#George O'Malley One Shot
shelbgrey · 1 year
Life of Dr. Y/n L/n: part 9
Richard: Just to make sure you all were paying attention about the new hospital changes, I’ve prepared any eighty question exam.
*kahoot music starts*
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The more the merrier
"Give me just one moment," you say, ruffling his hair, and manoeuvre out from under him. 
There is no reason to let the Dobson-O'Malley confederation find you here looking debauched and ravished; after all when it comes to debauchery, they hate competition. You slip into the little en-suite to slick your hair back in place and straighten up your clothes. Once you emerge, apart from the torn trouser-leg, you look almost impeccable. 
The captain does not. Your knees seem to lose some of their carrying capacity again just looking at him with his shirt hanging open and his hair a mess. He makes a broad gesture in the direction of the door and smiles. You grin back.
Then you go let the girls in. ~
Whoever's in charge of sunlight the day after a bash--Apollo or some chap of that sort--must have it in for you. The day is bright and cheerful and full of birdsong, and not even the shaded, cozy interior of your room at the village inn can quite shut any of it out sufficiently to allay the pounding in your head.
"It's not quite the same as Wooster's clever valet makes it, but it's an approximation," says George, pushing a vile concoction of raw egg and vinegar and whatnot in your direction. You make a face but down it, and after another moment you can actually open your eyes without feeling like you are Julius Caesar and all the senators have individually decided to go for your skull.
"Thank you," you say, and then, "Oh God." But the stuff is bringing you back to your usual, amiable self, and you can even forgive George showing up unexpectedly like this and getting you out of bed before 3pm. You're not even sure you got in bed before noon.
"Don't mention it, old chap."
"I thought we'd be meeting back in town," you say after another moment of recovery. "What made you motor all the way here?"
He shrugs. "Couldn't stand the anticipation, I suppose. Also Jodhpur's at me again about being in his play. Thought I'd go in for a bit of country air until the ruddy thing is cast."
"You always did have a head on your shoulders, Elmsley," you say fondly. There are few pleasures such as the sudden absence of pain, and it is making you feel downright rosy.
"So, have you got any socks for me?" he asks cheerfully.
"Look–no, but–dash it, Elmsley, I gave it a good college try."
You tell him the whole story, or at least most of it. He nods along and makes sympathetic noises. Give it to George, he is a good listener.
"Can't do more than that," he agrees. "Circumstances being circumstances. You can try again next year."
"Again! Next year!"
"What? Why wouldn't you? So long as the Duke of Bolworth still breathes, the pride of the Cedermarks has not yet been permanently besmirched. And typically one does have a birthday every year. True even for dukes!"
"You're right," you say, your spirits lifting. "You know, Elmsley, you're a good egg after all." 
He takes a new glass and pours each of you a shot of bourbon to celebrate. "To next year."
"And a bane on all policemen." 
"Hear, hear."
You clink.
~ The End. ~
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vulpixelates · 1 year
god, the season 1 finale of grey's is so iconic (affectionate and derogatory)
"just show me your junk so we can get this over with" and "dude. you've got syphilis" followed by the bro pat on the arm
george Comphet Posterboy o'malley saying things like "i got ladies"
the scene where george is getting the penicillin shot and literally every single one of the main interns comes into the room
the safe sex demonstration for a room full of fucking medical professionals
the first seattle grace staff brain tumor arc !!!
richard realizing his surgery didn't blind him by waking up and seeing derek and meredith canoodling in the hallway
classic 00's brand intersexism played for shock and awe 🙃 ugh
izzie and cristina doing their first solo procedure and the guy just fuckin' dying and then doing an illegal autopsy
george punching alex
ADDISON "you must be the woman screwing my husband" FORBES MONTGOMERY 🥵🥵
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spoilertv · 21 days
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cagedpotential · 29 days
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✉️ ➡ @writtenxbeginnings (george o'malley), i think your house is haunted.
a reluctant chuckle instinctively exited her rosy lips, and it was like the first drop of a sink that starts overflowing. ❝ you sound surprised. ❞ that was the only coherent sentence she got out before a senseless and maniacal burst of laughter began to erupt from the depths of her grief-infected belly, the kind of laughter that was so hysterical and out of context that it meant that person wasn't laughing at all ― in fact, they weren't even remotely joyful, or happy, they were just coping. getting the pain out however they could, as irrational as it may look on the outside. and maybe, just maybe, it was a signal they needed serious help. or a shot of tequila, whatever you wanna call it.
izzie turns around to her friend, able to dedicate him further explanatory words amidst her manic fit, ❝ how could you be surprised? i've had a friggin' 8 million dollar check from my dead boyfriend attached to my fridge for months, of course my house is haunted. but not because of some flashing light meredith forgot to get changed, because of me. i'm the one who's haunted, i'm the one who can't walk down the hospital's halls, or anywhere, for that matter, without feeling denny right there with me. wherever i go, he goes, so i'm the ghost, george. that's the level of haunted we're dealing with here. ❞ the blonde finally lets out a deep breath, slipping her back against the counter and sitting on the kitchen floor. ❝ i'm sorry, i didn't mean to unload on you like a crazy person, i'm just ― struggling. still. and i guess, in a way, i resent myself for it, because it's not gonna bring him back. nothing will. and whatever small chance i have of salvaging whatever's left of my medical career depends on me coming to terms with that, and i just ― highly doubt this is what a reconciled, healed woman looks like. ❞
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gazellion · 2 years
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Words: 3808 [ Masterlist ]
THAT MORNING, WHEN they got to the hospital, they were earlier than normal, so they could take their time getting dressed, and for some—George—that meant eating his breakfast. Cristina, Skylar, Izzie, and George waited by one of the nurses' stations to wait for Bailey. Izzie was drinking coffee, George was eating a banana, Cristina looked like she would fall asleep at any moment, while Skylar was slumped against the nurses' station. She yawned, rubbing her eyes with her fingertips to try and wipe away her tiredness.
Last night, George had kept her up—and not in the way you think—it wasn't him, per se, it was the thought of him. She had done her second load of thinking that night with George sleeping next to her. And with nothing but him to look at, she watched his cute, peaceful face as her mind raced. Sure, they were together, but to Skylar, it felt a little weird. Like, someone was hiding something. Maybe, he was and he wanted to keep it a secret from her. Maybe she was, and she didn't even know what that something was. Or maybe it was nothing serious and she was just worrying because it always seemed like she was worrying about something these days.
"Well, we have to do something. Meredith's become like an exhibit," George voiced, making Cristina groan. "Like the...hey. Like a zoo animal, like that rare panda that everyone stares at." He was referring to the hospital gossip about Meredith, some people said she went crazy after Derek dumped her for Addison, and other people said she was ready to jump off the building. None of it was true, though. But she was just a little upset, as you'd expect anyone to be after a breakup.
"Please don't say that to her face. I think that panda died alone," Izzie advised him.
"It did," Skylar confirmed.
After hearing Cristina laugh, George turned to her. "This just could just as easily be you, if people knew about you and..." He narrowed his eyes and silently mouthed Burke, which made Cristina a little angry.
"You take that back," Cristina immediately said, redoing her bun.
"No," George responded, making Cristina glare at him. "I'm just saying we should do something to cheer her up."
"Don't worry about it," Izzie mysteriously replied and shared a knowing look with Cristina. They had come up with the perfect plan to cheer up their heartbroken friend. George and Skylar were not informed and looked between the two, confused.
"It's under control."
"What—what do you guys have going on?" George asked.
"Hey! Why didn't you two tell me about whatever the hell you are planning to do? Meredith's my person after all," Skylar tried to convince them, but it was to no avail. Izzie and Cristina glanced at each other before shaking their heads with a smile on their faces. This was all a part of their plan: they decided not to tell Skylar, because they thought she would spill it to Meredith. She was a horrible liar after all.
"Where's Karev?" Bailey immediately asked as she walked up to them with Meredith by her side.
