unseenthewriter · 4 years
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unseenthewriter · 3 years
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Chapter 7: 1070 Words
Total: 11012 Words
There was a knock on the front door to Hardy's house. I sighed. "Look Ashton it's great to see you but now really isn't the time." I said.
"It's never a good time to see you Finn." He said following me back into my room. 
I sat back down on the floor looking at my scattered files. "Your timing sucks." I muttered picking up a recent photo of my Dad in Italy.
"Yo, what is all this?" Ash asked.
I sighed standing back up and leaning against the wall. "Turns out my Dad is alive and well." 
"He's what?!" Ash exclaimed.
"Alive, unfortunately, I didn't stutter did I?" I said.
"You know normally I'd say this is fantastic but I know that look." He said.
"Which look?" I asked looking at the photo again.
Ash pushed my hand down and got in my face. "Everything sucks major ass look." He said locking eyes with me.
I had almost forgotten the way he smelled. Reminders of a happier time. All things considered.
The door opened and we quickly separated. "Sir I didn't realize you were home." I stumbled over my words.
Hardy raised an eyebrow. "Ash I presume. We'll talk later, Murray." He said and left us.
I threw my hands up. "Great this is just great." I said.
"What's wrong Finn?" Ash asked as I grabbed my coat.
I tried to ignore him but Ash grabbed my arm once I was outside. "What's wrong." He repeated.
"I don't need my boss walking in on us." I said.
"Okay, okay, hold up. One that's your boss?" Ash asked.
I nodded.
"Two doesn't he know about us?" Ash continued.
"No Ash! No one knows I'm Gay yet. I mean Hardy knows I'm trans but I kinda had to tell him I mean he knew Dad and-" I rambled.
Ash cut me off with a kiss. "We'll figure this out alright?" He said after.
"Y-yeah I uh-" I said but couldn't find any words.
"Still flustered by my kisses? Well, that's good to hear." He joked.
I could feel my face turning very very red. I couldn't manage to say anything.
Ash tilted his head. "More flustered than usual I see. Let's take a walk then hm? Show me around Broadchurch yeah?" Ash said and held my hand.
I was sitting in Hardy's office. "So Ash is?" He asked.
"Long-distance boyfriend. We met at MIT." I said softly.
He nodded. “Has Quinn tried contacting you again?”
“He’s tried to yes. I’m not in the mood to talk to him.” I said.
“We need to talk to him.” Hardy said.
I sighed. “I know. I almost wish he was still dead.”
I decided to bring Ash to the shack to see if he could look over the secret room. He’s gotten distracted by all the stuff in the main area though. “Oh my gosh look at you as a toddler!” He exclaimed.
“Ash please the stuff I need you to look at is down here” I huffed while standing over the trapdoor.
“You should grow your hair out again, it looks nice.” Ash commented.
“No.” I said while climbing down the ladder again.
“Woah.” Ash said.
“Yeah, I know. You got the laptop to run a virtual machine? I need the Computer Forensics to be valid.” I said.
He nodded pulling a laptop out of his bag. “Dude this is crazy.” He said.
“Find anything about why he has all these cameras?” I asked.
“No, but you might have some better luck. I mean you know your father better than me.” Ash said, handing me the laptop.
“I’m not so sure how well I know him anymore.” I sighed. I noticed all the references to flowers almost immediately. “That can’t be…”
“What is it?” Ash asked, peering at the laptop.
“My Mom’s code names were always related to flowers. Like Rose, Lily or Daisy.” I replied.
“Could she be alive too?” Ash asked.
“No way. I saw her die.” I said.
"You held your Dad as he died and somehow he's still alive." Ash countered.
I just glared at him.
“So why is your Dad mentioning you Mom all the time?” Ash asked.
“No idea. I guess it’s time to talk to him.” I said looking at Ash.
I stared at the waves on the beach while Alec and I waited for my Dad to show up. Ash wanted to be with me but I convinced Miller to distract him. He can be a little unpredictable when it comes to supporting me…
“He’s late.” Hardy said.
“I’d be willing to bet he’s scoping us out first.” I said. Hardy raised an eyebrow. “He got pretty paranoid after my Mom died.” 
A few minutes later Dad walked up to us. “Never expected you to come out to Broadchurch Alec.” He said. “Nice job on that case with that boy a few years back.”
“Dad, what up with the computer at the shack.” I asked.
“Oh, that old thing? It’s a long story son. I don’t think you really need to-” He started.
“Look I’m done with all the hiding. I saw all the references to Mom.” I said.
Dad sighed. “Look there's a lot of things I’m not proud of.”
“I don’t care.” I said.
A look of guilt flashed through my Dad’s eyes. “The fire wasn’t an accident.”
I blinked. “No- That can’t be-” I stumbled.
“It was a hit. By the CIA no less.” He said.
I took a few steps back. “But she- I was there!” I said.
“You weren't supposed to be there. Max promised.” Dad said.
“Max did it?!” I exclaimed.
“We both did.” He finished.
“No- no this can’t-” I said. This can’t be happening. Dad killed Mom? No. 
“Finn.” Alec said bringing me back to the present.
“How could you do that to her?! She didn’t do anything!” I exclaimed, grabbing my Dad.
“Finn I didn’t have a choice.” He said.
“NO! You always have a choice! You could’ve quit. You- you!” I yelled at him.
Hardy pulled me off of Dad. “DS Murray let him go.”
“You’re a DS now?” Dad asked after fixing his tie.
“Yeah, I got promoted after you ‘died’.” I scoffed. “A pity promotion. I never should’ve joined law enforcement. I’ve earned nothing. No, my pedigree has gotten me everything.” I jerked my arm away from Hardy’s grasp. “I’m done with this.”
AN: I’m not even sure how long ago I wrote this... Definitely over a year ago oops. I should’ve mentioned this a LONG TIME AGO but this fic is plot twist central so if you’re not into that maybe check out something else lol.
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unseenthewriter · 4 years
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Credit to Sangled​ for the Picrew Image! LINK
Actual Profile Under The Cut
Name: Finn
Nicknames: Finn (Literally Everyone), Murray (Literally Everyone), Finny (ONLY His Mom :knife:), Kid (Just Hardy Really Much To His Dismay), Lad (Just Pop)
Real/Legal Name: Finnegan Ryan Murray
Age: 22-23
Gender: Trans Man
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Detective Sergeant with The Wessex Police formerly a Detective Constable with New Scotland Yard (Specialized in Cyber Crime)
Basic Appearance:
Skin: Pale
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5′4
Weight: Lean
Basic Personality:
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ISTJ
Likes: Dogs, Computers, Solving Problems
Dislikes: Eggs, Fish, Coffee and Tea
+Traits: Hardworking, Logical, Perceptive, Resourceful
-Traits: Cynical, Repressed, Secretive, Suspicious
Fears: Fire
Skills: High IQ, Computer Science, Marksmanship
Basic History:
Biological Family: Agent Quinn Murray (Father) , Agent Shannon Murray (Mother), Ryan “Pop” Murray (Paternal Grandfather)
Hometown: Unspecified, Minnesota, USA & London, England (Yeah he’s special with a dual citizenship and everything fancy boy)
Birthday: December 2nd
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unseenthewriter · 5 years
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Chapter 6: 1327 Words
Total: 9942 Words
"Sir please take the money I feel like a freeloader." I said to Hardy.
