#lilac appreciation
sharky-the-idiot · 4 months
You should marry him frfr
sharky is an hansom man
:000 thank you!!!!
we're getting (platonically) married tho :3
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gabriela-liar · 30 days
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spr1mkle · 11 days
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liliewrites · 14 days
Ayo ?? Absolutely feral about jealous Arle that was so good 😳😳😳👀 Would definitely love to see more of that in the future if the inspiration strikes (this isn't meant as a request but go crazy if the mood strikes you lol)
Also silently crying about the fluffy one.. That was adorable, thank you so much for taking the time to write that ! We love lovesick Arle, she is just so... No words for her fr 😭🥰
I really am a sucker for really powerful/scary characters that turn soft and love their s/o so much they lowkey dont know what to do with themselves lol. Bonus points if their s/o is not as powerful as them
And yeah about WuWa, it releases tomorrow but it can be pre downloaded today so I did that and I'm very excited about all the characters ! I'll be all up in your asks if you decide to write about them (this is a threat.....) 😌
As always, keep up the great work and I can't wait for friday 🙏
- 🔥
yes i agree i rlly love it when "big scary women" who r generally intimidating but r actually big softies for their loved ones, and it's always heartwarming to see because it's a sign that anyone and everyone r capable of loving, and i truly believe in that fact! everyone just has their diff ways of showing it, positively and negatively (arlecchino the best example fr) -- BUT ENOUGH YAPPIN'
THANKSSS FOR REQUESTING YES I DEFINITELY WOULDN'T MIND TAKING IN MORE, i love writing (and i love arlecchino sm) and i've been rlly wanting to get into writing again!!:)) problem is i don't have any ideas lmao (and i'm getting a little bit rusty w writing..) so keep sending them in, PLEASE I BEG.
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obiwanwhat · 9 months
Nothing Can Ever Be Simple Snippet #4
“Obi-Wan never told you about me?” she asks, idly spinning a glass of what passes for liquor on a Rebel base.  The fight against the Empire might be technically over, but supply chains haven’t even begun to recover yet.  
“Obi-Wan didn’t tell me a lot of things,” he says, hand clasping around his own untouched drink.  He’s proud of the fact that only a thread of bitterness seeps into his words, rather than the ocean he used to have to contain.  “Obi-Wan told me Vader killed my father.  He didn’t tell me the truth until after he died.”
“Until after he- what?” Ahsoka asks, confused.
“Yeah, he told me a hell of a lot more as a ghost than he ever did when he was alive,” Luke says, not understanding her confusion.  
“As a…ghost?” she asks, confusion still growing.
“Yeah, don’t all Jedi come back as ghosts?” he asks, now uncertain.  “I saw my father and Yoda too, once, after the battle of Endor.  They didn’t speak to me, but they were there.”
“I-no, I’ve never heard of a Jedi coming back after they died.  They’ve never-” they’ve never come to me is what he thinks she’s about to say, but she cuts herself off. Her expression visibly struggles for a few moments, and then she shakes her head as though to clear it. “I’ve seen stranger things, I guess.  So Obi-Wan appeared to you after he died?”
“On Dagobah.” He says. “Right after Yoda….” he can’t quite finish, but she understands, and her expression saddens.
“I didn’t know he’d passed,” she says.  “I’m sorry to hear it.  As far as I know…he was the last real Jedi knight still alive.”
“But you- you said my father trained you,” he says. “Doesn’t that make you…?” he trails off, unsure of what that makes her.  There’s just so much he doesn’t know about the old Jedi Order.  
“I left the Order before completing my training,” she says, and he just stares at her.  He doesn’t understand - why would anyone ever leave the Order, if not in Darkness? The Jedi were beacons of light and hope in the universe - how could anyone ever walk away from that? She sighs again.
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kiedoqi · 1 year
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doqi: melatonin flavored wanted to update the sona design with sleepier vibes ( i am perma eepy )
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dorkycorner · 23 days
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-if used for pfp please credit & reblog - no reposting allowed-
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 3 months
Random fun fact from Laura’s life:
She might not be a flowers and bouquets kind of girlie on a day-to-day basis — she feels neutral about receiving flowers as a romantic gesture, does not need it in her life, can buy her own flowers if she feels like it —, but Ethan knows he ought to be sprinting to the flower shop first thing in the morning when the calendar shows March 8th, otherwise Laura will commit murder.
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butw0rldenough · 1 year
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sharky-the-idiot · 5 months
S plendiferous beyond compare H ello there why are u still active at 3am A mazing mutual whom i cherish R idiculously funny K itten sneeze vibes Y ou're such a cool mutual wth
thank you for being so fantabulous bestie
hnngh thanks lilac I love you too <333/p
L - Literal angel!!
I - I love seeing your posts on my dash!!
L - Literary genius
A - Actual sweetheart (not an Omori reference)
C - Crackhead in DMS (and I love it)
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gabriela-liar · 2 months
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watery-melon-baller · 7 months
trick or treat :>
happy late Halloween! here's some chocolate
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what no heart chocolate isn't only a valentine's day thing. hush. take your chocolate and go
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rosentraume · 7 months
I once saw a post saying that if you dislike using a certain color in your art, you should become obsessed with a character/oc associated with that color and I thought that was a load of bullshit, but I used to HATE purple and now that I’ve given in and started drawing fyodor… I’m beginning to like it
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ofsnarkandmagic · 1 year
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Flowers can say so much @sorceryr
They were barely friends, which was just fine, honestly, and so it was his twin that suggested he brought something to break the ice a bit. Flowers were perfect for conveying messages, or so she had mentioned and since it was spring, getting lilacs were absolutely perfect. At least to him, especially since their meaning was of spring and renewal. Now whether Merlin would view the flowers as an innocent gesture was up for debate, but nevertheless these came from Mellie's personal garden. Not the one in which she sold from in The English Garden. "You're welcome and tea sounds wonderful. Sorry 'bout just suddenly showin' up, by the way."
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lemonandpie · 1 year
Lilac, lemon, fern, u get the gist lol
Fern - In love with your big brain energy
I use it only for good things (porn and angsty headcanons)
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