#He's F-R-E-D-A-L-I-C-I-O-U-S✨✨✨✨✨
Getting 💪🏻SWOLE💪🏻 with Freddy D
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raccoonsandrangoons · 3 months
Rick Grimes NSFW Alphabet
Just a little something I whipped up for a friend ✨💛
✨ pairing: Rick Grimes x Reader
✨ warnings: NSFW (smut)
✨ A/N: honestly for a Daryl girlie myself, it was a lot easier to write HCs for Rick 🤣
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A - Aftercare
A King. He’s 100% for a cuddle. He’s like a baby; he needs skin to skin, even if it’s just holding your hand
B - Body (his favorite part)
Ass. He’s all about that ass. He’s gonna say he loves all parts of you (and it’s true), but he’s got a weakness for your ass. He can’t help but stare as you’re walking away.
C - Cum (anything to do with cum)
He knows that protection is a rare commodity in these times. If he could finish inside, best believe he’s going to, but he doesn’t not like the look of you covered in his cum.
D - Dirty Little Secret (what’s he hiding 🤭)
He doesn’t have any dirty secrets, but he does keep his feelings for you suppressed as long as possible, especially if you’re significantly younger than him
E - Experience
He’s a fairly experienced guy. Kinda. He’s not a virgin by any means, he’s got kids. But he’s only been with 2-3 people at most.
F - Favorite Position
Classic missionary bby. He wants to see your face.
G - Goofy?
He’s fairly serious, but if something funny happens, like you slip while trying to switch positions, he’ll let out a little giggle.
H - Hair
It’s the apocalypse. How do you think grooming goes? Once he’s in the Alexandria safe haven, he’ll keep himself trimmed up. As for you, he doesn’t care at all. It’s your body and it’s whatever you say.
I - Intimacy
He is very sweet and intimate. He loves showering together. It’s his favorite form of intimacy, whether it leads to sex or not. He loves when you wash his back, and he loves when washing your hair and giving you a nice scalp massage.
J - Jorkin’ It
For stress relief, and definitely before y’all get together. But once you’re together, he’d rather just go straight to you
K - Kinks
He’s a fairly vanilla guy, but he’s not opposed to spanking, roughhousing a little. Maybe you can convince him to role play a little in his uniform.
L - Location
He prefers at home. He’s not a risky man as it is and he doesn’t want to risk being caught. It’s motivated by respect for you.
M - Motivations (turn ons)
Anything you do. He throws his all into everything and he is all about you.
N - NOs
Nothing that can put you in danger. Nothing restraining for either of you
O - Oral
Giving and receiving. He loves it. He’s all for it. He always says “baby you don’t have to”, when you get on your knees but you both know he wants it and he is more than happy to reciprocate.
P — Pace
Soft, slow, and sensual. He comes from a place of love and respect, and he’s going to take his time with you.
Q — Quickies?
If he has to. In the beginning, maybe that’s all you had.
In Alexandria, if you get enough in him to drink at a party, rile him up enough, he’ll pull you into a corner for a make out session and then tell you to meet him at home in 10 minutes.
R — Risky?
Nope. He’s not risky at all. He’s pulling out. He’s making sure no one is around.
S — Stamina
He can go a few rounds, for sure. But he is climbing in age, so
T — Toys
Hard to come by in the apocalypse, but in a situation where it’s available, he sees your toys as his teammates.
U — Unfair
He can be a bit of a tease when you start developing a more domestic relationship. A slide of his hand down your back, a quick squeeze of your ass (he can’t help it).
V — Volume
He’s not super loud, but he’s vocal. A lot of “That’s it”, “feels so good”; etc.
W — Wildcard (dealer’s choice hc)
I think he’s jealous. He knows you’re a helpful person and he knows others are drawn to you. He can’t help but feel a little jealous. And boy does he love when you get jealous. He loves being able to tease you when you’re jealous.
X — X-ray
He’s packing. Nothing extraordinary, but you’ll giggle with the girls over tea, as respectfully as possible. He is shy, ya know.
Y — Yearning
He’s a yearning man. He’s not a desperate type of needy, but he will tug at your clothes as he holds you from behind and whisper “need you”
He definitely wants to sleep after, which is why he doesn’t really like doing it anywhere but home.
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linnienin · 11 months
🌛A s t e r o i d ⁕ S a l o m è🌜 ( 5 6 2 ) and the Dance of the Seven Veils
~~~~~~~~~~~ Y o u r ⁕ e n c h a n t i n g ⁕ e n e r g y ~~~~~~~~~~~
An astro walkthrough post following Salomè's steps in the Dance of the Seven Veils through the lens of the Seven Deadly Sins.
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The gifs in this post (excluded the last one) were created by me and are from the movie "Salomè" (1953) with Rita Hayworth
"Look at the moon! How strange the moon seems! She is like a woman rising from the tomb. She is like a dead woman. You would fancy she was looking for dead things."
"Salomè", Oscar Wilde
W h o ⁕ i s ⁕ S a l o m è (quick summary of her story):
⁕ Salomè, the princess of Judaea, falls in love with the prophet John The Baptist (i'll refer to him as 'the prophet' to avoid repeating his name too much) and orders to free him from the prison he was held in (for condemning the marriage of Salome's parents, King Herod and his wife Herodias as unlawful)
⁕ The prophet rejects her, but she assures him she will kiss his mouth sooner or later, no matter what.
⁕ Salome's mother in the meantime convinces her daughter to view the prophet as an evil person that deserves to die (alimenting her fresh feeling from the rejection)
⁕ When Salomè is asked by her stepfather king Herod (who lusts over her) to dance she agrees only if she can asks anything in return.
⁕ Once the dance's over, Salomè requests the decapitated head of John the Baptist on a silver plate.
⁕ To the horror of all the partecipants, she finally kisses the mouth of the prophet consumed by her lustful desires.
⁕ King Herod, sickened and shocked, orders her execution.
(this is the William Shakespeare opera version based on the biblical one)
M y ⁕ i n t e r p r e t a t i o n :
In a birth chart Asteroid Salomè represents:
⁕ Your enchanting power
⁕ How people target your naivety to use your talent
⁕ The extremes you're ready to face in order to get what you want.
⁕ What you want but can't have
⁕ What desires consumes you
I also want to make a quick clarification between asteroid Salomè and Sirene because both are seducing and mesmerizing energies, but imo: Sirene : conscious type of seduction, aim for what they want, in control of their actions , calculated Salomè: unconscious type of seduction, influenced by others in their choices, controlled by their desires, not in control of themselves
P o s t ⁕ g u i d e:
I'll go through the steps of the whole Dance and make them into little sections:
⁕ Every section is about one of the Seven Deadly Sins ⁕ Within every section there will be interpretations of different Salomè signs/degrees, depending on which Sins they fall into (in my personal opinion)
Disclaimer: every single sign could fall into every single sin since they're all part of human nature, but one would always prevail on others imo, and this is just my personal take on them.
Enjoy ✨
1 s t ⁕ v e i l ⁕ o f f : P R I D E
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⁕ Leo Salomè/Salomè at 5°-17°-29° : You enchant with your confidence and talent. Your creativity allows you to shine from within and make a strong impression on people.
