#He cares more about Willow than Luz?
divinemiracles · 1 year
All I’m saying is Luz being Hunter’s crush instead of Willow makes a lot more sense.
Luz was the first person to bring down Hunter’s walls. She was the first person that trusted and cared about him. She was the first person to truly see Hunter instead of the Golden Guard.
What did Willow do to effect Hunter? Barely anything.
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theprinceandthewitch · 2 months
I was gonna write a whole thing, but I'm going to keep it simple. ASIAS doesn't work as a showcase of Hunter's selflessness like Hunting Palismen does, because Darius has no authority over Hunter like Belos does.
The show is trying to gaslight me into thinking Hunter gives a damn about his subjects opinion of him and would just stand still so they can hurt him. Even though he outranks everyone besides Belos, is a "magical prodigy", and child soldier. It's also trying to gaslight me into thinking Hunter can't disobey Darius' orders even though he is like, literally the prince of The Boiling Isles. He outranks Darius, so he doesn't have to listen to him, like at all lmao.
Hunting Palismen is a better demonstration of Hunter's selflessness, because he is actually going against the one person who has power over him. He returned to the castle emptyhanded knowing Belos was most likely going to dish out physical punishment. Sparing Flapjack and letting Luz leave with the palismen didn't benefit him in the slightest.
He could have even handed over Flapjack to Belos at the end of HP or the beginning of EL. Luz wouldn't have been none the wiser and he would stave off whatever punishment Belos had in store for him. Unbeknownst to Hunter, handing over Flapjack would have put Belos in a much better mood, since he associates Flapjack with both Caleb and Evelyn. But he doesn't do that - instead he chooses to keep the palismen Luz introduced him to him - and this palisman just so happens to be associated with Caleb and Evelyn.
So, Hunter taking a stand against Darius to protect Willow and Gus isn't an act of selflessness, simply because Darius does not hold any power over Hunter. Hunter doesn't have the potential to lose anything by disobeying Darius like he does with Belos.
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Poor willow and amity lmao like no one told them anything all episode. No one tells each other plot relevant info in general in that friend group except luz and hunter and thats just those two amplifying each others Mentally Ill Dude Behavior but like. Luz and hunter know all the information about belos and gus knows about the grimwalker thing at least bc he speedran hollow mind but willow and amity? They had no idea what was going on the whole time they were in gravesfield. Do they even know what a grimwalker is? Hexsquad share your belos notes with each other challenge
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pechikka · 2 years
every day i go through the cycle of realizing "damn, willow/hunter/gus polycule is actually a god tier ship?" and then inmediately remembering "oh right gus is literally 12"
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fallen-gravity · 1 year
I literally can’t stop thinking about this
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y’all. y’all. this is a very, very intentional and significant gesture. ‘Cause on the surface level, they’re holding hands. They’re staying close. By a good number of cartoon standards, they’re canonically a couple. Show don’t tell, as a lot of cartoons like to say.
But if you look even deeper? Oh ho, it is so much more significant than that. They’re not holding hands, they’re not gently brushing against each other because they’re shy or new at this or whatever. No, their pinkies are interlocked. Throughout this whole arc with the Collector, starting way back in King’s Tide, this show has put an important emphasis on promises. The whole game Collector is playing is because of a broken promise, and to them, breaking a promise is a fate worse than death. You never, ever make a pinky promise with someone unless you intend to keep it forever and ever. That’s what he says, anyway.
Circling back to Hunter and Willow, just moments before this moment, they were having a conversation about worth. You’re important to me. Throughout the episode, they were continuously trying to reach out each other to prove to the other that they had worth. I don’t care who you were meant to be, because you’re one of us, now. / You [guys] are really important to me and I didn’t know how to say it. Over and over again, they tried convincing the other that it didn’t matter what others thought, because to each other, they’re the most important people in the world.
By interlocking their pinkies here, instead of hugging or kissing or even holding hands in the typical way similar to when Luz and Amity got together, they’re making a promise to each other. You’re important to me, you’re not alone, you can rely on me, I’m going to take care of you. It’s a much subtler, gentler gesture than how Luz and Amity did it, because there are much higher stakes, but by interlocking their bruised, damaged hands, they’re telling each other that stakes be damned, they want to be there for and with each other. Promises are taken very seriously in this show, and the fact that these two are willing to make those silent promises to each other so unwaveringly to each other just shows even further how much they love and want to take care of each other.
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
When you get (badly) injured
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Amity: PANICC. She is calling Emira so fucking fast. Once the initial panic calms down she wraps abomination goo around the wound. Once Emria shows up she majorly calms down. Once Emria is done she makes sure you're fully alright.
Luz: Screaming and crying. I'm joking but she is scared. She quickly gets wrap-around band-aids with normal fun band-aids on top. Makes sure you are healing properly. Will not tolerate you overexerting yourself. She'll help you do anything that requires you to move the part of your body that you hurt.
Willow: Tries her best to be calm. She disinfects and badges you up. Then nearly kills you with a bear hug. She is slightly more protective of you for the next week or two (I.E. any time you fall a bunch of vines sprout up stopping you from falling.)
Hunter: More shaken up than you. He has a lot of knowledge on how to bandage wounds after being in the Emperor's coven. He shakily disinfects the wound and puts wrap-around bandages on it. He keeps asking if you're okay over and over. He is overprotective of you afterward. Overall pretty okay.
Vee: Has no clue what to do. While she was in captivity she rarely got majorly hurt. She quickly fetches Luz and Camila and asks them for advice. Camila is way more helpful than Luz. (also get ready for at least one hour of cuddles.)
Raine: They are so very worried about you :(. Since they led multiple rebel groups they have informed themselves on how to properly patch up a wound. Gives you painkillers when they can. Also helps you rest with a bard spell.
Eda: "Pretends to be all cold-hearted but actually cares a lot!" She has bought potions to help heal people so she gives you one of them. After you fully healed she cuddles with you in her nest. She's in harpy mode and has her wings wrapped around you.
Emira: She can heal you herself. So she isn't really worried at all. She gives you a lot of kisses though. 10/10 would recommend as a caretaker.
Edric: He panics. Hard. He gives you healing potions like Eda. You do heal pretty quickly (especially compared to how much he panicked.) He does baby you even a week after you fully heal-
The Collector: They can just heal you with a snap of their fingers lmao.
Lilith: She is actually pretty calm. In the same vein as Raine and Hunter, she used to basically be second in command of the Emperor's coven. So she calmly patches you up. While lecturing you to be more careful.
Gus: Very sad to see you hurt. He swiftly gets one of his friends. Most likely Willow. Gives you so many hugs. 
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lollytea · 1 year
how do think willow and hunter first talked about them being bi/pan? or do you think it's just so accepted on the boiling isles that they probably would never bring it up?
(This ask is from back when we got the bi/pan confirmation and I've been saving it, kinda thinking of putting effort into writing something cute and good quality. However I ended up waking up from a nap while the Q&A was happening and somebody told my confused disoriented ass that Zeno was talking about Hunter exploring his identity and going on dates while in the human realm. And I tapped out something very messy and stream of consciousness-y in my notes app in my sleepy state. So you're getting this instead. I don't feel like cleaning it up.)
Like like like it's. Luz putting together her little coming out slideshow for Camila. And the topic of sexualities comes up. And Amity and Willow puzzle out what theirs are nearly immediately. Gus doesn't but he's unfazed by it. While Hunter is like....I...can't say for certain and its bothering me. Like this is a THING that has a chance of helping him feel like more of a person. He wants his very own flag. He just doesn't know what it is yet. He'd like to know.
He likes Willow. He knows he likes Willow. But...there isn't a flag for liking Willow. (As far as he knows. He's thinking of making one. But for now he's stumped.)
There's a very specific route the kids take to the grocery store to collect stuff for Camila. Hunter likes to take the task because he likes feeling useful. Willow also likes to help but she'd be lying if she said another reason wasn't long walks with Hunter. Usually one of the other kids tags along too. Or more than one. But today it's just Hunter and Willow.
They always pass that damn statue but Hunter always averts his eyes and hopes Willow does too. He doesn't like to look at it. But maybe if he turned his gaze towards it every once in a while he'd notice the boy who always sits beneath the statue with a little handheld game console. The boy who always lifts his head when Hunter strolls by.
