. Everything felt so perfect, so normal, so domestic. His wife knew little about his life before her but she still knew he was an ex assassin. It had taken a while for him to tell her but how could he not when they were planning their wedding.
Helen took it much better than expected, though she was mad he waited six months before the wedding. Her family, they were very judgemental. No matter how hard he tried John didn’t feel like he could be good enough in their eyes. He didn’t really care but family was important for her so he tried.
Thanksgiving was coming up and this year the two of them decided to host again. Last year, her family had made remarks on the lack of family on John’s side but he shut them down by saying they were busy. That was a lie. He didn’t have any family, not any he’d like them to meet at least. Yet Helen had asked once more,
“Are you sure? No friends or family you’d want to invite over?” She was careful with her words, John was a solitary man but he thought for her.
“I suppose there may be two people I could invite..” he scratched at his beard.
The way her eyes lit up made his heart soar. There was no way he could get out of this one.
That led him to where he was now. Old ass notebook with numbers important to him in it laid on his worktable. He hadn’t needed it since he retired but some people were in it he thought he’d ask. Those two people were you and Marcus. His two ‘best friends’ as Helen had put it after he explained your relationship.
Marcus was John’s first choice as he had met Helen at their wedding. He’d said yes the minute the words left the ex assassins mouth. A thanksgiving dinner at the wicks house? Now that was just too hard to pass up. The sniper asked his friend if he planned to invite anyone else and when he tossed the idea of inviting you, Marcus busted out with laughter.
“That’s a great idea!”
So here he was, dialing your number on his old rotary phone. It rang and rang to the point he thought you weren’t going to answer. He did feel a bit disappointed, it would be nice to see you and Helen would love to meet you again. Right as he was going to hang up when he heard you answer.
“Oh my God am I dreaming? Fuck you asshole! It’s been so long you haven’t called in months!” You shouted over the phone though he knew you were playing.
“Yeah, sorry I’ve been busy.” He grimaced over the phone, “I, uh, Helen wanted me to ask if you’d like to come to our thanksgiving dinner this year.”
John could hear you as you shuffled around on the phone and then the sound of papers being flipped. He rolled his eyes. You weren’t doing anything, he knew it. His foot tapped as you made him more and more impatient. He knew if you could see him you’d have a shit eating grin on your face.
“Hmmmmmmm.” You exaggerated,” I guess I could come. A little upset that it’s Helen who wants me to come and not even my own big brother though.”
The two of you weren’t brother and sister. He was starting to regret asking you. You were ten years younger than him, a baby found outside in the alleyway. People always made jokes that you two were like siblings and it was true. You teased him like crazy and he kept you out of trouble. When you were ten and he was twenty you’d bug him like an annoying little sister.
John’s punishments when he’d mess up or do something that pissed off The Director, were to help the younger kids learn to fight and shoot guns. You of course were a part of that group and although you annoyed the shit out of him, he was always softer with you. Even when you were fifteen and bit his leg.
“Please be normal. Her family doesn’t know, they are a bit-“ Pretentious, egotistical, snobby, stupid fucking assholes, “Judgy?” He was trying to be nice.
“HA! Me? Not normal, yeah right. See you on turkey day Johnny!”
You hung up and John stood there for a moment. This was a big mistake. Any other day he wouldn’t care. If it was a normal dinner that would be fine but he was really starting to think of the consequences of inviting you to a holiday dinner with Helen’s family. He took a deep breath.
Helen, of course, was ecstatic to hear you were coming. You’d met her once and it was at their wedding. She thought you were hilarious and fun but her favorite part was when you’d share stupid stories about her husband. It was nice to hear about his youth as he was very private, only sharing what he thought was necessary.
She herself wished her family wasn’t so rude but she had hope that they would soften up someday. The long haired woman was hard at work in the kitchen with John as her helper. He was a very sweet husband who demanded she let him help. If she asked he would do it all himself. He kissed her cheek as he moved to get the turkey out of the oven.
Marcus was the first one to show up and was leaning against the kitchen island with a glass of wine in his hand. People were starting to arrive. John was thankful his mentor was good with people, already charming multiple of Helen’s female relatives. Everyone was intrigued by him, their in-laws' mysterious friend..
Then he heard it. John and Marcus locked eyes with each other. His friend smirked as your booming bass approached his home. Helen looked up wondering what that noise was but based on her husband’s face she knew exactly who it was. He should have invited Jimmy.
