#Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Trailer
butterflydm · 9 months
wot rewatch (book spoilers edition): 2x5
Not only is this one going to have spoilers for all the aired episodes plus any teasers (including the trailer for episode 6), it will also have book spoilers through book 14: A Memory of Light.
An interesting change from the books is Suroth calling Loial a slave -- in the books, the Ogier of the elite guard are very specifically not enslaved (I wonder if they got as badly jacked up by the Longing as the ones in the Westlands but their 'solution' ended up involving the Empress and the Crystal Throne somehow?). Since this exception is never explained in the books, I don't have any issue with it being changed.
2. I also think we are getting some really good set-up here for a potential fracture in the Seanchan once we get deeper into the series -- a fulfillment of the narrative promise that Jordan set up in books 2-9 but then backed away from once we hit Crossroads of Twilight & Knife of Dreams. I'm hopeful that we're actually going to get the Seanchan civil war that the books never gave us but that they desperately needed in order for Mat's characterization to make any damn sense in CoT & KoD.
3. The idea that Ishamael is being something akin to Suroth's Truthspeaker makes a lot of sense (I think only the Imperial family has Truthspeakers in the books? but it makes sense to expand them outward).
4. That Fain plays the game so well with Turak here can serve as a hint that he's playing the subservience game with Ishamael as well (who killed the Fade? in other words).
5. The saa in Lanfear's eyes! I love that we're getting a super-charged look at the True Power this early on. I definitely approve of the change of the Forsaken getting brought back with the True Power rather than being put in new bodies -- that can work in a book, but in a show, you want to keep your actors. Especially when they're so good!
6. The Elyas scene does feel like Elyas is essentially doing triple-duty this season: he's himself (Wolfbrother lore dump); he's Hurin (sniffer who leads them after Fain); he's Noam (completely detached from his previous human life).
7. I do like how Elyas feels... somewhat amoral (not immoral!) -- he cares about his fellow wolves (including Perrin) and only his fellow wolves. Obviously, part of the reason that's there is so that viewers will wonder if Ishamael (the Father of Lies) was telling the truth about Perrin becoming closer to the Shadow the closer he gets to the wolves but that's... a good thing, I think, for Perrin's narrative arc. It gives him a grounded reason to try to avoid embracing the wolves. The show has done a really good job in giving characters believable motivations for their behavior.
Show: has Elyas diss every human that Perrin cares about because he's trying to tell Perrin that he belongs with the wolves and not the humans.
Some Book Readers: Ah-ha! Laila wasn't his pack? Darkfriend!
It was just so clear to me, in watching the episode, that Elyas mentioning Perrin's wife was the last straw that made Perrin push him away. It was not meant as a Darkfriend hint of any kind! Elyas did not know Laila as a person! He does not care about Laila as a person! It's pretty clear that he only cares about Perrin (because he's a fellow Wolfbrother). That's why he only saved Perrin from the caravan; that's why he led Perrin eastward instead of west. He has zero interest in putting himself in danger to help humans; he does not identity with humans.
8. Ooo, I wonder if we're going to see Perrin's wolf name visualized at some point by the wolves -- Young Bull with his axe that is also his horns, strong and protective. Again, the show has done such a good job in showing us the Perrin that I think Jordan wanted us to see but that he didn't quite manage -- pretty much every show-only reactor sees Perrin as genuinely considerate and empathetic and believes that he has a good heart and wouldn't leave people to suffer.
9. Brilliant choice to have Aviendha introduced here and be part of Perrin's storyline. I do really like how Elayne, Aviendha, and Min have all been part of another main character's plotline before anything implied romantic between them and Rand happens. Hopefully, the show does the same thing with Tuon in the season when she gets introduced. I'm going to guess that (rather than going along with Perrin because of Faile) Bain and Chiad are going to help Aviendha meet her toh towards Perrin once she's told that she needs to become a Wise One apprentice and Bain and Chiad will travel with him to the Two Rivers. I suspect that Gaul will be introduced next season as well.
10. I also really like the way they set up Dain and Perrin's future dynamic here as well -- Dain realizes that Perrin is from the Two Rivers, so that gives him a reason to go there after he (mistakenly?) thinks that Perrin has killed his father. I do wonder whether or not Fain will go to the Two Rivers at all. It's kinda... crowded over there, since we know that Slayer was cast (I think). There isn't, imo, any real need for Fain to corrupt the Whitecloaks in the show -- I feel like they can corrupt themselves just fine. (I kinda feel that way about Elaida too) -- and it might be good to tie Fain back into Rand and/or Mat's plotlines.
11. The Seanchan and the Whitecloaks both have a 'evil but not the evil of the Dark One' situation going on, and we kinda get that here, with the (new) innkeeper being even more unhappy with being occupied by Whitecloaks than by the Seanchan. I actually like that they have the new innkeeper here selfishly being okay with the Seanchan -- the issue that I had with various plotlines in CoT & KoD wasn't "it's unrealistic for anyone to be collaborators with the slavers", of course some/many people are selfish enough that it doesn't matter to them that some people get enslaved as long as it isn't them; it was an issue with specific characters turning collaborator without there being anywhere near enough work in the characterization or narrative to justify it. That was the issue that I had.
Especially since this same conversation does illustrate how selfish this man's PoV is, if you pay attention to the dialogue. The old innkeeper's granddaughter was kidnapped by the Seanchan -- SHE would not agree with him that they're totally chill if you only just swear the oaths.
12. Seeing Lady Suroth like this, 'dressed down', as it were, gave me quite a start. She looks almost naked without the super-long nails and the helmet and with me being able to see that she has no eyebrows. Like, it gives her a big 'pathetic and vulnerable' vibe even though she's been just as awful as she was in her introduction.
And it makes me wonder... are people who are sympathetic to Tuon in Crossroads of Twilight and Knife of Dreams also more likely to be good at visualization when they read? Because, personally, I don't see pictures in my head when I read books. I think it's part of the reason why I can so easily accept adaptations in the first place -- there's no prior image that I need to override. I had no firm mental image of how 'Rand' or 'Nynaeve' or anyone looked in the books, so the actors can easily become that person for me. It's all just... words in my head for me. The most that I ever visualize is something akin to black and white abstract sketches.
How this relates to Tuon: one of the deeply frustrating things about CoT+ Mat to me is how he behaves like Tuon is 'not like the other Seanchan' even though her behavior on the page is just as rancid and terrible as any other Blood. But, in her descriptions in CoT & KoD, she doesn't visually resemble other Seanchan anymore -- her hair is growing out, she's in Westlands clothing instead of Seanchan High Blood clothing. But as someone who doesn't visualize characters and scenes when I'm reading a book, the clothes that a character is wearing has little to no impact on my perception of them as a character.
Is it different if you do/can visualize how differently Tuon looks when she's traveling with Mat vs how she looked when she was embedded in the Seanchan power structure? Because it really does genuinely confuse me when I see people repeat what Mat says about her being different from the other Seanchan because her behavior is just... identical to all the other Seanchan Blood from what I've seen in the books -- intensely political and manipulative; firmly supports and believes in slavery; gets off on torture and abuses her slaves even while believing that she's the bestest and kindest slave owner in the world; thinks of herself as inherently better because she's Of The Blood, etc. I remember when Mat places her in the same 'better than other nobles' category as Talmanes in KoD, my brain just bluescreened because he's consistently been shown on the page that she's still just as awful as the others (the chapter where she literally collars and tortures three of his allies is certainly never anything I'm forgetting, even if Mat 'goldfish' Cauthon forgot about it five minutes after it happened). But, yeah, if you visualize characters and scenes when reading books, do those visuals have an impact on how you think of the characters?
(on a character level, I understand why Mat would lie to himself about Tuon if he genuinely believes himself to be trapped in a marriage with her -- the issue with that is two-fold though: a. with Mat's other lies to himself, we are given outside context with other PoVs and behavior from other characters to see that he's lying while in CoT and KoD, we're pretty firmly locked into Mat's warped perspective, and b. Jordan did a shit job of showing why Mat gave up so quickly and just believed that he's doomed to be married to Tuon without him making ANY attempts at fighting the prophecy)
13. Looking forward to the future... I do suspect that we'll still get Semirhage trying to shape and mold Tuon (unless we don't get enough seasons), but I think in the end (exploring @sixth-light's idea about having a split Seanchan Empire instead of having the Sharans), we may end up with Suroth in charge of one half of the Seanchan (who will fight for the Shadow) and one half led by Tuon (who will fight for the Light) and that we will, hopefully, be getting a Tuon who actually has to confront what being a sul'dam means and that the Seanchan will fracture on the issue of slavery (which would make their American accents even more apt) instead of the Westlands characters becoming friends and lovers with gleefully cruel slavers. Having Tuon's 'stubbornness' and pushback against Semirhage actually lead to her questioning the established order would be so much more powerful than her stubbornness being used as an excuse for her dodging and avoiding any character growth for the entire time that she hangs around.
14. I hope that Aviendha's amusement here over Perrin's protectiveness is perhaps going to be more of the vibe we get with Rand & the Maidens once that relationship gets going. Rand really doesn't have the same reasons (so far) to be as unreasoningly overprotective of them as he is in the books, since the Two Rivers in the show aren't Weird about women in danger the way that the books are. It's very much a Perrin hangup because of his wife and we've seen it develop over time. And if Rand feels some protectiveness, I'd like it to be tied more towards him feeling like he doesn't want to lose any of his newfound family.
15. It feels clear that Moiraine is absolutely still bound by the Three Oaths. She obviously WANTS to lie in the scene where she's introducing Rand to Anvaere and Barthanes, but she isn't able to. It's played very much the same way as when she was caught in the Oath last season (one of the funniest moments in S1 is when she wants to tell the Two Rivers' kids that she trusts them now but she absolutely doesn't trust them and can't say the words).
16. So, who in this scene is a Darkfriend. I suspect that Barthanes is and I suspect that Anvaere is not. Anvaere's information session with Moiraine last episode completely destroyed the Shadow's plans for Rand -- it could be the Shadow tripping over itself but I suspect it's just that Anvaere is what she seems to be -- a very political but non-Shadow-aligned person.
17. I wonder if the end of the next episode is going to timeskip us the few weeks to the wedding (thus making it so that Egwene spends several weeks in 'training') -- or maybe we'll timeskip between episodes 6&7. From the preview, it looks like we're going to spend some serious time showing how horrible and dehumanizing the damane 'training' is. What they might do is show us the initial beginning of it -- and then we jump forward and see how things are after several weeks? The mention of the wedding just feels... potentially significant, since it's not from the books. This would give Perrin time to travel to Falme with Aviendha; Mat and Min would have time to get to Cairhien; Elayne and Nynaeve would have time to bond; and Siuan would also have time to get to Cairhien, since we know she goes there at some point. And it might mean that, along with Egwene getting her 'training' from Renna, we might also get Rand getting some training from Logain and potentially Lan as well.
18. I love Verin kickstarting the Black Ajah Hunt so much. I already talked about this a lot in my earlier post about Darkfriends, so I won't get into it here but: fantastic choice. It does imply to me that we don't really need the Wondergirls to go back to the Tower next season to get their Black Ajah Hunting instructions, since there's already a Hunt started by full Sisters. Which I would be fine with -- they literally spend less than a week in the White Tower in book 3. They dip in for Egwene & Elayne's tests, to get more instructions from Siuan, and then dip out again. I feel like the show could easily have them decide to hunt the Black Ajah of their own accord (Nynaeve in particular has a reason to want to go after Liandrin).