⁕ You draw attention to yourself easily, and others envy this, so they target your individuality to trigger the worst out of you. They want to robb you of your 'Main character' type of energy, using your exposition and will to take up space, to their own interest. They feed your ego only to break your mirror into several pieces later, leaving you not recognizing yourself anymore. You'll find yourself becoming riddiculous just to gain that attention again, blending with the masses for validation, but feeling extremely guilty and shameful about it. This is how they trigger your pride. ⁕ You have a great desire to be able to show yourself without getting judged. You want to dive deep into your creative mind and feel accepted and appreciated for your dramatic and showy persona. When people don't understand your needs, you can get arrogant, narcissistic and selfish .
⁕ Aquarius Salomè/Salomè at 11°-23°: You enchant with your uniqueness and innovation. Your mindblowing perspectives draws people in and out of curiosity, and you release them with more confusion and even more questions, to trap them in getting back to you.
⁕ You know this is your strategy to create multiple connections and dodge your way to the top, but envious people want to stop you from climbing up that ladder. They'll use you and your network for their own interests, but turning their back to you once they get what they want. This is how they trigger your pride. ⁕ When no one truly deeply understand you, your different view and quirky personality, you start to doubt your identity, facing the negative effects of feeling like the black sheep. You lose the courage to stand up for yourself as you isolate from the world with no track of time and completely dissociating from reality. You become inexistent, cause you won't merge with the masses. A great desire to instill change and put reality in discussion burns in you, but if people keep overlooking your ideas, you just explode and can become rebellious, distant and unpredictable.
2 n d ⁕ v e i l ⁕ o f f : G R E E D
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⁕ Capricorn Salomè/Salomè at 10°-22° : You enchant with your loyalty and perseverance. Your disciplined and committed persona inspire people, but they also get envious of all the accomplishments you've achieved with such resiliency.
⁕ You view life simply and clearly, this is what allows you to be so precise with no hesitation when making important choices. And because this is such a rare quality, people want to robb you of it and use it for themselves and their interests. However, you base your self worth on materialism and achievements and when people don't validate them, you only want to get more to prove yourself. This is how others target your weeknesses and trigger your greed. ⁕ They show you the best of everything to make you feel inferior and in consequence wanting it all. But the truth is you don't need it all to feel complete within. You have a great desire to feel the best and most powerful of all, but because you attach your emotions to the outside and not accept them inside of you out of fear of showing your vulnerabilities, you are therefore not in tune with yourself and you are controlled by the world. You want to become the best version of yourself, but if you don't truly accept your imperfections, you can get dissatisfied, demanding and cold with no way of enjoying life like you envisioned you'd have.
3 r d ⁕ v e i l ⁕ o f f : L U S T
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⁕ Scorpio Salomè/Salomè at 8°-20° : You enchant with your mystery and intensity. Your enigmatic and independent spirit makes you an extremely interesting character everyone wants to get to know.
⁕ You attract unwanted attention, and you are the center topic of everyone's gossipy chitchat. You are people's dream, and everyone envy your subtle popularity, they all want to get a little sip of you. People view you as a prize they want to conquer to make themselves appear bigger. You have a great desire to form deep and meaningful connections, so you give a chance to others in exploring your hidden and vulnerable side, but all they do is take advantage of your thoughtfulness to feed their curiosity and ego, and once they get what they want, they only come back to you when they need a little refresh. This is how they trigger your lust. ⁕ You hide your emotional side because of past wounds, but your intense feelings still need an outlet or else they'd consume you. You need someone that cherish and care for your complexity and is willing to explore the dark without judgements otherwise you'll become insatiable, unfulfilled and uncontrollable, confusing the real profund emotional depth with a toxic emotionless bond based on superficial desires.
4 t h ⁕ v e i l ⁕ o f f : E N V Y
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⁕ Virgo Salomè/Salomè at 6°-18° : You enchant with your skills and intelligence. Your analytical mind and organized approach give you the ability to grasp details and process them in an incredible clear and systematic way.
⁕ People envy your critical thinking and your kind, hardworking nature, so they take advantage of your modesty to use your talents for their interests. You take pride in giving yourself to others to help them out, but when this gets to an extreme and hinders you from developing your own identity, you get stuck in a limbo of constant crave for validation and endless comparisons. This is how your envy gets triggered. ⁕ You look at others' freedom and accomplishments, and you feel guilty you haven't reached that level yet, so you blame yourself for your inability and incompetence, believing you'll never get better and so remain stuck in your delusions. You have a great desire to master your talents and get genuine recognition from yourself and others, but when you don't take on this path, you become fussy, critical and judgemental.
⁕ Gemini Salomè/Salomè at 3°-15°-27°: You enchant with your wit and sarcasm. Your exceptionally curious mind make you jump on every kind of topic with no shame, letting you explore anything and expanding your horizons making you very clever and articulated.
⁕ You excel in debates and are such a social butterfly, you know how to grasp people's attentions with your words. And well, who wouldn't be envious of such a skill? People use your talents by making you feel like you're guiding them and you have the control over the situation, but then you focus too much on the details that you forget the bigger picture, and this includes you forging your own path and understanding what you truly want from life. Those distractions that people throws at you trigger your envy. ⁕ You look up at the people that make decisions and have a clear idea of what they want to do and you feel jealous of their resolution in walking only one path. You overthink so much you'd love to know how to find peace even for just a second, but you get absorbed in the envy, and at your worst you get gossipy, superficial and inconsistent. You have a great desire of knowing yourself fully, being flexible while also find stability within your flexibility. But if you can't look within and stop comparing with others, you'll never know your truth.
5 t h ⁕ v e i l ⁕ o f f : G L U T T O N Y
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⁕ Libra Salomè/Salomè 7°-19° : You enchant with your charisma and tactfulness. Your cooperative nature and romantic aura enhance your already stunning natural beauty, and people envy this hard core because it appears as you have been blessed with everything by life.
⁕ They take advantage of your agreeable temperament to use you for their interests. So you live your life as a secondary character, always trying to please others but never taking into account your own will. People use this indecisiveness of yours to trigger your gluttony. ⁕ You never feel satisfied because you don't even know what you want. So you only "eat" more because you crave that instant moment of pleasure constantly. As you base your worth from outside sources, you feel empty inside, hence why you keep feeling the need to put things inside you to fill that void. You have a great desire to make the world fair for everyone and form genuine connections between people, but if you can't complete this purpose, you become unbalanced, overly-indulgent and insecure.
⁕ Taurus Salomè/Salomè at 2°-14°-26° : You enchant with your steadiness and sensuality. Your driven and kind hearted nature allows you to always put your best in everything you focus on, and you're not one to lose your focus easily.
⁕ People envy how firm and determined you are, despite looking very gracious outwardly, you never give up, and this beautiful combo of extremes make you look like a person that possess everything. Others are gonna want to break your peaceful and unshakable nature, taking advantage of your kindness, they're gonna try to use your resiliency for their interests and letting you see how much there is of the world by shifting your focus on the pleasures of life. Soon you're gonna enter the sensual world and you'd never want to go back. This is how they trigger your gluttony. ⁕ Your body craves intimacy and contact, but you've been living in your head, only focusing on possessions denying your sensual side. Now after realizing how food can fill you and make you enjoy the experience, you become addicted to it. The idea of something that doesn't take up space like everything in materialism, but can instead grow you to take up space (eating) makes you feel important and not tie your self worth to outward successes. But it's still making up for your lack of love coming from within, and if you can't feel it you can get stubborn, possessive and self-absorbed.