"No." He said.
"I'll take it." Daisy spoke up.
"Funny." I said sarcastically. "Well I'm leaving it here and if you don't take it it's just going to sit here for a long time." I stood up. "I have to go somewhere. I'll be back in a few hours."
"Don't die." Daisy said.
"Not planning on it." I said.
"Happy Birthday Dad." I said while putting flowers on his grave.
Talking to graves always feels weird but I still do it anyway. "My shoulder is better again. I'm not sure why you wanted me to come out here so badly but-" I sighed. "I guess I'm getting used to it here. I'd like it if Hardy would take rent money though..."
I stared at the grave. Somehow expecting it to respond or something.
I was suddenly hit over the head with something and knocked out.
This was it. I've finally got Max cornered.
"Put down the gun." I said.
"You know killing another Murray would be so easy." Max said while pacing.
"Then do it." I said.
"You've gotten impatient DC Finnegan Murray." He scolded.
"I've never been a patient man." I said.
"Ah, right I forgot your Father was the patient one my mistake." Max said.
"Put down the gun." I repeated.
"I could do that. Or!" He lunged towards me.
I fired.
I woke up restrained to a chair. "There you are finally awake." Said a voice from behind me.
I would recognize that voice anywhere. "If you were hoping I'd be surprised I'm not. Max"
"Oh no I figured that you of all people would have found out. After all, you are the only person to track me down. Twice." He said walking around to face me.
"Kidnapping a DS isn't a great idea. They will know I'm missing." I said.
"Well, not for a while. I'm keeping them busy. Or at least my son is." Max replied.
"YOU have a son?" I asked.
"I know you've heard of him. Before you were taken off his case at least." He said.
"Andrew isn't your son I met the Father." I said.
"You never found out my full name then? Andrew Maxwell Sr. My son was... adopted. After my 'death'." Max said.
I squinted. They did look alike. "Well let's just get this over with. What do you want."
"Oh, I don't want anything. No no, your Father does." He said.
"Very funny. You killed him." I said.
Max walked out of the room ignoring me.
"I don't think a promotion is necessary, Sir." I said.
"Nonsense Murray. You're one of the best detectives we have. It's the least I can do after everything." My boss said.
"Sir I really don't think this is-" I started.
"Son, you've been noticed. Refusing this would be very unwise." He said.
I huffed. A promotion to DS isn't going to bring my Father back. "Fine. Only if the transfer is approved."
He frowned. "A transfer to The Wessex Police is the opposite direction you should be going. But if you insist."
"I do." I said standing up.
"Wakey wakey DS Murray." Max mocked.
"I wasn't asleep just dying from boredom." I snapped back.
"A little cranky in the morning hm?" He commented.
"I'll show you cranky." I muttered.
"Ah well sorry for the wait. I'm not even sure how private flights can be delayed for so long." He said.
Private flights? What does that have to do with anything? The door opened to reveal an exhausted- "Dad?!" I exclaimed.
"Max sweetheart you didn't have to tie up my own son good God." He said while untying me.
"Your son is dangerous. Almost killed me last time!" Max complained.
"Dad what the fuck is happening." I asked while rubbing my wrists.
He sighed. "MI6 needed me to be dead for my recent missions. And if you knew I wasn't you would've been in danger." He said touching my shoulder.
I recoiled. "I'm not a child Dad I'm a DS."
He frowned. "I wasn't expecting you to react like this."
I blinked. "YOU tricked ME into thinking you DIED. No wonder MI6 was being annoying with your belongings! You weren't even dead. Pop blamed me did you even know that?!" I exclaimed.
Dad was speechless. "You know what no. I am not dealing with this. Have fun with your new or should I say rekindled romance." I said walking out.
"Finny please-" Dad started.
"Only Mom could call me that." I said.
I walked to my desk. "Where have you been Finn?" Hardy and I kept trying to reach you these past few days.
"Miller not now please I need to work."
"No. You don't get to come waltzing in here after not showing up!" She said.
"Look I'll tell you and Hardy later. Just let me work on something." I pleaded while logging into my Computer.
"Bill I need to see that tablet." I said after calling him.
"You're still off the case-" He started.
"Bill I swear to God I will stab you with a pen if you don't bring me that freaking tablet." I said.
"O-okay I'll bring it right up." He said before I hung up.
I plugged in my software to get into the tablet. "If I was only able to do this sooner." I complained after getting into it.
"He wasn't lying. Andrew really is his son." I said.
"What are you on about?" Miller asked.
"Andrew was adopted." I said showing her the records.
"I don't see how that matters." She said.
"No this was all a distraction. And you still haven't found him which means he's up to something else." I snapped while pacing. "There's something I'm missing something right in front of me. God." I smacked my head.
"Murray." Hardy said.
"Sir I really don't have the time I need t-." I said grabbing my coat.
He grabbed my arm. "My office."
Miller followed us into Hardy's office. "Look fine! I was kidnapped by Max he said all this stuff with Andrew was to distract you all. But Andrew still hasn't turned up which means this I wasn't the reason." I ranted.
"Max kidnapped you?" Miller asked.
"Yes, it was my Dad's birthday the other day so of course I went to his grave. Although I guess it really isn't his grave anymore..." I trailed off.
"What do you mean." Hardy asked.
I ran my fingers through my hair. "He's alive."
I stared at the text that Ashton sent me.
"I've racked up quite a bit of vacation hours. I'm coming to visit you."
The worst timing as usual. "Is this you Hardy?" Miller asked holding up another photo of my Dad and Hardy.
"Give me that." He grumbled and snatched it from her.
"You were smiling and everything!" She laughed.
"Even I smiled in my graduation photos." I commented look around the shack.
"Oh, you'll have to show me those." Miller said.
"I'd rather die." I said looking at the rugs. I pushed them aside to find a trap door. "I really should've looked around more carefully the first time." I mumbled while opening it.
"Are you going down there?" Miller asked.
"What do you think." I said started to climb down the ladder.
Once I reached the bottom I turned on my flashlight. I was greeted by a bunch of monitors. "What the hell..." I turned on the computer.
My eyes widened. "These are cameras-"
"Inside political buildings from around the world." Hardy said putting on his glasses.
AN: Hmm what's the bigger dick move. Lying about being dead to your only child OR being in love with the guy who "killed" you? ALSO oops I meant to post this a while ago! This Chapter has been done for a while lol I'm working on Chapter 9 now...
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unseenthewriter · 5 years
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Chapter 5: 2548 Words
Total: 8615‬ Words
Thank fuck I'm back at work. Although the sling is annoying. I guess I'll just have to take ages to do anything on the computer.
Bill is pretty happy I'm back. I guess because I'm one of the few people here who understand computers. I should build a computer again it's been a while. Ash has been bugging me to game with him again too.
"You're back already Murray?" Miller asked me as I shoved an inhaler in the unlocked drawer of my desk.
"I got bored after catching up on all the TV shows I watch. Including the US ones." I replied.
"Is that a new suit? It looks nice." She complimented.
"I needed some new ones." I said trying to log in to my computer.
The phone on my desk rang. "DS Finnegan Murray." I said.
