#He could be trans if you want but he did not birth Ellie he just protected her core until she could reform
moonlight-stalker · 10 months
# 58 Dc x Dp
Danny has been living with the bat fam for a couple of months. Danny first meet them when he was living on the street, Danny had been mistaken for a Wayne so many times that he could rival the actual Wayne family in how many times he has been kidnapped.
The bat family has all become attached to this feral child which has caused many of the rogues to cry and scream. When he what missing they all begin to panic, and search for him that's when they found out Danny had run away from his very creepy godfather, they all suit up and went to save him.
The bat's learned that Danny is called a halfa a being that is half dead and half living that stands on the line of dead and alive, so after getting him from his very Creepy godfather who is also a half they thought that they would not have to worry about any more surprises that were until Danny came down holding an infant that was a couple of hours old
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
New X-Men Xtrospective Part 2: Germ Free Generation (Annual, #117-120)
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Hello all you happy mutants! And welcome back to my look one of my faviorite runs of one of my faviorite super teams by one of my faviorite comic book writers!
For those of you just joining us.. it’s been a while. I did the first instalment of this retrospective back in early January as a present to my friend for christmas, as he had never read E is for Extinctoin and what with this run being vital to the current, utterly brilliant Krakoa era of X-Men. But with both Black History Month and Valentine’s day, February had no real room for this one and march ended up being just as crammed with me doing essentially the entire della arc of ducktales in one month. I didn’t mean for this retrospective to get pushed so far back, but since I gave up doing weekly coverage of Final Space I had some room on the schedule so this retrospective is back with a vengance with two entries this month and hopefully at least one a month afterword to keep it at a decent clip. 
Last time I covered the background of this run and didn’t really find much for the issues after, so I won’t have to spend as much time on background. 
So since i’ts been a few months, a refresher is probably in order
PREVIOUSLY, ON X-MEN:  Our merry mutants enterted a marvelous new era. As Charles redidciated to the dream with new equipment and a new uniforms our hero encounter a new villian: The Mysterious Cassandra Nova, a powerful telepath who used an uwitting patsy from the trask family and a defucnt sentinel factory to slaughter the mutant nation of Genosha, killing 16 million mutants in the most horrific act of genocide against mutants ever known. And the fact there has been more than one genocide against mutant kind MIGHT, just MIGHT be the reason they blackmailed for peace with life saving drugs instead of helping willingly and freely in the current comics. Just maybe. 
Cassandra was captured by the X-Men soon after but escaped and nearly got a hold of Cerebra only to be stopped thanks to a combination of former enemy, genoshan resident at the time of the genocide, and that bitch Emma Frost who snapped her neck and Charles himself who uncharacteristically shot Cassandra in the head. That night Charles took a bold step over that would change the X-Men forever and told the world on live tv:
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While all of this was going on we got caught up on the team’s personal struggles, currently consisting of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast and Wolverine with Emma joining as of the issue we’re about to cover. Beast is grappling with a secondary mutation that makes him look like Aslan, the jesus of narnia and all lions. Meanwhile Scott and Jean are grappling with their non existant sex life as Cyclops possesion by Apocalypse shortly before this story has severely rattled him and caused him to close himself off emotionally. 
So that’s where we pick up. Our heroes are now no longer hiden saftely in the shadows from a world that hates and fear them but are out front and center with the world watching. And we’ll see both how that helps their cause and how it puts them directly in the cross hairs under the cut.  Content Warning: This review discusses Transphobia and a scene involving a school shooting. If either of these are a trigger for you or something you do not want to read about  please skip this part of the retrospective for your own well being. Thank you and have a lovely day. 
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The Man From Room X:
We have three stories today: an annual that introduces our final team member and the main villians of our next arc, a one off that moves the main plot for the first 12 issues along, and a three part arc about said villains.  Before we get into the Annual, I have to talk about it’s weird gimmick: The issue is entirely sideways. I don’t mean it’s bad though some parts are problematic I mean when bought it’d be on it’s side and in my trade I have to flip the whole thing over on it’s side to read it. It’s just a .. weird choice. Not the weirdest thing about this issue somehow but not unexpected from Grant as they like to play with the formula. 
We open in said Room X, a location in China where a mutant named Xorn is kept and showed off to a mysterious group of dickweeds in suits representing “Mr. Sublime”.  His jailer, General Aao Jun,, shows him off as most bad guys would : By undoing his helmet and thus disntegrating two innocent children just by looking at them. Sublime says they have a deal. 
Meanwhile also in China the X-Men are there for a funeral and Emma and Scott trade insulting questions back in forth: She mocks him about his lack of sex with Jean lately and he brings up her criminal past. As for why Emma’s still with the x-men.. it’s out of pragmatisim. WIth Genosha gone, the x-men are the saftest faction to throw in with. 
As for why the X-Men are in China, Charles has rapidly expanded his operations now he’s public by setting up X-Corps, a multinational humantarian aid organization dedicated to helping mutants in need wherever they sprout up. He’s set up offices in Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Mumbai and Melborne. 
He’s also half assed it, at least for the Hong Kong office and only gave them two employees: Domino, who those of you not as familiar with the comics may remember from deadpool and Risque.. who I honestly had never heard of before New X-Men and frequently forget existed. I just looked her up for the first time and she’s a minor mutant who was an associate of X-Force and Warpath’s love intrest. She could compress matter causing it to implode. My assumption here is that Morrison simply picked a minor mutant at random for the job. 
But yeah naturally with only two mutants charged with, according to domino “All of asia” went horribly and the x-men are there for Risque’s funeral and to find out what happened. Unsuprisingly it’s tied into our cold open: Risque had found evidence of a mutant trafficking operation and died fighting them off and Dom is naturally f eeling in over her head since said operation involves the chinese goverment, who according to her exccute most mutants at birth and John Sublime and his cult. 
We soon see a press confrence from this asshole and find out what his deal is: Sublime is the head of the U-Men, a group that belivies they are a “third species” of mutants trapped in human bodies that deserve to have the surgery to make them into mutants, and thus wear weird suits until the world is pure and allows them to have surgery for it. 
Yeahhhh this.. this is really fucking uncomfortable and is going to be present throughout today’s piece so let’s just go ahead and rip that band-aid off:  The U-Men come off as HIGHLY transphobic. They use terms similar to trans people call themselves trans species and are trapped inside a body they don’t belong in. It’s VERY uncomfortable to read as a result and something that hadn’t really sunk into till thsi reading but once it had.. oh god does this not age well. 
The one thing that keeps this from runing the run and Grant Morrison as a whole for me.. is that I do not think for one second it was intentional. Grant themself is genderqueer, nonbinary and a cross dresser. None of this means they CAN’T be prejudice, being Queer does not magically make you immune to being prejudiced. But before this Grant had the genderqueer sentient street Danny the Street over in doom patrol and a trans main character in his book the invisibles, Lord Fanny. And given New X-Men’s biggest flaw as a whole is clumsy early 2000′s unforutnate implications such as a good chunk of the things about Cyclops affair with Emma, we’ll get to that at the right time, Angel in the next arc and Dust, who was introduced as from afganastan wearing an outfit not seen in the country and speaking a language not spoken in the country. Grant didn’t make these mistakes TWICE, it’s why I still have respect for them, and this won’t be the first or last comic i’ve forgiven for being stupid for it’s time. But I will still call Grant out when I see it. Just because I respect an author just because they changed my life does not mean I won’t call them out when they fuck up. And if they prove to be truly vile, have harmed someone or what have you I will cut them the fuck out of my life. I’ve done it with JK Rowling, Warren Ellis, Brad Jones and Joss Whedon. I would do it with Grant if I truly belivied they were transphobic and instead didn’t just write something very stupid without thinking the metaphor through 20 years ago. 
So anyway back to the comic book bollocks as Wolvie and Dominio prepare for an infiltration and flirt a bunch. We also find out Jun is a mutant himself with a power only Grant could dream up: his skin, hair and what have you that falls off him turns into a naked golem for a bit before expiring. And if you hadn’t read this issue before reading this review, yes that actually happened. While the first arc had a BIT of Grant’s trademark batshit insanity, the series REALLY starts to pick it up from here: This issue has a mutant with functioning star for a head, a poorly thought out bucnh of sci fi new age organ theives, and a general whose power is “makes naked clones out of his dandruff”. Oh and his fondest wish?
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I just... I don’t know how to respond to that. I don’t know how you respond to an old man’s weird murder fetish that he tells a somehow even creepier cult leader while said cult leader is paying him to buy a star man, and their both surronded by the creepy old guy’s skin golems that weirdly look like mudokons. Look i’ve  read Grant’s entire utterly bonkers run on doom patrol. I’ve seen a man who looks like a question mark use a bicycle that makes everyone high like their on LSD for president. And THIS is what breaks me. 
So while.. THIS is going on, Dom and Wolverine plan to do it all night long on the professor’s credit card, no really he gives all his professors carte blanch to use school fun, and inflitrate, Dom through the elvator this horrorshow just took place in and Wolvie james bond style. Also I gotta say I REALLY love how Morrison writes Domino. She’s wittiy, entertaining and her power is as awesome as always, super luck if you didn’t know. It’s a real shame he didn’t add her to the team: She wasn’t on any other x-teams, with X-Force having been rebranded into X-Statix by this point. She would’ve been a fun addition to the cast. 
Naturally wolverine is found out.. but that was the entire plan, for him to serve as a distraction then cut his way to domino while she steals something from the vault. As for the rest of the X-Men, Cyclops, Beast and Emma are all downstairs in the parking garage and find a secret entrance. Jean is not on this trip and that’s a major plot point for this run. This is where Risque died.. and it only get’s worse when Hank goes inside, finding a bug like child, basically htink a giant caterpillar but with tons of human arms inttead of legs with her wings cut off. 
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Thankfully as Logan and Dom escape above, the U-Men are dumb enough to storm down bellow.. and while they incapacitate beast with some launched tiny knives, designed to incapcicate but leave them in tact for harvest, Emma beats the shit out of them and get the info out as only she can....
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Granted she could’ve just turned back to normal and used her telepathy.. but what fun would that be? Plus they have blockers and you know CUT UP A FUCKING CHILD. SO yeah fuck them, let emma have her fun. 
Thanks to her they find out the U-Men are a front for illegal organ harvest, and while they can’t prove sublimes attached Emma suggests killing him.  Good idea but Scott suggests the lighter approach and we find out what Dom stole, a key, something Emma can psychcially scan. She warns it might take her a bit to get something.. only to be flooded instantly and we find out who the man in the box was. Shen Xorn... i’ll let emma tell you more herself. 
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It’s stuff like this why, despite some serious flaws like the U-Men debacle and some stuff to come, some I mentioned above other that’s just with the plot that i love this run. Morrison just gets how to really tell an x-men story and the real tragedy of being a mutant. That just for being diffrent, you get shut out, or in this case thrown into a box when you could’ve and should’ve been something more. As emma turns herself to diamond to deal with the psychic backlash, Beast has some solemn words to share. 
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That night Scott rests in his bedroom while presumibly hearing some truly horrific and sexy things next door while talking to jean before clocking out.. only for Emma to head in in a sexy dress with champagne. What happened? Well we won’t know for sure for most of the run. 
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The next day the U-Men prepare to load and we get some scrap of what the idea was supposed to be: John talks to Ao Jun about his procedures. We see wings crudely sewen to his back and his throat implaants hurting “But one day I will fly”. THe IDEA is their supposed to be lunatics, people who envy mutantkind but don’t actually respect their culture or their sense of personhood. It’s not the worst idea and had Grant not used trans termnology for htis, it would’ve been a great one. I think he INTENDED for them to be coopting the idea of being trans and what not to maks their true intentions.. which is problematic due to debates like the ones on bathrooms where a lot of transphobic asshats make the bad faith argument a bunch of people are going to pretend to be trans to assault people. 
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We’re.. we;’re not even to the main storyarc yet. 
But things soon go wrong as Xorn’s starhead starts to collapse into a black hole, with no solution as the x-men took the key to his helmet.. and assault the compound. Turns out the star collapse thing is Jun’s revenge on humanity for lockig him down here and he gets his neck snapped.  Scott has a solution though.. and it’s stuff like this why I fucking love Scott Summers and get annoyed when people call him “boring”: He realizes Xorn is comitting sucicide.. so he’s going to talk him out of it. Not just for everyone else but he deserves to live. And while Emma points out only logan among htem knows chinese and she can’t get through to Xorns’ head due to the way his brain works, Scott has a simple workaround: Use the nearest chineses speaker to teach Scott chinese. So.. with that he talks to Xorn. 
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And that my friend is Scott Summers. A man who faced with powerful man whose given up, whose lost all hope... convinces him he can still go on. That living’s better than dying.. and that it does get better. The issue closes with Xorn basking in the sunlight for the first time in decades while Domino sweats having an extremley powerful unknown mutant out in the world. Scott’s already thought of that.. and signed him up with the x-men. Granted it won’t be until our next article that he actually fully joins the team, but w’ell get to that next time. 
This issue is great... while the U-Men stuff is pretty bad and isn’t going to get better, the tale of xorn is excitiong, Aao Jun is an intresting antagonist and the sideways gimmick suprisingly works. So now we’ve finshed our apitizer let’s get on to the main course. 
Danger Rooms:
We open in well.. the Danger Room with Beast training a new student. 
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This is Beak. Beak is my faviorite character Morrison came up with and one of my faviorite X-Characters. Beak is a bird like boy who can fly, it’s just a struggle and due to looking diffrent and not having the most impressive power has very low self esteem. It’s also part of something Morrison took a concerted effort to do: introduce more mutants with genuinely odd apperances and drawbacks. Like we saw with Ugly John last time and Aao Jun in the previous issue, Morriosn really likes adding weird mutants but he also uses it to give a genuine downside to being one. While this isn’t NEW to x-men, Morriosn upped the scale and number of characters like this with weird powers and apperances. We see a bunch of human passing ones too but the backgrounds just jammed with all sorts of unique designs and students. It’s also the point where the school became far more crowded like the movies, a good call on my part both to help those coming in from the movies, and to help sell the mutant baby boom going on. After all it wouldn’t make sense if the school was just about 5-7 students and a bunch of grown adults doing superhero stuff like usual would it.
But we get to see that Hank is a good teacher, as he reminds the boy that he’s getting better and won’t be an x-man overnight, and worries about him to the professor, wanting the boy not to slip through the cracks, figuratively, and not to feel like an outcast.. especaily here. But Hank dosen’t feel blue for long, metaphorically he was blue long before he became the lion minus the witch and the wardrobe, as he has a date to night.. and so does Charles. 
Or rather he did.. his girlfriend trish, a long time love intrest of his and a reporter.. breaks up with him. Over voice mail. While in washington. And the reasons she gives are not great
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Yes Hank’s transformation is radical.. but not only was it not his choice... she’s being a coward, sending the message it’s okay to dump someone because hteir a mutant or because they happen tobe diffrent and that efffects your career. Again it’s moments like this that make the run soar over the more awkward bits. 
Meanwhile Logan’s off doing logan stuff, i.e. gazing at a deer. Wow. Jean followed him. Both notice a space ship: Despite recently outing himself as a mutant, leading to an increased number of students and a bunch of rioting morons at the gates, Charles has decided NOW’S a good time to take a vacation to the Shiar empire. As for why Jean’s really out here, her marriage to Scott isn’t doing so good and while Logan encourages her to stay it’s just not that simple: Her telekenisis is coming back, stronger than ever. She feels the most alive she’s been while he’s shutting her out and feeling his deadest. She tries to turn to logan for comfort but he shuts her down. Just wait two decades jean... he’ll open up to a threesome. In all seriousness though having Jean try and come onto Logan .. will backfire slightly on later storylines. But we’ll get to that eventually. 
In the basement Hank is studying Cassandra or rather a virtual version of her since her body is naturally in storage. And he’s found out something disturbing: She’s Charles Genetic Twin.. oh and it gets way worse. The Professor’s weird behavior? Barely staffing the hong kong office, leaving suddenly with rioters t the gates, outing himself? About that...
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Cassandra tourtures Hank with the possiblity he’s devovling and then tries to mind controlli him into cleaning himself with his diploma when Beak enters. The good news is this allows hank to shake off her control and tackle her, showing off why hank mccoy is fucking awesome in the process. 
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That is the Hank McCoy I know, love.. and miss dearly. The one we’ll probably never get back sadly after what others did and what Percy’s had to do to reconclie with all they did. 
Unfortunately beak being around means cassandra can force him to beat beast into a coma with his bat. She plans to tear Charles dream down around him and make him watch.. and cryptically says he tried to kill her. She then cheerfully leaves Jean in charge.. and talks about just how much damage one could do with an entire interstellar empire in the wrong hands....
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This issue is also excellent and sets up the next two arcs nicely while giving us a nice peak in hank’s head. Great stuff. The artist also hid the word sex in a lot of the images see if you can find them. 
Germ Free Generation Issue 1: 
So now we get into our main story for today. This story and the one before it were drawn by Ethan Van Sciver whose a talented artist.. but also highly contrversial for being a conservative. I myself.. don’t know what he’s said or did, though calling himself “Canceld Superstar’ on twitter really isn’t a good sign. So I really can’t comment on it but I also know someone would mention it if I didn’t bring it up and if you know what he did please enlighten me. 
So we open with a school shooter who also scooped out a guys eyes and is part of the U-Men. He get shot by the swat team while making his speech> it’s an effective opening but one that’s become more uncomfortable to read with each passing day due to school shootings going up and up in number. And mass shootings in general and I... I need a second. I need something to relax me
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Thank you Stoopy. Your doing Odd’s Work. 
So the news reports on this and we soon see how Jean watches the news.. by using Cerebra to read the minds of every person on the planet. Neat. Everyone’s talking about them. We also get a hint for later as we hear on the suicide of one martha johanson who wrote the note in her own blood. She’ll be important later.... and I mean that both in the context of this retrospective and for the fact she’ll go on to be part of x-men in perpetuity. 
This is also where another great concept of Morrison’s pops up: Mutant culture. After all mutants are a minority, they should have their own culture. It’s something Hickman’s era has taken and ran with, but it’s a damn good idea and one that it shoudln’t of taken almost 20 years for someone else to use given Decimation was undone way back around 2012 in Avengers Vs X-Men, aka that event half hte articles on the mcu around the fox sale used as either their image for the article or asked about happneing. And yes that is a pet peeve of mine: while I do think like Civil War AVX could use a movie version to make it better, I don’t think it’s an event that could be done right away and would have to be almost entirely redone anyway given the context for AvX is entirely couched in decimation i.e. something NO ONE wants in any x-adaptation. 
So it turns out while watching the news in a next level way Jean is also talking to Logan. “Stay out of my personal fantasies”. Yeah I .. I don’t think your ready for a hairy canadian dry humping a transformer.. specifically killbison. And yes.. that is an actual transformer and why yes, I have been waiting to bring him up. 
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And he is , and I am not making any of this up, part of a group of decpticons known as the breastforce. Your life is better for knowing that and you are welcome. 
Anyway as you’d imagine a genocidal old woman in her brothers’ body leaving the X-Men to fend for themselves after having a teenager bludgeon one into a coma after publicly outing them with a rabid bunch of bigoted morons at the gates has not gone great. Henry is still out and despite the short staffing Jean needs logan to stay where he is as he’s close to an emerging mutant and within range to go get her. 
Emma of course has never been so fucking irate in her whole life and is plotting various forms of psychic tourture with the help of her proteges the Stepford Cucokoo, 5 teenage mutants who functoin best as a unit and are easily some of MOrrison’s most prominent additions to the x-cast. Unlike a lot of the x-kids, they’ve been featured prominently in every era of x-men after this including the current one. 
Jean decides for a less “Make them hate us even more” approach, but no less pissed off, opening the gates and going out directly to chew out the assembled bigoted morons, pointing out the ones carrying “Mutants Go Home!” signs are especailly dumb as this IS her home. And while she dosen’t point this part out, it’ the same for all of them: most of the mutants are either adults who choose to live here, teenagers who along with their parents choose to live here, or in the majority teens who have no where else to go due to either being abandoned by their families or it being way to dangerous for said families for them to stay due to bigoted assholes like the ones holding mutants go home signs. 
