#Hawaii used car sales
autozillahawaii · 2 months
The Best Car Buying Sites for Finding Your Next Vehicle
Whether you're looking for a new car fresh off the assembly line or a reliable used vehicle, online car buying sites have made it easier than ever to research, find and purchase your next set of wheels from the comfort of your couch.
The leading car buying sites allow you to search through hundreds of thousands of new and used car listings from dealers across the country. You can filter your search by make, model, year, mileage, price range, location and more to narrow down the ideal vehicle for your needs. Many sites also provide detailed vehicle history reports, expert reviews, and pricing analytics to ensure you get a fair deal.
In addition to browsing inventory, these sites can be invaluable resources for the rest of the car buying process as well. You'll find research and advice on financing, warranties, insurance, maintenance costs and more. Some sites even allow you to get pre-approved for an auto loan or shop for insurance policies.
Once you've found the perfect car, truck or SUV, the Cars For Cash Hawaii make it easy to connect with dealers, arrange test drives, negotiate prices, apply for financing and complete the purchase -- either at the dealer or through the site itself if it facilitates remote transactions.
While they may seem similar on the surface, not all car buying sites are created equal. They can differ in inventory size, search filters, pricing tools, financing options, remote purchase capabilities and more. Doing your homework on the top sites can help you find the right vehicle at the right price with less hassle.
Some of the most popular car buying sites include Auto Zilla Hawaii, Cars.com, Edmunds, TrueCar, Kelley Blue Book, CarGurus and Autotrader. Each has its own unique strengths and features, so consider your specific needs to determine which site (or combination of sites) will serve you best on your next car purchase.
No matter which site you choose, online car buying platforms have made finding and purchasing a vehicle significantly easier in today's digital age. With powerful search tools, data-driven pricing insights, financing assistance and more at your fingertips, you're better equipped than ever to get the keys to your dream car at a fair price. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/
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imperfect777 · 4 months
It’s never too late to manifest your dream life. If you’re sitting around contemplating on life, stop. Stop messing around and get your desires. Live your dream life. Manifest the Car you’ve been wanting. Get your sp! Get that mansion you’ve been eyeing. Stop sitting around waiting for something to change and be the change. It all starts from within. You CAN have whatever you want. There’s nothing too big or too small. You can make the “ impossible “ possible l. There’s nothing out of your control. Everything you want, wants you 10x more. Stop sitting around feeling sorry for yourself hoping things will work out, while still living in your undesired state. Do whatever you have to do to get in the wish fulfilled and stay there. Oh you fell out of the wish fulfilled ? So what get back in it. There’s nothing or anyone holding you back or keeping you down but YOU. Stop sitting around wishing you could have this and wishing things could’ve been this way, You wanna know why they aren’t ? BECAUSE OF YOU. NOBODY BUT YOU. Feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to get you that job, Or those shoes, or that car, Or that trip to Hawaii, Or your sp back. Everything and Everyone had to follow your rules. You want that house right ? “ but it’s already sold “ so ? lol. What does that mean ? There’s over hundreds of houses that person doesn’t even like that house anymore, They’re moving right now as we speak that house is YOURS! You want your sp back ? “ But he has a new girlfriend ): “ ( This applies to any and everyone i’m just using he as of right now ) . aww that’s cute. Anyways, They’ve broken up because they’re not meant for each other because your sp is meant for you and you only, and the girl ( or boy ) has found they’re soulmate and they’re now in a happy relationship, which isn’t with your sp because, your sp is attracted to you and you only, Your sp doesn’t want a relationship with anyone but you. They’re personalities clash because your the only person that’s understands sp and that’s one of the many reasons they love and cherish you. You want that car right ? “ I can’t afford it right now “. Anything is possible, you would win it in a raffle, It could go on sale for 1 cent or a dollar, Someone could gift it to you, You can win it in a giveaway or contest. Anything could happen, Or if you could win $1,000,000 on the lottery and the car is $100,000. Now you have a car and over $800,000. ( Yes you can manifest them not taking taxes off your winning ). You want that new pool right ? “ But my parents said I can’t get one “ is this your reality or theirs ? ( don’t say that to your parents though 😭 ) EIYPO. So what they said that, You said you have a new pool so now you have one. Whatever everyone else thinks or says doesn’t matter. It’s yours. Oh look .. a random truck just pulled in your yard. Wait the they’re delivering a .. NEW POOL. With all that being said. Get whatever you want. Start the year off right ( it’s still the beginning of the year technically 😭 ). You can have what you want, Do what you want, Go where you want, Be who you want. Live your dream life, STOP SEARCHING AND START APPLY, STOP SEEKING ( checking the 3D, looking and hoping for results ) AND START KNOWING. IT’S ALREADY YOURS GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD. And calm down, idc about how long you have until this and that. Time isn’t real. Calm down the clock isn’t ticking. Your sp isn’t going anywhere, That house or those shoes or that car won’t be growing legs and walking away. You’ve got all the time in the world.
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Pickleball. Generative AI. Lula takes office in Brazil, Amazon Rainforest throws a party. Prince Harry refusing to stop talking about his frozen penis no matter how many times society begged him to stop. UFOs are real. Viral cat dubbed ‘largest cat anyone has ever seen’ gets adopted. Pee-Wee’s big adventure ends. Musk & X. Turkey-Syria earthquake kills thousands. India surpasses China as ‘country squeezing in the most peeps’. Tucker Carlson ousted. Miss USA and her 30 lbs moon costume. Wildfires in Kelowna and Hawaii. Macron tinkers with retirement age of the French. Paltrow can’t ski. Big Red Boots. Bob Barker leaves us. Alabama mom delivers 2 babies from her 2 uteruses in 2 days. Charles III. Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russian forces as the war drags on. Taylor Swift is Time’s Person of the Year. African ‘coup belt’. Flo-Jo dies in her sleep. Chinese spy balloon shot down. Hollywood writers strike. Human ‘nice mugshot’ Shitstain and his 91 indictments. Highest interest rates in 2 decades. The Bear’s Christmas episode. War in Gaza. Shinzo Abe is assassinated. Alex Murdaugh. Ocean Cleanup removes 25 000 lbs of trash from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Vase purchased for $3.99 sells for $100 000 at auction. Barbenheimer. A third of Pakistan is flooded. Lionel Messi is the GOAT. Travis Kelce. The Sphere opens in Las Vegas. Regulators seized Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, resulting in two of the three largest bank failures in U.S. history. “The Woman In Me”. WHO declares COVID ain’t a thing no more. Titan sub sinks, rich people die. Matthew Perry drowns. Dumbledore Dies (again). Massive sales of ‘Fuck Trudeau’ flags for jacked-up micro-dick trucks. Everything Everywhere All At Once. June-August was the hottest three-month period in recorded history across the Earth. Tina Turner dies. And the Beatles release a new song?! Wow… You got big shoes to fill 2024.
