#God this took a long time to write out
missingn000 · 30 days
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hey all! i wrote a what-if character study & action fic for if king fought sanji instead of zoro during the raid on onigashima. i'd really love if you gave it a read! thanks so much!
happy reading!
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saltymongoose · 1 year
Hear me out: yan!main four w their object of affections/ s/o that can purr
The boys got lots of purrs to give but what abt the reader? We need to hear it (or read it in this case aakdjdjs)
Definitely sounds like an interesting scenario, here are your hcs. :) <;3 (And my apologies for the extreme lateness 🙏! Work sent me to the shadow realm again oof.)
[Yandere] Their S/O Purrs Around Them ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior)
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- [2BDAMNED] -
> 2BDamned was pleasantly surprised when he found out that you could purr. You were already close at this point, so you had no reservations about showing your emotions to him. He did make himself available for you to vent to if you ever needed it, and he was your closest “friend” at the S.Q. anyway, but he had no idea you truly felt that comfortable around him. He was touched, and very happy with the current turn of events.
> Doc doesn’t try too hard to get you to purr, at least not to the point where it becomes obvious. Subtly is his specialty, after all; the last thing he’d want to do is scare you off by becoming too overbearing or smothering in your view. However, this doesn’t mean he doesn’t marvel at you when you do purr around him.
> He’s very lucky that he has a mask to hide his face, otherwise you’d see the smile that appears the moment he hears the gentle rumbles erupt from you. That and the embarrassing blush he feels beginning to burn on his cheeks. (Time for being so open about those things could come later when the relationship between you was far stronger.)
> Although, sometimes he even allows himself to reciprocate, in the hopes that his own purring will encourage you to feel comfortable enough to do it more around him. To him, it's a small mark of progress, a sign that you are growing closer together, and he cherishes every occasion this happens.
> He never knew such a simple sound could ever make him so happy, and honestly he even feels foolish for the sheer elation that overcomes him whenever he hears it from you. But, unlike any other time, he's content to be a fool, as long as it's only for you. That's just scratching the surface of how deep his love for you is, something you'd come to find out soon enough if he has any say in it.
- [DEIMOS] -
> Unfortunately for him, Deimos finding out you can purr was not due to any action he did, but from one of your other friends instead. He walked in to find you giving them a hug, with a small, barely audible purr beginning to lull up in your throat, and honestly he's affronted by the sheer audacity exhibited by your friend here. Didn’t they already know you two were together? Sure, you weren’t “official” yet, but he thought your interactions made it obvious enough.
> He tries relentlessly to get you to purr, upping the ante on every romantic and comforting gesture that comes to his mind with the hope of making you happy enough to do so. If you thought he was supremely clingy and almost too generous with his gifts before, he really outdoes himself now.
> You know full well why he’s behaving this way now too, and honestly, his desperation to hear such an inconsequential noise from you is kind of amusing amusing. It’s not like you even do it that often around anyone else, but you guess he doesn’t know that.
> (He does, but you don't understand that he wants it to be a "thing" between you and him. He purrs so often around you that it's more akin to white noise at this point; he can't help it (he loves you that much), but he'd at least hope you'd be willing to just relax a bit more around him so he can hear yours in turn.)
> However, you can see why he’d want to hear you purr regardless. With how much he wants to be with you romantically, it’d probably mean a lot to him. It is one of the ultimate signs of trust for grunts, and it shows how happy you feel around him - both of which being things he seems to long for, no matter how much effort it takes.
> So, on a day when you feel particularly generous, you decide to loosen up and allow yourself to purr when he's attached himself to your side again. In an instant, you can feel Deimos' mouth curl into a wide smile against the nape of your neck, and an excited noise leaves him. He presses himself even closer to you, wanting to hear it with more clarity, and you feel warmth creep across your face.
> He just wants to bask in this moment alone with you, surrounded by the sound of your love and happiness. His breath is shaky as he forcefully quiets himself from making much noise, though his euphoria makes it increasingly difficult. He feels his adoration for you bloom to even greater heights, and if you were able to see his face, you'd only see the completely dazed, love-struck look he holds just for you.
> You mean everything to Deimos, and with this moment, he yearns even more for the day when you'll view him the same way - the day when you're his. And judging by this occasion, he's hopeful that it's closer than he initially thought.
> The first time you purred around Hank wasn’t done on purpose, but rather a natural reaction to his own loud purring. He seemed to pause for a second, to which you grimaced to yourself, suddenly concerned with what he was thinking. Even after being around him for so long, he remained largely unpredictable to you. However, the sudden rough nuzzle you got from him after that moment was enough of a reassurance that he was in no way displeased.
> Despite how mysterious and downright confusing he is, Hank’s thought process concerning general affection is simple to understand. He loves you more than life itself and all the carnage within it, favoring you above all other things Nevada holds, so he reasoned that showing it to you would be the best way to get that across. Hence why he purrs so often around you and lavishes you with more loving gestures than you could ever ask for.
> If anything, the fact that this form of communication between you has occurred is far more important than you’d ever expect. Physical gestures are the easiest ways he’s found to convey his feelings, so you doing the same in turn (even if not completely on purpose) overjoys him. It shows that you understand him far more than any others do, which reinforces the fact that you must be meant for him, just as he is for you. 
> As an extension of that, you purring around him was definitely a sign that you returned his immense feelings. Or at least, you were beginning to. That must’ve been it.