A member of the press asks if she’s willing to talk to the media and she refutes most of his bullshit allegations: He asks if their building an army, she and Scott respond they are not and are simply educating mutants and protecting them. When he counters with the fact their living weapons and wearing uniforms... she counters with the fact she’s wearing them to protect herself, rightfully, from people like her, and the x-men are an aid orginzation going where needed to protect the world and while asshole points out no one apointed them.. jean shuts him down by pointing out there are no mutants in goverment and a genocide just happened, so someone has to do the job. Another random asshole tries to pipe up with “Genosha declared war on us” and Emma senses this is just going to go round and round and round and simply presses the assembled mob’s “bliss buttons” in their brains to knock them out. Non violent but honestly warranted: A dangerous part of bigoted assholes is they’l bring up racist bullshit to try and couch it like an actual conversation. None of these complaints really hold water if you looked at the x-men’s history for more than 5 minutes. Yes Charles is training them to fight and yes hte ingial class was an army but every class since has only been trained for self defense: they still got into adventures and what not, but it was usually by their own choice or because they were thrust into them by circumstance. Xaviers is exactly what jean said and endudgling these morons, while good on paper, only makes them seem legit. 
Jean retreats to the infirmary where she’s on the verge of breaking down from the sheer weight of everything. Cyclops proves that despite not being the best husband right now... he still loves his wife, offering to go look into Sublime with Emma and hoping Hank wakes up. Turns out his mind for now is a big blank room.
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So she can’t get any info off his skull, and neither of the two think what happened with Beak adds up. Something is up here. Their also coming down with colds which will be important later. And just as important.. Magneto is becoming a symbol among people and merch sales with his image are on the rise.  We then get this. 
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So Jean is trying to be a supportive, honest wife, and while the questions incredibly insulting.. his answer is equally so. Spoilers, as mentioned we do get an answer long after this.. and they did not. So Jean is wrong to be suspcious, at this point, but is at least trying to be polite about it and gave him the benifit of the doubt.. and Scott basically said he slept with her without actually saying it despite not having to. You could’ve said “no we did not have sex, we simply talked all night”. It’s not ENTIRELY better given the horrible state of their relationship right now, but it’s still better than HEAVILY implying he rocked her body to the break of dawn for no damn reason. 
So we meet our next major addition to the cast Angel Salvador, an abused teen who is a mutant.. and whose abusive and molesting step dad beats her and throws her out over this. The scene’s a bit overdone, coming off like an after school special.. but it’s what happens AFTER that’s truly heartwrenching. 
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A poor scared teenager clutching herself, finding herself homeless alone and desperatly wishing she wasn’t what she was. It’s just a striking image and shows how well Grant uses the mutant metaphor. I could easily see myself in that position had my parents not been good peopl and had I come out far sooner as bi. The idea of desperatly hoping your not what you are simply becaus eof what hell it brings, despite all the joy it can bring too. . it’s heartbreaking to hear. 
Naturally though things don’t get much better as the next morning the U-Men have found her, calling her a freak and successfully kidnapping her.. if only because while she uses acid spit to escape, she flies into a power line. 
We then get Sublimes meeting with Emma and Scott and a BETTER use of teh u-men as while Grant made the horrible mistake of calling them “transpecies”, seriously what the fuck were you thinking, the way sublime frames it here is a MUCH better, much less accidently bigoted concept. 
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The idea isn’t bad: A group of humans jealous of the mutants powers, blatantly ignoring the horrible downsides and mountain of persecution that comes with being one. Grant just made the mistake of couching in in Trans metaphors, clearly trying to have the U-Men steal from Trans People too as a way to make themselves seem legit. And I say if you want superpowers.. fine.. wanting to be a superhero or a mutant is fine, the issue with the U-Men is their copoting a culture, trying to be part of mutantkind without having any of the drawbacks and by actively butchering them. It’s why the concept HAS shown up elsewhere; it’s not TERRIBLE, Grant just made a bad creative choice that’s only gotten worse as Transphobia has ramped up further and further. 
Sublime denies it when our heroes bring up Hong Kong.. but naturally he’s simply just keeping them talking long enough to bring out his trump cards, an army of u-men and a brain in a jar he uses to incapacitate them.. and announces his plan to use the school as an organ farm for his third species. 
Meanwhile Logan finds the U-Men in their truck preparing to rip angel apart.. and given he snikit’s soon after.. i’ts very clear whose REALLY about to get ripped apart. 
Germ Free Generation Part 2: 
Part two begins wth Sublime monologoging about how Mutantkind are just cattle to them and reveals the brain is martha’s, her sucicide having been faked and her brain currently being controlled to use as a weapon. 
So while Johnny monlogues we find out what happened with Wolverine last issue he didn’t cut up the guys yet as they fired their little flichete guns at him... it was about as useful and effective as you’d expect and the massacre you were expecting occurs. Though in a nice bit of reality the fact wolverine’s soaked in blood and just killed a bunch of blood shockingly does not make the already frighttend teen feel he’s safe and she spits acid on him. Logan pours some stuff on the acid, figuring rightly a black ops murder farmacy would have something to counteract it and tells her she’s safe now .. and tells the guy behind him not to try it. He’s stupid and does anyway and likely gets a claw to the head off panel. 
They go to a diner to eat and find a local asshole who threatens them with a shot gun to leave once angel uses her power to digest and goes on a rant about how he snapped his own son’s neck to prevent him being born a freak. Just.. fucking hell this arc is not good for my depression. We get some more angst from Angel and whiel her dialouge is not the best, i’ts a too bit mark millar flavored edgelordy for my taste and if I wanted that i’d go read Ultimates or Ultimate X-Me, her pain is real and Logan helps her through it. 
Back at the Mansion the U-Men are on their way to strike, whlie Jean unaware continues to buckle under the weight of all the shit she’s had to deal with, feeling SOMETHING is making them weak with the colds and something worse is going on and thus tries going to Beak’s mind instead and gently helps talk him through it, showing her grace and empathy.. and in return finding out Charles was the one responsible. The alarms flair up and Jean tries calling the police now that’s an option.. but it goes exactly how you’d expect. 
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Also a second artist took over for this issue and the next Igor Kordey. He’s fine, but not nearly as good as Quitely or Van Sciver and it shows. Meanwhile Beast awakens and heads for the body drawer with Cassandra’s body, and professor’s mind in it. 
However Jean’s finally had enough and got her second wind. She’s outgunned, outmanned and left to her own devices. And she’s fucking fed up with it. She steels herself and assembles the students. This is obviously a last resort.. but some of them can defend themselves and their going to need to. But today they won’t be learning.. they’ll be teaching and as the U-Men call them defensless Jeans simply asks “Are you sure about that?”
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Germ Free Generation Part 3:
So we come to the finale of this arc. Angel is once again an ungreatful brat to logan and he opts to just leave her there if sh’es going to be like that pointing out being a mutant sucks, it’s going to keep sucking.. and she needs to deal with it instead of lashing out at him and herself over it. 
We get back to the U-Men, one of whom is utterly flabergasted they want to him to cut of Cyclops head... only for Emma to awaken.. and take back her regular form meaning she has her telepathy back. The only reason they were able to get her ealier is she was in diamond mode which is stronger but lacks that, a nice way to check and ballance her new powers. She quickly takes them out and disables Martha. 
Back at the school we get one of Jean’s definting moments for me and a true chance to show how badass she can be. Before this while Morrison wrote her well, and his version’s still my favoirite, she didn’t really get to do much and was motly in the background. This arc has been her time in the limelight, having trouble grappling with all the stress of running this place by herself.. and emerging from it stronger, more capable and ready to kick some racist weirdo ass. She tries a few diffrent tactics first, having a mutant with a voice power project it to make them think their san invisible army and having the cuckoos fuck with their heads but when both fail, Jean REALLY gets to show off. Thier blade ammo gets turned into a cool looking 3 dimensioinal shape with her telekneisis, and in a cool moment and a wise use of something gross makes the only one of them with useable powers throw up, before issuing a badass boast, wreathed in flames all while she crumples their guns into uselessness. and tears open their suits. 
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Bad ass.. and logan and Angel arrive just in time for the cecendo as hte u-men flee in terror
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The Phoenix has been Reborn. Jean Grey has risen from the ashes and returned to full power. 
Meanwhile Sublime is pankcing.. and it gets worse when Emma shows up, fully enraged after all of this and has some words for him. 
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Iconic. Emma prepares to drop him out of a building but Scott rightly tries to get her to back off, pointing out the pr nightmare it’d create and the fact that they have enough evidence ot shut him down. Martha however has other ideas and gets him to let go of his own accord, falling to his death.. but given he’d aranged a stunt for the press apparently this gives our heroes deniability and Martha her revenge. 
So we end this three parter as Jean revels in her new power, and Beast returns with an announcment:
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Final Thoughts for Germ Free Generation:  This arc is pretty good if forgetable. The struggle of Jean to run the school herself and her rising from the ashes of her own pain at the end with the power of the phoenix at the end is fantastic, finally both giving her a chance to shine.. and a worrying sign for her friends given what her phoenix force copy whose memories she has a copy of, long story, did is awesome. The other parts are okay and ehhhhhhhhh though. Scott and Emma’s investigation into the u-men while having a really good climax, is pretty standard x-men stuff, and Wolverin’es trek with angel is just okay with Angel being highly intolerable during this arc, with Morrison trying a bit TOO hard to make her a “realistic” teen instead coming off as horribly unplesant. She’s supposed to just be lashing out but comes off obnxious as a result. That said this arc does furhter a lot of Morrisons best idea and introduce more, and is a great setup for our next arc, which we’ll get to in two weeks. Soooo
Next Time On X-Men: We find out just what the hell Cassandra Nova is, what her plans are, and what happened with her and charles as our heroes come down with a cold as the might of the shiar empire bears down on them. It’s IMperial in two weeks. 
Next Time ON This BLog: Speaking of long Delayed Projects, I finally return to The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck as a young Scrooge starts his prospecting career, learning the ins and outs from a rich new mentor, and finding the price tag striking it rich comes with. Raid a copper hill with me tommorow. 
If you liked this review, subscirbe for more, join my patreon, and if there’s a comic you’d like me to cover suggest it in the comments or outright comission a review from me via ask. See you at the next rainbow
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yorit1 · 4 years
New Beginnings
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When Chas was 14 going on 15 she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, named Aaron. His biological father was much older and wanted nothing to do with the baby. Her brother Cain, who had a baby girl the previous year with their cousin had a plan. Their parents were no good, one was an abusive drunk, the other kept abandoning them. He and Charity would gather them some money and they would go to Emmerdale village. That was where their uncle lived. Hopefully, they can build their lives and have a fresh start there. 
Aaron was a month old when they moved to Emmerdale. Cain who had just turned 18 was legally in charge of all of them with the help of uncle Zac, so that social would not take Chas, Charity, Aaron, and Debbie away. Cain gave Chas 5 grand to use for her and Aaron, with another 5 for the future. Cain used his money to buy into the garage. Charity conned a rich man so that she could get the three of them somewhere to live. 
Chas worked at the pub, she greatly impressed the pub landlady. When Aaron was 2 years old she let them move into the pub permanently. She was a nice elderly lady that did not have a family of her own. Chas began to take over more of the day to day responsibilities of running the pub. She also bought a share of the pub to ensure that she and her baby boy would always have a place to stay. Chas’s number one priority was always her son. When she was not working she was spending her time with him. She did date at times but most people wanted her for her body and not much else. 
When Aaron was 6 years old a nice vet moved to the town named Paddy. He loved Aaron and took him in as if he was his own. He got Aaron a dog named Clive that Aaron could look after. She liked that Paddy did not have an issue that she had a child and that he was more interested in her as a person. A platonic relationship formed between them. They did not date until Aaron was 10.
When Aaron was 6 Chas got a phone call from the police. Aaron’s horrible biological father had murdered his ex who was 8 months pregnant with a baby girl. She luckily was able to call the police before he shot her. The police shot and killed him on sight. She was still alive when the paramedics took her to hospital, but they couldn't save her. They did emergency surgery to get the baby out, and she was mostly fine. Social services found that her only living relative was Aaron. Gordon also had half a million pounds that would be divided equally between them. Charity took her in and raised her as if she was her own. Aaron picked the name Liv for her and that was what they called her. She would make sure that no one would ever harm her children. 
That same year Aaron also met his best friend Victoria. She was part of the Sugden family. Her family owned some land and a couple of the farms in the village. She had an older brother that would sometimes hang out with them. He was nine and Aaron thought he was cool. 
When Aaron was ten his parents got together properly and that made him happy. A new family moved into one of the farms. And he made new friends, Holly, Adam, and Hanna. Hanna told them that he was a boy and wanted to be called Matty. He loved spending time with them on the farm. Vic’s parents also got divorced and he saw her less. Robert was around even less and Aaron did not like that he wasn't around as much. He was the cool older brother like Holly was the cool older sister. Aaron also loved that he had his cousin that was a year older than him. He had a nice group of friends to play with and his dog. He also had the best mum who would do anything for him. His little baby sister was always trying to follow him around. 
When Aaron was twelve the pub landlady died and she left it all to his mum. This was good as she was pregnant. Aaron was excited to have another sibling. Vic now spent the school year with them and was in the village her mum lived in when there was no school. Robert did not come over at all, and his dad acted like he never existed. His mum gave birth to a baby that died the same day she was born. 
When Aaron was fourteen he was discovering his sexuality. He tried kissing Holly but it did nothing to him. He also thought guys were better looking than girls. Adam’s cousin came over and he kissed Aaron. While Aaron didn't like him he did like the feeling of kissing a guy. The only people he told about this were Vic and Adam. He would tell his mum and dad soon. His mum was pregnant again and Aaron wanted the baby to be healthy. Liv was also recently diagnosed with epilepsy, the doctors figured out what the damage that was caused when she was born was. He can tell them later it's not like he wants to date. When Aaron did tell them it was no big deal. They had Matty who was trans, and CHarity and Debbie were both bi. Aaron successfully finished his GCSEs, he loved working with his uncle in his garage so he decided he would go to 6 form and try to study automotive engineering at uni. 
When Sarah was 40 years old she started her life over. She was divorced and she found a new passion. She decided to enter the great British bake off and somehow out of nowhere she won the competition. She met a confectioner Rishi who she started a cakery/confectionary with. The village she lived in was in North Yorkshire and was not far from Emmerdale. She still saw her children all the time. A year later Robert came to her in the middle of the night. She fought him for sole custody of Robert and Vic was still living part-time. Had he laid a hand on him she would have taken both but he only kicked him out for his sexuality and that made it harder to get her full time. She had her most of the weeks and the summer. Because the school was close to where they lived she was still in the same school. She would spend time with them in Emmerdale her friends never came over to visit. Her beautiful son found a life long friend in Priya and knew that they would be best friends forever. They were able to help each other with their struggles and overcome them together. 
When Sara was 46 she moved back to Emmerdale VIllage with her son. Jack had died and Vic wanted to live where her friends were. Robert was in uni studying business. He only came home on weekends or when he needed something. He told her honestly that he had no bad memories of the village. Hopefully, the village will bring them good memories. 
Summer 2015
It was the summer before Aaron was due to start 6 form. His best friend Vic was moving back to the village full time. Her mum and older brother were moving back as well. Aaron remembered a little of Vic’s brother. Mostly that he had not come back to visit since they were 12. He was so excited to see her. It was nice to have all of his friends and family close together. 
When Aaron saw Vic he ran up to her and hugged her tightly. He saw Robert come up to them. He walked confidently toward them and held his hand out, he had a confident smirk on.
“I'm Robert, I don't know if you remember me. It is nice to be back here. Beautiful place.” Robert said in a confident and cocky tone. Aaron hated him. He was one of those people who knew how good looking he was and just acted smug. Aaron scowled at him. Robert lowered his hand and started rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Vic and he went to the pub to go see the others.
Aaron was sitting at the pub with Vic and their group of friends. When suddenly Robert walked in. Everyone looked at him and were interested in this Sugden boy who is back for the first time in four years. He also had a beautiful woman who he walked in with. A bunch of Debbie’s friends were interested in him. Wow, he has the whole village wrapped around his finger. He has a girlfriend and he is still going around and trying it on with everyone. Although Aaron didn't have that much bad luck with guys. He had his first boyfriend Jackson who helped him out when he first came out. The two of them realized that they were interested in different things and split up amicably. A few others have asked him out. There was Ed, a star rugby player, and Alex, a first-year med student. Aaron was happy that he had his options. Maybe he should text Ed so that they could go out tomorrow night. Aaron decides to go back to the conversation.
“Vic how's it being back here full time?” Adam asked.
“It's great being back. Although it looks like Holly, Debbie and their friends are all very into Robert. It's like he is new blood here, even though our family has been here for generations. But hey I want him to be happy here. Hopefully mum will be as well. And spending all my time with my fave person.” She said as she leaned her head on Aaron’s shoulder.
“Well good luck with Holly there, She is used to getting what she wants,” Adam said, mocking his sister.
Robert and the girl came by and sat with them. Robert said he wanted to get to know Vic’s friends. 
“Hi I’m Priya.” Robert’s friend introduced herself. She seemed really nice.
“Adam, some of our friends were over there.”
“I'm Ellis.”
Aaron stayed quiet and maintained the frown. Robert was smiling this friendly but confident smirk and he was not amused. 
“Aaron.” He finally said.
“Aaron all grown up. I remember when you and Vic used to get into trouble running around. Well it looks like you grew up well.” Robert said. Aaron was wondering what that meant. He could be more than that trouble maker. Aaron frowned in his direction, not at all impressed by Robert. 
Things were quiet for a few seconds, then Ellis and Adam started the conversation back up again. A few minutes later Sarah walked in and was talking to her children. Aaron thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to go to the toilets.
Aaron was washing his hands when Robert walked in.
“I ugh don't know what I did to offend you, I do want us to get on, be mates. You and my sister grew up together and are really close and I would like to get on.” Robert said. Aaron just shrugged him away. Robert lightly grabbed his hand so Aaron could face him. Aaron felt electricity go through him. “Just think about it okay.” Aaron just shrugged and ran away. Robert was straight and had a girlfriend and was his best friend's older brother, nothing could ever happen between them. 
Aaron was at Vic’s hanging out. He was going out with Ed later that night. He was not sure if he wanted a boyfriend now. He was only 16 and he already had one serious relationship. But Ed seemed nice, and he liked him, so Aaron was willing to go on a date with him. On his way to Vic’s room he passed by Robert’s room. He caught him only half-dressed, he was in the middle of putting his shirt on. Aaron quickly went to Vic’s room so that Robert would not catch him and think he was watching him. He will try and get along with him since he will be over a lot. 
The first movie they watch is Rocky. Vic knew it was his favourite and wanted to do something nice for him. While he was watching the movie he was thinking of Robert. Aaron had liked what he had seen. Robert was good looking. Aaron knew nothing could happen between them, but nothing wrong with admitting that he found him fit. He will try to be friendly with him from now on. 
After the first movie, Aaron goes to the bathroom and then decides to talk to Robert. He knocks on Robert’s door. “It’s Aaron.”
“Come in.”
Aaron walks in and sees Robert was sitting at his desk reading something. Robert gets up and turns around to greet Aaron. Aaron walks towards him and gets caught on something, he falls on top of Robert. Aaron feels like his whole body is alive, he could feel every nerve ending and could feel Robert everywhere. Aaron was now looking at Robert who was looking directly at him. They had been looking at each other for a few seconds breathing heavily. Robert suddenly goes in and kisses him. Aaron responds immediately and kisses Robert back. Aaron gets caught up in the moment and is enjoying the kiss. This kiss is the best one he has ever had. Then Aaron realises what is happening and jumps off of Robert and starts to run away.
“Aaron, Aaron,” Robert calls out after him. Aaron ignores him and continues to go. He had a date tonight, and it was someone who it wasn't complicated as they were not their best friend’s brother, did not have a girlfriend, and was not confused about his sexuality. 
Aaron was ready for the date. Vic decided to help him with the outfit. While Aaron did not care what he wore, Vic wanted Ed to see that Aaron was the best person ever, and he was lucky to have a date with Aaron. It was not that big of a deal, it would be a movie and then hanging out at this cool cafe in town. Aaron was only interested in something casual. When Aaron saw Ed when he picked him up, he saw his smile and how good looking he was. Aaron had a date with the rugby star. 
They were going to see the new mission impossible movie. Aaron was excited to see it. He loved these types of movies. Ed seemed nice so far. They were both quiet individuals and that worked for him
“Aaron, fancy seeing you here.” Aaron turned around and saw Robert. “Priya and I came to watch the new movie vacation. Priya loves those types of movies. Plus we are both fans of Chris. How about you?” Aaron nodded towards Ed. “Oh, lucky guy. Have fun. Ill see you later.” Robert said and walked away. 
Aaron saw Robert talking to Priya and laughing with her. They seemed really close. Robert seemed like he really loved her. Aaron did not get why he kept feeling like Robert was trying to start something with him if he was clearly happy with Priya. Whatever there was a nice rugby player who was interested in him. He was going to enjoy the night.