19. I do not think that Sheriam knows that Verin is 'Black Ajah' or that Liandrin is (more genuinely) Black Ajah. She and Liandrin were at odds too much earlier in the season over Nynaeve imo. Joiya, otoh, I think might know that Liandrin is also Black Ajah, because she immediately backed Liandrin up in the big group discussion.
20. "We respect the One Power so much that we don't believe that anyone should wield it by accident of birth". I've seen other people (reactors on youtube) wondering if this conversation means that the Seanchan already know that sul'dam are learners, since they talk about training the sul'dam for years and them earning the right to use the One Power, but this line in particular makes me feel like they don't know. Because sul'dam are only sul'dam because of an 'accident of birth' as well. I'm sure that we'll find out, because the realization of the sul'dam secret was a pretty huge moment with Egwene in the books (even if Min & Nynaeve appeared to have completely forgotten the information when they were spending time with Rand later in the series) so it will definitely stand out if it gets played differently and Renna doesn't get that horror of realizing that she, too, is marath'damane.
21. I've also seen people wonder why the damane & sul'dam didn't catch on that Liandrin was channeling to wake the girls and free Nynaeve, but she was channeling that entire time (to hold open the Waygate) so her tiny weave would have been masked by the larger one.
22. Aviendha's attitude towards obligation and honor is going to be such an interesting contrast to how weighed down Rand is by his obligations. Looking forward to them getting some good scenes together in s3.
23. I hope Egwene gets to hit Renna over the head in this version too. And collar her to the wall. I can already tell that this is going to be painful and intense. I did notice that a lot of show-only reactors have NOT picked up on how terrifying and awful the damane slavery is yet, but I feel like the show is going to make it very clear in the next episode. (I don't know how you can look at Egwene in pain here and not already understand but... next week should make things crystal clear).
The preview did show us how... earnest (ugh) Renna is going to be in her 'training' of Egwene. The way she called the damane kennels "your new home" and the (horrifying) sincerity in her voice.
I'm actually wondering if Egwene is going to be freed in episode 7, before Rand gets to Falme, since Perrin and Aviendha are headed in the direction of Falme and it's Perrin who is attached to the Ingtar and Horn storylines and not Rand (who didn't even find out that the Horn is a thing that exists until 2x3). Because Rand isn't actually involved in her rescue in the books iirc -- that was Elayne and Egwene (with Min tagging along). He spots her and seeing her is why he refuses to leave, but since he's going there for his own purposes unrelated to the Horn in this version (I assume), then he doesn't need that extra push to stay. From the preview for episode 6, it kinda sounds like Loial & co are going to try to help her be freed but I'm not sure if it'll work that soon.
Expecting next episode to be extremely rough, emotionally.
Additional spoilers/speculation based on imdb listings (which may not be entirely accurate):
The actress who played Maigan in S1 is listed as being in the next three episodes (6, 7, 8). She was planning to go west to investigate the rumors. She has not been seen in the White Tower this season. The actress who is playing Ryma is only listed for episodes 5 & 6. Renna is listed for all the remaining episodes; Seta is listed for the final two episodes. That just all seems like interesting information to me, though again, imdb.
Complete side note, episode 7 is the episode that Hayley Mills is listed for. I wonder if she's the Queen of Cairhien that Barthanes is marrying.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Where to watch Selling in the City online in Australia
Watch experts elevate homes so they meet their true real estate potential. You can watch Australia’s hottest new design duo – Rosie Morley and Paddy Milne – in Selling in the City. She specialises in interior design, he deals with landscaping. Together, they tackle some of Australia’s most in-demand inner-city properties, looking to maximise their value. That’s the premise of Selling in the City, a fresh (and local) real estate series that should be a treat for genre fans. When does Selling in the City come out? The series premieres in Australia on Wednesday 19 October with 3 episodes. Double episodes will roll weekly after that. How to watch Selling in the City in Australia An original production, Selling in the City is available on streaming service BINGE. Sign up and enjoy 14 days for free. Subscriptions to BINGE start at $10 a month once your 2 free weeks are up. Recent highlights on BINGE include Supernatural spin-off The Winchesters, docuseries House of Hammer and hyped Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon. Stream BINGE for 14 days FREE and no lock-in contract Test out BINGE’s Basic, Standard or Premium plan and stream 10,000+ hours of shows and movies on demand. You can also watch Selling in the City with Foxtel iQ. The series premieres on Wednesday 19 October at 8:30pm AEDT on LifeStyle or you can watch on demand. LifeStyle is included in the Foxtel Plus channel pack, which is available to all subscribers. Alternatively, you can stream Selling in the City with Foxtel Now. LifeStyle is part of the Essentials pack, priced at $25 a month. If you’re new to the service, you get a 10-day free trial. 10-day free trial of Foxtel Now No installation and no lock-in contract. New customers only. Sign up now. Selling in the City preview Selling in the City centres on designer Rosie Morley and landscape artist Paddy Milne, who work together to bring in-demand city properties to a whole new level. Their main purpose? Per the official description, they hope to help “young millennials maximise the value of their property to achieve their dream of climbing the property ladder.” Given the current economic climate, that’s… not an easy thing to do. Pesky reality aside, the pair will spend time in each local community, hoping to figure out what potential buyers could love about the area and making sure that they put their best foot forward when transforming the homes. In other words, this is a show about how to increase the market value of a property by using clever design solutions. Suburbs featured in season 1 of the show include Newtown and Leichhardt in Sydney, Fitzroy and South Melbourne in Melbourne and Woolloongabba in Brisbane. Expect cutting-edge ideas, beautiful gardens and stunning end results. If you love renovation series, Selling in the City is not to miss. Selling in the City episode release schedule Selling in the City episode 1 – 19 October Selling in the City episode 2 – 19 October Selling in the City episode 3 – 19 October Selling in the City episode 4 – 26 October Selling in the City episode 5 – 26 October Selling in the City episode 6 – 2 November Selling in the City episode 7 – 2 November Selling in the City episode 8 – 9 November Selling in the City trailer Learn more about BINGE via our dedicated BINGE review. Or, feel free to compare more streaming services here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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isgrow · 5 years
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Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Finale Ending Explained and Book Changes
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being published on http://mybecause.com/game-of-thrones-season-8-episode-6-finale-ending-explained-and-book-changes/
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cinemaven99 · 5 years
Game of Thrones | Season 8 Episode 6 | Preview (HBO)
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forever-animated · 4 years
TDP Season 4 Preliminary Predictions, Part One (1-12)
So with S4 in production, no trailer in sight, and a TBA release date, it looks like there’s still a wait before we get any news on the upcoming season.
That being said, we do have some information to go on regarding what might be in store for our favorite characters. (Previous SDCC interviews, the recent Instagram Live and Reddit AMA with the creators, Callum’s Spellbook, and of course, Through the Moon.)
So I decided to put together some preliminary predictions based on the info we have so far. My desire is to create a TDP S4 bingo board just before the season airs, so that gives me 24 guesses/predictions to come up with (not including the free space). I’ll probably tweak most of these once we get our trailer, since I’m sure it’ll provide more insight as to the direction of the show.
So without further ado, here are my first 12 TDP S4 preliminary predictions...
1. Spring 2021 Release
During the Reddit AMA at the beginning of October, the creators gave the following update:
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Since it’s been over a month, we can safely assume they’re in production now.
From what I understand, pre-production is mostly writing and storyboarding, possibly voice recording as well. If they’re in the production phase, that means animation has begun.
Let’s consider the turnaround time for past seasons. S1′s airdate was September 14, 2018; S2′s was February 15, 2019; and S3′s was November 22, 2019. This means that there was only a five month gap between S1 and S2, and a nine month gap between S2 & S3. 
The gap between S3 & S4 has been longer than both of those. But considering that we’ve had a global pandemic and that we’ve been waiting on Netflix to greenlight more seasons, this is to be expected. We only heard about the renewal back in July. Assuming the team started work around that time, they’ve already been working for about four months. 
If we estimate that it’ll be another five months before we see S4, (nine months in total, same as the wait between S2 and S3), that means it will air around April 2021. Of course, it could air before or after - depending on how long production takes. But I believe it’s safe to say that we could be seeing TDP S4 air in spring 2021. 
2. Timeskip < 6 Months
We know from interviews that there will be a timeskip between S3 & S4. If you’ve read Through the Moon, you know that there’s a few weeks in between the end of S3 and the beginning of the graphic novel, and that the events of the story happen in the span of about two weeks. So we can estimate that it’s been about a month between the end of S3 and the end of TTM.
We also know there will be a bit of a timeskip between TTM and the start of S4, per the Reddit AMA, but we’re not sure how long that will be.
My guess? The timeskip between S3 & S4 will be six months or less. 
I was initially going to play it safe and say “less than three years,” because anything more than that would require a recast to account for teenage Ezran. (And given how much the creators and fans LOVE Sasha, I doubt a recast will ever happen in the show.) 
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But realistically, I don’t think the timeskip will be more than a half a year. The events of TTM imply that the story is very much moving forward, and anything too far in the future would give the audience too much to be caught up on. So it’ll likely be only a few months of a gap between seasons, and definitely less than six.
3. New Clothing & Hair for Characters
Many of the characters in ATLA received either new hairstyles or clothing between the seasons. So following that logic, and given that Ehasz is behind both shows, it stand to reason the same will hold true for TDP.
The creators have confirmed that Callum will be going “sun’s out, gun’s out” for S4. (Their words, not mine.) This makes sense since he now knows how to cast mage wings, and he wants them to be readily accessible at a moment’s notice.
We also see that Rayla’s sporting a new cloak when she leaves at the end of TTM, so she’ll likely have this for S4 as well. 
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Ezran may get new garb as well, as he settles into his new role as king.
I also think it’s possible that their hair could change as well. Rayla’s on her own now, so her hair will probably just get longer. Maybe she’ll braid it or wrap it up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. If Callum returns to Katolis, he might get a haircut in-between seasons. But if he goes straight out to search for Rayla, his hair might be even longer.
Either way, new hair and clothes seems like a given.
4. Older Zym
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The creators have assured us in prior interviews that Zym is still very much a part of this story. It is called The Dragon Prince after all.
That being said, I think it’s possible we’ll see a slightly older Zym next season, especially due to the timeskip. I doubt he’ll get much bigger. He’ll probably go from being the size of a puppy to the size of a full-grown dog. And I don’t think he’ll talk yet. That seems like it won’t be for many years in the future.
Still, I think we can reasonably look forward to seeing an older Zym.
5. Mid Season Rayllum Reunion
I already have a post highlighting the reasons why I think Callum and Rayla will definitely reunite in S4, as I know many fans are wondering if they’ll spend the whole season apart. 
But I think this reunion may happen sooner rather than later. By that, I’m guessing it’ll happen at the midway point - either episodes 4 or 5.
This gives us the chance to have three or four whole episodes with them apart, which seems like a reasonable amount. Then we get their reunion, which’ll likely be it’s own episode. Then we get four or five whole episodes with them together again, dealing with the fallout of Rayla’s decision, working together, and hopefully reconciling by the season’s end. This seems like it could be a nice, tidy arc for them to have for the season, so that’s what I’m going to guess will happen.
Plus, it’ll have us feeling all the feels.
6. Janai’s Brother Wants the Throne
It’s been confirmed that Janai and Khessa have a younger, unnamed brother. We know nothing about him, and the creators decided not to comment when asked about him during the AMA. This means that he’ll likely be an important player for S4.
One of the writers (I believe it was Devon) also confirmed via Twitter that Janai is next in line for the throne after her sister’s death, calling her Queen Janai. 
This raises a very interesting potential plotline for S4. What if Janai decides to ally with the humans that helped during the battle at the Storm Spire? What if her brother is not happy about this? Letting a human into Lux Area was the reason Khessa died, after all.