Archives for context:
Kobe. Pandemic. Lockdown. Koalas on fire. Harry and Meg retire. Toilet paper hoarding. Alcoholism. Impeach the f*cker. Parasite. Bonnie Henry. Tiger King. Working from home. Sourdough bread. Harvey Weinstein guilty. Zoom overdose. Dip your body in sanitizer. 6 feet. Quarantine. OK Boomer. Home schooling (everyone passes). Murder hornets. Dolly Parton. Don’t hug, kiss or see anybody, especially your family. Chris Evans’ junk. TikTok. Glory holes. Face masks. CERB. West Coast wildfires. Stay home. Small Businesses lose, big box stores win. F*ck Bozos. ‘Dreams’ and cranberry juice. Close yoga studios, but thumbs up to your local gym. Speak moistly to me. George Floyd. BLM. F*ck Trump. Phase 2, 3 and Summer. RBG. Baby Yoda. Biden wins. Bond and Black Panther die. No more lockdown. Back to school and work. Just kidding... giddy up round 2. Giuliani leaks shit from his head. Resurgence of chess. UFOs are real. Restrictions. Dave Grohl admits defeat. Monolith. “F*ck... forgot my mask in the car”. No Christmas shenanigans allowed. Bubbles. Alex Trebek. Use the term ‘dumpster fire’ one too many times. Jupiter and Saturn form 'Christmas Star'. Happy New Year Bitches!!!! 2021... you better not sh*t the bed!!
“We love you, you’re very special”. Failed coup attempt at the Capital. Twitter, FB and IG ban Donny. Hammerin’ Hank goes to the Field of Dreams. Bozo no longer richest man but still a twat. Leachman, Tyson, and Holbrook pass. The economy is worse than expected. Kim and Kanye split. Brood X cicadas. Dre has an aneurysm and nearly has his home broken into. Bridgerton. MyPillow CEO is a douche. Covid restrictions extended indefinitely. Captain Von Trapp dies. Proud Boys officially a Terrorist Organization. Richard Ramirez. Cancer takes Screech. Travel bans. Impeachment trial (again?… oh and this was barely February? WTF??!!) Suez Canal blockage. Myanmar protest. Kong dukes it out with Godzilla, while Raya watches. Olympics. Friends compare elective surgeries. F9. Canada Women’s Soccer Gold. Free Britney. Multiverses. Residential Schools in Canada unearth children’s bodies. Kate is Mare of Easttown. Cuomo resigns. Disney and Dwayne cruise together. Wildfires. Delta variants. Musk passes Bezos. Candyman x 5. Capt. Kirk goes to space. F*ck Kyle Rittenhouse. Astros didn’t win. Squid Game. Goodbye Bond. Dune is redone. Angelina is Eternal. Astroworld deaths. Meta. Omicron. Three Spidermen. Tornados in December? World Juniors cancelled. Pills against Covid. School opening delayed. And Betty White dies. 2022… my expectations are ridiculously low…
Wow… eight billion people. Queen Elizabeth II passes away after ruling the Commonwealth before dirt was invented. The monkeypox. Russia plays the role of global a**hole. Wordle. Mother Nature rocks Afghanistan. Hover bike. Styles spits on Pine. Olivia Newton John, Kristie Alley, and Coolio leave us. Pele was traded to team Heaven. FTX implodes. Madonna and the 3-D model of her vagina. Pig gives his heart to a human. Beijing can brag that it is the first city ever to host both the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. Uvalde. $3 trillion Apple. Keith Raniere gets 120 years. The Whisky War ends with Canada and Denmark going halfsies. Mar-a-Lago. Nick Cannon brood hits a dozen. Shinzo Abe is assassinated. Inflation goes through the roof (if you can actually afford to put a roof over your head). Volodymyr Zelensky. European heat wave. Bennifer. Salman Rushdie is stabbed on stage, Dave Chappelle tackled, and Chris Rock is only slapped. Thích Nhất Hạnh. Heidi Klum goes full slug. Cuba knocked out by Ian. Liz Truss and 4.1 Scaramuccis. Taylor Swift breaks Ticketmaster. Human shitstain Elon Musk ignores helping mankind and buys Twitter instead. Riri becomes a mommy. NASA launches Artemis 1. Trump still a whiny little b*tch. Music lost Loretta Lynn, Christine McVie, and Meat Loaf. Democracy died at least three times. Pete Davidson continues to date hottest women on the planet (no one understands how?!) Microplastics in our blood. Alex Jones is a c*nt. So is DeSantis. Argentina wins the World Cup. Meghan and Harry. Eddie Munson rips Metallica in the Upside Down. tWitch. Roe vs Wade is overturned by the micro dick energy of the Supreme Court. CODA. James Corden shows he is a "tiny Cretin of a man". Amber (and the sh*t on the bed) Heard (round the world). Sebastian Bear-McClard proves he’s one of the f*cking dumbest men alive. Latin America's ‘pink tide’. Anti-Semitic rants by Ye. Bob Saget. A verified blue checkmark. Godmother of punk Vivienne dies. And, Tom Cruise feels the need for speed yet again. 2023… whatcha got for us?!? Nothing shocks me anymore.
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amethysts-angel214 · 1 month
Did you know that Oh! Jesus was going to have 3 more episodes? Well, that's because those episodes were scrapped, while the other 3 still exist. I will resurface them from the dead.
Episode 4: "A Sad Prayer"
The setting is Hawaii. There is a fisherman's family. One day, the boat capsizes in a storm and the father goes missing. The mother is in despair, but the young child believes that "his father is holding on to the planks of the boat and is safe." The mother embraces her son and prays to God. "Oh, well, we can't give up yet. God, please let him live." Nora, hearing his prayer, casts a spell. The mother and son prayed to the sea every day from the top of the cliff. The villagers sympathize with them, saying, "Poor thing." Boron is impressed, but asks Nora. "Wow. You can pray like that to someone who is no longer with you. By the way, Nora, did you save your father? Where is he?"
When Nora went in the direction she pointed, Boron was surprised at the devastation. Sure enough, his father was floating in the sea, clinging to the plank of the ship, just as his son had wished. However, there were many sharks circling around him. The sharks had been prevented from approaching by Nora's magic, but in the middle of the sea, the father was frightened and calling for help. Boron: "What?! Is this helping him???" Boron instinctively used his storm magic to blow a gust of wind. The storm blew the father, still clinging to the plank, out to sea and he reached the shore. A muscular giant came and listened to his father's heartbeat. The giant was shocked at his father's cardiac arrest and began artificial respiration. Boron: "Now he can go home. How about it, Nora? I helped him." Nora applauds with a smile.