Ed drove them to the cafe after the movie. Aaron really enjoyed it. He could have seen himself be an action star in another life. Aaron walked into the cafe and liked it. It looked like a place for teens to hang out if they wanted some quiet or privacy, and a nice place away from home. (more)
Aaron walked into Vic’s house the next day. He heard Robert talking to Priya. It looked like Robert enjoyed spending his time with his girlfriend and they seemed quite close. Why was he pulling moves on others then?
“...guys liking guys. It’s stupid.” Aaron hears Robert tell her and let out a frustrated sigh. Aaron was so mad. Robert was kissing someone else behind her back, a guy no less, and then he complains about gay guys. Aaron was fuming and ran to the garage where his uncle had set a punching bag for him. Aaron let out all of his frustrations out on the punching bag. Aaron knew that he needed to stay away from him. Aaron did not want to get caught up in these games. He just wanted to enjoy his life. He would only be sixteen once. 
He texted Vic to come over so that he could tell her all about his date with Ed. They were not boyfriends, but Aaron was open to the idea of going out on another date with him. 
A few days later Aaron was sitting in the pub with his sisters. Sarah Vic and Robert came in for their dinner. Aaron smiled at Vic and caught Robert smiling at him he frowned at him and turned around. Liv was smiling and sharing a story, everyone was listening closely, happy that her spirits were back up after her difficulties with her illness. 
“Bud then went up to the counselor and told her that he was a better dancer than her. He then went and started a dance battle between her and the kids to see who the best dancer was. Gabby, Jacob and I were laughing the whole time. Bud is a terrible dancer. But he does have confidence for days.”
Liv was thirsty after sharing stories, so she went up to get another drink. she was at the bar when she suddenly felt dizzy. She was trying to hold herself up but it was no use, Liv fell on the floor. Robert was right by her when she fell. He went to her to check what happened. He realized what was happening and turned her on her side. He signaled for someone to call 999. Aaron and Chas rushed to her. Aaron was holding Liv close to him until the seizure stopped. Robert was by Aaron the whole time making sure that they were both okay. He put his hand on Aaron’s back to reassure him that she will be okay. When the ambulance was there Robert smiled a reassuring smile in his direction. 
At the hospital, Aaron was freaking out. Liv seemed to be in healthy spirits and was happy, the seizure suddenly came from nowhere. This will crush Liv. She was 12 years old, she must have been so scared to be there fin one moment and then on the floor the next. Lif was so short. Robert was so good with her. Aaron was tired of the mixed messages and signals he was getting from him. 
Robert drove Vic over so that she could be there with Aaron. Robert saw that Aaron was down, he decided to get Aaron some tea as a peace offering. He really did want to be friends with Aaron. 
Aaron suddenly saw Robert come up to him and hand him a cup of something. Aaron looked up at him and gave him a face, one that meant what are you doing?
“Its tea. I just thought you can use it. Help to relax until you can see her. It will be fine. She seems like a fighter. Vic and I are always here if you want to talk.”
Aaron took the drink and sat down next to Robert. Aaron was sitting quietly, Robbert was sitting there with him as well. Aaron felt comfort at that moment knowing that he could sit there in quiet. THat he was not expected to talk and that was okay. 
“Family of Olivia Dingle.”
Chas stood up immediately and listened to what her doctor said. They were allowed to see her family only. Vic and Robert said that they would wait for them here. Robert would be able to give Aaron and Vic a ride home after. 
Aaron saw Liv lying in bed, she was frightened but also trying to put on a brave smile for everyone. Chas went up to her and reassured her that she was okay. That she would stay there with her until she was released from hospital. Aaron went up to her as well. He gave her a fist bump. The two of them smiled. His little sister had a special place in his heart. He was so happy that she was going to be okay. 
On the ride back things were quiet. Vic was sitting close to him and keeping an eye on him. Aaron was so lucky that she was his best friend. When they got to the house they decided to play some video games.
“I can beat you,” Robert said confidentially.
“In your dreams.” Aaron responded. Aaron so far had won all the games. Robert was not very good at it. Vic even tried to help him but it was no use.
“One more game, I know I can win this time,” Robert said. He then got a text from Priya and he smiled at what it said. Aaron did not see what it said but saw that it was from Priya. 
“I don’t want to be keeping you, you clearly have better things to do than play video games with two sixteen-year-olds.”
“Not really. It’s nice to have a break from university and work. I know I can beat you this time.”
Maybe Robert really did want to be friends with him. He did spend the day with him in hospital, drove him home, and was now playing video games with him. While Robert was bad at that he could see that he was trying to lift his spirits. Liv will be okay. Maybe the two of them can be friends. He is Vic’s brother. He liked her, so there should be no problem liking him. Nothing wrong with him having another friend.
“Yes I knew I could win one. I am not that bad at this am I?” Robert said proudly. Aaron genuinely had fun. He really was a good friend. 
The next day Aaron went back to hospital. His mum said that Liv could come home today. While there Aaron ran into Alex, the med student who had asked him out. 
“Aaron, what are you doing here?”
“My sister had another seizure.”
“Is there anything I can do to help. I’m a good listener and I do know my medicine.”
“Maybe another time. Ill text you.”
“I will be looking forward to it.”
Aaron saw that Liv was in happy spirits. He brought Liv a special treat, her fave chocolate. She deserved to have a smile on her face. Aaron hugged Liv and his mum tightly. 
“She said that I won’t even have a mark this time. I also didn’t bight my tongue this time. I can eat all of these now. None are for you. These are all mine.” Liv said and then took the chocolates. She was just joking about not sharing and let her mum and brother have some as well. 
Aaron was going to spend the evening at home. He would watch Liv’s favourite movie with her. He was just getting the popcorn and snacks ready, the film was all set on Netflix. He heard the doorbell ring. Aaron saw Vic, Adam, and Robert there. 
“We thought we could spend some time with Liv. Remind her that we all love her. We made her favourites,” Vic said as she handed him a box of baked goods. Aaron let them into the house. 
“I brought these for you. I noticed that they were your favourite.” Robert said and handed Aaron his favourite treat, sweet and sour gummies. Aaron smiled at him. He didn’t think Robert would notice that they were his fave to eat. 
“Vic we are going to watch the best movie. I’m so happy that you are here to watch it with us.” Liv said and then hugged Vic close. Vic sat next to Liv and Adam sat on the other side of Vic. That left Aaron and Robert the love seat. Aaron sat down and Robert sat down next to him.
Aaron was not a massive fan of this movie, but Liv loved it and it was her turn to pick the film.
“Not really your fave is it. Not mine either. But little sisters are great and they like when they get their way.” Robert said and handed him some sweets. Aaron smiled in thanks. Aaron found that the two of them sitting together the conversation flowed seamlessly between them. It was as if they had been friends for years and not weeks. Aaron felt his heartbeat quicken and his cheeks flush. Robert handed him another sweet as he told him another funny story. Aaron felt himself become tired after the last few days and fell asleep. When Aaron woke up he realised that the movie was over. The only ones in the room where Robert and him. The others must have left. Robert looked down at him and saw that he was awake.
“Morning Sleeping Beauty, you sleep well.” Robert asked Aaron and smiled down at him.Robert looked down at Aaron and Aaron looked up at him they moved closer to each other when suddenly Aaron heard a loud bang. Aaron jumped up immediately and ran away. 
Aaron had been ignoring Robert for the last few days. He had gone on another date with Ed and he had a date with Alex as well. His sister was also feeling better. Aaron was so confused about his feelings. He liked Ed, but he wasn’t sure if they had a future together. He was heading downstairs as Alex would be in the pub soon to pick him up. Aaron went out to the pub and saw Robert. 
Robert went up to Aaron, he was full of nervous anxious energy. “Aaron can I talk to you for a second.”
“Make it quick I have a date.”
“That’s actually what I want to talk to you about, would you like to go out with me on Friday night?” 
Aaron saw Priya smiling at both of them a friendly smile. He saw Alex come in as well. “I have to go. I’ll talk to you later. 
The date with Alex was boring. Well mostly Alex was boring and Aaron did not really like him. He did not think that he would go out with him again. There was only one week left of August he was going to try and enjoy it the best he could. 
The next day Aaron went over to Vic’s house to tell her about his date. Robert was there as well. He was sitting on the sofa with Priya and Vic. 
“Hey, Aaron have you thought about my question?”
“Oh yes, I’m not sure if I have your number.”
“I’ll text you now so you have it. Want to play a game?”
“I came to talk to Vic actually. You and Priya have fun.”
Aaron and Vic went upstairs and he told her about the date. When Aaron was done he saw that there was a funny message from Robert. He smiled and texted him back. 
“Whos that Ed, Alex?”
“A yes quite the charmer he is.”
They went downstairs, Robert was there with Priya still and a bottle of wine. There were also a couple of unopened cans of beer.
“Do you guys want some. I figured a can each wouldn’t be bad.” Robert said and handed Aaron a can of beer. Aaron sat next to him and started drinking. It wasn’t every day that he was able to easily drink alcohol for free. Aaron took the controller and they played in teams. First, it was Priya and Robert vs Aaron and Vic. Vic then thought it would be fun if she played with Priya. That left Aaron on the same team as Robert. Robert was trying to help Aaron with the controllers and by doing so he put his arms around Aaron. Aaron had felt alive. He could feel every part of his body that was touching Robert’s. Robert was whispering in his ear where to go next and what to do. Aaron then heard Robert laughing and could feel it and thought that up close it was the most beautiful sound in the world. Thinking of that distracted Aaron momentarily and he crashed the car into a mountain and it then fell into a valley. Aaron laughed and Robert laughed with him. He was having so much fun.
“Yous are so cute. Arent they Priya?”
“The cutest. I think they are the cutest duo from the group. I’m jealous.”
Shit, shit, shit. Priya was his girlfriend. She was right there. Aaron forgot that she was there. He would not make that mistake again. 
Over the next few days, Aaron and Robert were texting effortlessly. Conversations just flowed naturally between them. He always felt like they were in a little bubble. Whenever Robert asked him about going out, Aaron swerved the conversation in another direction. It was the second to last day of August and Robert asked him to come to meet him at a barn. Hanging out at Robert’s house was safe. He did like Robert and he wished that whatever was happening between them was clearer. 
It was the end of August. Robert had texted him to come to one of the barns, he wanted to show him something. When Aaron got there he saw that Priya was hugging Robert goodbye and was smiling at Aaron before she left. Aaron was really confused by their relationship. Aaron saw that there was a blanket set up, with a bunch of different types of breads and sandwiches. 
“I thought if I did this it would make my intentions clear, that I want to go out on dates with you, that I would love us to be boyfriends some point in the future. I just want you to know that I like you. I think you feel the same. I do like being friends with you but I want to be more.” Aaron frowned at him. “Oh god. I read this wrong, you aren’t interested. I am so stupid. I just thought I saw something when you looked at me. I thought you felt that spark to when we kissed, and when we touched. I’m sorry. I get it I won’t bother you.” Robert said dejectedly. 
“What about Priya?” Aaron asks.
“Priya likes you, she thinks that you are good for me.”
“I don’t want to be in this open relationship that yous two have. I don’t share.”
“What?” Robert asks confused.
“You and Priya.” Aaron clarifies. 
“Priya isn’t my girlfriend. She is my best friend. She is my Vic. We are really close but that is all we are. I don’t like Priya that way.”
“I don’t want to be a secret. I heard what you said to her about guys liking guys is stupid.”
“I’m bisexual. Something that I don’t hide from people. My family and Priya all know. I was telling her how when I kissed you in there it was the first time I kissed someone since Paul. My dad caught us together and freaked out. He kicked me out because I liked guys. I was saying it was stupid that my dad had an issue that guys liking guys, and I couldn’t let that keep haunting me. It was time for new beginnings. I was hoping to make new memories with you.”
“What about Vic. She is my best friend and you are her brother. This has got to be weird for her.”
“Vic noticed that I liked you, and she said that she thinks you liked me too. She said that I should go for it. That she wants us to be happy. As long as we are not all over each other she has no problem.”
Robert went closer to Aaron. He softly took his hand and held it in his. He looked at Aaron and he gave him a nod. Robert took Aaron into his arms and held him close. “Any other objections?” Robert asked. 
“Shut up,” Aaron said and then did just that. Aaron and Robert shared a kiss and then another one. This kiss was even better than the first one. Now that there was no confusion or misunderstandings and their feelings were clear. The kiss felt like coming home. It felt like a new beginning. 
Valentine’s day 2020
Robert had something special planned for Valentine’s day. He and Aaron had been dating for four and a half years. Aaron was in uni going strong. He would make a fine auto engineer soon. Robert and Priya had started up their business. He was excited about Valentine’s day. Since he and Aaron had started dating they have a few traditions for Valentine’s day. Robert hoped that the surprise this year went really well. 
He and Aaron moved into a place in the village that was close to the university. It was important for Aaron to live close to his family and his home. He lived on campus for the first two years. After that, he said that that was enough experience. Since the village was close enough to the university, Aaron had decided to ask Robert to move into a place together. They were able to use Aaron’s inheritance money and money from Robert’s savings to buy the mill cottage. Robert had it all set up tonight so that they could enjoy their evening. 
Aaron came back home. He saw that Robert had set up a table full of all their favourite foods. Aaron loved Robert’s cooking. He was so lucky to be dating someone who was excellent in the kitchen. He was definitely way more lucky than most university students. 
After dinner, Robert and Aaron sat down on the sofa. Robert had a photo album he had made, and a box of Sarah’s cupcakes. Robert said that he wanted to look at the photos first. The photos were their story. From their birth, their family. Growing up, meeting each other, dating. It had their whole story. Aaron saw a picture from their first date. Aaron successfully finishing his exams, Robert’s graduation from uni. Aaron starting Uni. Them moving into their new place. Aaron smiled as he relived all of their memories. On the last page, Robert had written, ‘What will the future bring, to new beginnings.’ 
Robert opened the box of cupcakes. Each cupcake had one of the letters of Marry me spelled out on it. Aaron looked up and saw that Robert was holding a ring out for Aaron. 
“Aaron, when my mum said we were moving back to Emmerdale after my dad died, I was unsure of that. I had so many nightmares. My mum said that every opportunity is a new beginning, and maybe I would be able to feel at home there. My mum was right, I met you and it changed everything. I’m the biggest flirt in high school, I can get anyone with a few well-placed words. And then you walked in and I became a stuttering mess and I can’t control myself anymore. I can’t even flirt with other people. You understand me in a way very few have understood me before. I can be myself who I really am, This awkward mess and I know that you won’t judge me. My mum was right about Emmerdale becoming my home again. I found my home with you. I am excited about our life to continue here in this home. Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” Robert slipped the ring on Aaron’s finger. He got another box out with an identical ring. Aaron slipped the ring on Robert’s finger. He hugged Robert close. Aaron then started kissing him. Aaron was excited to christen the house as an engaged couple. This place really did bring them new beginnings. 
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New Beginnings
For @lizzzzoo​
When Chas was 14 going on 15 she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, named Aaron. His biological father was much older and wanted nothing to do with the baby. Her brother Cain, who had a baby girl the previous year with their cousin had a plan. Their parents were no good, one was an abusive drunk, the other kept abandoning them. He and Charity would gather them some money and they would go to Emmerdale village. That was where their uncle lived. Hopefully, they can build their lives and have a fresh start there.
Aaron was a month old when they moved to Emmerdale. Cain who had just turned 18 was legally in charge of all of them with the help of uncle Zac, so that social would not take Chas, Charity, Aaron, and Debbie away. Cain gave Chas 5 grand to use for her and Aaron, with another 5 for the future. Cain used his money to buy into the garage. Charity conned a rich man so that she could get the three of them somewhere to live.
Chas worked at the pub, she greatly impressed the pub landlady. When Aaron was 2 years old she let them move into the pub permanently. She was a nice elderly lady that did not have a family of her own. Chas began to take over more of the day to day responsibilities of running the pub. She also bought a share of the pub to ensure that she and her baby boy would always have a place to stay. Chas’s number one priority was always her son. When she was not working she was spending her time with him. She did date at times but most people wanted her for her body and not much else.
When Aaron was 6 years old a nice vet moved to the town named Paddy. He loved Aaron and took him in as if he was his own. He got Aaron a dog named Clive that Aaron could look after. She liked that Paddy did not have an issue that she had a child and that he was more interested in her as a person. A platonic relationship formed between them. They did not date until Aaron was 10.
When Aaron was 6 Chas got a phone call from the police. Aaron’s horrible biological father had murdered his ex who was 8 months pregnant with a baby girl. She luckily was able to call the police before he shot her. The police shot and killed him on sight. She was still alive when the paramedics took her to hospital, but they couldn’t save her. They did emergency surgery to get the baby out, and she was mostly fine. Social services found that her only living relative was Aaron. Gordon also had half a million pounds that would be divided equally between them. Charity took her in and raised her as if she was her own. Aaron picked the name Liv for her and that was what they called her. She would make sure that no one would ever harm her children.
That same year Aaron also met his best friend Victoria. She was part of the Sugden family. Her family owned some land and a couple of the farms in the village. She had an older brother that would sometimes hang out with them. He was nine and Aaron thought he was cool.
When Aaron was ten his parents got together properly and that made him happy. A new family moved into one of the farms. And he made new friends, Holly, Adam, and Hanna. Hanna told them that he was a boy and wanted to be called Matty. He loved spending time with them on the farm. Vic’s parents also got divorced and he saw her less. Robert was around even less and Aaron did not like that he wasn’t around as much. He was the cool older brother like Holly was the cool older sister. Aaron also loved that he had his cousin that was a year older than him. He had a nice group of friends to play with and his dog. He also had the best mum who would do anything for him. His little baby sister was always trying to follow him around.
When Aaron was twelve the pub landlady died and she left it all to his mum. This was good as she was pregnant. Aaron was excited to have another sibling. Vic now spent the school year with them and was in the village her mum lived in when there was no school. Robert did not come over at all, and his dad acted like he never existed. His mum gave birth to a baby that died the same day she was born.
When Aaron was fourteen he was discovering his sexuality. He tried kissing Holly but it did nothing to him. He also thought guys were better looking than girls. Adam’s cousin came over and he kissed Aaron. While Aaron didn’t like him he did like the feeling of kissing a guy. The only people he told about this were Vic and Adam. He would tell his mum and dad soon. His mum was pregnant again and Aaron wanted the baby to be healthy. Liv was also recently diagnosed with epilepsy, the doctors figured out what the damage that was caused when she was born was. He can tell them later it’s not like he wants to date. When Aaron did tell them it was no big deal. They had Matty who was trans, and CHarity and Debbie were both bi. Aaron successfully finished his GCSEs, he loved working with his uncle in his garage so he decided he would go to 6 form and try to study automotive engineering at uni.
When Sarah was 40 years old she started her life over. She was divorced and she found a new passion. She decided to enter the great British bake off and somehow out of nowhere she won the competition. She met a confectioner Rishi who she started a cakery/confectionary with. The village she lived in was in North Yorkshire and was not far from Emmerdale. She still saw her children all the time. A year later Robert came to her in the middle of the night. She fought him for sole custody of Robert and Vic was still living part-time. Had he laid a hand on him she would have taken both but he only kicked him out for his sexuality and that made it harder to get her full time. She had her most of the weeks and the summer. Because the school was close to where they lived she was still in the same school. She would spend time with them in Emmerdale her friends never came over to visit. Her beautiful son found a life long friend in Priya and knew that they would be best friends forever. They were able to help each other with their struggles and overcome them together.
When Sara was 46 she moved back to Emmerdale VIllage with her son. Jack had died and Vic wanted to live where her friends were. Robert was in uni studying business. He only came home on weekends or when he needed something. He told her honestly that he had no bad memories of the village. Hopefully, the village will bring them good memories.
Summer 2015
It was the summer before Aaron was due to start 6 form. His best friend Vic was moving back to the village full time. Her mum and older brother were moving back as well. Aaron remembered a little of Vic’s brother. Mostly that he had not come back to visit since they were 12. He was so excited to see her. It was nice to have all of his friends and family close together.
When Aaron saw Vic he ran up to her and hugged her tightly. He saw Robert come up to them. He walked confidently toward them and held his hand out, he had a confident smirk on.
“I’m Robert, I don’t know if you remember me. It is nice to be back here. Beautiful place.” Robert said in a confident and cocky tone. Aaron hated him. He was one of those people who knew how good looking he was and just acted smug. Aaron scowled at him. Robert lowered his hand and started rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Vic and he went to the pub to go see the others.