> Hank doesn’t much care for the deeper sentimental meanings of most things, and everybody knows that. But if he was truly as ambivalent and callous as most see him, he probably wouldn’t be feeling the fuzzy, burning sensation of true happiness when he hears you simply purr. The only person that made him “soft” in that fashion was you. And he was more than okay with that.
> Sanford always had some curiosity about whether or not you’d purr around him (or even if you could), but he doesn’t approach it like it’s something he has to make you do. Was getting such a nice gesture of love back from you something of a fantasy for him? Maybe. But he’d never try to push you to do so; that type of act just feels too manipulative to him.
> He’d long decided that if you were going to return his feelings, it’d have to be solely on your own. He can do his best to convey his fondness for you in the meantime anyway. Luckily for him though, he wouldn’t have to wait too long.
> After all this time, you were pretty comfortable around Sanford. You knew at this point that despite what his reputation suggests, he’d never hurt you. Add this to how doting he is and it made complete sense that you’d be fine with purring around him. So you just do, simple as.
> It might not be a big deal to you, hell you might not even notice some of the time. But it is a huge thing for Sanford. Finding someone that you can trust to this level in Nevada is a rare thing to begin with, and he knows that it was probably difficult to get comfortable around him at first because of his job and everything else.
> So when he hears you purr around him for the first time, and feels your body vibrate the slightest bit from where it's comfortably leaning against him, he honestly feels like he might cry. He becomes even more of a mess when you give him a worried look and whisper little reassurances to him, unsure of why he's so weepy all of a sudden.
> While he doesn't get as emotional in the subsequent times you purr, it still has a way of tugging at his heartstrings. Your purr is a physical sign of your intimate connection; a clear way to communicate to him that you genuinely care for him and trust him above other grunts. It seems like his heart beats twice as fast just from hearing it, and the amount of joy it brings him almost aches in its intensity.
> Sanford loves you so much that it hurts, but to him it's a good sort of pain. The kind that tells him that what he feels for you is real and far-reaching, the kind of love that he knows will last forever. While he returns your purrs with his own softer ones, he goes over plans to fully reveal these deep affections to you in a way you truly deserve. Only the best for his beloved after all.
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 8 months
Hi sunsun. I'm tired, but I've got dumb idea, so if this doesn't make sense and it is illegible, I'll try to decipher later, luv u.
Imagine if the virus corrupting moon, corrupted his memory bank. So even if Perkeo "stole" his memories, there was still something left from the virus distorting him. It could bleed into Sun's memory, flashes of their Beloved Perkeo maimed and caked in blood. He'd have no idea what was wrong with him for thinking such things. For the dark thoughts of Perkeo getting hurt. For thinking about hurting his friend. He'd have no clue if it was him or moon in the memory. Their shared hands coated in the thick blood. Unable to differentiate He'd assume it's him. As Moon dominates Perkeos' crumpled form. Holding their struggling body and killing them slowly. Sun would be terrified that these thoughts flooded his brain. His mind endlessly shoving it in his face. Unable to turn it off, it becomes more frequent. And all he feels is shame and guilt about the visualization of Perkeo in such a state. He doesn't want his friend to be hurt, so why does he have twisted fantasies about it? Eventually, these thoughts would spill to when he sees the real Perkeo. Standing in front of him, seeming completely fine. Soon flashs of the imagery would replace Perkeos form. Standing slumped, bruised and beaten. Blood soaken and mangled. This would become more frequent, with sun becoming avoidant. In order to not see his best friend dying. At some point Perkeo would seek him out, trying to understand his sudden reclusiveness. And he'd just snap.
"Sun, are you here?" Perkeo whispers.
He is closing in on himself, trying to hide. To find comfort in this suffocating small supply room.
"Sunny, are you alright?!" Perkeo immediately rushes to their side. Oh what a mistake.
Sun's head raises as he catches their wrist, stopping them from grabbing him. His blank eyes seemingly lifeless, when his lack of irises was usually like a blinding lights full of passion only his soul possessed. His dead eyes meet Perkeos.
He sees a sobbing mess before him. Perkeos skin torn, clothes ragged. Skin peeled down to the bone, the blood gushing out of the open sores lining their body. Sobs rack their collapsing chest, head violently lolling on their neck. Lacerations don't even begin to describe the claw marks raking their body. Blood gurggles through their open mouth, as well as one of their eye sockets. Oh dear where was their eye?
"Sun!" Perkeo cries.
Through his mind, he heard a gutteral scream. A cry worthy of a battlefield. Watching as Perkeo collapses, trying to reach for him. So so hurt, yet distressed by him. Oh no, if only they knew of his horrid daydreams.
He pulls them in closer, holding them still. Trying to comfort the hurt, the hurt that had passed. The hurt Perkeo didn't know he saw, the hurt Sun carried.
He doesn't rock them back and forth, not wanting to aggravate the "wounds". He shush them. Not wanting to hear them choke through the blood, a gurgling babble unable to form words.
In reality, Perkea is sitting in his lap, held close. Protectively. Thsh go along with it. Letting sun work out his inner turmoil. Not wanting to push him.
"Oh pear, perky I am so so sorry!" It sounds like he's starting to sob.
Perkeo sits silently.
"I didn't want this to happen! This shouldn't have happened!"
What does that mean?
Perkeo asks this in a whisper, this registers in sun's receptors as a pained whine.
"All I could see was you hurt Perkeo! I don't want this! What is wrong with me?! Why why. I dont like seeing you like this, what happened? ...did I do this?"
His hysteric voice barely saying the last line.
Oh no. Oh No.