6 t h ⁕ v e i l ⁕ o f f : W R A T H
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⁕ Aries Salomè/Salomè at 1°-13°-25° : You enchant with your assertivity and bravery. Your optimistic and dynamic spirit combined with your dominant demeanor allow you to be a great leader.
⁕ You fearlessness and ease in overcoming challenges make people envious of the power you hold. They use your spontaneous and competitive nature to their interests, trying to make fun of you, to slowly make you lose the confidence in yourself and step down the throne you deserve, but you can't stand the view of this injustice (both if made to you or to others).This is how they trigger your wrath. ⁕ You are not afraid to speak up, but after you lose your confidence, your words are spilled out with impulsiveness and aggressiveness, making people afraid of how quick you can lose your temper. You have a great desire to help others realize their potential, and you want to guide them on the tortuous path of life, but if people ignore you and make you feel small, then you become impatient, insensitive and reckless.
⁕ Sagittarius Salomè/Salomè at 9°-21° : You enchant with your wisdom and open-mindedness. Your free spirit allows you to experience life humbly giving you the ability to transform your mistakes in insightful life lessons.
⁕ You change people's perspectives by elaborating a wide range of informations and putting them in a clear view thanks to your capability of grasping patterns, and others envy this. They want to robb your wisdom, to feel like wise Gods themselves, so they use your knowledge to shut your voice down, triggering your wrath. ⁕ Once you raise your voice and let everyone see this impulsive side of yourself, you can witness people losing interest and trust in you, making you insecure and small, full of existential crisis. You have a great desire to change the world for the best, and to let people see different point of view with your philosophy, but when you are not understood you can turn into a close-minded, highly opinionated and skeptical person.
7 t h ⁕ v e i l ⁕ r e v e a l : S L O T H
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⁕ Pisces Salomè/Salomè at 12°-24° : You enchant with your vulnerability and spirituality. Your imagination allows you to put yourself in other people's shoes and understand their point of view in an empathetic way.
⁕ Your easygoing and adaptable nature make others envious of you. They take advantage of your compassion by treating you as their personal punching bag, their shoulder to cry on, their victim to sacrifce. They suck all your energy into their personal interests, leaving you completely numb and not giving you space to display your creativity. This is how they trigger your sloth. ⁕ You have a great desire to feel emotions and share them with people that truly understand you, but if people neglect this aspect of yourself, you become lazy, unmotivated and hopeless. The world holds no meaning to you and you'd rather spend time feeling delusional than open up in fear of not being accepted.
⁕ Cancer Salomè/Salomè at 4°-16°-28° : You enchant with your softness and compassion. Your nurturing and maternal energy makes others feel at home and safe.
⁕ Your incredible intuition knows everyone's needs and your affectionate nature make you want to help everyone just to see a smile on their faces. Unfortunately others can misuse this gift of yours to their interest since they're envious of how perfectly in tune you are with your emotions. When you can sense that all you see are fake smiles, you start to question your ability to heal others and your sensitive side is hightened. This is the perfect moment for those people to strike some offensive words that will make you insecure and want to just disappear from the world. This is how they trigger your sloth. ⁕ You isolate and close yourself in your shell to protect you from further damage. You feel you are unworthy and that you don't bring any value to the world, so you dwell in your sense of guilt and fear, unable to do anything. You have a great desire to make the world a better place, to share your love and emotions with others, to protect those in needs, but if you can't express this side of youself you become pessimistic, moody and manipulative.
And you've reached the end! Congrats! And thanks for staying with me ✨
I hope you enjoyed this post and find it helpful in understanding your own Salomè placement 😊
Hope the dance steps were easy to follow too 💃
It took me some time to make cause i wanted to truly dive deep in the meaning of it and not only talk about the magnetizing part, but remember, this is only my interpretation, i'd love to peacefully discuss with you if you disagree with me 👍
I'm kinda tempted to make a post on Salomè through the houses, let me know if you'd love to know more on this asteroid
as always,
I wish you a wonderful day ahead (or night) 😘 and i'll see you in the next post! Yours Linnie 🌛
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aoteyam · 1 year
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This is for anyone else who is searching for certain avatar (wotw) fics; I’ve got you.
Important note: many of these fics are nsfw so please check for “MINORS DNI” notes or warnings ⚠️ and don’t forget to follow and support these writers ✨
I was suppose to post this a month ago but school kept me hella busy and I didn’t have the energy to post anything but here it is now😃 I also imma start binging this as well!! Enjoy!
Main library; ext blog (soon to be posted)
First: JAKE SULLY Fanfics | Catergory:
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• A •
Avatar the way of water | Jake sully x fem!reader @avatarl0v3r
Avatar @/avatarl0v3r
A new star @anangelwhodidntfall
• B •
Becoming Jake Sully’s mate @ronwestbreeze
Born to die @xoxomelanie
Boundaries @cyberfreaky
• C •
Cute things Jake does with you @tojigasm (p.s Everyone thank this author for feeding us with Jake fics 🤍✊🏻)
• D •
Dacryphilia Jake @truetogaia
Daddy’s girl: Dad!Jake @/anangelwnodidntfall
Did you forget something? @avatarbyamara
Different worlds @/teytiri reposted by another blog*
Discipline series @coffeeandbookskeepmealive
• E •
electric @weasleytwinwheezes
Exchanging cultures @/truetogaia
• F •
Far from home @rayassecretlife
First time with dilf Jake @/truetogaia
First time @persefolli
Flaws n all @/persefolli
Forbidden secrets @/ rayassecretlife
Forgive me @tiredmamaissy
• G •
Good enough @/anangelwnodidntfall
• H •
Hold me, please @/truetogaia
• I •
Insecurities @/cyberfreaky
Interstellar activities @/truetogaia
I don’t recognise you anymore @/persefolli
I’ll do better (dad!jake x daughter!reader) @/anangelwnodidntfall
I mean it @/avatarbyamara
I see you @heirtothekingdom
• J •
Jake + Bimbo!reader
Jake + crybaby!reader @'tojigasm
Jake + fluffy sleep @/tojigasm
Jake + fluffy smut @/tojigasm
Jake + giggling during sex @/tojigasm
jake + hair pulling @/tojigasm
Jake + mutual masturbation @/tojigasm
jake + overwhelmed @/tojigasm
Jake being needy @/truetogaia
Jake being too rough with reader @/tojigasm
Jake nsfw visuals @/tojigasm
Jake pussy eating drabble @/tojigasm
jake smut drabble @/tojigasm
Jake sully and physical touch @/ronwestbreeze
Jake sully fingering pregnant reader @/tojigasm
Jake sully headcannons @/truetogaia
Jake talks @/justasimps-blog
• K •
kin @suuuupernovaaa
Kiss it when he eat it @/tojigasm
• L •
Little secret @/Tiredmamaissy
lightweight @/teytiri
• M •
My dear mates @/ronwestbreeze
• N •
need you @/persefolli
nga yawne lu oer @/suuuupernovaaa
Nightmare:Jake sully @/anangelwnodidntfall
nisngum @/suuuupernovaaa
• P •
Picasso (dad!jake x daughter!reader) @/anangelwnodidntfall
Polar opposites @justasimps-blog
• R •
Raw doggin @/truetogaia
Reflection @/cyberfreaky
• S •
Says beauty herself @/avatarbyamara
Scandal @/persefolli