Aaron was sitting at the pub with Vic and their group of friends. When suddenly Robert walked in. Everyone looked at him and were interested in this Sugden boy who is back for the first time in four years. He also had a beautiful woman who he walked in with. A bunch of Debbie’s friends were interested in him. Wow, he has the whole village wrapped around his finger. He has a girlfriend and he is still going around and trying it on with everyone. Although Aaron didn’t have that much bad luck with guys. He had his first boyfriend Jackson who helped him out when he first came out. The two of them realized that they were interested in different things and split up amicably. A few others have asked him out. There was Ed, a star rugby player, and Alex, a first-year med student. Aaron was happy that he had his options. Maybe he should text Ed so that they could go out tomorrow night. Aaron decides to go back to the conversation.
“Vic how’s it being back here full time?” Adam asked.
“It’s great being back. Although it looks like Holly, Debbie and their friends are all very into Robert. It’s like he is new blood here, even though our family has been here for generations. But hey I want him to be happy here. Hopefully mum will be as well. And spending all my time with my fave person.” She said as she leaned her head on Aaron’s shoulder.
“Well good luck with Holly there, She is used to getting what she wants,” Adam said, mocking his sister.
Robert and the girl came by and sat with them. Robert said he wanted to get to know Vic’s friends.
“Hi I’m Priya.” Robert’s friend introduced herself. She seemed really nice.
“Adam, some of our friends were over there.”
“I’m Ellis.”
Aaron stayed quiet and maintained the frown. Robert was smiling this friendly but confident smirk and he was not amused.
“Aaron.” He finally said.
“Aaron all grown up. I remember when you and Vic used to get into trouble running around. Well it looks like you grew up well.” Robert said. Aaron was wondering what that meant. He could be more than that trouble maker. Aaron frowned in his direction, not at all impressed by Robert.
Things were quiet for a few seconds, then Ellis and Adam started the conversation back up again. A few minutes later Sarah walked in and was talking to her children. Aaron thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to go to the toilets.
Aaron was washing his hands when Robert walked in.
“I ugh don’t know what I did to offend you, I do want us to get on, be mates. You and my sister grew up together and are really close and I would like to get on.” Robert said. Aaron just shrugged him away. Robert lightly grabbed his hand so Aaron could face him. Aaron felt electricity go through him. “Just think about it okay.” Aaron just shrugged and ran away. Robert was straight and had a girlfriend and was his best friend’s older brother, nothing could ever happen between them.
Aaron was at Vic’s hanging out. He was going out with Ed later that night. He was not sure if he wanted a boyfriend now. He was only 16 and he already had one serious relationship. But Ed seemed nice, and he liked him, so Aaron was willing to go on a date with him. On his way to Vic’s room he passed by Robert’s room. He caught him only half-dressed, he was in the middle of putting his shirt on. Aaron quickly went to Vic’s room so that Robert would not catch him and think he was watching him. He will try and get along with him since he will be over a lot.
The first movie they watch is Rocky. Vic knew it was his favourite and wanted to do something nice for him. While he was watching the movie he was thinking of Robert. Aaron had liked what he had seen. Robert was good looking. Aaron knew nothing could happen between them, but nothing wrong with admitting that he found him fit. He will try to be friendly with him from now on.
After the first movie, Aaron goes to the bathroom and then decides to talk to Robert. He knocks on Robert’s door. “It’s Aaron.”
“Come in.”
Aaron walks in and sees Robert was sitting at his desk reading something. Robert gets up and turns around to greet Aaron. Aaron walks towards him and gets caught on something, he falls on top of Robert. Aaron feels like his whole body is alive, he could feel every nerve ending and could feel Robert everywhere. Aaron was now looking at Robert who was looking directly at him. They had been looking at each other for a few seconds breathing heavily. Robert suddenly goes in and kisses him. Aaron responds immediately and kisses Robert back. Aaron gets caught up in the moment and is enjoying the kiss. This kiss is the best one he has ever had. Then Aaron realises what is happening and jumps off of Robert and starts to run away.
“Aaron, Aaron,” Robert calls out after him. Aaron ignores him and continues to go. He had a date tonight, and it was someone who it wasn’t complicated as they were not their best friend’s brother, did not have a girlfriend, and was not confused about his sexuality.
Aaron was ready for the date. Vic decided to help him with the outfit. While Aaron did not care what he wore, Vic wanted Ed to see that Aaron was the best person ever, and he was lucky to have a date with Aaron. It was not that big of a deal, it would be a movie and then hanging out at this cool cafe in town. Aaron was only interested in something casual. When Aaron saw Ed when he picked him up, he saw his smile and how good looking he was. Aaron had a date with the rugby star.
They were going to see the new mission impossible movie. Aaron was excited to see it. He loved these types of movies. Ed seemed nice so far. They were both quiet individuals and that worked for him
“Aaron, fancy seeing you here.” Aaron turned around and saw Robert. “Priya and I came to watch the new movie vacation. Priya loves those types of movies. Plus we are both fans of Chris. How about you?” Aaron nodded towards Ed. “Oh, lucky guy. Have fun. Ill see you later.” Robert said and walked away.
Aaron saw Robert talking to Priya and laughing with her. They seemed really close. Robert seemed like he really loved her. Aaron did not get why he kept feeling like Robert was trying to start something with him if he was clearly happy with Priya. Whatever there was a nice rugby player who was interested in him. He was going to enjoy the night.
Ed drove them to the cafe after the movie. Aaron really enjoyed it. He could have seen himself be an action star in another life. Aaron walked into the cafe and liked it. It looked like a place for teens to hang out if they wanted some quiet or privacy, and a nice place away from home. (more)
Aaron walked into Vic’s house the next day. He heard Robert talking to Priya. It looked like Robert enjoyed spending his time with his girlfriend and they seemed quite close. Why was he pulling moves on others then?
“…guys liking guys. It’s stupid.” Aaron hears Robert tell her and let out a frustrated sigh. Aaron was so mad. Robert was kissing someone else behind her back, a guy no less, and then he complains about gay guys. Aaron was fuming and ran to the garage where his uncle had set a punching bag for him. Aaron let out all of his frustrations out on the punching bag. Aaron knew that he needed to stay away from him. Aaron did not want to get caught up in these games. He just wanted to enjoy his life. He would only be sixteen once.
He texted Vic to come over so that he could tell her all about his date with Ed. They were not boyfriends, but Aaron was open to the idea of going out on another date with him.
A few days later Aaron was sitting in the pub with his sisters. Sarah Vic and Robert came in for their dinner. Aaron smiled at Vic and caught Robert smiling at him he frowned at him and turned around. Liv was smiling and sharing a story, everyone was listening closely, happy that her spirits were back up after her difficulties with her illness.
“Bud then went up to the counselor and told her that he was a better dancer than her. He then went and started a dance battle between her and the kids to see who the best dancer was. Gabby, Jacob and I were laughing the whole time. Bud is a terrible dancer. But he does have confidence for days.”
Liv was thirsty after sharing stories, so she went up to get another drink. she was at the bar when she suddenly felt dizzy. She was trying to hold herself up but it was no use, Liv fell on the floor. Robert was right by her when she fell. He went to her to check what happened. He realized what was happening and turned her on her side. He signaled for someone to call 999. Aaron and Chas rushed to her. Aaron was holding Liv close to him until the seizure stopped. Robert was by Aaron the whole time making sure that they were both okay. He put his hand on Aaron’s back to reassure him that she will be okay. When the ambulance was there Robert smiled a reassuring smile in his direction.
At the hospital, Aaron was freaking out. Liv seemed to be in healthy spirits and was happy, the seizure suddenly came from nowhere. This will crush Liv. She was 12 years old, she must have been so scared to be there fin one moment and then on the floor the next. Lif was so short. Robert was so good with her. Aaron was tired of the mixed messages and signals he was getting from him.
Robert drove Vic over so that she could be there with Aaron. Robert saw that Aaron was down, he decided to get Aaron some tea as a peace offering. He really did want to be friends with Aaron.
Aaron suddenly saw Robert come up to him and hand him a cup of something. Aaron looked up at him and gave him a face, one that meant what are you doing?
“Its tea. I just thought you can use it. Help to relax until you can see her. It will be fine. She seems like a fighter. Vic and I are always here if you want to talk.”
Aaron took the drink and sat down next to Robert. Aaron was sitting quietly, Robbert was sitting there with him as well. Aaron felt comfort at that moment knowing that he could sit there in quiet. THat he was not expected to talk and that was okay.
“Family of Olivia Dingle.”
Chas stood up immediately and listened to what her doctor said. They were allowed to see her family only. Vic and Robert said that they would wait for them here. Robert would be able to give Aaron and Vic a ride home after.
Aaron saw Liv lying in bed, she was frightened but also trying to put on a brave smile for everyone. Chas went up to her and reassured her that she was okay. That she would stay there with her until she was released from hospital. Aaron went up to her as well. He gave her a fist bump. The two of them smiled. His little sister had a special place in his heart. He was so happy that she was going to be okay.
On the ride back things were quiet. Vic was sitting close to him and keeping an eye on him. Aaron was so lucky that she was his best friend. When they got to the house they decided to play some video games.
“I can beat you,” Robert said confidentially.
“In your dreams.” Aaron responded. Aaron so far had won all the games. Robert was not very good at it. Vic even tried to help him but it was no use.
“One more game, I know I can win this time,” Robert said. He then got a text from Priya and he smiled at what it said. Aaron did not see what it said but saw that it was from Priya.
“I don’t want to be keeping you, you clearly have better things to do than play video games with two sixteen-year-olds.”
“Not really. It’s nice to have a break from university and work. I know I can beat you this time.”
Maybe Robert really did want to be friends with him. He did spend the day with him in hospital, drove him home, and was now playing video games with him. While Robert was bad at that he could see that he was trying to lift his spirits. Liv will be okay. Maybe the two of them can be friends. He is Vic’s brother. He liked her, so there should be no problem liking him. Nothing wrong with him having another friend.
“Yes I knew I could win one. I am not that bad at this am I?” Robert said proudly. Aaron genuinely had fun. He really was a good friend.
The next day Aaron went back to hospital. His mum said that Liv could come home today. While there Aaron ran into Alex, the med student who had asked him out.
“Aaron, what are you doing here?”
“My sister had another seizure.”
“Is there anything I can do to help. I’m a good listener and I do know my medicine.”
“Maybe another time. Ill text you.”
“I will be looking forward to it.”
Aaron saw that Liv was in happy spirits. He brought Liv a special treat, her fave chocolate. She deserved to have a smile on her face. Aaron hugged Liv and his mum tightly.
“She said that I won’t even have a mark this time. I also didn’t bight my tongue this time. I can eat all of these now. None are for you. These are all mine.” Liv said and then took the chocolates. She was just joking about not sharing and let her mum and brother have some as well.
Aaron was going to spend the evening at home. He would watch Liv’s favourite movie with her. He was just getting the popcorn and snacks ready, the film was all set on Netflix. He heard the doorbell ring. Aaron saw Vic, Adam, and Robert there.
“We thought we could spend some time with Liv. Remind her that we all love her. We made her favourites,” Vic said as she handed him a box of baked goods. Aaron let them into the house.
“I brought these for you. I noticed that they were your favourite.” Robert said and handed Aaron his favourite treat, sweet and sour gummies. Aaron smiled at him. He didn’t think Robert would notice that they were his fave to eat.
“Vic we are going to watch the best movie. I’m so happy that you are here to watch it with us.” Liv said and then hugged Vic close. Vic sat next to Liv and Adam sat on the other side of Vic. That left Aaron and Robert the love seat. Aaron sat down and Robert sat down next to him.
Aaron was not a massive fan of this movie, but Liv loved it and it was her turn to pick the film.
“Not really your fave is it. Not mine either. But little sisters are great and they like when they get their way.” Robert said and handed him some sweets. Aaron smiled in thanks. Aaron found that the two of them sitting together the conversation flowed seamlessly between them. It was as if they had been friends for years and not weeks. Aaron felt his heartbeat quicken and his cheeks flush. Robert handed him another sweet as he told him another funny story. Aaron felt himself become tired after the last few days and fell asleep. When Aaron woke up he realised that the movie was over. The only ones in the room where Robert and him. The others must have left. Robert looked down at him and saw that he was awake.
“Morning Sleeping Beauty, you sleep well.” Robert asked Aaron and smiled down at him.Robert looked down at Aaron and Aaron looked up at him they moved closer to each other when suddenly Aaron heard a loud bang. Aaron jumped up immediately and ran away.
Aaron had been ignoring Robert for the last few days. He had gone on another date with Ed and he had a date with Alex as well. His sister was also feeling better. Aaron was so confused about his feelings. He liked Ed, but he wasn’t sure if they had a future together. He was heading downstairs as Alex would be in the pub soon to pick him up. Aaron went out to the pub and saw Robert.
Robert went up to Aaron, he was full of nervous anxious energy. “Aaron can I talk to you for a second.”
“Make it quick I have a date.”
“That’s actually what I want to talk to you about, would you like to go out with me on Friday night?”
Aaron saw Priya smiling at both of them a friendly smile. He saw Alex come in as well. “I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.
The date with Alex was boring. Well mostly Alex was boring and Aaron did not really like him. He did not think that he would go out with him again. There was only one week left of August he was going to try and enjoy it the best he could.
The next day Aaron went over to Vic’s house to tell her about his date. Robert was there as well. He was sitting on the sofa with Priya and Vic.
“Hey, Aaron have you thought about my question?”
“Oh yes, I’m not sure if I have your number.”
“I’ll text you now so you have it. Want to play a game?”
“I came to talk to Vic actually. You and Priya have fun.”
Aaron and Vic went upstairs and he told her about the date. When Aaron was done he saw that there was a funny message from Robert. He smiled and texted him back.
“Whos that Ed, Alex?”
“A yes quite the charmer he is.”
They went downstairs, Robert was there with Priya still and a bottle of wine. There were also a couple of unopened cans of beer.
“Do you guys want some. I figured a can each wouldn’t be bad.” Robert said and handed Aaron a can of beer. Aaron sat next to him and started drinking. It wasn’t every day that he was able to easily drink alcohol for free. Aaron took the controller and they played in teams. First, it was Priya and Robert vs Aaron and Vic. Vic then thought it would be fun if she played with Priya. That left Aaron on the same team as Robert. Robert was trying to help Aaron with the controllers and by doing so he put his arms around Aaron. Aaron had felt alive. He could feel every part of his body that was touching Robert’s. Robert was whispering in his ear where to go next and what to do. Aaron then heard Robert laughing and could feel it and thought that up close it was the most beautiful sound in the world. Thinking of that distracted Aaron momentarily and he crashed the car into a mountain and it then fell into a valley. Aaron laughed and Robert laughed with him. He was having so much fun.
“Yous are so cute. Arent they Priya?”
“The cutest. I think they are the cutest duo from the group. I’m jealous.”
Shit, shit, shit. Priya was his girlfriend. She was right there. Aaron forgot that she was there. He would not make that mistake again.
Over the next few days, Aaron and Robert were texting effortlessly. Conversations just flowed naturally between them. He always felt like they were in a little bubble. Whenever Robert asked him about going out, Aaron swerved the conversation in another direction. It was the second to last day of August and Robert asked him to come to meet him at a barn. Hanging out at Robert’s house was safe. He did like Robert and he wished that whatever was happening between them was clearer.
It was the end of August. Robert had texted him to come to one of the barns, he wanted to show him something. When Aaron got there he saw that Priya was hugging Robert goodbye and was smiling at Aaron before she left. Aaron was really confused by their relationship. Aaron saw that there was a blanket set up, with a bunch of different types of breads and sandwiches.
“I thought if I did this it would make my intentions clear, that I want to go out on dates with you, that I would love us to be boyfriends some point in the future. I just want you to know that I like you. I think you feel the same. I do like being friends with you but I want to be more.” Aaron frowned at him. “Oh god. I read this wrong, you aren’t interested. I am so stupid. I just thought I saw something when you looked at me. I thought you felt that spark to when we kissed, and when we touched. I’m sorry. I get it I won’t bother you.” Robert said dejectedly.
“What about Priya?” Aaron asks.
“Priya likes you, she thinks that you are good for me.”
“I don’t want to be in this open relationship that yous two have. I don’t share.”
“What?” Robert asks confused.
“You and Priya.” Aaron clarifies.
“Priya isn’t my girlfriend. She is my best friend. She is my Vic. We are really close but that is all we are. I don’t like Priya that way.”
“I don’t want to be a secret. I heard what you said to her about guys liking guys is stupid.”
“I’m bisexual. Something that I don’t hide from people. My family and Priya all know. I was telling her how when I kissed you in there it was the first time I kissed someone since Paul. My dad caught us together and freaked out. He kicked me out because I liked guys. I was saying it was stupid that my dad had an issue that guys liking guys, and I couldn’t let that keep haunting me. It was time for new beginnings. I was hoping to make new memories with you.”
“What about Vic. She is my best friend and you are her brother. This has got to be weird for her.”
“Vic noticed that I liked you, and she said that she thinks you liked me too. She said that I should go for it. That she wants us to be happy. As long as we are not all over each other she has no problem.”
Robert went closer to Aaron. He softly took his hand and held it in his. He looked at Aaron and he gave him a nod. Robert took Aaron into his arms and held him close. “Any other objections?” Robert asked.
“Shut up,” Aaron said and then did just that. Aaron and Robert shared a kiss and then another one. This kiss was even better than the first one. Now that there was no confusion or misunderstandings and their feelings were clear. The kiss felt like coming home. It felt like a new beginning.
Valentine’s day 2020
Robert had something special planned for Valentine’s day. He and Aaron had been dating for four and a half years. Aaron was in uni going strong. He would make a fine auto engineer soon. Robert and Priya had started up their business. He was excited about Valentine’s day. Since he and Aaron had started dating they have a few traditions for Valentine’s day. Robert hoped that the surprise this year went really well.
He and Aaron moved into a place in the village that was close to the university. It was important for Aaron to live close to his family and his home. He lived on campus for the first two years. After that, he said that that was enough experience. Since the village was close enough to the university, Aaron had decided to ask Robert to move into a place together. They were able to use Aaron’s inheritance money and money from Robert’s savings to buy the mill cottage. Robert had it all set up tonight so that they could enjoy their evening.
Aaron came back home. He saw that Robert had set up a table full of all their favourite foods. Aaron loved Robert’s cooking. He was so lucky to be dating someone who was excellent in the kitchen. He was definitely way more lucky than most university students.
After dinner, Robert and Aaron sat down on the sofa. Robert had a photo album he had made, and a box of Sarah’s cupcakes. Robert said that he wanted to look at the photos first. The photos were their story. From their birth, their family. Growing up, meeting each other, dating. It had their whole story. Aaron saw a picture from their first date. Aaron successfully finishing his exams, Robert’s graduation from uni. Aaron starting Uni. Them moving into their new place. Aaron smiled as he relived all of their memories. On the last page, Robert had written, ‘What will the future bring, to new beginnings.’
Robert opened the box of cupcakes. Each cupcake had one of the letters of Marry me spelled out on it. Aaron looked up and saw that Robert was holding a ring out for Aaron.
“Aaron, when my mum said we were moving back to Emmerdale after my dad died, I was unsure of that. I had so many nightmares. My mum said that every opportunity is a new beginning, and maybe I would be able to feel at home there. My mum was right, I met you and it changed everything. I’m the biggest flirt in high school, I can get anyone with a few well-placed words. And then you walked in and I became a stuttering mess and I can’t control myself anymore. I can’t even flirt with other people. You understand me in a way very few have understood me before. I can be myself who I really am, This awkward mess and I know that you won’t judge me. My mum was right about Emmerdale becoming my home again. I found my home with you. I am excited about our life to continue here in this home. Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” Robert slipped the ring on Aaron’s finger. He got another box out with an identical ring. Aaron slipped the ring on Robert’s finger. He hugged Robert close. Aaron then started kissing him. Aaron was excited to christen the house as an engaged couple. This place really did bring them new beginnings.
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ahotpeaceofshit · 5 years
DARK THINGS (Chapter 1 Draft 1)
(also super unedited)
“Awwwww!!! Fucking shit, did we actually have to do that??” I fell back on my chair and let out a hasty sigh. “For real?”
“Yeah…. It's called homework.” Peter frowned before a smile crossed his face. “Well on the bright side, you'd make a decent stripper.”
“He doesn't really have the body for it though.” Steff eyed me from the other side of the desk sceptically. “Not enough ass.”
“Nah.. he hath not the skill to be a stripper, nor the charm.” Ellie, the girl who sat next to Steff, pondered for a moment. “A prostitute perhaps?”
“He's not pretty enough for that either.” My friend flicked their long hair back only to lean over the table and ruffled mine up with the sweetest smile. “But if we sell his organs on the black market, we're sure to make a fortune!”