How could Perkeo have forgotten about sun? Sun was as much a part of this as Moon, was he affected by the virus? He has been here the whole time. And it seems he is hallucinating the memories Moon's lost. Oh no. Perkeo how could you have done this?! You took Moon's recollection, and now sun is paying the price. All because of your selfishness. Sun is hurt.
Sun has been hurting this whole time.
I love Sun's distress at everything and how much it affects him the idea of their friend hurt and how gruesome it is and how Perkeo is trying so so hard to take care of everything but it still ends up being too much to do on their own
It was never their fault but they blame themselves for not doing enough, for not flawlessly protecting both Sun and Moon from the morbid reminder of actions that not their own but still made by their hands. They wanted to care the weight of it on their own buy against their best efforts they are still forces to share it.
Suki I'm kissing your brain and all the ideas you come up with I swear at this point you are just writing this au's fanfic for me
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skrittkicking · 4 months
oc introduction: iovitus rainbreak
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TLDR: iovitus rainbreak is a 28 year old ex-blood legion soldier turned gladium following a traumatic event that left them without a warband and resulted in their expulsion from the legions. nowadays, they live with their older, also ex-blood cousin – gratta rainsunder, played by @rytlockdripstone – and are trying their best to move on from their past, but really, they’re just ignoring it and calling it an improvement
content warning: death, verbal abuse, bullying, ableism, drug use, mild torture, suicidal ideation
word count: 3049
born to two blood legion charr in a futile attempt to fix their failing relationship, iovitus was the second cub of lia windwalker (dame) and silas firekeep (sire). they had an older sister, eudocia, who died in infancy due to an unknown genetic illness. they were healthy for their early life and were sent to the fahrar when they came of age – things would quickly turn there, however, as a young iovitus soon fell into an intense illness – the same genetic one that had taken their sister, years before. it seemed to have sat dormant for a while, but the unfamiliar environment of the fahrar sprung it on. during their time spent in the hospital, iovitus would be visited by their mother whenever possible, though her visits were far and few between. she just wanted to see to it that her only remaining cub would survive – silas had been killed just a few months prior in a skirmish, so there would be no third chance. iovitus would survive this, but it left them permanently immunocompromised and threw off their hormonal balance, rendering them much smaller and scrawnier than their peers, and the young charr would never quite grow out of it. 
once strong enough to get back into the fahrar, iovitus had fallen quite behind their peers and had to work hard to catch up, all the while enduring relentless bullying for their comparatively scraggly stature and somewhat delayed social skills. to cope with this, iovitus eagerly seeks to prove themselves to their peers, taking on more and more dangerous dares and doing incredibly stupid things that a cub of their age should not be doing. in this time, though, they do make one true friend. he’s a year their senior, but the two grow very close, though doesn’t do much to protect them from the bullying at the hands of the cubs. in spite of this, however, iovitus continues to seek out validation from people who don’t have their best interest in mind, and this most certainly comes back to bite them in the ass. at one point around the age of six or seven, iovitus and a few other cubs sneak out of the fahrar’s grounds and explore the surrounding area; sometime during this, iovitus is either pushed into or falls into (they can’t really remember which) a ventilation shaft and breaks their right leg at the ankle. ouch! due to the nature of the breakage, it’s determined that the best course of action is amputation below the knee, so, goodbye leg. 
after spending some more time in the hospital to recover, iovitus is thrown back into the fahrar and continues their studies to the best of their ability, though they now have to walk with a mobility aid. no accommodations are given to them by their no-nonsense primus, tullia wildrush, which iovitus sees as some sort of punishment for their misbehavior, and begins to harbor a dislike for her authority, which will only continue to grow as time goes on. in actuality, tullia is attempting (for better or for worse) to push iovitus harder, knowing that if they do survive to adulthood, their opponents on the battlefield will actively target their newfound disability. the bullying they’d endured previously stalled briefly as the cubs had been harshly punished for their behavior by tullia, but it slowly fell back into where it was before – if not worse. before, iovitus might’ve been lightly pushed around, but now the cubs had something they could physically take from them: their walking cane. this continued till they were 10, when things shifted drastically: iovitus got into a physical fight with a girl who’d taken their cane and refused to give it back, pushing her down onto the ground and hitting her till she was still. oh. oops! after this incident, iovitus would be given a proper prosthetic limb by the primus, and the bullying died down – though it didn’t quite come to a complete halt, it was marginally less severe than it’d been previously. iovitus was never properly punished for the death of the other cub by their hands.
time passes, and iovitus continues to train hard in the fahrar, doing exceedingly well with both the longbow and throwing axes. as they shift into a teenager and are enveloped in the throes of puberty™, they go through what could be called a rebellious phase, purposefully going against what their primus says just for the fun of it – it earns them something of a respect amongst their peers, and iovitus relishes in that feeling, doubling down on their misbehavior. they also begin whatever the fuck the tyrian equivalent of hrt is, deepening their voice and earning them a neat little row of spines down the back of their neck, amongst other things. it’s only taken temporarily, as iovitus is satisfied with what they get out of it and don’t feel the need to continue. iovitus acquires a lot of piercings during this angsty bout of teenagehood. it is also during this time that they are introduced to the realm of illegal substances, doing whatever fun little hard drugs they can get their paws on. it never becomes an addiction, however, and iovitus is still keen to do well in the fahrar, despite everything. additionally, their close friend comes out to them as a trans woman, taking on the name cassia. she seems much happier afterwards, and the two blossom into a couple. win for the gays! 