"Oh good, you're back in. There's this older gentleman who's been coming in every day for the past week asking for you." The receptionist said.
"What's his name?" I asked. Who would be trying to find me in Broadchurch of all places?
"Says you know who." They replied. I could hear the older Irish man's voice in the background.
I sighed. "On my way down."
I stared at my grandfather. "I thought you said you never wanted to see me again after Dad." I said to him leading him out the front door.
"God good lad what happened to your shoulder now." He asked ignoring my question.
"Nothing new. Got infected." I said.
"Is that why you've been skipping work? This isn't like you! You and your Father had to be forced to not work." He said.
"I had surgery. Hardy and Miller wouldn't let me come back until now." I complained.
"Who are they? Better not be like your old boyfriend Ashton." He said.
I hushed him "Pop, please! No one knows I'm gay here."
"Really? You used to never shut up about all that pride stuff." Pop commented.
"Pop come on you knew Mom and Dad were Bi. You know not to out me to people." I hissed. "Anyway, why are you here." I asked.
"Do I need a reason to visit my only grandchild?" He asked.
"Well Pop after you basically disowned me yes you do." I said.
"MI6 kept calling me saying they don't know your new address." He said.
"You could've called me about that." I said.
"No! I need to know you aren't getting mixed up with them. Quinn never should've joined up." Pop protested.
I sighed. "Me being a DS in Broadchurch should make it pretty clear that I'm not joining them."
"Your Father said the same thing when he was a DS back here." He said.
"Dad used to work here?" I asked.
"Why do you think he went on holiday here every chance he could. I never understood it. Only lived here for about a year. Can't believe he never mentioned that. Probably still owned that old shack when he died." Pop rambled.
"I never saw that in his will." I said.
"You definitely don't have the whole thing then. He would've died before selling that place." He said.
"We always stayed at a hotel when he brought me here as a kid. Do you know the address?" I asked.
"I'll give it to ya if you give me your new address. Don't want MI6 knocking down my door over in Cork." Pop said.
I frowned. "I'll get back to you with that." I'm still staying with Hardy. He won't let me leave still.
"You do have a place lad?" Pop asked looking concerned.
"Still working a few small things out." I lied.
I knocked on Hardy's office door. He opened it. "Murray come with me. Miller is meeting us."
"I thought you said you wanted me at my desk until the sling was off." I said. I'll tell him about Pop later then.
"I need everyone for this. Missing Kid." He said.
I was looking around the garage while Hardy and Miller were talking to the Father. Mostly a bunch of tools and boxes. At least the boxes are labeled.
"Andrew... that's the kid's name." I mumbled while taking the box down.
"Hm old school work mainly..." I paused. There was a brand new tablet at the bottom. Looks like someone was trying to hide it.
"Password locked of course." I muttered. I have just the thing to unlock it back at... "No Ashton has that." I said pulling out my phone. I texted him to email me the files on that USB Drive.
Hardy walked out. "Where'd you find that?" He asked pointing at the tablet.
I pointed at the box. "At the bottom. Looks like someone was trying to hide it. I have a way to unlock the tablet but my old friend has to email me it first."
"Forensics should take a look." He said.
I sighed. "Sure I'll make sure they get it."
I stared at all the information we had on the missing kid. "He's a single Father?" I asked out loud.
"Mother died when Andrew was 5 apparently." Miller said.
"How'd she die?" I asked.
"Fire." Hardy said.
I froze.
"You alright there Murray?" Miller asked.
"Oh, it's nothing. I just hate fires." I half lied.
"I don't think anyone likes them." Hardy said.
"Pyromaniacs do." I said to myself.
I ran down the burning hallway in my old house. "Mom!" I yelled trying to not breathe in the smoke.
"Finny just leave me." My Mom responded trapped behind a bunch of fallen wooden supports.
Even if I was strong enough to move them I would get burned. "I can't leave you, Mom." I said. Who cares about getting burned. I managed to get over but I saw that my Mom was pinned under a filing cabinet.
"Ah fuck." I hissed after trying to touch the hot metal.
"Finny take this." Mom said handing me the key. "Leave me."
I coughed. "No Mom I can't."
"Finnegan Ryan Murray you will leave me right now." She said sternly.
"Mom please-" I pleaded.
"Now! Your Father can't lose both of us." Mom yelled.
I got back out of the office and took one last look at my Mom before the floor collapsed.
"Mom!" I yelped while jerking awake.
I stumbled into the bathroom and sank to my knees.
"I could've saved you." I sobbed. "I could've saved you, Mom. I could've saved you I could've saved Dad-"
A few minutes later I looked up and saw Hardy standing in the door frame. "You need to talk?" He asked.
"No, it's fine. I just need some water. Yeah, I just need water." I said while standing back up.
Hardy followed me to the kitchen. My hands were still shaking and I accidentally dropped a glass. I cursed. Hardy pushed me away from the broken glass. "What is going on with you." He asked.
"I-I haven't had that dream in a long time." I said.
Hardy glared at me.
I gulped. "Hearing about Andrew's Mother dying in a fire must've caused it."
"Why?" He pushed.
"I was there when my Mom died. I could've done something anything to save her but I-" I started.
Hardy sighed. "So you blame yourself for both of your parents' deaths?"
"I could've saved them-" I said softly.
"I'm taking you off this case." Hardy said.
"What? No you can't I just got back and you said you needed everyone you could get." I protested.
"We'll be fine." He said.
I stared at my Dad's grave. Pop wanted to visit it before he went back to Ireland. Seeing as I'm off the Missing Kid case now I've had some more free time again. "Still don't understand why he liked it here so much." Grandpa mused out loud.
"He always said it was calming here." I said softly.
"Most places are probably more calming than all the places he went with MI6." He said.
"Hey Pop, how's Patty doing?" I asked.
"Ah, poor pup. Had to put her down a few months back." He frowned.
"Oh. I didn't know." I said.
"Yeah, I shouldn't have been so mean to ya after everything with Quinn. We're the only ones left now." Pop pointed out.
I sighed. "I wonder if the Murray family is cursed somehow."
He raised an eyebrow. "I doubt it. Anyway, you never told me where you are staying."
Great Pop knows that my boss is Hardy. I can't tell him that I'm staying with my boss. "Did Dad ever mention a friend named Alec Hardy."
"Possibly, you know that man could never keep his mouth shut. God knows how he was an Agent." He said.
"Well, it turns out that Alec Hardy is the same Alec Hardy who's my boss. I've been staying at his place for a few months now." I admitted.
Pop froze. "You're staying with your boss?"
"Yep." I popped.
"Times really have changed." He chuckled.
I was sitting on the couch on my laptop. Ash and I were voice chatting.
"You need to get a good PC again. I know how much you love video games how have you even survived." He said.
"Yeah well, I've been busy." I replied.
"How's that detective stuff been going anyway? I still can't believe you basically wasted your MIT degree." Ash asked.
"Hm, you're right meeting you was a waste of time." I joked.
"Hey man! Come on!" He protested.
"You know I'm joking. Besides I don't think I could handle your cushy Google job." I said.
"You are far more qualified for my job than I am." He said.
I sighed. "Did you send off those files."
"Oh! Right totally not just sending them right now." He lied.