“HEY!!! Fuck all of you!” I pulled away, playing a grumpy face while fixing up my now messy hair. “For the record, why do you always mess up my hair? It takes Peter forever to get it look this damn good.”
“That's very true, it takes a lot of effort to make Noel look presentable to society.” My friends snickered at Peter's words. “A shit load of effort.”
“AND, as I was saying,” I gave my best-friend a playful push for his word. “I would make an amazing stripper, sex worker or organ donor on the black market but that's not the point here!”
“Huh, sex worker?” Ellie mumbled under her breath. “More new words to learn.. great!”
She rolled her eyes and yawned as gray light broke through the window, softly landing on all of us. The classroom was illuminated with only the silver glow as the day slowly began, classmates stumbling in, the rings under their eyes darker then the world around them.
“So can I copy your homework, my dear mooooooooonlight?” I bated my eyes at him. “Pretty please…?”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa….. how about, no! You need to learn your lesson.” He laughingly barked. “Come do it yourself, it's not that hard.”
“As if?” I groaned, tossing myself on the table like an angry toddler. “Why have you betrayed me like this?? I thought you loved me!!”
“You can copy mine.” Ellie said, her odd accent spilling all over her words as she pulled out her math supplies, her blond hair seemed to glow in the absence of light. “I'm not positive it is correct though..”
“Don't encourage him!” Peter exclaimed. “This way he'll never pass the class.”
“I was only fishing for Peter's sympathy but I guess my powers are too strong!!” I carefully took her notebook. “I could become the best super villain the world has ever seen!! Nahahaha!!!”
“No, it really isn't.” She shook her head at me kindly. “But dream big, kiddo.”
“Ellie, you sparkle fucking joy and I would willingly carry your children!” I gave her a big smile and began copying. Normally being called kiddo from a girl I had a slight crush on would have been frustrating but this early in the morning I didn't really mind.
“Noel...” Peter spoke my name with such care, I had to look at him. “You're a full blown idiot and you are aware that is anatomically incorrect right?”
“Who are you to control his body?!” Steff laughed while they pulled out their math notebook and slammed it on the desk next to mine. “Make space Noel, I don't have the homework either!”
Ellie gave them a gentle smile before pulling out her Nokia phone, a device that looked older then I was. She poked around on it while Peter arranged his books to look perfectly synchronized and they and I scribbled away. A tired humming began to fill the room as more classmates came in.
“By the way, where is your sister? Or Bryan for that matter?” I asked, barely glancing up from my work.
“You know Maria, she will stay in bed until the last moment even if God himself tried to wake her up.” Peter let out a small laugh. “And Bryan.. who knows?”
“He's probably dressed too masculine again.” Steff snickered. “His mom is probably making him change right at we speak so that she can impress Mr. You-were-born-a-girl-so-why don't-you-dress-like-one.”
“Speaking of Mr. Hofmann, why the fuck do neither of you two ever do your math homework?” My best friend looked over at us writing away. “Seriously, he's like the only teacher who always checks if we did it or not.”
I looked up into his deep brown eyes. They were the same as that of his twin sister and of his mother but I liked his the most. A soft brown that matched with his dark hair and skin… and his beautiful kissable lips. Not in a “I'm secretly in love with my best friend” kinda way, more in a “I would make out with my best friend at any given moment, in a platonic way of course.” There is a difference trust me, a huge one!
“Because Mr. Hofmann.” Steff groaned. “I live to spite him. My hate for him gets me out my goblin hole every morning.”
“True words that inspired people across the nation.” I nodded before turning my attention back to Peter, as if it ever truly left his gorgeous face. “Hey do you have number 5? 'Cause our dear Ellie just put a bunch of question marks there.”
“The spoken and written word has changed too much since my birth, keeping up bringeth with it many hardships.” She didn't even look up from her device. “And such calculations were seen as witchcraft, as they should.”
“Yeah…. So Ellie is being cryptic again.” I leaned my head on his shoulder and snuggled closer. “Please moonlight, do us this favor..”
“FINE!!” He sighed, passing me his notebook. “Why do I always give in so easily to you?”
“Because you love me!” I gave him a smooch on his cheek before focusing my concentration on the math problem. “I love you too...”
“Where would you get the idea that I… wait, did I just hear that correctly?” His tanned cheeks gave off a slight reddish tone, making it clear that he was blushing. “You like..love me?”
“Yeah.” I threw him a slight smile. “As a friend.”
“OOOOOOOh friendzoned!” Steff looked up from their writing to laugh. “But like seriously Noel, don't even try and deny you're totally in love with Peter.”
“I'm straight, so unless Peter is actually a trans girl,” I continued copying out the calculations. “We're just friends.”
“Can you just admit your bisexuality before before wrinkles cover your fleshy skin and the long fingers of death cuts the thread of your mortality?” Steff groaned. “Please!”
“Aye.” Ellie agreed, still not looking up from her phone. “We're begging ya.”
“Oh man… look I know you guys are the ultimate shitlords and our future rulers and all that but for fucks sake, can you talk like modern humans?” I scribbled in panic, jumping over stupid calculations to get the homework finished before the bell rang. “Now if you don't mind, I would like to finish this.”
“Finish what?” A voice stated as footsteps wandered through the door, Maria's soft giggle by his side.
“Awww Bryan, you sweet pumpkin!” I looked up from my writing for just a second to face my friend. “Get your ass over here and your notebooks out, we've got math homework to do!”
“oooh.. uhm you see..” Bryan stalled as he pulled up a chair towards where we sat. “well I.. uhm.. I.”
“We just did the stupid homework.” Maria plopped herself down on Ellie's lap and gave both her and Steff a kiss on the cheek. Ellie simply shifted her phone and let her girlfriend sit down comfortably. “Plus Bryan managed to get me out of bed so we're here a bit early.”
“BRYAN, You Motherfucker!! What happened to us dying together?” I frowned. “You truly disappoint me!”
“Yo dude!” Peter leaned over to the wide eyed teen. “How did you get Maria up? What kind of magic do you possess? Can you teach me??”
“She wrote me yesterday that she wanted to copy the homework so I did it quickly and..” He nervously looked back at Peter. “an..and so I came by this morning to pick her up. And she was already awake..”
“Stop using your fear to hid thy wizardry! Damn Skippy, I see through you.” Ellie ruffled up his hair without her blue eyes leaving the device she held in her hand. “Thy anxiety is so tough that I could spear it down with my bow and skin it to make a lovely rabbit soup.”
“What?” We all stared at her.
“She means you're so super nervous, like a rabbit.” Maria pipped up. “And that you shouldn't be scared, we're not gonna hurt you.”
“I WILL BE SCARED AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME… not scared? Stop being scared? If anything you're making me more scared!” Bryan pounded his fist on the table before his words drowned into a whisper. “And I have anxiety so yes, I will be terrified. Thank you very much.”
“I said no such thing.” Ellie looked up with a concern and yet gleeful look on her face. “You should be very terrified, thou areth friends with us. Ey!”
“I just shit myself, great!” He smiled and turned to Steff and I. “So what's taking you too so long?”
“What do you mean?” We both asked, looking up from our writing before I continued. “We're dumb, ok? It takes us a little longer do things.”
“Oh, we know that.” Peter laughed.
“Speak for yourself.” Steff punched my arm.
“No but why are you doing the whole page?” Bryan asked. “We only had to do five and six.”
“What??!” I glared at Peter while Steff glared at their girlfriend. “Then why are we doing all of these?”
“Who truly knows?” Ellie shrugged. “You should be asking yourselves that question. Thou has been jacked! Get reketh”
“Yeah, you guys just blindly copied out our homework, with no thought of what we actually had as homework.” Peter stated, his arms crossed. “It your damn own fault.”
The bell rang behind us, a soft ding dong but I didn't notice much. Instead, I was too busy imagining how I was gonna strangle Peter. Kinky, I know but I was thinking about doing it in a nonsexual way. More of a pure rage way.
“Fuck you!” I mumbled angrily. Ok, maybe I was thinking about choking him in a slightly sexual way but not in a gay way. Because I am heterosexual who is only into females! Super straight in every way, I thought as I watched his lips move as he countered my words and imagined kissing them.
“Fuck me yourself, coward.” He joked, pulling his notebook away from me.
“Gladly… wait no!” I whispered without thinking before shouting. “That's not what I meant.. I meant that you wish I would fuck you! Because.. I'm cute and you're cute and we'd be super cute together and.. no wait, what am I even saying?”
“Is he still pretending that he's straight?” Maria rolled her eyes when Steff nodded. “Noel, we all know you're in love with Peter.”
“Not even your mama loves Peter and she fucked him!” I shouted. “And you two are twins!!”
“Dude, that's.. that was uncalled for.” Bryan whimpered, in his hand a cubic cub that he turn endlessly without trying to solve the colorful square. “You can't accuse someone of incest, even as a defense.”
“I'm not accusing him of anything.” I spoke quietly before a smile danced across my face. “I'm just saying he's a motherfucker.”
Our group went silence as I glowed with pride at my, may I say, amazing delivery. The rest of them seemed to have a different opinion to mine, with Steff covering their face with their hands and Maria just giving me the death stare. Only Bryan, kinda muffled a slight smile. At least one of these savages understood my genius!
“Hey babe.” Peter placed his hand on my thigh. “I know you're in denial about our love so I would murder you where you sit.”
“NO!” My voice cracked as he stared at me with his deep brown eyes. “I'm fucking not! Cause.. uhm. Fuck you. Maria, make your brother bother stop bullying me!”
“Peter stop hurting the poor bean.” She smirked, her hand running through her hair. “Don't you see he's suffering enough from his undying love towards you, why would you inflict even more pain on him??”
“I hate all of you.” I shook my head at Bryan and he let out a sigh of relief. “But especially you Peter. You're stupid.”
“HEY!” Peter unleashed the full force of his math book against my head. “And I helped you after you totally forgot to your homework”
“I choose not to do it.” I said proudly. “Albert Einstein failed school and look what he did.”
“That's actually a total myth you know.” Ellie added. “He got really good grades but only Germany with our 1-6 notes so when he moved to another country with 6-1 notes they thought he had failed the grade.”
“Thanks for destroying all my hopes and dreams.”
Ellie blushed and began stuttering. “Oh no... I didn't mean it.. I'm so sorry.”
“Ellie, my precious bean, that was once again sarcasm.” Steff whispered to her and then turned on me. “And how could you not know that? Everyone knows that. Also side note, you kinda did forget your homework so don't lie to yourself.”
“I'm sorry, I don't spend my life reading up and learning random facts about famous people.” I tilted my chair a bit more. “Also how do you know that before wasn't a lie and this is me finally telling the truth.”
“No, you prefer playing video games over and over again.” Steff frown. “Doesn't shooting people get boring after some time?”
“I love you darling but no hating on video games.” Maria smirked. “Either way, wasn't Albert Einstein born with a smaller brain and that made him so smart?”
“It was only a tiny bit smaller then the average brain but with the same amount of brain cells which caused his brain to work far better then ours.” Peter added to the conversation. “And talking about hopes and dreams, Albert Einstein was working a boring desk job as an adult when he worked out his theories.”
“Hmmm... brains. I hear those things are tasty.” I licked my lips. “I'm actually getting pretty hungry, who wants to volunteer as tribute to my belly? Smart people only.”
“I think it's more about the spices and the way you cook it.” Maria stroked her imaginary beard “Raw brains sounds just gross.”
“Well that's just your opinion.” Ellie seemed to have gotten over her embarrassment and rejoined the conversation. “I think raw brains are delicious.”
“Eww.” Peter barked.
“Wow, we're really just going to kink shame poor Ellie here. She likes raw brains, you like dudes.” I put my arm around Peter. “There's no difference.”
“Wait, I'm not kinky. Not in that way at least.” Ellie spoke, startled. “I just enjoy a good meal. Vore is not a thing I like, nor will it ever be.”
“So being gay and being a cannibal is the same thing?” Peter glared. “You've truly sunken far, dear friend.”
“Seriously.” Steff joined in. “That's low even for you.”
“I'm sorry!” I attempted to defend myself but they seemed to have already hardened their hearts to my woo. “I was kidding..”
“There are some stuff you just can't joke about, that was one of them.” Maria joined into the fight. “And I thought you were cool.”
“How did we get from Noel not doing his homework to cannibalism?” Bryan asked into the group. “And how do we always move over to these kinds of conversations?”
“We were talking about Albert Einstein's brain then we came to brain food and then Noel had to compare cannibalism to being lgbt+.” Peter crossed his arms. “What does the defendant have to say in his defence?”
“I-..” “Guilty!” Steff broke into the conversation, interrupting my speech, one I had already thought about before I opened my mouth. “I say we execute him on the spot.”
“I second that!” Peter was quick to second it even though Noel looked at him with innocent eyes.
“How are we going to execute him then?” Maria rubbed her hands together gleefully. “Burning to the stake sounds like fun.”
“How 'bout no.” Ellie seemed visually shaken by even the thought. “What about beheading?”
“Too painless.” Peter countered. “He deserves to suffer.”
“Guys...” I tried to change the conversation but they continued to ignore me. I glanced at Bryan who seemed to have dissociated himself entirely and was inspecting a piece of lead that lay before him. I whispered his name several times before he shot back up into reality and looked at me puzzled.
“Shhh prisoner, the judges are deciding your fate.” Steff shushed him. “Mortals who hath' committed such a horrid crime does not deserve to speak.”
“Guys maybe we should leave Noel alone.” Bryan began his defense of my case but Steff cut him off, refusing to let him speak. “Shush human, spare us the sounds that escape your pretty lips. We know where your loyalties lie.”
“Don't take it to heart.” Maria spoke softly to Bryan. “We're just joking around and foreshadowing stuff, no need to worry.”
“My word, how about we cook him alive.” Peter rubbed his hands together “You know, with boiling water and all that good stuff.”
“I say we eat him.” Ellie grinned. “Tis the best way to depose of a corpse.”
“Yeah.. how about no.” Peter growled. “But a bloodsucker like yourself probably doesn't understand what no means.”
“Why wouldn't I know what no means?” Ellie countered, her eyes seemed to flash red for split second. “No means no, simple as that.”
“That is simply untrue.” We all spun around to see our dear math teacher, Mr Hofmann standing there, his body leaning on the doorway. The other students had noticed him standing there and had gone to their respectable seats. We had not. Who knew how long he had been standing there. How much he had heard.
“Sorry.” I said as I hurried to my proper place and pulled out my school books. The others did the same, some slower then others. Bryan rushed to his seat and practically threw his stuff on the table in terror while Steff stared him dead in the eye as they very slowly moved their chair to face the front.
“No. Definition: a negative used to express dissent, denial or refusal, as in response to a question or request. Also used to emphasize or introduce a negative statement.” He seemed to float into the room and found his way to his desk, his face unchanging before a slight smile crossed over his lips. “But It's math now so everyone pull out your homework. Everyone should have it, No excuses.”
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jonathanlejonhjarta · 4 years
8 and 21 for the trans ask meme?
this ask game is so so nice, thank you so much for sending something!!! 
8. how did you pick your name? haha oh gosh. i love how many trans people are like “i picked this name because ______” and it has a personal and cute meaning. while for me, i changed my name from my birth name to the name ell (pronounced like the letter L). people never really understood that it was my name, no more letters, it ended there. they always thought it was supposed to be something more, like ellie, elle or ella. so i was looking for names that our culture connect with he/him pronouns but that still was playing on the ‘ell’, because i didn’t want to be a bother and force people to get to know me by an entirely new name. the only two names i could come up with playing on what my current name was, was elliot and elton. since i wanted to keep the double Ls, i chose elliot. i think it is an excellent name and i’m very happy with it as me, but i feel kind of robbed of the process to form an emotional connection to it in beforehand. i didn’t get to do that because it was a decision i took pretty hastily since i was so tired and anxious of always getting misgendered when named ell. so i never really got to sit down and think of what i wanted to be named. it was more of a compromise between not wanting to be a bother to others and change my name entirely again but still wanting a name that is generally associated with he/him pronouns.
21. what makes you feel euphoric?talking about being trans and queer with other trans people. sharing stories and try to work out trauma. creating safe spaces and families. 
AND trans representation in media! all media! especially seeing drawn art and photography of trans people and bodies that are non-conforming. trans bodies, especially naked trans bodies, makes me scream of happiness! even though i myself do not have top surgery scars, i looooove seeing those in art and photos! seeing trans masc people with vaginas is also. a big big euphoric moment. seeing representation, whether that is visual or auditory, taking part of trans people’s different stories. that’s just so amazing because it reminds me how diverse and amazing and beautiful the trans community is!! 
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larissaloki · 6 years
Fandom OCs
I'm about to share my boy with you. He's very special to me and he really carried me through rough times, I loved writing him and rping him and he means a lot to me. So I hope you like him too. ^^
Marvel: Milan Egbert Oomen AKA Projekt Akela
Milan Oomen is born in Antwerpen, Belgium on the evening of July 4th, 1918. Right at the end of the first world war. His mother Arianne had an affair with a man named Victor Creed. Something her husband Sander never found out about. Milan doesn’t know of his true heritage. Milan moved to the countryside one year after his birth and grew up there. His childhood was relatively uneventful and normal until he turned 15.
When Milan was 15 his mutation kicked in for the first time when Milan fell out of a tree and broke his arm. The arm set itself in minutes at an odd angle and a crying Milan was transported to the nearest hospital to re-break and reset his arm. After that his parents kept Milan hidden away on the countryside until he turned 20. At that age he immigrated to the United States.
When he arrived in the United States Milan couldn’t speak English and because of it he had to scrape by to even get food. Eventually he got better at it and he managed to land a job at the warf. He could afford a small apartment and food from that point on.
In 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked and it made Milan sign up for the US Army. He asked to be deployed in the pacific as opposed to Europe, he didn’t want to witness the devastation to his country and family. But what he saw in the pacific wasn’t much better. He still has nightmares about the horrors he witnessed. From villagers being used as suicide bombers to American soldiers using Japanese corpses for entertainment.
    In 1945 he traveled to Hiroshima and stayed there for a month, he witnessed little boy fall down from the sky and scrambled for cover. Due to his healing factor he survived the atomic bombing and recovered after a few weeks of regenerating. The US Army pulled him back and kept him on a secret base for most of the time. He served in the cold army in an espionage division in St. Petersburg Russia, he was eventually caught and executed with his fellow soldiers. Milan was the only one that survived and he was imprisoned by the Russians. During an American mission Milan was rescued and brought back to the states.
In 1972 he met Sarah Brown during a leave in Hawaii and after ten years of dating her he married her. Not long after their marriage Sarah was expecting their first child. When she was 8 months pregnant Milan was called away to base and she was attacked in their apartment building by a heroine addict who had gotten in and pushed down the stairs. The fall killed her instantly, she broke her back. Milan heard of the incident over the radio in his truck and rushed back home. Her baby was retrieved through a C-section but after a fifteen minute trip to the nearest hospital the baby died in Milan’s arms.
To say it left a mark on him is an understatement, a part of him died that day. Broken and with no will to live Milan tried to kill himself by placing a gun against his head and pulling the trigger. He woke up two days later in a hospital bed. Many years went by, in which Milan attempted many more times to take his own life. All failed and the mentally broken man became a ghost. He lived, breathed and did his job but that’s all he did.
In 1985 Milan was recruited for a special Army devision called NEST, a team that specializes in counter terrorism. He worked hard till he took over the leadership position in 2000. Due to most of the team being older then allowed a new team was recruited.
Not long after taking command of the NEST Team in Kansas, Milan met Kuga. The feral was on leave at the time and he spend a couple of weeks camping in the woods just one mile from Kuga’s home. Kuga came back to Milan every single day and a father/daughter bond slowly developed. Kuga’s little brother James came along with her after a couple of days and he too, took to Milan quite easily. Milan found himself fathering the two young children of 10 and 7 and decided to adopt them as his own after he heard of possible abuse towards Kuga. His request was denied by the court as there was no physical evidence of abuse going on. Milan couldn’t return for James and kuga and instead was kept on acitve duty to train for a new mission.
In 2003 Milan and his team served in the Iraq war where he dealt with his nightmares all over again. He’s directly responsible for the death of several civilians because he led them into a building that was later bombed. He blames himself for that.
In 2008 Milan took the mutant cure that became available, the cure wasn’t permanent however and Milan was forced to live on.
From 2008 till 2010 Milan gets on SHIELD’s radar and several security checks and evaluations are done to determine if he’s possible agent material. He passes and in 2010 he joins the ranks of SHIELD. He’s currently a level 4 agent working for SHIELD’s undercover department. SHIELD has a contract for him with the Army, it states that as long as he’s on active field duty he’s working for SHIELD. If events were to force him to go off active duty he’d have to return to the army.