A villager runs into the mother and son's house. Villager: "Your husband was rescued in the next village!" The mother and son drive to the next village, where they see the father leaning on the shoulder of a giant. The two of them are wearing matching outfits and are making love. Perhaps the artificial respiration was wrong, but the father who was rescued had become romantically involved with the giant who had rescued him.
Something inside the mother snaps. The accelerator is pressed hard. The tires spin. Son: "Mom?" The car continues to hurt the giant and his father, crashing into them. The two are thrown like a chain reaction and pushed off a cliff into the sea. Boron is surprised.
The mother is out of breath in the car, then suddenly comes to her senses and turns to her son, smiling as she speaks. Mother: "Now, let's pray for Dad again." Son: "What?... Ah... O-okay." Mother and son pray from the top of a cliff, facing the sea. Son: "Please come back to me, Dad, who won't make Mommy angry." On the sea, a giant and his father are floating, crying out, "Help us!" Sharks are circling around them. Boron: "Oh! Jesus."
Episode 5: "Capitalist Society"
The setting is Japan. There is a businessman whose sales figures are not increasing. The product he sells is "Get in Shape with the Bible." It is a set of a DVD of dancing to gospel music and a Bible. However, the businessman who is not selling well makes a wish. "Oh, God, I want to increase my sales figures." Hearing these words, Nora casts a spell. Then, the leather shoes he is wearing turn into bright red magic shoes. The next moment, regardless of the businessman's will, the shoes control his feet and he runs into various houses. "Wow, that's exactly what I wanted! Healthy products for the mind and body!" The products sold one after another at the places he visited.
His sales performance at the company is growing, and a cute girl he likes has even turned her attention to him. The businessman is happy about this, but he has no time to spend the huge bonus he received, and is forced to work from morning to night, at the mercy of his red shoes. He can't take off those shoes even if he tries. The idea of ​​getting in shape with the Bible is spreading throughout society, and Boron doesn't find it funny. He doesn't find the spread of the Bible interesting, and he's also physically repulsed by the creepy dance. If you get hit on the right cheek, you put on the left cheek. Boron: "Eeek. I get a weird aura and it's creepy..."
Boron wants to stop this trend, but Nora is dancing next to him with her Walkman on. Boron is disheartened. Meanwhile, the businessman is overworked and wants to quit. But he can't quit because his performance is improving. In the dilemma of wanting to quit but being unable to, the businessman pretends to be cheerful but is getting more and more tired. After laughing hysterically and insanely, Ding... The red shoes fall off his skinny feet, who died from overwork. Boron: "Humans are stupid. What's the point of working yourself to death?" Everyone in the company is crying because the businessman died from overwork. His cute daughter is also crying because she's lost her love. Boron: "Isn't that right? People always realize they've lost something before they realize it. Well, it's fine. That strange trend has died down." At this point, the president shouts. President: "Oh, because this guy is dead, our company's performance will plummet!" The employees start crying even louder at the president's words. Boron: "Eh?"
The funeral of the businessman is being held. When the DVD is put into the player, "Trance Sutra" is displayed on the TV screen. On live TV, the announcer shouts, "Using the Bible to shape yourself is outdated. From now on, you'll lose weight with trans-sutras!" At the same time, the company president and employees begin dancing in front of the businessman's coffin. In a capitalist society, even the death of a businessman is used to advertise a product. His performance report jumps up again after he dies. Boron says, "Oh! Jesus."
Episode 6: "Possessed by the Devil"
The setting is England. A girl is writing a letter. "Please come home soon, Daddy. My new mommy is acting strange." Then her stepmother arrives. The stepmother picks up the letter, reads it, tears it up, and slaps the girl. The girl is in tears. The stepmother prays to heaven. "Oh, God, please let that child be possessed by the devil." Nora hears her prayer and casts a spell. Then Boron's body starts to move uncontrollably and enters the girl's body. The girl's voice changes to that of Boron. Girl (Boron): "Hey, stepmother. Don't think you can get away with doing this to me. You too, Nora!" The stepmother is shocked and calls the priest. The exorcism ritual begins.
Boron is trapped in the girl's body and feels cramped, so he goes wild. To the priest, he sees a possessed girl raging on her bed. The priest desperately shouts at Boron to get out, pouring holy water over him. Priest: "Go away! Filthy beast! Free the child from her suffering!" Behind him, the stepmother smiles. Girl (Boron): "Hey, look closely! Damn priest! This girl's suffering is your stepmother's fault! People are always hurting people! Don't blame the devil!" Furious, Boron uses magic to summon thunderclouds and cause a thunderstorm. Lightning strikes the garden and there is a power outage. The priest says, "This is the Great Demon King!" and runs away, but he does hand the bill over to the stepmother. The stepmother, annoyed, takes out a knife and stabs the girl, saying, "I'll kill the demon!" The pain makes Boron move away from the girl. Boron: "Oh no! That was close. I was almost killed." The knife was stuck in the girl's right shoulder. The stepmother tries to finish off the girl, who is writhing in pain.
The father returns. He opens the door and sees the stepmother about to stab his daughter to death in the midst of a flash of lightning. Father: "What are you doing?" Stepmother: "Oh, you. No, it's not that, this is because the girl is possessed by the demon." Girl: "Dad, help me!"
The next day, after the rain. The stepmother is handcuffed and taken away by a police car. Boron: "Really. That was quite a disturbing incident." The girl suddenly looked up at the sky and began speaking into the empty space. Girl: "Thank you, Devil. I heard everything you said." Boron's face went red, and Nora smiled. Boron: "Oh! Jesus! Don't thank the Devil!"
Welp! That was a blast reading those! Bye! Have a great time!
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petri808 · 2 years
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For my tumblr bestie @random-rave early birthday gift 🎁
@thenaluarchive Nalu Week 7-part story
“So, you and Gray will be heading back home to Cali for the summer?” Lucy questioned her friend Natsu. The University of Hawaii at Hilo just finished their spring semester, and all the dormies needed to vacate soon.
“Yeah, our lease is up at the end of the month.”
Lucy pursed her lips briefly. “In that case, I was wondering if you guys would like to come with Levy and I to my family’s beach house in Waikoloa?” She questioned. It had become their tradition to go after school finished for two weeks. “We’ll be back before you leave.”
“I’ll check with Gray, but I think he’ll say okay. So, just the four of us?”
“Yup. Gajeel,” Levy’s longtime boyfriend, “has to work so he can’t come.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
One week later, the four friends piled into Lucy’s Toyota 4Runner and headed out to Waikoloa. The quickest route was a 1-1/2 hour drive on the Daniel K. Inouye highway. A scenic route that cut between two of the island’s volcanoes, Mauna (mountain) Kea and Mauna Loa. Flanked by ancient ohia forests and lava flows on the eastern side, and miles of open fields on the west. You can even see rising across the ocean, mount Haleakala on the island of Maui on a clear day.