"Of course. I would never suspect that." I said sarcastically. "Hey, I got a hypothetical for you."
"Is this a hypothetical or a hypothetical?" Ash asked.
"Wouldn't you like to know." I said.
"Fine shoot." He said.
"Let's say that I had a drive with all of my Mom and Dad's old case files. Let's say someone was after it and I was told to not destroy the drive under any circumstances. What should I do." I asked.
"This was not the kind of hypothetical I was expecting..." Ash paused. "Have you looked at the files? They could give you some insight."
"They are classified as hell though." I said.
"Dude, you have extremely classified files from MI6, Interpol, and the CIA and you haven't even looked at them?" He complained.
"Yeah, it would be all levels of illegal. In multiple countries!" I protested.
"That never stopped you before." He said.
"Yeah well, people change." I said.
"Nah you just became a pussy detective." Ash said.
"Alright, alright I'll look at them." I caved.
"Tell me if you find anything about aliens bro." He said.
"Ha, you wish." I said.
"These are not case files." I said after cracking the encryption on the drive.
"ForFinn.txt I'll read that then." I said to myself
Finn, if you are reading this I assume I'm dead if I'm not just let me know the gig is up. I lied about the files because I knew you would trust me until you couldn't anymore. Maxman is not your normal dark web hacker. He was a former fling of mine before I met your Mother. He cheated on me so broke it up with him and took a job with MI6. Maxman is not someone who you should mess with and I hope you never have to.
P.S. if you ever visit Broadchurch again the address for my old place is in some of the other files.
Most of the other files were old pictures and childhood videos of me growing up. After a lot of searching, I did find the address. It's been right under my nose the whole time.
Despite the fact that this place hasn't had any visitors for a few years it looks alright from the outside. I tried The Key in the front door and it worked. "So it was a house key the whole time."
I tried to turn on the lights but they didn't work. I pulled out my flashlight. "God it's dusty as hell." I coughed.
Pop wasn't lying about this place being a shack. It's tiny. No wonder Dad always rented us a hotel room when we visited. I started browsing the many boxes. There was nothing interesting. Mostly old files and pictures. "Huh, that looks like Dad and Hardy." I muttered and pocketed the photo.
My phone went off. My alarm to get to the station.
"Bill I know I was taken off the case but if you just happened to need some help getting into that tablet-" I asked.
"I've got it handled Murray!" Bill replied over the phone.
I groaned. "Look Bill I am going to die from boredom if I have to digitize one more case file."
"Not my problem. Shouldn't have gotten taken off the case." He said and hung up.
"If Hardy didn't treat me like I was a child..." I grumbled.
"You are pretty young." Miller commented.
"I'm just as much of a DS as you are." I sighed. I wasn't like I asked to be promoted so soon. "I'm taking a walk."
"You better grab something to eat while you're at it." She said.
I glanced at the boats. It's been a while since I've been boating. Pop used to take me out on lakes when he visited me back in Minnesota. Patty always loved going for a swim. I nibbled on my sandwich.
"You like boats?" Hardy asked.
I jumped slightly dropping my sandwich in the water. "You scared me, sir." I watched the sandwich soak up the water. "I pretty much grew up in the water. Well, it was mainly lake water. I've never really liked oceans that much."
"If you don't like oceans you moved to the wrong place." He said.
"I don't hate oceans. Just a bit too salty for me. That and the waves are a lot more intense." I said.
"Picky about food and water." Hardy commented.
I sighed.
"Where did that key go?" He asked.
"I found out what it went to. I left it in my car by mistake." Hardy had a look telling me to go on. "Did you know my Dad lived here for about a year? The key was for his old place. Nothing too interesting. Found this." I said and handed him the photo I found.
"Never liked this picture." He paused. "Quinn never mentioned living here."
I furrowed my brow. "He was a DS here apparently. Pop mentioned that."
"Who's Pop?" Hardy asked.
I sighed and pinched my nose. "My Grandfather from Cork recently stopped by for a visit. It was... Unexpected."
"I thought you didn't have any living family." He said.
"Ah well, he disowned me after my Dad died. I wasn't the only one blaming myself for his death." I explained.
"Your family is messed up." He said.
"That's an understatement." I replied.
AN: The mystery of "The Key" is finally solved! Hurrah! Did I have a bit of fun with this chapter's gif? Oh yes!
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unseenthewriter · 5 years
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Chapter 4: 628 Words
Total: 6067‬ Words
I awoke to soft beeping and someone snoring softly. Right, I had an asthma attack. One of the worst in a long time. Hardy was sleeping in a chair near me. Well, at least I got some decent sleep for once. I tried sitting up but I was too weak. "Fuck." I mumbled.
Hardy woke up. "Oh, you're awake." He said stretching out in the chair.
"Unfortunately." I groaned.
"I thought you said your asthma was managed." Hardy said standing up.
I was able to sit up this time. "It is. I have no idea what happened." I mumbled.
The doctor walked in. "Well having pneumonia doesn't help." She said.
"Did you do an X-RAY? I don't remember that." I said.
"You were really out of it at the time." Hardy said.
I coughed. "I can't have pneumonia. I can't deal with that right now." I said trying to get up but the doctor pushed me back.
"Well, you are. So rest for now. You could've died." She said.
The doctor pulled Hardy out of the room. I managed to sit up on to the side of the bed. My shoulder was hurting again though. Miller walked in though.
"Finn! You almost died." She exclaimed and pushed me back into bed. I yelped because of my shoulder.
"Oh gosh, your shoulder." She said.
I cursed softly. "Rain isn't great for it but fuck it hasn't been this bad since it was shot."
Hardy walked back in. "Apparently it's infected. The doctor was asking why the bullet wasn't removed."
I sighed. "I hate hospitals..." I muttered. "I was busy catching Max I didn't have time for surgery."
"Well, now it's coming out." Miller said crossing her arms.
"I'm not an idiot it's infected now. Of course, it's coming out." I said.
Apparently I have to wait until the pneumonia runs its course before the surgery. I was able to get discharged for the time being at least. Not that it's much better than this.
"Eat." Miller said.
Hardy was leaning against the kitchen sink watching this all play out.
"I feel like I'm going to throw up if I eat one more bite." I moaned.
"You've had 2 bites." She said.
I started coughing again. "Fine, a few more." I said softly.
I finished the piece of toast. I started standing up.
"The eggs." Ellie said.
"I hate eggs come on." I mumbled trying to shove them in my mouth without throwing up. I threw my head back finally finished.
Miller grabbed the plate handing it to Hardy. "Do you actually hate eggs?" He asked.
"Yes." I groaned. "Any updates with Max."
"No, we're handling that until you're better." Miller said.
I stood up slowly. "Please, I'm begging you I'm so bored." I said before starting to cough again.
Miller led me to the bed. "If you're bored the sleep."
I awoke to soft beeping again. My shoulder felt like it was on fire. I said a slew of curse words. At least the surgery is done now. I looked around the room but I was alone. It's fine Hardy and Miller got some big case.
The door opened it's Daisy? "Don't you have school." I mumbled.
"It's 4 PM." She replied.
"Oh." I said.
She sat down. "You didn't have to come." I said softly.
"The house feels pretty empty without you." She said.
"I would've thought that a lack of me is amazing." I joked.