"Probably off somewhere, not kissing somebody," Izzie muttered which made Skylar roll her eyes at Izzie for what felt like the thousandth time. Izzie just didn't know when to let go of situations. It had been a couple of weeks since then, Skylar was pretty sure she would be over it by then. But then again, she wouldn't know because Alex had put out for her.
"Let's go, O'Malley." They started walking away and took the front, the others walking a few feet behind them. Skylar wanted to keep up with them and not fall behind, so she fastened her pace a little bit. Izzie, however, grabbed her by the arm, slowing her down. Skylar shot her a confused look.
"Hey, so, um, after rounds, we have something to show you. Both of you," Cristina told Meredith and Skylar with a tiny smile gracing her lips. Skylar was still a bit confused but shook her head. Meredith showed none of those things, in fact, there was no emotion visible on her face.
"Look, you don't have to include me, if it's just to make Meredith feel better. You two have it handled," Skylar politely rejected their offer. She turned away from them, jogging slightly to catch up with George and their resident.
Burke, Bailey, and her interns, excluding Alex, were gathered in a patient's room. The woman was lying on a hospital bed while her husband was rushing around doing little things for her. "Mrs, ah, Kimberly Griswold. History of heart disease and multiple surgeries. In for a beating heart quadruple CABG," Cristina started presenting when someone walked in. That person happened to be Alex.
"You're late," Izzie pointed out the obvious, and Skylar slightly sighed in annoyance. George smiled next to her, having heard this. He knew she and Izzie weren't best friends, but they tried to be and he appreciated that because Izzie was his best friend.
"Yes, Karev, nice of you to join us," Burke disapproved and gave Alex a look before returning to the chart. There was only one person in that room who greeted him with a smile; Skylar. This made him nod with the tiniest of smiles on his face. He was extremely lucky to have a friend like Skylar. She might have her quirky moments sometimes and be a bit annoying to him, but to her friends, she was an absolute sweetheart who had your back no matter what. "Why keep the heart beating, Dr. Yang?"
Cristina looked at Izzie and Meredith hesitantly before turning back to the attending. "I don't know," she replied, earning surprised looks from both Burke and Bailey.
"What?" Bailey let out, clearly confused.
"I have no idea," Cristina claimed, her voice sounding forced. Skylar, too, found it odd. During the time she's known Cristina, she was a self-proclaimed 'Cardio God' which made it very unlikely that she didn't know something about a cardiac patient.
Bailey snapped her gaze to Izzie, who played along with Cristina. "Oh, I don't know, either," the blonde said, shaking her head. "I just don't."
Meredith, on the other hand, wasn't informed well enough. "Because of the—ow." She was about to speak up when Izzie elbowed her, throwing her a look to stop her from answering the question. Skylar and George shared a suspicious look regarding their three suddenly-dumb friends.
"Anyone else?" Burke asked and looked at the other interns who were eager to answer. Skylar opened her mouth but quickly closed it again once Alex had spoken up.
"Stress reduction because of the previous surgeries—"
"O'Malley," Burke interrupted him.
"I know—I know the answer."
"I'm asking O'Malley."
"Scar tissue's too deep. The heart's too weak to start up again," George answered.
"So, what should we do? Kepner?"
"Only immobilize the portion you're working on and leave the rest of the heart on its own," Skylar responded.
Burke nodded and handed them the patient's chart. "Welcome to the case."
"What do you guys got?" Skylar called out as she stepped into the elevator with Meredith, Cristina, and Izzie who had their eyes glued onto a chart that the former was holding.
"A pregnant man," Izzie proudly announced.
Skylar's mouth gaped open. "A pregnant—what?" Now she knew why Cristina and Izzie couldn't answer Burke's question—they were refusing to. "Where did you find that? And why did I say no?"
"Your fault," Cristina muttered, to which Skylar playfully glared at her.
"We kinda stole it from psych..." Izzie trailed off.
Skylar stared at the three. Oh, she wished she didn't turn them down. She was stuck with the wife who kept bossing her husband around just because she was sick. It was fun to be on a case with George, too, but this would have been way better. "That's actually really smart."
"Wanna place bets?" Izzie suggested. "We've been collecting from all over the hospital. Highest bid is a tumor, which is lame."
"Uh, no thanks. I'm good," Skylar sipped on her coffee. Cristina sneakily stole the drink from her, taking a sip from it; her eyes instantly narrowed at the taste of it.
"What the hell is in this?"
"Four shots of espresso. To wake me up," Skylar blandly answered.
Skylar let out an offended scoff. "Give it back, then." She held out her hand for the coffee and Cristina just plopped it in. The elevator doors opened and the four of them stepped out, still flipping over the chart, excitedly looking over it.
They all halted as they ran into Derek. Meredith froze while Cristina and Izzie's defense mode switched on as they immediately hid the chart behind their backs. Skylar had to hold back a chuckle.
"Hi. Hello. Hi. Morning," Derek greeted each of them and his gaze landed on the currently-famous intern at the hospital. "Meredith. Maybe we could, you know, uh, talk?"
Cristina and Izzie gave each other a glance. "No," they all replied in unison, putting on their most polite smile toward the attending before hauling Meredith away from him.
Skylar watched as Derek's eyes followed the blonde as they walked off. "You're an idiot," she finally said. He quickly turned to face her when she said that, a surprised expression on his face. That's when she had to bite her tongue to stop herself from laughing.
The neurosurgeon scowled at her, finding this situation unassuming. "It's not funny," he deadpanned.
"No, no, it's not," Skylar agreed, clicking her tongue. "It's sad, really. Hilarious, even."
"Yeah, yeah..." He rolled his eyes, not knowing that Skylar had a sense of humor. "You know, I'm your boss, right?"
Her facial features didn't move one bit, but her breath caught in her throat at that reminder. She just—kind of—talked back to her boss. "My cardiac patient's scans should be up any minute now," she said, excusing herself from him and she ran off, blowing out a sigh once she was far enough away.
Skylar was eating her lunch in the outdoor cafeteria, alone. None of her fellow interns were in sight, so she had chosen a place in the back. As she was eating her applesauce, Meredith, Cristina, and Izzie walked in and quickly joined her. She looked up, greeting them with a smile. "So, you're stuck with bickering married couple," Cristina let out a chuckle. "You should've joined us."
"Look who's talking. I heard you were on grunt work, doing rectals and there was a case of explosive diarrhea?" Skylar sassed back. Meredith looked up from her magazine with a small smile on her lips while Izzie did everything she could to not laugh. "Besides, it's not so bad, working with George and Burke."
"Oh, of course, you get to make out with your boyfriend..."
"I hate you," Skylar said with no emotion in her words and Izzie couldn't contain her laughter then. Cristina shot both of them a glare as Meredith's smile grew. Skylar opened her mouth to snap back but was interrupted by George sitting down next to her.
"A pregnant guy? You had a pregnant guy and you didn't tell me?" He angrily asked, stabbing his salad with his fork.
"Well, we can get you floor space in the O.R. for 50 bucks," Izzie informed him which made Cristina chuckle.
"You're selling tickets and we don't even know what's wrong with him," Meredith intervened.
"Mer's right. Isn't it a bit rude to do that anyway? He's still a patient, not just a thing to practice on. Imagine if you were him," Skylar agreed, leaning back in her chair.
"Whatever he's got inside has got to come out. We're just brokering a few deals."
"Sort of like backstage passes. You want in on the cash?"
"No," Meredith replied, shaking her head. Skylar looked down at her food, still in disbelief. She would expect this kind of behavior from Cristina, but Izzie? She thought the blonde was the kind of person that cared about patients more than the fame they brought. Apparently, she was wrong.
"I didn't need a pregnant guy. I was Burke's new go-to guy. We are Burke's new go-to guys," George said, gesturing between him and Skylar with his fork.
"People," she corrected. George hummed in agreement, stuffing his face with food, angry at the three girls. But then he faced Cristina, remembering that he had accidentally let Burke know that he knew about his relationship with the brunette. Skylar hadn't done anything to help him, at least from his perspective. She was nudging him slightly during that time, trying to get him to shut up but he didn't notice. "But that's over thanks to you," he said to Cristina. "He didn't know that I knew about you two."