They arrived in Waikoloa’s Anaeho’omalu area nestled along the azure blue Pacific Ocean. A developed piece of land surrounded by crumbling ancient lava flows and sparse grass lands— a very dry environment. Here hotels like the Hilton and Marriott had built along side condos like the one Lucy’s family owned.
“Very nice,” Natsu remarked as he got out of the vehicle. “How much does a place like this cost?”
“I’m not sure,” Lucy responded. “All I know is they bought this place a couple years after I was born.” Her mom had heard about it’s sale while working at her realty company.
He chuckled, “so, out of our price range, got it.”
“Yeah,” she giggled too.
Lucy lead the group into the home and parceled out the rooms. It was a three bedroom condo, so she and Levy got one room each while the two boys had to share one. But they were fairly large and comfortable, plus Natsu and Gray were already used to sharing a dorm. Then after a quick tour of the place, they head out for supplies at the nearest store.
Foodland farms market was located in a shopping center a few miles away near the Mauna Lani resort. Since this was the boys first time there, the group walked around the shopping center, window shopping really. It was just a mix of clothing stores and restaurants.
“Can you believe there used to be a 4-D theater here?” Lucy explained. “They only played really short films, but it was the first time I experienced 4-D.”
“Yeah I saw a scene from that movie Journey to the Center of the Earth here,” Levy added. “That scene where they’re on the boat and flying fish we’re jumping all over, they spritzed us with water!”
Everyone laughed.
“At least you got to try a 4-D, I haven’t seen one yet,” Natsu griped.
“Well one day while here, we can check out the luxury cinemas at Queen’s marketplace.” Lucy offered Natsu with a light blush to her cheeks. “I haven’t been there yet.”
“Like a date? I’m game,” he teased pulling a deeper flush from Lucy.
“When you two are done flirting, meet us at the market,” Levy teased before pulling Gray away from the now flustered pair.
After a couple seconds, Natsu and Lucy gained their composure and followed. The group shopped for food to last a few days along with drinks and snacks. It was a decent haul leaving them with arms full of groceries.
On the way back to the car, Natsu stopped Lucy briefly. “I just wanted to say thanks again for inviting us. I think this is gonna be the best vacation I ever had.”
“Aww,” Lucy blushed, “I think so too.”
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justsayun · 1 year
Pizza Problems
I know all marriages run into rough patches from time to time.  It could be something like money problems to differences in how to deal with the children.  Heck at one point the wife and I locked horns about this little Hula Dancing Dashboard Doll that I picked up at a yard sale and displayed in our car.  Just looking at her bouncing around made me smile.  Well, my wife hated it.  She was hula dancing for two weeks and then surprisingly I found her in a kitchen drawer.  My wife said she was putting her foot down about that little Hula Girl in the grass skirt who loved to dance.  To be honest to this day I get a little sad when I watch NCIS Hawaii.  Let's be honest we wouldn't appreciate the sunny days as much if we didn't have a few storms once in a while. Well, the wife and I have come upon something that is causing tension in our home.  The weird thing is this was something that I thought made our marriage stronger and now it's causing tension between us.  I can sum it all up in one word.  Pizza!  We used to go out as a family and get a couple of pizzas and laugh and share about our day.  Now as soon as we go to order I start to get that feeling like when the dentist is getting ready to give ya a novocaine shot.  I like cheese and pepperoni and I'm fine.  You want a couple of mushrooms on it or some tomatoes, even green peppers.  You do what makes you happy.  I can live with it. (I'm a pleaser.)  The kids have the same attitude about our pizza.  But over the past year, my wife's topping & cooking demands for her pizza have gone off the rail.  My children even look at me with hopeless expressions as they hear what their mom demands on the pizza.  We used to order two pizzas to enjoy as a family.   We still order two but only one the three of us enjoy and my wife demands her unusual pizza that no one will touch but her.  She'll have two slices and no one will touch the rest. (She'll say to her massive amount of leftover pizza.  "Honey, we'll take it home and you can take it to work for lunch tomorrow."  )  That's not gonna happen.  My dog even sticks her nose up in the air when offered a slice of my wife's pizza.  We went out the other night for pizza and as the waitress took our order my wife told her she wanted her pizza well done.  The waitress replied; "Oh don't worry we do all our pizzas really well.  My wife goes "No I want my pizza well done, as in I want the bottom of it cooked to where it's almost burned.  I want a crisp bite on my pizza."  The poor waitress was woozy as she left our table.  I asked my wife if every time we order pizza now it has to be a production.  I just want a simple cheese and pepperoni pizza.  I do not want a cauliflower crust.  No jalapenos, no goat cheese.  Please no sprouts or leafy things on the pizza.  Pizza should bring us closer not push us apart.  I've always believed pizza is the food of love and togetherness.  I've always thought that in the Garden of Eden if Eve would have had the option of a slice of pizza or the apple, she'd have taken the pizza.  My wife and I for our first date had pizza.  A plain cheese and pepperoni.  That's where the magic all started.  The other night when we were eating pizza and she had her crazy topping pizza I just looked at her and thought where is my cheese and pepperoni lady love at?  I'm hoping this is just a phase.  My children won't join me with an intervention because their mom spoils them too much so even though they agree with me they will not do anything to mess up the gravy train they have with their mother.  So as of right now I'm being patient praying my lady will eventually regain her pizza sanity.  But to help me through this tough time my Hula Dancing Dashboard Doll is going back up in the car.  
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sharperthewriter · 2 years
Chapter 6 of Roneo and Kimliet
Chapter 6
(back to the present day, end flashback)
"I had to confine myself to my room for three hours after that. The 'rents and Ron helped me get back on track, though I was grounded for two days because of that grade." Kim muttered.
"Stupid Amanda for taking my role..."
"And it all started with the basic needs of teenage girls...fashion...the whole crush thing..." Ron added.
"Like a 25% sale storewide at Club Banana?" Monique chimed in.
"Right, like that, Monique!" Ron exclaimed.
"Getting back to the ish at hand." Kim intervened, "Basically, Barkin is going to reveal the final cast list on Monday. Once he says the name, it's going to be official. As long as me and Ron do not end up in the starting roles, we should be good to be making at the very least a B on this course."
"I'm with Kim on this as well!" Ron agreed, "If I want to be a tree holding the branches...so be it! Even though it would be hard to get out of when I have to use the bathroom."
"But what would happen if, by some chance the students playing Romeo and Juliet end up getting sick and you were pressed by Barkin to take those roles?" Tara asked.
"The both of us would face major humiliation!" Kim exclaimed. "Based on our previous experiences on the stage that we mentioned before!"
"On a humiliation scale of one to five, one being 'ehh, I'll get over this' and five being 'OMG, I can never show my face at school ever again', where would it rank?" Monique asked.