What if Janai’s brother decided to make a play for the throne - either by contesting Janai’s rule, threatening civil war, or by trying to usurp the thone?
The creator’s have mentioned that despite the Zym being returned to Xadia, there is still a long road to peace between the elves and humans. They alluded to an “event” that makes Ezran aware of this.
Unrest / war between the Sunfire elves could very easily be what they’re talking about. And Janai’s brother wanting the throne could very easily be the catalyst for that.
7. Aaravos in the Shadows
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Many fans are speculating that our main characters may now finally become aware of Aaravos’s existence in the series. As for me? I’m not so sure.
Keep in mind, outside of Viren, Claudia, and perhaps a handful of Sunfire elves, no one else in the show knows of Aaravos’s existence. He’s been keeping to the shadows, pretty clearly using Viren as his puppet. 
With the end of S3, he’s in the cocoon, leaving Viren and Claudia on their own. We don’t know how long it’ll take for him to emerge, or even what form he’ll take when that happens. But we do know that he’ll be back for S4, per Erik Todd Dellums. (And apparently, he’ll have an even sexier voice.)
I imagine he and the dark mage fam will have their own arc in S4, which may eventually intersect with whatever the main cast is up to, but not for awhile yet. As for Aaravos himself, I think he’s playing the long game. And I think part of that means staying in the shadows as much as he possible can, while he consolidates power. The goal it seems is to make his form stronger and stronger, and eventually finding a way to leave the mirror realm entirely. Why would he want to play his cards too early?
So with Viren and Aaravos out of the way for much of S4, who does this leave as the main antagonist?
8. Sol Regem, Main Antagonist
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Enter Sol Regem. It’s been confirmed that we’ll see him again, after all. And we know just how much hatred he has for humans. He was hellbent on frying Callum to a crisp, even after he had agreed to return the human kingdoms.
It was revealed that Sol Regem was once revered by the Sunfire elves, before he became a symbol of rage and bitterness. Still, this reverence is an important part of Sunfire history.
This is something Janai’s brother could leverage if he’s looking to usurp the throne and pit the human-hating Sunfire elves against those that are loyal to Janai. With the literal Sun King on his side, he becomes a formidable foe.
This could be the event that leads Ezran to act. Will the humans who fought at the Storm Spire come to the aid of Janai and her people? Will the Dragon Queen weigh in on this matter? Will they need to gather the other elemental dragons together in hopes of defeating Sol Regem? (If so, this is a way we could bring Rex Igneous into the story.)
This might be a bit of a stretch, of course. But it does lead for an interesting direction for S4, and S5 as well, and would be a way to introduce more dragons and keep Zym and his mother in the story. 
And, as I stated in my Rayllum S4 reunion post, this gives Rayla incentive to stop hunting Viren and shift gears to focus on the more emergent threat. Which in turn could reunite Team Zym once again.
9. Rex Igneous Eats a Jelly Tart
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It’s pretty much a given that we will meet Rex Igneous (the Earth dragon) in this season. You can see a sneak peak of him in Callum’s Sketchbook, which has the following caption:
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It was also revealed by the creators that some “very important figures” would be eating jelly tarts in upcoming seasons.
Given this information, it doesn’t seem farfetched to imagine that Rex Igneous will be one of those figures.
10. Soren & Ezran Adventure / Bonding
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Soren used to share his screen time with Claudia, but now that she’s out on her own with her dad, he’ll need a new buddy to share screen time with.
I nominate Ezran, mostly because S3 dealt a lot with their relationship, and it just makes sense to continue to develop this in S4. Plus, Ezran’s the king and Soren’s the guard. Where he goes, Soren follows.
So it makes sense that they’ll have an adventure together in S4.
11. Dramatic Claudia Reveal / Confrontation
I had this on my list for awhile, but Ehasz tweeted this and nearly confirmed it:
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I think we’re going to get either a really dramatic reveal or confrontation between Claudia and another character. Either Viren, Soren, or possibly Callum. (I don’t think it’ll be Rayla, since she has no real connection to Claudia.) Or perhaps it’ll simply be a dramatic reveal for us, the audience.
Either way, stuff’s going down.
12. Callum Learns Moon Arcanum
The creators have mentioned that Callum will be learning more of the primal sources in future seasons. I think it stands to reason that moon will be next for him.
S3 already showed him starting to grasp a lot of the fundamentals of the source - both in their evasion of Sol Regem and in casting the spell to see Rayla’s parents. Through the Moon builds on this even more, with him using moon opals to cast more moon magic, and learning even more from Lujanne regarding the nature of the primal.
Being separated from Rayla might be the push he needs to finally unlock the arcanum once in for all. Perhaps it’ll be key to tracking her down, if he goes after her.
If not, perhaps understanding Rayla’s past and the decision that she made, and their reconciliation is what will trigger it.
Hard to say for sure, but I feel like this will relate to Rayla in some way. And it will definitely happen in S4.
Okay, that’s it for now. I’ll do a part 2 eventually and go through my last 12 predictions.
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teachingmycattoread · 3 years
Things We’ve Yelled About This Episode #11
Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie
N or M?, Agatha Christie
This immortal line from Snakes on a Plane
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Murder on the Orient Express, 2017 (trailer)
Kenneth Branagh (imdb)
ITV murder mystery adaptations
Miss Marple
Hercule Poirot
David Suchet (imdb)
Death on the Nile, Agatha Christie
The Mysterious Affair at Styles, Agatha Christie
Doctor Who, The Unicorn and the Wasp (clip)
Agatha Christie's life (wiki)
Poirot dragging the soon-to-be murder victim:
“ “What’s wrong with my proposition?”
Poirot rose.
“If you will forgive me for being personal – I do not like your face, M. Ratchett,” he said.
And with that he left the restaurant car.” - Murder on the Orient Express, Part I Chapter 3
Sherlock Holmes’ bitch energy (x)
M. Bouc’s no good very bad day:
“ “Tout de même, it is not necessary that he should be killed on the Orient Express. There are other places.”
Poirot smiled a little. He realized that M. Bouc was biased in the matter.” Murder on the Orient Express, Part I, Chapter 8
In which Agatha Christie accurately trashes the English:
“True to their nationality, the two English people were not chatty.” Murder on the Orient Express, Part I Chapter 1
The cheat code that allows the English to talk to strangers - M is referencing the radio sitcom Cabin Pressure, Season 2 Episode 6 “Limerick” (transcript)
No holds barred character descriptions:
“At a small table, sitting very upright, was one of the ugliest old ladies he had ever seen. It was an ugliness of distinction – it fascinated rather than repelled. She sat very upright. Round her neck was a colar of very large pearls which, improbable though it seemed, were real. Her hands were covered with rings. Her sable coat was pushed back on her shoulders. A very small expensive black toque was hideously unbecoming to the hellow, toad-like face beneath it.”  Murder on the Orient Express, Part I Chapter 3, describing Princess Dragomiroff
“One of them was a tall middle-aged woman in a plaid blouse and tweed skirt. She had a mass of faded yellow hair unbecomingly arranged in a large bun, wore glasses, and had a long, mild, amiable face rather like a sheep.” Murder on the Orient Express, Part I Chapter 3, describing Greta Ohlsson
Penelope Cruz (imdb) - her character is Spanish
Gaudy Night, Dorothy L Sayers - M mentions protagonists Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane
Gaudi (wiki)
"What an insult to the rich and chaotic variety of the human experience!" - M is quoting Sir Samuel Vimes, in Terry Pratchett's Feet of Clay. They do this...a lot.
Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle
Game of Thrones, G. R. R. Martin
The Reveal (no spoilers):
“Poirot looked at his friend.
“You are a director of the company, M. Bouc,” he said, “What do you say?”
M. Bouc cleared his throat.
“In my opinion, M. Poirot,” he said, “the first theory you put forward was the correct one – decidedly so. I suggest that that is the solution we offer to the Yugo-Slavian police when they arrive. You agree, Doctor?”
“Certainly I agree,” said Dr Constantine. “As regards the medical evidence, I think – er – that I made one or two fantastical suggestions.”
“Then,” said Poirot, “having placed my solution before you, I have the honour to retire from the case…”” Murder on the Orient Express, Part III Chapter 9
Jessica Chastain (imdb)
Daisy Ridley (imdb)
Going Postal, Terry Pratchett. M is thinking of this adaptation, and she's not doing it fondly.
Noodle Incidents (tv tropes)
ACAB (wiki)
Dora the Explorer (children's tv show) - TIL that Dora the Explorer isn't actually aimed at teaching kids Spanish, but it's used enough that they might pick bits up.
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)
What else are we reading (and watching) this week?
Way of Kings, Brandon Sanderson
@shanastoryteller (ao3)
Fanfic of Les Miserables, Victor Hugo
Living a Feminist Life, Sara Ahmed
This Is How You Lose The Time War, Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden, 1993 (trailer)
Enola Holmes (trailer)
Agatha Christie and the Truth of the Murder (trailer)
Next week on Teaching My Cat To Read:
The Perilous Life of Jade Yeo, Zen Cho (available to read here)
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myrxellabaratheon · 4 years
two memes in one (because as you all know, i’m lazy af)
8 people I’d like to get to know better tagged by @amethyst-noir
1. Birthday: March 21th 
2. Zodiac Sign: Aries
3. Height: 1,60 mt. I’m really tiny (or everyone around me is a giraffe, your choice)
4. The last song I listened to: Get Free, Lana del Rey. Apple Music chose for me because I’m always in shuffle (even if I hate Spotify because you ca’t deactivate the shuffle)
5. Hobbies: reading, writing, cosplaying, drawing, going to the gym, travel, photography, visit new places, visit museums/art expositions, surfing, horse riding, archery. 
6. Favourite Colour: pastel yellow if I have to be specific, but every shade of yellow is a fave for me. 
7. Last Movie I Watched: re-watched the Current War
8. Favourite Book: This is hard, but I’ll go with the forever favourite which is a classic TM: The Picture of Dorian Grey
9. Dream job: Actress is the kinda-impossible-but-always-dream-job one, while the more consistent is owner of an art gallery or art historian. 
10. Meaning behind my url: my girl Myrcella Baratheon aka the character that has so much potential and please GRRM do not throw her away as they did in the show! (but the canonical one was already taken so, yeah, magic x to the rescue)
pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people tagged by @janiedean
1. lost
2. criminal minds
3. westworld
4. mindhunter
5. game of thrones
who is your favorite character in 2?
Spencer Reid, hands down! 
who is your least favorite character in 1?
ewwww, I don’t know, possibly Ben 
what is your favorite episode of 4?
oh my... the one when they interview the guy who doesn’t fucking shut up because he’s freaking hilarious! 
what is your favorite season of 5?
the first one probably. 
who is your favorite couple in 3?
canonically there are like, two couples? three with Will x Logan which is totally canon (at least in s1) and you can’t tell me otherwise. Anyways, between the super canon ones, I’d say Maeve x Hector
who is your favorite couple in 2?
Garvez, like, c’mon! 
what is your favorite episode of 1?
I haven’t see this series in ages so I don’t remember which season and episode this is, but the one when the Others capture Sawyer and Kate and they are this close to have sex in the bear cages! 
what is your favorite episode of 5?
uhm... a part of me wants to say one episode, but it’s from one of the last seasons and I hated them so much, so Ill go with the other one so, 3x10 because is very Lannister-ish! 
what is your favorite season of 2?
I think it was the 13th, the one in which Spencer has been arrested while he was in Mexico. 
how long have you watched 1?
I started it when they first aired on Rai 2, which was around 2005 if I well remember. 
how did you become interested in 3?