Before he knew it you were letting yourself in. Dressed in a sports jersey, sweatpants and a huge oversized zip up hoodie you called out for him.
“Hello! Jonathan, I'm here the party can officially start!” You belted out while shutting the door behind you.
When you turned to greet him you saw everyone staring at you. They were dressed in suits and dresses. Your mouth was agape. You were always super expressive and sometimes it got you in trouble. About to ask if you were in the wrong house John and Helen ran to greet you.
She was shocked as you grabbed her shoulders and left two big kisses on both cheeks. Then you hugged John hello while also scolding him for not telling you there was a specific attire, not that you cared. They introduced you to everyone before you found Marcus. He looked dashing as ever and you told him so.
Things were going very well so far. Helen’s family questioned you about your profession, finding it very odd when you told them you were a doctor. They believed a doctor would hold themselves to higher standards but you just laughed it off because you were the best of the best.
You didn’t get to see much of John as he was busy following his wife around, hosting the holiday. Your elbow hit Marcus’s arm. He looked at you and chuckled knowing exactly what you were hinting at. Your old friend looked so uncomfortable, not that anyone but you and the man next to you could tell. He leaned down so you could hear him.
“Like a lost puppy, look at him..” He shook his head and smirked.
“I want to say it’s sickening but, I actually find it pretty endearing. She’s a very nice woman.” You watched them.
“That she is, sweet too.” He agreed.
The two of you continued to catch up until the socializing became too much. You excused yourself and went out back to smoke. There would be no way you’d get through this without it. Although you hadn’t ever been to their house you made yourself at home. The cool breeze was welcoming compared to the stuffiness inside. You pulled the pre rolled joint out of your pocket and right as you were about to light it you heard someone clear their throat.
It was Helen. You felt a bit bad because you did pull out drugs on her property but she surprised you by sitting down across from you. She seemed a bit stressed but still smiled at you. You almost had the wind knocked out of you when she asked if you would share. In a way you felt guilty like you were a bad influence on the good kid but she was older than you and you were always told to respect your elders.
You lit the joint, taking the first hit and then handed it to her. She took a small hit and started coughing. You handed her your water and she took a sip before laughing. Your hand brought the joint up to your lip to take another inhale. This was top of the line shit, you hoped she would know that. The warm fuzzy feeling started to settle in your mind and you couldn’t help but laugh with her.
“God, I haven’t smoked in years!” She sounded excited.
The two of you spent the next few minutes in silence just passing the rolled joint back and forth. Half way through it though you started talking. Like weed tended to do, you talked about life and all that jazz until the topic of John came up. She told you she was so happy you came and that she knows he’s happy as well.
You were surprised he hadn’t followed her out here. Helen explained to you that as much as she loved her family she hated that they were so rude about her husband to him himself and her. Next year they wouldn’t host, she had enough of all the tension and how everyone getting along was all fake. You agreed with her and finished the joint.
“Tell me something about him that no one else knows.” She giggled behind her hand.
Helen felt like a teenage girl gossiping about her crush but she had to ask. You brought your finger up to rub at your chin as you thought. What’s something you could say that would shock her or embarrass John. You thought long and hard before the lightbulb went off in your head.
“John can dance. Specifically ballet.”
“No way.”
“Yeah way, he had to wear a tutu!”
“No I didn’t.” You jumped at the sound of his voice.
Damn how quiet he could be.
“I invite you to my house and you get my wife high?” John questions.
“You want some? I have another.” You went to pull it out but he put his hand out to let you know he was okay.
“Don’t be such a fuddy-duddy John.” She chastised him and you almost spit your drink out.
“Yeah John.”
“I came out here to tell you the food is almost ready, not to be ganged up on.”
The two of you laughed before Helen got up to go back inside saying she should probably go inside. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and disappeared into the house. You giggled while lighting up the second joint and he continued to stare at her.
“Did she just call you a fuddy-duddy?”
“Yes. Why what would you have said? Actually-“
“Lame, loser, boring…”
“-I don’t want to hear it.” You snickered and kept hitting the joint.
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments before he let out a sigh. John needed the fresh air, though it might not be so fresh with you here smoking but it was better than in the house. He thanked you for coming and you reminded him that you were always only a phone call away, to which he responded that he knew.
It was nice seeing you, John thought to himself. For how annoying and crazy you could be, he’s glad he did it, and that Helen had pushed him too. He forgot how well you two got along even if he’d only seen you interact once. Meanwhile you were smacked. Maybe you shouldn’t have had that second one. You seemed to overdo it a lot.