"A definite five, Monique. We would get showered with neverending jeers and boos! Me and Ron would hide ourselves from everyone, even you two, if that were to happen." Kim explained. "Even Drakken's plan with the blushing thing with the flower would be small pebbles compared to this!"
"So as long as that list outside drama class sticks to the status quo, we should be good?" Tara wondered.
"Yes." came Kim's reply.
Ron felt his stomach grumbling.
"Man...my stomach is calling out...Bueeeenoooo Nachooooo!"
"Ron, we need to wait until the storm passes." Kim replied. "Tara, do you have your driver's license yet?"
"Not yet. I only have my learners permit..." Tara sighed, "I gotta take Barkin's Alphabet Course of Doom, or the ACD for short."
"Ditto." Monique agreed.
"And I can't take out my scooter because it won't work well in the rain." Ron replied as a rumble of thunder was heard.
"So we'll have to contact the 'rents." Kim said, deciding on which course of action to take. She sent a text message to Ann to try and pick them up.
Unknown to them, Ashley B was under her purple umbrella, on the side of the gym, listening to their conversation about Kim and Ron's stage drama.
She smirked as she texted Bonnie.
I have the info I got from their convo. Where should we meet?
To which Bonnie texted back, short and sweet.
My house. The garage.
Ashley B ran as fast as she could to her car in the student parking lot of the school. She opened the door, started up the car and headed toward the Rockwaller house.
(4:25pm, Rockwaller house)
Bonnie was waiting in the kitchen for her friends to arrive. They all agreed that they would meet at 4:45pm in the garage of the house. Connie and Lonnie were, thankfully for Bonnie, not here for they were out of the state. Lonnie was modeling in Hawaii and Connie was at Go University in Illinois.
The Queen was wearing her red croptop with baggy Club Banana dark denim overalls with the left strap hooked and the right strap undone and dangling behind her back. The bib was partially flopped She topped the outfit with giant gold hoop earrings and socks.
Of course, she still had to watch Jonnie, the younger brother of the Rockwaller siblings and whom was 12 at the time. Bonnie liked Jonnie far more than her two older sisters because they both shared a connection with each other.
"Hey, Mom. How are the refreshments coming?" Bonnie asked.
"The chocolate chip cookies should be ready in a few minutes, dear!" Veronica Rockwaller replied while pouring out some lemonade in cups for the incoming teen girls.
"Yum! I always love chocolate chip cookies!" Bonnie exclaimed, "Do you also have the dairy-free oatmeal cookies for Ashley T? You cannot forget that she is lactose-intolerant."
"Don't worry, those will be ready for her as well!" Veronica chimed.
"You're the best, Mom!" Bonnie replied with a smile.
She then saw her dad, Donald Rockwaller, coming into the kitchen. He had his full MPD police uniform on.
"Hey, Dad!" Jonnie smiled from his room.
"Heya, sport!" Donald said with a smile, rubbing his only son's hair. "I'm gonna play catch with ya sometime this weekend!"
"Sounds good!" Jonnie replied. "At Middleton Park?"
"Of course!" Donald replied while adjusting his police belt.
"Hello, Daddy!" Bonnie grinned.
"Hello, my little sweet teddy bear!" Donald replied, while kissing his daughter on the cheek.
"Promise that you will arrest Possible for me?" Bonnie pouted.
"One day, my pumpkin! Once she commits a crime, I will be more than happy to put that menace in handcuffs for you!" Donald grinned.
Both he and his daughter have an equal despisal of Kim and Ron, though in Donald's case, he thought that she was taking up all of his business of taking down crime. Thus, he usually referred to the redhead as a menace helping them escape. He did arrest Ron once for indecent exposure, though Ron had stated multiple times that the nudity was accidental.
Donald then kissed his wife on the lips.
"Promise you'll be back home, Donnie?" Veronica asked her husband.
"You know I will, Ronnie!" Donald grinned, tipping his cap. It was common for the two to refer themselves by their pet names. This was also the reason for their naming scheme for their offspring as well.
Donald left the house as the other girls of Bonnie's group started to gather into the garage of the house. He got in his police cruiser and headed toward the station downtown.
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stories-from-peter · 3 months
An Unfortunate Coincidence
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When Barb and I were first married we both had good jobs and indulged ourselves in some ways. Barb had always wanted a horse and I had loved sailing ever since I was a teenager at summer camp. Barb found her dream horse and spent much of her free time riding. I found a small sail boat that came with a trailer we could tow with our little car. Barb’s family had a cabin in Point Roberts where I parked the trailer with easy access to the sea.
Thanks to a generous mother-in-law, Barb and I were able to take a trip to Hawaii when we had been married about two years. Barb’s parents took a vacation in Hawaii every year and told us all the best hotels to stay at and the best places to visit. We spent a week on Oahu swimming, surfing, and visiting all the usual tourist spots. Barb noticed an ad for windjammer cruises and suggested we sign up for one. We would get to travel on an older sailing ship like the ones that used to sail across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans carrying grain and other goods. Dinner and unlimited drinks were included in the price.
The day of our cruise we climbed on a bus full of tourists along with several other bus loads all headed for a cruise. A Hawaiian girl came on the bus and announced that the bigger ship was over booked and could some people go on the smaller ship. Barb raised her hand and volunteered. The “smaller” ship turned out to be a 90 foot staysail schooner called the Salee which at one time was the Vanderbilt family yacht. It had a solid teak hull and gold faucets in the bathrooms among other things. The Hawaiian girl escorted us onto another bus and later made sure we got seats next to the bar on the Salee. She also spoke to the captain of the Salee about us volunteering to travel on his ship.
We were under way in a short time and the bar was already open when we were seated. I was thoroughly enjoying the experience enhanced with a few drinks from the bar. I was surprised to be introduced to the captain who walked back to the bar to meet us volunteers. I was also surprised to learn he was from Saskatchewan, which is about as far as you can get from any ocean. I felt compelled to tell him I had a sailboat. I neglected to say it was 12 feet long. He invited to me to take the helm of the Salee. How could I refuse?
I managed to keep the Salee on course, aided by a few reminders from the captain, for much longer than I expected. My duties came to an end when dinner was served. Barb had been entertained watching an older couple slowly getting plastered with a steady stream of selections from the bar. Not long after dinner we heard that the woman of the couple had vomited her dinner over the gold faucets of one sink.
After two weeks we had to return home. We noticed the older couple from the cruise were on the same flight back to Vancouver. In those days security at airports was very loose. Passengers waiting for luggage mixed freely with people meeting arriving travelers. On arrival in Vancouver Barb saw her friend Sandy and her new boyfriend waiting near the baggage carousel. Barb had to tell Sandy all about our adventures in Hawaii, including the tale of the lady on the cruise. Barb pointed out the couple to Sandy just as Sandy’s boyfriend spotted his parents. To our horror we all realized that Sandy’s friend and Barb were pointing to the same people.