"Stop talking."
"What on earth?" Izzie wondered when she noticed Alex wheeling a teenage girl in a wheelchair to their table. Derek had asked Alex to take Nicole everywhere he went that day, so he could possibly convince her to change her mind about the surgery. Her mother was strongly against it and the girl was too afraid to say her opinion. The others looked at him questioningly, but not Skylar. She smiled instead and greeted the girl before taking a bite of her food.
"Hi...I'm Alex's charity case," Nicole greeted them.
"Huh, I like her already," Cristina said.
"Are you volunteering?" George asked him.
"Don't ask."
"Why? It's not like we can read your mind. It's not like we have any idea what's going on in your tiny, tiny, tiny little brain," Izzie inquired and Skylar had a feeling that it was yet, another, comment about how he hadn't kissed her on their date. Skylar had had enough of her complaining and was at the point where she was thinking of locking them in an on-call room until they made up, or kissed—whichever came first.
"She has a point," Cristina replied when her pager went off. She sighed and became a bit frustrated. "Oh! I am hungry!" She complained. She hadn't finished her lunch yet but had to leave anyway. Patients were waiting. She had pissed off a nurse, Debbie, who was taking her sweet, sweet revenge.
"So, this is cool. A real live lunchtime. In a real cafeteria with trays and friends," Nicole confessed and was admiring everything around her.
"We're not his friends," Izzie quickly clarified which made Skylar roll her eyes.
"Oh, please, Izzie! You might not be his friend, but I am. And, anyways, you obviously want to be more than that," Skylar complained, not even looking up from her container of applesauce. Izzie's mouth fell open in shock and her eyes seethed with anger. "Don't they have a cafeteria at your school, Nicole?" Skylar changed the subject.
"I'm homeschooled by my parents."
"That explains a lot," Alex muttered to himself, but the others could still hear his comment.
"So are you guys the cool kids around here or something?"
"What would make you think that?" Meredith wonder as she looked up from her magazine.
"It seems like everyone is talking about you." When the blonde looked around the room, people were staring and talking about her. But Meredith decided to do nothing and went back to reading her magazine.
"The Griswolds are a huge pain in the ass," George ranted as he and Skylar walked down the staircase toward their room. They were also holding hands since no one was around to see them anyway. "Why would you be with someone who makes you so unhappy?"
"Self-torture," she guessed. "At least their marriage is lasting long, isn't it? Maybe that's just how the world works? Happy people have a short time; unhappy people last a lifetime..." Maybe she shouldn't have been saying these things, especially to her boyfriend but it was already out in the open.
George furrowed his brows at that concept. "That's...twisted." Opening the door into Mrs. Griswold's room, he brought a bright smile onto his face despite his complaining just a few moments ago,
"Hello, Mrs. Griswold, I'm here to take your blood pressure," he informed. Skylar went to sit Mr. Griswold on the bed opposite his wife's while they took her vitals.
"Could you make sure that they get the breathing tube out of my throat right after surgery this time?" Mrs. Griswold told her husband. She let out a wince and snapped at George. "Are you trying to cut off my circulation?"
Mr. Griswold sighed, "He's just doing his job..."
"What did you say?" Mrs. Griswold's sudden raise in her voice lifted the tension in the room. The two interns gave each other a cautious look; Mr. Griswold had finally snapped.
"I said, he's just doing his job."
"Oh, God," Skylar whispered. She did not want to be there to witness a marriage falling apart.
"Well, I don't really care whose job he's doing. He's squeezing my arm off," Mrs. Griswold snapped. "Are you just gonna sit there?"
Mr. Griswold took a deep breath and snapped, "Shut up, Kim." George and Skylar's eyes widened. His wife looked at him questioningly. "Just shut up, huh?"
"Hey—" George tried to interrupt, but he was quickly cut off. Skylar tugged on his sleeve to pull him away from the couple's bickering. The two interns backed off to wait for them to stop.
"You complain to me, about me, around me," Mr. Griswold barked. "All day! Everyday! A little silence would be nice. A few measly minutes of quiet."
Skylar noticed Mrs. Griswold's heart rate rising on the heart monitor George. "Oh, no...Mr. Griswold, you should—"
"Can't you just for once in your life, just shut up!"
"Okay, looks like Mrs. Griswold is doing well," Burke informed as he continued immobilizing her heart in the O.R. After her husband had yelled at her, Mrs. Griswold had a heart attack and had to be rushed to surgery.
"The husband's blaming himself," George muttered. "One second, his wife was okay, and now she's in here," he lifted his eyes to Skylar. "Is that just how the world world works?"
"The world is a weird place," Skylar shrugged as she suctioned the blood from the patient's open chest. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a situation caught all medical personnel in the O.R. off-guard, Mrs. Griswold's heart caught on fire.
"Code red!" Burke shouted as everyone took a step away from the table.
"Her heart...it's on fire," George mused.
"Woah," Skylar couldn't blink, she was more impressed than alarmed as she stared at the flames.
"Begin fire protocol," Burke hurriedly ordered.
"On it," George and Skylar both replied. George headed for the saline while Skylar went to the side of the O.R. and began to disconnect the electrical leads.
"Any unnecessary personnel in this room, evacuate now! Shut down the O2."
"I got the ambu bag," Skylar informed. "Starting manual respiration." To say she was amazed by the whole situation would be an understatement. Her internship at Seattle Grace got more interesting every day.
"I gotta control this bleeding. O'Malley, I need some hands here," Burke requested, gesturing for George to come over to him. "Her vitals are stabilizing. We might just have a chance here." Skylar looked up at the gallery while squeezing the Ambu bag rhythmically. The doctors were all on their feet, gaping at the unexpected situation. She thought back to Izzie, Meredith, and Cristina's patient. Mystery patient, my ass.
A very concerned Skylar and George were sitting opposite Mr. Griswold in the waiting room. Burke was to the right of Skylar, hiding a smile. Mr. Griswold had burst out laughing upon hearing that his wife caught on fire and survived. He looked back and forth between the three surgeons, unable to control his hysterical laughter from coming out.
"She's never gonna die!"
"Uh, Mr. Griswold?" Burke called out. "Mr. Griswold, I know this is an emotional time for you. Um, if you would like to wait—"
"Wait? No, no," Mr. Griswold interrupted as he stood up from the couch. "I'm not waiting any longer." He thrust his wife's bag into George's hands, the latter looking at it in confusion. Skylar had to hold back a laugh when this happened.
The old man then grabbed his coat and started walking off. "You tell her," he spoke. "Tell her...Hell—tell her she'll survive without me!" The man started laughing again and wandered to the elevator. He saluted the three surgeons who just sat there and watched as the man stepped into the elevator and left his wife's life without a second thought. Burke walked off shortly after that, leaving two amused interns left.
"Well, it seems like even unhappy people break. Eventually," Skylar chuckled, shaking her head. "That's just how the world works."
"Uh...any idea what I do with this?" George asked, lifting the bag in his hands.
"Return it to its right owner, I guess?" She suggested, standing up. "You know, I need a drink, you wanna go to Joe's?"
He immediately stood up and darted to the elevators to catch up with her. "After I return this—wait up!"
Joe's bar was busy, just like any other night. George, Cristina, Skylar, and Izzie sat at the corner of the bar, the blonde counting the betting money they got that day. The redhead took a shot of tequila, allowing the fiery liquid to go down her throat.
"485 dollars worth of tickets to the surgery," Izzie said, finishing off the counting.
"Yeah," Cristina condescending said.
"Did you sell more?" Izzie said, smiling because she already knew the answer.
"Oh, yeah," she smirked, pulling out a wad of fives from her back pocket. The four interns, along with Joe, chuckled.
Meredith walked in and took the seat next to Izzie. "Hey, Joe," she greeted. Everyone kept quiet and continued sipping on their drinks while Joe poured one for Meredith. "So you guys really don't have anything else to talk about.