"Don't push it." She smiled while shaking her head.
"Well, I can't push anything for a bit." I said.
"I don't know you seem to be good at pushing people's buttons still." She said.
"Ah, Maybe so." I said.
AN: Haha I just realized how short this chapter is. Oops.
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unseenthewriter · 5 years
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Chapter 3: 1592 Words
Total: 5439 Words
"Oh thank fuck I'm in completely dry clothing." I said softly and started to clean up my room. I should get some more suits though. They are both dirty now. I mean I'm in my pajamas because of this.
There was a knock on my door. I quietly grabbed my gun and opened the door.
"Kid it's just me." Hardy said. "Do you have a permit for that."
I lowered the gun. "Yes, here it is." I said grabbing the permit from the drawer I had it in. I locked the gun away.
Hardy gave me back the permit and looked around.
"You don't have much stuff do you." He said looking at the closet with the one box full of mementos.
"It's a habit. Living in two different countries and all." I said.
He nodded and grabbed the box. "Pack your clothes then. You're staying with me."
"Sir please I can take care of myself." I pleaded.
"You pointed a gun at me." He said walking away with my box.
I have been a bit on edge but that was a totally reasonable response! Right? I sighed. I guess I'll pack my stuff then.
After dropping off my suits at the dry cleaners I was trying to settle into Hardy's guest room. By that I mean I was staring at the contents of my box.
There was a knock on the door.
"Dad says to let you know that dinner is ready." A teenage girl said.
"Oh uh who are you?" I asked.
"Daisy." She said and left me.
"Cool, great I had no idea he had a daughter." I said to myself.
I stared at the dinner. Daisy and Hardy finished already. So Hardy was doing the dishes and Daisy said she was going to do homework. Hardy sighed. "I'll call Miller if you don't start eating that." He said.
"Fine." I said softly. At least it's not fish. Just eat it quick and be done with it. "So you have a daughter." I said.
"Did your Dad never mention that?" He asked.
"No, I didn't know much else about you besides the heart thing." I replied.
"Hmm well he talked about you a lot." Hardy said.
I coughed almost choking on some food. "I didn't know that." I croaked and drank some water.
"Yes, everything from how you started college at 15 to apparently being a guitar player and singing in a Beatles cover band." Hardy said.
I cringed. "He did talk a lot."
Hardy chuckled a little at that. I stood up and washed my dish. "Sorry for being a bother." I mumbled.
Hardy sighed. "Your Father was much more of a bother."
I nodded. "Well, I'm going to finish unpacking."
I stared at the ceiling. My mind wasn't allowing me to sleep. I glanced at my phone. 5 AM might as well get up.
I groaned my shoulder was even worse today. I'll have to deal with that later. I put on a dress shirt and my one extra pair of pants. "No jacket today." I muttered while tying my Dad's old tie.
I walked into the kitchen. It was empty. Everyone is still asleep then. I walked into the living room and looked at the books. "These are all boring books" I whispered to myself and grabbing a random one.
2 hours later Daisy and Hardy woke up. I could hear them in the kitchen but just stayed quiet and reading on the couch.
Daisy left for school shortly after. "Murray get off the couch." Hardy said.
I put the book back. I was right about it being boring anyway. Hardy handed me a piece of toast. While he was eating another one. "Come on, let's get going."
Hardy didn't mention to me that he was going to court again today. I only realized that when I saw the court. "I would've taken another car if I knew you were in court again today." I said.
"It's fine. You should learn a bit about it anyway." He said while getting out of the car.
"A heads up would've been nice." I mumbled and grabbed my bag. "I'm not dressed well enough for court."
"It's not like your testifying kid jeez." He said.
Sure, whatever! I'll just feel naked without a sports coat then.
I quietly worked on some paperwork while the court was in session. Miller must be back at the station today. The court was adjourned after something was brought up. I wasn't paying attention enough to know what.
"What were you even working on." Hardy confronted me after I was out of the court.
"It's related to my Dad's will." I said.
"It's been over a year since he died." He said.
"Yeah and he was an MI6 Agent with a very complicated will. I'm about 3/4th of the way done with everything I need to do with it." I sighed.
"What left that's been taking this long." He asked.
"His personal items at his office. MI6 is not fun to deal with." I frowned.
Hardy raised an eyebrow.
"I wish I was lying." I groaned.
"Well, there's no leads with your break-in." Hardy said while we were driving.
"I'm not surprised the dude is very thorough. It took me ages to catch him." I said.
"Who is he anyway." Hardy asked.
I sighed. "He went by Maxman on the dark web so we called him Max. Never did find out his real identity. All I know is that he's a freaking psychopath."
My phone buzzed. I cursed softly and didn't pick up. I do NOT have the energy to deal with him today or ever.
"Who was that." Hardy asked.
"No one important just annoying." I said.
Hardy smirked at that.
My phone kept vibrating on my desk. "Are you going to pick that up any time soon?" Miller asked.
"I'd block his number but it wouldn't help." I replied throwing the phone across the room.
"Alright..." Miller said.
I rubbed my shoulder. I shouldn't have thrown the phone now it's hurting again.
"Here." Miller said and handed me a pill. "What's up with that shoulder anyway."
"It got shot." I said after taking the pill.
"It what." Miller said surprised.
"I was shot." I repeated.
"But you're 22." She said.
"London doesn't mess around." I joked.
"You were shot here? Not in the US?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah what's more reasonable a cop in the UK getting shot or a minor in the US" I muttered.
"I mean you've seen the state of the schools in the US right?" Miller said.
"Yeah well, I went to MIT starting at 15. It was mainly a bunch of weird nerds there." I said.
"You went to MIT?" Miller said.
"Did Hardy not mention that?" I asked.
"I didn't know that you went to MIT." Hardy said. I had no idea he was behind me.
"My Dad didn't mention that to you but he mentioned the other thing." I said.
He shrugged.
"Well, I went to MIT. I mean I was specialized in cybercrime." I said.
"That doesn't mean that you had to go to MIT." Miller pointed out.
I shrugged. "I got in with a full-ride why not."
"You got in with a FULL RIDE?" Miller said.
Hardy smirked. "Now I remember MIT."
I groaned and stood up. "Taking that call seems a lot nicer now." I grumbled and grabbed my phone. It rang again.
"DS Finnegan Murray speaking." I said.
"Finn dude I've called you like 100 times!" Ashton exclaimed.
"142 times actually. I was ignoring you." I said while taking the call outside.
"Bro come on you know I'd only CALL you if it was an emergency."
"Like how your Mom coming over to your place the next day but your place is a disaster was an emergency?"
"Finn come on you know my Mom." He moaned.
I sighed and pinched my nose. "Fine whatever what is it."
"Why didn't you tell me you were moving like where are you man?!" Ash exclaimed.
"Me moving is the opposite of an emergency. I do it all the time." I reminded him.
"Not without telling me! Where are you?" He said.
"As far away as possible from you." I said sarcastically.
"Finnnnnnnnn please." He begged.
"I moved to Broadchurch." I said.
"The place your Daddyo vacationed all the time?" Ash asked.
"Please stop calling him that. HE didn't even like being called that. And yes the place my Dad vacationed all the time." I said.