    Milan is currently on probation after the events of the Galoyan rescue mission and the army is about to pull him out of SHIELD. That doesn’t stop him from trying to get along with the other agents though. He’ll try anything to keep his job at SHIELD, even if it means quitting the army.
Milan was pulled off active duty and he was forced to return to the Army. He worked closely with SHIELD agents of the undercover department. Mostly doing their paperwork.
And then, SHIELD fell.
After the fall of SHIELD Milan was picked up and rescued by HYDRA. The organisation captured and imprisoned him, performing multiple experiments on him. They extracted parts of his DNA in order to study his healing factor and replicate it for their next line of super soldiers. They also extracted his ability to see, smell and hear at phenomenal levels. His strength and agility markers were also copied and stored for future use. HYDRA wiped Milan’s memory after they collected all they needed and activated the implants in his brain. He stood under their full control and obeyed every command they gave him. Milan assassinated several SHIELD agents under their command.
After several test runs the implants failed, now only working at 30% capacity. With the failing of his implants, his memory returned to him. Not much, only about 10% but it’s something. He remembers three names of his past, Kuga, James and Bryce. He has no idea who these people are, just that they are somehow important to him.
Milan escaped the compound and ended up in Lebanon, Kansas. 
And My current two projects: The Barnes/Brock twins (I am aware this is very self indulgent and it's probably not any good, but I'm having fun. And that's what matters.)
Ben Barnes & Jacen Barnes (Both 17 post SM: Homecoming, timeline ignores IW)
Benjamin Edward Brock-Barnes, born as Ellie Barnes and his brother Jacen Barnes were born to Lauren Barnes and Edward Brock Jr in Queens, NYC.  Ben and Jace's father was already out of the picture at their time of birth and both boys were raised by their mother. They are the great grandchildren of Rebecca Barnes, sister to James Buchanan Barnes, and the best friends of Peter Parker and Ned Leeds (Ben) and Michelle "MJ" Jones (Jacen). 
Ben wants to be an investigative Journalist and when he's not out scouting for the latest scoop in NYC, he's bugging Peter and Ned on how they can set up their own News network. Where Peter can do their photography and Ned can run the newspaper, of course.
Jacen is more interested in his blogging activities where he calls out the injustice of the world and posts about the protests he joins whenever there's no school going on. He's often joined by Michelle in this.
Ben struggles with his trans identity and being recognized for it while Jacen is more comfortable in his gay and queer identity.
When a field trip to San Fransisco goes haywire the twins are introduced to a slimier set of twins named Sleeper and Hybrid. Shenanigans ensue with the help of Spiderman, the man in the chair and justicegirl101 and before they know it, the twins are bonded to their own symbiote siblings and they're thrown into the fight of their lives.
Venom and Eddie suddenly have a lot of parenting work to do.
And that's what I got on them so far. ha, this was fun. But it also got waay to long. So that's all I'll share today. I've got way more though.
Larissa notes:
Oh my god these are amazing , the top one is my favourite though by far!! So well thoughtout and planned i am in awe! Im in love with Milan :3
Thankyou so much for sharing them with me!
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unseenthewriter · 5 years
Tumblr media
Chapter 1: 1793 Words
Total: 1793 Words
"How old is the new DS anyway? He looks very young."
"Why would he transfer from London?"
"I heard he was on track to becoming a DI soon."
"His accent makes me think he's American!"
"Apparently his specialty is cybercrime."
I sighed softly to myself as I sat down at my desk. I'm sure all this chatter will blow over soon. I hope. God forbid anyone finds out my Father was an MI6 Agent or my Mother was a United States Interpol Agent...
"Murray is that report ready?" DS Miller asked me.
"Yes, ma'am I put it on DI Hardy's desk last night." I replied softly.
"Oh. That was quick." She said surprised.
I shrugged softly and logged into my computer.
"Have you found a place yet?" Miller asked me.
I sighed. "Not yet. I have a lot I'm working on. I still don't even have my badge yet."
Miller looked confused. "But you've been here for almost 2 weeks now."
"Yeah, I know." I muttered.
"Murray. My Office. Now." DI Alec Hardy said to me as he walked past my desk.
"Got it." I said and followed him.
After the door closed Hardy gestured for me to sit down. I obeyed. "Your badge is here." he said handing it to me. He sighed. "I have a few questions for you."
I figured this conversation was going to come sooner or later. "Sure."
"Your file from Scotland Yard doesn't say much about when you were shot a year ago." He said.
"It was- extremely classified at the time, Sir. I was working with my Father an MI6 Agent on catching a dark web hacker." I replied.
"Your Father works with MI6?" Hardy said.
"Yeah, he used to. My Mother used to work with Interpol as well." I replied.
"Agent Quinn Murray?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah did you know him?" I asked
"Worked with him once a long time ago. He's doing well then? Didn't realize he had a son. I knew he had a daughter." Hardy admitted.
"Um- not really no. He died during that case." I said.
Hardy leaned back. "Why Broadchuch?" He asked changing the subject.
Lying to your boss isn't great but I don't think I can admit the real reason yet. "Dad loved it here. Even asked to be buried here. Besides I needed a change of pace." To be fair this isn't a lie lie just not the real truth.
"Right, get me a list of places that use paper bags in the nearby area." He said and stood up. "Miller!"
"I'll get right on it." I said softly.
"Dad you know I'm still worried about these threats you're getting from-" He cut me off and ruffled my hair.
"Finn for the last time I get threats all the time." He said.
I moved his hand off my head. "Dad please I'm not a kid."
"Besides, we almost have his location right?"
"Yes but-" I started.
"See his location! I knew my son was going to find a quick way to get that. Gear up." Dad said.
"He's like... down the block." I commented.
"Not surprised a lot of creeps enjoy being right under cops noses." He repiled.
"Dad can you at least let one of the others be in front" I pleaded.
"You got all the worrying from you Mum huh?" Dad said.
I grumbled as Dad knocked down the door. We were pretty much instantly in a haze of bullets. I ducked for cover and fired back. When the skirmish was done I took a deep breath and noticed Dad on the ground. I rushed to his side.
He was shot in multiple places and bleeding out fast. There's no way he was going to make it.
"Finn..." Dad said.
"Just stay with me Dad help is on the way." I said.
"No- listen to me Finn you need to get to" he moaned. "You- need to get to Broadchuch."
"Dad please we can go the next time I get some vacation time. I know you love it there but we can go together." I said to him barely holding back my tears.
"The key- Broadchuch-" He said before trailing off.
"Dad!" I tried to awaken him but was pulled away.
"DC Murray you've been shot." the officer said.
"No! Please, he-"
I jolted awake in a cold sweat. I was at my desk still. "3 AM? fuck." I muttered while rubbing the key hanging around my neck. Hardy's office light was still on, so at least I wasn't the only one still here. I grabbed the list of places that use paper bags. "Right this was finished."
I stood up while tying my tie and knocked on Hardy's office.
"Come in." He said.
"I have that list for you Sir." I said softly.
"Jesus kid you didn't have to stay late to finish it. You look like shit." He said and took off his glasses.
"Oh no, I uh fell asleep." I said.
"You're sweating though." He pointed out.
"I just sweat really easily haha..." I lied.
Hardy sighed. "Take a walk with me."
"Oh uh I mean- I really should." I started.
Hardy glared.
"Right yeah walk."
I watched the waves with Hardy sitting next to me on the pier. Dad was right, they are very calming. "You didn't come here because your Father liked to vacation here." Hardy said not as a question but a statement. "I can't have my DS's lying to me."
I sighed and pulled the key off my neck. "When my dad was dying he kept saying something about Broadchuch and "The Key". My Mom gave this to me before she passed." I said and handed the key to Hardy.
Hardy sighed. "Quinn called me after she died. Must've been hard on you and your sister."
"I uh- I'm a single child and a Trans Man." I said.
"Oh, I didn't realize." He said and handed the key back.
I coughed. "No, no it's fine. I hadn't been out of the closet that long when she passed."
"You were raised in America right?" Hardy asked.
"Yes, I mainly went to boarding schools anyway but I have dual citizenship with the US and UK." I replied. "It sounds like you knew my Father pretty well?" I asked.
"We went to Uni together." Hardy admitted.
"Huh. So I wasn't the only one not being entirely truthful." I said and stared back at the waves. I could feel the glare coming from Hardy. "Wait- you were the friend with the heart probl-" I said turning back.
"Yes, and you're the kid with the asthma problem." He countered. "How were you even allowed to join the police?"
"It's mostly managed now. Just have to stay away from fires." I said and put the key back on my neck while standing up. "I should go."
"Where are you staying?" He asked.
"Trader's Hotel until I find a place." I said.
Hardy scowled. "Let me give you a ride."
"You don't have to I'm working on getting a car soon too." I protested.
"Get in" He said.
"Jeez, Murray you look exhausted." Miller said to me as a sat down at my desk.
I didn't get any more sleep that night. Not like that usual or anything. At least it's Friday so I can try to catch up on sleep this weekend. "I was up late looking at cars online." I said.
"How was the change from driving in the US?" Miller asked.
"I have been living in the UK for 5 years you know. Been a citizen since a few weeks after birth." I said.
Miller looked surpised. "So do you have 2 passports and all?"
"Yes. Makes things easier." I repiled.
"Can I see the US one?" She asked.
"It's in my room. I have this though." I said and pulled out my Minnesota Drivers License.
"So you're 22?" She asked after handing it back.
"Yes." I chirped.
"Miller!" Hardy said while walking past.
"Better see what he's on about." She said.
Finally, now I can work in quiet. I put on my headphones and started looking more into "The Key".
"I don't want to buy a house just to have somewhere nice." I muttered while pacing in my room. I can easily afford anywhere in Broadchuch. My family was rich and all but I don't want to bother with any upkeep.
"Fine! Fine, let's just go back to the car situation." I said to myself, turning to the other wall with cars.
"Too big. Trunk is small. Too high up." I mumbled.
There was a knock on my door. "One second." I said and put my button-down shirt back on.
"Oh hello DS Miller. I wasn't expecting you." I said and let her in.
"Ellie please. I figured you could use someone to show you around town a bit..." She said while looking at all the stuff I had about homes and cars.
"Yeah I uh." I coughed. "I've been to Broadchurch a few times on vacation. I know my way around fairly well."
She smiled. "You still don't know half of Broadchurch then."
"Fine." I said and grabbed my sports coat and tie.
"You're a lot like Hardy you know." Miller said. "You're far too young to act like a brooding middle-aged man."
I frowned slightly. I wasn't always like this. With BOTH of my parents dead now though...
"Murray your sandwich." Miller said and handed it to me.
"Oh thanks." I said softly.
"I heard you were on your way to becoming a DI if you didn't transfer over here." Ellie said.
"Everyone says that but with my age and all I really doubt it. The fact that I'm even a DS pissed off a lot of people." I commented.
"Why did you become a detective anyway?" She asked.
"I like solving problems and puzzles." I sighed. "And with two Agents for parents, something involving crime was kind of a given."
"Your parents were Agents?" Miller asked and I noticed she was already halfway done with her sandwich.
"Mmm my Father worked with MI6 and my Mother was with Interpol... Well technically CIA." I stared at my still uneaten sandwich. I wasn't very hungry at all. I figured it was a little weird to not order anything though. I put it in my leather messenger bag.
"Oi eat your sandwich you're even thinner than Hardy." Miller said.
I grumbled and pulled it back out and started slowly eating it. I don't even like sandwiches that much.
"So how are your parents then?" Ellie asked.
AN: A New fanfic? With one of my favorite shows? Why yes I have no self-control!
0 notes
lyriumboy · 7 years
chapter four.
trigger warnings: reference of abuse, transphobia (deadnaming + misgendering,) unwanted touching
i apologize for the few month long hiatus ! school has been very, very busy for me.
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“You are stripped of everything when you are here. And you are always here."
Hazel stood still, body standing completely straight and stiff, her hands grabbed at her naked thighs, short nails digging into the brown skin as if her skin were the door away from this hellish place and could let her free. Her body was soft, softer then the previous time she had entered this place. Softer from the estrogen she had taken, softer from the lack of exercising.
She was just so…tired. And whenever she was tired, she’d sleep. When she slept, she awoke in a place that wasn’t kind. A place where children died, innocents tortured and where monsters remained hidden, ready to strike at your, rip at your body any moment.
Within seconds, stick like hands were groping at her body. They were raven black, bone thin, fingers were long and parts of the bones stuck out. They groped at Hazel’s growing breasts, then traveled up to her face and squeezed it, it felt as if she were suffocating. The other stick the creature had for a hand stroked her snow white hair that might as well have had thousands of curls.
“Not today. But maybe next time, You will join us here..
The nightmares, they never stopped, they never would stop. All because of the devil Hazel danced with.
“Baby?” The soft voice made Hazel’s body flame up, her eyes quickly shot awake and she felt the stick hands leave her body. She regained consciousness and she blinked several times at the ceiling, taking in sharp inhales and letting sharp exhales leave her mouth. She gulped nervously, feeling the small beads of sweat form at the top of her forehead. “Do you need some water? I can get some-“
"Please.” Hazel croaked, desperate for something to make her mouth not feel dry. Ellie smiled in response and nodded, running to the fridge to get a glass of water.
She looked around the room, vision completely blurry. Hazel then grabbed her white circle rimmed glasses and slid them on her face, and a second later Ellie walked back into the room. Ellie walked over to Hazel and gently handed over the glass of water, sitting on the bed next to her.  “Thanks honey,” Hazel was grateful. Ellie grinned again as she watched Hazel take large gulps of the water, emptying half of the glass in a few gulps.
“Would you mind if I borrowed one of your dresses tonight? A-And you maybe do my makeup? You know I’m terrible with it.” Ellie joked, nervously chuckling as she nervously asked. Hazel nodded, smiling a little bit as she grabbed Ellie’s hand. “Never have to ask, baby. You can take any of my things, promise. What’s the occasion?”
“I was gonna tell Mama about, me being… trans and everything, she’s back from papa’s funeral and I just want to see her.” Hazel’s eyebrows rose and she grinned. “That’s amazing, not your papa dying but, that you’re ready to tell her. You haven’t seen her in what? Two years?” Ellie nodded, strands of her black hair falling in front of her face. “That’s right,
I hope she doesn’t hate me like papa seemed too." The witch sighed sympathetically and placed a gentle hand on Ellie’s shoulder, placing the cup of water on the wooden nightstand and bringing her girlfriend into a hug. "She won’t hate you, your mama is one of the most accepting people I’ve met, I’ll come with you when you tell her since she knows I’m trans, I can ease the ice. Now, let’s go, I have a look I want do for you honey."
“Leg up, ValenVeils! Sollavelle, help him out.” Elliot nodded over to the instructor as he walked over to Savine who was struggling putting their leg up straight in the air. Savine was lost in thought, that nurse, their mother, the odd headache the other day, getting back on track in school, everything was distracting them.
Elliot tapped their shoulder gently and they gasped, jumping out of their thoughts and brought their leg down in a rush, hitting their foot off the hard floor which drew out a hiss of pain.Elliot held back a chuckle by having his hand over his mouth, earning a sigh from Savine who failed to meet his eyes.
“Elliot, do not have me witness your laughing at my suffering or I shall have you suffer as well, mister." They teased. “You’re so dramatic, Haruko wanted me to help out with your leg posture. Says your leg isn’t as straight in the air as it should be. And she used the he pronoun for ya, pretty amazing.” Elliot informed them, Savine’s eyebrows raising. They felt guilty, that they weren’t listening but was glad of what was being told to them. “I do prefer they over he, but he over she. So that’s lovely, thank you, Elliot."
Elliot smiled widely, face brightening up then brought his hand down to their leg, only to have them jump away from him out of reflex, quickly gasping and shaking their head. “I.. I apologize, Elliot. I’m a bit jumpy today-“ “Its fine.” He assured them. “You just got out of the hospital, thinking about bullshit, I get it. I also should’ve asked first. And having ballet on your plate isn’t the most fun thing ever, so let’s work on it.”
Savine nodded in agreement, grateful for Elliot’s understanding nature. With his help, Sav lifted their leg in the air in a straight position all while balancing on their other foot on their tip toes, as well as having assistance from the bar.
Yet this whole time, Elliot had been feeling guilty. His stomach dropping each time he made eye contact with Sav, because he kept recalling the conversation he had with Ian.
He wasn’t sure whether to confess to Sav that they had a huge part of their memory missing and their true love is still out there, or if it was safer for them to remember Ian as an enemy as they once were.
"Wanna grab coffee after this long ass lesson? It's on me." Elliot offered. Yes because a cup of piss tasting coffee will make this all better. Elliot thought to himself
Savine's one eye shot open as they brought their leg down once more elegantly this time. "Only if you're buying me tea. And if it's-"
"-Blueberry?" Elliot shot back with a knowing smirk.
Savine giggled. "Blueberry." They confirmed.
Steam from the tea came up in small herds, warmth crawling through Emeline’s hand as she gently blew on it, taking a sip of it. “It’s only tea darling, it won’t hurt you.” Jodi commented as she came over with another silver platter with tea and a small plate of sandwiches on it.
Constance, Jodi’s youngest daughter’s head shot up as she smelt the familiar scent of tea and saw ham sandwiches.“May I have some tea, ma?” She asked with an excited tone, only to have a glare come from Jodi. "Shouldn't our guest have them first?"
Emeline smiled. "She may have a sandwich, I don't mind. I ate before I came." Jodi shook her head and made a 'tsk' sound. "You should know I will gladly fatten you up child, but here, Constance." Jodi offered by bending over, bringing the platter closer to Constance who gladly snatched a sandwich off the plate and took a large bite out of it.
Jodi then set the platter down on the glass table in front of them and sat on the red velvet couch, pouring herself a cup of tea. "So, did you happen to see Savine today?" Emeline shook her head as she sipped the blueberry tea. "No, I'm afraid not. Her friend, Ethan or whoever, took her to... ballet class or whatever."
Jodi looked amused. "Ah yes, Cassidy, or Elliot, whomever and Savine attend ballet classes. A pathetic idea of an extracurricular but that is none of my concern. What is my concern is," Jodi paused to sip her tea. "...is if you are doing your job."
The room seemed to get tense as Emeline inhaled a sharp breath. "I... did give a small memory, type of thing when Ian called her Sav by calling her that. I'm not sure she remembered." Jodi rolled her eyes and set her cup down, remaining silent for a few moments before Emeline broke the silence. "However... her friends, met up with Ian at some graveyard and they spoke."
"Spoke about what?" That sparked Jodi's curiosity.
"I couldn't make out everything, but from when I was in the form of a raven, I heard Ian speak out he and Hazel both being different genders then their sex."
"They probably also spoke about my darling little Sav." Jodi predicted, intensely staring at Emeline. Constance chirped in with bits of sandwich in her mouth. "Ian? Is that Savie's boyfriend?"
Jodi turned her head sharply to Constance and silently directed her to go to her bedroom, which the young girl immediately obliged and ran into the bedroom. Jodi then turned her attention back to Emeline. "This is a good way to put Savine through hell.  That girl needs to learn."
"What exactly is your goal here, Jodi?"
"Oh Emeline." Jodi chuckled. "This is simply a plaything for me, I gave birth and raised the only living creature in an extinct species. Savine is an Echoturnal, she is also a disobedient child. If I can make her understand the harshness of the world, then it both entertains me and teaches her. Maybe even driving her to be like a coward like her father."
Emeline knew not to press any further.
"Yes, I am afraid Sav is gaining their memories once more and I am afraid that will destroy any healing that this has brought on."
Hakan slipped the glasses off of his face and rubbed his eyes, sighing out of stress. "I did warn you of this." Hakan reminded only to be hushed by Ian. "This was for their safety."
"No, this was a desperate attempt you pulled to make them safe because you think you're killing them in some way. Protecting them was bringing them to me when that poor Echoturnal needed healing." A new voice chirped into the conversation. "It was good to get an insight on a whole new species as well! Echoturnals hasn't been around since... well, way earlier then I can recall."
Hakan chuckled. "A historian nut you are, Gwen."
"If we are finished debating over what is wrong and right for Savine..." That was the prompt that got both Hakan and Gwen to stop having a light banter. "I need to pause their memories from coming back... I-I can't risk them remembering me."
"Why? Do you think it's because they'll hate you?" Ian shook his head, sighing out of annoyance. "No, I erased their memories of us even being romantic, friendly even. I erased memories of their steps towards a cure. They already hate me, and will continue to hate me."