Cristina, Izzie, and George sighed. "No."
"We could talk about the panda," Skylar shrugged, forgetting that Meredith had no idea what she was talking about. The four of them turned their heads to her.
"I'm a panda now?" Meredith mused, shaking her head while she took a shot of tequila.
"Yep," Skylar confirmed. "Kinda depressing, to think that it died alone. But at least it was cute...chubby, and cute." When they all just blankly stared at her with amused smiles on their faces, she responded, "I'm drunk, forget about it."
The five of them burst out laughing, clinking their glasses together, then downing the rest of the glass. Their attention turned to Alex as he wandered into the bar and walked right up to Izzie.
"What?" She asked, staring at the determined look on his face. He dipped her backward off the barstool and passionately kissed her. The other four cheered them on with smiles on their faces. Alex finally got the girl.
Alex pulled her back up, a smile tugging his lips. "Good night," he said, before leaving through the doors again.
"Seriously," Izzie breathlessly said.
Skylar took yet another shot and pointed at the blonde. "Does this mean you'll finally stop complaining?" She slightly slurred, pointing at her with a peanut still in her hand. George just pushed her hand down, knowing she was well past her limit of drinks. At Izzie's glare, she said something more friendly. "Go after him, have a hell of a long night," she smirked. Izzie took a large gulp of her drink while the rest of them continued laughing.
[ Masterlist ] [ Fifteen ] [ Seventeen ]
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They realise they’re in love with you
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George realises he's in love with you when your both home after a hard, gruelling day at the hospital.
The two of you cuddled up on the couch with your favourite TV show/ Movie playing, favourite take out, both relaxing in your comfortable clothes. 
Throughout the evening, George finds himself looking over at you, realising how beautiful you look. Suddenly George imagines more nights like this, cuddled up on the sofa after long shifts at the hospital. 
As George gets more comfortable on the couch with you, George's heart melts when you instinctively move with his body. As your head nestles your head into his chest, he feels his heart race. Suddenly, his mind drifts back to his original thought process.
Suddenly George can see the two of you moving in together, creating a life together. More movie nights and date nights. Coming home, knowing no matter what goes on throughout the day, he can return home to you. His own piece of paradise away from the rest of the world. 
George thinks back to before you were both officials. Dates were impromptu and spontaneous, with no time left for planning or fancy dinners reservations. Sometimes dates included taking a late night walk or a trip to a diner, and you loved every second. 
George also thinks about how about how your so dedicated and passionate you are about your patients. You always go above and beyond for them. 
George realises he can't live in a world without you in it. He also specifically can't ignore how his heart races or the butterflies in his stomach. The way his palms get sweaty or the way he gets nervous, although you've been together for a long time. 
George knows what this feeling is. He's in love with you. Looking down at you, he presses a kiss to the top of your head. 
Looking at you, George smiles. He gently calls your name as you look up at him. Slowly and tenderly, he leans down to kiss you. You instinctively smile as you lean into the kiss. 
It's when the two of you are pulling away, looking up deeply into each others gaze, that George lets it slip from his lips. You're taken aback for a second, and George immediately tells you that you don't need to say it back. 
You lay your hand on George's face attentively before giving George the most electrifying smile a person can give. Leaning as you can, your lips brush against him as you whisper you love him too. George smiles as you two emerge your lips together once more. One thing for sure, he's never going to get tired of telling you he loves you. 
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Rest- George O’Malley
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Pairing: George O’Malley x Reader
Characters: George O’Malley
Warnings: N/A
Request: @theichabbieclub​ - Hi ! Hope you're having a good day! If I can request, may I get George O'Malley x exhausted reader who falls asleep on him after reader is on call for like three days (and nights) ? Please and thank you ✨🎃
Word Count: 403
Author: Charlotte
Working as a surgeon was a hard job, there was always something new to learn and new patients coming through the doors constantly with the work never seizing. Normally the constant onslaught of patients was hard enough to be able to find the time in the day to treat them all in the way they needed but it only became harder when your staff numbers dropped. Due to the constant fornication and close proximity of the staff, if there was an illness, it spread like wildfire. You had done well enough to stay healthy but that meant you were stuck covering shifts to make sure there was enough staff to cover the workload.
You had ended up stuck at the hospital for 72 hours, fuelled only by minimal sleep in the on-call room, or anywhere you could rest your head and enough caffeine to kill a man. It got to a point where you were no use to the hospital, being a zombie rather than a surgeon and was sent home even though you felt guilt for leaving your colleagues.
It took you an extra moment to get your key in your front door before you stumbled into the living room to find your boyfriend and colleague George, sat there looking woozy, having been caught by the flu.
“You look worse than me,” George commented.
You flopped down next to him on the sofa. “Three more people were sent home with that flu today. I kind of hope I get it because I cannot do another shift like that.”
George wrapped an arm around you, doing his best to not breath on you and keep his coughing to his tissue.
“I was getting worried,” he frowned. “If the flu doesn’t get you, you’re going to make yourself sick from overworking yourself.”
You let out a yawn, resting your head onto his shoulder, struggling to keep your eyes open any longer.
“There’s too many people that need help, I couldn’t just come home when I was still fighting fit,” you whispered, your eyes now closed.
George continued to talk to you, but the words were muffled as you started to succumb to how tired you were becoming. Soon his voice was completely lost to you as you fell into the much needed sleep, George leaving you to rest on him, glad that for once over the last few days you were letting yourself rest.
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archieimagines · 7 years
007 | George O’Malley One Shot
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requested by: @cantwaitforyoutoshutup we’re sorry this took so long, mischief has been working a lot lately but she found the time to put this together :) thanks for requesting, and we hope you enjoy! word count: 943 words 
“He just jumped in front of the bus. For me.” The girl kept repeating herself in shock. You looked at her and then back at the John Doe on the operation table. His face was so completely disfigured that it was hard, painful even to look at. He was a hero but no one knew who he was - a hero with no name.
And yet you had this feeling. The feeling of him being someone important, somehow. You threw these feelings to the back of your head, there was too much to be done.
You tried calling George, your boyfriend, for what felt like the millionth time but all you got was voicemail again. This was his last day here and it was supposed to be you and him. Just you and him, before he went off to a war zone. You were very proud of him for enlisting and you had told him that time after time. But you couldn’t stop your heart from breaking and hurting. Since he had told you about his decision, you had spent every minute alone crying. He was going away and Lord only knew if he was ever coming back. It took so long for you and him to get together that it was almost unfair how he just decided to leave without even consulting you. But you loved him and you understood that this was not the time to be upset or mad, but to be supportive and understanding. But this was getting out of hand. He left this morning without saying anything and now he was not answering your calls. This was not how this day was supposed to be.
You walked off, needing a distraction, and went to see Izzie. And by seeing you meant just standing outside of her room and asking Alex how she was doing. No change apparently. She was still forgetting everything they were telling her every five minutes. You felt sad for her too and once again today, tears threatened to roll down your face. You also felt bad because all you could think was that if she had known, if he had told her, she might have been able to stop him. She knew him better than anyone, better than you even and you were okay with it. If she was alright, she might have been able to stop him. But of course there was no point thinking like that as she was fighting her own battle.
You were doing rounds and checking up on your patients when you heard that John Doe was out of surgery. As you had a couple of minutes free, you decided to check up on him. You came across the girl he had rescued and gave her a reassuring smile. After checking his vitals and his chart to see how the surgery went, you sat down and took a deep breath. You closed your eyes for a second but there was no possible rest with the sound of the machines.
Then it occurred that he doesn't know who you are and might be uncomfortable with your presence. “You’re probably wondering who am I and why am I here with you now,” you spoke in a hushed voice. “I'm sure you know I'm not one of your doctors. Truth is, there aren't a lot of people who would jump in front of a bus for someone so… Here I am admiring you and trying to soak up your bravery. My boyfriend is leaving me to join the army. So I need just a bit of your bravery today.”