Something about the way John was looking at you made you start giggling. When he gave you a confused look you just laughed harder. You were almost laying on the chair as you cackled. It was definitely the weed but you couldn’t breathe from how hard you were laughing. You flicked the roach at him but he dodged it.
“What are you laughing at?” His deadpanned voice made you laugh even harder, which seemed impossible.
“You. Man you’re making me laugh, go back inside! Your lover awaits you!”
John realized he wasn’t going to get anything of substance out of the conversation and got up to leave but not without a small chuckle. You were always so weird but you were still right. He knew Helen was waiting for him and that food was ready by now. You were still laughing as your friend told you to come in for food.
“Give me a minute!” You shooed him away.
The air in the house felt almost hot as it greeted you when you came inside. Everyone was sitting at the table staring at you as you made your way to your seat next to Marcus. You looked at them with a raised eyebrow. Jeez, Helen wasn’t joking. Her family did seem judgemental.
“And where were you?” One of the family members asked.
“I went for a walk.” Is all you said even if you wanted to jump over the table and strangle them.
“Smells like it…” Marcus snorted into his glass.
You gave him a light smack and started to fill your plate. The talk of people filled the table but all you could focus on was how good the food was. God damn, Helen was an amazing cook, you don’t think you’ve ever eaten something so good. You thought about how to everyone else you looked more like a hungry dog
devouring your food but you didn’t care.
When you looked up you were correct. Everyone was staring at you. Some in disgust, some in awe and some in confusion. If you looked closer you’d probably see John’s temple twitch at your actions. With slow movements you kept your eye on everyone while still shoving food into your mouth. Helen hid her smile behind her hand.
“What?” You asked with a mouth full of food.
“You say you’re a doctor?” One of the men asked.
You took a big sip of your wine, your mouth was starting to feel dry.
“Yup. One of the best, actually.” Pride, that’s what you felt.
“That’s hard to believe…”
You don’t know who said it but John noticed the way you gripped your knife in your hand. This needed to end now or you’d end it in ways he didn’t want to think about at a nice Thanksgiving dinner with his wife. You stared at the man, almost snarling at him.
“Well, believe what you want but I’ll let you know that I’ve been watching you all night. The way you move your arm I can tell your shoulder hurts you. Is it a torn rotator cuff? I’m willing to bet money on it. Also that your doctor sucks.” Your grip on the knife tightened at the idea of a good time.
“Why you little-“
“Okay! Okay! Let’s just eat. The food is great, let's just focus on the food.” John’s worried voice filled your ears.
The statement was directed more at you, not Helen’s family member. With a slight grumble you let go of the chokehold on your knife and began eating again. Just like that, the whole conversation never happened as you went back into your dream of amazing, sweet and savory food.
The night had ended and almost everyone had left. Marcus left right after dinner saying he had something to attend to. It was just you, John and Helen, and also her parents. You were laying on their couch before you realized that you should get going as well. Your bed was calling your name.
As you were getting ready her mother and father walked up to you. You were putting your coat on. Your face did not hide your confusion as to why they were approaching you. Was it because you threatened their nephew at dinner? Not your fault the man had to challenge your skills.
“So, you and John? You’re siblings?” The mom asked.
“Yes, he’s my big brother. He was in charge of me when we were younger.” You smiled.
“In charge?” The father trailed off.
John could feel your schemes in his bones and found you just in time to hear the conversation.
“No blood relation. She’s adopted.” Leave it to John to ruin everything.
“Um you were too! We had a very big family! That was poor.” John just whacked you upside the head when they looked away.
You rubbed the sore spot while grumbling. Asshole.
The parents looked at John and smiled at him and he had to take a second to believe he wasn’t seeing things. Helen’s parents always kept a distance and never, ever smiled at him. Not even at their wedding. It almost scared him.
“We had no idea you were a self made millionaire Jonathan. All while taking care of a sibling. Good job.” Her father put his hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
John just stood there with his mouth agape. Helen’s parents liked to pretend that he didn’t even exist and now they were smiling and praising him. After a few seconds he shut his mouth and nodded his head. Her parents went to talk to say their goodbyes and left you and him alone.
“Ah Jonathan you have to learn how to work those people. Rich folks, they love any story that fits their narrative. Poor orphan self made millionaire? How inspiring.” You mocked.