Shallow end list @/ronwestbreeze
Smitten @/anangelwnodidntfall
Sneaking around with daddy @/persefolli
Songbird (dad!jake x daughter!reader) @/anangelwnodidntfall
Stressed Jake x reader @/truetogaia
Stress relief @/justasimps-blog
• T •
To you worlds away @/ronwestbreeze
The scientist @/avatarl0v3r
Thick skull @/ronwestbreeze
Thigh-riding @/cyberfreaky
Those chatoyant eyes @/truetogaia
Thought I lost you @/anangelwnodidntfall
Tits or ass? @/justasimps-blog
Trust your people @sunsents
• U •
Unsteady: (dad!jake x daughter!reader) @/anangelwnodidntfall
• W •
Weak saga: Runner up @/persefolli
We’re a team @/avatarbyamara
When he hisses at human fem reader @daydreamerbunny
Who am i to love you @/tojigasm
Worth it @/avatarbyamara
• Y •
You fuckin brat @ring-anon-official
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astralscrivener · 1 year
✨ fic directory ✨
i’ve created a post to keep all of my fics in one place. all fics can be found on ao3. (last updated may 4th, 2024)
major ongoing works
- voltron: legendary defender: a rewrite of vld seasons 4-8. - team focus, broganes, klance, adashi, romellura - rated M, graphic depictions of violence + other warnings in author notes - 22/45 chapters, 251k words (december 25th, 2022) - last posted: chapter 22: season 7, episode 3: elliptical orbit
- voltron: legendary defender: canon-divergent au in which keith and shiro are captured by the galra at a coalition gala. things become more complicated when the team’s search for shiro turns up someone else: adam, shiro’s fiancé.  - broganes, klance, adashi - rated M, graphic depictions of violence + other warnings in author notes - 8/? chapters, 25k words (september 2nd, 2023) - last posted: chapter 8: division and discord
- voltron: legendary defender: oneshots, one prompt for each letter of the alphabet, focused on keith and lance’s relationship - variety of aus, some overlap with squad up (2017-19 modern au), mostly established relationship klance - 18 works, 87k words (may 4th, 2024) - a: artistry • b: brutality • c: comfort • d: defeat • e: elegance • f: faithfulness • g: grief • h: homelessness • i: information • j: jealousy • k: knell • l: loyalty • m: mercy • n: need • o: opportunity • p: pain • q: quest • r: rumor • s: sleep • t: trust • u: uncertainty • v: victory • w: worry • x: xenon • y: yearning • z: zero - last posted: lightning in a bottle (y: yearning)
other ongoing works
- voltron: legendary defender: modern au + d&d series started in 2020 as a stress response to quarantine - team focus, klance, adashi, romellua, hunay
• main work: the rawring 20s XD - chatfic that only updates if i think it will be funny - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author notes - 5/5 chapters, 17k words - last posted: chapter 5: there is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, (september 8th, 2022)
- other works include klance-centric oneshots + snippets of the group’s ongoing d&d campaign - 5 works, 37k words - last posted: midnight into morning coffee (february 7th, 2024)
- voltron: legendary defender: oneshots across a variety of aus written in response to prompts from friends and followers - variety of ships, but mainly klance and adashi - some overlap with squad up  - 15 works, 92k words (july 8th, 2023) - last posted: distraction
major completed works
- voltron: legendary defender: canon-divergent trilogy in which lance and keith fool their way behind enemy lines and onto lotor’s ship to steal vital information on the galra empire—only for lotor to become far more dangerous than anyone anticipated. - mainly klance, extremely one-sided lancelot - written before gay shiro reveal + age discourse, contains side shallura - 3 works, 315k words - completed june 15th, 2018
• WHERE PEOPLE GO TO DIE - lotor mistakenly believes that lance is a galra soldier spying on the paladins, and invites him to return home. keith follows him undercover as a prisoner, and quickly draws lotor’s ire as things spiral rapidly out of control. - rated M, graphic depictions of violence - 14/14 chapters, 49k words - completed july 9th, 2017
• DYNASTY DECAPITATED - lotor becomes vindictive after having been played for a fool by team voltron, and the team struggles to hold the voltron alliance together while fending off his rapid advances. meanwhile, keith and lance explore a new stage of their relationship and learn exactly what the other means to them. - rated M, graphic depictions of violence - 18/18 chapters, 67k words - completed august 7th, 2017
• STARS GO DOWN - lotor has captured lance and sentenced keith to death halfway across the universe. lance struggles to hold onto himself as he plays the role of an amnesiac, while keith attempts to fight his way back to the team, alone. meanwhile, the team, down two lions and two paladins, scrambles to bring keith and lance home amidst betrayals and tumult in the voltron alliance. - rated M, graphic depictions of violence, temporary major character death + other warnings in author notes - 37/37 chapters, 198k words - completed june 15th, 2018
- voltron: legendary defender: modern au written from 2017-19 to cope with the horrors of being in high school and the transition into college - written before gay shiro reveal + age discourse, contains side shallura and shiro/allura/matt - 25 works, 561k words - completed may 10th, 2019
• main work: squad up - chatfic chronicling the gang’s last year of high school - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author note - 140/140 chapters, 327k words - completed june 15th, 2018
• main work: a midsummer night’s meme - chatfic chronicling the gang’s last summer before college - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author note - 27/27 chapters, 79k words - completed august 31st, 2018
• main work: because guys like us are cool in college - series of oneshots/snippets following keith and lance’s freshman year of college - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author note - 84/84 chapters, 83k words - completed may 10th, 2019
- voltron: legendary defender: 28 oneshots completed for klance au month february 2019. - klance - variety of aus, including but not limited to modern au, canon-divergent/other paladinsverse, fantasy au, and more - rated M, creator chose not to use archive warnings + other warnings in author note - 28/28 chapters, 49k words - completed february 28th, 2019
additional oneshots not mentioned here can be found on archive of our own ✨ other writing (including drabbles, snippets, and prompts from tumblr ask games) can be found in my writing tag ✨
happy reading!
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
nsfw alphabet with shinichiro?
ahhhh, shinichiro ✨😁 sure lovely, but i did include some sfw for a balance
A - affection Shinichiro is the best at affection. Maybe it was how he grew up formed him into the massive teddy bear, but he is all fluff with you.
B - body part His favorite body part of yours? Your ass. Nothing more. His hand lives there in public and a small, gentle slap here and there at home. Now for you? He’s a teddy bear, what isn’t there to love about him?
C - cuddles Uhm.. do I have to repeat myself? He’s the best. He actually wouldn’t hate being the little spoon, just anywhere he can get warmth he likes.
D - dirty secret When you’re away, he sometimes thinks about you and randomly gets turned on. So jacking off does it’s purpose and he imagines it was you. He gets into it too and ends up stopping before he overheats himself LOL
E - ending He is crushed when he has to dump you. He doesn’t want to! It wasn’t his choice! His life got bad, the money was low, and it was best for you to leave to get a more successful life. Seeing you cry those fat tears made him want to hold you and never let go, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to because he, too, was crying.