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autozillahawaii · 3 months
The Thriving Used Car Market in Hawaii
In the island state of Hawaii, the used car market is thriving, offering residents and visitors alike a wide range of options for finding reliable and affordable transportation. With the added costs of importing new vehicles to the islands, many consumers are turning to the used car market as a more budget-friendly alternative.
One of the biggest advantages of buying a Hawaii used cars sale is the potential for significant savings. New cars often come with a premium price tag due to the additional shipping and handling costs associated with bringing them to the islands. By opting for a pre-owned vehicle, buyers can avoid these extra expenses while still securing a reliable mode of transportation.
Hawaii's unique climate and terrain also contribute to the popularity of the used car market. With its tropical weather and diverse landscapes, vehicles in Hawaii can experience accelerated wear and tear compared to those in more temperate regions. As a result, many car owners choose to upgrade to newer models more frequently, creating a steady supply of gently used vehicles for sale.
For those seeking a bargain, private party sales and online classifieds offer a wealth of opportunities to find used cars in Hawaii. These platforms allow sellers to list their vehicles directly, often at prices well below what dealerships would charge for similar models. However, it's important to exercise caution when purchasing from a private party, as there may be limited warranties or recourse if issues arise.
Alternatively, many reputable used car dealerships operate throughout the Hawaiian Islands, providing a more structured and regulated buying experience. These dealerships typically inspect and certify their vehicles, offering additional peace of mind and protection for buyers. While prices may be higher than private party sales, the added assurances can be worth the investment for many consumers.
One unique aspect of the used car market in Hawaii used cars Oahu is the presence of vehicles imported from the mainland United States and other countries. These imported cars can offer a wider selection of makes and models not typically found at local dealerships. However, it's crucial to thoroughly research the history and documentation of any imported vehicle to ensure compliance with Hawaii's regulations and avoid potential issues down the line.
Whether you're a long-time resident or a visitor exploring the islands, the used car market in Hawaii offers a diverse range of options to suit various budgets and preferences. From private party bargains to certified pre-owned dealerships, there's no shortage of opportunities to find a reliable and affordable vehicle in this vibrant island paradise. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/sell-used-cars.htm
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toughgirlchallenges · 4 months
Melissa Harlow - Embracing Life's Adventures at 62: From Sailing the Pacific Ocean to Hiking the John Muir Trail
Melissa in her own words:
“After connecting with my now husband on match.com 20 years ago, we realized we had one key difference: he wanted a partner to ‘Sail around the world’. I, on the other hand, wasn't an adventurer. I was a professional woman with a degree in Psychology, dedicated to non-profit work and healthcare.
But my husband ignited a desire in me to embrace life's adventures while we were still healthy. The turning point came when he asked, ‘When are you going to quit your job and sail around the world with me?’
Despite my initial fears and attachments, I couldn't ignore the call to live life to the fullest. We set sail across the Pacific Ocean, and it changed me profoundly.
We continued our adventures by buying an RV and exploring the US, Canada, and Alaska, much to the surprise of our family.
These experiences made me resilient and fearless. 
Returning from a sailing journey and hiking the John Muir Trail at age 62, I realized that the world was full of opportunities.
I see people looking at me differently now, sensing my quiet confidence. My adventure started late, but it's proof that life-changing decisions can happen at any age. The question remains: “Do it now or not?””
  *Content Warning: This episode contains an instance of strong/abusive language that some listeners may find offensive. 
 Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast, released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of strong women.
   By supporting the Tough Girl Podcast on Patreon, you can make a difference in increasing the representation of female role models in the media, particularly in the world of adventure and physical challenges. Your contribution helps empower and inspire others. Visit www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast to be a part of this important movement. Thank you for your invaluable support!
Show notes
Who is Melissa
Living is San Diego, California 
Not being born into an adventurous family 
Her early years and feeling connected to her dad (who died when she was 4)
Meeting her husband on match.com about 18 years ago
Blending 2 families together 
After 10 years of marriage starting to discuss the sailing adventure
Being a career girl and not focused on adventure 
Not having passion in her life
Doing little adventures but not committing to the big adventure of sailing around the world
Waiting for the kids to go to college 
Making the commitment and putting a plan in place
Getting the boat and needing to learn new skills
Having a 5 year plan and changing everything about their life
Not spending more that $25 unless speaking to another person
Working as a team in a partnership 
Having garage sales, saving money and making it happen
Starting to change and starting to get excited about the future adventure
Being called ‘Captain B*tch Slap’ 
Being a forgiving person
Proving people wrong
Noticing her confidence changing
Dealing with tangled anchors while a storm is rolling in
Stats from the trip - the boat (Island Packet 37)
Starting in San Diego and sailing down to Mexico
Stopping to take a 1,000 mile car tour throughout Mexico
Pacific Puddle Jump from America’s to French Polynesia  
Feeling done with sailing after 11 months and wanting to go home
The challenges of getting the boat back from Hawaii to San Diego
The dream vs reality 
Magical moments while out sailing and the challenges while being out on the water
Spending time on remote beautiful islands - the instagram moments
When the autopilot stopped working and having to steer the boat in 2 hour shifts for 24/7. 
Deciding what to do next and wanting to sell the boat, take the money and buy an RV and travel around the US, up through Canada and head up to the wilds of Alaska
The challenges of RV Life and wanting to do ‘Boondocking’
Feeling numb after traveling and feeling lost 
Having therapy and starting to feel again
Getting into voice overs and having a way to start earning an income again 
Learning to appreciate the little moments and the free moments
Being done with the corporate world and being a different person
Choosing to live a simple life and having more money than before, even though they’re earning less
Renting out the RV
Deciding to hike the John Muir Trail (211 miles)
Planning and testing out all the gear 
Why it was one of the toughest things she’s ever done
Climbing Mt Whitney and the challenges with the elevation gain and loss
Trying to get equipment and gear to fit her height at 4′ 11″ / 150 cm
Ending up with an Osprey EJA 58 
Trying to find trainers and shoes to fit 
Watch the videos from the Pacific Ocean on YouTube
Final words of advice 
Why you need to take an honest look at yourself and where you are in your life
Why you need to make a plan and get into the details
Give yourself little mini milestones to work towards 
Start by putting your plan down on paper
  Social Media
Instagram: @theadventuretravelers
Youtube: @theadventuretravelers
    Check out this episode!