You stopped talking and took a moment to just look at him. You really looked at him. Chest rising and falling minutely, the mass of dark hair that somehow seemed familiar. He was too familiar.
As you were staring into his blue, familiar eyes, he made a movement so that his hand could touch your arm and in a split of a second, you knew.
This was George. This was your boyfriend.
As soon as the shock left your body, you ran through the halls of the hospital telling every attendant you found on the way that it was George and they had to save him. They just had to.
He was in surgery for what felt like an eternity. The world was spinning around you for what seemed like forever until George came out of surgery. You were vaguely aware of someone patting your back or saying something to you once in awhile but you weren’t aware of who it was or what they were saying. It was just too much of a whirlwind.
You were sat there for hours, just holding his hand. Why did this have to happen? What kind of tricks was the universe playing? He couldn’t die.
“George, you idiot. I need you to survive, okay? I need you to live, for me. And let me be perfectly clear, I am being selfish here. I need you to live because I can’t live without you. I can’t breathe, I can’t think and I’m always sad. So that will be me for the rest of my life if you leave me. So please, just don’t...Just don’t leave me.” Tears were rolling down your face and everything was foggy. So foggy that you hadn’t seen George’s eyes opening. Only when you felt his hand move did you looked up again. And now the tears rolled for a whole other reason. “I’m here, baby… And now it's my turn not to go anywhere because- because whatever you manage to get your idiot self into, I will always be by your side.”
written by: mischief
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Life of Dr. Y/n L/n: part 7
Alex: after George's surgery we removed everything electronic from his room, stuck an old heart monitor, and put an ancient typewriter from an antique shop.
Y/n: for 30 minutes we had him convinced he went back in time.
Lizzie: that's awful and traumatizing.
Meredith: *laughing* but funny!
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solarwriting · 4 years
Drunken Truths
Pairing: George O'Mally x Reader
Warnings: language, general drunkenness
Request: by anon; "Can I get a george o'malley x reader, maybe sleepover at Meredith's house. They could play truth or dare, while getting drunk. I think they should for sure give George some harsh dares, and everyone gets really drunk, but you dont turn down dares so you're the least drunk and you babysit everyone."
Note: I love this request, I find it so cute,, hope you like it anon!
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It was a surgeon's usual Friday night (it was actually a Wednesday but nobody was on call the next day), the alcohol had been brought out, a combo of tequila (courtesy of Meredith) and vodka that Y/n brought from her home.
With the drinks came the dancing and soon Izzie drunkenly slurred, "Lets play truth of dare!" With an excited gasp from a tipsy Y/n, every one sat down in a circle on the floor around Meredith's coffee table.
Y/n sat between Christina and Alex, Meredith next to Christina and Izzie next to Alex, with George sat in between them and across from Y/n. Shots were prepared on the table as Izzie explained, "Someone asks truth or dare... you pick one and if you don't answer the truth or do the dare, you drink!"
At the prospect of drinking even more everyone cheered and the game began. Meredith was asked about how she really felt about Addison Montgomery to which she replied by taking two shots. Alex ate a mystery mixture of foods that Izzie made before chasing it with a shot of his own (little did he know Izzie added a bit more vodka to the concoction than she intended. Christina drank because she couldn't chose any other department than cardio. Izzie did a cartwheel via George's dare.
Time passed and more questions were asked and more drinks downed. Y/n only getting slightly tipsy, deciding to do most of her dares or truths. Her friends were becoming less and less coherent as time passed, their speech was begining to slur and sentences strung together to form incoherent words.
"Last one for.. George." Izzie giggled, "Truth or dare?" She asked, George quickly replying with truth. "After a few moments Izzie whined, "I can't think of anything."
"I got one!" Meredith gasped. "Two shots," She set the stakes, pushing two shots toward him, "Or..." She paused looking around the room before her eyes landed on Y/n. She quickly averted her gaze with wide eyes before crawling closer to George and whispering something in he ear. George gasped looking Meredith with wide eyes. He sighed, his eyes landing on Y/n for a moment before becoming glued to his shots.
He shook his head before downing on of the shots with a grimace, the second one followed closely. Cheers and laughter filled the room again as he chased the bitter drink with a glass of Pepsi.
"Okay, time for bed kids!" Y/n stood up earning a few childish complaints from Christina and Izzie.
"Come-mon, Y/n," George grumbled, "We're havin'fun." He said, his words crashing together.
Y/n looked at Meredith, the one who was slightly (not much) more sober than the rest, "Can I crash on the couch?" Meredith nodded as she tried to get Christina to go to her room with her. "Okay, Georgie, let's get you to bed."
She pulled him up off the ground and threw one of his arms over her shoulder. All of his weight made her stumble slightly as he whined, "No. I don' wanna."
Y/n sighed, "Yes, I want to sleep and I won't be able to unless you're safe in bed." George let out a groan but began to cooperate and the pair eventually made it to his bedroom.
Y/n sat him his bed before crouching to help him remove his shoes. "Y/n?" George whispered, Y/n looked up from her spot on the floor. George placed his hand on her cheek, Y/n rose from the floor and sat next to George, whose hand still rested on her cheek. She whispered back, "Yeah?"
"You wanna know wha- Meredit-f-f-th wanted me to say?" He asked. Y/n nodded as they moved closer, "Ssshe wanted me to tell you how I feel."
There was a pause, Y/n searched his eye for truth. Then, with the influence of alcohol, she quickly pressed her lips to his. It was soft, as if George was afraid that if he moved, she'd disappear. That fear soon dissolved as they fell back, the kiss becoming more needy. George's confidence grew as his moved from cupping her face to her sides, his fingers danced under her shirt and up her sides. Y/n's hands moved from his hair to the hem of his t-shirt where she tugged, signaling him to remove it.
George pulled away, the kiss seemingly sobering him slightly, "Wait, I'm really drunk right now and I'm sure as hell gonna want to remember this."
Y/n nodded, licking her puffy lips, "Okay, then tomorrow." George nodded as Y/n got up and took off her shirt, she grabbed one of George's softer shirts from his wardrobe.
"I'm going to sleep here, it's much more comfy than Mer's couch." Y/n announced as she took her shoes off and laid down in George's bed. He smiled, laying down as well. The two laid on their sides facing each other, Y/n pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.
They soon fell asleep, underestimating the amount of explaining they were going to have to do the next morning.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3biEGkH
by Quinn_Eden
Hey, Oneshots will be made here in the next few days/weeks/months. No relationships have been entered yet, but that will change. Reader/character one-shots will be created here. You write me your wishes in the comments, which character it may be, maybe some other points on which I should orientate myself. BUT we will proceed alphabetically, I write more than 26 one-shots, but when we are at B, no more characters with A can be chosen. (Depends on the first name) Even if we are still at A, for example, there was a one-shot with Adam, Aaron (since D comes after A) can no longer be chosen. (I hope that sounds reasonably logical) I have already selected some fandoms above, but you are still welcome to try to bring in other fandoms (although it's a matter of luck whether I know my way around xD) The chapters are named after the people the reader will meet. I will mainly portray the reader as a female person (please note if you wish otherwise.) Have fun while reading.