"So then what is the issue?" Hakan didn't see it, he turned his head over to Gwen who was sitting at the table eating soup. Her blonde hair was tied up into a bun, her cheeks similar to a chipmunk as soup was housed in her mouth. "I don't exactly, Ian love tell us." She encouraged after swallowing her soup.
"Savine is stubborn-" Both Gwen and Hakan interrupted, speaking at the same time. "We know." They synced.
"...If they received their memories, they would attempt to try and go after a cure once again. They... they would try and go after Jodi without the necessary training, equipment, strength. They would interrogate me for even more information, they will not stop their actions unless they know for certain they have what they need."
"And what else, Ian?"
He stayed silent. Hesitating, not sure what to say next, yet proceeded anyway. "I just do not want them to pull a foolish act, and hurt themselves. Without these memories, they won't get hurt. I don't want them to get hurt unless they absolutely deserved it or it was required."
Gwen was confused, equally as much as Hakan was. "In what world would they deserve to get hurt."
Without hesitance, Ian fed them an answer. "If they turned to be their mother, believe me, they would beg for death and to meet Mercy instead of Namira."
"Is Savine religious? I never knew of that."
"Not very, just aware there is a higher presence above us. They believe in Mercy and Namir, while I worship another religion. Although, my sister, is far more religious and religion is her whole life." Ian commented, recalling the days where he'd find his sister locked away in her room reading the book of Mercy and Namira's tale, silently chanting the songs to herself, the prayers they wrote, Aria was devoted.
"Ah, I see." Hakan nodded, then looked back at Ian. "You should get Savine back down here, they need their memories. But we will feed it to them a little bit at a time."
Ian shook his head. "I... they'll get hurt, possibly turn into their mother, and they would not want that. I appreciate your concern deeply," He turned around to exit the house. "I... will write."
"Please! You never speak to us, you're like a closed book." Hakan encouraged, getting up to lead Ian out and patting him on the back. "Let me know if there's anything I can do, kid. For Savine as well."
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crazykendal · 7 years
woah if I were you I would .totally. read though this
did you pay attention to anything you were being taught in health class?   health class.. like family life or what
what are your feelings regarding shopping?   I hate shopping
do you think people have any misconceptions about you? Honestly im mean around a lot of people and I think people think im mean to everyone which is not true. I can get really soft with some people
have you ever worn fishnets? nooo...
do you go somewhere to get your eyebrows done? nowhere:)
do you believe prayer really works? no
do you have one best friend who is always there for you? yeah she’s weird
describe one of your most emotional farewells. haha nonononononoonon
have you ever been tied up? like literally or mentally.. ohhh god no
how many times have you been cussed out? dunno
does it bother you when people ask personal questions? no, it just means that they might care more
do you know anyone who’s been in jail? a tonnnn
have you ever considered acupuncture? No
have you ever watched the same sex undress? no..?
have you ever seen the last person you kissed cry? no
have you ever seen your mom or dad drunk? no
do you enjoy mario games? like super mario yes my dads a hardcore fan
do you think that necessities should be free? (ex. food, toilet paper) no you must work for shit dood
does it bother you when dogs lick you? no they love me
do you feed your pets human food? yeah haru loves chicken
which is worse: being sexist or racist? both are absolutely horrible, but nothing is worse than a perachel shipper
do you think suicide is selfish? man.. it ends the pain but it starts more pain to people close to you. It seems selfish but it really depends
would you take a dirty picture of yourself for someone you are dating? No
what are the most embarrassing songs in your itunes library? i dont have any embarrassing shit that i can think of
how picky are you when it comes to choosing who to kiss or not kiss? oooohh man idk
do you feel that having sex anywhere but a bed is more exciting? ..yyeahh..
in your opinion, is it ever okay to get back with an ex? depends on who
what’s the first animal you go to see at the zoo?  i never go to the zoo
what’s the strangest or rarest creature you’ve seen at a zoo? idk
what animal is at a zoo that really, in your opinion, shouldn’t be? all of them they want to be FREED
do you like zoos or aren’t you bothered? why so much fucking zoo shit
i offer you a cigarette, you say… nope i dont want lung cancer
why do you think you were put on this earth? to fucking suffer and to make others suffer
is it ever okay to hit a child? when is this? no unless they are gonna kill you
do you think violence in video/computer games influences the nation also? no i hate people who believe this
are you in any shape or form, racist? no
are you in any shape or form, sexist? no but i kinda prefer girls if you know what i mean :)
how do you think the world will end? either a nuclear war or global warming haha
what natural phenomenon do you find the most beautiful? death :)
would you kill someone who killed a child? how about YOUR child? sure dood
what is your favorite cover of a song? halsey covered justin bieber’s love yourself and replaced love with fuck. i relate to this cover more than I do with my family
have you ever been in love with someone who was fatally ill? no?
have you ever received or given a make-over? no..
do you know anyone who is HIV+? not that i know of
have you ever been to a desert? idk but I feel like i live in a desert
do you know any trans* people? yeah and also I met MILES MCKENNA yussss
what is your favorite beatles song? uh..
what is the poorest you have ever been? when I first had no money haha
i’m sure you know of the gamer fad on youtube. who’s your favorite? like youtubers?? oh god. I used to love ihascupquake, dantdm, and ldshadowlady when I used to like minecraft but its now more vanoss gaming, zac cox tv, thegaminglemon, thedevildoggaming, and lets play games
is there something written on your shirt right now? it says Mavel
what is your favorite song to play on guitar hero or rock band? ooh I love those games I just dont have it
where do you find the surveys you take? I follow an account
what’s one weird/annoying thing your pet(s) tend to do? BUB ATTACKS THE SHIT OUT OF MY OTHER CATS
what’s your favorite song by your favorite artist?   Salt Skin by Ellie Goulding, Colors by Halsey, Secrets by The Weeknd
do you have an “original character?” what.. like something ive come up with myself? If so, dont even get me started. I literally have about 100 characters ive created for this huge long ass collection of stories ive been writing for about 3 years.
what about a persona/fursona?   wut
do you ever MAKE your own surveys? no way
why’s it the woman who have to give birth anyway if the man is physically stronger in most cases? because the man isnt strong enough ;)
do you get good internet where you live? no my room has no wifi but my backyard is gr8
ever had a cavity? how many? yeah idk how many haha
ever broken a tooth? I thought i did once
what did you do on the playground at your school as a child? idk
are you into comics? I recently wrote a 60-70 page comic for a series im writing
did you ever have computer disc games you played as a kid? yeah GTA San Andreas all the way homie
what do you think of people who have therapists? pretty brave, my parents think i need one but i could never
do you have any of those adult coloring books? no I hate coloring
ever ridden an elephant? no
deserts: dreary or beautiful?   dreary
ever seen a panda?   like once I think
what kind a camera do you have?   I only have my phone
do you have stretch marks? where? don’t be shy, they’re tiger stripes! no
lobsters: cool or scary? i pet one once
opposoms: total vermin or cute? what
what tv channel dominated your childhood?   idk
ever actually seen a snake in the wild? my friend stepped on one when we were little holy fuckk
have you ever had a PET snake? what kind? no
ever had an encounter with a snapping turtle? they’re scary! no
do you like oatmeal? no
wherever you live, have you ever seen your national bird? yes
ever had a reptile as a pet that you had to feed crickets? no i got cats
ever play hearthstone? no but I know a guy named Hearthstone :)
ever gone hunting? biggest thing you’ve ever shot?   no
how about fishing? biggest thing you’ve ever caught?   MY DAD IS OBSESSED WITH FISHING HE HAS SPECIAL KAYAKS FOR IT AND EVERYTHING. But sometimes ill go fishing (like never) I caught some fish before
coolest place you’ve ever been fishing?   santa cruz is my life
which is cooler: african or asian elephant? I didn't know there was a difference
craziest thing you’ve ever eaten? nothing
what’s in a camel’s back? Idk ask the camel
steve irwin: foolish for messing around with animals or brave for teaching us? who dat
what do you think of people who put their whole life on social media? fine with me if they put up there credit card info :)
don’t you think it’s a bit deceptive to wear a push-up bra?   idc
do you truly believe we came from chimps? not from chimps but from earlier ancestors of them
well, what do you think of extra bones and even organs in our bodies? why do we have them?   people are just sometimes born like that
if you could choose anyone to be your father, who would it be? Han Solo
weirdest video game you’ve ever played? hmm gta v is weird for how inappropriate it can get sometimes even tho its the best game ever but probably sims 3
we’re having a pig-pickin’! whatcha eating? a what
ever been on a scary hay ride? no
ever been to a castle?   I went to Hearst Castle once
what’s your favorite kind of penguin? club penguin :) (ive never played before tho) rip
whales. should they be allowed in sea world? NO
ever seen an albino? whether it be human or animal?   yes
what do you think of the song “miss jackson” by panic! at the disco? omg have I never heard of that song whats wrong with me
what is the wallpaper on your best friends cell phone? my old bestfriend has a picture of her and new best friend, isnt that great haha fuck me
do you feel comfortable singing in front of others? depends :)
do you like using big words when you talk? No i dont know many big words
do you EVER use caps lock? NO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
are you loud when you’re having sex? well idk
have you ever wanted to drop out of school? i probably will want to in high school
when was the last time you watched south park? never
are you italian? nope
are you interested in photography at all? only in gta v
any survey takers that annoy you on tumblr? no
do you like bob marley? ive never heard any of his stuff
can you talk to your parents about anything without them judging or bickering at you? I never can or do
are you interested in art? sketch my life away
don’t you think we’re spending too much money on exploring the mere theory of climate change? No but when the worlds flooding they wont regret it haha
everyone always wants to know your favorite animal. what’s your SECOND favorite? I always say cats are my favorite but i also love chickens
who’s your favorite disney character? none
have you ever taken the eharmony personality quiz? no
do you take vitamins? if so, what kinds? idk
how much was your prom dress? what’s the most you’d spend? hahahahahahahaha kill me
would you marry someone of a different religion? ehh.. im not religious and i could never go to church every sunday so maybe not..
how did you learn the word “fuck”? my parents swear a lot
if you could make one of your enemies your best friend, who would it be? id rather stay enemies thank you very much
what is the last movie you saw in theaters? Spiderman Homecoming
have you ever got into a wreck?   not serious
do you think you are an argumentative person? yeah and i lose friends because of it :)
can you admit when you’re wrong?   all the time
are you easily confused? yeah people yell at me for it
do you think you would make a good wife/husband?  
probably not
have you ever caught a butterfly?   hey I used to be afraid of butterflies so no
have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk? no
do you like being kissed on the neck? never been kissed so yeah
favorite song by the band the offspring? never heard of them
how many times each morning do you press the snooze button? never had to, ever
when you go out to eat, what sides do your order with your food? idk
what video game or computer game are you best at? GTA V Online, ive become so good from 4 years of experience people think im a modder, fuck all those bitches, but its really funny when they think I can just drop money for them, id love to be a modder but I dont want to get banned
how do you normally come across new music? friends or the radio
what subject in school do you feel is the least necessary? science and english and history even though i love history
do you enjoy power outages or do you get annoyed? i dont care
are you pretty politically correct? kinda
have you ever behaved like a stalker?   no i have no idea what you are talking about :)
do you appreciate other people’s opinions?   depends on who
if you could pick your own pet name, what would it be?   I named my cat Bub so there
do you care what’s going on in the world? If it hurts me, yes
how many partners is too many? at one time, one is good but if youve had a lot in your life time i lose respect
do you examine the tissue after you blow your nose?   no
do you prefer boys to shave down there? uh..
how much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)? im 14 wtf
are any of your siblings married? what are their spouse’s names?   No but I think my sister is married to Finn Wolfhard
have you ever had a pet bird?   no
how many times have you moved in your lifetime? once
if you could get one piercing and one tattoo, where would you want them?   ahh only if it didn't hurt id get a red triangle on my right wrist (gotta be like ellie goulding) and a piercing? nose? maybe
would you consider yourself to be adventurous?   yes i love to adventure but no one ever wants to come with me :’(
has any part of your house ever been flooded?   no
is there anyone that you’re worried about right now? who and why? yeah, I cant say though. Their friend told me about some stuff
if you won a lot of money, would you donate any of it? to what organization would you donate it?                                                                 
describe the best friend you’ve ever had, or the best person you’ve ever known.   ive been friends with her for about 10 years and we've been fighting for months and ive finally come to realize she cares about me a lot more than I do about myself and she is really worried about me ever doing anything with myself. Ive just been really down with myself these past months
have you ever adopted a stray animal?   maybe
what time did you wake up this morning?   8:28 dont ask how I remebered
ever wonder if you’re someone’s everything? yeah but I know that it’ll never happen but like theres this one person id give my life for (just one person) she knows who she is
would you ever bleach your hair platinum blonde? like once ok stop it
what is your mom’s middle name?   Lei
do you know the color of your ex boyfriend/girlfriend’s eyes? n/a
have you had your wisdom teeth out?   no
your appendix?   no
1 note · View note
Session 3
Session 3.
This was postponed initial due to Jason’s other work commitments. During the interviewing I discovered two major things one was peoples did not yet trust me and so their disclosures where samey and often dull. Two some of the interviews where too contravortial. Both these led to huge moral panic and questioning. Then I had the idea of The Procrastinarium a series of small interactive sideshows which open up an audiences creativity. I talked the idea through with Bella who had expressed a desire to work with me but not on Queen’s in Search of a Country.
Initially we thought big. After our Month travelling to Croatia, Norwich, Newcastle and Hull we met several artists and took part in various workshops. Two experiences that changed the way I understood my ideas where:
The Baltic exhibition of the artist Roddy Graham. http://www.balticmill.com/whats-on/rodney-graham I believe this interest came in the curation rather than the content. The Spaces in which his work occupied moved between invasive picture spaces to chilled out record listening areas. This and the breathed of his work excited me. There was also something in the way he showcased the everyday in big fascinating cinematic ways.
The other experience that changed things up was the workshop led by Stephen Mottram on The Logic of Movement.
I have been a fan of Mottram's work since he attended the Beveley Puppet Festival in 2008 with The Seed Carriers. His latest show The Parachute is my least favourite  of his work but its simplicity and beauty appealed to me greatly when we witnessed it at The Moving Parts Festival. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-i8ReV5EU8 
The shift of audience perspective is what we need to procrastinate effectively.
The initial ideas which needed scaling down and working on were:
The Procrastinarium!
Picture blowing up!
Using phones, trace image. Place traced image under tracing projector. Re-trace enlarged image.
Shadow puppetry!
Using paper cut techniques, using floaty materials, using gels.
Trans mask and Full mask using the work of Steve Gerrard, Mark Pitman and Le Coq. Masks have simple expressions. Play against the mask. Game of guess the mask by endowments.
Bunraku puppets!
Simple rag puppets/torch puppets. explore the techniques used by Stephen Mottram in Logic of Movement. Weight, tempo, breath, transference.
Black out poetry!
Use junk mail letters creatively. Use old text creatively.
Primitive portraits!
By Bella to entice.
Scrap instruments.
A sound sculpture using pipes tuned to complimentary keys. Using gamelan techniques.
We told Jason and Ellie about this project they where very excited. Then we told the module leader and we were told it was not possible. Perhaps the ideas where too big. Perhaps the ideas where not heard fully. Regardless we where told by the module leader to work in a black box space. So we decided to do a play. Again it focussed on our over arching theme of home. Dislocation and home.
Here is the script:
Anne to camera.
It was cold. I was lost. I was cheery. My mother put me in a bluey green dress.
It was plain not patterned It brought light into my eyes. She said I must wait. I didn’t know what for.
Perhaps until it was good again.
She said I was beautiful and that I danced across her dreams every night. She said it was wrong. She said she should keep me safe in sleep not the other way round.
I was scared of the dark but it crept in. She tried to keep me away from it the best she could. Her feet where tangled. She stopped being. She was not near. I stopped being before the music started.
George: There’s a load of crap in these bags. Where do... What even is this? Ann: It’s a hat pin George. George: A hat pin? Ann: Yes. A pin for a hat.
George: Well do we sell Hat pins?
Ann: Yes. George: It’s pretty I suppose. Ann: Put it with the earrings. George: How much shall I put it out for? Fifty p? Ann: No. It’s beautiful. You can’t put it out for fifty p. Do it for one fifty. George: One forty nine. It is a charity shop after all. Not a vintage boutique. Ann: You’re funny.
George: What do you mean? Ann: When it comes to pricing. You always knock a penny off. George: Its psychology. You’re more likely to buy... I dunno its some bollocks I read once. Ann: Lalalalaala George: What? Ann: LaALALALA
George: Cut it out. Ann: I won’t listen if you keep swearing. George: Bollocks int swearing Ann: Lalalalala George: Fuck on the other hand. Ann: Laalalalalalaal George: Alright I won’t. Why don’t you like swearing anyway? Ann: Elsie Never swore. Told me it was bad. George: Oh. Yeah my Gran was the same. Still I bet she swore when you weren’t listening. Ann: No. Never. I was always there you see. George: Always? Ann: Yes. George: Even on the loo?
Ann: No... Not often. George: I bet she spoke like an Irishman’s .... when you weren’t there. Ann: No. George: I bet she did. Ann: She wouldn’t. Her dad was a sailor. George: There you go. Or was he whiter than white too? Ann: No. She didn’t like her dad.
George: Same. Look at all this tat. Hey there’s some records here. The Picture of Dorian Gray read by Hurd Hatfield. Bobby and Betty go to the Moon. Olivia Newton John Physical workout shred........ David Whitfield...
Ann: Caramia. George: Yeah. Hell you’ve got good eyesight. Read that right through me. Ann: It was Elsie’s favourite. Put it on. George: No.
Ann: Put it on.
George: We’ve not got a record player.
Ann: On your phone then.
George: I’ve not got any data.
Ann: Use the Cafe s wifi next door. That’s what you use when you go to look at those dirty videos in the loo.
George: I don’t. Ann: You do.
George: I don’t... I am signed in though because I had to send an email to...You’ve not told Mrs Foziard about that have you?
Ann: Don’t be daft. To her I’m a puppet. Remember. She’d have a triple bypass if I started telling her what you get up to in the loos.
George: How do you know?
Ann: Because you always have a wet patch on your shirt where you’ve been trying to clean your... excrement off. Don’t worry its perfectly natural.
George: Well I can’t do it at the hostel. Ann: You’re avoiding the subject George. George: I’m just surprised at your sleuth. Ann: Put Caramia on by David Whitfield. George: Alright. How do you spell Caramia? Is it with a c or a k? Ann: It’s on the record. C.
George: Oh yeah. Here it is.
Caramia Ann: That’s it. I’m back there. George: Where? Ann: With Elsie. I was so happy. George: It’s not th... Ann: Shush. I’m listening. That’s the Manitoni orchestra.
George: I thought that was a soup. Ann: Manitoni. Not Minestrone. George: It was a joke. Ann: Shush. I love that choir. George: Sounds like Disney.
Ann: That’s the point. I was Elsie’s fairytale. Hey what’s happened? Why’s it stopped? George: Buffering. And. And.And we’re back. Eh cheer up. It’s back on. Ann: I miss her so much. George I never wanted her to go. I wanted to go with her. George: Did she make you?
Ann: Yes.
George: Did she make any other puppets? Ann: No. I don’t like that word. Elsie made me because she had to. She... got pregnant.
unmarried to a polish man. He was left over from the war. Her father went mad. Her mother understood. She met him whilst working at the YMCA. She never told me his name. Wouldn’t speak it. He left. Went back to Poland the day after she told him she was having his child. He didn’t believe her accused her of all... he wasn’t very nice. Perhaps he was scared. It didn’t matter Elsie was alone. Her mother persuaded her father to let her stay in the house as long as she gave up the child when it was born.
George: What did she do? Ann: Exactly that. She called the child Clive. George: Why aren’t you a boy?
Ann: She wanted to make me like him but it was too painful. When she was pregnant she thought she was having a girl. She thought if she had a girl then her father would find it harder to send it away.
George: Did she find him? Ann: No. Never looked. I was all she needed. She always said... George: So he’s still out there?
Ann: I don’t know. He never got in touch. She gave him away after a week. I think that was what hurt the most. Her mother was doing her best trying to persuade her dad to let her
keep him but he wasn’t having any of it. She stalled him for a week but that week was a limbo. Like waiting to be sold.
George: Don’t be daft you’ll be bought by a nice kid. You’ll go to a good home.
Ann: I’ll get discarded after a year or two. Elsie never treated me like a toy. I was her child. So a week after his birth a couple from Shropshire, friends of Elsie’s dad came and got him. Never spoke of again until after the father died. When Elsie gave Clive up her and her mum and dad moved up here. Practically straight away.