John let out a deep chuckle. You were always good at getting people to like you, even if you were annoying and crass. It made sense, you were very smart. You yawned and gave him a hug before he pulled away to open the door for you. You’d already said goodbye to Helen but you called out one more farewell and stepped outside.
“I better be coming back next year.” You laughed when John shut the door in your face.
Helen came up to him and wrapped her arms around him.
“She’s definitely coming back next year.”
He smiled.
“Yeah. She is.”
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greenmanalishi · 1 year
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lycheeloving · 2 months
trying my hand at John Wick texts. broadening my horizons, etc
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johnwickb1tsch · 4 months
picture of domesticity ~ john x wife!reader fix it imagine
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So... what if you were married to John Wick and the writers didn't kill you off just to give the male protagonist the excuse to go on a rampage? And everything John goes through in the movies is so he can come home to you, rather than agonize in just the memory of you?
You're in the car with your new puppy Daisy on your lap when Iosef proposes to buy the 'Stang. John does not like it when he leans in the window, leering at you as much as the car. You don't understand the exchange the men have over your head, though you understand John's body language all too well.
When the creepy boy goes you turn to your husband, hugging Daisy to you. 'It's so hot when you speak Russian," you say, trying to lighten the tension in the car.
He looks at you with an eyebrow raised, the corner of his mouth ticking up despite himself. You've always had that effect on your so- serious husband.
"What did you say?" you ask.
"I called him a bitch."
You giggle, scratching Daisy's ears. "John!"
"What? He said it first."
You sigh and reach over to take John's hand, feeling the tension thrumming down his arm. Usually you can calm him down with just a touch, but this time he remains wound as a spring. You have just been for a drive in the country. 'Let's go home, baby."
He does not calm down when you get home either, though. He is quiet in his agitation. But you know his every tell by now, and you know something isn't right.
He disappears into the basement for a little while. When he returns, he doesn't smell like book glue, but something more chemical.
Gun oil, you realize.
It's been a long time.
"Is everything OK?"
Now you are beginning to worry.
"I'm sure it's fine," he says, opening his arms to you. You snuggle on the couch with Daisy for the rest of the afternoon.
When you wake to the sound of a crash downstairs you almost are not surprised. John's side of the bed is empty. Daisy tries to dash away towards the ruckus, but you secure her in the closet, but not before withdrawing your Beretta 9mm from the jewelry safe.
It was a wedding present.
By the time you descend the stairs, the intruders have been rendered into corpses. John stands in the kitchen with a blood spattered face, looking feral. It catches your breath in your throat.
You are not half as horrified as you should be.
You have not seen that suit in a long time.
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Only later do you find out it was the son of your husband's old associate, Viggo Tarasov.
John says the matter is closed, but you aren't so sure.
When a beautifully dressed Italian with impeccable manners appears at your door, your heart falls to your feet, and you just know they are going to try to take him from you again...
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valentinxd · 14 days
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WIP Here is a sneak peak 😘
Helen and John now have you and Winston is afraid this little game of theirs will spiral..
If there was one thing Winston could do was send you away in hopes that the world who hated the Wicks wouldn’t find their way to you. Of course, this only lasted so long as it became a game for the divorced couple, now all four of you were seated in the New York Continental bar and all you could do was drink your beer and sit in silence.
John Wick was a skilled hitman as you found out, in fact so very skilled that he was a little to damn good at his job and became the most feared of them all.
It didn’t help that he married Helen Moynahan, mostly known as Helen Wick - a powerful woman in the underground who fought, kiss, killed, and burned her way to the top only then to obtain a husband.
Either way Winston thought he could help you, at least save you since both of them were a little too preoccupied in their game. It was a slippery slope straight into obsession and outdoing the other as you now were seated at the bar while both of them sat behind you at a table discussing things as Winston demanded.
Helen only smiled coyly playing with her drink and John only stared back with the same stoic and unreadable nature he was known for, despite the blood on his face.
While you swiveled around in your bar stool, anxious as all hell you immediately turned back around as you saw three men clean up three dead bodies and broken glass. You must have had a reaction because the poor bartender slid you a shot glass full of tequila.
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romangoldendreams · 7 months
If he had any damn purpose in this life, it was to save her.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 4 months
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Cover I drew for my WIP, The Broken Veil, a Helen Wick x John Wick fanfic. Check my pinned post for updates!