I don’t know, oof, I saw some post somewhere with the trailer and I was interested, that my Aunt saw it on Sky and she was thrilled about it as well, so we watched the first season together. 
who is your favorite actor in 4?
This is one of the few series that I don’t watch because there’s an actor I like in it, but I have to admit that all of them are extremely good. My favourite one, maybe also because I adore her character, is Anna Torv. 
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Oh my fucking god! You can’t make me choose between Lost and Criminal Minds between them all! That’s chaotic evil! If I have to choose with a gun pointed to my head, I’d say Criminal Minds, but just... it’s painful to me to make this choice. (I’m not even counting got in this one oof)
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3
Lost because it’s six seasons against 2 (plus the 3rd one which started yesterday)
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
I was this close to change the order of westworld and criminal minds so that the crossover would have been holden and bill teaching everyone how to make a profile and spencer being like “you are like our granpas” 
also westworld and mindhunter would be great! like.. just image Will being forced to explain is psychotic behaviour to BIll and Holden, that’d be super hilarious! 
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Boone and Charlie, don’t ask me why, it just crossed my mind! 
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
the first seasons of got are way better than westworld, but, again, they messed up when they stopped sticking to the books, so I have to say westworld. 
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
Both are nice, but Criminal MInds is iconic! 
tagging (do the one you prefer if you want to): @joanna-lannister @myrcella @vi-is-strange @drstrangefangirl8900 @visionarygalaxy @notjustamumj @motherofkittens94 @joannalannister @katebishopofearth @music-is-the-voice-of-the-soul 
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callunavulgari · 4 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2019
1. these roads will take you into your own country by @notbecauseofvictories | American Gods | Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney | WIP | 33k
Here’s a joke for you: a Muslim, a zombie, and a leprechaun walk into a bar in Misery, Indiana. No one stares, because no one in the puckered, shitty asshole of Misery, Indiana gives a fuck. The Colts are playing.
Heather Says: So. It’s funny that another of @notbecauseofvictories‘s stories is at the top of my list again this year. Keep in mind this list is sorted by when the fic was read rather than favorites (because that would get real complicated real quick). Clearly there must be something about January. There’s just something about the writing that is easy to slip into, be it a Star Wars fic or a Labyrinth fic or even a fic about Johnny and the Devil. This was lovely and I can’t wait until it’s finished.
2. eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by @honkforhankcon | Detroit: Become Human | Hank/Connor | 91k
Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.
Heather Says: I don’t think that this is the first DBH fic that I sought out after beating the game, but it is the first that I loved enough to make it to this list. I didn’t think that I would go for a modern au for this fandom, certainly not a modern au wihere Hank is a truck driver and Connor is a sex worker (albeit briefly?) but here I am.
3. Fuck pride (pride only hurts, it never helps) by ImogenGotDrunk | Detroit: Become Human | RK900/Gavin Reed | 41k
After the android uprising, Connor becomes a permanent fixture in the DPD. That’s fine. Gavin can accept that. The dipshit’s more human than he used to be, and a decent detective to boot. Gavin can deal with him being around. What Gavin cannot deal with is Connor’s replica; two inches taller, blue-eyed, and with a mouth that Gavin doesn’t know whether to punch or take between his teeth. The RK900 model has been assigned as his partner for the foreseeable future.
Heather Says: I also never thought that I’d like a fic with Gavin in it. But I got curious about all the Reed900, and well, this fic really won me over. The writing is fantastic, and it softens Gavin while still keeping him believable. Also, well, I like the enemies to lovers thing.
4. Almost Cool by @blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 30k
While filming the Yuma Territorial Prison episode, Shane gets bitten by what he thinks is a bat. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Heather Says: This is actually the first thing that I read for this fandom. In fact, this is the fic that got me into Buzzfeed Unsolved in the first place. I’d seen a lot of art and gifs and fics pass my way, but I was only ever slightly interested in what I saw until this fic came through my inbox and piqued my curiosity. 
5. Pride by @astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Brienne/Cersei | 22k
Jaime didn’t understand why Cersei suddenly insisted on trimming his hair and shaving his beard, but he also didn’t care to fight her on it, even though he’d just as soon have kept the beard: it was bitterly cold in the small tower room with its arrow-slits. 
Heather Says: Wowza. This fic was intense. I’ve always loved Jaime and Brienne. I’ve loved them since the second book, which was read at least a few years before I started loving them in the show. Adding Cersei to their dynamic would have probably been almost impossible to pull off if it was anyone else, but @astolat lives to surpass my expectations.
6. Skin and Scales by Ernmark | The Penumbra Podcast | Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla | 18k
The man glares, and this time, Damien is certain it isn’t a trick of the light: those eyes are violet as amethyst. He wears disdain like a second skin–- or, perhaps, like the scales that he is missing. “Lord Arum?”
Heather Says: I was one of those people who skipped through all of the Second Citadel episodes during my first listen through of Penumbra. The stories were good, but the pull of Juno was too great. A couple months after I finished, I went back and listened to everything I didn’t. And let me tell you. Lizard monster. Honorable knight. Bookish girlfriend. Poly. It hit every single button I had and then some. This fic really hit the spot when I ran out of story.
7. someone you like by caela | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | 5k
catwithabat u think ur so hipster but u just look like a lesbian 27m she_ra @catwithabat bc… i’m a lesbian. lmao 5m
Heather Says: Noooot usually a big fan of high school fics. Namely because I’m not in high school anymore and well, after you read so many in your teenage years they sort of lose their luster. This one was phenomenal enough to change my mind.
8. Sands of Time by @tirsynni | Legend of Zelda | Ganondorf/Link | WIP | 98k
Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
Heather Says: I have seen a lot of really good Link/Ganondorf art over the years, but never really stumbled across a fic that didn’t have judicious amount of non-con involved. But the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer happened, and everybody started drawing really pretty art, so I went looking. And lo and behold, @tirsynni saved the day with this gorgeous time travel/fix-it fic. 
9. killed with kindness by veterization | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 52k
Goro can't quite figure out why so many people keep acting like they're his friend. (Or: the one where the Phantom Thieves decide to know thy enemy, befriend thy enemy, love thy enemy, crush on thy enemy).
Heather Says: I’ve read a couple of veterization’s fics over the years, and to date they have never disappointed me. They published this in June, and I think I clicked on it mostly because I was bored and hadn’t read any good P5 fic yet. This was basically just what the doctor ordered, and I was really happy to find something where Akechi’s story went ever so slightly different.
10. paper thin by @ebonybow | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 9k
Shane’s new neighbors are a morning-sex kind of couple.
Heather Says: So I went into this one knowing very little about how Sara fit into things. I didn’t know she was Shane’s girlfriend. I’d never even seen her, but I clicked because I like poly and I trust the author. I was 100% not disappointed. There’s also another fic with a very similar dynamic here, which is also aces.
11. damn.nation, now available on itunes by @kaikamahine | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 11k
When lowly tempt-pusher Amphora (formerly of Stairwell 7B North, before she Fell,) gets the notice that end times are nigh, she gleefully quits her job and cancels her Netflix subscription and takes her place among the legions of hell. This, it turns out, was a bad plan.
Heather Says: Elizabeth may have only written one fic this year, but she made it a damn good one. I’ve always loved her OCs especially, so I was pretty tickled that this is 10k+ of outsider pov. Also, demons! Demons are great! This demon is great! I want like 9 seasons and a movie about Amphora, just saying.
12. The Dragon and Her Wolves by hapakitsune | Game of Thrones | Jon/Sansa/Daenarys | 60k
When the truth of Jon's birthright is revealed, control of the North and Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne are both called into question. To preserve their tenuous alliance and secure her rule, Daenerys puts aside her personal feelings to arrange a marriage of political convenience between Jon and Sansa Stark.
Heather Says: What do you mean season 8 didn’t exist and the show totally ended with a three way relationship between the two most powerful women in Westeros and Jon Snow? Never been a big fan of Jon/Sansa before this, but this is another of those writers that I would literally trust if they wrote a fic about a fork and a spoon.
13. never tell me the odds by @wildehacked | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 9k
“I tried Star Wars," he says, adjusting the phone under his neck, "and it was way underwhelming.”
A shaky breath from her end. “Well, where did you start?”
Heather Says: I don’t remember which of @wildehacked‘s fandoms I started reading first. Most recently it’s been The Magnus Archives (more on this later). The point is, they’d written Wolf 359 fic and it had Hera and Eiffel and it was literally everything that I’ve been looking for since the series ended.
14. Find Me Somebody by raiining | Good Omens | Warlock/Adam Young | 11k
“You left me,” he said. “You both left me, for him. And I can’t even blame you, because I’d have left me for him too.”
Heather Says: There was an Art. The art was lovely. So I went looking, because that’s what I do when faced with beautiful art depicting a rare pairing. And I found the holy grail. Like, possibly my favorite Good Omens fic? Ever? 
15. flirting with fire by @brawlite | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | WIP | 7k
Steve's a cop, Billy's a firefighter. It's not a grudge, it's just a regular old small town rivalry.
Heather Says: Okay so brawlite has written a lot of great stuff this year (more on that later), but I read this in bed at the beach house this August while I was reeling from both a horrible sunburn and like seven hours of mild to moderate day-drinking while everyone else was still throwing back shots right outside my bedroom door. Jaws was playing on the tv and I wasn’t even paying attention to it, because THIS. Long story short, I’ve been thirsty for more ever since.
16. gold, when you find me by mmtion | The Flash | Iris/Barry | 53k
It's not that Iris hates The Flash, per say - more that she hates writing about The Streak in a weekly, pun-heavy comic based on The Flash.
Heather Says: I never would have thought that a canon pairing would make it to my Top 25 list, but here we are. I like Iris/Barry a lot better when they don’t grow up together and spend a lot of time playing the Superman game, apparently. Also, this was really well-written, and sexual tension has never been something I’ve felt from Barry and Iris, but I felt it in this fic. Just. Damn.
17. never gets old by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger| Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 78k
Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
Heather Says: Told you I’d come back to it. brawlite and toastranger are a fantastic team. last year was cherry pie and under the covers, this year it’s camboys and cop/firefighter dynamics. Also, I have a really strange fascination with fics where a character has an instragram. It’s really, incredibly strange. Also also, every time I see this fic title I get that one Discovery Channel song stuck in my head. And no, it probably isn’t the one you’re thinking.
18. ways to save the world by @wildehacked | The Magnus Archives | Martin Blackwood/Jon Sims | 19k
“I left you,” Martin says softly.
Heather Says: And we’re back at wildehacked too! The Magnus Archives was a thing that happened to me. This is I think the first fic I read for it while listening, and it was so very close to what we got in canon. I think when it comes down to it though, I still prefer this fic, even if the ending of this season was pretty fantastic.
19. The Denial Twist by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 35k
“This is kind of surreal,” Shane says, taking a sip of his tea. It’s piping hot and delicious, except it tastes like hot chocolate and not like tea at all. “Sort of—Wonka-esque, right? Or Alice in Wonderland.”
Heather Says: While the vampire one is my favorite both because it is excellent and because it was my first, this one was bizarre and sexy and also I read it like only a month or so ago! The dancing was my favorite part, but having dreams to work with made this story fantastically interesting and I loved every second of it.
20. silver in our lungs by taywen | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk Lord | 4k
The marks had been with Miryem for as long as she could remember. There were a number of them, all the same shade, following one after the other around her left wrist. They were pale as old scars, though they felt no different from the rest of her skin, and her mother claimed that Miryem had been born with them.