F - favorite position Doggy all the way. Will he do others, sure, but you both can get into it by hitting the g-spots easily and your moans send him over.
G - goofy Goofiest man ever. Doesn’t matter if you’re mad, getting knocked up, sad, he will crack a joke to see a smile or hear a laugh.
H - hugging Teddy bear = good hugs. And after a good fuck, he falls asleep with you in his embrace.
I - i love you? (do they say it?) All the time. He wants you to know that he’s here, maybe not at home, but he’s always with you.
J - jealousy He might get jealous a few times, but you will always reasure him that you are his and he is yours. Thats what you both promised, right?
K - kisses Normally a peck on the cheek gets you both energized enough to go through the day, but catch him when he’s tired and you get a kiss on the lips. The best of both worlds.
L - little ones So good around kids. Now, he grew up pratically babysitting his brothers/sister, but kids LOVE him.
M - motivations A kiss. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less, just a smooch. He loves kisses, and if it’s on the lips??? He is your slave.
N - nights with them Besides his gang and his bike, he loves spending time with you, and tries to anytime he can! Movie night with popcorn is a must, and a massage normally happens sometime in that time.
O - opening up Once he knew you and started dating you, he opened up whenever he needed to, and you knew you could do that right back. He would cry, get mad, anything to ease eachother was allowed and accepted.
P - patience He is extremely patient. Once again, it might be due to how he was raised, but he has learned that being patient is crucial to get what you want. Use that however you wish :]
Q - quiz (about you) I think he has a bad memory. Love you, idolizes you and your body, adores you, but can’t say when your anniversary is. It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s just that he can’t remember anything for the life of him.
R - remembered… The first time you saw his bike. Your eyes pratically had hearts in them as you eyed the decaling on it. From there, you heard his hearty laugh and instantly fell in love !
S - security So protective over you! Not in an obsessive way, but he loves you and naturally wants peace for you.
T - trying effort Tries so hard to make sure you’re happy. If you want to try something new, he will with you, and etc.
U - unfairness Teases you a lot. He just thinks it’s adorable to see your face twist when he says things opposite of the answer you wanted.
V - volume surprisingly quiet. He whimpers a lot, and those can get loud, but he doesn’t moan a whole lot. He does moan, don’t kid yourself, but whimpering and groans are more often.
W - would they be whole without you? Absolutely not. He hates himself if you leave.
X - X-tra headcannon One time he caught you trying to hump a pillow for any hope of friction. He had been gone for a while on a trip and you were needy, what could you say? But when he caught you, something sparked inside of him and it unlesshed a literally machine.
Y - yearning Similar to the others, he won’t beg persay, but he might ask every once in a while. Work becomes a lot and ordinary sleep gets boring, he might need something to really tire himself out.
Z - zzz habits As mentioned above, sometimes work slams him so far down he sleeps for hours and hours. You once even thought he was dead, but no, he just sleeps lile a rock. If he can, he sleeps.
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gothghostiie · 1 year
D..do you think Wesker would be mad possessive touchy around others? Like ( f u l l b o d y a l l e n c o m p a s s i n g g r a b h u g ) when you visit at work?? Can I get uhhh Wesker 'not liking to share' HCs??
absolutely possessive around others.
needs to make sure everyone around knows who you belong to
will literally mark you up beforehand
the type to give you a necklace with either his name or initial and makes sure you wear it all the time
will not leave your side especially around new people
people can look, he loves showing you off but nobody can dare to come too close.
if he has to leave your side he will always make sure to keep an eye on you
if someone does come to close to you while alone he will give you a ✨ full body all encompassing grab hug ✨
loves to have you visit at work so his colleagues can see what a lovely partner he has
keeps whispering little claims in your ear
"you're all mine, darling..."
"Oh I haven't introduced you? That's my partner."
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4townn · 2 years
Robaire fluff alphabet 𔘓
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it's rushed if you can tell but anyway; not proofread
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A - admiration (what do they adore about you)
Your whole existence, honestly. He adores everything about u.
B - body (what is their favorite body part of your body?)
your hands. whether he kisses your hand or holds them.
C - cuddling (do they like cuddling?)
Yes, during his downtime! Due to his busy schedule, he is unable to spend much time with you, but he makes it up when he has free time. He's usually the huge spoon.
D - dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Robaire loves going on fancy restaurant dates with you. He occasionally prefers to go on quieter dates, such as those at the library or a coffee shop.
E - emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
By talking about it with you. Let him rant the weight off his chest.
F - family (do they want one?)
Yeah! Robaire definitely wants one.
G - gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? what are their habits when it comes to this?)
loves to spoil you and buy you expensive gifts. It's one of his love languages.
H - holding hands (do they like holding hands?)
a LOT !! It makes him feel at ease.
I - injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
This man would be so worried. He will take care of you; lets you rest, drink water, eat healthy meals, drink your vitamins/medicine etc. Never lets you do anything 😭 what a gentleman.
J - jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
He isnt the 'goofy' type, but will sometimes joke around/prank you just to hear you laugh.
K - kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Rob 100% loves to kiss you. he gives long-lasting, sweet and passionate kisses. The ones that take your breath away.
L - love (how do they show you they love you/their love languages?)
His love languages are words of affirmation and gift giving. He really loves spoiling his partner and compliments them everyday!!
M - memory (favorite memory together?)
When he took you out in the rain to dance 🥹🥹. It was a simple but unforgettable memory together.
N - nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
You leaving him. as if you'd do that 🤨
O - oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Robaire does this thing where he just randomly flirts with u in french RARARARAEYYSHEH
“t’as d’beaux yeux, tu sais?”
P - pet names (what do they like to call you?)
Mon amour, chérie, darling, love, beautiful/handsome, beloved etc.
Q - quirk (some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship)
I don't think this is an ability but this man is understanding and a good listener. he loves it when you ramble.
“and-” you stopped. “am I talking too much?”
robaire, who's been staring lovesick at you, “no, continue.”
R - rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
“Moonlight” by Ariana Grande.
“sweet like candy, but he’s such a man.”
change it if u don't like the song 🥴
S - security (how protective are they? / would they like to be protected?)
Very very protective, especially from those kind of “4townies.” he wants you to be safe.
T - time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took... a while. He was doubting to tell you how he felt.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Makes you coffee and gently confronts you about it. He doesn't like to see his partner upset.
V - Vaunt (Do they like to show you off?)
Robaire LOVES to show you off every. single. day. He's never met nobody like you ✨
W - Warrior (Would they fight for you?)
X - x-ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He can read you like an open book. When something happens, he'd able to tell it right away.
Y - Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Like I stated, he would take you on a fancy dinner date. And obviously, you'd say yes‼️
Z - Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
When you cuddle him and massage his head. Please take care of that; he appreciates it. He's under a lot of pressure :/
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fun fact I wrote this earlier in class #downbad4robaire
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bitchbot3000 · 8 months
✨ Fic Authors Self Rec ✨
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass this onto other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thanks @firecoloredwater for the tag 💜 Tbh, I'm still trying to be more active on tumblr but I'm not very good at it, so if I end up tagging people who've already done this, we'll just pretend I didn't 😌 @silverutahraptor @insomnikat-mused You're up next?