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evren-sadwrn · 4 months
i love how in scenes where john wick thinks about his wife, there’s always either light or the color grading turns into yellow/gold
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helen will always be symbolized through sunlight/light because SHE is john’s light. the reason for his defiance against the high table and the reason he is so disciplined into getting the freedom he deserves away from the criminal underworld
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googoobabajogwick · 9 months
summary: you have a window nook in your bedroom with a perfect view of the Wick's house.
note: reader is a creep tbh but i love her and older women soooo anyways this is kinda reader x helen and reader x john no happy ending
word count: 2.5k
Neighbors, neighbors, neighbors.
They are strange. 
In some cases some barely knew each other, yet they knew so much. Living so close they could hear everything. You remembered hearing your neighbors fighting in their backyard and when the baby would cry at night at the other neighbors house. 
Never once had you come in contact with these people but you could tell when the fighting started and stopped, the same car stopped coming over, same people not coming out as much anymore… you saw and heard it all. You’re bound to, in a neighborhood.  All the pieces came together.
You didn’t live in a neighborhood really but in the biggest mansion in Mill Neck, New York with your rich mother who was sick. It sat a little higher up than your neighbors, The Wicks. You had a good view of inside their house though in your bedroom. They had a lot of windows. 
It’s not like you wanted to creep on them but you had a window nook in your room with the perfect view. Plus you didn’t consider it creeping. You’d read hundreds of books there, drank a lot of cups of tea and just relaxed since you were young. Things didn’t change just because you moved back in and were older. 
Both Mrs and Mr. Wick would wave to you occasionally. They would smile and nod.  They seemed to love reading almost as much as you.
One Christmas the husband, John, even gifted you a beautifully rebound copy of I Know Why The Caged Birds Sing by Maya Angelou. It was your favorite book since you were younger. You’d reread it a lot. How observant of him, you thought. The book was done by what looked like a professional. You felt your heart soar when you saw the stamp. 
Bound by John Wick
You were sure to read it even more than you already had. 
Another holiday you found a gift card signed with Helen’s name to your favorite place to get tea at. Made sense in the morning she would sometimes raise her cup of coffee to you and you would raise your paper one back.  When you asked the man at the counter how much the balance was, you almost passed out.
After these two gifts you were determined to give your neighbors a gift in return. You had a lot of money, thanks to your trust fund and bought a rare, first edition book for John to repair and a nice pair of vintage earrings for Helen. Leaving it on their doorstep you ran away giggling, leaving only a simple note. 
Thank you. 
Had John and Helen heard you fighting with your mother? Could they see the two of you argue over stupid things in your room? Did they see you sobbing in the one safe space you knew?  You could always see when they cuddled, laughed, kissed and only once had a small argument that ended with John leaving and coming back. He gave her a fucking hug. 
John and Helen were in their living room a lot, this was the room you had the clearest view. It was also the room she, over time, got sick in. You became obsessed with watching them. How they moved about and how they loved each other. They stopped waving as much and she got weaker. 
When John wasn’t home you’d watch 
Helen stumble occasionally, lay on the couch for hours and grow thinner. It broke your heart. Especially to see her strong stoic husband cry on his knees into the stomach of her shirt. Everyday you would shed a few tears. 
You couldn’t stop watching them… in a weird way you fell in love with them and their relationship. It was everything you ever wanted instead you were stuck being a caregiver for your mother. You loved your mother more than anything but it felt trapping. 
It was hard to date with such baggage that you’d rather choose not to date than even attempt. Slowly, you found yourself unable to peel your eyes away from your window. John had started staying home more now, never wanting to leave his wife’s side. 
You didn’t blame him. Helen was a beautiful woman. Your face would heat up at some of the thoughts you would have. It’s not your fault though! The two of them were such a passionate, amazing couple you felt like you could change places.
At night you could almost picture her hands running through your hair, his lips on your neck, her arms around your body and his laughter in your ears. It wasn’t fair but you’d never hate them for it. You were just lonely, in a too big and old house. Maybe you were starting to go crazy. 
You still got out but over the months you preferred to stay home reading and sitting at your window. Your heart missed the small interactions you’d actually have with The Wicks but you also understood they were going through a lot. Never before had you talked to John but Helen once. 
Just coming home from the store, you were driving past their house when she flagged you down. You stopped, appreciating the blast of cold air when you opened the window because you had begun to sweat from anxiety. This was scary to you. One of the two people you admired most (from afar) was talking to you.
“I hope you liked your gifts. John’s the observant one but I thought of the gift ideas!” She smiled. 
“I did thank you, I hoped you enjoyed yours as well.” You responded.