Heather Says: I really like soulmate aus. There’s so many different ways to twist them and the way they can sometimes change the dynamic entirely and other times not change them at all is just fascinating. I’ve been hoping there would be more Spinning Silver content on ao3 and running into this while I was trying to decide what I wanted to do for yuletide was a real treat.
21. you got me begging, begging, i'm on my knees by plalligator | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 5k
Costis has a particularly enlightening evening. (or, that struggle when you're a guard who's in love with your rulers and it turns out you would kind of like it if they bossed you around a little)
Heather Says: I accidentally re-read the King of Attolia and it made me consider ships I had perhaps not previously considered. This was really lovely and just steamy enough.
22. something more alive than silence by pageleaf | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 21k
It was a good thing that six months after the king had promised to halve the guard, he still hadn’t done it, because since then, there had been two attempts on the king’s life.
Heather Says: I want to only type the words AGONIZED NOISES to describe this fic because that’s basically my headspace when I get 21k of a shiny new ot3, but I mean. Really. This is super good and maybe my favorite yet? Why didn’t I start reading this fandom when I first read the books?
23. Timing it Right by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 14k
The dragon chooses, Mark knows that as well as any boy born in a weyr. He'd never considered what that would mean if the dragon picked someone you hated. He's starting to think that was a mistake.
Damien's gold rises at Whitney. Mark tries to make things right.
Heather Says: This should actually be somewhere back in March, but I apparently closed out of the tab at some point. I never really got into Pern much. I have the first three books, but got most of the way through the first one a long time ago and then never picked it back up. I didn’t think I would like this, mostly because of the fact that I hadn’t gotten into the books, but was surprised to find that I absolutely loved it.
24. Keep It In Your Sights Now by LuckyDiceKirby | Shades of Magic | Lila/Kell/Holland | 9k
Holland travels with Lila and Kell. Somewhere along the way, they reach an equilibrium.
Heather Says: I love the new things I’ve discovered during my yuletide trompings. I don’t think I ever actually considered this pairing when I first read the books, but I am just so enamored with the idea of the three of them together. Like, why did I not realize that potential back then? This was lovely, and I loved it, and I want so much more out of this pairing than what ao3 has to offer me.
25. Charioteer by petrichoral | The Queen’s Thief | Gen & Costis | 13k
Captured in battle and stuck in the Mede capital, Costis has given up all hope of seeing his country again. But Eugenides has a habit of turning up where he's least expected.
Heather Says: Technically this shouldn’t be on here because I only read it today, but it was really wonderful and so canon typical. Gen and Costis were perfect in it, Irene was perfect in it. Everyone was perfect and nothing hurts.
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proprhettcies · 4 years
Season 5 Episodes 11-20 (364-373)
S5 Ep 11 (364)- RandL react to Kids React
Fine Brothers
Famous Last Words Videos
The Red House Commercial
“The Businessman and the Boy”
Nerf Guns
Locke watching Julien Smith videos
S5 Ep 13 (366)- Dinosaurs
Tsintaosaurus -”Unicorn” dinosaur
Gigantoraptor- “World’s largest chicken”
S5 Ep 14 (367)- getting insulted at Sundance
Link getting to sit next to Sam Rockwell
Walking farts
Rainn Wilson
Met Chad Hurley- founder of Youtube
S5 Ep 15 (368)- 6 Ways to make yourself cry
The Notebook
-Put yourself in a sad state of mind
R-” Mom left me at the pool and I couldn’t get in so I walked home.”
L- Tucker dying
-Yawn Repeatedly
-Close your nose with your fingers, then exhale as hard as you can with open eyes
-Make face emotions that mimic crying faces
-Yawn repeatedly
Eating an onion like an apple
S5 Ep 16 (369)- 8 Alternative Fuels
-Compressed Air
-Chicken poop/Methane gas
- Human Fat
-Solar Power
- Bag of Uncompressed Gas
-Pet Power
-Styrofoam Cups
- Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Perpetual Bicycle
R future guess- ” Anything you put in your commode will power your home”
S5 Ep 17 (370)- Awkward Situations
More- The Dream Walker fanfic
S5 Ep 18 (371)- Exotic Meat Taste test
Wild boar
L- My taste determine by sight
S5 Ep 19(372)- Hawkman
Game of Thrones
Hawkman Trailer they created
Rhett wants to be Indiana Jones
S5 Ep 20 (373)- NERF Gun/Blasters
Their kids on episodes
Painful episodes
American Girl Doll
WoM- Slow Motion
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shewholovestoread · 5 years
Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Trailer Breakdown
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Judging by Cersei’s costume, we can be fairly certain that these 3 screenshots are from the same sequence. Cersei is in King’s Landing, flanked by Euron, Qyburn and Harry Strickland of the Golden Company. I think she’s making a public statement, in the first screenshot, people are coming out into the streets, I’m guessing they heard that the WW have been defeated (if they were aware of the threat at all) Cersei will probably address them and warm them about Dany coming to KL to take the Iron Throne and burn them all in the process with her dragons.
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I think these are connected as well. We’ve actually seen the first 2 shots in the trailers as well. Sansa looks concerned, she knows that now that the NK has been beaten, Dany will go full steam ahead to claim the Iron Throne. Her soldiers are still in Winterfell (or what’s left of it) and Sansa knows that it essentially means that Winterfell is once again occupied by a foreign force. In the 2nd image, I can’t tell if anyone is riding those dragons.
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I feel like the scene above and the Sansa shots before that could possibly be connected. Jon, Davos and Tormund appear to be going somewhere with Gilly standing behind them. In this shot, I can’t see if Sam is with them. I know a lot of people expected Jon and Dany to ride Rhegal and Drogon respectively when they go to King’s Landing but that may not happen. For one, Dany no longer trusts Jon and second, it’s reminiscent of when Dany and Jon rode into Winterfell. If they’re taking the ships to KL again, it may make sense to ride to White Harbour and join the rest of the forces. Having said that, I still don’t know why Jon, Davos and Tormund didn’t ride out with the forces if that is the case, why are they riding alone?
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The episode will probably begin with this sequence, with the dead being burned, saying a final farewell to those we lost in the battle against the WW. We have Dany, Greyworm, Sam, Jon, Sansa, Arya and Tormund all wielding torches to set the pyres on fire. You can also see Ghost in the first image, just chilling...
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This is where Dany says, “We have won the Great War, now we will win the last war.” It’s clear that she’s in the Great Hall at Winterfell and I think she’s addressing her forces. Noticeably absent is Tyrion, since he’s her hand, he should be standing in Varys’ position. Could it mean that his position as Dany’s hand is still precarious? Did Missandei tell Dany that Tyrion seemed quite fond of Sansa in the crypts? Or is it something else completely?
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I think this will happen soon after the burning of the dead, a celebration of life. In the 2nd image, you can see Alys Carstark and Yohn Royce among others, raising their glasses to Dany’s toast. You can also see Tormund and Arya near the bottom of the frame and I think I can also spot Brienne but I could be wrong. Noticeably absent in this celebration is Sansa, the Lady of Winterfell, Jon Snow, Davis Seaworth, Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the Queen and Jaime Lannister. The absence of these characters is rather telling.
Could it be that we’ll finally get a scene with Sansa and Jon speaking after his parentage reveal? He needs to tell her the truth, the fact that Davos is missing makes me think that he’ll be present for at least some of the conversation between Jon and Sansa, a secret wedding perhaps???? (I need some Jonsa content desperately)
Maybe Dany becomes suspicious about why all of these people are missing, hence her expression, she looks worried and angry. Or perhaps, Dany thought that the Northern Lords would now be willing to recognise her authority and her claim as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms except that they don’t, they still want their independence (We know no king but the king in the North whose name is Stark and I think we all know which Stark it will be this time)
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Dany looks happiest when she’s with her dragons, that’s clearly Drogon behind her and since she is looking at something in the sky, I think that it’s Rheagal coming back to her. I don’t think Jon is riding Rheagal, she stopped smiling at him after the parentage reveal. Important to note, Dany’s costumes are going to reds and greys/black, a clear reference to her House colours, she’s no longer trying to blend in, she doesn’t need to anymore. The WW have been defeated, she doesn’t trust Jon anymore and she doesn’t care about the North and their people beyond the fact that they’re her subjects now.
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This shot clearly parallels the end of Season 6 with Dany and her allies sailing to Dragonstone. The Targ colours are out in all their glory on the sails and I can’t actually see any other House sigils, something that we saw in the season 6 scene.
It’s telling that at no point in the trailer do we see Tyrion or Jaime, and where the hell is Bronn, wasn’t he heading to Winterfell? Also, what about Jaime’s loyalties now, are they split once again, between his house and Dany? I don’t think he’ll serve Dany, if he does stay back in the North, it will be to serve Sansa and be with Brienne. The only person whose motives I can’t pinpoint is Tyrion and that worries me...
Thoughts, agree/disagree?
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kallypsowrites · 5 years
Game of thrones 8x03 Predictions
I honestly am so hyperfixated on Game of thrones right now and the next episode that I gotta make some character predictions. But in this case, I’m less interested about DEATHS and more interested about the character groups we will see in the episode. The director has already spoke about the difficulty directing a battle with multiple POVs. In Battle of the Bastards he was able to stick of Jon’s perspective all the way through. In this battle, there are many storylines going on concurrently. But he likely has them split up into character groups in order to make things easier to track. And based on those character groups, we can guess what might happen. And, I expect that in each group, there will be some kind of death to give us a ‘lowest point’ for each arc. So...let’s jump in!
Group 1: The non-combatants (Tyrion, Varys, Sansa, Missandei, Gilly)
First off we have the non-combatants. My guess is, a lot of the character in this group will be focused on in the beginning as they say some goodbyes but then will be regulated to reaction shots during key points in the battle. HOWEVER I fully expect a few noncombatants to not stay in the crypts. Namely: Tyrion and Sansa. I think Tyrion will go initially to the crypts on Daenerys’ orders but then decide that he can’t take sitting and waiting. I think Sansa might refuse to go the crypts all together, and if she does, she will also have a moment of going off on her own. I suspect the crypts to become a focal point in the eleventh hour of the episode as a ‘twist’ when suddenly the crypts are attacked. That’s a big chekov’s gun at this point.
Moments/relationships I expect to see: Tyrion and Varys discussing the weird vibes happening between Dany and Jon, Tyrion and Sansa discussing not wanting to sit and wait to see if loved ones will die (I.E. their families), Missandei and Gilly bonding over feeling like outsiders and Gilly comforting Missandei. The Crypts becoming to the site for a devestating and unexpected attack that will make me sad.
Themes I expect to be explored: what it means to wait during a battle, facing certain death and feeling helpless to do anything about it, the value of non combatant skills in a combat zone.
Possible dead: Missandei, Gilly or Little Sam. Expect many tears.
Group 2: On the Battlements (Arya, Berric, Gendry and the Hound)
We’ve already seen shots of Arya, Berric and the Hound inside, and of course they got a moment together in episode two. Not to mention Arya is going to want to keep close to Gendry. I think that they are going to be the first responders to the crypt disaster and crucial for when Winterfell first becomes overrun. Arya, perhaps, wanted to fight out in the field, but I imagine Jon wanting her to stay in a safer part of the battle to protect those who can’t protect themselves. For this reason, this group’s story will converge with the story of those in the crypts toward the end.
At some point, Arya and her group will see/hear something suspicious and go to investigate where they will probably find the crypts overrun. That is what causes Arya to run in fear. My guess is she also tries to find Sansa who likely wasn’t in the crypts at the time of the attack, but Arya has no way of knowing that. This is the most panicked and emotional we’ll have seen Arya since her near death experience in season 8.
Like the previous group, look for them to play the biggest roll toward the end of the episode.