"I've heard it's boring af there you should move back to the US man." He said.
"I've told you a thousand times I can barely take a trip there anymore let alone move there." I sighed.
"Man you're the worst why you gotta do ya old pal Ash like this." He said.
I froze. My breathing was starting to get harder. "I have to run Ash bye."
"Wait dude plea-"
I hung up and cursed. Not NOW. I still haven't had the chance to get a new inhaler since moving. I leaned against the wall. I guess this is happening then. I slowly slide to a sitting position. Just breathe Finn breathe.
Someone knelt down to my level but I could barely focus on who. It's Hardy. I blinked. Miller is calling someone. An ambulance I assume. Hardy was saying something but I couldn't understand with my mind panicking. I blacked out.
AN: Finn the eternal idiot who doesn't know how to talk to anyone!
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unseenthewriter · 5 years
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Chapter 2: 2054 Words
Total: 3847 Words
Summer is finally over. Maybe people will stop asking if I'm a tourist. Probably not but one can hope. Besides the fact that I'm still at the hotel I've mostly settled in. Got a car. Miller helped me a bit with that. People at the station are mostly over me being "The New Weird American Guy". The Key situation has gotten nowhere though. Besides the fact it's old.
"Do you have time to watch my kids again on Saturday?" Miller asked.
I looked up from my report. "Mmm sure anything to get out of my hotel room."
"You still haven't found a place then?" She asked.
"No all the apartments... Er I mean flats are not that great and I don't want the upkeep of a whole house." I replied.
"But you can afford a house?" Ellie said.
"Yes, the lack of my workaholic parents means I have a lot of disposable income." I joked.
"That's one way of putting it. You can just say you're rich." She commented.
"Why do you think I refuse money for babysitting your kids..." I muttered.
"I heard that." She quipped.
"Murray. My Office." Hardy said.
"Got it." I chirped.
"You've been a bit slower the past few days." Hardy said after I closed the door and sat down.
"Sorry, Sir I don't have any excuse." I said while rubbing the key.
"That whole key thing is distracting you isn't it?" He said.
I was able to get my work done before looking into the key for a while but it's been distracting me much more recently. "Yes it is I'll stop looking into it during work hours Sir."
Hardy sighed. "You're one of the few good detectives around here Murray. Stay that way."
"Of course Sir." I said and stood up.
"One more thing Murray." Hardy said and stood up as well.
I turned around.
"This tie was your Father's. He left it the last time he visited." He said.
I could tell it was my Dad's favorite plain black tie. Wore it constantly. "Thank you, I was wondering where that one went."
I stared at my Dad's tie while in the bathroom. I'm glad my Dad was also short like me otherwise I wouldn't be able to wear it. It still feels like something I have to grow into. Metaphorically.
I walked back out to see Miller yelling at someone on the phone and Hardy sniffing the milk. They were here late on another big case. Preparing for court I believe.
"Oh, Murray you're still here. Nice tie." Miller said after hanging up the phone. Hardy looked over to me.
"Did you finish-"
I cut him off by putting some paperwork in his hands. "All caught up." I replied.
Hardy looked it over while sipping his tea. I started packing up my things. "Oh Murray, I need you to check in with the IT guy."
It must be because of how busy he and Miller are. "What's it about?" I'd prefer to not walk in blind.
"Some sort of security thing." He said.
Walking in blind then. "I'll see him first thing tomorrow morning." I replied.
"Bill?" I said while walking into the IT office.
"Oh gosh who did Hardy send this time." A man said popping his head up from under a desk.
"DS Murray. Hardy is at court today. He said there was some security thing I would've preferred not walking in here knowing pretty much noth-"
"Oh! You're that new DS who used to specialize in cybercrime right?" He cut me off.
I hate how fast everything about everyone travels here. It's like being back in boarding school. "Yes."
"Oh great, you'll understand what I'm talking about then!" He said and grabbed my arm pulling me over to a monitor. I paled. Please no. I never wanted to see this again.
"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Bill asked.
"That's because this is a ghost." I said.
I splashed water on my face. "God this is the worst Friday ever." I mumbled. "He's dead Finn it's just a copy cat or something. You shot the guy come on." I said trying to calm my shaking hands.
I need to tell Hardy but... I can't say "So the guy who killed my father and shot me is back even though I killed him a month after that." Over the phone. It's going to sound insane.
"Just finish today and we'll tell Hardy on Monday yeah. It's not like it's an emergency Finn." I said to myself.
"Thank you again for watching my kids Murray. They adore you." Miller said over the phone to me.
"I told you, Ellie, anything to get me out of that hotel room yeah? Anyway, I have to go I'm home now." I said.
"Eat something! You didn't eat anything here." Ellie said.
"Oh you're breaking up I didn't hear that storm must be really bad I'll talk to you Monday" I lied and hung up.
I walked in my room to see it was ransacked. "Fuck." I guess it is an emergency now.
I knocked on Hardy's door already soaking wet from the storm outside.
"Kid it's past midnight why are you here." Hardy said.
"I-I need help." I admitted.
He sighed. "Fine come in." He said.
I shivered while sitting down in a kitchen chair. "You could've waited until tomorrow or even Monday." Hardy said. "Tea?"
"No thanks, I don't like tea." I said softly.
"Hm, you really are American then huh." He commented.
"I don't like coffee either." I sighed.
"What are you 5?" Hardy asked.
"I wish 5-year-olds don't have to deal with crazy murderous hackers." I said to myself.
"Come again?" Hardy said. He heard me then.
"You know that case I told you about my second week here." I started.
"The one where you got shot and your father died." Hardy said and sat down with a cup of tea.
"Well a month later we finally tracked the guy down again and I got him. He wouldn't surrender so I had to kill him." Not a great time in my life I will say that much.
"I don't see why that makes you come all the way to my house on a Saturday night looking like you're going to die." Hardy said.
"Friday morning I checked in with Bill like you said." I continued.
"Bill?" He interrupted.
"The IT Guy." I said. "Anyway he showed me something that looked exactly like what that guy I killed would've done. I figured it was just a copy cat or something and I was going to tell you about it on Monday."
"It's not Monday." Hardy cut in again.
"Ellie asked me to watch her kids today. I just got back to my hotel room when I saw the place was ransacked." I finished.
"Right so you think this is that guy that's dead then." Hardy said and stood up.
"It's too much to just be a coincidence." I said softly.
"Did you touch anything in the room?" He asked while washing his cup.
"No, I came right here." I said.
"I'll call the station and tell them to set up a crime scene in the meantime there's a guest room down the hall." Hardy told me.
"Sir I mean I can just get another room." I said.
He glared at me. "Right I'll just grab my bag from my car then."
"You're wearing it" He pointed out.
"O-oh right haha." I guess I am staying here then.
"Ah gosh how come my son is a better shot than I am." Dad whined.
"Mom was a great teacher I guess." I said looking at the target I shot.
"I taught you too."
"Just going to a shooting range isn't teaching Dad."
"Neither is the ice cream after or should we stop doing that?" He joked.
"Don't joke about ice cream when I'm holding a gun." I joked back.
"Oh right a DC shooting an MI6 Agent. God imagine the headlines." He continued.
"Dad please." I pleaded.
"AND I'm your Father God the press would have a field day with that." He kept on.