This is the day when the boy chooses to be brave. There's no gaggle of friends around him today. Just one girl. This is it. This is his chance. The boy marches up to Hunter and Willow in a way that Hunter immediately clocks as similar to his own Golden Guard body language. When he was trying to feel big but failing miserably.
The boy IS big tho. That's the weird thing. Tall with broad shoulders and chunky arms. A cluster of metal pierced into his left ear and a silver stud in his nose. He looks....so cool. So very very cool. Hunter misses the first words out of this dude's mouth cuz he was too busy looking at him and he needs to repeat himself.
So. Hm. Okay. Well. APPARENTLY. Piercings boy thinks Hunter is cute. Which is a staggering revelation that leaves Hunter a little speechless. And if that weren't surprising enough, he's now pushing a little piece of paper in Hunter's direction, babbling something about talking some time. Or maybe going out, whatever.
While all this is going down Willow just.....watches. Smiling. Nudging Hunter when it's his turn to speak and he's forgotten. It's cute. He gets like that with her sometimes too. It made her feel very cool and pretty that she made such a handsome boy nervous. But now....she's watching this little interaction play out and she's realizing....
Hunter's obvious little crush on her. Just how easy would it go away if he met somebody cooler. Somebody prettier. Somebody who's not clearly living a lie and hiding everything from everyone all the time. Somebody brave enough to actually ask him out.
It seems like just as she's getting comfortable in these kinds of situations, an Amity always sweeps in. And that's fine. She's used to it by now.
And also...she....she really cares about Hunter. He's been getting so much happier and experimental in the Human Realm. She wants him to try new things. She wants him to figure out who he really is. And....maybe that version of himself won't always have a little crush on Willow Park. Maybe he'll realize that there's better people out there. And that's okay. Whatever it takes for him to smile.
There's something very ugly writhing in her stomach and Willow pretends it's not there. Instead she yanks up her smile wider and as the mystery boy strides away, she pounces on Hunter. She teases him a little, she asks why he got so very shy. Is it because he liiiiiiiikes Mr Mystery Boy huh? And Hunter doesn't know what to say. He doesn't KNOW Mr Mystery Boy. Willow counters that's what the number is for. That's what dates are for. After a long back-and-forth discussion, its Willow that urges him to dial that number. They have to borrow Camila's phone. And Willow stands there as moral support as Hunter stumbles through the question.
Hunter has a date this Saturday. Which is very exciting. And also weird. And scary. He blushes whenever you bring it up. But Willow happily hypes him up for it every day leading up to it.
On Saturday, Hunter leaves the house at mid day and Willow sees him off, waving enthusiastically. He smiles softly and waves back at her, still twitchy with nerves. She gives a finger guns and assures him it's gonna go fine. He's a catch! This makes him giggle and she swells with pride.
The door clicks shut. Hunter is gone. It feels like a light has been sucked out of the household. Willow's smile slips.
She could head upstairs and hang out with the other girls. She could go down to the basement with Gus. But....right now she'd prefer to be alone.
Willow cleans the kitchen, which Camila is very grateful for once she gets home from work. And then she settles in the living room, snuggles up on the couch and throws something on the TV. Willow sits there and watches for hours. She barely processes any of it. And yet, she's simultaneously so wrapped up in the television that she doesn't hear the door click.
"Eyyyyy, I'm back," Hunter says in that awkward way he always announces his return. And just like that, a light switches and Willow is all zazzed again.
"Ooooooh Casanova has returned!!" She chirps. "A little.....earlier than I expected....?"
Hunter looks a little sheepish but doesn't comment on that. Willow thumps the couch cushion opposite her. "Cmere boy. Tell me everything."
Hunter sits down beside her and after turning to look at her huge grin, he smiles warmly.
"What?" She asks.
"You gonna tell me how it went?"
"Fine. Um. Normal. For a date. I think? I dunno I've never been on one but I'm pretty sure I did an okay job."
Willow decides to rip the bandaid off immediately. "Any lip action?"
Hunter's reaction was a funny choking noise and a volatile flush across his neck "No!" He blurted. "Just...."
"Just hands! He held my hand! He held my hand and it was nice! I liked it!"
It's nice that Hunter got his hand held. He has such pretty hands. She's always thought they were very holdable. She's really happy. She's delighted. Just great.
She's a good person who is happy when good things happen to her friends, Titandamn it. And not a secretly ugly resentful person who wishes for selfish things.
"Yeah and. Uh..." He's scrubbing the back of his neck. "We...um. Ended up talking. A lot."
"About date number two, no doubt...." Willow sings.
"There's not going to be a date number two," Hunter answers immediately, knocking Willow out of her depth.
"I....thought you liked him?" She asks.
"I mean. Yeah. He's. He's nice but...but when I said we talked a lot...I might have told him that...." Hunter trails away.
"Told him what?"
There's a pause before Hunter speaks again, his voice a little higher pitched. "Oh! J-just. Just told him about a ton of stuff. Told him I like birds. And I like to read. And...and about Camila being a vet and....and I talked a lot about my friends. Gus. A-and Luz and Amity. And Vee. And uh. And you. And....we...we both decided that this probably wasn't gonna work out."
"Oh...." Willow....doesn't know how to feel about this. She doesn't have to pretend to be disappointed because she really is. Her friend had a chance to have a sweet little romance with somebody cute. And it just didn't work out. "I'm sorry, Hunter,"
But Hunter shakes his head. "I'm not disappointed. I actually....um. I liked it. I've never been on a date before and it....I dunno, it made me feel like a real teenager. Which is dumb to say because I know I AM a real teenager but..."
He perks up. "Oh! Oh and-and um...." His words tumble one over the other though there's a grin tugging at the corner of his lip. "Josh and I we....we figured it out. Me. We...we figured out me. I'm..."
He catches himself and clears his throat, extending a hand to her. "Hi, Willow! My name is bisexual!...Wait! Wait, no! Hunter! My name is....I'm bisexual and I'm Hunter! I...Agh!! Josh said I should come out to you in a smooth way but...."
Willow is grinning ear to ear, always transfixed by his frequent fumbles over the complicated act of putting words together. "You're bisexual!" She declares happily. "Hunter that's fantastic!"
Hunter's smile is soft but there's a hint of pride there too. "Yeah...thanks. I know it is...."
A pause.
"I have completely forgotten what bisexual means tho," Admits Willow.
"O-oh! Oh it's just um. I-I like multiple genders. Today I found out for certain that boys are....wow...."
Willow smirks. "Boys are wow?"
"Well.....arent they?"
She thinks about it for a moment, raking her eyes across the splotchy blush still clinging to his pretty face. Her insides are in a riot of fluttering flower petals.
"I guess they are," She agrees fondly.
"But also I...." He cuts himself off with a sudden bout of breathlessness. He inhales sharply. "Girls..."
"Girls," Repeats Willow expectantly.
Hunter, who has cut his gaze down to his tangling fingers, looks back up at her, manages to hold eye contact for a few very telling extra seconds and says, very clearly. "Girls."
"I see..." Willow is a little frustrated to find that she's also a little short of breath. "So maybe your next date will be with a girl then,"
Hunter's blush flares. "I'd like it to be..." He mumbles. "But..."
There's some sort of internal battle raging on. She can see it in the violent twist and turns of his facial expressions. Finally, his throat bobs. "Nothing." He answers.
"Sorry...." He continues. "For coming home early. I just really wanted to...." Why does he keep trailing off? "It looks like you were trying to have some time to yourself. I can leave if...."
"You stay right here, Mr heartbreaker," Says Willow. "Stay here and watch weird human crystal ball shows with me."
A stiffness she didn't notice until now melts out of his shoulders. "Okay. I'd like that. A lot."
Hunter attempts to shuffle into a comfortable position, but what he's not prepared for is his friend Willow suddenly lunging and knocking him against the cushions in a tight tackle hug.
"Congratulations on your name being Bisexual," She mutters against the fabric of his shirt. "I like being the first one told,"
"N-no problem...." His voice cracks a little.