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myfifthlobotomy · 5 months
21 Year Old Me
Age: 21
Hair color: Dark Brown
Current Style: Dark but Feminine
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite color: Black and Pink (but I’ll always love blue too)
Favorite Things To Do: Thrifting (swap meets, estate sales, markets), reading, hanging out with Ben and Indy, grocery shopping, go to the beach, and collecting trinkets
Last Movie I Watched: Saltburn and The Boy and the Heron
Most Important People in Your Life: Grandma, Ben, Taylor
Funny Story From 2023: One of my Best Friends Pearl came to visit me in San Diego and we went out to my local dive bar by my house. We ended up talking to this loser marine and he tells us he can sing. So he belts out in song and Pearl and I are trying our best not to burst out laughing. I ended up getting bored and messing with him for my own entertainment and it ended pretty poorly. Oops
Favorite show: Euphoria still
What were you for Halloween 2023: A Siren for the Party and a Clown at Work
Favorite Thrift Finds of 2023: My BettyBoop Statue of Liberty and my Leopard Prink Coat
How long have you and Ben been together: 5 years
What is Your Plan For The Future: I plan on getting through school and ending with my Masters, I want to get my own place, I want to get more cats, I want to become A better writer, I want to save more money.
What I Want To Improve: My drawing, communication skills, knowledge on psychology, being nicer
Job: Just quit my Budtender job
Things that happened in 2023: My Jersey Shore themed 21st Birthday, Visited Arizona for the first time because my friend got roofied, Went to the Nessa Barret concert with Pearl,Went to Palm Springs for Spring Break with Ben, Went to PB for our friends graduation and ended up with 5 people in jail and the bouncers getting their ass whooped, Going to Universal Studies with Taylor, Ben, and Micheal, Going to Hawaii with Ben’s family, Going to Disneyland with my family, Pearl came to San Diego to visit me, Found out my friend of 10 years slept with my new friends boyfriend (friendship down the drain I don’t fw girls who aren’t girls girls), Went to the last tailgates of our college lives, Went to Vegas and ended another 10+ year friendship (still coping with this one), Saw Pierce the Veil front row, quit my job, and now I’m visiting my family back in my hometown.
Favorite Bands: Pierce the Veil, $uicideboy$, Deftones, Nessa Barrett, Lana Del Rey, Mitski
Favorite thing to cook: Trader Joe’s squiggly noodles, taco bowls, adult lunchables (girl dinner) example; cucumbers and hummus, hard boiled egg, pickles, Trader Joe’s off brand takis, cream cheese, string cheese, seaweed , etc
Favorite places to eat in San Diego: Sushi Kuchi, Mystic Grill, Mikes Red Tacos, and STK
3 Things I Love: Halloween, Hawaii, and fashion
3 Things I Hate: Pitbull, girls who aren’t girls girls, Olives
How many Tattoos Do You Have: 4
Favorite Purfume: Sandall 33 dupe because that shit is expensive
Car You Drive: Audi A3
Favorite things I got for Christmas this year: Diamond necklace, Frankie’s Bikini Set, and LED Mask.
Ok these are all the questions I can think of.
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alibabaglobalshipping · 8 months
Why Warehousing Service Is Important In Logistics?
Logistics is the lifeblood of modern business, ensuring that goods flow efficiently from manufacturers to consumers. Within the intricate web of logistics, warehousing plays a crucial role that often goes unnoticed but is far from insignificant. In this article, we'll delve deep into why warehousing services are indispensable in the world of logistics.
1. Inventory Management: Warehousing is the guardian of inventory. It's the place where goods are stored, tracked, and managed. This is particularly vital for businesses that need to stock up on seasonal items or those dealing with fluctuating demand. Effective inventory management ensures that a company can meet customer demands promptly, thus enhancing customer satisfaction.
2. Risk Mitigation: Warehouses aren't just storage spaces; they are fortified fortresses guarding against risks like theft, damage, and natural disasters. They employ state-of-the-art security systems, climate control, and insurance to safeguard valuable goods. When you think about the best car shipping company to Hawaii, imagine their vehicles stored safely before the long journey.
3. Cost Optimization: Efficient warehousing can significantly reduce transportation costs. By consolidating goods from multiple sources, companies can take advantage of economies of scale when shipping to distant locations. This not only saves money but also reduces the environmental impact of transportation.
4. Just-in-Time Inventory: In the world of logistics, timing is everything. Warehousing allows businesses to implement the just-in-time inventory system, where goods arrive exactly when needed, minimizing storage costs and maximizing efficiency. Think of it as a finely orchestrated dance between suppliers and warehouses.
5. Geographic Reach: The best car shipping company to Hawaii wouldn't be possible without strategically placed warehouses. These facilities act as distribution hubs, allowing businesses to reach customers far and wide. Proximity to transportation hubs like ports and highways is essential for swift delivery.
6. Product Customization: Some products require customization before reaching the customer. Warehousing provides the space and facilities for value-added services like labeling, packaging, and assembly. It's where raw materials can be transformed into finished products ready for sale.
7. Demand Fluctuation Handling: Markets are inherently volatile, with demand fluctuations being the norm rather than the exception. Warehouses act as shock absorbers, allowing businesses to cope with sudden spikes in demand or unforeseen disruptions in the supply chain.
8. Regulatory Compliance: In the world of international logistics, compliance with customs and import/export regulations is a must. Warehousing services often include expertise in navigating these complex legal waters, ensuring that goods move smoothly across borders.
9. Data and Technology Integration: Modern warehouses are not just physical spaces; they are hubs of data and technology. They use advanced software systems to track inventory, predict demand, and optimize operations. This data-driven approach is invaluable for decision-making.
10. Flexibility and Scalability: Businesses evolve, and so do their logistics needs. Warehouses offer flexibility and scalability, allowing companies to adjust their storage and distribution requirements based on market changes.
11. Customer Satisfaction: Ultimately, the goal of logistics is to satisfy the end customer. Warehousing plays a pivotal role in achieving this by ensuring that products are available when and where customers want them. Imagine the delight of a customer receiving their car from the best car shipping company to Hawaii on time and in perfect condition.
12. Environmental Impact: Sustainable logistics is a growing concern. Warehousing can contribute to reducing the carbon footprint by optimizing routes, reducing unnecessary storage, and implementing green technologies.
In conclusion, the significance of warehousing services in logistics cannot be overstated. They are the unsung heroes that keep the supply chain running smoothly, ensuring that products reach their intended destinations efficiently and safely. Whether you're shipping cars to Hawaii or any other goods worldwide, warehousing is the cornerstone of successful logistics.
As the best car shipping company to Hawaii knows, it's not just about the journey; it's about the care and precision with which goods are stored and managed along the way.
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sciencenoworgau · 1 year
Consider these guidelines for used car sales and warranties in Hawaii. After a reasonable period of time has passed and the dealer has failed to remedy the defect or malfunction […]
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streetshine87 · 1 year
Ceramic Car Coating
When it comes to keeping your vehicle in pristine condition, nothing compares to the expertise and precision of professional auto detailing services. Whether you want to restore the shine of your car's exterior or revitalize the interior to its former glory, experiencing the finest auto detailing services can truly make a difference.