Moments/Relationships I expect to see: Arya and Gendry before battle, one last bonding between the Hound and Berric before inevitable deaths, Arya and the Hound fighting together, Arya being with Sansa in the beginning and then frantically looking for Sansa at the end. Arya being hella cool with her new weapon but also finding herself up against an enemy that genuinely scares her.
Themes I expect to be explored: Confronting fears, facing the real possibility of death, true apocalyptic horror, facing enemies beyond what one ever expected and seeing very strong people break down because of it.
Possible deaths: Berric definetily, and Gendry as a possibility
Group 3: The Godswood (Theon and Bran)
Theon is protecting Bran with the rest of the Iron born and waiting for the Night King. I suspect that Bran has some sort of secret plan, since he can see all things and this plan might ultimately end in Theon’s death. Still Theon will fight bravely throughout, proving himself a true iron born. It’d be nice to see him shoot down the ice dragon as well, but I won’t hold out too much hope.
This is probably the group that’s going to get most trippy with it’s magic too since Bran is the focal point/target of the Night King. This is the only group where I genuinely don’t know what to expect.
Moments/Relationships I expect to see: Bran’s gonna give Theon that trailer speech about how everything he did brought him back home and it’s going to be hella emotional. Brave boy Theon is going to brave and fight for his little brother and I CRY. I expect Jon to intersect with this group at some point as well but I’ll get to that later.
Themes I expect to see explored: Mysticism and magic, family goes beyond blood, making a stand to protect what you love even though you know you could die.
Possible deaths: Theon
Group 4: The Left Flank (Jaime, Brienne and Podrick)
Standing with the Knights of the Vale, we have Jaime, Brienne and Podrick, all ready to do some fighting. The show was smart to give them several moments together last episode, showing Jaime and Brienne watching Podrick fight like proud parents, having Brienne act like a mother toward Podrick, having Podrick’s beautiful song of death foreshadowing.
This is going to be a kind of intimate character story in my mind. Where other groups have more face characters, this is principally about Jaime and Brienne and Brienne of Podrick, with Brienne really being the focal point. I expect there to be several close calls and brushes with death as well, and of course, Brienne and Jaime fighting side by side.
Considering how much the show spent on Jaime and Brienne’s relationship last time, I think this is the time that brings their feelings for each other to the forefront. We will see them fight for each other and be willing to die for each other and how they are truly two halves of the same sword (read: soul). I don’t think this will ultimately build to one of them dying tragically (not yet) but rather, it will push them to finally admitting their feelings in the battle aftermath, because they came so close to losing each other and they don’t want to miss their chance.
Moments/Relationships I expect to see: Some HEAVY Jaime/Brienne content, complete with looks that say so much in subtext, throwing themselves into the line of fire for each other, maybe a battle confession (am I hoping too much, yeah probably, but fight me). Brienne and Podrick of course, with Podrick making her proud with fighting. I expect him to save her once too, just like he saved Tyrion in the Blackwater. And I expect Brienne to be ripped apart when he dies and I expect me to cry a lot.
Themes I expect to be explored: Unspoken feelings, bad ass battle couples, facing death with honor and bravery, ‘at least if we die, we die together’.
Possible deaths: RIP Podrick and my soul cause I’m going to cry so much.
Group 5: The Right Flank (Tormund, Davos, Edd, Samwell, the rest of the North) and the center (Greyworm and Jorah)
I put these groups together because I expect them to converge at some point and I expect them to tackle similar themes. This is the corner of soldiers, and the corner of a lot of deaths. We’ve seen all of the characters get a prominent moment and I think this is the place where we see many of them fight for their right to live and die protecting those they love. This is where the beginning of the battle will hit hardest and where we will have some of our first deaths to show us that this is serious.
Undoubtedly, this group will have to retreat, and those who make it back to the walls will probably live. But in the retreat, I expect to see casualties.
Moments/ Relationships I expect to see: Sam and Edd bonding over NIght’s watch stuff one last time, Davos and Tormund wishing each other the best. One last conversation between Greyworm and Jorah about how far they’ve come fighting for Daenerys. It’s notable that Jon and Dany might cross over with this group as some of their oldest friends/allies are here.
Themes I expect to be explored: What it means to be a soldier/knight, what it means to fight even when you know you might die, what happens when your survivor’s luck runs out and a battle finally gets you.
Possible deaths: I put Jorah, Tormund and Edd as the most likely deaths in this group. Greyworm might die, unless Missandei dies, and then he will live to grieve. Davos and Sam will likely be the survivors.
Group 6: The Wild cards (Jon, Daenerys and the dragons)
Jon and Dany are wild cards because, while they start in the same place, I think they are going to end up in very different fights in this war. They will crossover with other groups and, ultimately, their arcs in this battle are the most in shadows because I think something wild is going to happen.
What I do know is that they will spend the first moments of the battle together and will part on bad terms. And, at some point, Jon is going to end up fighting on the ground, MOST LIKELY at the weirwood tree with Bran. Rhaegal might be injured or killed.
The one I am most unsure of is Daenerys who has had approximately one shot of fighting in the preview and it’s her riding Drogon. I know she’s gonna be in the air and that’s about it, so I like the mystery surrounding that part of the battle right now.
Moments/ Relationships I expect to see: Jon and Daenerys, obviously, having a lot of tension over the reveal which might result in plans going HORRIBLY wrong, because Jon that was a BAD TIME to say it! Jon and Bran when Jon inevitably crashes to the ground and fights to defend his little brother. Daenerys possibly seeing Jorah die and having a lot of grief about it.
Themes I expect to be explored: Power vs survival, want vs need, desperate final stands. The weakness of dragons against the winter and the dead
Possible deaths: Rhaegal is a possibility but I think this group is pretty safe for this battle. Not so much with episode five lol.
Woof. Okay, that was a long post. But, regardless, I am getting pretty excited for the episode and pretty nervous for my faves. Can’t wait to cry!
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books-and-cookies · 5 years
top 10 most disappointing films, books, tvs etc of this decade pls?? i'm not trying to dampen the mood, just curious... (it doesn't have to be a creation from this decade, just stuff you've seen or read these past years)
Ooooh, let’s see
* Glass (I was so excited for this, but I didn’t last more than 20 mins lol)* Anything Marvel except for Winter Soldier and Black Panther (sorry not sorry)* The Lion King “live action”* Beauty and the Beast (I love emma watson, but this was a bad movie lol)* READY PLAYER ONE (god, this was a mess jesus fucking christ)* Godzilla: King of Monsters (I didn’t even finish it, not enough monsters, i don’t care about people, i want BIG MONSTERS FIGHT)* PACIFIC RIM 2 (Idris Elba would NEVER *sobs*)* Clash of the Titans (that trailer was LIT, that movie was not)* Suicide Squad (......)* every YA adaptation that came out lol
TV Shows:
* season 8 of Game of Thrones (just ew)* Pretty Little Liars (what a mess)* A YEAR IN THE LIFE (why, Amy Sherman Palladino, why)* Supernatural after season 7-ish (if I’m being very critical, it’s after season 5 but whatever)* The Walking Dead circa season 4-5 when I couldn’t watch anymore because it sucked* Stranger Things (everyone loves it but me, I couldn’t sit through even the first episode)* every American Horror Story season except the first three (and Cult, which I loved)* seasons 5 and 6 of Gossip Girl are legit fever dreams* The Vampire Diaries after season 5... just no and why* the second season of American Crime Story - the only thing I loved was Darren Criss’ phenomenal performance
* Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (everyone loves this book, i just got annoyed)* The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (had to read it twice to be able to finish it)* You by Caroline Kepnes (hated the writing style, but LOVED the show)* 50 Shades of Grey by E.L.James (to be fair, I wasn’t expecting much, but still)* Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas (I got over it, but MAN WAS I MAD BACK IN 2015)* American Gods by Neil Gaiman (could not finish this)* Without Merit by Colleen Hoover (probably her worst book imo, i just... wow)* AURORA RISING by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (forever bitter about this, it was genuinely bad and full of tropes)* The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead (wtf was this shit)* Iron Gold by Pierce Brown (my soul still sobs)
This was fun! :) Hugs!
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afaimsblog · 4 years
Jahresrückblick 2019:
Die Welt und das Internet quellen über von Negativität und Hass, deswegen will ich in meinem Jahresrückblick dieses Jahr möglichst positiv sein, deswegen gibt es keine negativen Kategorien und möglichst wenig Seitenhiebe.
(Achtung! Dieser Thread enthält Spoiler!)
Also beginnen wir mit dem Kino.
Und wo wir gerade von Hass sprechen, alleine auf Grund des Hasses, der diesem Film das ganze Jahr über von vor allem männlicher Seite entgegenschlägt, hat er den Sieg in dieser Kategorie verdient, aber nebenbei ist er auch noch wirklich gut, ein Fest für wahre Marvel Liebhaber und endlich mal ein MCU Film mit einer Frau als alleinige Titelheldin ,und ja, wir hatten hier auch den traurigen Abschied von Stan Lee drinnen, in diesem Sinne also: Bester Film 2019 (Kino): Captain Marvel.
Die wahren besten Filme des Jahres habe ich aber nicht im Kino gesehen, sondern auf meinen gesammelten DVDs der letzten Jahre. Und obwohl ich da einige Highlights dabei hatte, war das hier das Beste darunter: Bemerkenswerteste verspätete Home Video Entdeckung des Jahres/Aka der beste Film, den ich im Jahr 2019 gesehen habe: What happened to Monday?
Dieses Jahr brachte sowohl auf der Leindwand als auch im Heimkino viele Enden mit sich. Daher herrscht in dieser Kategorie harte Konkurenz vor, trotzdem: Bester Abschlussteil einer Reihe: Toy Story 4, denn mit diesem konnte ich weinen, halbwegs einverstanden mit den Geschehnissen sein, und innerlich meinen Frieden mit diesem Ende finden.
Dann hatten wir da noch Filme, die von den Kritikern nicht genug geschätzt wurden und deren durchaus gute Einspielergebnisse die geldgierigen Studios enttäuscht haben, die aber trotzdemverdammt genial waren. Dieser hat musste gegen seinen ersten Teil antreten und daher natürlich verlieren, aber er war trotzdem einer der besseren Filme  des Jahres: Unterschätztester Film des Jahres: The Lego Movie 2
Gestorben wird immer, vor allem in der Fiktion. Dieses Jahr hat nicht mit großen Filmtoden gegeizt, einer sticht aber natürlich aus allen anderen heraus: Tragischter Tod (Kino): Robert Downey Jr als Tony Stark (Avengers: Endgame)
Neben den Filmen war einst das Aufregenste im Kino die Trailer. Heutzutage sehen wir sie uns vor allem auf Youtube an. Und es gibt immer wieder die heißersehnten Trailer, auf die wir scheinbar Ewigkeiten warten müssen. In dieser Kategorie gibt es ein Tie, weil beide Studios beschlossen haben diese Trailer unverhältnismäßig spät, nämlich erst im Dezember, auf die breite Öffentlichkeit loszulassen: Langerwartester Trailer: Black Widow (Disney)/Wonder Woman 1984 (Warner)
Wir mussten auch auf ziemlich viele Fortsetzungen dieses Jahr warten, und von denen habe ich die ausgewählt, auf die wir am längsten gewartet haben, und für die sich die lange Wartezeit aber auch ausgezahlt hat, und es handelt sich um einen Roman: Langerwartestes Sequel des Jahres: The Testaments (Die Zeuginnen) (Margret Atwood)
Viele Schauspieler haben sich dieses Jahr die Seele aus dem Leib gespielt, und die wenigsten von ihnen werden dafür gewürdigt werden, weil die entsprechenden Preise wieder an die üblichen Verdächtigen in den üblichen Kategorien gehen werden. Also arbeite ich da schon jetzt dagegen: Bemerkenswerteste darstellerische Leistung des Jahres: Paul Rudd als Miles und Miles in „Living with Yourself“ (Netflix) Zweimal denselben Mann, der eben doch nicht derselbe ist, über eine ganze Staffel lang zu spielen und auch ohne optische Hilfsmittel immer auf den ersten Blick klar machen, welcher Miles gerade im Bild ist, kann nicht einfach sein und keiner hätte es besser machen können. Bravo.