The woman was so beautiful. Her brown eyes were hard to look away from and you felt embarrassed. You almost wanted to reach out and touch her, you even thought of physically holding your hand and arm down.
“John did! He’s downstairs working on it right now actually. I’m wearing mine.” 
“That’s good to hear.”  You made a mental note that the husband's name was John. 
The woman continued to smile. Did this woman ever stop smiling? You hoped not because it was spellbinding; you couldn’t look away. 
“Oh my God, where are my manners? My name is Helen and my husband is John. You live in that huge house over on the hill a bit more right?” Helen crossed her arms and shivered. 
She was just getting the mail and wasn’t dressed to be out in the cold. You wanted to wrap her in a nice, thick blanket and warm her up. Her hand pulled her cardigan closer and the other wiped her hair out of her face. 
“YN.” You gave her a shy smile of your own. 
Looking at her closely now you realized you weren’t much younger than her. Which meant you weren’t much younger than John either.  
“Beautiful name. I’m going to go back in now though, it’s freezing out!” She laughed, “Have a good day, YN.” 
You responded the same and drove home. The entire night the way she said your name rang in your ears like your favorite song. 
After that, you were glued to the window. You became addicted to the small waves, smiles and acknowledgements. They didn’t know you were watching them, you didn’t think. Or why would they continue to just let you watch? You were a bit worried but again it wasn’t your fault their house was in the perfect view of your windows. 
Plus blinds existed. 
You sat on your bed and sobbed. Away from that goddamn window. Helen was dead. She died overnight and you only knew because John came home and broke down on the couch. You couldn’t even watch. It felt too weird. Instead you curled up into your bed and cried by yourself, trying to remember how sweet your name sounded on her lips. 
After a few days, the day of her funeral you decided to do something you couldn’t believe yourself. What you were going to do would be extremely difficult and anxiety inducing but you had to. You were going to bring John dinner. It was the least you could do and you had gifted each other things in the past. 
You cooked a comforting meal and made your way to his home. Halfway there you cursed yourself for not making yourself look presentable. If John was as observant as he seemed it would be obvious you had been crying a bit. And your shirt was a mess. 
Oh well. You didn’t really care anymore. 
When you got to his place it was just after everyone had left. Perhaps you could offer to help clean up. Walking up the door seemed so much more intimidating than when you left your last gift. Like a light was gone and a darkness had swallowed the whole house. 
You gulped and cleared your throat. With a deep breath you were about to knock on the door when it swung open. You almost fell backwards but caught yourself. There stood in front of you John. Had he always been this scary? You thought to yourself. 
He didn’t say anything at first, just stared at you and you couldn’t help but stare back. It was a problem you had… making too intense of eye contact it’s why you preferred not to look anyone in the eyes. Though it was becoming harder and harder the more frightening he became. 
“You’ve been watching.” He said.
You wished the earth could open up and swallow you whole. John was almost as addicting to watch as Helen was but harder to read and there was a darkness to him. Right now though you we’re regretting ever showing up. This was more embarrassing than you thought.
“I’m sorry.” You responded. “I don’t even know what else to say honestly.”
“Who are you?” He asked in a tone that made your stomach drop.
“What do you mean?” You questioned back genuinely, “I- I live right over in the…”
John held his hand up to stop you and his complete demeanor changed. He was light. He opened the door and invited you in. You were shocked but walked in anyways, staring at the abundance of photos of Helen and him. Your heart hurt and he did a slight jog ahead of you to start picking up some of the leftover trash. You felt a bit angry.
Why did so many people leave his home like this? He was a grieving widow! You scoffed and he looked at you with a raised eyebrow. With an awkward clear of your throat you put your dish down on the table and began to help him. 
“They shouldn’t have left your home like this. How disrespectful.” You told him. “Sit down.” 
“I can—“ he started but you stopped him. 
“No, sit down, I have it.” You scolded him. 
Taking care of your stubborn mother taught you to be assertive and you would win these small little battles. John gave you a slight smirk before he held his hands up in a small surrender and sat on the couch. You grabbed the bag and in record time you had his home looking decent. 
The awkwardness was back again though. 
“Why?�� He asked after a few moments. “How long?” 
You felt your face heat up. 
“Um, I think after a year you moved here. I don’t know…” You began to cry for two different reasons. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” 
One, you felt bad for him. Helen was dead now. Two, you were starting to realize just how creepy and gross your actions had been. You wiped your eyes furiously but they wouldn’t stop. How could you explain to this man that you fell in love with his wife just by watching them? Even more embarrassing for you, you began to sob. You couldn’t stop apologizing to him. 