soon after, the two of them graduate from the fahrar – cassia, despite being a year older than iovitus, stayed behind an extra year so the two of them could graduate together. rather than forming their own warband, however, they are invited to join the rain warband, as the both of them were amongst some of the best combatants in their year’s crop. iovitus took on the surname rainbreak, and cassia, rainsong. the rain warband was a spec-ops unit, operating as a sort of jack of all trades, doing whatever was needed of them – which usually meant killing what needed to be killed, interrogations, search and destroy/rescue missions, et cetera. all was well for a period of time, and cassia was quickly promoted to second-in-command, despite her young age. her prowess with the blade was incredible, as were her quick problem-solving capabilities and general badassery. iovitus also fell out of their drug usage during this period, though still did so recreationally whenever there wasn’t much to be done. things were good for a while, but they didn’t last long, thanks to the brewing conflict between the legions. wartime was fast approaching.
due to the nature of their warband, iovitus was spared from ever having to fight directly on the front lines, but that does not mean they are out of harms way; the rain warband is constantly moving from area to area, securing different zones, conducting quiet cullings, extracting information where they can, and doing whatever was needed of them without asking any questions. cassia was promoted to legionnaire after her predecessor was killed in a run-in with some flame legion soldiers. life went on and it kind of sucked because war sucks! iovitus gained a few cool new scars, so on and so forth. in the brief downtime that they have, iovitus and cassia talk about what kind of a life they’d like to live together when everything’s said and done. eventually, 2 members of the ‘band would be killed in an escort mission gone awry, leaving only 6 members alive. still reeling from the death of their previous legionnaire, this would hurt – but it was nothing in comparison to the event that would perspire in just a short few weeks time, so close to the end of the civil war. 
responding to a distress call from a nearby allied warband, the rain warband would find themselves locked in combat with a much larger, well-prepared set of flame legion soldiers. the warband they had been responding to were all already dead, so any attempt at rescue was out of the question. overwhelmed and underprepared, iovitus’ bandmates slowly fell till it was just them and cassia left – the flame legion warband had taken a few hits too, however, with a generous number of their bandmates dying. exhausted and grieving their fallen bandmates, iovitus and cassia are captured by the flame legion soldiers – rather than just killing them outright, however, they are tied up and beaten half to death in a futile attempt to squeeze any information out of them. being a spec-ops unit, however, they don’t really have access to anything they’d find useful, leaving the flame warband dissatisfied. there was no point in keeping the two of them alive, so they make the easy decision to just cut their throats and be done with it. cassia is first, and iovitus can do nothing but sit and watch as she bleeds out in front of them, coughing and sputtering, choking on her own blood. it’s an image that’s permanently burned into their head, and they watch the life slowly disappear from her eyes.
its their turn now, but just as the blade is put to their throat, their impending execution is interrupted by another blood legion warband – the tremble warband, who’d come to their aid, also having received the distress call from earlier. too little, too late. they are able to find and cull the remaining flame legion soldiers and rescue iovitus, but iovitus is, naturally, very upset. they’d just lost their entire warband in the span of a few hours and their partner – a staggering amount of grief overtakes them, and they’re not thinking properly. iovitus begs the tremble warband to kill them and be done with it – they reason that there’d be no witnesses to know what truly happened, and iovitus’ death could just be attributed to the fallen flame legion warband. the tremble warband refuses, obviously, no matter how much iovitus pleads for them to change their minds and reconsider. if they’re not going to kill them that easily, maybe iovitus can give them a proper reason to take them out. without any inclination as to what they’re doing, iovitus lashes out against their fellow blood legion soldiers, striking true with their axes – they manage to kill three before they’re knocked down onto the ground and hit hard enough to fall unconscious. iovitus wasn’t given what they desired – the release of death. they tried their hardest, though, having taken down the legionnaire and two bandmates.
following this, iovitus was brought to the blood legion homelands where they were put on trial for treason. iovitus didn’t care to fight the case, admitting guilt, hoping they’d be thrown into and die in some sort of gladiatorial combat. for whatever reason, however, the newfound legionnaire of the tremble warband, omiros tremblecut, decides to withdraw his case, instead allowing for iovitus to live freely as a gladium, much to the dismay of his bandmates. they are still found guilty of treason, though, and are expelled from the blood legion. at the time, iovitus did not know why the legionnaire did this. if they were in the place of the tremble warband, they knew that they’d certainly press for a painful death. iovitus knows now, though: the life of a gladium is a difficult one, ridden with grief, constantly followed by the things that they have done, knowing they can never return. there is no second chance; word of their crimes would spread, and even if iovitus was permitted back into the blood legion for whatever reason, they’d never find a warband willing to take them. it was a sentence worse than death, in a way.
leaving with nothing but the clothes on their back and a (stolen) raptor, iovitus wanders tyria for a few weeks, surviving off what little money they have on them. they don’t know what to do with themselves – it’s a brand new, unfamiliar, and quite terrifying world, and they have to navigate it all by themselves. part of them hungers for an easy death, but iovitus is too much of a coward to actually do anything. eventually, their funds run dry, and iovitus takes on a few odd jobs to get by. they purposefully pick and choose jobs that are dangerous, like mercenary work, hoping they’ll have an unlucky accident and end up dead. despite their best efforts, however, it doesn’t happen, and time slowly goes on. during this time, iovitus develops a fear towards other charr, avoiding them to the best of their ability – really, they avoid most social interaction in general, only talking to people when they absolutely have to. they’re also technically homeless, sort of just camping out in the woods when not actively enrolled in a job. life is miserable. iovitus takes out most of their piercings and begins smoking more regularly – it’s an easy distraction from their thoughts. they know it’s bad for them, but they do it anyways. maybe on purpose. since their expulsion, iovitus has actively worked to distance themselves from their charr heritage, taking on a more passive approach to life, and harboring a distaste for violence. 