It takes maybe three minutes of comfortable silence and human realm TV babbling for Hunter to pipe up "And I'm not a heartbreaker. I didn't break anyone's heart."
"You could," Willow answers smoothly, not taking her eyes off the TV. "You have way more power over some people's hearts than you realize."
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mdhwrites · 2 months
You said the arcs of certain characters in TOH have an 'Us vs. Them mentality.' I take it that's because, as you say, the narrative pins the bad qualities of certain characters on separate parties (e.g. "Amity's flaws are only because of her mom"), but would you care to elaborate further on said mentality and how it sticks out to you in TOH?
So shockingly, not really. It plays into it but I am actually inherently talking about the same sort of mentality that Belos perpetuates but back onto Luz. After all, if you look at the main cast by even mid season 2 we have a problem forming. Eda: Has lost her criminal edge, has no personal interests, is defined by being nice in a way befitting Luz's worldview. Momma Eda.
Amity: No longer is studious and hard working but instead focuses more on her girlfriend and her nerdy interests. Is also now just nice. Was only shown genuine care by Luz, instead of just trying to fulfill her nerdy desires, once she finds out Amity is into Azura.
Lilith: Has turned into a nerd and given up on any ambitions that had led to her previous actions, becoming a nice cool aunt. Only now has Luz tried to form any relationship with her (admittedly, she didn't get many chances before now).
Hunter: Has only been being given kindness because he has shown a capacity for kindness that Luz only really started showing him, beyond not wanting him to die, once he showed he had a nerdy interest in wild magic.
Gus: Was a nerd from go and always nice, even if he could be slightly selfish.
Willow: By mid S2, is essentially out of the show for the past half season, has never had a strong personality and is just nice. Yes, she'll start her jock stuff soon... And never have a real conversation with Luz again, at least not until S3 maybe? So a full season where Luz and Willow, after Willow might have stopped being nerdy/an outcast, where Luz doesn't have an interest in her anymore.
And uh, just as a reminder to S3, Hunter gains a scifi interest post redemption and Luz explicitly listens to NOTHING her mother says to her during her big speech in For the Future until she reveals herself to be a secret nerd. At that point, suddenly Luz dials in.
For TOH, a show supposedly about the individual and self expression, characters either lose their personality and/or gain the personality that matches LUZ. There is less character variety in interests and personalities than even 90s cartoons much of the time by the end of TOH because these characters all lose so much of themselves fitting in with the good guys, especially the redeemed ones.
This is where your argument for this does come into play. I'll frame it as the fandom likes to with Amity: "She didn't have Luz in her life yet."
Amity is only a bitch while she is hanging out with the wrong crowd. Socialites, those with ambition and jocks. The Luz enters her life and despite the fact that the ONE time Luz ever calls Amity out for being a bitch being when Amity is being a bully to King and clearly trying to get a rise out of Luz, making that moment meaningless, that simple fact starts warping Amity. Starts making her turn back to her good, nerdy side. And because this is such an inherently good thing, there is no difficulty in doing this. She needs no motivation, no calling out, nothing. She just needs to desire to be like Luz/liked by Luz. She can discard her entire friend group and do things that should get her disowned with how evil Odalia is and face zero consequences because... I guess that's the power of becoming a nerd.
You are beyond reproach. You can only do good. Same goes for Hunter. Despite YEARS of potential propaganda and the like, Luz just getting into his life and admittedly jabbing at Belos/him a little, is all it takes for him to embrace the inherent goodness, displayed by his nerdiness about wild magic, and start becoming a better person. For this, he loses his home but that is only seen as a positive because indeed, he got away from those hostile that made him a bad person. He could now be a good person because he no longer had those influences and could embrace Luz's way of life.
With the show's themes, why is this the case? Shouldn't their base personalities be allowed to exist? Shouldn't a wide range of ideologies and the like be allowed since that is a part of self expression? Instead, when people don't like Luz approves, they are disapproved by Luz and either need to get the fuck out or conform.
And this is all without getting into how she becomes Jesus in the last episode...
None of this is intentional but if someone told me that the show felt hostile to them because they didn't consider themselves a nerd or because they tried to get somewhere in life, I wouldn't blame them. The show has a weirdly narrow belief in who is a good person. Who is allowed to exist in the main cast, a problem that cascades issues into a lot of its themes. I mean, this is the first show I've ever had to ask if character arcs are actually hurt the themes of the show because of this, a blog I sadly couldn't refind.
There is admittedly an element of this where I might not have thought about it without the fandom. Most people I know who are multi-fandom still agree that TOH is aggressive against others, even for a fandom. That it lashes out and blames others for its problems. Almost like a *gestures at the thesis*
And that doesn't help make any of this be less uncomfortable unfortunately. See you next tale.
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avatarmerida · 6 months
Mistletoe Kisses
You know I had to write something for huntlow week! This started as a little Drabble inspired by this art by @dazeddoodles and I didn’t think it fit a prompt but I think it could fit Nerds/Nature if you don’t mind it being a day late lol anyway!!! Here!!! It’s holiday fluff!!
“Hey Willow!” Hunter called out as the plant witch entered his sight, as she was completing setting up a small wooden booth. She waved back and her wide smile made Hunter instinctively teleport over to her, eager to see her sooner. He knew that he needed to try better to hide his magic while they were on the human realm side, but happiness seemed to be the one emotional trigger that leapt beyond his control. Willow said nothing, secretly delighted in the gesture, and besides no one was around to see him anyway.
“Hey yourself!” She replied with a giggle as she quickly applied a piece of tape to a piece of pine bough. The tape was just for show as she had summoned the pine and was certain it was secure, but she liked the homemade human charm it added. Camila had helped her dig up Luz’s old lemonade stand and Willow had spruced it up with festive decorations of green and red, lining the corners with tinsel and small twinkle lights. She gladly took a break from her decorating to properly greet him with a tight hug.
“Camila said you might need this,” he said when she set him down and reached into his backpack to hand her a large black magic marker.
“Oh, perfect!” Willow said in delight as she took it from him. “You’re the best!”
“Yeah, you are I mean yeah, I-I mean heh, what?”
“Thanks!” Willow giggled again and went to work. Hunter watched as she carefully mapped out where to place her letters, making them bold and gentle, spacing and curling them as though her words themselves were vines.
He especially loved the way she scrunched her nose when she focused, trying to keep her glasses from sliding down the bridge of her nose.
“So what do you think?” She asked, gesturing to the booth as she went back to outline her words again to ensure they could be read from a distance.
“Impressive,” he mused, admiring her attention to detail. “So what’s all this for, anyway?” Hunter asked, only knowing Willow had a secret project that had kept her busy the last week after practice. She was obviously excited about it, which he was happy to see, but it meant he saw less of her which he was less happy about.
“I’m doing a little fundraiser for the Entrails, to help us get the new uniforms sooner!” She said as she successfully completed her last letter with a flourish.
“Excellent initiative captain, but why here and not in the demon realm?” Hunter asked as he helped her pick up the sign steady it as she hammered in the nail. Magic would be faster, but there was too high a chance they’d be spotted. Willow held back a smile when she observed he didn’t even have to ask if she needed help (it was more a benefit of his height than her need for extra strength), he was just a natural team player.
“This time of year people pay alot of snai- dollars? for seasonal themed items. Plus the conversation rate favors human realm money right now so I can make double!”
As the sign was hung, Willow noticed he was wearing the mittens she had made for him. She was not a gifted knitter but Luz had shown her a video of a girl teaching how to make mittens that looked like cardinals and Willow knew there was no one more deserving. Her creation was lopsided and the mittens were not the same sizes but Hunter wore them with care (he had to, they were at constant risk for unraveling) and pride. She knew he wasn’t wearing them for her sake to try and spare her feelings, but he considered them treasures. So often he’d forget to put on his coat or other appropriate weather attire but the mittens were never forgotten.
“Very smart,” said Hunter, impressed. “So what are you selling? I’m assuming the current temperature isn’t ideal for lemonade.”
“Yeah, it’s not ideal,” she giggled. “No, I’m selling mistletoe kisses.”
“I see, so do you need any- wait…” her words finally caught up with him, and his ears visibly perked as they did. “D-did you say mistletoe… kisses?”