Words: 193, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Criminal Minds (US TV), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms, Gilmore Girls, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Friends (TV), Grey's Anatomy, Sherlock (TV), Doctor Who (2005), Lost, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Scorpion (TV 2014), Heroes Reborn (TV), Glee, iZombie (TV), Miraculous Ladybug, Forever (TV 2014), Dead Like Me, Disney - All Media Types, Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Reade, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Theodore Nott, Susan Bones, Lily Moon, Penelope Garcia, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Barry Allen, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Ralph Dibny, Iris West, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Matt Donovan, Klaus Mikaelson, Malachai "Kai" Parker, Luke Parker (Vampire Diaries), Liv Parker, Oliver Wood, Rory Gilmore, Lorelai Gilmore, Richard Gilmore, Emily Prentiss, Emily Gilmore, Jess Mariano, Dean Thomas, Dean Forester, Logan Huntzberger, Luke Danes, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Stephen Strange, Bruce Banner, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Rachel Green, Monica Geller, Ross Geller, Joey Tribbiani, Phoebe Buffay, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Neville Longbottom, Chandler Bing, Alex Karev, Meredith Grey, Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy), Derek Shepherd, Izzie Stevens, Cristina Yang, George O'Malley, Jackson Avery, April Kepner, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Jim Moriarty, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Twelfth Doctor, Ninth Doctor, The Master (Doctor Who), Rose Tyler, Amy Pond (Doctor Who), Rory Williams, Donna Noble, Clara Oswin Oswald, Charlie Pace, Kate Austen, Jack Shephard, Boone Carlyle, James "Sawyer" Ford, Hugo Reyes, Blaine Anderson, Ravi Chakrabarti, Liv Moore, Major Lilywhite, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: Falling In Love, Friendship/Love, Love/Hate
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3biEGkH
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Clara Lou Sheridan (February 21, 1915 – January 21, 1967), known professionally as Ann Sheridan, was an American actress and singer. She worked regularly from 1934 until her death, first in film and later in television. Notable roles include San Quentin (1937) with Pat O'Brien and Humphrey Bogart, Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) with James Cagney and Bogart, They Drive by Night (1940) with George Raft and Bogart, The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942) with Monty Woolley, Kings Row (1942) with Ronald Reagan, Nora Prentiss (1947), and I Was a Male War Bride (1949) with Cary Grant.
Born in Denton, Texas, on February 21, 1915, Clara Lou Sheridan was the daughter of G.W. Sheridan and Lula Stewart Warren Sheridan. According to Sheridan, her father was a great-great-nephew of Civil War Union general Philip Sheridan. She had a sister, Pauline.
She was active in dramatics at Denton High School and at North Texas State Teachers College. She also sang with the college's stage band.
In 1932, she was a student at North Texas State Teachers College when her sister sent a photograph of her to Paramount Pictures. She subsequently entered and won a beauty contest, with part of her prize being a bit part in a Paramount film, The Search for Beauty. She left college to pursue a career in Hollywood.
After making her film debut in 1934, at 19, in Search for Beauty, she played uncredited bit parts in Paramount films for the next two years, starting at $75 a week (equivalent to $1,400 in 2019).
She can be glimpsed in Bolero (1934), Come On Marines! (1934) (billed as "Clara Lou Sheridan"), Murder at the Vanities (1934), Shoot the Works (1934), Kiss and Make-Up (1934), The Notorious Sophie Lang (1934), College Rhythm (1934) (directed by Norman Taurog whom Sheridan admired), Ladies Should Listen (1934), You Belong to Me (1934), Wagon Wheels (1934), The Lemon Drop Kid (1934), Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1934), Ready for Love (1934), Limehouse Blues (1934), and One Hour Late (1934).
Sheridan worked with Paramount's drama coach Nina Mouise and performed plays on the lot with fellow contractees, including The Milky Way and The Pursuit of Happiness. When she did The Milky Way, she played a character called Ann and the Paramount front office decided to change her name to "Ann".
Sheridan had a part in Behold My Wife! (1934), which she got at the behest of director Mitchell Leisen, who was a friend. She had two good scenes, one in which her character had to commit suicide. Sheridan attributed Paramount's keeping her for two years to this role.
She followed it with Enter Madame (1935), Home on the Range (1935), and Rumba (1935).
Sheridan's first lead came in Car 99 (1935) with Fred MacMurray. She was in Rocky Mountain Mystery (1935), a Randolph Scott Western. "No acting, it was just playing the lead, that's all", she later said.
She then appeared in Mississippi (1935) with Bing Crosby and W. C. Fields, The Glass Key (1935) with George Raft, and (having one line) The Crusades (1935) with Loretta Young. Paramount lent her out to Talisman, a small production company, to makeThe Red Blood of Courage (1935) with Kermit Maynard. After this, Paramount declined to take up her option.
Sheridan did one film at Universal, Fighting Youth (1935), and then signed a contract with Warner Bros. in 1936.
Sheridan's career prospects began to improve. Her early films for Warner Bros. included Sing Me a Love Song (1936); Black Legion (1937) with Humphrey Bogart; The Great O'Malley (1937) with Pat O'Brien and Bogart, her first real break; San Quentin (1937), with O'Brien and Bogart, singing for the first time in a film; and Wine, Women and Horses (1937) with Barton MacLane.
Sheridan moved into B picture leads: The Footloose Heiress (1937); Alcatraz Island (1937) with John Litel; and She Loved a Fireman (1937) with Dick Foran for director John Farrow. She was a lead in The Patient in Room 18 (1937) and its sequel Mystery House (1938). Sheridan was in Little Miss Thoroughbred (1938) with Litel for Farrow and supported Dick Powell in Cowboy from Brooklyn (1938).
Universal borrowed her for a support role in Letter of Introduction (1938) at the behest of director John M. Stahl. For Farrow, she was in Broadway Musketeers (1938), a remake of Three on a Match (1932).
Sheridan's notices in Letter of Introduction impressed Warner Bros. executives. "Oomph" was described as "a certain indefinable something that commands male interest." and she began to get roles in A pictures, starting with Angels with Dirty Faces (1938), wherein she played James Cagney's love interest; Bogart, O'Brien and the Dead End Kids had supporting roles. The film was a big hit and critically acclaimed.
Sheridan was reunited with the Dead End Kids in They Made Me a Criminal (1938) starring John Garfield. She was third-billed in the Western Dodge City (1939), playing a saloon owner opposite Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. The film was another notable success.
In March 1939, Warner Bros. announced Sheridan had been voted by a committee of 25 men as the actress with the most "oomph" in America.
She received as many as 250 marriage proposals from fans in a single week. Tagged "The Oomph Girl"—a sobriquet which she reportedly loathed —Sheridan was a popular pin-up girl in the early 1940s. (On the other hand, a February 25, 1940, news story distributed by the Associated Press reported that Sheridan no longer "bemoaned the 'oomph' tag." She continued, "But I'm sorry now. I know if it hadn't been for 'oomph' I'd probably still be in the chorus.")
Sheridan co-starred with Dick Powell in Naughty but Nice (1939) and played a wacky heiress in Winter Carnival (1939).
She was top billed in Indianapolis Speedway (1939) with O'Brien and Angels Wash Their Faces (1939) with O'Brien, the Dead End Kids and Ronald Reagan. Castle on the Hudson (1940) put her opposite Garfield and O'Brien.
Sheridan's first real starring vehicle was It All Came True (1940), a musical comedy co starring Bogart and Jeffrey Lynn. She introduced the song "Angel in Disguise".
Sheridan and Cagney were reunited in Torrid Zone (1940) with O'Brien in support. She was with George Raft, Bogart and Ida Lupino in They Drive by Night (1940), a trucking melodrama. Sheridan was back with Cagney for City for Conquest (1941) and then made Honeymoon for Three (1941), a comedy with George Brent.
Sheridan did two lighter films: Navy Blues (1941), a musical comedy, and The Man Who Came to Dinner (1941), wherein she played a character modeled on Gertrude Lawrence. She then made Kings Row (1942), in which she received top billing playing opposite Ronald Reagan, Robert Cummings, and Betty Field. It was a huge success and one of Sheridan's most memorable films.
Sheridan and Reagan were reunited for Juke Girl (1942). She was in the war film Wings for the Eagle (1942) and made a comedy with Jack Benny, George Washington Slept Here (1943). She played a Norwegian resistance fighter in Edge of Darkness (1943) with Errol Flynn and was one of the many Warners stars who had cameos in Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943).
She was the heroine of a novel, Ann Sheridan and the Sign of the Sphinx, written by Kathryn Heisenfelt and published by Whitman Publishing Company in 1943. While the heroine of the story was identified as a famous actress, the stories were entirely fictitious. The story was probably written for a young teenaged audience and is reminiscent of the adventures of Nancy Drew. It is part of a series known as "Whitman Authorized Editions", 16 books published between 1941 and 1947 that always featured a film actress as heroine.