Womit wir von der großen Leinwand zur kleinen Mattscheibe wechseln. Fangen wir mit der bemerkesnwertesten Errrungenschaft des Jahres dort an: Beste neue Serie oder Mini-Serie 2019: Good Omens (Amazon Prime)
Wir leben nicht wirklich im Goldenen Zeitalter des Fernsehens, aber dafür in einem, wo uns sehr viel Gutes in sehr viel verschiedenen Formen vorgesetzt wird, daher habe ich beschossen so viel davon in so vielen Kategorien wie möglich zu würdigen: Beste neue Staffel Network Frühjahr 2019: Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 (The CW) Von der besten Arrowverse- und CW-Show bekamen wir dieses Jahr nur acht Folgen zu sehen, aber die hatten es in sich. Brandon Routh in einer Doppelrolle, eine Bollywood Nummer, Himmel bzw. Hölle für Hellblazer Fans, Wiederbelebung durch Magie und Musik und die Macht der Liebe, und das Ende von einer Legende und noch vieles mehr. Leider hat die Pro7-Gruppe die Serie scheinbar aufgegeben und die DVD ist auch noch nicht angekündigt.
Weiter zur nächsten Serie. Beste neue Staffel Network Herbst 2019: Arrow Season 8 (The CW) Hand aufs Herz niemals meine Lieblingsserie aus dem Serienversum, das sie benannt hat, haben die ersten sieben Folgen der Abschlussstaffel von „Arrow“ das Wunder vollbracht nicht nur das Beste zu sein, was die Serie jemals durchgehend produziert hat, sondern auch noch besser zu sein als alle anderen Serien diesen Herbst. So macht man eine Abschlussstaffel: Ein Revisiting und Remixing seiner größten Hits, den Leuten endlich so viel von dem was sie immer wollten zu geben, wie man kann, ständig überraschen, aber eben eine Staffel für die Fans zu machen anstatt für die Quoten. Wer hätte gedacht, dass wir ausgerechnet mal in „Arrow“ Parallelerden, Zeitschleifen, Kinder aus der Zukunft, und Untote zu sehen bekommen?
Der nächste Preisträger zeigt, dass ich offenbar keinen Geschmack habe. Denn das hier eist eindeutig eine Unpopular Opionion. Verklagt mich doch. Beste neue Staffel Pay TV: Game of Thrones Staffel 8 (HBO) Besser als die letzten drei Staffeln, endlich wieder Charakterszenen und so viele Wiedervereinigungen und um ehrlich zu sein war ich sogar großteils mit dem Ende einverstanden. Also ja, ich mochte es, ich weiß, ich hab scheinbar keinen Geschmack.
Kommen wir zum Streaming. Beste neue Staffel Streaming: Dark Staffel 2 (Netflix) Nach der brillanten ersten Staffel war es nicht sicher, ob diese Niveau gehalten werden kann, aber der zweiten Staffel ist nicht nur das gelungen, sondern sie hat noch mal einen drauf gesetzt ohne das Format bis zum Cliffhangar-Moment hin zu brechen. In der kommenden Staffel verabschieden wir uns dann wohl vom Prädestinationsparadoxon, und gehen ins Multiversum, aber die ersten zwei Staffeln waren fantastisch darin die Zeitschleife als Erzählformat aufs Äußerste auszunutzen.
Und zuletzt noch die neue Staffel, die sich scheinbar so gut wie niemand mehr angesehen hat. Unterschätzteste neue Serienstaffel 2019: Jessica Jones Staffel 3 (Netflix) Nicht so gut wie die 1. Staffel vielleicht, aber unglaublich gut. Ja, da war dieser Handlungsstrang, der uns nicht unbedingt glücklich gemacht hat, aber er hatte einen Sinn (und war ursprünglich nie als Ende für diesen Charakter geplant) und so schmerzhaft er war, er war gut vorbereitet und hat zu einer wichtigen Selbsterkenntnis geführt. JJ3 war ein glorreiches Ende für die Defenders-Serien auf Netflix und um Welten besser als die grauenhaft schlechte zweite Staffel von Punisher (aber ich weiß ja, dass ich keinen Geschmack habe).
Die nächste Kategorie ist eine Serie, die allgegenwärtig ist, für Fans aber dieses Jahr fast keinen neuen Content zu bieten hatte. Abwesendste Serie des Jahres: Doctor Who (BBC) Mit gerade mal einem Neujahrsspecial am ersten Januar ist der Gewinner dieser Kategorie wohl klar. Zumindest geht die neue Staffel genau ein Jahr nach der letzten ausgestahlten Episode los.
Nach den allgemeinen Kategorien kommen wir nun zu den spezielleren. Filme und Serien setzten sich ja immerhin aus Einzelleistungen zu einem Gesamtbild zusammen. Beste Cinematography des Jahres: Games of Thrones 8.5: The Bells. Ja, schon wieder die böse Staffel, aber hier haben immerhin alle neidlos zugegeben, dass wir nichts weniger als Bildpoesie vorgesetzt bekommen haben.
Nun ist es an der Zeit die besten Einzelepisoden des Jahres zu küren. Hierfür habe ich Folgen ausgewählt, die gewisse Aspekte ihrer Serienwelt besonders betont haben. Beste Old School Episode in einer Serie 2019: The Walking Dead 9.14 „Scars“ Nach dem scheinbar endlosen Saviors-Krieg ist „Scars“ ein erfreuliches Comeback von dem Walking Dead Stil der Staffeln 3 bis 6, den wir zuletzt in der allgemein als schlechsteste Episode der Serie angesehenen Oceanside-Folge in der 7. Staffel sahen. „Scars“ präsentiert uns eine Geschichte im Stil von klassichen Episoden wie „The Grove“ (und beschreitet auch inhaltliche ähnliche Wege wie diese Folge). Es ist Michonnes ganz großer Moment, verdammt hart anzusehen, und überraschender Weise eben auch gut. Die beste Folge der 9. Staffel.
Auch eine Hommage an Altes und zugleich neu, aber auf andere Weise, ist der Preisträger dieser Kategorie. Beste Nostalgie Episode in einer Serie 2019: Arrow 8.1. „Starling City“ Die gesamte achte Staffel ist ein Nostalgie-Trip, doch der Season Operner ist ein Remix der Pilotfolge mit vielen anderen Callbacks zu Momente der 1. Staffel, aber auch zu späteren Staffeln und sogar die lästigen Flashforwards sind hier erträglich, da man sie braucht um das zu verarbeiten, was in den jeweiligen Szenen zuvor zu sehen war.
Fernsehserien alleine sind nett, zusammen sind sie besser. Bestes Crossover des Jahres: DC „Crisis on Infininte Earths Part 1-3“ (The CW) Der klare Sieger crossovert nicht nur das gesamte Arrowverse bzw. CW DC-TV, nein er crossoverd die Gesamtheit von DCs Vergangenheit in Fernsehen und Film. Teil 4 und 5 können alles noch mal ändern, aber Teil 1-3 haben mit allen einfach Spaß, wurden von Fans für Fans geschrieben, haben Herz und Drama, handeln von Verlust und Hoffnung, und haben mehr als nur eine Überraschung zu bieten. Und ein ziemlich schlimmes Ende.
Weiter geht es mit der obligatorsichen Fan-Kategorie. OTP des Jahres: Azirapael/Crowley (Good Omens) Nun jeder der die Mini-Serie (oder 1. Staffel?) gesehen hat, weiß, warum der Engel und der Dämon ungeschlagen in dieser Kategorie sind.
Ich muss hier aber auch noch ein Unpoplular Opinion Pairing anbringen. Unterschätztestes OTP des Jahres: Carol/Ezekiel (The Walking Dead Seaon 9) Wie gesagt, ich habe keinen Geschmack, daher fand ich wirklich großen Gefallen in dem, was sie in der 9. Staffel mit diesen beiden gemacht haben. Tolle Dynamik, ich wünschte, sie hätten das nicht beendet, nur um vermutlich erst recht nicht das zu geben, was sie uns seit Staffel 2 vorenthalten und was zumindest mich deswegen inzwischen wirklich nicht mehr im romantischen Sinne interessiert, aber leider lässt Caryl keinen Platz für irgendetwas anderes in der Serie mehr, wie es scheint.
Sie haben dieses Jahr auch sehr viele Leute auf der Mattscheibe unter die Erde gebracht, daher: Tragischter Tod (Fernsehen): Iain Glen als Ser Jorah Mormont (Game of Thrones) Wegen den Umständen gekoppelt mit dem, was danach in der Staffel passiert ist, ist Ser Jorahs Tod an Tragik eigentlich nicht mehr zu übertreffen.
Wir haben nicht nur Abschied genommen, sondern dieses Jahr auch neue Freunde kennengelernt. Der beste neue Freund unter alle diesen ist: Bester neuer Charakter in einer Reihe 2019: Maya Hawke als Robin Buckley (Stranger Things Staffel 3) Das Beste (und ComicCon relevanteste) an der dritte Staffel von „Stranger Things“ war der Scoops Ahoy-Plot, der neben Steve, Dustin, und Erica auch Steves neue Kollegin Robin in einer Hauptrolle präsentiert hat, die für mehr als nur einen wunderbaren Moment in dieser Staffel zuständig war und auch für eine sehr berührende Szene gegen Ende der Staffel.
Das ist meine Meinung, doch das Intenet hat einen anderen Liebling in diesem Jahr erst kürzlich für sich entdeckt: Beliebster neuer Charakter in einer Serie im Intenet: „Baby Yoda“ (The Mandalorian) Ich bin überhaupt nicht einverstanden mit dem Namen, aber ja, er (oder sie?) ist einfach zu süß.
Doch welcher Charakter hat dieses Jahr das interessanteste Futter für die grauen Zellen geliefert? Interessantester Charakter-Arc 2019: Aunt Lydia (The Testamens/Die Zeuginnen) Jeder, der „The Handmaid`s Tale“ gelesen oder gesehen hat, wird das nicht erwartet habe, aber ja „The Testaments“ lässt uns diese spezielle Person mit ganz anderen Augen sehen. Wir lernen, wo sie herkommt, was sie getan hat, und am wichtigsten vielleicht, was sie eigentlich will. Und mit einem Schag ist Tante Lydia einer der interessantesten Charaktere der Literatur-Geschichte.
Es gibt aber nicht nur Einzelcharaktetere, es gibt auch Gruppen. Potentiell interessanteste neue Antagonisten-Gruppe des Jahres: Die Whisperer (9. Staffel von The Walking Dead) Obwohl vermutlich schon in der 10. Staffel ausgelutscht und ähnlich wie die Saviors vermutlich so lange da, bis zu Tode geritten und für keinen mehr interessant,versprechen sie zu Beginn zunächst viel.Die Einführung der Whisperer in der 9. Staffel gekoppelt mit den unvorhergesehenen Umschwung in Richtung tatsächlichen Horror ist eines der interessantesten Elemente der 9. Staffel. Potential wäre da, Reviews der 10. Staffel lassen allerdings nicht gerade darauf hoffen, dass dieses auch umgesetzt wird. Aber nach Negan und den Saviors für im Grunde 3 ganze Staffeln, waren die Whisperer lang ersehnter frischer Wind und ein wahrhaft grauenerregender Feind, der uns mehr als nur einen Schlüsselcharakter gekostet hat.