“Uh-huh,” said Willow with a nod as she organized things behind her little counter. “They’re very popular this time of year.”
Hunter cleared his throat as he read the sign and confirmed he had not misheard her. “A-and you’re only charging $10 for them?”
“Yeah, but I only have 30 so it’s first come, first serve.” She replied, as she casually applied lip balm to her chapped lips, the cold beginning to make her whole face feel dry. Hunter couldn’t help but notice the subtle gloss it added to her lips which she had decorated with a seasonally appropriate red pigment that seemed to momentarily hypnotize the poor boy beside her.
“Right, right,” said Hunter, trying to hide the lump in his throat. “I uh I-I have to grab something from Camila’s and I’ll be right back to help you finish setting up okay?”
“Sounds good!” She said. “But if you-.”
But before she could finish, he had already teleported away. Whatever he needed was clearly urgent.
“Hey Willow!” She heard Hunter grunt from behind her as she cleaned her glasses, she could tell by the strain he was carrying something. She wasn’t surprised; Hunter loved a good project. Clover nudged her, teasing her about the small blush that hearing him say her name inspired, and she shooed the pesty paliman away before greeting her friend’s return.
“Welcome back!” She called as she removed the final smudge.
“Sold any yet?”
“Not yet, but I just opened!” She said as she placed her golden frames back on her face.
“Well then, let me be your first customer!”
“Awh Hunter that’s so sweet of you, but you’re on the team too so the money-.”
But as Willow turned to see him, she was cut off by Hunter placing a comically huge sack of coins on the table that rang with an equally large clunk. She looked down at it for a moment and then back up at the boy who had brought them, whose face did not signify it was part of a joke or anything out of the ordinary. She removed her glasses and wiped them once more just to be sure she wasn’t seeing things.
But it was no illusion or trick of the light.
“Uh, Hunter,” she started gently. “Where exactly did you get all this money?”
“Uh, ya know… places.” He cleared his throat, the adrenaline and confusion began to fade as he realIzed how not completely sane he appeared. “I just thought, well, it’s uh kind of cold out here so I worried about you being outside too long just in case the foot traffic was slow and uh… ya know, heh.”
Willow didn’t have to count the collection of change to know it was more than enough for her entire supply, and she knew that Hunter did not do things halfway. If he brought enough for the whole lot well then that’s what he intended to leave with.
“Well okay then,” she chuckled, happy for an excuse to close up early and spend the day with him. “Do you want them all at once?”
“I… ya know, whatever’s easiet for you,” he said, as everything in him tried to keep his voice steady. “I mean, a-all at once works fine for me? It’s great, perfect even! Heh.”
“Do you know where you wanna put them?”
“Uhh where-wherever you think best is fine,” he replied, his voice involuntarily getting higher. He could feel his palms getting sweatier, threatening to send him to the ground as he attempted to casually lean on her table. He quickly moved his hands to his coat pockets. He suddenly felt so warm the coat felt redundant. “Y-you’re the expert after all.”
“Fair enough,” she giggled again as she disappeared for a moment under her makeshift counter. Was she giggling more than usual or was he just paranoid? “Are you gonna need help carrying them?”
“Oh, ya know I… I’m not sure what you mean, actually?”
“I mean, I was keeping them in their own little bags in these boxes but if we each carry one we can get them to your house at the same time,” explained Willow as she brought out a large festive box containing her carefully crafted creations. “I just didn’t know if you were keeping them at Camila’s or Darius’.”
Hunter's eyes widened and darted from the box to her and back to the box again as his mind connected the dots he didn’t realize were there.
“Oh… yeah,” he said, trying to hide his disappointment and embarrassment. “Right, yeah putting the mistletoe I uh I was actually thinking of giving them to… Hooty! Because I mean since he likes them as snacks.”
“You were gonna spend $300 on mistletoe to give to… Hooty?”
“Yes?” Hunter replied, not even believing himself.
“Hmmm,” Willow smiled, growing suspicious. “That’s so sweet; I didn’t realize you two were so close.”
“Oh yeah uh we’re uh, we’re buds,” he said, repeating a word he had only really heard Gus use. That only deepened Willow’s suspicions. She looked at him closer, noticing how flushed he looked now. She knew this look; it was the same way he looked when he tried speaking Spanish and Camila gently corrected him to reveal what he had actually said was completely different or when they had gone ice skating and he has tried showing off and fell on his face trying to do a complex jump he had seen on Luz’s old laptop.
He was embarrassed. But if it was about what she thought it was, then he had no reason to be.
“Hunter, when I said I was selling mistletoe kisses did you think I meant actual kisses?” She asked with a delighted mischievous little smile. He knew that Willow had been elated to learn about how much this human holiday celebrated plants and then the horror that had overtaken her when she learned what mistletoe actually was. He had been her research assistant as she figured out how to cross pollinate it with holly so it was no longer poisonous and lasted longer without water.
He also only just now remembered that she had dubbed the marvel “mistletoe kisses” because that’s what she had originally thought they were called and decided the rebranding was very cute. Hunter sighed, how could he have forgotten that? He remembered thinking her nickname for them was insanely cute. But then again, everything Willow did was cute. Even now as he wished to vanish from the surface of the earth he couldn’t help but think how overwhelmingly cute she looked as she awaited his response, unfazed and unbothered by the stunned expression he surely wore.
“I mean, I guess you could say that’s where my mind went at first…” Hunter said with a nervous chuckle, not realizing he had no reason to be embarrassed as he continued to speak faster and faster. “But now that I say it aloud I know that’s probably pretty silly, huh?”
“It’s not silly,” she assured him. No, silly was not the word that she would use here. Maybe adorable or idealistic or romantic, but it certainly did not make her feel silly.
“You really thought people would pay for a kiss from me?” Willow asked with a wide smile as she leaned forward to rest her chin on her palm. She didn’t say it as though it was a ludicrous thought to have, but rather a wonderful and romantic thought like when he said he first thought snow angels were the beings who made every snowflake unique.
He shrugged as his eyes tried to decide where to land as they sought to avoid her gaze as his mind raced to find the words that would make him seem less foolish. He mumbled something, hoping he seemed nonchalant. In his attempt, he didn’t see her face grow softer and more charmed as her understanding grew.
“And you were gonna buy all of them?” She asked, her tone mystified.
“Well, I i-it’s for a good cause!” He sputtered.
Willow sucked her teeth and mischievously marveled at the dork before her. He didn’t even question they were worth it, that her kisses could fund every expense the Entrails could ever hope to have. Her smile only grew as she examined the payment he had supplied.
“Did you rob a vending machine?” She asked with a cheeky grin and she picked up the heavy bag, which jingled like the bells that adorned her hair.
Hunter had heard that many humans collected coins, so every stray coin he found he collected. It wasn’t until Luz explained that only certain versions of certain coins were sought after that he realized his hobby had secured him a rather nice sum that he decided to save for a rainy day.
“Okay ya know what?” He decided to change the subject, lest she read what was to be read in his gesture. “Why don’t you keep the money and consider it like a donation because ya know also what if you need to make change? A-and as a member of the team I should really be contributing more anyway so it’s not-.” He stopped when he felt Willow’s lips press firmly to the side of his face.
He froze. She held his collar as her soft face lingered his, like she was preserving a secret smile like a badge of honor. She giggled as she pulled back and saw the stunned look on his face as his cheeks transformed into the same color as the lipstick stain she had left.
“Um, uh… heh,” Hunter struggled to find the words. “B-but I thought you weren’t-“
“That one’s on the house.” She said with a wink.
“Yeah, right o-okay,” he muttered as he hand hovered over the spot as though hoping to secure it there safely. “Thanks.”
It was just occurring to Hunter now that he had been so driven by the opportunity that not only did he not stop to consider if it was too good to be true but there was no way he’d be able to survive 30 kisses from Willow Park. But these thoughts did not cross his mind as he was emptying his numerous banks into the pillow case, he only knew he knew a good deal when he saw it. For a moment no thoughts crossed his mind as he felt like he was floating from the contact, like he was a log resting in the fire.