"DAD!" I yelped.
"Oh alright let's get the ice cream then." Dad said while ruffling my hair.
I rolled over to my phone. 6 AM only got a few hours of sleep then. I sighed. "I don't deserve nice dreams right now." I groaned while getting up. I put my suit back on. I have a spare shirt in my car I can change into later. "Not today shoulder please." I groaned while walking into the bathroom to get ready.
I was surprised to see Hardy up. It being a Sunday and all.
"Do you always look this bad when you wake up." He commented as I walked into the kitchen.
I rubbed my shoulder while sitting down. "Only when people mention it."
There was a knock on the door. Miller walked in. "I heard there's a crime scene being set up at-" She paused when she saw me. "Was it your room Finn?"
I put my head on the table. "It's too early for this" I mumbled.
"Did he stay the night?" She asked.
Hardy nodded.
"Right, I'm taking a walk." I said softly and grabbing my still slightly damp sports coat.
"You should eat som-" I closed the door before Miller could mother me again.
"Fucking fuck." I cursed. It was still raining but whatever.
"You're really close to the edge there." Hardy said waking up behind me.
"Oh really didn't notice." I said sarcastically.
He sighed. "Miller keeps going on about how you didn't eat yesterday or today."
I kept staring at the raindrops hitting the ocean. "I'm not hungry."
"Come on you're going to get sick at this rate. I don't want to deal with your asthma."
I sighed and followed Hardy to Miller's car. "Sometimes I wonder how you are able to take care of my kids so well when you don't care about your own body." Miller said and threw me a bag with fish and chips.
"I don't like fish." I mumbled.
"If you don't eat it I'm shoving it down your throat." She said.
I grumbled and started eating.
"The station." Hardy said to Miller after getting in the passenger's seat.
"Yes I know." She replied.
Good thing I also have a spare shirt at the station. Pants though... Those are still wet.
"Nothing was taken." Hardy said while I was rubbing my shoulder. Rain really is not nice on that old gunshot wound.
"They were looking for something then." Miller said.
"I figured. I would never keep what they were looking for in a not secure area" I said.
"What is it?" Miller asked.
"I'm assuming if it's my old dead but now apparently alive again buddy he would be looking for this." I said putting a USB Drive on Hardy's desk.
"What's on it." Hardy asked.
"Oh, you know just all of my Mom and Dad's old case files." I said.
"Are the files on there-" Miller started.
"Classified as hell." I said. I leaned back in the chair rubbing my shoulder. "I thought about destroying it but Dad always told me to never do that under any circumstances."
"Even if he's dead?" Hardy asked.
"Especially if he's dead. Does anyone have some Advil or something similar?" I asked.
Miller nodded and walked out of Hardy's office to grab it.
Hardy set the USB Drive down and I took it back. "I've been thinking about putting it in a bank lockbox but I haven't had the chance. It's just been locked in my desk drawer for now."
Miller walked back in with the pill and a cup of water. "Thank you so much." I said softly and took the pill.
"So what's the plan." Miller asked.
Hardy thought for a moment. "For now keep the USB Drive where you had it Murray and you'll stay at my place until further notice."
"But my room should no longer be a crime scene in an hour." I said.
"He knows your staying there." Hardy replied.
"I'm fine. I'm not a kid." I said walking out.
AN: Plot already?! I know so unlike me lmao
0 notes
unseenthewriter · 5 years
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Chapter 1: 1793 Words
Total: 1793 Words
"How old is the new DS anyway? He looks very young."
"Why would he transfer from London?"
"I heard he was on track to becoming a DI soon."
"His accent makes me think he's American!"
"Apparently his specialty is cybercrime."
I sighed softly to myself as I sat down at my desk. I'm sure all this chatter will blow over soon. I hope. God forbid anyone finds out my Father was an MI6 Agent or my Mother was a United States Interpol Agent...
"Murray is that report ready?" DS Miller asked me.
"Yes, ma'am I put it on DI Hardy's desk last night." I replied softly.
"Oh. That was quick." She said surprised.
I shrugged softly and logged into my computer.
"Have you found a place yet?" Miller asked me.
I sighed. "Not yet. I have a lot I'm working on. I still don't even have my badge yet."
Miller looked confused. "But you've been here for almost 2 weeks now."
"Yeah, I know." I muttered.
"Murray. My Office. Now." DI Alec Hardy said to me as he walked past my desk.
"Got it." I said and followed him.
After the door closed Hardy gestured for me to sit down. I obeyed. "Your badge is here." he said handing it to me. He sighed. "I have a few questions for you."
I figured this conversation was going to come sooner or later. "Sure."
"Your file from Scotland Yard doesn't say much about when you were shot a year ago." He said.
"It was- extremely classified at the time, Sir. I was working with my Father an MI6 Agent on catching a dark web hacker." I replied.
"Your Father works with MI6?" Hardy said.
"Yeah, he used to. My Mother used to work with Interpol as well." I replied.
"Agent Quinn Murray?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah did you know him?" I asked
"Worked with him once a long time ago. He's doing well then? Didn't realize he had a son. I knew he had a daughter." Hardy admitted.
"Um- not really no. He died during that case." I said.
Hardy leaned back. "Why Broadchuch?" He asked changing the subject.
Lying to your boss isn't great but I don't think I can admit the real reason yet. "Dad loved it here. Even asked to be buried here. Besides I needed a change of pace." To be fair this isn't a lie lie just not the real truth.
"Right, get me a list of places that use paper bags in the nearby area." He said and stood up. "Miller!"
"I'll get right on it." I said softly.
"Dad you know I'm still worried about these threats you're getting from-" He cut me off and ruffled my hair.
"Finn for the last time I get threats all the time." He said.
I moved his hand off my head. "Dad please I'm not a kid."
"Besides, we almost have his location right?"
"Yes but-" I started.
"See his location! I knew my son was going to find a quick way to get that. Gear up." Dad said.
"He's like... down the block." I commented.
"Not surprised a lot of creeps enjoy being right under cops noses." He repiled.
"Dad can you at least let one of the others be in front" I pleaded.
"You got all the worrying from you Mum huh?" Dad said.
I grumbled as Dad knocked down the door. We were pretty much instantly in a haze of bullets. I ducked for cover and fired back. When the skirmish was done I took a deep breath and noticed Dad on the ground. I rushed to his side.
He was shot in multiple places and bleeding out fast. There's no way he was going to make it.
"Finn..." Dad said.
"Just stay with me Dad help is on the way." I said.
"No- listen to me Finn you need to get to" he moaned. "You- need to get to Broadchuch."
"Dad please we can go the next time I get some vacation time. I know you love it there but we can go together." I said to him barely holding back my tears.
"The key- Broadchuch-" He said before trailing off.
"Dad!" I tried to awaken him but was pulled away.
"DC Murray you've been shot." the officer said.
"No! Please, he-"
I jolted awake in a cold sweat. I was at my desk still. "3 AM? fuck." I muttered while rubbing the key hanging around my neck. Hardy's office light was still on, so at least I wasn't the only one still here. I grabbed the list of places that use paper bags. "Right this was finished."
I stood up while tying my tie and knocked on Hardy's office.
"Come in." He said.
"I have that list for you Sir." I said softly.