Man kann Charaktere auch als Plot-Devise verwenden und das muss nicht immer schlecht sein. Bestes Forshadowing in einer Serie: Young Sheldon Staffel 2 Staffelfinale für „The Big Bang Theory! „Young Sheldon“ hatte das bessere Finale für „The Big Bang Theroy“ als die „Big Bang Theory“. Nach einem enttäuschenden Erlebnis fühlt Sheldon seine Einsamkeit, und für einen Moment sehen wir zu „Someday we will be together“ den Rest der Gang im entsprechenden jugendlichen Alter. Ein netter Ausblick auf das, was Sheldon Cooper in Zukunft erwartet: Wahre Freunde und eine zweite Familie.
Aber wenn wir schon bei den Nerds sind: Schwangerschaft des Jahres: Penny und Leonard (The Big Bang Theory Serienfinale) Nach langem hin und her und Leonards Versuch seinen Samen zu verleihen, ändert sich am Ende der Staffel wieder mal alles für die Gang und vor allem für Leonard und Penny, die nach all den Jahren vielleicht endlich wirklich zueinander finden, in der gemeinsamen Erwartung eines Kindes, das sie auch beide wollen.
Wie jedes Jahr gab es auch dieses Jahr wieder viele Schocks, Wendundgen, und Cliffhangar in Film und Fernsehen. Und natürlich leben Serien wie „Dark“ von so etwas, und die achte Staffel von „Arrow“ hatte jede Folge einen Endschock zu bieten, und ja, da waren die Köpfe in „The Walking Dead“, doch im Grunde rechnet man bei all diesen Erzählungen mit soetwas, da es zum Stil gehört. Daher geht der beste Plottwist dieses Jahr an ein Comic: Bester Plottwist 2019: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 45: Necessary Evil Der Endschock (Boom!)
Marvel hat schon lange seine „True Believers“ (das Format, die nicht die Leser), dieses Jahr hat DC endlich nachgezogen, also Sammlern und Einsteigern sehr ans Herz zu legen: Bestes neues Comicformat 2019: DC Dollar Comics
Wenden wir uns etwas von den Augen ab und mehr den Ohren zu: Bemerkenswerteste persönliche musikalische Neuentdeckung des Jahres: die österreichische Nerd Rock Band Hörst – die erste und einzige echte Nerdrock-Band, die nerdige Themen und Rock mit tatsächlich brandneuen Liedern verbindet.
Und wenn wir gerade bei der Musik sind: Beste musikalische Neuinterpretation des Jahres: Adam Lambert: Believe Cher hat geweint, ich habe geweint, und wer seinen Ohren ein Weihnachtsgeschenk machen will, dem sei die Studioversion ans Herz gelegt.
Und als letzten musikalischen Award stellen wir das übergreifende Thema von 2019 fest: Musikalisches Thema des Jahres: Weihnachtslieder Ungefähr jeder hat heuer mindestens ein Weihnachtslied, wenn nicht sogar ein Weihnachtsalbum gemacht.
Jedes Jahr werde ich scheinbar von einem anderen Schauspieler verfolgt, der überall zu sein scheint. Daher: Gast Star des Jahres: Sean Astin Stranger Things, The Big Bang Theory, Supergirl, und sogar die Vienna Comic Con. Sean Astin war dieses Jahr überall.
Und wenn wir gerade bei Gast Stars sind: Erfreulichste Gast Star Ankündiung des Jahres: Chris Wood als Kai Parker für die 2. Staffel von Legacies (The CW) Jo Laughlin hat uns bewiesen, dass Gastauftritte in „Legacies“ am Besten funktionieren, wenn sie von Bedeutung sind, wir können es also kaum erwarten, dass die Saltzman-Zwillinge ihren psychotischen Onkel treffen.
Und wenn wir schon bei Chris Wood sind, kommen wir gleich zu seiner Ehefrau: Social Media Superheldin des Jahres: Melissa Benoist Ja, das Video hatte leider nicht auf alle die Wirkung, die es haben sollte. Es wurden extra keine Namen genannt um nicht von der eigentlichen Botschaft abzulenken, trotzdem mussten sich alle als Hobby-Detektive versuchen und mit den Finger auf einen gewissen ehemaligen Co-Star zeigen, aber was bleibt, ist unglaublicher Mut und der Versuch etwas zu verändern, indem man eine sehr persönliche Geschichte teilt um andere in ähnlichen Situationen dazu zu inspirieren sich aus ihrer Lage zu befreien. Melissa ist mit und ohne Cape eine Superheldin.
Und als letzten Ehrenaward: VIECC Gast des Jahres: Alex Kingston Mit viel Humor, Wärme, und Wissen war ihr Panel das Beste auf der VIECC und alle haben persönlich von der Frau geschwärmt, die nicht nur einmal ein berühmter Doktor war, sondern auch den Doctor geheiratet hat. Und gerne mit ihrer Ehefrau wiedervereint wäre, also vielleicht haben wir da doch auch noch einen kleinen Einblick in die Zukunft erhaschen können.
Das waren also ein paar Highlights des Jahrs 2019. 2020 wird viel bringen, hoffentlich ist auch viel Gutes darunter. Oder zumindest auch ein wenig davon. Uns stehen weitere Abschiede in Haus, aber auch einige neue Freunde und Wiedervereinigungen. Wir können also gespannt sein.
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geraltcirilla · 5 years
Season 8 was horrible for the Starks. We didn’t see any interaction at all. Sansa x Arya, Arya x Bran, Jon x Arya, Jon x Bran were interactions that I was looking for. Even in s7 everything happened behind the scenes.
Game of Thrones had been annoying me for a while but I could write a lot of it off by telling myself “a perfect adaption doesn’t exist and they can’t make everyone happy”. That being said the show really started to reveal itself as absolutely trash in season 7, I think. I don’t remember enjoying a single episode. Not even Beyond the Wall, and the trailer for it and the premise behind it was so dope. But in actuality the episode was TERRIBLE. I really thought that the only reason that season was so terrible was because it was a gap season to connect season 6 to season 8 and bring Dany into Westeros. Turns out it was really just the beginning of the end, and D&D were finally just done pretending to care.
(Looking back I think I hated season 5 only a little bit less than season 7, but season 6 was so good I forgot how terrible 5 was.)
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GOT: Season 8 Episode 2 Reaction
This is just a play by play of my immediate reaction to the latest episode of Game of Thrones. 
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I seriously love this new opening
Bitch if you touch my boy I will kill you!
Character development!
Yes! Jaime don’t take it back
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“The things we do for love”
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Brienne standing up for her man, I love it
Yes Sansa listen to your council
YAS Queen, Sansa deserves the Throne
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Dany lay off Tyrion, I swear 4 God
“While you were busy studying the blade, I was studying how to forge the blades for you babe.”
Gendry wants to watch after her...aw that’s so sweet
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Bran and Jaime: The reunion none of use knew we wanted
The rare moment where I like Bran’s big picture mindset
Tyrion laying down some truth bombs
Give me that Brienne x Jaime action
Brienne is so proud!
Jaime trying to be nice!
Talk about your feelings God damn it!
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“I’d be proud to serve under you” is how they say I love you and I think that’s beautiful
Yes Jorah stand up for Tyrion: this is why I love him
Sansa is ready to clap back at any given moment and I’m here for it
Sansa clap back, let me here that “but”!
Sansa will not kneel
Sansa and Theon reuniting!
Daenerys getting a nice hard look at another strong woman who people are willing to die for #Queen Sansa
Well Ser Davis just adopted another little girl
Bless you child!
Yay the Bro Squad! Hugs!
Oh shit, kick it into gear
Bran being useful!
Yes Theon’s redemption!
Tyrion ready to here a story: I’m here for it
Missandei and Grey Worm: Come Sail Away! Come Sail Away! With Meeee
Good to see all the men of the Night’s Watch together
Edd is the best...he’s totally gonna die
I love all of Jaime and Tyrion’s scenes together
Everybody hanging around the hall: please let this end in truth or dare
Fanfic writers:
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Tormund is such a freak
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The Hound and Arya are the best and I need it
Awww, he fought for her
Oh good, he’s off the list
I gave that bitch a spear: bitches love spears
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Get it girl! Yes! I’ve been waiting 6 years for this!
Fuck tradition! Make Brienne a Knight!
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Do it! Do it! Do it!
This is an episode dreams come true
Lyanna laying down the fucking law! She’s not hiding in the crypts
Aww Jorah redeeming himself in the name of his house
Yes! Back to the slumber party
Yay Pod knows one
He’s such a good singer
That montage though
Oh shit Jon told her
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I did not see that coming
Yep Dany is totally gonna try and kill Bran or Sam in the next episode
Episode 3 Trailer
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It’s the end of the world as we know it
It’s the end of the world as we know it
It’s the end of the world as we know it
And I...am really no okay you guys
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snazzycicada · 5 years
10 GIFs of your favorite shows tagged by @queen-of-love-and-beauty thank you ❤️
this is great bc I love tv SO MUCH so very very much
1. Law & Order
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The original is still the best. I have seen every single episode multiple times over. Its absolutely my comfort show. can watch it endlessly. Det Lennie Briscoe is my patronus. 
2.  The Simpsons
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again, I can watch them over and over. Sometimes I forget not everyone in the world has watched The Simpsons and knows every single joke lol
3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
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THE BEST star trek out of all of them. I encourage everyone to watch it bc its not just a scify show, its about war crimes, politics, PTSD, racism, colonialism, corrupt bureaucracy, religion and everything in between. with speeches fit for Shakespeare
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This show packed SUCH an emotional punch for me omg.  I was so into this show. Its was like the last show of its age before binge-ing where you really had to watch it live. All the message boards and fan theories, the endless essays between seasons. good times...
5. Supernatural
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I am un-ashamed in my love for this show. I started watching it when I was at a really sad and stressed time in my life. My friend and I watched all of it together and then she passed away really suddenly last year, so it always has a special place in my heart. When I go visit her, I still tell her whats going on and show her memes n stuff lol
6. Fringe
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This show was so good. Its X Files 2.0 and it didn’t get the love it deserved. Anna Torv is A GIFT  shes so talented. 
7. Battlestar Galactica
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UG! what a great show. My mom used to call it West Wing in space lol. The perfect mix of scify and mysticism 
8. Dominion
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I wish Syfy channel gave its original shows more of a chance. It was a fun show it needed another season. Plus it really satisfied my angel fetish lol
9. Game of Thrones 
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While I hated the ending episodes like a lot of people (if you just stop at S7e3...), I still love this show and the characters and actors. 
10. The Knick
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I am BEGGING every one of my followers to PLEASE watch season 1 of this show if you really love TV as a medium. Its perfection, from everything to writing to acting to set to casting to cinematography just UG. AND CINEMAX MADE IT!?!?!? which is why I think it didn’t get the love it deserves.  you can watch the trailer here
Special shout out to Hannible and The Expanse as well. Like I said, I absolutely love TV, so Im really curious about others favorite shows. The ones you really remember and shaped what you like in a TV show.
@blazetheleo , @feralflint , @sumptuousfete , @summer-elf , @velvetgloveautomail , @chaostrick , @thetiredcuddler , @mieczyslawfucker @mallstars  BUT LITERALLY ANYONE CAN DO IT TAG ME IF YOU DO !!  I find this endlessly fascinating and  want to knowwwww
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