Willow took immense pride in his reaction, and wanted to know how he’d handle it 29 more times, if he’d become accustomed to it or if he’d get loopier and loopier.
“Ya know if you really did buy out all my real kisses, we’d be here kissing all day.” She said sweetly, snapping him out of his daze.
“Yeah I guess I didn’t think that through,” he gulped. That wasn’t totally true, he definitely had thought about it, he had just forgotten to factor in his confidence fading the moment he looked into her bright peridot eyes. The way hearing her voice and her airy laugh made his palms sweat and his heart melt like it was the snow that crushed beneath their feet. Yet none of that stopped him from thinking that the chances of having a kiss from Willow Park was worth it’s weight in gold. “ I guess I just got excited… about supporting the team!”
“Yeah,” breathed Willow. “Me too.”
Her mind raced to find something clever to say to reward his support:
“I’m actually running a two for one special so it looks like you bought 60 kisses.”
“Well since you paid in advance I guess we can just do daily installments until you’ve gotten your money’s worth.”
“Ya know before you commit to buying something you should always ask for a free sample.”
These were all things she knew would keep that dopey, confused grin on his face but might be just enough to make him find an excuse to leave and she certainly didn’t want that. Had she only known of his misunderstanding right away, she would have gone along with it free of charge and covered his face in kiss marks. She wanted him to know so instead she said:
“Do you wanna sit with me?” Willow asked. “In case I need help making change? You’re a bit better with human money than I am.”
It wasn’t totally true, they were equally bad but at least Hunter tried to pay for things correctly whereas Willow was more inclined to “guesstimate.”
“Yeah,” she said, pulling out another stool. “Hooty really shouldn’t be eating so many anyway, they’re like pure sugar to him.”
“You’re probably right,” he chuckled, taking a seat. He didn’t think too much about whether or not she truly believed his intentions for the mistletoe, he was just relieved she didn’t declare him a total fool. And he wasn’t opposed to the opportunity to spend the afternoon with her. “Do you want some hot chocolate? Camila packed me a thermos before I left, it’s still warm.”
“Oh, with marshmallows? Yes please.” Willow said as Hunter carefully poured her a capful, as he set hers on the table to pour himself one, Willow couldn’t help but marvel at the adorable way he stuck his tongue to the side as he focused on not spilling a single drop. Seeing her lipstick mark still intact and on proud display made her feel warm, and from the corner of her eye she could see the packaged mistletoe expanding in her excitement as they each became adorned with a small poinsettia.
“Oh, Captain are you cold?” Said Hunter, mistaking the red across her nose as something from the elements. “Here, lemme fix your scarf.”
He reached out and tightened her striped green scarf, making a simple knot in the front, and then carefully fluffed out her ponytails so it wouldn’t be trapped inside and get frizzy. He secretly loved the way her hair held the fallen snowflakes, like a miniature night sky full of stars. He did have the opportunity to be flustered at the close proximity, having given himself a mission, so that role now fell to Willow whose face held the red hue even tighter now as her glasses fogged up for a unknown reason Hunter did not question.
He was so sweet. He was sweet and caring and dorky and cute and just so many little things that made her heart feel like it was overflowing. Willow had suspected for awhile that he felt a similar way about her but sometimes she felt like they couldn’t be direct at the same time, like they took turns being shy. But now that she knew he welcomed her kisses she wanted nothing more than to deliver them in bulk.
“Thanks,” she said as he finished, feeling more snug now. She kicked her legs as they dangled above the ground, inching her seat closer to his as he fished his hat from his jacket’s inside pocket. Willow reached over to assist with hiding his ears beneath the hand stitched red wool as an excuse to prolong their closeness. She couldn’t help but wonder if the red hat had been selected to match the mittens she had gifted him.
“You too,” he said as his own blush reappeared. The snow was falling more gently now but Willow remained close as though she was expecting a storm. They shared the same thought, that the cold would be a perfect excuse for Hunter to drape his arm around her under the guise of sharing their warmth. Willow tilted her head ever so slightly and leaned against his arm so he could do so with ease, in case he questioned if the gesture was welcomed.
“You don’t have to stay the whole time if you’re too cold,” she said softly, nuzzling into his sleeve as she happily sipped her cocoa.
He had cleared his schedule the moment he knew of Willow’s fundraising efforts, and even though this wasn’t exactly how he thought his afternoon would be filled Hunter had no complaints. His arm slowly moved behind her back and hovered over her shoulder, trying to decide if it was too soon as he knew once he accepted that comfort he would be there until the early darkness forced them to pack up. His mind once again raced, trying to decide how they’d return to their comfy pose when a customer arrived and he felt guilty for hoping they’d remain unbothered. If worse came to worse, they had his funds to rely on and despite Willow’s protest Hunter felt it was more than worth the expense.
He felt his arm safely land on her shoulder and from the corner of his eye he saw those last few inches had been closed by the assistance of a small vine. It took little wondering to know where that had come from.
“I think I’ll be okay,” he said softly, sipping his own drink as his head fell onto hers as they watched the snow fall together. “It’s pretty nice out actually. I don’t mind staying if you don’t mind the company.”
“Perfect,” she said. “But don’t think I won’t put you to work when a customer comes up.”
“Of course, Captain,” he assured her, his arm becoming less tense across her shoulders. “I wouldn’t expect anything less, I’m happy to help with whatever you need.”
“Good,” she said. “Because lll need you to help me demonstrate how they work.”
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platinumgigi · 6 months
you know, in light of the Great James Somerton Callout Double Feature™ recently, it made me think back to when i used to watch James' videos. i wasn't an avid fan and never watched his streams or anything so i couldn't have any inkling of the plagiarism on my own, but this all now reminded me of one instance where he made a point of something in one of his videos that was so blatantly wrong, it made me wonder "wait...did you even watch the thing you're talking about?"
and that was with his video on the Owl House, because i believe there was a bit near-ish to the end where he's talking about the open queer representation in TOH, and at the time the video came out the show itself hadn't concluded yet, but he mentioned alongside the not only very canon Lumity as representation the show had to offer, he also mentioned...that the show was hinting at there being a potential romantic relation between Hunter and Gus????
and that had grabbed my attention and made me confused, because...no?? did we watch the same show??? cause if you've watched the Owl House not only would you know that Hunter was 16 and Gus was 12, which is really stretching it in terms of acceptable age gaps, but also...their relationship was not like that, and didn't have any sort of romantic subtext to try and grasp at. the way they hung out and interacted was much more of a "dudes being bros" way (silly headbump handshake, comforting each other in their insecurities and what people saw them as "weak" for), and i'm pretty sure even at the time the episode came out where Gus and Hunter officially became friends, Hunter was already showing signs of crushing on Willow???
so, in retrospect, it now occurs to me that the reason James mentioned that was not because he had simply misinterpreted Gus and Hunter's interactions and the shows intentions for them in the future, but it was deliberately James grasping at straws to shoehorn in some kind of MLM representation into the show where there wasn't any. and while, yeah, in an openly queer show, still not seeing yourself represented kinda sucks, but James Somerton is clearly a person who doesn't value anything in the LGBTQ+ community other than the G. he thinks being a gay man (especially a cis white gay man) is the only real way of being queer, or at least the most "oppressed" type of queer, probably because news media only ever gave significant attention to the deaths of cis white gay men during the AIDS crisis, and that is pretty much James' only point of reference in "historical events that happened to queer people" because god knows he didn't care enough to research and write on his own, let alone research and write about queer history involving queer people who weren't cis white gay men like him.
and it's especially shitty that he that he tries to force this idea of Hunter and Gus having romantic subtext right after he talks about Luz and Amity's relationship. i'm personally not the biggest fan of Lumity within the story of the Owl House, but the representation is really great, especially for something in a disney cartoon. so him trying to then detract all the sapphic representation that Lumity provided and even built the show upon with an MLM relationship that not only is weird in context but also never even happened?? the AUDACITY.