at some point, iovitus picks up a job as a ranch hand, and discovers a previously unknown love for and skill with animals. iovitus takes comfort in them – sure, they have their raptor, but she wasn’t something iovitus really thought too hard about before. she was just kind of there. from here on out, iovitus begins to take on more and more work that deals with animal care and studies, slowly making a name for themselves in the community. the gladium begins to do their own simple research on genetics on the side, though they’re never confident enough to post anything they find. it’s all kept to themselves. time passes, and iovitus continues to work, pushing aside any thoughts of their past and pretending their heritage is nonexistent. they gain a few new companions along the way – first is meatball, an undead, underbaked minion of zhaitan who is too small to really do any actual harm. he’s free from the control of zhaitan, and sort of just acts like a bitchy cat most of the time. then, the aptly-named meathead, a smokescale whom iovitus rescued in maguuma after he’d broken his leg. meathead is trained in combat, and acts as iovitus’ companion. their most recently acquired little beasty is a griffon. he’s gifted to them as an egg by one of their coworkers, and though iovitus is hesitant to take him at first, they concede, raising him from a hatchling. he’s named W.P., and don’t ask what it stands for, because iovitus will never tell. 
as much as iovitus loves their animal companions, they are getting more and more lonely – it’s been a few years now. they are more social with their coworkers now than they were before, but don’t form any real meaningful relationships – most jobs are just a one-off thing, and iovitus loses contact with anyone they work with after they’re done. they crave the comfort of a warband – or, really, just anyone in general. the thought of another romantic relationship is overwhelmingly painful for iovitus to even consider. iovitus isn’t really sure where to start looking for companions. they don’t really like the limited feeling of living in a city – besides, the kind of work that they do requires them to move from place to place constantly. living in the woods also means iovitus has all the space to do whatever the hell they want and they don’t have to worry about neighbors or anything. it's fun! sort of. they do have to worry about bears and stuff, though, but that’s manageable. 
as terrifying as the prospect is, iovitus begins to look into their own family heritage, tracking down bloodlines and listing out all of their still-living relatives. charr don’t particularly care for their families, but iovitus doesn’t know where else to look – and they’re already not a very traditional charr, anyways. they have no siblings, so that’s out of the question. most of their aunts and uncles have been dead for a while, but iovitus’ mother is still around, as are a handful of cousins. well. it’s better than nothing, they suppose. it takes months of them building up the courage, but iovitus sends out a bundle of letters to any relatives they deem worth it, hoping they are unaware of their status as a gladium or don’t really care too much. most of them don’t respond, but iovitus does get two letters back – one from their mother, a harshly-worded response calling them a slew of insults and a blemish on their bloodline. ouch! thanks, ma. the other is from an older cousin – legionnaire gratta flashshot of the flash warband.  she’s unaware of the things iovitus has done, but knows of their gladium ranking. she doesn’t seem bothered by it, and the two grow close, spending more and more time with each other as time goes on. iovitus seems happier. are they? uhhh lol
gratta sort of moves in with iovitus, and eventually she leaves the legions altogether to live with them full time, all while iovitus continues to work – though at a much slower pace than they had been doing previously. they also spend more time in the human city of divinity’s reach, having made a couple of friends due to gratta’s unintentional influence. they have yet to connect with any charr outside of gratta in any meaningful way, still put off by the thought. iovitus also doesn’t really talk about their past unless prompted to, but there’s some things they haven’t told anyone – and they’d like to keep it that way. the thought of their friends – and, primarily, gratta – finding out of their crimes and wrongdoings terrifies them. so they’ll just bury it deep inside of them, and that’s that. it’s not healthy, but iovitus pretends it is. recently, iovitus has learned of their cousin’s occupation as a rift hunter, and are worried for her. it’s dangerous work, and she’s been doing it for a while. iovitus would much rather be doing it with her, to ensure she doesn’t get herself killed. they just don’t really know how to ask. oh, yeah, they also smoke a shit ton of weed, i guess
and that's where things stand currently! who knows what's in store for this kitty cat! wow i sure hope nothing bad happens to them!