Now, on to the recs...
Megumi / Sukuna | Explicit
This fic feels a little weird for me, I can't get a clear view of it because I wrote it over a space in time where I felt like something was changing in the way that I write (still in it, tbh), but there are parts of it I'm really in love with, even if there are a few that feel iffy as well.
Zen’in Megumi is an amusement. Something to toy with; twist and squeeze and bend until he breaks. He is also a threat, a rare and sincere one, and the thought of what he might become—more than just promise, more than potential, more than the mere possibility of being brought to heel—is perhaps the most tantalizing idea Sukuna has come across in all his years spent languishing amongst the chaos he creates. Unfortunately, something still holds Megumi back. Or rather, he still holds back something within, and Sukuna cannot fathom why he allows himself to go to such waste. Megumi breaks the monotony of Sukuna's lifestyle of lavish violence with his potential to become a worthy opponent. Sukuna will see that said potential is realized for the sake of his own amusement, and wring whatever else he can from Megumi in the meantime.
Hashirama / Mito | General
Okay, honestly, this fic was SO outside of my typical box. It's sweet, it's soft, it's not explicit in the least, and it's canon abiding! And yet? It turned out to be one of the most naturally flowing things I've ever written. It was for an event that had a limited word count, so in retrospect, there are a few things I'd like to let breathe more, but it's not the end of the world, I'm still very happy with it.
Mito’s mother has been gone nearly a month. When she returns home, she returns with many stories to tell of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Hope colours more of her words than Mito might have expected for a land so recently war-torn, and when she dismisses everyone from their company for evening tea and hands Mito a scroll sealed with the stamp of the Leaf, she understands that it was for her own sake.
Aemond / Lucerys | Explicit
I fell into and back out of this fandom at light-speed which is probably for the best cause honestly, it looks like a hot mess, HOWEVER, I'm very glad I wrote this first. It's horny, the writing flows well, and it has incest! What more could you want?
All his life, people have looked at Lucerys and seen only what should be, rather than what is. Here and now, he can choose what others will see when they look his way.
M O S A I C E Y E S : R E M I X E D C 1
Fem!Izuna / Tobirama | Explicit
A few of you have probably read Mosaic Eyes, the Remixed series is essentially a series of unconnected "alternative" chapters, each written as if a scenario from Mosaic Eyes had taken a different turn. The first chapter was a total indulgence in making Tobirama the worst version of himself that exists in my head, and I've always been very pleased with how it turned out. He's a HUGE bastard. Enjoy.
“I think,” he crouches in front of her, takes her jaw in hand and squeezes until he can feel the bruises blooming under her skin, “that before you are your brother’s sister, you are my wife. You can scream from the rooftops that your husband has violated you and be ignored. You are my property to do with as I please, have no delusions about that. Your brother may take issue, but so long as you are alive and in my hands, there’s little he can do without risking you and your life is the one thing he will not take action against.” “You would ransom my life to continue raping me?” “I would have a wife who behaves as one.”
Multi | Explicit
Alright, last but very much not least, this series is my baby. Which does make it a little bit insane that I haven't published anything for it in about a year and a half.
When Naruto ended, I hated the epilogue, and I spent years afterwards considering what might be a more fulfilling ending for the characters. Eventually, this series took shape and I ended up with an outline totalling about 60k (rip). I wrote the first part, published it, and then life happened.
Now, I'm actually pretty glad for the delay, because the story definitely lacked direction and depth and it was going to be way too long for those not to be staples. I've done an unreasonable amount of revision to the outline, and I'd like to revise part 1 a little bit as well, and then get back to writing this in the new year once all of my other WIPs are done and dusted.
When the chaos of war has abated and the dust settles, there's nothing left but rubble and ash. All they can do is rebuild. A large-scale alternative epilogue.
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sharky-the-idiot · 3 months
elphaba,shUT U P!
I can't hArBOuR a fUgiTiVe, i am an
✨unelected official✨
and why SHOULD I help you?
you flyyy around oz trying to rescue
Animals 🙄🙄🙄🙄
you've nEvER even mEt
and not ONCE have you ever thought to use your pOWeRs to rescue ME!
ALLL of my life, I've depended on you!
HOWwwWw do you think that feeels?
all of my life, I've depended on youu
And this hIDeoUs chair with wheeEeels
S c r o u n g i n g for scraps of p i t y to pick up
and l o ngi ng to kiCK UP my heeeeeeeeeeeeeels
Nessa, there isn't a ���spell✨ for everything The... the ✨power✨ is ✨mysterious✨, it not like ✨cobbling up✨ a pair of... ✨WAIT!✨
✨Ambulahn Dare Pahto Pahpoot✨
What are you doing????
✨Ambulahn Dasca Caldapess✨
What does that M E A N?????
✨Lahfenahto Lahfenahtum✨ ✨Pede Pede Caldapess✨ ✨Ambulahn Dare✨ ✨Pahto Pahpoot✨ ✨Lahfenahto Lahfenahtum✨ ✨Pede Pede Caldapess✨
OHH! My sHOEs! They feel like they're on fiYAH! What have you done to my shoOOOOOESS?
N O ! No, don't help me >:(
Oh ✨NeSsa✨, at last!!!! i've done what ✨long ago✨ I should And ✨finally✨ from these ✨powers✨ something ✨good✨ f i n a l l y somethinggg ✨good✨-
tiNgA liNg a LiNG
yes, what is it, madam governor--
BrAnDisHeS KnIfE
boq, it's mE i'm not going to hurt you-
you're L YY Y I NG
boq, what are you talking about???
i'm talking about my LIFE
..the little that's left of it
i'm not FREE to leave MuNchKiNLaNd :"(
n o n e of us are <//3
ever since s h e took power, she's been
of our
..and we didn't have that many to begin with :///
and do you.
to keep you here with me :)
but NONE of tHaT matters anymore!!
l o o k
(✨l e g s✨)
...you... did this for her?
For BOTH of us!
oh n e s s a......
this changes EVERYTHING :"D
I know :)
Yes? :)
oh n e s s a...... SURELY now i'll matter lessss to youuu and you won't mind my
l eA V IN G--??
Y E S 🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍
that bAlL that's being staged announcing
G l i n d a
G L I N D A ? ? ?
yes nessa!
,,,that's right
i've GOT to go appeeeeal to herrr, express the way I feeeeeel for herrrrr
..n e s s a, I
lost my heart
to Galinda from the moment I first saw her.
....you know that
..lost your heart?
wellll, we'll sEe about thaaaat
✨ n e s s a✨ , let him ✨ go✨
did you think i'd let you lEAVE ME HERE FLAT???
...i have to...
..mAgiC sPeLl yOu
aH... tUmM---
n e s s a, ✨ no✨ , it's ✨ dangerous.✨
cORe,, tUM?
what's she doing?
You're ✨ pronouncing the words✨ all ✨ wrong✨ ...
TAH,,, taYK-
i'm warning you!! don't try to stop me--!
✨ oh no✨
n e s s a !!11!!1!!!!
what is it?????
myyyyy h ea rt...
..it feels...
it feels like it's shRinKiiiIIIIIING-!
Oh, ELPHABA, do something!!