and what gets me even more is that, by the end of the show, while Hunter does end up in a relationship with Willow, it's not a straight relationship. it was confirmed by the show's creator Dana Terrace after it concluded that Hunter is bisexual and Willow is pansexual, and while yeah, real shame that there wasn't any actual expression of those facts during the show's runtime, it's still nice to know that they're queer, and thus their relationship is queer. it's also great to have a canon bi/pan couple when there's STILL an immense infighting problem between bi and pan people thinking that one of the sexualities is trying to erase the other due to their similar (but not same) definitions. so having them not only coexist but also be in love is great!
but you just know, you just KNOW, that even if James' video was made after the show's official conclusion, he would probably either:
A: ignore Hunter and Willow's relationship and try to play on plausible deniability that they're just friends since they never had any great romantic gestures like Lumity's confession and many kisses
B: make a shitty argument out of it that the Owl House "could have gone leaps and bounds further with their representation, but Disney was so homophobic that Hunter couldn't possibly get to also be gay, so he had to end up with a woman :("
and while i think both are probably just as possible as each other, my money would be on option B, because god damn it this man can't praise a piece of queer media if it doesn't somewhat center around or involve gay men, and leave it to James Somerton to try and project himself onto the white teenage boy and think that if he were gay, that'd somehow make the story better.
this man actively hates women, especially queer women whom he loves to pretend are actually straight women, and if he had the chance would still do everything he can to try and make a queer relationship between a man and a woman into some woeful narrative of "what could have been" if they just made the man gay.
god, from this singular moment alone where i had a very questionable opinion of James, the knowledge i have now completely recontextualizes everything. this guy is a plagiarist, a misogynist, but most of all, an internalized homophobe who replaces the word "gay" in the content he steals from with "LGBTQ+" and "queer" because he actually *would* just like to use the word gay, but if he did it would make it more obvious that he's plagiarizing, so he instead makes "queer" and "LGBTQ+" be synonymous with gay to make it look like he's actually being inclusive.
and i don't really remember much about his video about Korra, i don't know if i even watched it, so the only frame of reference that i have is what Hbomberguy said about it in his video, and i frankly do not want to go and give James anymore views he has not earned and will never deserve, but i think he did a similar thing in trying to grasp at straws with a potential queer relationship between Mako and some guy who i don't remember (i really didn't watch much of Korra sorry) but that also kind of was not the case of their relationship at all either, from what i've heard. at most it was just people shipping them, especially since the footage James Somerton used in his video was from a fucking ship AMV and not even from any of the high resolution episodes. so again it seems like there's an instance of James trying to shove in an MLM relationship that doesn't exist in a show whose lead representation is a WLW couple.
again i could be wrong, and correct me if i am, but unless there's a convenient re-upload of that entire video on another channel or even another video website, i'm not going to give James' channel any more attention than it unrightfully has.
fuck this guy.
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inannasdream · 2 months
i think the reason why i gravitate towards belos on a deeper level a lot more than any of the other characters in toh is bc my preference in characters and stories is in how they are affected by institutions and the messiness that results from understandable character flaws exacerbated by those institutions, whether they are the oppressed or are enabled to become the oppressor. belos is a mix of both in a way that i like — it's possible to read him as nd & left handed (both heavily stigmatized in his day and society) yet both are possible to hide. in the demon realm he yet again had a trait that made him a possible outcast, as he was a lowly human, yet he transformed himself into a magic user through painful mutilation of his skin all so that he could conform to that society, even when it was one he couldn't stand. his conformity in the demon realm supports the idea of him having to conform in the human realm. but because he was enabled for being a white man in the human realm and could reasonably hide anything that made him a nail to be hammered down, he clung to that power and dominion over others that it gave him for the rest of his life like a security blanket, represented literally with him lording his magical prowess over other witches and demons. it's a lot of layers that i think are very fun and i'm 90% sure are unintentional when put together into this cohesive of a picture for reasons i will state later.
compare that against almost every other character in toh (w maybe the exception of darius??) — every good guy has flaws that can reasonably be blamed on other people as a freudian excuse or that are downplayed by the narrative (eg. amity going from an active bully in her debut to a passive enabler of bullying in understanding willow). there's a dire lack of messiness in them all, from their appearance (all the witch kids could easily be mistaken for humans, fairly good looking ones at that, if it weren't for the ears), to how they deal with pain, etc. it gave me the impression that they really wanted only the villain to be allowed to be messy and ugly because those are traits for villains, when i think it's a lot nicer to see stigmatized traits (ugliness, childishness, hallucinations, mental illness, etc) in everyone. i really wanted the heroes to get in on that kind of action too.
another thing that drew me away from connecting with and trying to deeply understand most of the characters in toh is the lack of meaningful bigotry on the isles. i'm not criticizing the race-, queer-, and gender-blindness of the demon realm on an objective level bc the writers wanted to accomplish a v specific thing w that bit of world building and that's ok and it's a wonderful aspiration for usamerica. it's ok if it's not for Me and the world can't have a million yasuda sayos (i say with difficulty through tears). but because there is a lack of bigotry in what's supposed to be an oppressive society and there's no highlighted underclass in its place (covenless witches should theoretically be the underclass, but the show tends to undermine this aspect of its society, eg. letting wild witches like eda and luz roam perfectly free and having the government-funded school allow witches to study multiple covens without pushback from said government funding them), it becomes just another part of the show that makes it so much more squeaky clean and made me disinterested in a lot of the characters — i connect so much better with characters when i feel their pain and struggle against a world that can't find it in itself to care about them, witnessing all the ways they try to fight for their right to be happy frantically and imperfectly, and that is what makes their happiness so meaningful to me and makes me care abt them deeply.
contrast that w belos: i really love that he came from a society infamous for its conservatism and religious extremism grounded in the real world, and it's so thought provoking for me to think abt the layers of that society and how he interacted with it. which parts he rejected, conformed to, wanted to conform to, etc. that's a challenging character to understand (and then, after having fully understood them, condemn with so much more feeling) and i adore the idea of that being intentional if it wasn't for the fact that almost every other character in toh is boringly easy to understand because they lack enough material in the layers that can make them feel like real, messy people to challenge the viewer in a meaningful way. (side note: a lot of the layers created simply by belos being from colonial connecticut also disappear if you're solely looking at his background based on the text in the show, bc you're expected to fill in the gaps with, like, wikipedia basically lol. similar thing w luz where they show very little of her being bullied/outcasted bc of her adhd and you're mostly supposed to fill that in w your own experience & irl knowledge of adhd.) it results in the show being weirdly liberal about the bigotry/lack of bigotry certain characters have and only being able to halfheartedly say "idk some people are just evil i guess", instead of examining the material conditions that shape people to act the way they do. Bigot Phil vs Weirdgirl Luz could've been "these characters are shaped by their circumstances and have been encouraged to respectively become their worst/best selves through ideals instilled in them" but instead it's "some people are bad and we won't attempt to look at what made them 'bad' in the first place" and then pretending this is a groundbreaking message and not the laziest takeaway they could've possibly written.
basically i like my characters messy with hearts that you have to go out of your way to understand and sympathize with who come from understandable circumstances and i think all girls should be allowed to kill freely. i hope you can understand my position.
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mayandjuly1811 · 6 months
1. First impressions:
Raeda has the most amicable meeting. About Lumity, Amity shook Luz's collar and almost got Principal Bump dissect her. It stems from misunderstanding, because Amity doesn't know Luz is human but a strange non-Abomination that Willow used to cheat. About Huntlow, Willow seems to be violent for no reasons at all. Hunter disguises as a Hexside student so to Willow, he's just a student that she doesn't know. He's not a threat at all. Yet she summons the vines to wrap him tightly and drags him down the ground so hard that the asphalt gets damaged. Treating strangers like this is not fine and out of character for Willow.
Also, when Hunter is about to leave again, Willow drags him down the ground and takes him to the field without asking his permission. This crosses boundaries a lot. In comparison, even though Amity sees Hunter as an enemy in Eclipse Lake, she just simply uses Abomination magic to capture him, not dragging him down violently like Willow.
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2. Understanding:
Raine and Eda have a genuine common interest in music, magic (Eda is interested in wild magic and Raine supports her). Luz and Amity are both interested in Azura, the idea of being not enough for anyone, the idea of being accepted and loved for who they really are. Amity is also interested in Luz's glyph magic and she learns to draw it many times. 