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xisanamii · 2 months
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liu wei featuring his homie (gay) and homie (platonic)
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everytime i take a tiny triangle out of the cake i made my brother comes in and cuts off a trapezium, making the cut a single clean line. it would be vaguely funny but like i made the thing and like could he not eat it all without leaving some for me
#rant#i guess#it really fucking annoys me how i have to cut off my share in everything that comes in this house ever#like always stay on alert for your food and stash away your share or its gonna be gone by morning#i dont even know why its making me frustrated enough to cry#its just. nice good food has always been a treat and motivator for me and my brother has a habit of always grabbing my share too#it sounds so silly out of context but like. ive had a lifetime of going through a bad tiring day with nothing to look forward to but#a nap and something i like to eat. and always opening the fridge to an empty container#or worse the box is there but then i get in bed with a book and open the damn thing to find half a spoonful inside.#it would be annoying once or twice but its just. all the fucking time.#i hate this survivalistic shit#its not long before i move out thank god but still#he always did it when i was young and my mom hardly ever said anything#like now if i want i can get myself some treats but when i was younger i didnt have much choice.#i havent had the time to bake in two years and prep plus baking the layer cake took two days. i put so much work in it.#and he ate half of it by the time i came back from fucking peeing. i cant even say anything because he gets fucking angry and aggressive#at the drop of a hat so im. crying in my room about it. look my feelings are not as drownable and consuming now. i generally dont#let things like that affect me too much. but i feel so young again and like the entire world is so unfair. i don't know#writing my feelings out on a tumblr blog is so much better than journalling they should recommend this shit in therapy
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giantkillerjack · 6 months
Posting this here for receipts in case someone decides to steal this killer line of poetry I wrote for a spotify playlist description of all things (and which, together with the title, sounds like the heading of an essay that I would immediately want to read very badly):
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#original#will wood#suburbia overture#playlist#I had to get real creative with the word limit because the third line got cut off on mobile every time#if anyone likes this enough to want to write an image description please do#i need to go to bed.#white culture#christianity cw#actively resisting the urge not to add all the catholic tags bc i KNOW that's a self-harming activity for real#if living in America hasn't made white Christians recognize that they have built their churches on the bones of thskr#*on the bones of their own botched divinity then this post sure won't#and then I'd have a bunch of people in the notes who want to argue but the argument always goes#- 'hey bud what about this huge logical fallacy in your own moral code?' - 'God said so.' - 'cool cool good debate everyone.'#anyway jesus is just a cop who puts all the bad people in the bad person hole - just like real cops.#there's a reason white christianity and white supremacy go hand-in-hand.#nobody's got a shorter memory for atrocities than the white catholic.#do you think we learned about residential schools at catholic school in my 99% white suburban township?#of course not! we didn't even learn about the crusades!! i learned about residential schools on tumblr at like age 27!!!!#fucking. chilling. that it took that long for me to find that out#i really really hate the culture i was raised in#our churches were filled with everything except divinity. - and also ANY people of color#in my 18 years of being forced to attend mass i NEVER saw a Black person in ANY of those buildings.#which is Fucking Weird.#I don't think I ever saw any people of color actually. i absolutely never spoke to anyone non-white before i was 11.#and i didn't have a full conversation with a Black person until i was like 16. we weren't okay.#there is a special kind of sickness to white culture that chokes out the soul of our own kindness. it's rank. it's rancid.#fuck your culture. i will exist in radical queer spaces til i die.#my parents are democrats btw. it wasn't a fundamentalist household. it didn't have to be.#we were told racism is bad but taught it was basically over. which is a great way to produce a shitload of racist white kids.
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benevolentslut · 1 year
crying over weiss throwing her arms around yang in the camp
#no you don't get it that's her SISTER#team rwby was SO much more of a family to weiss than her actual family#like she grew up in a mansion where. her father was abusive. her brother always took his side and helped him to stay out of trouble himself#her mother shut down and was entirely absent from her life due to her father's behaviour.#and her sister was hardly ever home bc of her military career and she counted each of her visits as a blessing#she idolized the shit out of winter but she was still never there. weiss grew up almost entirely alone. klein was her only present family.#and then she joined team rwby and she suddenly had 3 sisters she got to spend everyday with and she loved them all so much#and she even fucking says as much when she confronts jacques and says '[these aren't] friends. [they're] family.'#god everyone in team rwby has family trauma#yang grew up with no active parent for a long time since tai shutdown after summer's death and qrow was an alcoholic#(like yeah both of them loved her but neither was a good parent)#(if she can at 5 years old disappear into the woods for several hours with a toddler in a wagon behind her without any supervision#while said woods are filled with monsters then im sorry the parents aren't parenting)#and after the loss of her mother ruby was raised by yang who was literally only two years older than her#blake got the best deal but she got fucking groomed into hating and abandoning her parents by That Fucker#and we know how much his actions fucked her up for nearly her whole life#team rwby is a family and i would die on this hill i am crying as i write this#(the best deal parent-wise her parents are amazing. not saying she got a better deal overall)
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bonestrouslingbones · 6 months
ANYWAY a loooooong time ago on atbb around the time karma got his newer facial scars and was talking about how he wouldn't be getting them healed properly, somebody sent in a question asking if he was one of those people who thought scars were hot. and obviously i didnt answer at the time because 1. there is not a world in which that kind of question would have fit the events going on at the time and 2. i honestly just wasn't sure at the time but was leaning on the side of Probably Not. however i've been thinking about different things about his character in the last few months and ive realized actually. maybe they were on to something and i just didnt know him that well yet
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snugglebeans3000 · 1 year
uhhh gimme,, opinion on ryukyo,, pleaseee
OOoooooOOOo this is one I like talking about brACe youRseLF
Don’t ship it
Why do I not ship it?:
I’ve kinda went back and forth on this one a couple times, but I settled on the conclusion that Ryuga and Kyoya just make better friends (???) than a couple. Like I can understand where the ship comes from. They’ve both been through a lot, and on some level with how they express and hide their emotions from others IS something that they could connect with on a deeper level and maybe relate to each other about, but personally I’ve never seen that as going past being platonic. I do headcanon that when Ryuga is trying to process big complicated emotions and isolates himself without giving a lot of fight, one of the people who would seek him out and actually try and try to get him to talk about his problems is Kyoya. Just the idea of Kyoya recognizing and saying ‘You’re a jerk— I couldn’t like you even a little bit— but this isn’t you. This isn’t how you react. What’s going on?’ Is very— for lack of a better word— tender to me. It’s a concern for each other based on the mutual respect they have for each other’s strength that only shows it’s face on rare occasions, but other than that, they just annoy the shit out of each other and it would probably lead to a lot of fist fights that have no indefinite end. I also head canon that Kyoya might help him out with explaining romantic feelings and how to navigate those (or the lack of those emotions as for the most part I canon Ryuga as Demi/aromantic) as he is the KING of BOYFRIENDS and probably has a lot of experience with romantic attachments and emotions.