Sheridan was given the lead in the musical Shine On, Harvest Moon (1944), playing Nora Bayes, opposite Dennis Morgan. She was in a comedy The Doughgirls (1944).
Sheridan was absent from screens for over a year, touring with the USO to perform in front of the troops as far afield as China. She returned in One More Tomorrow (1946) with Morgan. She had an excellent role in the noir Nora Prentiss (1947), which was a hit. It was followed by The Unfaithful (1948), a popular remake of The Letter, and Silver River (1948), a Western melodrama with Errol Flynn.
Leo McCarey borrowed her to support Gary Cooper in Good Sam (1948). She was meant to star in Flamingo Road. She then left Warner Bros., saying: "I wasn't at all satisfied with the scripts they offered me."
Her role in I Was a Male War Bride (1949), directed by Howard Hawks and co-starring Cary Grant, was another success. In 1950, she appeared on the ABC musical television series Stop the Music.
She made Stella (1950), a comedy with Victor Mature at Fox.
In April 1949, she announced she wanted to produce Second Lady, a film based on a story by Eleanor Griffin. She was going to make Carriage Entrance at RKO. They fired her and Sheridan sued for $250,000.
Sheridan made Woman on the Run (1950), a noir, which she did produce. She wanted to make a film called Her Secret Diary.
Woman on the Run was distributed by Universal, and Sheridan signed a contract with that studio. While there, she made Steel Town (1952), Just Across the Street (1952), and Take Me to Town (1953), a comedy directed by Douglas Sirk.
Sheridan supported Glenn Ford in Appointment in Honduras (1953), directed by Jacques Tourneur. She appeared opposite Steve Cochran in Come Next Spring (1956) and was one of several stars in MGM's The Opposite Sex (1956). Her last film, The Woman and the Hunter, was shot in Africa.
She went to New York to appear in a Broadway show, but it did not make it to Broadway.
She did stage tours of Kind Sir (1958) and Odd Man In (1959), and The Time of Your Life at the Brussels World Fair in 1958. In all three shows, she acted with Scott McKay, whom she later married.
In 1962, she played the lead in "The Mavis Grant Story" on the Western series Wagon Train.
In the mid-1960s, Sheridan appeared on the NBC soap opera Another World.
Her final work was a TV series of her own, a comedy Western entitled Pistols 'n' Petticoats, which was filmed during the year before her death and was broadcast on CBS on Saturday nights. The 19th episode of the series, "Beware the Hangman", aired, as scheduled, on the same day that she died.
For her contributions to the motion picture industry, Ann Sheridan has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 7024 Hollywood Boulevard.
Sheridan married actor Edward Norris August 16, 1936, in Ensenada, Mexico. They separated a year later and divorced in 1939. On January 5, 1942, she married fellow Warner Bros. star George Brent, who co-starred with her in Honeymoon for Three (1941). They divorced exactly one year later. Following her divorce from Brent, she had a long-term relationship with publicist Steve Hannagan, that lasted until his death in 1953. Hannagan's estate bequeathed Miss Sheridan $218,399 ($2.1 million in current dollars). On June 5, 1966, she married actor Scott McKay, who was with her when she died, six months later.
In 1966, Sheridan began starring in a new television series, a Western-themed comedy called Pistols 'n' Petticoats. She became ill during the filming and died of gastroesophageal cancer with massive liver metastases at age 51 on January 21, 1967, in Los Angeles. She was cremated and her ashes were stored at the Chapel of the Pines Crematory in Los Angeles until they were interred in a niche in the Chapel Columbarium at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery in 2005.
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a-writers-ramblings · 4 years
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Meredith Grey/Jo Wilson Karev, Meredith Grey/Cristina Yang, Meredith Grey/Arizona Robbins, Arizona Robbins/Jo Wilson Karev, Teddy Altman/Arizona Robbins/Meredith Grey, Arizona Robbins/Callie Torres, Teddy Altman/Arizona Robbins Characters: Meredith Grey, Jo Wilson Karev, Cristina Yang, Arizona Robbins, Alex Karev, George O'Malley, Zola Grey Shepherd, Derek Bailey Shepherd, Teddy Altman (Grey's Anatomy), Callie Torres, Sofia Robbin Sloan Torres Additional Tags: Bad Writing, Useless Lesbians, Rain, Minor Character Death, Alternate Universe - College/University, Family Dinners, Maggie likes to cook, Zola and Bailey love Jo, I finally figured out how to tag on mobile, Animal Shelter, Dog adoption, Headaches & Migraines, Aquariums, Family Fluff Summary:
This is a place to dump my badly written femslash for Grey's Anatomy. I'm trying to get back into the hang of writing, so don't expect anything amazing. Fair warning, the first chapter is only vaguely gay.
I've updated it again!
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Not Your Average Job
Requested by: @flaming-gay-trash
Can I request a George O'Malley x fem! Reader. Shes a coroner/pathologist. He walks in on her holding a man's brain while picking up som results. He goes back to the others and can't stop talking about her.
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The room is anything but cozy. The scent of chemicals permeates every stainless steel surface, and sterile instruments rest meticulously on an equally sterile tray.
Even the soap you’re washing your hands with smells like a laboratory, even after its rinsed down the drain.
You relish in the familiar feel of the blue latex gloves as you stretch them onto your hands.
Once you’re satisfied that everything is ready, you begin your work.
The mask covering your nose does little to block the scent as you cut into flesh. You wrinkle your nose as the scent hits. Finally, you’re at the source of the problem. The brain.
“Let’s see what’s got those hot-shot surgeons upstairs so puzzled, hmm?”
Hours later, you lay slumped over a table, glaring at the brain in your palm.
“Listen here you little-“
Knocking on the door draws your attention from the seemingly fine brain to the open doorway.
A dark haired man stands, eyebrows furrowed, holding a file in his hands.
“Oh sorry. Did you need me?”
His eyes drop to your hand that is still clutching the brain, and you fight the urge to toss it over your shoulder.
“Uh, I’m here for Dr. Shepherd. He wants the COD for Lyle Ortiz.”
“Yeah? Me too.” You sigh dejectedly and lift the brain. “Are those his scans?”
The doctor lifts the file in his hands and holds it out to you. You quickly set the brain down and strip off your gloves.
Your focus goes straight to the brain scans as you scrutinize every inch, desperately searching for whatever killed this poor man.
You feel a presence over your shoulder as the doctor leans in to look.
You squint your eyes in an attempt to find something, anything.
“Is that,” you pause, hope fluttering in your chest. “Is that supposed to be there? I’m no neurosurgeon but,” you trail off as the doctor leans closer.
“That’s it!” He exclaims in excitement. You turn to him and throw your arms around him, joy rushing through you. His arms awkwardly settle around your waist.
When you pull back, you’re sure your face is bright red. You clear your throat awkwardly, and he grabs the scans.
“I’ll go let Dr. Shepherd know.” He mutters and you nod, avoiding his gaze.
After he leaves, a shy smile curls over your lips as you clean up, preparing the man for his funeral.
Once you’re done, you realize the time and find your stomach growling. You make your way upstairs to the cafeteria, and see the doctor from earlier sitting a a table with more of his friends.
As you walk past him, you catch bits and pieces of his conversation.
“And she was so smart. She found what Derek couldn’t.” He was saying. Your eyebrows shoot up as you realize that he’s talking about you, and a smile tugs at your lips as you continue past.
“Hey O’Malley, that her?” The other guy says. You assume that the Dr. O’Malley responds because the table suddenly erupts into hushed whispers of “talk to her,” “why are you still sitting here?” And one low whistle followed by a “damn.”
Footsteps sound behind you until a familiar voice captures your attention.
“Hey, um, Dr. …” he trails off as he realizes he never got your name.
“Y/N L/N, and you are?” You spin and send him a small smile.