About Huntlow, I don't see any common between them besides flyer derby. The whole “Half a Witch” is forced. Half a witch means a witch who is not powerful enough. Willow is a powerful Plant witch, her fathers just didn't realize her real magic talent and put her into Abomination track, which isn't her forte. If you're only good at Maths, but not Chemistry, does it make you unintelligent overall? Of course not. 
About Hunter, first off, he is not even a witch. He's a Grimwalker with no bile sack, his pointed ears were adjusted to look like witches’. Also, he's skillful at using magic staffs so no one sees him as powerless. He's the elite Golden Guard, one of the most powerful figures under Belos. No one dares to call him half a witch, even if they do think he's weak. And how he quickly recognizes the illusion of Willow in S2ep18 is unrealistic. How come Gus, Willow's long-term friend can't figure out before Hunter? The fact that Willow seems to be scared of Hunter is understandable. Last time, he literally locked her and her friends up, then kidnapped them, he also worked for Belos. Who knows if he's gonna do the same?
Hunter and Willow know little about each other. It's one sided. Hunter knows Willow is a strong and independent person, a caring and selfless girl. But Willow knows too little about Hunter compared with Luz, Gus and Amity. They never have a serious talk about Hunter's trauma caused by Belos, only a short scene of Willow cutting his hair. In Thanks to Them, Hunter has a deeper conversation with Luz and Gus than with Willow. With Willow, he just blushes even though nothing happens. Gus and Hunter's bond makes more sense than Huntlow to be honest. They both like Flyer Derby, they both like Cosmic Frontier, Gus knew about Hunter's being Grimwalker and his conflict with Belos, Hunter comforted Gus when he felt sad in Labyrinth Runner and when he missed his Dad. Hunter's screentime with Gus is even more than with Willow. Their platonic bond is stronger than Huntlow's forced romantic one.
Feeling development.
The way Willow and Hunter like each other is too rushed and unexpected. Starting with Hunter, he met Willow only one time in ASIAS and started to have a crush on her? He only met her once directly and already blushed? And Willow, she treats Hunter the same way she treats everyone. Only until Hunter has power and saves her does she fall for him. It's so rushed all of the sudden. Some people say they live together in Luz's house for months so they have feelings for each other. But there are no bonding moments between them besides the cutting hair scene. Even though the show is cut short, from Willow's scrapbook, she and Hunter don't have any bonding moments between the two of them.
It's one sided again. Hunter is understanding and sympathetic towards Willow. Meanwhile, how Willow tries to comfort him is questionable. He just lost Flapjack and Willow isn't understanding at all. She gives him the Flapjack picture, causing him to feel grieving again. He's been struggling to hold back his grief to focus on helping others. This backfires really back. She should have waited until Hunter brought things up about Flapjack first, just like Gus. He knows Hunter is a Grimwalker since the Day of Unity, but he doesn't bring anything up first and waits until Hunter says it first. He thinks about Hunter's emotions after being traumatized by Belos 
Also, when Hunter looks upset, Willow should have stayed to continue to comfort him?! Instead, she acts like she's the one who is hurting and leaves. Imagine you're feeling sad, someone tries to comfort you. You haven't felt better since you need time, they feel sad and leave you. Now you feel guilty because you can't be happy to make them happy. This is making things worse. Hunter can't even make himself feel calmer after Flapjack's death, yet now he'll feel guilty because his own sadness and grief makes Willow feel sad! Also, when Hunter calls out, she keeps walking and ignoring him. 
In conclusion, Willow and Hunter are better off as friends. They don't have any romantic chemistry or deep understanding. The ship is so forced and rushed.
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theprinceandthewitch · 8 months
I like how people use Hunter's reaction to the "bad but sad boy" comment as evidence for him secretly hating Luz or something... Even though HP showed us Hunter actually gives a shit about what Luz thinks of him and in HM he's trying really hard to impress her... bc ya know, he cares about her opinion of him.
Also, Hunter caring about Luz's opinion of him is the very reason why she's written out of Eclipse Lake and ASIAS. He would have folded like a lawn chair if she was there. Like this kid really doesnt give a shit about what the other kids think of him - besides Luz lmao
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lizard-dumbass · 1 year
Alright so the TOH brainrot has come back in full force after the finale came out so now i too am making one of them lists of things that i liked/stuck out to me. Also sorry if this ends up just being a bunch of incoherent nonsense
HOLY SHIT TITAN!LUZ. the design is so cool what more can i say. Furthermore,
HOLY FUCK LUZ DIED????? i was so not expecting that and good lord was it heartbreaking. Eda and King's reaction to Luz's death were also heartbreaking, and so was the Collector finally realizing what death really is. And oh my god puppet!Camila crying as the balls of light pass by her, showing us that she has had the realization that her daughter died. After the grief and trauma of losing Manny, Camila and Luz had a heart to heart which made their bond stronger than ever, only for Camila to lose Luz aswell.
THE BOILING ISLES IS BIGENDER BABY! i honestly love the titan so much now. His bad girl coven t-shirt and glyph pants and dad-bod are absolutely everything. (Also what's with the little hooty worm sticking out of her eye socket??)
The goddamn bread pun 😭 that warms my heart so much
The raeda in this episode was IMMACULATE. I was really hoping for a kiss but i'm still happy with what WAD gave us. The loving stares, Raine's absolute joy when Eda and Titan!Luz came to their rescue in the throne room, the hugs and nuzzles, the cuddling in their new nest, etc. They seem so relaxed and happy at the end. The world has been saved and now they can finally live their lives together and rekindle their relationship. Oh and how could i forget the EARRING SWAP!! they're wearing eachother's earrings!!! I've seen quite a few ppl interpreting the exchanging of earrings/jewelry as a marriage custom in the demon realm, implying that Eda and Raine are married in the timeskip. I never cared much for the idea of raeda getting married but you know what? I like this headcanon.
Raine whistling raine's rhapsody/eda's reqiuem.
Hunter is a palisman carver! And he has a new palisman! Apparently the little blue jay's name is Waffles and that's just adorable.
Raine also has a palisman now and it's a little fox! I wonder what their name is though.
The entire hexsquad has matching Flapjack tattoos! Also Flapjack's grave, that gave me so many feels. But im so happy to see how Hunter has healed!
Harpy Lilith!
Eda is the principal of a school now?
Eda's hook arm! Also just everyone's new outfits/appearances in general. I love Raine's fully white hair and their scars and their outfit just oozes gender. I love Luz's outfit and punk eyeliner. I love Amity's hairstyle. I love how Lilith kept her short ginger hairstyle. I love Gus's new hair and his little beard. I love Willow's shorter hair and sporty outfit. Mattholomule has a real mustache now!
Fuck yeah they figured out how to remove sigils so now the BI residents can do magic like the Titan really intended!
Aladarius canon??
Everyone reuniting with their dads. Amity running to Alador whilst Odalia just stands at the side with an annoyed face. Fucking priceless. Willow's dads kissed on screen! Hunter thinking no one would be there for him only for Darius and Eberwolf to show up and accept him into their family. my heart 😭❤️
Eda and Camila finally got to meet!
Luz reuniting with King and Eda made me sob so unbelievably hard.
Luz and Vee graduated together!
Luz goes to college in the demon realm!
I thought she was giving all her Azura stuff away at first but i think she's actually bringing it all with her to college.
I love everything about Luz's quinceañera (or should i say KING-ceañera)
I love the very last part where every character we've come to know and love over these 3 wonderful years (except Odalia lmfao) say "Byeee!" to the audience. What a perfect way to end this series.
I think that's it lol i have so many thoughts
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loosescrewslefty · 2 years
Important question: What do you think all the Hexsquad's love languages are? You seem like the kind of person who could answer this question well.
Going to phrase this answer into two parts for each character; First covering the way that they SHOW love, and then by their preferred method of RECEIVING love.
Luz: Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch
In terms of showing love, Luz SHOWERS the people with compliments, praise, admiration, and encouragement. She is determined to make sure that everyone knows how amazing her loved ones are, especially her loved ones themselves. Even when she can't talk properly, she still tries to find ways to tell the people she loves that she adores them.
