missingn000 · 17 days
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hey all! i wrote a what-if character study & action fic for if king fought sanji instead of zoro during the raid on onigashima. i'd really love if you gave it a read! thanks so much!
happy reading!
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daffodiltaurus · 8 months
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paracosms, completed or rarely visited, but major. First installment.
Lit and rflr. Art school. If the Vikings had come all the way down the mississippi and up to the Ananzi
people, then about 700 years later, if an outsider came to the great center of civilization on the mesa with a scholarship to the Art Academy, she would have to strike a tricky balance between the expectations of classist professors and the wild exuberant street art of the Ups, a community of the marginalized clinging to the roofs of skyscrapers, and held together by pathways that seem almost magical.
Bone art. Parame: hollow. Hone. Making art zines. Wearing bracelets that don't allow anyone to grab you without them getting cut up. A paracosm for impossible art projects. A dog that bites is a dog that bites.
Destiny knot. The vrmmo watched over by the digitized souls of a Destiny knot trio of dark, light, and green elves, plus a 5 headed Dragon or two. 12 strand magic system emphasizing the need for balance. Modern, with fantastic elements. The dark elves killed off the wild elves centuries ago. Now they are bent on shutting down the vrmmo that mocks them.
There are about 6-7 versions with 2-3 major arcs. Parame is a vrmmo player who plays characters named Atlatl, Shyb, Rosemund, Taiba, and Ieaves, carries the whole world in her head to save it when everyone is trapped. no one is saved alone. We must be saved together. Important paras: D as hidden green fae, always. Will the human, Sherl the light fae, mori the dark fay.
This basic paracosm, with magic system and the conflict between light, dark, and life, has been the host to other stories and a weak attempt at a VN. It is the default for a contemporary nwod setting.
The summoned Dakini and her timeslip companions. So a contemporary woman, at The moment of her death is summoned by daoist ritual to Joseon era Korea, and recreated as a type of succubus/dakini, monstrous or even demonic in nature but kind and human in character. (The parame). Daoist warriors are chosen to be her companions and guards, keeping watch lest she go beyond safe boundaries. Together they kick all kinds of ass and solve mysteries and fall in love.
second arc. Then, as they are all essentially immortal, they go into a deep hibernation and wake up in the present decade. More ass kicking. Should be noted that the Dakini is largely pacifist. Her weapon is a living staff that can transform into a whip for clearing curses from the air and reach attacks, and that can create needles for thrown acupuncture paralysis attacks.
For some reason this group of other daoists is stalking and finally succeeds in kidnapping her and her Left hand. They mean to send her to Hell but Leftnim intervenes and is sent back to Joseon again. The third arc follows him (oddly both para and parame) as he moves forward in time sleeping 20 to 50 years at a go, and thus following and impacting history in Korea China Japan Britain and America as he tries to get back to her. Highlights: teaches Southern style kungfu in China, saves the life of a child in the womb in Japan as he leaves on a Dutch ship, the kid Bright Destiny follows after him also immortal, he meets and befriends native Americans and sleeps while they are genocided, trains Bright Destiny in San Francisco post civil war, learns guitar in New Orleans in the 20 s and 30s while working as a doctor for minorities, trains a kid Bright Destiny sends to him, has lots of friends, in the 50 s and then 80 s realized that BD and the kid are the ones who kidnapped him the first time but is afraid to stop it from happening. Finally gets back. In the future it turns out that a time spirit made a deal to help them grow strong enough to win a great cataclysm in return for the creation of a companion. Happy ending.
Okay I was trying to keep that short. Will make a second list of more completed or rarely visited large paracosms later. Didn't realize there was so much.
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Lawan Covid 19 Babinsa Tekankan Warga Pakai Masker KARANGANYAR - Sertu Sugeng Wiyono anggota Babinsa Koramil 13/Jumantono, bersama anggota Polsek dan Satpol PP kecamatan Jumantono bersinergi melaksanakan anjuran Pemerintah dalam hal memerangi virus Covid 19, dengan memberikan sosialisasi dan himbauan kepada masyarakat Jumantono agar disiplin dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Kamis (25/2/2021) Diantaranya yaitu mewajibkan masyarakat memakai masker ketika beraktivitas, rajin mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir, disiplin menjaga jarak dan menerapkan pola hidup sehat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,"ungkap Sertu Sugeng. Ditambahkan Babinsa, bahwa sasaran penegakan protokol kesehatan kali ini tertuju pada warga Jumantono yang beraktifitas yang tidak memakai masker, sehingga dengan adanya himbauan dan sosialisasi akan membangkitkan kesadaran diri masyarakat kecamatan Jumantono akan pentingnya mentaati protokol kesehatan, guna mencegah penyebaran Covid 19,"pungkasnya.(13-Kra27) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLt3B6-rFLR/?igshid=1eobetr03776q
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rivierie · 5 years
S/o to my Uber drive rflr coming all the way out only to cancel it
Except she won’t cancel it so now I’m stuck but I spent so long waiting AND she! Was! The! One! Who said “never mind” so I’m not losing that money
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missingn000 · 4 days
hey everyone! now that i've finally made some measurable progress, i wanted to share with y'all that i've recently picked up bookbinding as a hobby! 
my first bind is of my recent one piece oneshot requiem for lab rats, a what-if character study & action fic for if king fought sanji instead of zoro during the raid on onigashima. that fic is my BABY, truly my pride and joy, so i thought i'd be a good place to start.
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here are a few snapshots of the typeset! above is the inner cover & quote page, and below i've shared some of my favorite interior spreads -- there are 21 (very painstakingly cleaned, redrawn, spliced, and edited) manga panel illustrations throughout the typeset. can't wait to share more once it exists as a hard copy, and i'll post the completed typeset for free download once it's finished if anyone wants to bind it themselves!
(shoutout to @umbrace-rambles for drawing the fic's icon, a little angel lab rat with king's wings and a tail curled like sanji's brows <3)
read the fic here!
more page spreads below cut! (please look, they took me fucking forever.)
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i adore the illustration on the last page, but alas, it's too much of a spoiler for the ending just in case anyone seeing this hasn't read the fic yet. hope you like these small previews! excited to go further down this rabbit hole and share my descent into bookbinding hell with you <3
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