Auto detailing goes beyond a regular car wash. It is a meticulous and comprehensive process that focuses on every aspect of your vehicle's appearance and cleanliness. From removing dirt and grime to restoring the paintwork and rejuvenating the interior, professional auto detailing services can transform your car into a showstopper.
One of the key benefits of experiencing the finest auto detailing services is the level of attention and skill that goes into the process. Expert detailers have a deep understanding of different vehicle surfaces and materials, allowing them to choose the most suitable techniques and products for each specific area. They use high-quality cleaning agents, specialized tools, and advanced equipment to ensure outstanding results.
Exterior detailing is a fundamental part of the process, aiming to bring back the shine and protect the paintwork of your vehicle. Detailers meticulously clean the exterior, removing dirt, dust, and contaminants. Street Shine Hawaii may also perform paint correction techniques to eliminate swirl marks, scratches, and other imperfections. Finally, a protective coating, such as wax or ceramic coating, is applied to enhance the gloss and provide long-lasting protection against the elements.
Interior detailing focuses on revitalizing and restoring the interior of your vehicle. Detailers thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces, including seats, carpets, dashboards, and door panels. They use specialized tools and techniques to remove stains, odors, and debris, leaving your car's interior looking and smelling fresh. Detailers may also apply conditioners and protectants to preserve the quality of the materials and provide a lasting clean and vibrant appearance.
The finest Ceramic Car Coating also pay attention to the smaller details that make a significant impact on your vehicle's overall aesthetics. They clean and polish chrome trim, restore headlights, clean wheels and tires, and even clean hard-to-reach areas like engine bays. By addressing these often-neglected areas, detailers ensure that every inch of your car is restored to its best possible condition.
Moreover, the experience of having your vehicle detailed by professionals is second to none. They take pride in their work and go the extra mile to exceed your expectations. Their passion for cars and attention to detail is evident in the final results. By entrusting your vehicle to experts, you can enjoy the peace of mind that it will be treated with the utmost care and professionalism.
Contact us:
Street Shine Hawaii Address. 91362 Komohana Place Building 2, Unit #106, Kapolei, HI 96707 Phone: 808-590-1145 Email: [email protected]
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chinahatbeach · 1 year
Thoughts for Today
The sun is up. Earlier each day and longer in the evening. Sunrise was at 6:20 am and sunset will be at 8:02 pm. Longer days will be nice. I will miss snuggle time on the couch with the dogs but I will be able to get some hobby’s and chores done.
Yesterday was a good day except for a couple of speed bumps here or there. I helped a friend pack up the remaining items left in her mom’s house and then there is the chore of hauling those boxes out to the garage. These are the items left over from an estate sale. This is an emotional task for her. Items of her parents that meant something to them or to others is not for the faint of heart. I know this due to my parent’s passing away and yet her parents are still here, only they live in homes, not their home. Older age makes it hard for elders to live on their own sometimes. And they can only take so many items with them to the small room they have to live in.
So the packed up items are not garbage. Items have been gone thru and the garbage hauled to the dump. These things are glass wear, crafts, Christmas, dishes, China bought in Chinatown in San Francisco, pictures, and the list goes on and on. All great items to be sold in a resale store.
The things were loaded up in cars and a pickup. An unexpected downpour happened as the items went to the resale store. That store didn’t want to deal with a bit of rain on boxes. Turned away…….. not at one store but two. Painful. Painful for my friend that now must wonder what to do with the items.
I posted that if anyone had suggestions. People posted to have a “Free” sale on Facebook. That would mean more time spent dealing with stuff. It’s been boxed, done with, so over it…… and now you suggest to open up the boxes and let folks come over for how long to look at things and then what? Oh, re-box the once again left overs and take it away? This is already an emotional time and people are tired, worn thin, and just want it gone.
I remember my parent’s house. My brother’s and I went thru the house and made sure that what my mom wanted for us individually, was taken by that person. Then came the items that were for anyone and who gets what type of thing. People’s emotions came into this time and attitudes, feelings, and it wasn’t pretty. One brother didn’t care what he got and the other brother was there like a vulture. I only tried to make piece between them and go with the flow. I ended up having a garage full of stuff that took me years to let go of due to emotions and strange attachment to stuff. Stuff is just stuff, memories last forever. No one cares about a picture or a chair. Memories.
This is why I can now look at things in my house and get rid of stuff. My kid won’t understand the sentimental value of something. He’s a guy who doesn’t see the history in the items that matter to me. Oh, I keep knickknacks and dishware that matters to me. Once I’m gone, I do not want to leave a house full of stuff that will be taken to the resale store. This is why I am trying to minimize my life. It makes it easier to clean and take care of and that makes me happy. There will always be piles of books no matter what. Pictures of places I have been. Hawaii items here or there. Dog stuff. And cleaning items used for work.
I was very upset at my favorite store I go into to look for treasures. I did unload my car at the store when I was there to drop-off stuff and find out that they turned the pick-up away. Rain happens. Tears of struggle at letting go of items that made a house a home also rain down. Donations that can help others is why we donate to the local place. Yes, I donate to Goodwill if I have no other choice. Goodwill had been to have goodwill and help many people but they only help the corporate greedy. I am done with helping corporate greed. I tell folks to buy local, small farms, small businesses, and help in our community.
From this, I hope you always have a tarp to cover your truck load. Lesson learned. Understand why I speak of getting rid of stuff that just takes up room. I see too many houses that have plenty of stuff and no room for most of it. It causes anxiety and stress. I’m not picking on anyone here…… if this makes you feel guilty, well, that’s on you. I only know how it works for me. I need less stress…… more time to enjoy simple things.
Well, time to get myself together, make the bacon, and get going. I have my friends parent’s home to clean and get ready for sale.
And that’s the way it is……….
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streetshin46 · 1 year
Ceramic Car Coating
First, your paint will be protected against oxidation, fading, and UV rays. This will ensure that your car stays looking great for years to come!
Secondly, the paint will be easier to clean. This is because the ceramic coating has a hydrophobic surface, meaning that water won’t be able to imbed into the paint. This makes it much easier to wipe off splatters of dirt or bugs.
Ceramic Car Coating will be protected against bird droppings and other contaminants that would otherwise eat away at the paint. It also protects against road grime, tar, and chemicals.
Fourth, the ceramic coating will help you save money in the long run. The protective layer will prevent the paint from deteriorating, extending its life and making your car more valuable in the future!
Fifth, the ceramic coating will make your car look cleaner and shiny. This means that you don’t have to wash your car as often and will save you time.
A quality ceramic coat will improve the original look of your car’s paint and give it a stunning sheen that enthusiasts will love. It will also enhance the original paint job by eliminating swirl marks and fine scratches that might have occurred after the machine polishing process.
Contact Us:
Street Shine Hawaii Address: 91362 Komohana Place Building 2, Unit #106, Kapolei, HI 96707 Phone: 808-590-1145 Email: [email protected]
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