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But when is comes to receiving love, Luz prefers that her loved ones show, rather than tell her. Hand holding, embracing, kissing, physical touch is something Luz CRAVES from her partner, and she is always her happiest when she gets it.
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Amity: Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation
Amity is a very goal oriented person, and when she loves someone she becomes hell bound on making sure that THEIR goals come to fruition too. She is determined to prove her love by helping the ones she cares for, sometimes even to the point of overstepping, because in Amity's mind helping someone accomplish things is the best way to show you love them.
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When receiving love, however, Amity is a sucker for Words of Affirmation. She didn't get compliments or verbal affection much from the places where it most mattered growing up, so hearing someone tell her that they love her, that they appreciate the things she does, and that they still love her even when she fails or messes up, makes Amity an absolutely giddy mess, as we clearly saw when Amity was told that Luz thinks she is "Cool, Classy, and Smart"
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Willow: Quality Time, both ways.
Willow likes to give and receive love the same way; through spending time with one another, making happy memories together, having meaningful talks, and shows of support and comfort. That why, to Willow, it doesn't matter when things go wrong or plans don't work out so long as the people she loves most are there with her on the journey, and they can look back at those moments later together. Willow is at her most miserable when she is all alone, or when those around her won't listen to her, and really appreciates being treated like her presence is important to her partner. She likes to know that they will take the time and effort to include her in moments of their lives, no matter how big or small, because she is important to them and they want her there, and she in turn goes out of her way to make sure that the people she loves know that she always has time for them, no matter what.
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Gus: Acts of Service, both ways
Much like Amity, Gus believes that the best way he can show that he loves the people in his life is to prove himself useful to them, and much like Amity not being able to be useful to the people he loves makes him feel frustrated and depressed.
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But Gus has deep seated anxiety about being used/lied to that make it hard for him to trust that people are being honest to him, and often feels stressed that others expect him to do or know more, since he is so advanced for his age. So having others who see him struggling and stop and take the time to help him back up is something he cherishes deeply.
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Hunter: Gifts, Quality Time
Hunter has long been taught that actions mean very little, if they do not get results. So, for Hunter, the best way he thinks he can show his love is to give the people he cares about things that they want. It doesn't matter how he gets them, as long as he can give them something that'll make them happy. We saw this early in his determination to give Belos the Selkiedomus, Palismen, or the Portal Key. We saw this in Hunter's determination to win the Flyer Derby match for his teammates, and then protecting them from Darius. And then again, when he helped save Gus from Adrian. His intention is typically less about providing aid like you see with acts of support, and more about making sure that the people he cares for receive whatever they want, gift wrapped with a ribbon on top.
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But when it comes to receiving love, Hunter most appreciates Quality Time. His entire life, Hunter has been made to feel replaceable, ignored, or unwanted. Being around people who not only want to be around him, but even PRIORITIZE him in their lives and enjoy doing silly nonsense with him means more to Hunter than words could possibly express.
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chaoticnebu · 1 year
I want to know more about your palistrom au Hunter. Anything. Everything. When does it start happening to him? Did any other Grimwalkers experience this? Was there an event or exposure that triggered the tree growth? (Palisman blood perhaps? Belos needs to be more careful when he eats those things.)
What kind of jokes does Gus tease Hunter with? Does Willow use plant magic on him? Does Hunter find it ticklish if/when she does? What do palistrom tree flowers look like and would Hunter give them to the Captain?
Did Belos use Hunter's condition to advance his 'evils of wild magic' narrative? Does Dell have a professional opinion on Hunter's condition? Does Eda have an unprofessional opinion? Has Flapjack ever tried to build a nest against the twigs on Hunter's head? Just how hard is it to find clothes/uniforms for Hunter and does Darius help out with modifications?
The people have a right to know!
cracks my knuckles and hits that readmore because there’s a lot to write
(( CW for a sketch with blood and bruising + mention of fantasy SH ))
so! I imagined multiple instances where the palistrom mutation happens (aus of the au, if you will.) the main one happens at the end of season 2/during season 3 BECAUSE of the Draining Spell
I always thought that grimwalkers are 100% living beings with the same organs and tissues as other demons and witches (minus a magic bile sac in Hunter's case because he originated from a human) because the various ingredients for making grimwalkers simply transform into living organs and tissues. the Galdorstone becomes a real heart, the one bone of Ortet turns into a whole skeleton, the palistrom wood turns into skin, hair and nails, and so on.
BUT the Draining Spell, due to its nature as a magic nullifier, made the Grimwalker Spell on Hunter regress
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their blood turned to green magic (the same of palismen)
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and the skin of his right arm, scar tissue and right shoulder turned into blue bark
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had the draining spell run its course they would've probably turned into a plant monstrosity :) (i also tried to imagine his heart going back to its galdorstone state, but that would’ve probably been excruciating if not lethal, so idk if it would work at all)
having the Draining Spell been stopped in time, though, the mutation happens slowly and only after Hunter and the rest of Hexsquad have fled to the human realm. it takes about a month for the first palistrom leaves to sprout and before that, Hunter has only suffered a terrible itch (everyone thought it was just mosquito bites at first)
when branches finally start to grow and his arm looks less and less human, hunter realizes that hiding his nature as a grimwalker is impossible even with Luz’s help at that point and he leaves the noceda household during a panic attack (he just can’t stop running off into the woods) they eventually reunite and the grimwalker reveal happens WAY EARLIER than TTT (i like it to be a lot deeper conversation.) they also have to deal with Jacob (the museum asshole) being even more determined to catch and expose the kids after finding out that there's a tree boy with them
the second instance of the AU happens earlier, when Hunter is still the golden guard and the cause of the mutation is the Collector. star kid was feeling especially bitter towards Belos and they tried to mess up the grimwaler spell, which resulted into this one grimwalker to mutate at some point during season 2
this AU develops into two scenarios:
Belos tries to dispose of Hunter before Hollow Mind, but the kid flees thanks to Flapjack and finds shelter in Bat Queen’s cave, where she welcomes them as yet another lost thing despite all the harm he caused in the past. he ends up joining the BATS, attacking scouts who confiscate palismen to save them and made up for all those that died because he brought them to the Emperor
Belos decides to keep Hunter and tries to convince him that he was cursed with wild magic just like the Emperor, manipulating the kid into considering himself unworthy of love and acceptance, that his uncle is the only one who understands what it’s like. it takes Hunter A LOT MORE to distance himself from Belos and learn to trust Flapjack and Hexsquad. this is also the instance where Belos has to be more careful about feeding off palismen
So, about Willow! She totally can use plant magic on Hunter after the mutation manifests (limited to his right arm) but unlike healing magic, plant magic is a manipulating kind of energy that could make the bark grow even more and she would rather not try that. IF she tried i’d assume it would itch just like when the palistrom grows naturally
I never thought about palistrom flowers, i think that it might be a fun art challenge coming up with a design for them :) but Hunter would not give them to anyone because pulling them (like pulling leaves or snapping the branches) hurts like hell. a dark bit about Golden Guard Tree Boy if that he plucks leaves and flowers despite it hurting a lot just because he hopes to look "less wild" to the eyes of the Emperor
BUT a cute thing I like to imagine is that when the flowers bloom (around march/april like it happens to most plants) Hunter becomes especially affectionate!
Gus (and Luz!) totally pester him with tree puns! They never leaf him alone :)c ( /shot )
Dell… don’t know what kind of professional opinion he would have, but I like to think he’d be the one helping Hunter recovering after Belos’ possession (because it happens, it’s uglier than canon, and Hunter’s palistrom comes out of it burned and cracked)
Eda’s also very professional opinion is that she’s sorry she can’t stomp Belos MORE after hearing all that the poor kid has gone through
Flapjack totally tried to make a nest in his branches. Actually he still does because he’s very much alive in Palistrom AU :) He was just so badly damaged that he can’t fly anymore. Being beyond repair Hunter had to carve Waffles as a movement aid for them both and Flap gets to hang out with a silly little sister!
finding clothes with accomodations for Hunter's branches is literaly hell (i know it is because i never know how to draw them) so boy has to make his own. Camila helps with it a lot when the kids are in the Human Realm, while Darius helps when they're back to the Demon Realm :D
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