George: hmmm Ann: Get away from... Anyway about a month after Elsie made me. George: Did She have any other Boyfriends? Ann: No. George: What never? She wasn’t a lesbian was she? Ann: No. just didn’t want the trouble. George: She must have had urges. Ann: No.
George: How do you know?
Ann: She was with me all the time. She would have told me. She lived with her parents her dad died. Her mum carried on for a while after then it was just me and her. until about a year ago when her cousin Karen heard she was ill and then she started hovering round. She never liked Elsie much. I tried to tell her but she wouldn’t have any of it.
George: After her money?
Ann: Why else would she bother appearing. Still her sons moved Elsie’s bed downstairs for her. But Karen kept putting me back upstairs when Elsie wasn’t looking. My house was upstairs but Elsie wanted me to be with her.
George: What happened at the end?
Ann: Nothing really just age. She was ninety two. George: Crikey. Ann: Things just went down hill for her. She was fiercely independent. She was a teacher. George: I hate teachers. Self righteous little....
Ann: Not Elsie. You would have loved Elsie. She taught in a special needs school. She was always their favourite. She used to take me in with her but I was too shy to talk. But in her last year she stopped driving when her car failed it’s MOT and she stopped going out. She
had a couple of falls. It was all very civilised. There was no grand deathbed scene. The doctors told her not to go up stairs anymore and the house wasn’t suitable for a stairlift but she’d sneak up to talk to me every night. Then of course the neighbours who knew of Elise’s problems saw the lights on upstairs and called Karen to come over. Elsie of course denied going up the stairs but.... She could be tricky like that when she wanted to be.
George: I’ve got to....
Ann: Get off?
George: No. I would never wank after you told me that stuff. I mean I will eventually but not straight away. I’ll leave it an hour at least. I might try one in the bus station toilets or on the back seat..... Oh god I see what you mean. Yes I’ve got to get off home now. Well not home but the hostel yes I...
Ann: Can you kiss me? George: What?
Ann: Will you kiss me? George:......................... Where? Ann: Here. George: bue...eee.....errrr. I it might be a bit.... Ann: Fine. George:(Kisses on forehead and bolts out the door) Must... Ann: Get off now? George: Miss me bus....
Ann to camera.
Train rides to the seaside where always fun. Me and Mum in Kiss me Quick hats. Dipping our toes in the freezing cold Irish Sea. The donkey rides.
Sleeping on the way home. Ice cream dripping on me.
Ann: So your mum’s been married four times? Is that right?
George: Yeah. Every one of them a total... Ann: Have any of them died?
George: Not that I know of. They didn’t when they were with her. I thought the stress might have got Barry. He was hubby number two. He was with her when I was six. Right little terror I was. He was sweet really... Posh car. He had a big house an all. On Vicky Dock. He used to drive us round all over. Peugeot something... I’ve never been one for cars me. He had a good job too. Worked for council. Something big in housing. He sorted us a nice flat. We jumped the waiting list. He had a dog too.
Ann: What kind? George: Chow. Ann: Auf Wiedersen. George: No a Chow. Ann: I know, I’m only messing. George: How do you know about dog breeds? Ann: I live in a charity shop. There’s always books on looking after dogs. Never ones on
looking after people but always ones on dogs.
George: Dogs come first see. That’s part of the reason why my mum gave him the elbow. That and... well he wasn’t very bothered about the other.
Ann: What other? George: You know S.E.X.. Ann: Oh.
George: He lived with his mother til he was thirty five. I hope I don’t end up like that. No I’d have killed her by then. I’d make it look like it was an accident. She tripped on a butty and slipped out of the window. When his mother died he thought a dog would make him feel better then he got me mother and lumbered with me. My mother is a very loud and
very active shagger. Barry was well a bit limp and a bit of a lump. A limp lump. She was wasted on him he wanted a domestic godess and he got a nymphomaniac who just wanted a bigger council flat. She couldn’t even make toast on a grill.
Ann: What about your dad?
George: Dunno. I’ve never met him. I’ve heard so many things about him... He was in a band. He shot an old lady for a fiver to get a bag of chips. He was in the circus as a freak act and escaped met my mum in Taveners married her the next day and got captured back into the circus. He worked on pylons. He’s from Cleethorpes.
Ann: Don’t you want to find him?
George: Not if any of that stuff is true. Husband number three was called Cliff! He was a kid really. Started seeing my mum when he was 16. His mam was my mum’s, cousin’s best friend’s sister so it was sort of incest. He used to have his hair spiked up like... he hated me. I was only about seven years younger than him. He used to sit outside the flat for hours in his car. It was bright yellow. He played Agadoo on repeat really loud. I think he must have been on something. Perhaps he was remembering happier times... I felt sorry for him but he was a weirdo.
Ann: What happened to him? George: Well he was up a ladder on a church roof. And he fell. Ann: ouch.
George: He knackered his back. Tried to get compensation but the church accused him of trying to nick their lead. Apparently he didn’t have permission to be up there. He said he was putting it back after he found it dumped by the roadside.
Ann: Did your mum believe him? George: No. None of us did.
Ann: Good. Stealing is bad. I’m glad your mum left him over dishonesty.
George: Oh no she wasn’t bothered about that. His back meant he couldn’t give her the other...
Ann: S.E.X.?
George: Exactly. For four months so she started getting it off Derek. He’s her latest squeeze. He is the most boring bastard I have ever met. He’s an ugly...
Ann: George! Be mice and don’t swear.
George: He’s an ugly git as well. He wears the same vest everyday and sits around in his boxers picking out... I don’t know what, from in between his toes, whiskers and bum crack. He puts a little pile of dead skin and fluff on the arm of his chair.
Ann: Disgusting. George: I know. Apparently he’s magic at the other. Ann: S.E.X.?
George: Yes. I could hear them every night. He gets disability for his sciatica. If the DWP could hear what he does to my mother with his problem I bet they’d deem him fit for work. He kicked me out.
Ann: Why?
George: He says he’s spiritual. Supposed to be a shaman or something, calls himself Four Ferrets. He retrieves people’s souls. He’s got my mum well hooked into it. He believes I’m full of bad spirits. Possessed...
Ann: By what?
George: An owl. Apparently an owl’s energy is not compatible with a ferret’s. So I was kicked out.
Ann: Didn’t your mum stop him? George: No. Men come first. Ann: That’s awful. George: No it’s not. I went to live with my Gran. She was sick. Ann: Oh.
George: Sick cool. Not sick dying. I mean she ended up sick dying. But when I first moved in she was just sick cool.
Ann: Is that why you’re in the hostel?
George: Yeah. She died and all the family wanted to get through all her stuff and sell it and... I mean it was a rented place too so they had to do it quick like. I got a box of it. But she was sweet. Used to smoke in bed. It was like a jungle her bedroom. She thought by having plants all around her bed it would swap the air for oxygen so the smoking wouldn’t be bad for her. It didn’t work.
Ann: I’m sorry.
George: Me too. She was lovely. She always gave me toffees in golden wrappers as a child and I’d suck on them for hours. And she used to put sugar in my lemonade to make it fizz up over the surface. She was the best friend I ever had. I wish I’d moved in sooner. It was awful at the end. She was in a hospice. The relatives had already started sorting out her stuff so I was the only one with her when it happened. Within seconds she was cold and stiff and I was crying. They’re used to it in the hospice. They were very kind. They took me away and gave me a chocolate hob knob or was it a ginger nut? I can’t remember funny what stays
and what doesn’t. I thought I’d remember that biscuit forever. I do remember it had fluff on it though. Come out of the jar. The jar was sticky.
George: Ann? Ann: Yes George. George: I’ve got you something. Ann: Really?
George: A present. Ann: You hid it from me all day? George: Yeah. I couldn’t give you it in front of the customers. Or Mrs Foziard. Ann: You haven't stolen it have you? George: No. It was in a box of my Gran’s things. Do you want it? Ann: Yeah. George: I wrapped it up and everything. The wrapping paper I nicked though. Ann: George.
George: Just kidding. It’s recycled. It was this kids birthday in the hostel and he had some presents. Anyway I got the paper out of the bin. There’s a bit of a stain on it. I think it’s pizza grease. At first I thought it was that stuff they put on condoms... Spermicide. But I’m pretty sure they don’t make tomato flavoured johnnies yet.
Ann: Thanks. I can’t open it...Felt hands you see. George: Oh yeah... Didn’t think of that...crap...er what shall we do then?
Ann: You could open it? George: Oh yeah. Good idea..... See... Ann: It’s beautiful. George: Its a mandolin. An Ann sized mandolin. Ann: An Anndolin. George: It’s a music box too. Listen. I just wind it up. Like I wind you up and.... See. Ann: Its amazing George... You’re sure it’s not stolen? George: Yes. What do you...
Ann: I know. It’s just you...
George: I know. But I’ve changed. It was my gran’s. She used to have it on her sideboard. On a doily. Brought it back from Spain or somewhere. Her first holiday after my Grandad died. She met a waiter called Og. He had jet black hair and a carpet on his chest. I think he gave it to her on their last night. HA I still don’t know how she got the mandolin. Get it? Eh?
Ann: It’s not funny. George: Okay. Anyway I used to dance around for hours with it. I used to love the tune.
Hmm Hmmm hmmm hmm mmmm. Ann: Do you play any instruments? George: Not reall... Well guitar... a bit. Ann: There’s one over there. Play it. George: No.
Ann: Go on. George: I don’t. Ann: You just said you did. George: Well I did. But I don’t play in front of people. Ann: Do puppets count? George:..... I thought you didn’t like that term? Ann: When it suits. Just play it George. George: I just used to play at my gran’s when no one was in. She was practically deaf
anyway. Oh go on then. WHOLE WIDE WORLD Ann: Did you write it yourself? George: I wish... It’s simple enough. Ann: It’s beautifully simple. George: Ha... It’s Wreckless Eric. Ann: Who?
George: Just this singer from the... Seventies? It’s my mum’s favourite. She had it at all four of her weddings. First dance and everything. I thought If I played it to her she’d stop going off with wankers.
Ann: George George: Fooking piss. Ann: George! George: What?
Ann: Don’t swear.... Mustn’t... Shouldn’t swear theres no need. George: Sorry. It’s just... I like it. Ann: Like what? George: Swearing. Course.
Ann: It’s stupid.
George: It makes me feel... Try it.
Ann: No. I don’....
George: Go on. Just F. just once.
Ann: No.
George: You'll like it.
Ann: Well I don’t like it. If you swear again I won’t speak to you. In fact I’ll die... And stay dead.
George: You’re not alive anyway. You're just a puppet...
Ann: George. George: Or a doll. I forget wh.... Ann: George, I am.... I have never been so insulted in.... George: You want to get out more. Ann: Take it back George. You're really horrid when you want to be.
George: Look Ann I can just walk away. Anytime I like. Just cash up and walk out of this dump and never see you again. You couldn’t follow me.
Ann: I could.
George: How?
Ann: I wouldn’t want to after what you said to me. But I could if I wanted.
George: How? How could you follow me? You’ve got no legs. You're a flipping puppet.
Ann: George!... If I wanted to follow you I would persuade your mum to buy me and then I’d come home with you and you’d be stuck with me.
George: Persuade my mum to buy you? She wouldn’t buy you in a million Sundays. What
would she want with a grubby old doll? Ann: Fuck off... Go on... Fuck off. George: Ann! Ann: There we are you pushed me... I swore... Twice I swore. Fuck you George. George: Thrice. Feel good?
Ann: What? George: Feel good to swear? Ann: George I’m not talking to you. You hurtful bastard. George: Haha so that’s a yes then? Ann: I thought you weren't interested in a grubby old doll. George: No. I said my mum wouldn’t be. Not at thirty quid. Ann: Just... Go and... Go and... George: Go on do it.
Ann: Go and.... George: You really want to... Ann: Just go and shit on your mum’s face you twat, fuck, arse, willy. George: Twat, fuck, arse willy! That’s ace. Ann: What? George: I was just winding you up. Trying to get you to swear.
Ann: It worked you poo brain. George: Shithead. You enjoyed it though... Ann: Bastard. George: I love you Ann Ann: I love you too George. George: I wish...
Ann: What?
George: I wish I could buy you... I don’t ha
Ann: I know.
George: Mrs Foziard says that you'll have to be sold soon or they'll throw out your house and put you on the shelf with the bears. You'll be reduced to £7.99.
Ann: But why?
George: Don’t have the space. Capitalist tw...
Ann: George!
George: Twits.
Ann: But its a charity shop.
George: I know. I hoped you'd never get sold. Then we could carry on like this. Until, I could get enough money to buy you.
Ann: I want that too. I think Elise would want me to... Even if you do swear. George: I know. I’m saving up. Being proactive.
Ann: Are you?
George: Yeah. There’s a wishing fountain in town. And I know its unethical but I’ve been taking coins out. Problem is I got caught by this old bloke. He made me put it all back. At the moment I’ve got on pound ninety eight and a soggy sleeve.
Ann: Oh George. George: I could steal you. Ann: From a charity? George: I suppose... It wouldn’t be easy anyway. Stealing oranges is easy. But I’d look
funny charging down New Court Road with your house on my shoulders. Anyway there would be no space in the hostel.
Ann: You’ll be back with your mum soon.
George: Yeah. I don’t think Desmond would approve. Their flats on the sixteenth floor. The lift is broke. It’s always broke but this time its because kids have been shitting in it and its seeped through the gaps and got the cogs clogged up or something.
Ann: It wasn’t you was it? George: No. No I reckon it was Rasher.
Ann: Rasher?
George: Yeah. He was a proper disgusting kid at my school. We used to nick vodka together. Go Swig it by the river. His real name is Kieran Bailey... But everyone calls him rasher. Once when we were thirteen we’d gone to the river... my gran had run out of vodka cause we’d drank it the week before, his mam had drank all their booze so I’d nicked my gran’s Pernod. Trust me its fowl. Anyway when we where pleasantly sloshed Kieran who was as sexually frustrated as the next thirteen year old got an erection and decided to relieve it in the mud. It was low tide. So he’s like this. He’s going like this. Within about fifteen seconds he’s completely submerged. There’s all sorts in that mud. Leeches, prams, bodies...
Ann: Bodies?
George: Yeah Kristine Denby was trying to lose her virginity on the stoney bit near the edge when she saw this bone poking out the water and it turned out to be celtic or something and there was a chariot and stuff next to it. It was in all the papers. Anyway Kieran Bailey was covered and we couldn’t find anywhere to hose him down. We got worried he might catch something...
Ann: A fish?
George: No like hepaticas or syphilis. It was probably the Pernod talking. So we broke into this cemetery and using them things you put flowers in and the tap I got him cleaned. He
was caked in it though. I’m glad no one saw us they’d have thought there was an apocalypse.
Ann: But why was he called Rasher?
George: Oh yeah. Well when I got all the river gunk off him he had this rash that was in the shape of a baby dolphin. the next day at school it was all pussy and green. Like the algae had clung to his face.
Ann: Poor Rasher. George: Yeah. He’s tee-total now. I’d better...
Ann: Don’t go. Cup of tea? George: Ann. Firstly you know I don..
Ann: Drink tea or coffee or anything hot. I know. Just stay a little while longer. It’s cold and dark when you’re gone.
George: It’s nearly six o clock. If I don... Ann: I know you get locked out. ...Why don’t you stay? George: Here?
Ann: Yeah. I do. Every night. What’s wrong with it?
George: But... It’s a shop. I can’t just bed down behind the counter.
Ann: We could stay up and talk all night.
George: Aren’t you fed up of talking to me?
Ann: No... Not at all.
George: Ugeh I don’t know. It would be weird.
Ann: Why?
George: Look I have to stay at the hostel or they’ll get rid of my stuff give my room to someone else.
Ann: So. There’s stuff here. You hate that place.
George: Yeah but I can’t just live in a shop. It won’t always be like this. We will have somewhere of...
Ann: Our own one day. Yeah I know. But I’m so lonely here. I spent my whole life with Elsie everyday every night. We stayed up for hours and hours. These last eight weeks I’ve
had to... I don’t know how to be on my own.
George: That’s the problem. Ann: What? George: Being on my own is all I know how to do. Ann: But you’re lonely. George: Yes. I’m lonely. It could be worse. I’ve learnt how to be lonely. Ann: It couldn’t be worse. I can’t stand it. I’m going mad.
George: Why? Everyone says being lonely is bad but what is so bad about it? Is it the thought of loneliness? What is it?
Ann: Yes it’s the thought. Its more than that It’s a fear that I won’t see you or be able to talk again. You said you loved me.
George: I do. Ann: Well people who love each other shouldn’t be lonely. George: Maybe. But they often are.
Ann: Wh...
George: Circumstance. Look if I don’t go now...
Ann: Fine... I can’t lock you in.
George: Promise I’ll be back first thing.
Ann: Don’t you dare break that promise. George? Promise me things won’t always be like this. Promise it. Promise that we can...
George: I promise I will take you away from here. Ann: When? George: Soon. Ann: What date though?
George: I dunno. Soon. Ann: If you promise a date then you can’t break it. George: Fine... I’ll take you tomorrow.
Ann: How? you’ll never get the money for tomorrow. George: Then I’ll speak to Mrs Foziard. I’ll pay in instalments. Ann: Take me now. George: I thought I wasn’t to steal from charities. Ann: I know but I can’t bare it. Take me. George: I’d never get the house through the door. Plus there’s CCTV. Ann: They never check it.
George: No but they would if you disappeared. Look I promise I’ll speak to Mrs Foziard tomorrow. I love you good night Ann.
Ann: Good Night George.
Ann to Camera Falling is a funny feeling. A feeling that is unavoidable. I avoided falling for so long. Perhaps I’m due a fall again.
George: Ann! Annie? I’ve got it Ann. I sorted the money. I... Ann? Sarah: Hullo. George: Who are you? Sarah: Sarah. I’m new here. Isn’t it terrible?
George: What? Why’s that shelf all messed up I sorted it yesterday?
Sarah: We got robbed. Broken in.
George: Your kidding?
Sarah: They didn’t take much. Amateurs really couldn’t get the till open. Not that cash is kept on these premises. Just took a couple of books and toys. They smashed....
George: Did they take Ann?
Sarah: Ann? Who’s Ann? Do you mean Mrs Foziard? No she wasn't in. She's gone out the back having a flush, before the police arrive. What a day for my induction. I’m only doing it for my Duke of Edinburgh award. Is that why you work here?
George: Ann? Annie? She’s not here.
Sarah: Who?
George: Ann. She’s a frie.... a puppet.
Sarah: You where going to say friend. Weren't you? Ha. I never thought I’d meet someone who was friends with a puppet. That’s hilarious.
George: Look have you seen her? She lived in this house. Sarah: I can see working here will be a hoot.
George: Have you seen her? We where going away together today. Sarah: You're cracked. George: Ann. Sarah: Oh that?
George: Not that. Ann. it’s alright I’m here Where’s your mandolin? Ann speak to me. Sarah: She was squashed under the till. Mrs Foziard had to move her to open it. Mrs
Foziard said not to touch anything. Not until the police got here. You're tampering with evidence.
George: Ann whisper in my ear. Please let me know you're okay.
Sarah: No one locked the door last night. There was no glass. They left the keys in the door. They just opened it up. Where you the last in?
George: Oh god. I had to run for my bus. I must have forgot and now they’ve caved Annes head in I will never forgive myself.
Sarah: It’s just a puppet.
George: You will never understand... Anne I’ve.. I got the money. I learnt a song last night. Please, please speak to me. I’ll never swear again I promise. I’ll always love you. Listen. (Picks up guitar plays Cara mia)
Sarah: You're tampering with more evidence.You’ve lost it. If getting my Duke of Edinburgh wasn't vastly going to improve my life choices no way would I work with you. I’m going to get Mrs Foziard.
This was written after reading The Secret Life of Plays by Steve Waters and was heavily influenced by conversations Mariette and I had and chance meetings with people in ordinary places.  The twee elements are developed out of the frustration of not having a location. The endless frustration I felt living in rented accommodation.
We read the play with Jason.
It seemed to be an enormous task.
With Jason’s help we worked out what we wanted to achieve.
Art work about Home. Home is such an important construct.
Both Bella and I have a shared and not shared home history.
Creating our Home was an extremely important task.
It took planning and mistakes.
We are still not satisfied.      
Many people have less than us.
We are in a relatively lucky position.
During this meeting I came up with the idea of getting an audience to answer questions on home. I decided that wings attached to the booth would be the best way of executing this. I bashed out its form and structure. I decided chalk and black board would be the best way of creating this. I set Bella the task of making this come to life whilst I came up with questions.
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