What would have made me like it more?:
Personally, I’m a sucker for headcanons, art and fanfiction. I think if the right fanfiction came along with the two of them growing up and healing and maturing I might consider standing by this ship, but so far I’m just comfy with the whole platonic relationship.
Despite not shipping it, is there anything positive I can say about the ship?:
Again, I DO really love the idea of them coming to each other for help for complicated and sometimes painful issues based on mutual respect. I think if both of them learned to control their anger and aggressive feelings then it might work out, but I feel both of them are too chaotic to be paired together and they need a more calm counterpart to help them be their best selves.
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catwingsathena · 2 years
I just unintentionally went off my Strattera (non-stimulant ADHD med) for nine days and I can now say with confidence that I do in fact have ADHD, because holy crap never again.
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finely-tuned-line · 1 year
Log 224
FTL: I am officially declaring the eradication of FTLR-3 a success. In reality, it should never have even taken this long. It wouldn't have, if FTLR-3 were a normal Rot. But my incredibly cobbled-together and extremely risky plan worked. I've also gotten confirmation about Songs of the Negative Sunlight's state as of now. It all worked out, I should be some form of relieved right now.
FTL: Yet for some reason, I am not. I suspect that Songs of the Negative Sunlight's logs had a more... jarring effect on me than I'd thought. I will not dwell upon it, it is in the past now.
FTL: To describe how the success of the plan went is simple. The Locator pushed FTLR-3's container into the Void, made sure my Overseer was looking, and then waited until the start of the next cycle to confirm that it didn't come back. It, in fact, did not.
FTL: The sense of urgency is gone, and now that I've learned to live with it, it is rather strange. I suppose that could be the feeling that is often described as the aforementioned relief. It could also be said this this was all somewhat of an underwhelming conclusion.
FTL: The question is, what do I do now? I've got my list of potential experiments, yes, but. In all honesty, I think I might just take a break for a cycle. Reply to all the messages I've missed while all this was happening, talk with my Local Group about Songs of the Negative Sunlight.
FTL: It is rather pathetic of me to allow myself to even consider pausing like this, nevermind actually doing it. Though I am pathetic in the first place for messing up so badly.
FTL: To conclude, it's... strange. I feel as though I should have learned something from all this, and maybe I did. I do not truly know. Nor do I particularly care, it doesn't matter at all.
FTL: I will be getting back to my experiments the cycle after this one.
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void-kissed · 1 year
questions 5, 7, and 9 for any of ur inserts for the self insert development asks!
Hello, Hope!! Thank you very much for sending these - and I'm really sorry about how long it took me to be able to answer them!!
(question source: "Self-insert Development Meme" by blushpanda)
I think I will be answering these for Citri, if that's alright! For context, she's one of my Xenoblade Chronicles self-inserts, specifically for the first game in that series. I use her to romantically selfship with Vanea.
5. Does your self-insert have any magical talents or otherwise special abilities? Are they passive, like the ability to befriend animals, or dangerous powers that the villains want? Or if she's evil - any powers the heroes want to stop? - I touched upon this somewhat when answering the same question before, but Citri's not technially one for much magic. However, her main special ability (or, at least, characteristic) is that she contains the soul of Lady Meyneth within her! This was probably supposed to have overwritten her own soul, but she was able to persist as herself and co-exist with the goddess instead, which was advantageous for not only meaning she could continue to exist but also meaning she could begin to interact with Lady Meyneth (as well as Vanea, who was responsible for the soul transfer). As a very quick summary of the dynamic between the two (i.e. Citri and Meyneth), please see this silly message I wrote in Discord once:
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Hopefully that helps =P
Incidentally, most of Citri's other special abilities stem from the fact that she is half-Machina by virtue of being a Face Unit pilot, giving her the type of durability, resilience, and fast reaction times that may be expected from having a body that is entirely robotic (except for her head and her hands). She's not evil, but the antagonist is very much opposed to the goddess residing within her.
..okay this ask answer is getting long already, let's put the rest under a readmore if that's alright
7. What kind of clothing style does she like? What would she never be caught dead wearing? What’s likely in her wardrobe right now? - Citri.. can't really wear clothes anymore, in all honesty, due to having that aforementioned robotic body as part of being made into a Face Unit pilot! However, when she still lived with Shulk and the others back in Colony 9, she favoured cute outfits that were nevertheless not too over-the-top, as well as any clothes that she found comfortable and not restrictive. Even now, I imagine that she would be happy to wear accessories like different bows for her hair. She hates wearing anything that's too tight or made of an unfavourable texture - for example, she couldn't wear a waterproof coat unless she had long sleeves on underneath it. Here are her two appearances and therefore outfits so far - the first one is her initial appearance as a Homs (i.e. human), while the second one is her current appearance as the pilot of Face Nemesis!
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9. Her favourite foods? Colours? Activities? What does she enjoy in life? How does she express her joy for things she likes? - Citri's favourite colour is green, while her favourite food is.. if going by in-game collectables (although this one is technically only found in Future Connected), then Morrow Cob, as it's basically the Bionis' equivalent to sweetcorn! However, she doesn't actually need to eat after becoming a Face Unit, only requiring water and some amount of ether for survival. When it comes to favourite activities, Citri very much enjoys learning, whether in the traditional academic sense or just simply getting to hear others' knowledge and expertise. After being captured and taken to the Mechonis, she is fond of travelling around the titan where possible in order to experience more of what it and its people are like. Other than that, she also enjoys reading and working with computers! She's quite expressive in her joy despite not being overly overzealous naturally, as it doesn't take that much for her to get excited about things she likes, and she also doesn't shy away from giving compliments frequently about the things that she likes or thinks are neat.