Finally after what felt like an eternity, John put his hand on your shoulder. It was tense and a lot like he didn’t really know what else to do but it was comforting nonetheless. Here you were, a grown woman sobbing in this man’s house over his dead wife you barely knew yet knew so much about.
 “It’s ok.” He offered sincerely. 
John was not that bothered by it honestly since you had no ties and seemed innocent. It was actually a little funny to him. He knew it but Helen didn’t believe him. Your cries turned to sniffles as you grabbed a tissue and wiped your eyes. The two of you didn’t say anything else to each other, just sat in silence. 
Your hand came up to lay upon his. 
“I’m sorry for your loss John.” You said with your eyes closed and then stood up. 
“Thank you.” John responded. 
He walked you to the door and as you opened it you looked at him. 
“Take care of yourself, try and have a good night.” You said to him. 
John nodded and when you looked out the door you were met with a delivery woman. You smiled at her and left, hoping he would recover from this, even though you knew it would take awhile. 
The next night you slept through the night but the night after you were awoken by the distant sounds of gunshots. You ran to your window nook but saw that for once John had his windows set so you couldn’t see through them. He closed the damn blinds you thought. You called the police, hoping your neighbor was okay. 
It was a week before you saw John again and he looked injured but was thankfully okay. He told you it was just a home invasion but they weren’t that smart. You smiled at him, happy to hear he was okay, sad that his puppy died. Though he seemed off you blamed it on the fact the man’s house had literally been broken into. Anyone would be shaken up by that. 
You sat on the ground and played with his new dog that he named Dog. The name made you laugh. John felt comfortable around you even though he should be uncomfortable but you were the only one who could possibly understand what he’s been going through. 
You looked up at him as he stood with his hands in his pockets. The sun came down and bounced off his face in a way that made you realize just how handsome he was. You wanted to stand up and  caress his face, you almost held down your arm again. Not again, you thought.
That night you went home with a smile on your face. You were sad you didn’t bring over food when Helen was alive. Perhaps you all could have been friends… or maybe even more. Except that night you were awoken up once more by a huge explosion. John’s house. 
You barefoot ran down your long driveway and the road to get to his house. Tears filled your eyes as his house was engulfed in flames. The fire department and police were already there. You stood by John after he talked with the police officer. The darkness seemed to surround him again and you were scared to say anything. 
You did anyways. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I gotta go YN.” He stood up and walked away, leaving you there shocked. 
You thought you’d get another chance to talk to him but you never saw him again. 
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johnwickcaretaker · 2 months
The Broken Veil Masterlist
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The Broken Veil, a John Wick x Helen Wick fic, has migrated from The Whump Caretaker, my main blog, to this side blog. I don't intend to write more, but please feel free to enjoy and to review what is available.
Chapter 1: Let Me In
Chapter 2: The Price to Pay
Chapter 3: Miracle
Chapter 4: Always Exist
Chapter 5: Bloodless, Airless
Chapter 6: The Horde
Chapter 7: How to Shoot
Outline for Rest of Fic - in case you wanted to know where it was going
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john-bracket · 10 months
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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r1-jw-lover · 3 months
HULLO!!!!! :P
rank your top five fav ships from the john wick series !! :3
Hi, thank you for the ask. Just wanna put a disclaimer that my first venture into the JW fandom was through the fourth film, so my ranking list will be heavily biased on that movie.
John x Caine
It's not even one year since JW4 is out and John/Caine is already on the top ten most written ships on AO3 within the John Wick fandom.
This pairing has just the right amount of bittersweetness and melancholy for me, and putting it on top of the actors' chemistry, the gay divorced vibes, the bickering, friends to reluctant enemies, the parallels, being each other's mirror, their deep trust, understanding and care for one another, you get my number one JW ship on this list.
The friendship between John & Caine is definitely one of the most developed and convincing out of all the friends John Wick had in the series, and in spite of the circumstances forcing them to be pitted against each other, they still managed to find comfort in the other's presence regardless, and I think that in itself is beautiful.
2. Koji x John x Caine
You know what else is better than putting Keanu Reeves and Donnie Yen together in the same movie? Putting Keanu Reeves, Donnie Yen AND Hiroyuki Sanada together in the same movie.
You have already seen the incredible fanart [1, 2, 3] by the wonderful @ibahibut. They are THE old men yaoi of the recent decade of cinema, period.