"Jesus kid you didn't have to stay late to finish it. You look like shit." He said and took off his glasses.
"Oh no, I uh fell asleep." I said.
"You're sweating though." He pointed out.
"I just sweat really easily haha..." I lied.
Hardy sighed. "Take a walk with me."
"Oh uh I mean- I really should." I started.
Hardy glared.
"Right yeah walk."
I watched the waves with Hardy sitting next to me on the pier. Dad was right, they are very calming. "You didn't come here because your Father liked to vacation here." Hardy said not as a question but a statement. "I can't have my DS's lying to me."
I sighed and pulled the key off my neck. "When my dad was dying he kept saying something about Broadchuch and "The Key". My Mom gave this to me before she passed." I said and handed the key to Hardy.
Hardy sighed. "Quinn called me after she died. Must've been hard on you and your sister."
"I uh- I'm a single child and a Trans Man." I said.
"Oh, I didn't realize." He said and handed the key back.
I coughed. "No, no it's fine. I hadn't been out of the closet that long when she passed."
"You were raised in America right?" Hardy asked.
"Yes, I mainly went to boarding schools anyway but I have dual citizenship with the US and UK." I replied. "It sounds like you knew my Father pretty well?" I asked.
"We went to Uni together." Hardy admitted.
"Huh. So I wasn't the only one not being entirely truthful." I said and stared back at the waves. I could feel the glare coming from Hardy. "Wait- you were the friend with the heart probl-" I said turning back.
"Yes, and you're the kid with the asthma problem." He countered. "How were you even allowed to join the police?"
"It's mostly managed now. Just have to stay away from fires." I said and put the key back on my neck while standing up. "I should go."
"Where are you staying?" He asked.
"Trader's Hotel until I find a place." I said.
Hardy scowled. "Let me give you a ride."
"You don't have to I'm working on getting a car soon too." I protested.
"Get in" He said.
"Jeez, Murray you look exhausted." Miller said to me as a sat down at my desk.
I didn't get any more sleep that night. Not like that usual or anything. At least it's Friday so I can try to catch up on sleep this weekend. "I was up late looking at cars online." I said.
"How was the change from driving in the US?" Miller asked.
"I have been living in the UK for 5 years you know. Been a citizen since a few weeks after birth." I said.
Miller looked surpised. "So do you have 2 passports and all?"
"Yes. Makes things easier." I repiled.
"Can I see the US one?" She asked.
"It's in my room. I have this though." I said and pulled out my Minnesota Drivers License.
"So you're 22?" She asked after handing it back.
"Yes." I chirped.
"Miller!" Hardy said while walking past.
"Better see what he's on about." She said.
Finally, now I can work in quiet. I put on my headphones and started looking more into "The Key".
"I don't want to buy a house just to have somewhere nice." I muttered while pacing in my room. I can easily afford anywhere in Broadchuch. My family was rich and all but I don't want to bother with any upkeep.
"Fine! Fine, let's just go back to the car situation." I said to myself, turning to the other wall with cars.
"Too big. Trunk is small. Too high up." I mumbled.
There was a knock on my door. "One second." I said and put my button-down shirt back on.
"Oh hello DS Miller. I wasn't expecting you." I said and let her in.
"Ellie please. I figured you could use someone to show you around town a bit..." She said while looking at all the stuff I had about homes and cars.
"Yeah I uh." I coughed. "I've been to Broadchurch a few times on vacation. I know my way around fairly well."
She smiled. "You still don't know half of Broadchurch then."
"Fine." I said and grabbed my sports coat and tie.
"You're a lot like Hardy you know." Miller said. "You're far too young to act like a brooding middle-aged man."
I frowned slightly. I wasn't always like this. With BOTH of my parents dead now though...
"Murray your sandwich." Miller said and handed it to me.
"Oh thanks." I said softly.
"I heard you were on your way to becoming a DI if you didn't transfer over here." Ellie said.
"Everyone says that but with my age and all I really doubt it. The fact that I'm even a DS pissed off a lot of people." I commented.
"Why did you become a detective anyway?" She asked.
"I like solving problems and puzzles." I sighed. "And with two Agents for parents, something involving crime was kind of a given."
"Your parents were Agents?" Miller asked and I noticed she was already halfway done with her sandwich.
"Mmm my Father worked with MI6 and my Mother was with Interpol... Well technically CIA." I stared at my still uneaten sandwich. I wasn't very hungry at all. I figured it was a little weird to not order anything though. I put it in my leather messenger bag.
"Oi eat your sandwich you're even thinner than Hardy." Miller said.
I grumbled and pulled it back out and started slowly eating it. I don't even like sandwiches that much.
"So how are your parents then?" Ellie asked.
AN: A New fanfic? With one of my favorite shows? Why yes I have no self-control!
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unseenthewriter · 5 years
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Will Tudor as DS Finnegan Murray
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David Tennant as DI Alec Hardy
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Olivia Colman as DS Ellie Miller
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Mark Hamill as Ryan Murray
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Daniel Craig as Agent Quinn Murray
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Ellen Pompeo as Agent Shannon Murray
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Chace Crawford as Ashton Knight
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Brant Daugherty as Bill Conner
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Hannah Rae as Dasiy Hardy
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Andrew Scott as Maxman
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Asa Butterfield as Andrew Maxwell Jr.
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Ian Harding as Aaron Maxwell
If I have any more characters I'll try to mention in my author's notes to check the cast out again. Cool cool.
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unseenthewriter · 5 years
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DS Finnegan Murray has recently transferred to The Wessex Police because of the words of his dying Father. Little does he know it's a lot more complicated than that.
Wattpad Link
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unseenthewriter · 4 years
Just something I've noticed fairly recently but the way I write fanfiction has changed a bit? I'm not sure why lol. It's not bad I haven't been doing it long enough to say if it's good for me either but you know...
I'm like basically the definition of a pantser. I might have a vague sense of the overall plot (LOOKING AT YOU FAMILY FLAWS) but like for the most part I just kinda write whatever and the come back later to decide if it's shit or not. Anyway I think around Chapter 5 of Family Flaws I just kinda stopped trying to find a good ending point for chapters I just kept writing more scenes. I'll like eventually get to the point where I'm like "I moved on from the main plot point of that chapter a few scenes back I should probably end the chapter back there huh?" And then you know do that.
I USED to be so tied up in having to figure out the perfect way to end EVERY chapter. Which is fine but idk having cliffhangers every chapter can be a little annoying lol. Some of the ends of chapters are really meh but like eh it's fanfiction I'm doing this for fun and practice.
I'm also doing a LOT more jumping from one WIP to another than I ever used to but that's a completely different topic lol
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unseenthewriter · 4 years
If it wasn't obvious I set aside Family Flaws for like a few months now and ugh I swear to God Chapter 9 is killing me hhhhhh
I'd say more but it's MAJOR spoilers. Then again this IS my first time trying to have a semi coherent crime solving plot in any of my writing so that's probably why I'm struggling so much lmao. Like I got so many more plot twists in store Chapter 6 was just the beginning. But I guess this is what I get for not doing ANY plotting ahead of time.
Anyway I should be uploading Chapter 7 in the next few days. The cast list should be getting an update soon as well I'll make another post when that happens.
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