I hope that all of these answers are alright!! Thank you very much again for sending in the questions~
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gottagobuycheese · 2 years
Quick Life Update
Hello hello, my fellow internet urchins! I know activity here’s always extremely sporadic, and that’s not gonna change in the near or moderately distant future (unless I suddenly acquire incredible time management skills but...ha), BUT I figured since I’ve got an impromptu day off it might be worth sticking an interim update here in case I go months without a peep, so here’s what’s been happening lately:
Moved countries and continents again!
Started a new job for better or for worse lol
Found and am currently wading between at least three new(-ish) obsessions (which will hopefully surface here at some point instead of staying on the backburner indefinitely) 
Forgot how to draw :(
Smooched death on the cheek twice in completely unrelated events of varying degrees of stupidity*
(...Okay that’s a much smaller list than I expected, it feels like it’s been a year but I guess it’s only been a bit under two months XD)
Anyhow, expect some long overdue reblogs coming this way as well as some artwork, old and new! It will probably be irrelevant to pretty much all of y’all who are still here but if you’ve been here a while I trust you know this is part and parcel of this blog skjdhfsk
#*the first incident was objectively the more stupid and avoidable one and I'm still smad about it#but less of a ‘smooch death on the cheek’ than a ‘standing at the crosswalk and the hooded figure with the scythe across the street—#‘— winks at you just as a bus passes then disappears’#I'M SORRY VAN YOU DESERVED A BETTER END THAN THAT#the second one I'm PRETTY sure was not my fault#but the river gods demanded a sacrifice and my brand new glasses took up the mantle in my stead#thanks a lot river gods >:/#I only had them for two days and now the case is all alone...#but the river guide said I got Extra Cool Points for not freaking out and giving them a thumbs up while the rapids were spinning me around#so I'll take that as a win#I'm glad I wasn't the one watching though it would've been so stressful from the other side haha#anyways all that to say that if I ever learn how to WRITE again I'm definitely using that sensation it was super interesting#Cheese's personal molasses#anyways the new obsessions are sxf and orv#and also pokemon but that's more of a long-term one that comes and goes#anyways#as I'm sure you are all well aware#general current global events are Extremely Present and Stressful at All Times#so in the interest of not becoming puddle of anxiety and existential dread some of that won't be here for the next while#because while I'd like to keep up with current events both offline AND online I would also like to actually Show Up for my job#and at the moment that is taking up more mental bandwidth than expected#so for the time being this will primarily be an escape#with the odd bit of Relevant Life Stuff here and there#ANYWAYS THAT'S THAT HOPE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WELL OR WILL BE WELL#AND I'M GLAD YOU'RE STILL ALIVE
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
okay, so bear with me but i remember seeing you a ton on my dash & i always admired you from afar...i was just so in love with zarina and your writing?? strong female original characters are just beautiful, so i continued to admire ♥ but i was also lowkey intimidated because you just seemed so fucking great... BUT THEN THE POST WITH THE HARBINGERS DROPPED AND A MUTUAL REBLOGGED IT & I WAS SRSLY IN AWE & JUST LIKE 'OKAY I NEED TO FOLLOW!! RN !!' and i am so glad i did because wow, you're amazing. like seriously! the love & time you have put into zarina & all of her verses? it's amazing. she is so well thought-out & has so many layers to her...i just want to get to know every angle & aspect of her! we haven't been mutuals for a long time but even now, i can srsly say she's one of my favorite original characters ever ♥ i hope we can get to write smth between yuna & zarina sometime because i'd love that so so so so much!!! you're so damn talented & sweet, 10/10 asking respectfully to hold ur hand ♥
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What drew you to my blog initially, and what, so far, has made you stay?
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coridallasmultipass · 1 month
#hfffffff okay i spent fucking hours rambling in that ao3 comment lmao i wanted to apologize for that but#i dont wanna give the author a reason to reply or guilt them into reading the whole thing lol#i hate having anxiety#bc it means sometimes i cant be like 'haha that was hot' without feeling like im not doin my job as a reader#but then when i start writing a longer comment i gotta give reasons why i liked something#and before u know it im typing my whole lifes story and thats a book no one wants to read. least of all in the comments on their 50k fic#i took out so many paragraphs and revised it no less than 20 times but probably more i wasnt counting#i dont think ive ever put a comment that long but it required backstory to explain something and also how i was surprised at#...being sold in the first chapter when i was already predisposed to not wanna read the fic in the first place#god its fucking 130am ive been typing for hours#sleep has not occurred to me bc ive been in 'middle of a task' mode since like 8pm#anxiety really is a motherfucker lmao ughhhhhhh#fuckin verbose as hell lmao hate that abt myself no one wants to read my essays lol#shouldve spent at least 3 of those hours workin on my fics but alas i have time blindess and only saw 2 time jumps#anyway gonna hope my sleeping pills kick in fast#lol its probably pain. the reason why im so on edge for the past few days and especially today since i couldnt really relax#i hate being so anxious all the time but what can i do lol nothing has helped me long term#oh here we fucking go lmao im writing another essay in the tags yeah i gotta hit the pen or something to chill or the pills aint gonna help#delete later / /#i swear i dont mean to but i blink and ive written an essay it happens without doing it consciously
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