I ✨can't✨. You can't ✨reverse✨ a ✨spell✨ once it's been ✨cast✨
Then what do we do?! This is all
If you had not shown me that
b o o k -
i've ✨got to✨ find another ✨sPeLl✨. It's the ✨only thing✨ that might work
Save him
just save him
MY poor B O Q
mY sWeET, my bRaVe himMMmmM
Don't leave me
'til my sorry life has ceEEEeeased
just the gurlll in the miIIIRRROR
Just her and me!
Wicked Witch
ooOOOOF thee
...We deserve each other...
,,he's ✨asleep✨
what about his H E A R T?
it's ✨alright✨..
he won't need one now.
i ✨have to go✨ to the ✨eMerALd CiTy✨
what happened to those mOnKEyS is
i've got to set them ✨free✨-
you're going to find
but it's too late >:(
i have done ✨everything i could✨ for ✨you✨
and it hasn't been enough
and ✨nothing✨ ever will be.
elphaba wait--
...where am i...?
what happened?
umM... ✨nOtHiNG✨!
you just felll asleeeep-
(okay i lied i wasn't done)
erm so uhh erm erm uh uh uhhhh I dunno how to respond so mwa <3 /p
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RA Headcanon: For Multiple Different Characters.
Just some nice queer headcanons I've had for some of the RA characters for a while. No in depth, I'll get more into that in June. All of them are LGBTQ+
Halt, Ferris and Caitlyn:
Okay so there is of course there is the headcanon that Halt is t r a n s
But what if he also identified as g e n d e r f l u i d ? (Those were the closest colors I could get sorry.)
This can also mix into the headcanon of Halt being trans. He was assigned female at birth, but now switches between identifying as a trans man and maybe n o n b i n a r y .
It's manily the prnouns that would change though. Sometimes he is he/him, sometimes he/they, and sometimes they/them. He doesn't mind if people call him he, they, or any neo pronounds either. The only ones he does mind is she/her because it reminds him of his shitty childhood with his (in my head) shitty transphobic and homophobic parents. He mainly identifies as a man, and mainly uses he/they pronouns.
Caitlyn is very supportive of her brother, and since Halt obviously wouldn't want to come out to his parents, she is really good at not taling and keeping it between the people who do know and support.
Some people would expect Ferris to also be trans and homophobic. Part of that reason because he tries to follow in their fathers foot steps, litsening to him. Which includes his views on things. Meaning that people might think that Ferris has grown up being transphobic and homophobic because of their fathers influence. But plot twist, he's actually a h o m o s e x u a l himself.
Crowley and his family:
Crowley is p a n s e x u a l and a s e x u a l. (Best I could do with limited colors.) Like Halt, he also uses he/they pronouns, but doesn't really mind neo pronouns. Unlike Halt, he also doesn't really mind being called she/her. He has only ever had one boyfriend and that was Halt. That one girl he kissed was a mistake that he doesn't talk about anymore. It wasn't anything bad, he just didn't like it. Now the only person he actually lets kiss him is Halt.
Crowley has an older brother named Conner who is ✨g a y✨ He is married to man named Josh. Conner and Josh adopted a boy when he was a baby called Lucas. They call him Luke and Lukey for short. Josh and Conner both use he/him pronouns but once again don't mind they/them.
They also have a younger sibling named Charlie. (all the children start with C) Charli is n o n b i n a r y and a r o a c e. Instead of Aunty or Uncle, Lucas calls them his Froggy Charlie. They love it. Charlie uses they/them pronouns and really any kind of neo pronouns, they just don't like she and he.
There parents are really supportive and are actually still alive and healthy. Their names are Margaret and Jakob. Charlie, Connor, Josh, Lucas, Margaret and Jakob all live in Redmont, Crowley being the only one who doesn't live near them as he is in Araluen. Halt has gotten close to the Meratyn family.
Leander and Lewin Sylvia:
Leander is also p a n s e x u a l . I don't have much more to say on that. He/him.
The Lewin in TEY is the old Lewin. She is now a t r a n s women named Sylvia. l don't know her sexuality. She/her.
I lied. This kind of did turn out to be in depth.
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marcelohq · 1 year
🤓 Tomando clases de métodos de estudios
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"Estudia el pasado si quieres intuir el futuro" - Confusio
✨ ¿ Q u é   m o t i v ó   m i   p a r t i c i p a c i ó n ?
Realicé esta actividad CAS debido a que considero que puedo brindar mi mate mi máximo potencial al conocer cómo estudiar apropiadamente para cada curso. Uno de mis objetivos en el IB es obtener un calificativo de 7 en el curso de Psicología, por lo que es necesario aprender técnicas que me permitirían obtener este objetivo. Aparte de esto, los métodos enseñados aplican para mí al ser adaptados a mi manera de aprender coma la cual es visual y auditivamente. Esto contribuyó a mi desarrollo personal como estudiante.
✨ ¿ Q u é   r e a l i c é ?
Como experiencia puntual me inscribí a una serie de clases de métodos de estudio, las cuales me permiten aprender distintos métodos para poder estudiar de manera efectiva y enfocada al curso que quisiera. los cursos a los que me enseñaron cómo estudiar adecuadamente fueron: psicología, biología y matemática. Ya que son los cursos qué más me interesan. Esta idea la tuve yo mismo tras las evaluaciones MOCKS ya que me hubiese gustado obtener mejores resultados.
✨ R e f l e x i ó n
Para mí, lo más relevante es experiencia fue poder aprender de mis errores a la hora de estudiar los distintos cursos, ya que yo pensaba que se hacía de una determinada manera, cuando no era cierto. Esto podría haber afectado los resultados obtenidos en las evaluaciones (algo bajos). Algo relevante es que aplicaré estos tips este segundo año de bachillerato, por lo que fue una experiencia importante para mí como estudiante. Si pudiera retomar esa actividad CAS, quizás ampliaría el número de horas de clases tomadas. Con el fin de conocer métodos adecuados para todos los cursos del IB, puesto a que en esta experiencia sólo tuve la oportunidad de conocer los métodos para: biología, psicología y matemática. Debo reconocer que cursos como: inglés, español y artes también son difíciles de dominar.
✨ R e s u l t a d o s   d e   a p r e n d i z a j e
En esta actividad puntual, he reconocido los siguientes resultados de aprendizaje:
Mostrar que se han afrontado desafíos y se han desarrollado nuevas habilidades en el proceso -  Al reconocer mi habilidad en ciertos cursos y mi dominio en ellos, PERO al mismo tiempo reconociendo mi falta de conocimiento a la hora de estudiar cuando ya que aplicaba métodos poco efectivos de retención de información y de aplicación de esta.
Identificar en uno mismo los puntos fuertes y las áreas en las que se necesita mejorar - Al adentrarme en esta actividad a pesar de que no disfruto mucho tomar clases extracurriculares. Pero al mismo tiempo reconociendo que obtendría un buen resultado por medio de esta experiencia casa la cual sería reforzar mis habilidades de estudio.
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zkylearnstherope · 5 months
Goal for this year
Learn Animation and make The Monochromes dance to Yakusoku No Kizuna - Future Star ✨ nice
I'm telling you guys now to make myself accountable. Now, I won't have an excuse for not doing it.