The dynamics between the three of them are immaculate. Not only you have John & Caine (explanation above), John & Koji are very supportive of each other, and Koji & Caine have both the closeness and the inevitable tragicness that undercurrents their brotherhood.
All in all, I desperately need a prequel series of this trio.
3. John x Helen
It's the only canon romantic relationship in the series so it has to be on the list. Other than the fact that one of them is dead, I think that John/Helen is incredibly sweet, which make the heartaches even more painful.
John's grief for Helen's passing is one of the main driving forces for the character throughout the series. His almost religious love and devotion to his wife is all the more apparent given that Helen is the reason John had fought to stay alive for as long as four movies.
At the end of the day, John only wished to die not as the Baba Yaga but as a loving husband, finally succumbing to his wounds with Helen being his last thought before dying. (TAT)
4. Akira x Mia
Gosh, I love my lesbian rarepair too much. I initially shipped them merely for the shits and giggles (i.e. Akira getting back at Caine by dating his daughter lol), but then I also come to realise their potential as a pairing story-wise.
Outside of the obvious enemies to/and lovers vibes, I could imagine both Akira and Mia inheriting a lot of angst from their respective "father problems" that they must resolve between each other. Will Akira ever tell Mia about her plan to kill Caine? Will Mia ever understand Akira's revenge against her father? Will Mia decide to step into the fold of assassins because of Akira? Will Akira leave the High Table to be with Mia like how John did for Helen?
As a conclusion... Gosh, I love my lesbian rarepair too much.
5. Marquis x Wuxia DJ
The funniest and best crack ship ever made up in the John Wick fandom, and there's just the two of us, hahahaha. They give off high-school exes who are so, so fashionable and serve cunt while talking shit about the other behind each other's backs.
It's number five on my list because it's that good.
Honorable mention: Cassian x Gianna
Before the fourth movie is released, Cassian & Gianna is the only pairing I could see happening in the background. Cassian's loyalty to Gianna even after she died is very touching, and Gianna seemed very appreciative of it from the short interaction they have in JW2.
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johnwickb1tsch · 6 months
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(most y/n fics are fem gender but [attempted] no real mention of specific appearance, race, body type) The Night Nurse - John x Helen CH 1 │ CH 2 │ CH 3 │ CH 4 │ CH 5 │ CH 6 │ CH 7 │ CH 8 CH 9. CH 10. │ A03
you're the worst thing (i'm addicted to) - John x Helen'sSister!Reader fic │ Part 1 │Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 A03
John x Helen'sSister!Reader Imagine John Wick x Tarasov'sDaughter!Reader Imagine Constantine x Reader x John Wick Imagine Young!John Wick & Model!Reader Imagine part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 John x Wife!Reader Fix it Imagine
BITTERSWEET Yandere!John x fem!reader coffee shop au (this totally turned into a fic) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 PART 6 PART 7 PART 8 PART 9. PART 10 PART 11 PART 12 PART 13 PART 14 PART 15 PART 16 PART 17 PART 18 PART 19 PART 20 PART 21 PART 22 PART 23. PART 24 PART 25. PART 26 PART 27 PART 28. PART 29 PART 30 PART 31 PART 32 PART 33 PART 34
gentleman john wick headcanon
Constantine x Vampire!Reader Fic Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3
Constantine x Vampire!Reader Neighbor Imagine
Donaka Mark x MartialArtist!Reader Imagine
Donaka Mark x Secretary!Reader Imagine
THE DEVILS' TRIANGLE - Tex Johnson x Reader x John Wick (x Constantine) Yandere Collab with the diabolical @treedaddymcpuffpuff & @sweetwolfcupcake *so many dead doves here be warned...* Original Imagine COVER Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5. Part 6 Part 7. Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 WIP
EXCESSIVE FORCE - Tom Ludlow x Nurse!Reader collab w the AMAZING @treedaddymcpuffpuff CHAPTER MAP
THE BASTARD'S MISTRESS - a don John x servant!Reader fic
break me, softly - a Jack Traven x fem!NurseReader fic
Vino Veritas - A Frank x Reader Destination Wedding Fic
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John Wick Chapter 4 out of context spoilers
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meetmeinthematinee · 1 year
Oh Hey, remember I used to write John Wick stuff?
Check out my Masterlist!
Guaranteed no spoilers for Wick 4 since....I haven't written anything in quite a while but I've been eyeballing my WIPS again my friends and maybe just maybe......
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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