“George O’Malley, I was wondering if you’d maybe want to have lunch sometime?” He rubs that back of his neck awkwardly. “Only if you want to though. I don’t want you to feel pressured into saying yes because maybe you’re worried that it won’t work out and then we’ll have to see each other since we work together and-“
“I’m off this Saturday, would that work for you.” Your small smile has grown into an unrestrained grin at his incessant rambling.
“Um, yeah. Saturday works.” He grins back at you.
You nod and send him a small wave, before leaving to get your food.
You hear hushed cheers from his table behind and can’t help the blush that rises to your cheeks.
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claudia1829things · 5 years
"CAMILLE" (1936) Review
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"CAMILLE" (1936) Review I am about to confess to something many might regard as sacrilegious. I have never regarded Greta Garbo as one of my favorite actresses from the Golden Age of Hollywood. I had nothing against her . . . personally. But I realized that I could barely recall any of her movies that were personal favorites of mine. Because of this, I was very reluctant to do a re-watch of one of Garbo's most famous films, "CAMILLE".
Produced by Irving Thalberg and directed by George Cukor, "CAMILLE" is based upon the 1848 novel and 1852 play "La Dame aux Camélias" ("The Lady with the Camellias") by Alexandre Dumas, fils. The movie told the story of Marguerite Gautier, a woman of low-class birth who rose to become one of Paris' top courtesans. Debt-ridden from helping friends and suffering from tuberculosis, Marguerite hopes to attract the attention of an aristocrat named Baron de Varville as her next "client" at the opera. However, just as she manages to attract the Baron's attention, Marguerite meets a young member of the bourgeois gentry named Armand Duval and instant attraction flares up between them. The attraction eventually develops into love. But external influences - including Marguerite's debts - threatens their potential for happiness. I have not seen "CAMILLE" in a long time. A long time. There is a good chance I have not seen it since I was in my early twenties. But something . . . I have no idea what . . . led me to watch this film after so many years. In the end, the only regret that I managed to feel was that I had ignored this movie for so long. Did I have any problems with "CAMILLE"? Perhaps a few. I noticed that the movie's narrative began in 1847 and ended roughly a year later. I think. Considering the story's setting, I found it surprising that the narrative never touched upon the political upheavals that swept throughout Europe between early 1848 and early 1849. In France, the upheaval was known as the French Revolution of 1848. During this event, the French king Louis Philippe I was overthrown in February 1848. Four months later, many Parisian workers had unsuccessfully risen in insurrection against the conservative Second Republic government. I realize that "CAMILLE" is not a political movie. But considering the film's setting and the fact that one character had plans for a diplomatic career (Armand Duval) and another was a wealthy aristocrat (Baron de Varville), I found odd that the topic of political upheaval was never touched upon. I also had mixed feelings about the costumes created by legendary Hollywood designer, Adrian. I realize that the man had a reputation for creating some of Hollywood's most memorable and famous costumes. But . . . I do not know. Oh, yes I do. I think Adrian should have stuck to modern day costumes. His period costumes were not bad. Some of them have actually impressed me. A good example would be this particular costume from "CAMILLE" - namely Marguerite's dark velvet riding habit:
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I also admired how Adrian managed to re-capture the fashion for men during the 1840s:
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On the other hand, I had problems with some of the gowns worn by Greta Garbo, like the one shown in the image below:
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I was inclined to complain about the sequins featured in the costumes, but I discovered that they had been worn as part of fashion for thousands of years - including the 19th century. But I have other problems with the above costumes. One, they looked as if they came from some cheap costume warehouse. And two, Garbo looked as if she was about to be consumed by the voluminous amount of material used to create those gowns. Or could it be that Garbo lacked the figure for the fashions of the mid 19th-century? No . . . I do not believe that is a good excuse. I am certain that Western women of the 1840s came in different shapes and sizes as they do today. It is possible that Adrian had simply failed to design Garbo's costumes in a way that would fit her perfectly. As a high-priced courtesan, Marguerite Gautier had the funds to purchase a wardrobe filled with clothes tailored to fit her. I do not think that Adrian took the time to fit Garbo's costumes. Or perhaps she did not give him the time. Otherwise, I cannot think of any other complaints about "CAMILLE". If I must be brutally honest, I think it is one of the best love stories I have ever seen in a motion picture, hands down. Ever. I was surprised that Alexandre Dumas fils, the son of the man who had written classics such as "The Three Musketeers" and "The Count of Monte Cristo", had written "La Dame aux Camélias" when he was roughly 23 years old. And screenwriters James Hilton, Zoë Akins and Frances Marion did a superb job in adapting Dumas' story. "CAMILLE" could have easily developed into one of those sappy love stories in which only external forces stood in the lovers' way. And yes, Dumas' tale featured those "forces" that stood in the way of Marguerite and Armand's relationship - Baron Varville, Marguerite's bank account, her friends and Armand's father. But there were other forces in play. Namely, Marguerite and Armand. Between her passive aggressive personality, penchant for evading the truth and an inability to handle her finances; Marguerite had put herself into a situation that made it nearly impossible to have a genuine romance with Armand, let alone anyone. And poor Armand. I could say that he was completely faultless in this romance. But he was not. Armand was naive, hot-tempered, rash and a bit too stubborn and proud for his own good. Considering the state of her health, I do not believe Marguerite's romance with Armand was destined to last very long. However, I feel that it were not for their personal flaws, the pair could have enjoyed more time together than they actually had. Many still regard Greta Garbo's performance as Marguerite Gautier as her finest performance. As I had hinted earlier in this review, I have only seen less than a handful of Garbo's movies. But I cannot deny that she gave a brilliant performance as the cynical, yet warm-hearted courtesan. Although Garbo was a healthy looking woman most of her life, I do admire how she utilized body language and facial expressions to convey Marguerite's questionable health and languid lifestyle. I have always suspected that Robert Taylor was one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood history. He had been in Hollywood for two years by the time he shot "CAMILLE". Many critics tend to focus on Garbo's performance when discussing the movie. As I had pointed out, she gave a superb performance. But so did Taylor, as Armand. He did an excellent job in conveying Armand's character from a very naive young man to someone who is a bit more cynical and mature. And yet, Taylor made sure to retain Armand's temper and stubbornness. Another excellent performance came from Henry Daniell, who portrayed Marguerite's "client", Baron Varville. Daniell not only skillfully conveyed Varville's cool and arrogant nature, but also the character's slight infatuation with Marguerite and the pain he experienced in facing the reality of Marguerite's true feelings for him. Laura Hope Crewes, famous for her role in the 1939 Best Picture winner, "GONE WITH THE WIND", gave a very entertaining performance as one of Marguerite's closest friends, a veteran courtesan named Prudence Duvernoy. It is a shame that Crewes never earned an Oscar nomination for her performance. Her Prudence is a skillful mixture of friendly warmth and a mercenary nature. "CAMILLE" also featured first-rate performances from the likes of Lionel Barrymore, Rex O'Malley, Leonore Ulric, Jessie Ralph and Elizabeth Allan. I was astounded to learn that "CAMILLE" had earned only one Academy Award nomination - Greta Garbo for Best Actress. And she lost to Luise Rainer's performance in "THE GREAT ZIEGFELD" . . . much to the surprise of the Hollywood community. Hell, I am not only shocked that "THE GREAT ZIEGFELD" had also won Best Picture, I am flabbergasted that "CAMILLE" did not even earn a Best Picture nomination, along with nominations for the leading actor, a screenplay nomination or a Best Direction nod for George Cukor. How did this travesty happen? A superb movie like "CAMILLE"? The discovery of the limited amount of acclaim that "CAMILLE" had earned back in late 1936/1937 really convinced me how irrelevant that the Academy Awards truly are. Thankfully, movie fans still have the movie to enjoy for years to come, thanks to George Cukor's superb direction; a great screenplay by the likes of James Hilton, Zoë Akins and the legendary Frances Marion; and a superb cast led by the iconic Greta Garbo and the excellent Robert Taylor.
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