It's not going to be smooth since I'm just winging it, but here's how it will go:
A - Mitsuki (purple)
H - Mirai (pink)
vic - Hiroomi (green-scarf)
Agent - Akihito (yellow-hoodie)
Eyes - Ai (gold)
PB, Hunter, and Sign will be the BTS guys and will not be dancing
I have a couple of other Animations planned, but this is the final goal.
If Alan somehow kills them at the end of AvA 6, things will be very awkward when I finally release it.
But we are not going to let awkwardness stop us.
Yeah, we're going to be idols for a day!
I'm not sure about this.
I W A S A C T U A L L Y L O O K I N G F O R W A R D T O S E E I N G Y O U D A N C E.
. . . How are we going to do this?
[Leave it to PB and me.]
◼ How did I get roped into this thing? ◼
[Hey, Hunter. What say you and I... go brainstorm togeth-]
◼ I will do it! Also, f*ck you! ◼
< thumbs up >
If things don't work out, we can just blame Sign.
[Me!? Why?]
I'm sure he's not going to let us down. Right, Hazard?
[Why do I feel like those are thinly veiled threats?]
.. - .----. … / --- -.- .- -.-- / .. / -… . .-.. .. . …- . / .. -. / -.-- --- ..-
[Thanks, Eyes. But I'd appreciate it if you say that out loud.]
Hmm? What do you mean? I didn't say anything.
[You guys are just messing with me at this point.]
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weezerblue · 2 years
diluc nsfw alphabet because why not
a - aftercare: he would clean you up and get everything you need then go back to sleep with you
b - body part: his favorite body part on himself is probably his hands. his favorite part on his partner is most likely their thighs, diluc loves thighs
c - cum: either inside or on your stomach, every artist has to look at their work am I right
d - dirty secret: he's secretly really into dacryphilia
e - experience: you're most likely his first but he is a quick learner
f - favorite position: his favorite is probably missionary or doggy
g - goofy: he jokes around if you do but for the most part he's pretty serious
h - hair: he trims every so often but never shaves
I - intimacy: very intimate
j - jerk off: didn't do it much before he met you now he only does it if you're busy/not in the mood
k - kink: he definitely has a major voice kink. he could listen to your voice all day
l - location: in a private space. his 2 favorites are the bedroom (obviously) and the kitchen, occasionally he will do public stuff tho
m - motivation: like I said he has a voice kink so if he focuses on your voice for too long he'll get hard
n - no: car sex. he hates it
o - oral: he prefers giving because he's really good at it but he doesn't mind receiving once in a while
p - pace: he always asks you beforehand so he'll do what you say
q - quickies: tries to avoid them at all cost, he wants to take his time pleasuring you
r - risk: doesn't take risks that often but once in a while he might rile you up in a public space
s - he could last 2 to 5 rounds depending on how pent up he is
t - time: it takes him 40ish minutes to cum
u - unfair: he rarely ever teases cause he's too needy for that
v - volume: very vocal unless he knows someone's gonna hear y'all
w - weird fact: sometimes while having sex his mind will go to normal things like what to have for dinner, not that weird but he will get so embarrassed if you bring it up
x - x ray: 6 1/2 when soft, 7 when hard
y - yearning: almost all the time but he won't bother you about it if you're busy
z - Zzz: he'll fall asleep when you do cause he wants to wait for you
now I know my ABC's next time won't you sing with me✨
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
Thank you!!
— ✨
Anon asked for a Scott Smut if i remember correctly
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He is shameless. He'll tend to your every need as if he didn't blow your back out.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Scott is an ass man. He loves how perky it is and just loves to squeeze it.
Scott likes his abs. He knows it drives you insane and plus its a motivation to keep them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Scott goes feral when he cums. He wants all over you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Scott is super into BDSM. He wants to try it out but is afraid of how you'll react.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Scott is somewhat experienced as well as you. You two share what you know in the bedroom.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy style or reverse cowgirl. Anyone where he can see your ass.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It's all game in the bedroom. No giggles or laughs. You'll be punished.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Scott has some hair there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's rougher than romantic if you understand what I'm saying. When the two of you are having sentimental sex he's whispering sweeter things and rubbing your body.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Scott loves to jack off when you're not there. Gives him an idea of what you'll do next time.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He has a breeding kink.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Scott loves doing it in his dorm room so everyone can hear what's going on.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Yoga pants and when others talk to you. He hates how other guys watch you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
threesomes. Hates the idea of sharing you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves it when you choke on his cock but likes watching you unfold as he eats you out.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hates them but loves them. Loves how he gets to mark you but hates how he can't take his time with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
If you're down he's down. Just no threesomes.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Say goodbye to walking. You'll be on bed rest with Scotty.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He's your toy. You don't need some plastic.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's super unfair. He needs to be arrested and given a life sentence.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's not ashamed of being loud.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Legs in the air as the bedrocks back and forth. Scott pounds into you much to the annoyance of Scott's roommate who's waiting outside for the two of you to stop.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
When I said good luck walking I also meant size-wise.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Super high this man needs to calm down.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He waits for you to sleep first.
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jxngh · 3 years
jin as your boyfriend
hello!! thank you for requesting <33 hope you'll enjoy 🥺✨
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he's the sweetest, selfless person i've ever seen
would treat you like a queen
making you smile makes his day better
he tells you that too
someway he thinks that it's his job
plus he doesn't have to try hard, a simple laugh of him is enough
he always celebrates important days and stuff early
would do the same to you
he'd take you to do random things
go fishing, grocery shopping etc.
would love to teach you how to cook
he'd be so playful during teaching
he cooks for you often
fancy dinner tables, scented candles, rose petals
please i'm m e l t i n g right now
wakes you up with breakfast in the bed
(he told this + mentioned it's because his s/o would be tired 😏)
takes you to his fav restaurants
kisses your cheeks all of a sudden
loves to surprise you
and when you blush he'd tease
even though he's the same about blushing
he's so understanding
takes care of you during stressful times
would make you sit and give you tea while talking to you
would take you in his arms while intertwining fingers with you
s u c h a b o y f r i e n d
he's so romantic oh god
remember the picture that he's outside, holding a bouquet
that pic makes my heart burst every.fkin.time
he'd get you flowers, pretty dresses and stuff
' my princess deserves the best '
i see him calling his s/o 'jagi, princess, love'
if you'd ever fight
i can't see him raising his voice
would be silent and not around you
he'd feel bad about it
trying to fix it after giving you two some alone time, making you think
after you guys make up he'd not leave you alone
you'd be in his arms all the time
you're cooking? he's cooking too
you're sleeping? he's too
mature content below !
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he's a loving dom
loves to take you in missionary
not as a classical way, he feels more intimate
seeing your face, hearing your sweet sounds is what he needs
always kisses your lips during sex
hands traveling your body, keeping you closer
would be thinking about your pleasure over his
loses it when you praise him
goes rough
he is not into dirty talk i think
would make you cum with his sweet words
under his hungry, loving gaze
this guy worships the way your body reacts
his moans gets high pitched when he's close
face looking like a fcking sculpture all the time
loves to guide your hips when you're riding him
enjoys it quite a lot
roleplay would be in another level me thinks
.·´ if you want more of these ( hoseok and jimin left) or something else let me know in here ✨
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